Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 8

Episode Date: September 15, 2021

Listen, no one ever said Sergio was a poet, okay?...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder if you're forged. That is the kind of poetry that comes out of the mind of Allegra, one of the cast members of Payday Roleplay. I saw that tweet today and it was just like, I gotta recite this on the stream. Welcome everyone to Mayday's Star Forge stream. I'm Sergio and today I am honored to have the incredible Eli with me. How are you Eli? I'm good.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Happy Tuesday. What's up? Happy Tuesday. Not much is up other than it's seven o'clock, which means it's time to play some Star Forged with one of my pals who I have dragged into this through the fate of dice. So I guess I should kind of start by kind of making some sense of what has happened since the last time. I think Caleb was the player last time and we made it, that's right, and we made it out
Starting point is 00:01:19 of the void. We found a Stargate, we went through that Stargate after solving some Star Forged-like problems about it, and we ended up in the Expanse. We know that the Expanse is a slightly more populated area. It's kind of like where miners and explorers and people who are just kind of looking at the outermost edges of the galaxy or of the forge go. So it's not super populated. So we spent some time, that's very nice of you to say, Parker Woodley, I just know this
Starting point is 00:01:57 in the chat. Thank you. We spent a little time kind of designing what's going on in this sector of the Expanse. And what we know for sure, or at least what we the players know, is that there is a planet called Enoch, and Enoch is like a super heavy populated, kind of like an earth, like a really habitable planet, but it's overcrowded. And the reason it's overcrowded is because the moon of Enoch is a vault. It's like a precursor vault, some alien vault.
Starting point is 00:02:33 It's literally like a big lens in the sky that keeps out all the dangerous radiation coming from the sun of this sector, right? And then the only other thing of note is that there is a space station named Weyland Station. I'm not going to go into the details of that because hopefully you've forgotten and it'll be a little bit of a surprise if we go to Weyland Station. But really my question to you today, Eli, is we don't have to go to any of these places if we don't want to. We have a very specific goal in mind.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Nikata wants to find a home for the Ironlanders. Are they going to take some time to get to know the sector? Or are they just going to kind of cruise around and look for a place to call home and maybe run into Enoch or the Weyland Station? Is the ship good? Are we good on ship like health wise? That's a great question. Let's look at your assets.
Starting point is 00:03:32 The ship is currently at a plus four at a plus five, which is pretty good in terms of the ship health. So that's okay. Your health is at two, so it's pretty low. Your spirit's at four, so it could be higher. Health seems to be the main thing that's standing out at this point. So it sounds like you are considering maybe like a sojourn or a heal. Yeah, I definitely need a heal.
Starting point is 00:04:03 But my biggest concern here is that if the planet's overcrowded and there's only like how many of us now like 40 of us now, we've lost like 10, we've lost like five people. Yeah, through comedic hijinks, we've lost quite a few. That's the worst way to lose people, Sergio, through hijinks. At the butt end of a joke. That's terrible. I feel like fighting over a planet that's overcrowded might not be a vital situation for us. Yeah, I don't think Enoch is really a good choice.
Starting point is 00:04:37 The question is, do we come upon it by accident or do we do like a scan of the sector and KB gives us an idea because there's a good chance that the Ironlanders don't know anything about Enoch or Weyland Station and they come to learn of it. You know what I mean? Like by landing and like finding out first hand or getting close to it. I just think that you're in a giant part of a sector of space. Like you kind of have to figure out what's here. If you want, we could make a gather information roll that would determine how much we know
Starting point is 00:05:10 about this sector. Let's do that. Let's do that. All right. So we're going to do a gather information. What'd you say? Is that a wits roll? It's a wits roll.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Yes. So you're going to make a wits roll. I think Nakata has assets that give you a gather, yeah. So when you secure an advantage or gather information using your knowledge of life forms or planet side ecosystems, you can add plus one. If you can convince me how you are using that ability to make a scan of the area, I will allow that plus one. Couldn't I use KB to help me scan the planet and then I would be able to like interpret
Starting point is 00:05:57 what KB can read. If you were to look out the ship right now, I think you'd just see stars. You wouldn't see planets. Let's start with the basis that all you know right now is that there is a star gate behind you and there is open space in front of you. So this gather information is going to determine how much we know I think about this place. In a meta sense. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah. All right. So roll plus wits plus one because you are probably just you know scanning for planets, scanning for habitable planets and you are knowledgeable about that kind of stuff. It's a weak hit. A weak hit. All right. That's a nine and then the challenge I was a seven and a nine.
Starting point is 00:06:45 So on a weak hit, the information provides new insight but also complicates your quest and vision what you discover. Take plus one momentum. The new insight. What? Yeah. Go ahead. Well, I imagine if we came through a star gate that hasn't been used that would be alarming
Starting point is 00:07:12 to anybody. Yeah. What it would be registered on some security level. Absolutely. So I imagine that's the overall consequence. Okay. But will we be able to see everything though the planet, Wayland station, all that stuff though?
Starting point is 00:07:30 The weak hit is technically a success. So yeah, I think and that's what kind of complicates the quest is like, oh, hey, there's this perfect planet but it's currently completely occupied by you know some group of humans or something. Maybe we don't necessarily learn that the relic or that moon that is surrounding it is of any importance or that it's a vault or anything like that. But the new insight, yeah, would probably be also that there are people in this sector and they're probably aware of us or quickly becoming aware of us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:04 All right. Okay. So that's what we kind of gleaned from this. So with that knowledge that we've gained, what would Nikata's next move be? Would it be to communicate or would it be to try to lay low? I would say lay low because we're just not in a very good position to be like overrun by people. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:25 So one ship. So then if this sector is not worth spending time in, then or at least to Nikata's point of view, then the quest would then be to find the next Stargate to the next sector or would it be to maybe go a little bit farther out and keep seeing what we discover or? So Stargates are just like one way. So like if we went back through our original Stargate, we would just go back to the void. If we went back to that particular Stargate, yeah, I'm going to just say that it's probably like imagine doors that just go into another room.
Starting point is 00:09:08 If you were, if you imagine the forge, it's circular. So if we're in the expanse, which is a ring, you could either go deeper into the forge farther out of the forge or into another sector in the current area that you're in. Does that make sense? So if we were to find another Stargate, it would either lead us to deeper within the forge or it would take us to another part of the expanse's sector, which might have different planets or other sites of interest. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Then yeah, then I definitely want to go look for another Stargate for us to hop through. Okay. We rolled well enough on that last gather information roll that I think we could decipher where the next Stargate is. We have the maps that were taken from that last place. All right. So how do we make it a little bit? How don't we bring that weak hit into it?
Starting point is 00:10:07 You find out that there is another Stargate, but what's the complication? I would say the bigger complication would probably be the jungle would probably like be notified of a Stargate opening, right? If it's not common place for the void to have gates open, then I would say that would be the biggest threat or notification. So then is the threat, is the goal to get to the next Stargate and the threat is that the jungle might catch up with us before we get to that next Stargate? Is it now just a race of getting out of this sector?
Starting point is 00:10:51 Because I would feel like there would be more common here than there would be where we were originally were. For sure. So yeah, I would say that they would be more like starting to go and patrol and check out other Stargates to see if they can intercept us at some point. Okay, got it. I think that makes total sense. We're going to add a new vow, which is going to really just be more like a progress track.
Starting point is 00:11:17 We are going to get to the next Stargate and the menace would be the jungle catches up with us. Let me ask you this. Do we want to decide right now where that Stargate goes because we could roll on it and it could go randomly or we could just decide it definitely goes in this particular direction that we want to go. Like do you want to continue exploring the expanse or do you want to go deeper into the forge closer to civilization, possibly just closer also to more planets period?
Starting point is 00:12:00 I want to give the expanse another try because I feel like this expanse is like a happy medium for like what we want. That's true. Okay. All right. So we're going to get to the next Stargate, which is going to lead us to another sector. Okay. I think that this is going to be a formidable challenge because we're trying to get through
Starting point is 00:12:27 somewhere. We've already established the jungle is aware of us and who knows, maybe there is something still in this sector that is going to be of interest, but we'll only find out until we start doing it. And by doing it, I mean travel. So do you think we should undertake an expedition or what is the next move? Um, yeah, I think we should start undergoing an expedition. I mean, can, can we heal as we travel?
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah. Yes. I think that you can totally heal. I just wonder kind of narratively if it doesn't make sense though, first to start on, start on a travel and then take a break to heal so that we can like kind of establish how good or bad our travel begins. Yeah. Because otherwise travel, travel first and then heal.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Yes. Okay. All right. Um, I just see it as like we enter the sector, we do a scan of the area, then we're like, all right, what's our next move? We just need to find a new sector. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:44 We just got to get, just got to get out of here. I really wonder how long this can last though for the tribe as their ship is old and beat up and eventually the jungle will probably get ahold of them. But you know, we'll, we'll, we'll see what happens. So we are going to make a undertaken expedition role. Okay. Uh, you are going to roll with either edge, shadow or wits, whatever you think is more appropriate.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I want to say edge because we just want to push out of this first leak. We don't want to stick around. We just, we just want to get out of here. All right. Roll plus edge. And I don't think there's any bonuses through your assets, but we can check that. Vehicle, when you undertake an expedition edge and you roll a strong hit with six on your action die, take plus two momentum.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Well, we'll, we'll consider that. I don't know if that will happen, but just keep that in mind. Okay. But no, no extra modifiers. I don't think so. Uh, when you make, uh, that's fine. Another weak hit. A weak hit.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Okay. On a weak hit, you reach a way point, envision the location and mark progress as per the rank of the expedition, but this progress costs you. So the first thing we'll do is we'll make sure that Nikata, uh, your progress on getting to the next star gate goes up by one and we can roll a way point. Let's see, pay the price. Let's go to the handy dandy book. Let's roll on the action and theme.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Well, let's see, descriptor focus. Let's roll descriptor, roll a D hundred. Tell me what you get 15, 15 interesting captured is the description captured, uh, rolling D hundred, roll another D hundred and we'll find the focus of it. What, what, what is this thing that is captured or hearts and minds? And eight captured atmosphere, a captured atmosphere. This was a weak hit. So it's technically a success of some kind.
Starting point is 00:16:41 It's not like we're about to get attacked by something strange, but it is a captured atmosphere. I, this is not really related, but maybe it will become. I always thought it would be interesting to see a story set in space where there were like breathable atmospheres on a ship where you could be like outside of the ship. Like you could be on like a patio, you know, in space, you know what I'm saying? Oh, where there was a breathable atmosphere, maybe the shield is keeping it in or something. But that's what I think of when I think of a captured atmosphere, like a ship that has
Starting point is 00:17:22 captured an atmosphere. That's very nice. Because the thing I thought about was terrible. Sergio, hey, well, we roll the weekend. So maybe we ignore that terrible idea. I thought of a black hole as a captured atmosphere. Well, we could find a black hole, but I don't think we have to be sucked into that black hole.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I like a black hole. Yeah, it's that's I don't know. That's what I thought of initially. If you would like to pass by a black hole, you certainly can. It is a it is just a waypoint on our journey. OK. All right. So so describe to me this this black hole that is capturing an atmosphere. What does that look like?
Starting point is 00:18:10 Um, I mean, I feel like it's like off in the distance because like black holes just like eventually has like a gravitational pull and it just like pulls things eventually into it. So I think that's what we're feeling is just like as we are just like beaming away from Enoch, eventually, like we just start to feel like we're just drifting uncontrollably. And as we're like like the normal and then as we like are doing that, like we look out into the distance and you just see like that black hole
Starting point is 00:18:39 just like far, far, far away. But it's just even though it's so small in the distance, it has such a like a giant pool and you can kind of give a sense that it's like very strong and dangerous kind of thing. Yeah. And it would kind of explain why this part of the experience is not super populated. I mean, these these planets exist almost of possibly close to a black hole.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I'd like to think it would be cool if maybe one planet got too close to the black hole and that's what the atmosphere is. Is like you can see the planet being torn apart and sucked into this black hole. That would be cool. Terrifying. That's awesome. Yeah. Well, that is all that we need to mark in terms of the the start of this expedition. However, we do have to suffer a suffer move or we face a peril. Do you want to roll for the peril or do you want to make a suffer move?
Starting point is 00:19:34 Maybe, you know, the turbulence may have harmed somebody or it's a little what's it called a stressful to be so close to a black hole? What do you think? Yeah, I mean, I would say it would be stressful. We never seen something like that before. And if we just watch the giant planet get eaten, that, you know, that's like, oh, cool. Add that to the list of troubles. We're making that sanity roll for the for the iron.
Starting point is 00:20:06 So you are going to roll a suffer move. Let me pull those up. You're going to endure stress. You need to reduce your spirit by one. And then you either are going to roll spirit or heart, whichever is higher. And I think your spirit is higher. So roll that and hopefully you roll well. That's another week hit.
Starting point is 00:20:32 OK, on a week hit, if you are not shaking, which you are not, you may lose momentum in exchange for plus one spirit. So you could either reduce your momentum by one and gain a spirit or keep your spirit as is. I think I'm going to keep my spirit as it is. All right. If you travel through any more Stargates, can you see if James Spader still hanging around? He's in one of them. I know that for sure.
Starting point is 00:21:03 We'll find them by maybe we'll find Spader that we can name an NPC Spader. How about that? Because it's a good name. Jay Spader. All right. So maybe the next higher lander will be called Spader. Oh, that'd be dope. All right. So are I forgot what you just did.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Did you decide to gain that spirit back or? No, I decided to they keep my spirit as is. All right. Good. The next step is to either heal or to continue to undertake an expedition. Um, yeah, I want to heal. All right. We definitely need to heal before we we keep traveling. So Nakata takes some time to look at her wounds and tend to them. We're going to make a.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Heal to recover. And let's see what you have to do. When you receive medical care or provide treatment, envision the situation and roll. If you receive treatment from someone, you'll roll iron. If you mend your own wounds, it'll be wits. If you have a companion do it for you, it'd be heart. If you provide care, then you would be rolling wits.
Starting point is 00:22:20 I think wits and heart are probably your. Yeah, wits and heart are your best stats. So however you want to flavor it about whether you do it yourself or whether you have a companion do it for you. I feel like by now we should have at least somebody who is medically inclined in our, in our sick bay, like just, you know, so I'm going to, I'm going to go reach out to somebody to heal my wounds. At the moment, funny enough, I think your only real bond is Dagger,
Starting point is 00:22:50 the space vampire who who's in love with you. But there's also a person named Kano. They are the old, they are your older sibling. They are aggressively optimistic. And do we want to say that they are the, the medic? Yes, I absolutely. Yes, hell yeah. So Kano, you go straight to Kano and they look you over
Starting point is 00:23:15 and they probably see that you need some sleep and you need some healing. So you are going to roll, I believe, heart. Yes. Heart. Heart. Heart. Damn, that's a miss. And that momentum is not high enough.
Starting point is 00:23:34 On a miss, the aid is ineffective and the situation worsens, pay the price. God damn it. Roll the D100. Let's see what that price is. And maybe this will help us understand how you are not healed. Doesn't mean we can't try the move again, but we're going to suffer some kind. Dirty five, something of value is lost or destroyed. Something of value.
Starting point is 00:24:08 What is it that Kata have that's valuable? I mean, her skills as a pilot, she has a spacesuit. They have they don't have a space shotgun. I mean, maybe, maybe. Maybe Kano is lost. Maybe it's something, not some one. Something.
Starting point is 00:24:41 That's. If you want, it could be maybe damage is taken by the ship or. We could just say time is is wasted. I mean, if we're still kind of in that black hole area, I would say we're just slowly kind of being pulled in, if that's a dire enough consequence for a miss. It's interesting, interesting. I do think it is a dire enough consequence. Yeah, maybe, maybe you don't have time to heal because you're immediately
Starting point is 00:25:23 called back to, you know, the helm because the trajectory is now where it's like, oh, oh, in a matter of time, we're going to start going backwards because of yeah, we're going like too far into it, and it's hard to try to pull out of it. So it's going to require more time and strength. Yes, yes. Just when we leave the black hole, it pulls us back in. How about how about we make some kind of move to determine whether we get the hell out of here?
Starting point is 00:25:53 We could either undertake an expedition, but we'll say that you have to roll a strong hit. Otherwise, you're still kind of drifting or you could try to face danger and maybe make some extreme maneuvers. Um, yeah, let's face danger. Let's let's do that. Yeah, let's say that that Nikata is using some of her like strength to try to like maneuver herself into a position where she can kind of like
Starting point is 00:26:21 Tokyo drift out of this gravitational pull. Whenever possible, we try to any vehicle we have. Today's no exception. We're going to roll plus edge, which moving with speed, mobility or agility. You're facing danger. You might have a plus one to this. Your ship, no, undertaking expedition. Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:45 No, not when you face danger. OK, it's a strong hit. Nice. Let's let's go. Excellent. On a strong hit, you are successful. Take plus one momentum. Your momentum goes up by one and explain to me how you managed to Tokyo drift out of this black holes effect.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Yeah, I think like like Nikata is just like Ben like just. Going with like the motion for a while, but then she kind of like sees like other rocks and other stuff kind of like pooling. But then they kind of like like the gravitational pulls like weird and it kind of just like moves faster in certain places. So Nikata uses that to kind of like lean into it and then uses it with all of her like strength she has and then tries and manages to pull the ship out enough of the pool to be able to at least dislodge them from it.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Amazing. All right. So we make it out and now it's safe to undertake an expedition and continue on our journey. Are you ready to do that? Yes, let's do it. Let's go. Are we still rolling edge? Yes, because I don't think we we care. I do think you can add plus one because of your assets.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Let me look here real quick. Yeah, undertaking expedition. No, you'll roll edge. If you roll a six on your action die, you gain plus two momentum. That's all that is. OK, cool. So when you're ready, we kit. All right, give me one second. I'm updating the thing.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Here we go. All right. We kit. Here we go. On a week hit, you reach a waypoint, vision the location and mark progress. But this progress costs you. So we're going to either make a suffer move or a peril move. I think what we should do first is mark that progress. That's one check mark. And then we're going to I think we should.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Unless you would like to suffer another move, let's roll on the peril. Yeah, no, let's do let's do peril this time. Roll a D 100. Let's see what space born peril we come upon. I hope it's a big creature in space. 36 intruder or stowaway creates trouble. An intruder or stowaway creates trouble. The last place we were docked was a ship that had been jammed.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Into the like doorway of the Stargate. Maybe there was a stowaway on there that had snuck onto our ship. OK, yeah, OK, all right. Well, geez, I just messed up my mind. Did we do we find people there at that? No, there was there was nobody in the ship, nobody. So no sign of life like who like any kind of person. No sign of life.
Starting point is 00:29:58 All right, who is this person now? Well, we can we can roll to determine that. Maybe Starforge has some interesting character choices. Otherwise, we can roll the Oracle and say something like, is this thing living or not living? Like maybe it's a robot or something. OK. That'll be out there. All right, so 51 or greater, it's living.
Starting point is 00:30:25 If it's under 50 or 51, then it's not living, but somehow sentient. Sixty one. So it is alive and somehow got past our sensors. Let's see if we can get their disposition. Create your character. Let's see. Characters page 168. Here we go. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:56 We can look up the first look, the disposition, the character role or the character goal. Or an aspect of the character. Let's do the first look since we have no idea what this person looks like. And we're all. Checking it out right now. Exactly. Rolly D 100.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Mm hmm. Sixty five. Sixty five. Scarred. I think it's scarred because it's not scared. Scared is spelled with one R. This is spelled with two R's. S C A R R E D.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I believe it's scarred. OK, let me look that up real quick. Yeah, yeah, definitely, definitely scarred. So that's the first look. This person is scarred. Maybe they have scars. Maybe they act as if they've been emotionally scarred. Let's check their disposition.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Roll another D 100. Fifty nine. Fifty nine is wanting their disposition is wanting. Wanting could be let's see. Let me describe wanting. Lacking in a certain required or necessary quality, not exist, not existing or supplied, absent. So either they are wanting something
Starting point is 00:32:26 or they are found wanting like they're missing something about them. Why does I wonder why Parker asks or says that I went to school in Alabama because it's very specific. Well, what were you thinking, Eli? Well, if if they're scarred, well, and you guys, the last place we saw was a broken up ship, I assume that maybe this person is injured in some way and now has gotten to a point where they can't hide anymore.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Maybe they were hoping to jump off somewhere at a certain point, but we haven't stopped at all. I see. So now they're getting to a part where they they need to kind of make their presence known or they're going to they're going to die. They're not going to make it. Gotcha. Gotcha. OK, I like this. So I kind of imagine they almost kind of fall out of
Starting point is 00:33:21 like a terminal or something. You know, like, yeah, like I imagine like just like doing all these like swift turns and stuff, getting out of this like previous debacle, just like shifted them one too many. Now, yeah, like sliding door opens. This person just like topples to the ground. We can determine their role or their goal. I think our goal, their goal seems a little obvious as in they are trying to.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Well, we don't really know what their goal is, because we don't know what that ship is all about. I think we kind of decided that the ship was. I mean, it could be anything, but that whole sector was about like, you know, the jungle doing experiments and kind of doing what they want in that area. Maybe those people were fleeing and got jammed in that door or something. You know, they could have been survivors of an experiment.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Yeah. Maybe we reveal a character aspect, roll a D hundred. And let's see if this kind of helps fill in some of the blanks. Sixty five. It's obsessed. They are obsessed. So it is a scarred person who is wanting, wanting something and who is obsessed with that want.
Starting point is 00:34:46 What do you think? Kind of bring the the circle to a completion? What do you who do you think this person is? And what do they want on the ship? Well, if if it is potentially a person from the void who is like, you know, I would say that this person just currently obsessed with like just general safety, like they could just be like, you know, like when a person gets to a certain state of just being like tired,
Starting point is 00:35:14 fatigued, injured and scared that they're just manic. And that's what this person is. Is there just like, just to a point where they just need, you know, just general help and they're just belligerent about it. Gotcha. Gotcha. All right. Help me. Oh, yeah, exactly. You're like like the cast away.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Does this person have a name? Well, people have names. So yes. Would you like to name them randomly? Do we do we want this to be spader? Maybe this is spader. That's what they introduce themselves as. I'm going to put them under our bonds, even though they're not really a bond yet.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I'm going to just say spader. They are a stove away from a failed experiment in the void. My spelling is all over the place with us. OK. And they are badly scarred and wanting medical attention and are obsessive about it. OK. So we have this person. What do we want to do with this person? Are we jettisoning them out the airlock?
Starting point is 00:36:39 Are we locking them up? Are we trying to talk some sense into them? Are we going to try to heal them? I think I think the first thing is first is that we try to get them at least to a state of chill. All right. We can try to compel them. OK. Let me pull up that move. When you try to persuade someone or make them an offer,
Starting point is 00:37:07 do you roll with heart, iron or shadow? With heart and trying to. Yeah, you're trying to charm or pacify or encourage them. Go ahead and roll heart. And hopefully you're able to calm this guy down. Chill, bro. Strong hit, mad chill. The chill vibes are strong with Nikata on a strong hit.
Starting point is 00:37:35 They'll do what you want and agree to your conditions. Take plus one momentum. Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet. Yeah, no, I'm just going to, you know, he's going to pop up. He's going to fall on the ground and then he's going to get up. He's going to start yelling that he needs help. Maybe he threatens some people in the process. And the Nikata is just going to be like, hey, man, we can do that for you.
Starting point is 00:37:55 It's perfectly OK, because I just want him to chill out because I'm not in the mood to fight anybody. He, how did he manage to get into our ship without anyone noticing? He might have a space suit, which is or he's an experiment. So maybe he naturally can do it because he's got camouflage skin or something. All right, OK, do we want to do we want to just say that? Or do we want to ask the Oracle?
Starting point is 00:38:28 No, I want I want to say that that's the thing. All right, so this dude turned invisible. How about 51 or greater? There are no complications with that under 51. There's some problem like he can do it, but only when he no one's looking at him or, you know, something dumb like that. But he look at me. That's a 92 92.
Starting point is 00:38:53 So there is no complication, I said. Fifty one is a yes. Fifty one or greater is considered yes. And I thought I was saying, yes, there's no complication. But maybe that's dumb of me. Did I say the other way around? I feel like it would be the other way around. If it was over 51, it would be a complication.
Starting point is 00:39:13 So there is a complication to him being able to turn invisible. Now, what I just referenced is a mystery men joke. You ever see that movie mystery men? Yeah, remember that there was a character that could only turn invisible if no one was looking at him. So what is his complication? What is the Spader's problem? Maybe it ties into his like physical injuries that requires aid.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Maybe he has to cover himself in his own blood. Maybe his blood is invisible. Maybe maybe there's something like he's got to feel pain in order to be invisible. Like it's a state of mind or getting weird. Like it or like it or like it just causes damage to his skin to be able to to turn it invisible or something like that. What if he like takes a drug that affects the way he looks?
Starting point is 00:40:13 Like he looks sickly and stuff. But when he takes it, he can turn invisible. Yeah, it's an injection or something, maybe even so like leaves wounds. OK, yeah, no, I like that shit. All right, he's got to he's got like these canisters or something. Eli when Eli likes that shit, you go with it. So we're going to go with the bond that he injects himself with a disfiguring
Starting point is 00:40:42 chemical that makes him temporarily in indivisible. All right, that's his story. Do you want to make a role to heal him? Or are you just going to let we'll figure out what we do with him later? No, I mean, I promise to heal him and I feel like Nikata is a person of their word. So all right. Yeah, when you are going to have it when you are healing someone else,
Starting point is 00:41:15 you're going to make a heel move. You're going to roll. Let's see, wits, you're providing care, you're rolling wits. Oh, no, it could be a complication or it could be a strong hit. Now, part of me wants to know what could make this man any more complicated than he already is. I mean, yeah, yeah, it's either going to be a critical failure or a success. Which one would you like?
Starting point is 00:41:55 I want the critical failure. I mean, it's not your critical failure. Like you're not going to. Well, we don't know that for sure, but we don't know that. All we know is that this heel is critically failing. I'm here for the drama. I want to know what Spader is all about. All of you are.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And that's why I love playing with you guys. So out of miss, the eight is it effective in the situation. Worsens pay the price. Roll a D hundred. We may lose Spader sooner than we thought. See what you get. 59. 59 are you out of your mind?
Starting point is 00:42:37 That is your equipment or vehicle malfunctions? Your equipment or vehicle malfunctions? You know, I. I think that, I mean, a critical failure is I don't think it has to be the ship, but it could be the the stuff that is keeping a Shana and Alba, you know, healthy and alive and what is also currently trying to fix our friend here. So Spader doesn't get healed. And now we have a complication of having to fix this.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Okay. What are you thinking? Could be a different complication if you wanted to be, you know, some, some creature or some ship of taxes or something that could be a complication. No. I, it would have to involve Spader in some way, either like there's like a reaction to being healed that just doesn't coincide with his overall shenanigans. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And then he gets like violent and he like damages equipment or like our only like usable med like bay arms, like, you know, like we have like a robotic thing that assists with like, you know, doing stuff that my sibling can't do. So in the process of trying to heal Spader, somehow the medical bay has to be like shut down. Is that what we're kind of getting at? I think that's definitely a sufficient complication. We're saying, we're effectively saying until we solve this problem, we can't heal on the ship. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:24 That's pretty bad. Yeah. So let's define a little bit more what happens. Like, you know, do these robotic arms start working on Spader and like the lasers bounce off of him and start messing up the ship? Or how do you envision it? Like, I imagine like it's kind of like maybe like an EMP-ish kind of situation. Like, so like the arms come in and like make contact with it and like just the process
Starting point is 00:44:55 of doing that, like, like the body rejects it and just like blows and so all of a sudden you just get like this small pulse, not enough to take out the whole ship, but enough to damage a lot of the equipment in the med bay. Yeah, I like all of that. And I like the idea that like maybe this chemical has turned his skin not only with the ability to turn opaque, but yeah, like now it's like damage resistant or like, you know, any kind of any kind of penetration is met with like an opposite reaction or something. It sounds like futuristic armor or something like that.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I like the sound of it. OK, cool. So yeah, Spader messes up the med bay. We maybe we realize also that he doesn't necessarily need healing. It's just like the way he looks, you know what I mean? Yeah. So so maybe that was like another part of the complication is we're kicking ourselves for, you know, doing something we probably didn't even need to do.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Yeah, we just don't know. Yeah, and he's just kind of obsessive compulsive, thinks that he needs to be healed some way and doesn't. Oh, yeah, he's like a hypochondriac. So he's just constantly like, you got to help me. He's just sitting in a corner. Yeah, the irony is that he's like invulnerable. Yeah. OK, so this has been a big waste of time with him. Our med bay is broken.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Do we want to try to fix the med bay or are we going to continue our expedition? I think I think we need to just move on from this location. I feel like we spent too much time here, so I think we should press on a little bit and then come back to it if everything is good. All right. After we travel. So here's the thing I keep forgetting to keep track of. Every time we fail a role, I should be adding to the menace track. So right now there are two misses on our board.
Starting point is 00:46:48 So I'm going to put two progress for the jungle to catch up with us. Two out of 10, we have two out of 10. So slowly, but surely they are gaining on us. So you're saying you do want to undertake an expedition next. Yes. All right. Yes, it says you're going to bust this popsicle stand. We're going to get out of here. Let's get out of here. A rolling edge. You can add. Never mind. Just roll edge.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Hopefully you roll a six. Strong hit on the action score. You rolled a D6 four plus three. OK, so you didn't roll a six there. That's a strong hit. That's excellent. Still good news. You reach a new way point, envision the location and mark progress. I want to add another block of progress and we get to create a new way point. Let's do our oracles.
Starting point is 00:47:46 First of all, let's see. Do we want to decide whether we come upon like a planetoid a station of some kind? Or something else? What do you think would be out here? I mean, other ships for sure. Yeah, the ships. Would you like to roll on the descriptor?
Starting point is 00:48:24 Yeah, sure. Roll a D100. Seventy. Seventy. New, whatever it is, it's new. It's new. OK. You have any thoughts yet? Something new. I mean, a new planet would be cool.
Starting point is 00:48:46 A new planet would be cool. If you wanted to roll a planetoid or something like that, we could. Yeah, let's let's see if we find another planet. All right, let's that's what we're really looking for. Got it. So we wanted to be a planet. Spaceborne opportunity. We can roll on a D100 determine what type of planet. OK, I like this page because it's a big color page
Starting point is 00:49:14 of all these different kinds of planets. Let's see. Forty six. Forty six. It is an ice world. Oh, an ice world. So if we want to further define it. We can say what type of atmosphere does it have D100?
Starting point is 00:49:37 OK. OK. Did you roll another ego? Thirty four. A thirty four is a corrosive atmosphere. How is a ice planet? How does it have a corrosive atmosphere? It would be like.
Starting point is 00:50:03 What is it? Fucking dry ice. Oh, so it'd be like so it'd be just like foggy. Just be smoky. What is that chemical that is dry? I or the the the calm. God damn it. Hold on, I'm googling it right now to see what is in dry ice.
Starting point is 00:50:21 It's carbon dioxide. Yeah, it'll burn your skin. So so it's like so are you saying it's a planet that's just a Parker saying methane ice, too. But carbon dioxide is the entire planet. It's a big block of carbon dioxide. Yeah, I think it's just like a giant like frozen chunk of it. And it's just like a steamy like foggy looking.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Yeah, it's this. Do we want to decide if there's any settlements on this place? I don't think anybody. Yeah, not a corrosive block of frozen ice planet. What about a special kind of person? How about let's just decide what is observable from space? Roll the D 100. Maybe there's something interesting.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Otherwise, it might be smart to move on. Sixty nine. Oh, man. Every episode. From space, you can view vast plateaus on this ice planetoid. Oh, OK, yeah. But it's really it's it's got mountains.
Starting point is 00:51:27 It's got it's got cliffs. It's got all of that, but it's just very icy. Do you want to name this planet before we move on? Yeah, is there is there a role we can do for there's not really a role, but there are some sample names. Abelos, Audon, Bishop, Desolation, Fallow, Helios, Mirage, Morricone, Nux, Saffron, call it Nux Nux.
Starting point is 00:51:56 That's funny. OK, so there is the planet Nux. At least that's what we call it. We decide to call it. Maybe it's named after maybe there's a crazy. It's yeah, maybe there's a mountain or something or like something back in the iron. Yeah, I'm trying to relate it back to the iron lands. And it would either be a location or it would be like an like
Starting point is 00:52:17 a corrosive iron lander, you know, someone who was infamously kicked out or something. Let me see if there's ice. Ice planet in. It looks like there is. Yeah, OK, so we'll say. We've come to Nux. Name it, Nux, the ice planet. And this is where we currently are.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Doesn't seem like there's a lot that we can do on Nux. So press on. We should probably press on, right? Yeah, we should get out of here. OK. Let's undertake our expedition. Let's continue to do that. You're going to roll edge, I believe. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Keep furiously moving. Hopefully you will. Hi. No, no, it's a weekend. That's a weekend. OK. On a weekend, we're going to find another waypoint. We're going to mark some progress, but there's going to be a problem where either going to make two suffer moves.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Oh, excuse me, make a suffer move at minus two or two suffer moves at minus one, or you're going to face a peril. Let's face a peril. Yeah, the peril is a lot less arduous. Let's ask. It's a lot to ask for a week hit to make two suffer moves. Yeah, that's. You're going to mark progress.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Roll a D 100 for that peril. Yeah, 88. Troubling visions or apparitions, troubling visions or apparitions occur. Like space ghosts, space ghosts or or visions of the future or the past. We still haven't really settled on the waypoint, though. We we said.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Oh, no, no, we did. Yeah, no, we did roll the peril, but we didn't really define a waypoint. The waypoint is different than what peril we find there. I mean, we could decide that maybe the the waypoint is like a nebula and we start seeing apparitions in this nebula or something like that. Yeah, that'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:54:40 See the ghosts of our past and the nebula. So then I wonder if it's a nebula that is somehow able to, like, tap into your mind and, like, uses your, you know, your memories and your your thoughts and stuff. Interesting. It's like the like the Lander Corps, which was the Sunesto Corps, kind of like dabs into like fear and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I actually don't know much about the Sunestro Corps or whatever they're called. Yeah. So like each Lander Corps has like an emotion that they're back behind and so. So like Sunestro is like the yellow lanterns and they're they they're like they use like fear and they make it like illusions and stuff for my understanding of it. I see. OK.
Starting point is 00:55:25 So we're going through this nebula and like when we look out the windows, we start seeing like, do we see people? Do we see like a whole like like a like a movie playing out in front of us? Like, what does it look like? It would be crazy if it just like we went through like the fog, like you would when you go through the storm in the iron lands and then you come back out and it's just like, we're back in the iron lands.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Oh, whoa. Like a whole like whole shenanigans. Interesting. Interesting. So here's what I'm thinking, like, I think the whole ship maybe sees this, right? And I think we should either face danger or make like a compel role because I think there's some iron landers that might try to like leave, they might try to return to the iron lands, right? Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:56:18 All right. So are we facing danger to try to stop folks or are we trying to compel them not to like, you know, open the airlock or something? I feel like we got to face danger because Nikata also has to deal with her own good point. Yeah, good point. Yeah, we'll face that danger. All right, I love that. That's cool. Let's go to our moves page and then we're going to face danger. What stat are you using?
Starting point is 00:56:47 If you're using, if you're trying not to succumb to the illusion, you're using your focus, you're using your intelligence. You know what I mean? You're not really. It's got to be a wits. All right. I think that's fair. Role plus wits and hopefully Nikata doesn't come to the solution. We'll find out. Oh, it's a weak hit.
Starting point is 00:57:17 That's something you succeed. But at a troublesome cost, you're going to make a suffer move. OK. The troublesome cost is what? Why? Why does obviously Nikata is kind of able to control herself? But is she able to control everyone else? I don't think she'll be able to control everybody else. I think it's too many people.
Starting point is 00:57:44 There's been a lot of mixed bag emotions about this whole journey so far. And this is too much of a good enough temptation to to like, you know, abandon. All right, so there's a chance that they will. Jump out. So or at least some of them will. So we could either withstand ship damage, although I don't think that really is appropriate. I think either companion takes a hit or sacrifice resources.
Starting point is 00:58:16 You know, the iron landers are a kind of resource. We would be reducing our supply if we sacrifice resources, or we would have to kind of like make up in our heads a companion that has plus five health. We would roll their health and we would see what the outcome would be. I feel I feel like just taking the hit to supply would be a little bit easier to handle. Yeah, I think it's a little easier to quantify. Yeah, so we're going to reduce our supply.
Starting point is 00:58:48 We'll say that this is a serious loss. So reduce it by two. OK. Your supply goes to three. And then now we're going to make. If your supply is low, Mark, I'm prepared. Visualize, see, but actually this doesn't seem to be a real move. When you lose or consume resources, you subtract by two. If your supply is exhausted, which it isn't Mark, I'm prepared.
Starting point is 00:59:14 When you suffer a loss while unprepared, vision on this cost. Yeah, so it doesn't really do what we want. Maybe maybe face death. There's threshold moves, overcome destruction. I want one move to kind of quantify what what happens here. We could try to compel them not to jump or we could try to just. Let's see, could I reduce my spirit instead because that would be overall morale of the group, right?
Starting point is 00:59:50 Yeah, yeah. And if I take two, that would essentially put me at zero, I think. Yeah, I think that that's fine. Let's let's do that. So bring your supply back to five, reduce the spirit by two and roll heart. Hopefully this saves you. I can burn momentum for a weekend, which is what I'll do. Which is what I'll do.
Starting point is 01:00:22 OK, make sure you reduce your momentum to two. On a week hit, if you are not shaken, you may lose momentum in exchange for plus one spirit, otherwise press on. So you could reduce your spirit. Instead of losing two, you would only lose one, but you'd reduce your momentum by one. You want to do that? Yeah, OK, so I rather lose momentum than the spirit.
Starting point is 01:00:50 OK, your momentum goes to one and your spirit goes up to four. OK, or yeah, yeah, because your spirit. No, your spirit was at one. So if you're so it's actually two, your spirit is at two. My spirit is two. OK, yeah. But that also means we lost some. Yeah, I think. Yeah, I think I think, unfortunately,
Starting point is 01:01:19 yeah, somebody would have probably, but Nakata would have been able to at least stop it from becoming a whole lot more people. Yeah, maybe they were able to save some people. They were able to, you know, most of the group. All right, we need to decide how many people fell for it, how many people succumbed to it. It was a week hit.
Starting point is 01:01:38 I think you don't need to roll any higher than like a D12, but I think it might need to be more like a D10 or a D8. So D10 or D8, that's a that's a huge difference. Yes, yes, there is. I'm feeling lenient. Let's just go with the D8. Bless you. Two. We only lost two people.
Starting point is 01:02:03 We only lost two. We're down to like 42, 43 ironlanders. Well, there's too many to hijink. No, just just two of them, you know, probably a couple who are just, you know, they miss their child who was left behind or something like that and they jumped. And now there's so much nebula dust,
Starting point is 01:02:23 but we are able to press on. We want to continue undertaking our expedition. Yes, I'd like to get out of here. All right, we have, I believe four. Yeah, we have four out of 10 progress. So if you wanted, we could roll right now, but, you know, the chances of getting four out of 10 is not particularly good, so.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Nope, we press on. All right, roll edge. Hopefully you get a six on the action die. Ooh. I did. You did get a six on the action die. It's a weak hit. You can add plus two to your momentum.
Starting point is 01:03:01 So your momentum goes to three. So that's using that cool asset feature. But on a weak hit, we reach waypoint. We can mark progress, but we have to suffer in some way. So either another waypoint, another peril at this waypoint or two suffer moves. Another peril because I can't suffer anymore. Rolly D100.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Okay. 83. A stellar anomaly amidst hazardous energies. A stellar anomaly amidst hazardous energies. A shooting comet would be a stellar anomaly. Sure, sure. Stellar anomaly with hazardous energies, amidst hazardous energies.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I like the comet. I like the passing comet. What kind of energy? Maybe it's emitting in some weird way an electromagnetic pulse that might affect the ship, you know? Yeah, something that, ooh, something that's along the lines of what Spader has perhaps. Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Okay, that's an interesting twist. The question then becomes, do we study it or do we try to evade it? I'd say evade it. All right. You're going to... We're not the science types. I think it's at least worth facing danger
Starting point is 01:04:49 to get away from it, right? Yeah. I assume you're going to move with edge. Yes. Go ahead and roll edge. God damn it. We can't. You are facing danger,
Starting point is 01:05:07 but I don't know if any of your assets secure an advantage. Yeah, no. All right. No, it's fine. Okay. We hit. On a weak hit,
Starting point is 01:05:26 you succeed, but at a troublesome cost to make a suffer move. So we managed to get away from it, but at some kind of cost. It's got to do ship damage. That makes sense. This time around. Yeah, we're going to withstand some damage
Starting point is 01:05:42 as maybe it gets a little too close for comfort. Here we go. All right, so the ship is at four. We're going to say that, I mean, a comet is certainly nothing to scoff at. Maybe we'll say it's serious damage. Okay. So reduce the ship from four to two,
Starting point is 01:06:03 and then you're going to roll one of your stats that is plus two because we are rolling the integrity of the ship, which is currently a two. Where do you go to? If you go into your assets. Oh, assets. You'll see the very bottom, it's at four.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Okay. And then just roll one of your plus two stats because that is how we're going to tell whether you succeed on this integrity roll. Another weak hit. Nothing but weak hits tonight. On a weak hit, if your vehicle is not battered, you may lose momentum in exchange for plus one integrity.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Otherwise press on. So would you like to reduce momentum to keep that integrity a little higher? Go bring it back to a three. Yeah, yeah, I want to do that. I eat the ship takes a little bit of a tussle from the, the comet coming by, but it doesn't strike the ship or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:07:13 So make sure that the ship's health is at plus three. Yes. And momentum is at one. Yes. So my question then to you is, it's been a little bit of a trip. We have five out of 10 progress. Do you want to attempt to heal again for Nikata
Starting point is 01:07:34 or maybe restore some of her spirit, which is low? Yeah, let's, let's, let's take some time. It's been, it's been a trying couple of turns. So yeah, I would love to get at least my health backup. All right. So I think you can sojourn, which allows you to make multiple of these moves if you roll well,
Starting point is 01:07:56 or you can just choose one specific one. Let me go. Yeah, if we get sojourn to get a couple of these up, then that would be the choice. Roll plus heart. Plus heart, oh heart, weak heart, yeah. Weak heart, weak hit. As above, which means you and your allies
Starting point is 01:08:18 may choose to recover moves, but time is short or resources are strained. You and your allies, each make one recover move instead of two with no more than three moves total among the group. So basically you can only make one recover move. This was just an attempt. So do you want to heal or do you want to harden?
Starting point is 01:08:40 I want to heal. Makes sense. The ship's computer is currently on eight, you know, the med bay is currently down. You'd have to treat yourself, which would be iron or wits. I'll do wits. All right, let's keep our fingers crossed.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Hopefully you get this. It's a weak hit. On a weak hit, the recovery costs extra time. You either choose momentum or you sacrifice resources. Is that a supply? Yes. Yeah, I'll sacrifice supply to instead of momentum to do that. All right, so your health goes up by one,
Starting point is 01:09:29 your supply goes down by two. Okay. You're feeling a little bit better, but it requires using the resources that you guys have been kind of hoarding this whole time. You've got bandages or whatever before the ship would just heal people, but now that that it's broken.
Starting point is 01:09:51 What do we want to do next? Do we want to undertake an expedition? Yeah. Yeah, I just, I need us to get our progress up high enough so that we can try to get to the star gate. You know, I think we're at the middle point, right? We're five out of 10 progress. I'm starting to think if maybe,
Starting point is 01:10:12 especially after losing to iron landers, if the other iron landers are aware that there are other humans, you know, in this sector, maybe we roll right now to determine whether a faction of the iron landers doesn't start cropping up. That's like, hey, we need to stop for help. Our med base broken, our ship is a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:10:34 You know, we've lost a bunch of people. Maybe we need to reach out for help. Okay. Oh yeah. So if we agree that that would probably start cropping up, then my question is, what choice does Nakata make? It's, I feel like Nakata would make the choice to just keep going.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Yeah. But I think there needs to be a role to determine whether folks start, I don't know, revolting or, you know, trying to do something. So dissension, yeah. Yeah, there isn't a so dissent role, but there is a, let's see, overcome distress. Instruction, we are asking the or,
Starting point is 01:11:27 we're not really asking the oracle. We are making a connection, testing the relationship. When your relationship or connection is tested through conflict, betrayal or circumstance, role plus heart, if you share a bond, add plus one. This is maybe a possible. We could maybe test the relationship, which is like testing the trust that the group has
Starting point is 01:11:55 with Nakata, or we could try to compel them to do, to continue to follow us. I see with the spirit being on the low side that it would be the iron landers coming and confronting Nakata about it. Like they've indulged Nakata so far and it's been up and down and a little inconsistent. So this is like a touch base kind of situation.
Starting point is 01:12:23 All right, so we would like to test the relationship. Yes, I like to test the relationship. You're going to roll heart. You do have a bond with these people so you can add plus one and hopefully you roll well. Be reasonable. Please. I'm doing the best I can.
Starting point is 01:12:41 No love for the pilot, weak hit. On a weak hit, you do develop the relationship but also envision a demand or a complication as a fallout of this test. So they're going to follow you. They're not going to defect, but they have a demand. What do you think that demand would be? The demand would probably be to find help.
Starting point is 01:13:02 It's like we need assistance or we need an ally. It's like we can't keep running. We got to find somebody who's going to help us. And I think we would know that the two options of where we might find a place that would repair our ship the way we needed would be either Enoch or Weyland Station. I would argue we don't really know much about either
Starting point is 01:13:29 but Weyland Station would maybe at first thought be like the more reasonable place to go. It's less inhabited. Yeah. I think there's better chances of not being overrun if we went to Weyland. Okay, all right. Let's say that we change.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Okay, so the demand is we have to get this fixed as soon as possible. So instead of heading to the next Stargate, we're going to divert course to Weyland Station. Yes. Let's make a gather information role to see how much we know of or can learn of Weyland Station before we get there.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Okay, that will be wits, yes. We're gathering information, so yes. No, no, no, no, no. It's a miss. Your investigation on Earth's a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth that undermines your quest. So I think it's very simple. We reach out to Weyland Station
Starting point is 01:14:40 and we get a distress signal back which says exactly what lore we worked on last session, which was that Weyland Station has an alien infestation. I think I have the notes here somewhere. I think we said that there's a strange phenomenon where people are disappearing in Weyland Station and becoming like mimics, doppelgangers, who eventually deteriorate and attack people
Starting point is 01:15:12 if they become aware that they are a doppelganger. So if someone comes back and is not themselves, it's kind of become customary at Weyland Station not to draw attention to it. It's to kind of like take them out quietly or else they'll freak out and start attacking them. Oh, nice, that's so nice. So somehow Weyland Station is still kind of operating.
Starting point is 01:15:33 It has a tolerant authority. It has rustic architecture. It is a derelict trading outpost. But it is a hostile environment. So we could probably get the ship fixed, but there is the problem of how do we maneuver around the whole weird doppelganger infestation? Oh, yeah, hmm, okay.
Starting point is 01:15:58 How are you feeling now that you've learned that? I forgot about that. Yeah, I've decided to now not tell the new players what lore is created and they're just gonna come upon it. Like, hmm, infestation, random people on a planet. This is what we discover on the way and we're not really forging new territory. So this is one of those places that we can just go to
Starting point is 01:16:34 without much trouble. Like I don't think we're going to have to undertake an expedition. Yeah, I think we can set a course. When you know the route, you just make one roll and it kind of determines. You know, I don't know. I think we're just gonna have to take
Starting point is 01:16:51 our chances at Weyland Station. I like the way you think. Go ahead and roll a supply roll and we'll just see how we do on that roll. Is that one three now? Yes, it's a weak hit. Okay, weak hit, whoops, hold on. On a weak hit, you do arrive,
Starting point is 01:17:14 but you face a cost or a complication. You can either make two suffer moves or a suffer move at minus two or you face a complication at the destination and we can roll for that. Let's roll for the complication. All right, let's do that. We're gonna do, let's see, 239.
Starting point is 01:17:39 I don't necessarily wanna pay the price, but I want to see the perils, page 138. Space encounters, space, no, no. Space one, peril and opportunity. Yeah, I suppose a peril makes the most amount of sense. Playing it side peril, is that, we're, no, we're not playing it side. Yeah, let's just do that space peril.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Okay, roll a D100. Perils in space. Perils in space and you rolled a 99. 99. We're gonna roll on the action and theme table, so roll me two D100s. All right, well, first one is a seven. And the second one is an 86.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Okay, a seven, you said? A seven, I said. Okay, so on the action, assault, on the theme, supply. An assault on supply, on our supplies or on someone else's supplies. Probably would be on our supply. I imagine if it is an infestation going on, that though there's like some relative like lack of tension
Starting point is 01:19:15 between not like not bringing it up and them just like living on this station, that the infestation would still need to find a way to supply itself, you know? So maybe they're trying to just ransack our ship to get some extra supplies on the side, before the rest of the other people know that we've docked and landed.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Yeah, yeah. So the station, which probably hasn't been getting supplies because of this infestation problem, is like desperate for supplies. So our ship gets in within range and they take a kind of hostile approach to us. Yeah, like once the door's open, like no hi, what's up, just like straight to business,
Starting point is 01:20:01 let's try to overrun and take this. Do they have like ships, like little fighter ships that like circle us or anything like that? Yeah, like little droids or something like that. Okay, so I think what becomes clear is that the station is like, hey, we don't wanna blow you up, but we need your resources.
Starting point is 01:20:21 So we're going to bring you in, so to speak, right? Yeah, exactly. All right, so I assume Nakata's not gonna fight this very much unless she would like to run from Wayland Station, but maybe there's still a way that we can get what we want from the place. We just have to play ball. Yeah, I think we're gonna play ball for a moment,
Starting point is 01:20:43 see what we can do. All right. I can't afford to lose other people. So I love this vision or this image of like our clunky ship being led in by some, you know, fighter ships that are kind of bringing us into Wayland Station, we dock with it and we prepare to interact with these people
Starting point is 01:21:03 who knows what state of mind they are in, who knows if they're all doppelgangers at this point. We don't know. We don't know and we will find out next session. I think this is a good place to stop. No, this is perfect. Eli, let's roll the D6 and find out who else is going to join us next session.
Starting point is 01:21:23 So I'm gonna say it out loud. Aaron is one, Amanda is two, Allegra is three. Caleb's already gone, so we'll say Zach is four. Who am I missing? You and Caleb, right? Yeah, so that's it. You want me to just roll a D4? Yeah, roll a D4 then.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Okay, got you. Three. I said Aaron, Amanda, Allegra, right? Yeah. All right, Allegra, we'll be next. Allegra, perfect. Allegra loves to do politics and trying to negotiate with hostile station people who might be pod people.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Maybe they'll befriend them and it'll be all so good. I'm sure they will and everything will be fine. Hopefully they bring their positive vibes to the next game. But yeah, that's next game. Eli, thank you for a great session. Yeah, thank you, it's great. It's good to be back and start forward. It's good to be back.
Starting point is 01:22:23 This is your second session, right? Yeah, this is my second session. Yeah, because I kicked it off. Exactly, so this is the second go around. We're at least in a different sector at least. Eli, anything important we need to discuss before we end the game? Yeah, well, we're actually back speaking of politics.
Starting point is 01:22:43 We're back with Heroes You Shadow tomorrow. I will be with leg. We're going to be talking about a pirate queen and it's going to be really fun. So we're doing that. We'll be talking pirate politics. Yeah, it's going to be great. We're going to learn more about pirates, more fun.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Well, that's okay, so that's tomorrow. And then Friday, I think we might be doing something. We're probably going to hang out on stream for a little bit of the squad. Looking into the future. Well, actually looking into the past, both you and I did one-shots recently with some collaborations with some friends,
Starting point is 01:23:21 so I would go check that out. Check those out. They should definitely, I think they should now be on YouTube, but I think you might still be able to check them out on Twitch. You can check the Ashoka one that I did last week with Cast Die Podcast and Lex from Tatana Mackey on here,
Starting point is 01:23:40 but yeah, you should definitely check out all of what we have on BOD and where you get your podcasts. And then it is also, what, September tomorrow? So we are on our last couple of weeks with our Patreon subscription. If you subscribe to our Patreon, not only do you help us, but you get a cool ass sticker alongside.
Starting point is 01:24:04 I don't have a sticker with me. I have it on my water bottle, which I always carry around with me. Hey, look at that beautiful sticker. Look at the shine on it. So yeah. Yeah, so we have that going on. And then yeah, other than that,
Starting point is 01:24:17 we have Orpheus coming up with Black Project Gaming and then our usual run through of our schedule. All right guys, well, thank you for tuning in. We will see you next week. And thanks so much for always supporting us and listening to us and we're looking forward to next time. Oh yeah. Have a good rest of your day. Bye.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Bye.

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