Mayday Plays - Starforged Ep. 9

Episode Date: September 29, 2021

Sergio is joined by Allegra on this leg of Starforged...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we are here and we are playing Starforged with me sounding like humans having no technical issues whatsoever everything is gonna run smooth we're gonna roll strong hits all night long I mean that's not interesting though like this that's all strong that's fair that's fair just like story timed starring heads Allegra I am planning a I'm planning a party in space would you help me play it sure I feel like this is a lead-up to a dad joke it's it is a dad joke so dad-like that you missed it would you help me plan it I hate you I hate you you're the worst all right well getting right down to it it is Tuesday
Starting point is 00:00:55 which means we're playing Starforged and we have an interesting session today Eli was with us last session and she left us in an interesting place we finally are going to visit the Wayland station just to kind of recap right last session we decided that this sector was not good enough there was one really inhabitable planet and it's already inhabited it's too busy in here even though it's basically empty in the experience but we don't like this sector we're gonna move on to another sector and in the process we picked up a stowaway this stowaway was named Spader thanks to inspiration from Parker
Starting point is 00:01:43 Woodley and Spader was like a survivor of an experiment you know that was going on in the the void that we started in and they can make themselves invisible but but to do that they had to take a chemical and so they're kind of weak and frail but anyway this was just a stowaway that appeared on our ship and we eventually got to Wayland station after taking some hits I think our ship is a little beat up yeah Nakata is not in the best shape and I think that the the entire group the entire tribe said hey listen we need to take a break we need to go somewhere and that's why we decided to stop at Wayland station now
Starting point is 00:02:31 as players we know that there's something weird going on at Wayland station but I don't think our characters necessarily know so I want with you Allegra today to try to figure out how does this story unfold right oh boy yeah so the first thing is is that they are a little aggressive with us there's some fighter planes that kind of surround our ship and bring us into dock and I think we would learn very quickly that they're they're planning to kind of take our supplies we need it we need our ship repaired and we need to continue moving on yeah do you want to let's define kind of the first scene like we've been
Starting point is 00:03:14 docked right you know that they could possibly be hostile what's Nakata's first move what's the tribe's first move I think because our supply is so low I think she's having or there I'm sorry I think they're having their most like trusted folks within the tribe they're like okay go hide this shit go hide this shit like hide the good shit and if they're gonna take some of our supplies make sure it's like the crappy stuff I see so they anticipating that this could happen decide to hide as much as they can yeah we're we're just literally I mean we are just like refugees but like yes cut down even more on like any cool
Starting point is 00:03:55 stuff we have I know we lost the space shotgun in beautiful fashion I think by you having one of our irelanders hanging outside the ship little Chad yeah Chad he goes Chad it was something like that never forget but what we're trying to do is either secure some kind of advantage of the right move or we could let's see we're not undertaking an expedition it seems most like secure an advantage it's not even advantage it's just like make sure we're not at a disadvantage sure that makes sense all right we're securing we're securing oh it Lex is with us what's up thanks you for sticking through the technical difficulties so
Starting point is 00:04:48 we are securing an advantage what attribute are you rolling with edge hard iron shadow or wits edge is like slipperiness and like speed and quickness sure but shadow is deceit yes so I I I want to make a case for edge because edges are our strongest I think that makes sense but also I would understand if it had to be deception I think shadow you could do plus edge what I was going to say is that under your assets as a naturalist when you secure an advantage using your knowledge of life forms or planet side ecosystems you can add plus one so if you can tell me on you using your naturalist ability you
Starting point is 00:05:40 could have a plus one to shadow or edge whichever one you want okay well I think I think that Nikara is on the kind of the edge lord exactly you like how to describe things sometimes I think that they're like they're learning they're learning really quickly about people that aren't you know aren't the tribe and so I think this is one of those things like learning the nature of people who have been like fighting for their lives out in space and that's the okay all right sir you're you're saying like like realizing that they're going to be like on on the planet we were very like resource can like I think that's I
Starting point is 00:06:27 think that's where it is it's like the resource and conservativeness that we had to be on in the eye of the storm versus like the resource conservativeness that has to be taken when you are in space you know so I think I think she's gonna realize they're gonna realize that any at any opportunity people are going to try and take resources okay gotcha you're you're just saying it's like a we just know people's what is it intentions intentions sure sure all right I love it I'm sold if you want to roll with edge you can but but we're just gonna say you're just like quickly stuffing stuff away as opposed to with
Starting point is 00:07:06 shadow you may be taking a little bit more effort or you know ingenuity yeah I think I think it wouldn't I don't think we would have time to do it in like a as like a smart sneaky way it's got to just be fast because we've just been docked and like we'll probably be boarded shortly sure all right roll with edge plus one edge that's a plus four it's gonna be hard to screw this up let's see how you do only we can still but that's all right a week it is something on a week hit you may choose one you can either take plus two momentum or add plus one on your next move I think I'll take plus two momentum okay increase
Starting point is 00:07:50 your momentum to two or I guess it's three because you were at a plus one yeah and yeah you you know you successfully get all the really really important stuff away hidden maybe the week hit is like they're boarding just as like you finish and so you you all look a little you know yeah like someone like leading back and like kicking shut like a loose panel and so what happens next is it a big group of people that come on are these people acting weird I feel like when we'd like to reiterate the issue with Wayland Station for anyone who has yeah let's remind everyone what the issue with Wayland Station is the basic
Starting point is 00:08:40 idea is and this is something that Caleb devised back I think two sessions ago that Wayland Station is has a infestation of some kind there are doppelgangers that seem to kind of roam in this place there is a tolerant authority the there is rustic architecture that kind of implies like I don't know that there's like houses on the outside of this ship or whatever you know this space but it's a trading outpost and one there's a strange phenomenon that people are disappearing and becoming pod people are like mimics these doppelgangers deteriorate when they are told that they might be a
Starting point is 00:09:26 doppelganger and they attack if someone comes back and is not themselves the the practice is to just not say anything so there's this weird like nobody's talking about the problem at at Wayland Station so I think at the very least the people that aboard the ship would be would they be paranoid or would they be aware that you are definitely not mimics oh that's a good point yeah yeah yeah they know we're sure because we haven't been I mean unless the unless they're assuming that like the the the threat and like the the mimic stuff came from space and we are also coming from space so like that could this calls for an
Starting point is 00:10:05 oracle role like yeah 51 or greater it came from the ship or less than 50 it came from space what do you think right that sounds good all right roll a d hundred and let's see 51 or greater it did come from the ship for sense so it did come from space from the ship okay so it came from space so I feel like in that case I think they'd be they'd be pretty paranoid they would be pretty paranoid why would they have led us in at all you know I mean or maybe they're telling us like that you can't leave the ship or something oh are they like they're trying to keep us sequestered in our ship right and just look for for
Starting point is 00:10:51 shit in our shit oh that could be yeah they just want to take our supplies yeah and then just let us go yes all right so they begin to search the ship for the supplies what you know what's what's what's the plan do they I mean there's a chance to go to lift the right great and find something you know right I think I think Nakata is trying to run like a like a distraction game basically of like we're we're from you know we're from this we were from the expanse just like talking to keep them like not not focusing their full attention on trying to find our stuff okay okay but okay now here here's the here's the meta thing
Starting point is 00:11:43 all right I would since they're paranoid and saying we have to stay on the ship and we don't know that they have a like a like an infestation problem would we be asking for help still do you think oh that's I think so I think we would ask for help and maybe that's like that's part of it is that okay can we barter like you can take our stuff if you like our ship kind of a thing I don't really have the power to ask these people but I think I think we I think we're I think we're being honest and we're like this is what's going on with our ship this is where we came from help can we make a trade can you offer us any kind of
Starting point is 00:12:29 direction to turn something I mean how do we know these people themselves boarding aren't some of them mimics or something well they could be in like we know that but we don't know that I mean the mimics haven't done any out of character the mimics haven't done anything outwardly like bad or violent unless they're told that they're mimics so if we don't know that they're mimics then we don't bring it up we wouldn't there's no reason for us to like have a problem right unless unless there's like some kind of outward appearance or like behavior that makes it like what's up with this like something's weird like
Starting point is 00:13:13 crusty like purple ooze coming out of their ears or something like that okay all right I suppose that's fine because it would still the people aboard the Wayland station would still feel obligated to not say anything right but we who don't know that might be like hey you've got a little something like are you okay oh okay I like that so I like the idea of like Nikata or somebody you know saying that and then I think one of the people of the Wayland station would like pull us aside say you know don't don't acknowledge it don't mention it don't talk about okay yeah so I definitely think that like one of the
Starting point is 00:13:49 folks in there has like I'm gonna stick with okay purple crusty earbuggers yes I like your boogers okay so we have the situation where our iron landers are like alright there's something going on between like factions of this group they want our supplies I think we first need to make some kind of role to determine whether they find anything we could just ask an oracle or we could because the weak hit was a success in terms of successfully hiding it I don't know if it stays hidden is the question right right the most obvious is probably facing danger but we could also try to compel them to barter liar swindle to
Starting point is 00:14:34 them could could okay okay okay so if someone's drag Nikata off to the side and is like don't fucking say anything about it could I use that as a bargaining chip of like okay yeah I won't say anything but you have to like we need supplies if I won't say anything if you can help us that is I think a decent reason for a compel like grab their shirt back like someone's got their shirt they're like no I will grab your shirt too I mean you know this is this is all about these iron vows Nikata could say look we'll be willing to help you too with this problem you could swear an iron vow to say look we'll help you solve
Starting point is 00:15:16 this in exchange for fixing our shit yeah that that feels right okay all right yeah I feel like I feel like the rest of the tribe is gonna be like what the fuck are you doing but I think I think she I think they would they would do that like yeah and I can realize that this is like a very strange situation that it's gonna require more than just like a simple barter right all right so we are going to compel and you are are you I guess you're kind of trying to barter you could roll with heart or you try to lie and swindle them with shadow I not really lying to them I'm not really like I'm kind of being very honest yeah so I
Starting point is 00:16:04 think hard makes the most yeah all right let's go here we go roll hard see what happens yeah miss we miss bad times bad times okay so let's read what happens on a miss they refuse or make a demand which costs you greatly I think we can still roll with this right yeah they say we don't care we're gonna take your supplies one way or another if you really want to help then help us solve this problem with these doppelgangers right yeah I don't know I don't know how much Nakata would want to help if they're like no fuck you right yeah no no just outright saying no I don't think makes sense remember this is Starforge
Starting point is 00:16:46 the story can always move forward even on a miss so we do have to pay the price so roll a deal and let's see what that price is I'm hoping it's that one of these doppelgangers here and the conversation is like what about what about me 21 a surprising development complicates your question exactly what you fucking want yeah all right some one of the doppelgangers overs here's this conversation I think that's a realistic risk so for sure so what does it look like when a doppelganger starts like questioning their reality and realizes they're not who they think they are and starts going crazy have you seen the
Starting point is 00:17:32 movie alien a legra long ago I want to watch it again do you remember the scene where the androids started freaking out and it's like spinning around the room like that's what I imagined yeah I was thinking that or like dice revolutions as I can feel the GM Klee from here they're right oh yeah Sergio likes to make us miserable love those misses and that's my own fault for saying miss it all successes weren't fun that's on past me so like hey past me okay so I think I think all I can hear right now is episode whatever episode like it is of doom to repeat spoilers sorry that you are like screaming a spider jay oh yeah
Starting point is 00:18:21 Prada comes in all I hear is it's in my head okay okay I'm imagining that I feel like like they were off in a corner and it gets heated and they're like yelling at each other with like and so one of them was like oh what's going on and then heard like well something something something mimics and like they're going to go they're gonna like lose their shit and so then they started like questioning themselves and like the the classic oh my brain and start like just like zipping all around the bay trying to like ground themselves but it's not working all right so this person as we've discussed it's gonna start becoming
Starting point is 00:19:02 violent shortly so we're either gonna enter the fray or we're gonna need to come up with some clever way of getting rid of this psychopath this this this doppelganger door still open do you think the door is still open I think that there's probably some way that your ship is docked with the Wayland station and that yeah that they are connected and open right now okay is there a chance that while they're running past the door the God could just front kick them through the door and then slam the door behind them into Wayland station yes like kick them into out of our ship into Wayland station and slam the door
Starting point is 00:19:43 leaving the other folks with us and like our tribe in there but the mimic that's losing its shit is getting punted out okay yes we can do that I'm thinking out loud that the people of Wayland station aren't gonna like that you basically just like shut the problem on to them but maybe you roll really well and something happens let's let's find out it's you're not really entering the fray this time this time it sounds like you're just kind of making a like a move like a main it's like a battle move or something I think let's see combat moves so take decisive action or when you fight a battle and it happens in a blur
Starting point is 00:20:27 envisioning your objective and roll or when you sees an objective in a fight I think that's more appropriate for something else let's just let's just do a battle roll and maybe that'll kind of define the tone of what happens next so for sure for sure you're fighting up close yeah so you're gonna have to roll plus iron yeah I was hoping I could maybe get like can hard work because I didn't know what was happening and I'm just trying to be brave but I don't know because it's one of the only attributes you can't make a battle roll with I know iron sure everything will be fine everything will be fine let's go no
Starting point is 00:21:10 it's not it's a miss you are defeated or the objective is lost to you pay the price roll a d 100 feelings and I beg to differ that is a four again roll it low okay an individual or community you care about is exposed to danger I think that's obvious I think you you try your best but Nikata is not a skilled warrior not a fighter the thing probably zips past you and it starts attacking your allies starts attacking other iron landers yeah all right so we cannot escape entering the fray here let's fight baby now here's the thing oh you did initiate combat but you also rolled a
Starting point is 00:22:01 miss I kind of feel like we just go straight to when you are in a bad spot reacting under fire yeah when you are in a bad spot and take action in a fight to avoid danger or overcome an obstacle first I want you to tell me what is your immediate obstacle this this doppelganger is now looking at your allies and attacking them I want to get its attention off of them okay so you want to draw it away from your enemies yeah all right you are not fleeing or dodging getting back into position or taking cover your remaining stalwart against fear you are blocking or diverting with force moving into hiding creating a
Starting point is 00:22:44 distraction you have to roll with shadow well it's okay hold on let me think about this let me think about any other options you there are other options all out attacking is a no-go because I'm ten to not work yes I wonder if I can check your assets out and make sure there's yeah what's I don't think naturalist is gonna do much for me right now that's true that's true it's only advantage and gather information yeah no I'm not doing either of those my ship's not gonna do anything I mean you could always add warp speed pull out from the way sensation suck everybody in the space well that's just killing everyone and
Starting point is 00:23:34 that's against my iron bowser do you know fair fair could I could I slam the door shot and then be like gun it sure but first we have to deal with we're two steps behind which is okay yeah right this thing is about to cut up all your allies if you don't succeed on this role okay edge okay remind me what edges I'm sorry edges is dexterity and stay yeah okay that's not really useful right now neither is there's there's there's hard I okay wits could I know that's how I don't think anything else is terribly applicable Eli says to tackle it I can either distract it or tackle it see the problem is that if you tackle it you're
Starting point is 00:24:20 rolling iron exactly and like wits an edge are your wits is the only thing in reacting under fire it's in pursuit fleeing dodging getting back into position or taking cover okay so if I get back in a position would that be like get back into a spot where I can like square up okay you want oh oh oh can I use my speed to get between it and my people like can I okay me shield myself I think you I think you figured it out go ahead and roll edge and you let's let's let's yeah let's see what happens I'm on the edge of my seat as your mother oh boy okay here we go things are going bad quickly in in a wheeling station right
Starting point is 00:25:10 after making a character today friends hell well I mean we might be checking in with the old iron landers we might have to go back to iron so on a miss the situation where I can't throw the dice away they're virtual if they were real dice I could put them somewhere where they would be in time out they're always they're always gonna roll badly the situation worsens you stay in a bad spot and must pay the price roll the d-100 but I think what we need to determine is that you're gonna withstand damage I think this thing is going to attack right but let's just see what the dice tell us six all right 239 you
Starting point is 00:25:52 said six yes you encounter signs of a looming threat I think we we've learned what the looming threat is yeah or could it be that like could it I hate to do this to myself but also it's good could it be that another mimic sees that mimic losing its shit and is like wait am I real and starts also freaking out do you want me to add more if you'd like that I think that there are other there's other pay the prices that are more specific to that like another enemy enters the thing that's that's I don't want to give myself more problems I'm just saying let's just have you withstand damage you're you're going to take a hit this
Starting point is 00:26:35 this thing attacks you you know it makes sense you get in its way and it's going to attack you so first of all let's see you're going to endure harm you're going to reduce your health by one and then you're gonna roll either health or iron whichever whichever is higher but I think your health will be higher my my health or my iron my health is higher well first of all reduce the health by one right yes it is still higher just barely okay roll health all right okay here we go okay we can all right all right we'll take a weed hit slowly climbing out of this hole are we hit if you are not wounded you may lose one
Starting point is 00:27:16 momentum in exchange for that one health you just lost otherwise you press on so I'm I'm not wounded no right you can either choose to not be wounded in exchange for losing one moment yeah I'm gonna do that I just I don't think I think that we're I think that we need to be in it for the long haul because this isn't yes this is this is slowly getting bad okay two momentum three health so this thing you know describe how it attacks you what does it do I think it's just like I kind of feel bad for it because it's just like it's questioning its entire existence so it's just like flailing and and like inconsolable
Starting point is 00:28:01 because it might not be what it thinks it is which is kind of heartbreaking okay you describe all the touchy-feely stuff it has to though like yeah it's like just like uncontrollable flailing essentially right and like I wonder if it's like if when Caleb described these it feels like they got like did he say that like they deteriorated or got sharper when they became aware I don't remember him saying anything about that but I mean if you could if you want to add it yeah why not we're gonna add it so what what what are you describing what gets sharp maybe like like like they start growing closer to what their
Starting point is 00:28:44 original like physical form is oh I see I see so like they're like maybe they like their claws they have claws are like dorsal spines or something gotcha got you okay cool so we have the situation with this this thing freaking out it's starting to turn into what it really is and we have to either kill it or we've got to get rid of it you know I would think by now the the other folks you know who are on Wayland Station would have a plan about how to like deal with these whether it be fire or whether it be just shooting it they probably have guns yeah I I feel like I'm thinking D&D in terms of like can I just hold it like
Starting point is 00:29:32 can I give them advantage by holding it so they can shoot it but I know that's not a thing and I'm sorry you hold it you're basically in the line of fire you know yeah I think I'm just I hate that my iron is so low I miss a Shana so much you know I think we can there's got to be a way that we can you know we could describe it as Nakata and maybe the other folks are like get out of the way and Nakata realizes okay maybe we just need to let them handle it the way they've been yeah and and if we do that maybe we just face danger okay yeah I was gonna say or like maybe like do like quick like Wing Chun blocks and like divert
Starting point is 00:30:20 their energy so that they're not doing any kind of kung fu could be could be she could be like her edge is very high sir true true I suppose you're right that is more of an edge type ability and and like using the momentum that they're they're putting on to them to like push it off away from the other people okay all right so that then they can shoot it all right so we're rolling edge yes face danger get out of the way of these weapons yeah good role we take care of the problem yes we haven't been having those but let's find out let's find out let's go all right oh yeah that's a that's a crit failure right there
Starting point is 00:31:07 crit failure oh that's a good ol crit all right on a miss you fail or a momentary success is undermined by dire turn of events I have some ideas yes the first thing is okay we're having these guys like shoot at this thing maybe that maybe they do succeed killing it but they've also like wounded our ship maybe they've blown a hole in our ship and like structural integrity starts getting yeah yeah yeah or or maybe or maybe they like shoot the ship and then they find all the shit that I had sure sure maybe that that that maybe that's not bad enough for a crit fail I mean that's something now we're kind of now
Starting point is 00:31:56 we do lose the supplies that's the problem is so now it's like not only do we have to help them we also have to think we also have to figure out how to get those supplies back yeah so so it works I think it works as like an added challenge yeah I just get nervous about like space science of like if you have a hole in the ship does it just crumble the whole ship because I think if you depressurize it it's all fucking over yeah I don't think we can say that the ship is completely depressurized I just think maybe there's some kind of you know they're shooting their guns there's some kind of hole or structural damage
Starting point is 00:32:31 yeah that is a little more generic and is not going to immediately destroy the ship but maybe we do all have to get off the ship I think that's appropriate for a critical miss like we've got a ship and like just shut it down quarantine it or else we don't know like maybe we don't know how much damage was done but enough that it's like this is probably bad it's enough that we are stuck on Wayland station until we solve this problem good so I like the image of you know the smoke is cleared and there's this blue or this purple body all gooey does it liquefy or does it remain as a doppelganger I feel like it like I think
Starting point is 00:33:10 liquefying is the cool the cool option is it like it just like yeah yeah I think it very quickly starts to melt and I think it's dead yeah I think once it's dead everyone is like you know maybe they finally just explain what's going on is that you know we've been on this station and these doppelgangers have started to appear they all have this purple ooze coming out of their ears and if we in any way address it they tend to kind of lose their shit so we need to make an iron vow we have promised these people that we would help them let's go to our vows we are going to say that we are going to we can be a little
Starting point is 00:33:56 specific about this you know do we want maybe we don't stop the doppelgangers in mass maybe it's just as simple as like we discover the source of these doppelgangers because we did establish it yeah we don't know where they're coming from they just keep showing up yeah that could work okay so so we make an iron vow to oh wait no we figured out they're from space right we did figure out they're from space maybe how they're getting in maybe how they're like where they're multiplying maybe there's a whole nest of spooky doppelgangers yeah that's what I think it's like even if it if they did come from space space is a very big
Starting point is 00:34:34 place like they're parked like like whatever's creating these doppelgangers is parked somewhere on this station right all right so find the source of the doppelgangers let's just keep this a dangerous mission we don't need to go too much higher than that so that's two progress every success what are you laughing at CMYK matter said space is big maybe even infinite exactly you're right all right so reminder so we're in this station described to me what Wayland station looks like to you we've described that there's rustic architecture whatever that means it's a tree it's kind of like a derelict trading outpost it's
Starting point is 00:35:15 like a it's like a rusty enterprise from Star Trek like the like the but like the colorful like buttons are like coated dust and dirt like faded around the edges yeah there's like rust like creeping over the edges of control panels they're still making the noises but it's like it's getting distorted and bad gotcha and and yeah I'd imagine there's a lot of like like destroyed parts of it in in their combating of these doppelgangers you know like yeah blast doors and blast marks everywhere yeah like blast doors that don't close all the way or like bits of space junk that are just like thrown in a corner they're like
Starting point is 00:35:58 that might be useful later not right now though right all right so we are in here we probably speak to a leader or a mayor or something you know some kind of head of Wayland station do we want to define them or does it not really matter we could just get right on to this trying to figure out what's going on yeah we I have an image for the mayor of Wayland station that's who this mayor is there they're like a portly little old woman but she talks like this hello I'm the mayor of Wayland station and everyone's like you like stressed about yes I'm very stressed I have to keep a smile on my face to keep from losing my absolute
Starting point is 00:36:44 shit and like she's trying really hard to be like very positive and not talk about the problem at all and just like ignore it and divert attention to like look at our retro cool space station you know you actually bring up a very good point that I think our friend Caleb made about this place which is that one side wants to figure out how to kill these things and get rid of them the other side just wants to survive and possibly leave and maybe the mayor is on that side of like let's just not talk about it yeah everything will be fine it'll work itself out all right so we find a rather ineffectual mayor or ruler
Starting point is 00:37:28 of Wayland station could they give us an insight would you say her name's Starleen Starleen or Starleen Starleen I don't I don't know how much like investigating she's done because she's like because she's trying really hard to just like ignore it and get like just get enough to get off the get off the station exactly what I was thinking of Lex darling Starleen Starleen Starleen I'm begging of you please don't take my mimics sorry I'm in a weird today and we're going I feel like she hasn't done a whole lot in terms of trying to like gather information on them I think it's a lot of like they're here all right we're
Starting point is 00:38:25 just gonna deal with it with a smile on our faces so Starleen is useless but do we want to try to gather information talking to other members your cat needs medicine do you want to gather information and possibly gleaned something from the other folks aboard Wayland station maybe someone else has some insight yeah I definitely feel like we're trying to talk to like leaders of the guard or like whatever whatever they have on Wayland station trying to speak to them in private and I think now that now that Nikata knows that the that like the purple ear crusties are are an indicator they're like checking every
Starting point is 00:39:10 person that they pass and like looking okay we are going to roll plus wits to see if we gather any information that is useful to us all right let's see make that wits roll wits we have a little bit of a change of luck here oh we can't all right hit okay on a week hit the information provides new insight but also complicates your quest envision what you discover then take plus one momentum yes so that momentum goes up by one my first thought is that maybe you need to venture somewhere that folks don't go yeah maybe there's like a sorry there's like a kind of more derelict part of the station that people are like
Starting point is 00:40:03 there's no reason for us to go there we're not gonna go there if we don't have to it's a little bit dangerous it's amazing how great minds think alike because Caleb had mentioned don't go past floor 60 he said maybe Caleb and I are the same person we'll pass floor 60 is where we need to go to investigate yeah like we said we talked to engineers and we keep hearing this inference that these things are coming from somewhere that we are in so that means yeah don some spacesuits and go past floor 60 or do we do we want to decide whether like past floor 60 is it like depressurized and we need spacesuits
Starting point is 00:40:40 to survive I want like do you I think we talked to the engineers and are like hey do you know what's like do you know what it's looking like on 460 I know you guys don't go there but is it is it do you not go there because of like spooky things or do you not go there because it's uninhabitable for mortals well when you roll a week hit something complicates your quest so I think that is the complication is that we have to wear spacesuit yeah yeah all right so we're going to don some spacesuits courtesy of Wayland station because I think we only have like one are we going into floor 60 alone or are we bringing
Starting point is 00:41:18 help I think I don't know how because we said we were having like seeds of descent were being sown within the tribe so I wonder if like are they like I don't know like how are they feeling about us being at this station now like we were doing what they wanted and trying to get help but also we fucked things up and it's getting worse well you can always try to compel someone to come along with you Nikata has a brother and there is also the stowaway spader who is now a connection between us oh oh I may I may try to bring spader to spader can go invisible okay spader can go invisible we'll say that he's very
Starting point is 00:42:06 weak he's not a very powerful person so because of the medicine that he takes to go invisible he's a little frail but he is I'd say he's probably willing to go with you I see no reason why yeah besides just trying to survive so you bring spader along the two of you suit up and yeah you go to floor 60 to investigate right yes okay we're gonna floor 60 all right we gotta gotta go we can't I think let's see that gather information role would not clear yeah you don't make progress on a gather information role so we can't increase our progress yet but we can decide what our next role is we are kind of entering new
Starting point is 00:43:03 territory so we could attempt to undertake a journey or undertake it's called yeah undertake an expedition that's how it started but okay this is matter of mind I was looking at naturalists and I was wondering if it would have helped on the last role and I don't think it would have not really because I don't think it would have made a difference yeah so we're undertaking expedition do you agree yes you want to do something else okay are we rolling with edge shadow or wits rolling with edge we're just moving with speed shadows under the radar and staying vigilant is with wits I think
Starting point is 00:43:46 we're staying vigilant I think vigil vigilance over speed right now all right we are rolling with wits I do think yeah yeah all right I was looking at your engine upgrade which does allow you to do something with undertaking expedition but it's with your ship yeah we're not we're not on that right now you are going to roll wits all right hopefully this starts out well all right dice gods smile upon me I know you don't like me using virtual dice because I have so many just five feet away from me but please the burden Allegra must bear every Starforge session that is the only thing I don't like about Starforge it
Starting point is 00:44:30 is a weak hit you reach a waypoint but this progress costs you you either have to make two suffer moves which sucks or you face a peril at the waypoint okay well I think it either make a suffer move at minus two or you face a peril at the waypoint which is rolling a D hundred and something kind of bad happens what are what are we we thought we can you remind me what suffer sufferers like enduring stress enduring harm one of your allies taking damage that kind of stuff I feel like I think remind me about suffering I don't need a reminder I think I think I want to roll for peril yeah the peril is actually a lot of fun
Starting point is 00:45:30 because that sounds pretty pretty chaotic let's roll a D hundred and you tell me what you get chaos here huh sir have you decided to play with your ball right this minute all right well if you hear a ball in the background it's my cat he's having feelings 43 43 that is a meteoroid storm fills the sky a storm fills the sky now that's a space for peril okay there's not maybe a different peril let me look at the oracles real quick ninth-level spell I mean it would be kind of cool if like suddenly the station is just start getting rocked yeah yeah I'm looking at space sightings sector names yeah I
Starting point is 00:46:22 think the space for peril is as close as we're gonna get so yeah you like that idea of like suddenly the whole Wayland station is getting pelted yeah maybe oh maybe like Wayland station getting pelted like moving within space wakes something up fair fair I like that what we need to do though is because we found a waypoint we need to roll for that waypoint I just need to find okay we're going to this let's describe this waypoint roll at the hundred and we'll pick a descriptor for this place 81 81 is rare so something here is rare let's roll on the possibly the focus of this place roll another D another D hundred
Starting point is 00:47:17 27 27 is energy rare energy oh did maybe okay I wonder if one reason that it's so derelict this the station is so derelict is because they're running on auxiliary power or like secondary power uh-huh and this is like floor 60 or whatever is where the original like power core was okay and it's like it's like I'm kind of envisioning like the the control thing in the middle of the TARDIS yes yes you're just saying that this is like like this is the floor with the energy core yes has been separated from the rest of the ship or not accessible yeah it's not it's not functioning properly and maybe it's
Starting point is 00:48:04 like leaking radiation or something I don't know or maybe whatever's creating these doppelgangers is feeding on it oh yes let's do that we'll see what the rolls that was a successful waypoint fine we're going to move forward we're going to either continue to undertake an expedition or you could try something else you could try to gather information by checking in on the computers and seeing what's going on with this floor or yeah I think I think if I if if Nikata saw something that was like an energy core that wasn't functional I think they would try to just kind of poke around and see if there was any other
Starting point is 00:48:52 information to be gleaned from it if there was yeah if there's just anything there that could be useful so we are going to try to gather information right yes all right when you do that I think you roll wits come on smarty pants smartish it's a miss surprise on a miss your investigation unearths a dire threat or reveals an unwelcome truth that undermines your quest you lay I'm about to give you what you want you ready what what is it you ready you lay we pull out part of the control panel of the of the power core and there is a nest of goo purple goo of doppelgangers inside the power core okay gotcha so that's so
Starting point is 00:49:45 the doppelgangers are feeding on the power core somehow right yeah all right we have we got information just what we wanted yes exactly and and the complication is now these things are like attached to the power core you can't just shoot at these things because you blow up the power core right right we have to pay the price still we did roll a miss so 100 for me okay doppelganger are 11 gang are an 11 person you face a tough choice the tough choice I mean could be obvious and that it's like maybe Waylon station has to be destroyed or you know do I what is the tough choice actually cuz I okay I'm
Starting point is 00:50:37 gonna I'm gonna pull a me and make this emotional when it doesn't have to be because that's who I am I think I think Nikata realizes that like I think they they see that and they realize that's a bad thing but they also remember the doppelganger who was just like losing their mind because their existence was kind of like a like a fantasy or a lie and so I think they they're trying to figure out how they can help everyone how they can like get the tribe back on the ship that's safe and good to go get these weird little spookies out of here to a life that they can live without hurting these other people who just want
Starting point is 00:51:23 to also continue their lives so I think that was a roundabout way of saying I think adopt these things that we're about to say don't threaten me with a good time I will adopt anything and you know I know I've adopted gelatinous cubes I've adopted red caps I've adopted water genasi air genasi children I haven't met but once I think I mean that is a tough choice of like we just take these things with us in exchange for the repair ship and now I I feel like I think I think the hard sell is going to be to the tribe and I think I think Nikata is going to try and figure out a way to put them in like a little box and
Starting point is 00:52:17 like close the box and be like okay I have your problem solved these are coming with me no one open that box until we get somewhere where we can let them go I see catching to catch and release I see all right so we want to take these things did you say you are you are not telling the tribe are you doing this as secretly as possible is that the idea no I don't I'd with my shadow I don't think I would try to to deceive anyone because it would I think that would break more trust with the tribe trying to like this is fine we're just going rather than be like okay here's where we're at here's what I think we should do this is what
Starting point is 00:52:59 I'm saying we do so you're going to come back from this trip and explain to everybody what you saw and what you think the best course of action is yes okay obviously some folks would probably have a problem with this I think you need to make a compel yeah right that would make sense to me if you make a compel role I'm gonna warn you if you roll poorly we will probably have to test our relationship with the tribe and I think that if you fail that you we might have to select a new leader as an accent you know that they'd be like this is crazy we cannot allow you to bring these aliens onto our ship I and I I don't I
Starting point is 00:53:39 don't think I think that I I don't think they would do anything else unless I'm misreading because I know Aaron tried to kill a space whale right well that yeah that was Aaron maybe maybe this is a maybe this is Nakata atoning for the space whale I see okay gotcha I don't think really anyone besides Nakata had a problem with killing that space whale that's okay we're going to it sounds like you're trying to encourage charm barter with these folks you can roll with heart okay you are talking to your tribe giving them the tough news I'm gonna cause problems on purpose gang oh no no no no on a miss they refuse which costs
Starting point is 00:54:27 you greatly yeah I don't think we have to pay the price no I think they demand a new leader as Nakata's plan is ridiculous of bringing these aliens onto the ship I'm not a good leader I don't know how I became leader you were a good pilot I think that's why you became a good or were a leader how do we handle this we could simply roll up a new character I was the one that rolled this one too I don't want to I don't want to be the one who rolled the new character someone else can do it I think I think I'm gonna try and like I'm gonna try and keep this going within the tribe underneath
Starting point is 00:55:20 everything else oh really so like Nakata is just gonna try to do it anyway yes all right so so they have a meeting and someone else is selected as leader but Nakata against others wishes decides to continue this yep okay interesting now I'm gonna haul ass I'm gonna use edge I'm gonna haul ass back and try and just put them in a box okay all right you are probably going to face danger yeah because I think what the other iron landers plan would be is we just need to kill these things we just need to get find the nest destroy it and that's that right so you're trying to get ahead of them before they they're playing as an
Starting point is 00:56:08 active roll with an edge and let's see what happens this could be a crazy session this is what happens this is a terrible choice this is a terrible this was gonna be aliens and this is turned into like Battlestar Galactica or something Eli says when you send a druid to space yes this is gonna turn into that Star Trek episode the trouble with tribbles or whatever it's called so we can't oh yeah the ones that just like multiply yeah on a week hit you succeed but at a troublesome cost you must make one suffer move what you could endure stress as this is quite stressful getting caught yeah risking the
Starting point is 00:56:58 lives of your shipmates my shipmate yeah that yeah well yeah let's do that let's do let's do endure stress right you're going to endure some stress let's see first of all you succeeded at facing danger so I got them yes you definitely did get them got a terrarium of purple goo exactly there look I imagine like little purple eggs or something we are going to give you some progress on this vow I'm technically fulfilling my vow by helping oh wave it was find the source of the doppelgangers I think it just needs this now it's just it's become like find a new home for the doppelgangers find a new home for the
Starting point is 00:57:44 doppelgangers catch and release fam right we're going to add another to progress to this goal but we read what this week it does again CMY can I matter yes it is a cheap hermit crab terrarium they're like pink and purple rocks at the bottom there's like a really shitty half coconut hot that says home sweet home over the opening all right you're endure during stress reduce your spirit by one and then roll either spirit or heart spirit and then roll spirit or heart even if I don't have a good even if the game of characters don't have a heart I will make them have heart contentment strong hit nice finally all
Starting point is 00:58:32 right so on a strong hit you can shake it off and regain that lost spirit or embrace the darkness and gain plus one momentum I'm I've gone dark I've gone dark where I'm choosing aliens over the wishes of my tribe we're embracing the darkness it's quite TPK ish of you like so we're going to raise that momentum we have chaotic I want to be chaotic too I'm gonna say that like we grab some doppelganger eggs but there are probably still like others that our allies can go off and destroy right yeah I probably like grab like a like a terrarium somewhere and then I leave like one or two for them to like think they got them
Starting point is 00:59:21 right so they go through the process of destroying these things oh no let's say they do that I mean I don't come to terms with what I've done so do you when I regret yeah I don't know where this is going I don't either sorry so you're not the leader anymore that's fine but the issue is we need to ask the oracle whether the other iron landers are successful in I guess it doesn't matter whether they destroy it or not all that matters now is what the hell are we gonna do we need to repair the ship it successfully kill all these doppelganger eggs or whatever except what you have we're going to repair the ship and that
Starting point is 01:00:07 is what we came here for let's at least do that though you are not overseeing this I still think we can have you roll for it you are going to let's see combat exploration aid let's see repair page 237 here we go okay when you make repairs to your vehicle if someone else is making the repairs make a supply roll the way you do this is your supplies at three so roll a plus three roll or just make a supply roll okay so it's just I just do supply and no modifier okay we can't we hit on a hit of any kind you gain repair points as appropriate to the situation additionally you may sacrifice and exchange one supply for an extra
Starting point is 01:01:07 point an extra repair point so we're at a facility it's a week hit we gain three points to repair which means we could bring our ship back up to full strength cool so we don't even need to you try to use the supply I don't think so yeah let's just go back to full strength and now we have done what we came here to do we repaired the ship what about the supplies they do we decide that they took we decided that they kind of like also knew that we had our supplies and took something yeah yeah we decided that they took at least some of them do we want to try to compel them to give us them back or how are we gonna
Starting point is 01:01:52 handle that I feel like I feel like whoever's the leader now should should have his chance to try and like hey we solved this problem for you can we have our ship back right that would be a compel role and it would be let's see what the most what the options are for our we could make a heart iron or shadow role this might decide what the new leader is like I mean do we want to make them an iron focused character or a shadow focused character the other option is heart well we know I love a heart character as evidence by everything I do but I feel like I don't think it's gonna be hard especially if they're
Starting point is 01:02:45 taking over from me I don't think it's gonna be hard I think it's gonna be iron or shadow yeah I think that maybe the person that takes over is the person that's been the most loud and obnoxious about your actions you know maybe there are there's somebody who is is like a good at talking and is a bit of a swindler or something you know like high charisma right right okay so that sounds like we're rolling with shadow we're going we're also deciding that this is the highest attribute of this leader so why don't you roll with edge since that's your highest attribute right we're rolling with shadow like we're
Starting point is 01:03:25 rolling with yes we're kind of bending the rules here we should just create this character but I'm very curious as to what the hell we're gonna do with these doppelgangers okay we can't as above but their agreement comes with the demand or complication envision their counter offer okay so they will give us some of our stuff they give you the supplies back but what's the demand or complication either they don't give it all back or they want something else in return maybe they don't trust that we killed all the doppelgangers or do they destroy all the eggs or something maybe do they want to like check everyone over
Starting point is 01:04:07 for like oh sorry my cat's in my lap maybe they want to like check everyone over and like make sure that we're not like infected or like looking looking through our stuff to see if we are fine all right unless you want to do something else you're going to have to either face danger or try to secure an advantage by hiding these eggs they're going to come into your room looking he's got their eyes out for all the terrariums yes I think gaining in a no I don't I think it would be just facing danger I don't think there's much of an advantage that can be had and what do you want to roll with as Nikata to face
Starting point is 01:04:58 this danger I want to roll with edge because that's what I'm best at yeah but I don't know I don't know how you can like dexterity your way around hiding a fucking terrarium the only thing that I could think of is maybe you just try to always like stay out of their view like you're constantly like moving with the box you know what I mean yeah roll with it yeah and hopefully you are able to sneak away let's find out okay strong hit you are successful take plus one momentum you have successfully avoided their gaze they think it's okay to leave and the ship has been repaired and you guys go cool all right you Nikata has no
Starting point is 01:06:01 idea about the gestation period of these things or like not it's probably bad that you've taken it away from the power source because we did establish that they kind of feed on yes they might die they very well could die they might die they might go into a stasis unless you wanted to bring it close to the power core of your ship and keep them growing what would you like to do in fact why don't you can I roll for it yes I think it's I think it's likely that that it that they would probably start to shrivel you know what I mean and like not yeah be good I'm trying to find the oracles here I think I think once they're back on the ship and
Starting point is 01:06:45 like in their quarters and realizing that they're not the leader anymore realizing that they took these fucking spooky purple eggs right from nowhere because they had a bad like they had they felt bad for five minutes I think I think that I don't think they would put it next to the power core of the ship because they also really care about the ship and also the tribe so I don't think they would put them in danger in that sense but I think all right well first things first let's let's find out for sure whether the eggs are affected being away from like a power source it's likely so 26 or greater yes they are
Starting point is 01:07:29 being affected by power source quality hundred maybe get 26 or greater it means that they are or do need okay oh yeah if I if you do not bring them close to the power core there's a very good chance they're going to die or not you know fully gestate are you willing to do that is Nikata willing to do that that's the question as a naturalist this for the first alien species you've ever come yeah that's that's where I'm stuck is like okay by the naturalist side of it this is an alien species I want to like learn about it I want to keep it like I want to help it but also at the same time on the other end of the spectrum is
Starting point is 01:08:11 this is my ship this is my people like these are who I want to keep safe this has been my priority forever I don't know I mean Nikata was kind of you know that people were pretty upset with her you know she got out so yeah can I roll for it can I roll like 50 50 sure sure 51 or greater yes you are going to bring it to the power core all right chaos time chaos time 98 so Nikata at some period where most people are asleep probably brings the doppelganger eggs over thinking I will say I'm gonna like I'm gonna like tape the box shut tape the terrarium shut I see and like leave them in the box and leave it sealed so they
Starting point is 01:08:58 can't like get out sure but I am gonna like kind of like nestle and like because it's my ship I kind of know a place where it's like close to the power but not like all the way in there like I think I think I don't think they'd put it all the way in but they'd put it near enough that like maybe there's like a residual like okay so you put these this box there and you know that they're probably being fed by the power and what's left for Nikata I mean you know we're not really making the decisions anymore about no the progress of the ship so I think what's left now is to kind of resolve find a cure for a shot
Starting point is 01:09:47 nope find a new home for the early nope get to the Stargate nope things that the new leader now is in control of yeah the only thing that I'm in control of right now is finding a new home for the doppelgangers because no one else so here's what we can do we can first of all I want to roll to see if between now and the next waypoint if the eggs like hatch or or anything like that but maybe maybe what we roll first is do we come to another ship or excuse me another planet before we get to the next sector you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah okay I'm not I'm about to start a space plague aren't I I don't know what you're
Starting point is 01:10:31 about to start we want to find we have only four progress on this we could roll four pro we could roll on this progress right now and even if you fail there would be some kind of narrative movement forward where we could possibly find a place to drop these things off maybe if it's even an asteroid or something yeah let's let's go to let's try it let's see I'm trying to get to the make a discovery finish an expedition on a strong hit on a miss the destination is lost to you or you come to understand the true nature or cost of the expedition and in that envision what happens and choose one of these things your what I
Starting point is 01:11:20 would I have gained anything because I because I got them on the ship what I've gained any progress because I got them on the ship and hit them yeah I think that's fair you've got six out of ten so with six out of ten roll 2d10 you want to hope that at least one of them is under six 2d10 one one all right that's a weak hit on a weak hit you reach your destination or complete your survey mark a reward on your discoveries legacy track per expedition rank but there is an unforeseen complication at the
Starting point is 01:12:06 end of your expedition make the legacy reward one rank lower and vision what you encounter so what do we encounter and that might determine what our legacy skill point is I find a planet is it a just a meteor is it something I like the idea of an asteroid okay because I don't I don't think Nikata wants to harm other people she just doesn't want to harm these and she's kind of seeing that they can harm other people or they've kind of seen that they can't harm other people so they think they would want to like release them release them in the wild where they can't hurt anyone and no one can hurt
Starting point is 01:12:42 them all right I love that idea I have an idea though yes an unforeseen complication what if Nikata like signs up like hey yeah we're gonna explore this asteroid great I'd like to go with you they don the space suit they go out with everybody and like they've got the box and what if the others like notice and they're like yes that was what I was thinking too I think you I think Nikata needs to either make a face danger or a compel roll because the Islanders might choose to leave her on that asteroid like you betrayed us you lied to us type of thing face danger or what now face danger or compel them you're true you're
Starting point is 01:13:25 gonna compel them to a yeah me here yeah that that that makes sense what would you rather do face danger or think compel you be rolling your best role is heart facing danger you roll with edge is your best what wouldn't be facing danger just be me like no you can't leave me here I really get refused yes exactly okay yeah why not I think I think the Kata I think leadership took a really heavy toll on the Kata and they they were I don't I don't think like they made decisions wisely the entire time obviously and I think they're just I think yeah I think I think I think they're they they're a little bit
Starting point is 01:14:15 unwell right so they're so they're just like they're just gonna react and run yeah okay roll edge I'd like see him yk's suggestion of stowing weight in the landing gear yes okay all right now is when I roll the strong hits on a strong hit you are successful you will take plus one momentum and you get into the ship via the landing gear yeah probably lay low for a little while you know yeah and the Kata's a little bit of an outcast now yeah sorry gang so my question to you is this and I should have mentioned this at the beginning of the session but we actually have six experience points that we could have used we could use it
Starting point is 01:15:04 now on the Kata or we could give those six experience to the next leader but there's some kind of cost like I'll give you that but you have to roll for some kind of spaceborne peril or something like that so the next character the next player that plays or creates this character that is shadow centric will have six experience points to play with but they're gonna start right away with a spaceborne peril yes of course okay I want to mess with whoever's next all right great I will remember I'm gonna I'm gonna leave chaos so for next time we'll have a new leader who is shadow focused they will have six experience
Starting point is 01:15:50 points and that new player will take them on as they take on the role of leader where Nikata failed or at least kind of dropped the ball Nikata did her best did their best they did their best and they were having they were having a rough time there and yeah they they're their first time out they lost Chad and space shotgun so yeah that should have been the first indicator that Nikata needed to be replaced you don't lose the space shotgun all right so speaking of the next player we need to find out who that is I want to say that there is Aaron Amanda and Zakiya left so we'll roll a d4 one is a roll a d3 yeah I guess you
Starting point is 01:16:34 can roll a d3 one is Aaron two is Amanda three is that let's see who comes next onto star four am I leaving chaos for hey oh Aaron yes Aaron hopefully we don't come into more space whales but maybe we do but the point is is that I think actually Aaron's gonna come up with a good shadow based character oh yeah this is this is a good this is a good place to leave him actually yeah yeah for sure well that was an interesting session not you know so often in star forage things start one place and end in a very different one yeah at the beginning you're always like
Starting point is 01:17:15 okay well this is where I think we might go I'm like yeah for sure this sounds good we saved some doppelgangers left him on an asteroid I have to add it to your legacy I think we'll do something with your is did finding those doppelgangers feel more like a quest being resolved or did it feel more like a discovery more like a disco I don't think I think with quests it sounds like we're setting out with an explicit purpose and discovery we're not we're just going right so I think it's more discovery than a quest so we made a little bit of legacy of progress on our discoveries what happens is when we have two boxes we gained some
Starting point is 01:17:56 experience because of that but we do already a six experience that we just keep forgetting to use so the next character will start off strong I believe gang right in the middle of yeah exactly gang thank you for listening to us thanks for everybody that joined us today Allegra thanks to you so much for a great session as always thank you as always I love playing with you dude anytime anywhere is ready thanks for sticking with us through technical difficulties to really appreciate that yes it's it looked like just doing an old-fashioned restart helped yeah that's sometimes sometimes just got to
Starting point is 01:18:33 refresh those USBs right exactly like right anything we need to plug or talk about before we end our today well let's see usually we'd have heroes you should know this week I'm having to push that to next week just for some personal reasons but don't worry we're gonna talk about a very cool resistance spy next week Caleb and I that'll be great Friday we'll be we'll be doing something I have I have a thought in mind but we're we'll be doing something as always Aaron is at the sheet form on form farm on Mondays he's been playing Black Mesa it's Aaron it's chaos you know how it is and of course very soon
Starting point is 01:19:17 very soon very soon in just under two weeks we will be beginning our play through of Orpheus right with the hottest ghost team you ever did see I can't wait to show people art that Zach has made because it's amazing yeah well Vince of Black Project Gaming is gonna be running that that's gonna start Saturday the 25th or the 28th yes see the 25th 25th so the 25th Monday everyone but everybody watching if you want to check out some hot ghosts and a campaign that has never been completed in its entirety but we are aiming to do that the 25th I'm sure it's been completed just not on us in a stream platform not
Starting point is 01:20:00 sure someone has thank you for this in a stream or podcast form it has not been right yes 1 p.m. Eastern 10 a.m. Pacific hot ghosts yes yes ready hot go we will see everybody next time guys remember that we do have a patreon and you could always subscribe to us here on twitch either of those would be a wonderful way of supporting us but thanks again oh and if you sign up for our patreon sorry one more thing if we sign up for our patreon before the end of summer which is on September 21st we will send you one of these sweet little sticker babies right love those I've been I've been sending them out it's been
Starting point is 01:20:40 very fun for me I love sending mail even I don't like even if I'm not receiving mail I love sending it so give me some joy let me send you a sticker all right gang thank you so much again we will thank you next time bye bye

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