Mayday Plays - Vegas by Night, Ep. 12 - "The Dog and the Door"

Episode Date: January 23, 2023

The Coterie descends deeper into Lake Mead and fights the valuable secrets that lay there. What they find will change Las Vegas for ever....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone. Good morning. We just had the most intellectual discussion of our lives in the pre-show chat here about a meme that was like a year old, so it just really tells you where our heads are at this morning. Hello and welcome, Kindred. To Vegas by night, Mayday role plays Vampire the Masquerade Chronicle. Welcome to our first stream of 2023. Listen, we have so much planned for you here as a community and it's beyond exciting to be able to bring those to you this year. I'm really excited for you all to see what we've got cooking this year and I think Mayday fans will be well fed, so keep an eye out. Things will continue to progress, but starting us off is finishing out this arc of Vegas by night. If you haven't missed out on any chapters of Vegas by night, don't fear. You can still check it out on Spotify, Twitch, VOD and our YouTube channel as of right now. And if you're wondering how you can get more Mayday in your life, you can catch our stream here every other Saturday for our main show. You can follow us on all major platforms as well as Spotify and SoundCloud for podcast friendly recordings of all our major shows and streams.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And finally, you can donate to us on Patreon and join our Patreon Discord. The Discord is really where we've had this chance to build a great little family around the content we put out. We have patrons who have joined each other's games and played in some host by ourselves. We've decided which Pokemon best reflect ourselves. We made a picture of myself into a coy, extremely sexy emoji that you'll see in the chat soon. We have no clue how that happened, but it's beautiful. Thank you, Eli. And most recently, we've been discussing the changes involved for Mayday in a Patreon slash Discord state of the Mayday Union address, where we have sort of outlined some of our plans for the rest of the year that you can have access to if you join our Patreon and our Discord. In addition to all that craziness, you get an opportunity to listen to exclusive Patreon content behind the scenes information.
Starting point is 00:02:13 We'd like to give a shout out as well to our handler level Patreon contributors. It's because of their involvement in our content that we can begin thinking of all of the big picture ideas we have for Mayday. It is because of you that as of right now, I think maybe we have a few shirts left from our perennial airlines doomed to repeat a drop there. They're still available in our shop, and we'd love to see more of you kitted out in them. And that was purely attainable because of the support you all have shown us, especially our handler level. So thank you to Ankh, to OGPan, to BimbleWart, to Cameron S, to Eric A, and Jonathan M, Ren, WTF, and Alex Johnson. Thank you so much for your support. Other than that, please check out our Delta Green campaign doomed to repeat.
Starting point is 00:03:02 That is GM'd by the winner of Minnesota's best GM ever in Minnesota's 2022 web fest. Oh my God, Sergio is amazing. You have to check it out. And we are coming back this year with more doomed to repeat. We are recording at the end of the month. Oh my God, I'm so excited to cry. Our fantasy campaign, no other system attributed to it, because we would never say that word out loud. Our fantasy campaign centered in the island world of Ashoka, where Eli crafts a world so brimming with love it leaks into every recording. And our old World of Darkness campaign using the Orpheus system with the one and only Vince from Black Project Gaming fame.
Starting point is 00:03:52 All of which are available on all major podcasting platforms, YouTube and our Twitch. Finally, we just want to give love to our last member, Vince, who is on a little Mayday vacation and has been using this time to brainstorm and prep some of the best TTRPG content that's going to hit the space. This is absolutely going to be the year of Vince and we can't wait to see him around with our gang in the coming year. So we miss you, buddy. We want to warn you ahead of time that it's raining in California today and now for you and your state that very well may mean nothing. But to us Californians, it's the closest we get to a biblical plague. There is a possibility that our stream may be treated to technical difficulties as a result. But if the stream happens to go down, bear with us and we'll be back within a moment.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Before we get started today, I just want to remind everyone that Vampire the Masquerade can be a dark setting and as such there are content warnings for any watching. Please be advised that there may be violent themes, plenty of adult language and the exploration of much darker subjects. Please take care of yourself and be aware. You guys always come first to us before the content does, so make sure you're taking care of yourself. Things to watch out for in this particular episode are still drowning, depictions of demons, possible speaking in tongues. The newest you have to worry about is emulation. So if you have the fear of fire, please check that out. Body horror and minor trypophobia.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Here, we're underwater, friend. We can't. Gordian doesn't happen underwater, my guy. I don't know what to tell you. With that, we're going to get started here. Humanity was cursed. And for that curse to thrive, enforcement of the cabal's unholy will became necessary. In the name of the all invoking power of the founders and their future justicars, a new Lord was made known only as the Archons.
Starting point is 00:05:58 The original four Archons, Federico of Nosferatu, Father Jean-Marc of Torridor, Gilbert of Ventrue, and Lilica of Bruja, served the founders with an unwavering support and stood uniquely as the arms of the Camarilla on the ground floor. These four were of the first to take the blood bond as a form of sacrament. But unlike the Archons of these modern knights, they were not bonded with the council of justicars that oversee the Camarilla, but instead with each other in an unending circle of protection. It was through this power that they formed an unbreakable will with which to house the intentions of the Camarilla. Now, in these modern knights, the title has become synonymous with a higher echelon of dutiful servant to the Ivory Tower, an individual that holds the very weight of a justicars wrath behind unfettered decision.
Starting point is 00:06:57 They have been given specific instruction and even more specific designation. Some given temporary tasks in a crisis and named Praetor. Others bid in to hunt the red list with impunity named Allistor's. Others so highly embedded that their position exists without name or description to protect their unholy purpose. But finally, there are the Josians, the gatekeepers, those promoted out of a fear of the days yet to come, put to task to prevent the end times and beat back Gehenna and its cults behind the door. They are few in number, but important in craft. Above all, they are called in when the smell of brimstone has permeated the domain of a prince so fully that it is only a matter of time before the world moves to swallow their city hall. We will elect a uniform to those who might guard the bobbles of our own creation.
Starting point is 00:07:58 We will play at an understanding of our impact on the scorched soil of this place. We will inherit a new ending each day and still continue to ramble before it. We will think that we can save a world with the power given freely to us by those who would orchestrate its end. I will see it end. We will kill our darlings. Welcome to Vegas by night. Beautiful. Wonderful work.
Starting point is 00:08:33 You are just in time for them to threaten me with slugs. I just want you all to know that slugs are disgusting. Snails are rude, evil creatures, and they are clogged with our downfall. Everyone has a snail that is coming for you today. Does this look evil to you? That is disgusting. This is a good friend. None.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I'm with Caleb. Listen, I would like to introduce all of you to the cast of Vegas by Night here at Mayday Roleplay. My name is Caleb James Miller. I'll be your storyteller today, and I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you. I'm Aaron, and I'm Enoch, and I'm calm. Calm? Yes. Great.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Okay, I didn't hear calm for a second. I didn't hear it either. I heard something much different. Yup. I see. I'll show that. I'm Allegra. I'm playing Mal, and I am a snail and slug sympathizer.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I'm Amanda. I play Allyson, and I hate slugs. That's it. I'm Eli, and I'm playing Niles. I'm Sergio, and I'm playing Burroughs. I'm Zacchia, and the slugs will rise again. Oh my God, they're Confederate slugs. Oh my God, no.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Today, we have a recap performed by Sybil. Completely opposite vibe, my bad. I get sad really quick. I am original and unique. I can overcome any obstacles in my way. I am a powerful kindred. I am worth what I charge. I don't charge anything.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I haven't gotten paid yet. But I will seize any opportunity I'm given. This is my tough fuck. My socks are still wet. Once again. Okay. You know, I was right. Not about me being safe or that we could lay low for a few days,
Starting point is 00:10:49 but about Niles. Niles isn't just a gangrel. They diabolized a whole Smitsi named Casimir, the one behind the flesh mansion that Niles wanted to keep for presumably no reason until a couple of hours ago. Well, Casimir was seizing any opportunity he was given well enough to be telepathically summoned under Lake Mead by his girlfriend post-second death.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Lada of the Mire is her name, and her castle of Soppy Freaks hunt kindred in Boulder to escape the beckoning, which I also still don't understand. But I'm getting distracted. The next affirmation. I will not succumb to distractions. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:39 It's guardians all the way down. Lada attacks us with getting rid of the guardian Lamblider who's been protecting something even further down than she was, something called Sentinel. Above princes, kindred, and the world, she said. Lamblider is half metal, half human, half dog, and completely out of her control.
Starting point is 00:12:06 She asks us to put him down with mercy. I don't think that's feasible right now. I can take breaks on my way to success. She needs one body per day, and yesterday she took Felix. We should have given him more bullets, and he shouldn't have been anywhere near there, but she apologized for it like it was nothing,
Starting point is 00:12:33 like he wasn't anything. And I wasn't great to him, but somehow this still feels like the better outcome. All I wanted was for him to not end up as some blood doll. So the only time I tasted your blood was after your death. To take you with me, and to show you what we both thought this would be like from a safer distance.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Felix, I will outperform this mistake. And at least Emreck is down one spy, so that's good. I love what I do. And I was right, which is all that matters. Any progress is a win worth celebrating. And Sentinel is something big, something that has to do with why we were even brought together in the first place. If we can pull this off,
Starting point is 00:13:39 if we can figure this out without getting caught or killed, and maybe the new generation can get off the first few floors safely. I soar over all forms of doubt. I release the need to grieve. I am above falling apart, and I know I'm on the right path. I'm a little tired of people on thrones, though. Absolutely gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Those words of affirmation, the power of words behind it. Let's go straight into our session. Let's discuss just up front, so we know exactly where we all are before this begins. Hunger and experience. And if you'd like, you can throw in your HP, if you'd like to make the rest of your coterie aware before uncertain deaths. Let's start with you, Aaron.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I got one hunger, and I have six superficial damage. Very good. Anyone else want to share? Which is technically one aggravated damage, right? I got one more point before I start to spill it over into aggravated. Before we double slash. I see.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I have no hunger for the first time in forever, and I'm at full health. Very good. I am at three hunger and full health. Well, that's something. Yeah, I'm at six out of seven health, four willpower. I don't know how I got there, but then humanity, oh, never mind the humanity, hunger at one.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Okay. I am at full health. I have one hunger, and we're doing skills and disciplines too, yeah? Yeah. So I've just got quelled a beast, which means I can help with frenzies a little bit. Maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Ooh. Very cool. Okay, to paint the picture, you all have stepped into the chamber of Lamplight, of Lamplighter itself, the beast that guards the door. You have moved through these sort of carved natural caverns that exist underneath Lake Mead, and a lot of the mire's mire to be specific.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Moving through those natural caverns, you were brought out to this huge, rimming balcony that extends around the dome that sits right up against the door itself. The door sits incredibly high into this room and is probably the largest feature visible. Into where the door sits at its lowest point is this pit at which Lamplight sits in the center.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It is this sort of red dirt, clay trot and natural rock that resembles a lot of Vegas' surface-level architecture or terrain. And he is centered in the middle of this pit and has brought himself into this frenzied, grunting rage that throws him against each of the walls of this circular dome. The door itself sits behind him.
Starting point is 00:17:12 As I've described it before, I will give you a quick little description of what you see there. The door is a depiction of... Let's see, let's see, let me find it. The door depicts a horse standing on two legs with a person's body to a certain degree. Its skull is bared free from its skin with a long human hair that covers much of its features.
Starting point is 00:17:42 There's a snaking tail behind him that extends out to a point and in a corona of floating orbs about his visage are human faces free from their bodies crying tears that flow into the center of his chest where a gaping hole sits. Written in similar text to the disc in the suitcase we found so long ago
Starting point is 00:18:07 easy enough for Enoch and for some of you to read is the phrase, I am sentinel. Lamplight itself in the center is this massive hulking beast where this sort of lantern's cage sits in the center of his being where a midriff used to be. It is this bulbous hammered in tin cage where inside this ever-burning almost like gas flame expounds out of his body from inside where organs used to exist.
Starting point is 00:18:46 He is a huge amount of gluttonous flesh that overloads across where the metal is implanted in these rivets that extend probably into the ivory of his bone. He is disgusting to look at with the texture of cellulite and cottage cheese he is maybe close to 400 pounds, six foot five completely bald with these indentations of those same tin plates connected into his skull itself.
Starting point is 00:19:22 His face has been marred, scarred and broken through so much that his eyes are halfway closed over his nose is nothing but a Voldemort facsimile of what any normal appendage might be and his mouth is all but sewn together saved for where he is broken at the sutures to scream and he is charging against the walls as hard as he can with each new crack you can feel some of his bones breaking
Starting point is 00:19:52 or some of the metal shifting below his skin just howling like a sick dying animal like a beast cornered running across each of these circumference of this dome colliding with each of the walls and it causes this massive shake along the caverns so that rocks begin to fall about your heads and connect to the floor
Starting point is 00:20:22 at any moment you feel that that's sort of tinge of anxiety that maybe this creature is going to bring all of Lake Mead down on you and the Sentinel but for now whatever is in this beast's mind it has not noticed you Lada has left you along the path noting to Niles that they cannot get any closer for fear of lamp light discovering their presence here
Starting point is 00:20:49 but for now you all have this vantage point over the balcony looking down into the pit where this beast is howling and repose I believe Enoch might have a question Might I scry the soul? Absolutely you can you are as every week going to have to remind me what the hell that does
Starting point is 00:21:10 it's a rouse check, intelligence plus aspects by focusing on a person the vampire can perceive the state of that person's psyche shifting aura of colors auras reveal little precise information but do provide clues regarding many subjects dot dot dot dot dot emotional state, resonance, supernatural traits
Starting point is 00:21:30 give me a roll I'll tell ya two rolls I'll read his aura, his co-star one rouse check which I succeed I don't get hungrier and then I do intelligence
Starting point is 00:21:47 plus aspects which I know is a crazy pool for you which is two, three, four it's eight to dice God bless America meanwhile Allison is like leaning over to anyone that it whispers
Starting point is 00:22:04 okay does he remind you of that thing in 13 ghosts? the fuck is that? I never saw that movie man, no, it's just reminding me of my childhood that was like watch that like I don't know that's the guy though, that's the guy
Starting point is 00:22:21 so that's four successes one of which was on my lone hunger diet okay four successes with four successes you can see that this creature's aura is extremely dim anything that it's giving off is giving off that of a corpse
Starting point is 00:22:39 right? it is barely alive if you can even call this that state but the aura itself is a brimming black orb it is unfamiliar to you you never quite seen something like this come back from Sky the Soul
Starting point is 00:22:57 it is a terribly melancholy a feeling the second that you extend out and you bring that energy back to you you are filled with a deep intense sadness and that feeling of blackness of obsidian
Starting point is 00:23:14 of loss, of shadow and it is just barely brimming about the heart of this beast supernaturally this registers almost like Niles' bird like spoons but in a much more complex establishment and it also seems as though
Starting point is 00:23:37 this thing is going through some sort of of pain there's something going on here that it is being afflicted with well we're bound would you carry the elaborate? carry the elaborate
Starting point is 00:23:57 I mean look at it there's would you just look at that thing what the fuck are we going to do about that? now I know you guys think we're crazy and I don't blame you but that's a bad decision that's fucked how far away are we from
Starting point is 00:24:17 we're just going to leave it here how far are you from so at an angle you're probably about 60 feet that's you know as the crow flies from the top of the balcony down to the pit to where he is but that changes periodically because sometimes he will run out of you
Starting point is 00:24:36 as he collides with the wall that's directly underneath your portion of the balcony and then he'll run out to the furthest point he's running in these really weird serpentine collisions with the wall where you can see he has suffered the consequences of this
Starting point is 00:24:53 whatever you're looking at now it's a lot less than it used to be it is bleeding it hurts there are opened festering wounds that have been broken by this action it's taken
Starting point is 00:25:07 it's definitely weakened itself over time could you I'm sorry I hate to do this to you but could you describe the room one more time so almost perfect circle imagine a natural cavern that in circumference I'm sorry in diameter is probably
Starting point is 00:25:27 say like 180 feet is there any like kind of debris or loose material there are plenty of like boulders that have broken free from some of the natural caverns and then populated where he is below and occasionally he'll run and leap off of them
Starting point is 00:25:47 with a surprising amount of agility that is casting the rocks back and as he collides more of that debris does come free from the walls do any of them look sharp so it is it is that sort of sea level craggy rock that will come about
Starting point is 00:26:06 that pock marked rock so it definitely just take on like the shape of coral it could be sharpened most of them that break free from the wall are from sheer blunt force of this huge body connecting so as of right now
Starting point is 00:26:22 none of them are like sharpened to a point that you imagine you probably could or given enough force that could be made to be very sharp on entry question are sorry
Starting point is 00:26:34 we have any like is there any like we were led here is there any like torches or anything fiery so there is a sort of uneasy supernatural light similar to what Lada was giving off in the main chambers
Starting point is 00:26:48 it is this ethereal dancing um almost like a sprinkle of lights that cast off almost like if you've ever been underwater and you've seen a major light source come through and it cast those sort of shimmering rays it is not unlike that
Starting point is 00:27:05 that is casting most of the light through here there is no fire although you all are feeling that primordial fear of fire because every time that lamp light connects with that wall a big gout of flame expounds out from the center of his midriff
Starting point is 00:27:20 and you can see this big inferno that sits in the center of him there is a layer of fear there do you think I know that thing is shooting outwards but do you think there's something we can do like throw some gas or something
Starting point is 00:27:36 and we could just burn the bitch up and not get close and I'm just saying this to everybody did you carry gas down here I have a lighter because I that's it cool lighter against the big old monster that's going to be so useful
Starting point is 00:27:52 oh my god Allison you cracked it I know right it's almost like I'm actually coming up with some kind of solution instead of just standing there and just you know I have a solution Caleb does it seem to be using its eyes
Starting point is 00:28:10 it seems to be in a state where its eyes have lost its use largely so if it is it's at a reduced vision does there seem to be any sort of pattern you say it's moving in like a serpentine pattern is it somewhat regular like I predict
Starting point is 00:28:32 it's trajectory so Enoch for you it probably does seem very regular but given that both of you are insane this is really not something that he's doing on purpose and it's not as though he's following a route he's not forming the pentagon
Starting point is 00:28:50 he is slamming against one wall and picking the next and picking the next and picking the next does it not look orchestrated does he seem to be hitting more or less the same spots or is it just completely if he does it's not
Starting point is 00:29:06 by design how many legs is it using to move burrows has been very quiet taking this all in and he just kind of turns to the group and says y'all ever see that movie frankenstein
Starting point is 00:29:22 yes which one I didn't know there was more than one anyway frankenstein that old frankenstein he hated everything everyone the only thing he loved was music I'm thinking maybe
Starting point is 00:29:38 if I sing in a little tune it'll soothe the savage beast long enough for you all to get into an advantageous position fuck it that's actually not the worst idea I was just going to trek it into impaling itself
Starting point is 00:29:54 we can well is there I have a way to cut one of its legs I wanted that way try to quell the beast but is there a way that I can like like give burrows like
Starting point is 00:30:10 advantage or something well maybe when I activate my presence you can do your quell the beast at the same time okay yeah what we'll do is we'll take both roles and we'll consider it to be a higher DC but more power
Starting point is 00:30:26 because both of you obviously have better rolling power do we think that's fair both of you working together will the song working in tandem with that quell I think so alright everybody have something to poke it or stab it with or
Starting point is 00:30:46 slash it with we have our harpoons steer clear of the fire if you can that's right we have our harpoons don't do this shit to me again wait what do we have on us that might help us too
Starting point is 00:31:02 you got some harpoons burrows as oxygen tanks I've got a samurai sword we have an oxygen tank we have an oxygen tank that's more slavable than a lighter give me the oxygen tank at the harpoon in five minutes
Starting point is 00:31:20 oh god before going down into lake mead I would have said no but I feel like we're on a biblical journey and I'm going to give it to you it's a political journey alright let him do his thingy we can calm it and then strike the bitch
Starting point is 00:31:36 okay but we want to strike it from a distance because I'm getting closer okay so here's a thought burrows and said chill it out I take out one of its legs
Starting point is 00:31:52 so it can't go anywhere Enoch blows it all to hell that does require getting down there though you're going to chuck that thing from all the way up here you know it's about 60 feet to the center of the pit below oh well I can't throw it that far
Starting point is 00:32:08 but that's the thing we get it calm enough and it's distracted you can get down there and shove it in closer I can get down there without it even being distracted oh you can move everybody give me your harpoons I'll give him one of my tails
Starting point is 00:32:26 okay I'll go with him because I have the sign with steps too okay give me your wetsuit oh come on now I already gave you my breathing tank I need an airtight
Starting point is 00:32:42 vessel wetsuit drop me down you might as well be too I'll take it off I'm not naked where did naked come from where did naked come from
Starting point is 00:32:58 we also remember when we were on the boat everyone was like alright take off because Allison said we were getting naked I took a jacket off and that's all I took off I didn't think you were getting my head my head is naked
Starting point is 00:33:14 if no one else was naked now I wasn't naked I just thought let's play a really cool version of this game let's picture in this way different that conversation with Lana is way different I understand now
Starting point is 00:33:30 I mixed up when Allison was like we're all going skinny dipping for it we are actually I killed that guy way too quickly I wanted to check no one presently is buck-ass naked right not anymore
Starting point is 00:33:46 so far as you give me my wetsuit peel off this wetsuit and hand it over to Ina as far as I'm tracking the timeline we're going to start a song with the accompaniment of Burroughs and Sybil then
Starting point is 00:34:02 the kingsters are going down with the tank the wetsuit and the harpoons Mal and Niles Mal I believe you're going for the legs Niles do you have a plan here? I think I'll go and help Mal
Starting point is 00:34:18 because Mal can get one leg I can get the other leg I can do mine from a distance too there are shadows down there because I can shadow cast and then I can use oblivion abilities through the shadows that I put out I can't but I can run fast let me just put you guys in a loose order
Starting point is 00:34:36 here based on that turn of events we'll go from there I need five minutes of breath time all right that man I mean it's not going to go anywhere if we want to wait for Enoch to do what the fuck he's going to do okay you're taking five minutes
Starting point is 00:34:52 to do what? I'm going to break the heads off all the harpoons so that I'm just left with the sharp points I'm going to take the oxygen tank I'm going to attempt to disable the safety mechanism
Starting point is 00:35:08 that's going to regulate the outflow of air weakening the valve enough so that it can be broken off and so like if I throw it the air is going to break and all the air is going to flood out beautiful and then I'm going to put the stuff
Starting point is 00:35:24 the oxygen tank into the wetsuit put the harpoon heads between the oxygen tank and the outside of the wetsuit so they're all kind of poking out like this you're making a trapped little bomb and then I'm going to seal the wetsuit up
Starting point is 00:35:40 roll the top off and tie it out so it's all airtight and I made myself a nice little bomb okay it's always shocking how quick you can do that Enoch do me a favor and give me
Starting point is 00:35:56 let's call this wits plus science just to see how well this all goes for you if I'm there too and I have a science in wits can I throw in like support or anything?
Starting point is 00:36:12 we'll give Enoch an extra die pool so add one extra die there alright well that'll be eight dice holy moly and that will be five successes you believe that everything is rigged to go and all of you five minutes later
Starting point is 00:36:28 are greeted with this bizarre burrows wetsuit built IED essentially that is ready to be rigged I hate how easy that was for you to make a bomb
Starting point is 00:36:44 you know if this works we are best friends yes that's all I had to do was build a bomb see this I'm very happy you're making friends fuck yeah
Starting point is 00:37:02 alright if I survive this this is going to be great alright I'm ready to go when you are alright well let me get into position I'll kind of make my way it's tough because he keeps moving but I'll position myself kind of on the opposite side of where everyone is
Starting point is 00:37:20 so that when I see that he's going to when land blighters going to kind of start aiming itself in the direction that I'm coming I'll probably jump down okay burrows you note that as you get closer and closer to that door that bizarre feeling
Starting point is 00:37:38 that comes about you every so often that reminds you of your blood begins as that fire starts to creep through your veins you're starting to feel antsy really itchy just with every step that you become closer
Starting point is 00:37:54 to that massive door you just want to start going but you get yourself into position and you're ready to start when the rest of them are ready Lord is what you designed me to do here we go
Starting point is 00:38:10 um yeah I'm gonna activate presence maybe give some kind of signal to Sibyl that it's happening if she can't already tell I'm suddenly way more attractive and noticeable and I will
Starting point is 00:38:26 probably try to find a small boulder or something that I can kind of like jump down to that just gives me a tiny bit of stage a tiny bit of presence okay and just trying to get the creatures attention I'm gonna sing a song that I've been thinking about
Starting point is 00:38:42 since we found this place since we got here and burrows sings oh fear not the darkness when my flame shall live I know
Starting point is 00:39:12 not what the future holds but I know who holds the future it's a secret known only
Starting point is 00:39:30 by only by and I'm like reaching my hand out towards the creature beautiful beautiful burrows I need you to make
Starting point is 00:39:46 one of the most important roles I think you've ever made I need you to make a charisma plus presence right yes charisma plus performance with your presence at
Starting point is 00:40:04 charisma plus performance oh I see okay got you so that's even better yes four okay performance rest
Starting point is 00:40:22 so I've got four successes but I want to just burn a willpower to re-roll three of them okay just to get as much success as humanly possible that is five successes total and do I roll another
Starting point is 00:40:40 one because Sybil is at the same time Sybil is going to roll their own okay I'm going to roll the beast right now and that will assist you however I may yeah before we resolve what happens with burrows which burrows could you just specify for me
Starting point is 00:40:56 do you intend to be uninterrupted in your song regardless of what happens not necessarily I feel like if logic dictates that you're about to get attacked or something I would probably jump out of the way or something okay so
Starting point is 00:41:16 survival over the song survival over the song yes good to know Sybil we're going to have to go through the beast which I believe is a contested role you gotta be nervous now I want to roll another three die burn another willpower
Starting point is 00:41:32 burn another three die okay that's one success okay so you're at five so seven successes total that's it I'm done here okay okay and your answer still spans survival over song
Starting point is 00:41:48 okay so Sybil I believe it's your charisma I take that back too it's going to be song over survival this is God has meant me to be here I was going to sing this fucking song I love it
Starting point is 00:42:04 God has put you here to die let me get a charisma plus animalism from Sybil yeah buddy okay charisma and animalism versus stamina resolve while that role is happening I'm going to flip silence of death
Starting point is 00:42:20 maybe just a willpower come on Syb I'm also going to make sure silence of death okay that's three successes three successes ten total did we kill it Caleb
Starting point is 00:42:38 um okay with music yeah power of love I stared at it really hard Sybil what does it look like when you quelled the beast what does this feel like for lamp light for you for everyone involved I think it's it does just
Starting point is 00:42:54 look like she's staring at it super hard but it feels like honestly I think the scariest thing I could think of is when you're having a really good time being an asshole as a kid and you catch your mom looking at you that's what quelled the beast
Starting point is 00:43:10 feels like immediate like chilling fear you feel your whole life is now like something that has a start and an end and the end is now that is what quelled the beast feels like so the song begins Sybil engages in this
Starting point is 00:43:26 beautiful stare this commanding stare and as the word of god is spoken through the vocal chords of burrows burrows you see this thing turn on its heels and begin running full force
Starting point is 00:43:44 completely undeniably fast against you you have never seen this amount of flesh move as quick as it is there is this heaving lift to every part of its being as the fire begins to burn brighter
Starting point is 00:44:00 as you can tell immediately the bull's charge is coming exclusively for you there is this flash across all of you in that feeling that itch in your blood the call of the Ravnos moving through all of you becomes at its highest level
Starting point is 00:44:16 you are about to die the glorious death you are about to feed every compulsion as it begins to pick at its brain pulling at itself as it stops completely and halts into the dirt sliding right up against you
Starting point is 00:44:36 as both the quelled the beast and the song itself stops the creature just for a moment as it skids off the side of you only barely colliding with you I need you to make me a dexterity plus athletics
Starting point is 00:44:52 to dive out of the way before this thing can connect with your body okay here we go come on don't fuck me dice one success one success is all you need you are only going to take one superficial damage
Starting point is 00:45:08 as the shoulder of that beast connects into you and you can feel the tin scrape against your shoulder toss you and move you what must be 12 feet off to the left as it collides through as though you didn't need to exist
Starting point is 00:45:24 and slides into the dirt it's face pressed in it has fallen completely prone for just a moment at that moment we have Burroughs and Sybil who has acted Enoch what's the move did Mal have something they wanted to do first I have in order I have Burroughs
Starting point is 00:45:40 Sybil Enoch, Alice and Mal, Niles super big you can forego your turns if we'd like to I believe we were going to have Mal go first because they were going to do something Mal and I were going to disable its legs Mal, Niles what's the move
Starting point is 00:45:56 wait Syb had something to say though I was going to say that came with a rouse check and I failed so I'm at hunger too beautiful I'm going to use shadow cast to make a shadow around it and then through that use touch of oblivion to give it aggravated damage
Starting point is 00:46:14 and also take out one of its legs okay absolutely let's make a roll for that attack then cool so it's oblivion and what else I'm not sure for that little it doesn't really say
Starting point is 00:46:30 what's the name of the discipline again touch of oblivion I think it's your your brawl if I remember correctly let me vampire touches their victim
Starting point is 00:46:50 and channels the raw and trafficked power of oblivion through them the victim suffers aggravated damage and a crippling injury thanks no stats here that's what I was looking at too and before I have shadow cast
Starting point is 00:47:06 I can push other oblivion abilities through that got it let me see if I can find it here and the cards real quick just so we know exactly what it does for the meantime could you just give me a brawl
Starting point is 00:47:28 plus strength here and then go ahead and add your oblivion we'll call that done at least for now until I find out what this thing actually does I'm going to use a roll power
Starting point is 00:47:52 2 roll 3 do it goodbye who's that one I have 2, 10 so that's 4, 5, 6, 7 successes
Starting point is 00:48:10 7 successes absolutely tell me what this looks like as you take advantage of the lamp light here I think the walls of the shadows cast by the walls of a pit
Starting point is 00:48:30 come to life and snake along the ground like tendrils and wrap around its legs up to its hip and as you watch life starts to drain out of the leg and as a final insult
Starting point is 00:48:46 to injury it snaps the hip in the wrong direction you see as this leg completely torts out of existence as it breaks snaps in half as the oblivion has made that bone
Starting point is 00:49:02 brittle and the lamp light as it scrambles and clambers across the floor there it's leg pulled out and free it's only moving on one at this point it's picking itself up from prone
Starting point is 00:49:18 it's come to about half as it's crouching and it's big fat clawed hands have moved down to where that broken leg is and he has begun manically pulling at it as if he's trying to remove his own leg from the sheer amount of pain you
Starting point is 00:49:34 put him through he's howling like a herd animal we're gonna go to Niles this is terrible fuck you think he'd make it easy for us to kill this thing maybe I don't know
Starting point is 00:49:56 well I have to go up to him because anything I can do I have to touch him just get away quick so first I'm gonna try to get stealthily up next to him oh beautiful okay
Starting point is 00:50:12 give me a stealth plus dexterity he is distracted he's going through a lot is my specialty play into this he's not kindred no stealth plus
Starting point is 00:50:28 he's much worse awful terrible this is with two bestial failure two ones on my beast failure guys fuck so that counts as one bestial failure right yeah yeah that's the bestial failure I'll just let everybody know
Starting point is 00:50:54 I've added a bestial failure counter to our display so I'll just increase that by one there we go okay okay okay always eat before you go into battle that's the one
Starting point is 00:51:10 boy oh boy this was gonna be yeah hi you pull yourself through Niles and desperately try to take advantage of the situation moving yourself up trying to get as close as you can
Starting point is 00:51:26 knowing that's the only circumstance that you are actually viable against this thing but it's just as you're pulling yourself forward that he makes this big sweeping gesture across the floor to fully pick himself up
Starting point is 00:51:42 and stand up on one leg and it sends some of the debrised rocks around you cascading a bit you trip forward onto the the craggy rocks sliding into the dirt below just basically in front
Starting point is 00:51:58 of him towards the ground there and there is this primordial fear that enters both of you as for just a brief second you get the familiar feeling that you do with spoons off of him for a moment you can hear him
Starting point is 00:52:14 you can hear what's going on in his mind and there is this multi-layered voice this one that echoes into everything that he is it is layered on top of itself so much so that it's
Starting point is 00:52:30 not over and over and over again cascading across everything that he is and for a moment you know what it is to hurt like he does and he gives you just a little more hurt he looks at you extends up
Starting point is 00:52:48 moves his big fat claws down to that lamp lighters midriff and extends out the tin pulling the metal free and there is this huge out of fire that shoots out in your direction Niles I need you to make an athletics plus dexterity
Starting point is 00:53:06 just the dexterity we are going for margin here so however many successes against his I feel the need to remind you lies role will power well I can't they are all hunger
Starting point is 00:53:22 that's all the dice I have are hunger so I cannot so I will two successes but one fail two successes but one fail let's see what one of the lights up to just I mean we already know right
Starting point is 00:53:38 just want to make sure we are new you said two successes two successes this time you only take three aggravated damage as fire extends across your left half
Starting point is 00:53:56 and you can feel from the left pectoral down fully the entire arm and about halfway down your side is emulated entirely and your beast is given the first fresh
Starting point is 00:54:12 frenzy of its life as it's fighting against the huge amount of flame that you just had pushed across your body like an inferno you can smell you cooking the smell of dead burning
Starting point is 00:54:28 flesh as your left arm crimples and moves in as you are collided against all of that fresh hot fire now I need to remind myself what it is to frenzy to fire remember there is a surgery bay in my special place
Starting point is 00:54:48 I got you if you lived through this I'm sure you could get it fixed do we need another air canister for Niles now no that'll that's the exact round thing for I think it's a great idea
Starting point is 00:55:04 did it also take the damage I dealt to it when I pulled this apart that's why it was losing its leg well okay I had to try I had to try I think I have a rescue plan idea so I just need to know
Starting point is 00:55:20 what the damage is terror frenzy here we are you're at inside a burning building being burned is a terror frenzy so it is a difficulty of two and you need to make a frenzy
Starting point is 00:55:36 test which let's remember what a frenzy test is this is our first frenzy test we've done them before we've done them before none from fire this is our first one from fire
Starting point is 00:55:52 willpower plus a third of your humanity rounded down and that is against difficulty two thank god that's four successes four successes means that you are unfrenzied you are just badly burned
Starting point is 00:56:14 just everything that you are the charred feeling runs up against you but you manage to keep the beast at bay maybe it's being here in a lot of space with an understanding that it's not just you who occupies this space not just you that occupies this body whatever it is
Starting point is 00:56:30 maybe it's the sounds the familiar voices of Hugh in your mind the last conversation you had, who knows but you're still here you're cognizant you're hurting more than you have ever felt in your second life
Starting point is 00:56:46 okay we're moving on from Niles now yes because I know that Enoch and I are about to go I just want to activate really quickly presence and I'm going to tell Enoch I'm going to get her and I'm going to activate
Starting point is 00:57:04 unseen passage I failed that rouse check got it so unseen passage by the way allows me to practically go invisible and I've already activated silence of death so my intention is to go quickly down there
Starting point is 00:57:20 and grab Niles to get them out of there okay just so you know unseen presence keeps you invisible so long as you do not attract attention you will be invisible
Starting point is 00:57:36 up until you grab right I'm going to basically kind of wait for the opportunity moment hopefully Enoch will get it or just some kind of moment and I'm going to snatch I love that so you're holding yourself off the side for Enoch to grab its attention and for you to swoop
Starting point is 00:57:52 in and get Niles while you can yep rock and I love that Allison go ahead and let's just make a stealth check just to reaffirm oh my god I get its attention go ahead and make me a dexterity plus stealth and you can add your
Starting point is 00:58:10 obfuscate role to this well now you know at least Erin there's a cute little door you can shove the thing in I want to say to Enoch because because you got my attention that's it yes hold on
Starting point is 00:58:26 might not have to slug the dog house to my bud see what happens when you do I spilled all the dice I just I just hope everybody gets clear soon because this thing's going I have
Starting point is 00:58:46 I have okay I have three successes okay three successes is more than enough to get yourself in position you're holding that action you're hoping to god that nothing goes against you Enoch that means that we're up to you and the IED what are you thinking
Starting point is 00:59:04 so how close are Allison and Niles to the thing to lamp light yes pretty much well on it consider that Niles is maybe
Starting point is 00:59:20 8 feet from where it is now and that would put Allison somewhere like 10 or 12 feet and I'm like are you you fell down right you went down from the balcony let's say yes okay let's consider you about 30 feet okay
Starting point is 00:59:38 this thing is gonna yeah I don't want them that close to it when this thing goes off so I mean it was just Niles then sure but when Allison's in range forget it so what I'm gonna do is I'm just I have
Starting point is 00:59:54 silence of death on I'm gonna try to whichever direction it looks like Allison and Niles are going to run I'm gonna flank in the opposite direction and I'm gonna hold can I hold my action is that the thing I could do in this game yeah yeah I just let Allison do it
Starting point is 01:00:10 it's probably not something you can do in this game but I do that shit all the time so okay so I'm just gonna say that when they are clear of the creature of lamp light I am going to twist the nozzle of the oxygen tank
Starting point is 01:00:28 just a little bit to get the air going okay and then I'm gonna throw it slash slide it just kind of right underneath the thing and try to get it to go off underneath its chest got it so the second it's clear from the others you're tossing
Starting point is 01:00:44 that bomb understood that means that we're gonna go to lamp light lamp light is going to use its turn to turn on Niles once more and make its first little attempt
Starting point is 01:01:02 at Niles' life not understanding that Allison is there masqueraded the singing is still continuing so it is very confused it's called out by that haunting song which all of you have noticed is take on
Starting point is 01:01:18 an echoing quality that while most natural caverns will cause an echo this is different there is this sonorous quality this layered quality not unlike what Niles was experiencing in lamp light's head
Starting point is 01:01:34 where the sound is almost amplified like in concert like in amphitheater and it's so powerful in this space that it's almost louder than lamp light's cries but confused manic
Starting point is 01:01:50 threatened lost of leg no sight for Mal only for Niles there's just one thing left to do and he goes to grip Niles by the leg with one fat clawed hand so we're going to make
Starting point is 01:02:06 something of like a grapple contest he's gonna roll strength and brawl against you Niles I'd love for you to write to roll whatever you think is appropriate are you trying to wrestle back or are you trying to break free and run what's the point
Starting point is 01:02:26 I would like to use dexterity and survival dexterity and survival so how does survival play into this do you think I mean I'm trying to run and I'm just trying to find the most logical path to flee the most logical path to flee
Starting point is 01:02:42 okay go ahead and make a dexterity plus survival there's no way I can do like a mini distraction to help at all you could but you'd be breaking yourself and could become visible to this creature instead if you'd like
Starting point is 01:02:58 I'm a very benevolent human being you could take Niles as place just push right away it's would you like to give me some aggravated damage we could have raised this Samantha I'm going to hold because I think I might need to be
Starting point is 01:03:16 full strength to get you in and out whatever you have to tell yourself go ahead Niles say that but you always need an escape route three successes he has an overwhelming amount of success he has a crit and three successes
Starting point is 01:03:38 you are picked up effortlessly oh shit and then shook like a gorilla in a repose he takes you and smacks you against the ground and then again across the other side
Starting point is 01:03:54 and you all are watching as this massive creature treats Niles like a rag doll Niles who has been the muscle before who has collided their form into something massive has always been the one on the front line is right now being absolutely
Starting point is 01:04:10 grated against the floor smacked around like an animal you are going to take five superficial damage that's not one point yeah you hear the bones cracking in Niles's face as the skull begins
Starting point is 01:04:38 to crack on one side and the mandible breaks loose from the jaw you can see the teeth that spray out in one sort of cascading spit as the next arc is brought over and the land plate collides them into the floor Niles is just being taken advantage of
Starting point is 01:05:00 we are going to move on Burrows do you have an action yeah Burrows is going to whip out that samurai sword and scream Niles no and run over and I think he will probably aim to cut off things head if he can
Starting point is 01:05:16 okay let's get more people in range good don't pull Thanos go for the head give me do you think that Burrows is particularly dexterous with this weapon or do you think he is a hack and slash he is a hack and slash for sure
Starting point is 01:05:32 give me strength plus melee okay I think also I am going to change it to where I am actually aiming for the arm he is probably smarter to just cut the arm off of this thing are you going for the arm holding Niles
Starting point is 01:05:48 exactly holding Niles so they have a moment to escape strength plus melee also Caleb if this goes through and Niles has dropped I am going got it
Starting point is 01:06:04 I am going to re... oh I can't re-roll my hunger die it is only one success okay let's see how he does in mitigating this damage he rolls two successes meaning that the samurai sword comes down you do connect
Starting point is 01:06:22 with his arm and you see for a moment as it clears like pig flesh like any sort of fleshy target actually catches halfway through into its body so as it is rearing up another toss of Niles' body
Starting point is 01:06:38 the samurai sword is embedded if it is done next to nothing to this thing it hasn't even really moved to regard you yet it is so taken with absolutely pummeling Niles but you are able to grab it before it notices and pull back that samurai sword
Starting point is 01:06:54 with unfortunately no effect to its body we will move to Sibyl Sibyl do you have an action here okay so it looks like the people that are still close to it are Allison and Burroughs right
Starting point is 01:07:10 Allison Burroughs Niles okay would you like to join that party no got a great little trick with the lighter I think you all need to see no I want the bomb to happen now but
Starting point is 01:07:28 okay I'm going to do what I think she would do which is immediately get closer to the lamp light but I want I don't have any range attacks I don't have a bow
Starting point is 01:07:46 I want to try to I don't even fucking know man I think okay I want to activate pharaoh weapons which is a raps check that I failed oh that's what 300 now
Starting point is 01:08:04 that's fine don't even worry about that I want to thank you I want to go to the arm that Niles is in and the sword is still there right Burroughs's sense pulled it back out I did not want that
Starting point is 01:08:20 I'm okay with leaning it stuck in I'm okay with that okay cool and where exactly is the sword in the arm it's sticking out on the back end right probably closer to its forearm okay closer to its forearm
Starting point is 01:08:36 okay if I think I know enough about bones Sib's going to try to put the samurai sword into a park whoo
Starting point is 01:08:52 and maybe make a really big slit for Niles to leave love it okay go ahead and make a strength plus melee plus your pharaoh weapons you got this Sib will come up strength
Starting point is 01:09:08 and melee okay and pharaoh weapons okay that's five successes five successes massive okay Sib will
Starting point is 01:09:34 get the fuck back mitigates one of those successes but the rest manage to work exclusively in your favor tell me what this looks like tell me what the effect is basically the way that
Starting point is 01:09:50 she's anchoring herself to move the samurai sword is I think she is barefoot so her her nails on her feet are like planted in this guy as she puts the sword in park and just finishes all the way
Starting point is 01:10:06 through and stops like short of Niles and then like pushes back make sure to make eye contact with both of them like obviously get the fuck out there is this beautiful circular arc as it fully goes through the forearm
Starting point is 01:10:22 and disconnects that arm entirely as this big gout of black bile blood begins to leak through from the wound itself as she screams and drops Niles immediately Niles collides
Starting point is 01:10:38 with the floor and Allison is brought out of stealth Allison give me an athletics plus to get Niles out of there well do okay so I have one I have two successes but one's a ten
Starting point is 01:11:02 okay two successes one's a ten cool but there's no two tens right now okay so two successes that's really all you need he's in a state of panic there is a distraction here he's just lost his arm he's screaming he's one-legged
Starting point is 01:11:18 civil is creating this brand new issue that gives Allison enough time to grab Niles where are you taking Niles what's the plan here so I'm gonna and I'm gonna make sure like I am gonna be very gentle with Niles because I'm yeah
Starting point is 01:11:34 no so I'm gonna kind of scoop them up I don't know like what is that fried style like a puppy I don't know gonna pick them up and I'm just gonna get us back up to that balcony and honestly I may uh if I I'll hold for a beat to see how it goes
Starting point is 01:11:52 but if I feel like Niles is going bad bad I may have to take off but I'm just going up to that balcony okay give me an athletics plus dexterity to get yourself up that little 60 foot clearing okay that little 60 foot gap for you guys it's it's barely a thought
Starting point is 01:12:10 okay okay only one success with a 10 so only one okay that's all you need as long as there's no bestial failures to get with we're fine you get Niles up to the top there you're on the balcony you're looking over as that thing
Starting point is 01:12:28 continues to scream burrows and civil are the closest in order we go to buh buh buh buh buh now do you have any actions is it within like striking range
Starting point is 01:12:44 of both of them or are they a little bit further out I think civil and burrows are right up there because they're both last actions were to use a melee weapon meaning they're probably within five feet here okay so it and it only has one functional arm right now
Starting point is 01:13:00 yeah great I'm gonna shadow cast touch of oblivion again and try and rip its arm off or the other arm yeah the other arm that's not fucked up already okay to live in
Starting point is 01:13:16 do we say brawl yeah that would be brawl plus your strength I'm gonna use another will power to reroll go at it okay okay four successes
Starting point is 01:13:46 four successes exceptional let's see yeah you absolutely pulled through this things arm there and tell me what that looks like as you remove it all the tendrils that were hanging onto
Starting point is 01:14:04 its hips still kind of curve up its body and wrap around the shoulder and where it was like pulling different directions the other time this time it's just crunching it down towards the hip like it's trying to pull hip
Starting point is 01:14:20 and opposite hip and opposite shoulder together beautiful there is this disgusting crunch as the bone basically disintegrates pulls and then breaks rendering it absolutely incapacitated in this moment as Mal strikes out again
Starting point is 01:14:36 from the shadows we go to Niles get the fuck out of their assholes well is Niles knocked out Niles I think you're muted what can I do I don't know flesh craft yourself
Starting point is 01:14:58 yeah build a new arm build a new arm no just real quick I can just heal from that eventually if we remember it's one aggravated damage every time you sleep and it costs you three rouse checks so
Starting point is 01:15:14 it's gonna take a while but damn yep yep um I'm not sure I'm not sure what to do I can't really attack anybody I can't really I'm super bad do you wanna hold your action then
Starting point is 01:15:32 sure okay we would go back to uh Enoch then Enoch do you have an action for me well there's still people in range yes like Rose and Sybil alright
Starting point is 01:15:48 so I'm going to silently sigh because I have silence of death on I'm gonna lean against the bomb casually I'm gonna take out my phone and just start looking through it alright you are
Starting point is 01:16:04 scrolling through twitter as the rest of them are losing their lives just waiting for this opportunity to throw this IED of yours that's right we'll go back up to Burroughs and Sybil get the hell out of the way absolutely
Starting point is 01:16:20 Sybil probably the same thing yeah alright Burroughs and Sybil give me an athletics plus dexterity and then Lamplight will take his turn and then Enoch will throw their bomb
Starting point is 01:16:36 I failed what a one on the hunger die only is that a bestial failure only if you get two once yeah so then no okay zero successes zero successes zero successes you know what
Starting point is 01:16:52 power I think that's a very smart decision that's one success okay is it smart maybe maybe yeah that's great that's two successes
Starting point is 01:17:08 okay um two successes and one success for Burroughs yes Lamplight feeling even more disconnected from the situation whatsoever
Starting point is 01:17:24 has no idea what's going on singing has stopped and it's beginning to return to that madness and it's now lost all capability of its body so not only is it trapped in the mind it's now trapped in whatever you all have left for its existence it is a dying
Starting point is 01:17:40 feral animal that really only has one option and that is to bite and scratch and kill before it is killed and it again runches down and pulls out its stomach and exposes that red
Starting point is 01:17:56 hot lamp from the center and shoots a massive out of flame around the two of you yet again it is a margin fight so whatever he rolls on successes goes up against your successes and the rest are aggravated damage
Starting point is 01:18:18 you fuckers got very lucky three successes meaning that Sybil takes one aggravated damage Burroughs takes two two okay as the flames begin to lick across your bodies
Starting point is 01:18:34 burning across that dead flesh I need both of you to make a frenzy check that is willpower your full willpower not what you've spent plus a third of your humanity roll rounded down if you beat it to you do not frenzy
Starting point is 01:18:50 okay I got it too okay you're good sweet that's three for me good neither of you frenzy you're just hurt desperately by the flames Enoch we're doing it
Starting point is 01:19:12 we're doing it we're doing it baby okay Enoch to throw this bomb correctly get it under in just the right position go ahead and give me a
Starting point is 01:19:28 let me pull up the sheet here dexterity plus what do we call this you know what let's call this um firearms firearms yeah
Starting point is 01:19:46 no you know what this is a feat of strength dexterity plus athletics dexterity oh we might be in trouble okay can I rouse the blood to increase by dexterity yes I believe it gives
Starting point is 01:20:02 you an extra die in exchange for oh shit what I'm going with my dice died you don't have any die no Aaron
Starting point is 01:20:18 you can type into google role yeah you dork I'm sorry what happens is rouse the blood something only he can do or is that something we can all do I should mention that
Starting point is 01:20:34 to all of you more often but it costs you one check but if you do it it gives you a plus one to your major attribute you're using in the pool I'm definitely going to use that next time sorry guys there's a bunch of shit I forget it's in the reference guys
Starting point is 01:20:50 that's true yeah where is that reference sorry I believe it's pinned in our little mayday discord oh I already had it safe I'm ready to go good shit I'm like bringing it out
Starting point is 01:21:06 there's a bunch of little free action you guys can take at any given point and that is one of them is that in the rules reference or no I believe so let me see if I can find it okay so I passed my rouse check which means I don't
Starting point is 01:21:24 get hungrier and then it's three dice for dexterity yeah it's under vampiric actions on page three of the rule reference it's called blood surge
Starting point is 01:21:42 so that is of three dice that's two successes two successes well lamp light is not doing well here he's hurting he's broken he's nearly blind and he's hopping on one leg
Starting point is 01:21:58 so he's not in a great dice pool either I guess this will be the deciding factor on whether he's smart enough to sense the impending doom that is his IED you can hardly move that's very true and with one success
Starting point is 01:22:14 you can't hardly fight back nice Aaron for us for everyone here could you describe how lamp light is ended before all of us yeah so it's gonna be pretty spectacular because what happens is
Starting point is 01:22:30 so I twist the nozzle just to get the air flowing I throw it kind of like underhanded so that nozzle goes straight in for it impacts its torso breaking the nozzle off of the oxygen tank it all floods out into the wetsuit and you just kind of see it go
Starting point is 01:22:52 and the harpoon tips shoot everywhere maybe some of them hit maybe some of them don't but I think the most glorious part of what's gonna happen is all of this flood of oxygen plus the fire means that the thing is just gonna
Starting point is 01:23:08 fucking emulate itself you lamp light becomes exactly what it was designed for as that fat cellulite flesh begins to catch flame as the expulsion of that oxygen causes
Starting point is 01:23:24 a literal bonfire across this thing's form it is still screaming in its last moments flailing it's broken arms it's one leg it's dying form as it finally comes to rest in the center
Starting point is 01:23:40 and fights no longer screaming out its last breath and falls still in the center of the room as the rest of you are dodging the flames that extend out across the entire room your beast is yelling at you
Starting point is 01:23:56 screaming at you for you to take cover but you all managed to be away from the flames away from the emulation and it comes to a close just as you're sure he stopped moving congratulations everyone
Starting point is 01:24:12 yeah wait wait I just want to make sure Caleb is it dead dead or are you pulling some weird Jason Borges shit it looks dead huh it's not moving it is just a flaming corpse oh it's flaming
Starting point is 01:24:30 everybody who got hit how bad is it and I'm kind of like checking my own burn shoulder go check my aisles burn don't talk how do we fix this how do we take away this
Starting point is 01:24:46 this pain I say we have to give back to the club where we have some blood and we have some rest and we recover that's just my two cents she's ready I'm going to look back at the door though
Starting point is 01:25:02 and be like what about the door well obviously I want to look at the door yeah I mean okay on the door itself like I said it's maybe 85 feet tall incredibly large
Starting point is 01:25:22 it's made of the same sort of clayed rock that the natural caverns themselves are it is massively inscribed with these different iconographies of that horse man and the crying tears of those faces
Starting point is 01:25:38 that orbit him again it reads I am sentinel in some sort of Sumerian or ancient language and at the base about
Starting point is 01:25:54 three and a half feet up are these like 16 inch in diameter disked indentations that resemble almost missing pieces this is where those pieces we got
Starting point is 01:26:10 the print would go and I use a new thing okay what's your new thing my new thing is spirits touch by touching an inanimate object
Starting point is 01:26:26 I can sense the emotional residue left by those who have handled the object or visited the location in the past the user gains insight into not only that person but also what was done and under what circumstances
Starting point is 01:26:42 okay beautiful absolutely terrible that you would do this to me let's do it I'll also point out that the ability says while rarely clear the information often provides leads impossible to gain
Starting point is 01:27:02 from regular gains okay do you have to make a roll for this to Garner how much you receive rouse check and then intelligence plus aspects and under system it says the difficulty well basically I guess you get to set the difficulty
Starting point is 01:27:20 okay based on the knowledge and the higher the more successes I get the more information right that's how I'm going to do this there's no set success or failure but the more successes you have the more information I'll give you go in go with the
Starting point is 01:27:36 rouse check and that information check first I succeed on my rouse check good and then it is intelligence plus aspects which is eight
Starting point is 01:27:52 okay nice nice and that is one two three four five successes five successes you are visited with upon touching your hand to the door itself
Starting point is 01:28:10 you are visited with a vision of Lada of the Myers who is sitting here with lamp light it is clear that this was a time before lamp light had turned into what he is now it's very
Starting point is 01:28:26 cordial it's almost it has the air that Lada is almost engaging in something of a picnic or a resting period with lamp light lamp light where she is cradled in lamp light's lap and she is watching over the door
Starting point is 01:28:42 with a stone tablet of her own where she is almost replicating some of the details off the side and making notes for herself you are also visited by a vision
Starting point is 01:28:58 of a frail older man obviously not a part of Lada's vision something else entirely it's almost like a skip in time whether forwards or backwards you don't know but a very frail old man with this thin
Starting point is 01:29:14 tapered mustache that sits across his face these weathered lines and the smooth pomade gelled down haircut this very slick suit with a long coat and he is pressing his own hand
Starting point is 01:29:30 on the door just as you are and he is speaking in a layer of tongues that feels foreign in a language you can't parse it may be that when he was here he was speaking English but the cobweb that is your mind has changed this
Starting point is 01:29:46 or it very well may be a language that even Enoch doesn't parse there is a separate vision one of a man in robes robes much different than anything you've seen before
Starting point is 01:30:02 even Lada dresses to a more modern standard than what you are looking at currently it is almost that of like a farm hands outfit these long patrician very traditional brown
Starting point is 01:30:18 robes that extend over his body he is tall a gaunt individual he is angular and feature with this very bushy brown beard and this graying at the roots long
Starting point is 01:30:34 hair that sits about his shoulders and he has these beautiful beautiful golden eyes and he is standing in front of an open door this open door
Starting point is 01:30:52 this open door can I see what's through the open door there is a level of shadow that permeates the other side of this door that makes it near impossible you don't know whether that is the constraints of the vision
Starting point is 01:31:08 you've been treated with or the actual effects of the other side of this door it is not unlike what you had to come through to get to this section of Lake Mead but it is even darker even emptier you are staring into a void
Starting point is 01:31:24 so is he I kind of want to open it you do notice in that last vision with the robed individual as boros reminds you that you can't that there are two discs imprinted into the door itself
Starting point is 01:31:44 one of which you recognize as the faced moon that is one that you delivered to Prince Aloysius yourself I see the other sense you can see it in this vision depicts rather than
Starting point is 01:32:02 a male moon face it is a female son who is weeping if only we knew where the missing piece was one of them is with the Prince and I'm wondering
Starting point is 01:32:24 we have a truce of the anarchs right for now for now it would make sense that the barons have one we have the other that way neither of them neither side can like fuck around
Starting point is 01:32:40 and find out what's behind the door that would make sense when she told us no they don't know where the door is exactly too right no the anarchs oh no I don't think so
Starting point is 01:33:02 I don't even know what exists Shelly didn't seem quite sure what was down here hmm I suspect we should keep it that way I suspect we should I'm going to take pictures of the door I suspect we should keep it to ourselves
Starting point is 01:33:24 unless there is a good reason not to I mean guys we have this is one of the most important things I think anyone's found in Vegas in a long time that means we have leverage in a good way so I mean think about it we went from running for our lives
Starting point is 01:33:42 from the hospital to here this was all meant to be this was all meant to be our stupidity led us to the biggest secret we've ever had that's meant to be well whatever way it makes it work the Lord has definitely taken us here for a reason
Starting point is 01:34:00 question what time is it God it's difficult to know did anyone bring their cell phone down into the that's true you absolutely did
Starting point is 01:34:16 and I allowed you to do it it's a time I can't remember when we came down here I believe it was like 10 I think we established when we were talking when we were talking with Lada it was like midnight it's probably close to 1 in the morning
Starting point is 01:34:32 okay do we have everything or do we need anything oh I want to try to feed is light still on fire lamp light is starting to die down but he is absolutely still a bonfire
Starting point is 01:34:50 a great sorts of fear for the beasts in all of you right now never mind oh the part the arm that I broke off is that on fire no it's free from the body I'm going to try to feed off of that you're going to eat
Starting point is 01:35:08 lamp light sure that's a good move but I'm even hungry and I don't want to feed on someone that can tell us you have iron gullet right I do save me the bone thank you
Starting point is 01:35:29 make a make a resolve if you save the bone I can make little trinkets for everybody I want that yeah just make a resolve roll oh yeah that's what I was thinking we needed
Starting point is 01:35:50 it's a good souvenir for this trip it's going to bond us together okay that's two successes it's some of the most vile things that you have ever put in your body and even your gullet almost refuses to
Starting point is 01:36:06 take in the black icker that leaks from this body this body that has been forced to live for probably hundreds of years and has now been completely disconnected from the thing keeping it going it is a sludge
Starting point is 01:36:22 a tar that you are feeding into your throat here and it is very difficult to get down in fact it takes you three actual attempts just to force it down your body but eventually it sits and it brings you no joy
Starting point is 01:36:38 and no feed that look fucking disgusting you know what it's delicious not even your face different dumbass different now listen
Starting point is 01:36:54 dumbass have you ever ate something and you were acutely aware of where it sits in your body that's the feeling here as you know where he is right now oh super worth it and I feel great
Starting point is 01:37:10 you know what if you have your finger for dessert none of us will judge you you got it finger for dessert no one will judge you if it doesn't sit with you you will end up puking it up anyway it's all good and I won't because it's delicious let's go
Starting point is 01:37:28 quick query yep does this door look anything like Mal's door in the church? yes no the door in the church is truly just like a cellar door
Starting point is 01:37:46 and barred up completely this door looks mythic in nature this is the sort of door that makes the bible feel real well had to ask are we going to tell a lot that we killed her dog
Starting point is 01:38:02 we should well that's what we're here for we should I'll I'll go over and I'll loop Niles's arm over my shoulder I still actually have them in my arm
Starting point is 01:38:18 oh yeah no I'm carrying them like a baby the whole time you're out stay quiet Niles is burnt flesh is starting to flake with each push and the smell of burnt
Starting point is 01:38:36 probably leather and fabric from Niles's outfit is permeating this space is waiting for control with lamp light's own burnt corpse but occasionally there's the singeing quality Niles that is undeniable as you can feel
Starting point is 01:38:52 parts of your arm sloughing off in the cradle of Alice's hold moving back through the natural caverns you eventually return to the throne room of Lada of the Meyer and she is where she was before but
Starting point is 01:39:12 no longer in her throne that beautiful almost aquarium like space behind her throne that features that rush of water across natural caverns and some of the eclectic fish if you can call it that she is created
Starting point is 01:39:28 she is standing in front of that shaded gelled window into that area and she is staring off with a determination that is almost haunting like she is trapped by something like she is
Starting point is 01:39:44 communicating with something sees something the rest of you don't I'm gonna whisper to the group and say I think she's feeding she's got one of her minions out there I think gross weird
Starting point is 01:40:04 do we leave a note or do we interrupt 70 take a video take a video cause this is fucking weird okay just staring intently and then she cants her head just a little
Starting point is 01:40:20 still caught in that stare I'm gonna do a cough like a she breaks out of it immediately and her neck snaps in an inordinate inhumane way and then corrects itself as she
Starting point is 01:40:40 moves back and suddenly there's much more life to her eyes she's back here wherever here is and she glides across in that ethereal beautiful see-through gown that is as much a part of her body as it is
Starting point is 01:40:56 fabric and there's no real telling where one ends and the other begins and that beautiful naked form that is double helix then opened out to the other side begins to glide across on those human bone to high heels as she connects over to all of you
Starting point is 01:41:12 she says I must apologize at times the calling can be so very deep in my being that I can't deny but listen of course we understand that
Starting point is 01:41:30 the door you mean no I think of Cain of the Middle East of the beckoning of castles yet to be taken of an old old
Starting point is 01:41:46 blood that demands my attendance at times it floods my memory and it is all I can think of you should listen to it take a little trip we'll take care of things down here for you while you're away it could not be trusted to anyone else
Starting point is 01:42:06 anyone else would have done it wrong how do you know because it has only existed this long because of me everyone before me has allowed it open and I will not see it done in my lifetime I sense that I have lost something
Starting point is 01:42:26 you've taken him from me as you requested I remember there is no need to worry over my my speech I only care for him I loved him as a child
Starting point is 01:42:44 as a mother might I am sad to see him gone did he suffer no no not at all Enoch material was quick it was quick very good
Starting point is 01:43:02 while I say that I'm just thinking about the burning and the screaming it was still on fire Lada does move up to Allison where Niles is sort of cradled in that hole and with Niles's
Starting point is 01:43:18 permission they do go to move out with two fingers almost like with the gentle movement that you might in a touch tank at an aquarium and moves to move across your arm
Starting point is 01:43:34 for a moment and she connects with you and they speak for a moment oh Casimir my love you've hurt yourself yeah I'm going to kind of pull Niles his body
Starting point is 01:43:52 away from I feel like they're just touching it to hurt there is a huge shoot immediately to your eyes Allison and you're familiar with that look that is the look that you might give to someone touching Enoch without your permission okay
Starting point is 01:44:08 and she centers immediately back to Niles I'm still, I'm like it's it's fine I trust you'll recover okay I think so I've never
Starting point is 01:44:24 sustained this much damage before but yeah I think so you should stay here in the mire I could look after you, I could tend to you kind of like shift my eyes to the rest of the group we have, we got that taken care of thank you
Starting point is 01:44:42 well do you always speak for Casimir right now Casimir is still hurt because of Casimir are you unable to speak for yourself does this woman act as your ward no no
Starting point is 01:45:00 they're just concerned for my well-being there is none such concern as my own no one could care for you as much as I do Niles you've got unfinished business on the surface level don't you a reason you need to go back
Starting point is 01:45:22 yeah I do I don't want to walk away though from your lot of thinking this is just a one-on-one transaction we want to establish a relationship with you especially we know that you know Niles Casimir as you like to call him I was wondering maybe
Starting point is 01:45:40 you mentioned your ability to transform flesh if I allowed you to do it to me you think that would maybe maybe further cement our relationship the coterie in you oh dear you would like to be transformed
Starting point is 01:45:58 I'd like to remove my belly if you could do that the extra fat that makes me feel old and slow Rose be specific be very specific these huge long slated fingernails come together
Starting point is 01:46:14 I'm going to kind of you know we have if you need a little quick touch up for us you know what we can do I know that we can do that kind of stuff but look like I said down there this is
Starting point is 01:46:32 this is bigger than us this means something and I don't want to lose our connection to this place so liposuction is the logical next step I could take it away
Starting point is 01:46:48 I could make you better just use something great just make it so that I look normal on the outside with my shirt on but if you could remove you know some of the
Starting point is 01:47:04 excess I'd appreciate it we can absolutely do this yes yes of course oh you guys don't mind waiting do you delightful
Starting point is 01:47:20 are you sure his mind also has to stay the same his mind and his silhouette like shit it is entirely up to the subject well then what she said
Starting point is 01:47:44 I'd like to look as normal as possible with no extra let's just say disadvantages installed into him why would I disadvantage you that would shirk my remark is a creator a builder
Starting point is 01:48:00 I am only here to create the most beautiful of specimen the greatest I kind of stand in you know Allison's way trying to maintain her attention on me and say I trust you
Starting point is 01:48:16 okay I'm backing off it will only take but a moment if all of you can wait start to take off my printed shirt pull my pants down Allison's going to look into the phone
Starting point is 01:48:32 and just do like that off the stair like he's a fucking idiot and then kind of leave out she escorts you into this sort of outside embassy area this sort of cordon off surgery makeshift surgery room
Starting point is 01:48:48 where you can see there are much more of those sort of butler types almost where their hands have been sawed completely at the wrists and instead there are these silver platters that have been extended out into the bone itself and then it looks as though welded
Starting point is 01:49:04 into these existences they are without mouths only eyes and they click as they move about you with these little metal appendages that crack along the natural rock below and it seems as though they're playing
Starting point is 01:49:20 attendant to the surgery and standing about but as a lot of escorts you down onto this sort of stone tablet where she has you lay she extends out and pulls these semi-translucent
Starting point is 01:49:36 curtains these beautiful cloth curtains that you can see the forms through the shadows of burrows on the table of Lada on the other side but the rest of you are closed off from this transformation and there is a moment
Starting point is 01:49:54 where Lada sort of looms over you burrows and makes contact with your eyes and it is bizarre because at any one moment you don't know which of the eight to make connection with and then being those black Scalera
Starting point is 01:50:10 it's very hard to tell when she's really intently looking on you but she speaks in this low sullen very pleased with her self voice she's definitely enjoying the experience she comes here for this
Starting point is 01:50:26 she looks to you and she says do you trust me enough to sleep I do, I just want one last thing from you could you put a little crucifix here on my right chest I guess it's on my left
Starting point is 01:50:44 just a little one there little bit of raised skin so I always remember do you wear a crucifix at all no I have like these kind of you know beads that I wear but they're not no real crucifix a crucifix just a little cross
Starting point is 01:51:00 for you a cross in the name of your little hero all your head and close my eyes as you close your eyes there is this overwhelming feeling and you're familiar with it it is not unlike
Starting point is 01:51:18 the allicens power of domination and you can feel yourself becoming enthralled by her so as soon as those eyes close you begin that power pushing out against you I'd like to ask you
Starting point is 01:51:34 are you fighting against this feeling at all or are you allowing it to happen you also just resist to see the level of Lada to begin with but it's up to you he's he's feeling real zealous right now I think
Starting point is 01:51:50 he's just going with it you are snapped asleep it happens immediately as soon as the thought pervades oh she might be doing something gone immediately the rest of you observe
Starting point is 01:52:06 these fingernails and beautiful shadowed form against those curtains that extend across the the surgery room and you can see them as they begin to work then cascading into
Starting point is 01:52:22 burrows' form and then periodically you can see as pieces of burrows lifted up across that black shadowed curtain indistinct, indecipherable without moving into the room itself but she is definitely removing
Starting point is 01:52:38 and you can see strings of intestines that then are weaved together like tinsel almost and then replaced back into the body and those little attendants move past with those trays and you can see as she removes something from the
Starting point is 01:52:54 trays itself and replaces them into the stomach of burrows and then there is more suturing and then finally another movement with those attendants that extend out to the process and eventually about 45 minutes later burrows you are released
Starting point is 01:53:10 from this spontaneous sleep this sort of haze this unremarkable moment you do not believe you actually went into torpor or fell into a stupor but you believe you were just out of your mind for a moment as if
Starting point is 01:53:26 walking through dreamscapes but when you awake not only is your gut remarkably thinner it is not by any uncertain terms it is not comparable to lamp light
Starting point is 01:53:42 it looks like human flesh in fact it almost looks like well done surgery there is a suture scar that might run as like a lipo section scar or something of that like where you can see that there is this long
Starting point is 01:53:58 horizontal movement across your lower stomach but for the first time ever you are not greeted with the slope of your fat old stomach and instead are greeted with the curve of your hips and the movement down to your lower half
Starting point is 01:54:14 you can see yourself in a way you haven't in years but there is an attachment above your heart and what you imagine might be tin might be silver might be something
Starting point is 01:54:30 is a crucifix manufactured out of metal that has been riveted into your pectoral and is what looks like pretty permanently a part of who you are now do you attempt to move it at all
Starting point is 01:54:46 is there any interaction with the crucifix no no there is not much I can do about it I think I probably stand up look at myself and although that wasn't what I was expecting when I thought of the crucifix
Starting point is 01:55:06 it's meant to be and I'll say can I get on one knee and kiss the hand of the artist that helped me I would be honored to know you are pleased by my work she extends down
Starting point is 01:55:22 her fingertips and you can see that there is gore dripping from them all the way up to her elbows I knew know acutely that that must be your own but she extends them out perfectly for you to kiss her fingertips I'll kiss and maybe
Starting point is 01:55:38 even fight back a lick of the gore and then just kind of stand up and turn back to the crew and kind of show myself off perfect upon walking you do feel noticeably different it almost feels like
Starting point is 01:55:54 burrows maybe you have an old running injury or maybe aware of people who have had screws put into their knees before or additional plates in their heads or you know old sports injuries that require actual attunement to the bone
Starting point is 01:56:10 your stomach feels that way with each new movement you can feel foreign across your body as if there are parts of you inside that are not you yeah I think he
Starting point is 01:56:26 it makes him feel uneasy but he can't come to the group being like I completely regret this so he's going to appear as if he is satisfied a lot of skirts back to curtains and sort of flourishes over at burrows
Starting point is 01:56:42 to extend out this new form are you approaching the group shirtless to show off that new transformation or do you get dressed before they see you no no I'll show them what the work that was done and start dressing
Starting point is 01:56:58 in front of them wow dressing in what though because I took his suit well I have my shirt when you wore that under the white suit yeah that makes sense a lot of
Starting point is 01:57:16 does this connect me to you somehow does this kind of tap at the crucifix to down some way my creations consider it a maker's mark I did try to get the details of your
Starting point is 01:57:32 little man as correctly as I could and there is a depiction of Jesus Christ across the crucifix itself bid into the wrist of course it looks a little inhuman in fact he's probably as tall
Starting point is 01:57:48 as Lada is in the crucifix itself and the fingertips come out to a point but it is this very tragic melancholy depiction of your Christ she speaks to you again says this makes for no bidden
Starting point is 01:58:04 you are not bidden to me in any way this is truly just a mark of our friendship consider it a badge you you are one of our family that is all I know all about badges
Starting point is 01:58:20 and that was entirely my intention so I'm happy to know that you will in all intensive purposes of course take instruction from Casimir if it should ever come to that we are desiring of a favor but we are connected
Starting point is 01:58:38 anyone else got any business no I'm good I don't think so I just want to get this one let's go home yeah we got spoons in a pupper well you all are welcome
Starting point is 01:58:58 in this my mire anytime and from now on the waters of Lake Mead will treat as safe to all of you but I must warn you the information that you hold it is not to be taken lightly your knowledge of the door
Starting point is 01:59:16 could easily mean your death if you share that information with the wrong person my advice is to best keep keep quiet in all things I do not believe anyone should know about the door and should you make a mistake
Starting point is 01:59:34 I will not hesitate to kill all of you there it's reasonable tell him well it's fantastic meeting you and you have you have a great day
Starting point is 02:00:02 night day I mean thank you can I be the last one out sure I'd like to at least say goodbye and acknowledge Lada before I leave
Starting point is 02:00:18 I'll walk over Lada will bend and with Niles's permission and consent move to kiss at your forehead and brush some of the hair then sort of matted with blood
Starting point is 02:00:34 and ash hair out of the way of your face and speak very plainly I understand from your friends that you have business up on the surface and I am regrettably unable to assist you up there
Starting point is 02:00:50 but I do think that there is a place for you again in this new life Casimir down here with myself I believe that you and I have unfinished business and even in this new form I find you just as ravishing as the day
Starting point is 02:01:06 you bid yourself in my service this is not the end not if you not if you still desire me I would give you everything just as I always have I kind of reach out to her a little bit
Starting point is 02:01:28 I don't want to touch her but I understand your feelings and I I promise that I will come back as soon as I finish what I need to do I understand
Starting point is 02:01:44 and should you ever need anything should you need something to accomplish your goals to build your castle I am here unequivocally as I always have been I just not
Starting point is 02:02:06 I'm going to take that as a cue to start kind of walking away before I'll suddenly she's just going to be like uncapsimida and just like smile and then walk away is there anything else before Mal gets
Starting point is 02:02:24 their last little scene okay we'll go to Mal Mal you're the last one as the rest begin to feed out into that anti chamber before the swim back to the shore Mal
Starting point is 02:02:40 Mal's been like fussing with a couple things in the background and as the others walk out Mal will walk forward and they have the C1 vertebra of the skeleton from the mansion and through
Starting point is 02:02:56 the two foramen that are on either side of it they've stuck two locus wings from out of their book I'm not sure if this was Kazmir but it was close to where he changed form thought you might want a
Starting point is 02:03:18 bit of him to have with you when Niles is away you made this yeah and its purpose a reminder of love loss
Starting point is 02:03:40 what can be gained through trade this is a gift this isn't this is nothing more grab one side grab one end of it
Starting point is 02:04:04 a lot will connect to the other side of that vertebra just off their side of the wing and then there is a quick healthy snap down the middle like a wishbone as it separates completely down the center and you are left with one side
Starting point is 02:04:22 with the wing and she is left with the other you honor me love is the greatest thing to create from continue to make your little sculptures the world is brighter with things we have made
Starting point is 02:04:44 you certainly made a lot but can I ask you something please you are a minister are you not you are of the sombra I don't know what a minister is
Starting point is 02:05:02 aside from the religious connotation but I am the sombra yeah did you feel it when you tread through my waters what is it his heartbeat his no
Starting point is 02:05:28 his thank you for your gift and she begins to escort you through to the exit who is he who him a lot of hims yes you do and she extends
Starting point is 02:05:50 out to the exit I go okay you meet up with the others I assume we are making a mad dash for the boat or are we swimming immediately to shore fleeing the scene of the crime yeah we should probably avoid that boat
Starting point is 02:06:12 yeah you did leave a dog on it we left the dog to be fair it has only been 2 or 3 hours so you can grab the dog and make for shore we can also set the boat
Starting point is 02:06:28 if we want to make sure we can wipe down any prints and set it off back into the you know what I mean so it can like it was just an accident moving it out into a cove wiping it down and then heading for the shore
Starting point is 02:06:44 probably like pushing it back into the water one of you go ahead and make a we will call this street wise plus wits to effectively clean the crime scene whoever wants to do it
Starting point is 02:07:02 I have 4 okay you haven't rolled very much oh there you go give it to Sybil if you said wits and street wise yep okay okay that's
Starting point is 02:07:24 3 success okay you do your best to clean the crime scene and leave it off in the water and a cove on lake mead at about 2 o'clock in the morning 3 o'clock in the morning and you all make for the shore
Starting point is 02:07:40 with Rufus on somebody's back we will leave you all on the shore without consequence without feeling I will say the only thing that I really need to note is that Mal when you return to the water you do indeed feel and hear
Starting point is 02:07:56 the heartbeat of something thrumming in your mind and in your body but the rest of you without consequence return to shore itself on the same night that you entered like me exiting it's 115
Starting point is 02:08:12 I think this is a good place to take our break before we come back and decide what's next for the new gen alright we'll be right back okay well that was an experience it's now like they've moved away from just saying
Starting point is 02:08:28 the worst words and now it's like a little teleplay 5 seconds before we get started we're like trapped in a skit and never wanted to be a part of welcome back we are on the shores of Lake Mead
Starting point is 02:08:44 at about 2 o'clock in the morning and all of you have just survived Lada of the Myers and the underground caverns below Lake Mead and the sentinels door um
Starting point is 02:09:00 now there are so many questions for the new gen so many things we'll have to rectify and come to terms with so what's the play y'all I mean I do think that while we're driving at some point
Starting point is 02:09:16 burrows probably will bring up like we should not leave this car until we've decided what our next play is I can agree with that sure so how are we well before we split up how and where
Starting point is 02:09:32 I'm gonna put Niles in the back seat of baby blue because it's unless I'm able to move myself around right I'm just burned from the arm on the arms right Niles how many
Starting point is 02:09:48 how much aggravated damage could you take so you have 4 more before you die I have 4 more before I die yeah I said it was my school health you listen this is the most pain you've ever been in but you're a vampire you absolutely could go you know 12 rounds with Tyson
Starting point is 02:10:04 yeah I'm in pain but I'm not incapacitated so eventually this is old and I I'm gonna be like Niles okay I hear you but there's a thing called the ego so my question is this your ego talking or is this you talking
Starting point is 02:10:20 it's the I don't trust any of you with the bike that I like and I'd like to make sure that it gets back in one piece okay that's fair because if it was anything else I would have been like bitch but no that's cool fun I call the other bike where are we going
Starting point is 02:10:38 let me back up at the club or something yeah we're gonna make it back to Vegas in time before the sun rises it's not 3 hours away I think it's about 45 minutes for Boulder to Vegas let's see Google
Starting point is 02:10:54 spoons by the way spoons it's about 36 minutes from like me to Las Vegas so you guys will be fine spoons is back with you he would have realized that we were leaving the boat and come back so he is probably tucked under your jacket
Starting point is 02:11:10 doing just fine no recon alerts or anything that he reports back to you during his time watching over like me it seems as though you guys might have gotten away with this one well let's not look a gift horse in the mouth yeah I'll drive us to
Starting point is 02:11:32 the back of the town and to the the club okay so you guys stop at the motel first to get onto the bikes you do notice that there is a police force we brought the bikes to me
Starting point is 02:11:50 did we? we were trying to talk to Shelly and stuff like that so we already came down to the dam with it never mind then you didn't hear shit you're fine we can assume we can assume
Starting point is 02:12:06 there's a radio in Burroughs' car you guys drive back to Club Canaan which is still unfinished largely except for a large dog bed a dog house and three corpses
Starting point is 02:12:22 I'm just kind of a sigh at the lack of movement here so empty it is hauntingly empty it's very clean now outside of the Enoch droppings excuse me look nobody
Starting point is 02:12:38 sought the entire goddamn drive what happens if we tell the Camarilla what we found tonight what happens if we tell the Anarchs what happens is we lose our power as long as we have that knowledge we have more power than they do what power is there in just knowing
Starting point is 02:12:56 something if we can't take advantage of it I think we should tell the Camarilla at some point but we should only tell one person and I feel like it should be the Prince I don't think anyone else with this information
Starting point is 02:13:12 would it be a good idea I agree it depends on how in trouble we are actually that would we made a promise to a lot of to we made a promise to a lot of
Starting point is 02:13:28 so oh wait wait wait just so we can have everybody's status really quick because frankly I feel like we're getting too espionage where are we standing with each other because I would like to know that I can make it another day I need to know like
Starting point is 02:13:50 oh I'm not screwing someone here this this that because y'all are giving me whiplash I think what Allison is asking is how does everybody feel about what we should do with this information Zach I feel like the safety of the group is the most
Starting point is 02:14:08 important because if any one of us are in trouble the people that could kill us do not care about killing one of us do you agree with that statement yes okay you didn't respond that got me concerned keep going in terms of who we tell the truth
Starting point is 02:14:30 to I feel like we should only tell the truth to anyone who threatens to kill us if we don't tell the truth if we get there and all the camera does is slap us on the wrist I don't think we have to tell them anything but if they you know start saying words like blood hunt or Cisco starts looking
Starting point is 02:14:46 like smiling at all I think we should tell them what we have how likely do we think that the anarchs have one half of the key and the camera will have the other half no clue because if we want to go with miles
Starting point is 02:15:04 thinking of nobody should know it then the only reason that would be useful is if we could get those keys ourselves I mean we keep it secret until we have a way to get both keys the problem is is we've been out of town for a reason because we were in hiding because we started some shit so
Starting point is 02:15:22 we kind of need to come with something so that they don't get black us I mean do we have to see them can we just keep on living unless we're summoned we don't have to go like hi daddy I messed
Starting point is 02:15:38 up the anarchs have asked for our audience they specifically asked us to go hi daddy we messed up because the camera really means the anarchs for what we did perfect no not perfect
Starting point is 02:15:54 if you want the other key and the anarchs have it maybe not pissing off the anarchs would be a good idea or hear me out hear me out hear me out we kill the anarchs and take the key there's so many fucking anarchs there are seven of us and we barely
Starting point is 02:16:12 live through fighting one fire monster and we're all babies relax everybody relax let's just we're thinking years ahead we gotta think just day to day survival right there are too many anarchs I just want my fucking club we all just want
Starting point is 02:16:30 stuff so just go and smooth over politics what do we do simple ideas we go home we get the club up and running because right now it is just a storage facility that gives us
Starting point is 02:16:46 something to do and something to look like we're doing like that we have our we have our audience with the anarchs we don't say shit maybe maybe
Starting point is 02:17:02 Allison and Enoch you go on a little date or something that night because Enoch is going to inevitably say something that's gonna start some shit Enoch you're my best friend also why do we have to listen to the anarchs they're not in charge of us it's not a matter of listening to them it's just getting them to leave us alone long
Starting point is 02:17:18 enough so we can continue with whatever we're doing also pop pop won't want us talking to the anarchs right now great so you guys go do whatever the fuck you do probably get the club up and running because no one else is doing the work it's your club it's my club oh y'all be taking my drinks
Starting point is 02:17:42 this is not good I just I make sure there's stuff here for everybody speaking of I need a shot of whiskey let me get a bottle and I'll try to find some alcohol I'm going I'm like
Starting point is 02:17:58 would you like more scotch or bourbon bourbon oh thank god okay so I'm gonna make sure I pull out actually a good medium bottle instead of a piece of shit and I'll slide it over him can I take a shot of it does it feel the same you can eat food right
Starting point is 02:18:14 I can eat food I'm probing you as to whether my eat food has been altered thanks to a lot of no you enjoy your whiskey oh thank Jesus I'm glad that that's what burrows is most worried about the entire ride home he was thinking oh my god can I still eat
Starting point is 02:18:34 can I still eat I would never take that from you because then I would stop hearing about my favorite local Vegas chains so alright then we keep going as preceded keep quiet for now
Starting point is 02:18:52 but I just want us to think about the fact that this is this can make or break us honestly and I feel like it's gonna make us but we need to just all be unified in this we're together on this
Starting point is 02:19:08 I agree and we gotta make sure we have the right plan in Blueprint so better to play it safe than jumping half caught we need to before we speak to anyone in charge we need to pacify Emmerich I still owe him
Starting point is 02:19:24 blood I think Mal does too we should make sure that he has what he wants from us first you want to get that done tonight or do we need to sooner the better wait what time is it tomorrow it's like 3 yeah it's pretty
Starting point is 02:19:44 late but we can have grease come over and pick it up right now I would rather die I got about 2 hours left yeah I think we could wait we can do it ourselves or we can just go
Starting point is 02:20:00 lie down and we'll have grease come take it from you while you're asleep I would rather die again I say again because I will never let that creep fucking touch you die again every morning I hate you so grease takes my blood and I end this life
Starting point is 02:20:18 yeah same if we went to Emmerich right now he'd be on his back heal he's not expecting visitors right before sunrise just saying maybe we should maybe we should be going out right before sunrise I'm not
Starting point is 02:20:34 well you know me I like to ride the line but that's fine now you feel like going you feel like maybe one last run tonight 2 hours yeah alright let's look at that alright alright alright alright so you guys are
Starting point is 02:20:54 heading up to the hospital huh I'm staying I'm not going anywhere just Sybil and Mal going to the hospital I believe the same I suppose Burroughs would go as well
Starting point is 02:21:10 you know what now I'm going to let you guys have it Burroughs is he's got one will power and I think he needs to go feed okay Sybil and Mal you arrive
Starting point is 02:21:28 at at sunrise hospital there's a huge police presence three cruisers parked outside probably could be nightingale then yeah it looks like cops are stationed outside of the major
Starting point is 02:21:46 buildings almost like they've put on like an active shooter resistance it's just crowded with them so be normal I guess okay um you guys are just moving through to
Starting point is 02:22:06 Emmerich's little secret door and hoping to get in that way activate blush of light beautiful you're going to need that when you return immediately to the scene of the crime yeah it's a it's at least two days
Starting point is 02:22:22 it has been two days let's hope multiple homicides go away in two days that's okay we're good it is quite the coincidence that two of the only witnesses to the crime died the next day too
Starting point is 02:22:38 smothered in their beds it'd be like that sometimes yeah I need both of you to make composure plus subterfuge rolls oh boy lovely composure
Starting point is 02:22:56 and subterfuge one success one success okay you believe you have not been identified by anyone or at least they don't let you know immediately um
Starting point is 02:23:14 you go into the hospice care and up to that second floor and down the hallways to the secret entrance into Emmerich's elevator there are there's one really two brand new guards in place
Starting point is 02:23:30 that look largely identical to the very large men that you guys just fucking ended last time you were here and you're getting fond memories of the huge amounts of blood that pulled in the hallway here the six police officers
Starting point is 02:23:46 the roiling gunfight that took Enoch out of a window and you're just trying to roll through all of these details as you walk past two officers in plain blue uniforms with bullet profess that have been standing
Starting point is 02:24:02 out here in the hallway and they kind of eye you up as you're moving past but not enough to arrest you you look to the two guards at the end of the hallway they look up to a security camera in the corner there that is poised at the entrance
Starting point is 02:24:18 and then as if with no weight they wave you through into the room itself shut the door behind you and again that false wall opens to that beautiful elevator and
Starting point is 02:24:34 awaits to take you up to the second floor or at least the third floor Emmerich's private state is there anything you guys want to do on the way up or is there anything to conclude here you've given him blood before I mean like
Starting point is 02:24:52 not before before but before now before before but after yes no this is the first time since after
Starting point is 02:25:10 are you good in this elevator what's he gonna do with it do you think I might I think he's gonna give it to honestly I think he's gonna give it to the and I don't know what they're gonna do with it but
Starting point is 02:25:30 it's usually just surveillance that's fun I love being watched yeah we'll see if I'm gonna be wrong you could just be a freak sorry I got you into this for what it's worth oh no you didn't you made it more interesting but it's I don't blame
Starting point is 02:25:56 you for this the elevator doors open and in a surprising turn the attendants and guards that are usually accompanied with are not here currently and rather than him being posted up
Starting point is 02:26:18 in that bed as you'd seen him before bed ridden without control of his legs as he depicted himself he's instead standing this night with a cane to help his movement the bed has been moved out of the way
Starting point is 02:26:34 it is still a hoarder's paradise in this room old hospital food and newspapers and DVDs and various points of media strewn across the floor so much so that you have to march over piles of trash
Starting point is 02:26:50 just to be in the room but he is actually in one corner of the estate where he is watching a 24-hour news cycle on this very large TV in the corner is he looking toward us
Starting point is 02:27:06 he's not turned to regard you yet I'm going to grab Sybil's arm before we get too far in and I'm going to open up my little prayer book that has all the locust wings in it and I'm going to write really quickly
Starting point is 02:27:24 no one's here he could have an accident uh man I think about that a lot I'm just going to look at you and tap my wrist where a watch would be
Starting point is 02:27:56 and shake my head I'll close the book put it back in my little bag he stands and he watches that 24-hour news cycle you can tell by the way that he kind of perks his head that he's at least a wearier
Starting point is 02:28:14 in the room currently he's wearing something like a smoker's jacket or a bathrobe and as he turns on that cane a very expensive cane you imagine it's a very nice imported wood
Starting point is 02:28:30 that's finished off with a sort of like pearl tipped accoutrement on top of a priceless metal and the head of it has this very large
Starting point is 02:28:46 lion's head that is in mid-roar when he turns about and you find that the bathrobe is really all he's wearing underneath he has frilled out boxers
Starting point is 02:29:02 that he does not fill whatsoever and then this pasty moldy liver-spotted chest and legs that look so decrepit from this point of view and very frail emaciated
Starting point is 02:29:18 easy to keel over but he gestures to all of you with his hands and then to his throat and then back down to this sort of like
Starting point is 02:29:40 computer on a rolling cart like a surgical cart almost that is beeping through and has this very large LED display on and he begins to type into it for a moment and it reads off
Starting point is 02:29:56 please excuse my condition I have lost my voice that's that's my problem I seem to be managing very well he types
Starting point is 02:30:16 I appreciate your well wishes but I am in constant pain now almost smirks and then manages to get under control he types
Starting point is 02:30:34 is there anything we can do to assist absolutely I have a few things in mind what do we do he moves over with that cane to a table that's opposite
Starting point is 02:30:52 and he pulls out with both hands that he then tricks into one and holds up out to you and there are noticeable alchemists flasks very full in volume
Starting point is 02:31:08 they're empty now but they could hold quite a bit of liquid and he extends them out to you and then goes to type with one hand some of it getting typoed and garbled but he says fill both vials
Starting point is 02:31:30 I'll take the vials is there somewhere we can do this privately or he leans down he types I will watch it
Starting point is 02:31:48 great cool yeah I'm just going to take a seat at the table take the other vial and start from
Starting point is 02:32:06 the arm same for Mal yep it's a process he looks hungrily over at the two of you and in fact moves away from that typing apparatus for just a moment so that
Starting point is 02:32:22 he can get a better look the grossest place they can think of to pull the blood from which is the bottom of their foot okay it seems as though that might have worked against you rather than
Starting point is 02:32:38 for you as he seems to enjoy this immensely in fact you get this horse little I didn't think about foot foot stuff we never think of foot stuff
Starting point is 02:32:54 really I should have thought about foot stuff god damn it Mal likes seeing that it's not flowing as well and they'll go back to their hand he routinely plays at the lapel of his smoking jacket
Starting point is 02:33:10 the two of you continue and sort of heaves his small frail old face forward he has this big grin across his face that is undeniable with these big gravestone teeth that bloom over you in these
Starting point is 02:33:26 yellow curdled little grout lines of his teeth and seems just overwhelmingly pleased with himself once you both have filled the vials can I hand them back over yeah
Starting point is 02:33:44 I follow Sybil's lead okay it's really alarming does not feel like anyone except the three of you are in here just classical music playing over this sort of exchange between all of you in fact it's very hard
Starting point is 02:34:00 for him to grab the flasks them being so full and the cane being in his other hand at this point he almost wobbles and falls forward and has to catch himself before taking the flasks and moving them out to the table removing himself back to the table
Starting point is 02:34:16 there is this sort of basin bowl right next to it of which he takes the flasks themselves and pours in equal parts of both of you into the basin itself he then sets them down corks them and replaces them
Starting point is 02:34:32 into a separate medical briefcase where some other flasks have been noted he shuts that he locks that and then applies a numbered code he then takes the basin absolutely go ahead and make me a
Starting point is 02:34:48 wits plus awareness I really want to know if this code has unburnable power okay four successes you see that the code is 0962
Starting point is 02:35:24 good to know okay he then takes that basin full of half of both of your blood moves back over to the typing machine there the machine that has been communicating
Starting point is 02:35:40 with you he sets the basin just gently onto his bed spread just off the side of himself and begins to type with both hands that then reads out to you in that same monotone robotic voice something like an Alexa or Siri
Starting point is 02:35:56 and it speaks out now you watch and he moves to his lapel and then back down to his hip and removes the sort of tied bedspread that keeps the jacket together and then removes it from
Starting point is 02:36:14 himself and he is just exposed in this singular pair of boxers this frail, disgusting green skin liver-spotted man who then takes that basin and raises it above his head
Starting point is 02:36:30 and then dumps it slowly over his own hair and then slather down his body making no attempts to drink from the thick tar-like syrupy vitae as it begins to drip slowly and mat into his old wiry gray
Starting point is 02:36:46 hair and drip down him he the entire time makes a lot of importance to an emphasis to make eye contact with you Sybil Sybil Sybil doesn't say
Starting point is 02:37:08 anything until the basin is empty and without really acknowledging what the fuck just happened just says I hope that this can smooth things over from the last time we were here
Starting point is 02:37:24 apologies again for the disturbance that we've caused he moves to the computer still slathered in both of your bloods he's licking his lips routinely but does not remove any of the vitae from his face
Starting point is 02:37:40 he refuses to drink it almost he is shaking like shattering out of reaction to this whether it's him being cold or some sort of sick pleasure from the experience but he moves to the computer
Starting point is 02:37:56 he closes over the keys you are always forgiven in my eyes Sybil I have cleared your name with the anarchs and moved the chess pieces where they may start
Starting point is 02:38:16 you have made the first move in the next war um is that what you want another war with war anarchs it is what we all want
Starting point is 02:38:44 and what do we want out of this war death to freedom only the tower this is just so the camera licking the number one
Starting point is 02:39:06 that's all this is for the power has shifted and those laying in wait have done so for too long you are on the cusp of a revolution and the seat changes
Starting point is 02:39:28 power there will be justice for arthur cost do we know who arthur cost is the former prince the cat okay I think she goes to
Starting point is 02:40:02 she goes to shake his hand and repeats justice for arthur cost then he goes to shake his hand covered in their blood he shakes it holds it and then grips it harder than you'd imagine
Starting point is 02:40:18 and brings it close to his lips and he kisses deeply at your knuckles enough that you can feel some of mal dripped from his geriatric nose onto your knuckles I'll nudge my way between them
Starting point is 02:40:40 and do the same thing just to put some space there is less interest in this motion with you but he does pay the same kindness he does not kiss your hand but does shake it may we take our leave
Starting point is 02:41:00 of course have a good night then mal let's go as the two of you begin to leave he continues to slather and move it across his body
Starting point is 02:41:22 as you enter the elevator and go back down we fucked up we fucked up we had so much trouble I mean we had so much trouble in one way a big problem
Starting point is 02:41:42 may have disappeared but then there is a whole bigger problem called a war you know what let's just sleep on it we should sleep on it cool yeah we'll tell the others tomorrow
Starting point is 02:41:58 yeah in the morning definitely can you drop me in my church oh yeah yeah she drops mal off okay just for a time
Starting point is 02:42:14 we're going to go to Burroughs and his feeding to gain some willpower there yeah so he's at willpower one I kind of interpret that as just like he's just not himself he's beside himself he's not even that hungry
Starting point is 02:42:30 but I just think that he's looking for some kind of connection he's going to actually find Pastor Dudley out on the street somewhere yeah it is really it's getting there it's probably around 3.30 in the morning
Starting point is 02:42:46 so Dudley usually packs it in by about 2 at its latest on the weekends there for 3 month street but you do know that you can find him at that chapel you hid in the attic of
Starting point is 02:43:02 and you do have the keys to that place now it's sort of your run as much as it is his and getting in there you absolutely have an awareness that he's in his bed sleeping you could easily wake him up yeah I'm going to wake him up
Starting point is 02:43:18 and say hey Pastor I got something I want to show you no oh shit remember me at Burroughs yeah I remember you I've been working real hard since last I saw you and I think I got
Starting point is 02:43:34 myself a venue I wanted to show it to you no kidding you got something better than this dump come on we got to go because I don't got a lot of time before I got to get back to work back to work it's 3.30 in the morning Burroughs alright I'm saying I'll wake up early
Starting point is 02:43:50 what do you do again I thought you were a lounge singer I'm a handyman I do all kinds of things around town come on come on alright and he jumps into baby blue with you I'll drive him to um Mal's church
Starting point is 02:44:06 okay and Mal and Sybil I assume and this time are currently speaking with Emmerich unless you like it to be otherwise no what I'd like is for her to arrive for them to arrive towards the end which is I will bring
Starting point is 02:44:22 Pastor Dudley in sneak him into the church kind of show him around see what he thinks of it oh I gotta say Burroughs this is quite the quite the ordeal right here this could
Starting point is 02:44:38 be a very good space for us I mean the iconography is a little well the beheaded saints they were never quite as much fun as the ones with their heads on but I don't think we could work with this well
Starting point is 02:44:56 I wanted to show it to you because well I'm I'm having a little bit of doubts these days we haven't interacted a lot but I've been thinking about it and I just I don't know what I don't know do you have you thought about it much about it do you think you're the right man for this job
Starting point is 02:45:12 well for serving the Lord you mean for serving this point at the church and what I want to build here yeah I think I was made for this
Starting point is 02:45:28 I think anyone who acts in God's message is worthy enough to sit at the table I've been getting to a lot of shit pastor and I gotta say that my trajectory is changing I thought I was going one way but
Starting point is 02:45:46 I think I'm going another and I don't need a yeah I need a hell yeah so I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to I'm not gonna allow you to run this church I just wanted you to see it so to know for sure whether you are part of it
Starting point is 02:46:06 you're cutting me out I'm gonna just pull his neck and start feeding on him oh okay and I'm at one hunger and I'd like to remove it to zero so I'm gonna feed him until he dies okay
Starting point is 02:46:24 he's gonna he's gonna try and fight you so this will be considered a bite attack he's a little spooked by it of course but could you give me a strength plus brawl and remove one dice that you typically
Starting point is 02:46:42 have strength plus brawl minus one to the pool minus one because it's a bite attack yeah okay one success well he has no
Starting point is 02:47:02 successes so it comes down to a razor's edge he fights you back and for a moment your scaredy's gonna get away in fact he scrambles away and falls over a pew and that's when you kind of fall on him and you can see very mortal fear in his
Starting point is 02:47:18 eyes as he realizes what you are and he looks at you oh please don't do this oh god our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name and that's when you straight into his neck and he can barely get through his prayer as you begin to feast on him
Starting point is 02:47:34 in the painted light of the stained glass of this place and you can feel the strength enter you yeah Sergio the player understands that feeding isn't going to heal me it isn't going to bring up my willpower
Starting point is 02:47:50 but I don't think burrows understands that I think he feels a deficit and all he's ever understood is feeding fixes the problem and so I think that's why he's doing it more than anything even though his hunger was only at one but I'm able to remove that hunger right
Starting point is 02:48:06 you are too zero hunger but I would like you to also remove one humanity as you step further from god yeah yeah to burrows I'm not stepping further it's a better entourage I need a stronger entourage and I will
Starting point is 02:48:22 I'd like to time it burrows wouldn't but Sergio would like to time it to where Mal is probably walking in towards the end of my feeding Sybil would you have gone in with Mal or Sybil are you off for your day I think I will, I think I'll just like stop the car
Starting point is 02:48:40 I'm used to just stopping the shuttle I'm waiting for you to go Mal, you're out you're back into the church as you say goodbye to Sybil you open the the double doors that lead into it after scaling the caution fence
Starting point is 02:48:56 and you find draped in the center of these pews as one is cracked over is a young man you don't recognize pinned under the huge massive strong arms of burrows dripping through his beard with
Starting point is 02:49:12 blood and has just killed this man what the fuck John sorry I didn't want you to see that why did you do in my house then well it's I don't see it so much as well
Starting point is 02:49:34 I don't know why to be honest with you I mean I just felt compelled to come here I've asked you before that I'd like to use this place and for worship not murder I don't think this is some
Starting point is 02:49:54 I need an upgrade that's all Mal this guy I found him on the street but thinking about it thinking about everything we've gone through it wasn't he wasn't enough and I don't know why just I'm attracted to this place it's
Starting point is 02:50:10 don't worry no one's gonna come on you anyway you don't need to worry about it if if people find out that someone was dead here and then cops come I can't come home and then they're gonna find the monster in the basement and that's a masquerade violation if I've ever fucking heard
Starting point is 02:50:26 one what were you thinking I guess I wasn't to be honest I just I don't know why you're out of the blood we'll see if you can still fucking
Starting point is 02:50:44 do church here this makes me really fucking hesitant to let you do anything in here now I just didn't think you thought it was such a big deal that we all feed we do all feed not in other people's homes though
Starting point is 02:51:08 I don't have a good excuse alright I'll make sure it's clean you won't even know he was over here there's blood stained on the pastor's white collar you can see that the light of his eyes has left rolled back to the whites
Starting point is 02:51:24 there's a huge gout of blood that is still spurting through as you've drained him and his neck is almost exclusively open from the messy chomp the removal of his flesh just to
Starting point is 02:51:40 get at your quarry and Mal you notice that in this sort of renaissance painting that some of the light is cascading through the stained glass on the boroughs he stares over his kill and his printed shirt and a haggard
Starting point is 02:51:56 skinnier demeanor that the shadows that consume this place have all formed a sort of circle about this exchange and you notice that they become bigger scared
Starting point is 02:52:12 fearful in that response as you can almost feel them observing this act they feel like my shadows that are in the place feel afraid there is fear here I don't know if this is going to work out
Starting point is 02:52:32 I don't know if you talking about God in here is going to work out well I need to upgrade anyway so I'll just find a better place there's a big crash as it starts again just below the two of you as whatever that is
Starting point is 02:52:48 threatens to open the door probably for the best I'll take his body and very haphazardly wipe the blood on his back and just I don't even care if there's any left over
Starting point is 02:53:06 I'll just leave it continues to crash against the door even as boroughs is making his exit with his human rag do the shadows change once he leaves there are still
Starting point is 02:53:24 huge amounts of fear that circle remains unbroken you can feel that their interest is returned instead lower okay I don't I don't know if you were scared of him or what he did
Starting point is 02:53:48 he's not coming back here for a while maybe we can discuss what he wanted I guess I shouldn't have said he could do without talking to you I guess so whatever way you want to
Starting point is 02:54:08 tell me your feelings on it I guess in a snap that circle rematerializes at the foot of those stairs very top all of them sitting like a crowd watching down the steps we'll open it soon
Starting point is 02:54:30 crash crash crash does it sound any different never has does it feel spurred on when boroughs originally came in with Pastor Dudley when he was still with us
Starting point is 02:54:54 he was not making any noise then I'm going to go down the stairs with the locust prayer book in my hands and I'll flip it open to a random prayer and on a whim I'll just start reading
Starting point is 02:55:14 a prayer I don't know any but there are some written in the book it doesn't seem to stir or change what is happening here but maybe it brings you some comfort it does all sound like boroughs though I'll leave it be
Starting point is 02:55:40 and I'll go up to my room is there anyone else that would like to accomplish something this night Enoch I see you down there yes at some point if there's other people around I'll make an excuse to get out of the room
Starting point is 02:55:58 like I have to hit the can and then I'll go into the bathroom because that makes sense of course you're the only vampire that still pisses lock the door and query
Starting point is 02:56:14 would I have any idea how to reach the prince or someone who works for the prince um oh god wind it up okay
Starting point is 02:56:30 you would have the contact information for Santos the man who originally helped you all coordinating the original mission and who acts as sort of the hand of the prince or at least the
Starting point is 02:56:46 front man for those visiting exiting and touring Vegas this was also the man that introduced you to the echelon where they hold Elysia I will send him a text message that says have
Starting point is 02:57:02 important information his majesty's ears you know this is Enoch goddammit Enoch you get a text back that comes pretty quick that reads is this on watchmen business
Starting point is 02:57:20 I'm gonna say yes okay you are given the address that becomes very clear it's called the arcade and you know that it is Prince Aloysius um
Starting point is 02:57:36 Aloysius's casino and hotel in Las Vegas that is a little further south on the strip um and is the newest sort of mega casino in the strip uh atmosphere as soon as Aloysius was
Starting point is 02:57:52 named prince the development started just a few years before it was made official and just recently it's been opened semi open soft opened to the public but it's called the arcade hotel and casino and it's toward the south side of the strip I assume you're going there now
Starting point is 02:58:08 yes I'm gonna slip out the window so no one sees me go okay slip out the window you move out into the night completely silent you probably catch an uber or maybe walk the whole way because you're Enoch
Starting point is 02:58:24 um and you arrive at the arcade hotel and casino 3 30 3 45 4 o'clock in the morning um it is absolutely gorgeous it is built like an arcade not in the
Starting point is 02:58:40 the pinball machine status but more so in the like shopping center and bus depot sense of the word it is this huge vaulted beautiful windowed house shake that runs
Starting point is 02:58:56 the entire extension of the building it is massive about the size of Caesars it is beautifully beautifully made in the architecture of art deco it's very like fresh out of the 1920s it's designed that way
Starting point is 02:59:12 specifically it is gilded in so much gold and so much pure white that it feels absolutely decadent from every level in the lobby it stretches out onto these gold hallways that extend out to the casino floor
Starting point is 02:59:28 and then again off into the first level hotels and then a level of elevator banks that go to the further the second that you check in with the receptionist you're pointed out to the very end of the arcade
Starting point is 02:59:44 which stretches the whole casino where there is a blue velvet extension carpet with some like VIP railings that denote to a private elevator there
Starting point is 03:00:00 and you're basically told that that is where you can report to go and see the prints is there anything you'd like to do before you head over there no straight in okay
Starting point is 03:00:16 let me tell you just a little bit more you're right off of Dean Martin Way uh the inside lobby is immaculate and gold lace the same art deco trim that graces its windows as far as the eye can see the lighting is kept really dim
Starting point is 03:00:32 to a VIP clubs or jazz clubs atmosphere its crowd is catered to decadence and the taste is antiquated and classy without dipping into gauche every piece of it feels perfectly articulated in the way a Vegas casino can only accomplish
Starting point is 03:00:48 it feels specifically for you to stand here in this moment after speaking with the receptionists you notice that everyone is wearing these same royal blue ushers uniforms that they all wear these very beautiful matching white fur
Starting point is 03:01:04 caracal caps which are these sort of banded almost like cadet hats off the top of themselves and they are immaculately dressed more so than most would spend ushers uniform but you're taken down to that velvet
Starting point is 03:01:20 crushed rug that leads up to the elevator itself two extremely burly guards stand opposite each of the elevators and one actually escorts you into the elevator and stays with you you're taken to the very last floor
Starting point is 03:01:36 on the arcade at the penthouse level but when you arrive the gentleman hits the stop elevator button turns around takes a key ring from his key ring off the side of himself and then
Starting point is 03:01:52 extends the key into a small circular slot that extends out on the the flat wall of the elevator itself and then opens up into an auxiliary lift this one is much more antiquated it's almost like a cargo
Starting point is 03:02:08 or storage lift and extends to a lot more space you move into that and there are six more guards all wielding assault rifles and some machine guns that stand in a big rim around you as that lift begins to go up
Starting point is 03:02:24 further and you arrive at the top of the arcade Prince Aloysius's private quarters the doors open and there is a huge extension into this main ballroom
Starting point is 03:02:42 there is a private bar off to the left there is a grand piano there is a fireplace all of this is made in white blue and gold accents it's beautiful, it's decadent, it feels like you've stepped into a private club and there seems to be space
Starting point is 03:02:58 for performers itself as though Prince Aloysius lives in his own little private event space but at the very far end with this beautiful windowed view of all of Vegas and the strip itself to the north is Prince Aloysius behind his desk
Starting point is 03:03:16 and he seems to be entertaining a group of socialites who are well dressed and beautiful with martini glasses in their hands fresh martinis poured for them he's laughing, they're laughing he's escorting he's speaking with some of the guards
Starting point is 03:03:32 and as one of them just connects from your group and steps up to him the guest escorts them out and gestures for a private room off the side and then calls for you to approach the desk itself Prince Grant again is this beautiful
Starting point is 03:03:48 beautiful black man short, tight hair with this very well cropped beard with these piercing gold eyes today he is wearing a level of makeup that enhances the gold in his eyes there's some gold fleck
Starting point is 03:04:04 along his eyelids themselves he's wearing this immaculate white fur overcoat that sits over a three-piece suit that is very well tailored for his form in this perfect gray with these enameled buttons
Starting point is 03:04:20 that are carefully handpicked they look to be made of some sort of very intricate metal and on them are little embossed bass clefs that extend down to him he looks
Starting point is 03:04:36 very in high spirits and in fact he doesn't look very surprised to see you as if he's been expecting you and he stands up from his seat and he moves across around and he puts out his ring on his little forefinger
Starting point is 03:04:52 extended out to you I'll be a good boy and kiss the ring very good you kiss the ring and he steps back and claps his hands together and he looks Enoch, right? that's right
Starting point is 03:05:08 I remember you're one of Amrecks yeah you got that blood coursing through you that web, huh? there's something like it I'm so very sorry to disturb you so close to the morning hours
Starting point is 03:05:24 but I came across some information that I just simply don't wait to pass along to you listen, you don't have to apologize for stepping into my office any time day or night day is at your own risk though Santos told me that you've got some information
Starting point is 03:05:40 and I was under the inclination that I'd like to see where all of you are at everything I've heard up until this point is well all of you causing some trouble for us and playing outside of the lines but I'd like to see
Starting point is 03:05:56 whatever this information is I have this policy Enoch where I have this belief that either you're going to give me something lovely that's really going to change my life or you're going to die and I think you have an understanding of that too
Starting point is 03:06:12 don't you? well I think that I'm certainly confident that this is going to paper over any transitory and discretions on the part of my coterie
Starting point is 03:06:28 Emric told me that you were smart that you had a way with words that you knew how to write a paper and that tells me that you know how to write a paper Enoch why don't you tell me what it is
Starting point is 03:06:44 that's going to well, apologize for all these transgressions I know where it is make a charisma plus persuasion
Starting point is 03:07:04 oh see this is why I had those you don't do that stuff without remember how we build the characters I had all the charisma points well I didn't think you'd like this alright so that is
Starting point is 03:07:26 just three days that is two successes he stops, he looks at you now I can only imagine that by having this information by insinuating what I believe you're trying to insinuate my room here
Starting point is 03:07:54 is that you made some missteps to get to this right step right? I don't know if I would call initiative a misstep were you instructed to open the case
Starting point is 03:08:10 well no but in my defense we didn't know what we were going to find until I saw it curiosity is no defense but you're speaking as though you know something
Starting point is 03:08:28 and I'm inclined to listen so long as it might lead to something maybe by some stroke of luck you fell into something that I can use so speak to me what is this we recently delivered
Starting point is 03:08:44 you a kind of key I'm sure you'll remember sure I found the hole that that key fits in and I'm assuming that whatever is on
Starting point is 03:09:00 the other side of that door you would be very interested and if not having at least controlling the access point you you're much smarter than anybody gives you credit
Starting point is 03:09:18 you gotta way about and you know how I know you're smart how's that you came to me with this of course who else how'd you find it was quite by accident if I'm being perfectly
Starting point is 03:09:36 honest we didn't even know to look for it but we were doing a bit of sightseeing around the lake and well we came across some vampires that were mysteriously
Starting point is 03:09:52 disappearing and in our duties as watch people we took it upon ourselves to eliminate that threat and we just kind of happened to stumble into the door at the bottom
Starting point is 03:10:08 of Lake Mead excuse me a moment and he calls over a guard and the guard comes down to his level and Aloysius grabs the guard by the jaw hard enough that you can feel and hear the crack of his mandible
Starting point is 03:10:28 pulls him in close so that he's speaking directly into his ear there's some light conversation there and the guard continues to nod as the blood starts to drip from his lips there and then Aloysius kind of throws him and he stumbles
Starting point is 03:10:44 a few feet there and immediately begins to move out of the room with four other individuals that they grab and you can see that they're already making a phone call and as soon as they answer the phone they say Cisco and by then
Starting point is 03:11:00 they've already reached the elevator itself getting into the main room but Aloysius comes back to you and says you know Lake Mead has always been a source of contention for my new administration some of the old heads they like to think
Starting point is 03:11:16 they run things in town and you can't fault them you've sat in a chair long enough everyone assumes that eventually we're going to buy you a better chair but it just doesn't happen that way because we award what was that word you used initiative, right?
Starting point is 03:11:34 and you'll find plenty of that here will I? well you know what you found it on dumb luck but I can't fault you for that you found it nonetheless or at least you're telling me that so if I
Starting point is 03:11:50 I must warn you however that it is not unguarded I'll speak your peace there was I believe the word that she used was dragon
Starting point is 03:12:10 who claims to be the guardian of the door of course I told her that this was nonsense that the tower has exclusive rights to any such thing found in the city
Starting point is 03:12:26 but they didn't seem to agree with that line of reasoning well it's good you did not poke the dragon it's good you came back here and allowed me some time to mobilize my forces if this is true I'll tell you what Enoch
Starting point is 03:12:42 this is what I have planned I'm going to confirm this theory of yours I'm going to send a group of my people past the wards at the bottom of Lake Mead I'm going to ignore prior warnings and overlook some things the cost
Starting point is 03:12:58 administration wanted me to believe about that place and if what you're telling me is true then I am going to open any door you would see open Enoch and you will be invited to have a seat at the table
Starting point is 03:13:14 always happy to serve Enoch I know this is not a situation where you are doing this out of the kindness of your heart in fact I know that many people when finding something of this level whether they know they're
Starting point is 03:13:32 in over their head or not would assume that maybe they should be the ones to open maybe they should be the ones to hold all that knowledge keep it tight so I know you came here with an understanding that you gain as much as you give hmm
Starting point is 03:13:48 would you like to ask me now or later oh it's nothing major really I would like a blood hunt called to track down my
Starting point is 03:14:06 beautiful wife's sire and I would like to employ the services of a handful of ghouls so that I can better serve the tower
Starting point is 03:14:22 that's all that's it well fuck I can do that a blood hunt he wants and they all sort of erupt in laughter across the room a blood hunt and some ghouls
Starting point is 03:14:40 well shit well I'll write it into action immediately you will have your blood hunt in fact this whole city will be moving out in force to find whoever the fuck it is that's scorned your lover and we will see
Starting point is 03:14:56 that they are dead before tomorrow night huh fantastic and I give you full right in my city in any city I have control under to sire both ghouls you go hog wild
Starting point is 03:15:12 my love most gracious of you your majesty well you've given me quite the present it's the least I can do it almost feels like I'm getting away with something and I hope that
Starting point is 03:15:28 this will lead you to believe that I can be trusted on any future matters that need attending boy you have bought yourself into something that I don't think you fully understand yet there is trust here you have built
Starting point is 03:15:44 something monumental you have brought me exactly what I've been looking for since I stepped foot in this place you know I originally was from New Orleans I was prince there for a time then Miami now here all three places
Starting point is 03:16:00 I was looking for one thing do you know what that is that's the door that you just found I'm very happy to have fulfilled your wish now
Starting point is 03:16:16 I don't mean to be in delicate to your situation because I know that sometimes alliances can feel so very flimsy when things like well promotions are involved your friends the rest of you my dear watchman
Starting point is 03:16:32 where do they sit on all this well I think that they would be rather disappointed to find out that I'm here with the exception of my wife of course we are aligned in all things but the rest of them
Starting point is 03:16:48 I think they would have been just as happy for you two not no in fact they said so explicitly I see so Allison is the only one to be spared hmm I will say
Starting point is 03:17:04 that the rest of this rag tag little coterie of ours has quite a few uses that I think they could still serve that being said um it is still quite unclear where their
Starting point is 03:17:20 true alliances lie well if the pieces continue to fall the way they are the anarchs being what they are currently and we have an access to a certain door Caleb yes
Starting point is 03:17:36 check your messages I will this game is well starting to take shape a lot quicker than I thought Enoch we are going to have to make some decisions on what we believe very soon and
Starting point is 03:17:58 I'm glad to know where you stand now I think it's very important that you either convince your friends to join us on this side or ask them where they'd like their dust to be held hmm I believe that I
Starting point is 03:18:14 can persuade them beautiful beautiful well the watchmen have turned out to be a whole lot more than I ever thought they would I sent you all after a white in the desert come back with everything
Starting point is 03:18:32 I've ever wanted well sometimes you find everything you wanted where you least expected it have you intercepted with the Hikata yet we I'm sorry to say we haven't gotten around to it yet
Starting point is 03:18:48 but we are making plans listen I could not be more tickled for what you have found so far don't let me reprimand you for anything yet but it's imperative that you do where to find that other piece of the puzzle
Starting point is 03:19:04 last piece of the puzzle it's very important that the clan of death shows us where it is I see in that case I will move to expedite our visit very good you just be careful
Starting point is 03:19:20 around them they're uh they're tricky so I've heard boy we are gonna have this city before uh before the year is out I very much hope that we will can I
Starting point is 03:19:38 are you much in the way of gifts how do you mean do you enjoy presents well everybody enjoys presents alright he snaps his finger and two guards come up to him
Starting point is 03:19:56 he whispers into the ear of one and they leave for a moment they come back with this very expensive leather briefcase that he sets out in front of you on the desk now go on this is one of my originals I made it myself on a whim
Starting point is 03:20:14 I haven't dabbled much in its power but uh you'll enjoy yourself wow I'll peek inside you peek inside you open it up and inside is this very ornate
Starting point is 03:20:30 um very old your guess is or at least styled in that level um knife that is encrusted along the hilt in these beautiful jewels that dance across
Starting point is 03:20:46 at these sapphire jewels that have been sort of inlaid across this swirling script that dances along it and the blade itself is very um thick and sharpened out to a razor's edge at the end
Starting point is 03:21:02 beautiful knife that is very much alowicious in uh interpretation wow well it's beautiful I will put it to very good use it has a very particular um it is uh
Starting point is 03:21:22 well you're aware of torpor I understand it uh expedites things knows sleep for the wicked only dust now that sounds very handy indeed
Starting point is 03:21:40 sure will be Enoch my love and he stands up he moves around the table gives you a big hug I think that this is the beginning of something that is going to be so very fruitful for the two of us
Starting point is 03:21:56 I could not agree more your majesty of course you know what I think I might just send another little gift out to club canan right that's right
Starting point is 03:22:12 expect um some furniture to be sent around um I'm going to get you in touch with one of my agents well you just pick what looks nice to you so generous thank you look of course
Starting point is 03:22:28 that's the least I could do is there anything else I can get you Enoch no I will uh let you get back to your friends of course and he presses his hands to your cheeks
Starting point is 03:22:44 and gives you a kiss on the lips and then extends himself back into that auxiliary room and says friends I'm so sorry business is concluded and goes back to being the life of the party then I will scurry back to the club slip back in through
Starting point is 03:23:00 the same window silence of death and then exit the bathroom as if I just been in there taking care of my business beautiful is there anything else we would like to accomplish tonight I would like to accomplish
Starting point is 03:23:16 beating Enoch's ass um with my fists Allison honestly because she's wrecked tired and just trying to get shit together made sure the fucking dog was fed
Starting point is 03:23:32 literally it was just like taking care and I'm honestly probably you know in my PJs or what not just downstairs so in my body I was just doing my fucking thing eating I'm good and recharge
Starting point is 03:23:48 or I'm trying to recharge got it beautiful that was it so anything else we'd like to accomplish tonight or we would like to get some sleep okay so once twice
Starting point is 03:24:04 three times okay at this point wherever you may be you rest down for the night understanding that this has been one of the most monumental moments of your entire life and that it is
Starting point is 03:24:20 a miracle that you even came back from all of this alive wherever it is you may be that you hang your head you all can attempt sleep so I would like you all to make hunger rolls to determine whether you become hungrier
Starting point is 03:24:36 in your sleep and for those of you who have suffered aggravated damage at this point you could make roles to heal one point of it by making three additional rouse checks so that would be four total rouse checks if you'd like
Starting point is 03:24:52 to be aggravated I failed my hunger so I'm at hunger four so I won't attempt the rouse check okay exact same okay so you're still hurting still hungry
Starting point is 03:25:08 I'm up to two and does willpower reset now willpower does reset with a sleep I I passed my rouse check so just do my hunger get slated
Starting point is 03:25:24 back down you're drinking for the night okay so I'm my first rouse check is a failure so my hunger goes up to one I rolled a second rouse check to attempt to heal that was a success
Starting point is 03:25:40 beautiful so I still have to succeed two more times two more succeed or fail okay that's a failure so I'm at two hunger but I go up one health you remove one aggravated damage
Starting point is 03:25:56 and in the next day my willpower will go up if I roll composure or if I just have a certain number of composure your willpower returns the next night so you're good to go okay the
Starting point is 03:26:12 all of you will wake up wherever you would like in the next night it is a fresh night it is eight o'clock the next day I believe that some of you are in club Canaan you can decide whoever that might be and I'm sure some of you went home
Starting point is 03:26:28 burrows I'm sure you hosted up for the night in somewhere that you know is safe given your sleeping parameters but the next night is yours and we have a little bit of time if you guys would like to explore things or if we feel like calling it a little short
Starting point is 03:26:44 here we can save the rest for next session it is a hell of a no to end on it I'm a fan of ending it I feel like that was such a powerful ending unless we kill the prince
Starting point is 03:27:00 that's the only thing I think of that's a higher no to end on I'm so surprised you didn't kill Emmerich in that moment I'm watching I need to know a little bit more but it's on the fucking list okay
Starting point is 03:27:16 call me in for it next session will begin with something very interesting and we're going to see how this changes the perspective of things but with a blood hunt being called meaning that there will be a definite shift
Starting point is 03:27:32 in prerogative the Hakata will probably be pushed back by these demands or you could still pursue but nine times out of ten this means that every kindred in the city is going to be pursuing exactly one target so
Starting point is 03:27:48 how far away are we from the dinner party the dinner party is ongoing so they called it a dinner party but it is actively happening because there is like a huge concentration of Hakata coming to visit Vegas
Starting point is 03:28:04 from out of town so they call it a dinner party but it's really like a two week long extravaganza so that is absolutely attainable for next session you guys would like to visit outside of hunting for blood we will also see the ramifications
Starting point is 03:28:20 of the deal that was just struck between Enoch and see if the prince can make it down to Lake Mead which will mean some drastic conclusions for Lada of the Myers and for the door and for the anarchs and for the Hakata and for the Camarilla and basically
Starting point is 03:28:36 everyone alive you know what this is some great breaking bad shit let's go ahead and just let's see what happens next week it's all gonna be great maybe you all can get to Lada before anybody else does but you'd have to know
Starting point is 03:28:52 that it happened first I liked her too god damn it well these burrows got this plastic surgery in beforehand how can we talk about burrows as plastic surgery and the best part of that is if Lada is dead there is no one that can fix
Starting point is 03:29:08 whatever it does to him well there's actually a couple people that can mold flesh and no surgery you better hope that's all you need well a two graze anatomy kind of scene
Starting point is 03:29:24 where we're both removing alright well this was a lot of fun guys thank you for sticking it in I had a feeling that maybe we'd give this information a little early but god this is gonna change a lot for me next game
Starting point is 03:29:40 so I'm excited good boy alright well we'll see you next time then yeah see you guys thank you

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