Mayday Plays - Vegas by Night Ep. 6 - "The Archangels"

Episode Date: September 28, 2022

The new generation checks the camarilla Sheriff, who insists they look into some strange moving and shaking going on in Vegas. Raguel moves closer to his goal of revenge....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, Kindred, and welcome to Vegas by Night, Mayday Roleplay's Vampire the Masquerade Chronicle. I just want to personally thank everyone for being here. You could choose to be anywhere else, but you chose to be here with us, and that is a remarkable feeling. Welcome to the table. Grab a blood bag, hug your ghoul, and remember that the best thing we can do for each other is include ourselves in each other's stories.
Starting point is 00:00:27 If you've missed out on any chapter of Vegas by Night, don't fear, you can still check it out on Spotify, Twitch VOD, and our YouTube channel as of right now. This is episode six. There's already our first five episodes up on all of our major platforms if you'd like to see it. If you're wondering how you can get more Mayday in your life, you can catch our stream here every other Saturday for our main show. You can follow us on all major platforms as well as Spotify and SoundCloud for podcast-friendly
Starting point is 00:00:58 recordings of all our major shows and streams. And finally, you can donate to us on Patreon and join our Patreon Discord. The Discord is really where we've had the chance to build a great little family around the content we've put out. We have patrons who have joined each other's games and played in some hosted by ourselves. We've started a Deadpool on which one of us will die first. We've debated the most vile pizza toppings possible. And most recently, we've added in some Vegas by Night emotes that are absolutely worth
Starting point is 00:01:26 it. There's no better joy than the spoons with the knife option or the famous nut grab. In addition to all this craziness, you get an opportunity to listen to exclusive Patreon content and behind-the-scenes information. If you're a fan of Vegas by Night, we just recently put up Niles' origin session. Hopefully, everyone has had an opportunity to listen to it up there on the Patreon. It's a great little adventure that me and Eli went through. We went through a lot of what Niles has been through, what Niles is going through, and
Starting point is 00:01:56 what has made Niles, well, who they are today. So if you'd like to know what's going on beneath the surface, what's writhing beneath, it's a good watch. Absolutely. I'd recommend it to you. We have an Orpheus debrief on the way soon detailing and answering all of the questions put forward by the fans of the show, as well as the cast members themselves. Keep a lookout for its release.
Starting point is 00:02:18 We'd like to give a shout-out, as well, to our handler-level Patreon contributors. It's because of their involvement in our content that we can begin thinking all of the big picture ideas we have for Mayday. So thank you, Ankh, OGPan, Bimble Ward, Cameron S., Eric A., and Jonathan M. I'm sure some of you are in the chat today, so thank you all for being here as well. It's always a great opportunity, a great time to see you live in our chats and speaking in the Discord. Other than that, please check out our Delta Green campaign, Doom to Repeat, who has just
Starting point is 00:02:51 recently added another award to its lineage. Boom. Oh, we're winning it left and right, folks. We're nominated for, like, 50,000 others. Just give it time, and you will see. We're going to put out this award season poster of all of our accolades, where you will have to worship this show for all it's worth. It's worth watching, and people are noticing, so I hope that you give the opportunity to
Starting point is 00:03:15 check it out if you haven't already. There's also our D&D campaign centered in the island world of Ashoka, and our Old World of Darkness campaign using the Orpheus system, all of which are available on all major podcasting platforms, YouTube and our Twitch. Before we get started today, I just want to remind everyone that Vampire the Masquerade can be a dark setting, and as such, there are content warnings for any watching. There are two in particular I want you to watch out for in this episode, and that is one, choking, and two, eyes.
Starting point is 00:03:47 If you have trouble with eyes, please take special care of this episode. Thank you. What the fuck does that mean? Please be advised that there may be violent themes, plenty of adult language, and the exploration of darker subjects. Please take care of yourself and be aware your safety is always most important to us. First, before you watch, so please enjoy. Without further ado, we're going to get started here.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Humanity was cursed, and in that curse, there were some who sought to soothe the roiling blood of its afflicted. In the city of Enoch, by the power of Enoch, a new man was embraced. The seer, Zalat, friend of Malkov and Set, was made real in the eyes of the kindred, but only found distaste in the palate of his new blood. Instead, Zalat sought answers to quieting the noise of their unnatural existence. They took it on to themselves to embrace a family of healers with kin and kind alike. They would be named the salubri.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Unsatisfied with his control over the beast, like Cain, Zalat chose to wander east, only to return to Enoch a new man with the gift of a new sight, a third eye on his face, and a new enlightenment having tamed his beast completely, Golconda. He spoke nothing of the lengths at which it took to achieve this peace, but only made the possibility available to his people. Free from his beast, the seer believed he was able to see thread that passed through each being in the universe. He became familiar with the connective tissue that fused each cell of the world together.
Starting point is 00:05:42 His prolific nature, his speeches, his search for inner peace, and a solution to what the kindred was all drew ire to the grand seer, a world of kindred ready for the right moment to strike, to punish. The trimir saw their chance, and it was trimir himself that raided the tomb in which Zalat slept, stole him from torpor, and diabolorized the anti-diluvian where he lay, Zalat, who allowed guests into his tomb, Zalat, who was already in torpor, Zalat, who had made no defenses, who was devoured almost willingly. Humanity was cursed, and in that curse bred a rot of the brain, a parasite will remove
Starting point is 00:06:33 the portions of you that prevent its best practice. The drive to become anything less, or dare I say more, than kindred, is the first to be removed. The black in our lungs only sustains if we fall in love with the power of what we've become, and the curse ensures that if anyone decides that what we are is not yet beautiful, the beast is the first to answer in all the usual ways. We will pay with our lives for any free thought in the direction of a better world, the direction of a better us, a better you.
Starting point is 00:07:14 There is only a better me, only the glorious overgrowth of the kingdom in my body, only the echo of my names in vacuous halls, only the filling of my coffers, speak no word of peace in a place of greed. What you betray for amnesty is the mustering of power beyond any control. We will kill the quiet makers. We will kill the peacemakers. We will kill our darlings. Welcome to Vegas by Night.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Wow, that was very mature what I just heard. I wish all of you could have enjoyed that. Let's introduce our cast this Saturday morning. My name is Caleb James Miller and I'll be your storyteller today. I'm Erin and I'm Enoch. I'm Allegra and I'm the mature one. I'm playing Mel. I'm Amanda and I'm playing Allison, the smart one who can think outside the box.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Are you? I'm Eli and I'm playing Niles. Are you? I'm Sergio. I'm playing the singing one burrows. Papa. Papa. Hey, folks, I'm Vince.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I'm playing reggae. The weird one. I'm Zakiya and I'm playing Scary Spice, aka Civil. Scary Spice. Perfect. Now, I wanted to point out that we've had quite a few sessions here, meaning that you guys have racked up some experience in the last five sessions. Have we made any changes to our sheet since we last saw each other?
Starting point is 00:08:59 I know we're sitting on all that experience is what anyone like to show their brand new shiny little toy to the audience. This is your show and tell. Not yet. I decided to, in fact, put a point into a discipline of presence. Hold on. I'm losing my character sheet here. I believe actually, no, I put a point into dominate.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I've got two in presence already. I had one in dominate. It's like to put one more just to make that compel a little more compelling. All right. Well, there we are. We've got a stronger dominate in Burroughs direction. I want to add an add to the dot two aspects and added since the unseen. There we are.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Anyone else? We talked about it last week, but Niles gained a flesh craft. Yes. Yes. And put that flesh craft. Well, we'll be putting it to work for sure. Good. I think that's about it here.
Starting point is 00:10:04 We're pushing up on another session before we see some crazy discipline changes from some of these folks, too, because I know we're rounding up to that third dot possibility with 15 points after this session here. We need to remind ourselves of where we left off last session. Hunger wise, let's just start alphabetically. Enoch, how are we doing? I got fucking three. Thanks, Amanda.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yes. After a very toxic exchange between the kinksters, Enoch lost out and is sitting on three hunger. He helped me out. It's not toxic. Amanda, how about you? Well, what's Allison up to? I got a one, but I still have like that.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Are my digits grown yet? Well, how many aggravated do you still have aggravated damage left over? I think I still have one. And you've still got one finger desperately holding on, I guess. That's that's the last little nubbin. But hopefully that will be solved for you this session. OK, how about you, Mal? How are we doing?
Starting point is 00:11:11 You are muted. You're right, I am. I'm also at one one. Perfect. Now, Niles, how are we doing? Hunger, I am at hunger one hunger one. That's a pretty good number for Niles. Burroughs is technically at hunger zero. I don't know if last night's or the current night's events
Starting point is 00:11:31 deserve a rouse check or something, but currently we will get to that rouse check just because there's half of the night left over. I don't want to give you that premature rouse check for next night. So we will hold it where it is for right now. I guess hunger check is what I was more asking for. Right. What about you, Vince? How's Roguel doing? Roguel is at three hunger three.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Oh, we're going to need a little bite there. And it's a beast to two. Beautiful. OK, so we pick back up in Club Canaan, obviously. We have recent. Yes. Sorry, did we do the recap? I'm so sorry, we have not done our recap. I've completely glossed over it. I was going to correct you before we officially get started.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Let's go to a recap of last session from Ina. Thank you for for catching that. Zakiya, you're like the like the kid that reminds the teacher that there was on Friday, I know what I am. We are. I am the aggregation of thousands, millions, billions of simple states culminating into a single complex macro state.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Billions upon trillions of summed bits, nibbles, bytes, words, blocks, sectors, pages, pixels and a digital image. We. I perform the numerical integrations that tame the waves that cascade into interference patterns that manifest into a slice
Starting point is 00:13:24 that results into another thing that's called life. I am an analog machine, an imperfect heuristic knitting out the three plus one structure of reality. Quarks, bugs, features, unintended side effects, lots of funny little things in the math. Those little buzzing patterns do some really weird shit. Some really weird, annoying and displeasing things.
Starting point is 00:14:06 They always want to do this, that and the fucking other thing. Go over there, little rat, run over there and kiss that ass. Scurry to your holes to beg for someone else's table scraps. What sad, pathetic little creatures, these buzzes, jockeying for their meager, pointless little lives. But I have something, and I'm gonna take it. Even if it means doing some... Aggressive refactoring.
Starting point is 00:14:48 See, that's the thing about math. Once you understand it, you can bend even the most Gaussian of static to your will. And these little sub-nations of randomly fluctuating electrons are not nearly as complicated as they behave. But there's one little pattern that never ceases to make me go, what the fuck is happening over there? Everything else is predictable and boring,
Starting point is 00:15:32 but when it's in the scope of my collapsed wave, everything is incalculable. Fascinating little surprises and ample servings of the devil's lunch. Ha, ha, ha! Oh, but if the old lady did the deliver, I might have wanted these so-called conquerors all dead. More fun that way. They're not significant anyhow,
Starting point is 00:16:06 but they take great solace in the fact that a dozen or so therapists will have to hear about the shrieking four-legged bullet-proof insect monster for years to come. The funny thing is that the pests thought that they could stop us. I don't think they're going to make that mistake again. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. From now on, they respect their betters. Or else I'm going to add even more hair to my collection.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I wonder if I could weave it into a bracelet. And now Emory has sent us a wedding present. See, you see, we don't work. We just get and we only give to each other. It's time to unwrap our gifts. Assuming the one with the dirty little pigeon or the prince's little yes man doesn't drag us off on some idiotic errand first.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Amazing. Wow. Incredible. Oh, I'm too sick. I almost glossed over to see it happen. I'm mad with the dirty pigeon. You call spoons a dirty pigeon. In the street, first of all, how dare you serve? And you can't even be mad about it. Yeah, I can't find a way. Now it just gets upset randomly for no reason.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Just a heart hurt somewhere. We find ourselves in Club Canaan, the newly renamed Luckies. What was formerly a pistain garbage covered squatters home for a biker gang off of the north side of Vegas called the Conquerors has now been rightfully returned to their new owners, Allison and Enoch. This gift from Emmerich has been given to you and after quite the fight between all of you in the boom boom club.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Quite the fight between all of you here in the club. And then quite the fight between all of you between all of you. Now found yourself here in a slice of Vegas that belongs to you in a portion of Vegas that is yours in a city that is starting to recognize the power of your people. What is the first move of this night? There's still half a night left. The very last thing that we had was a very tense conversation
Starting point is 00:19:13 with the right hand man of the Anarchs in town, suddenly telling all of you that you were maybe a few steps away from a grave misstep. But now we're here. Let's make some decisions for our night. Shall I reiterate some of the kind of tasks that have been handed to us? Because I made a list last night and realized there's a nice handful of them.
Starting point is 00:19:43 So that we have that we haven't gotten around to in five weeks now. Right. So we like this fire projects. We spoke with Hughes, who wants us to rob the Silver Dollar Casino. We noticed that there's a connection between Allison and Raigel about Underwood, the local human sheriff. As watchmen, we were asked to check in with Cisco at the Lonely Hearts Chapel, which I think we kind of wanted to prioritize at the end of the last session.
Starting point is 00:20:12 We have our cleaning up of our club. And I think that's the big stuff. And something to do with Vince's bugsy. Yes, yeah. Yeah, Bugsy wanted to wanted us to look into the death of his his is the singular child there. Caleb, this is the same. Yeah, it's one of his child, child or child.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Or a child or child. There we go. Cool. Yep. Well, maybe we should. Yeah, maybe we should tackle Cisco, at least set up what that is supposed to be. I think that would be good. See me once. Yeah. Figuring it out.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And then we can, based on what how tough the task may be, prioritize from there. Yeah, because we could ask them about a couple of stuff as well. Cool. We still look like we got shot up in the club and someone was covered in roaches. Um, yes, there are some noticeable you know, states of disarray in your clothes and bullet holes through some of you. And some of you are still healing off the superficial damage that was sustained when, you know, 12 people decided to open fire on all of you.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Some of us still smell like trash. OK, we should do well. We need to take all of that. So quick 20 reconvene at the lonely heartschapel, maybe. Yeah, in an hour. Neither. Yeah. OK. OK, is there anything anyone would like to do outside of giving getting themselves ready within that hour before we arrive at the lonely hearts?
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah, we got some dudes with toe tags on. What the fuck? You do. So as we described last session on the sub basement level, so closest, almost the lowest level of the club, which you found is pretty deep. It goes about three levels below the ground. And it gets smaller as you get lower, of course, because it's just how the architecture has to work.
Starting point is 00:22:21 But on the sub basement level, there is a series of private rooms, but one of them has been retrofitted to be something of a butchers freezer or a surgery room. And inside there are these massive HVAC units who have been hooked up through the venting system and these sort of makeshift butchers, sightings, plastic sheeting across every surface along these boots and everything. And then these three gurneys have been set out for you.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And on each of those gurneys, taped down, still breathing, very shallow breaths or these, you know, borderline cadavers, what will soon be cadavers when you're done with them. They've all been completely shaved. They're bald. They're they're naked. They're strapped down into these plastic sheetings on their toes. These are three sort of like cadaver toe tags
Starting point is 00:23:17 that have the reading with Emmerich's note from before. They all seem to be breathing, one of which you think is probably AFAB, and then the other are our two AMAB individuals. So can you can you say those last couple of words again? One is AFAB assigned female at birth and the other two are AMAB. Just if any, I'm going to make this very quick, as if we only have that short time.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I'm going to at the because there's that medical, like, you know, you said there's like a little wash stand and all that. I want to spend as much time as possible, like going over the bodies. But like having an if you not can take notes in his notebook, I'll be like going through each individual and I'll be like even spreading the toes apart and noting any weird like birthmarks or any kind of like is there a birthmark or a scar or anything because I got to know what is on each specimen.
Starting point is 00:24:25 So I know how to assemble what I need to assemble. Absolutely. You start going through these specimen reports between the three of them. They don't wake up during which they seem to be heavily sedated with some sort of anesthetic, but they are very much live as you're going through. And as you're you're feeling through and studying them, they seem in pretty much perfect surface health.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Dermatology, you might find a few birthmarks or whatever it may be, but there's no abnormalities if you're looking for that. But they seem to be in good health despite what's happened to them. And they're all in about the early 30s, you'd guess, from the state of their bodies. And there's plenty of time within this hour for you guys to accumulate sort of the starts of the specimen report. Is there any other additional information you'd like to know about these three
Starting point is 00:25:18 as you're picking a part is I can imagine Allison is sort of smoothing her hands throughout the subjects. Yes. Is there any discoloration around fingertips, mouth or anything that could give away any kind of illness or what they're on? Let's go ahead and roll for that. That's a good thing. Um, go ahead and give me a medicine plus intelligence. Hey, I forgot that they were still alive.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Yeah, I'm not going to just harm them. Just yet. Yes, just yet. Well, I got to know if there's like not a bomb planted in them first. Didn't your sire leave them for you? I have one success, one success. It's hard to tell you, of course, are an artist, not a doctor. And your talents with surgery come from purely an aesthetic point of view.
Starting point is 00:26:21 So to diagnose from this point of view would be a little tougher for you. And the excitement of knowing that these three things are yours now is just overwhelming if you had a heart and be a jackhammering in your chest. But instead, you're distracted with all of the ideas of what you're going to do with these three individuals. From what you can tell, they're perfectly healthy. Can you do. Enoch, we need to.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I need to check their blood. I need to make sure that it's pure, like they have. Like there's nothing in there. I rake my fingernails across one of their chests and just get a little trickle going. OK, they absolutely begin to bleed individual in front of you. Does not react to this action. In fact, they're still so heavily sedated back behind the plastic
Starting point is 00:27:23 that it's not as though they jolt forward or anything. It is a slow, easy trickle, maybe the easiest thing you've ever done in your life. In fact, it invites this hype of that speaking voice inside of you, that beast that rolls through that tells you, oh, God, it'd be so easy just to just to eat these, be so easy, you know, just to take these. Then once so after I've done that and I have just like a little bit of like residual blood on my fingertips,
Starting point is 00:27:51 I just like take my hand and stuff it into my mouth like that while Allison knows about her shit. OK, yeah, the the taste is magnificent. These three bodies are rich in what's called melancholic resonance. They're very sad individuals. Whatever has happened to them has made their blood tragic. And the tragedy is so sweet. It must be pure, unbridled abuse.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Something has happened to these three that has caused their blood to become like a rich vintage. And it has been almost frozen or chilled by the environment. You can feel the blood consistency in your mouth is just impeccable. Emric must have been preparing these three for quite some time for it to taste as well as it does. Allison, how many how long do you think these guys can we can keep them going? How many pints do you think we can get off of these guys?
Starting point is 00:28:50 Depends on how I know I could smell like I could probably smell the sweetness. Well, how about this? I want to go ahead and like grab enough by the back like and just like kind of force kiss them just so I could taste that blood and taste that sweetness. And I'm going to be like that sweet. OK, OK, oh, oh, oh, oh, shit. Not yet. Not yet.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Not yet. We should save them. That's what I'm like. They're so good. They're too good, you know. I have an idea. What? When we get a chance to slip away,
Starting point is 00:29:34 let's go break into a pharmacy or a chemistry lab. Go on. Well, what did you check the cabinets first? Well, maybe there's something here, but I was thinking we get we want only the finest ingredients. Yes, blood's only going to get better with some extra. Seasoning. We're going to MSG this bitch up. OK.
Starting point is 00:30:04 The MSG in this case is heroin, but yes. You're not going to talk. You're not putting poison in these bodies, are you? But just think about no one. No one has cornered the vampire drug market. Think about the opportunity. I know that, but that's not OK. Our customers are going to want the high end quality.
Starting point is 00:30:27 We want high end quality. We're not fucking subway. All right. I can cook some good meth. They they call me. They call me spicy cook for a reason, baby. I'm going to backhand you on that. Just laugh you across the face with the back of my hand.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I was like, you got another one in you. I'll go go ahead and slap him again. I think that that is a good moment as the camera pulls away from these two on the second floor as they continue to slap each other for the remainder of the hour over the three dead body. And it escalates quite a bit. I'm sure the shower. There will be no gross stuff on us when we leave.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I'm sure that you put those gurneys to work for those three unfortunate comatose individuals. OK. Anyone else? Do you think Burles has time to try to check in on baby blue? Maybe stop by the. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Shop.
Starting point is 00:31:32 It is not far from where you are now. So you could absolutely walk. OK. You make your way through the streets of Las Vegas. The locus, thank God, have died down for the most part. You're still along the roads and you will still see a swath of them every so often jumping through the streets of Vegas and down alleyways.
Starting point is 00:31:55 But eventually you make your way up to the auto repair shop that you know that baby blue has been kept inside of. It's that familiar alleyway with the locked gate that you've been given the key to you come through and everything. And it seems as though that familiar light is still on. Even this being as late as it is later than you saw her initially. It's maybe one o'clock in the morning. But the light is on and the gate is closed,
Starting point is 00:32:26 but it's a similar situation. I'll go and check in, see if Casey's there. Absolutely. You sling up that gate and you can hear footsteps down the hall already before you even sort of move into the garage and she's in the threshold of the door with this wrench in her hand before she realizes it's someone she knows. She sees, oh, God, you scared the shit out of me.
Starting point is 00:32:49 A coming piece twice in the same week. I can't believe I'm seeing you twice in the same week. Don't be so surprised. We'll be seeing me more and more as the weeks go on. Things get bad. Oh, is that so? Yeah. You've never been one for a second around. Well, I mean, I've been in your life for a couple of years now. Yeah, but, you know, it's a come in and go in sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:33:12 It's it's by your terms. You know, I'm like the house catch let out a night. Yeah, you are quite the fucking Tomcat. Hey, listen, I'm checking in on Baby Blue. You having a part of those parts? I told you I'd get it done and I did. She's looking beautiful. She's just about back to normal.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Now I had to put on a new brush coat, a coat of paint. But I mean, she's near to what you had. But I'm not giving her to you until you got that money. I wasn't kidding about that, Burroughs. I'm I'm not in a point in my life where I can be handing out cars like this. I'll just, you know, kind of take my hand and pat her her face and say, you're the best, Casey. Come on, let's go. Are we inside? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:59 So imagine that the the sort of roll up gate for the garage has come up and you guys are standing in like the base and Baby Blue is right behind you and you're in. Yeah, I'll come in and look at Baby Blue and see see the job. And I'll say I got that payment for you and a little bit extra, too. I'm going to hand her the majority of the money, probably like seven and a half thousand dollars, something like that. Is this in like a briefcase? Did he bring in a bag?
Starting point is 00:34:26 How does this look? Does he just burrow pull out a lot of money from? I've got a leftover greasy bag from the from the Naked City Pizza Place. So he probably have the money wrapped up in that. And I say this will cover the costs. There's a little bit extra. I want you to spoil the girls this week, OK? But I'm something nice, especially Alice, she she takes that sort of greasy bag
Starting point is 00:34:51 and reaches in and takes out all these dead stripper singles, basically, and and sort of rifles through there. These messy bundles that could be messy from burrows, could be messy from the fact that they came from the Boom Boom Club to begin with. And she's just in a state of utter shock as she stares at you. Where did you get all this? Well, I got a job, don't I? Job that pays you like this.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Are you really in the mood to be asking these kinds of questions? Your old friend burrows? I didn't mean it like that, John. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to impose on anything or I wasn't trying to imply anything. It's just you're not imposing at all. If anything, you saved my ass. This this paint job, the the fix on the on the body looks fantastic.
Starting point is 00:35:43 You're the best. This is like five five thousand more than I asked you for. You deserve every bit of it. Oh, man. And she just rushes up and gives you this big hug, throws her hands around you and brings you in. After all, you said things have been tough. Things have been good for me.
Starting point is 00:36:02 So I figured I'd pay it forward. If anything, you owe me a dinner. Yeah, yeah, I could cook you whatever you want. What do you what do you want to eat? What am I in the mood for? Well, you're pretty good with that spaghetti special. Maybe some of that. Sure. Yeah, I can make some pasta for you.
Starting point is 00:36:23 All right. I don't even know what to tell you, burrows. John, I wasn't expecting anything like this. And this is going to change our lives. This puts me and takes me out of a bind, really. That's great. That's what I wanted it to do. I look after my family. Yeah, you know, you you should come by sometime.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Have dinner with us soon with the kids at the house. I'd like that. Let's eat in about a night or two. I'll give you a call, let you know. Yeah, yeah. You just let us know when you're free. That's your way, anyways, and I'm sure it'd be nice. I know I know my husband misses drinking with you.
Starting point is 00:37:11 So I bet he does. Listen, you're you're up kind of late. You usually like to go to bed or go away from the office soon. Well, what do you hear for? Well, I've just been worried about money situation. And now I don't really have to worry so much. I was trying to find places in the budget. And I haven't been sleeping much at night.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I keep waking up. I got this weird feeling in my body, sometimes like my heart's jumping. I get these weird dreams and sometimes you're in them. And I don't know. It's like my blood starts to boil. What kind of dreams? I mean, to tell me I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And sometimes I'm back home and, you know, I grew up in the south and I grew up on a farm. And my my father used to raise horses. And I used to ride when I was younger. I have these dreams of riding the horses again. Every time I have these dreams, I fall off and you do what you normally do. You get back up, you get on, you keep going, right? But when I get up, the horse, he kicked me in the chest.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And I can feel myself cave in. And I keep looking at that horse and wondering, why would you do something to me like that when I asked nothing of you? Nothing but kindness, right? And. And then he kicks me again. And I don't know. I don't know what it means, but I wake up and it's like my whole body is shaking.
Starting point is 00:38:52 And I need to go somewhere. I need to be somewhere. And I don't know. Sometimes that first thought is thinking where where you go and what you do. I begin the process of encouraging her to close up shop, you know, like probably walking with her as she rolls things down and stuff and she's telling me the story. And I say, well, it sounds like a stress dream.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Sounds like something not have if I was worrying about money as much as you were. But let's take care of. So how about we take you home and hell, if you're having dreams about wanting to ride a horse, I got a horse. Yeah, come down to the ranch sometime. I'll I'll introduce you to Traveller. Traveller that for a couple of years now. That fits you a little too well, Traveller.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Yes, well, so listen, I wouldn't worry your head too much about it. Dreams are just funny ways of kind of processing things. Right. I wasn't putting much stock into it until I started feeling that way when I woke up and it's just been hard to go back to sleep. I have a feeling you're going to sleep good tonight. OK. OK. And she'll follow you wherever it is that you're leading her throughout the place as you're closing up. Is this back into her office?
Starting point is 00:40:21 Is I think, well, first of all, Baby Blue is ready, right? So I can jump into the baby blue is more than ready. She looks gorgeous. I think if I know that she's not too far, I'll offer to drive her home and drop her off. And then and then I'll and then I'll head over to the Lonely Hearts Chapel. I'm not going to feed on her tonight. I'm feeling good. OK. Yeah. So she'll get into the car with you and everything.
Starting point is 00:40:41 It looks immaculate. She opens up the runway for the two of you to leave. As you get in, she does say, oh, there's one thing I totally forgot. And she pops the dash drawer, basically, and pulls out this immaculate set brand new of white fuzzy dice that she puts around the the mirror of Baby Blue for you. And she says, I just don't feel that this fits your image unless you're going fully into it. So I thought I'd get you this.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I think my workmates are going to like it. I appreciate it. Very good. And you guys drive out. She locks up the gate behind you and it's a smooth drive through Las Vegas, taking her back home. She lives in this like second floor apartment in an apartment building to the east of the strip. And it's it's meager. It's OK. Not the nicest place in the world to live, but she does.
Starting point is 00:41:44 She gives you a kiss on the cheek and then a big hug in the passenger side. She says, John, I really I can't thank you enough for this. She's gripping that greasy pizza bag. Tell the girls I said goodnight. I'll see you soon. Yeah, well, I'll try and keep it a secret because if I tell them you're coming, they won't sleep until you do. I can't wait. I'll I'll see you soon.
Starting point is 00:42:08 All right, John, and she climbs up the stairs. She waves at you from the balcony and then curries her keys into the door and and collapses onto the other side, shuts the door behind. Yeah, I think I'll probably just kind of put my hand on the steering wheel and look at the look at the dice for a second and then just drive ahead to the little little chapel. Baby Blue is back. She's looking gorgeous burrows.
Starting point is 00:42:32 You're feeling the wind against your hair as it's whipping about and your beard is starting to feel it through. You're just in the mirrors and everything. You can see the beauty of the neon behind you as you're stretching back through the strip to get back to the north of Las Vegas, where the chapel sits. OK, anyone else would like to accomplish in that hour before we arrive at the Lonely Hearts.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I want to call my boy Felix really quick. OK. All right, you put in a line to Felix. You call F. He answers remarkably fast on the other side. Maybe a testament to your last conversation. Hi, are you busy? Hello, Zip. Is this Sybil? Yes. Hey, no, I'm not busy.
Starting point is 00:43:20 What's up? Do you need something? I do. I need you to set up a meeting with Greece. You want to talk to Greece? Yes, even after like everything I said, especially after everything you said. Does that mean you're going through with it? Like you're you're going to, you know, us. What do you mean? What do you mean? You know, I can't. I can't just say it over the phone.
Starting point is 00:43:49 What are you talking about? You can say it and it says listening. OK, well, that's the least of our problems. You can say it over the phone. Are you going to turn us into vamps? Oh, my God, no, no, no. I just want to talk to him about what? Isn't he the one that inspired you to make those ridiculous threats the last time we spoke?
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yeah, so we could be vampires. And if you're not going to go through with it, I can't just make a meeting with him in good conscious. If you're not not even going to entertain the idea. What do you mean you can't? The Greece is going to kick my ass if you just show up and and we didn't get anything out of the deal happens in as much trouble as I was before. Felix, this is an important lesson.
Starting point is 00:44:33 If I'm if you're going to make it through this application process, I need you to understand how to communicate with other people. It doesn't matter that you objectively failed the last time we spoke or that I'm not going to follow through on this deal. It matters that he's in a place at a time when I want him to be there. Does that make sense? Yeah. OK. And you tell him what you need to tell him to make that happen.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Sure. What time or place? Late. Some more close. OK, that's very specific. Late close. I'll do it. Should I just hit you with the details when he comes up with it? Exactly. OK. I just said just be careful with this guy. He's slippery and not just the pun.
Starting point is 00:45:27 OK. He's bad news, man. Like I'm glad he's on my side. That's all I'm saying. Does he ever take day shifts? Grease? Yeah. Yeah, all the time. That's when I met him. OK, then I'm sure it'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:45:46 OK. OK. Thank you. You're sure you won't change your mind on this whole thing. We'll talk about it later. All right. Bye, Sybil. Bye. Beautiful. Good. That's it. Anything else we would like to accomplish going once, going twice. I want to. Sorry. Yes, I just want to follow Ra'Gal wherever he's going.
Starting point is 00:46:12 OK, Ra'Gal plans. Um, I'm huffing it. So it's going to start start the walk to the lonely arts chapel. Understood. And Niles, anything? I'm heading out. I probably left immediately because I don't need to get ready for any reason.
Starting point is 00:46:32 But on the way there, I just want to send a frantic text message to Hugh. OK, ask him if we can talk. You get a text message back that says any time for you. Name a time and place. I'll tell him later this evening. He sends you back a little thumbs up emoji. Cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:58 And then heading to the chapel. The Lonely Hearts Chapel, as far as I have it, we're ready. Beautiful. It is a little po-dunk chapel that is all entirely like walnut cherry wood on a corner post far from Fremont Street into North Las Vegas, which is essentially Anarch territory, meaning that this is maybe the last bastion of the Camarillo Landmarks.
Starting point is 00:47:28 It is a tiny little wood frame a chapel that has a single sort of stirruped post little bell in that post up top. It is paneled out in this wood. It does not look like real craftsmanship. It looks like it was maybe built in the 70s. Mimics some of those old wooden chapels. There is a single neon sign of a heart that is broken
Starting point is 00:47:55 and then re-reunited essentially over and over and over again through that neon and it spells out and beautiful pink and teal cursive. The Little Lonely Hearts Chapel. It almost looks like a joke of a place for someone like Cisco to be located in. They are obviously a very different to these surroundings. But as you all sort of arrive on the curb there, you're staring up at this church and you're here. OK, so we want to take leave.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Sure, yeah. As always, before we go into places, don't try to kill anybody. And that was an official policy of ours. Yes. All right. When did that start just now? Who says you have the authority to pass policies without a majority vote? We never say about it. For what it's worth, I vote that we don't kill people today.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I mean, I'm not against it. I'm just wondering when you had the right to make that a policy. We can all introduce, you know what, whatever. I'm going to open the door and just indicate for everyone to move their asses in. Walks on real quick. Burles is going to saddle up next to Rangel and say, you see your baby blue? Looking good, man.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Looking real good. Listen, by the way, I forgot to give this to you and I'll hand him a badge, a watchman badge that he was not there in the evening to have it. But everyone's got one of these. I think maybe, you know, since we are officially doing some watchman business, you might want this. Wow, this is. This is wild, man. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:49:50 That's pretty cool. You can Venmo me one hundred and fifty for it. Can I give you cash? I'm just kidding, man. I'm just kidding. Right on. Right on. Thanks. Thanks, bros. Appreciate it, man. This is pretty cool. I was walking.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Just, you know, every person that passes me, I'm either going to slap you on the ass when you get you or I'm going to give you either a compliment. Like, simple, be like looking sharp. It's like everyone else just keep walking by. Just. That's how. What are you saying, Mel? I pointedly shoulder check
Starting point is 00:50:26 Raghel as I pass him. Oh, yeah. I'm going to growl like, wow. The first door into this sort of closed off chapel enters into this sort of sort of short lobby that gives you a full length down the actual pews of the chapel itself. You're already into the chapel proper, but there is this big like steel sided gate that has been brought down between you
Starting point is 00:50:57 and the actual chapel proper, meaning that you're sort of trapped in this waiting room the second that you walk through the unlocked gate. And the inside of the chapel is bashed in this purple light as many of the main fluorescence have been turned off. And it's just this glow of the neon as more of those broken hearts sort of shatter and then reunite themselves inside of the the chapel proper so that it almost gives it like a a bastion club type of glow to the room itself, all shadows and everything.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And you can see that up on the altar where it has been sort of cast aside so that the podium itself is is half open, kicked up with their feet on the podium itself is a Cisco, who again is like a five foot four individual shorn head, a purposefully shaved head with this tattoo of a smiley face on the right hand side of their head. They have this massive blade on their back that is still primed in this
Starting point is 00:52:07 this sort of shoulder holster for the shoulder sheath that they keep across their chest at all times. They're in a crop top that is adorned with that same smiley face that they have on the side of their head. And they are a smaller individual, but you can see that the sheer like weight of the musculature they've put into their body is incredibly impressive. They look very strong for their size. Their their abs are on full display with this crop top out.
Starting point is 00:52:41 And it seems they have two blades that have been tucked into the sort of joggers that they have on below that. And these big fucking combat boots that have been double strapped up to the top of their shins, they look just built for killing. They pick themselves up and as she walks herself down to the sort of steel gate siding in front of all of you, they pick that up. And push it up just enough so that you guys can sort of crawl under
Starting point is 00:53:14 onto the other side without any words. Wait, so they're literally making us crawl into this place to them. That's not a fucking psychological game. Personally, I love it. Like crouch and go under. But it's definitely not enough that you can walk. Love that. Yep. Can I go right on through?
Starting point is 00:53:39 Like, how? Because it depends if I'm going to limbo or if I'm going to slide under in a certain way, that's up to you. It's it's about three feet high, four feet high. I'm going to purposely kind of like do like that yoga pose and drop down and like crawl. But I'm going to make sure if I'm I'm going to look under so it looks like I'm looking under them, making them just as uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:54:02 as they're trying to make me disco just sort of watches you completely unimpressed, just no change in their expression. And just just go through and just eventually like try to say good evening. I know they're not going to say anything, but hi. They do give you a little nod as if to recognize that you did indeed just speak to them. That's about all you get there. I'm crawling through, but I'd like to stay behind everybody out of sight, out of mind.
Starting point is 00:54:36 The Niles move, I get that special. Yeah, I think burrows would just give a big sigh of having to do some kind of physical labor and then do it. Yeah, all four burrows is trying to do the like collapse the dad gut thing just to get under them. I would like to point out that you not remains on all fours, even when he doesn't have to after crawling. He just kind of decides that that's the mode he's in now.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And then he's going to go from like guard to guard and he's just going to start like grabbing people's ankles and kind of like jostling them a little bit just to try to outweard the weird. Yeah, Cisco, I will kick you if you brought me by the ankle. Cisco watches you with extreme interest of what the fuck is going on. But it's interested like one watches a dog that's just going hog wild and in a dog part. Can you remind us Cisco was the
Starting point is 00:55:37 he they weren't the guard of the prince, were they? They are the sheriff. Yes, so the sheriff in this instance, this is like the police chief of all kindred in Las Vegas. They are the right hand and the sword of the prince. And so this was, in fact, the guard to the prince from back then. Yes, gotcha. It looks like you have something for us, Sheriff.
Starting point is 00:56:07 They shut the gate behind you all so that you're on on the other side. You say, good, it's good to have all of you here. What took you so long? We've been establishing ourselves in the city, just moving in. I heard some things about that. I I'd wondered why so many police cruisers had been coming through Naked City. Worried for so many lives in Naked City.
Starting point is 00:56:37 And then I heard over the radio that what 12 people lost their lives. Gang violence. It's a bitch, a real bitch. Yeah, sometimes you move into a home and there's rats in the walls. What can I say? Exactly. I can assure that I'm not going to see any circumstances come of that position.
Starting point is 00:57:03 No one got a little trigger happy with the things that they can do. The rats were collected and they were a properly exterminated. So they fully visualizes the jaw she had in her hand. Everything is completely taken care of. Good. Then I'm going to allow that to stay low on my list of all the stupid shit I have to do. Listen, the prince is going to give you something that is monumental.
Starting point is 00:57:35 I know that this is the second time this has happened to you, but things are different around Vegas and Prince Aloysius is new. He needs people he can trust and he seems to think that some of you qualify. She does give Niles a pointed look after that statement. Looking down and away. This is a unique opportunity for all of you, but it does fall under the watchman's purview. How many of you are familiar with the clan of death?
Starting point is 00:58:16 None. Good. Good. I'm sure Prince Aloysius chose the right people, then this is going to be great. Mm hmm. The clan of death, clan Hikata, they are the outliers. There's a Camarilla of which you all serve. The Anarchs who are lost, silly, stupid, without direction. And then the third option, one of which you can really only be born into. The clan of death, the Hikata have separated ourselves from
Starting point is 00:58:49 from them, have separated themselves from clan politics and from kindred politics on a whole for a very long time. Fact, it's been written into their doctrine that they do not mess in our business and we do not mess in theirs. They have an obsession with everything that has to do with necromancy and the undead, but is not us, but is dead. That can be brought back. Now, that clan of death, clan Hikata has quite the upbringing here in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:59:26 It's run by a group of some of the creepiest motherfuckers I have ever met in my entire life by the name of the Rothsteins. They're an old Giovanni family from centuries, centuries of living. And they've been in Las Vegas almost as long as the cities existed. They have been in charge of everything that has to do with the Hikata for a very long time. But recently, this clan has had sort of a coming together of sorts.
Starting point is 01:00:00 It used to be all of these splinter shot families that all represented a different clan, different bloodline, that all had different connections with death and the afterlife and necromancy. Now they've all come back together to unify under one banner. This was all done within 10 years of the truce. We are all so worried about coming free. We are within decades of them being free of interfering in all of our plans.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Do we all follow so far? Yeah, the Rothsteins, I heard that name before that there were like crime bosses in New York and shit, right? We're talking about the same Rothsteins. These are the Jewish Rothsteins. Maybe some relation. I guess you'll have to find out for yourself. It's a good person to ask. But they are preparing something in this city right now.
Starting point is 01:01:06 The Hikata are having a reunion of sorts this month. They're bringing in every last family member they have to put something big together, something they've refused to let the prince know what is. We have no idea what they're about to prepare. But whatever it is, it could mean terrible things for Las Vegas, terrible things for the Camarilla. We. That was them dancing in the desert then on our way in.
Starting point is 01:01:41 It could be related. So I understand you want us to. Interactive with these folks with extreme prejudice or. Sounds like they're pretty. Are you at his home? To. Be a mole. Are you asking us to get inside?
Starting point is 01:02:08 We're asking all of you to be their guests. That's what I was scary. OK, the prince is not invited. But they've asked for the Camarilla's help. This is something unprecedented. We're not usually involved in their dealings. But they've said they need. An outlier, a third party.
Starting point is 01:02:30 We've decided that all of you are going to be that third party. You're going to attend to their reunion. You're going to assist in whatever ritual it is that the Rothstein family has planned. And you're going to find out what it is they're planning. It promised that if we assist in whatever they they have for you, that they'll release information they have on the missing Ravnos pre-mogen. Your pre-mogen burrows. They have information on Dino that would be very vital to the prince.
Starting point is 01:03:10 He needs him back immediately. Cisco, I. Yeah, I. Uh-huh. So we're going as guests and they and they notice. Yes, for the secret thing. They won't tell the prince and we're going to help them. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:26 And they think we won't say exactly what the fuck we're doing back. That's what we're worried about. We're worried for why they are not worried. We're worried for why the Hakata would ask so plainly knowing that we want to know what's happening. If your involvement doesn't change their plans, then there must be something else happening. We're hoping that you can outsmart them or at least give us enough information that the prince can. We're just going to be the messengers if we survive. I'm sorry, is that not typical for you?
Starting point is 01:04:04 I mean. You survive as messengers long enough and you get to be me, another messenger. Fair, fair, fair, fair. What are rules of engagement? The rules of engagement, is that what you just said? Yeah, what are rules of engagement? Be as courteous to them as possible before you have all the information. Once you do, discern whether this ritual can happen with the prince still alive.
Starting point is 01:04:36 If this ritual is damning to anything in Vegas that affects our plans, you need to put a stop to it. If it can exist, allow it. But otherwise, we need to know exactly what's happening, why and where. Do we have a number on how many people make up the full assembly of the clan? We've seen something in the dozens arriving at the Rothstein mansion recently. As many as in the hundreds at that mansion currently is my guess. So if you were to start a fight, best come ready to die. Alright, so we play along, we find out what the hell's happening and we report back to you?
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yes, report to me as much as you physically can. I would be there in spirit, but they only gave license for all of you to join. The coterie itself is the only members of the Camarilla allowed whatsoever on that estate. There's only one Hecata inside that we trust worth a damn and it's very important that you go through him for most of what you're doing. His name is Shlomo Rothstein. He happens to be the one most in charge. It's very important that you communicate with him and him alone. The others cannot be trusted. You got his info, his number? I don't have his number. The Hecata unfortunately don't work that way. The last time we saw him was a long time ago at a singular meeting between Prince Aloysius and himself and that was in another city entirely.
Starting point is 01:06:27 These people don't work that way. I wish they could. You're about to step into a version of our life that will not make much sense to any of you. Now let me get this straight. These folks aren't with the Camarilla. They aren't the Anarchs. Are they the other one? What's the name of that third weirdo group? The Sabat. They are not the Sabat. Much worse. The spot you can know what they're doing. The spot come in in mass and they kill and they eat. They fucking, they flee. They're like roaches. They're infestations. But the Hecata, they have plans. Plans they've been dealing over for centuries, for thousands of years.
Starting point is 01:07:13 And even worse, they're cordial. They'll lie to your faces. They'll be political in everything they need to be to contain their power. They're a sickly, incestuous family that has been feeding off of each other for a very, very long time. They have a peculiar sense of what is life and what is death. So are we waiting for Shalva to reach out to us or? You are going to attend a dinner party of which you can't attend any day this month, essentially. The celebrations continue until this ritual goes off. So in the interest of time, you do have some. If you have other things to accomplish in the city, I know starting an empire is difficult. But it's important that you make sure that this is up there on the priority list.
Starting point is 01:08:13 What's the dress attire, Tisca? The blackest attire. Dress like you're going to a funeral. Shit, I'm going to have to get through it. How much budget for shopping then? Because if you have a look, some of the... How much money do you have on you? Not for what I need to fix over here, and I'm going to point to Mal. Well, I'd say that you have as much as you can find in your wallets. I don't pay you. Isn't that like a company card?
Starting point is 01:08:46 I'm sorry, was the whole district of the city of Las Vegas not enough for you? Don't pay them any minds, Tisca. Remember, they're Malkavian. Oh, I know they're kind. Listen, once you're in the dinner party, you're going to be assaulted by a lot of these hikata. It's very important you just speak with Shlomo, and if he gives you a mission, you're going to have to at least act like you're doing according to his word. Because they'll need it for the ritual, and it's the only way to get the information on Dino. But if you can second deal him and agree to one thing while you're breaking into another, then I encourage you. We don't want to give the hikata everything that they want, the same way that they don't want to give us everything we want.
Starting point is 01:09:35 That's the best deal. So we're not supposed to talk to anyone at all, except for Shlomo. You can talk to whoever you want, but do not get in bed with anyone that is not Shlomo Rothstein. You will regret it. Understood. Are we understood? Makes sense to me. Are there any questions?
Starting point is 01:10:04 How are you, Cisco? I am tired. I have been tired for a very, very long time. I think 60 years and counting. How about you, Sybil? I'm also tired, but it's only been three days, so... Give it time. Believe it or not, it gets worse. Thank you for that encouragement. Do we know what clan Cisco is? Yeah, you know that this is your overseer, if you remember.
Starting point is 01:10:37 That's right. The only Lysombra left. Interesting. Just out of curiosity, Caleb. With Regal's unique connections in his previous life, I know in their current form the Rothsteins probably haven't popped up, but has there been whispers of a prominent Jewish, maybe not organized crime family, but enterprise in the city? The Rothsteins do have a pretty significant influence in the city, yes. They own quite a bit of properties. They probably own the temple of which you are a practitioner. They have quite a standing within the city as good people.
Starting point is 01:11:23 From the mortal side of things, the Rothstein family is well known and actually well loved. They're very mysterious and not very active, at least not anymore. They used to be some 40, 60 years ago, but they are still very much a part of Vegas. Got it. Thank you. It's going to a party? Seems simple enough. Well then, if there's nothing else, this has been fantastic in such a good use of my time and energy. If you have any questions, I'm here. I wish I could give you a beeper, but I'm not exactly famous with those things. Write me, I guess. Send me a fucking telegram. I don't care. Find me if something goes wrong. You can talk to any Camarilla member and send a message, and they'll send me looking for you.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Let's make a habit of checking in with each other. Because I've heard some things happening out of Naked City, and I trust you so far, but that trust does not go endlessly. Just check in. Make sure we all know what the other one is up to. Absolutely. And by the way, when we actually get our establishment up and running, we would love you to stop by. Drinks on us. What are you running again? Coming to find out. Will there be crowds?
Starting point is 01:12:47 We have VIP rooms, and we actually have some great sub-levels. Okay. I don't do well with VIP rooms. I don't do well with VIP rooms. I don't do well with VIP rooms. I don't do well with VIP rooms. I have some great sub-levels. Okay. I don't do well with people, so... A lot of people I know aren't good people.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Maybe if you have a good back entrance. Oh, definitely. She has an amazing back entrance. Hey, Cisco. That was a vile thing you just said to me. Cisco, you're not still on his kind legs like it was. Indeed. Okay. So, I'm going to take...
Starting point is 01:13:34 I'm going to run to Rackle and be like, I'm sorry, you might want to cover yours for this. And then I'm going to kind of kick you a little bit on the side. Will the leash on me next time? All right, so I think we're going to thank you. I think Cisco's already opening the gate. Let's get these people out of here. Is the gate fully open?
Starting point is 01:14:00 Yeah. Thank God, yes. The burrows just walks up to Cisco and puts his hand out. I got a deep respect for the law, so you believe it will be in contact. They put their... much smaller hand into burrows is bigger. And the grip is phenomenal.
Starting point is 01:14:19 She grips your hand with this incredible strength and the arms flex. It's very clear that they're trying to appear strong. I'll make sure as I shake their hand, my badge is visible. Just kind of show it off a little bit. They do catch that and they go, what the fuck is that?
Starting point is 01:14:39 It's a badge. We're official, so... You can't be fucking serious with that shit, right? It's literally... It's pretty fucking sad. Wait, you don't have one, Cisco? Don't ever let the Prince see that. I cannot tell you.
Starting point is 01:14:57 I do not want you to lose your head for a fucking badge. I usually make him laugh. I feel like he'd like it. Oh, I do not think he'd be a fan of this Chuck E. Cheese bullshit. I'm going to take the badge. You can toss it behind me. It started to grow on symbols. She's a little disheartened.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Yeah. If you all are making for the door, the last thing that Cisco does is call Malo. Oh, great. I was actually going to call them too. So awesome. You can go first, Mal. Oh, Amanda, were you going to do something? The only thing I was going to say is before leaving,
Starting point is 01:15:45 I would also shake their hand and be like... I'd be like this. If you do need me for that, I do know the private entrance and we can discuss things further if you have any issues. And also, and I'll be like, I do hope you do attend the opening night and then I'll walk away.
Starting point is 01:16:05 But I will make you not go get my badge. Okay. I got to pick it up in my mouth and follow her out. Oh my God. I hate it here. They're never allowed to play a married couple again. Thank you. I didn't do it.
Starting point is 01:16:23 You've been my request for both of you. Mal, five dollars every day. I'll wait until everyone has kind of gone out and I'm just going to kind of stare, like uncomfortably stare, like stand in front of them and stare at them and just look them over. This is like their default too.
Starting point is 01:16:46 So it's oddly comforting that the both of you are just sort of aggressively staring down the other. Nice. And it goes on for too long. You found a new place? Not. Church. As you know.
Starting point is 01:17:12 They gesture to their church? Hmm. Right. I had an inkling. You picked the wrong one though. I picked the wrong one. I want to open that door down there. So you know what's down there?
Starting point is 01:17:32 I know something's down there. What is it? I don't know. It's on my list. Now it's on yours. I may just cross mine off. I might pull it off sometime. I might just leave it down there.
Starting point is 01:17:50 It's nice having a crazy roommate. See, you're already thinking like I do. You got little floaty friends in the air too? You starting to see the oblivion? I've seen it for a while. It only gets worse. I think that's a matter of perspective. It's the right perspective.
Starting point is 01:18:19 For now? Are you enjoying yourself? Absolutely not. Good. Listen, it's hard to be what we are in this place. It's harder to be our flavor of what we are in this place. And they are going to look for any opportunity to take you and I down. So we don't let them.
Starting point is 01:18:49 So we don't let them. At some point, it doesn't have to be now. It doesn't even have to be soon. I'd appreciate a history lesson. I can teach you what we are. I can teach you what my style taught me. At least. It's got to be more than mine.
Starting point is 01:19:19 He wasn't great, but he was one of us, not one of them. Just stay safe and don't let the others bring you down. They don't realize the consequences are twice for you and I. I have plans. Don't worry. Good. Stay alive. You too.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Get out. I leave a little like tendril of shadow to like pat their cheek and then I go. The gate shuts behind you and the rest of you meet out on the curb in front of the lonely hearts. Who wants to take a ride? That baby blue. I do. Where are we going? Anywhere we want.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Sounds like we got a heck of a job, but I suspect Sybil doesn't want to go too late into the night. I don't. But if there's anything else we need to take care of tonight. I'm down. I wouldn't rather quickly. Actually, I do have a meeting tonight, but we can do something else. I don't have to be here. I have a theory that I would like to throw everybody, but that's okay.
Starting point is 01:20:38 I can wait, but I want to be in the car. Well, I'm happy to have anybody wherever they want to go so we can drive and talk. Yeah. How long till dawn, Caleb? We're probably heading up on two in the morning right now to 30. Okay. Oh, two, three hours. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Don will come for you about five, four 30 is about when it gets hard to stand. Now I do want to point out one thing. We do this job. We went to this thing as the Camarilla. As far as anybody who knows we did this, we're Camarilla now. Right. Well, that's what I want. Is that a problem for anyone?
Starting point is 01:21:32 Anyone else think it was a little weird? What was the guy's name? Slamo? Sisco? Slamo. Slamo. Slamo Rothstein. He's the only one who's supposed to trust?
Starting point is 01:21:47 No. I don't think we should trust anyone. Yeah, I think that's good. But that was very specific and I'm trying to figure out why. Because they only trust one person. He's likely provided them reliable information in the past? No, that doesn't mean much. For the Camarilla, it means a lot.
Starting point is 01:22:13 What makes you trust someone, Allison? Do you think it's blood married to someone within the Camarilla? Not everyone's going to be creepy. No, that's going to bug me all night. Is he the only person you trust, Enoch? No, good question. Is the only person you trust, Enoch? Of course I am.
Starting point is 01:22:38 I know you're one of them. Is he the only one? Of course I am. Excuse me? Excuse you? Why is it not me first and then you? Why did you only think you? I assumed you trust yourself.
Starting point is 01:23:00 You said I don't trust myself? Oh, yeah, no. Oh, no, no, no. You started this shit in the middle of this fucking way. In front of everybody. Now everybody's involved now. Allison, what are you talking about? You don't trust yourself?
Starting point is 01:23:10 You said I don't trust myself. I know you don't trust yourself. Oh, no. You don't trust yourself? This is awkward. I'm going to get in the car. This is really awkward. This is super second.
Starting point is 01:23:22 You can't walk away. We're just driving. No, I'm not going to. I want you to run him. I want you to reverse into him. You are all currently in a car. We're in a car. We're in a car.
Starting point is 01:23:34 We're driving out. I'm pissed. I want to hurt him. Like, I'm going to hurt him. OK. OK. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not get in front of anybody now.
Starting point is 01:23:42 What if we get to where we're going first? I mean, we do weird shit. Hold on. We can't have a knock down drag out on the streets. I just fixed the details on this thing, man. And we can't hurt each other. We're trying not to hurt each other. Correct.
Starting point is 01:23:56 I'm going to sit. I'm sure he knocked him out well, Allison. And I'm going to sit still and not move. I don't think he met well, but that doesn't really matter. What the hell were we even talking about? Just fucking work with me here. We were trying not to let him go. Slow mo.
Starting point is 01:24:10 I was asking Allison if Enoch's the only person she trusts and why the only person she trusts is someone she knows can't disobey her. Isn't that part of trust that, like, there's the opportunity for someone to betray you and you trust that they won't? Isn't that, like, inherent in the definition? Maybe.
Starting point is 01:24:32 You might have checked in with Allison a little later. Yeah. All right. That's fair. Does anybody get the feeling that we're being served like we're the dinner? Yeah, absolutely. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:46 This is like we've done such a good job that we deserve this hard task. This is a group that could disappear and it's OK. We're disposable. Exactly. We're not going to disappear. No, we're not. Well...
Starting point is 01:24:59 But doesn't that just, like, excite you? Anyway, it's relatively late. I don't think there's any reason for us to go to this thing tonight but maybe tomorrow. Yeah. Do we... Is there anything else on the docket that we need to think about? I was going to go run by Little Vegas,
Starting point is 01:25:22 talk to some folks down in the underground, maybe spend the night there, see if I can dig up some answers on Bugsy's... Bugsy's problem. Do you? Fine. It's a beer gun, whatever. I was going to say, you shouldn't go alone.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Well, you're more than welcome to come with. I got permission to bring all y'all if you want to come. All right, we're going downtown then. We'll turn the car, start heading in that direction. OK. It's been a long time since I've been to a freak show. I don't think... I don't believe that.
Starting point is 01:25:52 I don't believe that. I don't believe that either. I don't believe that one bit. Enoch, I know we're not... I apologize sincerely for losing my temper. What I would ask is, please don't refer to them as the freak show when we're down there. It won't go well.
Starting point is 01:26:12 I just kind of poke, raggle in the cheek and say nothing. Beautiful. This is going to go amazingly. So, raggle does give you directions to the sewer access or the storm drain access, which is more accurate
Starting point is 01:26:34 that he is aware of to the south of the Strip there and the bottom of Vegas almost, where the moles do hide out, the closest entrance into Little Strip. And it is essentially this dilapidated, no person is supposed to be a part of storm drain that is used whenever Vegas floods through from all the rains coming through the valley there.
Starting point is 01:27:01 You park in a parking lot and then have to step out from foot and march out onto the dirt and dust of Vegas out there just to get to the mouth of this tunnel. And raggle is leading you the whole way through and already you can sort of smell the feted leaves and mold of a place like this and the standing water and the smell of shit.
Starting point is 01:27:26 All the familiar, familiar raggle sense. But you're here, you're on your way to Little Strip. Is there anything that happens between our group as we're walking through the sewers here? I will say in the car I sat behind raggle and just kicked his seat the entire time. Of course he did. He just took it and sat there just fucking bouncing.
Starting point is 01:27:55 As they go though, raggle kind of gives you all a rundown. Bugsy again asked me to look into his missing, not missing, murdered child prior. He was killed and the only lead we have is that he was looking into something called Saints Tears. Don't know what that means, don't know what it's about. First, when I did stuff like this before, first question we always answered
Starting point is 01:28:26 is who stands to gain from that person's death. Who wins with this person dead? We answer that, we got a good start. I know from word of mouth that this Bugsy is a good kindred. I'm excited to meet him. He's an interesting character. Any questions? Is he real ugly?
Starting point is 01:29:00 I realized I had a little bit of a reaction at least seeing him to that one. I'm going to have to kind of eat my closure. My good word of advice is just prepare, take that, multiply that by 10 and apply that to everybody down there and that'll help you figure out what to expect. It's not great.
Starting point is 01:29:23 Inner beauty, baby, inner beauty. Is the assumption, this is a little preemptive, but is the assumption that whatever killed Bugsy's child kindred or something else? Well, and Caleb, Pryor was killed in Little Strip, right? Yes, in his apartment in Little Strip and before leaving Dharma and Bugsy would have given you the address for such.
Starting point is 01:29:50 It's really all in that same dome, which is where most of the Nosferatu live in these little hovels. Yeah, and you know what I was saying, considering Pryor was killed where he lived, where he lived down there with the rest of the Nosferatu. Chances are it was an inside job. Wouldn't have been like second acquisition
Starting point is 01:30:11 or anything like that. Not down there. I mean, my money's on another Nosferatu. Are we responsible for extinguishing this threat? No, no, I think Bugsy wants to be the one to do the honors. Okay. So this isn't something that Cisco should be aware of. Bugsy implied that this is a problem he once handled in house.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Okay. It's personal and understandably so. He seems like a sire who actually gives a shit. Does exist. Yeah, foreign concept to everyone here. Except for baby Enoch. Amarok takes real good care of you too. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Local sugar babies. See, I'll leave in the door their storyteller and kind of knock on the knock on the entrance. There is that familiar knock to this makeshift door as we saw before this huge hodge podge creation that is made up little strip. And again, that steel sighting door closure comes out and you can see the single milky white eye
Starting point is 01:31:36 of that fused in cycloptic eye of Brontes who grunts on the other side. Oh, that, that Roguel. Hey, Brontes, buddy, how you doing? I'm good. How are you, Roguel? Good. You mind if I bring my friends in?
Starting point is 01:31:55 You bring friends. Lots of them. Oh, many. Yes, they come through, but don't do anything, anything. Okay. You got it, Brontes. Okay. He shuts the gate behind and he opens that big door
Starting point is 01:32:16 from behind. You can see him himself now. Again, six foot six, six foot eight, massive individual, 300, 400 pounds of pure muscle, no brains. You are all allowed into the city of Little Strip, which again is already, you can hear plinko machines. You can hear the slots going off. There's ships being thrown onto tables.
Starting point is 01:32:40 There's the familiar sounds of like walking in a planet Hollywood or Caesars or anything like that. You're hearing actual bedding being put on at a lower scale. There are these old nineties Konami slot machines off to your right as you walk through. And the sort of access gate has this dingy green touched red carpet that lines itself up and around in this domed out area that extends out from all of Little Strip.
Starting point is 01:33:06 And then each of the intersections run into what must be little like districts of the city, places for the apartments of those staying in Little Strip. There's businesses and all sorts of things like that. There's still the mint bar in the corner there that's serving drinks and advertising Patsy Klein. You're here and what is the closest to a casino we have been in in all of Vegas so far?
Starting point is 01:33:32 Yeah. We're down here. What are we just going to start asking around? Or we need to talk to Bugsy specifically? No, no, I was going to start with the apartment. See what we can find there. All right, all right. Stay around and more eyes are always good.
Starting point is 01:33:48 And then if we need to, I'm sure we could stay there for the day, rest and then pick right back up tomorrow. We're sleeping in a crime scene. Was it the first time? Yeah. I mean, no, but like an active crime scene. Isn't that like against what you're supposed to do? This is a little unorthodox.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Hey, Brontes. Hey, can you ask Bugsy if he can hook us up with some rooms for the night? Sure. I can make accommodation. Thanks, buddy. How many rooms? You all sleep together?
Starting point is 01:34:28 No, absolutely not. No. Let's do four rooms. Four rooms. And he walks off. He looks to move in the direction of Bugsy's little tower. I hope they have a lot of scotch down here. Can you say anything that's not gross?
Starting point is 01:34:52 The answer is no. So yeah, head over to Pryor, Pryor's former residence. Moving through, there must be a considerable amount. There must be a considerable amount of kindred that call home to Little Strip because you are moving through crowds and many of them are kind as well. There's plenty of mortals down here that are clear to understand what is happening in this place to some sort of a degree.
Starting point is 01:35:22 So you do have to move through swaths of people and you see card games being played out and there are plenty of people running dice games that are clearly not petitioned to buy Little Strip and are just personal games themselves. There is street food being served to some of the mortals. There's also blood that's being sold off of stalls and being passed around to kindred alike. And it is just a hub of communication as you're moving
Starting point is 01:35:48 through and Rigel hangs this left following the signs that are these sort of stripped out casino advertisements that have been made into makeshift reading signs and leads off into the direction of the apartments off the left. And they are essentially these steel corrugated sightings that have been built a couple feet up off of the gray water almost like a canal city where these shacks form out these apartments. And it takes a while for you guys moving through each of these
Starting point is 01:36:20 shacks but eventually the handwritten note that Dharma had left you Rigel with the directions to Pryor's apartment starts to make sense as he was actually upgraded into this a sort of doored room into the side of one of the walls of the actual place of Little Strip. Some administrative office of a very long time ago that has been converted into whatever Bugsy is doing down here. And there are two shacks alternate to each side of the door
Starting point is 01:36:51 that seem to be his neighbors. But you arrive at the foot of the door and it does read Pryor in this spray painted graffiti script over the front door in this yellow script and right under it says no solicitors fuck the prints. Ooh. You are muted my friend. Rigel looks at Sibyl.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Yeah. Sibyl looks at Rigel. It's like is this okay. A different part of town. I like it here already. Aren't all these fuckers supposed to be part of the camera rule? Yep.
Starting point is 01:37:32 The camera will keep them underground. How much do they really want to like them? They're not allowed to go out. The uncivilized class. Who the fuck decides what's civilized and what's not? What the fuck does that have to do with us? I'm saying it's awesome. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:37:47 No, I'm talking to Sibyl. It's a praise. Why does he get to decide? Have you talked to him? Yeah, he's another dude. He's not just, I mean, yes, he's just another dude, but he's got a lot of other people that are willing to swing for him.
Starting point is 01:38:06 And that's why he gets to decide. Why do they want to swing for him if he's doing shit like this? It's a gilded cage, but it's gilded, you know? Uh-huh. Yeah. I'm not a fan of it either. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:32 That's just the way it is. No, they'll never be the same. No, he's saying it. I love it. I love that. Hey, Burroughs, do you, uh, you're good at talking with folks. Do you want to maybe take someone to check with the neighbors? See if they heard anything?
Starting point is 01:38:49 Saw anything? All right. Yeah, sure. So I'm asking if we saw any suspicious activity or this person in particular doing something weird. I heard anything, especially the night he was killed. Pryor's name? Pryor.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Yep. All right. Yeah, sure. I'll go knock on some doors, see what I can do. Thanks, buddy. I appreciate it. Uh, take back up, just in case. Say, well, if you want to go with him,
Starting point is 01:39:13 or you want to come with me, but don't advertise camera. I could be the back cop. You could be the good cop. Hmm. I think, uh... Alison and Burroughs. All right.
Starting point is 01:39:25 Hmm. Hmm. I'm like at a standstill, just like looking between her and Enoch. What's going on? Niles, what would you like to do? You've been kind of quiet. You want to talk to folks?
Starting point is 01:39:39 You want to come check this joint out? Whatever you want me to do. I don't know if I'm welcome to you. You are. I don't know, given the whole princely welcome at the door, this might be the best place. Anybody got a piece on them? A piece?
Starting point is 01:39:55 Don't we have like a hundred pieces? We have like a bunch of guns. In your car, there's guns. We dumped them. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's right, baby boy. The shotguns and the...
Starting point is 01:40:05 Okay. All right. I think I would have just pulled out a handgun and just keep it on me. All right. Never mind. Yep. All right.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Whoever wants to come talk, come with me. Got the badge back. Got the gun. Oh, no. Got a badge and a gun. Got a buddy cop. Got a buddy cop.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Oh, God. Yeah. You're a loose tan, Allison. I'd be like... Get results. Bad cop. Bad cop. So, Burroughs and Allison,
Starting point is 01:40:32 you're approaching one of the shacks there on the right of the door, I'm assuming? Yeah. Probably one of the neighbors and just seeing somebody's home. It does look like someone's home. On the other side, you can hear like some trance music being played.
Starting point is 01:40:49 Some of that like heavy EDM trance that you might listen to when you're working out or you're just trying to get into a mode. It is blastingly loud. Like they're trying to pull off the knob on the speakers itself. Burroughs is probably not your taste in music. It's very modern.
Starting point is 01:41:07 And you can see there are these sort of flashing lights that are coming from the window into this sort of shack house that has been built. But it's sort of basking new light fixtures onto the outside exterior of the shack every so often like maybe there's a TV blaring on the other side of the door or something. Do I suspect they're not going to hear me knocking on the door?
Starting point is 01:41:32 It could be, yeah. Is there like a little window or a gap thing I can like take a peek in? There's a window in so much as there is like a piece of corrugated steel cut out of the wall pole that you could climb through. You could basically reach your arm in and now you're inside the house.
Starting point is 01:41:49 It'd be an invasion of privacy, but it's that easy. I want to make sure like there's someone like I want to take a look first, see if there's people there or if there's a dead body. Maybe they can't hear us and that music's there to cover up stuff. There is some sort of cabinet masking off half of the window so it'd be hard to crawl through,
Starting point is 01:42:07 but easy enough to peek through. You see through this sort of beam of light off the side as you're sort of moving around the door itself and looking in, you find this like three soiled broken dripping bean bags and a person is laid out on all three of them. He is like rail thin like you'd guess like 60, 70 pounds. He's emaciated by beyond belief.
Starting point is 01:42:33 He's bald except for these like spikes like think Darth Maul spikes that are expounding out of his head. He's like little bone spurs that are created out of this big bulbous overgrown head. He has these little needle teeth that are over flared over his mouth itself and his eyes are these big glossy white globes
Starting point is 01:42:59 that shine like he's blind almost. He's in this beat up little black sweat shirt that is pulled up high and then cropped across so that his stomach is exposed and he's got this wife pleaser on under that and then these little short jorts and he's just laid out on that bean bag completely fucking zoinked
Starting point is 01:43:23 staring at this TV as an episode of Jiu-Jitsu Kainan is playing at like fucking top volume just flashes of anime steel climbing across this man's face as that is the only illumination in the room is this episode of anime that the dialogue has been completely softened on but the subtitles are still on
Starting point is 01:43:46 and the trance music is playing over all of it. She's so totally... What a vibe. I'm gonna keep watching. There's that trance music playing and Burles is like of all the goddamn new music I'm getting used to this shit is the worst. I'm gonna basically open the door and walk in.
Starting point is 01:44:09 Yeah, it opens. In this place it doesn't seem as though locks are a very good thing to have. Everyone is kindred so everyone can kick the door. So it does seem you glide right in and you sit oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh you scared the shit out of me. Who the fuck are you? Turn it down please. Can you turn it down?
Starting point is 01:44:29 What? I can't fucking hear it. What? I'm gonna activate compel and say turn it down. He rushes over and immediately gets the volume down and it comes through as your voice echoes through as if it gains three extra layers and fills the room. Now it is a silent depiction of Jujutsu Kainen on the wall and the three of you standing with the two of you in the threshold of his house.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Can I help you? How you doing boss? What's your name? It's not boss man, it's Ord. It's nice to meet you. Can I do something for you? Are you supposed to be down here? Yeah, I'm a watchman. I can be wherever I need to be. I'll flash in the badge.
Starting point is 01:45:15 This is my partner Allison. I'm Burroughs. Allison is watching the anime by the way but she's like mm-hmm. You guys aren't like cops right? And you can see his hand is sort of drifting through a desk by the TV. I lifted my gun a bit.
Starting point is 01:45:33 Look, we can be whatever you want to be. We can be your friends, we can be cops, we can be the people that take your soul. Listen, the point is we just got a couple questions. Real quick, easy, painless, we'll be in and out. There's a gentleman over there named Pryor. He's been missing. Heard anything about him? Heard anything strange
Starting point is 01:45:53 happening in his little hovel over there? Go ahead and make me a manipulation plus intimidation role, my friend. Okay. And then add in your dots and presence because you used that. Yeah, yeah, I guess it's Dominate, technically. Dominate, yeah, excuse me.
Starting point is 01:46:15 So, intimidation and what was it? Manipulation. Okay, here we go. That's two successes. Okay, yeah, he looks at you and he says, oh, shit, you're here from Bugsy, aren't you? We are. He gave it to you people, that's okay.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Yeah, yeah. Were you supposed to have it? No, no, no, I'm not trying to say anything, man. I'm just watching anime, man, that's my life. Hey, I'm not nobody from anybody. I just, it's not normal to see smooth skins down here. I'll talk to you about prior, sure. It's a shame what happened to him.
Starting point is 01:47:01 What exactly did happen? I don't know, dude, he's fucking dead, right? Well, he's missing, we're looking for him. You're looking for him, you're not gonna find him. He's fucking toast, dude. Do we know this storyteller? Yeah. Okay, so he's already dead.
Starting point is 01:47:23 He's murdered in his apartment, sorry about that. Murder in his apartment. Were you here when he died? Do you hear any noises, anything strange? I never heard any noises, no, but I knew he was getting into some stuff he wasn't supposed to. Bugsy was getting on him because he had started setting up some servers. Well, you know we're not supposed to be on the internet and all that, but prior was real big into it.
Starting point is 01:47:49 I'm gonna kind of sneak in, almost kind of make it almost gossipy, and in a way be like, oh, he did that, he's serious? Yeah, I'm serious. Oh my god, for how long? I don't know, since he got embraced, he's kind of new. He was Bugsy's latest. Do you have any close friends that were helping him with this project? Well, I was pretty close to him while he was alive, not now because he's dead, but...
Starting point is 01:48:17 Of course, yeah. I was helping him out with a land server. I used to do some things like that when I was alive, so... He was pretty technically advanced himself, but he couldn't get it down. Basically, I helped him set it up. And you guys got these parts, these computer parts from up above? Oh yeah, from all over, yeah, you could just go to like a Best Buy or something like that. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:48:46 You know, like electronic stores. Of course. So it seems like, is your theory maybe somebody didn't want him finishing that server? No. Was it real talkative? Did he mention the server to a lot of people? No, he mentioned... Look, he didn't like the way he looked. None of us do, right?
Starting point is 01:49:12 What? But Pryor was different. Pryor hated himself for what he became. I mean, look at me. I'm not easy to fucking look at, am I? I know this. He's pretty badass. And sometimes the smell is enough, but...
Starting point is 01:49:31 I mean, that's pretty great. I wasn't gonna mention that, but yeah. Yeah, that's true. We're not gonna do that. Thanks, you're so courteous. But for somebody like Pryor, it was the end of the world. He was an actor when he was alive, and I was really important to him. And now...
Starting point is 01:49:50 Well, a lot of things get taken away when you become what we are. I'm sure you know that about being pretty, but it's even worse when you're not. So he was pretty vocal about trying to fix that. I think he went looking for something that shouldn't be looked for. That's what I think. Using this internet and Shreknet thing. Yeah. Wasn't it some kind of revenge or something?
Starting point is 01:50:22 He wasn't talking about hurting people. No, no, he loved Bugsie, despite it all. He was a good man. I don't think Pryor had any bad bone in his body. I think his biggest issue was naivety. He thought that the world could change. It's hard accepting what you've become. Anyone else here that...
Starting point is 01:50:49 Because I know you helped him a lot, and you really kept his foot around his foot. Anyone else to have disagreements on his philosophies? Well, anybody at the top with Bugsie and them, they would have found out that it would have been fucking over, man. Let me do. I mean, if you tell Pugsie what I was doing, it could be over for me, too. You're not going to do that, right? No, no, no. Look, as far as I'm concerned, we're just here to look for a missing person.
Starting point is 01:51:20 I don't care what you're doing with your spectrum modem and all that. I'm not doing shit. I was just helping Pryor. The most I do is a fucking crunchy roll subscription. Relax. I don't care about that. Okay. That's the people who care about that sort of shit.
Starting point is 01:51:39 It's Bugsie and Dharma, all those people. If they caught an undocumented server, I mean, it could fucking be over for us. The Prince could come down here and decide we're not worth our skin. Detective Allison, any more questions? How many episodes have you watched? This is my second watch through. I've seen everything. Nice.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Yeah. It's really good. Yeah. It's a good time. Yeah. I figure I'm dead. So I have absolutely nothing to do but five. That's the whole point of being, I mean, I'm not saying crazy, but sorry.
Starting point is 01:52:24 Burrows. You were saying that. Team as a whole. Is there anything we've forgotten to ask him? Yes. Saint's Tears. Oh, yeah, yeah. Say, listen, we heard this rumor that your friend prior was looking for something on
Starting point is 01:52:41 the Shrek neck called Saint's Tears. You ever heard of Saint's Tears, that ring of bell? No, man. No. Is that an anime? I don't know. Is it? I'll look to Allison.
Starting point is 01:52:56 And I'm going to ask the room. No. No, I'm just going to be up. No, no, it's nothing. Just a clue we're looking up on. Go back to what you're doing, and I'll use compel. Yeah, go ahead. Caleb, can I, can I sense if he's like lying to us at all?
Starting point is 01:53:18 Sure, give me an insight plus wits. Yes. Okay. That would be only one success. You sense that this is the truth that can only come from an innocent bystander to a crime. Yeah, I'll compel him to go back to what he was doing and step out of the hobble. He's compelled back into his dirty wet bean shares to watch his anime.
Starting point is 01:53:57 You mosey back out. You weren't much of a bad cop. I mean, from one way to another, it's a thing I can't, I can't. On your best behavior, right? Yeah. That's a shame. And next one I can be, I can, next one, next one. Well, maybe the next one, it'll be with Enoch.
Starting point is 01:54:21 So with the rest of you, I assume we're going through the door. Yes. Yes. Yes. And I will try to trip Mal on their way through. You, well, you know what? You open the door and trip Mal into what is essentially the worst smell that you all have ever encountered.
Starting point is 01:54:47 It is terrible to take into your lungs. It is equal parts for maldehyde and fetid moldy soup and dead body and maggot. And Mal, you sort of trip into the room and find your hands coming back wet as you stand back up to your full length. And looking in front of Regal, you find that your hands are sort of laced in this black icker that is drenched green at the ribbings at the ends. And it begins to burn at your fingertips. I walk directly up to his face and I smear it across and I say, what the fuck is your
Starting point is 01:55:38 problem? As you streak it across Regal's face, the two of you take two superficial damage as it continues to burn your skin pretty ridiculously. Oh, dude, I'm so, like, I feel bad. You got to get a jar of that stuff. It's starting to feel as though a second degree burn is overtaking your hands and now your face. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:56:03 Oh, yeah. No, I take the beanie off and I just start fucking scrubbing my face. Good. And you, Mal, do you keep it on your hands? No, I try to find just like a counter. I hand them my beanie. I hand them the beanie. I don't want your stupid fucking beanie.
Starting point is 01:56:20 I take off my jacket and I wrap it around Mal's face and start aggressively, like, rating them with it. It's not on my face, you fuck. I do it anyway. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I had no idea, Mal.
Starting point is 01:56:34 I'm so sorry. I was just fucking around. Just learn something. Step into the room or at least viewing into the room. It is a small space. I mean, it's probably no bigger than like a public restroom at a bar or something like that, right? In the length of this bedroom, half of this room is filled with that sort of viscous liquid
Starting point is 01:57:00 of black and green Icar and in the center of that pooling at the bottom of the floor under two half lit fluorescence is the decaying skeletal corpse of a man who used to be undead. Pryor is halfway through the soup itself and his body is slowly decomposing and dripping with this sort of liquid across all of it. And again, the smell wafts into your face. As you can see what used to be this deformed Nosferatu's face is now just reduced to this skull that is escaping from broken dead flesh. He looks to have suffered greatly as he passed.
Starting point is 01:57:46 Aside from him is a bed off to the right of this puddle and then against the back is a desk and what looks like some sort of makeshift half lit green keyboarded laptop. I thought you turned to dust when you die. I thought you did too. Caleb, how do you kindra die? Popular misconception that everyone turns to dust. Those who turn to dust are most likely those who died a very long, long time ago. When you pass as a kindred, you return to the level of decay your body should be at from when you died originally.
Starting point is 01:58:30 So if your body died 10 years ago and you meet your final death, you return to a body that is decayed 10 years. Does that make sense? So elders turn to dust because that is all that's left of what would be their corpse. But for the rest of you, you will return to what is left of your soul, left of your physical remains. There are also things in this world that may prevent you entirely in the way that you die. Maybe this is one of those. Yeah, like, yeah, like deep decomp material doesn't burn like acid. So this could be the mechanism of death here that we're looking at.
Starting point is 01:59:10 I was going to say, this has got to be some kind of acid. Do we have... You know, do you have anything? Is there a base? I don't have it. I don't have anything. Are you here, by the way? Yeah, I don't think we're with them. Y'all are probably still talking to one another. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:27 Is there a skeleton? Do we have... I want to see if there's any sort of typical Diablery stuff. If there's like a chest wound or a neck, anything. In terms of Diablery, that would have left nothing. Okay. This was not a... As far as you can tell, this is not a Diablerization. Anything... Do we see any like, any stakes, any wounds apart from just being decomposed and broken down by this material? You could get up close and go for a further inspection.
Starting point is 02:00:05 Yeah, I'll do that. Yep, take a look. Go ahead and give me a... First of all, let's make sure you do not fall in any of this, as it's a pretty thick pool of what used to be a person. Let's go with Dexterity and... Actually, let's go with Composure and Athletics. Could I throw a little monkey wrench into that? Sure.
Starting point is 02:00:35 While Ragool is going up to examine the body, traipsing around this sensitive, potentially damaging material, I'm going to creep up behind him. And I am going to very loudly and suddenly whisper into his ear. You lick it! My tracks. And try to start him into it. Well, I have a Diapool of two. I've rolled two successes, so I don't know if that helps, but... It does help.
Starting point is 02:01:05 You know, you can react however you like to Enoch's terrifying suggestion there. Jesus, fuck! God, please don't. And as you... Please don't do that. Contemplate the ability to lick these things. Let me get an Investigation plus Intelligence. Beautiful.
Starting point is 02:01:24 Alright, let's do that. It's a good pool. Don't forget your Hungers. Yep, that's three dice, so... Let's go off. That is three successes. Three successes, yeah. You do not see any puncture marks in the thoracic cage.
Starting point is 02:01:46 It doesn't look like he was sent into torpor before this happened or while this happened. You also do not seem to find any remnants of an attack. It does not seem as though this was an aggressive death. There were no assailants, as far as you can tell. Or if there wasn't assailant, it was not physically done. Alright. I've never seen anything like this. I don't think I have either.
Starting point is 02:02:20 Well, that's a quick question. Has Sib ever seen anything weird like this? Go ahead and give me an Occult plus Intelligence roll. Okay. Okay. Okay. Is that a good pool? It's one success.
Starting point is 02:02:41 No, you have not seen anything like this. Okay. We should definitely collect some, right? Yeah, if we can. A knock. What's your deal? What's your thing? That's a very broad question that I feel like you're probably going to want to quantify a little bit further,
Starting point is 02:03:09 lest you... Correct. If you wanted to, considering your masochistic nature, if you wanted to dump a shit ton of corrosive material into an enclosed space, how would one go about doing that? You just need something resistant to the acidity like glass. Does anyone have any glass? Yeah, let me pull out my travel...
Starting point is 02:03:37 What? No, no one just carries glass. I don't know what your deal is. I mean, Mal, do you have a phone? Of course not. I thought maybe there'd be a dead one. You'd use the phone screen if we need glass. No, never had a phone. Well, a phone screen isn't a container, so that's not super helpful right now.
Starting point is 02:04:01 There wouldn't be a glass bottle in the sewer somewhere. There's a bar down the way if we need to, we can come back. Kale, I'm going to go check out the laptop and see, like, I'm looking for the land, I'm looking for the server. Okay, go ahead and give me a technology plus intelligence, because it's pretty easy to find the server. In fact, there's sort of a shortcut to this designated area that he's been using, but opening that shortcut does bring you to this login screen, essentially. That's three successes, which is pretty impressive for me.
Starting point is 02:04:42 Three successes? Absolutely, you run into this, but it does not seem to be easy enough to hack into. You try, you know, some logins and passwords. Do you think prior might have used to get through the server itself, but it seems a lot harder than you first initially intended. You might need someone that's more versed in computers. What kind of machine is it? It's just a laptop.
Starting point is 02:05:09 I know what operating system. It looks like it's running off of a Linux OS. Which Linux OS? The latest. Caleb, just so you know, we would probably head towards the hut, so whenever you feel it is relevant for us to enter. You can say that you're here now. We'll assume that after they found the body, they searched through and now they're working on the laptop.
Starting point is 02:05:38 Yeah, I think they just know we're here because Burroughs opens the door and says, God damn! They start kind of like looking around. It's bad in here. Don't touch anything. You're like, whoa, I didn't think I would get a worse smell than the other place. Don't touch the fluid. Don't touch the fluid. But yeah, Aaron, it looks like it's running off the latest version of Linux.
Starting point is 02:05:58 Okay. That does that. Okay. Well, if it was a Windows machine, it'd be easy. We just have to go in with another boot disk and you could go into the registry and change the password to whatever you wanted. But as it stands. I misinterpreted it. I'm sorry. It is logged into the computer.
Starting point is 02:06:21 The remote connection he is using to access the server has another login screen. That is the one we're struggling on. There's not a lot you can do about that. I'll point to the laptop and say, is that a server? Because I was told he was making a server. No, that's just a laptop. But it looks like, is there anything on the desktop? Anything like any documents, any files?
Starting point is 02:06:51 It looks blank save for this log. And it looks like everything he was trying to do was through this remote connection to a server that God knows who else has a connection to. Can I have an idea? Sure. So is it like a, it's like a remote terminal that's up on the screen? Yes. I just hit the up arrow.
Starting point is 02:07:15 Okay. Beautiful. Which scrolls to the last command that was entered into it. Okay. Go ahead and roll technology plus intelligence just to give this a success or fail roll. Which for Enoch, this should be borderline ridiculous. Yeah. I better hear all the clicky clackies.
Starting point is 02:07:37 And I'll get with burrows and Allison to find out what word told them while this is going on. Okay. I just, I feel like I should understand this by now, but I just don't want to make sure I mess, I don't mess it up. Of course. I have three points of hunger. That means I roll three hunger dice. Yes.
Starting point is 02:07:54 Three hunger dice and then everything else is normal. Okay. And what special consideration do I need to apply to the hunger dice again? If you fail everything, then they matter. Okay. Otherwise it doesn't. Otherwise, don't worry about it. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight dice.
Starting point is 02:08:18 Okay. It's three successes and I rolled one one. Okay. You are able very easily to use that previous command to find the information needed to get through into this device. I mean, Enoch, you have been through your fair share of computers before and this seemed like a pretty easy thing to do. This is why you always close your terminals when you're done with them.
Starting point is 02:08:49 He was very much thinking that no one else was ever going to touch this laptop and for that, he is going to pay in his afterlife. But you come into the other side of things and you do see this server now that is essentially God knows where, but is hosting a league of information here as well as what seems to be like a shared text document through just a .txt where people have been writing back to each other in correspondence in a sort of local LAN communication. And through that, there is a chat log between prior and someone that calls himself three foot.
Starting point is 02:09:36 And between him and three foot, there is this discussion. Let me find it real quick. Hold on. The username of the other individuals three foot and it is an exchange that details that prior has finally proven himself and that he's ready to meet. And there's a set of coordinates left at the bottom of the message. And he says that he will bring the tears to him. I haven't been a detective long, but that seems like a really big clue.
Starting point is 02:10:15 That is what we would call a clue. All right. All right. After this, I'll go walk to the bar and go just grab a bottle. Okay. Yeah. You think all this and I'll point to like the goo is the tears, you think? I'm wondering.
Starting point is 02:10:32 I'm wondering if somebody already paid this this kid a visit. Before I'm assuming we take a break, Caleb, just real quick, I just want to take a look at the ceiling of this of this shack. See if there's like a essentially just to tell you the way my brain is working right now. I'm looking to see if somebody poured this shit down from the top on top of this guy while he was in here. The ceiling is like pure brick, essentially. It's the sighting to the tunnels themselves.
Starting point is 02:11:01 So it does not, you would have to have phased through the brick in order to drop something from the ceiling. Beautiful. Thank you, sir. Of course. So, Sybil, let's say you stepped out while all this is happening. You're back with a bottle having paid for it and you have it with you. What's the plan here?
Starting point is 02:11:21 I'm going to just take, is there any, yeah, you know what I thought of it. If there's anything I can use of prior to scoop some of it into the bottle. I'll do that. Okay. So you are sort of using the skeletal hand of this dead man to siphon and scale the the leavings into the bottle. Absolutely. It does singe a little bit at your fingertips as you get that last bit in, but you do, you
Starting point is 02:11:53 have what is essentially like a shot glass of whatever this liquid is. Okay, good. We can, I have no idea where we would take this to, but we have it now. I mean, the Kendra don't have a special crime scene lab. I mean, not officially. There's a lot of creepy places we could, oh my God, I know where we can take it to. Never mind. Really?
Starting point is 02:12:20 Well, it's not a secret crime lab. I just know people that like to figure out usually what's in blood, but I mean, a liquid is a liquid, right? Hmm. Okay. And push comes to shove. We can always fling it in someone's face. That too.
Starting point is 02:12:35 There is one thing I neglected to mention at the bottom of that message as well from three foot, and that is a number to reach him out. Oh, scandalous. Anything else in the desk there, Caleb? That looks to be all of it. Well needed. Cool. We do not need any more bones around.
Starting point is 02:12:58 There are plenty of prior bones. If you would like to take priors bones. It's a sift through the puddle, but. Somebody needs a gift for their club friend. No, I don't. I'm not giving bride anything. She's going to be disappointed by that. I will.
Starting point is 02:13:20 I'm going to take, I want to look for the hyoid bone. Okay. Yeah. You remove essentially the sort of cap that keeps the neck together and take the hyoid bone, a bone out of the neck there. Congratulations. Great. It does singe a little bit as you get it in your fingertips again.
Starting point is 02:13:44 Um, I hope you don't mind me asking what are you doing with that? I do mind you asking. All right. All right. Allison, that was a good time for you to go shopping too. If you want. Did anyone else not notice that that, that's not even a good body. That is a disgusting body.
Starting point is 02:14:04 You just touched it. He, uh, he couldn't help what happened to him. I mean, I'm trying to make sense of this. So we spoke to the, to the neighbor ord, uh, said that this kid was building some kind of server, which makes me think server. That's not good. Nobody wants that. Nobody maybe find out about it.
Starting point is 02:14:25 But now I'm seeing this big mess. I mean, maybe he just got what he wanted. The saints tears and it fucking blew up in his face or something. You may not be wrong. Yeah. So I mean, really all it's, what's left to do is to talk to this three foot, three foot. Yep.
Starting point is 02:14:42 I'm going to go talk to Dharma when we come back. Perfect. We'll pick up back with the discussion with Dharma and the move forward with three foot and we'll see what happens next with our group is they're investigating what's happening down here in the nose for Autu's little strip as we solve priors murder. Thank you everyone for staying with us so long. We're going to take a bio break real quick. We should be back in what 15 minutes.
Starting point is 02:15:10 Yeah. 15 minutes. We'll see you then. And we are back. Welcome everyone to Vegas by night. We just took our little 15 minute break. But before then we were investigating the death of a local nose for Autu the child of the nose for Autu Premogen.
Starting point is 02:15:31 A young blood named prior who has recently lost his on death right here in little strip Las Vegas, the underground city of the nose for Autu the sewer bound casino. And now I believe Raquel you said you were going to speak with Dharma who is the voice of the nose for Autu Premogen. Correct. I'll hold off. Okay. You'll hold off.
Starting point is 02:16:00 Sorry. I thought about it and common sense common sense kicked in. So now that now that we've learned this little name three foot. I'm going to go back to order real quick and talk to him. See if he's ever heard that name before. What if I go with you? Sure. Don't be surprised if he's freaked out from another face but should be fine.
Starting point is 02:16:19 That's all right. Yeah. I'll go back and I'll. Well I'll knock and I'll realize it's useless and I'll open the door again. You knock and the trance music is just as loud as it was a few minutes ago when you first got in. He moves over turns it off. There's now an episode of one piece on the wall just to keep consistency.
Starting point is 02:16:41 One last thing or I don't mean to bother you but you ever heard the name three foot. No is that like a band or something. I don't know what it is exactly we're still trying to figure it out just wanted to see if you knew. No I haven't heard anything like that three foot you said I could ask around you want me to start asking people. No no no don't put yourself in this. We got it.
Starting point is 02:17:08 What the fuck is. Oh yeah. Shit. This is Detective Raigel. He's he's a fucking salubri. Oh shit man I don't want nothing to do with this. I'm good man. I'm good.
Starting point is 02:17:22 I don't know three foot. Could you just go now. Shit. Yeah man. Yeah sorry dude. You got it. No problem. You make quite the impression Raigel.
Starting point is 02:17:32 We're a bad omen apparently. I've been meaning to ask you about that but I figured it was just part of your thing. Yeah I guess that's one way to put it. I mean we're leaving. We leave. We leave. Where is everyone when we hear this conversation. I was like close enough to probably hear if they're at this close to each other.
Starting point is 02:17:53 Are we talking about Raigel. Are we talking about his eye now. Are we going to discuss that. We are now discussing the eye. Yes. What is there to discuss. It was there when I woke up. Does it hurt.
Starting point is 02:18:07 No honestly it's like it just feels like another one of these. Actually yeah I'm going to with enough warning and permission cover his eyes the two main ones. Can you still see. I think I can right Caleb. Yeah. Yeah. You see through like a hazy like a gauze of blood but yes.
Starting point is 02:18:33 Weird. I think I'm like a fisheye lens that is tinged in red and black. Oh nice. Okay. I see things sometimes that aren't but the normal ones can't and visions every now and again. Is it kind of like predator where you can see heat signatures or something like that. No that'd be badass but unfortunately no no he vision.
Starting point is 02:19:01 What visions have you had. Well funnily enough it had a lot to do. It reminded me a lot of that shit we found in that suitcase. It was kind of wild. I dreamed about my rabbi when I was alive and locusts and doors and a lot of weird shit. And locusts. We've walked through doors. Graphetic isn't it.
Starting point is 02:19:36 Now we just got to find you a rabbi. I've got one. As far as he's concerned I'm dead. All right well enough staring at the yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's the next move. How do we get a hold of this three foot.
Starting point is 02:19:56 We got the number. Let's set the coordinates out first maybe. You punching those coordinates into any phone you'll find that it looks as though it bleeds out into something like Sloan Canyon. But you have a feeling that it might actually be in the sewers given the location because it seems very spur of nowhere out west of where you are now. Now wait a minute before we move too fast this whole discussion of an internet thing I know that kindred aren't supposed to have one that laptop clearly was connected to one.
Starting point is 02:20:32 Shouldn't we maybe figure out where this server is. Well we'll let bugs you know. Let bugs you know I mean it would be advantageous if we knew as well. Yeah. You see the figure out. Go I go over there and into the terminal I just you know we have like I can go into the terminal I can punch out the command that dumps the IP address and then I can do trace route that IP address and then I can track where it's heading at least get a rough I
Starting point is 02:21:04 probably can't get like an exact pinpoint location but I can get at least like a rough idea of where it's at. Yeah within a few miles you find that this is north of Vegas it's farther from the sewer system but it's pinging sort of near Fremont Street that's probably within the location and also within about a five mile radius you could find where it was you knock if you needed to. You want to take the laptop you know. Yeah I'll take the laptop.
Starting point is 02:21:36 Okay so we're going to go where three foot wanted to meet prior. We're probably out of time. We're probably coming close up on. It is getting close to three thirty. I'm going to bed down for the day. Yeah we're going to just sleep here. Yeah Brons has got us some rooms. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:00 If you all left now you maybe could make it to Club Canaan in time. I kind of want I kind of want the experience of sleeping in this place. Yeah I doubt I'll be down here very much so this can count as my one. One and done it. Well I assume you're searching down Brons has then for your rooms. Yeah. Yes I find the gentle giant and he is more than accommodating to take you to your rooms. He walks you through down the other portion of the intersection which seems to be the lodging
Starting point is 02:22:35 for guests and mortals and he takes you into what must be like a series of VIP suites is they're taken up onto a second level of this intersection that's been split down and they are like double wide to the size of what prior and order we're dealing with. But they are still corrugated steel sightings and stop signs drilled in and welded to you know all metal constructions and the ground is sort of canvas and like cheap blue wall art tarps and there are sleeping cots like survival cots on the floor and all of that. They are not very nice lodgings whatsoever and each one has a different advertisement of a long dead casino that sort of mocks you with how nice it would have been to stay in
Starting point is 02:23:28 one of the 60s casinos while you are sleeping on the cold metal ground of Little Strip. Well if you all want to head back up I get it. Yeah this is pretty rough. It's fine it's fine. We can get drunk enough that it won't be a problem. Not wrong Little Strip is the place to do it. Can we get drunk? On blood maybe.
Starting point is 02:23:58 The easiest way to get drunk were to get a mortal to ingest a dangerous dangerous amount of alcohol for themselves and then for you to drink from that mortal. That is the only way that you could conceivably fill yourself with drunk alcohol infused blood. If you really want to be efficient about it what you do is you just give them an enema and it takes really quickly so you don't have to wait that long. Thank you. So you guys are going to be here for you. That happened.
Starting point is 02:24:32 We did get them their own accommodations yes. We're not doing that. We're not doing that. We're not? We don't want to do the enema trip? I don't have another son today. Are you sure? I didn't have some class.
Starting point is 02:24:45 You don't ever want to do anything. At this point with all this enema talk I would like to give a thank you to Blith Wolf and Scott Spence who followed the channel. I know you all come for the enema content. Who doesn't? Other three rooms? There are rooms enough for all of you yes and there's plenty of room if some of you want to bed down in the same room.
Starting point is 02:25:17 This is also a place the glory of Little Strip is that there is no sky down here. You could sleep just about anywhere and be fine for the morning. Hey Mel, you got a sec? I have many seconds. Do you want to come over here real quick? I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to.
Starting point is 02:25:47 I get the distinct impression you are very upset with me. No, no. Everything's fine. You just disappear whenever you want to and don't tell us where you go and then you're just gone. That's super normal and super cool. You're absolutely right. I won't do that again.
Starting point is 02:26:03 I'm sorry. Don't have to apologize to me. I don't care. Oh Mel. We both know that's not true. Fuck you. Mo Kerr sent me down here to talk to Boxy. That's how we got this whole kick to begin with.
Starting point is 02:26:27 It went on a little longer than I anticipated and I'm sorry. Like I said, it's your life. Your unlife. Whatever. Do what you want. But when you die again, remember who was in the box with you. Don't ever forget it. You kidding me?
Starting point is 02:26:52 Can I talk to you about something? Absolutely. You know you can. So I like found a place or whatever that I stay. And before you disappeared, I was planning on seeing if you wanted to like hang out there too, but like obviously you have super cool digs here with Mo Kerr. So don't feel obligated or whatever. I'm down.
Starting point is 02:27:28 There's just an extra room. It's not that big a deal. There are a bunch of ghosts there. Okay. Literally. Yeah. For sure. And also in the basement.
Starting point is 02:27:49 I don't know. There might be something in the basement. I don't really know. I don't really know. The way to bury the lead there, kid. There's something in the basement. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:28:02 Sweet. Let's look into it. Cool. Yeah. Don't go anywhere. If I can help it, I won't. Promise. Okay.
Starting point is 02:28:24 Sorry I smelt acid on your face. I'm sorry I tripped you into the acid. I was not expecting that shit at all. That's fine. It was kind of funny. Yeah. Well, your hand's good. They've been worse.
Starting point is 02:28:41 Your face good. No. Have you seen me? I was going to make that joke. Fuck you. Got a steal of glory. All right. We good?
Starting point is 02:28:57 Yeah. All right. Church monster. Next up on the docket. Yeah. We don't need anyone else's help. We can just deal with it, right? Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:09 We'll Google some shit. See if we can find anything out about the church and then go from there. Yeah. I mean, you'll have to do the Googling. I can't really. Right. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:20 But they're, oh, I forgot a detail. There was like a prayer book open to like a protection spell. I don't know much about religion if I'm being super honest. So like. Do you remember the name of the book? No. The Bible. Oh.
Starting point is 02:29:35 Sorry. Okay. Not about it. It was called. Got it. Okay. Right on. There was a spell in the Bible.
Starting point is 02:29:43 Beautiful. Yeah. They call the scriptures too. They have spells in the Bible. The Bible is now a spell book. Oh God. Oh God. If we were not grimoire of the Bible.
Starting point is 02:30:05 Yep. Oh my God. Bound in the flesh of altar boys. I don't know. If we were not already struggling to appeal to a Christian base, I think we just, we screwed up a little bit. That's okay. That's good.
Starting point is 02:30:26 I was thinking like maybe a book of common prayer, some Protestant shit. I don't know. But we went. Nope. The Bible. Anyway. Honestly, I don't know either way. Okay.
Starting point is 02:30:37 Fair enough. We'll take a look. You know. See what we can find out. Has Debbie talked to them at all? They didn't really talk. It just like. Oh the ghosts.
Starting point is 02:30:45 Yeah. I talk to the ghosts all the time. They're fine. They're gross. I'll tell them to stay away from you. Maybe they'll listen. I don't really know. I make no promises.
Starting point is 02:30:53 And they don't know what's in the basement. I mean they won't. They don't really talk to me. They just kind of like float around and go shit. You know. Yeah. That's impressive. But they like.
Starting point is 02:31:08 They don't go down there. Or maybe they do. I don't. I don't actually know what they do. I don't like keep track of them that well. We'll figure it out. Cool. If it's something big though.
Starting point is 02:31:21 That we can't tackle the two of us. You know, it'd probably be good to ask the others. Fine. Niles can fuck some shit up. I'm pretty sure Sybil can too, John. Niles doesn't give a fuck about any of us. Sybil only cares about us. And so far as she wants us to not die by the prince's hand.
Starting point is 02:31:45 And Bruce. I don't know if that's. I don't know. I don't know if that's true. I think Niles. I think Niles cares in their own way. And listen, Sybil's put up with us this far. She doesn't have a choice.
Starting point is 02:32:02 She has to. Not fair enough. I just try to see the plus side in everybody, I guess. It's the extra I. Hey. Nice. Good call back. All right.
Starting point is 02:32:20 We'll check on the others. Yeah. They're probably doing something stupid or grows or both. I think. Yeah. Burrows would probably find himself with Sybil as everybody's kind of making their, their home or whatever. And he just seems kind of restless.
Starting point is 02:32:42 And he says, uh, Sybil, I've been. Well, I've been thinking about, uh, an old friend of mine, uh, like to call himself a snowman, uh, you know, a trickster, uh, somebody that fleeces people for money. And he always tried to find the, uh, the way to profit from a situation regardless of how good or bad something was. And I keep playing back that, uh, that whole situation with the anarchs. Remember they told us they basically fucked up, got caught by us with the pants down at the boom, boom club.
Starting point is 02:33:23 You know what I mean? Yeah. I mentioned something about a civil war. I mean, I don't think anybody wants that, but if there was a way to profit from it, surely it'd be smart to keep that in our back pocket, right? Hmm. I believe that you're right. Uh, I also believe that if we all agree we don't necessarily have to, um, how do I say,
Starting point is 02:34:01 uh, a king never says they're a king. You know what I mean? And if we've, for worms, as we've been called, then we'll be worms or rats or whatever they want us to be. And they usually survive. We're survivors. I definitely agree with that. That's why I bring it up to you.
Starting point is 02:34:28 I mean, you are kind of our de facto leader of the coterie. We keep turning to you every time, you know, we're going to have a big conversation with somebody. I noticed. Yeah. Well, I mean, you, you tend to have the cool head amongst us all. You could have, like, be knockin' out of you, the leaders. The point I'm trying to make is, you know, as long as whoever is telling us to do shit
Starting point is 02:34:58 leaves us alone in the long run, I don't care whether we're Camarillo or whatever. But I don't know. I see a window to profit where nobody knows something we know. Might as well keep it in the back of our heads. I just figured I'd, you know, make sure you're on the same page as me. Absolutely. I'd make it my job to stay on the same page as everyone. But I will say, if I can be frank, I greatly appreciate you all considering me a leader,
Starting point is 02:35:34 but I'm not a front of house person all the time. You are. And if we can sort of divide and conquer together, I think that's putting everybody in their best positions. I think that's a good idea, but like you said, a king never reveals that he's a king. So I think you go ahead and continue to be the face and when I need to talk to somebody, I'll talk to somebody. I like that.
Starting point is 02:36:15 Okay. All right, well, I'm not going to be able to sleep for a little while. Okay. Be careful. There's the machine with the baseballs on it is always a little fucked up. That actually has lower odds than any of the other machines. Leave that alone. Shit, I was going to try that one.
Starting point is 02:36:31 All right. Industry secret. All right. All right. Don't lose all our money. Hey, it's my money. I would never. Okay.
Starting point is 02:36:43 Good talk. And then I walk directly to Niles. I'm trying to send a text message to Hugh saying that I'm not going to be stuck in a sewer. Don't know when I'll be out tomorrow. Question mark. He writes back almost immediately. Anytime. You just tell me when.
Starting point is 02:37:13 Hey, just before we get to the part where we insult each other, I am genuinely sorry that the shit got fucked up last time. When we were, you know, Which one? That's true. When we were doing your side of the business, all the anarch stuff. I don't like it and I don't 100% understand it, but I know what it looks like when someone's terrified to their bones.
Starting point is 02:37:35 So. I mean, thank you. You're welcome. I do appreciate it so much. Seemed like the only one willing to advocate. I wouldn't expect that from you. Is. The very least noted.
Starting point is 02:38:13 Now, here's the thing about that. I know why I'm not supposed to exist. Right. It's gangra in the Camario absent, sire. A lot of things. But why are you not allowed to exist? It's a complicated question. I've.
Starting point is 02:38:33 I don't know how long you've been alive, but I've been alive for a while and. Ever since I've been alive, I've been. Hated. So I'm not surprised. I'm not wanted here either. So if you have an answer, why gangrals don't like other gangrals.
Starting point is 02:38:52 Or why. Somebody wouldn't allow one to feed in a territory, you tell me. Oh, I have tons of reasons for both. Gangrals are incredibly territorial. Maybe not as territorial as Allison, but close. And there's a lot of clear laws about feeding.
Starting point is 02:39:15 What if I just list them and you tell me which ones. Are less intact. I'm not going to respond to it. There's feeding on the strip. Inside check. I. I'm not. I'm just not looking at her while she's while she's listing all
Starting point is 02:39:40 these lists. Oh, are you far? Are you distanced from me? No, I mean, we're having a conversation, but I'm not looking you in the eye while you're listing lists. Because I'm just wanting to look at you. So you're wanting to insight check. Yes.
Starting point is 02:39:57 Yes. But just like a soft. I'm really just looking for. For their reaction. Yes. Soft insight. And soft insight. Go ahead and give me an insight.
Starting point is 02:40:07 Plus. Wits from you, Sybil. And then for Niles, I need a composure plus subterfuge. No successes. Okay. Two successes. Okay.
Starting point is 02:40:32 Continue with your listing and I will tell you what you glean from the situation. Okay. Feeding on the strip. Nothing. I step a little bit closer. There's the big one. Diablery.
Starting point is 02:40:48 And then. There's sort of a combo of the two. Where you drink. Your own kind. Eli, would you like to describe some of the intricacies of what impacts Niles as the list continues on? Niles is just looking down. Like the whole time.
Starting point is 02:41:16 When she mentions Diablery, I kind of tense up a little bit. But the closer like the closer Sybil gets to Niles, the more panic they seem. And then when she when she finally mentions the last bit, that's when they make eye contact with. Sybil. And then try to look away.
Starting point is 02:41:41 Sybil is like flying above a corpse in the desert at this point. Sybil, you get the unique feeling that this is someone who has done something that in your culture, you can never walk back from. And if certain people knew they understood, it wouldn't just be the anarchs or the Camarilla. The entire city would be given license to hunt, kill, and devour.
Starting point is 02:42:29 Okay. Listen. We're too late for us to just break off to survive. We are all surviving now. So we don't have to talk about it anymore. But if you need help, we have to help you. I have to help you. And I will.
Starting point is 02:42:57 And how are you going to do that? I don't understand how much you tell me. And how far we get. We've got 60 flights of stairs. This should help us get up a few. I know better than to just give off my secrets. So it's better that you don't. No.
Starting point is 02:43:23 Okay. I was just incredibly intrusive. Do you have any questions for me? Not right now. Okay. And good morning. And she leaves. Niles, there is a voice that rumbles through the back of your
Starting point is 02:43:48 dead head in the cavity where a brain once was. And it speaks low and echoing and so very far away, but it speaks. I like that one. She has control. And it sort of rumbles through your entire body before it leaves. Okay. Is there any other actions happening here before we go to sleep
Starting point is 02:44:15 for the night? I got one little teeny tiny thing. It's never little teeny tiny. What is it, Enoch? This is before we're going to bed. Yes. When Allison and I are in our room, I reach into my pocket and I say, I made you something.
Starting point is 02:44:39 Not an answer. Put your wrist out. And I start tying a little cord around Allison's wrist and it's just a little braided necklace made of Mal's hair. They called you a bitch, so I thought you would like a little trophy. Oh. Sorry, I'm going to take it. Rub it against my face like that.
Starting point is 02:45:10 I'm going to like... It's pretty. Thank you. You're welcome. Beautiful. And then I'm going to like turn it like much, instead of like cold, maybe like they are very like, like almost kind of like a, like a naive like teenager.
Starting point is 02:45:30 It'd be like... Right. It suddenly gets very cuddly in the Kingster's little sewer home. Perfect. With that being said, all of you are going to sleep for the night. I would like you all to make rouse checks to determine if you become hungrier as you sleep. One single die.
Starting point is 02:45:52 If you succeed, you do not become more hungry. If you don't succeed, then you gain one hunger. I gain one hunger. Yeah. Gains a hunger. Okay. So burrows at one. Oh, Niles is at two.
Starting point is 02:46:08 I'm at three. At one. Biggie also at two. Mal at two. Regal is at four. Allison and Enoch. I succeed, so I stay at three. Beautiful.
Starting point is 02:46:22 I also succeed, so I just stay at one. Yep. Okay. Regal, you do not fall privy to the same usual death that everyone else does. The usual death that comes about at this time does not happen for you. Instead, you feel something pulling you through the ground. You feel as though you are caught in the cosmic pull of the universe as it claws you through earth and black. You are confronted with noises that sift through your ears faster than you can focus on.
Starting point is 02:47:04 And you can't tell what they're saying as that sensation of being pulled drags you down further. The bits that do fly by your ears sound foreign to you. Like long dead languages and scripts you couldn't find anywhere on earth speaking in low dead tones. Screams deep from within that sound just a hair off laughing until they are laughing just a few paces from screaming. And you are pulled like that for what feels like forever. Regal, you eventually snap back into the seat you're so familiar with with enough force to lurch every last piece of your dead sensory into a topspin. You're sitting under the light of a familiar fluorescent bulb, low and hooded. The sound of clanking plates and silverware sounds like whispers in the far ground.
Starting point is 02:47:58 But outside of the diner booth you sit in now there are no other souls in this facsimile of your place. You are in a diner, a diner you're familiar with one you've been to many, many times. But looking out the window you're not greeted with the same familiar dingy strip mall parking lot. Instead you are greeted with the horizon seen from the under construction echelon hotel at its highest level. The neon lights are familiar and bright but take on eerie prescience when seen from the dirty window of this place. You're sitting in that familiar booth with two plates in front of you, one opposite you. They both have the same meal, a rock with a distinct scrap of hair pasted in against the gravel surface with dried blood. They both read etched along the face of these boulders, Keeper.
Starting point is 02:48:56 Rogel, she's across from you, only different. Every inch of her skin is covered in another eye staring back at you. You can barely make out the features of the person you love without having to see an insidious all-body blink as she readjusts to look at you. There's a song playing in the background. It's familiar but at first you can't place it and tell as soon as you start thinking about it. And then it's as though the kindly diner has turned it up for you. It's Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley. She stares at you, Rogel, as you come into being in this empty diner on top of Las Vegas. How are you here?
Starting point is 02:49:53 I'm here with you. We're having dinner. It's the last night before you go and you die. Can I stay this time? You could. You could try. Eventually this goes away though. And those blinks go all in unison across her form. It's so much that you can't pick out her lips from the sheer mass of eyes that are conglomerating across her face. Can you tell me what it means? What all this means?
Starting point is 02:50:32 It's just a portent. I don't know what to do. What do you want to do? I want to kill him. Then you already know what you want. But I want to be better. Better is something we consciously decide every second. Just keep deciding. I miss you.
Starting point is 02:51:18 You don't even know me. Who are you? She stops for a moment, looks off at the entrance entranced, frozen, waiting for a cue. You think for a second she's like an animatronic that has been stuck in process, has not moved on to the next moment. Her lips shut tight to cause creases at the end. She then finally speaks. Are those your friends? What are they waiting for?
Starting point is 02:51:50 I want to keep that door open. I want her open that door. I look back, oh god. No, go ahead. I look back, yeah, I look to see what she's looking at. There in the door is the captain. Long blond gray hair down to the nape of his neck, wild eyes, unshaven drunk stubble. He wears a cream linen suit and a cowboy hat.
Starting point is 02:52:17 All of which is dripping in a green black Icar that has stained in rivulets along his entire body. He looks sickly beyond all belief, but he holds the door for a being a pure white noise that begins to ring in your ears as soon as you make eye contact. She's a black silhouette of shadow that seems unmatched against the surrounding environs. She steps in or rather floats more of that black blur into the diner itself. And her, the captain, begin to stare in unison, perfectly next to each other as they wait in the threshold of the open door. Turning back. Sorry, you're on mute. Yeah, he turns back. He turns back.
Starting point is 02:53:06 Good. Turning back, she looks at you again, Regal, with all those eyes. She finally speaks once more. I think you'll like the trip better than being here. They'll understand. You're needed somewhere else. And then returning to that threshold, the two individuals waiting in the door, looking out that perspective through the window, through the doorway. You can see on the horizon of Las Vegas overlooking there is this waving black cloud that is rolling in over the distance.
Starting point is 02:53:48 And before you can even materialize to word a response to what this is, it shrouds over you and blasts out the window of the diner. And all of you are overtaken as you leap across into the wall and as soon as you connect with this huge driving force of what feels like a hurricane of you colliding with the wall. You're awake again the next night with the rest of all of you in little strip Las Vegas. Yeah, I imagine you just like shoot straight up just gasping. Is that something we can all see or are you in your room? Yeah, well, I guess it depends on who's staying where. In the four rooms, we had Allison and Enoch and one because jinksters. I don't know who else would have, like, yeah.
Starting point is 02:54:46 Who stayed with us? I've never gone back to sleep in Sybil's room. Okay, cool. You mean that probably Mal and Rogel? Yeah, probably. Four Niles all by themselves? Yeah, where's the problem with that? Yeah, either way.
Starting point is 02:55:08 Is your pupper with us too? Oh, Rufus. Oh yeah, Rufus has been with us. Okay, I will. I'm petting Rufus and just watching you as you sit up. Okay, of course you are. What the fuck was that? I don't know what the fuck was that?
Starting point is 02:55:33 I don't know. Is this a share with a family kind of thing or is this a... You keep it to yourself like a sneaky sneaky boy? I'll explain it. I'll tell them what I saw. Okay. I mean, I'm not judging you either way. I'm also a sneaky boy, so like...
Starting point is 02:56:00 Oh no, I mean, I'm telling you what I saw like right now. Oh. Yeah. So cool. I don't do symbolism. Probably someone does though. You should tell them. Or maybe not.
Starting point is 02:56:26 I don't know. I'm not in charge of you. Okay. I'll tell them. I'll tell them. Let's regroup. Thanks, Mel. Oh yeah, I'm super useful in these situations.
Starting point is 02:56:45 Shut up. God. We'll go find the civil room. Yeah, I think we'll all reconvene. Welcome to the civil room. That's not what she says. Yeah. You remember how I told you all I had visions?
Starting point is 02:57:05 Yes. Regular profit. Fucking doozy. Yesterday. I don't kind of run through it all. I think it's important I tell you though, because some of it isn't going to make sense unless I do. Who I was before.
Starting point is 02:57:31 I was a journalist for the, for one of the big papers in town. I was an investigative reporter and my thing was corruption. The casinos, local government, the police department. You must have had your hands full. Yeah. Yeah, it got me killed. I was looking into this guy.
Starting point is 02:58:00 Underwood. He's the captain in charge of one of the biggest, the biggest investigative units in the PD, the narcotics and violent crimes task force. Wait, I'm so sorry. Underwood got you killed? Underwood put the gun in my belly and pulled the trigger. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:58:21 Damn. Is that a fact? And he's human still and around? Oh, he's around. Yeah. And I'm going to kill him. That's it? It's the major, it's the major,
Starting point is 02:58:37 major violator narcotics crime bureau. Anyway, these guys were in deep with all sorts of wrong people. They were running drugs. They were making connections with other gangs, you know, taking some out, keeping others in business, consolidating. And I was going to print a story on them. And one night I got a call from somebody that I now know is Bugsy, saying that he was going to tell me everything.
Starting point is 02:59:00 He was going to crack this thing fucking wide open, help me put the pieces together. And on my way out to meet him, they ambushed me. They captured me and they killed me. And Mocher turned to me. What if I could deliver him to you? I'd take it. And I'd want your help into killing him slow.
Starting point is 02:59:29 I was going to say, he's a little bit, he's more useful than you realize, but why kill him when you can just make it last forever? Well, who's this? No, go ahead. I was going to say, I mean, it's a hydro situation, right? Who's the second in command? Yes, actually, that's...
Starting point is 02:59:54 Yeah, he's the one that pulled the trigger, but as far as I'm concerned, everybody else with him can die. All right. So we're taking down a whole task force of the cops? We're going to cut the police department. That'd be sick. I'm down. Well, let me just, let me just go ahead. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 03:00:14 Can I talk to you privately for a second? Yeah, can I, can I finish? I just want the vision. I got derailed. I'm so sorry. But anyway, I was in a diner. It was the diner that I met with someone the night I died. Someone that was very important to me. And she asked me not to go and I said, I have to.
Starting point is 03:00:37 And she left and that's where I was. That's where I was in this vision. She was covered in eyes. There, I think it was her. It was a female form covered in eyes. I had the impression it was her, but she didn't respond like her. There's this rock, this rock with blood and hair on it. Like somebody got brained and it's written on it as keeper.
Starting point is 03:01:05 Keeper. Well, none of that makes any damn sense to me. Kane. Any of us know any of this just off of basic like stuff on Vampire lore that we would just know. Does anything bring to you guys? He's nice to me. He said the keeper.
Starting point is 03:01:23 I am not my brother's keeper. Yeah. He killed Abel with a rock. Kane. Kane killed Abel with a rock. Oh, I was thinking ghostbusters. That's where I was going. But same principle.
Starting point is 03:01:40 Wrong game, Amanda. Oh, I wish we had the time to talk about that. Am I am I wrong? Caleb didn't. Kane killed Abel with a rock. Yes. Yes. I am not my brother's keeper and he brained him with a rock.
Starting point is 03:01:55 Yes. So we have Kane imagery, then suspicious minds by Elvis Presley. I remember that for some reason that was playing in the diner. And then she said, never open that door. And I turn around and under what is there with a shadow person, a shadow silhouette. And then I'll never forget this. She said word for word.
Starting point is 03:02:26 I think you'll like the trip. It's better than being here. They'll understand you're needed elsewhere. And then this black cloud rolling over everything. Destroying everything. It was like the diner was at the top of the echelon. Now that I think about it, the top of the hotel. And then we saw this cloud destroyed everything.
Starting point is 03:02:54 So are you supposed to kill someone? Well, if you ask Mo Kerr, I'm not supposed to kill anyone. That part of me is dead. But when it comes to Underwood, fuck Mo Kerr, I'm killing him. I see. Damn, all right. Even if you're going through this door and this eye lady is going to turn the lights off on the world or whatever.
Starting point is 03:03:21 I don't think Underwood's that important. He can't be. What would you do? What would you do if you had an opportunity to hurt the person that took everything from you? Darling, it's not about if you kill him, then it's over and you're still here. But if you make him reliant on you in a certain way and give him torture or give him fear, you can get a lot more out of it.
Starting point is 03:04:01 Honestly, my theory now that I've been here as long as I have and have heard the things I've heard, considering Bugsy, who was the one who was going to give me the intel on him, I think this guy's connected. If anything, he might be involved in the Cirque system. Oh. The circulatory system. Blood dolls. Trafficking people.
Starting point is 03:04:29 Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 03:04:37 Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 03:04:45 Right. Right. Right. Right. So I wonder, would it be involved with the Cirque system? So the only reason Bugsy would have information on him. I mean, listen, apart from having a couple of goals in their back pocket and people to cover things up for him, why else would the Cameral be so personally invested in this guy?
Starting point is 03:05:07 He had to be doing something. He had to be working for somebody running something for someone. Fuck, he may be golled up himself. Things are, if there's anybody that they would want in their pocket, it's this fucking guy, one of the more, maybe, that bureau, every major crime in the city. And drugs, of course, drugs, fucking narcotics. You kidding me? Vegas?
Starting point is 03:05:31 Do I recognize that name? Is that someone I've seen or heard before? Through the Circulatory system. Mm-hmm. So you took the Lord Book Circulatory system, right? You have that? I took, I spent everything in Cirque. Yes.
Starting point is 03:05:48 Okay. Yes. So roll a pool of your Circulatory system plus intelligence. Oh. Okay. One, two, three, four successes. There's no memory of this name whatsoever. There's no tracking throughout this personal system.
Starting point is 03:06:15 You have, like, near Rolodex memory of anyone who's come through, used it, got a part of it, supplied it. He's not in any of those systems. He doesn't work for slow, that's for sure. Okay. Oh, if he's involved with the Cirque, he's buried deep somewhere, not at the front. All right. You are going to see Allison.
Starting point is 03:06:42 I was like, Aaron, read your text really quick because I need a call now. Uh-oh. The reason why I say that is underwood, underwood's a part of my list. I have a list that I go to, to drink, or if I need something. Like, he's my bitch, that's what I'm saying. Okay. Not directly, but yes, indirectly. Indirect.
Starting point is 03:07:29 Indirect bitch. Could be bitch. You've heard of, like, herds and all that stuff, like, all that. Burrows, remember when we said we'd help keep each other accountable? Burrows has, like, kind of been staring off into space for a little bit since you explained the dream and kind of looks up and, yeah, yeah, accountable, yeah. What would you do? Well, if somebody did me dirty the way he did, I don't think I could, uh, I don't think
Starting point is 03:07:59 I could let sleeping dogs lie. You are not the only one, he's done dirty. There's a reason why he is exactly where he is. In my ideal Vegas, these kinds of scumbags wouldn't be around, so you need help. I'll help you. Here's the thing, though. If we're following Prince Grant's fancy little rules and under what is involved in a circulatory system, we can't touch him.
Starting point is 03:08:34 Well, based on what Sybil knows, if he's so deep that it's not common knowledge he is involved, plead ignorance. But if Grant knows, I don't think ignorance is going to save us with a dear old Prince Boy. If you want, you can come to my next meeting with him. It is quite humiliating. I'll let you record it. I mean, I'm not saying that I'm against it because, like, fuck the Prince, but...
Starting point is 03:09:07 Killing him is too simple. Killing him martyrs him. Killing him makes him a martyr. Yeah. He gets the fucking 21 guns salute. He gets the bagpipes. He gets the Amazing Grace. He gets the Hero's Funeral, right?
Starting point is 03:09:17 They're dead cop in Vegas, and his portrait gets put up somewhere and people love him. All right. So we use Allison's connection to him and get close and then do what you want. Yeah. Or we expose him. I want to expose him. Yeah. Honestly, we ask him the right questions and he'll rowling himself.
Starting point is 03:09:36 I want to expose him. Point of order. Isn't there some things you want to get done first before you take him out of office? Yeah. We have... We have this stuff first. No. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 03:09:52 We have to go investigate a club and don't we need evidence? Don't we need access to... He's got all the evidence he needs. Didn't you... Exactly. weren't you about to release an article? Oh, no. You mean...
Starting point is 03:10:04 You mean use Underwood to get us information on the Silver Doll? Fucking Lutely. Okay. When you have someone like that, that's the power. You get him to get us what we want and need. He's had a lot of... That's how you do it. Not a simple kill it, not a simple snap of the neck or a bullet in the brains.
Starting point is 03:10:29 You fucking make him work for you and he goes to being the fucking dog that he is. So grab the leash because he's going to be your bitch too. Did someone say leash? No. Well, we'll think about it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pull us off. But that was the vision.
Starting point is 03:10:50 Obviously we've got some cane. I don't fucking know. Wait, so why did Cain kill his brother? Can he sleep with a wife? No. He presented... Oh, go ahead. Sorry.
Starting point is 03:11:03 He presented an improper offering to God and God made it very vocal and then he got jealous and killed his brother. The fuck? Wait, what? What was he up? Basically they were like, hey, we got some cool fruit. I'm sorry. Wait, Zach started explaining.
Starting point is 03:11:23 Basically they were presenting their best fruit, animals, pelts or whatever to God. And Abel did that. And Cain sort of weaseled his way around that. And God, being God noticed, gave Abel a gold star. Cain took it. Yo, that sounds kind of like... overly complicated and bullshit. Look, isn't Cain who they say made us?
Starting point is 03:11:56 Yeah, he's the first one. Oh, it's his fault then. Cool. Can I write to HR about him? He's got some complaints. He'll be back. Well, look, I know we got a lot on the plate, but I don't know, this whole thing just rose in the wrong way.
Starting point is 03:12:15 Maybe it's something, especially since we are going to have to look into silver dollar, maybe this is something we'll pursue now. Nip it in the bud. I'd rather see our boy Raghale free of this chain of vengeance and revenge. Oh. I know, vengeance is fun sometimes. I really want you to... I can't wait.
Starting point is 03:12:34 This will be... I think this will be a good therapy session. So cathartic. And just to be clear, we're not killing him. Oh, no. Not yet. No, we're going to have fun. Not yet.
Starting point is 03:12:45 Okay. All right, so Allison, why don't you set up the... set up the meat? Let's make this happen. Let me... Can we check this box first with prior? I don't want to leave Bugsy hanging. I don't think Bugsy is the type we want to leave hanging.
Starting point is 03:13:03 That's fine. This is just my side quest. And he's got... I have a feeling we do this for him. He's going to be a good person we want in our corner. He knows things. All right, let's... What do we want to do first?
Starting point is 03:13:20 So we've got the number and we've got the coordinates. Yeah. We got to figure out how we want to talk to this three foot. Oh, Caleb, that was my question. So with the coordinates, does that take us through or past where that thing is? You'd have to go through it if you were taking the tunnels. Where you could go topside, go to the other side, and then come through. We'll do that.
Starting point is 03:13:44 All right. Let's call the number. Fuck it. Okay. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? So is Roguel putting through that call then? Yeah, I'll do that. Yeah, because Mal can't.
Starting point is 03:14:01 I'll bring Sybil. I'll bring Sybil with me. Mal's like 30 feet away like, put it on speakerphone. I want to hear too. Before you grab the phone or before you open it up, the girls is just going to kind of grab your shoulder, Roguel, and just say, look, regarding this whole dream thing, just remember the lyrics to that song. We're caught in a trap and I can't walk out.
Starting point is 03:14:30 Whatever's going on, that wasn't a good port, the thing you dreamed. It wasn't. Remember the whole keeping each other accountable thing? Yeah, man. I'm worried for you. I appreciate it. I appreciate it, man. Thank you.
Starting point is 03:14:54 I'll back off. I'll hit call. It rings almost until you think you're, you're not going to get through. And then finally on the other end, it comes out and there's no words at first. How'd you get this number? I was talking with prior. He said you could fix me. You seen him lately?
Starting point is 03:15:31 No, man. No, I haven't. I don't know what happened to him. Hopefully he got better and he's just moving on. Go ahead and give me a career, a manipulation plus subterfuge. Okay. Right. He's a manipulator, right?
Starting point is 03:15:50 Yeah. He's a gaslight, right? Those are all hunger dice in that pool, baby. Oh, right, Ro. Yeah. That's that. Oh, where'd you go? Here we go.
Starting point is 03:16:09 It's one success. Okay. One success. On the other side, he speaks, you know, I don't usually do business like this. And I'm wondering how you got phone number. You got access. Yeah. He wrote it down, man.
Starting point is 03:16:30 And the document. The document. Yeah. Three foot, right? With the coordinates? Look, what is it you think I'm going to do for you? He said you can make him not like he is. I've got a fucking eye in my forehead, man.
Starting point is 03:16:55 You know what that's like? Yeah, we all know what it's like to be ugly. How much you willing to spend? Man, how much you need? 10 K. All right. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 03:17:17 Fuck yeah. All right. Yeah. And it's just going to be you when you pick up. Same place. Yeah, those coordinates are fine. You come alone. You bring anybody with you.
Starting point is 03:17:33 And I swear to God, all of you die. Yeah, man, not fucking. I don't want any trouble. I just want to fix this shit. I'm going to give you the greatest fix there is. You ever heard of Saint Michael? It's like an archangel, right? One and the same.
Starting point is 03:17:56 The first, the best, and the last. They say it was beautiful like a painting. Skin like stained glass. Everywhere he walked, he made you feel more beautiful too. You know who they call his followers? No. You joined Michael and you become a Nephilim. One of a higher guard, baby.
Starting point is 03:18:22 What's your name? Reg L. You're going to join the archangels today, Reg L. You're going to become Nephilim. Bring your money, coordinates, 45 minutes. You're there. And I'm not waiting. Understood?
Starting point is 03:18:44 Yeah, yeah, hell yeah. Good. And he clicks the phone on you. What? Are you serious? You agreed to come alone? Why would you do that? No, no.
Starting point is 03:18:57 Yeah, I know, but how are we going to... And the Nephilim? They were slaughtered. They were all killed. Yeah, they were giants. Yeah, who were all... Shit, I'm the most religious here. You guys know a hell of a lot more than I do about the Bible.
Starting point is 03:19:12 Fuck. I was going through a crisis of faith before I died. I was going to Temple a lot, but... I was just on Tumblr. Well, Mal, I mean, you can do... You can do some shit, right? Yeah, we got a shadow here. Oh, you're muted.
Starting point is 03:19:30 Oh, Malmuted. Muted. Still muted. Uh, can I cloak all of us in shadow, Caleb? It's like... No. No, it's just me. You can cloak you in shadow.
Starting point is 03:19:41 I mean... The rest of you will be big pain and targets. Um, Enoch can, I believe he can, because I know we both have that silent thing where we can move quietly, but I think Enoch has something on top of that as well. I know. We both have the base level of it. Oh, I thought you had something else. You both took the Dominate Ramon,
Starting point is 03:19:58 or I think Enoch took Auspice. I've been trying to do something lately. Oh. Like what? I'm thinking about sending my... I don't know. Like, shadows are everywhere, right? So, like, ideally, maybe I can be everywhere.
Starting point is 03:20:20 And if I can... I don't know, I feel like if there's a way I can, like, extend my senses into a... Like, if you can make sure it's somewhere shadowy, maybe I can listen in from the shadows without technically being there, and then if shit goes bad, we can run in, right? Yeah, hell yeah. We make a perimeter around where we think you gotta meet. Okay. And spoons.
Starting point is 03:20:51 I mean, spoons, you can... I've never really done this with Rufus, but can you see what spoons sees? You see everything with that, yeah. Would you be... I don't... I would understand if you said no. But would you be willing to help? I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 03:21:17 I thought we were at Coterie, I thought that's what we're supposed to do. Yeah, no, you're right. I guess I didn't want to presume. Thank you. I like the spirit. We're all on board. Fuck yeah, Jesus. I'm gonna go ask Bugsy for the money.
Starting point is 03:21:35 We don't have to bring any money. We're just trying to figure out what the fuck this dude's up to. Fuck the money. No, he's gonna want to see it. He's gonna want to see it. Bring a briefcase. By the time he wants to see it, we're on top of him. I also want to tell Bugsy because I think this guy might be nos.
Starting point is 03:21:51 Something he said, it was, um... We're all ugly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Out of that kind of nos. The second inquisition doesn't know that they're ugly. Right.
Starting point is 03:22:05 Right. Uh, who wants to come with me to meet the big man? I've been meaning to meet him myself, so I'll come along. Yeah. Okay. So, I imagine we're meeting Bugsy and then we're running out to this scene, right? Korax, yep. It is a walk up to the top of the tower and through the main door after Brontes lets you all in.
Starting point is 03:22:29 Any who would like to be there, you are now in the main office of Bugsy's big eye, what he calls the house in the center of Little Strip, you can see just about everything in there behind the desk, eating this full rack of what looks like a very old rack of ribs in front of him on this chipped marbled raw edge desk is Bugsy with that big, bloated watered bubble growth on the side of his head, that elephant tight his body, that near 600 pounds of flesh that is busting up out of this three-piece tux
Starting point is 03:23:07 probably has not taken off in decades. And he wipes some of the refuse from his mouth as he brings you all in, he says, I was not expecting guests, excuse me. Dharma, could you make this shit go away? He kind of brushes away his food and everything, and Dharma comes over to start mopping up, but he moves this big executive rolling chair enough that he's out in front of all of you. Hey, Roguel, you bring me guests this time, huh?
Starting point is 03:23:35 Yeah, boss, this is my coterie. Ah, so these are the Prince's new fucking ass rags, huh? They prefer Watchmen, but yeah. Oh, is that the word for it, huh? Yeah. Tomato tomorrow. I think we got a fix on what happened with Pryor. Well, don't you want to introduce us first?
Starting point is 03:23:57 Don't just rush into... Yeah, no, you're right. I'm sorry, this is... These are my friends Burrows. He immediately walks up and extends his hand and says, on behalf of double H, I want to thank you personally. Good man. You're the one that's been trapped in with him.
Starting point is 03:24:17 You're a friend to double H, ain't ya? He's taught me everything I know about kindre society, yeah. And he told me about how hard you fought for him. That's funny, that's funny. Bugsie takes your wrist and shakes it really hard enough that the flab under his big arms starts to shake and you can feel sort of the turkey waddle as it moves with you. And it comes away greasy in your palm.
Starting point is 03:24:44 Were those Memphis or St. Louis style ribs, by the way? Oh, Memphis is the only fucking way. You want some? He looks at Bugsie as a guy. That's all right, I'm just missing it, you know. All right, well, suit yourself. Burrows, it's good to know you. I've heard some things through some very old voices in this town
Starting point is 03:25:07 that you've been keeping busy. I heard the Prince thinks you're a fucking riot too, which is always a good thing. Yeah, yeah, just a regular riot, regular show. You're keeping your nose clean without Dino around here to keep you people under wraps. I'm hanging out with Rogel. Oh, I don't know, that's keeping your nose clean.
Starting point is 03:25:29 Have you seen some of the shit down here? All right, who's next? Alison. She'll also walk up to Burrows and she's actually, she'll extend her hand out very politely. It's like, Alison Rockwell. He takes it and kisses it on the palm. He says, it's nice to meet you on Bugsie.
Starting point is 03:25:51 He says, I'm happy to know. I know you saw, you had some bones there. Do you happen to have any human bones lying around at all? Human bones? Who the fuck are you talking to? No, I don't just keep that on hand. Jesus, you must be one of Emmerich's. Just this image.
Starting point is 03:26:12 Jeez, no, human bones, you gotta go somewhere that's uncivilized, lady. Thank you. And then she's gonna like kind of just like, like sigh over the top and wink and then twirl away. Right. I don't, I don't live in a cemetery. I live in shit.
Starting point is 03:26:28 Let's get that right. Is that all of you? That's all who want to be known. No, nice. Sorry, spoilers. No, I mean, I'm there in the room at the very least. I see. I'm gonna elbow Enoch.
Starting point is 03:26:47 No. Fuck. Well, okay, let's just get on with business. I'm Sybil. Oh, Sybil Gal. No, that's it. That's all I wanted to say. Good.
Starting point is 03:27:03 Good to meet you, Sybil. You a ventral? No. Good. Good. I'm glad I'm wrong about that. And this one in the corner there. Mal walks forward and over the night,
Starting point is 03:27:22 they've found like different strings from around like the trash and they've braided them together and threw the hyoid bone of prior into a necklace. And I'll hold it out. Sorry for your loss. Is that what I think it is? What do you think it is? I think that's my child's bone right there.
Starting point is 03:27:50 I thought you'd want to keep him with you. He takes it in his hand. That's extremely morbid. What is wrong with you people? Well, the hyoid bone is the only bone that's not articulated to anything else in the human body or the kindred body now, I guess. So I thought you wouldn't want a piece of him until...
Starting point is 03:28:12 Oh, it's fine. Thank you Discovery Channel. I really appreciate that. He put it into the pocket of his blazer. Okay, enough. No more bones at this discussion. Roguel, you have information for me. Clearly you have seen prior and seen something
Starting point is 03:28:27 that has to do with all this. My name's Mal, by the way. Right. Fully not reading the situation clear. By the way, I'm going to put Enoch in the knee, drop him down to his knees and then be like, grab him by his chest, throw him and say, this is Enoch.
Starting point is 03:28:42 Say hi. Hello. There we go. Hello, Enoch. Wow, this is a motley fucking crew, huh? Information. What do I have to do for you people? Tell me good news.
Starting point is 03:28:56 All right. Do we know who the fuck did this? I think it might have been another nos for Ahtu. What? So look, prior set up a network and an internet. He was communicating with folks on there. He was trying to fix who he was.
Starting point is 03:29:18 He was trying to fix his condition. He reached out to a guy named three foot and he says he runs with it. I'm getting ahead of myself. He contacted this guy named three foot. Three foot told him about something called Saint's Tears and they agreed to meet for tent for, for I'm assuming money.
Starting point is 03:29:40 They met at these coordinates and there was a number provided in this file that we found on his computer. I called the number three foot with this group called the Nephilim and he's agreed to meet with me and for 10 K. Well, I'm thinking whatever he gave prior killed him. Did he say what he was selling? I think it's Saint's Tears. He didn't say over the phone.
Starting point is 03:30:09 That's another reason why I think it's kindred. He knew to keep things masked. He did say you would change him though. Turn him into a Nephilim. Nephilim. I pull out the glass bottle sample that we pulled from his room. Nice. That's what we found covering.
Starting point is 03:30:25 That's what we think killed prior. I don't know what the fuck that shit is. It was me. I'll have somebody look at that. The Nephilim though. That's ancient lore. That's talking elder kindred shit. Those were the servants of Michael.
Starting point is 03:30:46 He specifically named Michael, Saint Michael, Dark Angel. There was this old story long time ago that Saint Michael's blood made you... Well, there was Toriador of that clan who served Michael directly, but they drank of his blood and it made them better in their eyes. They called themselves Nephilim. But it was believed Michael's blood could make anybody better. Maybe they're selling a lie.
Starting point is 03:31:26 You gotta go meet with this fan. If he is Nosferatu, then I don't want him alive. I don't want to see him. I want to see him gone. And if you can find out who the fuck he's being supplied with by all this shit, where it comes from, then you need to follow this all the way to the top. You got it? Absolutely.
Starting point is 03:31:51 Nah, this can't be all. You gotta be asking something else of me, unless you're just filling me in. That and I... I feel like if we're gonna show up to a meet, we need to have something to show. I mean, it doesn't need to be 10K, but we need to make it look like we got 10K. 10K? $10,000. Okay.
Starting point is 03:32:10 Ah, shit. And he snaps over to Brontes. Brontes moves into another room. He says, 10 fucking K? You guys told him you'd give him? I was trying to portray myself as super fucking desperate. Yeah, and I'm sure in that moment you were thinking, hey, I got a big fat fucker that'll give me 10K like nothing, huh?
Starting point is 03:32:29 Honestly, I didn't think about it until after the fact. I figured I'd just show up and kill the guy, but... Brontes comes back out with a briefcase, sets it down next to Bugsy. Bugsy turns it around, unlatches it, pulls it out, and about 10K is sitting there right there in the briefcase. Don't say I ever fucking did anything for you, because I don't want to know about whatever the fuck this goes to. It does not stay with all of you when this is all done,
Starting point is 03:32:52 because I cannot imagine you're going to give this stupid motherfucker my money and leave it there, huh? No. No. Alright, he shuts it, latches it, pushes it over to you, Rock L. Thanks. Yeah, no problem. If he's not Nosferatu, you want me to bring him back here?
Starting point is 03:33:15 No, I want him dead. I've decided that if anyone thinks they can actually sell this shit to my people, they don't deserve to breathe. But before they fucking die, you find out where they're getting it, and why. Why are they targeting us? Obviously they want our money, but more than that, they want us dead. They're selling a line to my people. No one should be ashamed of what they are.
Starting point is 03:33:43 And no one should go looking for answers to something that can't change. You got it. Alright, fuckers. Vamos. You sure you don't want some Memphis boroughs? Alright, maybe one if you offer. He offers a little rib out your side there. Does it look like it's like literally old?
Starting point is 03:34:13 Like it's it's broke. It looks like maybe it's been in a day. I'll take a bite. I'll chew it on my way out. It's like bad leftover. Just want to taste that sweet barbecue sauce. So I believe that maybe all of us are on our way out unless there's anything else to ask of a bugsy and Dharma.
Starting point is 03:34:33 If I can, I want to use a phone to like Google map the coordinates and see what exactly what kind of area it is. It is a fucking piece of nowhere. You imagine it's probably the ending to an access tunnel. Just like this entrance you took to get to Little Strip. Well, it's hard to tell, right? Because when you Google map and you locate in, it is the mouth of another storm drain. It doesn't look like where I ate it, does it?
Starting point is 03:35:07 No. No, no, no, no. Okay, cool. Okay, cool. That'd be crazy. Okay. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:35:15 I'll look to the other and say, all right, so we can't go through the tunnels. Our best bet is to go up and then back down. There's something in there. I need to check on the car anyway. All right. Yeah. So you all begin the journey out of Little Strip back to baby blue and then to a very clandestine meaning with three foot the dealer of Michael's tears here in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 03:35:47 We will pick back up with that conclusion next session. Yes. When we see how all of that goes. Speaking of which is next Saturday. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. A big reminder to all of our listeners.
Starting point is 03:36:07 We will be doing a back to back double feature of Vegas by night. So join us next Saturday, same time, same place, same bat channel when we will continue this little escapade and we will see just how far Michael's rabbit hole goes. Hell yeah. Thanks for joining us guys. Yeah. Thanks everybody. Thank you friends.
Starting point is 03:36:29 Bye.

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