Mayday Plays - Vegas By Night Ep. 5 - "The Land of Promise"

Episode Date: September 4, 2022

The Coterie makes plans and plays. Only for the Malkavians to derail them....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wow. Good morning. Welcome, one and all, to what I just had to hear out of my ears right half a second before we started. Good morning, Kindred, and welcome to Vegas by Night. Mayday role plays Vampire the Masquerade Chronicle. Thank you so much for your continued viewership and all of the wonderful feedback we've been receiving on our Patreon Discord. It means the world to me. I know it means the world to the rest of us. We are having so much fun playing this game and I think that's the most important part. We've consistently come off here feeling so good about what we're putting out. So thank you everyone for feeling the same with us. We're going to keep going. If you've missed out on any chapter of Vegas by Night, don't fear. You can
Starting point is 00:00:46 still check it out on Spotify, Twitch, VOD, and our YouTube channel as of right now. And if you're wondering how you can get more Mayday in your life, you can catch our stream here every other Saturday for our main show. You can follow us on all major platforms as well as Spotify and SoundCloud for podcast friendly recordings of all our major shows and streams. And finally, you can donate to us on Patreon and join our Patreon Discord. The Discord is really where we've had a chance to build a great little family around the content we put out. We've had patrons who have joined each other's games and played in some hosted by ourselves. We've started a Deadpool on which one of us will die first. We've debated the most vile pizza toppings possible. And most
Starting point is 00:01:31 recently, we had a discussion about silk in the chat, which originally I thought meant pepsi milk, only to find out that it can also mean pickle milk. So much worse than the last. It's terrible. But just recently, we put in some Vegas by Night emotes that are absolutely worth it. There is no better joy than the spoons with a knife option or nut grab, which is officially named after Burroughs's actions in the last episode. In addition to all that craziness, you get an opportunity to listen to exclusive Patreon content and behind the scenes information. If you're a fan of Vegas by Night, we just recently put up Niles's origin session up exclusively on our Patreon. It's a doozy of a session that goes into a little of what makes Niles Niles. And we had a lot of
Starting point is 00:02:24 fun making it. It was great to put up. So please, if you get a chance, go see it. Eli did an exceptional job with her session. We have an Orpheus debrief on the way soon detailing and answering all the questions put forward by the fans of the show, as well as the cast members themselves. So keep a lookout for that release. We'd also like to give a huge shout out to our handler level Patreon contributors. It's because of their involvement in our content that we can begin thinking about all the big picture ideas we have for Mayday and the future ahead. So thank you to Ankh, to OGPan, to Bimblewart, to Cameron S. I think Bimblewart is in the chat. I'm pretty sure Ankh is too. So good morning to both of you. Hopefully you guys are enjoying the show.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Cameron S., Eric A., and Jonathan M., if any of you are in the chat, welcome as well. Thank you guys for everything you do for us. It's a huge, huge measure to see someone support us on that level. So thank you so much. Other than that, please check out our Delta Green campaign, Doom to Repeat, our D&D campaign centered in the island world of Ashoka, and our Old World of Darkness campaign using the Orpheus system, all of which are available on all major podcasting platforms, YouTube, and our Twitch. Before we get started today, I just want to remind everyone that Vampire the Masquerade can be a dark setting. And as such, there are content warnings for any watching. Please be advised that there may be violent themes, plenty of adult language, and the
Starting point is 00:04:00 exploration of darker subjects. I don't know that we'll get to it in this episode, but in the next coming episodes, there will be another content warning of body horror. If you don't do well with it, please keep that in mind. I'm about to get into a thread that uses a lot of it. So please take care of yourself and be aware of what we're putting out there. We just want to make sure that you're happy and healthy and can enjoy the content that works best for you. I'd advise it, Caleb. Yeah. Without further ado, we will begin. Humanity was cursed. But before that curse, we were kind. We were capable of loving each other in a way only a beating heart can. The blood and our veins made that possible. Maybe that is what
Starting point is 00:04:49 drew the kindred's obsession with it. It became spiritual, powerful, worthy of ritual. The blood was a weaponized compassion in Crimson Manifestation. And in the city of Enoch, a rolling palace lived, a throne from which Cain and his child Enoch served, the Dread Palace Gamal, an immortal structure built in service to God's lost children, the kindred of the first city. It was built in the preparation of Gehenna, a planned apocalypse of Cain's own making, a time in which Cain would return from his wandering to judge all kindred of his own court. And in that Dread Place, among spires of power and rivers of blood, there was a floor devoted to sacrifice, the giving of life and the service to power. The third floor where Cain kept his droves
Starting point is 00:05:49 of mortals eager to die to their cause, thousands left wandering the floors of this place prepared to give everything they could of themselves to serve. The third floor where the kindred filled basins with the blood of these willing acolytes and drained them of all kindness. The third floor where sacrifice was made real to solidify Cain's control over that Dread Palace. We used to be capable of the devotion of the third floor. We were caring siblings raising a child that was an ours. We helped to rally the masses. We fed those with hunger in their eyes. We solved the hard questions of humanity. We danced that we might give joy to others. We climbed for hopes of seeing the world from on high. We loved without condition.
Starting point is 00:06:42 We cared without circumstance. But it is human to stay by the deathbed. It's the human that sleeps in two small recliners and suffers the chime of heart monitors and sees a light rise through sheer medical curtains. It is the human that weeps and mourns before death has been served. The human that suffers the sunk cost of the appreciation of a friend whose life will fade before they're capable to celebrate your service. It is the human that loves to fill another and never to worry for their own emptiness. It is the kindred that sacrifices their friends to something greater, selfishness. The kindred that robs death from any foolish enough to assume they'd outgrown their usefulness. It is the kindred that lurks past visiting hours.
Starting point is 00:07:39 It is the kindred with a hand on the cord. The kindred with the same answer to every question, even life. We will tell them that we are saving them. We will rob them of any chance to give a love that doesn't consume. We will kill our darlings. Welcome to Vegas by night. That one was vile. That mental image that I just got off of what I just heard in my ears. Okay, good. Let's begin by introducing our cast. My name is Caleb James Miller. I'll be your storyteller for today's session. My name is Aaron and I'm Enoch. I'm Allegro and I'm playing Mal. I'm Amanda and I'm playing Allison. I guess I'm okay. I'm Eli and I'm playing Niles. Sorry. We forgot our alphabet for a second.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Hey, I'm Vince. I'll be playing Regal. I'm Zach and I'll be playing Sybil. Perfect. Now we will be hearing from Allison with a recap of last session's events. Buckle up, everybody. Oh, what does that mean? Why can't you not? Yeah! Okay. Okay, good. Okay, let's go ahead and change that. Oh, baby. Enoch really did clean this up. Good. Okay. Perfect match. Oh my God. You're coming along so well. I'm so sorry. I should never have left you hanging. I know. Okay. I know this. Look, just give me a little time to suture this up. It's gonna look beautiful. I love you. All right. So gosh, okay. So, all right. Like, remember where we picked up last time? And I was telling you I was with this group of people that we went ahead. So anyway,
Starting point is 00:09:45 this dumb ass group of mine, all we had to do was go into a bar and just get some peckerheads to believe that we were doing drug deals. All we had to do was just say, hey, we're Walter White. Here are some drugs. Walter White is a, I'm sorry, I keep forgetting you don't know a lot of pop culture. Walter White is a TV show. Okay. That's something we're going to watch. Okay. I promise. That's going to happen. So anyways, all you know how to do was just say, hey, we got some drugs. And guess what we could do? Just kill them. Because guess what? I did my job. You know what I did? Yes. I did the old coyote ugly routine. All eyes on me. Literally, all eyes on me. I got the girls, the dancers, extra tips. I got literally 10 guys willing to sign over the 401ks to me.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Yes. I don't know where they got 401ks, but I took it. Okay. Anyway, so here I am in the middle of giving some, was it small like a lap dance, right? When all of a sudden I just hear guns shots go off, like it's a fucking NRA convention, just going off pew pew. So Mr. Douchebag, you know, the one I was telling you literally, I just had to do titty, titty bang, bang, snap, snap. And he was dead. See, clean, simple, no one saw except the bartender, but I shut it down very quickly. If they don't get character espionage, it's part of a role. I mean, you totally get that. So wait, what? Oh yeah. Okay. So the others, right, right. So I got the situation that things got fucked upstairs. Mr. Burrows, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:44 the one I was telling you about, the one I have the theories. Yeah, him. So homeboy decides to actually go ahead and spend the night with me and Enoch, one down, one down. I know, I know, I know. But I really do think my theory is correct about him. But I just got to get the other ones though. That's just like, you like how you did, like, you know, how you collected a story of people. That's how I want you to do it. I know. Thank you, Mary. I just think of everything. No, but so the reason I was saying, Jesus. Okay, sorry about that. So anyways, Niles, right? Niles and Sybil, by the way, they got so much chemistry. I've already called them like nibbles in my head, and I hope like, I want them to get together. Like, I want them to be together. And I think we
Starting point is 00:12:41 should, it could be like one of your old movies, you know, like the ones like some like a hot, the prince and the sugar. Oh my God, Mary, it could totally work out that way. I could see it. Maybe we can get Mao when they're done talking to walls to make this rom-com. I don't know. Everything's itchy again. I gotta, hold on. Okay, Mary, what do you think? We're almost getting to your body now. We're almost getting there. I mean, absolutely incredible. Beautiful. I love dipping out the frame to end the scene. Absolutely gorgeous. I can still see you guys and I got so nervous because I can see a little reaction. So I'm like, it's tough when you're doing the recap. You have to stay focused on your stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:45 That was fucking incredible. Or the way that you are and I love it, but what the fuck? Perfect. Let's start off with hunger for everyone at the table. So largely after we get through this initial scene of what happened with Regal last night, we're going to move into the next night, meaning that you all have slept in your respective homes. Okay. For Niles, you'll have spent the night in the Belvedere, the bar run by Ellis and Hugh. So whatever you need to envision for that happening, but we do need to do hunger checks to abide by what goes on in that evening. So if you are not healing aggravated damage, do we lose somebody by the way? Let's just double check. I'm missing. I see everybody on camera. Okay. Good. Good. Good. Just making sure.
Starting point is 00:14:41 If you are not healing aggravated damage, you only owe me one rouse check. If you are healing one point of aggravated damage, you owe me four. What about willpower? Willpower automatically comes back to your maxed after your sleep. So you're back up at beautiful. Uh, Caleb question, because I've had nubs for a while. How is that still considered aggravated? Or are we just on? Well, how many points of aggravated damage do you still have on your seat? Just one. So once you heal this, then your fingers will be completely back. Can you remind us what the stats are for rouse check again, please? You're just rolling a single die. Six and above is a success. Uh, below that is a failure. If you succeed, you gain no hunger.
Starting point is 00:15:38 If you fail, then you owe me one more hunger dice in your pool. Cool. I just got shot a couple times. So I'm good. Okay. So I believe that, uh, Allison is the only one healing for four? Yeah. Or, okay, good. Allison, uh, let's start with you then. How's your hunger looking? I failed. I got it too. Okay. On the first of four rolls, or you only failed once? Jeez. Okay. I think I passed once. No, I passed twice. Two and two. Okay. Good. So then your hunger will start with us. I believe you were at a one last night, correct? Correct. So you'll start at a three. Not dangerous territory yet. You're nowhere near going above five. So you're in no danger of torpor, but you are starting a little more peckish than the rest. Uh, for the rest of
Starting point is 00:16:32 you, let's start with burrows. How are you looking? I mean, right now I have zero hunger. Uh, do I need to roll for the, since it's a new night? Yeah. So everyone owes me one rouse check regardless, just because you get hungry while you sleep. And the rouse is how many dice? Just one? Just one dice. Success means no, no hunger. Failure means yes. I got my sustenance last night. No hunger. All right. You're looking beautiful. I am at three hunger. Perfect. Regal is at three. What about you, Mal? Uh, I drained that bitch last night and, uh, I got a ton of my rouse check, so I'm good. Beautiful. Enoch, how we doing? I failed my rouse check and just got my first point of hunger.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Yeah. It's the first time that Enoch's felt hungry and all of his time in Vegas, basically. Ran out of lollipops. Yeah. Enoch's a little hedonistic around the city. I took his treat. Yeah. Niles, how are we looking? Niles failed, so I'm at three hunger. Oh, Niles. Oh, man. You know, the dice really like telling your story. They did. They did. And Sibyl, how are we doing? I failed, so I'm at two. Okay. All right. So that's our little boiler plate right there. We're looking good. Now, let's begin with you, Regal, and your time in the sewers last night. You have been trudging through these locus-infested sewer tunnels for the last hour and a half,
Starting point is 00:18:09 trying to find the direction that Mokura sent you in, in meeting up with the Nosferatu Premogen Bugsy. The locusts have infested these sewers, and they are absolutely buzzing as last night they were in their fullest effect. It is a noise bath in this room. You can feel it vibrating through dead flesh like you're a tuning fork. But eventually, after moving through this slosh of gray water and muddying your boots and getting stuck in amongst the leftover floodwater and the rains, the disgusting smell of rotted leaves that has been stuck up in your nose for the duration of this walk, every time you step past an intersection, you're reminded of whatever it was that you encountered in Mokura's neck of the woods that you know for a fact still
Starting point is 00:19:04 patrols these tunnels, whatever manifestation they've put in charge of keeping a barrier between your people and these people. But eventually, Regal, you arrive at the foot of a shanty town in the basin of a storm tunnel. You're familiar with these, working with Genevieve back in the day. We've come to understand uniquely the sort of fortitude it takes to live like this. It's difficult to frame the mind around what it must be like to sleep a few inches above the gray water. These are a testament to the human, mostly human condition. How is Regal feeling this night? What state is Regal in? So definitely replaying his interaction with Mokur over at his mind, the rebuke for having fed. But then also, I think he's starting to question what
Starting point is 00:19:58 it is he may be involved in after the speech he got from Mokur and, you know, more clarification on what he's planning. He's definitely reeling just a bit, you know, thinking about those in his coterie, thinking about the fact that those who are to be spared by Mokur must receive their name and now how Dharma was going to play into that and how he's going to go about bringing her into the fold. Absolutely. Okay. Moving through, these shanties are made of different odds and ends, corrugated steel sightings, shopping carts, filleted plastic from milk jugs that have been formed into wall sightings, old throw blankets and broken couch cushions, stop signs and construction notices form a walkway that keeps you from the worst of the mess at your feet as they're bolted
Starting point is 00:20:57 into stolen rebar. It forms a sort of sidewalk that takes you through the town infrastructure. There are a lot of looks for you. Many of them hard-worn faces of people we've all seen before, the lonely and destitute, the forgotten ones that we've cast out. Some of them whisper between themselves as you pass. You definitely get the idea that there are eyes on every side of you. Walking through this water splashing along this sort of scaffolded walkway, another approaches you off the side and you feel a tug at your shoulders. They pull at the fabric of your clothes and try to wheel you about. Yeah, he'll turn. You are met with this man's face and his eyes are zooming in on you uncomfortably. So it looks as though he probably has not had
Starting point is 00:21:52 a change of clothes in months and they've become so wet and soddened down here that you can smell the mildew that is sort of drifting off of his chest. He's wearing this hoodie that has been eaten through and then underneath his shirt is completely missing. You see this bare chest that is flared out to collar bones of starvation essentially. He has this moth-eaten raggedy beard that is growing gray at the ends or rather at the roots and he has these wild shifting eyes, one of which looks a little off to the left, the other zooms in on you. He goes, you're not from around here. Yeah, no, no, I'm from up, I guess up there. What's your name? Ethan. Ethan, you got any money? You could spare, you got something you could give me, man? Yeah, man, man. Here,
Starting point is 00:22:55 you need this, you need this more than I do. And he hands over his hoodie. He takes it over, he slides it onto his body and everything. He says, it's not a good place to be down here, man. I know, I know it's not. Here, give him 20 bucks. He'll take it, he says, is that all you have? I've been eating leech, man. I would really appreciate you got anything you could give me. You. Hey, I can take that beanie off you. I gotta keep this. I gotta keep this. Listen, can I give you, if I give you 40, will you, we take care of some of the other folks down here? Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course, of course, I'll spread it around. A 60, I could spread it even better. All right. Here's, yeah, he ends over 50. Okay. And he takes it, he puts it into his back pocket,
Starting point is 00:24:01 looks at you a little more pointedly. He says, you know, what's down here? You know where you're going? Man, I'm going to see, you know, the name Bugsy. He reviles back, he moves back and you can tell there's fear in his face as he really comes into understanding of what you are. He looks at you and he says, it's a fucking boogeyman. Yeah, I know that creep. He doesn't hurt you guys, does he? No, no, we're like, no, he doesn't hurt us. Some of his people do, but not him. You're, are you, uh, you're not like them? No. But you are. Listen. Huh? What's your name? My name's Frankie. Frankie, if any of those fucks touch you again, you ask for regal.
Starting point is 00:25:07 It's another name I go by. Okay, I'll, I'll fix it. I'm gonna remember Ethan a whole lot better, I hope you know. Yeah. But I'll try regal. Are you, um, are you like them? Do you? Some of my friends, they go to sleep and they wake up a lot weaker than they started. I guess we'll find out. Cause if you, if you are one, um, listen, I heard this story from one of the ugliest, one of those ones that come from, well, you know who my buddy, he was dying and it was pretty close to giving up and he got real cold. So bad he lost his foot, right? Right. And this one came silent up to him and, uh, I don't know. He talked to him for a while, whispered into his ear real
Starting point is 00:26:06 close like, and you could smell this dude. He smelled terrible. Smell like shit worse than the sewers. After talking to him for a couple of seconds, my friend looks scared to fucking death, but that warty guy, he took all his wrist and he slid it right down the half and he fed my friend, man. Um, and he didn't look the same for a couple of days. He looked younger, but he said he wasn't hungry. He said he, he could breathe down here again. He said, I know his foot got better, man. There were things that changed. And if you're one of them, then maybe you could do that for us. Hey, Frankie, what's the worst thing you've ever seen? You don't have to tell me. I just want you to think about it. Think about the worst thing you've ever
Starting point is 00:27:02 seen. Okay. You got it. Yeah. Take that and make that forever. And that's what you'd be asking for. Still be better than this. And he, he starts to walk away, upset his face, pained. Hey, Frankie. Yeah. You tell the others they ever need anything. They come asking for me. I'll tell them I asked for something and you said no. It turns the corner off the intersection. Fuck. Moving on. They all continue to watch as your conversation with Frankie reaches its natural conclusion. The construction continues to expand until are these makeshift catwalks
Starting point is 00:28:08 that are maybe six feet above the ground that are stolen from old scaffolding. One long portion of the second floor that sits above every everywhere proudly displays an old advertisement for the landmark casino featured in 1969. In it, a woman who has been violently defaced by spray paint has been lounging in a pool behind the large tower that once was. A speech bubble next to her invites you to float your cares away, but underneath spray painted in a mimic scrawl is the phrase Howard Hughes can suck my landmark. Finally, you find yourself moving through this section up to a large gate among the sprawling underground tent city. It is hobbled together with sheeting and stolen siding. The center
Starting point is 00:29:00 is a door with a glass window that centers at that displays sunset urgent care on the front and very professional medical script. Behind that, paint glass is a porthole made of more of that siding. It looks as though this is an entrance into a larger area. Is there it doesn't look like there's any security around any like guards and you like a mealy out front, but this looks like a very defensible door. You get the feeling of like an exclusive club like a speakeasy almost in that the door is there largely as the fence rather than the bouncer. Yeah, he'll go and knock on the door. After the knock, the porthole opens a moment and you're greeted with the chest of a man large
Starting point is 00:29:49 enough to fill the entire view screen until he pulls his face down and you're greeted with one of the most ugly sights you have ever witnessed. This hulk of a person has had the unfortunate circumstance of having a bulbous mass of skin that is warped over one eye to meet the other, which has detached from the lobe to a certain degree dangling loose in the socket against the bridge of the nose where it is held in close. This skin itself is a pale green like rancid meat and it bubbles and warts over in a way similar to dharmas, but it's much more rougher in consistency. A tooth has gnarled through his right lip permanently up through the other side and stuck out through a hood of skin, but he speaks in and that large eye sort of zooms in on you.
Starting point is 00:30:44 He says, what do you want? Yeah, ragel for bugsy. Ragel for bugsy. You come see bugsy. I come see bugsy. You come see bugsy. And he shuts the porthole for a second. It sheets over with this sighting. You can hear footsteps on the other side against corrugated steel and it takes a few minutes, but he comes back. He shoves the porthole open. He hits the latch on the door in this big, almost think like factory door or subway entrance opens up into a larger room. The giant brings you in and takes you past rows of what shocks you to be floor games on either side of that sort of corrugated sideways. There are actual casino slots that have been set up on either side in these two rows. There's the familiar ringing of
Starting point is 00:31:42 those dollar slots in the shower of coins that come with winning. He's opened you up into this circular dome that has been carved out of the walls of an intersection down here in the sewers and then has just been built above the rush of water. So think a section of four that has then been carved through stone back into the bedrock of Las Vegas and then elevated four feet above the rush of the sewers systems. This must have been a center for operations once, but now it is a nightmarish interpretation of a casino. There are two or three table games on the other side of the room. A host of slot machines ringing as far back as the 80s as soon as you enter the room and a dismal little bar off the left that has a dying backlit sign that reads
Starting point is 00:32:32 the Mary Mint, but the mint has long gone out so that an aged neon Mary Bar reads. There is also an aged advertisement just under it advertising for the latest Patsy Klein performance. At the center of it all is this house. It is the eye that proceeds over all of Little Strip. It's a scaffolded room that must have been an office long ago that sits at the center. The giant begins to walk towards those steps and up into the central room, but it does seem as though he's giving you a lot of birth to investigate this room. Any questions, any actions in this big old room? What's the clientele like? Is it other Nosferatu? Is it some of the homeless of the city? You can see some of the most ugly human beings you've seen in your entire life. There's
Starting point is 00:33:25 definitely Nosferatu down here. People who are afflicted with the Nosferatu curse and as such have become disgusting physical manifestations of their former self. There are other kindred that you can definitely see here. Some of them feeding off blood dolls. Enough that it is a small number. You'd probably guess there's maybe six active kindred in this room currently, but there's plenty of mortals. There's plenty of the homeless population that have been let into this room that are trying to partake at the casino itself. There are plenty of what you would assume are Bugsies, hired goons, ghouls, etc. What are they armed with? It looks as though the two guards off the center as you walk in just have nine millimeter
Starting point is 00:34:18 pistols at their hip. Then the big guy that you are following does keep a sawed off shotgun sort of strung on long strap across his back, but it does not look like that man would need it whatsoever. He's about six foot seven, probably narrowing somewhere in the 300 pound range, and just looks like a brick shithouse. He could take just about anything with just his hands. Outside that, it doesn't look like there's any major big guns on display, but maybe that's all hidden underneath the surface. Right. Yeah, he'll keep following the big guy, and then I think at some point he'll be like, hey buddy, what's your name? My name Brontes. Brontes. Hey, I'm Raigel, and he'll fist bump him. Raigel, and he hits the fist bump there. He does seem slower
Starting point is 00:35:15 than most, but he's prescient. He's official with you. He sort of gestures this big clubbed hand out to everything. This little strip, you in little strip, these bugs his place. It's impressive. He's impressive. Bugs he make. He very good. He make plays good. I believe it. Raigel, you like. I love it. Brontes, he offer you slots. He offer you drinks. He offer you woman. Oh man, I appreciate that Brontes, but I don't think Bugs, he wants me to keep him waiting. You smart man, Raigel. You come. Hey, Bugs, he's lucky to have you working for him. Okay. Okay. Yes. Bugs, he very lucky. And he starts to move pass through to that center room. He starts to rise up the steps. You could feel the footfalls
Starting point is 00:36:19 of this massive man going up there as though the steel is going to bend underneath him. But he's clearly taking you up this winding circular ramp up to the house at the center of it all. Once you're both up there, there is another door that he walks you through. And just inside, you're greeted by Dharma who lounges in a booth that is just off the side of that entry door. She is right behind these huge large windows that circle the place. You can see just about everything that happens in this dome from in here. Some of them are makeshift windows that have been forced out of the steel. But they're at the center behind this large marble desk that looks like it may have fell off a truck and caused an irregular live edge off the edge of it is who
Starting point is 00:37:15 you can only assume is Bugsy. He is massive. Maybe 300 to 400 pounds. You'd wager on the low end if you were being polite. 600 pounds on the far end if you were probably trying to be accurate. And whatever elephantitis he's been privy to has populated across his entire body. His feet that sit just below the desk have been layered over with drapes of his own skin until they become clubbed like elephants feet. His body presses into break at certain places across this old dingy three piece suit. This leopard print vest underneath has busted out at the seams to reveal more of his body. The side of his his head employs this sort of watery growth that sits along the whole of it and threatens to pop at any moment. And his teeth have been filed down to these sharp
Starting point is 00:38:15 sticks as he gives this huge grin as he sees you walk in. His eyes one of them still a bright blue. The other has been lost to an ash gray as it floats into that side of his big growth on the side of his head. He is horrible to look at. But the second that you walk in he lets out this huge laugh and this big jovial grin as he's staring over at you. You must be fucking right gal. That's me. You must be a bugsy. Yeah. Yeah. That's what they call me. Come over. Yes, sir. You met Dharma. Yeah. We met briefly at Elysium, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:38:59 It's a pleasure to see you again. Rock gal. It's good you've made yourself present. Bugsy has been waiting to meet you and I had only good things to say of the raucous display of your coterie at the Elysium. Yeah. That's one way to put it. Yeah. Dharma said you made quite the fucking splash. You got some Elvis impersonator with you on that team. Yeah. Yeah. Burroughs. He's a he's a he's a good dude. Yeah. I never said that about an Elvis impersonator, but I'll take your fucking word for it. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Some. Here you are. Here I am. Maokur's baby, huh? Yeah. I gotta ask, Caleb, you know what's coming. Does the voice sound familiar? Voice sounds incredibly familiar. You can't quite place it. It comes from a time and place from before you were dead. Got it. Okay. Very recent to your death day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Yeah. Listen, Brontes, get this guy a fucking chair. And Brontes, that huge giant that cyclops comes over with this broken down like steel lounge chair that looks like it might have sat at an old pool resort and sits that down right in front of you. It's rusty as all hell. If you were alive, you would be risking tetanus, but here you're fine. Yeah. He'll sit down and say, thanks, Brontes. Fist bump. Oh, it hits you with a fist bump. Bugsy folds his hand out in front of himself and leans it out on his gut. And he makes direct eye contact. And just for a few seconds, he's sizing you up.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Didn't I tell you that you probably shouldn't look after things like the captain there? Didn't I tell you that maybe you were getting in over your head? You did. My strange, but fortunate confound. Hey, there you go. Look at that. You've already guessed it. Listen, I tried to help you. Truly, I did. But it seems the captain knew about us before you could get to me. There's something to slow you down that night. You just couldn't make it up the mountain. You couldn't make it up to me. You couldn't make it up to me.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Well, I tried to shake them. I thought I did. And then they wrecked me and pulled me out and shot me in the gut and left me to die. Yeah, they more than wrecked you, Raghel. They took you. They stole you away from a life where you would be fed well, you would be taken care of, and you'd have good man in your corner. Instead, you and my friend have been doomed. But such is life. Yeah. Yeah. Did you, you didn't know they were going to be there, did you? No, I had an inkling. Of course, the people that want to kill you always want to fucking kill you. That's the way life works. But no, I didn't have any idea they were going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And if you're wondering if I was the one that sent them, no. In truth, you were supposed to be a nose for Otto. I was going to make you the ugliest motherfucker in Vegas, but they beat me to it. Yeah, they gave me this. He takes office beanie. Please don't show me that shit. That's the sickest fucking shit in the world. And I look like this. Oh, my bad. Put the hat back on. Holy shit. Well, you just go around showing people that shit. Cut. Damn. Like a big dick in the locker room. Well, keep your fucking one eyed willy away from me. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, buxie. No, that's okay. That's okay. Just fucking with you. Now, listen,
Starting point is 00:42:52 you were brought here for a reason. Yes. Mo'Ker wants to dance. Yeah, I believe so. I only imagine that it would be some time. I mean, you died right there in his territory. Well, I've been watching you for some time and me and Mo'Ker go back a little while, a little longer than I'd like to admit and he likes to take my things. So what is it he wants from the duo of us? Well, he'd, uh, let me first slide you call me down here. Look at you dictating the meeting already already laying down who should answer who, right? How about you answer the fucking question right now? You're already a fucking reporter, aren't you? In life and death, you can't for once answer a question without asking another.
Starting point is 00:43:43 No disrespect intended, I apologize. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck off with that shit. You sound like you're in the tower. He wants to meet Dharma. Bugsy sort of makes eye contact with that faceless mask that Dharma wears over her. Um, and just for a moment, you can see that he's thinking, uh, and it's bizarre to see is this fleshy little ashy eye centers, uh, out of the cloud that is this bulbous growth off his side, but he comes back to you and he says he wants to meet Dharma. That's fine. I don't know what he has planned, but I'm sure it's just well enough. Listen, uh, Mo'Ker is a hell of a guy and so are your people. What you've become is something that cannot be attributed to being kindred.
Starting point is 00:44:38 The salubri there, something else entirely. A lot of people think you're cursed. More people understand that you are an omen and omens are never inherently good or bad. They're merely road signs. You are one big fucking construction and progress sign. I don't know what you mean yet, but you mean something. People told you what you mean. Mo'Ker, people around town, Prince Alloy and these fucking ivory tower. Um, you know, not really. There used to be this myth that went around that there was only seven of you at any given time. It's a magic number, right? But it was meant to mimic the oracles. It was this idea that
Starting point is 00:45:32 you people were a curse that could only happen when things were about to go terribly wrong. But the creation of a salubri in all my time here in Vegas has always indicated that something is about to happen with a very good, very bad. Who knows? You are that road sign and I intend to find out what the fuck you mean. Yeah, I'm right there with you. So here's the situation. I'm going to let you give Dharma over to Mo'Ker and you two can just have a ball. Okay. You two can find out whatever it is. Because Roguel, I trust you. I don't know why, but I'm getting old enough to think that maybe I
Starting point is 00:46:25 figured this shit out. So I'll let you do what you're going to do. And I hope I trust that you're going to make the right decision because the wrong one is the wrong one. But before you are given this opportunity, I want to ask something of you and you're going to do it. It's going to sound like I'm asking you a favor. I'm not. And it's going to sound like I'm giving you an option. I'm not. Okay. There's something going on in Little Strip. There's a kid I had a couple of decades back. His name is Pryor. And he was a good boy to me and I loved him to death. And he was one of mine. And I took care of him and I take care of every Nazi in this city. You fucking best believe that if you're alive and you look like shit, then you're
Starting point is 00:47:19 mine. But Pryor's dead. So I didn't do so good a job. I woke up weeks ago, found his ashes in his home. Last anyone close enough heard of him, myself included, he was out looking for something behind my back. Something called Saints Tears. I've never heard of the phrase before, but odds are it's what got him killed. Ragel, you were a reporter in your life. Good one. Shitty enough to draw my ire, meaning that you could probably solve this thing. You find out what happened to Pryor, and then you and Dharma can do whatever the fuck you want. You can get freaky, whatever the hell you two consenting adults get up to.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I'll make it happen. We'll find out what happened to him. I, with your permission though, if I can, my coterie could probably be of some use in this. I don't think I can do it by myself. Are you going to be okay with me bringing him down here? Any toreadores among you? Nope. Then I don't give a shit. As long as those prissy bitches aren't down here, you can do whatever the fuck you want. But you answer by them. Whatever they do down here in Little Strip, that's Ragel's word. That means you died by the fucking sword. You got that?
Starting point is 00:49:04 I got it. I won't expect anything less. Listen, when you talked to Mokur and he started diatribe and he started talking about the way things were, the way things are, the way things ought to be. When he got to telling you how the world works, what'd you think? I think he left a lot out. Smart boy. It's not nearly as black and white as he's making it out to be. It is as shady, gray and pasty as my fat ass.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Kind of wish I had a different sire. Don't go trying to flirt with me on our first date. You piece of shit. You could have been me, but you're not. So you'll suffer. But for the time being, you keep thinking that way. Maybe I can abide by that. Who knows? There are a lot of things that can happen in these unspoken four nights, but until I know what fucking omen you are, we won't discuss things like that. And you ought to watch your fucking tongue because you say that to the wrong person. You picked the right one today, but the wrong one, Mokur has your head tomorrow, especially being what you are. Trust is a two way street, ain't it?
Starting point is 00:50:31 It is. I got something for you. Something you want to know. I mean, I'm always in the business of information. The prince got something from Denver. Some kind of old artifact. You saw inside that thing. He broke it the fuck open, took a look. You broke it open and looked inside. Not me. One of the more reckless ones in the coterie. We put it that way.
Starting point is 00:51:13 And did anything happen when that fucking suitcase opened? Yeah, it took her fucking hand. Yeah, it took a lot more than that. You guys know, you understand that when someone puts a sigil there, they have an understanding when it's broken. Yes. Yeah, I had a feeling. I had a feeling that. And by win and by what? There's a good chance that there are two very funky looking fucking twins that know exactly who touched what win where.
Starting point is 00:51:42 You want to look out for the Tremere, my friend, because if that thing opened, there's a good chance that they know about it. You, uh, you want to know what was in there? Yeah, I want to know what was fucking in there. I just thought I'd give you a little fucking heads up first so you could keep your head. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't fucking touch a damn thing. Oh, sure, Raquel. I'm sure that they're going to be very discerning when they take off their fucking heads. Yeah, no. Now tell me, tell me.
Starting point is 00:52:15 All right. Ceramic disc, 10 inches diameter, some kind of star shape, fingers outstretched. I think it was some kind of prayer gesture. There was crescent moon, bearded man, these bulging bleeding eyes, uh, Roman from the looks of it, uh, Samaritan Aramaic around the outside. I am the door. Go ahead and make a. Wits plus insight. Oh, okay. Three of those hunger die are going to be in the mix.
Starting point is 00:52:58 That is two successes. I'm sorry, three. Three successes. You see a little flutter in one ashy eye as he considers this information, but he's a pretty steely fellow. You don't know what it could mean. This means something for sure. Is that all spearhead? I think it was evil. These evil eyes of black irises crying, something like that. And you gave this to Prince Louis? Yeah. Yeah, that was what he wanted the group to pick up from Denver, along with me. And, uh, a wasombra wasombra. Another interesting. I didn't hear that.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Yeah. Listen, I'm not one for giving out extra merits here or missions, but if discerning parties were to receive said briefcase or any of the items listed therein, that's all. All right. Listen, I know it's early in our relationship, so I'm not going to push my luck, but I didn't really want to stop trying to sleep with me here, Roguel. It's not going to work. Have you seen me? I'm sort of a single kind of guy. I can drink, Annie. Take a lot more than dreaming for this body. Look, I just, we got domain in Naked City.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Can you even fucking call that domain? You got Naked City. Congratulations. I'll drink to you. He gave us a bar. Luckily, it's got these fuckers, the conquerors in there. Um, you got any intel on them? Anything we can use? Yeah, they're fucking anarchs. You really want to draw the attention of the prince. You, you keep hanging out with those folks. The conqueror is that answer to, um, one of the loose cannons of the north side of town. And they're pretty notorious for getting into things that makes the Camarilla unhappy. I've had to have more than a few of my spies run out there and, uh, hamper some hamstrings.
Starting point is 00:55:36 If you're still working for the ivory tower and you're not some piece of shit dissenter, then I'd watch your tread, baby. Yeah, for now, I don't think I got enough to be a wild card. How do I get rid of them? They're fucking roaches. You fumigate the building. That's just my belief. But I don't work with roaches. Maybe you're different than me. I just look like one. I don't want anything to do with them. They got a weak spot. Yeah, I've found that if you shoot most of them in the head, they fucking die.
Starting point is 00:56:15 They're human beings. You can kill most of them. You just got to be careful that sometimes they run one deep. They've got chapters, small little chapters across the city and every so often, one of the powerful is in charge of the many. All right. Good to know. Good to know. And, uh, this should probably go without saying, but under the captain, I want them and I want them to hurt.
Starting point is 00:56:54 That's something I can do for you that Mochure can't. That man has a singular mission and the revenge don't play into it. But if you want a patron who understands revenge, somebody that knows what it is like to sieve, pick the right person. Bumble shit aside, Bugsy, you give him to me. I'm fucking yours. I'll consider it. You do what I asked first. You start making moves in this city, moves in my direction. Maybe I can help you out, but I promise you Mochure never will. Yeah, he's, uh, between those girls, he's starting to worry me.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Don't get too worried. He's your sire. How bad could a sire be? When that sire's starting to sound like Bin Laden, pretty fucking bad. Listen, you listen to any of us too long, we start to sound like terrorists. We're horrible people destined to live forever. You got to get used to somebody saying something you don't like. Yeah, good advice. Just be careful of where you speak. Anybody else, and this would be the worst move you ever made. I made a move like that and I got stuck in the sewers for a hundred years. I think for what it's worth, I think the whole no Nosferatu above ground is fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Don't spout out now. I agree, but that's not changing as long as a torridor is in the throne. They fear us. All right, Roguel, I think it's about time to have my ear a lot longer than most get their first night in Vegas, at least their first night with me in Little Strip. You're welcome to come through with your little party. We got rooms if you want to stay, but most people don't like the smell of shit. We got bars if you want to drink. We got slots if you want to play. You're welcome. Now fuck off. See you around. See you around. And he'll on his way out. He'll kind of nod at Dharma.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And she waves a little hand, twinkles it off at you. And she even follows you out the door for just a moment. She catches you on the ramp. She says, I believe we'll be staying in touch. We will. When you begin looking into the events of Pryor's death, please let me know. I'd like to come with you. What do you know about it, about Pryor? He was a darling of Bugsy. And as such, he had a lot of play down here. But he had dreams. And that's the worst thing you can do when you're one of us. That's enough now, Regal. Good to see you. And she runs this feted little hand across your cheek. And you can feel something slimy streak across. And then she moves back into the room with Bugsy. He doesn't go to wipe it off. He just kind of leaves it and heads out.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Gorgeous. Yeah. You take Dharma's pus with you and leave little strip. We will say that that takes the majority of your evening there and you arrive at the next night with everyone else. Let's all assume that we are waking up at 8 p.m. The next night. This is, of course, the night after what happened to Niles the night before. So to begin with, Niles, you do wake up in the Belvedere bar. It's a beautiful place built up with... It's already pretty busy. It seems like a pretty easy focal point for whatever the Anarch operations are. You're staying in Hugh's old room. It is this private room off the side of a storage room in the back of the kitchen, essentially. It's made out for a manager of sorts that's been converted
Starting point is 01:01:35 into a bedroom and then blocked out the windows. So it was a pretty easy sleep for yourself. Hugh has not been around. You wake up alone in this room and are sort of the sole outlier in a building that is clearly very busy. Is there anything you'd like to accomplish before going to meet up with everyone else? Niles probably didn't sleep in the bed. Niles probably slept right across the way of the door and just was facing the door just in case somebody decided to enter at any point because she was really f***ing spooked by the events that happened. But other than that, I want to quickly put some assessment towards spoons because I haven't really assessed how bad his wounds are and he's not healing.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Yeah, you pull him free from the jacket and you put him out in front of you and you can clearly see that he is sort of involuntarily molted and the effects of that fight a few days prior or days prior, time is weird. The effects from the fight have definitely changed him in a way that is emotionally distressing to the animal. You can definitely tell that he's had adverse effects purely from the stress of it all. He's lost a lot of feathers. He looks small in the beak. There's still this gaping wound off this left wing that you can see after you start to inspect and the second that you start to move your hand towards it, he pulls himself away and flaps his wings out to signal you to stop and it's a funny
Starting point is 01:03:21 feeling that fabulous connection, right? Anytime that you reach one of those wounds or any of the portions of the bird that is obviously causing him distress, you can feel that to a certain extent through that feedback and you can feel a buzzing in your head as he's desperately trying to communicate with you not to touch at where he hurts. I'm going to go in the bag that I have and I'm going to pull out the bag of blood that I harvested of however much I managed to get off that one guy. Right. I'm going to drink it. Yeah. And then I'm going to take spoons and I would like to use flashcraft to try to seal off the overall gaping wound because that's probably the first start of making him feel a little more
Starting point is 01:04:17 comfortable. Yes, absolutely. So first off, let's say that in drinking from your little vampire Capri Sun, you've slighted too hunger. So go ahead and remove too hunger from your your slot there. And in addition, if you could just tell the audience here what sort of things flashcraft makes possible as since last session you managed to pick it up as a discipline. Sure. Where is I had it and I lost it one second. I think I can pull it up too if we can't find it. I have it. So flashcraft essentially extending the mastery over flesh of vampires now able to inflict administration of the bodies of others. The power is rightly feared as many of the users and have a reputation for inhuman torture and employ a great effect to enhance and adapt.
Starting point is 01:05:22 So I essentially can flesh actual skin and body. You can do some of the things that you do to your own body constantly but now projected through onto others. Now traditionally this would be a contested rule role if the person on the other side was against it or unwilling. But as we have all established before spoons is incapable of denying you. It is an unconditional love that only comes from having tasted your blood and spoons is unaware that he could ever hate you despite you understanding that it is purely through that connection. So he will have no resistance to what this looks like. Go ahead and tell me the way that spoons changes in the process of this flashcraft. What does he end up looking like afterwards. It's not like crazy
Starting point is 01:06:19 adjustments to like his overall aesthetic but it's more about like filling the holes of that wound and making sure that his wing is a lease mendable where he can fly again and be able to not feel as much pain. I'm just trying to heal him in a certain way but it might cause his wings to kind of be a little bit longer than he originally had just to make that work. Yes you extend him out so that he now has a larger wingspan than when he started and that flesh starts to model and build on top of the wounds themselves as if forming their own scabs and you manage to create more and more crow flesh enough that spoons has gained these brand new wings that he begins to caw squeak out of for a moment there is a searing searing pain from the vibration the tinnitus
Starting point is 01:07:17 of spoons calling up signals in your brains as you can feel pain emanating off of him. The process of this flesh being created grafted and then painted hurts him and you can feel him crying out as he's changed through but then that terrifying cacophony of sound that exists in your mind as you're connected with him begins to die down to a rumble as he comes out and the pain begins to subside as you see these two beautifully formed long wings of flesh that have pointed out to blades at the end just based off the structure of the crow's wing and he has become this half feathered half flesh manifestation of what used to be a raven. I'm just gonna grab spoons and I'm just gonna hold him and coddle him a little bit
Starting point is 01:08:14 just at my chest because I didn't mean to hurt him like that. He's incredibly loving he rubs up his his uh caw against you his ma also known as a beak I remember the word beak he rubs his beak against your face and up against your cheek and he gets very close enough that you can sort of hear his or at least feel his heartbeat underneath those little shallow bird bones it is definitely a different feeling in your hands as you're now almost holding like imagine the feel of naked chicken flesh you can feel the sort of prickly nature of what used to be feathers and is now this sort of half stubbled bird flesh that will never truly grow back into what he used to be
Starting point is 01:09:04 but it is a patch job for a loved friend to keep him alive and you definitely feel as though he's been fortified he feels stronger than he once was. Okay once I comfort him for a little bit I'm going to stick him in my shirt pocket and then I'm going to text the group that we need to talk and then head out to meet them somewhere. Beautiful okay yeah you tuck the only friend you have in your life or at least the only one you trust back into your jacket and he seems very happy to be back with you you send off that text everyone receives communication if you would like to like to believe that Mal still has that cell phone with them from a past life it does not receive a text but it does get a warbled terrible scream of like a think like
Starting point is 01:09:56 old router sounds being fed through a demon's voice right fantastic yeah so maybe that is the first thing you get after you wake up is a ariano rat which is the signal you would know to go and meet up with your friends of course sure so let's actually go to you mal now you wake up assumedly in the church you went back to the church yes yeah I went back to the church how is the sleep like in this abandoned haunted church of the headless woman I think it's almost good sleep I don't I don't think the dead sleep well right but I think in a in a place that Mal would absolutely not be were it in function and were they alive and kind of taking it and perverting
Starting point is 01:10:55 it into whatever their use is has made it kind of seem homey even though there are like monsters kind of swimming at the edge of everything it feels good to be surrounded by monsters like that right so there I think they wake up in as good a mood as Mal can wake up understood yeah the first thing you do notice is you're sort of standing up and stretching your body out after being dead for the last eight hours while you wait for you know a day like to die you have this sensation of a vibration underneath the floorboards below your feet and you can hear what are noticeably footsteps on the floor below you um and it is loud enough that it feels as though someone is full on sprinting underneath you as if
Starting point is 01:11:53 running for the Olympics just full feet beating the floor breaking into the the bottom floor colliding with something as you can hear the thud of connection like a body hitting walls and then bouncing off and the feet start again to the other side until it collides with the other and it seems as though whatever they're doing they're running from one side to the other and colliding whatever their form is uh into the walls of that basement level that sub level below oh that far down cool uh then I for a minute now think someone is on the like the middle floor the the ground floor I suppose and is getting ready to like shadow up and get ready to go downstairs and then they realize it's a floor down and then they sigh and um I'm they're gonna
Starting point is 01:12:50 start leaving I'm gonna start leaving all of the little like bits of paper trash that I've picked up all of the brochures that I've picked up uh the pew book with the locust wings um I'm gonna tuck that all like on top of the bed except for one of the pamphlets for like a like an atv tour in the desert uh and I'm gonna take it downstairs and uh take it all the way down to the door is there a is there a crack under the door yeah yeah there would absolutely be enough for wind to pass through I'm gonna it is underneath the sort of barricade that's been built there but you've also cast a lot of that off to the side so there's room enough yeah I'll shimmy my arm under
Starting point is 01:13:41 and just slide the brochure underneath if you're bored read this you can hear that that continued running uh does not cease there's more of that collision and it is impossibly loud down here it's echoing through the staircase quit what are you do you're not gonna break out from a basement dumbass just not seem to be any answer I figured I just just okay um do I want to Mal's probably gonna get the text and ignore it and uh instead start walking toward the strip uh towards asylum got it
Starting point is 01:14:37 okay we will go to the others first and then we'll get to asylum burrows what does your wake up look like um burrows yeah he'll he'll wake up um I do want to point out that last night there was a good chance like you know he has a memory of busting out taking me to church by hozier at some point probably um but he you know is noticeably uh quiet noticeably reserved um probably just puts his clothes back on and puts himself together without much fanfare uh really just not kind of himself honestly understood did you end up sleeping in Dudley's church did you go back to the motel no are you with yeah I would assume I was still with the uh the kinksters beautiful uh well then we'll assume this is a very shameful morning after
Starting point is 01:15:39 in the best way possible kinksters is there anything in your morning routine as it's 8 p.m. in the the evening and you wake up next to uh burrows because you're all sort of ambling about I'm now correct me if I'm wrong but didn't we establish that burrows I'd already left before we woke up last week or last time we can assume as such I think burrows was just saying he'd like to wake up with you okay um no that's fine I'm going to be like um in a panic and I'm actually going to grab onto burrows oh and I'm still grabbing on to enot but I'm leaning more towards burrows like that
Starting point is 01:16:29 good morning so everything's fine everything's gonna be okay and I'm just gonna kind of just stay there for a second and just be there until like someone moves that might be what bur what waits burrows up and I think he would notice what's happening but I think once he has his mind about where he is he might actually take your hand off and kind of sit up in bed and kind of rub his head and stuff good morning morning morning oh just so you know I'm leering at your ass burrows morning careful where those eyes are wandering there my dear oh my god shut up okay thank you is there is in the morning is there ever a single moment where Alice and Enoch are not together you can change maybe yeah you know getting ready or something
Starting point is 01:17:37 yeah sure sure um I'll take a shower I felt like I would need it okay I I think um and by the way as I would go just grab in my clothes and I'm gonna take a shower I'm gonna look at you two guys and I'm gonna be like now don't do anything fun without me I have no intention of that I assure you and then I'm gonna just go ahead and like uh-huh and then close the door and I think at that point Enoch is immediately fully clothed and like on the opposite corner of the room trying to completely ignore burrows and pretend he's not even there yeah I think burrows picks that up he'll he'll get dressed and when Allison comes out he'll say uh uh you in the mood to eat something uh there's a there's a place I heard about called
Starting point is 01:18:37 naked city pizza and well naked city I thought I figured give it a try oh my gosh you're you're both welcome obviously pizza in forever yeah that's a great way all right well I mean we just ready when you are I could eat I am getting actually really hungry though so would you like you could talk now would you like to come I'll go wherever you go I would like you to make your choices okay that all right we're going choosing to go with you there we go all right let's go and I'll start leading them out of the wherever we are and uh towards naked city beautiful the most awkward night after without an uber drive uh ends in the direction of naked city uh civil any actions for this beautiful 8 p.m morning um I think Sybil has probably been up if if she doesn't wake up
Starting point is 01:19:56 earlier than eight then she stayed up just trying to get 10 steps ahead of what she did last episode trying to be like yeah of course there's a plan for this person that I've made apply for a job that exists and just starts working on that and then once she gets the text for a meeting like maybe 45 minutes late she responds yeah meeting my luckies even though that's already very clear she just sends that to everybody and then finally regal uh your evening in the sewers you receive the group text you're awake are there any actions for the morning uh no but I think I'm going to reunite with rufus okay absolutely yeah rufus uh absolutely just come back to you do you want to uh sort of advertise to everyone what rufus is like what rufus we're
Starting point is 01:20:51 looking at what is happening here I do so rufus is uh regal's uh femalus femalus is how you pronounce it um if if nas feratu could be a dog that would be rufus probably um very mangy just odious smelling one eye big ol like scar in his side but still a very handsome german shepherd despite all of his all of his flaws and graying around the muzzle a bit uh at least he was before he met regal but he comes up to him tail wagging moves moves maybe a little bit slower than actually no he wouldn't because if it was a bone femalus yeah he moves like a dog much younger than his ears let's do it that way there is an awareness even as he arrives to you um this night that if it had not been for your blood and the covenant you two made together that uh this dog would have
Starting point is 01:21:49 died um a long time ago uh but as such you have kept him moving um like a corpse still holding on desperately to its soul um and you have saved a life but you have this understanding regal that the second you deny this relationship it ends for rufus but for now it is easy enough to enjoy the happy smiling half lulled tongue off the side of his ma there as he comes up and begins to lick your chops and you can see that hazy little gray eye off his side but does in some small way remind you of your meeting with bugsy the night before but this is a far prettier uh face to look at uh much more affectionate as well yeah he just he just pats him for a little bit and uh so this is go boy time to meet you to introduce you to the others there's an
Starting point is 01:22:48 awareness in his eyes and uh just like any good german shepherd he sort of transitions into this performance mode that he knows he's on job now and stands immediately by your side uh he is remarkably like a service dog uh in all the best ways and will march with you to meet up with the others my boy all right the uh asylum scene let's let's go with that real quick and then we'll mediate till we're all back together so uh the asylum you know mal is actually on the strip itself it's on the strip proper which uh i will just remind you that one of the rules on that strip given to you by prince alawis is was not to feed directly on that strip it is against one of his core tenants but um it is opposite the the wind casino at the very edge of the the north side of the
Starting point is 01:23:46 strip uh in the fashion district strip mall essentially but it has been carved out this new architectural um portion of that strip mall has been made out for the asylum itself the exterior matches the dreary uh exterior of an old asylum uh pretty much picture for picture if you were imagine old stone 1960s build a brick old asylums whatever you can imagine there it definitely matches it but it has been married with gothic architectures of high spires and large windows the outside is absolutely packed and it sits itself on the strip uh in a newly redesigned portion that is blocked in by these uh privacy walls there's a line down the block with black taped waiting fences trapping people in and the big windows are dramatically lighted out the side
Starting point is 01:24:43 with dual shades of bright white and pulsing violet the entire structure is gated in and there's this quad area that has been draped from lamp post to lamp post to lamp post with all of this stringing of white lace that dances across the the center there like connective tissue there's a huge line here and it looks just absolutely bumping for uh let's say 8 30 at night uh before i get to the strip i want to duck into an alley and activate blush of life okay you look remarkably human all of a sudden i believe bless of life that's a thing everyone can do right yes okay great i believe it owes me a rouse check though let me make sure that's a good trick to remember yes it makes you look human it allows you to do some things that uh
Starting point is 01:25:36 assist you in talking with humans so you don't look like a dead guy all of the time uh go ahead and give me a rouse check that's just one die yeah okay yes yes yes uh it was a nine and then i went to a five okay fail so you gain one hunger but you do uh still put on the blush of life some things you gain from the blush of life you now have a heartbeat you are forcing your body to replicate what would be a normal heartbeat so half of a small percentage of your mind is thinking very hard to replicate those movements through the empty cavity that is your heart you can now sweat you can fuck you can use smartphones unfortunately for you you really don't know i can't get to do that um but you do look a lot more like you did in real life
Starting point is 01:26:26 the the paleness that hallowed nature like you've been sick for decades has been removed and you look like any of the other clubbing masses you probably just look like someone who's taken too much molly fine with that uh and then i'm gonna walk past the door like i'm trying to go to the end of the line and see if i recognize anyone in front of the door absolutely there there are a few bouncers just because it's this big wall think like like vegas show areas if you've ever been to like the vanderpump bar and the caesar's mall where they sort of cordon off this area that is almost like a twice as big as the bar just to give a waiting area uh before you even get into the whole experience it's definitely one of those it is gated through you get into the waiting area the
Starting point is 01:27:19 waiting area is just as big and then you finally get to the asylum so there are maybe four bouncers out in front and no one you recognize um if if they have uh your dear friend working we believe that she might be inside the bar itself um then how brightly lit is this the bar itself the the inside of the club is probably a lot uh darker than it is out here but it's about 8 30 p.m on the strip so it's pretty fucking bright on the main thoroughfare but past this privacy uh wall past the bouncers themselves into the quad it's a fucking electronic goth club so it's dark as fuck on the other side but of course you'd have to get through the bouncers first i do notice that the four of them are sort of staring you down as you kind of stand in front of the line of people they are vegas
Starting point is 01:28:19 bouncers so they're uniquely aware of how many people are too drunk to understand that they have to wait and you can see some of them are just waiting for the moment they have to tell you to piss off and get in line and they're all sort of apprehensive of being like oh fuck it's another one of these people which is a very common conception in uh uh vegas then in the most put together way i can appear i'm gonna like saunter up to the to the which might call it the yeah there's the word uh and say is terror working uh you you walk up to this this balded individual who looks like he's balded by choice like maybe he was starting to get a comb over and then decided to go down to a zero to save face um he's got this terrible goatee from the 90s that
Starting point is 01:29:21 is not aged well um but he's big and beefy spends his nights in the gym he looks to the other bouncers and then he looks back at you and he says uh you know tara the new girl yeah way back uh yeah she might be working tonight at uh are you on the list or something should i check through i mean usually but she might have forgotten i'm not asking to go in i'm just i'm honestly just asking to talk to her yeah she's inside but she's on shift i can't really let you uh take her away i'm not gonna take her away it's just like a conversation yeah you can have your fucking conversation if you want to get into the bar uh and you got two choices of that you're either on the list or you go waiting that long line and then you can talk to
Starting point is 01:30:18 whoever you want uh it's worth a check isn't it um and i'm gonna like step a little closer uh huh um no we're right on the strip and i we've already done too many masquerade shenanigans to try anything maybe it's something imperceptible what are you thinking i was just thinking about well he's a bouncer he's not gonna be afraid of anything it's worth a gamble i'm gonna do it i'd be a fuck it okay uh just enough that the shadows lengthen behind me and i look a little bit bigger and older and more important than i did previously
Starting point is 01:31:14 okay just try like in almost an intimidating way you're trying to let the shadows do the talking for you yeah let's do uh manipulation plus your dots in oblivion okay welcome back i think the only thing that we lost there was uh the very short portion between mal rolling and finding out what was happening with this intimidation but mal you are intimidating this bouncer out the front uh in front of the asylum you are trying to convince him with those shadows coalescing around your form sort of grabbing what is on the other side of the strip feeding into the natural shadow that is the club scene of vegas and trying desperately to make this man understand why it is he should let you through right so uh you had a manipulation
Starting point is 01:32:37 plus oblivion roll what was the the success i rolled four out of five four out of five successes is more than enough that you need for the for this to happen he takes one look at you glances over at the other three um he does sort of move his hand to his hip uh for a moment as he pulls back this blazer and a very natural reaction to maybe draw a weapon but he holds himself just enough to look in at you and say are you here for bride could be why didn't you say so bride wasn't my priority don't tell her that she doesn't need to know but the new girl is all right whatever what the fuck give me a second what's your name mal okay and he turns over he calls one of the bouncers over to take his place the other guy stands firmly in front of you and crosses his
Starting point is 01:33:36 arms right in front and the first walks behind he takes out this walkie talkie from the side on the other side um from that firearm he was about to pull and he begins speaking into it you can hear him uh posing a question and then some positive affirmations the other moves away and he comes back bride is going to let you in but next time you got to be on the list she said she's going to make sure you get put in put in the list yeah you should have just said i would have let you in i mean i i hope there's there's no um if you you got to get in before do you could just say my name next time call for matt or whatever you need to just let us know next time because fuck man matt was it yeah matt uh just please don't pull that shit unless you're like
Starting point is 01:34:26 it's okay come on come on i like suck the shadows back and i mean i say i don't know where you're talking about what did you see it's freaked you out so much uh you're welcome inside guys she they're clear they're clear let them through and he's sort of big bossing around with the other guys trying to hide i grab his goatee and i shake it a little bit as i pass fuck pulls at it he'll probably shave it the next morning you are into this quad it's doused in white lace it is a beautiful scene it's pumping out the music that is playing from the main show and it is a nice balance between trad goth and this electronic dance music that is sort of mixed in with those same undertones it is a really good beat well
Starting point is 01:35:16 selected music that is pumping through there are a lot of people out here in the quad that are still dancing there's an outside bar with the signature drinks and you can see this menu across the back wall that looks like they've been uh a sort of curating day in and day out with new cocktails people are drunk as fuck out here already on an uh on a you know 8 30 p.m. bender the inside itself is another line to get through but these big industrial double doors pull you in through this 1960s asylum front and inside you are opened up into this massive uh hugely vaulted ceiling room it does not look as though the asylum does a lot of low ceiling rooms or anything like that it it's not small by any means it is opened up completely so that from the very entrance of the
Starting point is 01:36:11 room of the building you can see the very top of the building itself it is floor to ceiling one gigantic opening the ceiling stretch on forever and they expose every area there's a second floor that functions largely as a balcony seating down into the main dance floor but up there on this sort of industrial catwalk is more dancing areas seems like they have an auxiliary dance floor up there to dance sort of suspended on chains onto this scaffolding right above the main floor which uh you know sort of stacks both dance floors on top of each other the main floor is littered with dance cages filled with performers dancing completely naked say for half done straight jackets that swing loose bindings about their bodies with every gyration there's this wall long
Starting point is 01:37:04 bar that stretches on forever there's a set of booths along one area a lower dance uh dancing area that's lined with neon lights a series of private rooms individually roofed in the vacuous area at the far end of the club there's a VIP section that works largely as its own glassed-in observation room that sits off the west of the dance floor and currently houses what looks to be some sort of rich musician and the horde of people ganging up to dance with him huge amount of people in this room they're cycling in and out the music is doing really well for itself everyone's on drugs everyone's having a good time there are more of those half dressed uh straight jacketed service members that are cascading out with these silver platters to
Starting point is 01:37:51 everyone um equal parts drinks and uh you know uh appetizers and foods and all things being pushed out from that main bar off the west side um it's it's a huge place what would you like to do um i think i'm just gonna try to i i know that i'm supposed to meet up with the others and that's like vaguely in my brain but i think my my intention is terra first and if i happen to see bride saying hi to bride okay so give me a wits and awareness let's see if you can find terra let's sorry i have to look every time because i never remember okay paradise one two three just three okay yeah you find her uh it's a tough look just because moving through any dark club in vegas you get so close up on people it's really hard to see out
Starting point is 01:39:06 of the peripherals outside of all these mobs of people that you're trying to weave through it definitely becomes this body pile where you are moving through the sweat and smells of other people there are a few of them that as you pass by you get the sense that they have a pungent amount of blood in them and for a second you find yourself getting hungry just as the smell of it there's certain tastes of people that just drive a kindred wild and in a place like this you could find just about everything you want you could drain a lot of these people dry it is the perfect place for a kindred no one can be seen in this place it is built for shadow you could probably embody this whole room if you had to and steal as many souls as you could out of this crowd but
Starting point is 01:39:54 you weave through and breaking past the first layer you eventually find terra who is standing by the edge of that walled bar standing just off center she's dressed as she usually does on business which is like like show blacks almost a plain black t-shirt that is wrote high on these massive biceps that she holds built out back and shoulders this tall undercutted side bob that has been brought down to about her cheek level on her left hand side and then swoops around to her back and then sort of razored in off the side there she is a beautiful individual a bright eyes that you can see from where you are now built into combat boots and these strong black like dickies work pants she's ready to work you can see she is strapped with a nine millimeter pistol that is
Starting point is 01:40:55 plainly plainly thrown into a holster off the front of her belt you can see she doesn't look as good as the last you saw her she looks paler like maybe she's coming down from a cold and she looks stressed just off the first glance um i'm gonna sneak up and just lean against the wall next to her and wait for probably like 45 seconds before i lean up because she's much taller than i am and say sub ginger spice oh holy shit what the fuck holy shit mouth at first goes immediately into emergency mode like she's gonna pull for a gun like she's gonna look around she's gonna fight and then she finds you and for a second you can see the disbelief fill her face holy shit you're here oh my god and she runs up and she pulls you into this huge bear hug and pulls
Starting point is 01:41:56 you she drops you off and she she holds you in in this like too tight grip even for your dead self and at the shoulders and sort of shakes you around a bit like she's afraid if she lets go you won't be there when she does am i fucking high are you really here oh my god i mean you might be high you work in asylum that's true but like more than the usual high you're here dude you told me to come to vegas yeah vegas was your idea i didn't think you'd take so long i thought you were coming right after me and i thought you were dead i thought you were gone nope just um took me a little longer than i thought uh shits been wild did you see all the fucking locusts what the fuck was up with that yeah they're
Starting point is 01:42:48 fucking disgusting i don't know what the hell is going on but we had to clean them out of all the fucking vents so half the building still smells like dead grasshopper it's bullshit but apparently it happens a lot here in nevada could you have picked somewhere without locusts listen if we're gonna make any money it's gonna be here in las vegas okay i've already made like so many connections i'm making moves we may have like a life down here i've even started calling some of the old buddies in colorado i'm gonna see if maybe we could you know put the commune back together that'd be good yeah yeah that'd be really nice did you um have you talked to any of them since colorado like that old crew you used to run around with like what have you been up to what slowed you down oh you
Starting point is 01:43:42 know just like come on we don't have to talk about this we can talk about fucking anything you look i mean you're hot you're always hot obviously but like are you good you look like okay so i can't worry about you but you could just totally shift it to how shitty i look and now it's like nothing happened i mean is this do we is this what we do now do we like give us this is what we do this is what having friends is like you care about the other one then you ask questions and they answer them and they ask you questions you know how that works vaguely good then i don't know maybe we should set a date we should get together and we could just get all the shitty stuff off the table and then we can be our new vegas selves oh a date
Starting point is 01:44:36 yeah is that what you want well i mean we could skip all that i guess but i'd like to start there is the talking thing that's like that's gonna stick i think that's what killed us in colorado i think i've been spending a whole lot of my life not talking about things and keeping things from people because i thought it would save them because i was upset with how insecure i was or who i was and i realized that's bullshit and this city's really good for it you're either one of the liars or you're the most honest you can be and i think i'm gonna go with the second this time fuck i leave you alone for a month and you get all self actualized and shit you're gonna love this place it's it's what it does to you when you work like this when this is your life when it's
Starting point is 01:45:27 it's nothing but a party and you're always invited like there is a lot here for you and me i'm just so glad you made it i really i thought you were gone i thought you like got murked or something i don't know it takes more than anybody gonna keep me down you're fine don't worry about it well then we're here we're here oh it's so good to see you she wraps you up in a big hug again um can i ask you for a super fucking weird favor okay day one you're already asking for favors look it's not even like a big deal it's your when i tell you you're gonna laugh your ass off what is it you like need a place to stay or something why no i got a place to stay that's fine um if you go to the store can you get me like
Starting point is 01:46:23 eight bottles of glue what yeah just like like fucking elmer's like fucking elmer's glue like orange top like you're gonna eat paste elmer's like no dumbass i'm not gonna eat paste well what are you doing with you just got to vegas your first buy is eight bottles of elmer's glue how do you know it's my first buy i could add a truer on my way here or something i just i think top five elmer's glue eight bottles of it is a weird pick that's all i'm saying but fine you need glue i can buy you glue okay and i'll take out like 20 bucks and give it to her she takes it she looks down in it she's okay where do i send this glue i'll just come get it from you oh it's one of those i know which one you picked i picked being true honest i know which
Starting point is 01:47:14 one you picked for now that's the one i picked yeah yeah sure fine i'll be your glue pick up i'll stay here i'll live my whole life waiting for you to come back for glue it won't be your whole life it'll be like 24 hours or like if you need like i know i'm not saying like you have to go to the store in the next 24 hours or whatever i can get you some glue calm down but when you come back you have to answer those questions a question per bottle of glue that's eight questions i might buy 20 at this point no more than 15 you have a deal beautiful now i i gotta kick you out my boss is really weird where is she by the way oh she's here she runs second floor she's got a room up there great she's real weird weird's my thing and i'll like pop up on my toes and kiss
Starting point is 01:48:16 her like full on the mouth like aggressively so yeah she's shocked by it she gives in and starts aggressively making out with you for about two seconds as much as she can muster before she realizes she's on the job and that professional street comes in and she full-on pushes you away and you know blushing away you know wipes down her shirt you know looks all big she says get the fuck out of here i'll get your clue i untuck one corner of her shirt and i go off to find bride beautiful up to the second floor there's a very clear painting of that that back portion and indeed on this second floor built into the very end of the building is like a like a makeshift apartment almost and it seems as though this is where bride's private room presides there's a walkway
Starting point is 01:49:08 up to it and then there are two armed guards on either side uh i have an invitation from bride um yeah you're uh you're now right good guess okay cool um yeah she's inside she's entertaining some folks but you'll have to be quick about it that's fine they open the door uh and you come through and the very lavish little bedroom that she has that is all white lace the entire room feels white um and this big canopy bed that is veiled through on to the other side and there she is much like you saw her in elysium wearing this all white veil that sits down to the center of a mega death t-shirt um and she's in these sort of sparsely broken out black jeans that have hold through to the underside where she has these little black lace leggings and then built into some
Starting point is 01:50:06 tall heels that make her five foot form seem a little taller than she usually is um but she is in the middle of telling some raucous story to some coked up losers like a team of 12 that is centered around her and she's joking with them she's laughing with them they seem to be having a really good time listening to bride she stops for half a moment her face goes completely dead she looks to one of them and then bites the fuck out of their neck so much so that there's this big spray of blood as it gouts into the the crowd of them and you can see it start to douse across that white veil as she bites through it and then sucks through like a sponge um and the others look shocked and horrified and then there's this weird pause between all of them as she stops and
Starting point is 01:50:52 stares at the others um and in that weird testing out predator and prey moment the others turn and wait and she begins to laugh and they start to laugh with her and it becomes another moment where they're hugging and laughing and talking and everything as you enter into the room I'll continue on my path of uh exorbitant decorum and I'll curtsy to her when I come in I don't have a skirt or anything but I curtsy she walks up and she does the same but with her veil and sits as low to the the bottom of the floor there as she can she makes eye contact with you and she's why the fuck did we do that I don't know it seemed like a thing to do okay well we did it you're here now you're in my club you're in asylum you said you would come and you did I did
Starting point is 01:51:46 she reaches into the bottom of her mega death t-shirt she pulls out this necklace for him and on the end is Allison's finger bone she shakes it about a little bit she says I did not forget and for a second I thought that when you came in here that you weren't gonna come visit me because I heard at the gate that you you showed some of your stuff and they were scared and they called me and they said bride your friend is here and I thought well quick a leg wrap play both characters there you go there you go you coming
Starting point is 01:52:40 you literally was it the best possible time the imposition cut the feed what else could go wrong in our session today Caleb I was gonna say dramatic much about what what dramatic about what well planned exit all that I got Thanos snapped I'm sorry I'm back am I am I alive you're you're back you're live okay yeah trash bandico says getting ghosted by bride you are absolutely correct
Starting point is 01:53:13 she just ceased to exist okay what the fuck was she saying let's go back I got word from the front of the bar that you were coming through and I thought she's just here to see her little fucking friend and not me she's not even going to come see me yeah I don't I'm not a girl just so you know oh I'm I'm sorry this person came to see me and I I was talking about Tara by the way that girl you came to see your oh yeah I came to see I mean she's not my girl she's just she's not I just saw on the cameras you two were a little close and she walks over to the side and there are these string of CCTV cameras was was this a lie when you kissed her or is that just some
Starting point is 01:53:58 fucking are you guys not close are you ghosting my girl oh no I'm not okay well it's complicated I guess that's really the first time anyone's called her my girl so like that so what you're afraid of intimacy that's no no I'm not afraid of it well I think you're deflecting I was worried you weren't come here and then you did and now you're here yes I am welcome thank you do you like the club it's incredible good I made it for you you're here I have the finger bone I kept it would you like something to eat and she gestures to a row of people who are awkwardly staring at this conversation no thank I last night um and honestly you don't want my food no I love I my love of the asylum only goes so far in that I don't want to get into your food stores really oh okay
Starting point is 01:55:05 you understand yeah it's out of respect yeah so you're here I'm here good yes are you going to be here around for your not girl ideally so you and you and me are going to get close then I was hoping where's your other friend which one oh I don't keep track of her no that's a shame I thought I would see you both I mean I can talk to her but usually that ends in sexual innuendos that I want to avoid if I can no we should all get together sometime the three of us I'm sure we'd have a lot to talk about sure yeah I'll uh I'll talk to her good good well I'm glad you came up here I'm glad you um said hello because I was worried you wouldn't I would never come to an establishment this fine
Starting point is 01:56:12 and not give my props to the runner plenty of people say that and plenty of people are lying I'm not plenty of people oh okay I like that well you don't want my food and you're just saying hello is there anything bride can do for you not at the moment I uh well that's a lie as a personal favor leave Tara as far away from our business as possible oh gosh I wish you had been here a couple weeks ago I here's the thing though they work for me so it's like we're sharing them right and if she is already taken steps who am I to deny her experience wait what kind of steps is she taking what do you mean
Starting point is 01:57:26 well you should work close I haven't seen her in a I don't know a couple months I guess you've been missing out then if you'd like we could all get together and talk about it am I stepping over boundaries are you in charge of her is that do you want that no no no no no no no I well then why would you say that I should stop for her no I'm not what because it sounds like it was her decision to do so in the first place I didn't even know what her decision was am I am I misconceiving your relationship maybe I so like you're in charge I'm not in charge okay so then I'll keep doing what I'm doing you look upset no no no no no I'm confused just I've been out of the loop for a while and I'd like to understand I suppose it's her business I should talk to her yes
Starting point is 01:58:32 that's good to communicate fantastic um well thank you for your hospitality I look forward to spending more time with you in this club uh of course I'll leave you with a pun yes yes yes appreciated and if any of the older primogens aren't aware and you happen to speak to them dissemination would be appreciated it is a very common trait amongst us you live forever you start to get rid of any identity that holds you down yeah gender's useless I don't need it sure you were saying uh I was just going to leave you with a parting trinket you brought a gift a little one it's more fragile than the last well let me see uh I pull out the most complete I like to think I pulled a set of wings off of one
Starting point is 01:59:35 cicada and I hold them out to her oh these would make great earrings she takes them up off they take them she calls over one of the blood dolls and gives that out to them take special care this was a gift from now now I'm going to start thinking things if you keep bringing me gifts I'm not in charge of your thoughts good I don't charge you anything yes you're starting to learn things we are all our own gods aren't we okay well this was great to fucking see you it was beautiful to see you and you're so very sweet and I'm glad we're on the same page about Tara and making her own decisions and I think that you're gonna love the asylum I think you should bring what was her name Allison now I'll talk to her good okay well it was great to see you honestly
Starting point is 02:00:37 you too sure and I'll do like an overly complicated like they try and match you completely on the the figure you just created and uh and then starts to drift back over to the uh the blood dolls I walk back downstairs I think about going to talk to Tara you can see her from across the room there she's standing very stoically very professionally this time you do notice the CCTV that is marked pointed specifically at her I leave very good okay with that we're going to take a 15 minute break and when we return we will have all of our kindred together beautiful all right we'll be back god that was yeah that's a rough image for me to think about okay uh it is considerably later
Starting point is 02:01:50 in the night uh let's say we all meet up about 8 45 in the morning in the morning no in the night 8 45 to 9 p.m. that you guys arrive hopefully not directly in the parking lot of luckies because we've done that a couple times while these bikers are hanging out here what's the thought here that lot that we yeah we keep walking back to somewhere nice in the streets I just want to say that if any bikers look out the window they'll notice that the same group of eight people have come by actually I I want us to do this just as a power play I just like to imagine some of the conquerors standing by the window going hey Greg they're back again what the fuck is this but you guys meet in the lot of the art installation across the way
Starting point is 02:02:39 the same eating a pizza Alison is also dipping ranch eating pizza it is uh flavorful for the both of you you are maybe the only two out of the group that can actually enjoy this you do know and burrows knows this best that eventually later you will pay for everything you've eaten because it does cause you to violently violently expel those foods out of your body later that's a janitor on the strips problem later yes and later sometime in the middle of the night a janitor in the service to las vegas city will have to clean up some slices of pizza covered in a fountain of blood that is on the side of the road so god bless I'm not saying that's the first time this has happened in vegas but it's definitely never
Starting point is 02:03:34 good when it does I'm sure they've had worse look when we get into our new place I'm sure there is a toilet you can go any expense yes I oh man I'm sure there will be a toilet I hope you have toilets in your club yeah speaking on new places what are we thinking what's the mood well we cleared out the last club right aren't we trying to sort of hermit crab this yeah I think we just get in there and fuck their shit up well as we can tell not everyone is good at improving and I'm looking at all of you fuck except you what the fuck happened yeah oh you're back would you like to explain yeah yeah also where the fuck have you been yeah you smell like shit you don't got any business after that's where we've been where the hell have
Starting point is 02:04:24 you been whoo it's me and the Nosferatu primogen bugsy that was more important than us I mean yeah unfortunately yeah fortunately um you're like do we notice your german shipper thing oh yeah oh yeah absolutely he's just standing there oh I also like my house is already like crouched down and like put a hand out why do you have a ghost yeah he he sniffs it and kind of nuzzles it yeah I'm just gonna be scratching can I I'm ignoring everybody and just scratching this sides of his face that dog says there's some shit there is a noticeable smell to Rufus's fur that is a little terrible to smell but outside of that he's a very cute individual a distinguished older gentleman silver fox in his greatest era and while his mind is a little dazed from age he
Starting point is 02:05:23 does absolutely lick you back niles these big slimy kisses that run up the side of your face regal are you aware that dogs occasionally need a bath I am I am clean water not shit water can I give it a makeover can I please please please what's it think Rufus um I'm gonna stick my hand out to Rufus if they'll allow me near it yeah Rufus is a very friendly individual smells at you oh I um so so what happened I feel like I missed something why don't you guys tell him what he did what did you do well shake about the seeing eye dog and he does not seem to respond why don't why doesn't spicy cooker a little sip and big what tell what happened
Starting point is 02:06:22 did you say little spicy little spicy that yep spicy cook a spicy cook a spicy cook a yeah I'll sip we took care of a problem I had I got got rid of some gangsters that were they owe me some money and uh olives were juggled no no and uh you know we cleared up a space uh got a new space and I think uh we can ask these guys the the conquerors see if they want to go there no not see they're gonna go there or alternative pitch we eat the conquerors so just so you all are aware they are connected to the anarchs that's pretty uh that's good to know that would be very good key information yeah so apparently there's a shot caller up on the north side of
Starting point is 02:07:10 Vegas that uh the answer to I didn't get any I wasn't able to get any more information than that but uh he's apparently been a thorn in the side for the camera oh hold on hold on I didn't call this meeting speaking of anarchs you're not the only one that gets the calm meetings I know I know we're talking about anarchs now Niles his name is Sylvie or Sylvester he leads the anarchs are you an animal that's a complicated question but no would be the general answer ah that doesn't feel like it if you're an anarch that's fine I don't care my question is like friends told you that I was a part of the anarchs initiative yeah so I have affiliations with the
Starting point is 02:08:04 anarchs that's just kind of my thing so can you just go tell these crusaders to fuck off that's really stupid the thing that I would be in a position to tell somebody to fuck off well you won't know until you've tried I I was told I have though uh a place we can go to talk to Sylvester and perhaps mitigate bloodshed I'm sick of talking well you haven't done a good you didn't do a good job last time with action so you know what you don't have a vote what's the plan the plan is that you're gonna come with me to a bar and you are gonna meet one of the anarchs key players and you're gonna listen to what he has to say and then we go from there now that's yeah I mean what's
Starting point is 02:09:06 it's not a bad idea because the way these kindred like to work it seems like asking permission is certainly the way to go but this is our territory maybe it is important that we you know we don't need to kill anybody but we've made arrangements for them they're they got a new place our decision and then we leave it at that we go around asking everybody for everything we're gonna be asking our entire life you're not wrong why don't we do that why don't we offer them this other spot you're talking about see how they respond and then if we need to we go meet with Sylvester would that would that be sufficient for me will we I would really like if we could go meet Sylvester but you know this is here is he expecting us now he'd like to see
Starting point is 02:09:53 you all yes okay uh while we're on the topic civil go ahead I'm sorry I was gonna say do I get the feeling does Niles look like the way I feel about Elysium um yeah give me a insight plus intelligence as you've had enough time to look at Niles pretty success nice um the way that you feel about Elysium could definitely be used in a relation to the experience that Niles is giving off um Niles could you give me a well first off Niles are you trying to hide the way you're feeling about what's going on yes okay yes as well as like the fact that like my jaw is partially broken yeah I was gonna say yeah we might notice that physically yeah so physically you could probably see that although it was superficial damage right
Starting point is 02:10:51 did but I still have aggravated damage from the buckshot oh that was from the a couple days ago right or not a couple days ago but right um so you will have healed your jaw thankfully that will not be visible to you guys um but she they do look way worse for wear uh let me get a composure plus subterfuge to see if you can keep your uh insight your your inner feelings away from Sybil here and spoons is here too correct spoons is tucked away in my pocket okay uh no successes okay um yeah Niles is unfortunately an open book here uh this night they are going through something that could be attributed as um scarier than your experience at Elysium Sybil uh they were under a gun uh recently you would guess we should go okay well go we're here why don't we
Starting point is 02:12:03 just go tell the crusaders to fuck off what did I fucking say about a boat I'm sorry are you similar you're saying we go see so this Sylvester yeah how are you gonna grow if you literally just only think with your dick I um while we're on fuck me while we're on the topic uh bugs the acid for some help and I didn't commit you all to anything but it's something I'm gonna have to look into um something happened to a childer I believe of his um he wants me to find out what happened I'm so sorry repeat one more time he asked me to find out what happened to a child of his vampire child or like real human child vampire sorry just need clarification yeah vampire child does anyone else have errands that the rest of us need to all be aware of
Starting point is 02:13:05 I was gonna say we're scratching a lot of backs but I suppose it's the boy you move up in this world I mean Brian wants to see you Alison of course listen I didn't commit I didn't commit no no no I just I would just let's everyone just lay it out on the table so I can actually schedule things because you know I would like to actually get into my bar in nightclub and get the damn show wrote so there is that voice bubbling up in both of the Malkavians that could cough any of sound the multiple voices that is bubbling that's ours that's ours Enoch they're preventing us from taking what's ours buddy you know what the fuck to do fuck these people eat these people fuck them and eat them I'm running into the I'm running into luck to luckies no no we either put Brian jump on him
Starting point is 02:13:57 someone catch him because I'm not I'm just gonna go to Jankinson the shit burrows you were saying as yeah I think as I watch him run I'm like we either mitigate the damage or we let the bomb go off without anything stopping it will go off okay fuck Mal you said you were pursuing this man yes are you intent to stop Enoch or protect him stop him I don't care I don't give a fuck about his safety I'm stopping this dumbass I assume that you are trying to stop him before he reaches any sort of property on club Canaan ideally okay let's make a dexterity plus brawl versus Enoch's dexterity plus athletics any other additional actions against Enoch uh I I'm gonna see how this plays out beautiful I'm panicking Allison you do feel the same
Starting point is 02:14:52 compulsion he does to take this club you're sick of waiting this is yours they're trying to take your things Allison I'm gonna wait until Mal runs off and then I'm gonna be like gotcha and then I'm gonna go after as well so uh Enoch what's your role my friend my I got two successes two successes against Mal's three three successes so Mal is able to catch and tackle you into the parking lot you guys go skidding across the asphalt and you can see some of it kick up as the dust builds about your feet you're uh sort of uh taken to the floor for just a moment by the small frame of Mal as they struggle on on top of you to keep you moving but you're immobilized for the moment Allison does come running up the back post uh behind I'm gonna slide past if I can't
Starting point is 02:15:43 of you like and keep going can I try and trip her with my legs absolutely you can't I try to wrap them up so they can't can't get to Allison absolutely you can't um let's start in this order of operations let's get Enoch's attempt to stop Mal from doing so so let's get uh strength plus brawl to I'm not trying to get off him I'm just trying to like wiggle around enough that I can like kick out of like a roll right after we get Enoch's uh strength roll strength plus brawl yeah if this doesn't work I have something I want to try three successes three successes Mal go ahead and make a dexterity plus brawl and if it's lower in the pool it does not trip Allison has no option of it one two three four damn it four successes so there's still a chance that's a
Starting point is 02:16:44 margin of Erin you had what two three or three okay so that's a margin of one that means Allison all you have to do is roll a dexterity of and athletics bigger than one success okay get in there baby I'm trying I'm trying okay what do you do um okay so I have one success and two crit fails and I have three blood dies so I only had blood dies so I failed two of the blood so this would be considered a bestial failure because the DC was one and we failed and you have two um you can't double fail so the two failures won't change anything but this is a bestial failure maybe the first of the campaign so far yeah uh uh Allison there is something that drives in you you woke up hungrier than you usually do um and the compulsion in your
Starting point is 02:18:02 mind becomes absolutely uncontrollable the voices are speaking again and it's that familiar tone they're taking what's ours they're touching our things they're touching our things they're touching our things you immediately move rear up that are you wearing heels tonight I'm pretty sure Allison is right oh baby yeah hell yeah you rear up one heel you strike it down and you can see is the stiletto tip pierces through Mal's ankle and you can imagine it nearly snaps bone as you connect into the calf of your friend Mal you'll take two superficial damage as Allison then rears up the heel and then runs full force for the front door without any decision in the matter god why are you such a bitch I will want to do something yes let's go to Raquel and Sibyl who I believe had actions
Starting point is 02:18:59 let's start with Sib I'm going to activate feral whispers and what the hell does that do I can summon animals oh cool yeah that makes sense a whole bunch of formulas yeah um it's it's well it's not fam but it's it's manipulation and animalism um or charisma and animalism we'll do charisma maybe beautiful and this is just to bring them to us right the yeah um it summons all of the particular beasts I want to summon in the area okay okay manipulation and animalism got it okay that's three successes three successes absolutely and one as the skull and the hunger die there's also one of those we're all good I'm pretty sure because we did not fail in the DC um what sort of animals are you drawing to us so before allison gets to the door it looks like
Starting point is 02:20:09 three and then four sort of small maybe bathroom rugs and okay good good time to pause if you have an issue with bugs they are all hordes of roaches that climb up allison and cover her face yeah this is just Vegas right here um here is the thing if I'm in beast mode the beast shield failure has triggered a compulsion that is undeniable so allison absolutely looks upset that the roaches are climbing in through their clothes and all about their body they've become this human hive of these skittering kiteness roaches but it does not stop them for any movement in fact they're running even harder allison is broken into moving on four hands bringing herself like an animal you know flittering flying roaches jumping about her the entire way through as she bursts
Starting point is 02:21:11 for the front door thankfully this night there are no conquerors set up outside of that fenced in perimeter by the motorcycles but she's near undeniable I think this is going to work for us and I'm going to start walking towards it failed but first impression so exactly any other actions before we go to a new cycle no I'm walking towards lucky allison I need you to make a frenzy test okay your hunger is at three so that that puts our difficulty at one second can you imagine lady in high heels runs through the front door covered in insects exactly just spit roaches on all fours and that's actually I was just actually like okay but you know this is also Tuesday in Vegas yeah this is Tuesday for new gem um
Starting point is 02:22:17 you are at a difficulty of three okay well you can do it you got it I'm trying to figure out what I have to roll so you will roll all of your willpower plus a third of your humanity oh okay you can't fail so so it's two plus your willpower okay and you've got to be a three I will say I just rolled my Ross check and I failed I'm at hunger three wait so she's rolling her the number of die a number of die dice equal to her willpower yes her max willpower plus a third of her humanity as a shit ton of dice yeah it is so it's two plus down down so two plus whatever their willpower max is so willpower power plus a third of your humanity which is two
Starting point is 02:23:21 there we go do I need to use the red ones at all no no hunger dice in this roll it's a metric fist full of dice be great if there's no successes yeah well good bad news good bad news oh no okay I have one two three four five six successes and one crit fail but who gives a fuck I got six successes okay cool you have made it through you are not in frenzy meaning that you are in control of your body starting this next cycle you still feel the compulsion but you are in control yourself as you burst through these double doors it opens up into this massive room and you see like 12 different people on the first floor look shocked over in the midst of this classic rock that is
Starting point is 02:24:18 playing low over everything they drop things in their hands their drinks fall out of their hands they were shocked as all hell as this roach covered four-footed malkavian bursar the door half covered in blood off her stilettos manic in her eyes and ready for fucking anything they all scramble and move for their guns there's a kick of tables off the side everyone is in shitkicking mode and it is a heinous field of chaos throughout this whole main room I will allow everyone else to join up at that that front door of course I'm gonna give Allison one surprise round before we go into the rest but the rest of you will be able to make it inside within the same turn and act Enoch what you got I'm not letting mal get off that easy for
Starting point is 02:25:10 calling Allison a bitch I'm still engaged I like that I'm not getting off him I like that I've activated fucking prowess and lethal body just would not be Mayday if we did not use the pretty things on our sheet to hurt each other so we'll keep that in mind with that mind let's start with Allison Allison you're the first one through the door there are maybe 12 different people on this first level who knows how many on the second level that are primed to kill you in a second how would you like to proceed okay because I'm I just came out of the frenzy but I'm still very hot and like it's like one of those like it's no I'm trying to figure out like how much of like her sanity is there because I
Starting point is 02:26:05 would probably either dive behind the bar like run and jump behind the bar right or she's still kind of loopy-doopy she's gonna kind of like hold it and kind of glare and grow out like kind of that kind of thing and just stare down that's where I'm trying to figure out where she at mentally okay so my understanding so far is that you're standing still yeah think of it like I'm holding my action because no one has done anything yet yes so I'm waiting for someone to actually do like because I know they pulled but it's one thing to actually shoot and then I'm gonna go also well I I'm going to be very generous here and say that I think they intend to shoot all right the first nearest bastard it's gonna shoot is getting it okay beautiful all right
Starting point is 02:26:49 we will keep that in mind I'm gonna go do the others before I handle the 12 with Alice wait can I do dominate on this the 12 with Allison can you do dominate on one of the 12 absolutely can I actually just dominate multiple people I don't know does dominate give you the option to I don't think it does if I can I'm going to cover my ass and dominate let's see dominate can do a lot of things I don't know if I can do that so you're trying to mesmerize all of them it is the victim so it would only be one person we're compelled no only contact with one person yeah no I'm holding on to those yeah never mind I'm just gonna we've got to get you a little beefier before you can get everybody to do what you want I know we're getting there for right now
Starting point is 02:27:41 we're gonna catch some bullets we're gonna go to Mal and Enoch Mal and Enoch uh let's have just a straight dexterity pool whatever is in your dexterity roll whoever wins higher will get the first action on top of each other I only got one success anything over to Erin and you have it well I only got a one success okay so you're measured I'm just gonna pick now you begin um I want to activate my my potents and use prowess and just pin him to the fucking ground okay absolutely because I think it's going to be humiliating for him to not be able to go with her right what does that prowess do for us in this situation uh it just says gains an overall increase in strength okay okay so we'll add an extra die to your strength pool let's get a strength plus
Starting point is 02:28:39 brawl with that added prowess is that Kira snoring is that what you're saying yeah it is Kira snoring incredible this sounds like the city now let's get some Kira emojis in the chat drop a Kira for us drop a Kira in the chat um so I got two 10 so that's four and then two more successes for six okay so jesus yeah uh enok uh what is your defense is it becomes immediately clear that
Starting point is 02:29:29 malice preventing you from leaving uh as the donor yeah what does this look like malice right this happened so I'm assuming like I'm pinned to the ground I have I think I have him pinned like my my forearm is against his throat and I've got my legs just like pinning his like my knees pinning his thighs down and like full turtle full turtle on the back can't go anywhere yeah okay I'm gonna grab a mal by the hair and pull as hard as I can and I'm just gonna stare them at my eyes and be like yeah you're gonna beat me up yeah come on you're gonna call my girl come on get it to me I'm gonna ruin things I just gotta encourage anyone if you can get a malcavian at your table please
Starting point is 02:30:18 do it's fucking wild um Aaron what does this mean I love it it's very submissive I'm always here for that what does that mean I think I'm trying to inflict damage by pulling their hair I like it I like it let me get a dexterity plus brawl my idea here is that mal was trying to pin you not hurt you this is straight up trying to hurt them for trying to stop you good okay just want to make sure I understood dexterity plus brawl my friend and the other thing was just for fun yes I love it it's just for psychic damage for me three three successes three successes we'll say that because mal you are not defending that role it's just straight hurt uh you will take three superficial points of damage as you can feel some of your hair pulled free from the scalp as you know a patch
Starting point is 02:31:11 comes out you know I got like a fist full of it toughed it up in my hand are you pulling my hair are you fucking psycho god hate it here okay we will go to Sibyl next Sibyl what's the move I'm calmly stepping over my coterie fighting to Niles and asking does it help if any of them survive if they all die we're fucked or at least I'm fucked okay we'll save one that'll work Niles just shuts the fuck up Niles is fucking panicked I oh fuck I think burrows is there honestly and I think he's gonna say I think we can say more than just one just just let Sibyl let's try to talk it out okay good Eli go ahead and give me um a composure plus insight for me just to see
Starting point is 02:32:14 where you mind that I'm gonna I'm gonna try to get to the door first before Sibyl okay I'll let him uh that's two successes and one bc l failure okay so uh absolutely pass the dc on this the panic is not taking over here you do have a feeling that killing them all may be preferable but keeping one is a good motive as well both of those could keep you alive it's when some of them get out of this situation that you feel they could get back to Sylvie the most but with that in mind uh my friend burrows and Sibyl you're both running for the door I'm assuming yeah I think I'm gonna hold the door open and then you know allow Sibyl to step through okay and when I step through I keep the door open so that it's clearly visible that there are two people in
Starting point is 02:33:13 the middle of the street like you know wrestling on the ground got it and I'm just gonna call out uh conquerors this is uh we're the committee for for public safety uh to whip out my watchman badge and I'll say I got some good news and I got some bad news now the bad news is this place is closing down but the good news is is we've got a new place for you and it's called the boom boom room we cleared it out for you the other night now we don't want you all to get hurt while we renovate this space so we're gonna ask you kindly to uh to make your way over to the boom boom room I airdrop the address to the boom boom room to anyone with airdrop open anybody I love this um burrows please make the charisma plus
Starting point is 02:34:12 perform now plus persuasion charisma plus persuasion of your life that's fine yes that's good that's a good number of dice here we go uh I don't think I need to activate presents fucking yeah I got this two successes there's a lot happening today huh you gotta get better dice I'm breathing you can spend willpower uh sure I'll spend willpower up to three that's worth it it's absolutely worth it three dice that's no more success good good good good good because I'm driving dice to Sergio's house Regal uh where are you in this situation you're the last of us before I fucking know I don't know what the fuck's going on um oh shit I'm gonna walk in I'm like I'm gonna look to Mal
Starting point is 02:35:14 I'll be like Mal you got this yes Mal who is currently pinning Enoch as Enoch has ripped shreds of their hair free from their scalp bleeding down one side skirting this tall man across the floor Enoch if they let you go will you just calm the fuck down no I'm gonna walk into the club Niles is there any movement here as you watch your life crumble in front of me no I'm just watching it unfold there's nothing I can really do about it and just standing right outside the door no dicks have been twisted just yet give it time
Starting point is 02:36:25 okay my god burrows standing in the foot of the door civil just behind waving the big ring tan flashing that badge Allison standing by pulsing and breathing like a crazed beast covered in these jumping roaches that have started to flip about and move into the club itself all of these people in this room absolutely gobsmacked over what they are watching what they just heard the boom boom club is something that rattles through half of their minds what the fuck is that what is going on there's only one solution as those 12 guns are drawn and it is a hail of bullets towards the entrance door all right Sergio you had something I would hate to take it away from you go ahead and shoot at them all I'll say at the night once all the gunfire's
Starting point is 02:37:20 done it is a hail of gunfire shotgun blast nine millimeters there are some machine guns going off 12 people all emptying as much as they can at the two intruders at the door here I mean there's like four of us now at the door yeah did I like I sprinted off to the nearest one right at this point you will on your turn yes but you made no action to dodge you made an action to attack so you will be taking this good Allison you take five superficial damage burrows you take five superficial damage love it Sibyl you take five superficial damage yeah god bless america um we started oh can I can I say what I was going to do absolutely so all the all the guns go off there's this heavy smoke in the air I'd like to think that everyone that was standing at the door
Starting point is 02:38:18 is still standing completely unaffected by the gunfire if anything we all look kind of annoyed you know burrows rolls his eyes and he's like now let's all keep cool let's keep calm now I'm gonna take a step forward and I'm gonna say don't don't get rattled by her and I'm gonna point to Allison and don't you mind those two in the street they're just for if you they're just geared for if you don't comply so I'm gonna ask you one more time pack up your guns pack up your bitches and make your way over oh my god okay let's switch tactics here this will be a manipulation plus intimidation my friend burrows all right well that's a shame because I don't have anything in intimidation go ahead and add
Starting point is 02:39:18 an extra dice into the pool because of this yeah the show yeah activate presents okay that's two successes again okay do you have presents I do have presents I suppose I should activate go and throw in one more dice all right here we go and that's a success three successes three successes how do I take this even um I mean they realize now we're obviously kindred and if they want to keep going they're going to get their fucking shit rock right there is a pause here in the inevitable gun smoke as they are trying to take in what you have said and some of them still primed with the gun are looking back slot slotting their weapons priming them for an aim again and just as two more nine millimeter shots go off into the air just off the side of you missing
Starting point is 02:40:19 them because they're all panicked with the shots there's a call from the second floor hey fuck off with that shit stop firing stop firing and you can see there is this tall muscular woman that steps out from the the second floor she's got this tight braid on her head and a rattlesnake tattoo that runs along an undercut onto her cheek absolutely built to fuck uh fuck shit up she's standing there on the balcony on the second floor um she calls who the fuck are you people put your fucking guns down let's talk to these idiots i'm simple what's your name i'm amos who the fuck told you to be here what the fuck are you doing and what the fuck is that and she points out to alice i'm gonna uh louson's gonna like lick her teeth
Starting point is 02:41:11 and lips like that just so really i hope you eat a cockroach yeah that's a potential timeline can we talk are you guys with sylvie no sort of we are not we are the committee for public safety and everybody is under our jurisdiction in our opinion and we need you out of this place pretty much as simple as that that fucking shit i knew this place was a curse what the fuck is going on here listen hey we got you a new spot and it's even better than this one it's not fucking condemned yeah there's actual chicks in it naked ones the boom boom club that's that's a place down downtown in naked city doesn't
Starting point is 02:42:13 fuck you click right out of that you click apparently got fucked yeah haven't you heard the news uh someone took them out and i smile at them it's empty now if you want it looks like you need a club she sort of poises herself and starts walking down the steps she looks at the floor of people on that first floor she sizes you all up outside very quickly let's deal with mal and enok with niles what's the move out here is there a dumpster anywhere close by with a lid sure yeah i would like to drag enok and fling him into the dumpster by his legs beautiful give me a strength plus brawl plus prowess they don't got it i'm going completely limp and i'm letting him do it god i hate you
Starting point is 02:43:13 i'm gonna call you ronnie from now on when you piss me off one two three successes okay all right enok are you trying to stop this action no i'm just enjoying the ride absolutely vile thank you is there any move you would like to make your air no but what i'm going to do is i'm going to wait until i'm tossed in the dumpster and i'm going to be just completely loose like i'm just going along with whatever's happening and then i'm going to count to five and then i'm going to explode out of the dumpster and run past mal into the club see but my plan is that i'm going to sit on top of the dumpster close okay you uh did we get our result roll it was three right three successes and then i want to climb on top
Starting point is 02:44:01 of the dumpster yes you absolutely do you dump him in the smell is horrid enok but you are you know loosely inside your limp on top of a bunch of trash covered in stale alcohol and the smell of beer is strong in here there's banana peels and ashes from lost cigarettes you're you're living the life as mal sits on top of the dumpster leaving me a new suit never there's literally no world in which i buy you a new suit you absolute lunatic i kick the lid oh no a little nerd kick the lid what am i gonna do you how no what are you gonna do just a little into the air and then fall back onto the lid keep it in there niles you are also outside is there anything you like to do it seems as though burrows might have struck an accord the shooting was rampant so much
Starting point is 02:44:58 so that there is probably a few cruisers that definitely flashed on their lights the second they heard it it was like the rail of 12 different firearms going off in one space but suddenly has come to a screeching halt and you can hear conversation on the far end in the open door and you can see burrows waving those rings about he's got the badges and you can see the club lights are glinting off the side of them uh is there an action here i'm just going to shuffle a little bit in get an assessment of what's going on inside but i'm keeping straddled with the door get ready to leave amos steps down to the first level and she looks about to everyone she's with and then to all of you she says so if i'm getting this right you want us to move to some club you cleaned
Starting point is 02:45:52 out of the fuck you club a click you want us to stay there and for our trouble you won't kill us you catch on quick so what's your plan for after we leave what is our plan civil everyone else anyone got any bright ideas what we want to do with this place well the person who's in charge of that is covered in roaches but we plan to use luckies is what it's supposed to be a club i don't really give a shit what you do with this place i'm talking about us oh you fully fuck off and then we leave you alone unless of course we're asked to not leave you alone but if you stay under the radar we won't see you also there's
Starting point is 02:46:43 always the thing about employment as this is our new domain if y'all were looking for work we could always use hands and certain projects fucking how do the conquerors like making a little extra cash once in a while and i'll throw it out like 300 bucks just on a table you can see that some of the members of that 12 absolutely do scoop up that cash as it's float floated down to the table but almost looks unconvinced buy yourself some pizza there's that naked city pizza they're pretty good yeah thanks uh i don't think we could work for all of you we're spoken for that's a shame we should all learn to get along well i have been walking where i shouldn't
Starting point is 02:47:38 and i could be persuaded to take off the vest but have to be a good enough deal i'm sure everybody here though we're spoken for we don't mind a little side piece well that's good to know what's on offer for now it's just your lives how about we'll come to you when we have something we need okay we can also provide takeout if needed actual food not naked city pizza that's what the money was for okay sure sure let's call it a loss then we'll go to the boom boom room we'll stay there and we'll all leave each other alone boy these conquerors are well they're real pleasant people everybody in town says there's a
Starting point is 02:48:41 bunch of shitheads but i disagree they're they're quite uh quite nice burrow yeah we got quite the reputation don't we quite the reputation do you want food waiting for you when you get home or you'll find something on the way i think we'll find something on the way for sure so i guess we'll just get to leaving then i'm good uh allison's gonna step forward and the glass is kind of raised down so her eyes can make eye contact right a little roach climbs across your forehead as you do so yeah yeah because i want to do which one is it is it off oh let's do yeah that's it kind of want to do
Starting point is 02:49:32 shit do we want to mess with it like uh hold on i'm trying to think of that one where i tell people like a command you don't have to do anything yeah yeah no i'm so sorry that's where i'm like do we want to wait question you guys don't want to tell people they feel pretty compelled to me i'm burrows and stepping out of the way let them walk out the door do what you gotta do compel i would be like i would just i only want to put like don't like kind of like a don't uh kind of like they fuzzy with our identity so we don't get totally screwed like you keep this quiet like you gotta that is to amos or to all like 13 people i don't think i can i'm gonna do amos i'm gonna focus on amos be like i do want to tell you just because
Starting point is 02:50:21 amos forgets the other 12 will not yep amos is in charge of them right yes but they can also tell amos don't you remember meeting those people all right now i'm holding off i was a small kindness i gave you so later when i do not you keep that in your back pocket she says all right i'm covered in roaches you think she's really thinking at this moment you're fine you're totally fine you were trying to do what powers you have with you i just think keep them on lock right here oh god don't want to show the fire before the magician's show started okay uh she starts to weirdly call for the rest of them to put down their guns and she is the first to walk past all of you vulnerable guns away she starts a line there's
Starting point is 02:51:16 a few stepping out with her side by side may mean mug right past burrows is there any action is there leaving the club uh i believe five seconds is up so i will go to enok outside unless there is anything else go to enok and then i have something beautiful enok it's been five seconds baby it's time to rock that voice inside of you goes it's time it's time it's ours it's ours let's do this hear me out here am i is this like the kind of dumpster that's on wheels yeah am i hypothetically strong enough to punch my legs through the bottom of the dumpster and start flintstone carrying this shit i never in my life thought i would hear that rawl is gone yeah yeah uh okay uh let me get a strength plus raw
Starting point is 02:52:16 to flintstone yourself through the dumpster i you succeed that is well it's only two successes you're having a little trouble getting your feet through buddy it's a great idea in practice one that only a metaphysicist could come up with but it's not quite working for you that in that case i'm just gonna try the you know use inertia to rock forward kick back rock forward kick back rock forward thereby slowly nudging the garbage can towards the door this is incredible we'll say you do not have to roll for this as this will affect next to nothing to what i'm doing here okay i will return burrows you said you had something
Starting point is 02:53:07 i just want to do one thing as the conquerors are leaving and there's this kind of feeling of like oh my god we we may have actually survived this burrows having for the first moment a time where allison is not by enok he's gonna walk right up to her grab her by the wrist pull her close so that he whispers in her ear and he's gonna say listen that thing we did last night i'm not that kind of guy so don't ask me to do it again the kind of games i like to play are one on one you want to see me again you know we're fine i just i just i let go over hand and i walk away kind of to inspect the building allison there is this was an aggressive grab or was it like it it was aggressive in the way you
Starting point is 02:53:58 like it you don't mean like that's where i'm trying to figure out that because i'm like it was making the boundaries clear allison there is a bizarre when you turn and walk away by the way beautiful burrows you have your ass grab i'll smile at her the conquerors made their way outside it seems as though they're getting on their bikes and their cars of which there are many and many types and they drive away it seems as though they're making their exit they make for the main street of naked city the arts district and it seems as though you have rid club canan of their milk what you gotta say that's why
Starting point is 02:54:48 it doesn't solve my problem shit you're hard to please girl but i'm gonna leave i gotta walk away from this it's too much covered in roaches am i still uh that is up to symbol yeah technically they can stay until the scene is over if you if i if it seems like you've earned the roaches leaving then the roaches leaving that's that's some gentle parenting right there if you wait until your child earns the the roaches leaving everyone i don't know if they're leaving or not because i guess my mind's fuddled so i'm going to go ahead and grab that she's not thinking grab a bottle of any liquor and start pouring on me i'll be like i need a match i gotta burn the fuckers off i gotta
Starting point is 02:55:36 burn the fuckers off i gotta burn the fuckers off can i have a match please someone give me the match i need a match okay before you set yourself on fire the roaches uh we're afraid of fire genuine yes fire is i just want to remind you fire is one of the one things that can kill you i know i'm very aware what and the mother fuck was that i really i really want it that was actually one of the better times actually the best time we all got to learn to swing our dicks you know what i mean no but we should is everyone all right where are they in the middle of this conversation the dumpster just
Starting point is 02:56:29 kind of starts jack hammering its way in through the door there is a lot of my feet against it trying to push it back essentially like horse scrambling the top of a dumpster which is moving by itself and his sort of position itself at the edge of the privacy fence into club canan i'm trying to gong the sides of it as loud as i can to fuck with him okay that i was fucking speechless i don't know what the fucking said uh it's uh uh because of my hunger i'm gonna be like where's enoc where's enoc where's enoc i'm in here baby the voice comes from inside of the dumpster
Starting point is 02:57:15 i'm sorry i'm trying what i'm about to do i'm gonna grab his arm just gonna start fighting and drinking through the dumpster allison let me paint this picture mal is standing between you and enoc mal is sitting on top of the dumpster preventing your love from escaping i need to get in that dumpster now you can either in the dumpster with me or get the fuck off the top i'm getting in the dumpster what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing come on come down into the dumpster get off the dumpers or go in or get off it's nice and warm in here shut up go in or get off go in get off get off get off get off get off why i'm gonna Jesus christ you're annoying i'm
Starting point is 02:58:01 gonna flip her and then go in the dumpster and i don't know if you can see but i'm gonna i have to eat so i'm going to start literally just fucking the shit how to be not gonna start i slowly shut the little gun and sit back on top of it this seems like shaking violently underneath you i don't like being here feeling any of these feelings but this seems like the best choice right yeah you guys agree i don't know i can't tell it's not a violation if they do it in the trash what here how about this and i want to because i still have problems up i want to tip it on its side and then just push it so that the lid of the dumpster is against the wall and i don't have to sit on it anymore but they're they're enclosed it's technically your club
Starting point is 02:58:55 doesn't mean we have to like it so here's the thing is slaking the thirst off each other is a very tricky little thing uh traditionally this would do damage to the boy not um help him um so instead i'm going to allow like the transference of hunger uh so that we don't kill erin um erin you are in all means allowed to give allison as much of enox blood as you like uh for every ounce of hunger for every number slaked for her is one gained by you so she's at three and she goes down to one that's too hunger for you so what's it gonna be amanda how much you oh i'm doing that you're going to three babe i'm going to one enough you can feel yourself considerably weakened as without even permission consent or
Starting point is 02:59:55 agreement this this toxic relationship between the two of you takes hold and you become a puppet again to her word and she extends out your arm and takes nearly everything from you you now have three hunger do you get what you need yeah i can't yeah um yeah i'm good then i what happened to your suit why do you got dirt on your suit because i was thrown into a trash can then i think the the slowly the noise and the dumpster just kind of i'm going to kick that plastic like that that thing so even if it doesn't come off we're gonna probably bounce off the wall
Starting point is 03:00:50 and i'm just gonna come out be like yeah i roll out of there there's like a banana peel like right over my head that just kind of flops to the floor you've got coffee grounds yeah built into your beard at that point all right burrows you had something niles is in fact walking away i think niles went outside for air right yeah i'm heading out like outside towards the sidewalk i think burrows would see this after you know gesturing to them and i think he would follow them out and uh and he'd call out to him and say listen um i know we haven't said more than probably two words since we met but uh we did this the way we did it to keep to help you this is not helping no it doesn't help me
Starting point is 03:01:47 what's stopping amos from now going and telling silvi that we came here instead of where i needed you guys to go we can still go to silvi but this is our domain and i think silvi would respect the fact that we're keeping it and and and you know silvi doesn't give a fuck you don't realize the anarchs don't give a fuck that you're camarilla right and you don't give a fuck no one gives a fuck about anybody here we're just i'll say this is just burrows and um sorry it's okay they've gone out to the sidewalk what i was gonna say is you're probably used to people not giving a fuck about you but things are different now you're with the watchman okay and we care about each other i'm sorry that this upset you but we're gonna work it out one way or another
Starting point is 03:02:37 when you asked for help we all helped you unquestionably but when i asked for your help you just said fuck you i want my club instead how is that helping me you didn't even get to let me fully explain to you what's going on i don't even get the opportunity to do that and now i have to deal with the consequences that makes you feel any better we all have to deal with the consequences okay because that's what this is it's a package deal i don't think i don't know one of these days you're gonna figure out we're the only friends you got now's all right i'll kind of straighten up walking to the club again
Starting point is 03:03:28 i'll take it like five seconds and i'll come back now's sitting there on the corner considering what borough said to you uh uh spoons is cuddling up against you sensing the distress between the situation you're taking a moment to breathe in air that truly doesn't do anything for you um and you think you see the flash of a panel van off the the corner of the street stops at an intersection just shorter view it stays for longer than your your mind likes falters stops the red light turns green and it doesn't move and then it drives off you can see the passenger or the driver behind the driver's seat is
Starting point is 03:04:21 just some young kid maybe 18 and you can see the flash of a cell phone on his face uh but the stark moment the little second that it could have been anything else is real to you there is always going to be someone coming for you niles i'm gonna take spoons out before i go back inside and i'm gonna have him do what he normally does just a look over and see if there's anything worth seeing it is your first time seeing him take flight with new wings and at first he can't seem to pick himself up from the ground um it's like learning new again and these new masses of flesh along a body that was built for smaller can't seem to bring himself up until finally he finds
Starting point is 03:05:13 stride into his wings and his bones seem to crack and form against it and he bursts out into this far high fast fly faster than you've ever seen him fly and it becomes this disturbing juxtaposition of the bones almost unfurling one piece at a time into the air to keep the wings airborne you're realizing that your closest friend has changed forever just to keep him alive but he does begin to survey the area burrows walks back into the club and says uh niles says we don't listen to her listen to them so sounds like we need to uh go speak to this silvestre person they they know could we not have done that first we should have done it first we should have but a couple
Starting point is 03:06:03 of people decided to make a big scene so we had to take action oh i'm sorry i got uh it did whatever i am what i am and it took what i can't do nothing about it you too need to look at me right now thank you you're part of a team one way or another a coterie wherever the fuck you want to call it you all pull shit like that again i'm gonna see to it personally that you greet the fucking son the adline i fucking did that like oh hey alison did you decided to go ahead off the rails no i didn't thank you i think you just threatened us honey no no no no hey inak you misunderstand me i promised you oh no no i'm gonna start hitting my head on the wall we just got the place can we please just at least keep the walls and the windows where they are
Starting point is 03:07:06 apart from the guns that shot through the windows we technically did it i don't think that they're fully fucked off we need to block this place down or find some sort of magical way to secure it or whatever but it's ours it's our place this is our home yes we go see silvestre if this if it keeps our home safe then why don't we just yeah this this keeps our home safe this keeps our place safe it's ours whatever we're good holy fucking shit she's gonna sible's gonna turn towards regal for a second um and just whisper you have to stay around
Starting point is 03:07:58 because because literally last time boros had two ticks in his hand by the end of the night and i really can't forward that again no i'm not i'm not joking and i'm not being hyperbolic that's literally what happened you for some reason you i don't know if humanity is stored in the beanie or what but you need to circle around okay yeah i yeah i'm not going anywhere not if i can help it paddle the shoulder fuck would you all like to hear about your club yes yes you do yes please what did we get trimek sure the inside of the club is wide and spacious almost devoid of all furniture it works largely in a hanger format that forms long industrial
Starting point is 03:08:56 piping and rafters that run parallel to large panels of light bulbs a waxed dance floor sits in the center at the lowest level of a tier of platforms the floor itself feeds into the higher booths that then feed into the bar level and at the furthest point there is a series of stairs that feed down onto the lower tiers and up onto the second floor of the ip bar while it has gone largely untouched in years it has been set in a serious state of disarray and has been cluttered with a hoarder level of squatters litter the building itself has exceptional bones the playlist playing over right now is classic rock but of course it seems as though there's been speakers rung through this place and it looks as though there are three sets of stairs down into lower
Starting point is 03:09:45 levels below the main and enok if you would like to explain any other intricate details to this place as you designed it yourself please feel free to tell anyone the audience our coterie what we're looking i'm imagining like it's with with like the state of disrepair it's in i imagine we're how it's gonna play out is we're gonna do like renovations on it mm-hmm so maybe we like build it up okay from you know the ratchet squalor that currently exists so we're talking about the basement though there's the whole thing no we're not breaking it hold down well we're we're gonna have to clean it all up yeah but there's still basement well yeah we're not rebuilding the building yeah no that's what i want to make sure okay
Starting point is 03:10:36 i love that this is turned into like an episode of house hunters for erin and amanda that's exactly that's exactly what's happened we had this very that's what i was like wait a minute we're not building a base that thing's already fucking late because it's up what's your budget yeah yeah what's your budget what are we working on the heart on a hamster farmer and a vegetarian and our budget is 1.5 million my budget is pretty damn wealthy that's why alton's got bank do you guys go exploring through the building at all are we immediately going off to try and find silvi what's but everybody else really wants to go meet silvi i think we want to make sure one of our coterie doesn't die yeah and i do i do think boroughs
Starting point is 03:11:18 does take a you know kind of a moment looking around just a pride on his face uh even though folks tell him what he's doing is wrong or stupid things keep working out so he doesn't quite get what the issue is yeah i agree thank you niles uh you were given a number for that bar to to access basically through hui on the drive home um that you can call to inform them that you're you're coming into play because obviously uh the last few times you've been to a bar like that things have gone haywire so they'd like a little notice for us yeah i'll i'll call the phone and let them know that we're we'll be there soon okay absolutely they pick up on the other side and they they tell you uh they'll try and have silvi in when you get there it is an address on
Starting point is 03:12:14 basically just east of where you are now um dingy little bar we can take a walk sure might as well all right it's a walk okay uh you walk on over to this place uh it's getting closer to we'll say like 10 10 30 at night um but by the time you arrive at the address you were given it is a big no-name uh bar doesn't even have signage on the front of it uh parked in the back of like an industrial zoning of the city it looks like yes before we enter enter yeah yeah yeah mouths wound yeah yeah do i see it the pulling of the hair yeah absolutely you can see some of
Starting point is 03:13:07 the patches are starting to heal already also there's the ankle yes and you can see where your stiletto heel went square through the calf that one's fine it's more of me that's fair oh no that does bring up us a point you get thenmo requests for $30 for every injury actually that's where i was gonna yeah oh yeah the jar the jar yes is that when i pull e knock aside and if anyone's paying attention i'll be grabbing you like in the folder be like remember there are there are my things too you do not damage my fucking things venmo there we go uh mouse phone screeches about the the venmo request and i turn it up uh so i can't use this um it's this doesn't you know work i don't think i can send you money also i don't have a bank account
Starting point is 03:14:14 so what would goths use the barter system something i mean i have my bank account you can send it to me that's no problem uh here and i'll just pull out like 20 bucks and another locust wing okay yeah cool this is $10 worth of wing i thought so i mean i ripped a dude's hand off i didn't rip his balls off that's burrows i hate that i have to declare which one is worse that that's something that i have to think about but i mean one is you probably died faster because of burrows yeah i do stop burrows on the walk over like i'll at least sidle up next to him as we're walking what's up right gail for what it's worth i appreciate what you did in there like you you pulled us back from the brink like if it weren't for you that could have gone really really
Starting point is 03:15:15 really badly well i appreciate that somebody finally noticing my diplomacy skills yeah no listen just uh this whole masquerade thing is a thing right like like listen i'm pretty new to all this that's why i'm asking but like the prince was pretty maybe we need to have a group meeting but like think about this right if i'm talking to i don't mean to be talking down to you like you're dumb i'm kind of like thinking out loud as we're as we're talking here thank you a bunch of bodies show up being ripped apart cops are gonna ask questions i wouldn't necessarily worry too much again this is just between me and right gail dammit you you seem to strike a cord with burrows like like it's it's almost like his own conscious telling him like you you kind of went
Starting point is 03:16:14 too far last night and i think he says uh yeah to be honest with you i don't know i i think i made a couple mistakes last night and i i look in the direction of allison and enog listen um you forget that you ever get that voice in your head that doesn't really tell you what to do but it's happy when you do things it wants you to do you know what i'm talking about there is a very specific man in this city that i need to kill and i get exactly what you're telling me yeah i understand well uh i guess i didn't really keep that voice in check last night but well right gail i i think that's why you're here keep people like me in check
Starting point is 03:17:05 maybe we can keep each other in check well what do you think about that i like that all right well i don't think a couple cops are really gonna mind some dead gang bangers but you got a point you got a point no more uh no more displays of violence let's be real the cam is probably gonna clean it clean it all up i would feel me on the cops in this city but don't give them any excuses to come breathing down your neck right you got a point but it's a little hard when you're swept up in it i don't know if you've ever actually let it take you but it's not indicating i'm hoping it doesn't come to that let's look out for each other like you said all of us you're a good guy right gail
Starting point is 03:17:51 you do john that means more to me than you than you know thanks this bomb that's what the kids are doing right this bomb it's what the kids are doing all right let's get in there let's go is there anything else we would like to accomplish i just like i just like to remind everybody that this is not a lesium and you're not granted just to say and do whatever you want so he is not a very pleasant person should we take your lead let you talk we'll see we'll see but as long as you keep that in mind that violence is the tactic here so keep it cool so keep it cool cool look at allison like fauncey we're gonna get cool
Starting point is 03:18:50 allison and i are known for being cool yeah i hope you can be cool you know entering into this room uh the bar itself is unlocked at the front door as long as you guys are going through there is there any alternative entrance are we trying to go through a back entrance off the side are we trying to do anything that the new gen is pretty good at going through the front door okay keep it above and i believe niles is the one in front yeah i'll go in front okay it's a good place for you the door opens and it's one of those old rusty like heavy doors that shuts and sucks in the vacuum behind you as all of you shuffle into a very dark room where no one is here there is a single lamp on in the center that works almost
Starting point is 03:19:52 like a ghost light and it illuminates much of the room but the recesses of shadow illuminate are not illuminated across basically all corners of the room it just creates this little pool of light in the center there is a set of stairs that go up at the very far end of that wall opposite to where you guys are now works into a second floor there's a restroom right next to that and then a manager's room on the other side on the east side wall um uh entering in uh there is uh an opening of that manager's door and out walks hu who steps out into the pool light in front of you niles hey silvie here no is this all of you i thought i thought we were supposed to talk to silvie what's going on
Starting point is 03:20:52 is this all of you niles yeah okay silvie's not gonna come silvie doesn't want to talk silvie's not very happy we just got a call somebody hit one of his bars or at least something he was looking into and he gives you a very pointed look niles just sort of glancing off you look down naked city now that's Camarilla territory so silvie wasn't supposed to be there in the first place he was out of step making moves he's not supposed to in a time of truce so ellis that's a friend of ours he looks to the rest of you sort of sizing you all up as he's realizing he's talking to more than niles yeah ellis is a little upset with him which means that whoever perpetrated whatever happened at that bar in naked city whoever took a hit out on silvie
Starting point is 03:21:58 and made some moves in his direction would be inclined to be forgiven if that was the case because if anyone were to act on what happened tonight it might meet the end of the truce and that's not something any of us are prepared to do tonight so if all of you know anyone who operates out of naked city for the Camarilla please since you all are new around here could you extend my greatest sympathies to what happened to their domain civil yes but but
Starting point is 03:22:49 but silvie still wants a favor from all of you and we're inclined to agree but i think we're going to use an intermediary now as i'm sure you filled them all in kind of not really i thought silvie would fill most of it in right because what silvie wanted i was told to bring him here yeah okay well the situation is this there's a small town casino out of freemont street that was taken over pre truce by a mortal family that's been moving in on property closest to the strip that they could it's something that silvie wants it's a casino called the silver dollar the issue is and this is the biggest issue this is why we're having you all do it and not him
Starting point is 03:23:52 it's mafia control family have it meaning that sure they're dirt bags and they're easy to take out we could clear that whole place and take it for silvie sure but most of the family in town have connections back with the Camarilla meaning that we would no need to know someone on their side to handle their own business you all qualify at least with niles's new connections meaning that you could take the casino back you could take what's inside the vault and silvie can keep the property and then we call this even niles keeps doing what they agreed to and we don't break a truce that doesn't need breaking
Starting point is 03:24:53 i want to make sure i understand maybe i'm just slow silvie oversteps by your own admission sir correct yeah okay now we're on the hook to do a favor for you oh niles now the favor was even before silvie took any move in your direction okay you need to talk to your friend here i'm not going to speak for my friend um okay niles deserves their own voice here but trust me this was coming for you long before any bad decisions were made in naked city niles is pretty scared of something or someone they're smart yeah listen might be in that individual's best interest to not scare my friends because then your truce your truce can get all the way fucked
Starting point is 03:26:05 would you like me to deliver that message somewhere no i'm a man enough to deliver it myself niles do you stand by this is that your word in the message should i let alice know this is the party's belief no that's from that's from regal okay well let me be the voice of the bear in afremont street as as i usually am your friend who you think we've hurt breathes because i care about them deeply your friend today walks all of you walk because alice took pity on new blood and if you pulled this shit around any of your fancy princes you'd all be dead and today you walk away
Starting point is 03:27:03 i won't watch how about we walk away and think about it for a night do you have a generous offer we are a team we are a coterie we need to discuss it good good sure think about it these are good situations that i think you're reading as a movement on your existence it's not we're trying to do the right things for vegas like like the best that we can but if we keep stepping over each other's toes someone is going to lose them okay this is the last and final warning for new people with new powers you can only be forgiven after you're dead so many times and it looks directly at you and niles okay thank you thank you appreciate your hospitality
Starting point is 03:28:02 silver dollar casino just east of freemont street look it up mafia control you're gonna have to get in good with whoever runs them or at least be quick to apologize to whoever's throwing that racket you um you got a good point of contact somebody knows the family somebody knows the property it's camarilla i don't touch it that's your people not mine fair enough thank you we can source that we can okay you all leave first yes sir you bleed out into the street you're back into the open night air of vegas having met with hu and earned another assignment on the docket i
Starting point is 03:28:58 are we away from anyone that could report back to q about whatever like it looks like you came alone as far as you can tell okay unless you're looking for people in hiding or because i i would like to say something to everybody here but i would like to make sure that we don't have any x-shirt years do you mind if we go back to our new home sure sure yeah you all go back to club canan go ahead regal i was just saying uh niles i'll do respect like i know you're under no obligation to tell us what happened there's there's some gaps here i feel like i'm missing something you guys oh i owe you a slight explanation i at least owe you that much um i got in trouble
Starting point is 03:29:54 with the baron of freeman street i fed where i was not allowed to feed and i got made for it and this is why we owe a favor were you feeding on the strip i mean what do what do you mean i went to i'm new blood or especially or maybe just me are not allowed to feed in freeman territory or in any anarch territory as far as i was told just to specify that to uh elie it was also because you fed on kindred i don't know if you're negating that information i'm just absolutely negating that information i wanted to make sure you understood the players understand we're trying to suss it out of them yeah i see this is ridiculous i don't get this whole so camera is a government but you're like new blood but you don't have a rulebook and then anarchs are not a government but
Starting point is 03:30:53 our government this is where i'm like i niles i know we i can understand why you don't like us but you are a part of this team you're a part of this whole region you're one of us so i see that way so why don't we just burn the system down fucking nark on each other and guess what it don't really matter to us in the end anyways i hate to say that i actually agree with her i'm really sick of being told where i can and can't go and what i can and can't do it's some horseshit and i realize laws are a thing we have to deal with when we're alive but we're not alive anymore so why the fuck are we letting people tell us what to do well there's there's letting people tell you what to do and then there's doing it so that you can have some
Starting point is 03:31:39 kind of advantage on them i mean they're the ones that drop their pants the the whole you know being in the boom boom club when they shouldn't have so if anything we got dirt on them exactly so at the end of the day they're acting like we owe them but i'm like bitch you're the one that's about to pop off this war maybe we keep it to ourselves that they owe us if we look into this thing it's uh we take what we want what are they going to do go to the camera reel and complain exactly also by the way i actually have a lot of very good contacts and influences within our justice department and i know a da sheriff oh i actually know a place that has a lot of big guns tank two do you know a guy named underwood go ahead and roll me an influence plus intelligence
Starting point is 03:32:33 and here come 50 million dice oh oh oh and what was the influence in what intelligence sorry i don't mean it to rail that's all right ready that's a handful of dice right there that is one okay one two three four five six wait wait uh one two three four uh that one's cocked what's one that one's cocked what is this one it means it's not landed face up oh so yeah okay all right that's even better okay so that was so we got two crits so i think that equals four you did it um plus five so yeah holy shit you cracked it um yeah you know underwood um piece of shit captain real country boy uh moved here from the south uh rose in power
Starting point is 03:33:36 insanely quickly so much so that he's become the ire of a lot of people you like he's a piece of shit i know that piece of shit i know very well i used to come here a lot when i was alive you'd be surprised who i know here okay okay okay okay uh civil what do you think yeah not still young what's the next move uh well uh i don't know um i don't know i i think if everyone is comfortable feeling safe tonight then i think we should just get used to the club and start making moves there maybe we go shopping for some cleaning supplies yes maybe we just lay low maybe we just oh come on i'm sick of laying low it's it's like 11 we haven't laid low once we can win the little win did we lay low how great has that been let's go
Starting point is 03:34:54 to home depot property brothers this bitch up let's go home and then we can go shopping tomorrow don't we have to go attack a club tomorrow yeah we'll do it before tomorrow don't you think we want some hardware for that wait wait first off we can order for pickup y'all it's a lot easier to do that these days second but it's so much fun in there you know if tomorrow would make three clubs three clubs just so i'm wondering which club are we discussing uh sorry the casino that would make three i think we should have a night we're maybe just discuss how to not go into a place before we get too caught up i'll remind us that we have a little chapel to take a visit to i don't want to leave uh that order lingering for too long right let's go right yeah
Starting point is 03:35:46 the reason why you were given the title of watchman the domain of naked haven of which you are standing in right now the big shiny badges on your chest that says watchman yeah that way yeah we should probably prioritize that next let's do that next we can help the anarchs their thing get getting their good graces there was no timeline on that from what i heard and then if we i can start looking at the bugs east thing and if you all want to help me with that you are more than welcome to in the meantime if you don't mind sible everyone else mal john everybody i'll go start looking into the silver dollar see what i can dig up on them i used to do things on research on the casinos in this town i can i can find something out
Starting point is 03:36:38 how do you wait what do you mean research were you like a spy in your past life no no no no no no i was a journalist you have that vibe i can see that okay you want to go by yourself you know everyone's come with it's going to be boring it's going to be a lot of google and shit it'll be a lot better than just ending our night at 11 is the puppy going to be there where i go rufus goes i'll keep it distance i'll probably fuck the computer up anyway i can start cleaning it sounds like we're all preparing the club we're getting ready to research the silver dollar and we're preparing for a journey off to the the lonely hearts chapel in las vegas here
Starting point is 03:37:30 to leave you with an image inoc and allison you are moving your way through the club you're imagining what could be and what will be as all of you are cleaning through some of the filth that has been left by the conquerors and the blood that you all have shed on the floors and the multiple roaches that have made home in your bar as uh pertaining to allison you move through the second floor the first and then down into the sub level basement on the first sub level basement there is a private room as there are many it seems as though this used to be some sort of alternative uh meeting place or maybe an old sex club something of the sort but it's made for multiple different bedrooms down here on the main sub floor but in the back
Starting point is 03:38:19 of the club in the private room of that sub floor you notice that there is a noticeable puff of fog or or gas leaking from the bottom of one of the doors oh yeah we're going in absolutely is it allison the first way through yeah probably allison there is some poetic justice as you take the two nubbins of your broken hand and put it around the handlebar of another flaming situation and as you pull back the gas starts to fill out even more until you start to realize it's the the spill off of dry ice and the blast of cold that comes onto your bodies is extreme um and inside uh in this plastic sheeted room that has been plastic sheeted the entire way through what used to be like a
Starting point is 03:39:11 boothed out bedroom has now become a makeshift autopsy room you would imagine there are three there are three oh my god there are three gurneys in the center of the room uh there are hvac units that have been set up off each wall and they are giving off an unbelievable blast of cold and on those three gurneys are three bodies they are taped into the gurney and restrained back behind the the gurneys themselves they all three are conventionally beautiful comatose and still completely still save for very shallow breaths of these three creatures as they hold on for dear life on their heads are little red bows wrapped neatly as a gift and on the toe tag of each individual reads for the happy couple signed emrick
Starting point is 03:40:24 and we'll leave our session there for the day thank you everyone well that was kind of cute in a terrible way are those like babies for you well i hope that everyone enjoyed themselves here god damn what a note to leave it on yeah we very expertly derailed this session and god did we teach the conquerors what's for and then get taught what's for for a little bit themselves well i hope everyone enjoyed themselves maybe next session we can get into some of this watchman stuff and start seeing that side of what kaila you want to talk about plot no no i'm fine i'm fine as long as we keep ignoring it i get to keep making fun of you for not engaging so i'm fine either way so you work on you want us to
Starting point is 03:41:14 focus on it yes well it's fine we we have a lot on the quest list i don't mind which one you guys knock off first so that's that's the point of the game where does the officially changed luckies into club kane and we are now officially in our domain baby i hope everybody enjoyed themselves great session kaila thank you buddy yeah thank you guys i thought it was fantastic thank you everybody for staying with us thank you for staying through two little upsets of our internet and our our video there we stayed pretty consistently with everybody watching which is still so super cool to see we hope you guys join us for the next session not next saturday but the saturday after um and we may we may be hitting you with two sessions or an additional session
Starting point is 03:42:04 in september basically um we have yet to decide yet but keep that in mind we'll let you know on our socials if that becomes a pure because we're trying to get in as much of vince as possible as much regal as possible so thank you everybody for for staying with us

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