Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 6

Episode Date: August 25, 2021

Sergio is joined by Aaron to drive Nakata through the Cosmos...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Folks, it's Tuesday, which means that it's time for some iron-sworn star-forged. I am Sergio, your humble host, and with me today is the chaos that we have been needing the the person who always shakes it up for us, Aaron. How are you, Aaron? I'm pretty good. You like my introductions, huh? I always make sure to warn the audience like you're the Tasmanian devil coming in. I just I just like that I need a warning label The only man who needs a warning label. It's Aaron Aaron, how was your I didn't get a chance to watch your stream last night. How was the game? What are what are you playing? I'm playing Black Mesa, which is a real a remake of the original
Starting point is 00:00:53 Half-Life in the Source 2 engine. Oh nice. Okay, so it's just like better graphics. Yeah And they added a couple things too. It's really it's really sweet. I love all that the whole franchise So that's that's really cool. I have to check it out So you are finally in the hot seat for Star Forged. We've gone five sessions. You're now the sixth session Where you finally get to fly the stars with us. So let me give you a Understanding of where we're at. So first of all Our dear beloved
Starting point is 00:01:31 Uh, I've already forgotten her name. Our dear beloved is Shana Has gotten sick. She was on a little planetoid got bit by something and now she's unconscious So taking over for the tribe leader is a person who Chooses to be they them. Their name is Nakata And Nakata is a pilot They are pretty much the only member of the tribe that has kind of figured out how to fly the ship well So they've got a really good edge
Starting point is 00:02:01 And Nakata is looking for a way to help ashana, but maybe more importantly Is to continue to find that new home for the iron landers We Traveled to Sealy, which if you remember from session zero was a planet full of space vampires I I Seemed to remember something about that right so We touched down on Sealy and we discovered that there was something called a vault which is like where You know, whatever progenitor race or whatever once existed here. They left like this
Starting point is 00:02:37 Place like a ruin or something, but it was still a functioning building And when Nakata went inside the space vampires came after her But uh what Nakata discovered inside was that they That there were star maps inside this vault and these star maps seem to lead to star gates in various parts of the forge and We thought this was a great opportunity to Get out of the void, which is where we currently exist and maybe find more
Starting point is 00:03:12 Inhabitable areas of the forge to find a home for our our iron lander friends, so We managed to escape this planet Sealy Managed to escape this vault because thanks to Zakiya One of the vampires fell madly in love with Nakata Thanks And This vampire bro kind of helped them get out etc We got on our ship we escaped
Starting point is 00:03:39 But the regular the other space vampires are still after us. They're they're not going anywhere Um, so they they could show up if we don't row well But your task today erin is to get us from Sealy To the closest star gate Figure out how to turn the star gate on if it's not already on and then punch out of here Are you up to the task? I uh, I am cautiously optimistic That is a good way to be when it comes to playing star forge
Starting point is 00:04:13 so Here's the thing you are currently at zero spirit because it was a hair-raising terrifying journey into and out of this vault So we are going to need to uh undertake a journey But I don't know if you want to spend a little bit of time so journey and Recouping a little bit of this spirit. I can't I honestly don't remember exactly what it is that spirit does But I remember it's important and I feel like we're gonna need it so Yeah, you currently have a condition called shaken and I think um
Starting point is 00:04:48 It basically doesn't allow you to regain your spirit unless something In particular happens. Let me look it up real quick um because We could just try to sojourn But I think it's a little more complicated that than that because the spirit is so low Uh, so let's see. We've endured stress Uh
Starting point is 00:05:11 We stand damage Face desolation when you're brought to the brink of desolation. No, okay Sojourning when you spend time recovering within the community you roll heart if you succeed You can recover The recover moves heal heart and repair or resupply. Let's see what if heart and is To increase your spirit it is so The move is specifically heart when you socialize share intimacy or find a moment of peace
Starting point is 00:05:46 You can roll heart if you want to do this then just explain to me how nicota Uh kind of Regain some of her spirit their spirit Um Can they just like go hang out with the space vampire for a while? Well, the space vampire isn't with us the space vampire stayed back and kind of You know distracted the other vampires longing us for their love to get away
Starting point is 00:06:13 Okay, so we just have all our regular old iron landers Um We haven't really established a bond for nicota. So maybe there's somebody amongst the tribe that they trust There's gotta be someone right like there's there's gotta be someone that they that they go to for support. So we Did decide that the vampire's name was dagger But they're not with us. So let's come up with a new person real quick just just kind of Let's just uh roll for it Make this kind of random
Starting point is 00:06:50 Uh, we can decide the character's disposition or a descriptor or a goal of the character Disposition descriptor or goal Disposition maybe like uh, maybe like uh, like uh, uh like a Mom Okay, or uh, or a sibling or something So I get like this some kind of family relative. Yeah, someone familial. Um Let's let's describe a descriptor of them roll a d100
Starting point is 00:07:26 And let's see what we get in terms of a descriptor for this character This mp say They are it's a 27 27. They are aggressive the book says Whether we keep it or not Maybe they're not maybe they're not necessarily an asshole. Maybe they're aggressive like they're aggressively happy all this time Like uh, yeah, like an aggressive aggressively optimistic Yeah, like yeah, like uh, how about like an older sibling like your older sibling is very rarely not hostile towards you. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:08:00 So, so they're uh, so they're aggressively optimistic. Are we going with that descriptor? Sure. Okay aggressively optimistic I like that is this older younger sibling. I think older. Okay an older sibling and not a sibling but a sibling and uh We could roll their name if you'd like go ahead and roll Well roll 51 or greater It's a male Less than 51. It's a female roll a d100 and let's figure out
Starting point is 00:08:33 Their gender real quick 16 which means they're female roll another d100 70 Cano k a no cano That sounds like uh, cano sounds like the name of a jedi It absolutely sounds like somebody who belongs in star wars. Uh, they are on our ship. They are aggressively optimistic They are the older sibling of nikata Paint me the picture of nikata going to hang out with cano Oh, I think it's like, um
Starting point is 00:09:09 I think she's they they are uh, really upset, you know, they're they're after everything that's happened Uh, their their spirit is crushed. They just lived out zikia twilight vampire fantasies Which you know can't end in in anything but extreme emotional trauma Uh, so they I I think They're an iron lander still. So, you know, they're they have kind of it's an aggressive like society that's focused on survival Uh, so when I imagine when they're having problems, they want to punch it out You want to punch something out? You know the fastest place to find that is probably going to be by handing out with with one of your siblings Especially an older one. So you're saying they wrestle
Starting point is 00:09:51 No, I think, you know, it's just like I'm thinking uh, I'm thinking like amanda and her sisters, you know Like the way they kind of get along Okay, like uh, like, you know, like it's you know It's it's familial But like there's there's definitely some fighting going on. Okay. They get physical sounds like Uh, you're gonna roll heart So why don't you go ahead uh under summary your heart is two? Let's see Uh real quick before you do that though. Let me check your assets. I don't think there is a
Starting point is 00:10:23 Real advantage. Yeah, you don't have anything like that I don't know No, unfortunately, you don't but that's fine. Just roll heart And let's see how this helps weak Hit all right on a weak hit you do find companionship or comfort and your spirit is strengthened If you are shaken you can clear the impact and take plus one spirit, which I believe you are shaken so your spirit is going to go up to one
Starting point is 00:10:52 And uh, you are no longer of the condition shaken So go ahead increase your spirit to one if you can however This indulgence is fleeting Envision an interruption a complication or inner conflict then lose momentum Um, so what what what does that kind of look like to you? I think that I think that in the process of of going to their sister They get a piece of news that is unsettling to them
Starting point is 00:11:25 Oh Like maybe like hey grandma died. Oh, or like like hey, you know, they got through all of that and then it's like Oh, hey, by the way Uh grandma died last night Just so you know Okay Okay That's pretty bad. We all loved grandma. So okay, so that is that did you reduce your momentum?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Uh, I'm sorry. What was I supposed to reduce it just by one? Okay, so it goes from seven to six. Okay So we've done that um Your spirit is at one if you'd like we could try I don't really want to spam heartin But we could try to sojourn Which could increase your health
Starting point is 00:12:09 Uh, well and health isn't exactly in a great position either. Yeah, you took a lot of bumps So why don't we why don't we do that? I mean, I there's there's no rush, right? Like the stargates the stargates been there for thousands of years probably, right? It's not going anywhere. We got time. Oh, yeah. No, this is this is gonna take some time. So again, you are gonna roll heart And on a strong hit you can choose to heal Strong hit. Oh nice. Good job So on a strong hit, uh, this is a safe refuge you and your allies may each choose to recover Two of the follow you can heal
Starting point is 00:12:48 Heartin repair or resupply and I will let you know that your ship has taken quite a bit of damage If you look at your assets your ship's health is two out of five So you could feel down there at the bottom. Yeah, so you could heal yourself and the ship if you wanted to God, I feel I feel like the ship since we're we're about to embark on This space journey, I feel like the health of the ship is very important. So that's probably first priority Is repair the ship? All right, when you make repairs to your vehicles Envision the situation and roll if you make your own repairs or direct a companion to make repairs
Starting point is 00:13:29 roll widths Obtain repairs from someone not an ally roll plus supply. I think we are rolling wits here Okay You're kind of the you know, the whole group is making some repairs to the ship. Yes. Well wits. It's not the best, but It's not the worst Weak hit we hit is still something so on a hit Seems like you got a hit you gain repair points as appropriate to the situation
Starting point is 00:13:59 Per the table below. Additionally, you may sacrifice resources and exchange minus one supply for one extra repair point up to three So let's see. We're not at a facility. We're in the field And it was a weak hit which means it goes up by one point Well three sounds a whole lot better than two absolutely Now that you have repaired the ship What do you want to do after that? You have one more soldier move? Heal is probably the next one. Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:31 Unless I can try to repair the ship twice Yeah, I would say I'd say you certainly could if you wanted to Then yeah, you know what the ship seems like it's way more important right now And we will probably be spending most of our time in the ship for this journey. So that makes us right Yeah, that's that's what I'm gonna stick with. Give me another wits roll. Let's see how you do Back to summary wits Miss damn Uh, that is a miss. So unfortunately, you don't make
Starting point is 00:15:04 any Progress you don't gain any more ship points spend repair points as follows unused points are discarded Uh, but we'll clear the battered impact. They're not bad Yeah, that's fine. Take plus one integrity. Yeah on a miss the repairs are not made in the situation worsens pay the price That's what it says So roll a d100 for me and let's see what that price is. How did we Like someone caused a short or something We've like caused a hole in the ship and everyone's just getting sucked out. What did you get 37 37
Starting point is 00:15:39 Something of value is lost or destroyed God damn it scotty Uh, we could say maybe we have three I think we have like two space suits and we have Like one or two laser guns. Maybe we lose one of those
Starting point is 00:16:03 Like Okay, so we shouldn't lose our star maps. We got us right star maps. We have to lose one of these assets So I'm imagining that to be Um repairing the ship, you know, maybe someone had to like do an EVA And put on one of the space suits and go outside of the some nice disposable NPC um Went out onto the surface of the spaceship and then they were working on an electrical panel Yeah, and they went to replace a fuse
Starting point is 00:16:32 And they accidentally like tripped and their arm got jammed into the fuse socket, which is a space And it's a spaceship. So it's probably like thousands of volts Right and it just fried them instantly destroyed the suit. They're flowing into space forever man. Yeah, just a shish kebab in space Yeah, I think that's a good idea. You know, we have to remember we have A total of 50 people aboard this ship and we're down to like 47 or 46. I think at this point Well, now we're down to 45. I'm I'm loosely keeping track. Oh, that's right Ghost of Eli says grandma and now this guy. So we're yeah, we're at like 45 at this point All right, so we've done that. Um, so what you're saying is we can't just continue idly killing people off
Starting point is 00:17:20 Not if we want to make it to a new home. I don't think so So we uh, I think I've kind of done about as much damage as we should we should consider undertaking a journey And seeing if we can get out of here I agree. All right. So when you trailblaze a route through perilous space journey over hazardous terrain Or survey a mysterious site, uh, we have to give the expedition a name and a rank. So let's first I think we already have Uh reach the stargate
Starting point is 00:17:53 We have a menace, which is the vampire bro Uh, the vamp the the vamp pirates. I think now when we when we call him a vampire bro Does that mean he's like Like a like a frat bro Like a like a gym bro. I was just and he's also a space vampire Maybe he is maybe he does like to tan or or maybe he likes to work out a little bit extra But um, I was just calling him a vampire bro. Just uh, I don't know kind of quickly just
Starting point is 00:18:25 Give him a personality without thinking about is he like is he really into bitcoin and and like robin hood? Yes Yes, I think he gets his tips frosted and stuff like that Um, we need to decide how dangerous this journey is now if we make it formidable It's gonna take forever. I think we should maybe start it dangerous Well, it's space. So I feel I feel like it's it's at least dangerous. Yeah, all right So that means two progress every time we can make progress And this is under uh, this is under the progress tab, right? Yes We're gonna undertake a journey. You need to tell me whether you're moving with edge
Starting point is 00:19:05 shadow or widths in this case Probably just trying to move at speed. So edge makes I think the most sense Yes If you move at speed you roll with edge if you are trying to keep under the radar you roll with shadow Yeah, we're we're gonna do edge. Uh, nicota is nicota's got the edge down. They're all about the edge So so edge and let's see how you do Right starting the journey off with a strong hit drawn hit. That's amazing On a strong hit you reach a way point envision the location
Starting point is 00:19:39 And mark progress per the rank of your expedition. So Let me first increase Our progress a little bit. We make Two whole progress out of 10 And we reach a way point I can Find the way points Let's see 224
Starting point is 00:20:00 Uh, let's see reach a way point Uh, nope. That's not what I want Hmm I've forgotten how to Figure out what our way point is Let's see Let's look at oh the oracles. That's what I should be looking at. Here we go So we should
Starting point is 00:20:30 Let's I guess just figure out kind of um A descriptor let's go to page 136 Roll a d100 and let's find a descriptor of this way point that we reach Okay Then I like how Oh, uh, I rolled a one which is apparently really good. Very good. Uh, the descriptor is abandoned And
Starting point is 00:20:57 Whatever this is it's nothing to kill us. Nothing to kill us Uh, we can roll on the Maybe the focus Uh, but that's Something about that's born to me space born peril. We're not in peril. Uh, we're in an opportunity. Give me another d100 And see if we can't find uh, but you know what it's not a d100 go ahead and roll a d i'm sorry roll a d100 I just really saw ridiculous. I just sounded uh, we're going to just kind of decide a focus for this place Okay
Starting point is 00:21:32 Maybe it's useful. Maybe it's not 75 75 it is a shelter an abandoned Shelter now. I don't want it to be a planet. We're in the void. There's not a lot out here What is like a space station or something? Even a space station kind of seems a lot like I almost wonder if it's like some kind of like escape pod or like a jettisoned piece of um of uh, uh
Starting point is 00:22:01 Like a like a container like a storage container or something It is a shelter though Yeah, so I mean, hmm. I don't know the what are the odds of running into a A singular escape pod that's just kind of floating derelict in the middle of nowhere. It's a it's a pretty low Yeah, pretty low. It's an abandoned shelter. Does that is it abandoned because what's inside is dead? Or is it just abandon because it's just in the middle of nowhere floating Yeah, maybe ooh ooh Ooh, maybe maybe it is from a I'll tell you what it is
Starting point is 00:22:41 it's from a slightly less than type One civilization so it's like a like a like a A world that's about our technological level of advancement. It's their equivalent of the ISS They had some kind of cataclysmic apocalyptic event that like wiped their planet out blew this tiny little space Station, you know, we're talking like ISS level space station out of orbit And we find like five dead alien astronauts in there
Starting point is 00:23:14 Okay. Well, we do have to board it first if we want to um, uh undertake this Maybe we could gather information and that would kind of more definitively define like we scanned it Would that give us a better idea? Let's the moves are on page 224. Let's try to gather information by doing that Um, there is if you read, uh, Nakata's assets There is something about Gathering information that you can add a plus one Let's see. I've completely lost myself and I can't seem to find it. That's naturalist
Starting point is 00:23:55 When you secure an advantage you gather information using your knowledge of life forms Uh, add plus one and take plus one momentum on a hit All right, so here we go gather information You're going to be rolling plus widths Just define for me how you're using your naturalist ability to I mean, I guess you're looking for life basically I yeah, uh, yeah, or life or
Starting point is 00:24:23 um Signs of having life at intelligence. Yeah, or get intelligence or even just organic Organic compounds. All right roll plus widths and let's see what happens This is just a waypoint. Hopefully this is uh, this is this has no modifier, right? Well, actually, no, you can add plus one because of your right, uh asset So it's a week. All right, all right On a week hit the information provides new insight But also complicates your quest envision what you discover and take plus one momentum
Starting point is 00:25:03 Your momentum goes to seven And what is the We figure out something about it, but there's also a little bit of a complication. Obviously it being abandoned Uh, you know, we don't know for sure what what it is or or who was in it or what but right so Feeding off of my previous idea. Yeah, you got five dead archaic astronauts but their species was wiped out by some form of space plague, okay
Starting point is 00:25:35 Gotcha, uh, and it's still, uh, it's still active the, uh, the Virus or whatever bacterial strain that caused it is still active and if somebody goes in there, they might catch it Okay, I think those are very interesting stakes. We know that that's what's going on Do we want to continue probing or are we going to leave it be? I don't know Do we want to sacrifice somebody to like go out there and see if there's anything valuable? If you want to quickly roll up a new iron lander to set them out as a With our with our last good, uh, uh, space suit actually in fact, that's right
Starting point is 00:26:13 We only got one we can't like dock with it or so. Well, no, we could talk with it But that would certainly make things more complicated. Yeah, I think uh, I think you know what I think We're finding out about this space plague and with all the problems that we have I don't think we have the time or energy to energy to be be fucking with a with an epidemic on this ship So we're probably gonna leave it. Yeah, we got lucky with ishanna not spreading any kind of a plague So also I would like to point out that ishanna's life purpose was curing somebody and now it's she who needs to be cared Yeah, exactly. That's what I was saying when we were playing All right, we're going to continue to undertake our expedition the ship speeds off past this iss relic
Starting point is 00:26:55 Uh, are you going to be moving with edge again? Uh, yes, all right, because anything else would be insanity. Yes roll plus edge We can't we can't okay Um, you reach a waypoint But this progress costs you You can choose one. You're either going to make a suffer move or Face peril at the waypoint and then you can envision what you encounter
Starting point is 00:27:26 I think the remind me Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think peril is better just because our health is relatively low and our spirit is relatively low I don't think it's worth Messing with those I agree. Let's just see what we'll take the peril. Yeah, let's just find out what random chaos is waiting for us so First thing I got to add a little bit of progress Uh, so we are two more up. We're four out of 10 Roll me a d100 and let's find out what that peril is
Starting point is 00:28:00 57 57 I always have such a hard time here. Here we go on board dispute or inner turmoil causes a disruption What is civil unrest on board dispute or inner turmoil causes a disruption What kind of disruption happens? I mean everything's going pretty good for us. We're on our way to a stargate. We've got the space vampire. It's behind us Maybe there's a few shortage. Maybe now now with these tell tell me with these with these space vampires Are they vampires in the sense that when they bite somebody They too will turn into a space vampire. Um, I think we establish that these space vampires were kind of genetically
Starting point is 00:28:52 Created and I think we decided they don't spread it in that way Um, there was some nebula dust that we collected that apparently scientists messed with it and created these space vampires So you can't become one by being bitten, but they do suck blood Okay, never mind. I was gonna say maybe somebody was infected But maybe there could be suspicion of infection. I mean, we don't really know how Yeah, like in like in fallout 4 where everybody's like worried that everyone's a synth Everyone's now worried that everybody else is a is a space vampire or maybe like in the mess hall one day somebody's like talking to their brother
Starting point is 00:29:33 And you know, they think that their brother's acting a little bit weird Next thing you know, they pull out a weapon and they're threatening to kill their brother their own brother because they think He's a space vampire. All right How do we quantify this in terms of a role? I think we have to Like make this matter in some way. We could face danger Uh, in the sense that maybe nakata steps in the middle of it. Nakata could try to compel her fellow iron landers to stand down Um, I yeah, I mean, yes. So and I I assume nakata is going to be prepared to insert themselves. So
Starting point is 00:30:15 All right. So are you compelling? Yes, I think it's going to be like uh, uh persuasion and if the persuasion doesn't work Maybe you're you're pummeling the guy with the weapon. All right. So when you try to charm pacify encourage or barter you roll plus heart Give me a heart roll and see how we do Weak hits a weak hit, um They'll do what you want You can take plus one momentum So your momentum goes to eight
Starting point is 00:30:45 But their agreement comes with a demand or a complication envision their counter offer So they're willing to stop fighting but some kind of paranoia or something, you know, they're demanding something They want this other guy locked up Or even better thrown out the airlock Yeah, they're they're demanding something crazy like that. Um, so if they want at the very least the guy to be quarantined We'll say we did it. I mean it it's uh Do we roll to ask the oracle how willing this person is to
Starting point is 00:31:25 Go into quarantine. Uh, I wouldn't be very willing but if I thought I was innocent Yeah Well, and they probably know that they're innocent. Yeah, it's not that they think they're innocent. They know they're innocent so Yeah being asked to go into a jail cell just kind of because Yeah, you're not gonna want to do that willing. All right. So if we think it's so definite They're not going to be willing to do it. We either make we either compel them to do it Or we try to face danger and force them or we
Starting point is 00:31:59 Let's see. I'm looking at the rolls here. We could try to Forge a bond with them and get them to uh make a connection with them um Hmm Well, they don't want any trouble on The ship and they don't want to have to they certainly they nicota. They certainly don't want to um I imagine kill Somebody which is the help we can get. Yeah, the alternative here seems to be kill the guy that's that's uh behaving in a threatening manner. Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:29 Um So, yeah, let's just try to force the guy to go into the the brig for for a night Okay, so you're going to try to man handle them Into the break hell. Yeah We are going to face danger Because you're doing this you're gonna have to roll with iron Which is unfortunately not a great roll for Well, nicota, we'll give it a shot. Okay
Starting point is 00:32:55 Give it a shot and we'll see how we do see how it goes. Okay. It's a miss, but I am going to burn momentum to get a weekend Okay Yeah a weak hit you succeed, but at a troublesome cost make a suffer move Okay, uh A suffer move means what exactly well you would either suffer uh harm Spirit or supply We have supply the who how would we how would we lose supply over this though? Yeah, that doesn't yeah, I don't think I don't I yeah, I don't think so
Starting point is 00:33:31 I think we probably I mean the only reasonable thing seems to be we get hurt in the scuffle you could also lose momentum Well, we're at two momentum now, so we would go to Yeah, we'll go to one. That's too low. Yeah, it's not too low. It's just uh, it's a sacrifice Okay, that seems Like the best outcome to me. All right is losing the momentum point. Okay, so You get him in the jail cell, but what is how is your momentum slowed by that? God, it just wears you out. Yeah Man, you saw what that's not what you wanted to deal with today
Starting point is 00:34:06 The whole yeah, yeah, it's just a waste of a day having to deal with this. Yeah And it's you know, probably like emotionally not fun to put the guy that you know is fine In a in a cell like that Invision so it says envision how the price is paid and apply the cost to a different suffer move Or envision how this undermines your progress on a vow an expedition Which is what we're doing and then clear one unit of progress on that track per its rank I would remove two boxes
Starting point is 00:34:39 Uh, is yeah, so I didn't completely read lose momentum. It's pretty harsh actually Yeah, actually, maybe maybe I'll just get stabbed or something. Yeah, maybe they just like punch you in the face Yeah, I mean like It's yeah, there's there's a struggle you get a little scraped up. All right, you're gonna roll plus health But you're gonna reduce your health to one first the health goes down To one and then you roll it and let's see how which sounds great We kit we kit
Starting point is 00:35:13 You are Not wounded. You may lose one momentum in exchange for one health. Otherwise you press on And there's no ancillary side effects to that momentum loss um Basically, you are going to stay at one or you can bring it back up to two, but you're gonna have to reduce your momentum by one Oh Oh to health, but you go to one moment. Yeah, like your health has definitely gone down Okay, and you've made the roll which is good enough to either increase it
Starting point is 00:35:45 But you've got to decrease your momentum to do so. Okay. Let's do that So let's go back to two health and we'll go down to one momentum beautiful with that obnoxious crap out of the way You've got a black eye now though We go back to undertaking our journey. Let's go ahead and roll edge Very quickly your asset is not Undertake a journey. No, it's a secure an advantage Nope. Yeah, although. Oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:36:16 Yeah, were you about to say your vehicle's finely your vehicle's finely tuned engine speed your travels when you undertake an expedition You roll a strong hit with six on your action die take plus two moment. Okay. Keep keep that in mind. That's good I'd also just notice we have two experience which we can spend if we'd like Uh, with that experience you could buy any of the new Um, or any of the unchecked boxes within these assets Just lose momentum You finish an expedition and score a hit this journey straight your ties to your ship So we'll give me a ship better
Starting point is 00:37:02 Yeah, but the next on the yeah the next one up on the ship is kind of underwhelming. Yeah Uh, let's go under naturalist the next option up. I think that's based especially based on what has happened so far I think that that's second one under naturalist is the best one So when you make a move by taking a risky action to pacify a void or outward a creature You decide this before rolling. You may re-roll any die, but must lose minus two momentum. I think that's kind of a cool element to the asset Absolutely. All right, so we're undertaking an expedition. We've spent that experience point. We're rolling with edge um
Starting point is 00:37:44 Let's just hope you get a strong hit on a six because then you'll get plus two momentum on that Let's hope that the most unlikely outcome occurs I always have to hope for that Opportunity hey Um, you have an opportunity not only that the action score is six So that means that momentum goes up by two just as we were discussing Uh, erin, how do you feel that the most you you just said what if the you know the most unlikely thing to happen just happened The dice are in our favor today my friend
Starting point is 00:38:22 Uh, so Oh, okay. So we basically what you're saying is pick pick what opportunity opens up Uh, yes, definitely. This is a critical hit. Uh, we can roll for an opportunity if we'd like Uh, but because it's a strong hit. We we reach a new waypoint and we can mark progress Uh We have six out of ten And I think there is let's see if I go to oracles. I think there is a like a opportunity Rolling chart
Starting point is 00:38:56 Uh space sighting uh Space peril and space opportunity you want to roll on it Yes, roll at the hundred. I just I just like that half the mechanics in this game are exactly like iron sworn They just added the word space No, that's not true I have played six sessions. You've only played one There are really the main difference between star forge and iron sworn is like the the rolling tables are are a lot better in my opinion
Starting point is 00:39:29 They they they kind of separated them in an intelligent way To just make them more accessible. So they're they're they're got it All right, so roll at the hundred and let's find out what that opportunity 43 Friendly settlement in range a friendly settlement in range Now we established that out in the void The jungle the big mega corporation that runs space or runs the forge has like little pocket Uh, um testing sites and things like that
Starting point is 00:40:04 Is this that is this something else? It is a friendly settlement that we know is in range I don't think it should be a planet No planets out in the void But like a nice nice space station where you know this company is conducting some business Yes I mean, what if it's not even the jungle? What if it's like literally like creatures that live in space and it's just you know, they're just like in a a little uh
Starting point is 00:40:31 Like uh, some sort of a space whale Yeah, sure But what do we what do we stand to gain from that in star wars? There's something called whaledons that are literally space whales Um, although, I think they're in the planet monoculomar. We're getting off track. Anyway, is it like so if it's a space whale Um said dean. It says it says Okay, well, maybe that makes the thing. I'm about to say worse. Okay, but it says friendly But maybe friendly in like the sense that it's
Starting point is 00:41:06 useful Okay, maybe like it's a space whale. Maybe we become space whalers You know get that that nice sweet Sweet fatty whale meat to hold us over for a while sacrifice this damn whale just to uh He willingly gives his life because he's so friendly Well, obviously we're gonna have to kill it. I mean What can we even really get out of a whale besides its fucking blubber? I mean we have an insulated nutrition
Starting point is 00:41:36 Nutritional value. Yeah, that's a lot of that's a lot of calories in there And you can eat the reason one of the reasons why they liked whales so much as food source Uh as a food source is because the meat keeps for a really long time All right, so that this whale can feed us for months. Well to give this whale a fighting chance I think we should first make an oracle roll To decide what are the chances that we are starving enough That we even need to go after this whale because if you go after the whale, this is a whole You know captain a have excursion to kill this whale
Starting point is 00:42:12 So I think it's unlikely that we need This blubber Do you think that's a fair estimation or do you want to make better odds for this? I I don't know whether whether our food store is like I think they're fine, but We can we're literally deciding that right now with this oracle roll is our food low enough that we need to go after this space whale 76 or greater, uh, the answer is yes 95 of a bitch
Starting point is 00:42:44 Sorry Eli that was that was the roll that was the wall that kept us from killing the whale And Aaron just pole vaulted over it. So I mean but come on. I mean you get it. You they're probably eating like MREs and shit Here's these these people are all about survival. Yeah of the fittest And they want some they want like some meat and boom perfect opportunity space whale I like it's enough to feed it's enough to feed keep everybody everybody fed and and and well energized I have this image in my mind of kb the artificial intelligence like Opening the shutters and being like look at the glory of the space whale. They're like, can we eat it? Yeah, immediately. It's like it's like ooh like it's it's like you're on a whale watching excursion or something
Starting point is 00:43:30 And all of a sudden somebody pulls out a harpoon and if we're going after this whale We it's a it's a uh a progress track that needs to be tracked. So Okay, how difficult do you think it is to stop this big whale? Maybe like moderate That would be formidable Well, no, not really. I guess it would be dangerous. That's too progress every time. I think that's fine Yeah, let's do let's I mean, it's uh, it's a space whale. Uh, you know, let's uh, let's do um, let's do space moby dick Okay space space whale spales space moby dick Is that that was the name of the whale right moby dick?
Starting point is 00:44:09 I believe so. Yeah, so under summary We have our uh different kind of easy to access uh progress tracks. We have space whale moby dick. Um, I'm gonna I'm gonna put the menace Well, the menace is pretty obvious like a whale can probably fuck up our ship if it just rams into us and stuff enough Uh, so that's something to keep aware of Uh, it's probably it's probably really squishy and easy to kill though possibly. I mean it survives in space So it so it's it's probably um vacuum sealed within itself. You know what I mean? Like it's gotta be able to But what happens uh, what happens when you puncture that?
Starting point is 00:44:49 Maybe maybe it's just like a big fatty balloon We'll find out with a with a dangerous level though. It's it's gonna put up some kind of a fight uh, so I think dangerous is a fair place to start you are You've got the ship kind of looking at it. You're locked on it. How are you approaching stopping this thing? Maybe it doesn't have fins. It's got like big sail. Like, you know, like those solar sails or something like a solar Yeah, yeah, it would that makes sense um
Starting point is 00:45:20 This whale probably has secrets as elie, but no, no Maybe you will maybe we'll we'll gain its power by eating its heart The irelanders don't even want to try to communicate with it, huh? They just want to eat it I mean no, what what why would they? They're vikings in space. What are they going to do? They see something like this? What are they going to do? They're vikings in space. I I want to check something real quick I want to tell roll a d 100 51 or greater This thing is intelligent and it's probably like trying to signal
Starting point is 00:45:55 Not attacking as you guys are attacking it Yeah, all right, so as we go through this the ship is like this thing is intelligent But you go on anyway, so how are we approaching? Trying to kill this thing. What kind of armaments does the ship have? I think we kind of decided at best you have A basic laser cannon or something nothing very impressive. We have not This is like a transport ship. This is not a War vessel, you know, I mean Uh a laser that one laser cannon sounds like enough to kill a whale
Starting point is 00:46:34 One laser cannon does even if we do kill it though That now it becomes a carcass floating in space. So we just going to drag it into the the hull. Yeah, you know like What if we try to like retrofit the thing to like harpoon it, you know, that's what I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking is there any way that they could uh, they could you know Put together like some kind of uh, like a compressed air gun to fire a harpoon at it I I think that might be possible. Um I feel like an oracle roll may be necessary to definitively decide but let's see. Um I'm looking at the moves to see if there's some kind of you could try to check your gear
Starting point is 00:47:18 Uh, and maybe we have a way to like switch out Detour it or something like that. Yeah try that. Yeah, because we want we want more of like, uh, um Uh a grappling hook or something we want to puncture the flesh and grab it. Yes, you're going to roll plus supply Which right now is a good stat for you. Fortunately is is pretty good. Yeah Mists Even with a plus five to that roll man I gotta imagine the odds are very low to get a miss on that one But anyway on a miss you don't have it and the situation grows more perilous pay the price
Starting point is 00:47:59 Uh rolling d100. Let's see what that price is Hopefully this thing defends itself Hopefully 68 It'll make it a lot more interesting, uh, your vehicle suffers damage Good I think this is good. Yeah. I think what happens is this thing is like don't attack Your weapons are trained on it and it uses some kind of defense mechanism Against maybe uh, yeah, well, maybe it just starts breathing nuclear fire
Starting point is 00:48:33 Like Godzilla, yeah, I love it. I love it anything Godzilla related will get a yes from me So our ship was at a three We're now at a two because that's what happens when you take damage It'll we reduce it by one and now how do we fix that up? Yep Uh, and if you could now roll plus two so just roll like a wits or a heart roll Uh, and let's see what you get because the ship is sustaining damage Wits or heart wits or heart. What's important is that you roll just a plus two Uh
Starting point is 00:49:06 To the got it because you're rolling two for the the ship. Well, it's a miss Uh, oh, that's bad on a miss. It's worse than you thought Suffer an additional minus one integrity Or lose momentum minus two Oh, I'll lose the momentum. All right reduce that momentum by two Down to one Yeah, I think The thing well, I mean you tell me otherwise the thing
Starting point is 00:49:38 blows radioactive fire on the ship We have You know structure failure all over the ship The thing is leaking all kinds of fluids And everyone looks at you like are we going to continue to try to uh, yep time to light it up We we looked for the harpoon, but now we're we're lighting it up with a laser cannon Aaron is literally on the verge of having us roll and I would like to point out Technically it shot first
Starting point is 00:50:08 Uh Yes, that's true Um, so we don't have a harpoon. We have laser cannons. Are you entering the fray? Are you battling this thing? Yes, we're gonna we're gonna spray and pray We're going to spray and pray with the ship falling apart All of the lives of our iron landers at risk in errant hands Listen, you knew what you were gonna get Let's see
Starting point is 00:50:39 You definitely don't have the advantage We have not initiated combat. They have well, they are forced into a fight Are you rolling with edge heart iron shadow or wits? Um edge, please. Yeah, that makes sense Go ahead and roll plus edge And let's see how you roll Uh You are
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah, and I don't think any of your assets give you a plus one on this Strong hit On a strong hit You will take bows going down. You're gonna add plus two momentum And you are going to remain in control So you still have the initiative Now that you have the initiative you can either strike at this You can try to gain some kind of ground
Starting point is 00:51:32 Uh We could When you fight a battle and it happens in a blur envision your objective so you can kind of decide one main objective Uh, what do you what do you feel like doing? So far my main wind is in your sail my main My main objective is burying hot Lasery photons
Starting point is 00:51:56 Into this thing's brain. All right, you're attacking at a distance. Why don't you roll edge? Strong hits hell yeah, uh, you're going to mark progress twice You dominate your foe and stay in control. So if you're going to mark progress twice, that's four progress You're now at six out of ten With six out of ten You can either continue to try to strike at this thing But if you miss it'll probably have control and it'll strike at you and possibly destroy the ship I feel like I feel like we want to be a little more sure than six out of ten. All right. All right
Starting point is 00:52:41 So you're going to continue to strike or what would you like to do? um If continuing to strike is an option Let's continue to strike. All right roll plus edge See if the dice are with you The two strong hits in a row Let's get another strong one of the odds. What are the odds of an opportunity? This is the chaos that I asked for when erin comes on. This is um a critical success
Starting point is 00:53:13 Uh, we're going to say that you mark progress twice making this a 10 out of 10 you have 10 progress out of 10 And it's an opportunity so You can waste the opportunity if you want on just I succeed or we can say something else. Maybe there's some other Advantage maybe what you didn't realize this big mama was hiding a couple of little babies Succulent little veals hidden behind them. That's a little too sadistic even for me But here's what I'm thinking
Starting point is 00:53:50 You know how whales You know like what you know what ambergris is? No It's like this substance that whales vomit That's extremely valuable. Oh because it's used in the making of Among other things. I believe like fine perfume It's also very nutritious and has been eaten by uh, you know, it's like a considered a delicacy in some cultures That's like a big old thing a whale vomit with like a bony like tooth or something in the center So i'm thinking as the whale
Starting point is 00:54:25 is In its final death throws it vomits Throws up a bunch There's just this huge old ball Of space ambergris. That's probably worth a whole shit ton of money Okay, and they kill the whale. Okay We've got the whale Let roll 2d10 and we're going to kind of finish this uh thing
Starting point is 00:54:54 It's gonna be hard to fail That's a six and a 10 which is in total a weak hit actually so let's go to Take decisive action when you seize an objective Uh envision how you take uh, yeah, this is the progress move on a weak hit you achieve your objective But not without cost roll on the table below roll the d100, please And let's see what the cost is. This is weird because there is also an opportunity but Making it interesting 92 It gets complicated the true nature of a foe or objective is revealed
Starting point is 00:55:30 The true nature of a foe or objective is revealed So you still get that sweet sweet delicacy but What if What if something What if something like we remember that the space vampirates wanted this stuff or
Starting point is 00:55:56 or What if What if it's that it's like There's no more room. It's like either the food or the or or the uh Or the the space amber gree. Yeah, this is very complicated because we rolled an opportunity Which is like as good as it should get but we also have this slight complication Maybe we can't take like the whole ass whale Like we have to like use the laser cannon to like bisect it
Starting point is 00:56:27 And we can pull like half of the whale in all right But we have to leave the other half of it to to space route. Gotcha. I think that's fine That's good enough We haul in the big half of the whale the meaty half We haul in the what what is it again? Say the name of the thing amber gree amber gree amber gree Or maybe it's amber gris. I have no idea Uh one of one of those either way we have Done about all that there is to do at this way point sounds like to me. We need to continue now
Starting point is 00:57:01 We have six out of ten for reaching this stargate You can roll now Or do you want to continue to undertake a journey? Let's continue to undertake a journey because six out of ten is not the the best in in terms of odds all right Roll edge as I assume that is what you will be using Yes, see how you do Man upper unity man good rolls today
Starting point is 00:57:30 On a strong hit you reach a way point envision the location and mark progress Per the rank of your expedition now if you'd like That opportunity could be you just um get a total of 10 out of 10 if you want me to just double your progress Or it's just something really really good at the way point that you reach What's it gonna be what if the way what if the way point we're like You know we talked about you know this big corporation Having like an outpost yeah of research outpost of some sort. What if like we we come to this Uh way point we find it's one of those and they're like oh
Starting point is 00:58:18 We see that you have a bunch of space amber greed Here's a bunch of money for it. Ah, okay. All right. I like that idea I like that idea now we did kind of establish that the jungle would not be too happy knowing that Basically these experiments escaped if we do this I think it's worth at least facing danger Because maybe they deal with us and they and they give us the money, but now we're on their radar. You know what I mean? Uh Remind me why we wanted to avoid that again Well, we were their experiments like like the planet was an experiment by the jungle
Starting point is 00:58:56 Ah, so they they so it'd be like if all you know if the rats got out of the experiment The scientists wouldn't be too happy about it. You know what I mean? Hmm Maybe there's just like a a trader or something that isn't necessarily associated. Yeah someone someone who is willing to pay Yeah, pay who someone who's willing to pay for this thing. I think that's totally cool It could even be one of the other corporations that exist Uh, the point is is that we do it. We make this trade Uh, let's just kind of determine
Starting point is 00:59:35 When we explore a waypoint, um Let's roll a d100 and let's see what the make a discovery Table says, uh, maybe they have something worth trading that is is valuable to us interesting 48 Miraculously preserved artifact or specimen An artifact would be cool. If it was like some kind of you know powerful artifact or Something that did now when we when we say artifact. What exactly do we mean? I'm not you know, it doesn't really define it. Um
Starting point is 01:00:18 Ghosts of Eli brought up an interesting fact. Maybe it's a cure Um, we do have maybe it's a shot on her That seems unlikely That seems unlikely that they happened to have a cure for Furious shana. Well remind me how a shana got became a shana basically got bit by something and it gave her like a really bad sickness That was no I feel like that's gonna require getting her there's some kind of a medical center center where they could like study
Starting point is 01:00:49 What it was and like synthesize an antidote I I really doubt that that'd be like just something they had available so then What kind of artifact or specimen could you know what? We trade i'm going to i'm going to continue on the vikings in space thread yep and Say it is just a really big gun to replace the laser cannon with
Starting point is 01:01:16 All right, whatever weapon they have it's a weapon that is way better like a big-ass like a big-ass rail gun or something you just Punch through hulls like like paper. I like that. I like that. Oh, I mean while we're at it. Maybe this person is a bit of a Fixer-upper kind of guy. Maybe we could even improve the ship while we're while we're here. Yeah, that's exactly what i'm thinking All right, let's do this. We're going to Not a suffer move. We're going to try to companion with stand damage Overcome destruction recover, so we're gonna
Starting point is 01:01:53 Repair Is one thing we're going to attempt to do But we're also trying to We said we're trying to Improve the ship somehow. I feel like there is a way to do that. Let me look real quick at the Assets here when you Finish an expedition We will stay in damage
Starting point is 01:02:19 Let's just roll a repair roll And if it's good enough We we we have this new weapon and all that kind of good stuff. So you're going to roll wits No, no, i'm sorry. This person is rolling for you. So you're going to roll supply. It's a plus five. That's much better That is Substantially, yep better weekend On a hit which it is
Starting point is 01:02:45 You gain repair points as appropriate to the situation per the table So we're at a facility. It's a weak hit. We're going to go up by three. That's very good. Oh god damn up by three points spend repair points as follows unused points are discarded you could clear the battered oh, I see so these three points actually go towards something we can either Take plus one integrity on a vehicle Fix one broken module We don't have any broken modules clear the battered impact on a vehicle by two points
Starting point is 01:03:19 Take plus one health for a mechanical companion. We don't have that Repair any other device repair any other device. Um, so basically every point cost two vehicle points So if you want to spend two points you could increase the health of the ship by four See take one integrity on a vehicle. I think they mean like a smaller all-terrain vehicle, right ship So if we were to use those to repair the ship, we'd take two of those and get plus four to integrity Which would max us out at five
Starting point is 01:03:54 I think it's worth doing and I I that's how I understand the rules now. So that's what we'll do We'll just make a decision. We'll go back up to full power Sweet and we now have a slightly better weapon. I don't really know how to flavor this I don't know if it's worth taking a plus one I think what we'll do is we'll go to plus five on the health of our ship And just flavor wise we have a slightly better weapon. I don't think unless we roll the strong hit I don't think it's worthy of really mechanically doing anything too much different Sweet
Starting point is 01:04:26 All right That was our waypoint. We have Uh, two four six eight out of ten Do you feel ready to bring this to a close? Let's let's get there. All right or not We are going to try to reach a waypoint and to do that Uh, we are going to Finish an expedition When your expedition comes to an end you're going to roll 2d10
Starting point is 01:04:58 And you're going to hope that at least one of them is less than eight Here we go. Oh boy 2d10 all of these crazy risks and good rolls come to this Five and ten a five and a ten. That is a weak hit On a weak hit you reach your destination You complete this survey. You may mark reward on your discovery legacy track. I'll do that Um, but you face an unforeseen complication at the end of your expedition um
Starting point is 01:05:30 The legacy reward is one lower than What you should earn. So very quickly i'm going to go to your progress. We have a Uh legacy Which i have not added until now The legacy should have gone up by one, but excuse me should have gone up by two, but instead it's going to go up by one and What is the unforeseen complication we find when we get to this stargate? I have an idea, but i didn't i'm interested to hear what your idea is
Starting point is 01:06:01 The stargate Is damaged Hmm I was going to say the stargate's just not on but the damage is uh That's going to require some fixing I believe I believe so do you imagine this stargate as being like a dyson sphere like it's just kind of like a big It's
Starting point is 01:06:24 it's probably Just a you know in this advanced society. It's probably a stabilized wormhole So it's probably like um It probably just looks like a big old sphere of warp space Ah, okay. So it's just like this continuous It's in this continuous state You're saying I think so. Yeah, like in uh like an interstellar. Gotcha. So how is it damaged where we're not able to just go through it?
Starting point is 01:06:54 Um, well, there's got to be so for a stable wormhole There does have to be some sort of artificial structure that keeps the wormhole stable Otherwise, it's not you're not going to be able to pass through it because it's going to be infinitely thin so whatever device it is that they've constructed to uh Create the wormhole and then keep it open wide enough for a ship to pass through has to be damaged So the wormhole is still there. It's just it's in its natural state where it uh converges to infinite thinness and the ship cannot pass through I was just going to say the doors were closed where
Starting point is 01:07:30 That's basically what i'm saying is that the doors are closed. Yeah, maybe like maybe like the thing itself is still technically working But the the entrance and exit is blocked by like big giant doors So the so the question well, it'd be a sphere because wormholes are spherical Well, I'm saying like there's like this giant structure around this spherical object. Like it's just like a it's just a metal Uh, a structure that is maybe spherical in shape, but there are Passages that are being blocked Got it. You know what i'm saying? Yeah. Yeah So it sounds like we probably need to board and get those doors open
Starting point is 01:08:09 Then yeah, fuck it boarding party boarding party. The problem is we only have one Spacesuit if there is no breathable atmosphere. So I think the first thing we should do is maybe gather information about this stargate Get a little scan going and hopefully there is breathable oxygen I'll say that if we at least roll a weak hit There is uh, some kind of breathable oxygen or atmosphere here. Uh, let's We could either explore. Well, we'll explore the waypoint once we actually get there first. Let's gather information You're going to roll plus width Oh
Starting point is 01:08:51 Miss On a miss your investigation unearths a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth that undermines your quest pay the price Roll a d100, please 66 Okay 66 Your vehicle suffers damage now We can either take that or we just decide that there is no breathable atmosphere
Starting point is 01:09:24 And that means that you got to go in alone. Nakata's got to go in alone. There's only one space suit I mean that seems reasonable to me Okay, and if that one if anything happens to that one person in that one space suit Eh, that one it's they're they're disposable. Nakata's fully aware As they suit up and the ship gets as close as possible to dock Um Probably a place to dock There's probably power and all that kind of stuff
Starting point is 01:09:54 We are going to enter this place. We're going to give it a a little progress track of our own. We'll call it the Um, let's say we want to open The doors of the stargate The threat might be the the the space vampirates if they if they show up Or we can think of another threat if we think of one But how difficult is it going to be to get in here find the doors turned on? Do we know who built these things?
Starting point is 01:10:29 Well, it's right now. It sounds like we're leaning towards Whatever society the jungle functions in but it could be like, you know progenitors or you know Yeah, that's what I'm that's what I'm wondering. I'm wondering if it's a mass effect scenario where they're already there Or is this something that's been constructed by say the jungle? Let's ask the oracle 51 or greater It's uh, it's uh, uh aliens Under 51 is us humans 53 53 Which means it's over which means it's aliens
Starting point is 01:11:07 So in that case, it's whatever it whatever it is It's probably going to be Really arcane and difficult to figure out how to operate this thing You know, it also brings up an interesting question like what is happening in the meta narrative that This that this thing has been closed off like did the jungle close it off? Maybe maybe they close the the Way for people to get here and that's why they're able to do experiments here
Starting point is 01:11:35 Because nobody comes here. You know what I mean? Yeah, I mean they don't want people they don't want people fucking with their experiments So it's an issue of somehow the the jungle corporation figured out how to close one door And we have to figure out how to open it um We'll call this dangerous. We'll say it's dangerous And we need to kind of venture in so let's With the last couple of minutes, let's make some rolls and see how our first Our first entering this whole thing first, let's kind of make some decisions about
Starting point is 01:12:13 Um, what this place is like um Let's see descriptor Why don't you roll a d 100 and let's see if we can describe this place I'm not sure it's going to be perfect. We might have to end up going with something else, but Seven archaic archaic the rolls speak for us This place is ancient technology just like we said, so let's not even worry about that you come into this place What's the first move do we go to the back the front of the ship?
Starting point is 01:12:49 I imagine we have especially since we're coming out of this, um Ironlands scenario. Yeah, there. We probably have no idea where to look So we're probably picking a direction starting to systematically search for something that might look like a control panel. All right We are Undertaking an expedition Within this place. Are we moving with speed? Are we trying to keep under the radar or are we staying vigilant as we do this? um Speed only because I want to use edge. All right roll plus edge as you race through here trying to
Starting point is 01:13:29 Find which is which is great until the expanse crab monsters show. Yes, exactly If i'm going to protect a stargate, it's going to have crab monsters Strong strong hit great on a strong hit you reach a waypoint envision the location and mark progress So I will mark progress for us. We're two boxes in What kind of a waypoint do we think we find I can roll for it or Let's roll for it. We don't we don't know we don't have any idea. What's in here? Let's see roll two d hundred And we'll find an action and a theme for this room
Starting point is 01:14:11 69 and seven so for the action we have persevere And for the theme we have belief persevere belief or a belief that perseveres Like uh some kind of alien sanctuary Yeah, maybe they just come upon like an altar or something. Yeah to an alien god that who knows you know what that was Is it is it like in a human form or is it like the aliens worshiping the thing it's probably like Because I think we're we're a stat we've established. There's no there's none of these aliens left but
Starting point is 01:14:55 I'm imagining like You know in mass effect not that I want to keep throwing that reference out But it's it's really easy um You know they find like all of these like uh statues of like the society that like came before so I imagine it's like Like an alien statue like it's maybe vaguely humanoid whether it has like six arms or something crazy like that Sounds good. So we come upon a relatively benign room. Sounds like we need to continue our expedition Uh, are you rolling with edge again?
Starting point is 01:15:31 Yes, go ahead and roll edge Strong hit great. All right, uh Let's see here we go on a strong hit again You reach another waypoint and we will mark progress once you roll another 2d hundred And let's see The action and theme of this room 52 and 89 Okay, uh 52 hide
Starting point is 01:16:04 89 you said Yes time Hide time Time or time hide They find uh, you fight we come across a room That when you cross over the threshold uh-huh The flow of time stops
Starting point is 01:16:25 Flow of time stops does that mean you stop or does that just mean like everything you perceive everything else stops You're hiding from time and and maybe it's a uh a circumstance of the black hole You know what I mean? It has strange effects. Yeah. Well, it's a wormhole another black hole but maybe they have like maybe they have some kind of like like some kind of Smaller black hole and they figured out how to contain it such that an occupant of the room Uh, it doesn't get sucked into the event horizon. Uh, that would virtually stop time. Okay. Okay Because time has stopped here
Starting point is 01:16:59 Uh to get past this room. I do think we should Do something not face danger But I mean maybe face danger. Maybe gather information. Maybe I don't know This just feels like there's something left to accomplish in this room or we can just keep pressing on if you like maybe um Maybe with like the time has stopped Maybe now is a good opportunity to Uh, well, we only have so much. Well time is hmm, but from our perspective. We only have so much oxygen
Starting point is 01:17:34 So never mind. I was gonna say maybe we could just like hang out there and rest and heal up or something I mean, but look if you roll well you successfully rest if you don't roll well You start suffocating because you run out of oxygen in the room. Yeah, and we don't want to risk that. Okay So, all right, maybe we'll just bookmark this location in case for some reason stopping time becomes useful Yes, I think it's a great idea We are going to continue to undertake an expedition roll your uh edge I Doing some good rolls here weak hit
Starting point is 01:18:09 All right, so on a whoops missed it. Here we go Uh, okay on a weak hit You reach a new waypoint But the progress is going to cost you You're either going to make a suffer move Uh, or you're going to face a peril at this waypoint Uh, let's face a peril. All right roll a d100 and let's see what that peril is alien crab monsters
Starting point is 01:18:40 142 31 Hmm Well, this is space-born peril. So maybe there's other kind of perils that I can roll but for 31 it says infestation is revealed Uh-oh and infestation is revealed And infestation of killer defense robots. Yeah possibly maybe they're self replicating robots or something. Yeah, that's why there's a an infestation So we did roll a weak hit which means progress. So we're now six out of 10 But now we have this issue of the self replicating killer robots
Starting point is 01:19:23 Uh, if we want to get past them, we probably have to face danger Yeah Yeah, we do with our two with our two with our two health You are going to either roll with edge heart iron shadow or wits Yeah, you know, let's roll with edge and just try to outrun them Everybody always rolls with edge with uh, nakata and I just always imagine a character just like naruto running through the entire level That is exactly what I want to do. All right roll plus edge
Starting point is 01:19:59 And let's see how you do is you face danger a strong hit very nice Uh, you are successful take plus one momentum So that momentum is going to four and we can continue to undertake an expedition. Let's say this is the last roll of the night Uh, we're nearly at 8 30. So you are going to um undertake an expedition sounds like with edge Yes, roll that edge Let's end on a strong note We kits Why don't we hit you reach a waypoint?
Starting point is 01:20:31 Uh, but it's going to cost you you're either going to suffer or face a peril now Aaron you can choose to face a peril or suffer or you can leave it for the next player I am going to force the next player to face a peril. Okay. Let's roll the d100 and let's find out what that peril is 47 Mysterious wreckage portends a new threat mysterious wreckage Portends a new threat. So like maybe we come into like a hangar bay or something and there's like a wrecked ship and Somehow we understand that things are getting worse now. Maybe the wreck ship is what caused these self replicating robots or something
Starting point is 01:21:23 Yeah, so okay, sure I mean the robots to me seem like there'd be some kind of a defense mechanism Sure, that's still running. Sure. So I'm wondering if maybe Maybe the reason that the gate won't open or it's closed Is because we stumble upon an area that looks like a bridge or a control room Or some the operation center and we find that like all the consoles have been stripped out Interesting
Starting point is 01:21:55 That doesn't maybe even it looks like like you. Oh, I'm sorry continue My only contention is that it has nothing to do with a mysterious wreckage portends a new threat Right, right What do you think of this? What do you think of this? What if we do get to like a control area and there are like monitors and stuff and we realize there's like a ship that has jammed itself Into the door. So it's like it's not a matter of getting the door open Through computers. It's a matter of like getting that wreckage out of the physically out Right almost like something crashed into the exterior hall. Yeah, and like blocked off the hallway
Starting point is 01:22:31 Maybe what we learn is we've got to get back in our ship and like Get to the wreckage and like try to move it out of the way. So it's like a new kind of Challenge we still have the same level of progress, but it explains why the job's not over Right, I think that makes sense. And then you know, once you made that hole whoever's made that hole is going to have to EVA their way in Well without an EVA we'll see they might have to do it just with the one space to just kind of floating in space But we'll leave that for the next player Aaron, thank you so much for playing with me. I hope you had fun. Yeah. Yeah, that was awesome
Starting point is 01:23:08 I'm happy. I got to fuck up a whale. I cannot believe that the entire tribe did not die. Luck was with you Uh, uh, that was incredible We are going to I'm gonna very quickly just kind of make some changes here on our map to show that we are now at the star gate And no longer at sea lee We have been able to travel um, so Aaron first of all anything you want to say or
Starting point is 01:23:35 point out before we close the show today Normal normal normal mayday stuff whatever we got whatever we got going on on friday normal mayday stuff Uh, this friday, I think we have a hangout or we have a one shot. I don't remember Uh, Eli have let us know in the chat if you remember what we're doing friday Something it might be regular. Just fun hang out. Uh, this saturday I am running a one shot a delta green one shot with uh, a couple of folks couple of different folks one with Eli
Starting point is 01:24:06 Eli will be there vince from black project gaming will there will be there. Oh, yeah, vince will be there on friday Oh, that's right. That's us introducing vince to our world on friday. Exactly. So that should be a good time Uh, yeah guys, uh, thank you so much for supporting us We want to thank sean tomkin who is always retweeting us and being very kind to us Uh, the the entire star forge community. We also want to thank sirenscape who Allows us to play all this cool background music and uh, tabletop audio has some star forge specific tracks that they allow us to use for the stream So thanks to everybody for supporting us. We look forward to seeing you next week. Oh last thing Aaron you have the distinction of being at the end of the line. Let's have you roll a d6
Starting point is 01:24:51 And see who goes next now in my mind. It's something like hold on. Let me write it down We'll go, um, we'll go amanda one We'll go allegra two We'll go elie three. We'll go zack four Uh, and we'll go calib five And you're at six. So if we roll a six, we'll just re-roll Okay
Starting point is 01:25:16 rolling five Caleb was just on about two sessions ago, but he's being pulled back Into the rate into the ropes as we try to get this stargate operational Uh, Caleb will be with us next time Thank you, Aaron for a great session and thank you everybody for watching Bye You
Starting point is 01:26:13 You You

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