Mayday Plays - The Library Of Ozrym

Episode Date: August 20, 2021

Eli leads Aaron, Amanda, Allegra, and Sergio through this hilarious and fast-paces Ashoka one-shot....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 quiet we are live guys hello hello we are now the world the world can the world can see your smiling face distracted by the other thing but yeah mm-hmm yes the other the other thing thing well hello hikako everybody happy Friday happy Friday welcome to meet a role play we are finished with our first play through of a Shoka Precious cargo what do you mean we're not no we're not unfortunately we are but as I was about to say even though we are done with a Shoka or precious cargo we're not done in a Shoka because tonight we are gonna
Starting point is 00:01:00 play a fun little one-shot set in a Shoka yeah I got all of the friends from Mayday we don't have everybody we are missing like what is the key and Caleb tonight unfortunately but leg will eventually drop in at hopefully a very dramatic point but I have everybody else here I got Sergio I got Aaron I got Amanda why don't we just go around really quick and introduce your guys as characters and then we'll go from there those were Oz of terror hi I'm Aaron it's been 15 years since my last drink tonight I am playing sir Perth who is a sis is it Sissy and or Sasanian Sasanian Sissy and feels more Sissy and
Starting point is 00:02:06 feels right I'm gonna go with Sissy and he is a paladin a noble born a paladin who looks very paladin II like World of Warcraft you know he's like six and a half feet tall he has lawn blonde wind swept hair and that weird like World of Warcraft goatee thing that every one buddy likes to do and he has a sword that's way too big for him and you know a shield that's comically large as well covered from head to toe and metal in tow with him he has three people dressed in normal clothes that look very very very unhappy and I'm so sorry what was that name again Perth Perth sir Perth sir Perth sir Perth Sergio well first of
Starting point is 00:03:02 all thanks for hollow free halo however you pronounce your name for following us that's cool and and cheering a little bit of pausing a hundred bits thanks so yeah my name is Sergio I am playing an era crookra swashbuckler just nine levels of swashbuckler and his name is Josue Manuel Caracas cacao and he is a very flamboyant should we describe ourselves now or no we should wait oh oh describe ourselves a little bit later just in just your name that's all I'll say that's all I'll say Amanda I can't fall oh lord all right hi everybody I'm Amanda and I'm going to be playing a leak I believe tiefling who is a fighter
Starting point is 00:03:50 and a battle master I think that's all I can say until we actually get into it we'll get into it well before we get one last thing if you don't know what pressure a chocoprecious cargo is definitely go and check it out just think everybody's already making assumptions but yeah we got 12 awesome episodes of magic and islands and craziness and a wonderful found family story turn it into chests were men but be sure to check that out and unless we have anything else to talk about right now why don't we why don't we get started let's do it I can't wait well welcome back to Ashoka guys yes I'm so happy to
Starting point is 00:04:44 be back so the summer has set on the horizon and at its forefront fall the northern winds trek further south and mixes and churns with the hot sea of the expanse that produces powerful storms that rake through the south of Ashoka word of the sinking of Tengu at all in the northern border isles and war parties shifting through the south seas ill omen rumors of bright lights that streak and scatter across the Ashokan skies have littered every harbor through every tavern and every dock that has made up the coastlands of Sarin Isle but for you all a good rumor is one that leads to gold for treasure holds the
Starting point is 00:05:27 eye is a common expression spoken at the port city of Chasa it is the last northwestern point to the Sarabi desert and many come to the golden dunes to seek their fortunes in the sands beyond for scattered in those desolate lands the remnants of old Ashoka its knowledge but most importantly its riches yet our story begins on a sand glider fruitlessly returning back to Chasa's Sergio why did you describe your character really quickly so Jose Manuel Caracas Kagao is a era crocra that looks like a red macaw like a parrot he's got this these long bright red yellow and blue feathers big barrel
Starting point is 00:06:18 chest wears absolutely no armor but instead has like these flowy green silken robes where in a a rapier and a couple of daggers and a couple other supplies and stuff are kind of stuffed in those robes he is very flamboyant friendly and is probably handling the the glider because he does have proficiency in water vehicles and this is probably maneuvers like a water vehicle at least the closest to it and he probably is happily chatting or attempting to chat with leak and Perth regaling them with stories of his exploits whether they're real or not is up to their decision but he is very
Starting point is 00:07:10 excited to be heading out into the desert he's not used to being out in the desert but he knows that this rumor could lead to some big treasure and he needs that treasure Aaron why don't you oh and Amanda why don't you quickly describe your character hi so leak is actually is probably gonna be listen to Jose I'm so in like just having fun like yeah what else so it's like totally engaging in this kind like just enjoying the story leak is actually like around like five six kind of like I want to say like nothing like just nice kind of leather vest pants very kind of blacks but you will see quite a bit of you'll
Starting point is 00:08:01 see crossbows attached to her hips she has her bow she her favorite thing is her sling which is in hanging off her pockets and she's just kind of like I would say the best thing she's just kind of tossing a rock up and down just like very handsy I would say a little probably a little fidgety needs to get rid of energy in some way shape or form so she is kind of stimming in that way but she is vibing on the fun story she doesn't care if it's real or not you're telling it she's enjoying it and then Aaron just a really quick synopsis of your description yes like I said big big big big world of Warcraft guy
Starting point is 00:08:45 he's got he's got three three man servants that that follow him everywhere he goes so I were we're riding across the on the the sand glider he's just like CC polish my pauldron me see quench my thirst the other one I you you you take a break very nice why don't you all three roll me Perception checks Perception is not my strongest but 13 I have others to perceive for me DC look for me you guys are returning back from the Serabi desert to the to the city of Chasa as you guys are kind of kicking up a level of sand and dust and debris in your wake as you guys are
Starting point is 00:09:54 approaching Chasa is a very large city but from this part where you're coming from desert side all you see is a very large white wall that just kind of rims the round of it but from the top you can kind of see just like some of the higher parts of it which are just like flat top stone buildings and stuff that are scattered that make up this port city you you hostway kind of go down the glider you guys own is kind of similar in the fashion of an Oda now in Wayfaring canoe where it's a double hold but it has a much shorter narrow platform so for all of you including Perth's three companions is a little bit of a tight
Starting point is 00:10:33 fit but you hostway sits a little bit higher on a platform where you can steer the boat left and right and navigate it but at its center you see this small little rotating disc and it's kicking up a small little sand sand tornado in it which is pushing your sail forward you know to kind of how in the way to kind of slow it down as you guys slowly start to enter over through through the through a gate and into the like loading kind of dockish area that's considered for Chasa it's a vibrant bustling city with tapestries people are moving there's markets going about and you guys eventually just load up onto where you
Starting point is 00:11:16 typically keep your your sand glider and you eventually walk towards your usual place which is called the postboard the postboard is where you can find odd jobs where you can find rumors of treasure hunting and the occasional bounty as you guys approach there all of you make me perception checks seven nineteen Aaron eight we all took perceptions a dump box what's what attribute did you dump this time you guys are kind of just both Perth and Hosea Perth you're kind of just micromanaging your three companions starting to get them to like haul
Starting point is 00:12:12 things off the off the ship start to run errands for you I'd like to think that Hosea is like the beautiful city and he's just like reciting all these things he knows about the city as he's gawking and recanting his love for the city leak is a more business get to the point let's look for the next thing last event was not fruitful let's find something else so you eventually go up to the postboard the guy who normally runs it is a very hefty stocky dwarf he's so hefty that he's kind of got like this like thick like double chin but he's got a really strong belly and a hammer he seems to have stepped out but you're just kind of
Starting point is 00:12:52 perusing the the backboard and the first thing you notice is that there are fresh bounties on the on the board and it's images of six individuals one is a golden dragonborn the other is a cowboy in black armor or in black robage the other is a total with one eye patch a tall Goliath and a shorter woman with like darker skin and this very iconic wired mask they've been kind of painted and illustrated in a way and they're offering about 1000 platinum for each and they are noted against the Sasanian kingdom each each a thousand platinum each each what did these people do well I will certainly say that they are some
Starting point is 00:13:46 strapping looking folks if I do say so myself however a thousand platinum CC write this down we must pursue these interlopers I could buy a whole ship with that they could buy a whole crew I could I could sail or whatever I want count me in look a thousand platinum is oh oh my gosh can you imagine you could swim in it you can literally just roll it oh wow as you guys are gawking over this this idea of catching such a hefty bounty horse eventually kind of slides his his large frame into the small booth and he kind of like obscures like half of it with his large frame but he kind of leans over the the edge of the of the
Starting point is 00:14:35 the counter and he looks at you leak and he goes oh what's good leak anything new to report as much as I'd like to say do you have anything new he not said to you for a second he's like actually something recently just came in he goes to the board and he picks up this very small slip of paper he kind of takes it like just rips it off and he any hands it to you all it says is the name Waylon Bellwater and the tavern the silk siren apparently this rumor has it this researcher Waylon he's looking for some people to take him out into the desert says he knows he knows of a place that has come about in the recent storms okay
Starting point is 00:15:32 figured you might be you three might be interested in such a such an endeavor I'm intrigued question what's what's with the thousands what's with the what's with the group in the back that's thousands what they do he looked the guards dropped it off sometime earlier in the day apparently these folks cause some serious trouble up north I mean you want that job right I mean you welcome to it but I have no idea where would you start I mean I mean it's just a quick trip to the desert it's a mystery oh yes I suppose it will be easy enough for one so capable such as myself do you think it's possible if this turns out to
Starting point is 00:16:23 be a dud too like can you like put them off to the side and save them for us I mean it's open market anything that's that platinum this is being spread around from coast to coast from my from what I've heard from my experience a bounty so high means that the people are almost impossible to kill I consider myself a great soul fighter but I don't know if I'm that good that is a good point oh yeah no if anything we should hope that we do not come across them while we are in the desert oh that's even better point so at least we now know what they look like so we can bury our heads in the sand when we see them
Starting point is 00:17:04 I'm sure there will be no match for supper yes supper it has been lovely to have you around another round of drinks please thank you so you guys are heading to the silk siren then to get the job sense to do the easy the easier job easy I want to I want to see if this leads us to ham enough so easy enough you know the the silk siren like the back of your hands it's it's the usual hub for most people who are bountying or treasure hunting out in the Sarabi desert it is owned by a a sphinx woman by the name of charlotte she's a very tall-ish like her her her countertop is just this giant like slab of just stone because she's quite a
Starting point is 00:18:02 large being the tavern itself is quite huge you even have to kind of like walk up a few steps for those who are smalls in order to kind of order from that bar but eventually as you guys kind of scan and looking for what horse describes you as a weyland you finally see him tucked in a corner he is he has a very short darkish hair he looks overall human but there is just something about the features that he has that says that he's kind of something else he's got a little bit of sharpness to his nails and to his teeth and he's kind of got these like dark lines that kind of mark around the sides of his face in a way that like a wild cat would but most of it is just regular skin he's got glasses that he's kind of got bridged across his nose and he seems to be
Starting point is 00:18:54 scribing inside of a book while he's enjoying a pint of ale but he's kind of recluse off to himself off to the side Eli question yeah may I the the description that you just gave is suspicious as fuck can I do a divine sense to determine if he is an undead theme or celestial sure um you just have a wave of intrusive thought just kind of makes you feel a little nervous and you kind of just draw into yourself and call upon your god to reveal truth to you he's not a celestial fiend or the undead he's just a regular humanoid person I just think Josue Manuel would kind of take the lead knowing that he knows how to make
Starting point is 00:19:54 he knows how to bargain his way around and I think he'll saddle up next to Wayland and just start introducing himself introducing his crew and mention that uh sounds like there is a job that you need done you are traveling somewhere yes I have a glider oh um he kind of like is surprised by by you he seems to be a little bit of a nervous guy or comes off very nervous around people um he kind of pushes his glasses back up up his face and he's like oh yes I and he introduces himself my name is uh Wayland Balewater I am one a student of the archaeology school in smithera I have been tasked to to fulfill a pilgrimage out to the Sarabi desert as it is rumored that there is a secret library there that might hold some
Starting point is 00:20:46 information key information that would be crucial to the research back home in smithera ah yes very interesting my name is Jose Manuel Caracas-Gagao and this is my compatriot Leek and our other compatriot Perth and this is CC, Meesey and DC don't bother talking to them they do not speak any common I'm gonna grab Wayland's hand and be like nice to meet you I'm Leek just like double like that you're like like his arm is like a noodle as you shake him kind of like he's kind of taken a back from it he's like oh it is good that somebody had sent somebody so energetic I guess um but but yes if you have a sand glider and are willing to take me all the way out there I would love the both the company and perhaps the protection now Wayland we are not
Starting point is 00:21:40 just any gliding group we are a group of fine fighters and well you're getting the best security along with the best glider in town what the finest yes Perth as I was saying what are you willing to pay for this trip well the university has he kind of puts his fingers together has given me a healthy stipend um of uh of uh 400 gold pieces for travel and other expenses not bad it's good to know that the uh the education system is well funded that's nice 400 gold pieces to split amongst the three of us why there's a mere pittance a pittance I say was all the university could part for such an expedition public education well I think we can now let's I think since you said this library
Starting point is 00:22:45 they wouldn't have anything also interesting that like on top of the goal do you know if it is rumored that I mean it is rumored that this library is quite expensive and I'm only there to look for tomes and research in order for the good of the overall of our kingdom so if you were to find perhaps an artifact or two that interests us I could not look the other way concerned with it could not be quite concerned with it finders keepers is what I'm hearing exactly then it is settled you will take the dusty old worthless books and we shall take all of the valuables that seems quite fair enough to me yes I feel good ladies and gentlemen let's get a round of drinks yes you guys gather around some drinks and to kind of seal this deal as you guys kind of clink
Starting point is 00:23:44 together um is there anything you guys would like to do in chassus before you start your expedition you guys came back around the early part of the day so it's about noonish now that you squared away things with wailin and had some drinks before we go wait I was supposed to meet my sister they're taking forever where is the general direction so I can I'm going to leave behind like a note for the barkeep um yeah he he pulls out a map of sarin isle and he points to a place that's about like north like western to kind of hugs around like to the other side of of sarin isle it's about I would say two days travel from where you guys are currently I'm going to take homeboy's pen wailin's pen and like go to the back of his book take an un like unused page
Starting point is 00:24:44 out of his book and I'm going to like draw really bad where like draw a little like goblet of beer where we're at and then draw arrows that the dot to where we're supposed to be at don't be like hurry up loser xoxo leak yeah okay okay and we're where are you leaving this message I'm gonna leave it with the barton like okay you're gonna leave it with charlotte if if lorka gets here can you please hand this to them um charlotte is a woman a few words so she just gives you a simple nod she takes her big lioness paw and pulls it back and puts it somewhere underneath her barkeep by the way you're looking really like extra put together with the everything's great just wanting to let you know yeah she gives you a soft nod but like she kind of career like curls
Starting point is 00:25:37 a very cat-ish feline smile at you uh josemon well probably pulls up beside uh league and puts his arm on her shoulder and says love is a fickle mistress yeah she not but what a mistress she is I would agree with you now leak I saw you leaving a note for your sister lorka I don't want you to get your hopes up I don't know if she's going to make it on this adventure they better or I'm not sharing it but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna have them call mom again so we have another argument that's not gonna happen today all right so I did my due diligence I I think that's the word and I left it and you are a very good sister but thank you I would be surprised if they showed up we'll see you know how flaky they are I know I want trust me I want
Starting point is 00:26:33 the finders keepers for me I don't want to share I'm tired of it but I lean over onto the bar you know in my family when we have a dispute between siblings we simply duel over it don and the losing sibling is killed and the winning sibling gains higher status in the family it works out much better that way I highly recommend you give the try I could I think if no no I could think about that more no mama get mad no no I mean they're okay they're good I love because I genuinely love lorka I mean you know wait did you love your siblings and I genuinely loved Micah and now he's six feet under wow family's rough yeah I'm taking that in so I think our understanding is that we'll get we'll go in the morning right yeah we'll set off
Starting point is 00:27:33 the morning I think I think all that Jose Manuel wants to do is he finds a female dancer that he like has seen every time he comes around this place and they just spend all night like passionately dancing on the dance lord of music roll me a performance check he's not particularly good at performance let's see roll hi oh I roll this six I would I was gonna say if you add some any dexterous moves to it I'll let you re-roll with advantage oh yeah I mean all of my moves are basically like I'm like kind of parkour dancing like I'll spin her and then like do a couple backflips and get a real sweat on yeah so roll one more time I'll give you advantage on it okay okay and I'm rolling a performance or acrobatics uh roll with acrobatics this time okay that time
Starting point is 00:28:31 it's a 25 um it's a little a little slow to the start you know you're trying to get the groove in but once you like once the band turns to your your song the jam and the trumpets start going and everything starts going you just let loose and you just dance all night with this this uh with this woman and yeah it's quite enjoyable for everyone to see you're having fun she's having fun it's a great night right uh Perth uh leak anything uh you guys want to do for this evening before we we tread on to tomorrow I'm probably going to try to hustle people with like a darts competition with my crossbows like a shooting competition okay that's what I'm going to try to do that with anything like just uh go ahead and like oh if only I learned how to shoot
Starting point is 00:29:22 not even that good I'm not that smart I'm just like trying to be obvious like if only I had someone to shoot up against to see if I got better since my apprenticeship roll me a roll me a persuasion or a deception check uh persuasion ain't that but uh oh you know what let's go persuasion it's just a plus one you got this you got this high plus one plus four that's a five yeah I mean you try you try all night but like as you kind of scan the horizon you see that it's mostly regulars that you've already ran this game with so everybody's just kind of either ignoring you or just you know like just passing you off as they shuffle on and stuff like that but nobody knew enough for you to to hustle um Perth anything you want to do yes at dinnertime CC brings me the
Starting point is 00:30:15 wrong fork for my salad and I spend two hours chastising them over that and instructing them as to what kind of fork goes with what kind of meal that's the whole day that's the whole day wow all right well the day eventually stretches on tonight uh Chaucas is a very vibrant city so the night is just as eventful as the daytime as people kind of get off from work and stuff and that's when like the the rows of like lights and music kind of just scatter throughout the city it's very jovial very nice um but eventually you guys find time to rest and recuperate and you wake up early in the morning ready to set out on adventure um Whalen will meet you at your sand glider at the docking area um and he's kind of got ready to kind of go on a little adventure he's got a nice little
Starting point is 00:31:11 researcher hat and stuff like that he's got a little satchel um and he's just kind of waiting for you guys somewhat nervously um Jose Manuel jumps on takes the the seat as the uh as the captain and says okay Whalen make sure to keep your hands and your feet inside the glider at all times and here we go and he'll just with a flourish kind of set set the ship off yeah as you prepare the sails you pull up that rounded um disc that used to sit inside your glider um there's like this little like partition area for it and like a round circle where something would be slotted in what you have is a disc of some kind and inside it's got this like swirling um caporial air thing going on inside of it um and as you kind of turn it it eventually kind of just keeps like flipping
Starting point is 00:32:03 and turning around um you know that Odin Owens have uh things called gustones which are used to aid and travel um but gustones eventually deteriorate and break apart um Sasan has kind of done a similar thing but in a different fashion they've decided to capture smaller air and air elementals capture them in small little containers and utilize them as tools for uh several different purposes depending on the elemental these are used for travel as they make little uh little wind clouds and are aided for sales so you kind of flip it like a coin and it kind of just flips and turns into a little disc ball and it lands in the middle and eventually turns up into a tornado and you guys take off into the Sarabi desert that's awesome what what I'd like to do to add in terms
Starting point is 00:32:48 of how I do it is um um leak and Perth have both uh met this person but they tend to kind of hide a lot under my feathers and stuff a little like 10 inch completely naked man kind of crawls out from under my hair um and you guys all realize this is actually a pixie um I have uh named him stinky the the it's a it's a jungle pixie that uh Jose Manuel picked up at one point and I hand him the disc and I say fly sticky fly let's get going and he kind of grabs and he's he's just like got wild eyes they're kind of looking in options directions and he just flies over and lands the disc down and then flies back and I give him a treat and he kind of you know eats it so good it's quite unsettling but with that your little dust tornado picks up and you guys exit out of
Starting point is 00:33:49 the city of Chassa uh into the Sarabi desert um yeah you guys are you guys are gliding mad fast it's uh it's probably about eight or nine o'clock you're trying to get as far into the desert before it starts the heat starts to creep in and it starts to get a little bit uncomfortable Sergio roll me a survival check okay got this not too bad I have a negative one in my survival though so that's eleven eleven it's not that's enough um yeah the first like leagues into Sarabi are pretty um pretty mostly flat uh simply because a lot of it is just for simple travel there's a lot of uh like trails and uh roads that lead to different port cities um that you can kind of interconnect to there are some like game roads that lead further into towards like the cany areas into the epicenter
Starting point is 00:34:48 of sarin but you guys keep treading on as you're as Waylon is leading you with a map in the direct general direction but today is a very particularly cleared sky day there's not even a cloud in sight and it feels pretty good roll me a d6 Sergio all right got my d6 is ready as a rogue I got a four four okay you guys are sailing for a while a couple hours it's starting to get towards noon you're starting to feel the heat on the back of your neck kind of sweating trying to keep it off um and Waylon is just sitting in a you know there's a tight it's very tight quartered but he's still kind of sitting somewhere and he's kind of looking over um a lot of the research and he's like he's pulling out a map and like some illustrations and drawings of what looks to be like
Starting point is 00:35:42 a large building of some kind um and he eventually like looks up to you and he's like this this is going to be fantastic um have any of you ever heard about Osram's library I don't know if I know have I dungeon master roll a history check let's see you find out let's see uh that was cocked one more time here we go history 14 14 um sorry I proficient in history can I also make that roll yeah this was a roll for everybody who wants you to inquire 14 nice we're all about the same um there's not a lot about uh in your guys of time of study or history or just in the path of people sharing stories and stuff like that you've you've heard of the name Osram Osram was apparently a notable figure in in what was acquired of the lore of
Starting point is 00:36:46 old Ashoka he was an elven king of some kind that uh that was believed to have ruled somewhere down here where sarin eventually formed um but his palace and his and and all of that was kind of lost to time at the event of the crackening all I know about this place is that if it is empty I'm going to come back very angry I need the treasure oh what do you need the treasure for let us just say that uh my time in sison I think has come to an end and it's time to find the new horizon hmm huh fear not host sway it was only recently uncovered by the sandstorm I'm sure there will be plenty of riches to plunder I hope you're right berth I hope you're right from better hope you're right that's the thing from what I've read of the stories and from the
Starting point is 00:37:48 iterations and the different texts that we could find that uh Osram did collect a vast fortune of knowledge and riches in his time ruling over this part of the world so I can't imagine he would have lost such riches just willy nilly well I've got 10 whole fingers that need new rings and gold so I'll be looking imagine a jewel the size of my head like I can yes well yes I have seen several of them yeah but I just think that'd be cool if you found that sorry well I have plenty of them you can help yourself to it if there's one to be had why are you even going on this adventure Perth if you are so not in need of reward why glory of course uh yes I forget you always talk about your glory yes I don't think he knows what glory means because I don't think it means what I think
Starting point is 00:38:50 it means with him just let him believe what he wants leak roll me a perception check as you're having this conversation five five okay um you guys are talking having this conversation and the wind is kind of picking up and what you don't notice is that there's something um you kind of start to hear on the on the wind something moving quite fast towards you eventually the host way you turn around and you see two clouds in the distance two clouds of what looks to apparently be ships or other sand gliders and it looks like they're approaching rapidly towards you guys as they are bandits of some kind making their way Saturn pirates we must get out of here quickly
Starting point is 00:39:54 Roll survival checks uh host way as you look for a place to try to get away from these guys I suck at this here we go oh that's good 16 16 um you you scan the the horizon and you kind of start to see um that the the flatlands are eventually starting to roll into large dunes of sand and you know that that might be a good place to kind of weave and navigate out if you're you're quick and wily enough um they though are going to shoot harpoons at y'all um does a uh um oh my gonna hit it does a god I can't do math today um there's a 15 hit you Perth why no it bounces harmlessly off of my armor it okay um you hear a harpoon with like a like a chain attached to it and it kind of rakes across
Starting point is 00:40:59 your armor leaving a nice little hefty like stuff mark across of it but it just like lands into the sand um but the other one is aimed more towards your glider uh which was which will hit it um and eventually you'll see a change is kind of lop over your shoulder host way and then into the into one of the platforms and secure itself as you kind of feel your glider starting to slow at the at the resistance of of a chain time to take out our ranged weapons and get this done uh let's for the sake of argument let's pull initiative argument yeah for the sake of argument here comes here comes my hypothetical initiative roll 14 14 leak 12 12 host way 11 oh a little tight bundle hold on I hope we have some range stuff huh y'all range weapons
Starting point is 00:42:22 Perth you are you are up first um you see two sand gliders that are approaching there at this point they're probably about 20 feet off um you guys are slowly losing speed though because of the one that is uh with the chain uh in the platform it's starting to just slow you guys down a bit um but they are heading ways on either flanky either side of your sand glider what do you want to do how far away are they uh they're about 20 feet they're only about 20 feet well in that case I and there's do I see how many there are on the ship um roll a perception check that thing I'm very very good at best at 16 16 uh you can tell there's about uh three on on it two on platform and one on the top I will bane the three of them
Starting point is 00:43:17 you're gonna I will cast bane on the three of them the bane of three of them um what is that uh is that a saving so that is a charisma saving throw against a 15 I gotta remember that we're playing all these rolls and stuff oh yeah two failed ones saved one got a nat one okay that means two of them are bane two of them are bane which means that uh whenever they roll make an attack roll or a saving throw they must roll the d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack on that cool yeah you you kind of lean off to the side of the boat and you cast bane on them it gets uh it gets the two guys on the platform but the the guy who's navigating kind of like shuffles a little bit and you kind of see the glider
Starting point is 00:44:15 peter uh because they're going so fucking fast uh but uh but he was able to steady himself and keep going but the other two are affected by it um next would be you leak uh uh the I think the claw is it over rail or is it through the wood it's through the the platform it would probably be right be right in front of you um as you look down you see that that chain thing and then you kind of see wailin kind of pressed up against the the other platform where where his way would be standing at trying to avoid being seen okay well uh let's go ahead in 20 feet i'm going to go ahead and uh just go ahead and use my crossbow and shoot two off okay okay 17
Starting point is 00:45:06 oh yeet mofo i got a 27 so i was hoping for a natural 20 but that works too well i i got mine cuss word literally just says yeet instead that is that is that is a that isn't at 20 can you uh yeah roll that damage for me again roll me up that damage for me um roll that's seven points plus 21 points of damage 21 points of damage now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you you just kind of like you see the chain and you kind of just kind of climb up on top of it kind of straddling the same platform with host away and you just kind of you you pull up both of your crossbows and you
Starting point is 00:46:01 just cha cha you knock both of it you uh you hit two of those guys and you hit them so hard that they fall off the sand glider and knock off so it's just the one guy who's still navigating but and still holding on barely but um yeah you've got two of the guys off um and the other ship is gonna rebuttal those won't hit because of bane uh leak does a um does a 19 hit oh yeah all right no oh no
Starting point is 00:47:02 you will take two points of piercing damage as um no as they they try to just like on the other boat they just try to like fire off but two of them are just kind of just covered and distracted by that bane but the the one at top finally manages the lounge off a shot and just pierces you into the shoulder um that will be their turn um sweat you are up okay so right now there are two ships one of them only has one person on it right yes and is that is that boat attached to ours that is the boat that is attached to yours okay i think we need to get that one detached hosue has a flying speed of 50 feet he is going to draw his rapier and literally like just spin in the air over 20 feet to the opposite boat okay going and when i when i land i say get off
Starting point is 00:48:00 my boat then i'm going to stab at him all right look at that attack i love it because um there is no one else near him i technically have advantage so if i do hit i do get sneak attack all right thanks my rakish audacity uh so a dirty 20 uh that will hit okay so it's a d8 plus 5d6 not the best rolls here we go so a total of 19 piercing damage yeah and um if he is still alive i will spend the last bit of my movement flying back to the ship spinning and then landing back in the pilot seat um um you actually had enough to kill him i'll do the same thing well actually then if that's the case then i'll just stay on the boat because i want to detach it from our ship okay yeah so you you
Starting point is 00:49:04 hop over quick slashes the guy is distracted he tries to fend off but it's not enough you eventually slash through him and kick him off the ship when i see that i'm going to go um and then you you grab the oar of that ship and you're you're trying to work towards slowing it down so that you can or get it detached however you want to do it um the other group it's their turn oh actually no so i guess no one is technically driving our ship no it's a walking message but as he snaps his fingers cc jumps up and it's just this one guy just like not holding on to the orc um per fever at the top of the round um roll me a perception check you see the um the bandits are trying to do something me uh perth okay 17 17 um you kind of gear up to like uh to
Starting point is 00:50:10 you gear up to uh try to do your next attack but you notice that the the group is starting to trail off and try to part away as you just literally yeeted three people off their other ships and they say no they've been totally intimidated not fully intimidated by it so now you have two ships uh i spend my whole action laughing at them all right but as you see that kind of trail of sand just kind of stretched and head off in the opposite direction everything kind of grows quiet you see whaling kind of peek up and like around to try to see what's going on um eventually you guys will probably stop to kind of get that that chain and harpoon detached yeah um can i check the body i would like to check the body of the uh yeah i purchased uh yeah
Starting point is 00:51:01 off into the sand you kick them off kick them off the sand you know if they like drop something like valuable like i mean if we if we haven't traveled very far yeah if we haven't traveled very far it's not terrible far so if you guys want to circle back to loot you can every every little bit helps lea we know that that's what i'm saying all right go go forth go forth and always be looting go forth and loot well we'll take the time to see what they have on them uh roll investigation checks what's treasure hunting without looting i'm not bad at that here we go i am bad at that here we go the worst i'm in the negatives 24 13 oh 18 yes all right yeah um let's let's are you rolled 19 yeah i did
Starting point is 00:51:51 yeah it was right there so you could see when he hit like oh my god something you guys find 27 pieces of gold between each of them so three bodies so you guys could separate that evenly um you also find uh uh sigmentars amongst them uh a pair of light crossbows uh across each of them with the residual uh arrows um you also find i might grab the crossbows because i have a short bow but i don't like it i would i would i would give you the crossbows because i like my mines are like the john's and wasama like romeo and julia crossbows where they were like just gotta make sure i can use them i think i can you also find a copper ring with a uh with a uh a stone colored band around it um and you also find
Starting point is 00:52:44 two small liquids uh in a tiny little beakers they have something etched on it one says um serenity and the other one says happiness um serenity is a bluish looking uh clear liquid and happiness looks like a very thick cream like yellow liquid inside of it there are potions it seems oh okay so we're poisoned we should check mesi you're gonna have mesi eat one of the fluid i i mean i i don't know who has them uh i would say you sergio because you rolled the highest that you can take the yes i would say uh yes uh we'll try it later mesi and i'll just pocket it not wanting to waste it whatever it might be on mesi i really want to go after that copper ring though like okay
Starting point is 00:53:43 we'd like taking that off sure you're gonna put on the ring or are you just gonna hold onto it i oh no because i was gonna just put the ring on like well i'm just generally asking what you're doing yes i'm putting the ring on um yeah you put it on um you can kind of feel when you kind of slip it on this like low emitting like vibration to it um you can roll an arcana check or a arcana you can run an arcana check no that's even what i had no god dang it i'm a dumbass guys yeah nine yeah no you have no idea what that means but i mean you get you get enough to sense that there's some type of magic to it but you have no idea what it does well impressed well it's good to know that my stipend is going towards uh uh the right people
Starting point is 00:54:38 how much longer would you say do you think it will be until we get to us from uh from what i'm looking he's like kind of like shifting through all of his notes and stuff like that kind of looking around um i'd say by by sometime uh this afternoon we'll probably make it there at the rate we're going excellent the last time we spend in the desert the better oh wait wait a question what's this and i'm gonna like shove my hand right in his face of the ring my hand's all tingly oh lucky whelan rolls high um whelan kind of expects the stone and uh he uh expects the ring and um he says oh that is quite um they're uh they're elemental rings if they in the similar way as hosue's little disk thing if you can find the right elemental and attach yourself
Starting point is 00:55:36 to it you can uh wield it and use it oh that's pretty powerful sounds like slavery with extra steps it is terrible i mean it is what we do here in sassan it's he kind of whelan kind of shrugs it off and as nothing um speaking of which cc but grudgingly approaches i'm not asking him to do anything i just wanted to remind him that i could make him do something he just stands there attentively at you uh i assume you guys are just getting back on on your glider and keep heading out all right yeah you guys spend the rest of the day uh traversing through it as the day just grows hotter and hotter eventually you kind of got to bundle yourselves up a little bit because the reflection of the sun is just bouncing off these gold dunes and it's just bright and and
Starting point is 00:56:35 uncomfortable but you you guys are kind of used to this you guys trek out here long enough trying to find any little bit of opportunity to find ruins and places of treasure um just so you know um leak is going to have their hand in the air while the wind passes because they now they're thinking elementals they're like oh air see if air activates the hand yeah you're holding it out i mean you're getting a lot you're feeling like the flex of like sand and and debris kind of coating your like your hand as you go so you'll eventually as you pull it back we'll just have this nice little bit of dust on your hand um eventually you know it's starting to as it's as the day keeps going on eventually you know as the heat grows in and patience kind of
Starting point is 00:57:28 settles in a little bit and and before somebody finally can say like are we there yet uh whalen has been like eventually at some point once we got a little bit closer has pulled out like a telescope of some kind has been like just darting back and forward on the platform trying to look around and eventually he's just like oh and he like he sees that he points out ahead um and when you guys look over you kind of see like just a large just dune of sand but if you look just a little bit closer you'll see towards the top of that dune hill you'll see kind of like what looks like a tip of a spire of a building and and whalen's like there it is that thing yes i can see it okay why this will be very fast it's so small
Starting point is 00:58:24 you guys travel to i mean as you get closer it starts to get a little bit larger it's it's actually like a what looks to be like the top part of the spire of a building of some kind but it's it's fairly large um but you it's it's so like buried in the sand that like the window itself is a short climb up to the top window where you could kind of look down into the spire okay not so small perhaps i should go up and inspect it i am a little quieter than anyone everyone else yes that sounds like a grand idea you you don't have to yell all the time perth not all the time what do you mean and i will uh begin making my way up not actually necessarily trying to i guess i'm trying to be quiet but i'm more just trying to get up there mostly
Starting point is 00:59:16 probably having to fly and just sort survey what we're coming up to yeah um yeah you you go up like high really quick and kind of like survey um like from what you originally can see it's just the spire you don't see any other parts of what would be like a library or or or a building or structure of any kind and obvious entrances the only seamable entrance would be that window that you could see of the top of that spire and when you kind of um easy it's easy enough for you to just kind of perch on the top of the window and you look down and you can see that um there are while there are no like staircases or stuff leading down there is what seems to be a clear shot down maybe 30 or 40 feet to what looks to be like a platform of some kind which you can see from the sun
Starting point is 01:00:04 i see um might have to climb down gotcha and just from initially looking doesn't look like anything's moving it's just a dark hole um you can roll me a quick perception check what i want to do is since i'm up here by myself and there's nobody to see i'm going to cast a little bit of magic i'm going to cast press a digitation and just do like a little little uh flame a little firecracker or something kind of exploding in the distance just to see if anything really reacts as i'm watching okay i'll give you advantage of the perception check then okay what's your illuminating i'm glad you did that uh perception 19 19 yeah you kind of you kind of like huddle as you kind of like crouch over that stuff and you cast precipitation and you kind of
Starting point is 01:00:51 do it in a way that would look like you're like lighting a small torch or something like that to try to pass off that you're hiding your magic but you can eventually push that little light and it kind of goes down the tower a little bit as far as you can see you don't see anything moving but you do see a um a nice solid platform and looks like sturdy anchoring that you could tie rope and successfully be able to uh lower yourself down um leak and perth roll me perception checks as you're waiting for uh host way to to uh tell you about this i'm going to also ask um question perth can cc give me some water yes cc thank you fetch her some water i got a 13 i got a nine got a nine um your uh leak you're distracted by uh cc coming up to you as your
Starting point is 01:01:51 you were about to like scan the horizon but cc kind of like tugs on your uh your your coat and then hands you a flask of water and perth though you look around you eventually see a small um you see a small rabbit it's a little wild desert hair and it's looking at you and its ears are kind of flicking back and forward but it's kind of giving you a stare and then not does it have pointy teeth as far as you can tell it looks like a regular old uh like wild desert hair i better approach it to be sure okay by the way by this time i'm going to dump that water on the ring to see if anything reacts to it oh great we're in desert waste the water you that's why i asked for your water i mean has from my book i asked for your water you yeah you you run the water over your hand
Starting point is 01:02:45 and stuff like that is it just trickles into the into the sand um nothing does anything it's not water too perth kind of hears that in the back as he kind of approaches this but oh you know you you've met you've hunted in the wild before perth and you know that most game animals wouldn't be so standstill like this but but yeah but you you get pretty close to it and it just keeps just looking at you curiously as he's doing that whole sweat probably just calls out i think we should come up here i found a good entrance okay i i i like this rabbit i like it i like its guts pick it up and take it with me um okay you go you go to kind of pick it up and as you do hit it's form kind of like um sifts through your hand like sand as it kind of dissipates and then it
Starting point is 01:03:53 kind of recaporalizes behind you as its rabbit form and it kind of looks at you curiously and eventually it just starts to dart off and it's starting off towards the tower and eventually it climbs the tower miraculously passes you host way and then goes down into the uh into the tower you don't see that every day my goodness i have never seen a rabbit climb like that before i shall have that rabbit for a pet i don't think it's a rabbit perth it just looks like one well then what is it there's only one way to find out and i pull out some rope okay yeah you anchor off some rope you lower it down and um will you all go into the tower this fire yes uh perth you're so interested in the rabbit please by all means go first oh
Starting point is 01:04:51 why why of course i have no problem with that i'm not scared at all perth before you go are you leaving cc vc and dc behind hell no those bitches are coming with me okay send them first first send them down first just wanted to make sure okay no my bravery was challenged i was to send a first i'm not scared to do so at all we don't think that at all okay when you get to the bottom of that roll me a perception check oh do you have dark vision by the way it's a little dark in there i'm a i'm a white ass human then roll that a disadvantage unless you have something to light your way well let's see if i can get worse than a four i can't it's a four okay you you you climb down you drop onto this platform which is enough that you can see with the whatever light is
Starting point is 01:05:55 casted from the spot the top of the spire um and you you kind of as you do that your armor kind of makes that just that echoey sound across this large space so you can tell that you're somewhere very big but as you kind of look as you kind of look around though like as far as you can see you're on a very circular looking platform and that you can see like what would be like uh ways to like walk like a hallway or something like that yes um unrelated i am going to quickly cast heroism on myself because i'm not afraid at all okay as you stand in the darkness once again you call upon your god to steady yourself as you cast heroism on yourself uh who's who's coming next who's leek
Starting point is 01:06:46 wail wailin please yes i i will actually light a torch and i will keep it on my hands and i will fly down i won't use the rope uh so that i'll kind of go down at the same time as leek and and wailin with a light source i'm gonna just fyi before like i'm gonna quickly wrap the rope around like my leg and kind of like slide down it a little bit faster so it's gonna be like i'm gonna try to just like like not have the strongest one go wee okay yeah easy enough for you to do wailin's taking this time he's he's he's not the best at ropes but he's he's shimmings himself all the way down yeah so i i keep close to him to make sure if he falls i can catch him okay the four of you are now there um with torch in hand as you kind of lift it up host way i also have
Starting point is 01:07:34 dark vision so i at least get 60 feet okay so a little bit just yeah so what you can kind of see host way and perth and wailin is like you're on a circular path form and there's like two little paths that goes to either side and what you can tell is that as you kind of cast the light around you see what looks like rows of what would be like shelves of some kind and it looks like you're standing in the vast looking library but just covered in shadows you can't get rid of a lot detail leak you can see a lot more especially with the torch in hand you can see just rows and rows and rows of books and if you kind of lean over the top of the platform you can see that it goes down multiple stories um it's huge it's like a man it's like a palace size looking library
Starting point is 01:08:22 oh man guys it's nothing but books his place is huge we better stick together something of value in here yes i hope so um rolling investigation checks real quick the other thing i'm so very good at negative 19 19 one unnatural unnatural one nine yeah it's it's so dark out here for you perth he's just covered in the darkness you're just holding on to the heroism and the thought that your god is with you we see you be my eyes yeah ccbc of these these kind of form a circle around you what are just like visually looking back for but as as you're kind of looking around um this way and looking you eventually see what looks to be somewhere where you could like latch your torch into um and if you do um it will solely
Starting point is 01:09:26 illuminate more of this space weyland do you know if we can expect things to be living in here i don't want to make it too bright if they might notice us oh um weyland kind of says well i mean there are the the knowledge seekers and from what it was written there is a guardian of this library um but it doesn't necessarily say what it is it says it's like a spirit or something that ozrin had befriended in his life well what do you all think of this let us help weyland find what he is looking for and when he is satisfied we can look for what we are looking for so that worst-case scenario we just have to run out of here at some point we can't we do the two together well we'll help him but we look and then if we see something
Starting point is 01:10:27 better yes yes if the opportunity rises very well oh leak will be uh leak roll me a uh a perception check with advantage since you can see much more clear in this space 17 17 since you've arrived into this uh place you know you haven't felt much like wind or movement or motion it's been fairly still you know comparatively to the outside but as you're kind of like looking around and as as uh as weyland is explaining about these spirit these knowledge seekers and and this uh and the spirit guardian you feel something and see something quite large shift through the shadows shh and you hear the whooshing of large wings flapping and echoing through the hallways i'm gonna go ahead and take my crossbow out i'm also uh yeah i'm gonna take my crossbows out
Starting point is 01:11:44 so anyway as i was saying we will uh stick together and everything will be fine mm-hmm it's probably just a very large owl i'm gonna go look i'm gonna go look i'm gonna go ahead and not be too far but i'm gonna invent like look around see if i can get a better look at this thing you guys on are on a roundabout platform and um where you see or felt that motion and movement um was um on the opposite side a little bit further down a little hallway that seems to like connect this platform to like the main part of the the uh where all the shelves and stuff are leak what do you're tiefling i see nothing yet well maybe i could help you and i will actually fly up into the air
Starting point is 01:12:35 try to get a better vantage point and kind of head in the direction that the leak is going see if i can see what what's moving over there as you kind of send up into the air and take the torch with you to kind of scatter the light further eventually you too also see something quite large shifting around on a like what's is like a little bit of a lower level and stuff but eventually you just like hear the sound of whooshing and this large being eventually comes and like spreads out his wings and eventually lands on the platform yeah is this thing like the size of a horse the sign is of an elephant um it is yeah it's about the size of it's about as tall as a giraffe okay all right that's fine that's that's fine and
Starting point is 01:13:31 like what and like what you what you see is like large long brownish looking feathers and that kind of that kind of bundle up towards its neck and then after that point kind of shifts into like stark scaly like skin and a craggy looking beak um that's kind of overbited uh of itself um it looks like we found the uh the guardian of the library i shall lay it forth with yeah quite massive and it's quite large does it seem immediately aggressive or is it kind of waiting for us it seems like it's pensively waiting for you as it's looking at you wait tell tell me we can convince this thing to be friendly oh that's a good idea Wayland kind of just like is befuddled and startled by it and um he kind of like anxiously um thinks for a moment and then he
Starting point is 01:14:35 he just comes next to you leak and approaches um to to this this creature and all he says is that he's just like um great uh spirit guardian my name is Wayland and I am a knowledge I'm here to seek knowledge through your tomes and libraries and I think just kind of going along with it Jose Manuel will also introduce himself and his compatriots and really just try to be as uh friendly and uh you know kind of hoping to gain the favor of this thing as possible leak will actually put their hand out quick to see if the if the bird will react to its ring literally thinking anything you put your hand out with the ring out and you can see that the the bird kind of like focuses its gaze on you it's kind of like doing that thing that birds do
Starting point is 01:15:32 looking at you um seems to do nothing to you all right bird but but when you do that and then Wayland kind of like follows up with an introduction and and stuff like that eventually he kind of puts his attention towards Wayland um and um um uh well Jose Manuel actually speaks Orin and Eracocra uh but Orin I think being the language of like the wind or whatever so if he speaks something like that I can understand what he's saying okay you're a bird talk to the bird yeah he finally says to all of you and call him and after Wayland's like introduction and he says my name is Gao I am the great knowledge eater and the protector of Osram's library
Starting point is 01:16:29 who are you to trespass here well I speak for us all when we say we are but humble adventurers hoping to stake a claim and uh to bring some of the beautiful things here so that the whole world can enjoy them right everyone yeah yeah absolutely yes what he said yes we're not here to plunder at all good one um Gao looks at all of you and it seems that his expression was it was not very keen on what you had said figured we weren't that good he looks at all of you and he says that this library is not welcomed to those of the mortal plane
Starting point is 01:17:28 leave now and you will be spared I'm good with this we have we have traveled a great way uh a great Tao but perhaps there is something we could do to prove that we are worth what lies beneath what are you doing Perth but perhaps Tao needs something perhaps it's been a while since you've gotten groceries or something we would be happy to help I am very strong to carry stuff perhaps a friendly game of bone dice I have some dice that we could play I do not require such needs this library is home to humble knowledge that only those of the mortal plane seem to be interested in is sowing violence and war and destruction not in which what my master wants
Starting point is 01:18:26 your master we're not really violent people we're more of like money treasure hunt people we're not violent your master may we speak to them hmm he has long passed this world and into the next you would have to travel there to find him I see so you are the management here I see wait if humans are if we can't have the knowledge your master was alive that means they were mortal first I don't that doesn't make sense why can't we just take a look the last souls who came through this library acquired knowledge that they used to break the world I cannot allow that knowledge to be rendered again okay
Starting point is 01:19:15 Wayland kind of speaks up and he kind of kind of in some way just implores and he's and tries unless somebody else would like to convince him that you know that he's that this knowledge has been cut off from the world for generations and the world is a somewhat of a different place and if they could just understand some things about the world better that they're just innocently that you know he'd be willing to um if he's be willing to extend that to him I mean hosue is quite persuasive he certainly would um try you know try his best to assist Wayland and you know say that surely there is you know something in in the this library that could be mended or fixed by them that would help dow okay uh roll me a persuasion check at advantage
Starting point is 01:20:07 then oh let's see glad we have advantage here we go that's uh total of 22 22 between you the both of you kind of imploring and begging and and wavering that this is simply for research for for innocent pursuits of knowledge dow stands there very unwaveringly and eventually he says I will give you one opportunity to vast through this vast knowledge but knowledge is not given without it uh knowledge cannot be taken without giving something first here you can have cc cc is good you must give me some knowledge for this library and in return I will grant you access to this library all we have a new thing to say something new that they don't know all that we have is the knowledge of our mundane lives our mortal lives
Starting point is 01:21:14 I I don't know I suppose I slept with a few women who said that they knew some things about local politicians but I don't know anything that this thing would want uh oh I do know if you take a little of that white powder put some of the liquid it really is good at getting blood out of out of your clothes did you know that Wayland Wayland goes into his bag and he pulls out like a tome and an artifact of some kind some small little stone and he offers that to dow you've been keeping that from us of whatever he he goes and says that this is a manuscript in which I've been writing it's a part of the culmination of research that I've worked all of my life towards perhaps it would be beneficial for your library Wayland's dow
Starting point is 01:22:08 takes it and it kind of disappears with him as he takes it um but he still looks to all of you as if you are to give him something of some kind if you have something to give an item as it so happens kind kind large large bird creature I have a novel with me that I think that you will be very interested in reading and me me see fetch me but fetch me fetch me my book and he pulls out this this fine looking tome that is uh it's like I assume it's bound in leather um and he uh Sir Perth extends it to the beast and says this is one of the most sought after manuscripts in the civilized world um the dow kind of like looks back and forward ships its head but eventually takes your your your novel leak I um I I have some pineapple candies
Starting point is 01:23:23 I know this isn't like a book but I think it's practical and it's very just excellent are you offering are you offering I'm offering I'm offering the candies see if you'll if that helps he kind of like he kind of lurches his long fleshy neck down to you as you kind of like you can see his like baited breath just kind of as he takes a large sniff of that pineapple candy um and he eventually kind of just swipes it and takes it from you and he gives a look of a as if it is an acceptable offering while while she's doing that I am as quickly as I can flipping through the novel or just being like one last time before I oh that's that's a good one yeah that's a good part what's with the novel I don't want to know
Starting point is 01:24:14 um I think Josue just has one nice ring right now it's like a silver ring that has instead of like a an emerald it has literally like a little glowing green flame and he's he's like looking at it and twirling and he's like I was really hoping to build on this one ring but I suppose it's all I have here you go and I'll hand the ring over to him might you say it is one ring to rule them all no not at all I was hoping it would be even there would be better rings it's really quite mundane um yeah he takes the ring from you and he like goes you are welcomed here in the library of Osrim as long as you maintain your promise and that is you're not used this knowledge to sow destruction or violence or war upon your world we're not planning on doing any of
Starting point is 01:25:16 that Wayland are you planning to sow destruction and chaos in the world um Wayland's kind of holding himself together and he's just nodding no I only seek knowledge to to improve and better my kingdom you have it now roll me a perception check leak oh me somebody with decent perception today is crap seven seven you don't quite notice it until the very last end but eventually you see the rope that's right slightly behind you starting to wiggle and then all of a sudden you just hear a loud yell as eventually another person drops down in the group and what's that what's how ha ha kicks up a little bit of dust and we're recognizing you absolutely recognize this person uh because they look similarly to you it is your sister uh
Starting point is 01:26:18 lacra uh Allegra are you here I'm here uh why don't you quickly I love you so much thank you for joining us I'm coming in hot from work no why don't you quickly introduce your character and describe them yeah I'm playing Lorca Lorca is okay um I guess from a distance they look really intimidating like not big but like compact like a gymnast kind of ripped um they walk with like purpose uh and there's like a mask over their face because of the sand they've got like red like deep maroon loose shirt underneath um leather armor black pants black boots there's a long sword strap to their side that looks just a little bit too big for them there's a long bow sewn over their back handaxes on the other side kind of a rucksack
Starting point is 01:27:23 over their back or over their back and their hair uh well actually I guess their horns they've got like the horns don't look fully grown they're pretty they're like not they're not all the way sharp yet and they're just starting to like twist back and attached to their horns is their hair with like big red ribbon and they're just like two big bows and like little pigtails this is the best I could do because my hair's short as hell um but it's like two little pigtails and as they pull their mask off you can see like the round face of a child they're probably like maybe 13 14 uh it's that thing with kids where their mouth like they've lost all their baby teeth and all their adult teeth have come in but their mouth's just like not quite big enough for all their teeth and there's
Starting point is 01:28:15 like a little gap in between their front teeth and they just look painfully young as soon as the mask comes off. Leek you were supposed to wait for me you took forever what what happened I had shit to do. Perfect timing as usual Lorca. Hi. Hi yes. Lorca as you get your bearings you dust the dust off your your clothes and robes you kind of cough a little bit with all of this stuff you finally turn around and you just see this large vulture looking creature staring very pensively at you. Please tell me I get to fight this thing. No we have just spent a lot of time making friends with it. Quick what do you got what do you have on you? I don't know I've got my usual stuff I've got like my backpack and my wolf and my rod and um. Did you bring your sword? Of course I brought
Starting point is 01:29:17 my sword not a fucking idiot. Yeah well all right. No we have to give this thing something so it doesn't kill us you gotta contribute. But what if I just kill it instead? No don't say it. Stop saying the d-word and the k-word. The d-word and the k-word. They're dead and killed. You didn't say dead. Trust me with the two of us I'm not denied but look at the sharp claws on that one right now. No I want to wear it as a necklace. No you know what we need we need to try to get the treasure inside we can't do that with mr. pokeslaw trying to kill us. Fine uh she'll she'll go in her little uh her little like backpack of items and she'll pull out just like two torches and be like here these light the way I guess. You're giving him torches? Yeah you need torches to read. You like
Starting point is 01:30:22 reading this the library right? Roll it. Roll it. You better be good torches. Let's see. All right let's see. Oh lord. Allegra it's been a good five minutes. Yeah exactly. Thanks to NeoSoulGod who also just rated us. Hey thank you. Also while Allegra's rolling I would like to point out that we more than quadrupled our viewership when they showed up. Nice. Thank you guys for joining us. I also just got here thanks for coming. Players and viewers. Uh a hot 11 for you Eli. He looks very long and hard at you. You're almost staring like almost like staring eye contest with this creature. You're not very bright are you? Well I'm in school. I'm literally like I'm 13. Into the miracle I got here honestly. He'll take the torches. Thank you. Barely take the
Starting point is 01:31:44 torches. Just back away. And she'll just cover her mouth and just slowly. Wayland you have the floor if you'd like to point us in the direction of something you'd like to research. As before you say that Dao kind of raises one of its wings and then the room starts still light as torches and stuff slowly kind of dimly in there. You can now see like the rows and rows of books and you can kind of go further. There seems to be other rooms and other chambers and stuff scattered throughout this place. And then he finally kind of slinks away into the darkness and disappears out of your sight. Now look I'm all for a good time everybody. You know me okay? I love to have a good time but this guy this Dao guy he said that this library holds the
Starting point is 01:32:44 knowledge to break Ashoka. So don't touch anything unless I look at it okay? Just don't pick anything up. I'm not gonna read it. Yes Lorca. It's okay. Didn't it already break? Like we're already it's already broken. Yes what I'm saying is though there are other things in here that could break you. Well that rice, DC and DC are here. I was going to say. No we're not great. We won't read the books. We won't read the books but we're gonna look for other stuff. Yes but when you find something cool don't just pick it up. Let me take a look at it. Oh okay. Sure I have DC touch it first. Lorca. I'm okay with that. Yeah Waylon kind of looks at you and says well I mean what I'm going to do is just kind of boring.
Starting point is 01:33:35 I'm just going to start looking through these books and stuff like that. So if you guys do want to go exploring for whatever it is you're looking for while I look on my end you're more than welcome to. It seems like we're relatively safe now that we've given safe passage. Well that seems completely reasonable to me. All right just remember Waylon we have a gentleman's agreement that if you hurt yourself or if you get hurt by something and we're not around we're not liable. That's fair but I think we'll be fine. I'll start walking in a in a direction. We're going to see him again are we? Oh did we get that bag of gold purse from him before he walked off? He did not. I did not know. I'll be back. I'm going after that. So you're gonna stay with Waylon or you
Starting point is 01:34:35 I'm going quickly right after Waylon so I can get that gold purse in case he dies. But I feel like Waylon would have agreed that like payment would be after safety. That's fair. We got to get him back. All right. You could always steal it from him. I mean it's that's what you want to do. I was trying to like maybe like snatch it out of his back pocket. Roll the slide ahead if you want to do that. I'm 15. What is that? I can't wait. What does the 15 get you? Well 15 gets you a lot because I rolled a natural six. Waylon goes and like he goes off to one of the bookshelves. You kind of like you guys start like walking around and like you kind of do that thing where you're walking but you're not moving and
Starting point is 01:35:30 stuff like that or you just kind of then slowly take back pedals to where Waylon went and you turn around and then you finally go and like you kind of like peek around a corner until you find you keep peeking around shelves until you find Waylon who's kind of like now crouched over like with a couple books like looking and he's put his bag off to the side. So you go and you kind of tiptoe over it and you kind of open it and you see the you see like he's got like his notebook one of his notebooks on top of it and like right underneath it is the gold. You could take both items if you wanted to or you can just take the gold bag. Oh. Do it. Do it. Do it. Yeah but you guys are it's four it's 400 gold. It's like the gold is right there. No I'm saying you can grab
Starting point is 01:36:23 just the gold bag or you can grab the book and the bag. I'm grabbing the bag and the book and all of it. Take it off. It's interesting. All right. It's interesting. All right yeah easy enough without Waylon noticing as he's kind of got his nose and his stuff you you take his most top notebook and the 400 gold bag and you pop you palm it in your hand you kind of just walk together with it just in your hand tiptoe and back to the group. Are you guys traveling as a group? Why do you investigate this library or will you yeah I think we're pretty much we're looking for the next kind of major room and I'll probably wait in the threshold until Lee gets back to us. Okay yeah you guys walk down it's it's a long corridor you know you're seeing just rows and rows of books if you
Starting point is 01:37:14 want to go look at a book you're more than welcome to as you go down but eventually at the end of that hallway it seems to be like a room that goes into like a chamber and you turn around and you notice that you're one man short and eventually like five seconds later Lee comes in hand like you hear the sounds of jingling coins and like yeah and they're palming a book and and a bag of coins. I got it. We got it. Yeah. Wow he just agreed to give you the gold up front like that I'm shocked. No because most likely he's gonna die and frankly how much would it be horrible to come all this way without getting paid. Well as a man of the cloth I can tell you that what you've just done is completely and entirely wrong. It's entirely logical but there's a man of sensibility
Starting point is 01:38:02 but I got a book so therefore it's okay because it cancels it out so I got the book do you want it I don't I just want to make sure. No that seems like sound logic to me. I think so. I agree. Perth? I don't want the book. What am I going to do with the book? You want the book? What is supposed to be in it? I don't know. It's like personal thoughts. Is this diary? Oh here you go. Give me give me give me give me. I would have caught the gold. No I could. While they're while they're looking at the book I'll I'll be kind of seeing if I can scope out the next room see what's there. Let me uh perception check uh leg are you gonna try to read the the book uh what languages do you speak? I speak two. Common and infertile. What's up? It is written in a language you do not understand.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Meek. This book is stupid. It doesn't make any sense. It's just fine. As they've been going like along the shelves every like two shelves Lorca just like pulls down one book pulls down another book as she goes. Um as you do that and eventually you uh get to the end of the threshold where Husway is kind of looking into this next room you kind of turn around and you notice that peeked out of the corner is a small looking like fox creature um and then slowly out of another is like a a rabbit looking creature and they're going towards the books that you've thrown off and they're picking up the books and they're slowly putting them back on the shelves.
Starting point is 01:39:39 There's my rabbit. Get over here. Stop. Are you gonna go after the rabbit Aaron? My rabbit. I'm just gonna put it down. I'm just gonna put a book down see if they come back. Shh. Aaron are you chasing the rabbit? Uh Meesey get me my rabbit. Okay the rabbit takes off down the way and you Meesey goes off after it and it kind of like hard writes into a into a bookshelf area and Meesey disappears. I'm sure they'll be back any second now. I have a quick question. What is a Meesey? Have you not met my three man servants CC, DC, and Meesey? Don't bother speaking to them. They do not speak any common. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:37 What is it Meesey? What was that? What was that uh perception check? Uh three three uh as you kind of lean in it's fairly dark in this room you would actually have to kind of cross the threshold and go inside to really really get a sense of what's in the room. Yeah I feel like my party's distracting me as well. Yeah lockers on the floor just like laughing trying to figure out honestly honestly I don't think Hulswe would feel very threatened so he'd probably go in okay because as far as he feels that Dow is you know kind of running this place so at the most I would be kind of keeping an eye out for traps or anything like that. Okay yeah you you enter into the room and it just seems to be
Starting point is 01:41:31 like another break off area there's like some books and stuff like that um but the most notable thing in this room is the series of statues and a mantle that's kind of tucked off onto the side as you kind of walk in and as you look at this mantle it's of things that you've kind of never seen you're you're familiar with a little bit of the the lore of overall Ashoka you know that Oda Naon has an eclectic variety of gods that they serve outside of Sasan who only has a handful that they that they only patronage to but what you what you see on this mantle is various creatures you see a six-eyed wolf you see an oxen with four eyes and three wings you see a horned serpent that breeds fire a woman that seems to be traveling on an ancient looking whale
Starting point is 01:42:23 and various other deities and creatures they look like a pantheon of sorts of gods of some type of old but as you kind of continue to scan it eventually like some of that starts to look like it's been like chiseled and broken apart as if this was taken from somewhere else and put in this library um the whole mantle or just these pieces the whole the whole mantle itself so there's also what looks like pieces of stuff that's been broken apart that would have continued on on this thing but this was the only thing that was recovered of it I was hoping to find some treasure uh do these do these statues made to look be made of stone yes stay here to be made of stone do would I know that these statues are meant to be in
Starting point is 01:43:11 some kind of order or something that they seem out of order um he's basically trying to figure out what is here and if there's a puzzle of some kind that he needs to solve roll an investigation check okay investigation 12 12 12 well that's not bad you you you scan it and you don't recall it having an order you've never seen these gods before so it doesn't make sense about where they would be in terms of lineage or whatnot um but you kind of start to um like you start to kind of like look through it and you being a pirate in your own right knows that that sometimes people will tend to try to hide things in play in things in normal everyday things um and you notice on one of the
Starting point is 01:44:09 parts of the the mantle there appears to be like slits on the mouth of um on that like on like the wolf yeah sure on the wolf it's got like little like things that like you could like slide it you know like slide it open like where the teeth would be there is some kind of slide yeah you know like you know like like flat face statues you know sometimes like yeah like it just like gives imitation that like this piece of it would move with no one being near i'm going to cast press a digitation and try up and down to try to make it move okay you first use it to to go up it doesn't do anything but as you flip it to go down it you hear this the crunching of sliding stone and it just slides open and you see this
Starting point is 01:44:58 little hole poppy found something i'm gonna call out um you're gonna you're gonna look what's inside there i so what just happened the whole thing just slid away all all it did was like a small little like opening open so it's about the size of your hand but it's like a little black hole i'll probably put my i'll probably unless anyone has any better ideas i'm gonna let cc stick his hand in i'm gonna i'm gonna put my hand on cc's chest and be like cc you do not have to sacrifice your hand for this man if you don't want to of course he does cc go ahead he kind of gives you that look like nobody's ever told him that before yeah i'm gonna exploit this and he's just like looking at you like huh that's a thought i can do something i can do something okay um i'm
Starting point is 01:46:00 gonna i'm gonna so lorka's gonna like snap behind them and say get up and their shadow is going to just stand up and i'm gonna use manifest echo nice um so my my little my little echo version of myself uh appears next to me so cool and yeah i love it so much i'm so excited to play with this um and then i'm gonna like hold onto my sister's sleeve and use echo avatar and transfer my consciousness into the echo okay um and then put the echo's hand into the uh into the hole yeah so as locker leans onto you leak eventually like their body just like just kind of becomes wayless so you kind of you you've you've had to deal with this before um but eventually locker you you you go into your echoey form and you're still kind of corporeal but enough tangible
Starting point is 01:46:58 mass from your you being in there and you reach into it and there's like a moment of just quietness but then as you pull back what you see in your hand is a key very good okay and i'll have the echo drop it in uh in husway's hand and then i'll did it work was it cool yeah i know it worked it was cool for yourself yes seems way more complicated than having cc do it but sure well you might need him later to like throw at the welter thing when i fight it exactly that's what that's what the other two are for well i thought you only had one left no me see you'll be back any second to hear a cc and dc dc that's right take a minute now where does this key go exactly
Starting point is 01:47:49 and i'm looking around to see if there's any doors or any apparent places to put the key look down floor ceiling under my shoes as as you look in this room you don't see anything that would be like a door that would require a key of some the key is actually not it's it's smaller so it seems that it would open something of a smaller size like a chest a chest full of gold perhaps well there is one way to find out look for chests there's nothing there it's not not that kind of i think i'm gonna like give like a slight nookie on the head is like
Starting point is 01:48:43 i'm gonna mess up my hair stop one day i'll have a bunch of shipmates older than teenagers don't worry elseway you have me and cc and dc and cc but they don't count right now they just don't get it do they just no they're so old my gosh that's as far as they got as soon as everyone's back its turn i'm gonna take the the wolf and like put it so it's mounting the ox and then like put the snake so it's like wrapped around the lady in the whale and they look a little bit like just just stupid kinship and then i'll like and then run off okay you do that really quick you kind of like thumb your nose at the at the good job and then you scurry off um there's nothing
Starting point is 01:49:39 else of notable in this room unless you're looking at the tomes and books but um if you're looking to see where that key goes you can't sense that you'll find it here well hold on just a second where the fuck is me see with my rabbit you can roll the perception check as you exit this room see where me see might be me see oh no yeah you you you walk out of the room and you you like say me see as if you're expecting it to just show up rabbit in hand i like how we're calling him it's now oh no you never you've never gendered specific them so i'm just trying to be as beautiful as possible
Starting point is 01:50:38 but yeah you don't you don't see you don't see me see anywhere you you were expecting him to expecting them to just be there and then they're not that rabbit must be giving them one devil of a time i will have to chastise him for this later or the vulture aid him well that's what these kinds of people are for okay that's a mean anyway shall show you i was gonna say is there anything like notable or at least that would catch our interest shiny gold especially roll the perception check you guys are continuing to investigate further thirteen thirteen um you kind of like look across the way you're kind of looking around again just these roles and roles of obnoxious just monotonous shelves of books but you do look to the other side of the opposite way and the way you
Starting point is 01:51:33 swear you would saw um dow and you do see that there is another room another like chamber um and you do kind of look down and there seems to be like even another one even lower on the second floor which one are you gonna stay on the top floor are you gonna move down to a lower floor this floor this floor i want to see those four first because it's right here it's okay yeah you open up into another um this time it looks more of like a like a indoor looking like zen garden-ish kind of situation um but the thing that tickles your eye is that there are a bunch of various weapons hanging up on the wall um just do you see like a quarter staff you see a long sword a morning star um you see another sword that's very rusted and old um they all seem to be kind of glittered
Starting point is 01:52:30 with jewels and and and and crusted in in um precious stones and stuff like that at the center of this garden there's like places where you can kind of sit down there's no foliage here it's more mainly rock and sand that's been kind of nicely placed but it's the center of this is a statue of a knight and it seems like it's got his hand out like it's expecting to hold something in its grass but it's empty um do you want to approach it yeah and in the meantime can i like stick my hand out in the air see if the ring reacts to anything in here yeah the first thing you do is shoot hand in the air you know cat and planet style uh and nothing seems to happen it's not swords either there's no sword elementals no i'm running at home um well this is obvious going
Starting point is 01:53:21 towards the statue for sure and i'm gonna be like okay we simply have to place a sword in his hand he's a knight he wants his sword you know look at the statue and um you know the guy's wearing plate armor a helm there's no inscription on it the shows and any iconography into which like if it was a paladin or just a simple knight um it's it's very weathered old like marvellous kind of stone but as you kind of look at it a little bit further you see engravings on a placard at the bottom of it and where it says uh and what it says is bring to me the greatest weapon that kings covet put warriors to ruin and end all battles time roll an investigation check now that you've read that instruction i don't have an hourglass that attitude investigation is it my best i'm now
Starting point is 01:54:19 a six anybody 15 15 uh 19 19 as you as lee kind of reads that like josue and perth you're kind of still kind of wandering around and you're looking at the various weapons and stuff there's there's a bunch of them and they both they all have like names attached to them on little placards as well there's a war hammer that says deathbringer there's one that says or uh oath shatter and it's a great sword one says mercy climber and it's a glaive one says giant's toe and it's a mall one says quick silver and it's a pike one says bad samaritan and it's a trident uh another one that says midnight sun which is a quarter staff one that says peacemaker which is a rusted long sword one that says king slayer which is a morning star and the last one is a longbow in which inscribes widow maker
Starting point is 01:55:13 i want well surely a peacemaker is what kings are striving for no right yeah or is it peacemaker i feel like that's that's what i said that's just what he said yes that is an original part i'm trying to think no i'm trying to think things out yes i'm sorry go away i mean to be honest none of these sounds like a answer to this riddle but i don't know deathbringer whatever the hell it was that sounds pretty big fair enough everything yeah everyone dies eventually can i get a poem one more time what was the the quote on the packard said bring to me the greatest weapon that kings covet put warriors to ruin and ends all battles i was gonna be like romantic and say something like love or something but you know just saying about widow maker my heart was broken
Starting point is 01:56:14 at the time of whatever what who do i have to fucking fight oh i have axes they can die right now i'll go back i'll think about it ladies can we focus on the puzzle please this is boring i don't know what it means i think it's i think it's peacemaker well kings want peace if you are at peace for a long time you're kind of a fat warrior kings want war and glory we want to put deathbringer into his hand not if i have a say with it and i'm gonna grab it and try to put it there first okay i will back up okay so you you go to the wall where peacemaker is hanging and it's a long rusted sword and as you kind of pull the the the sword from it where it's mounted um and you kind of feel the rusted hilt you notice that there's an olive branch
Starting point is 01:57:13 kind of wrapped around it um you go and you take it and you put it into the hand of this night in which come on which it goes up he needs a new treasure you take you take a step back and um as you do this the the stone starts to shift and turn as if the the statue is coming alive and eventually eventually the knight takes the sword peacemaker and sticks it in its hilt did it work and as it does it it all takes its hand out and then extends it and as it extends it there is another key in its hand yes it's a large key meant for a door i am the best i'm gonna give the the hand a high five after first like gets the key as you high five as you high five that stone um the ring on your finger cracks and resonates and makes a
Starting point is 01:58:14 harder vibration as if that is the material in which that stone belongs to punch the ground right now i'm gonna do it again i'm gonna like tap the stone yeah it makes a large loud right ringing vibration tone i got two keys i got two keys two keys so it does this like how many keys do we need good point i still haven't seen any chests no you look around the room and outside of those weapons that are laid around there is nothing else of note outside of the sand garden and we take the weapons or well we might as well take the weapons i mean hell yes well i'm okay are you taking all of them as much as we'd be carry yeah oh see don't worry cc and me cc and you can carry them and then me see will get the rest when he comes back yeah is there a
Starting point is 01:59:18 long sword in there there is a long sword there's a great sword actually no there's only the great sword the long sword was peacemaker oh fucking stupid freaking i wanted but there's no there's a war hammer a great sword a glaive a mall a pike a quarter staff a longbow a quarter staff a morning star and a longbow so if you want to take you take the longbow as you take the longbow it's it's made out of cherry wood and there's a yellow crystal inlay on it oh okay i'm gonna take the war hammer you're gonna take the war hammer uh that's deathbringer um it's bright yellow with a with a yellow uh with a leather handle oh uh oh sway perth are you gonna take anything from the wall i have got what i need i'm ready to move on to the next room we've got to be close
Starting point is 02:00:16 yes i'm just cc is standing in front of me and i've made them cup their arms like this and i'm just placing all of the weapons into their arms i mean they're fairly heavy they're some of these are made out of precious stones but cc is yeah they're bad they're kind of you can see they're kind of just like bending under the weight but they're taking it they're very hard workers knocking a little bit um but you guys exit the room it's been a couple hours of you guys investigating and hanging around these these couple spaces and you haven't seen or heard from Waylon since um do you guys want to look for him or do you guys want to continue to just investigate oh well i assume he's just back there with missy you know missy hasn't come back yet
Starting point is 02:01:05 too we should check on them both i can test it hold on and i go and i knock like four books off a off a shelf um yeah you go and you knock four books and eventually uh another uh uh it's not a fox that looks a little bit better like a coyote or something like that shows up um a beetle comes out of somewhere picks up what book and puts it away wait where's the rabbit you don't see the rabbit wait hey tell me where the rabbit is well missy has the rabbit of course missy's fucking dead dude i'm doubt would it be so short about that give the old chap a chance i mean the last time i saw missy he looked sick well that's probably because i haven't fed him in a couple of weeks dude not even i know that's bad oh it's okay you can handle it very sturdy these seas
Starting point is 02:01:59 um rosé do you want to just go downstairs and see the other doors i do feel we should check on that fine why not let's go i'm sure he's going downstairs that's where he's fine he's probably down here you got the cash who cares okay you guys find the nearest staircase and eventually climb down to the second level i mean as you guys are climbing down those stairs you realize that this library goes at least five or six like stories down like it's deeply seated into the bottom of this wherever wherever it was sunk in into you know so much that only there's a top spire that's left of it um it feels like the lower you go it feels like more ominous and stuff um but it's it's still fairly lit it's dim much
Starting point is 02:02:49 dimmer than upstairs but there are lights and candles and stuff like that um towards the end of the hallway is another what looks to be more of just a centered room there's not like two adjacent rooms like the top part it's just one big room that seems to be in the back please let this be it and i'll walk up to the door and i think probably just put my ear to the door see if i hear anything on the other side um roll the perception check see if you can hear anything perception 16 16 you put your ear to the door and you listen and for a second there's nothing but eventually you start to hear a hum coming from behind that door the kind of i'll mimic the sound everybody
Starting point is 02:03:45 there's a sound on the other side do you hear it oh it must be the sound of the treasure do you want me to you want me to go in with my little shadow dude yes that is what you see okay catch me and i'll just like i definitely still have use of my faculties but i make my sister catch me every fucking time and i've been prepared and you're casting yourself beyond this door yeah i'm back i'm back with the echo and i'm gonna i don't think i can go i don't think i can like go through things but i think i'm gonna wait until everyone backs up and then try and open the door um when you go to like try to open the door it does look like there's a lock that need and a key that needs to be inserted first
Starting point is 02:04:33 well let me hold their little hand out let me try to be the lock first and i will uh take out my thieves tools and attempt to try to pick the lock okay have a key though don't use the key oh yes oh my this is just old hat i'm sorry i'm pretending to be unconscious i'm so used to it i'm so sorry my friends and i will give me the key i will try whatever key looks like it should fit in there the dm cries somewhere in the distance let's get through this door you have the key god you go and you take the larger of the keys and you kind of push the slot away and you stick the key and you turn in and you can hear mechanisms in the door shifting and turning and eventually you just hear a click and the door slightly parts all right bird man scoot back good luck
Starting point is 02:05:24 all right i'm gonna just kick the door open you kick the door open and there's just residual silence it's actually fairly dark in here you take the echo and you walk in and there is nothing but more or less darkness in this room but you see enough light where there's a pathway and that pathway leads to a small pedestal and on that pedestal is a chest i'm gonna send my echo echo echo lorka is gonna just like go up the path because i can be a thousand feet away from myself at this point um so i'm just gonna like wind my way up the path and like jump around on all the stones and like hit the chest and just like see if there's anything that triggers or as you kind of go more into this room it seems that like something magically
Starting point is 02:06:24 starts to make the room kind of illuminate a little bit more and you kind of notice that a lot of the structure around this room has been burnt and and destroyed as if somebody attempted to burn whatever was inside of here the only thing that remains is this chest you go up to the chest and you kind of start to knock it around and move it and it kind of it moves it's it's it's big enough for you to carry um but there is a lock on it and it won't unlock um but it's but it's there i i can't hear you guys when i'm like this but i'm i'm i'm in a room and it looks like someone started a fire in here um and it gets brighter every time i go in and um oh there's a big chest that too a chest okay get the chest i don't so i don't know if i can i think i'm translucent
Starting point is 02:07:24 as an echo so i don't think i can actually pick it up okay i don't know if i could actually i don't know see that's that's my question with echo knights is like am i physical and corporeal when i'm in it like an echo avatar or am i squishy if you can attack with it i would assume you could you're somewhat corporeal that's true yeah that's true echo or some level of echo that's very wrong i mean that's a year ago you lie oh i'll say for the since wheel i allowed you to pull the key that you can at least try to move it and you can at least try to drag the chest back out if you want to yeah sure i'll try and i'll try and drag the chest down the uh down the steps and out roll me a dexterity check okay here we go dex check that is cocked but it was cocked on a 20 and i'm sad
Starting point is 02:08:25 16 16 um you pull the chest from the the pedestal and you hear just a series of clicking motions and stuff like that and all of a sudden from the dark parts of the walls you just start hearing whooshing sounds and a jazz let me roll an attack it's an army of owls does a 15 hit no no okay yeah um you were dragging the chest and you just see arrows just but between your corporeal form it's just not hitting it and it hasn't managed to knock the chest out of your hands but you've managed to at least drag it out to more of like the opening part where the door is you kind of that's about as much as your echo can kind of muster strength right key number two yes wait is it completely out of the room it's at least out of the the
Starting point is 02:09:21 where those arrows were flying okay i think hosue will enter bravely with the key and attempt to unlock the chest okay you take the key you unlock the chest and you open it and when you open it at the bottom of the chest is a iron matted fragmented piece of stone what the hell is this what is it are you going to pick it up wait are you sure you don't want to let cc or dc i'm gonna pick it up if you don't pick it up just i don't know this is being kept away for a reason no what is it yeah does it ring a bell as to what it could be is this piece of shattered metal
Starting point is 02:10:25 because it sounds pretty worthless i would say no to you it looks like just an iron piece of stone something not of value nothing glittery nothing gold nothing shiny about it i'm gonna turn the leak and just be like that we do have dc and cc pick up the artifact are you going so you're gonna have cc pick up the artifact yes come on because i would but that is a good point like i was like all right that's fine go ahead cc yes cc what are you waiting for pick it up wait no cc you have all the weapons dc pick it up um do you do you do you just have any stats uh no i assume they're just commoners they're useless commoners but
Starting point is 02:11:23 well they have to have the stats of a commoner yeah their stats are all just straight 10 10 straight 10s dead erin make a persuasion check on this one as you order dc to try to attempt to hold the stone you are my loyal servant dc pick it up i don't know you heard how sway talk about you know autonomy earlier do as i said i planted the seed dc dc approaches it and goes to try to reach it but he keeps pulling back he's very reluctant something about it seems very i cast heroism on the man come on are you guys forgetting i'm in this thing and the echo waves i did this last time i can do it again
Starting point is 02:12:16 she has to do this why locker are you gonna grab it i mean if dc's having a hard time you're gonna grab it still in the avatar larka's gonna just like whoop i did it with the key last time hard saving throw if you're grabbing it absolutely i will let's go 14 14 no i'm sorry 16 i was looking at the wrong thing better 16 better you take the stone you think you've done this before when your echo form you've always used it as a safety net to kind of protect yourself from traps or or things that might slam on your on your hand or you know just to just for general safety it's gotten you and and leak out of so much trouble in the past and you're expecting that here you're expecting nothing more but as you grab that stone and put it in your hand a pulse of energy emanates
Starting point is 02:13:23 from it and it's scatters you all across the room and locker you seem for a moment even though you're like in an echo form it seems that you and your echo form and this stone seemed to just all of a sudden be slammed back together in yourself and as things settle and you all try to get your bearings and get back up walker that stone is now in the center of your chest oh and it to your body a matted a matted iron stone how did you do that whoa whoa you okay you okay i want to rock in my chest i want to see you guys rock in my chest luckily there's the rock in my chest as you're freaking out all of a sudden you hear this loud yelling from somebody and it's the voice of weyland and you see him standing in the door frame
Starting point is 02:14:25 looking at gasp at you and yells what have you done what have we done dude i don't know and he looks at it he's like that that what have you done what have you touched what this is what the box that i know he comes in and he comes like walks up to you and he's like this is what this is what i was looking for this is the thing this is the thing i was searching for in this library what what does he do he leans in he's like it is a it's a powerful artifact a powerful artifact that could change the way susan can proctor themselves in the state of the world i was sent here to find it it's mine now i thought you just wanted books books books my good man books to learn about how to defeat our enemies we have been at a war with ashoka for
Starting point is 02:15:31 years for generations this is the key to to our glorious progress i'm gonna take my crossbow out just in my hand be like listen here buster okay uh that sounds lovely and all but that thing's in my sister's chest which you're not going anywhere in here if you want to live you read the books and we agree to the treasure yes so you get the book i believe that was our agreement well and looks at you all but this artifact along with some of the knowledge i'm gonna shoot a crossbow right by his foot and i'm okay roll his act yeah i will uh purse uh and hosue roll me perception checks oh you're not gonna like me 25 oh i'm not gonna i mean it's it's to be very honest it was a warning
Starting point is 02:16:36 i got a 17 i got an 18 an 18 okay yeah as you lose that bowl that bolt and you kind of wedged in between uh wail and skeet yeah perth and um hosue you hear you feel the the whooshing and the movement of a shadow near you as as you turn around you see the large form of dow standing there angrily looking at you all hi yeah so this happened dow i'm a rock person now how cool dow looks at you all and says you have broken the agreement in which you came to this library for no no you said something with violence we did no violence i wasn't even here for the agreement so technically i can't be how liable also i'm a minor and you didn't get permission from my parents also there was
Starting point is 02:17:35 an a lawyer present also it's my rock now hosue was just slowly moving backwards towards the exits um dow with you with your ramblings dow remains quiet but eventually he kind of silences you um one of you in your group has intended to use this for violence and for power and for greed as all mortals seem to be interested in and neither of you can all leave here knowing the knowledge of this library exists please follow me initiative oh snap yes you like can we say that while that whole thing was going on i was woodhousing the shit out of dc for not doing what i told him to do so yeah you're like you're reprimanding him like you're like dow like you see that dad crouch you're like chewing at his ear trying to get a little light to the outside but you can see
Starting point is 02:18:38 the tear slowly i'm telling him i'm telling him about all this spider web from going to make him eat what do we get um leak hold on one second i was dealing with this one really quick okay so okay i missed half of that because i was looking at my cat and shit what happened one initiative for me that's what i thought all right that is uh 15 15 uh first 18 no thanks to this fucker 22 you're so mean lacra six i'm just poking a machester out oh shit we're fighting oh shit we're fighting okay you guys like there was like almost like a massive car wreck right outside my car
Starting point is 02:19:37 oh really like fast and furious for a minute there i was just like was there family involved probably uh that was a 22 host way yeah okay you are all right uh you're up host way honestly i you know down knows who's at fault here it's this crafty wayland so i'm actually going to use an action to i want to try to like knock him on his feet like knock him over so that it takes him longer to get out of here than the rest of us okay um i guess i could attack him i'm i'm just trying to like trip him uh just give me a general strength role okay contested role i'm doing it with my feet i'm like doing
Starting point is 02:20:37 a couple of backflips towards him and i try to do a little spin on the ground okay um you can do use it with acrobatics then if you're gonna do something like that that's a lot better that's like a 30 or something a 17 and a 14 that's that's better yeah yeah you like as as you see like just uh the defensiveness of dow and the spreading of his wings you know that that it's it's time to go yeah um and so i'm going to trip uh uh wayland and i'm just going to kind of turn to my party take go ahead i'm going to just start running yeah you do that and that as you yell run you just sweep the legs of wayland and you just like lands on the ground you kind of kick his knee in a little bit harder just to kind of emphasis to the kind of bow leg
Starting point is 02:21:23 him a little bit um and you start to take off um i will stay within range of my allies but i am going to get away from dow yeah you are yeah you're you're pushing yourself up against a hallway because there is another access point for you guys to go um but yeah you'll you'll stay in the general vicinity is that your turn uh yes uh perth you're up oh haha how far away am i from wayland and the vulture thing wayland you're much closer to he's about 10 feet of you uh dow is ahead of you i would say he's about 30 feet away from you great i will cast hold person on wayland okay okay we're just fucking wayland over immediately this stress um what is the dc it's a wisdom 15 that will not succeed because that's a three so nice as you as you see how
Starting point is 02:22:24 sweet sweep the leg of of wayland and he falls down scattering of all of his papers and research and all of the stuff that he's been acquiring knowledge over you then just put your hand out and and cast hold person as this kind of darkish energy kind of like rings around wayland and then he just frigidly rigid's up and he's now completely like solid like a board but he's stuck and you can see like the fear in his eyes as he cannot move anything else you'd like to do yes i grab cc and dc and say move your asses let's go okay start walking after uh yeah you pick them up by the scruff of the neck and you just start caring on my little sacks um but you're heading towards the direction of of hosue um uh who's next uh leak you're up next
Starting point is 02:23:15 i'm uh i honestly it's like when this all happens i'm gonna can't hold my action with my crossbows and like kind of push at like sister and less like towards where the guys can't just get out so i'm gonna hold action and if the if dow attacks us that's gonna require okay yeah you uh yeah you you push you pushing uh lacra towards the direction of the rest of you guys as you're trying to go down this hallway to the next available staircase um and you're just holding it holding an action just taking those tentative steps back um the next person who is up is dow the first thing dow is going to do is it's going to spread its large wide wings and it's going to start flapping them and as they're flapping you can start to feel the palace itself of this library
Starting point is 02:24:05 starting to shake and then as you kind of look at the walls and stuff you start to see sand just starting to leak down and you start to feel the sinking feeling like you were going down and apparently law apparently dow is trying to sink the library oh snap even further time to go go the second thing it is going to do is it's going to take its large wings and it's going to do like a wing burst attack um let's see leak you were in the front since you're hanging back and i said lacra will be the next one back both of you roll me dexterity saving throws as they're attempting to sweep you and push you off your feet oh that was not going to re-roll 22 I got an 11 11 okay yeah it um I will allow you to
Starting point is 02:25:06 roll your attacks for those uh for those crossbows as you get knocked over so roll you can roll both of your attacks see if that gets it since you were holding it nine for the first one and 23 for the second one so the second one will hit um yeah as he as he goes back you you you lose one and it hits it right in the wing of his shoulder but he kind of shakes it off and he just slaps his wings together and just a burst of wind hits you you're gonna be knocked prone and you are going to take seven points of bludgeoning damage as you're knocked on the ground and kind of skid across the floor do you manage to put a little bit of a dent in him what was the damage for that 23 that was a nine nine thank you um anything else you want uh that will be its turn as you start to feel the
Starting point is 02:26:02 library continue to just shake and seems to slowly sink um locker you were up do I take damage from that from that wing attack no you do not you saved out of it nice um but you do notice that uh your sister has been knocked on the ground by by a burst of wind and is trailing the pack significantly yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna use my oh man I think I want to pick her up or like help her up for is that like my action would that mean my action if I was like helping her up I will I will give you I will say you can use half of your movement to help pick up uh leak cool I'll I'll I'll help her stand up and then yeah go go do it I'm gonna fight this bird so bad no but I know I'm supposed to leave
Starting point is 02:27:06 I like to fight the bird I think Lorca says I want to fight this bird so bad like out loud next time next time fine and so Lorca's gonna start gonna move uh use their their movement in action to you're trailing you're trailing the pack but you are let me ask you guys all real quickly are you intending to flee and run and try to get up to the top of the spire or are you attempting to fight now no we probably don't think we have a lot of time and I'm actually uh hosue has a flying speed that he will burn his action moving so he's got 100 feet of movement and he'll actually pick up Lorca if he can and try to move them as quickly as possible towards the exit okay I mean you could go as far as jumping up to the second story if you want to do that
Starting point is 02:27:56 with Lorca with your movement yeah yeah I'll do that just just hoping that the others are following close by uh Perth and leak roll me athletics checks um and then uh hosue roll me just a uh actually roll me a athletics check as well to see how fast you're gonna carry you're not the most valuable thing I know Lorca gotta keep you alive hey I roll a 14 do I need to roll for cc and dc you know what roll for cc and dc unless you can are planning to continue to carry them like you are because you kind of have them both by like the names of their like collars of their shirts so I imagine they're small enough and stuff like that where they're not like you're just picking them up and dragging them what does that mean for me does that slow me down to carry
Starting point is 02:28:43 them it will slow you down a little bit fuck that they can carry their own weight okay so yeah then the roll them athletics checks as well to see how fast they're gonna be running so if I rolled an athletics check I rolled a 10 roll the 10 um Lorca though very small is very compact and dense comparatively and you weren't prepared to lift them in the way my bones are hollow yeah so you're struggle for a minute but you managed to find the right amount of leverage to finally pick them up and now you're heading up to the second one you're back or on your front I don't know just stop squirming okay okay you you use enough to to be able to at least throw them over the balcony of the first place and plop them onto there but um you're both up on the first floor yeah I'd imagine
Starting point is 02:29:30 we kind of tumbled to the ground a little bit I don't have like five weapons on me so that probably doesn't help me leek uh what was your athletics check real quick 19 19 all right yeah leek you you know knowing that lacra is on some level c of safety um you're you're like all right staircase so you start booking it with uh Perth right behind you what did the the cc's and the mesi's roll well cc and dc rolled a three for their athletic check mesi I don't know what their deal is right now um yeah so yeah you you take off with wild abandon as you just forget your two cc's behind me oh my time might I cast haste upon them sure sure I don't want to be a complete asshole yeah um what is uh what how long does haste last and stuff I can hour I think concentration
Starting point is 02:30:36 or I think it's a minute it duration one minute yeah uh blasted if it was an hour it'd be cool to be out already well I could only pick one of them which one do you like the most which one do you love more haste has the weapons so I'm casting it on him okay okay yeah you go to take off but then you realize that cc has all the weapons that you were hoping to take so you just quickly run back to them and like both dc and cc are walking are running together because they're running in pace but like you just walk up this to cc you just pat him on the head cast haste and then like you just both take off and then like cc just starts running normal trying but like they're just moving so fast and have no control over it leaving dc behind and you see dc slowly
Starting point is 02:31:29 sneaking into the darker shadows as the lights in this room air start um the rooms that dow had blit for you all are starting to dim um dc consider this a trial for your continued employment Perth and leek you guys since are on the floor with dow at this level as you're looking back at him you're starting to see his body starting to shift into something a little bit more than leveling um his his feathers are furrowing out and longer and his expression is starting to darken and sharpen um as he kind of like cries and echoes out to the to the through the halls of this place and all of a sudden through like the little bookshelves is as you're running you start noticing a rabbit a coyote a wolf a beetle various critters and animals of the desert seem to start popping
Starting point is 02:32:19 and peeking out and stuff like that and they look at all of you and they start to seem to chat starts to take chase after you guys as now as you look back you see like dow's haunting form and this like the scurrying of just critters after you all um roll me another round of athletics checks for those who are on the bottom uh lacra and husway you guys are on the top and are in some bit of wiggle room for safety what do you guys would like to do i mean probably help our friends yeah can we see down on the set like on the level below us where the dow yeah dow is definitely big enough where you can see them and you can hear the scurrying and skittering of of little tiny little paws and stuff and just like perts heavy armor as they're running i don't know
Starting point is 02:33:07 if i would um a shoot at uh dow but i'd probably if there's any of those those forest critters probably pop a few shots of them okay yeah rolling keep them keep them off our allies yeah pull out my shortbow i have my longbow i think i have two attacks yeah go for it so i uh rolled a total of 14 does a 14 hit one of those creatures 14 will hit one of those creatures okay um if it doesn't have any allies next to it but it probably does huh um yeah the the creatures are kind of bumbling around with the whole like squad of them so yeah eight piercing damage eight piercing damage that's enough you um as as you're running since perth is the one straggling and stuff like that he he looks over his shoulder just a minute and you
Starting point is 02:33:58 see like a small fox going to like lunge at you perth but as it does like you just see an arrow just like slap through it and it just poofs into a two residual fade magic and disappears um and and you have a little bit of space as you continue on with uh locker what did you uh hit for attacks i rolled a 17 on one and a natural 20 on the other nice whoa nice uh will that collect the damage the okay so the the first one uh is a seven and then the crit 14 14 yeah yeah seven and 14 so 21 these these animals are just like kind of almost swarming they're at a point where they're kind of just like even almost bounding over each other there's something like they're kind of pulling together almost like a wave and they're just kind of washing
Starting point is 02:34:55 through this stuff um and both perth and leak are just inches away from the staircase to which they can climb up and get to your guys's level um just as at the last second right before they hit that threshold and stuff you manage to pull off two and the first one just knocks into a couple of them and it just disappears and the third one just rakes through the like the first like line of them hell yeah knocks them all out giving them enough time to climb up the staircase but as perth and leak as you guys are like climbing the staircase so too are those stuff and now uh dao is starting to widen his wings as he's planning to take flight to head up to the next uh the next level um lacra and hosue is there anything you want to do your team members are now up on on the first floor
Starting point is 02:35:43 they're making their way towards you um actually roll me a survival check both of you um get your bearings figure out where you are at and where your exit will be six sorry math suck at survival 12 jesus 12 12 um it's fairly dark up here as as dao has slowly started to dim stuff lacra because you have dark vision um you remember where that platform is and you believe that if you just keep continuing down this hallway and and move that you'll start to get into a better site of where that rope will be okay how about how far is that um it will be about 50 feet okay um when we get about 20 feet in i'm gonna snap and say come on you gotta hurry and i'll get my little shadow up again and i'll have it stand uh stand um like 20 feet in so i'm not i'm not out of 30 feet
Starting point is 02:36:48 range with it uh and like point leak and perth in the right direction okay yeah you and hosue are moving through the hallway perth and leak you will see you would see the shadow uh echo of of lacra and it's pointing in a direction where you guys should go um so you all are now trying to move towards the um as we run past it i will high five it okay yeah it has one hit point oh well i don't care and you've been attacking it and as as we're moving i'm actually flying backwards like trying to pop off a shot every once in a while with the shortbow roll roll an attack for me yeah oh natural 20 very nice uh see even less damage than i did last time seven seven okay um yeah it's still enough you're you're just loosing random arrows and stuff like that
Starting point is 02:37:47 and it's knocking the occasional one that's kind of breaking rank and trying to lean forward to grab at it but you're you're doing enough residual cover to keep that horde of of critters away um but that was now um roll me all athletics checks first all of us yeah all of you you guys are are starting to close that gap yeah 19 19 it's just a 10 for me just a 10 14 and i'm assuming i'll need one for the for the dcs for this for the ease for the seas for the seas and the ds they roll a four yeah yeah yeah they let's let's see but but cc still has haste which means his speed is doubled
Starting point is 02:38:48 okay like okay but a four running it's not much um yeah so you you're all running the the seas are are losing gap um okay yeah per like cc cc's hustling because like cc's got the haste um but like look at dc is losing space and the critter you can hear the loud crittering eventually like you start to see dc disappear into the shadows of this hallway and all of a sudden you just hear the loud of like swarming critters and nothing i mean you stop for a second but then all of a sudden the critters start running again and then they're pulsing out um and like cc is barely holding on like carrying both the weapons and all of this it's a struggle so but it seems
Starting point is 02:39:48 i'm going to need a couple more seas don't let yourself become the third um but the collective whole of you guys eventually um are getting close enough where you can see the platform um um and as you do eventually the form of dow eventually climbs and flies up and lands over the platform so he's kind of like right like there's the rope there's you and then on the other side is dow so if you try to climb that rope you will have to look at dow in the process of climbing up that rope but you guys have now kind of hit that corner you're standing on that pedestal um um lacro roll me a constitution saving throw please saving throw you got a boss is there anything else anybody wants to attempt to do in hopes of getting free from dow to climb up that
Starting point is 02:40:44 rope and get out pause does anyone have anything in their back pocket they want to throw to the crowd right now yes i will cast a dispel magic out into the creatures and see if that makes them go poof excellent yeah you like cc is running spragling you're you're contemplating of whether or not you cut your losses with all those weapons but so you cast the spell magic and as you do it just all of those creatures eventually dissipate nice into a puff of fade magic and disappear and there's nothing down that hallway yeah dc and dow you still have a chance to come back and make it up to me he finally like catches up with you and he's holding all the weapons and he just looks at that you a dirty 20 on that constitution jack or trumps constitution saving
Starting point is 02:41:42 oh cool cool cool cool excellent um dow stretches its form out and it starts to just seem to get larger and larger and larger and almost to where it looks like it's he's going to block the entrance and seal you guys in as the as you kind of can see that the tower is like that window is slowly starting to lose like space and like it's slowly starting to get a smaller and smaller and smaller you all kind of are looking at each other this is really dire straits like even at your strongest this might not be favorable for you and okay i know hosue does not hosue agrees completely that this is really bad but he knows he's got to get his allies out what he wants to do is to distract this thing and to get it away from the entrance get dow away whether whether it be he can fly
Starting point is 02:42:39 up and attack it or what but okay hosue hosue take okay you fly out no you gotta climb the road yeah i know we can distract but that's the most important thing to get out of here i i agree i agree i can fight the bird i i i'm i'm not uh taking your up you guys have to go up i'm getting him away from the entrance okay so you're gonna like like tackle it or try to like charge at it whatever i can do to get it away what i would try to do is is fly up closer to it but like away from the entrance and i'm going to start popping shots off at it and just kind of like name calling it and trying to get it to attack me roll me a roll me a performance check and then check and then check and then check roll me a an attack roll for your arrows so you said
Starting point is 02:43:35 first yeah first the attack rolls and then supplement it with a performance check um you will have a disadvantage because you are attacking it on top of distracting it so the the performance is for the distraction oh so actually you know what i have to remember i have a so i have an ability called panache as an action i can make a persuasion versus an enemy's insight check you must hear each other and share a language it has disadvantage on attacks against targets other than you uh if i succeed against it and he can't make opportunity attacks against anyone but me oh oh yeah let's do that so i'm making a persuasion check against your insight check how do that please roll well uh persuasion that's a a straight 20
Starting point is 02:44:25 20 okay let's see against an insight that's really high yeah it's probably his legendary insight hold on hold on hold on yeah i have the hope it's actually not like you still want to fight it yeah no i rolled uh i rolled a 12 hell yeah so it it it has disadvantage on attacks against targets other than me and it can't make opportunity attacks against anyone but me for the next minute okay yeah so as dow kind of stretches its body out and tries to start to block that entrance you would just quick uh quickness just take to the skies come on you pop off shot after shot after shot eventually it's just kind of hits it it it turns dow's attention to you as it kinds of starts to move and advance towards you instead of blocking off the rest of it so there is um a bit
Starting point is 02:45:27 of that are you all going to attempt to flee don't fight it flee i'm gonna you're gonna throw them first up on the rope go go mine start climbing i'm gonna be judging me elie how how how high up is the rope to the entrance how how many feet rope is a 50 foot climb oh well then i will say cc hurry along and catch up now and with a flick of my hands i will cast misty step on myself pop up onto the rope above uh above la la la lake raf lake fire occur lorka larka i think likely right uh and i can never have a good d ng game and uh misty step will get me 30 feet up the rope above them and i'll scurry my way out okay legion lockerer you're attempting to climb yeah yeah you guys are slowly you know you guys i assume do not have
Starting point is 02:46:29 climb speeds so you are climbing slowly but surely um how long does panache stay on you it lasts for a full minute um and my my goal would be to get it away from the entrance and once i feel that they're safe i will just attempt to get out okay it um it is going to attempt to bite at you um as it's distracted and and out for blood does a um does a 15 hit uh it does not because i cast shield as a reaction okay cool yeah it goes and it cranes its neck at you and you snap so you manage to just dart out of the way and like make this like magic like shield that just goes and cracks across its face to kind of keep it at bay i love that pretty much every time i've cast magic no one's looking
Starting point is 02:47:23 which is exactly what it was so perfect um but yeah you end up cracking this magic shield across of its face and it kind of just like reels back and it kind of like turns back around and just kind of like loudly screeches that echoes lockerer please roll me another constitution saving throw as you're climbing this rope you're somehow connected to this bird constitution saving throw all right is that damn stone 22 22 that's very strong as you're climbing and stuff like that you're you're you're that you start to just slowly feel like a a searing this pain in your chest it kind of seems to reverberate out and around you and leak as you're kind of um are you uh where are you
Starting point is 02:48:12 guys in the order of it is locker no you're directly above me i'm in between person yeah okay yeah leak as you kind of look up and you kind of see uh lockerer you're starting to notice that there's just kind of this energy that seems to kind of emanate and start to kind of slowly warp around lockerer uh huh you okay yeah it hurts a little bit but it's fine i can handle it when we both athletics checks as you guys are climbing see how far you're gonna get up on this down before we move on back on um first you're up at the top is there anything you want to do yes leave okay yeah i mean you don't have a long butt i mean the library is sinking so by the time you like where it was like about a 10 15 foot climb up there to get to the window is now an easy step
Starting point is 02:49:09 off as the window is now starting to sink into the sand the window is slowly starting to close i will i will look down how cc holding up uh cc is did you not take cc with you i thought you missed it i can't take somebody with misty step that's okay my bad i thought you grabbed cc now cc is moving but like with the with the um with the weapons it's got to carry and all of that stuff it's just strokes cc you may drop one of them that is it's oh how benevolent of you uh it takes the the the heaviest the mall yeah he's on the ground um yeah sure the light in the load it's cc he's screwing they're screwing up it's going um uh hosue uh what i'm sorry what were the athletic checks for lacra and leak
Starting point is 02:50:08 you said 19 um amanda what was yours i got 15 15 yeah you guys are as fast as one on a rope can climb you're climbing and climbing but that can i also say that my my my um echo is climbing as well okay behind behind leak okay yeah it's climbing right behind trying to keep a relative pace to to all of you um hosue i will say in the next round you guys will be up hard enough to to try to climb around so what are you trying to do all right so if there's one round more before they're up i will strike at the creature and if whether i hit or not i will start moving towards the exit hoping that at the last second i can get out but i'll strike at it first go forth ooh a 19 plus seven with my rapier that will hit um i'm go i have advantage because of
Starting point is 02:50:59 rockish audacity so that i can do my sneak attack damage yeah yeah oh it's a couple sixes that's good that's 29 points of piercing damage ooh and then i will move 50 feet in the direction of the exit yeah you kind of like because you're much smaller and more dexterous compared to dow who's a very large bird in a relatively small space when you really think about it for him um you managed to kind of like underside him and come back around and then you just pop off two shots and you managed to get one of his eyes and you just snap right into it and you just hear the crunch of it and then this just wailing screeches this this he's kind of flailing about to the point where he kind of teeters off slightly off the edge of this as he's just like now knocking into columns and
Starting point is 02:51:56 stuff like that is he's partially blinded by this arrow um which will give you enough time to kind of swoop in and start making your way up the tower um leak roll me um roll me another athletics check since you're technically the last person i i know lakras echo is there but you are the physical 14 14 okay let's see let's see let's see okay um most way you kind of because you you're flying you kind of swoop past leak and then slowly up to locker you're about a at locker's height by the time you kind of swoop up there um you guys are both just like on the predipus of reaching over that window the window is now kind of even like
Starting point is 02:52:49 starting to get partially closed as now you're just seeing sand starting to just pour into the into into the um spire um but as you guys kind of quickly look down you do notice that dow has kind of recentered itself and has stretched itself up uh its neck up and goes and tries to grab at leaks uh bottom heel and tries to drag them down reaction am i allowed to do a reaction if that's not unless you have an ability that uses a reaction do you have a reaction i do sure uh hellish review uh review it has to hit you i think it has to hit you first oh that's our oh sorry against you yeah i'm sorry i thought that that happened i or if it was coming up it's coming up to like kind of like grab and pull you down i thought it was actually i thought it grabbed
Starting point is 02:53:37 me that's why i'm sorry it's craning up and it's about to i'm actually gonna roll the attack right now you can do hellish rebuked if you want to um that will be a 18 to hit i mean it's gonna hit me okay what does hellish rebuked do um i point my finger at the creature those damage uh it surrounds them with hellish flames the creature must make a deck saving throw it or take 2d 10 fire damage on a fail save or half as much damage what's so easy i have a dex for 12 for me that's a natural 20 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you you see it coming after you and you attempt to to like flame on and flame out it but as that flame bursts kind of surrounds the red it just swoops in and it grabs you by the leg and it's attempting to drag you all down the chain no um and you're losing you're
Starting point is 02:54:35 losing length as it's dragging you further and further down the chain what's it anywhere close to close to like within melee for me um it would be in melee technically of your echo yes great can i use sentinel with my echo absolutely yeah okay i think so yeah you can you can channel you can channel that through by the way by the way did uh did dow have disadvantage on its attacks against Amanda because it should be attacking me only oh yes yes also you got some good damage still because you failed and still give me a sell point let me roll again for the second attack now that was higher that was a 19 so 18 will still be uh the ATC or the attack okay um so you're you can use sentinel through your echo okay yeah
Starting point is 02:55:31 because i have i have the uh the thing where i can attack through my echo uh that's a 16 uh a 16 will not hit okay yeah all right damn it yeah you go to attempt to do that but it's just shy of it but leak is slowly being dragged down this rope um locker lock roll me another constitution saving throw all right roll it a disadvantage because you're starting to get very stressed out about it and the fear of your sister being dragged back down it is starting to grow inside you 17 17 okay fine um yeah you as you are seeing your sister being dragged down this rope and it is really just you know you're you're really scared you know your sister's looked after you all this time you know as much as you fight with her and stuff like that you you love her um
Starting point is 02:56:38 since the echo is closer to leak um and has housed also the image of the stone it starts to emulate and glow really really like bright and all of a sudden you're starting to find yourself encased in a bunch of golden light that seems to draw out from you and draw out from leak as well and then it comes back inside of you and then it pushes and pulses out a large like beam of stuff like that and it goes down the spire in like a complete circle and it passes through leak and it passes through your echo but it hits down in a way that just starts to push him down like a giant hand would and just crushes him back down onto the platform forcing him to release leak um and it has the light seems to be keeping him down I don't know what's happening go go go go
Starting point is 02:57:40 tell me it's my stomach just try to I start to climb you start to go you manage to like whole sway gets out it's starting to just the window is just getting tighter and tighter and tighter come on time you and lacra try to get out like leak gets out barely but lacra requires just a little bit of extra effort as you all pull lacra out and eventually that bright light inside around you lacra that aura just kind of swirls back and snaps back into that stone and now you are all four are standing outside this the spire has sunk in far beneath the sands in the dunes and you are left to open open desert as if nothing was ever here in the first place and the sun is starting to set in the west is there a ship nearby both of your ships are
Starting point is 02:58:35 still there as including lacra's small schooner that that how they got out to to this but you always seem to be intact we're somehow still alive I'm gonna take my ring and like tap that weird rock thing to see if it activates something what rock thing remember with my ring against the like um yeah you you go when you you like strike the the area where the the library was and you get that resonation and you can actually feel the library down there through the stone but there's nothing elemental about it for you to attach yourself to but it responds to the earth how's your chest how's your chest it kind of hurts a little bit I mean there's a rock in it can you get it out well I'm gonna I'm gonna like try and grab it don't don't try to do that you
Starting point is 02:59:31 you saw what he did to the to the thing down there yeah I didn't have control of it though he just did it I was scared and I was mad and I was it was weird and then it was and then I was like climbing and then leak was out and then I was out and then now we're here well look clearly this thing is worth a lot of money if people are willing to die for it so how about we find somebody who might be able to take it out of you and then we make some money huh I'm trying to like push the sides of it like a pimple yeah I you find I mean you're as you kind of trace it and stuff like that it's hard to tell the diff where like flesh ends and where the stone begins is it's kind of fused to your body I think it's kind of stuck
Starting point is 03:00:20 mom's gonna kill you no you shouldn't let me touch it well then you would have had a rocket and then mom would have killed me yeah but you're the baby that's why you get away with it well yeah well regardless listen I think we can all agree that all of us were very brave and we all did a very good and equally good job in that last fight right cc cc cc's there but cc is like bone all the way yeah cc's there but cc's like kind of throws all the weapons I can lose two of them but not all three yeah he they throw all of the uh the swords and stuff that you picked up from from down there and he kind of just is
Starting point is 03:01:11 begrudgingly just like sitting up against the sand glider he's not even really looking at you he's looking at the where the library spy used to be well cheer up cc you must have gotten two three thousand golds worth of weapons there good job man I'll tell you what cc there will be an extra meal in it for you this week and that is to say one meal there will be one meal for you this week kind of gives you like congratulations it kind of gives you just a look but that's about it so do you guys plan to head back to chasa um I think we need to be very clear no one say anything about what is in lock yes that is obvious but we should speak as to somebody about how to maybe get this out I mean it is valuable no I know but like we just keep it very quiet yes obviously we do not want
Starting point is 03:02:12 anyone to know about it I'm saying this more to Perth Perth why why are you worried about me saying something we yell like everything you say like everything you say is like oh I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about well let's just let's just find a way to get this out I think it's simple just kill him then he wouldn't say anything oh dare you I think we're gonna squeeze in fighting into this okay I'm gonna push lot forts there oh I didn't get to fight anything leak I wanted to fight that stupid bird saved me take that as the ultimate fight well you can fight cc if you'd like no he hasn't done anything wrong to me my friends my friends if this stone is as valuable as we think it is there's going to be plenty of fighting in our future I can assure you that
Starting point is 03:03:11 I'm gonna like pull it all the little strings on my on my shirt and try and like tie it up closer to my neck the way I don't ever usually have it so that it's kind of hiding the the stone you get it up and not nice enough for the bow kind of overall hides it you know if I need to I'll like take one of my hair bows down and like this is weird I don't think this works not good enough to kind of hide it also it jumps on the so there do you guys have you guys have three ships yeah yeah but small schooner and then you have the two gliders I assume you're taking just the one glider in the schooner oh we can't let you perfectly cc pilot the extra ship I'm gonna lean over to cc let's take the weapons and run and I'll give him like three of my rations
Starting point is 03:04:05 nice persuasion check that advantage as so has had been dirty 20 excellent you you sneak the rations to cc and you tell him to run and cc just kind of looks just just that that that natural glance of like looking at you Perth he just looks at you Perth for a second go on man pilot the strip you'll see him back in Chaucer right he not he looks at you Perth he nods grabs all the weapons puts it on the thing he flips the sand spiral into place on the schooner and then he just takes off not in the direction of Chaucer see that's why I love cc look at that go get it done attitude yeah I'm gonna pass lock I'm gonna tap their shoulder feel like nice I just need one of them I know it's funny because he has none
Starting point is 03:05:21 you know it's great I like when he has none he's all grouchy when he has to do stuff himself so yeah Lockwood jumps on the schooner the three of you get on the glider and you eventually start making your way back to the port city of Chaucer as the sun starts to set in the west and that is it guys yeah we survived you understand how much I was just like oh is this this is a plot this is gonna come uh we're writing that was really cool actually yeah like we went to this library that supposedly is uh the the the the thing where they learn the information to to crack a chocca got another soul yeah exactly you came across another soul we literally created another soul runner yeah very good news Allegra you have another child you have another child for
Starting point is 03:06:13 shoddy to adopt now it's me I'm gonna adopt myself a thousand platinum can we say thousand platinum yeah we're all worth the money are you missed the part where we each have a bounty of a thousand platinum on us each why because we're trees and that's why well this might untreezen us oh no I mean I mean the precious cargo characters oh oh amazing that that's good shoddy shoddy is very happy about this uh this thousand platinum bounty absolutely yeah that's a nice little little tidbit well shoddy's ready to record thank you guys all for joining us thank you we're made a role play we're uh we're doing a bunch of awesome stuff we just finished our first campaign of a chocca precious cargo which is 12 awesome episodes of that kind of show more about
Starting point is 03:07:07 this uh this world um and and whatnot played by all of uh you all here um be sure to check out some of the awesome other stuff that we're working on we are regularly streaming um we'll be more on a stream scheduled in these upcoming months as we're gearing up for our next release of our next podcast stuff which is doomed to repeat arc two um which is also something you should definitely check out it's a delta our delta green campaign uh deemed by Sergio um which is a lot a lot of fun but be sure to check us out on Mondays when Eren plays the sheep farm um and on Tuesday Sergio also leads us in star forge as we take our iron land campaign and bring it into the into space in the stars and on alternate uh Wednesdays we have leg doing heroes you should know but uh leg will
Starting point is 03:07:55 be on a short hiatus till the 11th um but there are plenty of stuff on vod as well as uh in podcast one for you to catch up in the meantime um be sure and if you like what we're doing here and you want to continue to support us please be sure to support us on patreon your subscriptions help us continue to make awesome content if you get in before what the september 22nd this was the date if you get in there you'll get into our up and coming merchandise shenanigans we got some stickers and we got some other hopefully other stuff and plots there'll be more information about that out on monday yeah yeah there'd be swag so pay attention to our twitter for that yeah and and thanks to sirenscape uh i think i pretty i don't know if anyone was able to tell but uh i was playing some
Starting point is 03:08:44 music and and stuff in the background i think it uh it helped so thanks sirenscape yes makes things way better and way easier and i mean i think that's it i think uh i think that's all we have um so yeah be sure to check us out uh refresh your usb's yeah don't forget to refresh your usb's and as always live your dream spaceman thanks guys have a great friday bye bye everybody

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