Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 7

Episode Date: September 9, 2021

Caleb leads Nakata through the stargate, and to what lies beyond......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Once again, we are together forever playing some Iron Sworn. How are you doing, Caleb? There we go. I'm doing good. I'm feeling great. You know, I feel like I've set a reputation in Iron Sworn, but Starforged? Whole new game. I've only had good roles in this one. We're going to continue this streak. Yeah, I said Iron Sworn. We're in Starforged. Whole different thing. Whole new chance for destruction and chaos. Caleb, yeah, hopefully you do good. Your last session was pretty damn good and it's kind of set us on an interesting trajectory. We've made some progress since we last had you on. We sure have. We've killed some whales. Whales have been slaughtered for their blubber. What else happened? I guess I
Starting point is 00:00:50 should kind of recap it a little bit. First of all, thanks to Zacchia, we have a vampire pirate who has fallen in love with us, but that doesn't mean the rest of his vampire bros don't want our blood and they're kind of after us. We haven't really come across them in a little while. But then we also finally reached the Stargate. And at this Stargate, Aaron did a great job of describing it in a very mathematical sense of what it might look like. But we basically decided there was like two doors or a door that you would have to have open in order for a ship to go through. And we decided for the practicality of it being a challenge that the door was closed. So we went into this Stargate to try to figure it
Starting point is 00:01:40 out. And it was alien. I think we decided that these Stargates are not manmade. They've kind of been around. Love that. Which makes sense that we now have those Star Maps because they tell us where these Stargates are, right? Yeah. So we go in and we discover that the issue isn't within the ship itself. The bigger issue is that there is a ship of some kind lodged in the door. So we can't get anywhere until we get that ship out. I think that's where we last left it with Aaron. So I'm going to kind of leave it to you to decide how we tackle this obstacle. Do we try to, you know, force the doors open? Do we go out in our own kind of like spacesuit and try to figure out how to get the ship dislodged? What do
Starting point is 00:02:35 you think is the best approach? So I love that this is our issue is that we've just, you know, parked. We're basically in a traffic issue. So let me be clear. It's not our ship. It's some other ship that has just wedged itself in the door that has just parked itself in the door. So I think in my mind, you know, Nikata is a really talented pilot. And I also think they know a lot about ships in general. So I think in their mind, there is a very particular way of like, I don't know, triple A towing vehicles out here in space, but it's a very intricate, almost like docking process, where the two ships have to communicate and then physically connect. And so I'm thinking like, we get some like firefly flavor in here
Starting point is 00:03:27 where these there's these big rigging pipes, almost these big hooks that will have to be dragged, dragged drug, whatever that verb is, whatever the past participle of it. Yes, hook, hook, go to ship. But but Nikata is going to have to get out of their personal spaceship, take those big hooks, those connecting tubes, rig them into the the lodge ship and then try and sort of rocket it backwards with the show of force from ours. Gotcha. Gotcha. So you're going to hold it to the ship and then tow it away. Yep. Essentially. All right. So I had imagined Nikata goes back to the ship, gets in, explains what needs to be done to the to the rest of the ironlanders. I don't know if they have a
Starting point is 00:04:14 ton of experience doing this, but I'm sure KB kind of walks them through their artificial intelligence of what to do. We could simply face danger as our friend Nikata gets into their space suit and flies out to begin the process of putting this stuff together and see how we do. Or if you want to try to secure an advantage of some kind, however you want to approach this, I think let's just straight up face danger. I'm not sure how we could acquire an advantage on on towing, but I think we should go straight into playing triple A. Let's let's play it the way we understand it. We're going to face danger. So let me got it. All right. Are we doing this with edge, heart, iron, shadow or wits?
Starting point is 00:05:03 Um, I think it's it's wits because it is all about positioning and sort of, you know, the angle at which we're going to tackle pulling that thing free. Um, you know, once the the hitches are installed, it's all about how you pilot it back. So I think we're using our brain here. All right. So you're going to roll plus wits and hopefully you do well. Let's see which you I've got to say on this show, it is always a bad move when you're a Mayday player using your brain because we just we don't have one case in point. Oh, there you go. That's a critical failure. A complication. That's a complication. I should never use my brain ever. And you know, you roll pretty well on that action score. You rolled an eight, but you also rolled double
Starting point is 00:05:54 eights on the challenge die. For those of you new to Starforged, a complication is very bad. It's like a critical failure. Let's go to the handbook here and see what it says on a miss. You fail or a momentary success is undermined by a dire turn of events. You have to pay the price. Roll a d 100 for me and let's pay the price. Okay, let's pay it. I've heard that from you one too many times. Pay the troll toll, my friend. If you want inside this boy's hole 61 on a 61 your equipment or vehicle malfunctions. Oh, no, that's a very bad turn of events. Now, because it's a complication, I'm going to have to make us make a roll for the ship. I believe it's a let me pull up your assets. So your ship has currently your ship is at
Starting point is 00:06:54 full health. We did repair it last session. I forgot to mention that beautiful. Yeah, we did find a way to repair it a little bit. But we're going to take some damage. We're going to withstand damage when your vehicle faces a damming damaging situation. So first Caleb paint the picture. How is our ship damaged in this process? You know, I think that once we've hitched in, I think there's something we're not completely realizing about this, this lodged ship. Because the concept is is that it's sort of like half in and half out of this gate, right? Yeah. So I think that there was something on the other side of this gate that we did not take into account when we thought of towing this ship. And because of that, it's way heavier than
Starting point is 00:07:46 we ever expected. And the calculations are all off because of that. So when we pull all the way back, it's far too much for our ship to handle. And it starts to strain at our metal. And I pictures the hitches coming off at certain points and ripping some of our hull free with it, as we realize that either that thing is lodged in something in another dimension on the other side of the stargate, or something on the other side wants the ship a whole lot more than we do. Sure, sure. Or the ship is maybe shaped in a way that like imagine a T, suddenly it just can't go backwards or something. Exactly. It's getting caught on the edges. All right. So our plan definitely fails. And we probably have to proceed with a different kind of plan moving forward. But let's
Starting point is 00:08:35 withstand some damage and see what happens with that. The first thing you're going to do, because it's a hardcore complication, let's reduce the health of your ship by two. So you're going to go from five to three. Gotcha. Then you're going to roll integrity, which is just the current state of the ship, which is at plus three. So roll one of your plus three stats, doesn't matter which. And okay, hopefully you roll well. Oh, a week hit, a week hit. On a week hit, your vehicle is not battered. You may lose momentum minus one in exchange for one integrity, otherwise press on. So you could go from losing two integrity to just one, but you have to reduce your momentum to do so. Okay, you want to do that or you want to just
Starting point is 00:09:30 take? Yeah. No, I want to burn it. I can't justify taking any extra risk here. All right, so your momentum is going to go to three. Okay. But the ship's integrity is going to go to four. It only reduced by one. Got it. So yeah, there's definitely some kind of hull damage. The ship doesn't like it. KB doesn't like it. KB probably refuses to continue in this idea. We got to come up with a new idea and get the ship dislodged. What are we doing? Got it. I think that Nakata takes it into their own hands as they commonly do, as we did the last time I was in charge of Nakata. I think that they're going to throw themselves basically inside of the ship, entering through the side that is still in this realm. Whatever access hatch we can find,
Starting point is 00:10:25 I imagine it's not the actual entrance into the ship or anything you're supposed to do, but it's sort of the back channels. And I think that they're going to try and get the ship moving from the inside, even if that means going through the gate halfway through it to make it happen. Interesting. Okay. So here, all right, so we need to get into the ship. I guess undertaking an expedition is just kind of part of the process of getting into the ship. We're going to get in one way or another. So maybe we undertake an expedition when you trail blaze a route through perilous space or through a terrain or through a site. So let's decide, are we rolling with edge, shadow or width? Well, I'd like edge. I think that if we're
Starting point is 00:11:23 edge, we're moving with speed. So we're just trying to get in there quickly. Yeah. I think that, you know, they're aware of the situation and they want to be done with whatever interdimensional bullshit they're about to pull off as fast as possible. Gotcha. All right. So I do want to show you on Nakata's character sheet. One of the lowest vows currently is open the doors of the Stargate. We have 246 progress on that. So getting into the ship shouldn't be a long ordeal. We're very close to the end. We did fail once. So I'm going to put one checkmark towards the vampirates catching up with us. But actually, I'll put two checkmarks just because it's a dangerous quest. Okay. We are going to undertake the expedition of going inside.
Starting point is 00:12:17 You're going to roll with edge. Tell me how you do. All right. Here we go. Oh, a strong hit. Finally, your luck is looking better, right? Yeah. That complication had to be because I mentioned it. I just need to stop having any sort of confidence in myself. That's the secret. Yeah. On a strong hit, you reach a waypoint. Envision the location and mark progress per the rank of your expedition. So we are going to mark progress on the trying to kind of get this ship, get the doors open of the Stargate, which means we have eight out of 10. And rocking. We come upon a waypoint. Is there a particular waypoint you'd like to come across?
Starting point is 00:13:08 Okay. So this waypoint can be just about anything to represent we've gotten closer to the goal, right? Yes. This waypoint could, if we wanted to, be the helm of the ship, be the navigation system. Yeah. I think that I was picturing this moment and hopefully you can follow me here and you think this works as well. I'm thinking in the middle of, because, you know, the doors are sort of half open. This ship is lodged in the center, half in and out of our space. I think that would mean that in the middle of the ship, as Nakata gets inside and makes their way towards the helm, in the middle of the ship is sort of like an interdimensional slurry. Yeah. That's interesting. To get to the actual cockpit, they have to move through this sort of
Starting point is 00:14:06 like membrane of time and space where reality's gone all fucky in the middle of the ship. So, you know, I'm in the business of never giving us what we actually want. That's why Mayday fucking hates when I play this. But like, I think before we get to the cockpit, I think we've got to get through this weird, you know, yeah, there you go. Lex, reality is fucking wucky. We need to get through the fucking wucky space before we get to the cockpit. Yeah. It's an interesting idea. I like the idea of like, you see the kind of the temporal rift and you go through it. Maybe you're not necessarily in the helm of the ship, but you're like in the main hangar area. And maybe there's even like a window or a porthole and it looks like a completely
Starting point is 00:14:52 different star system. You're like, you can see somewhere else. Yeah. And I picture in my mind sort of like, like a kaleidoscope of different separate realities of ourselves, like outside of the cockpit, we can see a world we've never been to. But we can also see distantly ourselves looking back at ourselves in another cockpit and another time. And it's all in weird sort of Dr. Strange Technicolor and you know, breaks out in fractals as we're moving across. It's a weird trip, man. All right. So the question becomes, we have eight out of 10 progress. Do we roll? And the success means we find the helm of the ship? Or do you want to make more progress? You want to have 10 out of 10 before you make a roll? If I roll with that eight, it's an 80%
Starting point is 00:15:50 chance, right? I mean, how could I fuck that up? Right? So if you want to bring this expedition to a close, meaning we find the helm of the ship, we figure out how to move it around or get it out of here. Go ahead and roll 2d10. And you want both of them or at least one of them to be less than eight. Oh, man. Let's see. Okay, okay. Four and one is five. That is a strong hit. Awesome. We are going to finish the expedition. On a strong hit, you reach your destination or complete your survey, mark a reward on your discoveries legacy track. This was dangerous. So I'm going to real quick go to progress, go to our legacies and do another check mark, which actually means more experience. So we have six experience now, which we should definitely spend at some point.
Starting point is 00:16:51 But the point is that any allies who share the six vision also market the reward. All right, explain to me how we successfully get this ship out of the way and clear the Stargate on a very strong. I think that that weird interdimensional slurry is probably what took this crew or whatever happened to this ship. That is definitely what what took them. And so as Nikata manages to take control and move themselves through and they're fighting the different visions of other worlds and realities, they come through on the other side in a completely different place, but at the helm in control and the ship is thankfully against all odds, okay on this side.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And I think that they put it immediately into gear, they pull up the landing gears or whatever it is the emergency break that in my mind, it's like my Volkswagen just popped the emergency break and now you move the fucking thing. And now they're going to pull back through the portal and out to the the other side where our tribe is. All right. And I think that there's sort of this picture of as it comes through the dimensional rift back through the Stargate, that lodged ship becomes entirely broken, like on the other side, it's a wreck in our version of the Stargate, where we found it's a derelict ship. And on the other side, it's operable enough that you can pilot it. Interesting. And that could be a reason for how it gets stuck in the, you know, the center of the
Starting point is 00:18:41 Stargate. Gotcha. Gotcha. We pulled backwards. The ship, half of it looks like it's brand new, half of it looks like it's completely, you know, eroded and falling apart. But sure enough, you're able to dislodge it on a strong hit that gate opens and we now know that we can go through. So I would assume that Nikata abandons this ship and jumps back onto our ship, right? Oh hell yeah, dude. We're not going into uncharted territory without our baby. Okay, we're getting back on our ship. Getting back on our clunker with KB and the other iron landers. All right. So I imagine there's probably some rules to these Stargates. We have Star Maps that infer that there are multiple Stargates. We had discussed going to a Stargate or traveling
Starting point is 00:19:40 through the Stargate towards the closer rim of the forge, getting closer to the population of the forge, moving away from this like outskirts, the void that we're in, or we could go to another sector of the void. What do you want to do? Well, okay, so if we go to a different part of the forge that's not creating a new sector that is inhabiting the same sector basically, right? No, no, no. If we basically, I'm giving you the option of staying in the same ring, the same sector, you know what I mean? Imagine the forge is, there's like a black hole in the center and then everything expands circularly, right? So we're in the farthest edges in the void. We could either move closer to the center or we could continue exploring the void. Hell no, dude, I hate the void.
Starting point is 00:20:34 All my homies hate the void. We're going to go find some people. All right. I would love to see any ring where someone is alive and not a fucking vampire. Exactly. I think that's a very good point. We want to get away from these vampires. We're going to go through the Stargate. I think that we should undertake an expedition, make it only troublesome. We're just going from point A to B in this wormhole. But this journey is going to, it's going to represent the amount of time that we spend in the wormhole traveling, right? Yeah. Maybe it'll give us some time to sojourn right now. Nikata is a little beat up spirit wise and health wise. Very true. If we do run into any problems, it would be ship
Starting point is 00:21:25 wise, right? It would be like a ship problem. It wouldn't be necessarily, you know, we're going through hyperspace. So like it would just be a more internal issue, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So we're going to, let's see. First of all, we need to make some progress on the extreme goal of finding a new home for the tribe. We've hit two progress out of 10 for that. So we're slowly making some progress. Damn straight. We can clear this whole thing with reaching the Stargate. We've done that. We can clear opening the door. And now we need to undertake a journey. So first let's decide how troublesome it is. We're just going to mark it troublesome. We're going to say survive the jump, right? Survive the jump. Works for me. Let's also
Starting point is 00:22:23 find out where in the forge we are going. Let's find the lower side of all of this starting sector. Let's see 104. We're going to build a sector in a second, but I wanted to see zoom in. Hmm. Oracles. Choose your truths. Starships, planets. I've like completely forgotten there's this great section on just like the lore of everything. Is there like a like a very safe sector that we could roll on like a very safe place table? I mean, I would imagine the more central you get in the forge, maybe technically like the more society is there. So maybe the more safe it is. God, I hope so. You know, I would hate that we
Starting point is 00:23:26 get to the first ring and it's like, oh, you're in the middle of a super massive, you know, mega death of a star. All right. So here we go. So we have the void, which is what we're in. The next closest ring is called the expanse and it's explained as only a few bold pioneers have delved these far flung reaches. If you're ready to face the dangers of lonely exploration with uncharted space, start here. Okay. So the expanse is a little bit better than the void, but not perfect. It might be a nice habitable zone where we can find a planet where the the jungle is going to leave us alone. That big corporation. I know that this is sort of like opening up the kimono here. And I know that this is taking us apart from what we're talking about here. But did that just
Starting point is 00:24:10 say under the void paragraph, not to start your campaign here? Does it say great big bold letters? Don't start your campaign here. Don't start your campaign here. Yes, it does. What have we done? So break every role we get, right? Yep. Let's do the expanse. Let's make this a real campaign. We can start the credit roll here. This is where like Spider-Man, no way from no way home pops up right here. The credits start after we'll go to the expanse. After seven sessions, we are officially starting our Star Forge campaign. I'm so excited. We can tell Sean Tomkin that we did not break the rules and start in the fucking void. I'm sorry. We'll never do it again. Well, I think, yeah, I think our campaign might be an example that he might need to remove that line because we did it.
Starting point is 00:25:02 We did it. Okay, we're undertaking an expedition. Let me go to the moves here so we know exactly what we're doing. This, we are going to either move with edge shadow or width. I kind of think edge is the only thing that makes sense since we're in hyperspace. Go ahead and roll plus edge. I will. And hopefully you roll well and hopefully make some progress. Don't say that. It's a weak hit. It's what they used to call me in college. Auto weak hit. As above, you do reach a waypoint. You do mark progress, but this progress costs you. First, let's mark progress. We're going to go up by three. So we have three out of 10 and we reach a waypoint. We can decide what that is, but we do have to either suffer a move or face a peril and a peril would just be rolling a D100.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Okay. Suffer a move. What does that do us? We'd have to either suffer damage to the ship, damage to ourselves, a stress. I don't want any of those. Yeah. Let's do a peril. Okay. Roll a D100. Let's find out what peril we kind of have to deal with as we're hyperspace traveling. You know what? The last oracle roll really lived up to our idea that it just sort of fills in with what's appropriate. So let's see if this one does too. What is it? 68, which is one less than it needed to be. I know. 68. Power fails. Power fails. What a great reason for a sojourn. In my mind, we like zap into that sort of quantum realm. You know, Star Wars, you get the big fucking white beams shooting across the ship, right? We're zooming through the fourth dimension,
Starting point is 00:27:08 whatever it is. And as soon as we get in the lights die immediately and we're drifting through like the halfway point between dimensions, between travel, between the rings. Now, here's where I'm going to push back a little bit. This was a weak hit, so it wasn't a total failure. I think the ship goes dead, but it's still in hyperspace. It's still traveling at light speed, you know, because this Stargate is doing the work. You know what I mean? The Stargate is just throwing us through it, you know, a hyperspace tube. So our our issue is we're going to come out the other side, but we're going to come out with no power. So maybe we should work on that. Oh, okay. Yes. So we're we're still, you know, rocketing towards our destination,
Starting point is 00:27:56 but with no power, we have a life support system. Yes. So it's a matter of if we don't get this fixed pronto, we're going to fucking die. So I'm going to present an option to you. We can either continue to undertake the expedition, getting us that much closer to getting, you know, ending the jump, or you want to divert your attention to trying to get the power on. We'll say that they'll survive the jump. The jump's not going to be more than an hour, I think of travel time. Yes. Now, if I sojourn, does that get in the way of either of these options? Let's look at sojourn, because I think sojourn is meant to take some time. And I'm yeah, because I don't think I can sojourn if I can't like see fair or breathe fair.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Yeah, there's you can't really relax. That's for sure. Let's see. We don't want to suffer. We want to recover when you spend time recovering within a community. So it's about recovering in the community. You could attempt to heal, which is just like us getting medical care that I could say you could do in an hour. You could try to hearten yourself by socializing or being intimate with somebody. Okay. I still don't think we can be intimate if the lights are off. Well, I guess you can be intimate if the lights are off. Hey, whoa, what are you saying? Caleb, you can be intimate, whatever. I think it's tough if you're dying of lack of oxygen then. I'll put it that way. Let's deal with this power situation. All right. Because I think there's
Starting point is 00:29:35 also this implication of we're flying through, you know, the interdimension. God knows what time does here. Sure. So who knows if, you know, it's going to go out faster than we expected to. All right, let's fix this shit. Okay, let's not make this too difficult. Let's decide a role that will solve this problem. Maybe we can make a repair role, which is usually used to fix your vehicle. Let's see, make your own repair or direct a companion. You can roll plus widths. On any kind of a hit, you can gain repair points. We'll say that it won't repair your ship, but it will get the power back on, right? So it's more of like a flavor. We accomplished it. You know what I mean? Gotcha. Okay. Parker will be back with their ridiculous comments
Starting point is 00:30:27 in our chat. Okay, so roll plus widths and let's see how we do. We missed you, Parker. It's been a couple of weeks since we've seen you around. It's good to see you. Let's see. We're going to roll widths for all the kids who will die in the climate wars. This is for them. A weak hit. All right. So on a hit, which we got, you gain repair points and we will say that the power comes back online. What do you think was the problem? Why did it shut off? I think there's a lot of stress involved in cutting metal through other dimensions. And I think the reality of the trip was too much for a rust bucket like our ship. Yeah. I also think that maybe ships that undergo these sort of travels would have
Starting point is 00:31:20 very particular means put into the ship's equipment to be able to withstand something like this. And I don't think we know that. We're dummies. So I think that's part of it too. And I think it's just the shock, the initial like push into the other dimension is what, you know, basically breaks our engine and we start to flood where we're stalling. We have a really old beat up ship. I mean, when we found it, it was like an archaeological relic. You know what I mean? So yeah, yeah, it's the space wagon for sure. Power comes back online. Power comes back online. Shall we continue undertaking the journey? Hell yeah. Well, no, I want to sojourn. I forgot. I'm sorry. I forgot my own shit. I mean, I think that we're still going towards our
Starting point is 00:32:07 destination, but we're treating this as a moment of peace because for whatever reason, I think we're alone here. All right. So let's let's do something with sojourn. You will be rolling plus heart. So go ahead and roll that. Let's see how you do. Okay. Okay. We kick. Boom. Take it on a week hit as above, which means that you you do. You can make two of these recover moves. Heal heart repair or supply or resupply. Okay. But time is short or resources are strained. Time is short. You and your allies each make one recover move instead of two. So you're only going to make one. You want to heal or you want to harden. Oh, we got a heart and right. That helps our spirit. Your spirit is the lowest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Yes. Let's heart and then. All right. Again, roll plus heart. Okay. Give me one second because my fumble fingers exited out of the roll 20. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let me see. I'll do it for you. I can roll to do not. I'm here. All right. All right. All right. Hands off. I need my luck. That's why you roll. That's excellent on a strong hit. You find your companionship or comfort. You take your spirit is strengthened. If you are shaken, which you are not, otherwise take plus two spirit. If you make this move as you soldier and take plus one more, so you're going to take a total of three. Interesting. Beautiful. So three spirits and it's an opportunity. You know, describe to me how this is even better than just gaining three spirit.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And, you know, I'll even allow if you want to increase the spirit by one or something if you wanted to do that. How about this? Would you give me one health to go with it? Sure. And I'll give you some explanation. I think that in the absence of power and getting it back on the lights back on, everybody brought back under better spirits realizing we have so much time. I think we all sit down and we get to reminiscing about where we've come from and, you know, everything that's happened up to this point. And someone at that, you know, communal table reminisces about a recipe from home, you know, some sort of meal that we all used to love. And I think it comes down to trying to recreate that under intergalactic measures to try and, you know, chase the nostalgia of,
Starting point is 00:35:00 you know, can we create that space? And so the entire crew gets together to cook that old meal of the tribe. And it's nowhere near the way it's supposed to be. But it reminds them of home and that, you know, meal using video game logic gives us some health and then brings us back to heart. Totally works. I like the moment. I like the scene. I like keeping it with the tribe. All right. Now shall we undertake an expedition? Yes. Okay. Yeah, let's undertake that thing. We've got three out of 10. We're very close. We just need a couple of good roles to get out of this thing. Go ahead and roll. I believe it's edge because that is the stat we want to use. I'll take it. A weak hit. Get me out of here. All right. We will mark progress if I remember
Starting point is 00:35:55 correctly. So that's six out of 10 now. However, I don't think it's the best when you roll a weak hit. So you're either going to make a suffer move or you're going to face another peril. Dude, I'm all about these perils. The perils are fun. The perils are a lot of fun. Let me pull them up. They are on page 142. I'm going to have this book memorized by the time we're done with this. Roll a D 100 and tell me what you get. Okay, let's do it. Rolling on the edge. Nice. You got your number. 69. Funny enough, 69. The power fails. Oh my God, man. How can we interpret this in a different way? Does it have to be the power turning out again?
Starting point is 00:36:53 I mean, God, I don't know what it would be other than that. I think it's hilarious that they're trying to cook this recipe. And then I guess it kills the fucking power again. I mean, it's got to work because your health went up. So like you ate the meat. This is just a few minutes later. Let's roll again. Fuck this one. Roll it again. I like that attitude. I like that attitude. Roll another one. Recall. Just like a good Californian. Let's go. That was not serious, by the way. 19. 19. Oh, no. Okay. A familiar foe appears or sends an ominous message. A familiar foe appears or sends an ominous message. Maybe those space vampires say that we're tracking you. Yeah, I would love, I think that the use of a Stargate
Starting point is 00:37:52 leaves a lot more presence than we were originally aware of. I don't know what that is, whether it's like energy fields that can be tracked or something the Stargate gets sent out in the surrounding area or whatever it is. But I believe the Vampirates, the Dracool, definitely catch on to that. You know, Eli in the chat had a good suggestion of maybe it's the jungle finally registering that there is a ship using what was supposed to be a closed gate. I like that. Oh, I like that a lot. All right. Yes. I don't think anything, nothing terribly bad happens because it was a weekend. But would we be aware, would the Iron Lakers be aware that they know we know that kind of thing? Hmm. I think for now, no, I think that should be
Starting point is 00:38:47 a little bit of dramatic irony to come up later of we know we got to make that thread happen, but I don't think our characters know. Okay, I do think we currently have zero progress on the menace track for the jungle stopping the Iron Lakers from escaping. I'm just going to put one because it's been a long, long time. And I think this is a clear sign that they're aware of us. What a coward you are, Sergio. Where's the doom to repeat, Sergio, that I know and love, because this whole one man is trying to reform, man. I'm trying to reform because doom to repeat are to wreck me. And that's fair. If anything will make you go to rehab in season two. I just, yeah, I need to relook at my priorities as a DM because I just, I missed the days that
Starting point is 00:39:41 you and I used to get strung out in a hotel room. That smooth trauma syringe, baby. You know what? If we got to become better people, that's okay. Yeah, yeah. Okay, all right. Back to Eli's bringing us back to the stars and chill, no bringing up the trauma of doom to repeat. Okay, so we, what do we last decide? Oh, yeah, we got, the jungle is aware of us, but we can undertake the expedition though. We can continue rolling edge. Yeah, let's get another weak hit. We can just stack on the enemy. Let's stack them on. All of them are coming for us. All right. 1d100. Yeah, no, no, you're going to roll. Oh, edge, edge, edge, edge. I'm already assuming I failed. Oh, weak hit. Okay, there you go. We now have
Starting point is 00:40:38 nine out of 10. We are going to roll peril, roll a d100. Yeah, because I'm not sacrificing these rolls. We're too low as it is. Yeah, I don't want to suffer. Yeah. 37. I don't know what that boy's doing. Dirty seven. Isolation or fear presses in. Oh, God, I love that. Isolation or fear presses in. It makes so much sense, doesn't it? The islanders have never been in hyperspace. They don't know what's like happening. Yeah, and I think as they get this far away, maybe the whole time that they've been doing this journey behind themselves, there's been that stargate, that big fissure in the sky that signals that you can go back. I think that as they've gotten this far away, that gate has closed or gotten so far from the horizon that it can't be seen. Sure. And immediately,
Starting point is 00:41:43 I think everyone in the crew has suddenly become very aware that there's no going back, there's no going home, and you can sit here and you can recreate as many recipes as you can. There's no doubting where you actually are. I think that becomes the prevailing concern of the islanders, but we're on a mission to bring everybody to a new planet at some point. So, I think the doubt creeps in, but the truth is that there is a way back, maybe just not as easy as we think. It's certainly going to still be a long journey. Absolutely. We have nine out of ten progress. How about we bring this jump to a close? Why don't you roll two to ten and we can finish this expedition? Sounds good to me.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Five and a three makes eight. Five and a three are both under the nine, so that is a strong hit to finish your expedition. Awesome. You're going to mark some progress on your legacy track. Let me go to progress, and there is the legacy. We'll go another half, and we've done it. We've come out the other side. Oh, incredible. So, the first thing I think we should do is... We can't really set a scene before we understand where we're at. Yeah, we got no idea. I think we're going to go ahead and spend some time creating a new sector. I'm going to duplicate our old sector, and I'm going to move us to this new sector, and then I'm going to wipe the slate clean and delete all this good stuff. So, we now have a nice blank new sector. We are in the expanse.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Maybe we should learn a little bit about the expanse. Let me find the information here. So, not Oracle. We want... Oops, too far. Set the scene. What is a sector? Okay, here we go. 104. We are going to build a new sector. You could jump to a pre-generated sector if you want, but this will take about 30 or so minutes, knowing us. Let's do it. Let's really knock it out. What is this pre-gen stuff? We've never pre-gened before. Why start now? All right. So, if we're in the expanse, it recommends that the number of settlements would be two. Settlements can be planned inside habitats, orbital stations, or deep space facilities. They offer a place for you to recuperate after your adventures in the
Starting point is 00:44:41 forge have taken their toll. More importantly, settlements are a nexus for role-playing quest opportunities. So, we're deciding that there are hubs, genuine places that are inhabited, have cultures, and are thriving in some way. They're not just these little space stations we've been coming across. Did you want to say something? I love the idea of an orbital station being a huge part of this ring, which I think I'm going to bring in at some point. So, we like the idea, I'm going to open a new word document and kind of have some wording here. So, we like the idea of a orbital space station of some kind, and then what about a planet, like an inhabited planet? So, I think, in my mind at least, I'll see what you think. I
Starting point is 00:45:37 think that it'd be really cool to add to our challenges, because we got a long way before we find a home for our tribe. What if, you know, the last ring we came from was so full of dangerous planets, this ring that we've come to barely has planets. So, there is that big orbital station that figures is the main point of contact for communities in this sector. And then there is one inhabited planet that's like vastly overpopulated is my idea. And then there's a few others, but they're really difficult to colonize or to, you know, terraform or, you know, complete anything that would help us out here. Gotcha. So, what is your idea then in terms of, other than a space station, what's another, you know, we can make a roll for it if you want to
Starting point is 00:46:32 let the rolls decide? Yes. Let's decide on the planet, because if we've already decided on the station, we might as well put in something that we can. I see what you're saying. It's probably a planet, but let's kind of roll for it. All right. So, settlement oracles are on page 160. Let's see. It is a, let's see. Do we want to decide the planet or the settlement first? Let's decide the planet first, and then that might inform the settlement. Okay. We're going to go to the top of this. Not the spaceborne peril. We want to decide planets. Roll a D 100. And let's see what funky planet we discover. We have got a 100. Oh, interesting. So, here you go. A 100 is a vital world.
Starting point is 00:47:33 A vital world. Interesting, right? So, let's find out what a vital world is about here. Let's pull that up. Here we go. This diverse life-bearing planet might provide some small measure of hope. We can decide on the type of atmosphere. Okay. Roll a D 100. Let's do it. I'm telling you, these oracle rolls, it's like they can hear us. It is quite freaky. Every time we do this, 96, a reverse nice ideal is the atmosphere. It is an ideal atmosphere. Oh, my God. All right. Now, let's decide on settlement. It's going to be very interesting if we get zero, but we are in the expanse. So, if we get under 80, there are no settlements on this planet. Roll a D 100. Let's see what happens. Is there any way that we could like
Starting point is 00:48:36 decide this one? Or at least say that we're not going to roll a zero? Because in my mind, it's incredibly vital planet, incredibly perfect for all environment. But this place has been settled. I mean, my idea is that, yes, it would have been perfect for our tribe, but it is full. Packed to the gills. Whoever's lived here has lived here for a long, long time, and there's no room for us on this place. So, our options are an orbital settlement, a planet-side settlement, multiple settlements, and settlements in conflict. And maybe settlements in conflict is a good implication that it's full. Yeah. Yeah. Let's go with settlements in conflict. There are many nations, all of which do not get along. Got it. Let's do this. So, we have a planet,
Starting point is 00:49:33 a vital planet, has an ideal atmosphere, although how it could have a fully packed population and not be suffering some kind of atmosphere issue is interesting. Let me introduce you to planet Earth, my friend. We're going to fuck this thing up in a couple, you know, centuries anyway. Yeah, I suppose you're right that if it, but then that's interesting. Okay. All right. All right. Let's keep brainstorming. So, we have the settlement trouble. The settlement isn't some kind of trouble, is what we decided, but then let's decide what is observed from space. Give me another D100 roll. Oh, I like that. I like that. What is observed from space? I almost rolled a D1005, so I'm not going to do that. I rolled
Starting point is 00:50:28 another 100. Dude, this is crazy. All right. Let's see what we get. There is a precursor vault that is orbital. What? That's incredible. So, this planet has a moon or something that is orbiting it that is a vault in and of itself. Yo, okay. I got an idea for our settlement conflict. All right. We are in conflict because everyone is fighting over who has property ownership over the vault and who has a right to open it. Is this like Pandora? Yeah, this is like Borderlands. Borderlands. Borderlands. All right. So, except it's just like, instead of it being an inhospitable desert planet, it's actually a quite hospital. It's an incredible place where everyone is fighting over who gets to be the trillionaire first. Okay. So, everyone is trying to break into the vault,
Starting point is 00:51:22 or do something like maybe... I think it's ownership because I think it'd be interesting if the person who claims they have power now refuses to open the goddamn thing, either because they religiously worship it and think that inside our secrets, no person was meant to know, or for whatever reason, the person who claims to know it now, to own it now, refuses to open the thing. And there are like rebel insurgents or other countries that are fighting to take over the right to open it. I think it would make sense that the person that currently owns the vault might be a prominent member of the jungle or one of the other major organizations, you know? Love that. Let's make him... like, let's make jungle a major influence on this planet because then we can draw in some
Starting point is 00:52:17 interest with our menace. Gotcha. So, the prominent member of the jungle currently owns the vault. Is there a way... is there a legitimate way that you can pass the vault on? Is it one of those things that he could pass it on to his heir or the heir could sell it to someone else? Like, there are ways of transferring power? I think there absolutely is. I think it's probably baked into their government. And maybe there is like, you know, like the passing of the crown and the, you know, rod or whatever they call that. Like, with each decree, there's a whole lot of paperwork that goes into it, but there's also an actual key to the goddamn thing that whether symbolic or not allows you into the vault. Okay, this is interesting because like, the
Starting point is 00:53:13 Ironlanders might want nothing to do with this vault. This is just all cool world building at the moment. So, yeah, exactly. All right, so let me go ahead, keep going. I was just going to say God knows we can probably come up with a reason why we get involved in that shit, even if it has nothing to do with us. Yeah, exactly. Who knows? Maybe there's there's a reason. I'm going to put a big old Earth in the middle of our map symbolizing this is that planet. And maybe I can find a metal moon or some kind of weird icon for it. But either way, go ahead. You know what would be really interesting? I don't know if that this is going to run into each other. But we said we have two settlements, right? One is the orbital station and one is the planet. What if we made the vault
Starting point is 00:54:04 that orbits the planet into that orbital station? And so like, the two communities are connected, but the orbital station is a totally different place to live that is built on to the vault that orbits this planet. I see. I see. I see. What do you think? I think that's a cool idea. A part of me kind of wants an orbital station that is built for, you know, we're in the expanse and like people are out here for mining and exploration and stuff. I kind of like the idea of an orbital station that's there for like all the miners and the folks that are doing all the hard work. I kind of feel like if you're going to own the vault, you're not going to let people kind of live and build stuff on it. Hold on. Yeah. I think you're totally right. I like the idea of exploring
Starting point is 00:54:52 what it's like to mine space too. So let's go with that. All right. So let's just finish up this planet because I like where this is going. So we've decided that there's a precursor vault that's orbiting it. Let's decide the diversity of this planet. Well, give me another D 100. And I think this is just going to the different biomes that we can find here. If you roll anything, if you roll a 91 or up, I'm going to freak out 56. Okay. So I'm taking a I'm taking a break. There are three diverse biomes. So we'll say that there is, you know, lush jungle. We'll give you another one. Let's go with like idyllic plains, like beautiful green grass plains that go on for for miles. Grass plains, maybe like large swamp marsh areas. Yeah, yeah, let's go with a swamp.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And and what else, maybe beautiful seasides. Yeah, lots of beachfront property. Yes, I think that's perfect. I think like, I think like vacation resort, tropical paradises. All right, we basically created the garden planet of Naboo, but that's fine. Yeah, you're so right. Shit, we accidentally Nabooed accidentally. I didn't accidentally. We'll we'll call this baneu for now. Yeah, our planet, our planet baneu. And I think that's, you know, unless we want to talk more about what's going on with this planet side feature life, planet side peril, planet side opportunity. I think we can kind of start talking about the other one, the yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I think I have a name for this one, too. Go ahead. Yeah, baneu. No, I think we should call it, and this may be a vampire, the masquerade reference, but it's all that's stuck in my head lately. But I think we should call it Enoch, which is the biblical first city. It's E N O C H. And it was like considered to be an outright paradise, like a beautiful place to live where, like, like original utopia, basically. Gotcha. It works well with this place. Do we want to come up with a name for the vault? Is it called just the vault moon or the um, oh, we got to come up with a cool name because if the jungle is using it as like a religious front or political front to control people, yeah, it has to have an image that's
Starting point is 00:57:30 bigger than Enoch. Oh, God, you know, with this whole precursor vault vibe that we've been going with, you know, the last one was super trippy. Remember, it was like an MCS training was always changing and we definitely implied that it was probably created by aliens or another race. I like the religious angle that like maybe there's a legend that maybe it's called Pandora, maybe there's maybe they think there's a treasure inside or something like that. Or maybe it's Shangri-La, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I love that. We could also try to roll for it. There might be some names. We can roll for it. Maybe it's going to give us something that that's better than we're thinking. I also like giving it an ominous one word name like the relic
Starting point is 00:58:17 or or something like that or which I know is pretty close to the vault already, but I'm brainstorming more than anything. Let's roll the relics. The relics. Good. Let's see. Starship's characters vault precursor vaults. All right. Let's see. Maybe rolling to define the vault will help us better understand. I love that idea. You're so right. All right. First, what is the shape of it? Roll the D 100. All right. We have a nine. Interesting. Interesting. Practical or functional? So I suppose a globe makes sense. Yeah. Practical or functional. We could do like a big cube. A cube or shapes or a big old pyramid. I like the idea of this big like Illuminati pyramid in the sky. What would make it practical? I guess it would make it practical if it was big enough,
Starting point is 00:59:13 if it was like moon size. So it actually did promote a tides and seasons. You know what I mean? Yeah. You know what I would love too is, okay, obviously this planet has a sun, right? Yeah. Yeah. Maybe the sun in this area is much more powerful than ours in real life in Earth. Okay. And so maybe whatever this vault is provides shade for the planet. Like it's always in perfect orbit for casting shadow enough to block out the incredible sun in the sky. I mean, they still get sunshine, but they get the appropriate amount because it's filtered through this like eclipsing relic over the sky. So is the relic like a lens? Is it like a piece of diffusion or, you know, does it cut out the light? Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 01:00:11 Surge. I wasn't thinking that, but I think that's incredible. Yeah. I was thinking like shade, but lens makes so much more sense. I mean, I guess it's like not a lens because then we'd burn like ants, right? But no, no, it's like a filter. Yes, a filter. It's like a deflecting filter. Interesting. And for the planet. It immediately makes me think, okay, these precursors built this vault to help this planet kind of bring breed life. You know, it's a habitable planet because of the relic or because of this item. Yes. Oh, and it gives so much credence to what we put together with, you know, people using this relic is a reason for why they should have power because then, you know, anytime the jungle is challenged, they can say, well, you can't go there. They're the only
Starting point is 01:01:03 reason this planet is, you know, alive is because of the relic or whatever the vault. So we'll say that the relic is a precursor vault that is self sustaining. Like it just, it doesn't need anybody to operate and it perfectly orbits the planet enough to give it a, I guess it, I guess it wouldn't really be a moon, but it would always cover the sun. So like if you were to look up at the sun, the sun would be heavily tinted by this thing. Yeah. It's almost like, like shades, like sunglasses around our atmosphere. So it doesn't really rotate. It doesn't, it doesn't rotate the planet. It always is kind of like geosynchronous, geosynchronously, right? Linked. Yeah. I love that idea of like, it is the ominous shape in the sky that never changes position. I think that's rocking. So it
Starting point is 01:02:00 keeps the, the, the sun's intense rays from cooking the planet and has clearly helped develop life on the planet. The whole planet itself is kind of part of the vault in a way. Maybe that's something people haven't realized that there's a connection between the vault and the planet. They're connected in some way. Yeah. It's being kept alive for a reason or something like that. Exactly. All right. So we decided the shape. We don't really need to decide the material. I mean, it's obviously like metallic or something like that. Yeah. I sort of like crystalline or glass like, because then that fits with our narrative of the, the filter, the shade. All right. So that, are we saying that it's predominantly crystalline or glass like, like even yeah, I like the idea of it being like
Starting point is 01:02:56 pearlescent or opalescent where, or translucent in that pearlescence as well of like the shining, almost shaded diamond in the sky. Crystalline, glass like, let's then decide the outer first look. I just want to say that like playing this game with you is always so great because it gives me an opportunity to come here and just spout off whatever acid trip is stuck in my head. Well, and then I love to hear that. I mean, it's funny how, you know, just rolling a die and looking at a prompt will just suddenly a flood of thoughts will kind of come to you of, oh, it could be this and it could be connected in this way. It's really interesting. It really is. And I love it because it is sort of like an original content brainstorming device. So much of this game of like,
Starting point is 01:03:53 it is there absolutely to give you what it is, but it also is there to give you ideas of what it could be, what you're going to make it into. And the fact that, you know, we set some things up earlier in this. And now just seconds later, we're like, oh, that's why that is. Yeah, it's really cool to find out why we set our own bullshit. Like, it's great. All right, let's make one final role for this, this relic. Roll a D 100. Let's see what the outer first look is. Maybe there's something interesting about the outer first look. A 37. 37. Energy core or conduit. Energy core or conduit. I mean, maybe honestly, maybe the thing is powered by the sun, like why wouldn't it? It absorbs the sun and then filters
Starting point is 01:04:41 out, you know, all the bad radiation stuff. Maybe it absorbs that radiation. What if there's like a permanent sun flare that's sort of shot at that pyramid at all times. And so, like, you do get this picture of a beam from the sun that's firing and then focal pointing into the pyramid and then being diverted through the filter. Oh, that's interesting. I like the idea of that's why this lens is here, at least why scientists have theorized why it's here, is because there are a lot of sun flares, a lot of sun flare ups, and they would be devastating to the planet if it wasn't for this thing. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. Now I'm trying to think of like a name, like, because now you just mentioned something about like seeing the lens flares,
Starting point is 01:05:31 like what if, what if you could see those flares in the lens and sometimes it looked like a person or a creature or something, you know, I'm thinking of the Phoenix or I'm thinking of, yeah, you know, it becomes symbolic in that way, like, oh, some, you know, some image is appearing. Oh, I love that. If you want 51 or greater, it's a person. 51 or less, it's a, it's a creature image or something like that. Yeah, let's decide that. All right, roll a D100. Good. Okay, it's, it's a person. It's a person. It's a person. It seems that every few years or months or something, there's a flare. It looks like you want to say something. Yeah, I want you to finish your thought. No, I'm done. Go ahead. Okay, I had like a brain blast of like, what if
Starting point is 01:06:25 part of the reason why no one has decided to open this damn thing is because they think they're waiting for some profit? Like the person that flares up in this, the sun flare against the pyramid, what if they're waiting for that person to reveal themselves and that's why the vault hasn't been opened? Something, and it couldn't even, like it doesn't even have to be true necessarily, but what if that runs back to part of the reason why some people don't want to open this thing is, you know, they want to know who this prophet from the skies is to quote Eli there. Prophet who is destined to open the vault, but people still kind of pass it on and own it, but nobody ever goes into it. Okay, interesting. All right, I think we've kind of done all that
Starting point is 01:07:21 we should do and I think we just need to define this orbital space station and maybe make a final role to kind of bring the session to a close. We're very close. Sounds good to me. So the first thing we want to do is we want to talk about the orbital station. Let's go to here. Let me find 144. All right, we want, we don't want planets. Let's see if we can find a settlement, settlement name, starships, starship mission. We could be, it could be like a big starship, um, derelict. It could be a derelict. It could be like a giant meteor that was, I don't know, once inhabited or something. It might be a little bit too much precursor stuff. Yeah. Let's see. I'm trying to find something other than settlement starship. It might have to be
Starting point is 01:08:27 a settlement. Let's go to page 160 and just decide it's an orbital settlement and let's roll a D hundred to just determine the first look of this place. Okay. First look. A 69. Nice. All day long. Rolling those 69s. It is, it has rustic architecture, rustic architecture. So, this is funny because this goes in line with what I was thinking before I could even voice it. Oh, really? I was thinking like intergalactic truck stop or rest stop where like, just like you were saying, this is where all of the miners meet up. And maybe there's even like a mine shaft down to a planet where they're doing a huge amount of the mining. But the actual station is where everyone comes to take their breaks or to rest or to sleep or to live, whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:09:27 And it's like space truckers, you know? It's space, you know, cowboy bebop, space western. So, it's rustic in the sense that it's well lived in and there is, you know, probably a lot of like, you know, random like creature heads on the wall that people have hunted and Yeah, leather chairs. It's about as blue-collar as you can get in space. Gotcha. And you can get into the, in the expanse. Let's, let's roll the authority. Let's decide what the authority is like on this. Roll the D100. Dirty two. Dirty two. They are tolerant. The authority here is tolerant. That's good. Uh, let's see. I'm going to make a little, oh, there's our orbital space station.
Starting point is 01:10:17 The authority is tolerant. And what was our last decision? It was a Rustic. Yeah, rustic. Rustic Trek staff. Architecture. I even like the idea of maybe it has its own atmosphere. And so like, you can build like less traditional things on it. Like you could see like houses built into it. Like maybe like imagine like a, a disc like, you know, like a top. Think of like a spinning top, but there's like buildings and stuff built on it because it's, it kind of has its own gravity and its own orbit and its own atmosphere. Its own like terraformed place of living. I love that. I love that to death. So yeah, it just doesn't at all look like what you would expect a space station to look like.
Starting point is 01:11:10 We could decide the initial contact. That would be, we haven't gotten there yet, but maybe we can just decide what their personalities are like. Roll the D100. All right. And we might have to ignore this, but let's just see what we get. A 98. It says derelict. Derelicts meaning I'm not sure what. Maybe it's built on a derelict station, but we could also just ignore that. Yeah. If you're not feeling anything about that. I don't know. I think there could be something said about like, maybe this used to be a happening place, but now it's sort of a ghost town. There are still people there and there are still miners, but maybe derelict means that the mine has gone dry. Yeah. And the rustic architecture
Starting point is 01:12:04 also kind of symbolizes, it's just a little rundown. Maybe not derelict literally like it's an ancient ship, but maybe it's just been around a long time and no ship has come out to the expanse to kind of refurbish it or anything. So it's old. Yeah. Think of like a gold rush town that ran out of gold. Yes. We were famous one day and we've got a museum to it at the end of the hall, but we're not that anymore. We have settlement projects. We did kind of decide that this was a frontier town, a trading town. So we can kind of just decide that if we want to keep with that. So it's a trading outpost, but I'm sure there's lodging and all kinds of stuff. Let's decide a settlement trouble. Roll a D 100 and see if this trouble makes it any more interesting
Starting point is 01:13:00 to us. Okay. Let's see. There we go. It is a 93 rolling high today. I know. All right. Not when I need it. 93 roll twice. So roll two more D hundreds and those are going to be the settlement troubles. All right. We're in a lot of trouble. Get to a 73 and a 97 73 strange phenomenon. But a 97 roll twice. Okay. So we have a lot of interesting shit. Yeah. Give me another two D hundred. Got it. 37 and a 14 37. Okay. A 14 clash of cultures. I'm just writing these down. Clash of cultures. And then with what was it 37? Was the other one? Yes. 37 was the other one. Hazardous environment. So we have a strange phenomenon, a clash of cultures and a hostile
Starting point is 01:14:23 environment. Wow. Maybe the strange phenomenon is creating the hostile environment that is making culture clash. Let's really give this a TTRPG like quest town vibe. All right. So we've already established that the mine ran dry, right? Yeah. Maybe it ran dry because down in the mine shaft of this planet that they've been taking for years because this is the big gold rush orbital station that's going to make everybody rich. Maybe they broke into something they shouldn't have. And they found a pocket within the core of that world that unleashed something they couldn't stop. And so now there's a whole portion of the orbital station that no one goes to. Oh, interesting. No one says, you know, you can't go past floor 60 or whatever because
Starting point is 01:15:19 that belongs to the entity or whatever it is. And that clash of cultures is that whatever that is is coming after the rest of the orbital station. Absolutely. And it does support the whole derelict aspect that we described of the ship. Like a whole half of it just isn't useful anymore. Yeah. This strange phenomenon, a clash of cultures in a hostile environment. Yeah, obviously the environment is now hostile. There something was unleashed that attacks people or kills people. I'm getting like ghost vibes. I'm getting like, yeah. What was that final fantasy movie the spirits within or something like that, you know, yeah. Oh, yeah. So maybe the clash of cultures is also like limited resources. What do we do next? There's just a lot of disagreement
Starting point is 01:16:06 about what is done. Oh, so okay, so we had a tolerable like government, right? Yes. Let's just stick with this whole space Western that we've set up, right? Maybe there is like a deputized like law enforcement that has become in charge of the orbital station since they lost their mayor or governor or company lead, but whoever was in charge before is gone. And now the only one's left is this community elected official. I see. And that official is getting so much flak from two different parties within the orbital station. One that believes we should go down and kill this thing. And the other that believes that we should, you know, do everything we can to separate ourselves from the station that we should leave. I see. One side
Starting point is 01:17:00 thinks we should survive. Maybe even talks of like leaving the derelict. Exactly. Yeah. So there and tolerant is maybe he implying that he's trying to keep the piece or trying to just strike a balance. Exactly. He's trying to do what's best for both parties that still keeps the orbital station alive. Okay. So this is interesting. So we come into a sector where there is this planet of Enoch and there is the orbital station, which we can decide what the name is, but the orbital station is kind of in peril. I would imagine a lot of people are trying to think about what to do. It's probably like the talk of the sector is this issue with the orbital station. Let's decide the name of the orbital station. Do you have a good idea in
Starting point is 01:17:52 mind? Oh, no, I don't. I wish I did. What could we, I think there are roles for this, but let's see. Oh, settlement name. Here we go. Roll a D 100. Oh, there we go. Let's do it. We got everything in this book. 99. 99. Let's go to what's happening today. Weyland. W-E-Y-L-A-N-D. Weyland. Weyland. Okay. Weyland Station. Weyland Station is what we'll call it. Maybe Weyland is the first family that, you know, initiated. Maybe it's the Weyland Company or something that started the mine. Do you realize, Caleb, that Weyland is the name of Weyland Yutani, the alien company? The company and alien? Yeah, their name is Weyland. Oh, I didn't know. Oh my God, that's incredible. I want to go back on the ghost stuff.
Starting point is 01:18:54 You're so right. Oh my God. I mean, known as the company. I've only known it as the company. I didn't even realize. Yeah, Weyland Yutani is the full name of the company that, you know, settles on the alien planet and all that stuff. We have to lean into this now. Okay. All right. It's got to be face huggers and aliens. We're just adopting all of these sci-fi tropes in our We've got Borderlands and Naboo on one side. We've got alien on the other. Okay, so strange phenomenon I think should be a little bit more than just aliens, though. Maybe the strange phenomenon is like we can't breathe their atmosphere or maybe they're invisible. And so the strange phenomenon is like strange shifting patterns and stuff. Let's make it like I know
Starting point is 01:19:52 I'm just stealing more material, but what is a DM unless he's stealing something, right? Yeah. They're stealing something. We should do it like it's the thing. Oh, whatever these things are, they can take people, they can become, they're like parasites, they can infest people in the station. Maybe the strange phenomenon is that people are disappearing, but then reappearing or Yeah, and they're not the same. They're they're imposters in some way. Yeah. Strange phenomenon is people are disappearing and becoming pod people or or or or mimics of themselves. Yeah, maybe maybe it's like it's not even a good mimic. Like I like the idea of it's sort of like like skinwalk or folklore or like body changer idea of like the the doppelgangers think that they
Starting point is 01:20:58 have a strong grasp on what humanity is, but it's this warped perception. So it's sort of like uncanny valley when they come back. All right. All right. All right. Let I want to lean into this because there's an episode of Star Trek Voyager where the the ship everyone on the ship doesn't realize that they are they're basically a mimic of the real ship and all the real crew. And it's like a planet that like copied the ship and like sent a copy of itself off, but the farther away it gets into deteriorates. So what if like people are disappearing, coming back, but then like a few days later they melt in the mud or something like that. Like they're oh god, like incredible. Yeah, like the mimics are the doppelgangers are not fully realized, but they think they're themselves.
Starting point is 01:21:52 This is maybe getting too convoluted, but I love this idea of like, okay, so they do deteriorate and they fall apart, but they're also sort of like naturally dangerous, very dangerous to be around in terms of personality. Maybe as they deteriorate they go crazy or something. Exactly right. And I think that maybe it's a part of the community that it has become normal that if someone comes back and they're not themselves, that you're not supposed to draw attention to it. Like there are these people who are changed completely by the situation, but the minute that they're called out as being whatever that other thing is, they become manic and they attack and they take over. That's a terrifying existential situation because like I know you've come back from
Starting point is 01:22:49 disappearing for a couple of days, you're probably a doppelganger, but if I bring it to your attention then I could lose my life on your reaction. That's a weird setup. I really like that. That's interesting. Okay, it's great if we get involved too because then you have this character of the law enforcement, whoever that is, and then us involved of like, how are we going to navigate who's who and whether we accuse them of such? Well, I think we find ourselves having created our sector. We have to think about the fact that the Stargate is one of these elements of this sector, probably a Stargate that has not been used in a very long time. And so it's pretty unusual that it opens up and a ship comes out of it. Let's say that the ship comes out and maybe we do a scan
Starting point is 01:23:47 of the sector or maybe not, but the point is is that we could go to either of these places or we could explore other elements of the expanse. We'll figure that out next session, but I think we have a very interesting sector to play with. Yeah, I'm really excited for whatever the rest of our crew does with it. Yeah, we still need to find a new home. Whether we find it in this sector is up for grabs. The other thing is we have to find the other Stargate if we aren't happy with this sector, you know what I mean? So very true. There's there's lots more to do. Well, I think that was an incredible session of world building and playing. Thank you, Caleb. Of course, thank you for having me. Guys, thank you for watching us. I hope you guys have enjoyed seeing
Starting point is 01:24:36 the way Starforged works and all the fun, creative stuff you can do with the engine. If you like Starforged, definitely check out the Kickstarter, which I think you can still buy into. Check out Iron Sworn. They are amazing. I believe let's see. is where you want to go if you want to buy a copy of this. Thank you to Sirenscape and Tabletop Audio, who has been doing or allowing us to use our audio or music for all of this. Caleb, what do we have coming up that we should mention? Oh, man. I mean, the the most notable thing and the thing I'm most excited about is our Orpheus stream. It's going to be coming up in September with Vince from Black Project Gaming. He's going to be playing. He's going to be yamming for us, which is incredible to think. I mean,
Starting point is 01:25:30 I know we've played a game with him before, and that was one of my favorite sort of alternative projects we've done. But I'm really excited to see him behind this project because he's going to be doing World of Darkness's Orpheus, which is a lesser known version of the World of Darkness sort of Wraith environment. And it's a self-contained adventure, which is going to take over, you know, basically, I think it's a couple source books that we're going to go through in session for about a year that we'll be playing this. And it will be the first time that anyone's attempted to do all of it on stream for people to watch. I'm really excited to go through that. There's going to be seven players as well. That's going to be interesting. It's going to be wild. Very important
Starting point is 01:26:18 as well as this Friday. Eli is running a new Ashoka one shot. I'm very excited for that. I'm very excited to see what lore we learn about Ashoka in this one shot. I'm really, really excited. They let me play a elf in Ashoka for the first time. Nice. Yeah, we'll get to see those big old cheeks clapping. So we have you, we have Zakiya, and we have some folks from Cast Die podcast. Absolutely. We also have Lex, our resident Dembo from Twitter coming through. And so we're going to have that beautiful Mayday Cast Die and Taitanomaki. I hope I said that correctly. I think you are. I think you're saying it right. But we're going to have that great conglomeration. I mean, the best people ever. I mean, Lex is a saint. So I think it's going to
Starting point is 01:27:08 be a lot of fun. I can't wait to watch it. Folks, if you enjoy what we do, remember we do have a Patreon or you can subscribe to us on Twitch. Either one would be a lovely way of supporting us. Guys, thank you again. Thank you, Caleb, for another great session. Oh, I always forget this until the very last roll. Roll the D6 and let's see who comes next. We'll say one is, we'll just go alphabetical. Aaron, Allegra, Amanda, and then there's you and Eli and Zakiya. Okay. Four. So who did I say? One, two, three. I think it was Eli. I think Eli is who I said, because it was Aaron, Allegra, Amanda, Eli. Eli is going to knock this out of the sky. I cannot wait to see where they go and what they do. Absolutely. All right,
Starting point is 01:28:02 guys, we will see you next time. Bye. Bye. So so so

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