Mayday Plays - Unkindness

Episode Date: May 1, 2021

Birds are fake, but everyone's a raven. Except for one of us. Possibly. Also, a parrot is involved....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're live. Hi friends, hello. Wow, this is a Friday night. And I should have planned this better. Well, I forgot I was saying I planned the game and then I was like, I don't have to plan anything else. And now I have to speak at the beginning of it. But here we are. We are taking our hiatus of Ashoka for now.
Starting point is 00:00:24 And we will this week be playing a one shot of a wonderful one page RPG called unkindness. And it's about adolescent Ravens by James Diomato. And I got it in this lovely book that is just like a bunch of one page RPGs. And they're all very fun and very silly. So I'm sure we're going to play some more out of here at some point. But yeah, so basically the entire setup is that you are a gaggle of adolescent Ravens. A gaggle? Is that the correct terminology? I don't think that is the correct.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Isn't it a murder? Wouldn't it be flock? I thought it was unkindness. Yeah, it says right there in the book. I like the word gaggle though. Unkindness makes me sad. I love the word gaggle. I'm saying gaggle.
Starting point is 00:01:20 In this in this in this game, the unkindness of adolescent Ravens. Are you happy, Aaron? No, I kind of like gaggle now. We need to go back. It was weird. Gaggle just sounds something inappropriate, but gaggle is too close to gag. Thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Anyway, as rules go in this game, you have to, well, basically, there are three stats. You have youth feelings and maturity at the start of the game. You have four in youth, four in feelings and none in maturity. So as we go, we're going to be trying to accomplish tasks, accomplish goals, what have you and each person is going to pick a goal as we go. And should you have to do some kind of a task to, what's the word, to accomplish, there we are, to accomplish your goal, you are going to either roll youth or feelings. And if you roll under, you succeed, if you roll over, you encounter an obstacle and the obstacle is something that we're all going to come up with together. Yeah, that's kind of like the first chunk of the game and we keep going with this specific goal until we decide it's done or we decide it sucks, which is one of, which is directly from the rules or you decide it sucks now. After which there is the experience emotion, portion of this game, and you can experience emotion by either bathing, eating trash, anting, which means rolling around in an anthill, or watching something burn.
Starting point is 00:03:10 This is just my life right here. That was like my day to day. This is easy for you. Can you add to the burning anthill? That is your choice. You probably will take damage. But who's to say. There's damage in this game.
Starting point is 00:03:23 My Raven can die. Your Raven can die actually. Yes. Whoa. So should you fail one role? You know, it sucks. You fail a role. There's an obstacle.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Things are harder. If you fail two, you gain an emotional condition, which is anger, jealousy, depression, infatuation, existential dread, or a draw to be. And if you roll three fails within within within one goal, you the next thing that could kill you will. Well, after Iron Sworn, I want no piece of this shit. I refuse myself. I'm not playing because I will kill this fucking bird. There's a few more rules. There's a few more sections.
Starting point is 00:04:09 We'll get it. We'll get to it when we get to it. I'm not going to give you a whole huge rules dump at the top. Oh, as you can see, we are missing our beloved Zikia today. They are taking care of some of some of their last things that you can see down in the corner that we that we miss her very much. And we hope to see her soon. They're going to be here all night. I don't think there's anything she is going to be here on our saint, our patron saint in the background.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yes. Yes. Raven Queen. I think that's about it. So if everyone's ready, we'll go ahead and start the game. That was a part that I wanted. This is all that I wanted. So your, your unkindness, your gaggle, your gang, your crew, whatever you choose to call yourself your squad.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Lives in the, the suburban neighborhood of Mauro Grove. It's under construction still there are, you know, there are stretches of area where there are no buildings just like empty lots. And there are stretches of it that are pretty, pretty developed and there are multiple houses. The street you live on though, or where you spend most of your time is North River. I didn't give it a name until just now. I could feel that. That excreted from your skin. I just like how you're like quick alcohol, save me. My plan.
Starting point is 00:05:58 It's North River Road. It's a cul-de-sac. I figured out so much about this setting and not the fucking name of the street, but here we are. It's North River Road. It is a cul-de-sac. There are nine houses on this cul-de-sac, five on the right side and four down the left and where the fifth house on the left should be, there is a huge empty lot. Now the empty lot has dirt piles, scrub land, gravel, little patches of mud, beer cans, trash, ant hills. There's even like an abandoned excavator, like they were planning to build, but it just didn't happen. There are also two empty houses on the street, the first house on the left and the third house on the right.
Starting point is 00:06:46 But every other house is occupied. There are families, couples, one little old lady who lives on her own. It's pretty, it's pretty happening on the street. They're all pretty, they're a weirdly close neighborhood. Is it? It kind of sounds like a dump. That was going to say. Okay. You like describe like beer cans and stuff everywhere. That's only in the lot. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:07:13 That's like we're all the teens. That's my bad. That's my bad. Why has no one come to pick up this abandoned extractor? What the hell? Excuse me. This thing's ain't cheap. We got to call the mayor. That's our first. Our first goal is to call the mayor. Before we do. Yes, I'm so sorry. Is it is the empty lot with all the excavators? Is that what the green thing is? Is the green thing the excavator? Yeah. Is it the big brown splot at the bottom?
Starting point is 00:07:48 Don't make fun of my maps. I did I say anything. I was. Amanda didn't. Yes. So down in the, down in the far, the far left corner, you can see the lot. It's this, the brown, the brown squiggles with the green squiggles. The green squiggles are where this butts up against the forest. So this is, it's kind of where it like the forest and, and the subdivision begins. You're outside of a small town.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah. So before, before you call the mayor to have him come get this excavator. Why don't we go around and introduce everyone. And we'll just go top to bottom and start with Aaron. Oh, surprise. Yeah. My name, my name is crow and I'm a really small raven, but I'm definitely a raven, not a crow. What? Well, there it is. Yep. So what, what are, what are your, what, what, what are some things about you crow? I'm really good at using like tools with my beak. I can heck shit really good.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Right. I'm known to over enunciate my words and use unnecessary detail. Fantastic. Awesome. So that's crow. Eli, why don't you go ahead and introduce spoons next. Um, my, my, my name is spoons. I'm a, I'm a raven, a very small one, but I make it up with like a lot of heart, but you know, I just like to kind of just like, you know, hang out and stuff with my friend Sporks, but you know, because Sporks kind of scares away the owls. They're not my friends.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And I hate gummy worms because, you know, they're just like, they're just like really fake, fake as fuck. And yeah. Thank you. Thank you spoons. Caleb is fitting that Spork is next. So go ahead and introduce us to Spork. My name is Spork on account of I lost one of my legs when I was young and replaced it with half of a KFC Spork. Oh my God. I'm a collector of trinkets and fine things, most of which someone would call garbage. I'm an outsider amongst the unkindness, but many fear me.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I'm a massive raven, huge hulkin thing. If anyone brings me an item to my Spork Horde, I trade them for an item I most associate with them. I, I hate old women. And I'm insecure about my stump. You have a stump like you're missing a leg? Yeah, yeah, the KFC Spork has taken over my right leg. That's why that's how I got my name. Fantastic. Sergio, why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself?
Starting point is 00:11:02 I am playing Richard. He is a raven who prefers to go by the name Richard because he desperately wants to be human. He sees humans have the good life. They get to eat all the trash and they always manage to chew him and his unkindness away. He would love to desperately find some clothing or something that he could wear like maybe a little vest or something that could make him look and feel more human. He hates dogs because they are man's best friend and Richard is not man's best friend. And he, his insecurity is mostly his body image. He doesn't feel like he's in the right body. He wishes he could fit into humans clothing. And his special power is that he can, he has mimicry so he can recreate sounds, even human speech. Great. And last but not least, we have Amanda.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I am junior or JR. Junior, I would say she is an average, kind of probably the middle between Richard and everybody, I'm sorry, no spork and everybody else. She is very insecure about her feathers because it is not smooth. It's kind of like think frizzy hair all over and ruffled and will constantly try to pat it down, but won't. So she's trying to find ways to get it to stay down. I'm sorry, did you give your raven a perm? My raven, just basically adolescence me where the hair just did not work. I feel you. Junior just literally, she loves to just fly around and she just wants to hang out with friends and not get to, she just wants to party and have fun all the time. She absolutely hates the mailman. She will do, that is her life's goal. She wants to poop on him. She wants to destroy him.
Starting point is 00:13:09 She wants the truck to burn because she does like fire. And she actually is friends with wolves in the forest. Wow. Jesus. Yeah, so we don't fuck with Junior. Junior's got friends. All my homies hate the mailman. Fuck the mailman. Not the USPS. USPS are great friends, but the mailman in particular, fuck the mailman. But this guy's the worst.
Starting point is 00:13:38 He swatted at her. He swatted at her and it was like it fucked up her feathers. Well, I'm going to nominate burning the mailman's car certainly as a goal of ours. Absolutely. We all love watching that. Yeah, so the way this game kind of works is there's not a whole lot of specific end goal for the game. We just, we find goals that we want to accomplish ourselves. I have a few options for you guys in mind, but when you come up with them, please do them. I love them.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I will say the lot is kind of a disputed territory between you and the owls, the owls who live in the forest. They claim that as theirs and you think because it is part of the part of the neighborhood, it's yours. And it has been an ongoing struggle since before, or not before, but since the since the cul-de-sac came into being. There are a bunch of things in backyards you can investigate. There are, there are just a plethora of things you can do. So who, who would like to come up with the, with the first goal? I can also roll a d6 and we can pick that way. Do you guys want to burn down a postal service fan?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yes, I really do. Kill an old lady while doing it? Yes. All right, so it's probably, I don't know if we should, but if that's what everybody wants to do, I guess, yeah. Think about the fire. Come on, spoons, don't be a wuss. What do you want to do? What do you want to do, spoons? What do you want to do? Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I don't know. Pretty hungry. It's, it's, so it's, it's probably, it's really closing out on nine in the morning, the sun's up, it's a little bit overcast today. And you do know that the mailman doesn't come until the sun is a little bit further in the sky, but spoons, because you said you were hungry. You also know that the Lohman Wyatt family have a bird feeder in their backyard, as well as a koi pond. Oh, let's get some breakfast. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I'm for it. And then we'll be playing at the Wyatt house.
Starting point is 00:16:03 We plan while we eat. Yes. So you, so you flap your bird way over to the Lohman Wyatt home. There are two. Yes. There are two individuals that live there, Brett Lohman and Oscar Wyatt. They have two dogs, a Korgie and a German Shepherd. The Korgie is named Bradley. Oh, we're bullying gays. No. No, we like them.
Starting point is 00:16:33 What have we done? They, there's a bird feeder. They have a bird feeder in their backyard. They like us. We like them. We're Ravens. We don't care. Just kidding breakfast. As you clear the fence into their backyard. You are. As you clear the fence into their backyard, you see that Celinda and Bradley are both lounging on the patio. They seem pretty, pretty docile right now. They've just had their breakfast.
Starting point is 00:16:57 And you said there are dogs. There are two of them. Yeah, they're both on the, on the patio. What, what kind of breeds are we working with here? Bradley is a, is a, an old Korgie. He's, he's got some like gray around his muzzle. And Felinda is probably a middle-aged German Shepherd. She looks, she looks pretty big, pretty, pretty solid. Richard, I think you have a chance at defeating the old one. Yes. How could I do this? I could drown him in the Koi pond if I can figure out how to get him over there.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Maybe, maybe I can, maybe I can mimic the voice of their, of their masters and lure them away. I think it's worth the try. Amazing. You have, you have to tame them like your human forefathers. I'd rather see them dead. So what is the name of the older dog? Bradley. Bradley. And this is a, this is a female couple. No, the, the couple in the house are Brett and Oscar. Gotcha. Brett and Oscar. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:14 So I'm, All right. I'm going to go swim over or fly over to like the other side of the Koi pond. And there's some like rocks and like ferns you can hide. Okay. I'm going to try to hide behind one of the rocks. And I'm going to tell Spork, cause I think Spork's the biggest one that when you see the dog get close, like either spook him or poke him in the butt or something to get him to fall into the Koi pond. I will poke their ass affirmatively. But when Richard lands, he's like, was the dog's name again?
Starting point is 00:18:49 Bradley. Bradley, come over here. I have a treat for you. Like he just completely changes his voice. Go ahead and roll me, roll me youth. And I'll say you have advantage because you're using your power. Yes. Okay. Cool. So you, so I want to, I have a four in youth. I want to roll under a four, right? You want to roll four or less? I rolled double sixes. You're old. Oh no. Okay. What a start. Yup.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Bradley is an old dog. He's old and he is hard of hearing. And it is, it is, he's not, he's not hearing you or he kind of like, he hears something and it kind of sounds like his name, but he kind of squints his old eyes open and his ears kind of make a little twitch. But, but he's, he's, he's sat down and he's pretty happy leaned up against Felinda. So make sure you mark down that you have made one fail. So I think that since the dog twitched, that is enough for Spork to recognize that that was the signal. Spork is going to take one of his nicest stabbing sticks from within his, his feathers there and fucking dive bomb Bradley. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Roll me, roll me feelings. And I'll say you also have maturity because you're using one of your, I'm sorry, you also have advantage because you're using one of your tools. So feel, I just roll two dice six. Okay. And I have a five and a six. Oh man. So you go to dive bomb Bradley. But Felinda is right there next to him and she's big. She is a big protective dog. And because he's so old, she's become more protective as she's grown.
Starting point is 00:20:44 And as you swoop in, she snaps up at you with her jaws and you don't get bitten. But she, she ruffles your feathers as you kind of steer out of it and kind of bank back towards the others. They've got old women run. I'm going to fly after, I'm going to fly after Spork's just to get the fuck out of there. All right, wait, we're safe at the bird feeder. Yeah, well I think we should reconvene at the, at the bird feeder. Can I just jump on the bird feeder? Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:20 So you're, you're all kind of convened around the bird feeder. It's not a big one. And there's like, it's one of those ones that have a bunch of little pegs that stick out. Y'all aren't small birds. So it's kind of like swinging wildly as each of you lands on a different peg. I'm just going to perch on top and look at everybody go, how are we supposed to feed now? Fuck down, dumbass. The fucking bird feed.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Since there's no room on the bird feeder, I am small. So I am just going to roost on juniors back so that I don't take up space on the feeder. Great. And I will allow this. Yeah, you nuzzle in next to junior and you put your little bird head next to hers. Look, we can't, we can't let two dogs just, just show us up like that. We got to get some, we got to get them back somehow. We can drop the bird feeder on their head.
Starting point is 00:22:27 But he's on to something. That's a good idea. If we drop it, the seeds go everywhere. And then we can take them all and the dogs will be dealt with. Spoons, you got something to say? Can't we just get breakfast and then go? But think about if we had all the breakfast. How about we open the door into the house and then we could eat the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:23:04 How would we open the door to the house? I'm going to pick at the door until I don't know their names. They'll come and then we'll lower them outside. That's all I got. When the door is open, we all fly in at once. Exactly. What one of us will have to die? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:23:30 But the rest will eat. Leg question. Yes. I might have an idea. Is there a window open? Go ahead and roll me youth for that to see if you can see any windows open. There's a window open. You can just go in.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Let's see. What is happening? Dude, we're rolling bad. What is this shit? What did you get? Six. You look around and it's like it's early spring and later in the day, it's going to be nice enough for a window to be open, but not right now.
Starting point is 00:24:13 It's pretty. It's pretty chilly this time of the morning. And the windows are shut. Spark. Go pack at the door. And when they come out, we just all bombard and go in. Spoons has an idea. I might have an idea.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Can I use my, my loud? Can I just start like loudly just wailing and crying and hoping that will get the attention of the two inside so that they'll open the door. Absolutely. You can't roll feelings at advantage. What is this ability? I'll tell you just a second. Oh.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Do I make it? We did. Amazing. So what, what kind of, what kind of terrible broken bird noise do you make? Yeah. I'm just going to go down to like, I guess, I think they have like a, a deck area and I'm just going to kind of like dramatically just like lay down on my back and I'm just going to start crying.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Just really loud. Just like saw me wailing. Just tears. I'm just upset. Throwing a tantrum on the floor. Everyone get ready. She's doing her dance. Get ready.
Starting point is 00:25:34 You all watch as spoons lays herself out on the patio next to what, like the glass table and let's lose this horrifying. You have even heard like what it sounds like when a cat gets a bird and they just scream. It's like that, but like 40 decibels louder. And pretty quickly out of the house come running Bradley and Oscar. They're still both in like pajama pants and they leave the dorm and they're like, what, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:26:04 And they think it's one of the dogs. They check the dogs first and the dogs are fine. And then they see spoons on the ground. Can I give a spoon like a chance to get away inside the kitchen by taking one of those pegs out of the bird feeder and then jamming it in. So the, the feed comes out all in a spray. So they have to come fix it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:26:29 You will say you. Do I get the advantage for you to get advantage of tools? Yes. Take advantage. Okay. Double four. Double four is perfect. You jam that like rod in.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And you'll never take my rod alive. The bird seed starts to pour out and Oscar, who's kind of like knelt over spoons season and goes, Brett, Brett, go take care of that. The, the birds are going to be everywhere. We need them just to, we need them in one place. Just go fix that. And you, and you all. Diving right into the house.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Fly your way into the house. I'm just like, kind of like pretending that I'm like hurt and injured. So maybe they'll, they'll bring me inside. So I don't have to. Figure my way in. Yeah. Yeah. Who did I say was taking care of you?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Oscar. Oscar kind of like pulls his, his like shirt off. And starts to like try and like cradle you up in his arms. Like. He like gently folds your wings in and like wraps you in this, in this, uh, this tank top. And you're, are you still screaming or have you calmed some? No, I'm screaming because now I'm covered and then I'm in darkness
Starting point is 00:27:52 now and I'm afraid. He hears that. Oh, I'm so sorry. And he, and he goes, Brett, I think there's something really wrong with this bird. And I was like, don't touch it. Bird scary.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Does what the fuck are you doing, man? He's like, no, she's really hurt. And he kind of picks you up. And I, I don't, I don't know if I'm supposed to roll. No, they don't notice. They don't notice that the rest of you have flown into the house. So there are the four Ravens in the house as all of them. They're like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I don't know if I'm supposed to roll. No, they don't notice. They don't notice that the rest of you have flown into the house. They don't notice that the rest of you have flown into the house as Oscar. No, as Brett continues to try and fix the bird feeder that Spork destroyed and Oscar begins to carry spoons inside. Richard has studied humans and he knows all the best stuff is in
Starting point is 00:28:43 a big porcelain refrigerated unit. So he's going to try to open that refrigerator to get to the good stuff. Yeah. Go ahead and roll. This seems like theft. Oh, is that two fails? It's two fails for me.
Starting point is 00:29:00 It's another. Okay. So. Before we continue any further, I would like you to choose an emotional condition to inform your role play. You can either be angry, jealous, depressed, infatuated, have existential dread or a certain joie de vie. I think that as much as he knows about humans, he just can't seem
Starting point is 00:29:27 to mimic them well enough to convince a dog or to open it because he doesn't have opposable thumbs. I don't feel like there's a little bit of existential dread creeping in like what is his purpose if he's not a raven and he's not a human, you know. Yeah. So that that feeling you see this the holy center of this home, this porcelain cold box, you're like, that's where the
Starting point is 00:29:52 good shit is. And you fly in your little, your little claws grasp at the handle and then just slide off and you try again, slide off in the sections just too much. And you are, what is your purpose in life? I just like sit in front of the fridge and just like, who am I? What's everyone else doing here? Are there any wooden spoons?
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yes. Can I with my beak grab? Go ahead, Amanda. Are you still on top of me? Did we fly in together? No, I don't think you could have carried me in. So I probably not quite. No.
Starting point is 00:30:35 So you're getting a spoon. What are you getting a spoon for? Yes. Can I pick it up in my beak and using my skill, my natural dexterity with tools and my beak? Can I go up to the seal of the refrigerator, take the wooden spoon, jam it into the seal and then hold up my wing at the platform I've created with the spoon to tell somebody to run
Starting point is 00:31:00 into it as hard as they can. Absolutely. Roll, roll youth with advantage. That means I roll twice, right? Yes. Take the, take the lower also. Sorry, Serge, I need you to move one from youth over to feelings.
Starting point is 00:31:18 So you should have three in youth and five in feelings. Got it. I rolled one. Yes. Perfect. Amazing. So you jab the spoon in and you kind of look over at Spork, I'm assuming, given that he's the biggest.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yes. I think I'm still outside, right? Oh, did you come, did you not come inside? I think the door got shut behind me because I was doing the bird feeder thing, right? If you, if you want to be outside, you can definitely be outside. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:47 You are outside. You look around for Spork and he is not there. Your options are junior or the very ex essentially dreaded Richard. I want to give Richard a chance to redeem himself. Right. So Richard, you look over and, uh, and, um, crow is kind of like gesturing to you to come and run into this spoon.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I interpreted as he wants me to commit sepuku on the, on the spoon. So I just, I just run at it to end my life. So can I roll feelings? Yes. Okay. Nice. You can also take advantage because he's giving you help.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And this is a, this is a tool. Okay. That's good. I think I'll be fine though, cause I rolled a two. So the two great. So you smash into the spoon thinking you are doing the honorable thing by committing sepuku and you run into it and it's not strong enough to hurt you.
Starting point is 00:32:50 It actually pushes the door of the, of the center of the home open and it kind of comes open and cold air kind of rushes out. What are you, what are you looking for in this, in this fridge? Every, probably like a cold cuts or something. Any and everything. Yeah. Okay. So you're, you're like the three of you were huddled around the fridge
Starting point is 00:33:25 as it's open. You hear Oscar in the other room kind of cooing it, cooing at, at spoons. And you know that you've got, you've got a little bit of time, but it's not much. Can we fly in there and start shoveling things out with our beaks? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:41 At this point we're just grabbing anything cause like we've hit the mother low. So now we're just going to start running. I think flying. So you're, you're pulling, you, you each get one thing in a claw, one thing in another claw and one thing in your beak. And you are, you're like, you know, the time is coming that Brett's not going to stay outside too long.
Starting point is 00:34:00 And we're going to cut actually to, to you, Spork outside with Brett. What have you been doing? I think that he's been watching his friends through the, like the screen door of watching them live their dreams. One hand on the draining bird feeder, just wistfully. Good. Good for all of you. Now it's my turn.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I want to check if the riots have a, a chimney. The low and wise do in fact have a chimney. Yes. Just focus Spork. You've trained for this your whole life. Fly immediately after the, the chimney and try and enter through the vents. At least in my mind. Appearing out through the living room. What am I rolling?
Starting point is 00:35:04 You. Okay. A one. A one. Incredible. So you, you see the chimney up top and Brett is still like grumbling. I hate this goddamn bird feeder and Oscar wants Oscar wants it. So, you know, you have to keep it up.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Make him happy. And then he's like mumbling to himself about wanting to keep him happy. And you shoot off into the sky and like a, like a fighter plane. You tuck your wings and dive your body down the chimney. And you, you kind of bounce around and like spiral through and get coughed out through the like curtain of, of,
Starting point is 00:35:46 of rings that's that are in front of the, that are in front of the chimney and you topple on to their, to their like blue and white rug in the center of the, of the kitchen of the living room. As Oscar rounds the corner with spoons in his arms. I think he freezes for a moment. Making sure to leave like big Ravens. I guess one Raven would mark and one spork mark in the carpet.
Starting point is 00:36:20 He unfurls his wings up at him and goes. In this interim, what have you been doing with, with Oscar? He's carried you inside. Cradled against his, against his stress. He's kind of like trying to check you over super gently for, for any injuries, which you don't have any, but you can, you can keep yelling. You can calm down.
Starting point is 00:36:48 It is your choice. What you want to do. I'm, I'm like, I'm wrapped up in this burrito, but I'm, I'm at, I'm at the sniffling point of it where I'm just sniffling. Yeah. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like calming down. And he's like, oh, there.
Starting point is 00:37:02 But then as we like turn over, I see spork on the carpet. And I just like wail at him. Great. I'm stuck in this burrito. You're stuck in this burrito and he's kind of murmuring to you super low and gentle. Like, it's all right. I'm just going to check this swing. It looks great.
Starting point is 00:37:21 And he checks this swing looks great too. You're such a good bird. And he's kind of like. And then, and then you see spork on the ground. And you scream. And it's about this time that the rest of you here, as spork comes down the chimney, spoon starts screaming again.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And Brett comes tearing in from the outside, hearing all of this noise. What's happening? What's happening? He, he's in such a hurry. He leaves the door open. Go. Go.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Go. Go. Are you, are you all saying the others will die for a good cause? Do, do I have the feeling that these humans could potentially like grab at one of my friends or something like that? There's a chance that they could. You're not sure.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Oscar is pretty. He's, he's a little closer to the front door than the back door. It's, it's like, here's the front door, the living room and then the back door. So Oscar is kind of like right here at the entrance of the, of the living room with spoons. Spork is sort of closer to the back door than the front. And Brett is kind of, and the kitchen,
Starting point is 00:38:37 so it's like living room and then kitchen's behind it. So the kids, so Brett is kind of like standing halfway between the living room and the kitchen and he sees the three of you in the, in the, in the fridge. Richard is going to, he's like thinking, you know, what can I do? And he remembers that humans always freak out when there's like a
Starting point is 00:38:56 certain alarm that goes off and he's going to try to remember it, but he only remembers the Spanish version and he just yells out, Esto no es un daladro. Hay un revido. Esto no es un simuladro. Todos los personas se ven en el escalio bajo el ladro. So he's like, he starts like saying an emergency fire alarm, but he's saying it in Spanish.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Roll fucking feelings and advantages. That's amazing. I do have advantage. Let's see if this works. Just incredible. Oh, good. Both, both under two. Great.
Starting point is 00:39:30 You start spouting this incredibly complicated human sentence in Spanish and you're going and, and both Brett and Oscar start like glancing around and trying to find whatever it is. There's a fire alarm going off and Oscar's like, no, no, it's fine. Right? There must have been a bird that came down the chimney. Why is it in Spanish? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I wanted to use that mostly to give everyone else an advantage to try to escape. Yes. And you do, you do a great job and everyone starts as, as Oscar and Brett start like frantically looking around the house, Oscar's hands kind of loosen on you spoons. And you think if you wriggled enough, you could get out of this bird Rito.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Um, I'm, I'm wiggling. Wiggle your way out and you're flapping towards that door as Brett and Oscar kind of go to find whatever the hell's happening in their house. And then the wind comes flying through the door. Everyone roll me. Everyone roll me feelings at advantage because of, because of Richard's help to get out the door and get out.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Are we flying out of the door or are we over encumbered and skittering along the floor? I would say, I would say you, you, you know, you know, your own weight, you know, your own ability to what, what you can carry and what you can't, I'd say you can fly. You can try to carry as much as everybody else. So I can't take off. Okay. Then you won't have advantage.
Starting point is 00:40:57 You'll just have regular, you'll just roll straight then. Great. This one. So leg, am I right in assuming that, uh, uh, Philandra, whatever her name is, I gave her a D and D name right there. Uh, the dog. Yeah, that's the one.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Is she coming for me right now in the living room? Yeah. She sees you on the ground and you are the closest, easiest target. She is, she is. What are you doing in my house? And she's coming for you. I rolled a one. Um, great.
Starting point is 00:41:33 If I could give you an interpretation, I think that, uh, Spork reaches into his feathers, his little opposable backpack, and he pulls out like week, week, weeks old, like Hershey's kiss. Oh no. He fits it into his beak and from around the kiss, he looks at the dog and he goes, are you,
Starting point is 00:41:56 I always knew it would end like this. You and me, you old bitch. Fly right at him. You fly right at him. And as she opens her mouth to chomp you, you just drop in the kiss. Be 52 balls and fly away. Like, like Luke and Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Right down her throat. Yes. And she's. And she's hacking. Oscar hears this. He fully drops spoons. Felinda, Felinda, what's wrong? And he starts like petting her snout and like, screeching her ears. I'd say with that kind of distraction,
Starting point is 00:42:33 the rest of you don't even need to roll. You make it out of the house. You, you continue down the street. Um, you know, for your advanced, for your, for your knowledge, the house directly to the south of you, the, the, the, the bare bones of the house are there, but it hasn't been really, uh,
Starting point is 00:42:51 fitted with like wiring or walls or anything. The, it's just like the barest, barest minimum of the structure. Yeah. We'll fly there to finish our breakfast. Right. Yeah. Wait for me. Yeah. You guys slow up a little bit for poor, for poor, for poor crow to catch up with you.
Starting point is 00:43:10 He's, he's, he's small and sickly. And you're always worried about him. God, you got the strength of a crow, crow. Yeah. Ha, ha, ha. Ironic. Is it? Ha, ha, ha, ha. So you, so you glide your way into the structure and you look
Starting point is 00:43:31 at your spoils, share them amongst your friends. Does anyone have anything specific that they want to do? Well, is this the second phase of the game where we discuss? Yeah. So this is exactly. So I think you've, you've had your breakfast and we'll call that some, uh, what is this called? Um, mischief and destruction.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I think you've caused suitable amount of mischief and destruction. And so now we go on to the second phase of this chunk of it. And it is called experiencing emotion. Emotion. So after adolescent Ravens have caused havoc, they must sort through all of their powerful emotions of youth. So we'll just go one by one and see how everyone's going to handle what happened.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Um, and then you'll get a chance to rant, rave or romance. Um, Aaron, we'll start with you again since you're at the top. Great. Whether my options again. So you can either. Babe, eat trash, watch something burn or ant, which means roll around in an anthill. Or if you have some other way you'd like to experience your emotions,
Starting point is 00:44:42 let me know and we'll do that. I am very tired after that run. I want to ant. Great. You go out into the, into the scrub yard. It hasn't even been like landscaped or anything. It's just like whatever natural grass was growing there before. It's a little bit yellow and a little bit dirty.
Starting point is 00:44:59 And you find a pretty good sized anthill. You fling yourself onto it. So nice. So relaxing. How are you? How are you feeling after that? After that big, that big indoor ex escapade? I am feeling tired and stressed,
Starting point is 00:45:16 but the millions and millions of ants coursing over my body are carrying it all the way. They're like little, little massage, little masseuses. Just kind of like all over your body. So you've done, you've done a few things while you were in this house. And now you have three options. You've anted,
Starting point is 00:45:38 you're starting to feel a little bit better and now you want to either rant, rave or romance. When you rant, your emotions overwhelm you and you need to share them or they will destroy you. So pick another rave and then talk about them. You can rave, which is, you did something rad and the others have to know. And tell the group about what you did and why it makes you cool.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Or you can romance and you can choose another Raven to, um, attempt to romance by doing your cool stunt, offering a gift or reciting a poem. What would you like to do? I would like to rant. Junior. You hear, you hear a crow outside. He's flapping around on the anthill living his best life.
Starting point is 00:46:25 And I'm going to go ahead. I will flop over that flap over whatever. Be honest with me. Do you think my beak is too small? Do you want me to lie to you? Yes. No, it's not too small. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:46:45 I'm going to like use my feather to tap it. Junior. What? It's not asymmetrical. Is it? Do you want me to lie to you? Yes. It is asymmetrical.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Oh, good. I was worried about that. Thank you, Junior. I feel much better now. Yes. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to lie to you. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:20 So, so, Bro begins to calm the, the nervous beating of his little bird heart. And you and. Who is it? You and. Junior both gain a point in maturity.
Starting point is 00:47:38 What? You've helped each other out. You've seen. Junior has learned the important adult lesson of lying to us. Exactly. And. This is the sound of growing up.
Starting point is 00:47:58 You've helped, you've helped your friend feel better and you feel a little better for it yourself. If either of you had to switch any of your points, you can switch them back to be four and four. And any emotional conditions you had were taken away. Spoons. Would you like to go next? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:21 How are you going to experience your emotions? You had a big traumatic. I'm, I'm, I'm going to look through the, this, can I look through the spoils as the look eating trash. As you, as you pick through, you see, you see like a, like a half eaten bag of cold cuts. And there's, there's a small leftover baggie of what looks like radishes, but they're like a couple days old.
Starting point is 00:48:48 So they're browning and tribbled a little bit. There's, there's a pickle that's just in, in a, what do you call it? Those, you know, those little cartons. Sometimes they put pickles in at restaurants. There's a pickle. A handful of spaghetti. Or a clawful of spaghetti, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah, you find, you, is there, is there any food that you're looking for in particular? I'm going to eat the spaghetti because it's the closest thing. So worms. Yeah. It's, it's pretty squishy. It's cold, but it doesn't wriggle like, like real worms do. It almost shoves you into that gummy worm kind of mindset. But then you remember that it's not pretending to be worms and it
Starting point is 00:49:34 isn't, it's not pretending to be anything that it isn't. So it's, it's a pretty good meal. I'm like, I'm like quiet, like that post cry. Like where you're just like, just eating by yourself. So I've, after you finish, after you finish eating your trash and your leftovers, would you like to rant, rave or romance? I, I'm going to, I'm going to rant. Who, who are you going to rant?
Starting point is 00:50:05 I'm going to rant at Spork, Spork. So I'm just going to come and bring like holding the noodles, walk over to Spork, sit next to him, like eat the last bit of it and just look at him and do that. Like I'm about to start crying again and doing that pre-cry that Spork is just nodding. He's been here before. He put me in a whole burrito. Is it, is it because I'm small? Is it, is it, am I just easy to grab because I'm just tiny?
Starting point is 00:50:41 He put the whole thing around me and it just, and then you just came through the chimney and didn't know what's going to happen. You should feel better. It's okay. You did good. You should feel better. Okay. Are you hurt, Spork? I'll actually, I'll reach into my feathers too and pull free a very
Starting point is 00:51:15 tiny little pebble I grabbed from the inside of the chimney on my way out. Here's spoons. I got you this. I don't know what it is. I'm just going to take it in both of my hands and I'm just going to go Thank you. You should feel better. I'm like tucking somewhere in my feathers. I'm just like crying, looking at him, but I'm like crying. All right. You both, you both sit down to help each other.
Starting point is 00:51:44 It doesn't go exactly as you, either of you are intending, but do you feel like you've learned a lesson from this? This is pretty normal for us. Give him a cheer. This has been kind of a turning point for your relationship. He's huge. You're tiny. He gave you a pebble. You're feeling a little better.
Starting point is 00:52:08 You both take a point of maturity as well. Yes. Oh, man. This is my emotional support pebble. All right. All right. Spork, it is your turn now. How would you like to experience your emotions? I think that Spork has hit out in this empty house before he stashes a box of matches inside of an old sardine tin can
Starting point is 00:52:34 in the corner of the room. He goes over, he opens up the sardines. He takes the match and then he just starts gathering some fucking filth. He's been piling up for a couple of weeks. In another portion of the house, he's like bringing sticks and foliage from the empty house and throwing it all in a pile. And then he's going to try his best to spark the match and start a fire.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Because he would like to watch something burn. Just idly observing fire. Just for the hell of it. Go ahead and roll me a youth. Youth at advantage. Okay. The youths. Three. Three.
Starting point is 00:53:19 You set this small pile of detritus alight and you look into its depths and try to find some meaning in the nonsense that you've caused today. It starts to kind of the crackling of the noise and the smell of the smoke or the crackling of the fire and the smell of the smoke kind of starts to cool all of your, your, your stirring emotions. God damn it. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:53:45 So you're, you're watching this, this small pile of things burn. You're starting to feel a little bit better. Would you like to rant, rave or romance? You've, you've, you've had your conversation with, with spoons. If you want to consider giving her the, um, the pebble of romance, that can totally be a thing. If you'd like to do something else, that's also an option.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Um, I think I would like to rant to junior. Absolutely. Because I feel like junior would join me by the fire. Sure. Exactly what I would do. Just get an earful. You see junior kind of get pulled in by the fire.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Oh, totally. She wants, she wants to fuck up that fucking mail man. I mean, God damn it. And that fire knowing that you have matches that sparks something in her. I think that, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:35 Spork gets entirely too close to the flame. So much that it's like licking around his beak and it's filling his face with like orange light. And he, he peers into it for a long time without saying anything to junior. Um, and then finally goes, you know, when I was in the thick of it, I didn't think I'd come back. Um,
Starting point is 00:54:54 I thought it was it for me. Junior. I thought it was over. I could smell it. The blood on their hands, the cheese and that fridge. I thought I'd never see your face again. But here we are another day living and for what? Junior is going to look over the fire. Junior is going to look over kind of pause, look that thing. Still looking at the fire.
Starting point is 00:55:25 You're here, of course, to help me with my purpose. You're not done yet. I need to take this mailman out. That's why I'm going to just look back into the fire. There has to be an end. And I think you're right. The end is with Jerry.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Jerry. Jerry. No. You can understand it. The wingspan is going to go against the fire flames. And I'm going to be like, I'm so angry. You both start screeching around this fire.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And it looks like some kind of. Horrific. Bird ritual. Just angry. Neither of these things seem like growth to me. No. No one gets maturity here. You are, you, you also can clear all of your,
Starting point is 00:56:34 all of your, everyone can clear all their fails as soon as, as soon as you've experienced your emotions and everything like that. And you can also get rid of any emotional conditions that you have right now. Richard, it is your turn. How would you like to experience your emotions? Richard is going to take a piece of bologna and like wrap it up like a cigar and just kind of sticking it in his mouth and then just fly out to see where crow is,
Starting point is 00:57:01 you know, where he's, he's in the lawn with the, with the ants. And he's just kind of eating his, his wrapped up bologna. Like he's seen, like he's been in a world war two or something. Yeah. It's rough. It's been a rough time. It's been a rough time for you. Yeah. And are you, are you going to rant rave or romance? I think I'm going to rant to crow.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I'm going to just like, as he's like enjoying himself, I'm just like pacing back and forth, you know, by him, shooting my bologna. It's being like, crow, you know what it's like to be in the wrong body? You know what it's like to, to want to be somebody else? Oh, the time. You do? Of course I do. You don't know what it's like to want to be human.
Starting point is 00:57:54 It's the, it's the worst feeling of all. No. Well, maybe we can help each other. Maybe I can get you into a human body and then I can have your body. What? Is that something you can do? I don't know. We can find something, I'm sure. You're just talking shit, crow. You just start calling like an anger, frustration.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Yes, absolutely. It's not what you want to hear. No. It seems like he's making fun of you kind of. How the fuck dare he? He's just rolling around in an anthill and you have this baloney cigar and he's making fun of you. And you, no one gains any maturity here either. You, you do get to remove your emotional,
Starting point is 00:58:50 you do get to remove your emotional condition and reset your stats to as they were. Got it. So it's, it's probably been about an hour. You've, you've kind of calmed down from the chaos that you caused before. Yes. Do I go? Yes. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:14 You were a part of so many people's that I was like, oh, we've done Amanda, please Amanda. I'm so sorry, junior, junior, you have, you have been a part of some kind of crazy shit. How would you like to experience your emotions? I'm not happy. I want to stare into the fire, like to that where it's like that pure white almost blue. And I'm just like kind of pacing, just staring into the fire in pure rage. Like you're starting to add more things to the fire because I want more down, but you, you add a little bit more and it's starting to make a solid mark on the, on the floor
Starting point is 00:59:50 of this good of this unbuilt house. Um, how would you, would you like to rant rave or romance? I'm going to rant rant. Who would you like to rant to? Uh, you know what is Richard still next to me? Richard was outside with, with crow, but you can tell he got frustrated. Richard, Richard, where would you have gone? I'll probably back into the house somewhere.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Yeah. I like staring at fires too. You see him kind of sidle up with a baloney cigar, like half eaten in his mouth. I'm just going to be like, my feather in the back of my head is sticking up because of the fucking god damn dogs. Just brings me back to that fucking Jerry. Fucking Jerry. If that's, that's why my feathers got fucked up in the first place. He had a swipe at me with that damn entertainment weekly and I'm like this, Richard, Richard.
Starting point is 01:00:51 What? Today's the day. For what? Him is fucking truck. They burn. I like burning things. If we take him, you can have his core. I just want that fucking truck and I want him gone.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I'm just going to rant about how I want the male man to die. Well, I want the dogs to die, but we don't always get what we want, so. You can lead the damn dogs into the fucking truck if you want to. If only they'd listen to me. They don't, I don't sound human to them. I'm really quite worthless, JR. Oh my god. Stop whining like a bitch.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Fucking let's go. You want it. All you do is just land where I'm where. There's no action. You want it. You fucking take it. You're right, JR. I don't want it.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I'm going to take it. Take the fucking dogs and like I'm going to take the fucking male man and we're going to snuff them out. I'm going to fuck those dogs. No. Where did that come from? I want to say you both gain maturity. Yeah, yeah. No, I think so.
Starting point is 01:02:07 No, I'm just ready. Yeah, I think you do. I think you're going to get some maturity. I spoke more. I should have shut up. I shouldn't have done shit. I can't handle some kind of some strengthening of your future desires. I'm going to say you both get maturity from this.
Starting point is 01:02:25 So we gain one point of maturity. You've gained one point of maturity. I think, man, that's a tune out. And what is it? If they go to three, they become mature. If you hit five, so maturity has to become your highest stat to end the game. Gotcha. I will fucking dive bomb into the fire itself before I fucking mature.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Just so you know. And that, and as junior says this to you. You hear the house next door open and old lady promen may may promen kind of stretches out onto her, onto her back porch like she does every morning at 1017. She stretches her arms. Oh, wow. Hello day. What a beautiful time to be alive.
Starting point is 01:03:18 She's kind of looking around, but she's got like a joint sticking out of her mouth. Nice. I'm going to nip at spork. Like, like, haha. You, you nip at spork. And spork, you notice as well that little, that old lady may best promen is out on her backyard. And just from inside the house, you hear her parrot Boris go.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Beautiful day. Check the fuck up. I hate parents. You know, technically, I could teach that parent a couple of words. I'm sure she wouldn't want it to know. Do it. We could do to that old bad. I'm game for.
Starting point is 01:04:09 She took my leg. Damn it. That was the one. That was the one. Her and her funny smoke. Oh, we're going to, we definitely have to ruin her day then. What? Spoons.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Are you in when spork says that? I'm going to like, I'm just going to go. I'm going for the joy. You're all, you're all, you all kind of peek your heads out of the house. Lady Maze is out on her back porch. She's got like this like mountain of massive gray curly hair and like slippers on and everything. And she is, uh, she's, she's got the, the joint just kind of dangling
Starting point is 01:04:49 from her lips and Boris, the, the, the green and blue parrot is perched on her shoulder as she sits at this wicker table on her back porch and spoons. You just take off for that joint. Um, roll me. Roll me youth. Just straight. Yeah, just straight.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Oh, one amazing. You fly and with a precision, you've never felt before. Just. Just pluck the joint from between her lips and circle back and our, our, our kind of flying flapping just out of her range. And she goes, what the fuck is this fucking Raven doing? I should never have put these birdbaths out for you. You terrible trash birds.
Starting point is 01:05:48 I'm like crying, but I'm running down your beak. You have the lit joint still caught between your lips and you, you head back towards your friends and she starts chasing you. Boris is on her shoulder going, what the fuck? What the fuck? Can I, I'm going to try to fly towards her just and this is so I can just try to be as immature as possible. As I fly past her, try to poop and try to hit her in the face.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Right. Roll for feelings. What did I do? Roll feelings. There we go. There we go. Oh no, Amanda. What did you do?
Starting point is 01:06:31 I'm going to not do anything in the rest of the game. Things are not working. What did you, what did you roll? Six. Six. So you fly by and you think I'm going to do something cool as shit. And you start to like, uh, you start to like arc up into the air and you're trying to do like some kind of like backflip nonsense and
Starting point is 01:06:54 you poop at the apex of it and to flip down and end up pooping on your own head. Yes. Self poop. Fuck. Wait, is that not what you meant to do? And Boris, Boris from old lady Maeve prom and stroller goes rat, dumbass.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Oh no. Can I fly at that parrot and try to knock it off of its stupid old lady's shoulder? Do you want to knock it down? Fuck yeah. Fuck this parrot. It seems like breaking things. Roll feelings.
Starting point is 01:07:42 What'd you get? Four. Four. You, you're not big, but you are dense and you are pissed because that parrot, that parrot always mocks you guys. Anytime you're like flapping around in those bird baths in the backyard. That parrot's just sitting at the window squinting at you.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Or if it's on the back porch part, back porch, perch, it's, it'll, it'll just, it'll shout abuse at you and you're ready. You were, you've been prepared for this for a long time. You drop your wing. This has been a long time comment. You throw your whole little body bird, bird body into that bird. And you tackle him to the ground. Boris is screaming obscenities and terror.
Starting point is 01:08:35 What are the rest of you doing? I'm joining in and fucking this bird up. Richard, Richard would like to spook the old lady. What's her name? Uh, Maeve Promen. Uh, Maeve, he wants to spook her by landing on the opposite shoulder that Boris was on. And then in Boris's exact voice to be like, you're all the good
Starting point is 01:08:56 and gonna die soon. Bruh. Sage, roll me feelings at advantage. Amanda, roll me youth at advantage. Cause, uh, We're like revelins more than we are. Oh, nice. We got it.
Starting point is 01:09:14 I got a two. Great. And Amanda, what'd you get? I got a three and a one. Okay. So as you stomp your little claws down on, down on, uh, on Boris, who is still screaming, um, You kind of peck your little feet into his,
Starting point is 01:09:33 into his colorful feathers and some start flying off his body. Uh, Richard's mother fucker. Richard, you land on Maeve's other shoulder as she's looking towards where, uh, where junior and crow are, are going down. I can't say that. Are going after. You already said it.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Are going after Boris. Um, Going down. And you, what, what do you say to her again? I say, you're old and you're going to die soon. Bruh. She stares at Boris. Boris, how dare you.
Starting point is 01:10:12 And then she whips her head around and sees you and it feels the same. The weight feels the same and she screams bloody murder and kind of like throws her arms up in the air and you kind of get caught in her hair, but she starts running around the backyard trying to get you off her shoulder. Um, uh, you spork, what are you, what are you doing while,
Starting point is 01:10:36 while spoons has this joint, junior and crow are just destroying this parrot and, uh, and good old, our good old boy, uh, Richard, Richard is using an old woman. Spork has never been one for, uh, intelligence or understanding or sanity. Even, um, he's still convinced that Maeve has his leg inside of the house. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Um, he's going to break into the house and try and find his leg. Amazing. Amazing. Uh, go ahead and roll me, uh, go roll me feelings. Why are you, are you trying to use, are you using any tools or? Um, uh, I don't have anything in mind. So I'll just go with, with trying to get the window jimmy here. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Go ahead and roll me feelings. Okay. No. Did you fail? Yeah, I did. I got a six. Okay. So you, you fly your way towards the house and you're banking around
Starting point is 01:11:48 different sides of the house, trying to find a window, a door, a chimney, anything to get you into the house to get your goddamn leg back. She's got it locked down. It's like a, it's like a, like a facility. It's no, there's no getting in there right now. Can I on a whim try and check for a crawl space? Sure.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Yeah. Um, roll me, I'm going to say, I'm going to say roll me feelings again. Okay. Oh, guys, God. You got it. Yeah. One nice. Oh, you, so you're banking around, you're trying to find anything to
Starting point is 01:12:31 get in and then you spot a small hole in the grading that leads to the crawl space under the house and you once again, like a, like a kamikaze, you tuck your wings and you flip your way under the house. What do you, what are you trying to do? I'm trying to get, I guess through a basement and up into the house. If I can. Yeah. So, so you dip down into the basement and it's unfinished, but, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:57 but the door at the top of the stairs is cracked. Perfect. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm crawling out and I'm going back to the scene of the crime. It's a place I've remembered in my mind as a Raven for so long. It's in that damn kitchen. I'm going to go into that kitchen and start pulling out every drawer I can
Starting point is 01:13:19 until I feel like it can find a leg. The first place I'll check is the silverware drawer. Absolutely. Roll me. Roll me. Sure. Feelings. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:36 A one. A one. You pull open that silverware drawer and you're, you're, you're sifting through like wine bottle toppers and, and, and steak knives and, and, and you see one steak knife that looks very familiar. I have remembered this in legend. I remember how it used to feel immediately.
Starting point is 01:14:02 I rip off the spork and I toss it aside. I take that small broken handled steak knife and I plug my leg in and reclaim my lineage. You do. You, you find a way to reattach it. There's some twist ties in there. You know how to use fucking twist ties. You're a pro.
Starting point is 01:14:23 You're an old champ at twist. Yup. If you're an old chef, you're a pro, you know what I mean? It's just a perfect fit for guys. You twist tie that steak knife onto your leg. Uh, just roll me, roll me feelings for the hell of it.
Starting point is 01:14:35 You can take advantage because you're using a tool. I think he's crying too. Absolutely he is. A one. A one. You've got that bitch secured on your leg and you're ready for battle. You dip, are you,
Starting point is 01:14:46 are you wanting to stay in the house, or do you want to go back outside? No, no, I'm ready. Jerry is next. I'm flying out this bitch. You dive bomb your way back down the basement stairs, past the laundry machine out the, out the crawl space and, uh, spoons.
Starting point is 01:15:02 What have you been doing? You have all lady prom and joint clasped in your beak. I've been, I've been fleeing in some direction. I feel like I'm, I'm heading towards the cul-de-sac. So you have, you have a couple of options at the cul-de-sac. There is the Ladom house,
Starting point is 01:15:19 which has a vegetable garden in the backyard. And the little Dom's are pretty, they've been pretty cool with you guys in the past. There's the cul-de-sac itself, which is pretty empty except for a, an old basketball hoop. And then there is the lot, which is scrub lands and trash and dirt piles.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Where would you like to go? Uh, I'm going to, I'm going to land on the, the basketball hoop in the middle. All right. You land on that basketball hoop. I was just holding my, hold the DJ.
Starting point is 01:15:47 I just kind of go back and forth, just heavy breathing, trying to figure out where everybody is. You're breathing hard. And every time you do some kind of like smokey something, settles in your lungs and you expel it. And then, but it kind of feels nice and you,
Starting point is 01:16:03 as you're, as you're kind of weeping and, and gasping for breath. Um, and the joints still burning. There's still a little bit of smoke growing off of it. Um, is there anything else you'd like to do on that old basketball hoop?
Starting point is 01:16:19 No, I'm just waiting. Uh, I might eventually like start trying to call for somebody to come over to me. Yeah. You're, you're just kind of living in the moment and the, the sheer ecstasy of stealing this joint from this.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Richard, you are still on old lady prom and shoulder. What else would you like to be doing? Um, what do I want to do at this point? She is a human and she does have a bird. Yeah, that's true. So she might be interested in you and she might have knowledge for you or if you want to just scare the shit out of her.
Starting point is 01:17:01 I was thinking about that. I was thinking about how I actually would want to be friends with her. So I might just say to her, can I be your new bird friend? Can I be your new parent? Uh, yeah, go ahead, go ahead and roll, roll feelings, real feelings and advantage because of, uh, mimicry. I'm just having a casual conversation with her.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Uh, God, I don't want this to work actually. Fuck. All right. Two. She looks at you and you, you sound like Boris, but Boris got taken down by those little punk bitches. They're tiny. They shouldn't have taken down her parrot.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Her parrot's made of tougher stuff than that. And you, you sound like him and you're tough. And she kind of reaches up and strokes the back of your head and down your tail and it's nice. She's, she's pretty cool. She's actually pretty nice. Oh, what's your name? My name is Richard.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Richard. Can I call you dick? No, you can't call me dick. It'll poke her in the eye. You poke her in the eye and she's screaming. She kind of clasps her eyes. She has, she has like cheaters down on a chain around her neck, but they're not protecting her eyes right now.
Starting point is 01:18:20 And you poke straight into the retina and she's like, oh shit. Kind of wavering around. And you've learned, you've learned that sometimes, sometimes humans use lenses to protect their eyes, but not all the time. And if you can get in when they're, when they're not, when they're not, when they're not expecting it, baby, they are, they are down for the count.
Starting point is 01:18:41 I'm not sure how this one shot doesn't end with like a pest patrol coming and killing all of us. We're literally just. I have friends. I have friends. You do have friends. So you're, you're, you're, you're still sitting on this old lady's shoulder
Starting point is 01:18:58 and she tried to call you dick. And you're not a fan of her calling you dick, but you're not, you, you feel like you've learned something from her, that you, you've learned something about how to be more human. Okay. Is there anything else you want to do around her? Or are you, are you happy with what you've learned? Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:16 I'm not sure I want to be human friends with her. Right. So I'm going to kind of move on from here. You, you peck at her eye and as she's kind of wavering around, clasping her eye, you, you see that she's not, she's not the human for you. She's a human, but she's not the human. And you, you take off.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Um, the two of you, the two problem children, as always, um, junior and crow, you have been just decimating this dumbass parrot. Now, before we, we're not going to kill him. And this is why, cause as soon as like, no, no, no, this is why. Uh, junior is going to get the other face super close and be like, I'm not going to kill you, but I want you to fucking remember this. Do you understand that? Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:20:09 I had your life in my hands. If I wanted to fucking do it again. Boris is, Boris is horrified. Okay. Okay. I'm so sorry. When we bathe you fucking pervert. And he's like weeping bird tears, shedding feathers everywhere.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Uh, junior, you go ahead. I'm going to hang back for just one second. How are you feeling about this, this utter violence that's being perpetrated by junior? I think she needs to bam it up a notch. Oh no. No. You're taking a step back from this, from this, from this fight.
Starting point is 01:20:50 I understand. Yes. Oh, what I'm going to, as I did my bitch, I'm going to kick him with my foot and what a fly to the, uh, basketball. Uh, hoop. Oh, I'm sorry. No, please go, please go. I just said the second she takes off,
Starting point is 01:21:07 I'm just going to peck the parrot in the throat and sever his, his air pipe. You need to roll something for that. I feel like this is youth. It be like a feeling. I feel like feelings murderous. You do realize you're like a raven, not a cat. Listen, I'm over compensating and I get a two.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Oh, not a two. Toxic. Oh man. So, so I'm going to go, I'm going to go on a trip, I'm going to go on a trip to the beach, I'm going to go on a trip to the beach. I said, did I get a two?
Starting point is 01:21:40 Oh, toxic. Oh man. So, so you watch as, as Junior threatens this parrot and kicks it in the ribs and it squawks in pain and it's, it's looking haggard and injured. And you flap your and she and you watch as Junior flaps her way away back towards spoons who's looking a little bit woozy on top of that, on top of that basketball hoop.
Starting point is 01:22:05 And this is too good. That's too good an ending for this parrot. This parrot's an asshole. You kind of loom over it. You like the feeling of power that it gives you and you bring down your beak in a final peck. And the parrot spills on the ground. Boris moves no longer and the old lady prom and screams her
Starting point is 01:22:27 distraught feelings to the sky as she clutches one eye and runs towards Boris to scoop him into her arms. Are you leaving or are you trying to fuck up Maeve from it as well? I in bird will say your next Boris and to fly away. That's the last thing Boris hears is your next Boris and you fly away just as spork like comets his way out of out of the crawl space of the house and sees the carnage laid before him
Starting point is 01:23:05 as Maeve prom and weeps over the lifeless body of her parrot Boris and you have the steak knife where a spork once was. Spork, what would you like to do? I would like to rename myself. I am now steak. Steak. Gotcha. I've made a full transformation.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Absolutely. Steak would like to rejoin the group. I mean, I think we got to find another place to lay low. This is another successful. Absolutely was. I think we're going to go or at least we should go hang out on the excavator. I'm feeling dangerous.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Yeah, you watch the sad scene before you and as you fly towards the basketball hoop, you say this in passing. The rest of you see that spork now steak has a new limb and as you follow him to the excavator, we're going to take a break there, a quick bathroom drink, whatever you need break. We'll be back in about, you know, five to seven minutes. Everyone. Everyone cool with that?
Starting point is 01:24:18 Yes. Yep. All right. We'll be back in just a few. All right. We are back, I believe. Yes, we are. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:29 The murderous birds. So you have. You've murdered Boris. You've half blinded Mae Promen. You've stolen her joint and you are now hanging out on the excavator. It's been a big morning for y'all. You have done two.
Starting point is 01:24:49 I big heists essentially. It's been rough. And there's a lot of feelings going on inside of you. So I think we're going to start back at the top with crow. Crow. What are you? What are you feeling? You've just murdered another bird.
Starting point is 01:25:07 How would you like to experience your emotions? I think I am feeling very powerful and unpredictable right now. So I would like to go to the fire that was started earlier if it is still burning. And I would like to stare into the flames contemplatively. Absolutely. You, uh, you join your party at the, at the excavator, but it
Starting point is 01:25:33 doesn't feel right. And you're, you're a little antsy and it doesn't have to do with the leftover ants that are crawling down your spine. And you take off again in silence and you coast your way over to the, to the empty house between the promens and the loam and the riots. And it's still burning. It's burning low, but the embers are bright.
Starting point is 01:25:53 And like, they feel like I is watching back at you. Yes, exactly. So nice. Would you like to rant, rave or romance? I would like to rant. You would like to rant. No, rave. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:26:15 You want to rave? Amazing. You want to rave too? I, well, I'm at the fire is the problem. You are. And the, and the embers are glowing bright and you feel a similar ember start to burn in your chest pride. Pride has taken a seat in your soul.
Starting point is 01:26:34 And you are, you did some cool shit back there. And they need to know just how cool it was. So I will fly back to the rest of the group. You will. And who would you, who would you like to rave to? Everyone. Everyone. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:26:55 So the, the four of you are, are perched on the, on the excavator you watched as a, as Crow kind of took off and disappeared for a few minutes. And then he comes back and he's got a look in his eyes. And what would you like to say, Crow? I have taken down the mighty Boris, proving that I am greater than my size when we have all done great and wonderful and mighty and terrible and awesome things
Starting point is 01:27:28 today. And we should all appreciate that and love ourselves for who we are. All right. So to the four of you. You have two options here. You can either validate or reject Crow. So to validate Crow, you will all break into a chorus of cause.
Starting point is 01:27:50 But if you would like to reject him, you may stay silent. Shit. I made it. Was that an intentional noise or are you just, that was called a sneeze. Great. Thank you. So, so was there like a countdown or.
Starting point is 01:28:08 I'll do a countdown. And if it's a tie. We'll figure it out if it's a tie. All right. On the, I'll say three, two, one. And then where a go would be is where you will either validate or reject. So here we go.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Three. Two. One. That seems like that with three cause. Okay. I called. So the only one who's rejected you is junior, but you have the strength and the fortitude of your friends,
Starting point is 01:28:47 steak, uh, spoons. And Richard behind you. So for the next round of things that happened to us. I would like you to pick a new power crow. And you may use it once during this, during this next event, whatever it may be.
Starting point is 01:29:08 I. Would like. To be a portent. Fan. Fantastic. So you have taken portent. Any emotions that you experienced have been fully experienced. Any conditions you would like to use.
Starting point is 01:29:28 And you are back to neutral at four. Um, For youth and for feelings. I will nevertheless hang my head because I thought junior liked me. Oh, Oh, buddy. A little upset.
Starting point is 01:29:46 And a little rejected, but you have the fortitude of your other friends. And that is enough to state you for now. Because you didn't mention me in the ass kicking. It was all about you. So fuck you. Spoons. How would you like to experience your emotions?
Starting point is 01:30:02 Your emotions to be fair. Are a little funny right now. You're feeling a little swinny and a little bit. Everything's a little fuzzy around the edges. Yeah, you're squinting and you're. You're swaying a little bit. You're a little like soft.
Starting point is 01:30:19 This joint that's been burning slowly and. Getting into your system is kind of like. Everything sounds a little wacky. And you, the air tastes funny. So how would you like to experience your emotions? I think she just did. Yeah. Can I just.
Starting point is 01:30:42 You want to smoke this joint that can be. Your emotions. Oh, that's a really. Joint. Cause I've just been holding it for like. It's been burning down and it's, it's, it's getting close to the end. And you can feel the heat on your beak,
Starting point is 01:30:59 but it's kind of comforting. You know, it's chill. Like you don't feel like you need to cry. But if you did cry, it would feel really nice too. You're just like, you haven't felt this at peace.
Starting point is 01:31:15 And this. Settled. And like the world is beautiful and warm, but all, but not too warm. You haven't felt this good in a while. Would you like to experience. Romance. Romance.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Yeah. I do. Do you want a romance? Cause I want to give some, I want to give somebody a give. I want to give the rest of the joint to, to Richard because I know he's been walking around with his baloney cigar.
Starting point is 01:31:47 And I feel like, and I saw what's her name. What's her name. What's her name. What's her name. What's her name. What's her name. Like, and I saw what's her name.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Like put it in her, in her mouth. So I assume that's what he, he's eventually trying to do as a goal. So I'm just going to like really like tie me, like hold it up to him with like my squinty eyes. And I'm just going to like just put it in his hand. His, his, his wings are outstretched. And Richard, you see,
Starting point is 01:32:15 you see that spoons comes over and kind of offers you the end of this, this weird smoking paper. And it smells kind of nice, but kind of weird. I've seen a lot of humans do this before. So wanting to be cool like the other humans, I will attempt to take it from them. So yeah, I'm, I'm down. Yeah, you take this, you take this thing and it's burning pretty
Starting point is 01:32:40 low, but it's still got a little bit of juice in it. And it's, yeah, you cough a little bit, but it, you start to feel a little swimmy too. And it's, you know what? Spoons is pretty cute. Spoons is pretty sweet. And it's really nice of them to share this, this smoking, this smoking thing with you.
Starting point is 01:33:03 You're pretty cool for raving spoons. You're a human. I totally marry you or whatever they do. Or I'm sorry. So, so Richard, you will gain a point of maturity. I gave one, but what about her? Um, I will, I will leave it up to you. I'll leave it up to you.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Spoons, if you feel like this is a turning point for you or a point where you've learned a lesson or where you're, where you're growing, I will let you take a point of maturity. And if you don't, you're high as shit. Richard's pretty chill. Richard's been having a rough time and you, you've shared this joint with him. It's pretty nice.
Starting point is 01:33:47 It's a good time. I don't know. That's someone looks like they went up to age four with the lovey-dovey shit. Uh, steak, you got, you got your fucking leg. You got a fucking leg bag. It's not even a sport anymore. It's a goddamn knife.
Starting point is 01:34:07 How would you like to experience your goddamn emotions? I think he's walking around like fucking cock of the walk. He's so proud of himself. He's hopping on the excavator. He's looking for owls. Um, and then he remembers from three weeks ago when he broke that sewage drainage pipe and he flies immediately to the puddle of raw sewage near the excavator.
Starting point is 01:34:33 And he would like to, uh, uh, bathe. He's going to take off his leg. He's going to set it to the side. He's going to take out the spork he left with his spork that had been his leg for so long, and he's going to set that in the raw sewage with him and him and spork are just going to sit there and simmer and allow themselves to be happy. You lay yourself, you forced lay your spork down next to you.
Starting point is 01:35:02 This, this constant companion for most of, most of your life. And you, you flop yourself down, wings a Kimbo and you, you just experience life in this rancid puddle. It's pretty great. Taking in the shit. Yeah. It's amazing. You've, you have become the shit.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Uh, what would ha, would you like to rant rave or romance? Romance. Who boy who you romantic? My spork. What? That took a hard left turn. Wow. You romance, you romance that plastic spork baby.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Show me what you got. Oh, no, I gotta go ahead. You know, it's a special feeling when you've been with someone as long as you and I have been. I know for a while there, it was all just work for us. Like it was a job, but you know, maybe it's time that that changed. Maybe it's time you and I grew up and started facing this for what this is. I know what I feel and I know you feel it too.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Now look me in the eye and tell me it's not true. I know what we've been through, but I can't quit you. You look down at spork. Spork who's been at your side under your feet, the stable ground beneath your wings when you land. Spork's not responding. Spork has nothing to say to you. You have stood on spork's back for years with nothing. And now, now you have steak.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Ooh, ooh, you're so special now, spork. You've been there for me all along, spork. It was just work for a while, spork. It's not like that, spork, and you know it. I came here with love in my heart. Spork, spork, flops over as, as the, as the puddle moves with the wind and spork flops down into the puddle and is turned away from you. I built us a home. An air bubble blips out from under spork and it feels like defeat.
Starting point is 01:37:42 If you don't want this life, then I'll find another. Come on steak, let's get out of here. Well, fly off. You take off into the skies with your steak knife. You gain a point of maturity as the heartbreak washes over you. And you continue on smelling as raw sewage and preparing for whatever lies ahead of you. Sergio, Richard has Richard, Richard, Richard harmed a human. Richard loves humans and Richard harmed a human.
Starting point is 01:38:23 She tried to call you dick. How are you, how are you feeling about this? How would you like to experience these emotions? Well, after being getting real high with spoon, yeah, with spoons, he realizes that he's not the problem. It's that he has to find the right human and she just wasn't the right one. So I think he's going to, um, he's probably going to seeing what Crow did and how, how much he made them happy. I think he'll probably go anti, you know, go rub some ants on himself. But then I think he's going to go rave to the others, kind of this new discovery that he has that it's not me, it's them.
Starting point is 01:39:05 I got to find the right one. I got to find the right human. I got to keep looking and maybe they'll accept me if I, if I look more like them. That's what it is. I got to dress like them and I start kind of ranting and raving about, uh, about how I need to get a new outfit. Yeah, absolutely. You, you realize that you were never the problem. It was never you. You are exactly how you're supposed to be feathers, beak and all fuck having flesh or like nostrils.
Starting point is 01:39:37 No, you are where you're supposed to be. And it's, it's a good life. These humans are the problem. Um, I'm going to go ahead. So I would have just like rented and I would have raided in front of everyone. Yeah. Um, the four of you watch as, as, as, uh, as Richard takes a lap and then flutters back down to you on the bucket of the, of the excavator and begins his rave about, about humans and how he, how he. Go ahead, go ahead and tell, tell them what you were, you're feeling.
Starting point is 01:40:12 You know, all this time I was thinking that I had to, I had to be a certain way or to act a certain way or talk a certain way. And now I realize I just, I just have to find the right person and, and maybe I just have to find the right outfit. Uh, yeah. So I would like everyone to either, um, I would, on the count of three, I'd like you to either validate or reject, uh, Richard. All right, are you ready? Three, two, one. All right. So we got, we got two spoons.
Starting point is 01:40:54 Was that, was that a legit call? That was a legit call. Go, go get your rights. So you've got two for validate two for reject. I am going to say. Given, given how you feel so strongly about this and how you're, you're creating this, this like, this new place of feeling like you belong in yourself. I'm going to say you can roll feelings with advantage because you already know how to mimic humans. So I'm going to say go ahead and roll feelings at advantage.
Starting point is 01:41:29 All right. Let me do that. Oh, D six. Oh, D six. Oh, double twos. Double twos. You don't have the full support of steak and crow, but they've been on their own journeys and it's been, it's been rough for them. But hearing the support of, of, of both junior and spoons kind of bolsters you and you feel good.
Starting point is 01:41:55 You feel strong. You feel like you're on the right path. So I'm going to say go ahead and take another power that you can use in the next, uh, next goal. Hmm. Let's see. Uh, I think I'll take tools. Tools.
Starting point is 01:42:15 Yeah. Yeah. So you, you realize that you have the ability to be as a human, but better because you're a bird and you can use tools as humans do, but better because you're a fucking bird. You have feathers and wings. You can soar in the sky like they ever could. And you have so, so at some point, if you want to use a tool in the next, uh, in the next grouping of things that we do, that will be an option for you. Awesome. Um,
Starting point is 01:42:43 Junior, you are, you're having a lot of feelings. You have, you, you were part of an assault on a parrot and then you didn't get any credit for it from fucking crow. So what the hell? How would you like to experience your emotions? I am, um, what was it? So, um, I'm trying to say it was besides burn, bathe and what else you can bathe, eat trash, go hunting, which is roll around in an anthill or watch something burn. I am going to. Yeah, I'm going to watch something burn for a minute and off the adrenaline, I felt good kicking Boris's ass.
Starting point is 01:43:30 But then I'm thinking about how I was undermined by a supposed friend or I thought that's where I'm just getting a little, I'm getting rufflier and rufflier, which is pissing me off more because my feathers aren't fucking going down. So that's just making me more angry. And then I'm just going to, who can I like push over? No. Yeah. Do you want to rant rave or romance? And I want to straight up rant to spoons. You want to, you want to rant to spoons?
Starting point is 01:44:05 Yes. All right. So you, you, you have to get away from the group. You flap over to the fire that you've, you've all seen started and it's the embers as they burn down to nothing. Feel like they're pissing you off even more than what it was and you have to get away and you go back to spoons. Who is, who is squinty and, and shifting and, and kind of swaying back and forth. And what would you like to say? What would you, how would you like to rant to spoons?
Starting point is 01:44:37 You know, it's one thing to say that you were a part of a fucking blood bath. It's another thing to take the fucking credit and it's a piece of shit move and he's a dick. We're fucking taking all the credit. And he could kiss my fucking raven ass. I mean, yeah, man, I get it. I mean, sometimes people think that they can like push me around and like bully me, but like, I took that thing for the lady and like, I started all of it, but like, nobody said anything. You know, I mean, like Richard was the fire stick. Like I think because I'm probably putting two together that's because I'm not that smart.
Starting point is 01:45:44 I think they're kind of like, dick it around on me. And be like, fuck you too. And then I'm going to like kick some dirt. None of it, no one understands you. You're so goddamn frustrated. You're all of your feelings are bubbling up in you and no one gets them. You're so cool. You're such a badass.
Starting point is 01:46:05 And you were just kicked to the side. No, spoons doesn't get it spoons as high as shit. You kick some dirt up behind my high is gone. You would take off in the air as spoons begins to cry with her high is gone and I said to cry. You can everyone, everyone, you can reset your emotions to where they were. You don't have any more emotional conditions, all of that. Can give me a quick rundown of what your maturity is at one. I am at one maturity.
Starting point is 01:46:45 I'm at two. I'm at two. We need to drag those other people down with us. So what to two and two. Okay. Amazing. So you're all, it's been a weird morning. Junior, you've been keeping an eye on the sky.
Starting point is 01:47:07 That's not time for Jerry yet. The mailman is still, he's still doing other shit, whatever the hell mailman mailman do. And you're a little frustrated. But as you, as you take out your frustration and the sky and the dirt. You look to the, to the, what's that direction to the East West East, we're going to say East, you look to the East, the West, you look to the East and there are five shapes soaring their way towards you. And as you watch, they get bigger and bigger. It's the goddamn owl gang, those motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:47:48 And as you watch, Nicola, smug, Greg Nart, Lupe and Lorbert. A light on the ground next to you. And, and, and smug the smallest of the owls leans over to Lorbert and goes, oh, look, Lori, the ravens are back. I shriek. She's earth back. What the fuck are you doing here? I'm mad. Yeah, you're mad.
Starting point is 01:48:26 They don't, they don't seem to react to this. And Nicola, who, who you all know is the oldest, kind of, you know, is the oldest. I'm mad. Yeah, you're mad. They don't, they don't seem to react to this. And Nicola, who, who you all know is the oldest, kind of waddles her way forward and says, this is all tough. Why are you on it? This is all tough.
Starting point is 01:48:56 Suck my feathers. This is my turf. I'm going to have to go with what she said on this one. Yeah, beat it. Be careful. I'm strapped. Wait, are we in the sky or in the ground? You're on the ground. So you guys are all sitting on the excavator and the, and the owls have come up on the ground.
Starting point is 01:49:18 They're kind of, they're like smaller owls. They're burrowing owls, but they're still about, they're about crow size, maybe a little bit bigger, but they're tenacious and they have owl pellets. And let's see. I'm hiding behind. Yeah, you hide behind the stake as Lupe steps forward and goes, hey, this is our excavator. You have no right. Why don't you step closer to the excavator and tell that to us? Oh, I fucking will.
Starting point is 01:49:48 And he hops a few steps, a few steps closer. Why don't all of you step closer to the excavator and talk to us like that? And they do. Like this is, as far as they're concerned, this is their turf. It's been their turf for about a month and a half now. Since the, since the old unkindness gang got old enough to nest down with each other. You guys lost this, you guys lost this territory to them about a month and a half ago. How close to the excavator are they?
Starting point is 01:50:22 Let's see. Smug smugs the smallest and he's, he's probably about 20 feet from it. Nicola and Gregnard are a little bit closer, about 10 to 15 feet. And then Lupe and Lorbert, who are rare in for a fight, have hopped right up close enough to peck at it with their beaks. I will turn the excavator on if I can. Okay. All right. Let me see here. So you flutter down into the, into the like control panel of the excavator.
Starting point is 01:50:59 And you would, I would like you to roll for, roll for youth. Yeah, roll for youth. Okay. Five. All right. You're looking around this excavator. You're ready. You want to turn this thing on.
Starting point is 01:51:24 You don't know what it does, but you know it's loud and it's big and it's strong. And you peck through some of the buttons. Nothing's fucking working. It's not, it's not turning on. I had a plan. So can I see that, that crow's gotten up into this? You can't, yeah. You, you see crow fly down into this.
Starting point is 01:51:48 With that knowledge, can I use my talent with tools to get on the parking brake and release it? So even if it's not on, it's rolling towards them. Sure. Yeah. Go ahead and roll me, roll me feelings at advantage because you're using a tool while this is happening. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So this is like a location question.
Starting point is 01:52:14 How close. Sorry. How close to the woods and forest are we? Um, the forest in the woods, it's probably this, so this lots probably, I say this, like, I know what an acre is. I don't, I'm going to say this lots and acre. And so, so the, the, the, the forest is maybe like a football, like 100 yards away from you. Sure. Let's say that.
Starting point is 01:52:40 If I had some friends in the woods, would they hear me? That's what I'm asking. Who's to say? Maybe so. Um, but you, you, uh, steak, you have, you found the parking brake. You know that they pull this thing up to stop it and keep it still. And it's a little bit up an incline as well. And you kind of get your weird little Raven claws around it and with a little bit of Jimmying, it releases.
Starting point is 01:53:05 Yes. Can I actually like halfway through, I don't think steak can really get a good grasp on it with this big fucking knife leg. So he looks to Crow who's down in the nest and he's, Crow, I'm too big. My Raven body can't pull it down properly. I need small opposable Crow like features. I'm a Raven as I dive down to him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:32 Together. Together. You use your knowledge of tools and your, the strength of, of, of steak and the nimble, small quality of, um, of Crow. And together you release this break and slowly you feel the excavator starts to slide backwards down the small incline. Um, I sense death on the horizon.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Yeah. Let me see. Hold on. Okay. Yeah. So as the, as the excavator starts to roll backwards towards the, towards the, hold on. There was one more. Towards the, towards the owls.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Everyone manages to get out of the way. Except Nicola. Nicola who was the closest. Nicola was the closest and she was, she was kind of the leader. Yeah. Take out the leader. Good. And the, and the treads of the, the treads of the excavator are too fast.
Starting point is 01:54:36 And as she's, as she's telling the others to scatter, she looks up just in time to see the excavator roll over her, her small owl body. Christ. Your come up in says, come at last. We have awoke the metal gods. Hear him roar. He is ours. Smug, Gregnard and Lupe take to the air as Lorbert kind of hops around angry on the
Starting point is 01:55:03 ground and they are hooting to each other in despair as their leader is crushed under, under the excavator. I think Richard just laughs like a human. It's a weird human laugh. You go ahead and roll me, roll me a, roll me feelings and advantage. Hmm. Okay. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:55:28 Who was that? That wasn't me. Was that somebody else? You. That was you. That was me. Yeah. I, I, I rolled a two.
Starting point is 01:55:36 You roll a two. So you let out this weird human laugh. And as you do, um, Gregnard, who is in the air, here's this laugh. He goes, Oh God, he's back. No. Please. God. No.
Starting point is 01:55:59 And he just takes off toward the, toward the forest at, at the fastest clip you've ever seen in Owlfly. That scared the shit out of him. You don't know why. Smug, Lupe and Lorbert are left. Smug and Lupe are in the air. And Lorbert is still hopping angrily on the ground. Can we turn this thing around?
Starting point is 01:56:30 Do you, do you want to try and turn, turn the excavator? If I may try to turn this thing around. Roll. Uh, it's, it's mostly rolling under, under gravities, under gravities, uh, pole. Um, but Lorbert seems like there's a potential that he might be in the way. Go ahead and roll me feelings. Ha. Ha.
Starting point is 01:56:56 Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Starting point is 01:57:04 Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Starting point is 01:57:12 Ha. Ha. Ha. You kind of nod toward a, toward stake. Stake. Are you gonna help him? Oh, of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:24 You roll you, you both together with the combined weight of crow and stake, you managed to turn the wheel. And with the last vestiges of the, of the momentum in the excavator, Lorbert, who's looking up at smug and Lupe, trying to tell them what to do as he is the next in line as leader, is just bowled over as again, the shreds of the excavator just roll him into the dust. We will destroy you all. Ka. Ka.
Starting point is 01:58:01 At this point, the excavator has stopped moving. It's at the bottom of its, of its hill. Spoons. What would you like to be doing? Um, am I near any of the, um, so, so it's just loop, uh, Lupe and smug left. And they are kind of like hovering in the air. They're the youngest. They're the smallest.
Starting point is 01:58:25 They're really not sure what to do. This is very new to them. They've just kind of joined the little owl gang and they're kind of hovering low to the ground. Um, seeing that everybody else has decided to take action and, and, um, spoons wants to try. Spoons is going to take to the skies and go and. Roll me, roll me youth. Or no, I'm sorry. Roll me, roll me feelings.
Starting point is 01:59:01 That's feelings. Three. Three. Where are you going after? You can go after smug or Lupe. Uh, I'm going to go after Lupe. Lupe is, is just a bit bigger than smug, but you think you can take her and you roll up and you slash past her with your claws and you catch her over the, over the owl shoulder.
Starting point is 01:59:31 And she kind of who, who dares to attack me. And she kind of takes off after you. Uh, and she's gaining quick. Um, roll me, roll me youth. Scared. Another three. Three. As she streaks up towards you.
Starting point is 01:59:57 She kind of overshoots it and gets up into the sky a little higher and miss it. You feel, you feel the wind as her wings went past yours. Um, and she's a little bit above you and kind of pinwheeling in the air, having not made contact with you like you expected. What would you like to do? Uh, that was enough try for once one time. I'm going to go find, uh, find somebody. That's probably, um, hi.
Starting point is 02:00:28 Who's, who's close to you. It'd probably be either junior or Richard. Who are you going towards? Uh, junior yelled at me. You're flying towards Richard. I need to make one more youth, a youth, um, youth role as, as, as Lupe turns in the air and sees you streaking back and she. Hit it and tries to spit a pellet on an owl pellet.
Starting point is 02:01:00 What? Watch me fail this. You get a six. Oh no. So you hear this horrible awful noise from the owl as she, as her, her throat kind of convulses and out of it, out of it rains a spattering, like a heavy just like burden of, um, of like hair and bone and sharp and it hits you in the wing
Starting point is 02:01:27 and you kind of like pinwheel down to the ground next to the excavator. Uh, you've, you've been downed by the owl for a moment steak and Richard. What would you like to, or I'm sorry, Richard and junior. What would you like to do? Well, Richard has feelings for spoons. So he'll probably fly down to go check on her and make sure she's okay. Yeah. Roll, uh, roll me a feelings check.
Starting point is 02:01:52 Sure. Okay. Uh, let's see. Two. You fly down and you see that there is a, there's a piece of, it looks like a mouse's rib or something that's kind of poking out of, out of the, like the wing joint on, uh, on, on poor, on poor spoons. And you, you grab it in your beak and you throw it out of the way.
Starting point is 02:02:18 Don't cry spoons. Don't cry. Is there anything else you'd like to do, Richard? Smug and Lupe are still circling in the air, kind of cackling. I think we've kind of bested them. So I think I'm more concerned about riling everybody back together again. Is there anything you'd like to say to rally the, rally the group back together? You make a call before we rally.
Starting point is 02:02:56 Yes. Yes. What would you have to do? Well, where they're meeting, I would just like, before I complete the journey, I will be like, what the fuck with this again? That's what happens. It'll be like trying to puff it up.
Starting point is 02:03:11 Cause I'm the one bird that did not commit one murder, one attack. So I'm a little pissed about how I'm not reaction. Mothers. Smug and Lupe are close enough still that you can, you can go after them if you want to. I'm going to see if they'll go because if the whole crew's assembling, it's like, oh, like, are you, are you trying to like, are you trying to like scare them away?
Starting point is 02:03:34 Are you, are you, are you taunting me to fuck them up? Fuck them. Okay. Crow. You hear this as, as Crow starts to like hop his way out of the, out of the excavator cab to rally around spoon who was on the ground. That pisses me off. Fuck that pisses me the fuck off.
Starting point is 02:03:52 Little cocky ass motherfuckers killed three birds today. And he thinks he's tough shit when that little bitch couldn't even wipe his own ass probably to fuck him. I'm getting high and he's saying go. So I'm going to be like, fine. And I'm just going to go ahead and tackle me. There's smug and Lupe left. Whoever the first bastard is Lupe is pretty high still from having,
Starting point is 02:04:17 having smug it is gone after, after spoons. So smug it is. Roll me, roll me feelings. Oh, for all my damn feelings for a for you psych circle up into the air. Just tearing with your claws. And as you do smug tries to swerve out of the way, but is not fast enough and you catch smug around as a throat and you flap midair as you have smug by the throat.
Starting point is 02:04:51 What do you, what do you want to do with, what do you want to do with smug? You have them. I have them. I'm going to go ahead and pal drive that motherfucker into like that little pipe at the end of the excavator. When the people come back to this excavator to be like a slaughter slaughter. You've got smug by the throat and smug is tiny. Smugs a little shit.
Starting point is 02:05:19 You have smug by the throat and whatever wings smug is trying to flap. You dive bomb down into the, the tailpipe of the excavator and shove smug's head into the excavator until smug moves no more. Is that bastard above still looking at us? Lupe Lupe is still kind of flapping and looking. Richard Richard is with spoons. Crow is coming to rally as well. You and steak are, are what's, what's left with, with Lupe.
Starting point is 02:06:01 Lupe is looking a little nervous. So no mercy. Richard Richard. I'm sorry. Steak and steak and junior. What would you like to do? I'm going to look at a junior and go. Remember, there's still Jerry.
Starting point is 02:06:25 There's still Jerry. Let this one live. Let him tell our story of the metal God. I'm going to, okay. I will look to steak half but not. Get the fuck out of here you piece of shit. Feelings with advantage. Tell Jerry to fucking watch it.
Starting point is 02:06:57 Roll feelings with advantage. What you saw here today. Tell everyone what you saw here. Tell the tale. I got five. Five. You shout up at Lupe. And it doesn't scare her.
Starting point is 02:07:16 She is pissed the fuck off. You have killed or maimed every single one of her friends. And she will not stand for this. Lupe is going to flip my middle bird feather. And she starts to dive bomb down towards you. Oh, she's getting ready to spit another pellet at you. I'm going to tell steak. Leg, leg, leg.
Starting point is 02:07:43 Steak. What are you saying? If I see them dive bombing, she's basically just made a terrible mistake right there. I'm going to spear her through in the middle of a dive bomb. And hopefully save junior there. You flap your way in front of junior. You lift your leg.
Starting point is 02:08:09 The steak knife zip tied to the air. You twist tied to the end of it. Go ahead and roll me. Roll me feelings. Okay. Do I get advantage for using a tool? You do. Hell yes, you do.
Starting point is 02:08:21 Three. Three. As as Lupe is ready and yet another pellet in her mouth, she put and just as you can see it cresting within her beak. And just as she does, you turn and then the steak knife on the end of your stump pierces her abdomen and she falls still. The pellet drips out of her mouth.
Starting point is 02:08:51 Like before they actually pass before they cross over to the after beyond. I would like to stick my little fucking beak right against their mouth. Remember me. As they don't want to look in their eyes. It's the last thing you that last thing. Yes, you do.
Starting point is 02:09:14 You watch the owl lights go out of her owl eyes. And the last thing comes out of her chest and there's a ripple. It feels like there's a ripple effect through the lot into the forest. And you know that the territory has changed hands once again. Victory is ours. At long last. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:42 Yeah. I'm sorry. Richard you comforting spoons. Crow and junior screaming your victory to the heavens and steak with with. With Lupe on the end of your steak knife. The dust settles. Silence falls over the empty lot.
Starting point is 02:10:13 And now my brothers and sisters we must display the corpses on pikes prominently. There's no that no owl will ever step foot here again. I think that steak looks down at his knife and scrapes the body off of it. And he looks at it and he whispers will I never know peace from this violence. You released the bird soul of Lupe.
Starting point is 02:10:49 Gregnard in the distance who's a mournful hoot. And you all prepare to share to display the carnage that is left behind and experience your emotions. Crow. We will start with you. How would you like to experience your fucking emotions. That was a lot. What are my options aside from staring the fire and add to get.
Starting point is 02:11:21 You may bathe. You may eat. You may watch something burn or if you have a new idea you would like to. May I bathe may I bathe in the blood of my enemies. That would be your answer. You absolutely may. There is carnage and blood everywhere.
Starting point is 02:11:43 There is there is I'm sorry. There is the blood of Nicola smug Lupe and Lorbert spattered across the ground. And it is congealing in the mud a little bit. This is truly a monument to today. You bathe in the blood of your enemies. It coats your feathers. It feels slick and hot and powerful.
Starting point is 02:12:16 Would you like to rant rave or romance romance. I'm going to take as much of the cop as much as blood of the blood that I can in my feather and I am going to take it to junior and try to present it to them as a form of hair gel as it begins to coagulate to try to tame the fluff at the top of their head. Oh shit. Oh shit.
Starting point is 02:12:53 Lupe. I'm a little turned on. I'm not a fan of Lupe Nicola smug and pregnant. Cups in your wings as you hop towards junior junior you see crow coming towards you. I have the solution to all your problems junior. What stand still please. And I will wipe the blood through their hair combing it into
Starting point is 02:13:34 a straight perfect slick backwards so that it matches the rest of the group. Yep. That is some sexy shit. Junior's in love. That is some sexy shit. I'm gonna say both of you get some fucking of maturity. That is some horny shit.
Starting point is 02:13:56 I will 100% accept that. Absolutely. You feel the wings and feathers of crow as they gently caress the back of your head slicking down all of the spots that were once rough and uncomfortable and wrong. And you've never felt more right at their hands. They're wings claws. No.
Starting point is 02:14:29 Okay. Okay. As soon as that I will go ahead and I am actually going to like nuzzle up close to crow. There you are. Yeah. That's it. You nuzzle up close under under.
Starting point is 02:14:44 I guess we're a little bit bigger than crow. She's like way bigger than me. Yeah. We're like, I hate like. You take him under your wing. You pull him in. It is an intimate moment between the two of you. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:59 I'm the little spoon. Yes you are. Oh my God. I will call him my little spoon from the rest for the rest of the game because we're practically married. I don't care. Absolutely. And as this tender embrace occurs spoons,
Starting point is 02:15:21 you are covered in owl vomit bones for discussing shit. And though Richard has been helping you, it's been a rough go. How are you experiencing your emotions? Yeah. Absolutely. I'm crying first and foremost. I think I wanted to be there.
Starting point is 02:15:45 I will say there are some puddles around. You can also hold on please. There is. I want like a little trickle of water so that people. I will say there, you have a few options. You have a few options here. The, the cruise family who is just directly north of the, of the lot you're in, they have a little,
Starting point is 02:16:09 a little fountain in their yard. The, and the, the Shen family who is a couple houses up, they have a hot tub that is always a little bit open. I don't expect that you want to go back to the loam and why it's or the promens, but if you do, that's an option as well. No. I'd like to go to the cruise house and sit under the fountain and cry. You flap your way over to the cruise house.
Starting point is 02:16:37 There's a door cat named stump and a, and a dog named Remy who sits behind the door. Stump and Remy are pretty chill. Stump is stumps pretty hot. They're not hot fat. Stumps pretty fat and doesn't feel like chasing a bird like you. I think a Laker just told us something about themselves. Apparently.
Starting point is 02:17:00 Wait, wait, how many beers are we in? One and a half. No. It is. Stump and Remy, they're pretty calm. They've been pretty friendly to you in the past. And as they see you, both they're, they're curled together near the chicken coop.
Starting point is 02:17:18 The chickens are shut up in it for now. And the, the cruise family are either inside or in the shed. And you duck your way under the fountain and have a good long cry. You, you let the water wash over you. It rinses the pellet from your back, the bones, the fur. And it starts to feel a little bit better. You watch as the, the youngest of the cruises,
Starting point is 02:17:48 Eleanor comes out of the back of the house. She's in her little wheelchair and she comes down the, down the ramp in the back and she picks up stump and she picks up Remy and she settles them on either side of her. And she kind of waves to you. She's given, in the past, she's given you some nice little, some nice little trinkets. She's a sweet kid.
Starting point is 02:18:09 And then she turns her wheelchair and wheels back up the ramp and into the house. Would you like to rant, rave or romance? I feel like I should rant. Would you like to, to whom, to whom would you like to rant? To the, to the only soul I rant to. Absolutely. I was actually going to beat the fountain too. So this works great.
Starting point is 02:18:37 So as you're starting to ruffle your feathers off and get the water droplets off, you look to the sky and circling down towards you a steak, his knife glinting in the sun as it pierces through the deep clouds of the day. I'm just going to go up to him and I'm just going to just like thump my head up against his like chest and I'm just going to rant into his chest.
Starting point is 02:19:05 So I just hears like the muffled sound of you just say like, they're all gone and they used, they used to bully me, but now, but now you guys all took care of it and I tried, but then I got vomited on. And I don't know if, if, if I was even helpful, but screaming like a pillow. It's okay. You should feel better.
Starting point is 02:19:29 You should feel better. I'm, I'm going to ask both of you to roll me a feelings roll. Sure. Feels a three, a three and spoons and a four. I'm going to give you both the choice of whether or not you take maturity from this steak.
Starting point is 02:19:59 You are there for your friend. You're comforting her. You are, you're being a good support spoons. You're letting yourself feel your feelings. You're using another support. It's your choice. I'm going to take the mature. Great.
Starting point is 02:20:18 So you both, you both take comfort in each other's presence there. And you start to kind of calm down steak. Is there anything else you'd like to do? So you've, you've come to bathe. Yeah. To, to get my emotions out after the, you know, therapy session we've had here. I would like to romance spoons.
Starting point is 02:20:45 Absolutely. I would like to have a gift than anything else, but he comes up to her and says, I know that you got in some trouble with the. They hated you because, okay, the owls. I'm just going to give it to you. He pulls out the worms that he brought from the, the abandoned lot and sets them out in front of spoons.
Starting point is 02:21:11 Because he knows that's why she had beef with. You know, you can, you can have them now. I like pick them up and I look at them and I just start crying and they just like squeal. I've been waiting for worms all day. So sweet. You should feel better.
Starting point is 02:21:36 You eat one. You do swallow one whole. Both of you roll me another feelings roll. Okay. Oh, no. One. Yep. Two, I'm going to again give you guys the choice.
Starting point is 02:21:55 If you, if you think you've matured enough in your previous, your previous kind of talk, you don't have to take maturity. If you feel like this is furthering your relationship and furthering your feelings towards growing and maturing, go for it. Just let me know. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:22:13 Okay. Leg. If I match my other scores with maturity. Is that my highest stat or does it have to be above? It's got to be one above. Okay. So I'll still take it then. All right. Yeah, I'll take it as well. All right.
Starting point is 02:22:28 You two share this. Another very tender loving moment. As you kind of process what's just happened. And take comfort in one another. Richard. How would you like to experience all of these emotions? It's been, I mean, you saw some fucking bloodshed, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:59 Yeah. Love triangle. Right. Yeah. Yeah. You, you, you find some like old peanut M&Ms that are half eaten and you kind of like. Peck them apart until they're small enough to eat and you won't choke.
Starting point is 02:23:39 And you swallow them down and then you fly your way over to, to JR and and crow. And you, and you rant. What would you, what would you like to say? I suggest a trial by combat. Would it make you feel better if we took care of the postman? Yes. Go ahead and roll me a feelings check.
Starting point is 02:24:32 Richard. All right. Two. Do you say two? You've, I'm getting, I'm, as, as I've given both spoons and steak, the option, I'm going to give you the option as well. Do you feel like you've grown from this and matured? Or do you feel like it's still something that's kind of keeping you back and in your immaturity?
Starting point is 02:24:59 I've had my heart broken. So I think I'm matured a little bit. All right. So you kind of, you get your feelings out. You, you, you cry to your friends. I'm never going to trust another female again. You become an incel apparently. But I don't know.
Starting point is 02:25:20 I don't, I almost don't want to give you maturity because you're an incel. Fair enough. I don't say that. Fair enough. He totally undid it. I mean, if you had it, it's gone. No, I totally undid it. You, you become more mature. And then as you say that, you feel yourself kind of like cringe and be like,
Starting point is 02:25:38 oh no. Yeah, I realize it. It's in my mouth. Yeah. You, you, you like, you, you do this weird like up and down kind of thing of like, I've matured and then you say that. And then you're like, no, that's not how real bird acts. And I'll, I will actually give you that maturity for that realization.
Starting point is 02:25:57 You had it. Lost it. Wow. I love that. A roller coaster. It was. Can everyone give me a quick maturity check? How do we do that?
Starting point is 02:26:09 Oh, no. Just let me know what your maturity is at. Oh, three. Two. Two. I'm at four. Oh. Four.
Starting point is 02:26:19 Mm hmm. And the three. Eli, what was yours? A three as well. Okay. Three. Great. So Richard, as you, as, oh, I'm sorry, junior, I forget you every time because
Starting point is 02:26:31 I'm, I'm, because you get caught up in every, you get caught up in everyone else's life. Junior's done. Junior. You're trying to get by that. You have been bathed in the blood and there's this, this lovely intimacy between you and to crow and you feel better about yourself than you have in a while. How would you like to experience these emotions?
Starting point is 02:26:53 You have been a part of more bird murder. Yes. Murder, if you will. Murder. Yes. Okay. Here's the thing now. I know I'm in big trouble.
Starting point is 02:27:06 So get ready to get another maturity point, Erin. Basically, the biggest insecurity was literally take it away. And I have now whole heartedly just fell hard for crow. Oh, they're going to burn down. Burn down. Would you like to rant, rave or romance? We are so romancing, by the way. Because I haven't had a chance to eat yet.
Starting point is 02:27:34 So I'm going to go ahead, grab trash. But hold on, because I know already, because we've been hanging out forever. I know crow's favorite food, which is something I can get into trash. Just say so. Potato chip wrappers. Yeah. Good. I have those scattered around there.
Starting point is 02:27:55 I'm going to go ahead. Bright, shiny. I'm going to bring over a big buffet, a buffet for us to buffet. Buffet to eat. And I'm going to say. Oh, no. No, I don't want to say. No.
Starting point is 02:28:16 Do I say it? Are you okay? Junior's going to like be stuttery. You're a lot bigger than I thought and cuddled up. That is all I've wanted to hear. From my entire life. How could you? You dragged over a smorgasbord.
Starting point is 02:28:50 Flamin' hot Cheetos. Sour cream and onion chips. I like how the first thing out of your mouth is flaming hot after that. I know. You bring over just like a variety of snacks. I will just add the maturity point. Yes. I'm going to.
Starting point is 02:29:09 Are you reciprocating these feelings? I already bathed her in blood. First of all. This little guy. Both of y'all take some fucking maturity points. Both of you take some maturity points. It's incredible. You guys are a little separated right now. You're a little disparate.
Starting point is 02:29:29 Richard, you're watching this odd courtship between crow and junior. And again, you are watching another. Relationship blossom between spoon and steak. And as you're kind of circling above both of them. You look down. And at the end of the street up close to the, to the, to the, like between the empty house and the Shenz house at the top of the street. It's that motherfucker Jerry in his goddamn mail truck.
Starting point is 02:30:06 What would you like to do? It's all on you, Richard. You're the only one who sees it right now. You're the, I'm sorry. Yes, I'm sorry. You're the only one who sees it right now. The others are entangled, lost in each other's eyes. Snacks romance. And you are the one who sees motherfucking Jerry. Yeah, I see Jerry.
Starting point is 02:30:29 He's just kind of stumpy looking. And I realized I got to, I got to bring the crew together. So I, I do that. Let's everyone know it's time. Yeah. Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry. Uh, you, I will say spoons, spoons and steak. You are closer to Jerry than, than junior and crow are.
Starting point is 02:30:57 So you, you kind of hop around in the yard of the cruises. Um, as you look at the window, Eleanor is still in her chair kind of watching you guys. And she's kind of excited. She's left you guys little trinkets before she's a good kid. She's got a really shiny chair and a really shiny ramp that she uses. She's, she's sweet. Get her to help us.
Starting point is 02:31:18 Uh, she, she sees you two. And then the rest of you three kind of join in the yard and she, she comes out the backyard again. She's left, Stumpy and Rennie, Stump and Rennie Stump and Remy inside the house. That's what I was going. That's my, that's where my brain went. Stumpy and Rennie inside the house. And she wheels down the ramp and she kind of sits and she, she, she pulls the break on her chair and she just hits and watches you guys.
Starting point is 02:31:49 She's about eight years old. She's got this like crazy curly, blondish brown hair. She's missing her two front teeth. She's fucking adorable. Let's give you said she's left us trinkets before she has it. They've been, they've been small things. Little like little fake, like little plastic hats or little shiny, like she's left you with like a nickel before, um, small doll silverware.
Starting point is 02:32:12 It hasn't been big stuff. She's, she's a sweet kid. She, she, she, and even her sister, her sister, Alex sometimes leaves you stuff too. Alex is a little older. I think steak would, steak would owe her then and he's going to reach into his big old feathers and bring out like a spray bottle captain. It's been digging into his spine all day and he'll flip up and it's like an old course light or something and he's going to flip it into her chair lap.
Starting point is 02:32:39 Yeah. So you, you flip that bottle cap into her lap and she, she picks it up excitedly and looks up at you and she's, thanks. This is so cool. I love my girlfriend so much. You're Ravens. I'm so sorry. You're Ravens. I didn't mean to misnane you. Yes. Ravens. And she kind of, she, she kind of digs around in like,
Starting point is 02:33:02 she has little pockets on the sides of her chair and she pulls out a little piece of candy corn. It looks like it's been left over from Halloween and it's, you know, April now and she holds it out. I bow deeply and I take the candy corn. I wake your new leg. And you fly off after she's given you the candy corn and she's still watching you guys.
Starting point is 02:33:29 I will say in the back of the cruises house, there's a fire pit, a chicken coop and a shed. The shed has a glass front and inside the shed there are lots of tools and the, the, the bar cart, there's a bar cart in the shed and there's also a bar cart on the patio where Eleanor is sitting. Question. Is there anything that looks like a gas tank or fuel in the shed that I could see or would there be like a Bacardi 151 on the bar? Romy.
Starting point is 02:34:05 We, we are going full doom to repeat. We're going to burn down Marlene again. Romy, Romy youth. Youth. You won't have it much longer. Romy youth. No, I won't. I might fall.
Starting point is 02:34:17 I just got to say that youth is the perfect role to find Bacardi. Isn't it though? It is a five. A five. A five. You flat past Eleanor who kind of waves up at you and you're kind of distracted by how sweet she is. And she's like, she's been all your little buddies at one point or another.
Starting point is 02:34:37 Um, but she, uh, she distracts you. And as you look around, you're thinking about her and you're thinking about her, her big sister, Alex, and you don't see any fuel. You don't see any Bacardi. Okay. I will. Oh, go ahead. No, no, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:34:55 I was going to say, if I don't see anything, then I'm going to probably go on top of like the edge of the roof to get like the best points of view of Jerry in that car truck. You, you flap yourself up to the apex of the, of the roof and you look down the street and he is, he's getting out and he's whistling some stupid tune. And he's got his goddamn hat on and he's got a package for the Shen family. And he makes his way up their front walk and he sets it down and he rings the doorbell and he starts walking back to his, his truck as you walk, watch.
Starting point is 02:35:31 Oh, what's everyone else doing? While he's walking away from the car from his truck, I want to use my tool ability, which I haven't used yet. And I'd like to find like a decent sized rock because I want to lodge it in the underneath the break. So he can't break next time he uses the car. Awesome. Romy, Romy.
Starting point is 02:35:56 It seems like breaking things. Romy feelings at advantage. Okay. Let's see. Roll D6. That's one. I think I'm good. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:10 Double threes. Double threes. Amazing. You find a perfect pebble. Eleanor, Eleanor has a few scattered around her, around her chair and you scoop one up and she kind of waves her little fingers at you. It's probably one of those ones that says like love on it or something. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:36:28 Yeah. She, she takes them from her mom. She thinks they're kind of stupid, you know, like her mom's always trying to do like crafts with her and Alex to like bond and shit. And even at her young age, Eleanor Eleanor knows bullshit. And so she kind of, she'll put them in her chair pocket and then she'll dump them out of the side. And there's a, there's a handful of them near the, near the bottom of the chair and you
Starting point is 02:36:49 swoop and catch one. And it has like laughter on it. And you fly up and you find where the break meets the front pedal and you lodge it up in there deep. And you think that breaks not going anywhere. Nice. I'm sorry, where did he lodge it up into? The, the break.
Starting point is 02:37:07 Up in it. Up in it. One of our Ravens has a steak knife or a leg. Go with it. Let me see who, what would, what would the rest of you like to do? I am, I'm going to fly pretty close to Jerry or at least until I get a vantage point. And my objective is to do like a bombing run with my knife and open up his mail back. So the mail falls out onto the side of the street.
Starting point is 02:37:37 Great. You see, you see what, what Richard's trying to do. You know, he may not have enough time, but if you can give him a little bit, a couple of extra seconds, you will roll me, roll me feelings and advantage. A five and a six. So five and a six. So you buy him and you strike out with your leg. But, but Jerry sees you coming and he kind of dances out of the way.
Starting point is 02:38:08 He goes, what the fuck is wrong with you? You goddamn bird. And, and though, and though he stumbles, it doesn't really pause him super long. It's still long enough for Richard to get in there and plant the pebble and get out. But it's not, it's not the break you were hoping for. Spoons, what would you like to be doing? Can I do. There's, there's a shed.
Starting point is 02:38:38 There's still the bar cart. Although junior might not have found anything. There's a chance you will. There's a fire pit in the cruises backyard. There's also the Gutierrez house between you and the shens where Jerry is currently. Yeah, I'll go check out the Gutierrez. Absolutely. So the Gutierrez, the backyard of the Gutierrez house is like a jungle, essentially.
Starting point is 02:39:08 It's got a ton of beautiful flowers and trees. And they have a few dogs, a few pets as well. Porridge and fickle who are the cats are inside the house right now. But the dog Luna is a Labrador. She's like a big black lab and she's kind of laying out front. And you know, Luna hates Jerry too. Jerry is never nice to her. He, he barks back at her and it's offensive.
Starting point is 02:39:39 Is there a, is there a gate where I can. There is a gate. It's got one of those flip latches. Yeah. Are you, are you alerting Luna to, let me, are you alerting Luna to what's going on? Yeah. I'm going to, you, I'm going to like make a loud noise towards.
Starting point is 02:40:02 Yeah. So you let out a cry of, of, of, of warning that the, that the, the hated mailman is near and Luna perks her ears up and she sits up from where she was lounging in the, in the, in the patches of sunlight. And she kind of comes loping over to you at the gate. I'm going to give you advantage because she's there helping you, you throw youth at advantage. Hold, hold, hold for Sergio's significant other.
Starting point is 02:40:35 Oh, domestic surge. Very cute. Holding for the message. Sorry. I was muted on OBS. So nobody else but you guys heard it. It was brilliant. I just gave me a tasty, a banana fried snack.
Starting point is 02:40:55 Oh, that does look. Spoons you and Luna are working together to open this door. A three between your, your picking claws and her nose. You managed to flip the latch and she pushes forward and you watch as Luna kind of lopes her way out and she starts barking at Jerry in rage. Is there, is there any way that I can get on Luna's back? She has, instead of a collar, she kind of has a harness and you kind of latch into the harness.
Starting point is 02:41:31 Is she just full on sprints towards Jerry screaming and like dog rage. Would you like to join her in, in, in the screaming? Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Roll, roll at advantage for feelings. The two, you, the two of you are like a, like a monstrosity as you tear down the street, screaming your rage at this terrible man and he grabs his sack close to him and he takes
Starting point is 02:42:10 off sprinting and dives into the, into the mail truck. Excellent. Crow, crow, you are, haven't done, haven't done anything yet as you've been watching everything unfold. You know that junior is up top of the, of the, of the, the cruise house watching everything unfold. You see, you see Richard kind of arcing away. What would you like to do?
Starting point is 02:42:37 I would like to use my newfound portant ability and land ominously before Jerry as I call out to him, Hark, I am the Herald of your destruction. Prepare to meet oblivion. I honestly, I don't even want to make you roll for that. It's so good. You land on the hood of the mail truck and extol this prophecy unto his face and he's fucking horrified. He takes, he pulls off the emergency break and starts just driving down the street as
Starting point is 02:43:23 he goes, not knowing where he's going. You're kind of in his blind, in his vision. Yeah. May I please sit on the hood and just stare at him with my head cocked like this. Yeah. You've got your, you've got your, you've got your talent dug into the hood and like one on the, on the windshield wiper. Junior, you see all of your friends coming together to create this man's destruction.
Starting point is 02:43:50 You're watching from the top of the Gutierrez house. What would you like to do? Okay. So the mail vans, they don't technically have a window. Correct. It's just an open. Yeah. It's just an opening.
Starting point is 02:44:08 Okay. This is my time. This is my moment and I see it. So like a fucking target, I'm going to go aim for that fucking window. Yeah. And I am going to claw and scratch the shit out of him as he drives away. Roll me that youth. Roll me that youth.
Starting point is 02:44:26 I'm going to say you have advantage because you're, you're, you're crow friends are hassling and harrying this truck. Everyone gets advantage in this game. You didn't fail. Did you? Oh no. Don't tell me you failed. Please.
Starting point is 02:44:42 I need a five. I need a moment. Okay. You feel the strength of your friends and the powers that they are. They are presenting flow through your heartbreak. I know. And it's, you feel so powerful. You fly a little too fast.
Starting point is 02:45:03 And as you careen towards the opening, Jerry puts his foot down in fear and he shoots forward and you get kind of tumbled off the back in the slipstream. You, yes. I would love to fly up to one of the tires and slash them mid drive. Oh, hopefully causing a skid so that a JR gets another chance at it. Yes. Yes. So as you see that she's about to overshoot,
Starting point is 02:45:35 you know what you have to do when you fly in with your steak knife leg. Um, roll me, roll me feelings at advantage. A one. One. Oh, the most perfect point you could possibly have as you see, she's about to be surpassed by the back of the truck. You slash the back or the, I'm sorry, the back tire and it starts to skid in a circle and it's the perfect rotation junior for you to be scooped
Starting point is 02:46:07 into the opening of the male truck and you suddenly find your wings flapping in the face of Jerry, the fucking male man. I'm sorry. Real quick. We drifted a fucking male. We are inside the mail. I'm going to say poetry. It is, he's, he's spinning down towards the, the end of the cul-de-sac.
Starting point is 02:46:42 You're inside with him. You feel the strength of your friends rallying around you. Uh, spoons. You and Luna are sprinting after him, just screaming your vengeance and rage. How would you all like to murder this male man? We need the fire. We need going to the fire pits. Right.
Starting point is 02:47:05 Yeah. You, it's starting to, it's starting to skid and it's, it's going kind of diagonal across, across the, across North River road. And it bumps the curb and it's, it's raining towards the empty house. Is this a gas fire pit where you just turned a knob or is it a wood fire pit where you just throw a match? Um, which, which fire pit are you, are you going towards the cruises fire pit or are you going towards the empty house where the embers still burn?
Starting point is 02:47:33 Go, go to the burning embers. Empty house. We're going to look out towards pro and he, he says, go, go towards the burning embers and you get your little talent on the wheel and you jerk it just enough to smash through the front of the, of the empty vacant non-built house. And you crash through the front room, you crash through this through what would have been the bathroom into the back room where the fire catches very easily on the mail truck and all the paper mail inside of it.
Starting point is 02:48:09 And I'm going to say you, you and, you and crow who are, who are closest up on the, up on the, um, upon the truck, roll me, roll me youth. I'll, I'll say it. Yeah, just roll me youth. Okay. Is it with advantage or just a single? Um, I'll, I'll say it with advantage because you're doing this together as a, as a couple who has romanced in the past.
Starting point is 02:48:38 I'll say advantage for this. Mm hmm. Okay. Not fair. I got double fives. Wow. For both of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:48:51 All right. True couple. Crow. You see the, you see the embers starting to catch in the back of the fire and, and, and junior is trapped under the unconscious bleeding form of Jerry. Her, one of her wings is pinned by his arm and she's trying to get out of the, out of the side. Um, spoons, steak and Richard, you hear the frantic calls of, of junior as she's trapped.
Starting point is 02:49:19 I need all four of you to make me feelings roles at advantage. This is one of your own. She's trapped. She's in danger. And if you don't get to her fast enough, it's going to go up. Okay. I got a one. All four of you.
Starting point is 02:49:34 It doesn't matter because I got a two. Yeah. I got a six. I failed. I got a one. It was quite. Yeah. I got a one.
Starting point is 02:49:43 It was my original six. All right. You've got all of, they're all pulling at you and they're, they're, they're, their claws are digging into your side. I need you, junior, to make one final role. This is it. The, the love of your friends, you will either all be emulated or you'll all escape having murdered the male man.
Starting point is 02:50:04 Yes. Yes. You feel the strength of power and friendship and love and camaraderie course through you as they pull your wing free and the five of you take to the skies as the male truck burns, gets down to the cast tank and explodes, destroying the empty house. Wait, hold on. Does Jerry die? Jerry is unconscious and trapped in an exploding male truck.
Starting point is 02:50:40 What do you think? Could we help them out? No. No. No. We'll help you Jerry. No. We just killed a man.
Starting point is 02:50:50 Yeah. Well, we'll kill animals. We killed a lot of things today. We killed. And birds. We were playing. This is our street. We own this world.
Starting point is 02:51:03 Immatured by our brothers. The fact that he said that he matured out, kick him out. Yes. You take the skies and, and Steak, you feel a little guilty for the death of this man. I do. I did. I didn't know that was part of the game. I was there for the van.
Starting point is 02:51:27 Damn it. He looks down at his knife and again, he says, will I ever know peace from this violence? Spoons, Spoons, your, your dear friend, romance, your romance partner has been, has been deeply unsettled by, by these events. Now, are you, are you going to, are you going to join him in this maturing and this, these deep feelings or are you going to, don't go with steaks. They immature with me spoons and ultimate him has been thrown Spoons like one tree hill level.
Starting point is 02:52:06 Yeah. Let's go. Cry. That just makes, that just makes Spoons running down the sides of their face. What are you doing? I'm going to look at everybody and I'm going to take off the, the knife and I'm going to set it down in front of, in front of all of them. I think it's time I moved on Spoons, you're welcome to come with me.
Starting point is 02:52:39 But I understand if you can. Come on, Richard, plead your case. Where I go, there's no going back. Richard, what would you like to say to Spoons in this moment? Spoons, we have so much fun eating trash and torturing the neighbors. Don't leave and become mature. Spoons, you've heard the love of both of these Ravens pushed in your direction. It's, it's warm and inviting on both sides.
Starting point is 02:53:17 Would you like to stay immature with, with Richard or would you like to, to go off and try to, try to find a new life with steak or are you stumped now as you've left your steak knife behind? I am stumped. This is character arc, arc right here. Development. Oh yeah. A whole season right here.
Starting point is 02:53:52 I'm, I'm going to, I'm going to go up to, to stump and I'm just going to like look at him like, like crate all the way up and I'm like starting to tear up again. And I'll be like, I don't, I've never known a place outside of the cul-de-sac and I just, I just don't think there's place out there for a little tiny Raven like me. Maybe when I stop crying, I can come find you. I think he takes his wings. He puts him over, big bear hug and he goes, it's okay. You should feel better.
Starting point is 02:54:41 Oh. I just stop. You've been the best friend I've ever had in the cul-de-sac. You, you receive a warm embrace from, from stump as long as he, as long as he wants to be there for you and stump eventually, would you like to move on? Are you, are you, are you staying four spoons? Me? I have one destination and then I'm moving on.
Starting point is 02:55:16 I'm leaving the cul-de-sac. I take a flight back to the metal god. I stop by a familiar place, a sewage puddle. You, you bathe yourself in the horrors of sewage and it feels cleansing. You, your heart is a little broken, but you understand you only want what's best for spoons. Spork, Spork I came back. Another bubble kind of comes out from under Spork and the wind blows the, the sewage puddle as Spork gets shunted to the edge of it.
Starting point is 02:56:04 I understand what you said before. I commodified you, but love should never be tasked like that. Love should never kill a male man. I think I'm ready now. If you are to be loved. Spoon. Spoon doesn't move, or I'm sorry, Spork doesn't move, but Spork just the, just the edge of their, of their, their prongs peeks from under the sewage water and you feel seen and heard.
Starting point is 02:56:43 And maybe there's a chance to heal. He swoops the Spork up, swoops them into his arms, does not put them back on the leg and flies both together out of the cul-de-sac. Out of the cul-de-sac. A beautiful love story between Spork and Stump. Spoons, you've stayed in the cul-de-sac. Richard, you watch as Stump takes flight and Spoon cries quietly. How are you, how are you feeling?
Starting point is 02:57:20 I'm feeling like I finally have accepted myself. Maybe I'm not human, but I'm about as smart as any human. I was definitely critical in killing Jerry. So even, even if, even if Spoons doesn't recognize that, I still won in the end against Stump, so. You did. Do you feel like you've learned from this? Have you grown? I think Richard is really messed up in the head, to be honest with you, no, so I don't think he has. No.
Starting point is 02:57:53 He's just a mix of feelings. Absolutely. The feelings are kind of swelling and coalescing within you and it's kind of uncomfortable. Where would you like to end your story for now as you leave your feelings behind? Would you like to bathe? Would you like to ant? Would you like to watch a fire? There is a big fire at the empty house. Yeah, I think I'll just hang out by the fire and watch it burn. Yeah. You sit and watch the fire burn far in the distance.
Starting point is 02:58:27 You can hear the sirens that mean more people are coming probably to extinguish this fire. But for now it feels nice and safe and warm and. Familiar. Junior and Crow. All right. Biggest dream happened. I was not only Jerry has been defeated and I was rescued by my friends and now probably the future father of my children. I mean, there's no like the circle is now complete.
Starting point is 02:59:09 I have now found peace and love. I'm going to say that you've definitely matured and and crow crow. How are you feeling? Junior, we don't need to stop here. The age of man has come to an end. Now is our chance to rebel and take this world for our own with your mighty army of wolves. We can exert our dominion over mankind. Let's do it.
Starting point is 02:59:56 Now here's the thing because we are definitely going for world domination apparently at this point. You can't be no snot nose kids. And I don't think I would want to stay at the cul-de-sac. So I would if you want, let's go collect our wolves and collect our army. And I will happily mature to that. You turn mature to villainy and take flight from the cul-de-sac. So just me and spoons remains. Spoons Richard is watching the fire with an with an expression.
Starting point is 03:00:35 You're not sure you recognize you. You've you've seen stump leave. You've seen junior and crow leave. You decided to stay in the cul-de-sac. How would you like to end your time for now on North River Road? Um, can I go quickly over to the cruises house to see if there might be a doll or a edible or something with like a human outfit. Uh, go ahead and roll me, um, roll me youth or feelings, roll me feelings. Actually, this seems more feelings, roll me feelings.
Starting point is 03:01:14 Doesn't really matter. They're both for a two. You, you, you circle back over to the cruise house. Eleanor, who's been watching all of this. She's a little traumatized, but a little excited. And she doesn't comprehend it. She's not entirely sure what's happening, but she's the police arrived. What the fuck is happening?
Starting point is 03:01:39 The sirens sirens are getting closer, but they haven't arrived just yet. And Eleanor has got kind of got a got she's got a doll dangling from one hand. And it's got, it's got a sweater or like a, like a sweater vest on it that, that looks easy enough to pull, to pull off of. Yeah, you kind of pluck at it and she, she sees what you're doing. Oh, do you like to sweater? Okay. And she pulls it off and she kind of like pets your head with one finger and goes,
Starting point is 03:02:12 she was an asshole. And she gives you the sweater. I love little psychotic children. I just like, look at her and just nod once. She nods to you in return and you fly back to Richard with the sweater vest. Did that little girl just justify our murder of the nail? Yes, she did. Indication.
Starting point is 03:02:37 Amazing. And you bring the sweater back to Richard. Richard brings you a sweater. I'm certainly surprised and impressed and love it. And I have a really hard time putting it on, but I tried to. Yeah, you, you, you like snuggle your way up into the sweater vest. It doesn't really work with your wings, but you kind of get them through when they're a little a Kimbo at all times.
Starting point is 03:03:02 You can still fly that way. And as the, as the fire trucks careen around the corner and tear into the cul-de-sac, you two take flight and go back towards the excavator, your territory for now. And that is where we will leave this Raven ruckus for now. Wow. Wow. That's all I got to say.
Starting point is 03:03:22 Oh, I want to, I want to say thank you to James Diomato for creating this game and for also letting me butcher it to all hell. This was so wild. Thank you guys for joining us this evening for some Corvid chaos. If you are, if you're, if you're looking to, looking to hear some more of our voices, maybe not in this capacity today, we released some psychotic operas. It's psychotic operas. This is an anthology of short horror stories that are written by folks of the,
Starting point is 03:04:05 of the Delta green community. Yes. Delta green community. We've all recorded some there on our, on our, on our Apple podcasts on our Spotify. And if you want to hear all of the stories, you should also check out black project, gaming's streams and all podcast locations as well as the green boxes podcast locations. They're all horrifying in a very fun way.
Starting point is 03:04:28 We all had a blast recording them. So check those out. Join us over the next week as we continue to hang out on stream. Aaron's going to do some more or you're doing more assassin's group. Right, Aaron? More, more, more of me senselessly butchering people. Yep. Yep. Search remind me.
Starting point is 03:04:48 Search remind me. He lives with us on Tuesday. You guys, you guys jumping into the storm. And this week on, on heroes you should know, we're going to have a very special guest, Carly from spot hidden is joining me to talk about our first guest appearance. I know I'm so excited. We're talking about like what we're both doing and like the research we've been doing.
Starting point is 03:05:15 I'm super psyched for it. And yeah, is there anything else anyone wants to plug or wants to shout out? What are we back with Ashoka? We're back with Ashoka May 14th. Correct, Eli? May 14th. May 14th. We will be back with Ashoka.
Starting point is 03:05:34 And if you haven't, you should listen to it so you can catch up. Yeah, catch up on Ashoka, catch up on Iron Torn, catch up on Doom to repeat, which we're about to get back into recording. We're all very terrified and excited for. Yeah. Thank you guys so much for joining us. Thanks, Allegra. Good game.
Starting point is 03:05:53 Crazy one shot. Yeah, thank you. Thank you so much. Yes. Great. We love you, Zakiya. We love you, Zach. We miss you.
Starting point is 03:06:01 Everyone have a lovely weekend. Take care of yourselves and we'll see you next week. Bye. Bye everyone. Bye guys. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 03:07:44 Bye. Bye.

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