Mayday Plays - Starforged Session 0

Episode Date: July 7, 2021

Join Mayday as they take their popular Ironforged campaign into space!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All righty folks. We are live. We are playing some Starforged. Oh, I thought we were going to have a heads up. Oh no. I was waving my hands letting you know that it was coming. I don't believe you. I never saw that. That is a bull. I appreciate it. His face is like right there on the screen. I would have seen it. I was in an alternate universe where that didn't happen. I'm very sorry to say.
Starting point is 00:00:42 That's okay. That's all right. We love you. We love you still. We're trying some new things here on our Twitch channel. Including having a little bit of ambience in the background. I don't know if our audience can hear it. Make sure to let us know if you can or can't hear it. We have everybody here except Caleb, unfortunately. Sad times. Yeah, we have made sure to include Caleb in the photos. He is there in spirit.
Starting point is 00:01:12 But including a little, like a little space man photo that I made sure. Make sure that in his honor you drink some wine. Caleb really likes wine. I'm pretty sure it's wine. I understand what's happening now. Oh, you do? I'm lost. LXKBW, don't worry. We are going to be here for a little while so you came just in time. We did send out a Twitter though, by the way.
Starting point is 00:01:43 No, I think Lex is saying that we didn't get a heads up. I think Lex is on our side. Okay, so we are here to play Starforged. And we have a kind of narrative going already, which is something we need to kind of justify. So for the last 18 sessions, all of us collectively kind of one at a time coming on the show with me just kind of helping guide you. We have been going through Ironsworn and Ironsworn is the OG kind of vanilla version of this game where you play Ironlanders in a kind of medieval fantasy setting. And we kind of threw that on its head a little bit where we had a magical super storm that seemed to trap the people of the Ironlands in a kind of, you know, eye in the center of this magical super storm that assumedly covered the entire planet.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And so for 18 sessions, that's what we did. We explored this world that we kind of built and came up with with people who have their own languages and jobs and designations. And we had some adventures, lost some folks along the way, but managed to end the last session with Amanda rocketing off into space. For the last. So happy to hear that. I'm sorry. Can we can we just mention who who was the individual that lost the character? Who was that again?
Starting point is 00:03:24 Probably Caleb, who is not shown up today. That sounds that sounds about right. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That was Caleb. Caleb. So we are the last session, you know, our Ironlanders kind of had to get split up. There's there's roughly a hundred of them and the ship could only fit about 50.
Starting point is 00:03:45 They found this kind of derelict ship and they took off in the hopes of maybe finding some way to get off this planet. But that's not necessarily what we're going to talk about today because today we are here to do some world building. Now, I suppose the first place we should start is the most obvious, which is how does this narrative that we've been working on for the last 18 sessions? How does it fit into the broader picture? I mean, now that we're looking at galaxy wide kind of narrative, what's going on on our planet? Why were our Ironlanders there? And who put them there? If anyone does anyone have any immediate thoughts about that experiment?
Starting point is 00:04:33 I don't know. Yeah, when you put it like that, it's like, who put them there? I don't mean to influence the narrative, but yeah, I guess that's a possibility. I zoned out for point two seconds. What was the question again? The question is what's going on with the Ironlanders and the planet they're on? Why were they there in the first place? Why was this storm there in the first place?
Starting point is 00:04:57 I'm going for 2001 type of scenario experiment. So we had two for experiment. The day after tomorrow kind of situation, but like intentional. So I see. So this is you're implying a leg or that somebody did something day after tomorrow style like set something off. That set the storm off. Yeah. That makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Oh, like aliens. Like aliens exactly. I mean, if you think about it, because we did have this ship and we're now the way we left it off. It's like it had an objective, which we'll figure out, but it doesn't feel like it came from that world. And since this is a worldwide storm, I feel like something would have had to trigger that. So that's why I went with an outside influence. But if anyone else has a better idea, the outside influence makes sense. I mean, because you could always fall onto that the iron landers did it to themselves.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Maybe they were once advanced and, you know, set off a nuclear bomb of some kind that ended up creating the storm. But obviously we want to bring it into space and stuff. We have to maybe expand beyond that. I like that idea of like it was a previously advanced civilization that got to the point where they had so much proliferation of technology that's capable of destroying the world that inevitably one person pressed the button. And that happened and they were sent back to the Stone Age. And then that lines up nicely because that explains how our little spaceship got there. That does make sense. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I kind of imagine it almost like a pressure chamber, like a pressure cooker. Like what if aliens or some other humans, it could be humans. It doesn't have to be aliens dropped off like a colony of people or like, let's see what happens to these people. Let's see if they survive. Let's see how tough they become. Otherwise, I do like this idea of an advanced civilization just kind of boning themselves because it's either. So I think it's either 2001 or it's fallout. Right. If it's 2001, it does allow us to branch out into space a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:07:22 If it's fallout, it's isolated, right? Like it just happened on this planet. Nobody else should know about it in the galaxy or be really aware of it. Or maybe they are. There are aliens. There are aliens and fallout. True. That's true. But if we think about it, this ship was underground or low ground. It was almost worship for a while. So I know the storm came and isolated it, but that it doesn't feel like it came from that world.
Starting point is 00:07:47 That's because wouldn't we have not seen other because we've seen other like civilizations, but not like that technological advanced types. Fair. Right. Go ahead. If we wanted to go the route of like, it's an experiment from outwards. We could have a whole galaxy of different or like, not a, not a galaxy, a solar system of like every planet's a different experiment by like a centralized group of people. Yes. These people have to deal with the storm and it's like they have to live in the eye of the storm and like these people, everything is air and hot and they have to like deal without water and like there's different like. So this whole galaxy, at least this quadrant is just a bunch of experiments and we're all petri dish dishes.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Like the solar system is just like a petri dish. Yeah, exactly. I like that. Boy, it's a pretty bleak like that entire like entire solar system or galaxy that's just for experimentation, but it is interesting. And it does afford us the chance of like every time we go, it's some new experiment or it's some new strange place, you know. Yeah, that way we have like different worlds we can explore too. Like 4673 called it an intergalactic science fair. Yeah, a big part of the Star Forge setting and Eli, you've also, you know, participated in the kicks order. So anytime I'm wrong, if you've been doing your own research, let you know, stop me.
Starting point is 00:09:18 But I'm pretty sure that the setting is that there were once these progenitors, these like, you know, great races or something that created a bunch of technology and what they call vaults, which are basically like dungeons in this world. And who knows, maybe that happened, maybe humanity was somehow dropped off on all these planets. Yes, Legra. Space elves. Space elves. I demand that that's a real thing. It better happen. Caleb, that was Caleb's one request after he had to leave us was space elves. That was the only thing he asked for was space elves.
Starting point is 00:09:55 He did specify sexy space elves. Like the people who are carrying out these experiments. And they're just like, they're putting themselves in like godly or like mythical positions. They're Vulcans. I mean, the Vulcans are basically space elves. Yeah, very much so. Well, yeah, I guess you're right. So they're actually literally just space elves.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I'm going to transition to another screen. Someone in the comments just said, gay aliens, please. And I'm like, and they're gay. We can add that to everything. No problem there. Thank you, Lex. I'm going to read real quick the setting because maybe that'll help us kind of put our minds about things. So your adventures are set within something called the forge.
Starting point is 00:10:41 This is a globular cluster in orbit around your people's home galaxy. It is 1700 light years above the galactic plane, a bright island in a dark void. It goes on to explain it. But if you go to page is 14 in the in the handbook, you guys want to look at it. It's broken up into like four sections. There is the terminus, which is where most people landed in the region following their exodus from their home galaxy. Settlements are common here. Factions compete for resources and spaceborne caravans follow charted paths.
Starting point is 00:11:15 It's a populated area. Then there's the outlands. In the last few decades, your people have pushed deeper into the galaxy, searching for habitable planets. But there's more settlements than there are kind of established cities and stuff. Then there's the expanse. A few bold pioneers have delved the far flung reaches of the forge. It's a lot more isolated. And then there's the void beyond the forge.
Starting point is 00:11:39 There are only a few isolated stars, vast gulfs of nothing. This is a very dangerous place to travel. And I'm showing our audience kind of what the forge looks like. If you want to think about it, think about it like a globular cluster. It's circular in shape. And the most populated area is the furthest down in the ball. So at the bottom of the ball, which is the closest to the galaxy that we are by, is the most populated area. So the terminus.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And then moving out from there. So imagine like if the entire world lived in the... Is it Antarctic? Is that the bottom of our planet? Yeah. So imagine if everybody lived in the Antarctic and then as you move out, it becomes more and more... Or less, less... Habitated.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Habitable. It is now. I guess less habitable. It's Friday. Yes. But the point is, is... That's what the forge is according to the book. Now we can change it as much as we like.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I doubt that our planet would be in the terminus section. It would probably be in the outlands or the expanse in a less populated area. But how do we feel about this setup? Do we think we want to lose something about it? Well, if we do the galaxy science fair, which is actually quite intriguing, I feel like that would actually be towards maybe the edge of the expanse. So therefore we can actually play with the dangers of the void and all that. Because if it's supposed to be... If you are doing experiments, you want a controlled area. So that's probably why they chose that area where it's less populated and other ships would travel and all that.
Starting point is 00:13:24 So we would probably be on the border edges of the expanse towards the void. That's my two cents. I think that makes sense. Lex wants us to be in the void, but to be honest with you, there's nothing going on in the void. I feel... That could be cool though. If this is the thing going on in the void, everything is nothing except for these seven planets of science experiments, essentially. And the core of it can be the people in charge of the experiments.
Starting point is 00:13:54 So it could be how do we get away from it? How do we help other people? How do we... You know? Yes, I think. They use these planets for whatever purpose. And then whatever they learn, that's what will go ahead and go towards the center. So if there's, like, I don't know, a disease, an experiment, you go to the void, mess around with one of these planets, use it, see if it works or not. If it does, you carry that back.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And if it's not, oh well. Or if it doesn't work, you just jettison it off and it's gone. Well, yeah, because it's out near the void and all that, then who cares? Because no one's just going to travel there. Right. Go ahead. Like, I don't understand how light and space works, but there's a void and it's dark, right? So they chip off a little bit of the void.
Starting point is 00:14:41 It's on the edges of the clusters, is the idea. Yeah, they chip off a little bit of the void with a flashlight or whatever it takes. And that's where the base of the experiment starts and they keep coming up with these experiments and they just keep trying to chip into the void. And whether they go, exactly what you said with the planets, but it's them trying to like peek into the void by putting experiments out there. Okay, gotcha, gotcha. Okay, so sounds like we're going to start in the void. And a part of me does want to go determine it. So like, that could be always a long term, you know, goal is like, let's see if we can get to the center, you know, and make it, but that's a long journey.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Like, what would people know about the, like, could people at Terminus be completely unknowing of like, whatever's going on out there and being like, okay, we need to like, like this is a humanitarian crisis. We need to like, deal with it. I don't see how anyone in Terminus would know what's going on in the void. It is pretty common knowledge within Star Forge that travel does take a while. So like, if you're in the void, it's going to take a while to get to the expanse, which is going to take a while to get to the outlands, etc. So this is a big space nonetheless. It's 1700 light years above, let's say the Milky Way, you know, so it's not terribly far in terms of space terms, but it is a large place that will take a long time to traverse. But I like going to the void.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I like, you know, really being on the fringes, it would make sense that experiments would be done out there. Let's talk about, now that we've kind of settled on, okay, we're in the void. Experiments were being done. There's probably other planets. Let's try to put the iron lands to the side for a second and just think about what is the society overall in the forge. Let me pull up the truth. So we have to choose some truth. So if you guys go to page 71 in the rule book, there are a bunch of assumptions that we kind of need to make. I'll read some of them for you.
Starting point is 00:16:59 One of the assumptions is that this is a perilous future. There was, you know, just like in the iron lands or iron sworn, there was some kind of cataclysm or something that sent us away from our galaxy and we landed in the forge. This is a chaotic place full of dangers and mysteries. This is a lonely future with some possible exceptions. Humans are the only intelligent life in the galaxy. We don't have to stick to that, but that's the vanilla setup for Starforge. This is a diverse future, vibrant mix of peoples and cultures among the humans of the forge. It's a far flung future.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Settlements lie scattered and often isolated from one another. This is an unexplored future. Discoveries await, even in settled regions much of the forge is unknown and uncharted. This is a wondrous future. The forge is a galaxy of ancient mysteries, spacefaring creatures, starting phenomenon and other marvels. This is a retro future. We could also, you know, not have it be super advanced. It would be a little bit more like a Star Wars-y kind of feel, dirty feel.
Starting point is 00:17:58 This is a scavenged future. It's a decaying gritty and use. Resources are scarce. This is an unjust future where those in power hoard resources and control technologies and impose their will on others, which kind of makes sense for this whole experimentation idea. However, this is a hopeful future. Despite these challenges, hope remains. Your sworn vows are a manifestation of that hope.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I feel like some of these can be, like, kind of mingled. Yeah. They can totally all be used. This is just kind of like some of the assumptions we should walk into this knowing. You know, you think of like Firefly. You think of Alien. You think of, um, what else? What are some other movies that it says?
Starting point is 00:18:45 Xenon. Oh, yes. You're all the 21st century. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Absolutely. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Let's talk about what brought humanity here. Um, the question is, was it a cataclysm? Some examples are the sun play. Yeah. So, um, let's talk about what brought humanity here. Um, the question is, was it a cataclysm? Some examples are the sun play. Something was blotting out the, the, the soul, the, the suns in our, in our solar system.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Uh, another one is we were united in a prolonged war against a foe that basically defeated us and we had to run. And the final option is everything fell apart in an age of chaos. Maybe communication was broken. A fascist power came to be. There's also the option of Exodus where we all just had to leave because of some reason. Um, those options include, we set off on a big journey. Only some of us survived. There was a rag tag fleet of ships and a mysterious alien gate provided instantaneous one way passage to the forge.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Let's talk about our past. Well, why is humanity in the forge? I personally, I'm not a fan of this sun plague. That, that sounds like some pseudo scientific bullshit that I, I can't get behind. All of this is pseudo scientific bullshit. Everything Neilville says is going to be pseudo scientific bullshit. You're all dumbasses except artificial intelligence taking everything over. I'm rather, I'm quite fond of that one.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I like, I like the idea of it being like a reverse Reaper situation where like is, um, advanced machines took over the galaxy. So humans had to run. Okay, so we got one for killer AI. I like that. Any other thoughts? Any other thoughts? I do think that I think it's, it's interesting to be so excited about iron and then immediately be very scared of anything made of metal. So I'm actually four.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I mean, maybe the only thing that you can trust is iron, you know, like people have iron tokens and things like that. But yeah, like, um, do ships have advanced artificial intelligence? Because we ended our last session with some artificial intelligence. The ship had an AI. We're going even further towards Battlestar Galactica right now. But I like, like, so in Battlestar Galactica, you know, they have like some level of AI on their ships, but it's like simple and restricted, you know? Or like, like, again, another like a Mass Effect situation where like they have AI, but they've like placed like these governmental constraints on it so it doesn't get out of hand. I think it'd be interesting if the iron landers had a ship that was not protocol, right?
Starting point is 00:22:02 Like had a very advanced AI and everyone else doesn't, right? So then it would like make them kind of stand out a little bit. So like Mass Effect, got it. All right, so go ahead. I kind of want to throw this out here also is, um, okay, because I'm almost like kind of merging a little Firefly and like Star Trek into this. And if you think it's almost like these are dogs that escaped the pound from so they're on. So they let they're kind of just now kind of exploring and it is like that little Battlestar Galactica thing where it's like, all right, things are going south. We're going to go forward and they kind of don't know if you're if we're really going to contemplate that these guys were literally just like iron sticks and stones and all that.
Starting point is 00:22:50 So with KB, they'll probably take a while to learn and all that, but it's like them trying to figure out and I kind of think we should play with. I do like the idea of like very intense, but I do want some like fun shit to run like a joy ride. Exactly like we could like like how Firefly would just like go and have some like small like fun adventures. Some may want to stay and so I leave, but I do think would kind of go forward. They don't really know that someone else to go. Okay, so we're liking the idea of like an exodus because there was advanced artificial intelligence that kind of pushed us out. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:30 So advanced AI pushed us out of our galaxy and humanity landed in the forge. What's keeping that? What's keeping that AI from just coming and wiping us out in the forge? Probably there aren't enough resources out that way to make it worth their while. Possibly. You know, the forge is in a globular cluster. I wonder if some kind of radioactivity or something is interfering. Yeah, like keeping them out.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Yeah. Well, if you had like something that was pulling out like fairly regular EMP bursts, maybe something like that. Maybe that's like one of the clouds, like the globular clouds or whatever. So there's some kind of interference that keeps the AI away. Oh man, I was going with like the power of friendship. I mean, maybe just the power of friendship that keeps the AI away. Make this just like She-Ra or something. Yeah, power of friendship.
Starting point is 00:24:41 I stand by that statement. Okay, but we could make this work. Take it away, Zakiya. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Hear me out with this Aaron. Don't hear me out. Everyone but Aaron, hear me out.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Science boy. Yes. So when humans are super or people in space are very close to each other, maybe we'll call it the power of friendship, but there is something going on there with the vibes in space and coming together. It throws off the AI because they can't handle it. It's something inside of us. It's our love. It's our strength. It's our power.
Starting point is 00:25:24 It's our hope that throws off the AI. But there's like a chemical or something. We're built different. We're both different. Then what kept the AI's from just not being able to be repelled by the hundreds of billions of humans that probably existed in the galaxy. They didn't have friends. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:25:47 We're forgetting something. Hold on. I just realized in iron, what we did previously was that our main character actually kind of maybe gave it like respect and treated it differently compared to instead of other civilizations using it as a tool. You're talking about the black iron? I'm talking about what's our AI? Who did I play? Yes. Ashana.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Like actually was talking to it like it almost had like feelings and stuff, right? Like almost gave it a respect. If you're in an advanced civilization, this is like an iPhone. No one thinks Siri. No one thinks Alexa. I mean, I do. If I use it. I don't trust it.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I think where I was just like, we, we, maybe because we do might want to keep that amount is like to everybody else. Like this group of people, they've never really experienced that too. So maybe that could be also somewhat influential. Maybe not the only reason, but that's something to consider. We'll leave power on the table for now, but go ahead. We also do have magic. Yeah. Yeah, we do.
Starting point is 00:27:02 We very much still have magic. So it could just be magic. That's true. They can't come cause magic. Charmit. There is a question within the rulebook, you know, when you're setting up your world, how does magic kind of fit in this? And yeah, we could say that humanity is maybe special in that they have some kind of magic. Maybe in large numbers, maybe in certain areas or certain places, this magic is kind of enhanced.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Like it would explain why like, it would explain like, yeah, there are friendship lay lines, right? And the globular galaxy is the lay lines coming together and protecting us. So kind of like enhances it. All right. So here it is. Ready? We escaped to the globular cluster known as the forge, not knowing whether it would work. Somehow it worked.
Starting point is 00:28:02 What humanity doesn't know is that the globular cluster is like enhancing our psychic friendship powers in some way. You know what I mean? Yes. Yes. So we think it's like static electricity or EMP or something, but it's our existence within the forge. Existing within the forge somehow increases psychic or friendship waves. I'm really reaching here, but okay, I think I've got something here. Wait, is the galaxy already open like ready for us to live there or do we have to terraform it?
Starting point is 00:28:45 That we can decide. I think it would be a very lonely game if we didn't. I think it's more interesting if we are an experiment, then we are just a small speck of a larger story, which is the forge, you know, the people that live in the forge. So obviously somebody put humanity or, you know, this part of humanity onto that planet with that super storm. So there's other people we're going to interact with that have their own history and their own stories and probably don't know anything about the iron lands. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:29:20 Yeah. Okay, we've kind of settled on what our past is. Let's get past this. Let's talk about our communities within the forge. Few survived the journey to the forge and we are scattered to the winds. So very small pockets of humanity. Dangers abound, but there is safety in numbers. So many ships and settlements are united under the banner of one of the founder clans.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Or we have made our mark in this galaxy, but the energy storms we call bail fires threaten to undo that progress, leaving our communities isolated and vulnerable. So all the way from nothing to something, but even with something, there's things keeping us apart. Storms and maybe it's hard to send information and stuff between terminus, for instance, and other places. What does everybody feel in there? I definitely like the idea of having little clans and factions that our group will come up and discover along the way, because then we get a taste of what, how people have had to survive in different environments and locations, stuff like that. I like that.
Starting point is 00:30:36 So for communities, we're going to put small factions that stick together. But somebody had to have used a lot of resources to put our iron landers on that planet. Would you say that there's maybe one really big thing, like one giant corporation or one massive clan? Umbrella corporation. I like the idea of there being a antagonistic oligarchy. So one massive group, is it a, is it closer to a business? Is it closer to a government? Is it closer to a kind of anarchic state?
Starting point is 00:31:22 I think it's like, here's what I think it is. I think it's like a SpaceX that started a country on Mars type of situation where it was a corporation that maybe was like partially responsible for moving people from the main body of the galaxy out to the forge. And then in that process, there was a power vacuum that they came in and filled and they became a kind of like a de facto corporate government. I like that. They didn't go oversight so they can just do whatever the fuck they want. So they're like the, they're like the one company that got everybody out of the galaxy. But when we got to the forge, you know, there wasn't really government in place and the biggest power was this corporation. So it's probably achieved a kind of, um, reverie, you know, kind of status.
Starting point is 00:32:10 It's almost like, you know, I'm sure by now it's not called a corporation. It's like a church or a state of some kind. Yeah. Yeah. I kind of want to call it the jungle. I understand that we probably shouldn't, but. What is the jungle? Why not?
Starting point is 00:32:30 This corporation? Yes. Just thinking about other names of jungles that are very powerful companies. Oh, got it. What if we just called it, uh, jungle or jungle corp or, um, you could just call it the jungle. I actually think the jungle is a great company name. Okay. Do you work for the jungle?
Starting point is 00:32:56 I do. The jungle. So it's definitely like its headquarters would be like in Terminus, right? Yeah. Um, I wonder if it would have like the most like outposts or something like that. Yeah. Spread out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Like a satellite at the center of the science fair. The most outposts. Okay. And, and it would obviously be leading this experiment that the iron landers would put were put upon, right? Yeah. Leading the series of experiments. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:30 So we have the jungle and we've established that there are smaller factions, none of them able to kind of, you know, get, get past the, the, the, the monolithic size of, of the jungle. I kind of want to just throw this out here for the jungle. I do think it would be hilarious if there were like merchandise, just FYI, if we're going to go fun with it, like company, cause you gotta think like a company. So it's just like, it's like branded across the universe. Are you saying that there's like collectible items that we can collect along the way? Just to give it like some little fun project.
Starting point is 00:34:12 So everything is branded for the jungle. Why not? Cause if we're dealing with, it's cause it's not just probably one company, right? It's, this is just their couple, this is their couple of experiments. There's, if, if you really think about it, there would probably be, you'll have the, you'll have the jungle, the orchard. You can figure that company out. You could do a couple of them.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Orchard. That's a code slang for, for us. That's giving me like people in pods, matrix energy. Maybe the orchard is a cloning or like a revivification group of some kind. An apple a day. That's the motto. Oh, we're creating a dark future. This is, yes, this is the corporate,
Starting point is 00:34:58 corpocracy that we are inevitably going to fight ourselves in, I think. Oh, I'm sick. Have you, has anybody else had altered carbon? No. I'm on the show, her season of the show. It's kind of, I'm thinking like almost like, so in altered carbon, they have like this thing set up where they, like, like you're like, they've completely gone to the point where they've separated the concept of self from the body.
Starting point is 00:35:23 And you can just like hop into like, you know, another body, like as you see fit. And they actually use that for interstellar transportation too. So like, if you want to hop from like one planet to another, like a bunch of light years away, instead of like getting on a ship and going there, they pull you out of the body that you're in. And they just, you know, radio the information over, and you are kind of just downloaded to a new body. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:48 That kind of, that the, that orchard concept kind of just gave me, it gave me that sort of a vibe. Really cool. I like that. So the order travel fast. The orchard transfers consciousness to a different body. This is for long range travel. Like the elite of the, I was going to say, it's probably just for the elite.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Yeah. Everyone else is just, you know, slow, you know, via ships, exactly. There's got to be a Ferrari company. I'm just saying we have to like, we'll call it like, okay, something horse. I don't know. But think about like, you would have, if you're going to have like, you, you could be one that's like only elite. That'd be like very fast ships that could travel like that.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Oh, you mean the stallions? Yeah. There you go. The stallions it is. Okay. So this reminds me again, the stallions are like the, the main guys that create ships or what? Fancy.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Think of it this way. Like fancy over the top luxury vehicles. So not only could they get from point A to point B much faster, but it is, you can do things almost like where it's like a yacht or smaller one, but it's extremely fast. Now all I want is our iron lander, our iron landers to seal a stallion. That is my, that's my goal as soon as I play this game. I'm like, we're stealing a fucking stallion.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Let's go. I will always tie. I will always do a Tokyo drift in every game we can. So that's why I don't, can you Tokyo drift space? Yes, you can. Maybe. Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure you can figure out.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Do you mean Tokyo drift, something in space or Tokyo drift space itself? I know. I don't need that. Can't even. But yeah, you can drift in space. Space elves, everybody. Okay. Gay space elves.
Starting point is 00:37:45 So we have the jungle. We have the orchard and we have the stallions. These are major organizations that deal with certain things. I kind of think we should maybe just define, cause now you're making me think, okay, maybe there's only like in, in Dune, there's only like, you know, a couple of organizations called guilds that control everything. So like there's the space bearing guild that does all the travel. There are, you know, the, the hegemonic families that kind of control planets.
Starting point is 00:38:14 And then there's like the sisters, the Bene Gesserit that like control education and stuff. So we have merchant, we have the jungle for like economy, right? Like they basically like are the economy, their production. There's the orchard, which does travel. And then there's the stallions that I think we can also add that they build ships and stuff too. Yeah. Well, orchard can also be more, think of it this way. That could be also AI because if you're doing consciousness, it's like technology.
Starting point is 00:38:46 But if the humans ran from AI, are they going to want to like be like, we had AI, fuck. It would be more like, it would be more like the, they like this, this orchard organization would have a way of encoding consciousness and transferring it from, from one. So maybe they're like a medical like. Like if you, like if you die, they could like, Medical repo man. I like that. Okay. We need a tech base.
Starting point is 00:39:18 We're literally just like picking and choosing from there. That's fine. And this is strong. And this is strong. And this is strong. And this is arguing. There are no new ideas out of the sun in my opinion. Or over it.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Or over it. There's the jungle that is already involved with like technology and stuff. There's the jungle should be the overlord. That is the big one. The jungle should be like the top tier one. I think we just need like maybe one more organization that is kind of involved with just like, like education and food and that kind of stuff, like more just kind of agricultural stuff. All right, everybody. What's a food company?
Starting point is 00:39:59 I think it needs to be like, I'm sorry. The cornucopia. I don't hate that. I like that. That's a great one. Okay. Do we want them to be like in direct opposition to the others for where like, where they like, they're like, we need to get back to the land and we need to get back to like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:40:19 simpler times rather than like technologically. No, I think they're like a faction of it. Or are they like darker? I think they're like big agriculture. Yeah. Yeah. Big. Wait, wait, are we talking like they are the corporate or is the cornucopia like a faction?
Starting point is 00:40:36 That is against what they're doing and they want to go back to more of a simpler type of thing. I feel like, I feel like we're saying that like they're, they're like the big agriculture fuckers who are like, and like if they control the food, they control the people kind of thing. Yeah. So using technology is fine if it furthers their interests, but outside of that. So they control food production and distribution. Should we do a fifth company instead of, should we do five? Right now we have one, two, three, four, five. Four.
Starting point is 00:41:09 The jungle, which is involved with pretty much every, like it's like it's the production arm of the, of the galaxy. There's the orchard, which is medical. There are the stallions, which are like, like travel. And then there's cornucopia, which is like food distribution, food production. Yeah, that's four. Oh, okay, one, two, three, four. No, no, no. Oh, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:41:36 You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I keep seeing a word that I keep thinking it's another one. So yes, let's come up with another one. What's another facet that we're not thinking of? Defense. Education.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Oh, defense. Defense. But are we our own defense? We're kind of our own defense by being like friendship. I feel like education is the last big one. We haven't touched because like if we don't have people coming up that are following through with whatever deals are already. Unless we assume that education is more of like a localized thing where it's just like individual communities are responsible for educating their, their kids. But would they want to run the risk of like people having like ideas?
Starting point is 00:42:20 True. If we're going for more of a totalitarian. Yeah, are we going? Yeah, like are we going totalitarian? Are we going like factually? Hunger games. Yeah, kind of. I feel like we're, I feel like we're leaning more totalitarian.
Starting point is 00:42:33 So actually I think that does make sense that there'd be some sort of, maybe it's not like. Of course they're like sprinkles of like, here's what's really love. Maybe it's less of like a corporation and more of like an organization that kind of represents the interests of all, all of those four mega corporations and make sure. What's great about corporations is we can play a lot with internal stuff. So even though that's the main thing, it's not the only thing. And you can also have one company take out another company secretly because they're all trying to plot each other. Well, yeah, I mean, of course there's going to be some corporate espionage going on. But we're talking more about like how do they handle like disseminating information and educating children and making sure that no one, no one comes up with.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Information that would be deemed as like dangerous to that kind of oligarchic totalitarianism. I think the thing that might kill all the birds with one stone is that there is a group that squashes the beef between the other companies, but also. Like most of that beef is essentially because we're not like fighting wars in the street, it is like information or like a Cold War situation. So they're mostly yes, specializing in intelligence, which thank you, Ladybug. Yeah, I think that's definitely the best way to go about it. Some kind of intelligence agency. I mean, I could see this intelligence agency also being like, hey, come to us and we'll educate your children kind of a thing, you know, take these free textbooks we made. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:07 So this this faction, this is reminding me of like Legend of the Seeker or something like that. But what if like this one that's the information is the kind of the one that rang their job is to make sure the other four keep in line in a way, because you could have technically nonstop war going on with all this. Right. So their kind of job is to always be the ones in the know, and basically keep everyone in line in a way. So if one fall if like if this one goes, then everything can. Go ahead, like an industry like an industry trade group. It's kind of like a spoken packed agreement of wrong. They're like, okay, yeah, that's the reason. And you could always have one is going to say at the agreement and just go anyways, but that's the intention of, or at least towards everyone in the public is there like this one's there for knowledge and it's for everybody. Well, I kind of like, I see what you're saying, Amanda, and I kind of think it reminds me what you're saying reminds me a little bit of like cyberpunk where they have almost like they have like embassies and like treaties between the different organizations.
Starting point is 00:45:11 So it does make sense that there would be some sort of like a sort of a legal judicial system that that manages the relationship between the corporations. Part of me kind of thinks it would be religious almost in a way. Again, I'm thinking of the Ben Adjesserit who are very much like a religious organization that only allow women, I think, but they also a whole bunch of weird stuff in terms of like controlling intelligence. Does anyone remember Legend of the Seeker? There's this woman called Kailin. Did anyone watch the show way back when there was a group of women that I'm forgetting their name off the top of her head but you couldn't lie to them, because they had the power to always get the truth no matter what in kings and queens had no power they were always they were the top tier so they would go in settle any dispute and they could figure out who was lying like the lion cat saga. Yeah, something like that. So that because they were only women to who had this because it was like a certain magic. So if you had this faction of if you want to do all women and stuff, you can have it that they like with education all that they can go in and all companies kind of like okay they we kind of not say bow down to them but they always have to refer to them because they're a neutral party no matter what. Well, I like the idea that they have technology of some kind that they cannot be lied to you know they are able to detect. Oh, yeah. Maybe it's maybe it's even like organic like it's built into them like they can sense pheromones when you're lying or something like that. They could sense your like you know how everyone's bodies different when you're fibbing and all that they break it down to a science. Well, and I wonder if it's like some sort of like, because it seems like at this technology level there has to be some sort of cybernetic implant implantation.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah, yeah, it's something like that almost. Yeah, I'm always wondering if they have like some something like fitted into into them that lets them pick up on those signals. Aaron, you might know like how would Vulcans read minds is that it was just part of their. I don't think there was like a, I don't think there was like a explanation they just touched you. I think. Yeah, just my mind. It was physical touch isn't it like it was a touch or was it like face touch it was like touch them in a certain way like on their face. Yeah, that's where they also did it with a whale. So I like the idea that it's like maybe something built into them a wet works kind of a thing. So that's that's the intelligence agency. It lovely to have a name of some kind. It's a water theme but I can't think of anything like threat. It's either to threatening like the flood or too light like the puddles. The ripple. You went on a journey, you went on a journey and you got and I'm glad we were there with you to watch it.
Starting point is 00:48:21 We've defined our community. Let's let's talk a little bit about iron in general now and the iron lands it was super important people swore on it here in space does that does that continue. I mean, I kind of think it should in its own way. Well, but it's tricky though because because like when you're talking about like space technology iron raw up just just iron in and of itself has a very little useful application. So it would almost be I almost imagine it becoming like, it might even become like gold, because gold is in on a, you know, galactic scale gold is plentiful plentiful and is useful, you know, you make stuff out of it. But iron might be a little bit more like a niche or decorative, unless it's, you know, of course it's used in steel production, but yeah. So more ironers like got some type of magical property to it right so yeah it's got to be some weight to it. But was like exactly like that might be like a that might become like a cultural specific thing just for our iron landers. And then if we go somewhere else and we're like, yes, it's an iron vow and here's black iron they're gonna be like what the fuck are you talking about dude.
Starting point is 00:49:38 And I feel like every planet's going to have its own like nigh religious or relationship with iron. Yeah, or like a different thing for like a different material of each place might like material the material might differ but the consistency of the like fortitude with it my words aren't working. You know what I mean. It's Friday we get it don't worry. There's three options at the book gives iron vows are sworn upon the remnants of ships that carried our people to the forge. Interesting iron vows are sworn upon totems crafted from the enigmatic metal we call black iron, or the iron sworn bind their honor to iron blades. And to explain aboard a starship or straight gunfire can destroy fragile equipment. The brutal practicality of a sword makes more sense.
Starting point is 00:50:32 So you're not shooting lasers on a ship you're using swords and stuff so those are the three options to why iron is still kind of around. Yeah, I personally don't don't like that last one because when it comes to like combat and stuff you could you can compensate for it by lowering the power of the firearms such that they wouldn't penetrate the hall. I'd like. Let me read it. Black iron was first forged by a long dead civilization. Some say it's a living metal attuned to the hidden depths of the universe remnants of this prize resource are found within ancient sites. It is resistant to damage and corrosion but can be molded using superheated plasma. The iron sworn carry weapons armor tokens crafted from black iron and swear vows upon it.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Maybe there's black iron of different sorts on different planets and and like just because on the planet we've come from it was forged from like dead people in the storm for too long. It might. In other play the way it's comes about my different other planets like material is still the same. And it's like the magical properties that it may or may not possess. What could also if you think about it it's you know how like in like the Mandalorian like Baskar metal is very precious because it's only on that planet and whatnot. But if it's like black iron especially because it came literally from their world generations prior it's almost yet like something like where I like how you're saying like on that planet it's unique because it literally came from their ancestors. Does that make sense where in others it could be maybe not it's just a different variety of that but I like the idea like our black iron is more magical because it literally came from a bloodline. I like that.
Starting point is 00:52:40 So different societies have different beliefs on what the black iron is and how to use it. How does the jungle use black iron is it is it something that it's seeking for something or. I just think it's material. They don't really care. It's just like all right you use it. Or it could be like maybe they're like like firmly against the black iron because it's like they see it as like this this like backwater like old school like like almost almost. What's the word I'm looking for like from long time ago. Oh yes yeah you know the kind of the fallacy like ancient wisdom things that we're trying.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Yes that's kind of what I'm going like it's like this is like this is ridiculous like we have all these other better materials we can use why are you so like caught on this black iron. Yeah but hear me out. What if black iron obsolete that's the word thank you. Yeah but this is a little bit this is a little bit. I guess this is kind of in contrary to that a little bit but Medicaid your cat Allegra. What if black iron isn't technically they call the black iron because they didn't have a better name. Sure what if it's actually like something that's really really naturally dense like uranium. Like it has some light radioactive properties which means that you can do a couple of things with it one.
Starting point is 00:54:15 It can be used to create high density penetrators which means that it has. I know what I said. It can be used to make really effective weaponry specifically ship to ship weaponry that you know the guy that's capable of penetrating really like thick thick hauls and Allegra. You're the one saying it but whether it's whether but I'm saying what it is. Yeah really dense penetrators. So you're saying the jungle would want this stuff. Yeah so you could make weapons out of it you could also assuming that that was the case it would also probably have radioactive properties which means you could use it for energy production or to make nuclear weapons like it's more radioactive. There's love.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Exactly. It could be could it be both. Who's to say. So the corporations want it for weapons energy. Did I miss anything else. That's basically the summary of the very rambly thing that I said yeah. I have a quick question on science versus magic. You're asking the wrong crowd but go ahead.
Starting point is 00:55:33 No no no no no because I'm going with the Thor option of why not have both. You have science and magic together. My question was more of according to some of these corporations and whatnot do they just dismiss magic as like that's do they like how can I say that do they think it's just like science not explained yet. I don't think yeah I don't think something different. Yeah because because like we would be missing out if we had like psychics or telekinesis or something like you know these corporations are going to totally be experimenting with magic and try to weaponize it or whatever. So okay so so we swear iron vows on black iron totems that you can find throughout the galaxy. It's a kind of living metal that has magical properties different societies have different beliefs on it and the corporations want it for weapons and energy. Let's to penetrate things exactly.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Let's talk about laws. Let's talk about how the law of the of the galaxy works here. We've got three suggestions either it's a completely lawless frontier laws and governance vary across settled domains or communities are bound under the terms of something called the covenant a charter established after the Exodus the organization called the keepers is sworn to uphold those laws. We didn't we didn't think of the cops of the universe so maybe the keepers are another. I guess I was just assuming it would be almost like a private corporate security where like each operation has like their own private security force. Okay. Yeah. And like the people on the ground who may not be directly involved in the corporations just kind of have their own like.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Yeah and like otherwise it's frontier justice. Yeah. I do think the ripple should have a police force called the drip so people can say respect. It is. Even if that's not the real name. It's the drip. Got it. Got it.
Starting point is 00:57:40 So the corporations have their own police forces, according to the areas they control. Otherwise, it's lawless. Yeah. And obviously like if there's an outpost or something they probably have their own sort of justice in some way. Yeah. Okay. I think it would be cool to see two areas competing for like a lawless outpost to just trying to like over advertise to claim it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Let's talk about religion. Our gods failed us and we left them behind. Our faith is as diverse as our people or there are three dominant religious orders known as the triumvirate. You guys remember we came up with something called triumvirate who battle for influence and power within the forge. It's funny. I do. I feel like it should vary. A part of me does think that like, you know, enough time with a bunch of corporations running things like there's going to be some kind of zealotry.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Like one of them is going to be mistaken for a religion, you know what I mean? Maybe the orchard or given enough time. I think if we're talking about a large enough time scale. Yeah. I think the orchard is literally like bringing people back, not literally bringing people back from the dead, but. Kind of literally. Yeah, that could get weird pretty quick. I feel like if you think about it, we can go a couple ways like in certain areas, especially like outposts and all that stuff, we can do that.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Like there it's a religion, all that. And then like maybe towards the center because it is the city and all that. It's not so much a religion. It's just like, all right, it's McDonald's. You just know it as Mickey D's and that's it. That's where you like you can we can play with that. So because I the idea of like it all across that it just like I feel like in certain areas, maybe especially the cities, they don't consider the religion. It's like very transactional and maybe outwardly you could if you want to.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I like that idea. Like pop like pockets of like like like sort of saying like pockets of zealotry where people are like this is definitely a religion. There are people that are like this is definitely not. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I find that interesting that like the farther away from terminus that you go like the people that do interact with the corporations do have more of a kind of naturally I feel like humans naturally fall into this where they do have these these these not beliefs, but I could see why they would see that like the orchard is a religious organization or or it would form into a religious organization on the edges of society. And you can still have zealots even within the city.
Starting point is 01:00:30 I'm not saying that's not Apple because I think you could have like what you said pockets were certain areas and even you have certain cities because the closer you are that doesn't mean it's just one big city. There's a couple of cities. Maybe some are like is San Francisco and some are just like Dallas, Texas and all that. That's where you can still have like you can play with that variety. I think this leads us to an important thing which is that the only way for that in my opinion for it to kind of work is that communication is difficult. So like if I'm on some backwater planet and the orchard comes and brings everybody to life, like, yeah, I would maybe start assuming they're religious or have a religious affinity for them. And it's because and then people like in terminus have a little bit more of an educated scientific view of any of these organizations, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Okay, so which is one of our categories communication and data. We're kind of establishing that information between the sectors is a little hard. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So between sectors. I dropped the Wi-Fi drops frequently is like at this point like Internet or Wi-Fi so important to travel that it would be a stallion issue or like subject because then that would explain why not everyone has access to it. Also like clouds or elaborate I don't get what you mean to Kia.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Oh, like if if it's really hard for someone like you were saying on like a backwater planet to communicate with someone on terminus, not necessarily because they don't have the money but just like the distance has no reason to put a bunch of like routers out there. There's no one spending money like they don't need to be connected to their bank account or whatever, or space Apple pay to do whatever. Or to pay or to pay. We don't want to be. I'm sorry. Yeah. Okay. So I like this.
Starting point is 01:02:33 So between sectors information is sparse and and stallion is slow to to spread the ease of communication. They'll put the towers up eventually. Yeah. Or like. Beyond terminus information is like traded maybe it's it's more of just like a bartering type of thing. Or there if like within the like the orchard and the, the all of them that I can't remember the name of off the top of my head at this moment. Like there's like ships that hang out on either side of like the line between all the sectors and they like that's how they pass information because information can go really easily between like within the sector, but crossing sectors. Yes, it could be like, hey, like this is like a job for like everyone has like a job at the edge of the sectors and that's how they pass information.
Starting point is 01:03:28 You know what? This is kind of bouncing off of that a little bit, but what might be interesting is if like so we're establishing that, you know, communication is difficult, but I'm imagining like it's very because of radiation, radiation, you know, interference from. Yep. Just the sheer distance just the sheer distance. Yeah. Incredible. Well, that's true. So I mean, you know, information transfer is limited to light speed, but aside from that, like I'm wondering if there's like, you know, you have trouble getting a signal from point A the point B because there's.
Starting point is 01:03:57 There's a source of interference between the two locations. So I almost wonder if there's almost like a network of like data running ships that like like a ship with like a huge rack of servers in them. That collect a bunch of that collect a bunch of information and travel is the distance and then transfers the information. Well, that is the ripple. The ripple is the organization that is obsessed with communication and technology and, excuse me, information in particular intelligence. So are we saying that it's the ripple that kind of has these outposts on the edges of these sectors? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:34 I feel like they have like really race ships that they like bop into each other like because you can't you can't cross that whole distance on your own. So you have to like, like jump ships. Yeah. Especially if the ripples supposed to be like a neutral thing because you don't want to skew info. If they're all about that, you can have it and also well that we know of. That's what they would say in there about me part of the website. Yeah. But also like the elements of space like I think we're Aaron's like, I don't know black holes.
Starting point is 01:05:03 I am like there's a whole bunch of like dangerous things in between everything that causes information to not get travel out as far. Makes sense. Okay, we're making good progress. Let's keep going. Let's talk about magic. We have already kind of talked about it a little bit. The options are magic does not exist. Supernatural powers are wielded by those rare people we call Paragons.
Starting point is 01:05:29 These are people with either genetic engineering, psychic experimentation, magitech, ancient knowledge held by secretive orders or unnatural energies flow through the forge. Magic and science are two sides of the same coin. I think we established that magic and science weren't the same thing. They're gone. I mean, theoretically, if magic existed, it would be part of the physical world, the world that can be measured, right? Right. So so it could be part of a world. I really like this idea of like maybe some people have these these either genetic or or evolutionary advantages of these Paragons.
Starting point is 01:06:13 So there are people in the universe that just like have abilities. Maybe through nanotechnology and stuff like that. Are we like talking like how the Jedi have the force and all that technically every the force but not midichlorians. You have to accept it. Everyone technically has whether your medical count is very low or very high. But what you can if we want to go like on a biological, maybe certain either species people and all that just have an inherent nature to get magic easier or you can do it like where someone does study. You could still have humans. Obviously that can be like susceptible to magic in a certain way.
Starting point is 01:06:56 But what about the fact that the forge could possibly enhance our innate magical abilities being here? You know, it's like Superman and a yellow sun. It gives us something that we weren't aware of that would explain, you know, iron landers and their powers and things like that. We're in a place that kind of enhances it for us. I like that. I also think that either would make that would make someone like the Iron Prophet either the best wizard in the world or like completely nerf him once he gets dispaced. Well, how do you mean? Like if everyone is born with special magic inside of them and when they go to space, space exacerbates their inner magic.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Well, okay, Zakiya, let me let me let me let me take that and apply something to it because so like there's in quantum mechanics, you know, there's this thing called a wave function. And, you know, it's when you hear about like Schrodinger and, you know, like measuring the fact the system and nothing really happens until you've observed it. I wonder if it's like the type of thing where for whatever reason, maybe there's like some sort of radiation source that activates something that that would be more of kind of the magical component. But maybe for whatever reason, like humans become better at collapsing away function. And what I mean by that is that people some people have like more influence over how physical events resolve. Yeah, like manipulate things on a quantum level to make things. Yeah, you can justify why some people are better at it than others for sure. Yeah, the the the wave function closing of the wave function.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Or how did you phrase it Aaron collapse collapsing collapsing the wave function that's the way the jungle sells it. I know you said English words and I know they weren't a sentence. Literally, people some people can make quirks go to bed. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Is what the jungle calls it. Okay, okay, cool. We've talked about communication.
Starting point is 01:09:12 It's sparse. It's difficult to get outside of your own region. Let's talk about medicine. We did already come up with this organization, the orchard. The options that we have that are that the book suggests are our advanced medical technologies and expertise was lost during the Exodus. To help offset a scarcity of medical supplies and knowledge of the technicians we call rigors create basic organ and limb replacements, or the menders or the orchard are an order of sworn healers who preserve our medical knowledge and train new generations of caregivers. I think that's we're kind of leaning towards that third option there. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Okay, so, so it is a sworn group of healers. I wonder if it doesn't have some kind of a religious connotation to it. Right. A little bit of both, if you think some are and some aren't space clerics. Gotcha. We're going to space. So moving on to artificial intelligence, I think we have decided that artificial intelligence is not something that is common. We do have a ship that has artificial intelligence, so we'll have to rectify that.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Maybe it was one of those ships that was sent out long ago and just kind of got split from the group and landed in the void. I have a weird thing about this a little bit because I know we want to be restrictive with AI, but this is like multiple advanced different cultures. So that's where I'm like, maybe that's why I kind of like the idea of like, because you know there's different kinds of AI. And there's there's some that could grow the be that could grow to be more dangerous than others. And I'm wondering if that they've like, okay, some AI is okay for certain applications, but there's limits to how far you can push it. Maybe I'm just lazy. I'm like, I would love AI to do half of my shit in life where I'm like, yeah, go there. I don't trust the aliens. I don't trust the robots. I trust the robots better than people half the time.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Wait, did we do Sergio? I'm here. Oh, sorry, you just stopped moving. Yeah. I think, okay, I think like, so like maybe levels, Wally and below are allowed. Yeah, yeah. Wally is a religious text. Yeah, actually, that's actually a really good example because Wally is about the singularity. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:51 We're all very tired and you're using a lot of science words. Thank you. We're like, we're underwater here friend. You got it done. You got to dumb it down to like public school level, bro. I would say that like, there's no advanced AI. Yeah, like they like, I would say that they probably have a rule that like you can't make an AI that performs human tasks better than a human. I think I have to work a little bit.
Starting point is 01:12:19 I do love KB so much on this ship. If that was like many moons ago, that was something they pursued. But as you could see, AI started to go south very terminator like Skynet. And then unlike our world, they actually shut that shit down. And basically you could say they jettisoned or something with anything that was remaining. It was, it's like kind of like higher AI is illegal, like certain like something like that with advanced thought like that. Wally's good, but anything above that is either regulated for a certain purpose has to be in like the corporate like in the main cities for a very specific reason. Other than that, it's highly legal.
Starting point is 01:13:01 And if you're caught with it, that is like punishable in a certain way because left unchecked. Yeah. Maybe KB is the only AI with a heart survivor. Yes. I think that's probably not how to love. All right. Well, we'll get there. But the point is, our ship loves us.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Okay. Right. So KB loves us. KB is an anomaly. It's one in a million. There are no ships with artificial intelligence that is. I wonder if it's almost like there's like a protective relationship where like the people on our ship are trying to keep her on like the download so that no one finds out about it. Well, but the thing is, would we know, we wouldn't know that we've just been on, we've just been on planet for so long.
Starting point is 01:13:54 It's something we've got to learn. Yeah. But the point is, I guess the point is that would that would be a potential source of like eventually we'll get to that point. They were on the planet for such a long time. So technically they are from that time. If you think about it. Oh my God. They might worship the AI.
Starting point is 01:14:11 The Islanders. They might possibly, from their perspective, the AI on the ship would be like some sort of divine savior that brought them out of the store. What if the AI was escaping because of all that stuff? And like, that's how, if you think about it, there's a couple of ways they could have gone down. And that's, and remembering that store happened, it literally froze in time practically for a long, long time until it opened up again. So technically huge time gap happened where wherever it was no longer exists. So it's literally one of the last of its kind. Well, if the planet was an experiment, then KB was put on there intentionally.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Possibly. Yeah. Well, KB could have been put there before the jungle put humans on there. Okay. So like the way I think about it is like a trash, trash planet. Yes. Yeah. Imagine like, you know, we all had this Exodus and there were all these ships with AI and one of them got lost or diverted course and ended up out in the void crashed on the planet.
Starting point is 01:15:16 You know, what if, what if they used like the storm, like this, they made this is, I thought this might be in conflict with something to be already said, but they use the storm to like dispose of dangerous things and like hold it in status. The ship went to the storm because it knew that's a place to hide for right now because it was so hot. It's like, all right, I'm going to go into like a like a sleep and then hopefully I'll wake up and this shit will be solved. Is the storm what happens when KB refuses to go back? I don't think the storm is caused by KB. Okay. No, the storm was like a science experiment. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:51 And they just decided to like, that's the only solution it had at this time. And it was already damaged. So technically, it just maybe didn't have a choice. Yeah. I like this. I like that we're giving our AI a backstory that I care about. Hey, yeah. In fact, this is going to be very literally Kevin Bacon and I was just like, no, are there wars going on in the forge?
Starting point is 01:16:14 Is it like like you described like a cold war between corporations? I think I think there have to be corporate war. Yep. So what does that look like? Is it just a constant kind of vie for power? Is it trying to maintain a balance? I think it would. I mean, yeah, I think it would be more of like each one is trying to one up the other.
Starting point is 01:16:39 And from my perspective, I think it would be less of a shooting war. And I think it would play out more through in terms of like electronic warfare and corporate espionage. Yeah. Yeah. Communication is scarce. Would there be such a heavy war going on? We're all spread out. Potentially.
Starting point is 01:16:58 If there's limited, like if there's limited bandwidth, then yeah, maybe that's the resource that they're fighting over is bandwidth. So we're trying to destroy spreading either spreading information that weakens one of the other organizations through the ripple. So maybe their whole goal is either to confuse or pay off the ripple. To spread there. Yeah. Influence. Thank you. Everyone in the ripple has like a different kind of like.
Starting point is 01:17:26 They're more leaning towards. Yeah. Gotcha. Okay, so there's a little bit of a cold war. Let's talk about life forms either. This is a perilous and often inhospitable galaxy, but life finds a way. So life is diverse. Many sites and planets are infested by dreadful forge spawn.
Starting point is 01:17:47 These aberrant creatures threatened to overrun other life in the galaxy or life in the forge was seeded and engineered by the Essentia ancient entities who enact their inscrutable will in this galaxy. Okay, space aliens. That's all. Oh, yes. But I feel like it should be diverse. I feel like we should. We should see different kinds of different kinds of weird thing. And like if we're living in the middle of like a globular place that like has an effect on our, what was it?
Starting point is 01:18:17 Wave something. The wave. Wave. What was the word? I don't see how it's related to this. Well, if the wave functions are getting affected by like space reasons, there's no reason that like our physical forms haven't been affected by space reasons too. And there could be other things that were there before we were there and then their friends. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Diverse life. Let's talk about the precursors. In terms of precursors over eons. A vast number of civilizations rose and fell within the forge. Today, the folk we call grubs, scavenged crews and audacious explorers delve into the mysterious monuments and ruins of those ancient beings. There is the ascendancy and advanced spacefaring empire that once ruled the forge. They had vaults of inscrutable purpose. But those are, they're now gone, these people.
Starting point is 01:19:11 And then the biomechanical life forms we call the remnants engineered by civilizations as weapons in a cataclysmic war survived the death of their creators. So kind of like a threat there and antagonists call the remnants. How do we view our precursors? Was there anyone here before us in the forge? I like the idea of there being like a, like a, like a dead alien race that there's like, left like ruined space stations and stuff behind to explore. But yeah, we know very little about them. I would assume like most of these corporations really want to get their hands on their relics and stuff. But at the moment, there's not a lot known because maybe these places exist farther out of terms.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Maybe they're in the more out, out beaches. Well, here's a, here's a thought. What if, because I'm wondering if like, as a society, if these people have like any interest of like getting back to their home solar system and or like reclaiming their, their home territory in like in the main body of the galaxy. Or if like there's an interest in getting some of this alien technology because maybe that they think that there's something there that might facilitate them being able to retake their homeland. I think that's a totally legit reason to be looking after these things. Absolutely. In fact, I'll write that down. Want ancient technology to possibly find a way back. All right, making good progress here. Let's talk about the horrors.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Wait, wait, Amanda's connecting the dots. I've been watching it. Please go ahead. Go ahead, Amanda. Don't keep us waiting. Bear with me. I have an idea to really make our lives a little bit hellish. Do it. One don't we do what one don't do this. Now, I don't think I do think there would be very interesting if there's a spot in space and just go with it. Ignore logic, Aaron. I just just go with this like a certain kind of cloud radiation. Like think of it either like the T virus in a weird way.
Starting point is 01:21:38 So if you want, there could be a certain toxic area that people or get there. And they're literally like, I'm not saying zombies, but literally like they become mutated and they're very violent creatures or something like that. And I know like like an area where there's just an insane amount of radiation. Yeah, something like that. And it like any spaceships or any planet and all that, or just that's the reason why I say that is that could be if we were talking about horrors and dangers and all that stuff. Because this is like to like it's so big how expansive this whole galaxy solar system that I do think there could be pockets of this stuff that not even the corporations are go they're like they're like this is like I love that. No flies down or no flies down for sure because you come in you're not coming back out because it is so toxic and because it's radiation it is so like it can leak out to anyone as well. It's like like a supermassive black hole or like in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole like the one at the center of the Milky Way.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Well, let's think of something that can exist in the forge that is not a black hole like like if it is just like clusters of, you know, gas or something, you know, something radioactive. Firefly like that with a cop. Okay, okay, because I wanted to say revenants from like one owner or something but just like almost like demonic space things that literally that. All right, so what is it? What is it? Is it a gas cloud these pockets of cloud? Let's say that's a gas cloud with radiation and it literally will any creature biological will be affected. So what are they? What are they? What do they call this gas cloud that they tell everyone to avoid? You know, I'm thinking of a black matter or dark matter or, you know, dead, dead space. Space mold, space mold.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Hold on Caleb, are you hearing because you're you're a spooky bish if you have an idea put in the chat please. The dust. The dust is cool. The dust. That's what we've got. I mean, everyone get angsty really quick. Erin, I know you got angst in you. The bleed.
Starting point is 01:23:58 The graveyard. The rift. The rift. It's I like to imagine that it's like, you know, frequent enough that it's like everywhere the ravage. That's cool. Stick with the ours. They have the better one. I like that. And then what happens is if you die within this radiation field, you're brought back to life is like a mindless zombie. Yes, this is our machine. We haven't even dived into what the options are for whores, but yeah, go ahead, keep going.
Starting point is 01:24:34 What if like the orchard has like, because you know, to facilitate their technology, if they have like an implant and like everyone's brain stem or something, which is, you know, facilitates their, you know, ability to, you know, rip your consciousness out and move it around. And for some reason, whatever's in that, that area, you know, whatever, whatever we're calling it, what if it interferes with that in some way that basically causes it to malfunction and it kind of like pulls the data out of you without anywhere for it to go. I just need you as like that lifeless husk. Jamie Hanart also suggested the mist, which I'm also a fan of. The thing is though, because we're only really like kind of rich people can do that teleportation type thing, which I do like because that can happen. Probably, but they probably put the implant and everyone is a sort of like control mechanism, like probably put it in you at birth. But you're forgetting like out, like the outposts of how that I don't know if that would be accessible, but it could make it worse in a weird way. I think that they would make it accessible though, because they might want your control thing and also they would view your body as a resource.
Starting point is 01:25:43 I do find it interesting that what the mist is, is people who during the transfer got caught in this radiation and is now like a spirit or something like, you know, floating around in this mist. Space ghost. Space ghost. Space ghost. Alien. Okay. So we got space ghost. Can we still get space zombies?
Starting point is 01:26:06 And we just, let's do more. Like your consciousness is ripped out and it gets stuck in a cloud, then you're a mist. You're a space ghost. Like you become the mist. Yeah. Or if you dive physically in the cloud or whatever we're calling it, then you become a space zombie. Which we should call a. So it depends on like if you're physically there or if just your information is being right.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Yeah. What do we call? So what do we call space zombies? Since the, since the, since the consciousness is a mist. Well, the mist is just the area. It's just like the, the field. I mean, we could have the space ghost could be called like wisps or something like that. Echo or echoes.
Starting point is 01:26:55 Someone said echoes earlier. Echoes. We'll call them echoes. It's better than snowflakes. I forgot I had a meeting already. If you physically die in the mist, you become a, a husk, a, a vessel, a shell, a shell. I like the shell. A shell and an echo.
Starting point is 01:27:19 That kind of, that kind of like works well together. Yeah. They're all kind of water themed too. Shells. It's kind of like, it's like an army of shells. Rips into this town. They're going to be like shells. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:27:33 It's easy to yell. It's good. They're literally blood thirsty. They're ravenous creatures. Who gives a fuck? They're going to rip through a town. Okay. So I like this.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Otherwise is horror, are the, are the strange horrors very common or are they kind of rare? Is it more like you find like a strange creature than you would a ghost or something like that? I feel like that one would have to be kind of rare because if that was like a major problem, that would, that seems like a, if that were like common, that would be a major problem. Well, where we're at, it could be more common. If you think about it, we're on towards the outer edges in a way. Yeah. Like you go further out, it becomes more likely.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's why everyone, that's why everyone's in that spot. Good job. Yes. Thank you. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:28:27 What was just said? Did I miss it? In chat, Jamie Hanart said, don't get shell shocked. And I like that a lot. Slap. Don't get shell shocked. Right in there down. Yes.
Starting point is 01:28:38 That's a good one. That's so good. That could be like a wish. That could be like a, like a, like a send off when you get in a, when you get on a, like on a long journey, go get shell shocked. Oh, that's awesome. Send off between pilots. Thank God we have chat to help us out.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Thank you. All right. So we've defined some of the, some of the big ideas behind our world. I think something we should talk about now, and I'm going to transition real quick to our map here, something I think we should talk about is how much time has lapsed between the Ironlanders getting the ship and where we begin our Starforged campaign. Are we giving some time for the Ironlanders to kind of get to know what the hell's going on or picking up right after?
Starting point is 01:29:34 I like throwing them right into hell. Oh. Time jump. Time jump. Well, it's, I, I've transitioned us to a new map. Well, cause it takes a long time to travel. Correct. So I feel like there might be a time jump where at least they can understand what the F how
Starting point is 01:29:55 to run the ship. Cause then I don't like, cause then we're going to have to spend a long time just to get to know the very basics where if we just do a little time jump where they're up to speed like a couple of years even. Yeah. Cause it's a long travel. Like, like maybe we don't know everything, but we know enough to not shoot ourselves in the foot or blow the ship up.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Not to be like, here's JB. A few years have passed. Um, there are a few Ironlanders who know how to navigate, uh, or use the ship, but most people are relatively still kind of green at it. Um, we've probably made contact or at least seen other places because I think kind of the big goal would be find a new home and then go back to the Ironlands to get people to go to that home. Right.
Starting point is 01:30:53 So maybe that plan will change as things are figured out. But yeah. Allegra. I just realized that is the, is, uh, is the jungle going to be after us because I don't know if we were supposed to get off that planet. I think without a doubt that would be an interesting, uh, bit of, you know, This way information takes a long, long time to get out. Unless the goal of the experiment was to have them eventually escape, in which case they
Starting point is 01:31:22 would want to debrief you. Oh, that's true too. You're coming. Yeah. Either way, the jungle's coming for us. They may have learned of us. Yeah. They may have learned, but it's going to still, if we already started taking off and we have
Starting point is 01:31:36 KB who's navigating, they probably without telling us are going past to avoid. That's true. So it's like we're basically, it's going to happen eventually, but we're just not aware of it yet. Okay. I like it. So real quick, we're almost done here. We're going to try to, uh, build our, our sector, our starting sector.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Let me pull up the right area, just flying through the rule book here. Here we go. So I think it's 140. There's a whole bunch of interesting worlds and stuff. Okay. So, um, let's see. We can possibly start with, I'm not sure where to start actually. There's so many places to start.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Uh, hold on. Let me check to find out where I've already lost the page. Zakiya. Well, Sergio's figuring this out. What do you think? Cause I'm just thinking resident evil. Can we get a lady D in this lady Demetrescu in this shit? I think that is very easy to do.
Starting point is 01:32:46 We have gay aliens, Amanda. It's not. I'm just saying, I know we got space zombies, but I want 10 foot tall, thick, vampire space. You've come to the right place. I just have to make sure on your, on your, uh, in your session, when you find a planet, that is what you will find. Only big space women.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Yes. It's almost a cult. I would leave that ship so hard. Okay. So we're going to, we're going to start our, our, uh, starting region, the forges of vast galaxy. Let's, let's choose a region. Um, are we in the terminus, the outlands, the expanse or the void?
Starting point is 01:33:24 I think we settled on the void, right? We're in the void. So the void. Part of the void. Determine the number of settlements. A settlement is a location populated by other humans. They can be planet side orbital. Now it gives an example that determine in terminus there,
Starting point is 01:33:43 you would expect four settlements in the outlands. You would expect three settlements in the expanse. You'd expect two. They don't even list the void. So we're, they don't know us. Yeah. That's fair. True.
Starting point is 01:33:57 We're in a kind of a special experiment area. Yeah. We're just, we're just casting. Maybe there's like one other experiment going on. Let's say two settlements for now. Um, it could be more populated because it is a kind of special experimentation area. Also, like, like an international space station type thing.
Starting point is 01:34:14 You could have just had like one, like a one off settlement here or there that just really wanted to not be around people. Yeah. Yeah. So we're going to generate our first settlement. Um, we're going to just put, but eventually we'll put something on the map, but let's first find the settlement name. So if I go to page 163, uh, I have a, I hear music or something.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Is somebody playing something? Maybe that's just in my headphones. I think I accidentally hit something. Okay. That's okay. Let's roll a D hundred. Let's start with Allegra. If you could just roll a D hundred and tell us what you get and
Starting point is 01:34:55 we'll just give a name. I realized I had to use fake dice. You can roll real dice if you want. It's too late. I rolled a 72. All right. 72. It's called relic.
Starting point is 01:35:07 So we, there is a settlement known as relic. Let me go back to, um, uh, the location will figure out on page 160. All right. Somebody else roll a D hundred. Uh, Zacchia, roll a D hundred determine the location of this settlement. All right. Tell us that number.
Starting point is 01:35:33 98. Okay. A 98 is in deep space, which is justified. We are kind of in deep space, but we'll say that it's not near a planet. Cause the main difference is, is it playing inside? Is it orbital or is it in deep space? So it's just like floating out there somewhere. All right.
Starting point is 01:35:53 So it's in deep space. And now let's figure out the population. 160. Um, if it's in, well, Terminus, Outlands and Expanse have their own kind of number of people. So just roll a D hundred for me. Uh, Eli and we'll say we'll use the expanses ability. So roll a D hundred Eli.
Starting point is 01:36:29 You can roll a real one if you like 49. There are dozens of people here. Dozens. Oh, it's another experiment. All right. Be like an experiment outpost where they're like all in isolation just to see what happens. Like if you leave people in isolation for their entire lives, oh, they're going to go crazy. This isn't what is that?
Starting point is 01:36:59 I like this. Let's decide what type of authority is there now. We don't have to pick. We don't have to stick with it, but let's just see what happens. Roll a D hundred. Uh, Aaron, and let's see what type of authority can be found here. 87. 87.
Starting point is 01:37:19 Oppressive, which kind of makes sense. The jungle. I like this idea. Like go ahead and expound a pound on it. What's going on here? That, uh, that was the whole idea. Uh, let me, let me think for a second. So like, so like, so like, so it's, it's, it's a, it's a relic.
Starting point is 01:37:36 It's a relic in deep space. There are dozens of people. Or it could be called, it could be called the relic so that it's, it's like, uh, like, like, can you, can you keep, can people keep their humanity in space alone? Like, is this like a relic from relics bouncing around in my head? Yeah. As a name for it. For them to, as like a token of humanity, something it's not, it's not coming together,
Starting point is 01:38:04 but the vibe. Relic is the friendship. Yes. The relic is the friendship we lost along the way. Right. Uh, let me try to make this a little bit bigger so people can read. So there's the void. Um, it is known as the relic.
Starting point is 01:38:21 It is in deep space. There are dozens of people there that are being experimented on. Um, isolation, perhaps, uh, the oppressive authority of the jungle kind of runs it. Let's, uh, Amanda, could you roll the D hundred to establish what our first contact was like, our initial contact? Like I got your dice right here. Hey. Uh, what is that, a six or a nine?
Starting point is 01:38:50 It is in 86. I don't know. 86 is the six or the nine. So the initial, the initial contact was in battle in battle was our initial contact. Maybe that means the people that were on the relic are having some kind of uprising. Ooh. Yeah. Like we found out that we were getting out.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Okay. So we like that. Yeah. Okay. So in battle and then let's finally, um, let's see, uh, Allegra, go ahead and roll another D hundred. Let's decide our first look, our first look. I'm using the dice I have for Caleb that I haven't given him yet. So Caleb is part of this 31 31 a defensible location.
Starting point is 01:39:48 The relic is a defensible location. I mean, they've got their back against the void, right? There's no one, as far as they know, there's no one coming on the other side. Right. It's just one direction. So, uh, I see. So, so it's because it's on the edges of the galaxy. But what else makes it, if it's a relic, maybe it's like an old defense post or it's an old ship or it's an old.
Starting point is 01:40:17 What if it's a watch post for the mist? Like it's an outpost for that. Oh, like, like, so they kept an eye out for them. Like this is like a game of thrones. Like what is it? The night watch, right? That's like an outpost there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:34 So if it belonged to the ripple, maybe that's why the AI is so good there. I don't know if we established that the AI was good there, but we could go with that. It's actually, or maybe it was like, it was like passed around between the groups until the jungle got it. And then they were like, okay, this is now going to be an experiment. That would make sense. Why it's called the relic too. Like it's been around for a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:01 Yeah. Okay. So the relic was, uh, what a decommissioned ship or a decommissioned like habitat station or something like that? Maybe it's a decommission like, uh, what is it? Like observation post. Like almost like a, like a lighthouse type of thing. A watch tower? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:18 Like a watch tower. It's a decommissioned watch tower, but it still had all the, uh, cause you know, you needed, uh, to put a lot of people there, a lot of medicals. So it's still self-sufficient so that they just went ahead and retrofitted to use it as an experiment chamber, like for like, uh, deep sleep isolation and all that. All right. So I'm going to look on roll 20 for a ship icon because I'll add it. Let's see to, I'll add it to, I'll just put this thing down. Looks like a Star Wars thing or Star Trek thing. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:41:53 All right. So now not far from the iron lands is this, uh, place called terminus. Let's name it. Oh, excuse me. Named, um, the relic, the relic. It has a name plate. Save changes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:10 We have the relic. Um, let's come up with one more. And then we have our kind of area map. So we have to come up with the settlement name. So, um, Zakiya, roll me a D 100. That's 84. Serious spelled S I R I U S serious. Like the constellation.
Starting point is 01:42:36 And, um, could be a planet. Could be something else. Let's go to Eli and let's have you roll a D 100 to determine its location. That is 42 42. It is orbital. So it is orbiting some kind of planet. It's a moon. It's a moon.
Starting point is 01:43:04 Maybe, uh, would you like to, would you like to go ahead? Would you say you love orbiting relic? Um, I think orbiting relic. It could be, but I don't think relic would be big enough to really have a, um, an orbit. And I kind of would prefer something, you know, we're kind of mapping the whole area here. So it's something that's not necessarily right now.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Relic. Um, let's roll Aaron. Could you roll a D 100 to determine the, the population size? I sure can. Yeah. 11. Okay. There are only a few people here.
Starting point is 01:43:40 Only a few people make sense. Yeah. Possibly. We could decide that if we wanted to, um, or we could roll for it. Uh, let's see. I'm trying to find what kind of place we'd come upon. Let me find creature. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:43:59 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:07 I don't know. Yeah. Man, next we come upon, let me find. Creatures, derelicts. I guess we can just decide, what does everybody want up, a moon? Something else? Like, yeah. I like the sound of a moon.
Starting point is 01:44:28 Okay. That's no. So serious is a moon. It's orbiting. Let's see. There is planets. Let's decide what it is. 145.
Starting point is 01:44:52 Sorry, I just realized the audience can't see any of this. Here we go. Okay. I guess we just have to roll a D100. We will decide what it's orbiting. Got a list here. Oh, okay. 97.
Starting point is 01:45:16 Ooh, a tainted world. A tainted world is what that is. I'm going with that. I don't give a shit. In my head, we won't. But in my fan fiction head, that's what's happening. Okay. So we have a foul planet wracked by poisonous climate,
Starting point is 01:45:35 by rule and growths. So are we going with our lady, domestic coo idea or whatever her name is? Nope. Yep. That's right. Okay. It's just evil.
Starting point is 01:45:48 It's just evil. So it's a, so the planet has vampires on it. Tainted. I don't know. Since you were the one kind of leading this role, another D100 Amanda to determine the atmosphere, what it's like.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Has anyone had the courage, the sheer strength of will to do space vampire. I don't know. 20. 20. It is toxic. So the air is toxic. On this planet.
Starting point is 01:46:32 Only vampire vampires don't need to breathe. And. No. No. So. It started. Let's, let's just name this, this planet. Does anybody have an idea for a name?
Starting point is 01:46:48 I thought I was named serious. No, that is the moon that is orbiting this place. The planet is. Some examples include animus, bane, blight, carrion, Chittin,
Starting point is 01:47:05 Datura, Dreck, Era, Pathosis, Morbis, Pestis. Well, what if, what if the planet is called serious?
Starting point is 01:47:14 So what if the planet is like, is called silly, but it's spelled Q. Huh? I know where you were going. I know where you were going. Hey guys, like the core.
Starting point is 01:47:26 Really? Sure. Silly. Silly. All right. So how do you, how do you spell that? S-E-E-L-I-E.
Starting point is 01:47:34 Okay. So silly is a tainted planet with vampires on it. The heiress toxic. Love it. I'm going to assume that these vampires aren't very advanced. So they haven't really gotten off the planet. God forbid they ever do. No.
Starting point is 01:47:46 Um, it is serious is something orbiting this. We currently have it's a moon, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a moon. It could be, you know, a station like studying, um,
Starting point is 01:47:57 uh, silly, or it could be a moon where there is a outpost there. Yeah. I like that. Like there's a base on the moon. Okay. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:48:06 Base on the moon. Are these traditional, traditional, are we talking about traditional space vampires in that they would need. Zaki, what's a traditional space vampire? I need you to explain that to me.
Starting point is 01:48:18 I'm talking about the ancient, we all know space vampires need a source of food. It doesn't necessarily have to be humans, but they should be not vampires. Yeah. They don't even human. They're just creatures that drink blood or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:34 Yeah. Yes. Exactly. So are there like a bunch of animals that are like adapted to the toxic atmosphere on Sealy, or do they go to serious? Like it's Trader Joe's. I like both of these options.
Starting point is 01:48:48 Yeah. Well, if there's a medical facility in the old relic, you could technically, whatever supplies on there, or they could just be harvesting the blood there. They could. If they steal it, there's space vampire pirates.
Starting point is 01:49:05 Vampires. Sorry. So. Okay. I feel like. I think, well, we said they probably weren't very advanced. So I feel like that's true.
Starting point is 01:49:19 They're probably, they're probably just animals or creatures or humanoids that have been adapted rather than, rather than they can go to space Trader Joe's. Cool. I mean, it would be cool if it was a, if it was a creature that was able to leave the atmosphere,
Starting point is 01:49:33 go to serious for some reason, maybe the mate, I don't know. And then goes back to Sealy. Space whales. What? So we're studying their life cycle. What if they, what if the experiment? Cause you, cause I'm assuming it's just multiple experiments that
Starting point is 01:49:49 happened. That was an experiment. And the best way it went out of control, they had it, they had a jettison it to the planet. And when they thought it was like the toxic environment was going to like, kill it,
Starting point is 01:50:03 but it mutated. Yeah. It made it worse. All right. So are these vampires leaving the planet or not? Are they just stuck on Sealy? I think they're stuck there. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:16 I think they came from somewhere else and they're stuck there. Gotcha. There was already like, even though it's a moon and it's very barren, there could have been some kind of life that they could have just been like biological life that they've been just drinking. Or they're, they're the planet. The moon is the,
Starting point is 01:50:33 the moon's the outpost, right? Got it. Yes. All right. So finally we just need to kind of decide the, the passages. You'll switch passages are available. Which passages are available in this sector?
Starting point is 01:50:51 A passage is a chart routed among the drifts. Spacers rely on these routes for travel. Since we are in the void, we're talking about passages that we ourselves have set up. Meaning if you, if you have a passage, it means it's easy to get to the place you've already charted it. If you don't have a passage,
Starting point is 01:51:09 you have to make a, I forget what it's called. It's called undertaken expedition. So I guess my answer is, or my question to you is, have we charted Sealy or have we charted the relic? Which one have we found first? I think we should only choose one. I feel like the relic would be a better place to chart.
Starting point is 01:51:31 Yeah. Relics a little closer too. So that would make sense. So that's like the first place we didn't count. Okay. I'm also thinking like an AI would like KB, if they're like our space driver this whole time, that would probably be the easiest to swoop by. All right.
Starting point is 01:51:48 I'm trying to draw a line, which is harder than you'd think in, in roll 20. But I believe in you. I am going to put a point here, point here, point here. That's not what I wanted to do. So I'll take that off and we'll go there.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Nope. Still doesn't work. All right. Either way, we are drawing a line and that is the passage. So we know that we can get to the relic relatively easy. It's more about Sealy and any other places that we find. But that's kind of all that we need to do before starting to play. We have our sector. There are still other places we can find and other things we can discover.
Starting point is 01:52:30 We are in the void. We have to kind of decide who we're starting with. I guess that is a valid question. Do we start with Ashana or are we rolling up a new iron lander type person character? It might be interesting to start with Ashana. I think we just have to translate her to Starforge. Two years later. I think we can do that.
Starting point is 01:52:52 No problem. We have figured out our sector. We, I think, go ahead. Anybody got any last thoughts? Okay. I think we can start with the players. I think we can start with the players. I think the players has it been because Quinn's there.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Two or three. Quinn is there. Yeah. It's been probably at least two or three. Okay. So he's like now like 15, right? I think, I think that's reasonable. Yeah. Yeah. That could be a good backup too.
Starting point is 01:53:22 We can go into all those details a little later. Sorry. Once we have started playing, I think the last thing to do is to roll a D6. Allegra is one. Zacchia is two. Caleb is three. Eli is four. Aaron is five.
Starting point is 01:53:36 Amanda is six. So I guess I can roll the D6. Yeah, you do. And we can find out who goes first. We got a four, which means Eli. Let's go. Oh, yeah. Let's go, buddy.
Starting point is 01:53:56 All right. So Eli, the next time we play, you'll join us. Maybe it'll be this coming Tuesday. We'll see. Make sure schedules work. But that's it. We've got our Starforge world plan. I will share all this information with you guys.
Starting point is 01:54:09 I'll put it up on our website so our listeners can also keep track of the lore of our forge. But thanks, everybody, for tuning in, checking in. Thank you, everybody, for participating players. Anybody else got anything to say before we call it a night? Are we, we're taking another week next week, right? We're going to have another, we're going to have another little, like a fun Friday. Not sure what we're, we may hit chat box again. We may hit code names again.
Starting point is 01:54:42 We're not entirely sure yet. Well, you know, but Shoka finale should be, it should be in the near future for you. I am unprepared to hear again. Lots of explosions. Lots of crying. We love you Caleb. I'll say that. We love you Caleb.
Starting point is 01:55:01 We love you Caleb. We love you Caleb. We do love you Caleb. Thanks Caleb. Caleb was out, unfortunately, had a little bit of a family emergency. Everything's okay, but he is taking care of business. So we are, we are here in his stay. I'm sure he'll love some of the ideas we've run across.
Starting point is 01:55:16 Oh my God. Guys, if you, if you like what we did so far, you like watching our content. Remember, we do have a Patreon. If you want to subscribe to us on Twitch, uh, that is another lovely way to support us. But thank you all. And, uh, I guess we'll see a Friday. Oh no, today is Friday. We'll see you Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:55:36 Potentially Tuesday. Or we'll see you Monday. You'll see Aaron. Oh, that's right. Aaron will be there with us on the Sheep Farm on Monday. All right, guys. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Good. Bye. Thank you.

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