Mayday Plays - Vegas By Night, Ep. 16 - "Viva Las Vegas"

Episode Date: March 24, 2023

The New Generation is being battered from every angle, but if they make it out is another matter entirely. See how it ends (for now)... We've got merch! (t-shirts and stick...ers) Thanks for checking out our channel! We offer a bunch of art, music, and behind-the-screen access including Vegas By Night 1-on-1 sessions on our Patreon; including access to our discord server! We started as a podcast! Listen to us @: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Soundcloud: Here are some of our other socials; Twitter: Instagram: Website: Thanks for your support! Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 god damn it wow well it is the finale so how what kind of a finale would it be if I didn't have like 50 terrible fucking things put through my brain just now if you're wondering we just had like a five-minute conversation on whether a vampire could lactate blood and that undoubtedly will be answered in arc two among many others yes yeah right now we're leaning on yes if you can cry blood you can lactate blood but that's that's a made a promise good morning kindred and welcome to the arc one finale of Vegas by night made a role plays vampire the masquerade Chronicle it has been an absolute honor to have the
Starting point is 00:00:43 opportunity to tell this story and to hear how much it matters to some of you personally I like to think that despite everything that we try as people we're all a little like vampires everyone's a little lost everyone feels out of place and everyone is just searching for a way to make the world make sense I think we tell the story not to find a solution to any of those issues but to unite in the understanding that it's simply and in a way sweetly a part of who we are my only message before we get started with some of the torture I'm going to expose to some of these people enjoy what you are and find a way to reconcile with it
Starting point is 00:01:22 because it's the only thing you can be now as for Vegas by night this is not the end of our story in fact as you'll see tonight there's much more to be told not only is our two on its way but we will be finishing out the origin sessions as well as I've been working pretty hard with our last lost member Vince for a special Rogel series of episodes involving our long lost humanity beanie and what he's been up to since his temporary departure from the Codery so look out for that and if you can join the patreon where all of this additional content will be to help you tide over until the next arc if you've
Starting point is 00:02:02 missed out on any chapter of Vegas by night don't fear you can still check it out on Spotify twitch VOD and our YouTube channel as of right now if you're wondering how you can get more mayday in your life you can catch our stream here every other Saturday for our main shows where we're going to be showcasing a lot shorter breath content but a lot more focused content where we're going to be exploring a bunch of different games a bunch of different sets a bunch of different groups of people so that we can really showcase what we can do here at Mayday before we move on to longer form content you can follow us on all
Starting point is 00:02:37 major platforms as well as Spotify and SoundCloud for podcast friendly recordings of all our major shows and streams and finally you can donate to us on patreon and join our patreon discord the discord is really where we've had the chance to build a beautiful family just a great community around the content we put out we have patrons who have joined each other's games and played in some hosted by ourselves we've struck up the doom to repeat dead pool now that season 3 has been recording and we're leaving very cryptic messages in that dead pool to let you know when terrible things have happened
Starting point is 00:03:10 to us we've had patreon listeners fighting over who can watch the most big is by night content before the finale and I'd like to announce that probably because they watched it in one time speed Cameron is the winner objectively I'm just putting that out there so congratulations glad you're here for the live stream you've objectively beat everyone else and they should feel bad about it we've even had members of our discord create their own actual play so here's a huge shout out to stories and lies headed up by alumni of our community where they are playing through some wonderful delta green stories you can
Starting point is 00:03:47 check that out now on Spotify they have 11 episodes up so plenty of content if you're looking for more DG while you're waiting for season 3 and in addition to all that craziness you get an opportunity to listen to exclusive patreon content and behind the scenes information we'd like to give a shout out as well to our handler level patreon contributors it's because of their involvement in our content that we can begin thinking of all the big picture ideas we have for Mayday we're trying to make real moves happen for us in this coming year and we're going to be taking some real chances with the product
Starting point is 00:04:19 that we create and part of the reason we even feel comfortable to try that is because of the sport we receive from you guys so thank you so much it's a specific thank you to onk to ojipan to bimbo work to camera and s to Eric a Jonathan and Ren WTF and Alex Johnson so thank you so much and thank you so much to all of the subscribers in the twitch chat we love you all so much just before we got started there we had our one and only trash bandico resubscribe for a fourth month so thank you so much for for being with us during all of this it means the world that we're able to create this product for you
Starting point is 00:04:58 and that you love it enough to support in that way other than that please check out our delta green campaign doom to repeat in anticipation for season 3 we won a lot of accolades for that program and it's only getting better from here every episode we get off of on sunday nights we walk away feeling like oh man that is just some of the best stuff we've put out so we're really excited to show it to you and we'd love it if you were right there with us when episode one airs whenever it does our fantasy campaign centered in the island world vashoka where Eli crafts a world so brimming with love it leaks into every recording and our old world of darkness campaign using the orpheus system
Starting point is 00:05:38 with the one and only vince from black project gaming fame that very soon will return for a season two all of which are available on all major podcasting platforms youtube and our twitch finally we just want to give love to our last member vince who's on a little mayday vacation i'm looking forward to giving you all a taste of what regales been put through in his absence as soon as vince gets back to us i know it won't disappoint uh before we get started today i just want to remind everyone that vampire the mass grave can be a dark setting and as such there are content warnings for any watching please be advised that there may be violent themes plenty of adult language and the exploration of darker subjects please take care of yourself and be aware safety
Starting point is 00:06:21 tools are so important not only when you're playing but when you're consuming the things that we put out in front of ourselves become us so it's really important that you watch for yourself and for the people around you reach out make sure you're safe make sure the people around you are safe and and we can create stories that are worth telling that do not harm anyone in the process some things to watch out for today are emotional manipulation that's going to be a big one implied endangerment of a child body horror fear of emulation and bombing religious themes and torture so please be advised let's get started humanity was cursed and because of that curse a team was put together to honor an unsteady truce between between two tyrants of the mojave an alliance
Starting point is 00:07:13 formed on i-70 built exclusively on the notion that there was no other option in a baby blue convertible parked in the lot of a darkened shipping warehouse they made a pact they unearthed the coffins of new friends they took the gifts of princes from a fire scorned sheriff and they fended off the encroaching inquisition and let the fires of colorado at their back they scavenged las vegas and its offerings cashed in at every table bedded all on black and opened everything that shouldn't be opened they peered into the briefcase and saw what peered back a key that called itself a door they dined with dead kings met with the new rulers of the underworld and shook hands with handsome hades himself they were judged and weighed in kind and given name and dominion these
Starting point is 00:08:08 the watchmen of the meadows these the monarchs of new canaan they met with the befouled bishop beneath the sewers in the poor mimic of the world neon above they cleared the boom boom club of its bang they cleaned their own shop of all that might do them harm they ate where they shouldn't and then shat where they ate they caused the ire of everyone they ran into but still left unscathed skirting into the night they followed the acid's turn walked through puddles of the unclean to meet in the night with three-foot's gang they dined on their own kind and found a trail that led right back to the seers past they ended the life of law enforcement first in hotel rooms and then in hospitals they met with the priests of a new enlightenment and relinquished the body of an
Starting point is 00:08:59 old friend for the crimes committed in haste they sacrificed humanity in pillow talk smotherings on dingy motel carpets with their ribs exposed on the floors of the lord's altar they scoured the graveyard at the bottom of the sea and met with the reaper that oversees they put down her rabid dog they gazed upon sentinel they tried desperately to rob the graves of the hakata they spilled champagne they heard the call of the sculled siren they spat in the face of junior they gazed upon kerr they preserved the lake and stayed the blade of the law they defected into rebellion and all of this and they have done nothing to stop what comes for them next humanity was cursed and through our own selfish nature we were mutated changed the jealousy inherent in every red blood cell led
Starting point is 00:10:02 to a brother killing a brother in haste so now we walk forever as king did we die forever and we will know the compassion able was capable of in punishment for our hubris you will hide among them acting like sheep waiting for the moment the vein is exposed you will call yourselves kindred and those you eat kind you will convince ourselves yourselves that power is tangible after death and that to kill is human you will build towers in your name in an effort to build something and that will outlast your pain you will lie buy cheat and steal until the only thing left is a shell of what you once were you will kill your darlings i will see you soon welcome to vegas by night
Starting point is 00:11:57 here we are i just would like to read a listener comment before we get started with introductions and this is from trash bandico you know when you list it all out once at all at once it starts to make them seem almost not so i'd like to introduce all of us uh before we get started with a recap from burrows uh my name is calib james miller i'll be your storyteller for tonight i'm erin and everything's fine everything's going to be just just dandy uh i'm allegra or love uh i'm playing mal um things aren't fine in fact actually things are actually very not fine for me at least i'm amanda and i'm playing alison and i'm here i don't know well i'm elie and i'm playing niles and it's gonna be fine i'm sir joe i'm playing burrows and everything's fine right now i'm zack
Starting point is 00:13:18 i'm playing cybil and we're building synergistic pathways to something vampire breast pumps let's uh continue with uh a recap from burrows yeah lord it's been a little while since we've spoken i admit i've been feeling a tad ashamed since eating a member of your flock i'm referring of course to pastor dudley i'd like to think that anyone consumed by kindred gets an automatic free pass through the pearly gates yeah he's in heaven now tonight we were hoping to bring a little bit of balance back to vegas we wanted whatever that key is so we could hand it off to the anarchs a big son of a bitch named kerr had other plans my only hope is we made enough of a stink at that party as representatives of the cam but he'll think twice before just handed it over to the prince at mead
Starting point is 00:14:31 we had a run in with the sheriff cisco mal was able to convince him that what's down there is more important than the tower or the anarchs and they've agreed to stay silent for now we went immediately over to ellis so he could be caught up to speed and now everyone that's anyone knows what's at stake all in all i think it's about as good as it could have turned out as for me i've gone and done it again the powers that be want me to go one way but i chose another i could have just let a lot of the mire get found by the cam i could have just followed champagne puttanesca down to his torture chamber but instead i buried that bitch and samurai sword in his ugly face i never said i was a smart man lord but the rav knows part of me that fire i've
Starting point is 00:15:25 learned to control in the jungles of india well it's it's sick of the ass kissing and the putting up with the old ways if i really got a second chance at this and like the song says i'm gonna do it my way the other members of the coterie uh well they still want to play both sides and i respect that maybe in another life but in this one in this one i've chosen the anarchs they look and sound like me and ellis he's a leader not a prince double h isn't gonna like my choice he was hoping i could move up the tower but what do i really owe him anyway still i do need another sword and his insight into the cam would be invaluable maybe i can be the coterie's liaison to the anarchs hell maybe nothing changes and just how bride can show up to elysium and no one bats an eye
Starting point is 00:16:29 maybe i could too i guess what i'm really trying to hold on to isn't the power or the influence but the friendship when i was alive i didn't really appreciate my friends but i know now that in this weird funky world i find myself in the coterie are the only people i really got and that matters hell if enok and alison offered me another romp in bed i'd probably be down all this politicking these clicks and clubs and the lines drawn in the sand it's because we're all just so damn lonely afraid of what we've become of what we've lost and what's ahead of us at the end of eternity
Starting point is 00:17:22 big fish i got to fry his old champagne you can bet your ass this isn't the last time i've seen of him now the way i figure it i got two options i lay low and hope he forgets about me that chance or i get proactive and nib this in the bud that means i get myself another sword it means i train it means i strengthen what i got with my friends and i take the fight to champagne tcb baby i realize i'm putting my family at risk casey and the girls lydia and even ricky they're my darlings so i'm gonna fight for them you know lord i'm realizing these days i'm not thinking about the past anymore who i was and what i lost i'm fighting for my present for my future but it feels right
Starting point is 00:18:16 like i finally found my place in vegas in some ways tonight feels like the end of a big show when the lights dim and the curtains close but i know i've got more showlifting me i just wish i knew if my coterie was behind me or beside me i guess there's only one of four you to find out amen amen there we go folks welcome to the series season season finale not series finale season uh i just realized also real quick that like people have been non-stop uh giving subs and and uh subscribing to us during my uh recap so thank you buddy yeah we're at a level five high train thank you guys so much that's awesome i accidentally gave like gift subs to three people
Starting point is 00:19:12 in mayday so no one look at those thanks okay they select it random i did not meant mean to give the co-workers the gift subs it's all just a it's all circular it all feeds in the same thing i appreciate it yeah i just paid my friends five dollars to play vampire thanks buddy oh yeah dude oh i got all thank you let's discuss um experience and then the word that everyone is afraid of in this game for some reason but no one cares to fix that's experience and hunger does anyone have any declarations of experience any expenditures that we need to know about up front i have a declaration about hunger and it's we're not afraid of it we're very comfortable with hunger we thrive when hungry in fact that's it i have four i'm telling you once i learn these frenzy rules
Starting point is 00:20:06 it's over for you bitch um okay well if there's no experience let's just get those beautiful beautiful hunger fives out there okay we got niles at a three sound off i don't know how this is possible but i'm only a two at the moment i was rolling really well last session a three for now i had to guess got it uh a simple what are we at four just a simple beautiful allison allison's at a two um and i'm also going to tell you i did get an updated new thing uh allison acquires rationalize so that's actually pretty high i've been saving up for this and it's basically the vampire's victim now believes anything they do under the influence of dominance as a result of so damn okay good good stuff and finally enok at the bottom there how are we doing i have four
Starting point is 00:21:13 four no that's a hell of an average you guys got going um i okay so and i'm just uh i added a point to my melee because like mirad onk says i want to be the last samurai the original last samurai okay tom cruise replaced with elvis brestly all we wanted out of the last samurai um we find ourselves at different places in the same night that we left off on uh there's one group that has just finished a conversation with some of the heads of state of the anarch free half of las vegas we'll call it um where all of you have had the night of your lives here at the belvedere bar on the fremont strip here meeting with alice and the others um some barons that you have yet to meet um we also have mal who ended in their church having met an unexpected
Starting point is 00:22:18 guest who claimed to be someone from their past and mal inevitably turned into dust um and obviously you were given a express invitation to a hotel suite at the aria casino should you want to see your loved ones and um i believe we leave the couple in a donut shop in naked city under your domain where someone has broken the laws of your domain and uh committed an act of murder against some mortal who has been strung up with what appears to be docking line ropes that you might use from a coast um now go ahead here's the here's the question i want to ask sure do i get the feeling that it actually is my domain now yes let's stay with the couple here so we're in this donut shop you are here experiencing you've seen this corpse that has been strung up entirely by
Starting point is 00:23:25 these ropes at the base of that uh murdered heavy set individual who has been stripped of all clothes written in his own dried blood is the number 13 now the question is would this still be considered domain uh the prince has made no uh effective decision to remove that domain from any of you and as far as you all know this night before any other decisions have been made naked city is still yours and this happening in this location would fall under your jurisdiction right i just want to um the question i'm asking is if i have any um again in light of recent events if i have any reason to uh doubt that no nothing so far has made you doubt your your place in the camarilla um now that is as of three in the morning this night uh close to dawn here who knows what the
Starting point is 00:24:23 next night brings but as of right now this is a crime that has been perpetrated against your home your slice of vegas um i would i would like to have allison's gonna go um from what i remember because we were just in the main shop i'm gonna record i believe i took photo and i'm gonna had i can't remember if i sent this last week but if so just in case i'm going to send it to the group chat okay and i'm going to emphasize i would be um uh we got a problem in our own house so uh the members of the belvedere as well as our holy individual in the church you all receive a message in the group chat for those of you with the anarchs um it is a clear indication of a man who has been strung up uh it is enough of his frame and proportions
Starting point is 00:25:23 in uh in the photo itself that you would recognize he's a heavy set uh brown skinned individual probably in his late 40s early 50s and he has been strung through hooked and suspended in mid-air in this donut shop that has clearly been overgrown and abandoned in naked city uh elie for niles let me get a roll of wits plus awareness as you receive this message i got a blog allison these fucking texts we get from them uh i was gonna say i'll send a art looks nice too two successes with two successes i would say that that's enough to give uh an itch at the back of your decaying brain there's something that runs down your spine like a ghost is dancing on your grave um
Starting point is 00:26:24 um niles you recognize this individual um very peripheral and it takes you quite a bit of staring down as burrows is describing his revulsion to the terrible chain texts that you all get from allison um and it hits you um you remember being warned to stay safe in this city it's dangerous alone uh this was your uber driver from a couple weeks back why um i think yeah niles is gonna ask allison where they're at i'm just gonna text that immediately where are you uh donut shot follow the blood but i'll try to cover up the all like four windows make sure like people can't see in and in our neighborhood right in naked city in naked i'm gonna make sure naked city i'll put like the exact like address yeah allison drops a pin for you all we supposed
Starting point is 00:27:26 to know this guy i've met this guy before he was an uber driver i took a ride what the it was like a couple weeks ago so someone someone's been watching you that's what that means for a long time i mean we know lot has been watching you're right i don't think lot it can do this this far you have a funny relationship with the anarchs you think anybody there would might try to send this message to you no i think they have a more direct way of communication with me um i don't know who would do that i mean what maybe it's just a coincidence well regardless uh somebody's got to take that down right we don't want to draw undue attention yeah
Starting point is 00:28:33 i have a question for you inoc you experience a vision last session yes of curb meeting with an individual you did not recognize at the foot of this course that's right yes is any of that vision shared with allison in this moment or is that uniquely for inoc i'm sorry i can i get a quick recap of what that that what the contents of that were absolutely they were standing at the foot of the corpse kerr was asking if it was a good enough job to be dismissed from this it was clear he was uh because emotionally in that vision you were seeing from his first perspective um you could feel a sense of revulsion towards the subject he did not care for the overdriver um you could feel a sort of reverence towards the other figure uh almost a deference
Starting point is 00:29:22 as if that was your superior um and you felt freed the second that he uh relieved you from this and gave you your next destination now all of that is in the cursory you don't really know where he was heading next but you know for a fact that that was curve that you could recognize those pockets of flesh and those insects moving through did not recognize the other individual though um a taller man in a black overcoat um very distinguished looking um a sort of white pale mousied features uh with this very professional gray haircut um almost uh in if we were give him a face claim he looks a lot like uh ben mendelson my my it looks like we have a little bit of an
Starting point is 00:30:21 insect infestation exterminate their detective enok on the scene what kind what kind of past darlin what kind of past you know that big scary motherfucker from the house we've seen a lot of big scary motherfuckers i need you to clarify the one with i there it wasn't it wasn't the big it wasn't the big burly one that doesn't have any eyes anymore it was the other one with the bug holes got it i think that he's gonna take us in a minute to decide for me to be like okay yeah go through your rolodex of all the people that fucking hate you and find the right one i think that's the one i think that's okay look a little bit upset allison i'm sorry what no no no good i'm sorry enok i had buzzings what do you uh someone's upset
Starting point is 00:31:21 what i think someone's a little upset with us for what happened with the house and they thought it was okay to come fuck with our territory enok make an intelligence plus um i would say that this is either intelligence plus insight or intelligence plus investigation i love it when my character is smarter than i am intelligence i'm sorry intelligence plus investigation or was there another option the other option was insight if you think you're more insightful than you are investigative it's it's the same it's a it's just my intelligence with it okay so i roll it for four successes you are explaining how this might be in retaliation to your time at the mansion until it hits you this body's been here decomposing for too long this is long before the mansion
Starting point is 00:32:24 you'd place this at maybe the time you guys shot up the bang bang club or the boom boom club maybe even earlier it's been days that this has been here yes the smell is horrendous oh it's so old loaded i can't take any of this back and use it yeah i mean come on if you're gonna if you're gonna stage your body at least have the decency to embalm it but rig i mean it's so miss so much miss potential but so i guess hmm i don't i don't fully understand what's going on but you know we can't let anybody come into our neighborhood and fuck with our shit because if we let one person do it everybody's gonna think that they
Starting point is 00:33:19 can do it and this needs to be fucking dealt with go look around really quick wait okay look this is the second story right uh there's a room for sure but this is more um like single story doughnut shop there there are additional rooms like a kitchen a utility closet a restroom and maybe like a small break room office but the higher level would definitely be the roof i think um really quick in that in that group chain um can i just send a picture of like like a i don't know like a dead hornet's nest you know like that kind of pity texture yes that's the only information i'm going to broadly provide
Starting point is 00:34:09 okay are you searching for that on google images or is this something you're trying to find in the live no google images no yeah no i'm not going out looking for that that will take hours although no google okay uh you all receive a very cryptic image of a dead wasp's nest that in the corners reads a watermark of getty images i'll probably ask uh allison to clarify what what this might mean text i don't know do you mention what he told you about his dream or his vision i'm uh i'll wait on what he knocked it was really quick okay you know i think we know what he did
Starting point is 00:34:57 okay i think i've been completely self-explanatory okay well okay i'll just answer on their way anyways right you guys expressed that the three of you are driving i'm sorry sybil to lump you in with that title excuse me the three of you the other half of the engine not all anarchs because of course sybil would never do that no you're all driving out to the donut shop correct was i correcting that assumption i think so yeah okay so let's assume you give your goodbyes your love and your uh uh courtesies to the rest of the anarchs as most of them have already filed out to begin with and you make your way we're gonna go quickly to mal real quick like oh no i just wanted to make sure that i understand that i have no idea what's happening right now because i can't
Starting point is 00:35:46 get yes uh mal i there is something i need to declare but first let's um let's associate with the others first and we'll get to when you receive the message i just wanted to make sure that i wasn't like you got no fucking clean everything no it's the usual uh lasombra affliction unfortunately so the anarchs arrive on the scene um maybe 20 minutes later 25 minutes later um in indiscriminate amount of time for you all to arrive and find uh the door to this abandoned donut shop open some boards cast off to the side um and the couple inside around this massacre essentially and if any of you need a description of what you're looking at let me know i can kind of gloss over again what you're seeing i mean i guess i'll work on taking it down well i can
Starting point is 00:36:47 take this down right no one has any objections no no no i would just like to remind everybody that this is a closed crime scene and you need to be wearing gloves i want to take some of the gloves that the donut man probably used to put on or to fry their donuts and grab a knife since i don't have my samurai sword anymore and just start to stir up the ropes has this body i know it's gross but has this body been drained of blood um go ahead and make an investigation plus wits civil okay i mean it's been left out for a while yeah hunger for it though very true that's one success uh one success is enough to tell you that he has been completely voided he does not have any sort of fluid in him fine okay then i think if if bros needs help i'm
Starting point is 00:37:52 probably helping like the structural parts if they're if he's handling the body itself the two of you remove the corpse from its suspended uh action and again these are like almost uh the the sort of um ropes they'd use at a shipping dock um something to take in large amounts of cargo uh there's something to deal with boating vessels i don't think any of you are particularly well versed in the sea or anything of that nature but it's enough that you could take a guess these are are very commercial uh you'd have to be a specific sort of person to know what you were doing with these and definitely not something you see often in vegas in the middle of the mojave where the only water you see is when it floods through the plains kaleb is there any uh i would
Starting point is 00:38:42 like to go look around the kitchens and possibly the office is there any distinctive clues and i'm also going to be looking in this like up in the ceilings to see if there's like any like if there was like tiles moved or anything like that go ahead and give me an intelligence plus investigation there allison yes sure boroughs doesn't know anybody with uh votes or anything like that nothing that i can roll on to try to put together something you can absolutely let's do for that um charisma plus let's see charisma plus uh politics i hate this face on alison yeah would you roll would you roll buddy oh okay um so i have two ones and one is uh from my hunger day so i have a bestial failure on top of another
Starting point is 00:39:46 is it a one is a g roll a one on the hunger die or it wasn't just a failure it it was a one i got two ones would you like to spend a willpower to save yourself from a bestial failure i think that would be for the best yeah so i am curious that's would save us here because a bestial failure in a room full of fours no i'm really curious to know what the bestial failure on an intelligence roll looks like yeah i think their answer was yes oh go for it alison yeah wait i thought oh i'm sorry yes failure was on your hunger dies yeah just one hunger die the other is a normal die right oh i see i see yeah no you have hunger too don't you i mean we're all hungry your hunger number is two yeah you can't reroll because you only have two in the
Starting point is 00:40:47 this is a bestial failure um sorry i'll give you an option i'll bring the counter back i'll give you an option here alison would you like to bestial failure now or later oh it's bargain biggest baby play your odds do it don't down no i'm doing it we're gonna save that okay let's save it for later i will use it at a thematically appropriate time as if you didn't have it oh thank god okay with that being said you do not seem to find anything in the rest of this donut shop that that gives you any indication you were never really the inquisitive type you're used to darken the bars where the music is so loud you can't really focus on anything other than the person
Starting point is 00:41:43 grinding in front of you um and so your deductive skills are a little lacking in this particular circumstance that any other actions within the crime scene before i go over to mal i think i'm just thinking about what the significance of the number 13 is aside from you know the obvious if there's like any kind of like symbolism or anything that that any of us might be aware of love that anyone who is participating in the thought of 13 can roll wits plus awareness or i'm sorry wits plus insight and that's because we see a number 13 because i don't think enoch has told us anything yes you all see this very clearly hugely and like a large font is 13 written in the person's blood so it's an intelligence plus what intelligence i'm sorry
Starting point is 00:42:40 wits plus insight wits plus insight i have two successes two success four success what is a so i'm rolling straight on my hunger i have two successes one is an onk but i also have a failure a one okay so you have two successes with one be still failure yeah but one of my one of my successes is an onk like if it was two onks we we'd have a uh uh what should we call it a yeah messy critical but since it's just one we're okay cool and since it's two successes it's the success we don't have to deal with the be still failure i just wore all one success okay uh the only one that discerns any immutable anyone who can draw from this is civil uh civil you look at the number and two things immediately pop in your mind uh just with everything that goes into
Starting point is 00:43:33 kindred society and things of this nature um and you believe that it could be one of two leads um and that is um the 13 clans or the 13 apostles okay okay what about what about what about what about what about what about the 13th generation could also be the 13th generation i'll say that that comes up in discussion hmm it's some kind of it's it's giving official sort of government like either way if it's 13th generation which is i believe the last generation before people start being afraid of thin bloods um or suspecting that people are thin bloods or 13 clans or 13 apostles
Starting point is 00:44:35 even way this is like kindred one on one okay everybody raise your hand if you're 12th generation let me check my character she's stand by um i'll raise my hand all right now raise your hand if you're 13th generation now well i think now from a very far somewhere now i think the message is that the 13th generation is impure at risk of becoming a thin blood or creating more thin bloods and someone's not okay with people in the 13th generation having domain to give some credence uh or or at least illumination to what enok is giving here it's a possibility as the 13th generation was highly considered to be the beginning of the cadiff line um and the
Starting point is 00:45:45 beginning of cadiffs and of thin bloods signaled the beginning of gehenna or the kindred apocalypse so if that is the line of thinking it does back itself up with facts did anybody ever tell me that when i was yes locked up you would absolutely have heard this spiel from hh who firmly believes that uh uh it's a possibility he is a big believer in gehenna and its possibility i know somebody who's uh gotta thumb up his butt about the 13th generation i can also see why they might be uh a little annoyed at me and my coterie i mean there's a lot of people very annoyed with this coterie fair i'm just saying i can make a call maybe see if i can get them to confess
Starting point is 00:46:39 it'd be what it's looking into may i have voiced uh something for everybody really quick is should we all just go take a nap i mean i'm not trying to dismiss but i think uh we all look like raggedy shit it is about 3 30 3 45 in the morning and dawn will be coming for you in about an hour and 25 shit one phone call does take a long time go ahead and if you want go ahead and reach ciao but uh maybe we can hold off any meetings until like tomorrow all right um yeah i mean i've been meaning to call double h anyway uh i guess i have my own cell phone and um i would hope that i have a way to contact double h absolutely you do yeah i'll uh i'll reach out to him okay uh you put in the call it rings for quite a while but that's the norm with double h um but eventually
Starting point is 00:47:45 on the other side uh a voice picks up and says burrows my dear it has been quite a while since you and i had a discussion isn't it double h how you feeling these days i'm feeling old but that's nothing you're not familiar with yeah we got that in common uh listen um got a little uh question for you got some friends that uh we both we all friends yeah we all run naked city together and uh well we we found something at this little donut shop uh kind of a rotund man hanging up on some ropes uh we wouldn't know anything about city we wouldn't know anything about that would you a rotund man hung up in naked city uh no i must say burrows my dear that sounds much more in your category than it does mind i know how you yourself enjoy being a rotund
Starting point is 00:48:47 man in naked city yeah well that's one of the things we need to update you on uh i've lost a little bit of weight good for you son lord knows you've needed it so you're telling me you ain't trying to send a message to me and my friends uh stringing somebody up burrows john let's speak plainly i've already sent you a message i sent you a gift i sent you my tidings and i've been watching over you and your people your friends as you describe them for some time now it is my understanding that you've made some friends in the city that exclude outside of that little gang of yours i was told by a friend of mine with many eyes many legs many hands that you've been sticking your hand in the cookie jar again john well you know i can't help it i love
Starting point is 00:49:50 myself a cookie um well look uh double h on that subject um i'm gonna need another samurai sword my boy you've already lost my gift to you it wasn't so much losing it i know where it is but i gotta retrieve it and in order to do that i'm gonna need a weapon to protect myself uh well if another weapon is what you need then another weapon is what you shall have you have insulted me to some point in assuming that i would act against you john but i have never once forsaken our relationship although this next blade it will come with a cost are you ready to hear the cost john burrows yeah i suppose so what is it i'd like that meeting john the meeting between me and my coterie or yes not just to discuss a certain ring i asked you for but for something else
Starting point is 00:50:52 for a door that should stay closed i think i know which door you're talking about if you're been following me around a uh you ever talked to a guy named kerr kerr no don't know that i know the name and i know many names as you've come to know me uh kerr yeah i know you do all right well fine i'll bring my coterie and uh that's when i can claim my new sword from you and uh sure i'll owe you a favor for this one it's important good john i want you to know there's no ill will between the two of us even though you walk on the surface and me i i'm still here waiting well honestly i appreciate that double h i mean look some things have changed in my life and i don't know if i'm in a position anymore that is advantageous for you but as long as you're good
Starting point is 00:51:55 to me then i promise i'll still be good to you it's all i know how to be john why don't you come home bring your friends you'll know what i'm coming and john why don't you make a little stop for me and and pick up some of my favorites i'll send you a list sure good good good good all right double h all right john burrows you stay safe i'll hang up with him and turn to the group and say uh he is a man of his word and he says he's got nothing to do with it so i guess that leads dead he does want us to meet though so at some point we're gonna have to all meet my friend double h friend this i'll make a new friend oh yeah he's he's certainly somebody worth having uh in your corner
Starting point is 00:52:59 oh darn i i mal question i don't think mouse with us malice you look around to find a disturbing lack of the shadows they they're probably here when you need them they're probably just hiding in the corner just say what you say what you gotta say i'm sure they're here mal if you're here we gotta talk smash cut to the inside well church uh around the same time that the rest of the group received a uh bloodied picture of a overweight uber driver who has met his final end you receive a message as well buzzing from the inside of your uh pocket their mal but uh the buzzing comes to an end and a chip-tuned very fried uh audio track begins to play through that continually glitches and breaks out from its cadence um as this almost eight-bit rendition of uh of you are my sunshine begins
Starting point is 00:54:13 to play uh through the phone itself um and it continues to break apart and then come back to fullness and then break apart again uh as this chip-tuned audio plays over and across the screen you can see uh it made the usual noise it does when it's struggling to fight against what you are but it is now taken on this blue screened effect that is almost like you've broke the digitizer on your phone and the display has gone out entirely and across it comes this sort of dead pixelated font uh that slides into view one letter at a time and then spells out a and then r and then i and then a fuck uh
Starting point is 00:55:17 mal um i think it's the last event or the end of last session i said that mal was going to leave the church at least for a little while and had taken down the tapestry of st catherine um so i've got that kind of slung over my shoulder i want to go down to the door okay um there is still this massive crashing against the other side that begins to uh grow even uh more fervently as it consents that you've stepped at least closer even as you come to the threshold of the stairs it's like a dog that has an understanding its master has returned um i think mal kind of stands there with their hand on the door knob for a minute so moving some of that wreckage away
Starting point is 00:56:17 that has barred the door you push against it so that your shoulder is still against the wood itself and your hands clasp that and i think about rachel and how i wanted him here when i open the door but how i'm not really sure if i can even come back now and i'm gonna use shadow cloak and then i'm gonna open the door okay so um you stick to the recesses of the wall um and use that shadowed hand to climb as the silhouette pushes itself around that door knob you have to unlock what is like six locks itself three of which were built into the church door itself um and the others were obviously put in at later dates to contain whatever was on the other side they're made of harsher metals than the
Starting point is 00:57:18 others and you slowly move each of those locks until they're into a neutral position and immediately as you pull yourself into the recesses and that door is unlocked it flies open are you on the other side of the door to be impacted with it or are you hiding into the recesses on the other side with a clear view into the room i'm hiding with a clear view into the room so i i swing it out and then step to the opposite side of where the door is there is this massive push of air as it collides with the stone wall of the stairway to its side the beautiful glass that portrayed over it has been impacted against and there is this huge shatter as it falls to the floor the door comes entirely off of its hinge breaks at the top point and then splinters down until the corner
Starting point is 00:58:13 of the inside has been impacted enough that the the door now has this diagonal edge down the center half it is broken splintered and completely off and the dresser that was used to impact the the window on the other side that was barred against it is pushed entirely down onto the stairs and shattered as though some large figure had fallen on to it and there is an impression about six feet of a form that must have collided with it it has fallen through the wood has splintered but into the room itself there is no one in the threshold of the door instead there is this inky black dark recess that moves into the room itself there is this stone lip that is maybe the small rectangle that exposes itself past the door and past that lip falls into what must be the
Starting point is 00:59:16 foundation of this church where a basement might have used to been but was removed by some stroke of luck and becomes clawed dirt rock and puddles of rainwater that is accumulated and then festered and becomes standing in the middle of this and you can see some of the posts that make up the stone foundation of this church but it only goes past to the first few posts maybe 15 feet into the room and then becomes complete and utter darkness is there an action is this darkness different from regular darkness or is this like oblivion darkness it is incredibly dark go ahead and make a roll with wits plus your oblivion score okay all right
Starting point is 01:00:11 oh sorry through successes okay you get the sense that there must be something more to this place but unlike the shadows on the second floor that begs you to protect them from this it feels different than what you are i'm gonna walk into it okay how far in are you moving into the room i'm gonna move just to the very edge of where i can see normally and then stop my full body and just reach a handout you move to the edge of your periphery vision to where the darkness shrouds the most and it is a bizarre feeling now as you step your feet onto the clawed dirt that forms
Starting point is 01:01:15 the foundation underneath you can feel your feet sinking into how wet the soil has become but moving past into what you assume would be the edge of your vision there is almost this sense of like you were keeping a lantern by your side as if you had a light source because the darkness moves almost entirely about you as you set in and now looking back behind you instinctually the entrance that you had just come through is shrouded in darkness and you can no longer see the steps you had just taken to bring yourself to where you are now um go ahead and make me a wits plus awareness roll all right where is my awareness okay
Starting point is 01:02:13 one two three three successes again okay um you spy um at the edge of your vision just the very edge um a pale set of feet that are half in the light that you shed off of your body here and they are violently shaking so much that they are almost clacking against each other and the the bones of those ankles are smashing as hard as they can against and you can hear the crack of bone as the body continues to shake but you can see nothing other than that foot and the sparrows of ankles um it is small um uh you would say feminine in form um and just at the edge of your vision does it look small you said like the person would be shorter than me probably uh remind me again of what mal's uh height is like five four to five six ish the person might be
Starting point is 01:03:24 around your height okay um then mal i don't think they're gonna take any steps closer but they're going to address the feet i guess okay you can come out i mean i'd rather you didn't leave right off just so i can know who's been in my basement this whole time or i guess you can know who's been in your attic this whole time there is a sudden stop to the body as the feet fall still but out of joint dislocated from the leg devoid of connection to the rest of the body and the room becomes so eerily quiet that you're aware of the movement of wind through it and that feeling of the breath of this room against you running up your neck across your body it's the only thing that fills it and you're acutely aware of the door behind you shutting
Starting point is 01:04:50 the broken door that you would come through first i think mal has a flickering of the human instinct of something shut the door and it wasn't me but it passes quickly as they're enveloped in the darkness that they've always been comfortable in and i'm gonna step all the way into the darkness and try to get closer slowly as non-threateningly as a kindred can you step forward and the light begins to illuminate more of this woman's form she is incredibly pale she is longer than you first expected but spindly and as you continue to move you expect the legs to come to some form of an end but they do not um not for a long time and then you can see the arms begin as well these long spindly fingers that
Starting point is 01:06:04 come out to needleed edges that extend out as if someone had been pulled through um some elaborate stretching processes though they'd never stopped growing and the paleness is only broken up by the caked in dirt and clawed soil that has been almost stained onto her skin from however many years she has been trapped down here but as you grow closer you can find that there are these black dots that trace from the center of her chest in this long circular form that is almost like a tattoo and then breaks up into smaller dots that climb up her long long neck up to her face where you can see her jaw has completely dislocated from the mandible and come out so low that it sits down to the center at the base of that circle and she is brought into this
Starting point is 01:07:02 permanent scream where she has been stretched past the skin you can see the eye sockets itself sit in these bags where the eyelids used to be and the exposure of her musculature her skin everything underneath is is exposed in the plastic bag of skin that is brought up her face now and as you enter in closer she begins to writhe again shake and seizure underneath you as she breaks into this terrible scream this unearthly breath as she begins to shake break and her chest comes forward and from out of her throat climbs something these hands that break past and pull her mouth across and you can see is this silvery being whatever it might be massive in form begins to climb and escape out from her face do you have any action in the meantime
Starting point is 01:08:01 okay i want to make sure i understand there is a woman who is long and skinny and she looks like she's been stretched and now something is coming out of her mouth yeah cool you got it that's the spark notes incredible um i would like to man i think mal's first instinct is to try and stuff it back in her mouth oh okay um by way of what what action is being taken here you stomping the hands back into her throat i think i just want to like if the hands are on either side of her lips i want to try and just like fold them back in okay um go ahead and make uh i'm gonna call this gonna call this a brawl plus strength can i use any of lethal or lethal body or prowess
Starting point is 01:09:16 because that gives me extra strength it depends do you want to preserve the body it's trying to escape i think yes then no i would not suggest doing that great good to know uh strength and brawl yes yes all right two successes two successes okay let me look something up very quickly oh no oh no it's like a physical exorcism go back just get back in there come on that that that's not where i thought you were going with
Starting point is 01:10:23 this and i'm we push it back in them like let me push it back where it came from or so help me one thing that happens in this campaign is if you open a door you can absolutely close it back and there won't be no consequences yeah no that's that's number one rule that was the first thing we established yeah if this doesn't work i think what is it in dnd you can disengage there you go it's an action of reaction i remember no one else is more of a roke that's true bonus action disengage sorry guys give me one second i just want to make sure oh no we're delaying no we're just delaying i'm very afraid of what the fuck you're looking up so we're writing new mechanics so don't even worry i'll i'll cross i'll cross mechanics this
Starting point is 01:11:23 okay i said i've been wanting eldritch glass this whole time yeah that's a clear discipline from straight from the bite okay oh boy i know what i'm doing now i'm glad one of us does okay um oh no this shit's gonna possess you or something yeah make a resolve plus um um yeah uh resolve just resolve just roll resolve just only resolve yeah yeah that's fair cool thanks to the for the reminder that i'm about to convince possess search oh three successes okay that's better than i was expecting um you feel something pass through you uh immediately as it breaks past your hands as you desperately desperately try to tamp through this thing and you can see the hands have now pushed through the base of your palm uh and through to the other side and then into your
Starting point is 01:12:28 face um as whatever this is is sort of clawing around in the insides of you as you can feel this terrible tug at the bones the muscle the ligament and then what must be your decaying brain back there in that cavity as things have become far too big on the inside of you as you are fighting whatever this is and for a moment mal you no longer feel you exist and there is just this inky blackness we're going to go to the others oh shit wow um believe you the others uh we made our call to hh are we all going to sleep then what's the plan here yes food might be nice okay am i do we want to do food tonight it'd be a little i we have if it's possible that would be great because i know a lot of us
Starting point is 01:13:36 is like nod towards enox and his like motion messed up john arm that we still got we still got that champagne in the cellar uh actual champagne or the bodies oh no we have uh we have like fresh bodies that was the gift from uh grandpa they're very tasty very enough to feed at least two of us okay that's good uh i'm covered i think uh simple just looks at niles i'm fine okay yeah i plan to have dinner with my family tomorrow not anyway it's all good okay i think we go for what we know and we just meet up tomorrow okay could someone go and make sure update mal or whatever yeah i could go do that no one else wants to oh i was going to say text
Starting point is 01:14:48 them but yeah okay good okay so it sounds like the couple is going off to king or excuse me to club canan to feed uh niles you're going back who knows we'll pick up a bad and then burrows is going to check on mal civil are you going off to canan as well is there a thought here are you going back home i think she's going back home okay yeah no one needs no one needs a ride or anything anywhere my bike no um i was uh really quickly i instead of club canan i would like to i actually still go to bugsy really quick so if that means okay do we have time now i just want to specify i think and i may be against this so if i am let me know but i think the intention was to have the whole group go to bugsy eventually my fault yes yes that's okay so that will happen allison
Starting point is 01:15:56 i'm sorry to make you wait but it sounds like everyone wants to be a part of that and one of you just got possessed by a ghost and the rest you need to eat what do you mean allison's allison's talking with uh her girlfriends right now so fine we'll just do it tomorrow okay so i want to start uh at club canan uh with the couple then the two of you arrive back in naked city uh you're back in your place um ironically some of the furniture has arrived in uh crates and boxes um for all of you uh from the prince itself that's one day delivery which is pretty damn good for a prince um but this place is still looking sparse uh and and not quite put together as much as you'd like to and it's still security fenced into the place
Starting point is 01:16:52 is the plan just to eat what's going on here well we don't have a lot a lot of time um um sorry uh i was just gonna say that yeah probably you all will tap into the emmerich's gift as as much as we need to go ahead allison sorry no no no that was it uh the only thing i was gonna do was i'm going to text uh someone from my herd um to be like we might need to meet up uh we we might need to meet up tomorrow or very soon okay i'm reaching out to do yeah who who you got who's it going out to it's going to uh the gentleman who owns uh that fun little business that is very explosive understood you get a text back from him um and it says plainly uh i thought that you might be seeing me soon
Starting point is 01:18:01 after what i saw congratulations by the way we can absolutely set up a meeting kiss emojis okay uh so the two of you go down to feed on those sleeping individuals let me ask you are you draining them of all blood or is it enough to take your fill i think there's two bodies right there's two yes drinking from them enough to keep them alive would slake one hunger uh and of course to drink them your fill would take you down to zero but would cost you some of your humanity possibly i'm i'm only gonna just to slake off one hunger just to keep ideally i like to keep one alive i'm sorry so if we if we take them down and keep them alive
Starting point is 01:19:00 we can only knock off one hunger or we go to one hunger you slake one hunger okay so you would still have you you'd have negative one hunger i see i think given the okay i think given what's going on inox inclination is going to be the chow down unless allison prevents him tries to prevent him from doing that of the two bodies it was one male one female correct yes which one was larger um of the two probably the male specimen okay finish him off but we're gonna keep her yes dear
Starting point is 01:19:51 good so you both feed uh what's your hunger at again inox minus four i'm trying to get it down as much as possible even if he dies do me a favor make a um um make a frenzy test and that's going to be your willpower plus a third of your humanity let's see uh my maximum willpower max will okay okay five dice three successes three successes is enough to keep yourself in the right
Starting point is 01:20:42 mind you do not kill this individual um i'm sorry i'm trying did you intend to my intention is to get my hunger down as low as possible even if he does got it um well in that case then you drain him to zero and you can remove one humanity from your existence given the situation i think that's a fair trade yeah you have killed one of your subjects and consumed emmerich's little gift to you and let's hope that it goes very far let me ask the couple very quickly do you guys keep any form of um electronics in the the club at all tv a radio anything of that until i get a much better security system i had like some rings or just like very simple like entrance subbasement where the uh the weak spot is because you can
Starting point is 01:21:40 get to the tunnels and the exits yeah i think if you're just asking about like uh like a like a screen or a speaker then i'm assuming that there's gotta be like it's a club um yeah you um allison go ahead and roll out wits plus awareness actually enock roll wits plus awareness allison i'd like you to roll um um let's call this um let's call this uh let's go off of your advantage you have status correct yes i do i want you to roll your pool
Starting point is 01:22:33 in status right now and enock i want a wits and awareness let me hear enox first zero successes okay uh okay i got i have two tens so that's four and another success so five successes okay five successes um you get uh some um some google alerts on your name um as i'm sure alison has set up some uh provisions to make sure that every time she's mentioned in an article or anything it comes up you've also got quite a few texts of people congratulating you um just over and over and over again uh so many people uh that like your inbox is probably reading up to like 30 new messages why is your phone blowing up i'm going to look into that very cool what do i
Starting point is 01:23:33 see yeah i mean you're hearing from old people you used to screw around around with in clubs you you know you get messages from someone named cocaine mike who you knew years ago who's congratulating you um even i thought he was dead yeah just everyone going through all of this uh congratulating you uh uniquely now all of these of course are people who knew you um post what has happened to you of course but um you look to your google alerts uh and it reads something for the arcade hotel and casino okay i'm gonna look can i look into upon selecting the arcade uh hotel and casino update brings you to this uh twitter announcement and then an accumulated article that has already gone out uh in these sort of uh uh huge alerts and people talking
Starting point is 01:24:37 about it in the comments um but it reads um uniquely that um it's basically a post of congratulations that the following individuals have won the international arcade hotel and casino jackpot for the day uh allison mckenzie rockwell and dr eric price stand to win 25 million dollars for their participant uh participation in the jackpot uh and have been uh recognized by the arcane hotel and casino as very special guests uh and should appear uh presently to accept their winnings what we're millionaires and i'm gonna flip the phone over so you can see it that's not what allewish is and i discussed okay uh something's something's wrong how about this we i'm gonna notice the time it's getting
Starting point is 01:25:59 very close can i trust that if we go to sleep you will be here when i wake up allison at that moment there is a crash upstairs fuck it sounds vaguely like uh wall breaking down that level of shake in the building as you can feel the foundation take a hit um and there is a revving of a car engine um i'm going to go down the uh we're going i'm going to the tunnels okay i'm heading straight down can i i'm sorry can i um i i don't know how much good this is going to get me but can i attempt to invoke a premonition to get a sense of what is going on yes yes you can inok as we have done so many times before let's see what what's in the cards okay so rouse check first yes um i fail and my hunger rises to one that's good you just ate
Starting point is 01:27:07 yep and then uh let's see um eight dice for the pool okay geez one success out of eight dice would you like to use a willpower to re-roll any of that yes um you can roll up to three i have three superficial willpower damage so i don't know if i can you should be able to um you could take aggravated how much maximum willpower do you have i have three maximum willpower and three superficial willpower so one more willpower expenditure would just choose a turn one of them into aggravated willpower damage and how okay uh what's the mechanics for getting that back um the mechanics are similar to returning aggravated damage so you would be able to return one at the end of a session uh i will i will do that okay and then
Starting point is 01:28:00 i get to re-roll three dice yep now remember if you take three aggravated willpower damage you become what's called impaired and you will have no control over your body you'll see you'll effectively shut down good to know three successes to rise me the four three successes to four is a much better outcome um you are shocked into a moment across the cob web as you can imagine this almost coke-fueled imagery of yourself running across webs like a spider itself you're in enock with eight legs you're running along the great web of spiders that malcalfe gave birth to so long ago you've been here since then since the future since now and you can see all possibilities that weave across this malcavian web for a moment you can see uh emmerich running alongside you and
Starting point is 01:28:58 then allison who makes for the most beautiful spider you've ever behold and then eventually you pierce through until your mind is smacked into this new position and you are in the body of some piece of shit bouncer in bad cologne your head is shorn maybe for the first time in your life and you have a dirt stash that is not fully grown in and you vaguely remember that you hate your mother for some reason but moving past all of those thoughts past whoever you are now you're standing in front of the most immaculate beautiful man with these golden eyes this well-trimmed beard this furred coat and he's standing aside this desk in a familiar club enock you would recognize it as the echelon where elysium is held and around these neon crosses and the beautiful darkened bar
Starting point is 01:29:59 are so many kindred that you have never truly seen so many in one room before in fact the club is packed to the gills and as he's standing aside this desk that is set up by the private viewing area and that cross shaped hallway you haven't seen since long long time ago when you came back to vegas he is delivering a speech to all of them and while you cannot feel the words itself you can feel the vitae in this cheap cologne body bubble and rise across every part of you and there is a singular thought that pervades everything blood hunt blood hunt blood hunt blood hunt and there is the break of this premonition as it returns to you and there is a hail of gunfire upstairs as allison is beginning to run for the tunnels
Starting point is 01:30:59 fuck allison and i are separated is that what you i believe allison went ahead from you while you were premonitioning i see as a very slight head start i am following her as soon as i should went i went as soon as i heard some noise i was gone yeah i'm following her to the tunnel well encouraging her to go as fast as she can because i get the sense that something has gone wrong yes and i don't know if this is possible i don't know if this would work but as the premonition is playing out
Starting point is 01:31:45 so is there any way that i can use my malcavian spider sense to in some way communicate with emrick as i see that he's there i know that we can all kind of hear each other we all have malcave whispering in our ear we're all we're all a part of that whisper i'm wondering if there's even if it's like a nonverbal type of exchange i'm wondering if there's any way that i can i've got to stop like describing cool shit to you guys because then you try and use the cool shit and i'm like oh man um go ahead um what are your disciplines again remind me my disciplines are
Starting point is 01:32:41 ospex uh ospex obfuscate and fortitude okay you're gonna use your ospex pool and um that's it just your ospex pool four dice three successes three six i'm sorry four successes three three okay yeah you send out that message into the world what do you want emrick to hear in specific i get the sense that emrick um is also gonna be on the other side of this coin before long enough and i would like to try to convey a sense of loyalty to him okay and that i am
Starting point is 01:33:35 willing to follow his instructions love that okay you put that out into the world and you hope against hope that that gets out to them but i will tell you that in the the process of this premonition and the process of this this movement this concentrating and trying to liquify your insanity and use it as fuel um the lighting of the gasoline takes time and you can already see that there is this burly burly individual that is broken down into the floor that you're on breaking through and you can see this massive pumped shotgun in his hands um and he looks primed to to to take you down he has this flat topped haircut he looks like he's fresh out of jr otc and some form of military um and he is so fucking gung-ho the second that he
Starting point is 01:34:29 sets eyes on you he's screams back up and says the fuckers are down here they're making a way out and immediately you can hear shuffling from upstairs um and he is priming that gun against you i need you to make either an option to dodge an option to run or an option to fight back a dodge a dodge roll eats up my action for the next round yeah um okay um i would like to buy allison time to make sure that she can get safely away that's my first priority okay um i don't have an intention of staying and fighting but i at least want to slow this one guy down uh i don't mind if i catch a shot uh if i if i can if there's anything i can throw at him i'll do that but i'm just trying to buy allison a second before i make a run for it myself okay give me a strength
Starting point is 01:35:28 plus um we'll just use um we'll use melee strength plus melee as i'm assuming you're probably grabbing like the the uh surgical uh gurney that the old body used to be on and flipping that as best you can can i rouse the blood to increase my strength of course you can so you're you're trying desperately to raise that up you get one additional uh die in your pool i don't succeed on my hunger check i gained one point okay hunger two got it but that puts me out of the pool of three instead of two pool of three instead of two okay and i roll two successes two successes all right he's gonna take his shotting um the shot goes wild and into the mattress of the gurney as it flips up and catches this big spin in the air um and he is not dodging he was firing so he will take the gurney for two
Starting point is 01:36:26 superficial damage but as it connects with this man's chest you can see this uh meddled gurney break around him um and bend against just how powerful this individual is as he breaks up this shotgun and uses a lot of it for uh deflecting the force you definitely hit him you definitely slowed him you are not shot uh but it's clear that he's uh ready for the next step allison i need you in athletics plus dexterity unless you are trying to be stealthy in these tunnels i will tell you both that the entrance into these tunnels were not closed behind you because of the panic of this situation makes sense that is true i would also like to go ahead and um uh as a silence uh kind of already like as soon as i start running i'm just gonna go ahead and just go into that okay
Starting point is 01:37:19 silence of death is activated yes and also uh let me just do a rouse check really fast past uh i'm gonna go right into also unseen passage so basically it's gonna make it harder for as long as i'm hidden like and no one saw it's harder for me to be seen and yeah and what athletics and what you said athletics and dexterity thank you okay okay i got two tents so there we go but here's the thing one of the tents is my hunger die so what is that so is that like four i believe it's a messy critical let me look it up real quick i'm never gonna learn this and we're always gonna have to you and me both is a win where one or more of your tens is in your hunger dice so yes that is a messy critical
Starting point is 01:38:20 allison um i'm going to say that your compulsion here is that a yes survival um your messy critical is um for the duration of this blood hunt for as long as you have to the only thing you intend to do is survive regardless of what that means um you will put anyone anything in any obstacle in your way to ensure that you come out of this alive okay okay i am going to go away from the couple for a moment we're gonna pick back up with um burrows burrows you were heading to the church is that still on on the docket still in the docket okay uh you would arrive in the parking lot st catharines um with an understanding that now was here last um what's the move here yeah i mean i think i'm just trying to come in you know i didn't leave this place last time in very good
Starting point is 01:39:22 terms so i'm probably being a little respectful knocking making my presence known trying to find mal i tell you what there is no answer to any of your knocks i'm not immediately at least um i know of the door and i'm going to suspect that after looking at all the other places that they could be there so i'm gonna kind of slowly crawl down there mali in here we got to talk before we sleep moving through the the main room back down to that threshold to to the staircase that leads in you notice that the main room has been hit by like a maelstrom a tornado of force the pews that were already broken discarded and pushed out of the way that mal had been working to clear have now been turned to shreds to portions there are broken windows everywhere the altar is haphazard
Starting point is 01:40:20 some of the balcony has fallen in and you can see that some of the second floor is now inaccessible from whatever happened here and standing at the foot of those stairs you can see that the door is open it's off its hinges it's broken and cut and diagonal the uh wreckage that was in the way of both sides is cast off can i find something sharp whether it be a broken uh pew leg or uh even if i could find like a crucifix that has a sharp end on it or something yeah uh give me a wits plus survival stand by survival wits oof okay here we go uh that's one success okay uh yeah you find like a a broken chair like okay you think could manage to scrape something a good club or something yeah i i think i'll just kind of slowly start walking down there like uh this stupid kid
Starting point is 01:41:15 open the door without everybody the the wreckage is insane and by the time you get down to the foot of the stairs and through the threshold you see that there is this big foundation that extends out to the fullness of the church and even has this little windowed at the very edge of the room itself which is maybe uh 80 90 feet towards the the farthest point and you can see out onto the street where you can see the security fencing that pulls in the room but you can see the full breath of the room all the posts to the foundation um it's uh well lit enough from the light that's beaming in through the windows outside that you can at least make out the shadows of this place it's very dark but you mean the downstairs basement or the door is okay okay yeah yeah i'll proceed
Starting point is 01:42:04 just keeping an eye out in the center of that basement visible from your place at the threshold of the door are two bodies in the center one of which is clothed in his mouth and looks to be in some state of sleep or or something appears to be knocked out on the floor and immediately opposite her uh is this very beautiful woman um naked pale uh skinnier skinnier than she probably should be uh than is healthy at least um but um high in cheekbones beautiful it looks like whenever she was put down here it was with a full face of makeup this raven hair that comes about her her shoulders um and has this peculiar tattoo of a of a big black circle on the center and then dots that rise up and collect almost like a collage that runs across her neck damn mal didn't really
Starting point is 01:43:03 like to get freaky uh i'll just kind of rush over to mal i think i'll prioritize them and just kind of i don't know yeah like probably since i didn't know there's not going to be a a beat or anything like that i'm just like picking them up trying to smack them a little on the face see if they come to okay yeah you um mal if you could make a uh stamina plus resolve stamina and resolve okay what the fuck dude i don't know what's happening right now and what is going on one two three wow one two three four five successes five successes uh mal shocks back into whatever unlife you can call this um and mal the seconds between what had just happened to you with whatever crawled out of that thing and this moment in borough's arms are right next to each
Starting point is 01:44:07 other this happened within the span of a second for you i immediately start looking at my hands and like feeling my face and trying to like feel where the silvery thing went do i anything feel different there's enough freaky shit going on in this town i don't need something happening to you well what the hell's happening uh do i see the lady yeah well she's hot now why is she hot now she was like stretch the fuck out and this weird thing came out of her mouth and then it came and it went at me and and then you were you how did you get here i i i came here to talk to you we made some decisions i just wanted to share some information with you looks like you got an open the door without us i i wasn't gonna stay here anymore why i was gonna leave not vagus
Starting point is 01:45:05 just the church why ah fuck uh my my my my sire's in town i guess i i don't know someone came and and he's here and i didn't know he was here and i i don't i don't want to see him and if he knows i'm here then he's closer than i thought and and and the aria hotel i have to go to the aria hotel because she might have he might have hold on hold on was this person here did they come for you and i'm pointing at the snaking woman she's breathing she's breathing yes she she was she was just down here she was just down here and she was in the door yeah she was behind the door and it was darker it was way darker here it was way darker here why can you see i couldn't see
Starting point is 01:45:54 fucking anything why can you see i don't know some i mean you open a door with something that's banging behind it and maybe it clears the air a little bit i don't know no no no no it wasn't like it wasn't like this before what the fuck well maybe we should go and we can work this out what what do we what do we do with her shit i don't know what i don't think she'd appreciate being put in my trunk so maybe we just take him with us uh yeah yeah yeah yeah uh i don't have any fucking extra clothes shit uh i'll just i'll take the tapestry of st. Catherine and try to like drape it over her in like a toga situation as we kind of prop her up okay yeah i think we'll we'll work together to get them out from there and if they're unconscious
Starting point is 01:46:57 i'll carry them and we'll we'll get into my car and listen we don't have much time until new or till dawn i'd like to ride the lightning as much as anybody but we need to find a place to hide out that's fine um we could always go to the belvedere or one of those places if you're okay with that yeah i mean i guess we could still technically stay here but i don't i don't want to stay here if he knows where we are uh yeah let's go to the belvedere all right you can meet else cool yeah wait no no we can't go to the belvedere if we're going to see we can't see elis i can't see elis all right well i just told cisco that i wasn't changing sides and okay sure sure sure well just name a place then fine i i know hotels around town if you don't have any ideas
Starting point is 01:47:48 i don't i don't know let's let's just go to a hotel let's just go to a hotel i guess whatever yeah there's a place i haven't been to in a couple weeks and i'll start heading over to one okay thanks for things are going to get me i'm just glad you're not dead i see you on the ground this woman i don't know what the hell's going on i mean that's not the first time i've been on the ground with a woman but not in that boring of a situation you dirty dog with that we are going to take a short little 10 minute 15 minute break uh and then we'll be back folks with more of vampire and i know we're gonna get a lot of these people who have not seen a lot of the fray so far to get their tragedies out so we'll see you guys in about 15
Starting point is 01:48:34 we'll be right back it's been an honor to watch do you do you you you you
Starting point is 02:01:34 you I mean that's what over hey everybody a lot of things been happening I know just we're gonna steal the ship right we got things it's gonna be fine the new gen what if they ever let you down oh we always win and we're gonna continue to win um Allison you are currently running through the tunnels that extend out into the sewer system beneath naked city and out through all of greater Las Vegas the place of the mole people what is the plan my question uh how far away from the strip am I from naked city um I mean it's not I'm talking like a full sprint to are you talking like the strip proper
Starting point is 02:03:07 like by Caesars because you're you're not too far you're out by like the strat the strat uh technically everything in the backyard of the strat is naked city so not too far walking distance maybe an hour uh I'm talking full sprint because I do know that the strip cannot have like obvious vampire that's like off limits it's a good plan so I'm gonna kind of go in the no zone and I'm going to just head over to the strip and uh that's my first objective is just to get to the strip because I feel like that I could be safer I think it's an exceptional decision I'm really proud of you thank you now down in the tunnels is your expectation to do this with great speed or with great stealth or great responsibility or a great response correct me if
Starting point is 02:04:01 I'm around but with silence of death you could have it both ways you could have it both ways you're still very much seen but um you could have it both ways yeah definitely will help I will definitely if I'm gonna hate to say it's survival mode so it is speed but I did activate sounds that's the least sound and unseen passage so I don't know where you would like to go on that but I can drop that if that breaks mechanics I don't know if you can have both up let's have one or the other are you invisible or you are unsounded I'm I'm I rather just say unsounded because it's already dark don't I mean got it I feel yeah give me athletics plus dexterity yeah I can't talk myself out of those
Starting point is 02:05:02 okay uh I got two successes two successes very good you're making your first foray into these sewers dousing yourself and shit and grime and hoping that it's enough to keep you away from from the rest of the world I will tell you that as you start moving past some of these intersections while you are unsounded there is something in this sewer system that is making moves um there is a peculiar sound to your right that sounds familiar to you as you saw them the last time you were a detective the smattering of flesh not unlike a mass of of skin scraping against the walls of the sewer is making some movements far to your right and then to your left even further than that original sound is the pattering of of jackbooted individuals some
Starting point is 02:06:10 sort of clatter of feet against the water that is beginning to echo in huge amounts of volume throughout the sewers okay here it it's it's that campaign it's that mission we decided to ignore yeah okay and they're both kind of are they both intervening closer to me um no I would say that you're probably in the middle distance between both the the go ahead and make a wits plus awareness I'll tell you what you think you or I'm sorry wits plus insight I'll tell you what you think you can discern from these noises that's a yes I like that I can do with it okay I have three successes okay three successes your best guess is that those hurried footsteps are one of forces mobilizing in response to a call but that they do not have
Starting point is 02:07:12 proper direction yet they don't know where they're going but they're searching as for the thing off to the right well you've had some experience with that thing it's a beast little too yes you in that situation okay I have an idea but to do this I kind of need to know general direction which areas the strip is it where the beastie thing is or where the stompy feet is it's closer to the stompy feet my friend okay how much water is up how high is the water um I'm going to say you're in gray water up to your knees okay okay so I can't you can run conceivably and there are there are lines along the sides the the stone sort of edging to things that you think you could probably agile use some agile movements to use to run so I'm going to go because I want to go the closest
Starting point is 02:08:16 to the strip and I feel like that's the feet they're coming this way I'm going to go ahead and stop activate the unseen because I'm going to be still and I'm going to get and I'm going to take some like a pipe or a rock okay and I'm going to go ahead and make distraction noises down that where the creepy crawly thing is okay I love that go ahead and make um stealth plus manipulation oh thank god something I do yes okay okay okay five successes because five successes is exceptional you wait pass through this tunnel you pick up as
Starting point is 02:09:12 much debris as you can and you cast it in the direction of that beast and you hug the wall as best you can waiting to see what happens and eventually a team of eight individuals all knows farot to strapped to the gills with weapons some of them clubs knives two individuals with these old wet rifles begin to run in the direction of your distraction I think I heard her over here I think they're this way come on and then they start to move immediately through the tunnels in the direction of your distraction I'm going to go back up to Aaron uh Aaron you're on that first floor that individual just absolutely bodied the gurney you put in his way but it is your action now as he is coming forward into the battle here it seems as though there are three
Starting point is 02:10:08 individuals coming down the stairs as well one of them you would guess is a gang girl as they have already transformed and their arms have turned into these long elongated wolves clawed uh hands that have broken out into these massive massive blades at the end um here's what I would like to do sure I'm gonna take out my phone yeah I'm gonna punch in 911 okay hit call throw the phone on the floor silence of death run after allison okay okay and I'm assuming you're you're throwing the phone away from them right yeah I'm just trying to throw it out into the room so the sounds of gunfire and the chaos I'm trying to I'm trying to elicit some kind of emergency response to cool cool things down make me a dexterity plus
Starting point is 02:10:59 athletics to escape this situation as you're running after allison dexterity plus athletics these aren't my these aren't my good stats um okay I know that burning through hunger like crazy but can I arouse my dexterity again oh yes you may success don't get hungrier thank god so your blood surged your dexterity gets an extra die to the three three successes okay one of which is a crit on a not on a hunger die not on a hunger die okay you are running for the entrance into the tunnels that you all uh created in the bowels of canin um and that uh wolf edged individual runs with the speed that you have seldom ever seen from other kindred even your friends as there is this blur as he almost disappears from existence and
Starting point is 02:12:07 then arrives on top of you and swipes against your back um you're going to take four superficial damage uh as he glides into your back with these horrible wretched knives that extend in and you can feel them great against some of the vertebrae in your spine as it tears through your suit four superficial damage yes you can use one willpower to mitigate all of that if you like if I don't I will die because I have four superficial damage already and I that would means I would be taking four aggravated damage which would kill me so I will do that your full cap is four aggravated damage your one aggravated damage away from dying so I have yes so I have uh I have three aggravated of my pool I have three aggravated and four superficial god bless
Starting point is 02:13:03 America yes okay so now that brings your tally to you are one aggravated damage away from dying you are one aggravated willpower damage away from being here or excuse me not dying being sent into torque so I have okay so if I if I expend the willpower that just knocks off one point from the incoming damage yeah okay I will have to do that and I have yes I'm one aggravated point away from being in torque okay okay so you take no superficial damage but trade it for one superficial willpower um you are running into the tunnels you managed to get away from this individual as he's so prioritized on stabbing you rather than uh catching up to you and you managed to use that to get away at least for this portion give me an athletics plus dexterity to see
Starting point is 02:13:57 unless you're using stealth to get away from these individuals and to catch up with Allison so if I'm using stealth I am using silence of death does that mean that I can also use my um obfuscate pool let me roll to see whether you're still within the vision of the individual who just stabbed you if he can still see you I'm going to say no because obviously silence of death wouldn't help you there but if he can see you or I'm sorry if he can't see you then absolute fortunately for you he does not um in the the flurry of blows he is so concentrated on killing you that he can't catch up enough to keep you in peripheral once you run yourself down in the
Starting point is 02:14:48 end of these tunnels you know them far better than he does and you managed to slip his gaze allow you to make the stealth check with the help of your obfuscate one success one success let's hope that that is enough um we'll say that regardless of whether it's enough to keep them off from you eventually Allison you hear footsteps I mean I'm sorry you don't feel I hear footsteps but you feel that integral pull at your heart as you know there's always this instinctual sense between the two of you for as long as you've been doing this you can feel him and as soon as you do you can see him too turning around Enoch has caught up to you and of course we can't speak to each other because we have silence of death
Starting point is 02:15:41 but I'm just gonna grab her I'm just gonna well I'm not gonna grab her but I'm the pusher on the back and I'm just gonna get us moving as quickly as possible and I would like to point out if I see anything that looks like a gas main I would like to know about that go ahead make a wits plus awareness uh both of you can to see if you can identify a gas main as Enoch points this out or starts to look two successes two successes from Enoch uh three successes okay with the combined successes I'll say you guys can absolutely identify a gas main I don't know how much it would slow me down but if it is possible I am going to try to rip that line open as we're running past I'll tell you this it's a gamble you don't know whether the
Starting point is 02:16:30 stealth check was successful or not whether they're on your heels or not but if you'd like to take the chance that they don't know where you are and they're about to run into this then absolutely I I believe that it's better right now to keep running okay all right you keep moving we're gonna pick back up with uh Sibyl Sibyl you are at your home at your apartment you are winding down for the night as your friends probably should be doing the same but unfortunately for some of them the dawn that is about to come and maybe an hour is a lot more pressing than it is for you what is the process here is there anything you'd like to accomplish for this night or are you waiting for tomorrow to happen I think I'm waiting for tomorrow to accomplish
Starting point is 02:17:21 most things I do want to have two blood bags so I can lower my hunger down to two um but I think that's really all that she's trying to accomplish I mean it might be a little bit of like scrolling Instagram but even like she's too busy to post anything right now it's just just trying to relax okay understood we're we're gonna leave you for tomorrow then we're gonna go to Niles Niles is there anything you'd like to accomplish for this night before uh maybe let's go to sleep here I do need to find a place to bunker down uh I feel like my best chance uh I don't I don't know where he would be where I would want to go but I don't know if he would be at his apartment I assume he's still at the Belvedere so I think I'm gonna go there okay uh so you make your way to Fremont
Starting point is 02:18:16 street to meet back up at the Belvedere um your intuition is correct I mean moving through the first floor it's clear that everything is closing out for the night um and while it is 24 seven place this is not exactly a 24 seven crowd there's only a few barflies left but the bouncers have not left still so many people in guard of this place and they escort you up to the second floor we're out on the steps of Belvedere's Elysium you do find Alice in conversation with a very very hurt hue who is housed up on one of the long couches out there they look to be having a very intimate exchange um so much that uh Alice has pulled up the chair that the sort of wing-backed cherry was in before to where hue is seated and his petting hue's face and sort of pushing back
Starting point is 02:19:10 the long shoulder length hair that hue keeps um and they seem to be in whispered conversation until uh they might notice you're in the room yeah I try to not announce like I'm trying to be like as respectful as I can to not like listen in but also like just stand there I think that it only takes a moment that I think Alice and hue both have this sense that they're they're not alone up there um and those preternatural senses cause Alice to look over at you um sort of laugh to himself and size you up and he pats hue on the chest stands up moves over to you um says uh well you you you know what I mean all this has been held between you and I but it's starting to look like it might even start working out so far huh I think so now that at least boroughs and
Starting point is 02:20:07 civil is on board yeah yeah they're they're good people you you keep around there I like that boroughs individual I've been a fan of his for longer than I can't admit um look I know that you probably have some mixed givens about the way that you've been treated by us but I want you to know that most of that was done in an effort to let you know the space that you were occupying is um it's tended to it's curated I get that or get that now okay um hue cares and he sort of steps you away for a moment just to make sure uh even kind of glancing his his eyes back at you um and taking you by the shoulder and moving you back through to the balcony overlooking Fremont where you can see this beautiful led uh a tunnel that
Starting point is 02:21:08 runs through to all of these drunk revelers um but he takes you by the shoulder and he takes you over there and hue cares um a lot about you more than I thought um I was capable for someone who disappointed him as much as you do um and I hope you don't take that as an insult more as a like a statement of facts of your previous uh um well your report card you know yeah you kind of shit the bed quite a bit there for new blood even for new blood so I'm trying to do what's best in my ability to uh see you in the light that he does because he has this um this remarkable view of the world that is kind and for me kindness died about a hundred years back and sometimes you go looking for things that have been dead hoping that you can bring them back and this is all just to say Niles that um
Starting point is 02:22:18 you you got protection with us I'm gonna take care of you we're gonna take care of you whatever you need um but that don't come without its responsibilities in fact I got something I'm meaning to ask you sure what Niles uh you mentioned that you got this responsibility now with a deal you made for Hugh's life yeah Cisco told me to work with them and I don't know what that means for what a sheriff does yeah well sheriff goes hunting the prince's enemies you know the sheriff is a lawmaker the same as any sheriff is but just like real law enforcement their pat sees to whoever pays their check um and that's what you'll be you'll be a wolf um in in Cisco's little army for as long as they may decide that happens but um if the sheriff is looking for the prince's enemies they're gonna find
Starting point is 02:23:29 a lot of people a lot of people I care about for instance and and a sheriff is uh a type that controls a lot of power in this place don't you agree yeah especially for what I've seen Cisco is capable of yeah no let me ask you um Niles if you're not a part of the machine but you feed it blood are you guilty if you know what the machine does then yeah I agree I'm gonna ask you to do a hard thing
Starting point is 02:24:25 do you think you could accept that I can try Niles I want you to get in good with this place with them with the wolves with the sheriff I want Cisco to lock you so much uh that you become kissing cousins uh that I mean that she winds and dines you left and right that they uh just want every piece of you yeah and then when you're real sweet and close like when all you can think about in every wild flower is picking it for her for them for him I want you to kill Cisco with every fiber you're being until there's nothing left but dust
Starting point is 02:25:31 you want me to kill the sheriff of Vegas yeah you know what I guess when you put it that plainly I do um you you got a unique position here Niles you have been given a lot of responsibility because I think you're you're keeping some very special company to Cisco and Cisco doesn't really take on wolves from everything that I know I mean an old friend of mine tried desperately to be one of those wolves I thought that he would have a better life over there and even then they denied him now he camps out in an airport acting like that's a job or something so you have been given something that none of us have ever been able to to find and that's a
Starting point is 02:26:25 chink in Cisco's armor and I know you're young and I know you probably could take all this information to the prince to sell it right back to him I know the the the consequences of this action of me taking a brazen approach but I also know that I could just as easily kill you so I mean I feel pretty squared away what do you think it's really easy you you kill them and you're guaranteed home in our family and I take care of you for as long as you live and whoever might decide that your shit I will make sure that they don't live long enough to call it twice or you don't and you die I mean I think it's a pretty good deal right right um cool am I am my issue with Sylvie well you know what I don't know how much he's gonna call it done but I'd say if you do this right
Starting point is 02:27:31 then I would call no form of execution should you not fix things up Sylvie now why you would like to keep an angry gang girl in your back corner I don't know but I would be happy to ward off any uh opportunities he has to take advantage of I'll I'll I'll do this for you but but there's one more thing I I need if I'm if I'm supposed to be Cisco's wolf I'm supposed to get good in with them then I have to be able to keep going and the problem I have which is the problem you found is that I have to eat yeah you you got a special kind of appetite don't you they don't make that shit at Arby's do they
Starting point is 02:28:31 no but they do make it all right I need to be able to feed how do I do that so that I can do what you want me to do well I'll tell you what uh that is quite the pickle you got for me but uh I don't mind a cuke um shit let's let's talk this way um the other barons like to come down on me quite a bit because I have um what can only be described as a a fool's understanding of justice frontier justice right I'm a big believer that if you fuck me and if you fuck them and if you fuck everybody then you get fucked um I know that's not a very poetic way of putting things but I have a long list of people in a long list of basements that I've been keeping uh for particular situations
Starting point is 02:29:24 call them prisons call them cells call them cages I call them uh the end of their lives now if I were to uh I don't know open the archives for you and give you a list of places that would be okay for my people to drop off uh individuals that need to uh need to be drained to their full effect then maybe that could set your hunger and cause sufficient justice for myself what do you think now this is not permission to diabolize my kingdom this is no baron hood where I'm gonna allow you to do that whatsoever I mean here in this place we do not eat each other but if you need to sit there and hear and every so often I'm okay with it okay then yeah if you can help me eat then I will do this for you
Starting point is 02:30:25 good good uh listen when the time comes when you speak with Cisco when you have this opportunity I'm gonna feed you somebody and you're gonna catch them you're gonna take them to Cisco and you're gonna use it to get into their good graces someone that they've been looking for for a very long time and it'll skyrocket you you just got to be careful of the jet pack they put on your back because uh lot's gonna come your way kid okay all right well it was a good talk uh Niles you got running the running place you got somewhere to sleep whatever you need Belvedere's yours I'm gonna head out for the night I I gotta go talk with Miss Sawyer about how much we hate each other excuse me and he steps past you and down the stairs and leaves you on
Starting point is 02:31:28 the second floor with Hugh um I think I'll go over to Hugh and kind of take the seat that Ellis was sitting at is he awake or does he mind my company conscious he does not look like he minds your company he gives you a slight smile as you sit down he doesn't feel terribly lucid but uh he does look to you and his focus is on you for sure you look like shit yeah I I feel like shit um hey don't fight the sheriff apparently because they have a big fucking sword I wish I knew that how are you I mean you don't look much better than me anyways I'm tired but I'm okay now that things seem to be um settling at least for now
Starting point is 02:32:35 you think we're we're good there's no death on the horizon whatever it is you needed to keep safe we did it yeah good you you stopped it and um thank you I mean you didn't have to well you said you needed me and I mean you made it sound so important I mean if it was gonna be good for us I wanted it to be good for us so I'm glad it is I'm glad you're okay glad you're still here yeah me too it's funny when you get like this yeah I mean you spend every day wishing you were actually dead and it's just kind of wallowing in what you became and tell the second that they try and kill you
Starting point is 02:33:28 and then all of a sudden it puts it back into you wanting to keep going yeah especially when things are starting to get good yeah is things getting good this is good yeah I mean it's not perfect but it's good I think things could be good yeah I'd like it to be good well then I think we should work towards that okay should you go rest or something I think that this is as close as I'm gonna get because if I stand up and walk again I think the results would not be very good okay do you mind if I just stay here then are you kidding me you can stay as long as you like
Starting point is 02:34:27 okay yeah I'm just gonna hang out with you till the next day okay perfection you will notice that about two hours in the or I'm sorry not two hours that would be death within like 30 minutes of the conversation before you guys are starting to feel the dawn put you guys to sleep and you do know that the the second floor is is walled off but eventually you guys move downstairs into the the offices that are left for the kindred to sleep but you are brought a blood bag with noticeably thicker vitae than than it is blood and you are given that to slake yourself so you can remove one hunger using that okay at this point I just want to ask is anyone doing anything with the last hour to the day besides our couple who are fighting for their lives I was gonna say we got
Starting point is 02:35:22 an option okay so now burrows civil niles all going to sleep for the night okay can I say sorry last I did actually have one little thing once we've got the woman in the hotel room I want to cover the window in the bathroom if there's a window in the bathroom and then lock her in the bathroom okay so you're locking the woman in the bathroom well I don't want her to run away yeah I totally understand sometimes when you kidnap people they've run away right yeah so just put her down in the septic tank why don't you okay we had one good that means that will return to the couple as they are speeding through the tunnels you know that you are about to arrive at the strip because you are zoning in on little strip bugsy's place of business
Starting point is 02:36:31 now the trouble is that you are starting to hear on all sides more of those jack booted running crowds throughout the tunnels and it is becoming increasingly aware that there are many many people mobilizing tonight how how gosh I hate to say it we're gonna have to the nearest manhole cover I'm gonna go up and I am booking it for the strip my intention is to literally get to probably like a hotel and find a spot where it's dark where I can just temporarily crash so that's my objective now um how long until dawn um you think looking down at your watch about an hour and 15 minutes okay so not too terribly pressing yet okay well you are starting to feel that fatigue your body is calling for death but outside of that it is not
Starting point is 02:37:28 so pressing that you're going to die yet you hope well um of course I'm following Alice and I think the sooner we get out I I know like the strip is probably still very crowded the sooner we can spill out into a crowded kind infested area the better okay give me a stealth plus dexterity to not only body this manhole cover out of the way to survive vegas traffic that it unloads into and then hide into the crowds aside a little bit of a tough one so both of you stealth plus dexterity and whatever obfuscate would give you maybe rouse our dexterity as well yes you may actually the obfuscate would not not qualify here because it would actually make much of the street silent and that might cause uh that would have a chilling effect yeah yeah so I can rouse but I can't use
Starting point is 02:38:21 obfuscate but I shouldn't use obfuscate yeah unless you are risking the masquerade violation no I am not I have a question and I just want to know on this dice roll yeah two successes one is a 10 um if your blood dice yes if you have a a critical fail a one um that would that would screw depends on how many successes you have I had two hmm okay depends on what enough rolled um two successes one on a hunger die okay yeah the two of you rise up through the manhole cover you cast it aside there is an instant that you must roll out of the way as a camry speeding down the terrible terrible traffic of Las Vegas is
Starting point is 02:39:21 just about a few inches away from killing you um but sliding through uh onto the street the panic of having to douse out of the way like that or dodge out of the way like that um means that for a brief brief second that silence of death is still on and there is a league of people around huge in conversation the music of the strip the vendors the people taking photos together drunk folks uh moving past the the cars that are driving by all of it becomes enshrouded in silence and you can see is like a whole uh group of people around you are looking at each other speaking and losing any ability to create volume and then panicking and this sense of panic draws the attention of two tall bald individuals with perfect black and white suits um that begin to mobilize further
Starting point is 02:40:23 down the street in the direction of this commotion um quick question can I hear any sirens can you hear any sirens outside of the silence of death um give me by hearing no it would no go ahead and give me a wits plus awareness okay one success and question just for visual I just want to make sure we're in the middle of the street cars incoming or like well you were in the middle of the street I'm saying you guys are on the sidewalk now awesome thank you just think would okay we are we're we're moved if those two guys looking I'm assuming those are the princes boys so we're obviously going away from them I think stay stay in crowds as much as we can and I think we're trying to work our way into one of the casinos okay nearest to you now are um Caesars on the
Starting point is 02:41:33 farthest right and the little shopping center that's adjacent to it um there is Paris there's Treasure Island um there's also the asylum that sits out here the club that ride runs echelon is a few blocks away where Elysium is held down farther on the opposite side of the strip would be the princes casino I'm gonna head towards asylum I I feel like because yeah um because she was at so uh is Enoch following for asylum as well okay so you guys I'm making for a for Brides chapter of asylum um you go ahead uh are you trying to stay stealthy away from those bald individuals are you trying to make at this point yes if we can lose them in the crowd even better yeah okay stealth plus dexterity from the both of you no use of obfuscate unless you'd like to risk a
Starting point is 02:42:36 masquerade violation I also don't think that would help with the stealth because a weird pocket of silence on the strip is uh yeah two successes what's my will power um yeah I'm gonna uh will power because I got no successes try again all right that was a waste no successes boy oh boy okay so we have zero successes and two successes that's what I'm hearing yeah here we go you know that's that that trick has never scared me until just now he's starting to feel that aggravated damage
Starting point is 02:43:41 all right um you make your way for the asylum um and it is so very tense as you're weaving throughout the crowds you're waiting desperately for the the walking sign to allow you to swap sides of the strip as you can see those two individuals weaving throughout those crowds with this inhuman walk you can tell they're one of you just by the sheer amount of distance they can cross even across these people but just at the last second that white sign for walking comes up the voice automated off of the clicker allows you to go and this huge crowd of people allows you on to the other side on Caesar's side of the strip yes sorry I just had an interesting idea that I've always wanted to try um can I take out my cash loaf yeah and make it rain
Starting point is 02:44:37 absolutely distraction go ahead and give me a manipulation plus stealth no manipulation plus sex manipulation plus stealth okay three successes okay here's the thing though here's the thing I have a 10 on a hunger night okay okay three successes one is a messy critical okay um yeah the the cash begins to flow the crowds stop in the middle of the streets and there's a huge amount of honking as the the light turns off from walking and these people are still grabbing on to these hundred dollar bills that you've just thrown into the air and everyone is asking repeatedly where all this came from they're scooping it up and one person points you out and immediately it stops the bald individuals
Starting point is 02:45:36 from getting off to the other side but you do notice that there's another group on the diagonal direct diagonal up towards Caesar's that is noticed to you as well from this interaction you've stopped one group but you've drawn drawn the attention of the other but it is enough time for the two of you to skirt across the street run through that crowd as best you can with that distraction and make your way up to the asylum's front gate there are two bouncers well dressed big bulky individuals you can see that they keep side arms on their side they have flashlights I have that same list that Mal so desperately wanted to be on before oh I'm really quickly I'm going to activate my presence and okay I mean I'm going in I'm gonna do I'm gonna do blush of life
Starting point is 02:46:28 and tap on Alison's shoulder to try to make sure she sees me doing that got it okay it is a rouse blush of life I will do that as well yes success okay no hunger gain for the two of you you look positively alive I am uh I'm gonna go ahead and activate all okay so there we go it's a cost-free and basically I am going to see if we can just uh just smile wave and just kind of go on in without any issues yeah uh you actually move directly through uh Alison waves and smiles and the bouncers share a look like do we actually know her and then the other clearly makes an assumption of ah who cares she's gorgeous and allows you in an Enoch as your plus one follows in as well and they sort of shut the doors that are their broad-shouldered bodies um and you step into
Starting point is 02:47:32 this gated wrought iron courtyard that sits out side of the black church that is the asylum with these beautiful red stained painted glass windows and you know that in here amongst the outside DJ the bar that sits out here as well as the double doors that go inside for an even more massive place that you're probably safe at least from the groups out on the strip who knows what you'll run into inside I'm gonna because it's getting kind of late I say we I'm going to try to go deeper but I am going to look for any kind of opportunity for a place where we could bunker down and sleep like a closet uh like a alcove or maybe even a rafter I don't need an f I'm thinking so anywhere that you think you could get a nice sleep okay Enoch are you doing the same
Starting point is 02:48:31 yes okay I do ask Alice and though what's the what's what what's the play here darling what are we doing here we're seeking asylum that's what we're doing look they can't they can't they the rules they can't attack on the strip so I say until we can get a dodge out of here we don't leave this area and we don't give them an opportunity to grab us okay is that good right hey hey hey I'm well yes what yes I love you oh shit yeah we're not doing okay love you too now move and I'm gonna push him towards the back I feel like okay um go ahead and give me a wits plus awareness Alison to try and find a safe place to sleep for the
Starting point is 02:49:37 night um there anyway I can assist yes you can do the same three successes two successes two successes okay the two of you find an office that is isolated off of the kitchen and was empty by the time you got into it you lock the door behind you you probably barricade as well there are no windows in this place and probably sleeping under the desk you have at least a place to hide for the night what kind of um ceiling is in the room is it the kind with like the crumbly tiles probably yeah okay I would imagine so plaster all right then like the kind that you can push
Starting point is 02:50:36 up on yeah get to like the um yeah we'll say yeah okay uh good the only reason I ask is that's an exit route okay um I would like to barricade at the door okay go ahead and give me a survival plus uh wits to see how well you can guard this room the both of us or one success if you're assisting with that you can absolutely roll okay uh three successes okay yeah you guys feel like you've sufficiently barricaded this room you might be okay for the night especially because the people pursuing you largely have to sleep as well is uh for the furniture of this office is it just like a single chair or is there like a little couch that two chairs probably a couch as well I I'm going to like I'm gonna go to you
Starting point is 02:51:40 take the couch I'm gonna take the chairs okay you need this metro okay I'm gonna kind of put him down and like try to wipe up his face that if it's any still bloody go to my chair and just like stare until I pass it out lovely I I stay awake as long as I possibly can just watching the door I see so you are fighting the will to sleep go ahead and give me a willpower plus a third of your humanity to stay awake actually oh so if it's a willpower role yeah okay I'm not spending willpower no you're not okay and on the humanity when we say a third is that round up or down down okay before I go to sleep sleep knockout death I'm gonna literally just whisper to Enoch gonna be like do you think the second death hurts more than the first one
Starting point is 02:52:55 I am going to make sure that you don't have to find out even if it means I have to find out for you go to sleep darling I'm gonna take I'm gonna take that as a yes then just kind of honestly roll away and just go to sleep Enoch what do we have successes three successes you managed to stay up for as long as physically possible and thankfully there's no knock at the door nothing that bars you but eventually sleep call comes for all of the next generation at the end of this first night I will award all of you the same effects that we usually give for sleep which means that you can remove all superficial damage and anyone who is aggravated can can expend three rouse checks to see if they can heal one aggravated damage the same can go for
Starting point is 02:53:49 actually to heal aggravated willpower let me search what that one's about I'm gonna try that health thing okay I too even though I'm getting up high and hungry I I need to attempt that got it now does the does the healing happen regardless of the outcome of the rouse checks uh yes okay okay so I failed twice so my hunger goes up by two I now have four oh okay I remarkably roll three successes okay all right so you're good you can remove one aggravated damage in order to remove oh in order to remove aggravated willpower damage you will have to act towards your ambition um let's all keep that in mind yeah act towards your ambition we'll say that you've spent the day trying to save Allison and that has always been your ambition
Starting point is 02:54:49 go ahead and mark that one aggravated willpower damage has been removed very generous of you god of course here to keep you alive um okay uh is there anything else we need to rectify with a night's sleep or day's sleep uh I succeeded on my uh rouse check so now I'm at full health uh good good good good good you're gonna need willpower it's a different story yeah it's fine okay um starting the next night we're going to start with Sibyl Sibyl you awake at the uh usual time and you are in your apartment of course uh but you realize that there is a knock at the door and your doorbell is repeatedly being uh rang on the other side uh if it's your landlord then it's a little late for your landlord to be here um it's a little jarring she gets up okay wait damn
Starting point is 02:55:53 and opens the door uh on the other side is a red suited individual um about five foot ten he's very well dressed uh wingtip shoes uh real dark paled complexion um probably dark skinned in life but is now uh gone an ash and pale he looks at you directly and says uh I come with message from Ladislav okay he uh would be remiss if he could not relay this information and so he is taking alternative forms of communication that are hitherto unknown to himself please be understanding of his accommodations are you understood I understand he reaches into his red jacket pulls
Starting point is 02:56:55 out this bricked up Nokia phone and hands it to you um kindly uh destroy the evidence once you have used it in its entirety are you understood I understand any actions you take against Ladislav in the circulatory system will be used against you we will see to it that you do not see another understood I understand good have a good night and he shuts the door for you and exits and the Nokia phone begins to ring hello hello my darling is that uh is that civil on the other side of this infernal thing can you hear me okay I do not am I too loud I can hear you just fine you can just speak and I'll hear you just fine you can hear me okay then I can hear you yes I am having there is an assistant in the room he's holding it for me so I will tell him to meter his breathing
Starting point is 02:58:02 can you hear his breathing I cannot no just Gordon stop breathing it is coming through the cell phone how can I help you your that is you civil yes yes it's simple asking how can I help you no it is not how you can help me of course it is how slow can help you it is been sometimes since the last we spoke but I have information to give to you civil as I promised you that I would see to your rise in this community I have two things of which to inform you one of which will strike his personal and the other has to do with some of your um friends which would you like to hear first for dramatic effect let's get business out of the way first lovely your friends the macaevians have made a grave dishonored decision against the prince and it seems as though they're
Starting point is 02:59:04 going to have their insides made outside there has been a blood hunt called in their name and the eyes suspected that they will not make it another night so do with that information whatever you might but should you aid them in any way I guarantee you that you will join Teresa in uh as long string of seriously bad decisions okay okay that's fine civil you sound affected did you truly put stock in these macaevians it's just of interesting surprise um this comes as a surprise to you I would like to alert you to everything you people have done in this city no I'm aware I'm aware it's just when exactly was this blood hunt called if you check the online readings I have been informed by some of my people
Starting point is 03:00:09 that the arcade hotel and casinos jackpot was rung at three o'clock in the morning last night okay okay so it's been it's it's been if they are alive it is only by some great stroke of luck okay they thought you might want to find the ashes I know that some people get sentimental over those things maybe you could make some art a painting perhaps you could mix them with oil paints and see what sort of textures might come about by their bodies so that that sounds like something you'd like to do yes of course there would be memory streaked in every fresh stroke how how else could you say that you painted with centuries do you do that already just off the record guilty as charged perhaps I have tried it before
Starting point is 03:01:14 yes yeah okay that's on occasion I have been known to test the medium yes let's just you spoke very confidently about it yeah some things come from experiences very difficult sometimes for myself to hide the joy I take in my creation while she's on the phone with him she's already texting I think like a separate group chat without the the kinksters in it so I think at this point it would just be Niles and Burroughs just texting them to does anyone have eyes on Enoch and Allison and continues the conversation so with that out of the way I thought that maybe we could turn towards you and your future civil okay do you uh do you keep eyes on the life that you left
Starting point is 03:02:20 occasionally how close not very there's a couple of people that I know that are still alive obviously and it's important for me to know when that status changes the one who puts up missing papers with your face you are of his seed yes I'm sorry you're sorry yes it has been sometimes since I had anyone grieve over me but I remember the feeling just out of reach like needing water but never having a drop in the canteen
Starting point is 03:03:25 I don't understand what are you saying what exactly are you saying there is difficulties in explaining in sometimes the present the past in the future they they happen at the same time you understand sometimes decisions are made and the future can be told by those decisions whether you like it or not um are you familiar with the tale of Oedipus yeah Oedipus denies destiny he is met by the seer the crossroads the seer says to him you are destined to be and he denies only to become I am going to tell you something and you are going to take the form of Oedipus now I would avoid anything with your mother but this is not what
Starting point is 03:04:25 I'm saying you are going to deny fate your father has been selected by an individual who's decided to ruin his life by mere merit of one your connection with Teresa and two his incompetency in old age your father has been removed from his position at the Sam's town casino where he was working is repairman of some sort I could not speak to this I only know that there is do you remember Elysium yes did you meet the Roman orange of hair he sits like a lap dog suckling it the alawishes his teeth yeah his name is Lucius and he is a biting fellow a ventrue of some ill report and he is the keeper of Elysium he holds the echelon in his grasp but he also holds major stock profiles and 15 different casino properties on the strip itself and outside of major vegas one of which
Starting point is 03:05:58 being the sam's club casino he used to have a partner in his life an up-and-coming business starter a beautiful woman who decided to tell the Las Vegas Camarilla that a gang girl could be trusted you understand what I am saying to you I am starting to am I am I am I supposed to understand that this this person has decided to ruin my father's life because he used to work with Teresa and now and now he's where is he now my best guest would be wiping the prince's bottom and my second guess would be in attendance of the echelon he is building that casino to act as representation of everything that he is in this city but you understand that least I believe that
Starting point is 03:07:23 he is doing this exclusively to draw you out I have reason to believe he believes that you know where your sire is I I've told everyone that why would I be here if I knew where she was I wouldn't be wouldn't be scraping the bottom trying to find any sort of place to exist if I knew where she was I'll trust me if Teresa was still in presence I don't believe that you and your coterie would be as fucked as you are but the situation is that whether you know where she is or not it's what he wants and until he gets it again you will try to deny destiny but I am telling you the odds are that your father does not live long this is step one of drawing your attention he is hoping that you are watching
Starting point is 03:08:25 he has drawn the connection that he is yours it is only a matter of time civil understood thank you for telling me this now of course I thought it would be interesting to you I thought you might want to know yeah I do so I'm give me a second here I'm so sorry I need to um how how much how much room do I have to settle this by myself he is an insepid slow and insidious piece of shit with a mouth that is far larger than his wallet and that is considerable saying that he could crash the NASDAQ listen you have time absolutely he is a filibustering little piece of shit but you need to get him talking you need to give him reason to talk
Starting point is 03:09:36 you need to entertain his court you will try and play senator and you will try and play peasant use of entry just let him spreadsheet I understand I know you do civil this is why I gave conversation simply because I would like to see you stir things up in this town in a way that does not draw terrible reputation to your name well this was a very fulfilling phone call is this your first time speaking on the phone oh no of course not I I'm very talented when it comes to telephones it is maybe sometimes since my last conversation yes but I do remember them the last there was a delightful spinning aspect to the preparation of each call which I greatly
Starting point is 03:10:47 missed this clunky tapping of these plastic buttons is not nearly as as reactionary as the spinning of that little circle we can we can get you one it's a little funky but we we can we can get you the spinning part if you'd like I do believe that if I ever had to use one of these again I would be sent into such a frenzy that most of Vegas would die noted never mind I'll just we'll keep business in person I do hope you come back to the circulatory system soon Sibyl there's many new art pieces I would like to show you and I am missing your company I will I've been a little busier than normal as I'm sure you've heard yes you need to make better friends I know anyways tata goodbye be good beautiful and he hangs up Sibyl crushes the phone
Starting point is 03:11:51 in her hands and immediately immediately if there was a level if there was a stronger slack message to send this is what Sibyl is sending to everyone except for the kinksters because that's tough um we all need to talk right now right now and I mean bold right now I don't care where we just all need to talk and I think Mal it's just like bullet whatever demon shit you hear it's just bullet of that I'm imagining just like gunshots yeah um let's let's go to that actually Mal Burroughs you wake up you get that message Niles you get the message from the Belvedere a couple will talk about that in a second but the three of you received through a group message that Sibyl would like to meet up and talk what's the reaction there
Starting point is 03:12:55 yeah yeah well first I respond with uh haven't seen the kinksters since last night and then immediately get this second response and I'll wave it at Mal and then realize it probably isn't working when I wave it at them and we need to meet Sibyl she's asking okay well what do we do with damn I nearly forgot about them um yeah I don't know see if they're still conscious or if they're unconscious still yeah I'll uh Mal will super awkwardly go over and like on the bathroom door you hear like a scrambling on the other side of feet bare feet moving on linoleum and the crash of someone into a ceramic tub uh and then shutting of a shower curtain uh like a scared animal backing into a corner I know you're in the shower the curtain was a dead giveaway
Starting point is 03:13:59 please please don't hurt me I don't know what's going on I don't know where I am but you you don't have to do this you could let me go no here's hey listen I swear to God I won't tell anybody I know I know you won't here's the thing you were living in my basement for a while um I didn't put you down there I just moved in and then you were there um and there was some weird shit going on with you so I can't really let you go back out into the world until we know what's up with that oh Mal she sounds sweet you didn't do this to me and you're still gonna keep me here well yeah because we need to figure out what the fuck's going on we you just told me what's going on I was in your basement someone was keeping me there
Starting point is 03:14:50 please please I don't even know what's going on Mal I mean how about we get her name and number or something I mean I don't know I feel bad I mean I guess I mean I can't really contact her because you know um what's your yeah yeah yeah what's your name what's your name my name's Lynn Lynn Torres and she gives you a full name Lynn Amy Torres she gives you a an address that's in Las Vegas east of town east of the strip um she rattles off her family she gives you the phone number for her own phone for the phone number for her mother and a phone number for her girlfriend okay like I dude I'm not like gonna kill you I know what you're trying to do the whole like you tell your captors things to make you seem like a human and not like just a thing I don't want
Starting point is 03:15:45 to kind of work it on me I don't want to kill you dude I just I don't really know what's kind of working on me it's working on you boroughs come on man please you don't have to do this you don't have to listen to them whatever they're telling you you don't have to do this you you sound nice we know where they live I mean let's just let them go uh it is a little weird they've been down in your basement hey do you know how long you were down there um I don't know the the last date I remember is 2021 February okay we're in we're in like 2021 October or 2022 2022 cool okay that's rough all right um do you know who put you down there no I I don't even know where I was where'd you find me
Starting point is 03:16:45 there's a church uh and you were in the basement I'm an atheist were you a church goer no cool me who the fuck still believes in God well her score just dropped on me a little bit I figured it would it be a race for me so honestly well maybe we meet at the middle we can come up with some kind of decision here all right look when I went to a club I was out with my friends of the the asylum on the strip and and I just that's all I remember okay well like what if we took you back to the asylum couldn't you just take me home can't you take me to my mom there's gonna be a hole the thing the problem with us taking you home Lynn not that I don't want you to see your mom and your girlfriend again because believe me I would
Starting point is 03:17:37 really fucking love that for you I really really really really really would but the problem is um there's gonna be a stir about a girl who's been missing for a year and a half coming home suddenly with no memory of where she was if you're innocent why are you talking like this you didn't do this why would that matter well we got a reputation uphold there are certain rules of Las Vegas that are specific to Las Vegas that we know well I mean you saved me what you did the right thing yeah I there is a I'm not guilty and there is I just can't be that person that's plastered what a nice person Mal is that what you're trying to say well I don't really want my image plastered all over the fucking news then just tell her not to say anything and we'll fucking
Starting point is 03:18:36 eat her whole family if she does I promise I won't say anything I mean whatever I have to do okay look just I mean do do whatever you have to just you could even keep an eye on me whatever you want to do just please let me go I'm not going to do anything to you guys I just I just want to live you you said it's 22 that I it's the summer it's yeah I lost a year in my life please you can't do this to me okay all right okay okay well hold on we just first off you need clothes because you can't just go back in my tapestry like that's not cool um I'll give the tapestry back I promise no I don't care I mostly care about you not the fucking tapestry I mean like I would like to have the tapestry it's really hard to tell with your tone yeah sorry that's uh that I would say
Starting point is 03:19:32 I'm working on it but I'm really not there's a there's a marshals right around the corner I'll stop and grab them something how do you like to dress uh black hey me too okay all right I'll be right back I'll grab the first I'll grab like three pairs of skinny women or yeah women's uh pants and shirt black you know kind of have some options burrows has like 10 different sizes to choose I love it okay is there any conversation while burrows is away are we waiting until marshals comes back I think I'm gonna ask her did you okay like this is a weird question but like we got nothing really to do except talk um do you ever go upstairs at Elysium Elysium or asylum sorry asylum not Elysium I have words are hard oh you mean like VIP no no I was
Starting point is 03:20:31 never invited to VIP no oh okay you never like saw the lady who runs it or whatever that's the one they call bride right yeah I've heard about her and some of my friends talked about because they go to the club a lot or right or I guess they did well they were just still no I I don't even know if it was a bad name Ashley what'd she do she works with wood she's a carpenter that's hot thanks yeah I liked her yeah I don't even know if she's I don't know where she is now I mean if she's worth anything she's waiting for you probably do you think people wait around that long they do
Starting point is 03:21:29 I hope so if you don't want them to we left on bad terms I'm sure that's been eaten out of them it was my fault what'd you do I relapsed it's not your fault it is when you do it the way I did I just I kept thinking that I was going to get myself in control that I'd find an answer and then when it didn't come I just self-destructed and here I am a year's gone from my life like nothing well I mean maybe not a shining star of silver lining but you've been clean a year you didn't even have to try yeah
Starting point is 03:22:33 so maybe that'll maybe that'll kick start you maybe it'll maybe maybe this is like the start of something new for you like I knew it if you let me go maybe no I'm I'm gonna like this isn't that there's a lot more going on than I can tell you you seem really sweet and thanks I'm glad we got you out of that basement I am it wasn't it wasn't good down there for you and I I didn't know you were there I swear I didn't know you were there I would have done something sooner it was I don't know what that means but that was mostly for me that that wasn't mostly for me how old are you 28 28 it's a good time to turn your life around yeah I feel like I haven't fucked it all up yet yeah
Starting point is 03:23:49 I'm just gonna have a lot to explain to my AA group well what's what's your story what's your story you're coming up with right now what do you got big bender that took me out for a year so bad I blacked out and I can't remember anything is what I'm leaning with that's not bad no one's gonna try and like psychotherapy you into remembering you've never been to AA have you no I'm sort of all they do oh well don't get hypnotized I guess I'll try work uh no no uh it's usually just not drinking that works yeah well no we're at the try and at that moment burrows comes back with the clothes I'll uh I'll I'll can I come in I don't can I come in Lynn sure uh I'm gonna activate
Starting point is 03:24:54 wash of life okay that's just a single diro yeah mm-hmm that's a failure but not like a one failure so I guess I should too oh my god but then I'd be a five hunger fuck yeah you won't do that yeah I guess I'll just hang back uh Mal kind of swallows really hard uh because they're at four hunger now uh I'm entering the room with the mortal at four hunger I I think as Mal realizes exactly how hungry they are they're gonna close their eyes and go actually uh I'm just gonna reach in you've uh you deserve some privacy to figure out what you want um you can just leave the tapestry in there if you want okay sure here and I'll like try and like drop all the clothes through the door but not look at her get any closer to her than I have to got it uh she takes uh an outfit she
Starting point is 03:26:03 gets dressed and after a few minutes she comes out um she has like a huge pile of all the clothes that burrows brought and she looks down at her own dress she has or outfit she has on now and is disgusted and she says this is some of the worst shit I've ever seen in my life I'm never shopping at Marshall's fuck Marshall's uh yeah sorry um do you like have money to get home and shit no you've been in a basement of course you don't have fucking money to get home uh here and I'll reach into my back pocket and I'll pull out like hold on I have to I have to go to my inventory hold on what was this chick's name again Lynn Lynn uh I'll give her like a hundred bucks okay yeah she takes it and she pockets it she's
Starting point is 03:27:03 thank you so you're dropping me off at asylum I uh I wasn't even going to drop you to asylum I was just going to kind of let you get home how you wanted to um it's probably best if we part ways here okay yeah sure I'll just okay I mean I must you need to go no no it's fine it's no like you seem sad now what's fuck what fuck what's up what's up you just gave me a hundred dollars I don't know where I am I don't know how to get home but it's fine we're in Vegas you said yeah it's cool and she makes for the front door hey don't get trapped in any more basements yeah okay thanks don't tell anyone about us either I don't even know who you are yeah let's keep it that way okay okay and she opens the front door
Starting point is 03:28:04 and goes to leave boros has been sitting in the shadows he like you know there's like a side lamp or something that he turned off and he's just sitting in that chair and once she leaves he he looks at malin he's like that was actually a little more understated than I was expecting out of what the hell was in that door yeah I mean there's still the creepy monster that crawled out of her mouth to contend with but I think that's a problem for the future Sybil seems freaked the fuck out so I guess we should get out of the way yeah all right I'm sure that's gonna come back to bite me in the ass later but I'm glad she's just keep an eye on her that's not a bad idea yeah maybe I'll do that hey listen whatever we deal with Sybil tonight um I've been meaning to have a little meeting
Starting point is 03:28:54 with mo core I don't know if maybe you'd be interested in joining me on that yeah I would yes yeah all right easy answer I like the enthusiasm let's go all right Niles as these two conspire against everyone uh you got a group text to meet up with Sybil are you intending to go straight there is there anything you need to get done before going um I feel like yeah no because he needs to take time to heal uh so I don't want to bug him um we'll deal with it later um but yeah then I'll just head out immediately after I say goodbye to him at least yeah um you say goodbye to him uh he hugs you as you lead uh leave holds you as uh about as long as he can before he starts to groan a little bit from the pain um and tells you to be safe I will I'll be back in a little
Starting point is 03:29:58 bit uh and you you make out the way you're on your way to Sybil yeah I'll go immediately to wherever Sybil wanted to go all righty uh before we get to the couple let's let's rectify this moment Sybil uh the mal and burrows and Niles uh arrive on scene at your apartment is that the guess where where are we meeting Sybil yeah because the club feels a little hot right now so yeah I'll just give them the address to my apartment okay how you live in Sybil is this place fancy or is it snowy um Spartan I mean it's like um a lot of like basic like gentrified white and gray um a lot of this is like either like great value or like Ikea run just like whatever basic dressing needs to happen um yeah it's extremely forgettable not a lot of personality in there
Starting point is 03:31:03 I'm surprised but she is in the doors unlocked well yeah at least the front of the house looks like that um but she's pacing back and forth so did you hear from them the kinks are the doors unlocked I think that I'll come in and that's what I'll say I'll ask okay well no did you uh if any of us paying attention we know if you know yeah yeah we're both about to say the same thing I think uh the uh the old uh princess domain uh he yeah he called something all right oh fuck was that what that like screech was yeah yeah there's a blood hunt out on both of them I don't like to speak ill of the damned but I mean didn't we see this coming I can't say I'm not surprised
Starting point is 03:32:06 I just want to have our next steps as clear as possible if anyone is caught talking to them or helping them you're now an accomplice and added to the list of the blood hunt and I would rather none of us be added to that list is that what you call us over here or the will so urgent to talk about yes yes definitely that we need to figure out what the fuck we're gonna do about that because if we're just leaving them to handle this that's one thing but I just want it to be clear going forward um I want to make this clear there is everyone who would know Sibyl and Burros you would have an understanding through HH through Teresa through Camarillo politics just basics off
Starting point is 03:33:04 your etiquette that if you impede the blood hunt in the opposite direction if you do anything to assist the other two your lives are equally as forfeit which is why it makes it so hard to do nothing but I don't know what more can be done they made their bed they dug their grave that feels really fucked up yeah I mean like we never got along but but doing nothing feels I don't know maybe maybe I'm soft look no if one of you if one of you help them I won't say anything how does that make you feel it's good for you but we already know someone's watching Niles I have slow I suppose watching me
Starting point is 03:34:15 right so your silence is great it's not going to make any difference I got somebody watching me I think yeah who's watching you okay I think my my mala double H kind of to be expected though okay sure okay so we do nothing so we just let this play out okay yeah that doesn't feel good mouth I agree yeah no is that does that mean we don't have a coterie anymore I mean I mean a coterie is one thing even if one or two people leave under weird circumstances we're still a coterie in the eyes of the camera we're still a group we just I don't know we need to make sure that our I don't and any strength we had as a group
Starting point is 03:35:19 that was Malkavy and centered should be checked on in the next couple of weeks simple you would also know that in this case of etiquette with two of your coterie being effectively removed from existence that would put your all status into a state of flux that might need some clarification in person would be your easiest guest at the etiquette here a back to basics a let's touch base meeting okay so at some point we should probably speak to the prince about it I don't want to talk to the prince yeah I think honestly between the four of us is there anyone that other than me that would comfortably consider themselves camera under duress yes but that's not really comfortable
Starting point is 03:36:23 so no it was never a part of the Camarilla I can't pretend anymore I'm not putting up with it anymore I'll go to a meeting but push comes to shove I'm whatever bride is to them are they gonna smell an arc on you I don't know do an arc smell different I don't know it's not a scent well I just didn't know if he had like a way to just know if you turned I don't know so like a class thing I think it's just more expensive I already dressed low class so oh by the way open the door just so you know oh yeah there was yeah what door
Starting point is 03:37:17 you know the door in my church with the monster behind it that big door we were told not to open because we have two um well there was a lady in it um she was all stretched out and then something came out of her mouth and then burrows was suddenly there and I was unconscious and she was hot and then um we let her go home that's pretty much the whole story on like a scale of things that have gone ass up in the last like I don't even know how many nights this is pretty low on the scale I think yeah I was expecting a big epic fight yeah I was too honestly I was like getting ready to fucking gear up or like let her loot oh also the reason I was gonna let I open the door uh my sire is in town so everything is fucking awful
Starting point is 03:38:06 right now okay okay um so I was really mostly gonna let it out just so that like my sire had something to deal with um when he came to try and find me but then it was like just this girl so like I mean she's older than me so I don't know why I call her just like a girl she's like 28 she's really nice I hope she gets her life together I just want to come back to the thing that crawled out of her mouth really quick yeah I did that happen that happened before or after he became unconscious um kind of like before maybe it was the cause of it um I don't feel any different I'm stupid do we know I'm hungry though do we know where that is that thing I didn't see a thing from my memory um what happened was from so it like it put its little
Starting point is 03:39:00 hands on the outside of her mouth and like pulled itself forward and then I tried to I tried to stuff it back in because I didn't know what it was and I didn't really know what to do otherwise um um and then it kind of um pierced my hand a little bit um they're fine now but I uh I don't actually know what happened to it because then burrows was there and again like I said the girl was hot again so okay well then you know that mean that could mean you're not actually mal you could be possessed or something that's true how would we know that you were the real mal uh fuck if I know dude can I can I activate sense the beast uh on mal yeah it's um resolve an animalism versus composure and subterfuge I say I do composure and subterfuge yeah well
Starting point is 03:40:07 no I will oh okay what the fuck it's horrifying yeah horrifying oh my my with a volume on my phone turned up turned itself up for some reason I'm sorry that's all good it's five successes uh they've seen los ombra they're a vampire all right what's something that only mal knows uh I I know one mal when we took a swim where we fully clothed their naked uh we were we were clothed because for a second I thought we were gonna get naked and then everyone was keeping their clothes on so I put my clothes back on uh I'm great great cool um I don't feel any difference so like that's we can deal with that later yeah you just if you feel like a monsters in your mouth you just let somebody know
Starting point is 03:41:13 nope you don't have to show me you just tell me ah do you see anything I don't cool I do not I am not a monster mouth right now but for real um what the fuck do we do great cool cool cool cool cool so see the only reason you brought us over here yeah yeah I'm I'm I mean yeah I feel like we just need to come together a little bit I don't know what's going on uh I have some personal things I now need to take care of but like what yeah well if we're sharing our experiences someone is trying to actively I believe kill me and may be willing to kill my dad to do so so they can find out where my sire is well we got one more thing in common somebody's trying to kill all of us so
Starting point is 03:42:12 speaking on that whole working together thing even if we aren't even if our code is considered in flux I think it's important we at least agree to help each other wait where where would where'd you come from last night boroughs when you came to the church where were you before that I was hanging out with these guys no we were we were at the Belvedere I was speaking Ellis look if nobody knows what the right next move is maybe we'll take it a little easy tonight I'm technically supposed to go get dinner with my family if you wanted to join it'd be a nice time I can guarantee you I shouldn't personally because I think if I join your family for dinner your family will become dinner and I don't want to do that to you I'd be willing to share if you're
Starting point is 03:43:08 responsible that's some people that trust each other do I have dinner plans but I appreciate it I don't drink straight from tap that's kind of tough yeah I don't eat you don't have to I'm just saying enjoy the company a couple a couple of normal people what are we gonna talk about we what what do they talk about well they talk about all kind of things they got two cute girls talk all kind of silly things will be a chance to uh forget the troubles of a yes you don't have to yeah I'm oh no we don't know that ever mind I that sounds like a dangerous idea
Starting point is 03:44:07 yeah you want these people to live you like these people yes I do I realize it's a dangerous idea I hope you understand the gesture I'm trying to make here okay we're all in a desperate situation I don't know what's coming next for us I just want to know that you got my back and I hope you understand I got yours no that's super nice yeah yeah I know that's clear but maybe maybe we just help each other keep our respective human safe without eating around them you're you're doing it right now I appreciate it okay good yeah that is all I just didn't really want to be by myself you guys don't have to stay in my apartment unless
Starting point is 03:44:54 you want to no if you don't feel safe then let's uh let's do something together yeah I can't really go back to the church right now so okay I mean I could order food I would not say no to that yeah I'm so fucking hungry I truly I think the dude on the boat was the last time I ate oh my god okay yeah uh then I'm going to use uh there's a name for my sterk stuff yeah your lore sheet yeah I'm gonna tap into the system okay probably just one because I think only half of us take so I will just ask that there are other forms of blood that you can request from the circulatory system that are not blood dolls so and with your connections you could make requests if there are bags I would prefer actually now bags are cool yeah that's fine I
Starting point is 03:46:02 just don't need okay one particular place but that's it then yes bags would be great because then everyone well yeah everyone could eat so you're asking for bags enough for Sibyl for Mal and for burrows I don't think burrows will need them okay okay uh yeah uh within 45 minutes uh there is a honk outside and then again there is a knock outside your apartment and the ringing of your doorbell many times answer it uh you answer it and on the other side is that same red suited individual who was there earlier he speaks to you directly and says twice in one night that's quite the record uh and then wheels in with this dolly uh a refrigerated crate and leaves its square in your apartment with the dolly shuts the door behind him and leaves okay great we're
Starting point is 03:47:04 set for tonight at least most of us are thanks Sibyl yeah no problem burrows is like on the other side of the room avoiding that blood because he is hungry burrows you don't have to I don't know what you're are you fasting what's happening it's not bad it's just I don't like taking from people that aren't willing to give it and I do it in cases of emergency and I suppose this is a bit of an emergency I I guess it will take the edge off yeah sure sure sure and it just comes back across the other side of the room and just peels into a bag okay you all slake one hunger with the backs except for now of course lovely um like down to three what time is spent here while you guys are feeding is there any conversation is there plans being made what's going on what like what does
Starting point is 03:48:05 everyone need to get done tonight I don't know I don't know if there's like I know we were taking it slow but like I know some people don't want to be alone so I want to make sure that we're like you know well I guess I should make it clear that uh you know champagne putanesca is gonna come looking for me and yeah he's probably gonna come looking for my family so the whole protection thing is pretty relevant to me I'm gonna need some strength behind me I'm gonna need your help so and I think I'm gonna need to be proactive about this so I don't think to not but in the very near future I'm gonna have to do something about him I just want to know that you guys are behind me if I do I want to fight that big fucker why not
Starting point is 03:48:56 yeah while this is happening I think um Sybil is like the way that you have like a joint bank account with your parent I think she's sending if possible sending her father like 10 grand or something after being told that he lost his job Sybil what sort of information is attached from the person sending the money to your father is this an action that is being done in your name Sybil because he is convinced you're missing really convinced you're dead
Starting point is 03:49:45 I don't think she cares about that now it is from her account okay um um I need you to make a stealth plus finance role interesting combo okay good thing I definitely have five dots in finance oh no roll
Starting point is 03:50:31 four successes that's two of the special walks he's rolling in the coffin dice he's rolling in the coffin dice no I don't like it don't do it the coffin papa put it away all right the wire transfer goes through are there any go ahead oh I think um while Sybil is kind of doing that I think Niles is gonna awkwardly shuffle over there you really good is your dad gonna be okay
Starting point is 03:51:24 I have no idea I have no idea for both of those questions and you don't know where your sire's at at all I've not seen that woman since I was human how long was that a few months ago maybe under a year yeah no okay no what do you mean okay it's just you haven't gone through your first winter so
Starting point is 03:52:16 Teresa's gonna find you she'll find you eventually is there something I should know just that after a year their sires tend to find their children's for gang girls at least in my experience like this is a thing this is a thing that I should this is the thing I should expect it's always been a thing yeah why do you know that because I've also had my first winter
Starting point is 03:53:05 been kindred longer than you yeah but not I don't want to be I don't want to be out of pocket but you're not necessarily you're not it's you're not all together say it you're not you're not a gang girl and you would know yeah because I was in the flesh castle that doesn't change anything I know who sired me I've I've never I've never seen you do any other gang girl
Starting point is 03:54:00 shit besides spoons and now spoons is less gang girl now because of the flesh shit so I I don't know if the gang girl should I've seen you do has come from someone else you might have I don't know I don't know I just it's I like to know everything I need to before I go into a situation and it's interesting that you do it helps you that you know everything it's helped you so far you don't know anything like you're sitting here telling me that like three months is enough to tell one's a gang girl and you're barely surviving and yet you want to tell me that I'm not doing that it's kind of funny I was surviving just fired by myself and then I was handed the charge of all of you you know the the two of you do such an amazing job of just
Starting point is 03:55:01 always talking like assholes to each other I think that's just like the vibe of this code already to be honest Jesus if my development has changed in any way it's because of the significant actions of the workers that have been placed around me the symbol doesn't really matter what Niles is I mean as long as they're on our side it's fine I'm used to gang girls thinking that I'm not enough for them but I have earned my place in the pack and until you do that I need you to be very specific about what pack you're talking about because if we're talking about what's enough I think the only difference the only difference between you and I suppose I've earned my place and you have yet to figure it out and earn it so when like when Teresa comes back
Starting point is 03:56:14 or whoever decides to test your strength against it but I know okay but I've earned it not you I'm at hunger too so thank god that's better it's better but I think there are there are vulture-like things that happen to Sybil's face um and she gets really close to your face Niles if you want to be in my house and accuse me of what I have and have not earned that is not something that is done where all of our skin stays in the same place as it was when we walked in does that make sense
Starting point is 03:57:21 how about we all walk out of this house and do something tonight other than be snippy with each other I don't know it's not hot I'd let them go Mal look everything's shit right now we need to enjoy little things look if anything we could look into something that Mal and I were talking about a little bit earlier we want to check in on our boy Raquel we want to talk to our Mokor maybe that's something if you want to join us we can do fine I don't want to be in this house anyways yeah some anarch corner to be silent in you're an anarch too I'm gonna leave the fuck I am I'm gonna exit
Starting point is 03:58:17 lovely girls I'm not used to being the one that keeps the piece how the fuck do you do this I don't like it that's just I want to scream bitches be cool but I feel like I'll be insensitive I think you're like people right that that wouldn't work really well but also bitches be cool it's such a good thing to shout I'm learning I'm learning it's so rad but also not for them at that exact moment maybe you can scream that at the prince oh I like that I got a couple things okay so the aforementioned bitches are moving I believe down into the sewers to find Mokor is that the plan are we going to the sewers just going for a little jaunt hoping to you like I think so it's me Mokor well you know we last saw him at that that uh synagogue do we start there do we
Starting point is 03:59:13 work our way backwards from there do you think he took Raghel out of there yeah definitely yeah hell yeah I don't know I kind of thought he'd just like fold him behind the the star or the Torah or whatever I just know that that uh Raghel used to go down to the sewers and shit so we could start there too okay so all right we'll we'll start in the sewers and I'll try to remember the last time I knew where Raghel went and head in that direction love it love it love it love it of course that's going to take you an indiscriminate amount of time to get down there if I could just get from each of you uh an intelligence plus investigation as you're looking for signs of Mokor of signs of of uh Raghel of anything that you've learned trying to remember anything that
Starting point is 04:00:15 Raghel told you about how to find Mokor you remember there were specific directions also if you can successfully remember them then I won't care about the role one one die one success from burrows two from now let me check my notes and see if I wrote that down I doubt I did what do you got Niles uh so I only have intelligence you know it's like one dice and stuff like that I guess what I rolled a one yeah be so failure so wait what was what was it was intelligence and something else intelligence and investigation oh word that's three successes three successes okay um listen all of you are upshits creek without paddle not knowing where the hell you're going you enter in through the tunnels that you've uh last used with three foot that little um sort of
Starting point is 04:01:12 alcove that you'd found before um and you are almost immediately just wandering amongst the tunnels trying desperately to find some hint of what Raghel has talked about down here um and it is not long before you hear it um I mean it is a disgusting sound that I believe at least some of you have heard before I believe burrows heard it um the sound of wet skin slapping scraping and dragging across one of the intersectioned halls of the sewer underneath and um at one point it becomes so evident that you can actually see it turn a corner as you meet the center of an intersection maybe three intersections forward this massive ball filled with hands and skulls feet so many bodies put together that they almost look like a wad of bubble gum begins to descend
Starting point is 04:02:15 move and roll through the intersection out in front of you could all of you give me a stealth roll to keep yourself safe in the wake of this thing moving out in front of you can I use shadow cloak to yes may yes uh can I use stealth plus stealth plus dexterity okay so I can I oh can I use um uh my my advantage against kindred on this one uh you do not believe that this thing is kindred cool so I got a skull on one of my hunger die but I did get two successes zero for me would you like to use a willpower to re-roll yeah I guess I need to I mean oh god I got six successes can I help anyone yeah I like what you're assisting burrows great I'll spend a willpower I got one success okay I got eight successes ha I'd like to think that I that burrows like begins to speak like oh
Starting point is 04:03:17 shit that's the light and then like somebody covers my mouth oh no I also do that that was a soup head and just like yeah shut the fuck up yeah um it begins to move uh easingly very slow almost like a slug space into the next intersection it's at this moment that you all hear uh the the the sound of boots against the water uh portions that are not yours as three uh nosferatu individuals just two two intersections down begin to move out and one of them is talking to the other uh and goes I just know if I was running this is where I'd run those fuckers have got to be down here we're gonna find them and almost immediately uh the rumble of these tunnels begin to shake as you can feel some of the the dust and powder of these bricked out walls next you start to crumble the
Starting point is 04:04:10 concrete come loose as that thing rolls back into view uh its hands pulling itself along the walls of this sewer and the water cascading out into this huge wave of gray water that cascades over them and within a few seconds it is descending upon the nosferatu one of which grips onto the wrist of one of them and pulls it free from the arm immediately and you can see as this thing begins devouring over these three nosferatu right in front of you cool so we don't fuck with that great we'll let pearls go what's the plan here guys do we go back to uh to uh what's that boy's name that's down here the little he's got
Starting point is 04:05:07 yeah little vegas yeah bugsy yeah let's go to bugsy yeah whatever's not that we should go there okay um go ahead and make a wits and awareness each of you uh if you get a success of four it's an advanced success if you get a success of two and above you'll at least find your way three three but i have a little skull on one of my hunger dice no successes for me five successes okay so the three of you um do believe that you can find little strips civil you uh in your sort of scouting with everyone find something else entirely you find off of the left hand passage of the intersection you all are moving through
Starting point is 04:06:03 a string of lights lamp light that runs through and there's just something that sits in your chest maybe it's that sense the beast that tells you you may have fallen into what you all were looking for hmm she's gonna start motioning the group to go that way down the the lamp light path we'll follow are you all doing it quickly or stealthily probably stealthily yeah i like to be stealthily yeah all right let me get some stealth from all of you to do so zero god damn it um yeah bco failures on uh failure i got two successes but i both my hunger dice are bc are ones are failures so you had a pool of four right uh my pool is six
Starting point is 04:07:22 for stealth and you have a hunger of what two and both my both of them are are ones okay is there anything you'd like to reroll i can can you i don't know i that's what i'm trying to figure it's just the bull i could reroll all of my non hunger dice but the both uh failures came on my hunger dice that's okay if you can get enough successes those failures won't matter actually i mean i can't i don't have enough willpower to roll no no i use a willpower to reroll i have one two three four five six successes and just one skull on my hunger die i don't know that changes anything but yeah morose how are you doing i just made i forced a willpower and i made one success for myself
Starting point is 04:08:20 one success oh my okay i'm shibble i rolled one success oh my god okay please papa let us find bugs well okay so following the lamplighted path you put you you come into a series of tunnels that take you away from the gray water passed in through these hallways it's almost like um like a water bypass tunnel or or something some form of of administration down here but it sifts from the water to just plain metal moving through these hallways and then empties out into a section of almost like labs of of tanks that are rusted and coppered in nature they're riveted and powerful but stepping into them there is a puddle of blood that sits in each of these different caverns as they kind of submarine door into each other and
Starting point is 04:09:23 spread out um puddle of blood that would go up almost to your halfway to your calf and it is a huge standing puddle of it and these lights cascade through all of these places as you've stepped in you do remember regal describing something similar when he described waking up in mocher's place you all think mocher's gonna ask for something if we want to talk to or look at regal i mean probably yeah he doesn't seem like the guy to just let us do things out of the goodness of his heart i mean i'd like to keep tabs on regal but i think short of us acknowledging a jihad i don't know how else we're going to get this
Starting point is 04:10:23 are there windows or anything on these like uh big things you're talking about yeah no and it seems that this big heavy door you're all stepping through is the main exit back into the tunnels i mean imagine it like pressure seal this could be halfway convinced to be a prepper's station i still think it's at least worth asking yeah i was gonna say what's the worst you can do try and kill us that's happened all right i think we'll press on hopefully we can find side of regal or uh a little more cooler you find regal first moving through into the next chamber you see off to the left in a room not unlike this one is your friend
Starting point is 04:11:17 regal is laying in the center in that same sort of pool that you're sifting through now at the base surface of this puddle this lake of blood he sits stark still with his hands over his chest that are rimming around the stake that is still pressed through his heart and he floats just a few inches off of what must have been a custom built trap in the center of the room there are these rebarred pieces of metal so sharp that almost assuredly it would cause a considerable quick torpor should you connect with it but all of these sharply stabbed metal rebar pieces are bordering the length of his body so that were he ever to wake up he would wake up into the blades themselves they expose up from the bottom as well where you can see his body has been pierced
Starting point is 04:12:25 through and it is at certain junction points where he begins to bob and weave on the water but is still kept in place his eyes are closed he is silent he is unmoving he is dead as the grave he is in that perfect torpor and he floats um but there is a peculiar sound as he speaks just under the surface there is a whispering from his body in the center as if talking with someone as if holding conversation as if panicked and fighting for his life on the other side of something he shouts almost out of that whisper he is breaking through with words that don't make sense on this side but you can see he is struggling wherever he is I think burrows is kind of chalking all that talking stuff up to like whatever weird magic
Starting point is 04:13:23 is having him float in the air and burrows is kind of um excitedly nervously like just trying to surmise the situation is there any way that I could attempt to discern how to get him out of there without these things annihilating him or me you would have to attempt a very dexterous crawl in between the ruckel-sized space between the daggers between the rebar yeah I'm skinny now but I'm not that dexterous shit we're so close I mean we're here you become uniquely aware burrows as you're standing in the threshold you're peeking in you're trying to find an answer here that um in the waters that are they seem to be about
Starting point is 04:14:10 the same height as your calf level before but the waters are disturbed a moment in the corner as you glimpse for just a moment a pair of eyes that lift from the surface of the blood and begin to regard you for a moment cold and black the form of this head itself is completely bald but drenched in that blood and the bubbles surface up from what is inevitably their mouth and just as long as it's seen you it peers back into the blood and begins to sift through it's as though the blood has not been disturbed from there I'll make everyone else aware of it tap them on their shoulders point we didn't assume we wouldn't be watched here so even if we did break a mouth there's no guarantee that we're just not pissing somebody else off
Starting point is 04:15:14 of course we'd be pissing somebody off but well at least at least we got to see them at least we know where to find them so again that same pair of eyes very familiar and as the blood streaks from a portion of its head you can see the tattoos of mo kur over his head as he watches from just beyond ragel's body regarding you like an animal and repose never fully bringing his head from the blood you can see just the barest hint of upper lip as he watches all of you from the threshold do we acknowledge him I mean he knows we see him we know he sees us he's guarding this place just uh checking on our old friend no don't mean any disrespect nothing
Starting point is 04:16:10 he watches you burrows he glides through the blood out to the front enough that he becomes maybe three feet from where you are but still his body unseen underneath the surface just his eyes he rises his head just high enough to speak it says you come here with purpose come here to see how ragel's doing so he would say he's in would say you've left him in he is fighting for the fate of the world as I had described he is not ready for what it is I am giving him I am molding him into something more he's fine I was and you will see there is always room for improvement how about you is there room to improve you yes but it can only be done through the pursuit of a higher enlightenment and this barbed wire and fanfare is that pursuit
Starting point is 04:17:31 how are diamonds made but through extreme pressure diamonds are overrated perhaps they are beautiful and they are made from something immutable well if anyone can be a diamond I think it could be ragel he's a tough son of a bitch listen um he gave me something before he left uh I want to leave it with him and I'm gonna pull out from my pocket his beanie I don't have to get close so I can toss it you can approach him if you can make it but he drifts up a hand cold and long up to it and we'll take it from you if you allow him just make sure he sees it when he's done and I'll I'll hand it to him
Starting point is 04:18:36 you all must have come for something more than just to see him you want him you believe him ready I thought he was ready before you took him but sure yeah please I could be persuaded to release his holy purpose but he would need guidance in this plane he would not have every piece of the puzzle and as such I would need assurances certain assurances that my needs would be met so what we do you a favor that's fine and you will pledge yourselves to our holy purpose you will be named and given pursuit
Starting point is 04:19:54 we don't have to I don't know get eyes on our face or change anything about ourselves we just agree to work with you right we will perform the bond what's the bond you will drink from me thrice and be named my thrall no I mean I like right yell but I don't know if I like him that much I don't think he'd want us to do that anyway what a pity seems I will have to keep them then for now sure the lengths at which you will go for your friends is limited clearly so quick to revenge
Starting point is 04:20:56 but so long on retribution for your friend I will have to tell him this when he wakes I look at Niles do we all have to do it one would be assurances enough well whoever names themselves the most in pursuit of spirituality and the promises of Kolkonda I mean I went to vacation bible school church didn't really take for me there is no holy warrior amongst you I'd like to think I am myself but I don't know if our goals are aligned
Starting point is 04:21:48 well you would not see the towers fall if that is your ultimate goal well I just I don't like the whole thrall part I don't know if I'm ready for that then we are not ready he begins slowly to drift back down under the blood I'm sorry there is a brief moment that all of you are left with the vision of Rogel they're pierced on the rebar silent and trapped and no curves steady eyes appearing just below the corpse as he guards his
Starting point is 04:22:49 prize we'll find another way buddy and I kind of yell it out in the direction of Rogel just want you to know we haven't forgotten about you it will come for you in time whether he is with you or not what will destiny and he appears back under the blood let's return to our couple if we're ready for that okay
Starting point is 04:23:33 you two awake in an unfamiliar place you are no longer in the office that you barricaded excuse me you awake instead higher you can feel the height on this location especially through how thin the floor is and you can hear the music sound of club music distant and muted through a wall that is pounding through goth electronica the lights in here are are present but ambient in nature and it's clear that it's it's a darker outside where the entertainment is being had waking up in this room there are numerous notable portraits of a small pigtailed woman
Starting point is 04:24:34 and different depictions of her in wedding dresses with the veils cut beautifully over her face no notable portraits of whoever their suitor was in this but many many wedding depictions across the room itself but you awake with this understanding that there are more people in the room here than you expected bride is seated on this four-post king-sized bed at the edge of the room itself underneath another massive wedding portrait it is in all white as much of the room is all depicting this beautiful bridal bed there are also many armed guards closest to the doors outside to the asylum both inside and outside and someone who is recognizable by allison and probably allison alone is the gentleman from the hikata mansion alphons a very
Starting point is 04:25:47 tall african individual in this very large trench coat very well armed who is sitting in a recliner by the door with a gun strapped down on his knees watching the entrance and the two of you have awoke i have a very quick question that has nothing to do with anything you just said sure now that i've healed a little bit how's my stump doing your stump is damn well nearly an arm again you're getting close to a wrist okay good i'm sorry continue of course the floor is yours bride is lounging back with these gorgeous six naked young individuals in their early 20s who she has been dining on all night you can tell from the dribbles of blood that have been running down their bodies i thought we barricaded the door but i have to admit there's worse things
Starting point is 04:26:50 to wake up to i'm sorry bride for the the delay in seeing you i wish it was under better circumstances she picks herself up from the neck of this beautiful man that she's uh chomping down on the jugular of she wipes clean her lips and looks over to the two of you and says oh don't even worry about it i was just wondering why you didn't come to see me uh when you came into my bar and i was just um it's just a little worried when we found you in the storeroom like that uh so many of my people go missing but never in in such a way like that and of course i consider the two of you some of mine it just hurt it hurt i took it personally when you decided that sleep was more important than letting me know you were crawling around in my home well truth be told we
Starting point is 04:27:48 didn't have much time i actually i'm gonna if you don't mind and right that was very insulting and you know what's the fact that i'm alive still and not automatically that tells me that hopefully you would appreciate me making it up to you no i i'm always one for apologies especially if they're directed at me i am going to go ahead and get down on one knee get down on both i already good go on how about you crawl to me actually how would you like me to crawl to you on all fours already there you knock is just on the floor watching i'm very sorry i just wanted to let you know that's the fact that you have graced us enough to even allow us to be in your presence after such ignorance us just the love and care that you
Starting point is 04:29:11 have for your own a lot of compassion so much compassion so much compassion devotion to your things that's it's it's something that we will work to gain back such praise and esteem absolutely maybe that can be arranged maybe there's going to be a lot of discussion in the next few minutes i i assume and there's going to be a lot of decisions made absolutely and some of those decisions are going to decide a lot your futures my futures his futures and he looks uh she looks to alphonse there's so much at play here and i think that you all are going to be very excited about what i've decided oh yeah it's gotta be it's gotta be better than what happened to us last night i would not guarantee that did you be surprised and your how would you
Starting point is 04:30:14 like to proceed that is entirely up to you well i i think maybe the two of you have come to understand exactly what's happening to you yes i have become aware of the situation good someone told lies about us and now here we are today when i find you deliver directly endangered my wife better believe i'm going to have something to say to that person well um i could direct you back to your friends and the sheriff but i don't know how much use that would do for you the trouble is with family when they fight is you can hate them all you want but you can't make any definitive decisions to remove them from your life without removing a part of you you were born with right so i would hesitate to do anything to your friends and
Starting point is 04:31:16 i can't even guarantee you're going to have an opportunity to what's with everything that's going to happen in a few minutes now i've been learning a lot about friends lately and so i know that friends don't get friends blood-aunted am i right about that am i reading that correctly this is very very true that's very true that's very true but i was in a series of meetings that revealed um some choice information that both major groups are now privy to that would highlight a series of decisions made by a series of people concerning a door somewhere deep in this world and i think that sometimes we make bad decisions when big things are in front of us don't we um are you implying that we that we made a bad decision
Starting point is 04:32:09 or that are friends right right i think it's an extensive list and you two would definitely make it what uh yeah i'll help this what would what would require what would you like us to do on behalf for your such for allowing us to have sanctuary even well it's actually um it doesn't really have a whole lot to do with me um truth be told it actually has next to nothing to do with me see let me bring you up to speed this is alphonse alphonse do you want to introduce yourself and alphonse steps up and he says uh nice to meet you both i think maybe we had a slight run in with you and your friend um civil who i care about and i'm sorry we're meeting under these circumstances run in civil isn't she doesn't she always like look the best absolutely
Starting point is 04:33:16 so this is alphonse and he's an old friend from out of town uh who i've worked with in some correspondence and we used to have a run in with each other in chicago and we have some fond memories but alphonse is a lot younger than i am not quite as young as the two of you but very young and so sometimes people like that they need to be nurtured they need to be cared for they need to be taken care of you know those things need to be elevated and so i did that for alphonse and alphonse has been good to me and so i've been good to alphonse and so alphonse owes me something and currently what he owes me is to allow uh for the two of you to continue to exist um but there is a special caveat to that situation and that is alphonse cannot complete his mission
Starting point is 04:34:05 without the two of you dying and he cannot complete my boon without the two of you living and so we have come to something of a disagreement that we've been having for the past hour or so while the rest of you slept uh that that is quite a predicament yes and what oof and i guess there's now i was about to say that is complicated and uh i wish i had a simple answer for you now i do too let me ask why
Starting point is 04:34:49 how do you benefit from not surveying my head up to the prince on a silver platter i like your wife well i like my wife too we have that in common that's it i was to be a wife once i feels like forever ago i like you look beautiful your dress is beautiful thank you thank you it's nice of you to say that uh even under the circumstances i know predominantly it comes from the fact that you owe me to exist but i understand the compliment regardless is that why yes but that hunt but fashion deserves to be complimented art beauty and all that's yes at least i can say that i'm sorry continue i don't want to assume but is that why your name is pride yes it's okay i'm not judging you i have
Starting point is 04:35:45 a weird name too you do you do we're we're in that club we're in that clan we we all hear it the words in our heads but your words are running out and we need to make a decision the two of you need to tell me immediately what it is you want and that is not in local sense it is in the greater sense because i can only do so much for you and so you can and ask of me whatever it is but i'm only here to serve for as long as alphonse allows me for the duration that you are in this room you continue to exist i i wasn't given a choice into this life and i would like to at least make a choice to see if i can
Starting point is 04:36:47 continue and ideally i would like to continue but that's probably out of my hands okay inock yes doctor oh i'm sorry was a question asked of me we'd like to know what it is you want out of the situation my survival is secondary to satiating my anger you would see a rectifying moment the fine rectify you would like revenge on those that have done you wrong i was going to wait to see what he asked of me
Starting point is 04:37:54 i would like for my wife to be safe and i would like for my wife to be happy and if someone threatens my wife's ability to do that i'm not going to stop until they're removed as a threat i see whatever that means it's very astute it's very specific it's something i can work off of honestly i was expecting some things to go wrong here but both of those i can i can justify very easily so this she looks to alphonse this makes her job so much easier um so here is my uh offering you're here you're in asylum you've given your option one is for the survival of allison and the other is for revenge against those that might see her harmed i can give you both
Starting point is 04:38:54 and how do you propose to go about doing that and why is that what you want do you have some kind of a grudge against our prince the two of you are married no yes where did this happen where did you have the ceremony we didn't know i didn't know after i was turned that it led to this marriage so i woke up alone i woke yeah i woke up alone i did i had no i didn't i didn't have anybody and i just kind of unfortunately wanted to not be alone and i did not realize that what i did cause the
Starting point is 04:40:04 marriage did you know doctor i i i don't remember but i don't care because that doesn't matter anymore i'm here now and this is all that i know and this is all that i care about so you both truly had a vegas wedding then it's turned out worse it's beautiful in a way you found something here something i always wanted something i always wanted to know what it felt like to have someone who understands
Starting point is 04:41:19 who took that away from you if you don't mind my asking what we are took that away my sire took that away i'm sorry to hear that that is why i'm going to do this for you consider it a wedding gift i am going to give allison a head start and i will see to it she measures eyes against you enok i will see to it that your revenge is had whether by your hand or mine
Starting point is 04:42:12 would you like to specify who you who you would like to see dead i don't know who started this but the sheriff finished it i will see to it that sisco meets their end please enjoy and i would have the prince know that his man betrayed him hmm that i can do doctor it has been wonderful knowing you even more wonderful knowing your wife and truly thank you now assured me of my wife's escape am i the bargain for that are you to take me in her place alphonse
Starting point is 04:43:13 looks to you tries to catch your eyes i'm going to give you a fair fight i see then so be it and so be it brod yes may i uh can i approach you of course come here i want to get off the ground it's dirty there thank you um
Starting point is 04:44:00 he's he's uh he was not my first choice but he was still my choice and he's i'm still married married i know i can't i don't i i don't know if i can see or that allison you can either join him or we can walk away from this i'm just giving you a way out allison i don't know what allison easily me go go
Starting point is 04:44:51 go sorry you're you know if you're very lucky i will find you later but right now you know i'm i'm just sorry i put you in the spot you didn't i did and i'm gonna go ahead and um wherever broad i'll just not to broad i'll be like okay let's take a walk i'll show you my dress and maybe we'll pick up a veil for you i didn't get to do that last time i would like to sure why don't you um why don't you say goodbye very quickly and then we'll make our way
Starting point is 04:45:49 okay i'm gonna allison doesn't um she's gonna kind of do it very quickly go up and then grab him up and she will kiss him one more time move his hair out of space and then walk and turn away i love you she doesn't respond back she's just she's trying to fight yeah just walks she takes your arm allison she grips it um she walks you out onto the catwalk of the second floor and the door shuts behind and there is a moment's inock as you're sat up looking over at alphons where there is just a level of tension in the air where he is not spoken you have not spoken and you're just measuring each other up by the eyes now before i die or before you die more
Starting point is 04:47:06 likely me could you do one last thing for me sure why don't you um tell me about civil tell me how that went tell me where that's going i care for you friend i have since i met her she's an excellent driver terrible day job she has a beast in her that i don't think she likes she's beautiful in a way that is hard and she is like stone in the best way okay while he's talking i would just like to survey the room a little bit better sure and search for windows vents sealing tiles means of egress okay there are a set of stained glass red windows behind you that would exit out to the main floor be quite a fall but you could exit that way there's a door
Starting point is 04:48:26 to your right that bride and allison have just left out there seems to be in another exit just behind alphons and you do get the sense that there's an air vent in the corner by the bed normal sized air vent or like industrial size you could probably get into this thing who knows how long you could go through whether it gets shorter or tighter who knows who knows how long you could scramble before before he gets there and there's always the thought of whether you can get there first he's armed with a pistol he has uh go ahead and make wits plus awareness trash bandicoast says truck stop worker sized air vents
Starting point is 04:49:18 yeah oh no not now sorry my computer is uh running out of memory no worries oh this would be a fantastic time for me the crash yeah i'm sorry wits plus awareness yes you've got it no successes okay yeah uh do you're not sure the panic of the moment the fight of your beast that is telling you everywhere to run you are desperately just trying to get back to alice and to live up to your promise but god you don't know all you know is that one hand is behind his back okay why don't you uh tell me about your wife she's the best thing that never happened to me
Starting point is 04:50:15 because she's not only beautiful but she's brave and she's stronger than me and she inspires me forces me to be something more that i am she's the only thing that matters in this stupid cruel world you for for instance are uh i don't know what you are you're just a buzzing pile of electrons and dead meat i don't give two shits about you and i charge through the stained glass window okay beautiful um i need you to make an athletics plus dexterity my friend naturally i am going to rouse the blood yeah i think that would be smart here um here we go he pulls that hand from behind
Starting point is 04:51:14 his back defined to the end i fucking love it so you just go and roll your pool all roll mine okay so three uh dexterity and athletics yes yeah okay pull the three okay three successes messy critical oh my god so three successes that would be um five successes correct on the hunger day i don't know if that's going to be a good or bad thing you're messy critical um how would it how would you like it to assist you here
Starting point is 04:52:11 i think it's just i think in enox mind you know the gif of the lady with the math scrolling through the background i think he's just doing like ballistic calculations figuring out where he needs to land when he needs to roll um planning his trajectory through the window he's factoring in like how fast the bullet is going to hit him um how quickly the guy can move his arm around and he is finding the in that moment the mathematically perfect as close to the mathematically perfect spot for him to to jump three optimizing for both making it hard for him harder for him to hit and for the softest possible landing okay
Starting point is 04:53:08 the bullet does not come um but the stake from behind his back does yeah i see i see and even easier the dodge though so with seven successes okay the stake enters in through enox heart sending him into a torpor as he cascades through the stained glass window and begins to fall to the base the bottom floor the dance floor in the asylum as he collides to the bottom there is uh a level of dust that takes on as final death is reached upon the impact of the floor below
Starting point is 04:54:10 and unfortunately enox has not made it out of the asylum asylum uh is left with allison and bride watching from the catwalk as enox plummets through the stained glass and there is a shock a scream a run from the bottom as so many of the passerbys the clubgoers below get out of the way so allison's gonna lean up to brides here if you like i i'd like to i'd like to go now i'd like to go now of course we have to move quick the plane will be leaving very soon
Starting point is 04:55:16 okay okay okay would you like to see him just one last time i don't want to see him like that i don't want to see him like that i don't want to see him like that now and allison's kind of really reverting more into a very childlike she's now going back into like her childlike um persona where it's just like she's looking for an adult she's she's like i just i don't just i want to go i just want to go it's it's going to be fine love here put on your veil and she hands you this long elaborate black veil that runs over you there is a moment that she rushes you out of the bottom floor of the asylum past the crowds that are forming around enok and out through a back door where you are shoveled into a limousine
Starting point is 04:56:15 that drives off into the night to mccarran airport where you're driven off strip to a private plane that bride and you board presently and as a plane sets off to the skyline of los vegas and the rest of the new generation climbed their way out of the sewers and as enok is lifted by paramedics in the center of the asylum like a lost saint with his arms outstretched as alphons leaves down the stairs below we will call vegas by night to a very temporary torpor as we leave arc one my god that's gotta be some of the best role playing i've seen in such a long time holy fucking god damn thing holy shit
Starting point is 04:57:24 man my emotional damage for your pleasure chat is so mad right now kaila yeah i know i'm sorry guys i i tried i'm sorry holy shit guys this was an incredible incredible game yeah thank you guys all are so amazing to play with yeah holy shit you did a phenomenal like phenomenal job thank you guys thank you guys for sticking with us thank you chat for staying for a whole extra hour i just want to say again that this game means the world to me and the fact that i get to play with you guys no matter how hard it may be or or easy it is it's one of the best experiences in my life that we get to do this
Starting point is 04:58:16 and we get to do it for people for for so many people who care about this so i love you guys to death and i can't wait for arc two love you hell yeah thank you guys everybody yeah yeah yeah i i'd love it anyone in the discord in the chat the community twitter send to erin all of your love for inoc all all of your love for allison as we don't know what's happening next for arc two but we're definitely gonna have some switch ups but they deserve to know how how much those characters were beloved because god knows i love them gonna miss the couple a lot the kinkster shall live on in fanfiction yeah there's always so much to work with thank you everyone too who has uh been so faithfully listening to us and following us uh we've got a lot more in the coming year um but
Starting point is 04:59:11 it's just uh it's just such an honor to play with you guys and uh kaila we couldn't have asked for a better storyteller so thanks again i'm just honored i could do it guys i mean this is my dream table i've i've literally had this game written for two years and i could not imagine giving it to anyone other than you guys so all right well on that you drag it was a great ride yes thank you we'll see y'all on the other side guys yeah see for arc two stay safe all right bye y'all have a great saturday

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