Mayday Plays - Vegas By Night Ep. 7 - "Holy Warrior"

Episode Date: September 25, 2022

The Coterie looks into the mysterious death of a nosferatu that leads them to a terrifying conclusion. We offer a bunch of art, music, and behind-the-screen access, including Vegas By Night 1-on-1 se...ssions on our Patreon;, including access to our discord server! Here are some of our other socials; Twitter: Instagram: Website: Thanks for your support! Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, Indrid, and welcome to Vegas by night. Made a role, played the Vampire of the Masquerade Chronicle. I just want to personally thank everyone for being here. You could choose to be anywhere else, but you choose to be here with us, and that is a remarkable feeling. Welcome to the table. Grab a blood bag, hug your ghoul,
Starting point is 00:00:20 say goodbye to your loved ones, and remember that the best thing we can do for each other is include ourselves in each other's stories. If you've missed out on any chapter of Vegas by night, don't fear, you can still check it out on Spotify, on Twitch VOD, and our YouTube channel as of right now. If you're wondering how you can get more Mayday in your life, you can catch our stream here every other Saturday
Starting point is 00:00:43 for our main show. You can follow us on all major platforms, as well as Spotify and SoundCloud for podcast-friendly recordings of all our major shows and streams. And finally, you can donate to us on Patreon and join our Patreon Discord. Discord is really where things have popped off,
Starting point is 00:01:00 and we've had this great opportunity to put a little family together around the content we put out. We've had patrons who have joined each other's games and played in some hosted by ourselves. We've started at Deadpool, on which one of us will die first. We've debated the most vile pizza toppings possible,
Starting point is 00:01:16 and most recently, we've added some Vegas by night emotes that have changed our lives. Spoons has become a wildfire across our entire Discord, so hopefully you get the opportunity to join in on that. And in addition to all that craziness, you get an opportunity to listen to exclusive Patreon content
Starting point is 00:01:35 and behind-the-scenes information. If you're a fan of Vegas by night, we still have Niles' origin session up exclusively on our Patreon, and look out in the next few weeks when we put the next one up. We have an Orpheus debrief on the way soon, detailing and answering all the questions put forward
Starting point is 00:01:51 by the fans of the show, as well as cast members themselves, so keep a lookout for that. We'd also like to give a shout-out to our handler-level Patreon contributors. It's because of their involvement in our content that we can begin thinking of all the huge things we have planned for Mayday.
Starting point is 00:02:08 So thank you to Ankh, to OjiPan, to Bimblewort, to Cameron S., to Eric A., and to Jonathan M. Thank you guys so much for supporting us. It really means a lot to us to see you at that Patreon level, but also to see you in the chat and to get to constantly communicate with you guys through all of that. So thank you again.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Other than that, please check out our Delta Green campaign, Doom to Repeat, which has just been like, since the last time I talked to you, nominated for like 50 more awards. I can't even name them anymore. We are blowing up in that direction. So huge, huge thank you to everyone
Starting point is 00:02:44 who has decided to vote for us in that direction, and for the opportunity to be recognized on that level. There's also our D&D campaign centered in the island world of Ashoka, which is so worth watching. And the closest we ever get to a pacifist run, as Mayday, we're actually good people in that one, and we make pretty good decisions, too.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And our Old World of Darkness campaign using the Orpheus system, which is headed up by our lovely Vince, all of which are available on all major podcasting platforms, YouTube, and our Twitch. Before we get started today, I just want to remind everyone that Vampire the Masquerade can be a dark setting,
Starting point is 00:03:26 and as such, there are content warnings for any watching. Please be advised that there may be violent themes, plenty of adult language, and the exploration of darker subjects. Please take care of yourself and be aware. If you're looking for content warnings, today you may have to deal with themes of choking, of acid, of death, loss of loved ones,
Starting point is 00:03:48 and finally, goodbyes. I think it's about time we got started, so let's proceed. Humanity was cursed, and with that curse, we were given a choice. A choice to accept new rules of engagement and become as cruel as the beast demands, or to seek the warmth lost in our veins at the embrace. This choice is never easy,
Starting point is 00:04:17 given the option between unlimited, unchecked power. How do you choose to deny it? This choice, this parable, reminds me not of the first city and its woes, not of Cain, Lilith, or any lost seers. Instead, it reminds me of a reporter in the Las Vegas sun, a man burdened with glorious purpose, whose sire told him so very plainly
Starting point is 00:04:41 that he held the future of mankind in his hands, that if he could keep himself from the petty trappings of his former life, if he could kill Cantor and love Roguel, then the only thing keeping him from glorious rapture would be time. But like all Kindred, he was stubborn in the matters of his previously beating heart,
Starting point is 00:05:05 too quick to hold on to grudges that were never his to keep. His vaite rose quickly to the boiling point at the thought of the man who had escaped him time and time again, the one who left him for dead. Soon, in these Vegas nights, he stood on the precipice of some great cliff, and at the bottom lay thousands of versions of himself
Starting point is 00:05:27 dashed against the rocks. The choice was simple, pull himself free from the edge, and accept that not all things in this world are for the taking, and not all endings are worth seeing through, or, well, humanity was cursed. And whether that curse was the dread form in which we take these nights,
Starting point is 00:05:51 or the hubris that saturates our very being with regret, we will never know. We will be told time and time again by the ones who have been there to give pause. We will strike at the palms of loved ones who will beg us to see there is another way. We will deny every honest instinct to stop, and we will plunge ourselves from the cliff
Starting point is 00:06:18 with no sight for the bottom. We will kill our darlings. Welcome to Vegas by night. Yeah. All right, welcome back. Let's get straight into it. Let's introduce our cast. My name is Caleb James Miller.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I'm going to be your storyteller today. Please forgive me. Fuck you. It's already started. Last time I checked, I was Aaron, and I'm Blaine Enoch. Pretty sure I'm Allegra. I'm not sure I'm the only one who's playing Aaron, and I'm Blaine Enoch.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Pretty sure I'm Allegra, and I'm definitely playing Mal. I'm still Eli, and I'm playing Niles. I would. I will be Sergio playing Burroughs. For the time being, I'm Vince, and I am playing Roguel. For now, I am Zakiya playing Sybil. And I am still Amanda playing Allison. Ron, you're Zamanda now.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Zamanda. Zamanda. Zamanda. Yeah, I'm glad if that works, too. I have remembered this week that we must have a recap performed by Roguel. So whenever you're ready, Roguel. All right, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Mal. I'm not one for melodrama or hyperbole, but if you're reading this, then something's happened. Either I've had to leave again through no volition of my own, or I've died for the last time. Regardless, I wanted to ensure I didn't leave without extending some sort of farewell.
Starting point is 00:09:06 You deserve that much, and I'm just sorry I couldn't deliver it in person. To be honest, it feels good to write again. I haven't picked up a pen or touched a keyboard since, you know, I imagine it's what physical therapy must feel like a painful at first, maybe even a little disappointing when you don't make as much progress as you'd initially hoped,
Starting point is 00:09:29 but after a while, function begins to return to atrophied muscles and you emerge from each session a little stronger than when you began. It reminds me of who I was and who I used to be, who I could maybe be again. These past couple nights have been nothing short of chaotic. Finding out that Bugsy was the one who called me
Starting point is 00:09:49 out to the desert, the one who was going to reveal everything to me before turning me, only form occurred to beat him to the punch. To be honest, I'm still not sure how to process any of that. It's a strange feeling to know that one way or another, I was going to end up like this, that whatever free will I thought I had
Starting point is 00:10:05 was nothing more than an illusion. In the entire time I was just a pawn and machinations I still can't comprehend. Honestly, you and the coterie have made that bitter pill a bit easier to swallow. We suffer in solidarity and we endure together. Anyway, Bugsy asked me to look into his child's untimely demise.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I knew he couldn't do it alone and there was a degree of both relief and gratitude and you all agreed to help. I'm impressed with how much we've discovered in such a short amount of time. Prior building his clandestine server, communicating with the world above, finding three foot and a way to maybe
Starting point is 00:10:45 reverse his physical condition. Whoever these Nephilim are, they're predators. They sniff out weakness, they separate the old and infirm from the herd and they pounce. Remember when I said someone always has something to gain? These fuckers are no different than I doubt they're due just doing it for money.
Starting point is 00:11:02 It's a perk, it's not a motive. Do they have a bone to pick with Bugsy and little strips specifically? Are the agents of the second inquisition? Are the Camarilla trying to remind the Nosferatu of their supposed place? Even though I know we are walking into a trap, I can't turn away.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I need to know why and prior needs justice. He didn't deserve what happened to him. No one does. It's funny. This blind, stubborn pursuit of the right thing is what got me here to begin with. I guess even getting murdered is enough for me to learn my lesson.
Starting point is 00:11:41 If it gets me killed again, well, I can only hope it'll be worth it and I hope you and the others will forgive me. When we're alive, we're always told to strive to be better. That every day is another opportunity to evolve, to change, to be more than what we were the day before. And today is when we do this through Mitzvah,
Starting point is 00:12:01 good deeds and adhering to Hashem's commandments. Rabbi Sam always said it was more than just doing or being good. He said Mitzvah was derived from the Hebrew word Zavda, which means connection. It is through these Mitzvah, all 613 of them, that we build that connection to Hashem and go closer to Him.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Now that I'm dead, we're told to never strive to be anything more than what we are, to accept and always remember our place, to give into the beast within us and to do our worst to each other, to be thankful for the boots on our necks, regardless of whether it's the Camarilla or the Anarchs wearing them.
Starting point is 00:12:36 We're constantly reminded of what happens to those who have the audacity to hope. Prior is only our latest lesson. Bugsy said it best. No one should go looking for answers to something that can't change. I can't live or exist or whatever like that. I won't and I hope you won't either.
Starting point is 00:12:58 If I leave you with nothing else, I hope you remember this. You can always choose to be better than you were yesterday. If you fail, you can try again. If you succeed, bring the others with you. Remind them what it was to be human, to be more than what the rest of us, to be more than what the rest want us to be.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Above all else, be better than they expect you to be. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to make that church our home. I was looking forward to seeing what that basement monster was all about. Yours, in this life or the next, Ethan Cantor. Amazing. Very good.
Starting point is 00:13:40 What a wonderful place to start our session off at. Let's discuss two things, everyone. Let's hear where we're at hunger-wise and let's hear what decisions we've made XP-wise since the last time we saw each other because I believe some people have made some changes. So first off, let's do a little hunger roll call. Where are we at?
Starting point is 00:14:02 Two for Niles. Two for Niles. Four for your boy, Ragell. One for Burroughs. One for Burroughs, four for Ragell. Three, three for Ina. Also three. Sybil is at three, Allison at one.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yep. Oh, two. Mal is at two. Beautiful, so some of us are approaching the, well, the throngs of hunger. It's becoming a lot harder to ignore that biting feeling, Vince. So please keep that in mind as we go along.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Absolutely. As for XP, have we made any major changes that we'd like to inform our audience of what we're capable of doing? I have taken, I'm not gonna explain what it is. I'm just gonna say that it's called the touch of oblivion. That is beautiful to hear, and it will come in handy in this session.
Starting point is 00:15:04 We too have a similar ability. Do you? Oh, I understand what you said. Disgusting. I believe. Wait, Zack has a thing. Yeah, I took Farrell weapons. Farrell weapons?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yes. Sick, I don't know what it means, but I'm here for it. It is the most gangrel thing to exist. Time is, yep. Beautiful, that puts us at the beginning of our session here. Last we saw each other, we were in route after speaking with Bugsy directly
Starting point is 00:15:41 and receiving the necessary cash for the deal with three foot. We are now zipping through Sloan County, the south end of Las Vegas, going to the location you all found in a private server on Pryor's ShrekNet laptop. It pointed to a series of coordinates that you at first thought may be in the sewers themselves, but was later revealed to be an open mouth opening
Starting point is 00:16:14 to the storm tunnels that run underneath Las Vegas. You guys eventually arrive and park the car as close as you can, but it is a walk into the desert to find this sort of a dirt road that tracks up to the beginning of this mouth. In the mouth itself, you come out to a scoped out clearing at the mouth of the storm drain,
Starting point is 00:16:42 and there's a series of standing pools of water in amongst the hard packed dirt of the arid Las Vegas desert. You're looking down what is essentially a 120 foot stretch to the actual gate itself, the mouth of that tunnel. And along the way, you can already feel the picking up of the wind that's blowing across the surface of these infested little pools of water
Starting point is 00:17:06 that act like ponds across that 120 foot stretch. The incline on either sides is steep and at its highest closest to the gate itself is maybe a 30 foot vertical to one ramp side atop the standing pools. The tunnel itself is shut behind a rusted gate and door comprised of rebar pipes strategically placed side by side and a steel gate door,
Starting point is 00:17:33 which would usually be barring entry, but is for now swinging freely off its hinges. The night is quiet with not even your pulses to keep the silence company. And if anyone is here, they're either watching from somewhere or hiding in plain sight. You're all here at the foot of this 120 foot stretch with your autonomy.
Starting point is 00:17:59 What is the move here? They told you to come alone, right? Yeah, they said come alone. They said come alone and they'd bounce if they caught wind that anybody else was here. Or no, they said they'd kill everybody, never mind. They said they'd kill me and kill all you. That's a big difference.
Starting point is 00:18:21 That's a big difference. That's a big difference. Shit. Well, can we, Caleb, do we know if there's kind of judging by the layout of the sewers or at least what Raigel knows of it and then where we're at? Is this the only way in and out
Starting point is 00:18:41 or is there another entrance, another exit? You know that with these storm drains, they run pretty much the length of Las Vegas's city. So much so that the moles have made a civilization out of it. Odds are that this entrance in and out, while it is a lot more dejected from the other intersections, there has to be some sort of ulterior entrance.
Starting point is 00:19:07 There must be something that connects these tunnels. Otherwise, the water would have nowhere to flood off of. Well, I believe we lost Vince. We'll take just half a second to see if he comes back for us. So if while we're waiting, can I say that Mal found a discarded plastic bottle and filled it up with the water? Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:31 So you're collecting some of the standing water that has been left over from these floods. Yeah. A lot of it has been sort of tainted by the locusts that have been infesting Las Vegas these past few nights. So some of them have sort of left their refuse in this standing water. And there's like millions of those little gnats
Starting point is 00:19:54 that will collect along the surface. It's the scummy, disgusting, it's the leftovers of Las Vegas in water form, which is of course the worst sort of jungle juice in the world. But you do manage to collect that into like a discarded broken up aquafina bottle. And you now have what is essentially a useless bottle of standing, disgusting water.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Congratulations Mal, I'm very proud of you. Thank you for this. There is a method to my madness. I'm sure there is. I look forward to finding out what this pond water means for us. If it's very obvious that like parking baby blue near this is a bad idea,
Starting point is 00:20:37 I mean, I would have been fine with parking it like as much as like a couple blocks away and we were just walked up to this space just to not be super obvious. Understood. Do you want to leave it in like an official parking spot or is this like we stop a few miles or like a mile before the dirt road
Starting point is 00:20:55 and then walked from there? Is baby blue in somewhere that it's supposed to be or not? I don't know. I almost feel like it's a bad idea. We should have a getaway car. Like we should have a way to get out of here. So is it also like, is it completely obvious there's nowhere for the group of us to hide?
Starting point is 00:21:13 It is pretty barren out here, but there are enough like, you know, like bulldozer built hills almost, how sometimes the government will like pack up mountains so that they can clear out the dirt roads they've made themselves. There's a collection of those that have made like makeshift dunes off to the left of where you are.
Starting point is 00:21:34 You could also hightail it back to where you would stash baby blue behind, you know, a series of those dunes or the easiest way to hide for you would be distance because this is sort of a barren, you know, think a lot of those Las Vegas stretches of just plain arid dust for miles. So you can see the city in the background.
Starting point is 00:21:56 You can see these makeshift dunes off to the left and baby blue is south of that where you stashed her behind a collection of those, but not much. I think just to stay close, I actually, unless the coterie decided not to, I probably would have tried to pull up behind one of these dunes,
Starting point is 00:22:12 just as close as possible. So we've got some way to get out of here. Also, this is just a very quick question. What is everybody wearing? Because if it's like very dark because it's in the desert, it's like light. So if we're all wearing like heavy blacks that could also help us big time.
Starting point is 00:22:33 You got a black shirt for me to wear, it's all I got. I can get you a black shirt. If this is something you guys would have liked to have planned on the way from Bugsy to here, that's a possibility. If maybe you guys stopped for a change of clothes. Although I don't know how many Hawaiian style shirts come in black.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Double black. Yeah, no. Or printed shirts, I should say. Wait, wait, it's like in mourning. Like he's like out of, like it's like in mourning, like Hawaiian shirts, you know? So it's black and white. I'll give you that.
Starting point is 00:23:05 There you go. You found a nice black and white printed shirt. I'm sure they exist. Yeah. Gotta stay on brand. Yeah. There's a whole section. There's nowhere to hide.
Starting point is 00:23:15 What if we do something crazy like the ourselves in a bunch of holes and hide under the dirt? Oh yeah, you're not getting braided. Oh no, like tremors. Or we just hide a baby blue, but I worry about being so far away from Raquel. Can anyone else turn invisible?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Can you turn invisible? I can be very quiet. I can be very quiet where people can't hear me. Hence, where if I'm wearing a black, it's also gonna be harder to see me, so. That's very handy in certain confined situations. Oh my God. Even wearing a black printed shirt,
Starting point is 00:23:54 I'm about as loud as I can be. I don't know if I have an off button, so you're gonna have to keep me at a distance. By the car? What about the shotgun? I can also be in the shadows. It's harder for people to find me. Now that Vince is back,
Starting point is 00:24:19 let me add him to the thing real quick. That's all right. We hear you, but our audience doesn't, so here we go. Okay, we also have shotguns and weapons still. I know it's hard. I definitely have a handgun, yeah. Oh, we got guns. So you have two boomsticks left,
Starting point is 00:24:40 and then just a string of glocks that you all took from the Boom Boom Club. And I believe a submachine gun from the bigger gentlemen, which is sort of like an Uzi class, big, you know. How much time do we have that I could call a favor and I think we're not early, are we? Damn it, okay. We're here.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Yeah, we're here. Yeah, like we're here. Damn it. Never mind. I can hide. Mal can hide. Yeah. I'm right here.
Starting point is 00:25:12 You're there. Niles, you're hiding. Where? I don't know. Be crowd to the top of the pile of sand. I'm not a, yeah. Okay. I can hide.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah, if we have people out here, if things go loud and we need to flush them out, we flush them out this way and whoever's waiting can pick them off. Where you are. I parked the, I parked Baby Blue near a big pile of sand like, you know, a half a block away or something like that. Love it.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Perfect. You and I could ride a defense because we like, we can be a distraction because we can't be heard. So if we go our fast enough, we can at least cause a distraction. They just can't hear us. Well, no one's ever accused me of being fast before.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Okay. We're great. Someone's gotta be close. I'm sure about that. I can. I can be in the shadows. Someone's very overconfident tonight. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Just be safe. I mean, if things go south and it's obvious I'm not getting out of there, you won't get back. You know, shut up. Yeah, let's not talk negative just yet. Say things we won't do. Nope.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Personally, I'm very excited to see what happens. Yeah. Yeah, I guess I'm excited to see what the fuck this is all about. Let's try to take this guy alive. Surely we can learn more with him alive, right? I agree. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:26:45 It's like information. We go home. Voxy wanted him dead though. Well, yeah, interrogate him. So remember, we have a nice room in our subbasement that I'm sure we can hold him down. That's as good as being dead. Should we take this person where we live actually though?
Starting point is 00:27:02 Why not? All that matters is that we find out where he's getting the saints here, whatever the hell this shit is. There enough. Bugsie wanted us to follow the chain, follow it to the top. So you approach from the front.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Allison and I will perform a pincer maneuver together round. And I guess everybody else just stays back here. Well, Mal is along with him. Yeah. He's not going in alone. Raggo's shadow. Where is it? Where's our distinguished gentleman?
Starting point is 00:27:36 Where's the pupper? Where's the doggie? He's right here, he's here. Do you want him? No, I mean, where's he going to be? Where is he going to be? We'll leave him out here to chase down anybody who decides to run.
Starting point is 00:27:50 All right, as long as he doesn't shit in the car or anything. Oh, no, no, he's a good boy. He could shit in the car. He's a good boy. He's a good boy. Hey, Niles, is Spoonz able to do like aerial surveillance? Like kind of keep an eye on what's going on from above? That's what crows do.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I'm going to pull. Yeah. Pull Spoonz out. And soon some up in the air. To any of you who have not seen Spoonz recently, he seems to have grown a fleshy human-like appendage on either side of the wing that has become bladed at the tips that almost looks like saw-bladed appendages at the feathers
Starting point is 00:28:36 and has considerably extended his flight span. What the fuck is wrong with that? What happened? What did she? What happened? He is up and away before there is even a chance to see it for too long. It is a flash of flesh as it takes to the sky.
Starting point is 00:28:54 What is that? That's fucking weird. What is that? What happened? What are you talking about? Bitch. We saw what we all just saw. Do you aren't going to act like we didn't see what we just saw?
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah, that part in the little kid show where all the monsters, the robots combined to make a big robot, that's what your bird is doing. What is, what happened? The fleshy wings. He got hurt and I fixed him, it's fine. Okay. You're full Frankenstein in?
Starting point is 00:29:26 Who hurt the flying puppy? Who hurt the flying puppy? Don't worry about it. I'm worried about it, if that's what happens when he gets hurt. Yeah. Now we got a murder pigeon though. Okay. A murder flying puppy.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Sure, that works too. Does that hurt your problem? Yeah. Now that I think about it. Shredded pigeon works. Shredded pigeon works. Sure, ripped pigeon, let's go. Spoons evolved, like a Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Not even their final form. Yeah, Pokemon. I thought it kind of looked like a naked turkey. Kind of sorda, yeah. You all are standing here about 150 feet away from the biggest drug deal of your life, discussing the naked turkey Pokemon. I am going to activate Sensei on scene.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Okay, absolutely. Go ahead and read off for me and the viewers because obviously I know what that does. Yes. But the viewers, you know. Absolutely. You could just tell me exactly what that does for us. Yeah, so whenever there's something supernatural,
Starting point is 00:30:36 hiding in plain sight, you're going to roll hidden wits plus aspects against the difficulty that you choose. But then against anything actively trying to stay hidden, you can call for a blind role as a contact. Anyway, I can see things that are hidden from view from the naked eye using. Go ahead and give me a wits plus aspect.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I will also do Sensei on scene. Go ahead and give me a wits plus aspects. And I will activate Shadow Cloak. Yes, I'll do it. Just real quick, I don't believe that Sensei on scene calls for a rouse check, does it? I don't believe so, let me double check. The cost is free, correct?
Starting point is 00:31:18 Cost is free. What about with Shadow Cloak, Amal? Doesn't say anything about a rod check either. Okay, no cost. Yeah. Well then, we're beautiful. Go ahead and give me those wits plus aspects checks for all of you.
Starting point is 00:31:32 That is two successes. Did Spoon see anything while he's surveilling? Yeah, go ahead and give me, let's do your Pool in Famulous plus Intelligence. I got three successes. Oh, sorry, Aaron. Oh, I was just gonna say, I got three successes, so I'm better.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Okay, three successes. This is fun. Also, Caleb, I'm gonna activate my Silence of Death so no one can hear me. Beautiful, there's this buzz as all noise evaporates from around Allison and she becomes living white noise. We had our Famulous role, how'd we do there? One success.
Starting point is 00:32:22 One success. So, Spoon's does this glide over and from everything that you can sense off of that connection with Spoon's, this seems to be pretty clear. Spoon's comes back not finding anything out of the ordinary, doesn't seem to find, you know what, the only thing that he finds is a sedan that is parked maybe two miles from where you're all located
Starting point is 00:32:50 to the north where you're on the south. That's about all you find is a sedan parked out in the dirt. For Rigel, you're sense the unseen. Tell me what that looks like as your clan takes over and you begin to see things that are not truly there. That's right, he kind of lifts up the beanie just enough to expose the third eye on his forehead and he closes his actual eyes,
Starting point is 00:33:19 but the third eye stays open and begins moving and looking and as it does, it begins to weep. Just a thin bead of vitae down his face. Love that. And Enoch, what does this look like from a Malkavian standpoint? I don't think it looks like anything out of the ordinary other than I'm just staring at everything very intensely and nothing at the same time.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Familiar glaze falls over Enoch's eyes. Also, I'm going to do the Allison thing too. I'm doubling up. Beautiful. Because I'm better than everybody. Both Enoch and Rigel, you immediately affect four people into existence, essentially, who were not there before.
Starting point is 00:34:08 About 150 feet from where you are now, atop the storm tunnel looking down on the stretch is one individual that you immediately take for a kindred as he is a Nosferatu individual and then three backed up men in bulletproof vests. From this distance, it's a little harder to see their faces. The Nosferatu is the easiest to pick out because his skin hangs off of him like a blanket,
Starting point is 00:34:37 as though he's lost all elasticity and has begun to melt free from the bones. He is this skin curtain of a man as he stands on the top of the tunnel itself and is watching from afar. Now, of course, you all are packed up against that sand dune, so odds are you're still protected from his sight. It doesn't seem as though he's seen you yet,
Starting point is 00:35:02 but flanking him is one man in that bulletproof vest down prone with a high-powered rifle that is poised off of a bipod looking down that 120-foot stretch. There's another individual, still bulletproofed out that almost like riot gear over a plane's clothes. And he's holding some form of an AR-15,
Starting point is 00:35:27 some sort of assault rifle in his hands, strapped up behind his back as well. And then the third sort of thumbs through the chambers on a 357 magnum as they're sort of watching down this stretch. They look itchy, especially the three men flanking the Nosferatu. The Nosferatu is sort of sitting on the rim of the tunnel,
Starting point is 00:35:50 just sort of swaying his legs across the open air. And the other three seem very on edge as if maybe whatever it is this Nosferatu is doing to protect them all from vision is putting them, their hackles up, essentially. But you see all that, that's about 150 feet down on top of that storm drain. We've got company.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yeah, you're gonna have to walk out alone. All right. I mean, if I go in the shadows, you can't see me. Right. Be ready to move though. And go for that sniper first based on that rifle. That's gonna fuck somebody up.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Or the rest of you. Outside of Enoch and Rogel looking down that pike. There is no person there. All right. Who's got the submachine gun? Hell, I'll take it. Take it. And if things go loud burrows,
Starting point is 00:36:52 you just do you see the top of that tunnel there? Just fucking rake it. I worried I'm too far. I feel like I need to just have baby blue ready to drive closer. I don't need you to. I don't need to be accurate. I just need you to suppress. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:37:08 If you want to shoot, I can drive. No, no. How about you shoot all drive? Okay. There we go. I can also like because I'm quiet. I can at least run in really fast. And I get one good surprise out of it.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Basically. Yeah. Yeah. Where's the sniper? He's all right. There's a Nosferatu right there. And then if you look, if you're looking just to his side, he's there prone.
Starting point is 00:37:35 He's prone out. No, no, wait a minute. Surely someone's got to get close to us for have for us to have any kind of advantage. Otherwise, I almost feel like a bum rush is a better option. I mean, you walk out there by yourself at best that Nosferatu is going to come to you and we still got three guys at a distance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:55 What are you going to say that's going to be worth? I mean, I just feel like we're going to be at a disadvantage until unless we surprise him or something. Yeah. Can you can anyone else travel with you in the shadows? Just me. Okay. But if we run, even if it's a long way, we can circle around really quick.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Like we sprint like the motherfucker. We can meet you. And what you can do is we can do that and we can grab. We can at least get that rifle away. Okay. Here's the idea I have is I'm going to walk up with Ragell and then as soon as he stops talking, it stops the talk to the Nosferatu, I keep going and I just yank this knife or down.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I don't know if that's necessary. Don't we just want to get this guy out of here? Maybe maybe the purpose is drag him to baby blue and then we go. Okay. We don't need to stay in any kind of firefight. Okay. Okay. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Let's do this. Oh, go ahead. If we're going to do that, then we should disable the vehicle that's there. Then they can't pursue us if we're just grabbing and going. Yes. That thing's a mile away, you said. A couple of miles, but yeah, but they'll catch up with us on the drive. They're going to have to run to it though.
Starting point is 00:39:06 We'll have a hell of a head start. Two miles. Okay. That's something we could do. We can run now. Well, it'll take us at least half an hour to get there and half an hour back. We're vampires. How fast can we run?
Starting point is 00:39:19 Jesus. That's actually a good question. Yeah, that is a good question. It's considerably easier for you to track two miles than it would be for a human being. You'd make it maybe a quarter of the time. So five minutes. Five, ten minutes. Five, ten minutes.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I think that's worth it. We just wanted to disable the car, right? Yeah. Right. Can I try? Can I try to summon? What kind of animals are out here, Caleb? Well, you're out in the desert, so you have a lot of options in terms of vermin.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Scavengers, predators, coyotes, scorpions, snakes, plenty of snakes. I think you have. Porcupines? Porcupine. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Yeah. I will take a snake though. Mountain lion? You could easily summon some rattlesnakes or corn snakes. There's the Grand Canyon rattlesnake or the Mojave Green. I'm going to summon some rattlesnakes. OK. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:25 If you just, if you can do that. Yeah. And all of a sudden they're laying down and they're just chilling and all of a sudden all these snakes start showing up. Yeah. I'm going to send them an email. That's a great idea. Passed my rouse check.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Thank God. OK. No hunger is gained as you, how does this look? How is it that Sybil summons a field of snakes, a plague of snakes? While they're talking, I think she's trying to see where these invisible people are. And as she's trying to parse out this like completely black environment, she is super tuned in and hears a snake. And then she just kind of starts encouraging, like mentally encouraging, yes, this is what
Starting point is 00:41:09 I want. And then until there's like three or four of them, she sends them in the direction that ragout described. There is a collection of those disgusting rattles that knocking sound, that disgusting collection of hisses that collected the back of these rattlesnakes as they all combine into this mess, this writhing over pile of slithering bodies as they beckon call to you immediately as they collect about at your feet. And the sound becomes deafening for a moment as they all lay at you right there at your
Starting point is 00:41:50 feet. OK. This is weird. She has a snake meeting and she just says, we're going for angles. We're going for throats. They seem applicable as they're sort of writhing over and crawling up your legs for a moment as you're describing the ankles and coiling and moving. But it is a symbiotic relationship.
Starting point is 00:42:17 They are not here to bite and they're here to make noise to allow you to know that they are yours. And with that command, with that order, they begin to slink off into the darkness of the desert and weave a long path up that 150 foot stretch to get to the back of where they are in the direction of the vehicle and in the direction of the back of these invisible people. OK. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:43 They're going to do their best. That was cool. That's incredible. Snake spooked me out, but that was awesome. Thanks. I try not to. Anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Yeah. The snakes are actually pretty cool though. You shouldn't. They're dumb. All right. We're coming up on the time crunch. We ready? Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Yeah. All right. Thank you. All of you. Thank us when we get out of this. All right. This is how we do. Grab the I grabbed the suitcase and I walk out from behind the doom and I start approaching.
Starting point is 00:43:19 OK. So now draped in these shadows follows behind you as the two of you begin to move down the pike. Now, of course, you have to stay about 30 feet from where he actually is because the loom of that tall vertical ramp is the best shadow you have. There are these two lanes opposite this middle pike that that Rogel is moving down the center up and it provides the most collection for you to sit. But it is enough that you can walk plainly as this looming black silhouette of yourself
Starting point is 00:43:52 through the shadow off the side there and you you to begin moving down the pike. The rest of you here, what is the plan as Rogel and them are taking the center? Just out of nervousness, he's going to burrows, going to take out his gun, cock it. Show a surprising amount of knowledge, like, you know, checking the barrel, like doing what needs to be done with a gun you've never handled, kind of surprising for goofy burrows. But, you know, like he warned, he just can't keep quiet. And as he's watching them walk up to himself, he's just very like under his breath, just kind of humming.
Starting point is 00:44:33 And eventually it just starts coming out in words. That's it. Beautiful. As burrows is trying to calm his unsteady nerves as that Ravnos blood bleeds through all of you begging for fire, begging for movement, begging for the drive, you suppress it the best you can with the words of the Lord. Beautiful. Anything else we are setting up as you can see Rogel is crunching the dirt of this desert
Starting point is 00:45:25 as he's making his central way. Rogel, you can already see that those invisible men up there on the ridge suddenly perk up as they can see you walk into frame. And it's clear that they look excited. There's a rack of that high powered rifle. And then as set in as he prepares himself behind the scopes, Enoch. Yeah, I'm ignoring everything that anybody said and I'm going straight for that sniper. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Let me do the sniper. God damn it. Enoch, are you walking into frame? No, I'm trying to. Or are you walking far around? I'm trying to, yeah, like go around. All right, my love. Let's see how stealthy you are then.
Starting point is 00:46:04 You have silence involved, so make sure you include your obfuscate pool, which I think it gives you an additional dot to what you're doing, right? I can't remember. Let's look up what the silence does for you. There we go. Which is what's it's called? Silence of death. Silence of death.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Did you put two? No, I just have one. Silence of death. Quiet yourself. I believe it just means you make no sound. Yeah, that's all it does. Well then, let's just get a stealth roll from you, my friend. Let's get dexterity plus stealth.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Are you also doing this like, are you doing that like not hiding it from me or anyone else? Like fishing me? I might do it, I might try to do it when like nobody's looking, like everybody's looking at what's going on with raggle, and then I'm just gonna whoop. I'm looking at my snakes, so I might see them. That is one, two successes and a one. I believe just one success.
Starting point is 00:47:20 So you had two successes and one failure, you're saying? Yes. Okay. Well, it is still two successes then. Okay. All right, we will keep that, assume that Enoch is moving out past the left behind some of these man-made dunes to wheel around, taking the long way in the hopes that he can pull up on this sniper.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Are there any other actions? I'm just gonna send spoons back out, and that's it. And then I'm gonna hang out next to Sybil. Okay. Spoons is keeping the reconnaissance overhead as you can see that disgusting shape of the sawbladed bird as it takes flight above, skirting just below Las Vegas moon as you can see it's sickening, malified version of this crow that has been changed forever by what Niles has done to it.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Okay, anything else? Sybil, you're controlling the rattlesnakes, obviously sending them out, your mind is with them, and you're in the passenger side of baby blue? I am also holding a submachine gun if I believe the plan is understood. Actually, if you have to concentrate on the snakes, I can actually be shooting, or I could be driving because I feel like I would not have been paying attention to Enoch and I've been focused, so I wouldn't know. I think if John is driving, I will understand that you like to do things.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Yes. I will give you the gun. Stay on the sex. Beautiful. So, Roguel, you are closing in on about halfway towards the gate itself. You're about 60 feet from the mouth of the tunnel, and then if you're thinking vertically, you're about 90 feet from the actual man sitting atop that tunnel. As they just continue to watch, they clearly do not understand that you can see them.
Starting point is 00:49:23 There is this sort of cavalier attitude behind that blanketed human being up there, the Nosferatu who's in charge, and he seems very cocky about his position here. The other three, of course, still look nervous, and that high-powered rifle is trained directly on you, Roguel, but it does not seem as though they have been alerted to your awareness. You know it's cocky when you can see it in the whites of their eyes. Yeah, I don't know what I would need to roll with, but does it look like these are experienced guys, or does it look like they've got expensive toys? Baby, you designed a character that uniquely just likes to know shit, so of course you can
Starting point is 00:50:11 do that. Let's go with insight plus intelligence. Oh, because players. Oh, just because players. Who knows when you see someone who knows what the fuck they're doing? Oh, yeah, that is three, that is four successes. Yes, these guys definitely know what they're doing. Now, whether that's former law enforcement or just long-term criminal living for them,
Starting point is 00:50:41 who knows, but the man behind that rifle is clearly shot before. The man with the AR has that poised and ready. Even the man with the .357 is adopting sort of a weaver stance behind the nose for auto. The only one who seems as though they may not know what the fuck they're doing is the point man, is that blanketed person, sort of lounging on top of the tunnel, kicking his feet against the concrete underneath, thinking very casually that he is invisible to every human being on the planet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:20 All right. Yeah, heading, unless they stop me at the tunnel, I'm going, I guess I'll walk in. Okay. So reaching, yes, mouth. I don't walk into the tunnel. If I know that there are people there, I don't walk into the tunnel. So about 30 feet before you even get to the mouth, suddenly that blanketed human being comes into full view.
Starting point is 00:51:42 And this feels differently before you were only perceiving him through one perspective and that was the triangle built into your face, that third eye. But he suddenly becomes a corporeal interview for everyone involved. That's including the folks in baby blue who are watching from the side of that salt or sand pile. Right. And he's suddenly sitting there on the rim. And he just sort of stares down at you, Rogel pointedly and speaks.
Starting point is 00:52:16 You came alone, right? Yeah. Of course I did. You were pretty clear that I needed to. Good. And that briefcase you got there, that's got our money. Yeah, 10 grand, man, just like you asked. Good.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Good. What's your name? Where'd you find me? And how? You talked on the phone a big game about prior and all that shit, but I want to know the realness. Yeah. Rogel.
Starting point is 00:52:45 That's what I've been calling since I since this. He'll take off his beanie and he'll show the third eye. I was hanging down a little strip. You know, somebody, this guy, or he wanted me to look into what happened with prior. And, you know, I checked out his place and saw what had happened to, you know, and I, so I checked out his, his server. Like I knew him and Ord were looking that reversing stuff like this. And I, he had your information and I figured I'd give you a call.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Go ahead and give me a charisma plus subterfuge. I think you're trying to play dumb. I am. Yeah. Okay. Well, that's going to be an all hunger dice roll. So it's beautiful. Eat them.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Hey, that's that's that's that's one success. So I'll take it. He, he studies you for a moment. And it's pretty clear he thinks you're bullshit. Of course. Yeah. So much so that he clicks his fingers against the concrete on one side of him is right side. He sort of clicks three times his fingernails against it.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And suddenly you can see through that third eye, the three men behind him sort of poised through and the assault rifle sort of comes over the top to poise against you. It seems as though they're a little on guard here. But he looks at you and he speaks. So you saw prior. Yeah. How's prior doing? He's a puddle.
Starting point is 00:54:51 He just didn't know how to use the product right. Is that what happened? Yeah. You use this shit wrong and things go haywire. Okay. Well, it's the price to pay for being beautiful. What does this guy look like? Does he look like a Nosferatu?
Starting point is 00:55:13 He looks disgusting. Yes. He's a blanketed. His flesh doesn't fit the clothes he's wearing now. He has this sort of raggedy t-shirt that used to be designer, you're guessing. One of those you're going to pay $80 for a white t-shirt joints. But it is wholly and broken through and it looks as though he's been wearing it for a while. And then he has these designer cargo pants as well underneath.
Starting point is 00:55:39 But the skin that is flowing out of the sleeves of both articles of clothing have lost all connection to the actual body. There's no connection there, meaning that he has become this sort of flap of flesh across every part of his body. And you can see where the bones meet, but the skin does not connect. There's no elasticity there. Can I ask you a question? If you give me $10,000, you can do whatever the fuck you want, right? Have you used it? No.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Dealer never samples his own taste. I'm waiting. Got to make sure it's pure first. Who gives it to you? Do you make it? I don't think we need to talk about that. I think we need to make this deal happen. Fuck yeah, right on.
Starting point is 00:56:42 All right, here's the money. Throw the briefcase down on the floor. Open it and show me. All right, yeah, man. And they'll set it down, pop it open, and step away. He'll actually like step away from it. Okay. Who you assume is three foot drops 30 feet from the top of that tunnel down to the floor,
Starting point is 00:57:07 sort of landing directly on his feet. If this was a normal human being, he probably would have broke his knee caps and his ankles would have come out through his legs. But he sort of just shakes himself off and becomes this sort of parachuted human being as he's coming down from the drop. And he kneels down by the cash. And you can see now those three men up there on top of the tunnel are watching you exclusively. All guns are poised. And he begins counting the money. Oh, Mal had something, but as soon as they're done, I'm going to say something.
Starting point is 00:57:43 As soon as he drops to the ground, I am in the shadows as close to him as I can get. And like following to be as flanked on him as I can get to. Okay. Now, in terms of shadow cloak, does shadow cloak aid you in being stealthy or does it make you completely stealthy? Shadow cast. That shadow cast shadow cloak. Use an ambient shadows to conceal their presence and make themselves more frightening to extra dice and stealth and then shadow cast. This means I can summon a shadow myself and be in my own shadow.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Okay. So let's get a stealth roll from you with the added two dice. So you're going to do dexterity plus stealth. Or actually, let's make this composure plus stealth because you're not really moving. You're trying desperately to stay still and not be noticed. So composure plus stealth with an additional two dots. Hold on. I'm trying to do math and I'm doing it very poorly.
Starting point is 00:58:43 One, two, three, four. One, two. Okay. That's all right. That's right. Two successes. Two successes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:58 You are standing behind this individual and you do see Roguel for a moment his ears sort of flick like that sort of preternatural sense you get sometimes when you hear noise in the night and you have an awareness that something's behind you. It just sort of twitches for a moment. But outside of that, he continues to count that money. And it looks as though he's going through all of the ten rolls of thousands. As he does that, I'm going to Roguel is going to hold up his hand like a gun and pull it as a signal to the others. And he's going to say a three-foot bugsy senses fucking regards, bitch. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:59:50 With that happening, I'm assuming many things will happen all at once. So let's make this happen. Let's start with Roguel. Roguel, you point that hand up and you fire the hand revolver. You call out for Bugsy's revenge. What is the next move, the second that you call out? I am I am going to. So I know I know Mal has has three foot and I'm exposed.
Starting point is 01:00:22 That's fine. I'll take I'll take a hit if I have to. I'm going to kick the briefcase away and just and get into melee with three foot. So that way they have a harder time shooting me. I'll brawl. It's a good move. OK, so you are going to go brawl three foot. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:00:45 We will let's solve that now. Let me get a brawl plus strength as you make a tackle against three foot. I think that'd be great. That's two successes. Two successes. OK. Beautiful. We will solve that in just a moment.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Now what's your intention? I'm going to use touch of oblivion. I'm going to come up behind him and put my hands around like his jaw and let the shadows seep out of my hands into every orifice of his face and seep into his body and wrap around the joints in his leg and just freeze them. So with touch of oblivion I have a vampire touches the victim and channels raw and tropic power of oblivion through them. The victim suffers aggravated damage and an injury such as blindness, muteness or a
Starting point is 01:01:47 ruined limb. OK. So I'm trying to make it impossible for him to walk. Beautiful. So. Holy shit. That is chef's kiss. Go ahead and make me a dexterity plus brawl with whatever that awards you as well.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Do I get to add oblivion to it? Not unless it tells you for because I believe it just adds to your damage not to your. Yes. Right. It's a tack roll but you have a guaranteed plus two damage to what you're doing if I read that correctly. Yes. I have one success but it's a fang messy success.
Starting point is 01:02:42 It's a fang messy success. OK. Great start. Great start. Hey. Yes. Give me one second so I can pull this off. I can remember how this works.
Starting point is 01:02:59 This is the first time I've used this so there will definitely be some kind of user error. Love it. It's all right. So you would technically have three because it adds on two for your damage. So give me one second here. Is it two messy criticals or one messy critical? Let me remember. We don't want to kill them.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Remember if we can help it. I'll do my best. OK. So it is just one messy critical right. No other tens. No. It was the only success I had. OK.
Starting point is 01:03:44 All right. So we are. Vactorally like me. We are OK there. Beautiful. That means that this is just a success of three against whatever he can defend himself. But he is not even aware of you as Roguel goes and tackles forward trying to take three foot. He dodges out of the way Roguel goes sliding into one of those standing puddles and three
Starting point is 01:04:08 foot laughing at him goes to attack only to be grabbed in as these shadows leak into his temples and you are going to cause three points of aggravated damage if I'm aware and inflict an injury. I'm guessing you're going for blindness as the shadows are leaking into his. I was intending to send the shadows down through his body and into one of his legs so that he has a harder time walking and we can move him as we please. OK. So you are hampering this man's direction.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Understood. OK. It says his ruined legs or ruined limb works for me. You know what that's effectively feel the snap as the shadows leak in through his eyes and his black Icar takes over his irises and that that skin begins to glow as that black Icar begins to leak through his veins and you can see in this disgusting sort of translucent quality of that leaking skin. It slides down his body down to his right leg and you can hear that sickening crack as
Starting point is 01:05:14 at the kneecap it it breaks completely and becomes pointed in a way that no bone should ever be looks like a bad sports injury. He's never going to play high school football again. He has lost that right leg as it's completely disconnected from the rest of his body. He screams out in pain and falls into the standing water just adjacent to Raquel who both are on the floor now. We're going to go to Sibyl baby blue crew basically what are we doing baby blue crew that's Sibyl that's Burroughs and that's Allison.
Starting point is 01:05:46 I'm queuing those snakes to go for blood like not just distraction. Everybody eats. OK. OK. So I'm turning the car on and hitting the gas. Beautiful. Are you driving down the pike towards the gate then. I want to get as close as I can to them.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Beautiful. And Allison do you have any intention. My my guess is do I should I hold on firing because it's I got that some machine gun so it's about just getting as much coverage or should I just wait till we get closer. No you have to spray him down. Like keep spray. Yeah. Keep your heads down.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Yeah. OK. So and by the way she's spraying she's going to be like beautiful. Yeah. That's what she's doing. OK. Let's get Sibyl. I believe you can send these swarms after people but I don't know how that works.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Could you go into swarm there and find out what it is we have to do to use those snakes against these fools. Yeah. So I know I have to roll manipulation and animalism but as far as what they do damage wise I'm not sure. Well damage will just be your success in that role against their attempts to defend. OK that's two successes with two successes. So you're targeting all of these snakes at one of those men.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Do you have one in particular you're trying to affect. Can I can I distribute one snake for each man or can I focus. Let's focus on one target in specific because I believe this attack has to be funneled towards one individual. Then I think I don't know if I don't see Enoch going for the sniper I will go for the sniper first. OK. Well I think you would have the foresight to see that Enoch is approaching from the
Starting point is 01:07:46 left towards that snipered individual so there is an assault rifle individual and one with this very large revolver. Rifle. I was going to say assault rifles quicker. Even if he's got special bullets you're right. Beautiful. OK. So you absolutely affect this individual as you can see the rattlesnakes begin to coil
Starting point is 01:08:08 into themselves and then snap out in these bites as you hear man screaming out into existence. It is a situation that brings him to this blood curdling exaltation as the snakes begin to eat in at his ankles and bite the venom seeping into his veins. The rattlesnakes are going to town on this individual. He does not look to be dead at any point here but the invisibility has worn off on all of these people. It's clear to see he's suffering. It's clear to see he's panicked with that assault rifle in his hands.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Beautiful. Allison you're spraying that submachine gun. Could I get a firearms role so let's get dexterity plus firearms and then for burrows could I get a drive plus dexterity. Just double check that Amanda can hear us. Don't seem to be responding. Allison is very distracted. This is what's going to happen to the snake in a moment.
Starting point is 01:09:07 We can't screw it up. It's beautiful. It's going to get full. Thank you. Incredible. That's what I was doing. If you sign up for Patreon you get Amanda's art. This is the quality that we bring to our art here.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Zakiya has taken a full break from art this season. It's only. Absolutely. You want me to make a drive role you said? Yes. Drive plus dexterity for burrows. Okay great. What do you roll in that firearms Amanda?
Starting point is 01:09:41 Let's do that. Sorry. No problem. Dexterity. I think it's dexterity plus firearms. Dexterity plus firearms? Two successes for burrows. Two successes you whip around this dune.
Starting point is 01:09:54 You're driving down the pike. What's the plan here with this drive? I want to break through the gate get as close as I can and then maybe I need to do this on my next turn but I'd like to kind of turn the car around so they can basically just jump in and we drive away. Okay. Beautiful. And then with two successes you're able to easily clear down that 120 foot pike.
Starting point is 01:10:14 It is a tough little drift with how boxy baby blue is. Of course it's this old like Oldsmobile where it is completely rectangular right. And so that drift takes you up some of the vertical of that ramp is the skirt of those tires kick up a huge mountain of dust that begins to enshroud a mal and ragel and three foot on the floor. There's definitely a spray from that revolver as it shoots into the sighting of baby blue. But as you drift across it's this perfect near vertical sweep as you get the back of that car directed against ragel and mal.
Starting point is 01:10:54 It's enough that on their next turn they could definitely hop in if they needed to. Allison. Just so you know I did roll one success. Okay. Did you have a target in mind? The main thing was to cause I think is like most damage because it is like that machine gun and we're driving. I was just mostly trying to see.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Draw their attention. Draw their attention and if I can get someone bonus. Okay. What we'll say is we'll remove a dice from one of their pools in reaction as this huge spray of the submachine gun goes off as this drift across the ramp happens peppering the air. Yeah. If you have come up the left hand side the issue is is that as these snakes are sort
Starting point is 01:11:39 of building up into the man with the assault rifle the man with the revolver becomes uniquely aware that you're there. It seems as though the attempt to come off the left hand side in the visibility of him turning to see these snakes attacking he's found you even in your your place of silence from that stealth role we handled earlier meaning that he is going to turn and take a shot at you hopefully net hopefully connecting hopefully connecting like you but with zero successes the revolver goes high and shoots over your head as this panic screen from this man realizing that their whole plan is gone tits up completely you know you have full
Starting point is 01:12:23 visibility of all three of these men the sniper on the floor who is primed to take a shot against Roguel in just half a second and then the other two who are busy being infested with snakes what's the movie now. Yeah so I'm going to try to run at the sniper get down on top of him hold him down I'm going to try to wrench his fucking head off of his body beautiful let's attempt that then first he is going to take a shot at Roguel who is falling onto the floor there naturally he is proned out you're right by three foot it's very important he had that sniper rifle poised against you the entire time did he get distracted by me at all we'll say that that one dice pool
Starting point is 01:13:09 is against his his shot absolutely I will remove one success so rather than five successes we'll call this four successes oh yes Roguel you immediately feel the beast reacting in a way that you have never felt before it is a primal fear that rises up against you as you see the the connection the the expulsion of that round from that high racked rifle as it connects with you through the shoulder you feel a spark of fire and flash connect off and then begin to reach down your arm as you're uniquely aware that you've just been hit with an incendiary round the fire begins to raise up your shoulder you have to bat it away as you take three aggravated damage from the shot itself connecting straight through
Starting point is 01:14:05 a few moments away from your heart that doesn't quite beat anymore but definitely still hurt and that's like the real damage that we should be scared of the real damage that's a full axe not a slash you take enough of those to meet your health and you do not come back so so I took you said I took three damage three aggravated damage got it yep I would have been much worse considering uh thankfully Allison was able to distract I thank god I was wondering what hot wonder what I would have done beautiful okay uh we are moving on to Niles Niles do you have any actions here you've got a spoon over my head can I get up to the guy with the revolver just to pitch in with that or let's see uh let's have an athletics plus uh dexterity
Starting point is 01:15:00 it's so this is still going really well all things considered honestly honestly so far so good he didn't get insta kills yeah well small blessings I deserve it okay two successes that is absolutely enough to pitch yourself up that ramp I imagine the gang girl takes in and some of it is on all fours is you're just leaping and bounding your way up there you absolutely can reach revolver on this round is there anything you'd like to do is you pitch up the mountain yeah could I use vicissitude to grow out the talons again and try to just cut his hand up yes your hands become blades and you go immediately for the the dominant hand controlling that revolver go ahead and make a strength plus brawl and whatever vicissitude assists you with here
Starting point is 01:16:03 is this kindred by the way this individual in the uh the the the but i'm fighting against with the revolver is not kindred no not as far as you can go oh it'll be like butter do I see your night your like knife hands because I'm going to be like my fangirling if I do you can see the moon glint off these very sharp uh extremities coming from Niles's hands wow that's a lot oh my god we're gonna be best friends we're gonna be best friends we're making my best friend that's how friends work that's five successes oh beautiful uh tell me what this looks like as you end this man's life if you'd like to yeah uh I just want to come out of nowhere I think he's so just come out just like before he even realized it I've sliced his hands
Starting point is 01:17:03 and have put him on the floor he's taking these wild pot shots at Enoch completely discarded from this whole situation as the rattlesnakes begin to turn on him as well he's completely distracted as you come up from behind and it is like one smooth motion that if for a moment he is well-handed and in the next you can see them severed completely from the wrist and it is the moonlight that illuminates their fall from his hands as he stares down at empty boned wrists that are now exposed to the the sky as this gout of blood shoot from both of them he looks shocked looks to you with this panicked mercy in his eyes like he's he's confused to where he is to what's happening to him he never saw it coming and it's that last expression that
Starting point is 01:17:51 catches you as he falls to his knees and then completely off to the side in a state of shock as he begins to bleed out on the floor yeah I just watch him bleed out beautiful that's not how bad guys are supposed to react to their own death sorry human beings yeah he looks at all of you and says ah fuck you you piece of shit I'm your next time I'm a fucking big guy Enoch you have an opportunity to take this sniper down could I get a brawl plus strength now I have three points of hunger so the fact isn't anyway uh you will roll three hunger dies so replace uh three of your normal dice with the red guys hey uh Caleb do I need to make a friendly test or anything with that fire
Starting point is 01:18:42 yes you do I just have to remember how that works so I roll willpower against um this doesn't count because you have uh is that a four that's a seven okay so no yeah so it's fire and one of the successes was on the hunger night no no one of the fails but that's okay because you have two successes it's as long as you succeed right you are fine which he is distracted he's taken a shot already uh let me see um yeah it's uh so I think for fire it's a it's a difficulty of two I roll willpower and I got two successes yes it is difficulty of two you have two successes there is no frenzy for Roguel not this time with two successes Enoch it is not not enough to rip his head back onto the spine but it is absolutely enough as you can feel his jaw crunch under your hands
Starting point is 01:19:33 and the mandible comes free for sure you yes floating now under his skin as he yeah he tries to gargle out and scream but can't bring himself to get past that broken bone that no longer allows him to speak can I can can we say that I dig my fingers up into the soft part of his palate and then I just hold it there for long enough for these strangles to death for you baby we can say you got a hand on his palate not dead yet but close enough he's nearly there okay um moving forward is there anyone who has not taken an action I believe we've all gone yes that means we've had sniper take a shot we've had revolver take a shot there's just three dog and the assault rifle the assault rifle who's dealing with those snakes has realized now that there are two individuals
Starting point is 01:20:24 on either side of him one of which being Enoch struggling with the sniper and the other being the bladed individual that just cut off his friend's hands Alex and you have something for him does the distinguished gentleman the puppy doesn't he get around since that is his master and doesn't get around uh absolutely if we would like to make that a move if this has something uh spoons uh would it has been told to reconnaissance so we can absolutely do that we can handle that immediately after we get sorry I just I just wanted to know if that was possible yes the assault rifle he turns on on Niles feeling that to be the most immediate threat as Enoch is currently palette cleansing the other individual um yes so he turns to you and just unloads the assault
Starting point is 01:21:21 rifle the best that he can against you Niles um go ahead and just let's give you a dodge role to see if you can um navigate some of this damage that's about to come your way so for that uh Niles go ahead and give me a dexterity plus uh let's call this athletics is that negative one die for that no that is not your negative one die saved Raghel's life that is all it needs to do that's good i'm trying to save damage uh one success but I failed on both my hunger dice okay uh beautiful beautiful nice one success and a failure on hunger dice okay let's remind ourselves what happens here oh no this one lasted yes you're fine is it is it yeah is it just if you fail overall yeah so
Starting point is 01:22:28 two to five is a failure do you have uh any bestial failures in your dice pool one was a bestial failure one was a bestial failure but not two right no just one okay there's a one or more hunger die on a failed roll okay so you do have a bestial failure which is not very good really um yes excuse me one second okay good what's that I was just gonna make a dumb comment go ahead please make your dumb comment I'm reading I just noticed it's a lot easier to fail in vampire 5 than it was in orpheus yeah yeah so true uh you aren't going to gain one hunger uh Niles great uh just from the stress
Starting point is 01:23:15 of taking this damage you can feel your body uh slowing down as you're panicked to get out of the way you all had a sense of what happened to Raghel that that fear of fire is supreme among all of you and for that moment the stress of realizing that maybe he's packing the same rounds is a worry for you Niles is as you duck out of the way but the ducking does not seem to help as you take four superficial damage as you are riddled with what must be 15 rounds coming through the center of your chest and peppering through organs that have been long dead we will call that done just the gain of hunger will be the consequence of that beach shield failure uh but with Niles we know that hunger is a lot more dangerous than the rest of us um moving forward uh rufus and
Starting point is 01:24:07 spoons can take an action if we would like to use rufus and spoons I would like to remind you that the inclusion of these animals mean that they become free targets that's fair uh rufus um since he's on the ground and probably taking two on the close that gap and get up to the top so he's gonna go for three foot's throat okay yeah the spoons is gonna fly and say hi above the ground keeping watch look i'm sensing some hesitance in you is there something that's changed between the last time we use spoons no no not at all i mean we know this is hard for my boy oh my real reason you're alive today is because of that man i think we gotta get him in the fray i mean it seems like he gets stronger every time yeah what's the horse that happens you make him a little creepier
Starting point is 01:24:59 okay rufus suddenly seeing his master in danger as the two of you are knocked prone and this blanketed nose ferratu is just a few inches from from slitting your throat from taking more than that fire already has is you're patting out the flames that are building off of your body and screeching as every point in you the the the center of your eye is throbbing against what's happening again uh inside of you is that voice speaks up run run get out run run as the body rejects everything that's happening that fabulous that second mind in rufus begins to boil up as it attacks violently against three foot go ahead and make a uh an attack with your families which i know is something we can do let's look up how we do it yeah i like to think as as the car like
Starting point is 01:25:52 swings around rufus like uses the inertia to leap out of the car i love that yeah out of the back of baby blue ready to go to that i think i think uh good i think uh positive doggy rules should apply here meaning meaning what that you should be able to send a dog to kill a man but i can't yeah we should be able to recall rufus into our yes yeah you should be able to risk a little dog's life for something you want but i can't do anything first of all animals are pure souls and if an animal sees it's not about to get hurt uh-huh instinct yeah see Caleb what what everybody's trying to say it's just nature you can't go against nature right well you're about to meet nature wow we're unnatural how do we make this attack with the fabulous have you have you found it i i have
Starting point is 01:26:49 i have it but i'm looking the same let me look it up fabulous attack i always forget i don't know what we did for spoons last time i think we just added the fabulous die yeah he was just yeah distracting too so i wasn't attacking them right yes that makes sense like fabulous plus strength or something yeah let's take your animalism die brawl yeah plus your brawl got it okay let's do that i wonder if it's not written into the game because we're the only people cruel enough to actually make our little fucking pokemon fight for us right he's trying to save my life what do you want that's a um that's that's that's a critical fail sir oh good oh good every foot hasn't gone yet so this is beautiful no critical fail as rufus goes in the dust is picking up that sniper rifle so firing overhead
Starting point is 01:27:43 there's a rail of gunfire rufus becomes uniquely anxiously uh lost in in the fight as he goes for tackle and his poor eyesight with that one bad eye means that he rolls it tips out into the dirt and kicks up some of that standing pool of water and immediately three dog in response to what he's doing grips the the dog immediately by its neck and is going to make wait wait wait wait wait wait we should probably have another warning right now just another content warning right now things are probably going to get sad dogs my animals if you feel as though you have any connection to that please take some time screw three dog is going to make an attack against rufus damn no three foot i think he works not three foot excuse me i keep fucking talking about singing
Starting point is 01:28:36 some three dog night yeah excuse me it's because he's fighting a dog yes yes confusing three foot also known as yards this is actual name we never learned that makes sense yards is going to attack this man and with three successes rufus is within an inch of his life as his neck is snapped and then tossed aside the dog is barely breathing as it falls into a standing pool of water and the water is beginning to kick up around him three foot stands up over the body uh he can't stand right now he can stand on one foot he picks himself up he's he's hurt he's standing it's it's it's definitely hampering his movement but it's enough that he can bring himself to a standing position limping over to you ragao leaving the dog for dead who knows if rufus is
Starting point is 01:29:30 strong enough to outlive the snapping of that neck as you all heard the bones breaking underneath and uh he pulls from his side uh this long uh combat night think i think like a k bar knife and goes immediately to stab you in the chest ragao okay he gets two actions because that was a beast a critical failure a critical three attack was the consequence two and now it would be three foot uh a bill this is his first action i'd like to say uh can we make animal how how how fat how far away is anyone from them i'm right there we're all pretty close yeah we're pretty close on top of them we're gonna we're gonna handle it we're just uh he is going immediately for your chest uh more specifically your heart um okay as he is is colliding down i need you to make a athletics
Starting point is 01:30:30 plus uh dexterity to sort of wheel yourself out of the way you got it i will be more than okay whoops i need to put some dots in athletics folks um that is one success one success unfortunately that is not going to stop a whole lot uh as you can feel the knife come in he just narrowly avoids your heart but you're going to take three superficial damages the blade connects through your ribcage and you can feel the breaking of that thoracic cage underneath the knife is in and he begins to dig and drag into you and and then completely pull free and stab into a few more times as you take that superficial damage cool cool cool uh beautiful we're going to start at the top of the round which we began with mal okay how you may have missed me but that's okay did i miss i thought you
Starting point is 01:31:24 almost was he drove the car around i mean if it took two turns to do that i feel like i only did that on one we have only one this is this is round two okay don't fucking many of us okay i know if you was like it is like their action and the reaction to that action it's round one i promise uh now your your second action here the second round of comment take this out take this out yeah i'm i'm just i'm not man i'm just gonna jump on his back and try and twist the the knife thing away from him or yeah yeah that's that's the most important thing right now okay so you are attempting to disarm this man yes and i'm seeing if i have anything that's useful here i don't think i do just get him to the ground yeah touch him yeah we can we can jump on him
Starting point is 01:32:24 trust me we'll tear him apart can i can't double touch of oblivion him can i i don't believe so i think once you seen right it doesn't it doesn't really say let me see but that would make the most sense i mean it may last the whole scene i don't know let me see i think his injury lasts the whole scene but i don't know what the damage uh you touch up oblivion right to damage uh it costs you a rouse check oh it does cost me a rouse check i'm sorry i didn't realize no you're fine go ahead make that now i failed it so i get one more hunger yes it doesn't say anything about it lasting one scene so you can absolutely use it again i don't see any reason why not great uh then i'm i'm grabbing the knife and just like grabbing his face with my other hand
Starting point is 01:33:19 and just pumping him full of more shadows so real quick is the intention to disarm or to cause harm right now it's a disarm okay so i just want you to know that using your touch of oblivion then that extra two damage is not going to happen because you're you're keeping that knife away not hurting them do you want to hurt him or do you want to stop him from hurting stop him i want to stop him yeah i don't i'd rather have them because we i'm trying to hold on to as the hunger like kicks and i'm trying to hold on to we said we were going to question him we said we were going to question him so i think that's what i'm going more on beautiful uh let me get a brawl plus uh dexterity then two successes two successes okay let's see his response here see if he can keep you away from
Starting point is 01:34:22 you he has zero successes as you managed to grip his wrist hard enough to keep the knife back you have full full control of that knife you'd probably even take it from his hands if you're interested in having it for yourself take it oh yeah it's mine now okay the knife is free from his hand it's in yours you're keeping him pinned down to the ground we will say that for all intensive purposes three foot not three dog is now pinned to the ground uh free we'll go to roguel roguel uh you have been badly shot you can still feel the fire coursing through your veins and that panic screeching of the voice inside uh you've also been stabbed through as you can see this big opening like a sacrificial wound in the center of your chest you're uh you know pounded
Starting point is 01:35:13 into the ground there uh sitting in standing waters the gnats begin to flap against your body and a few feet from where you are now you can see your best friend lying in a pool uh bleeding and broken at the neck um from where he desperately tried to save your life and failed uh you can see the rapid shallow breaths of that dog as he clenches clutches on for dear life to uh staying alive to keep you alive you can feel in that second mind he still breathes and lives for you in his mind the only thing he wants is for you to make it out alive could be his last dying thoughts i um i'm gonna crawl crawl over to him and open my wrist and have him start drinking beautiful um giving this blood i wonder if it would make you hungry probably would
Starting point is 01:36:16 five hungers a dangerous thing yep one second oh no problem no problem no problem things are going things we're going pretty good though we're okay it's not over yet it's not over yet everyone uh uh uh go ahead and make a frenzy test for me okay your which is the dc of three okay uh so that's my willpower so willpower plus your humanity i think a third and then shape down not up okay so i think it's humanity two plus whatever your willpower pool is got it it's a pretty big pool so um uh that is uh four five six seven eight nine successes okay in giving this blood over to your beast your fabulous you do not have to worry about frenzying at least not yet but you do owe me a rouse check to see if you rise to hunger five with
Starting point is 01:37:20 the giving of your vitae got it that is a success okay so you do not gain hunger five you do not gain frenzy it is uh a good clearing as you empty your wrist here into uh rufus's mouth and he begins to breathe a little a little better and you can feel already the healing taking over into this uh this beast's body it will be a long road to recovery but we believe that you've taken the first step in saving his life um there is still that steady throb the connection between master and beast and you can hear somewhere deep in those thoughts this need to protect he is still only thinking of you oh man burrows you have whipped this car around this beautiful drifting maneuver as we drift into position and baby blue is right there uh i imagine you have your
Starting point is 01:38:19 novelty honk ready at the at the wheel there you've pulled yourself around you're in perfect position to be the getaway is there any move here what's the plan well i can't drive off yet so i'm just going to try to hold off the uh the other salons i'll whip the gun around aim it back and one of the folks that we haven't targeted i think there's a gentleman with just a regular gun right that we haven't really targeted so the revolver has been uh dispatched by uh no i'll secure that assault rifle is still here he has been attacked but not well it was just by the snakes he's still holding on he seems to be the one in the most control and then the other is being completely held up by enog well i'll i'll i'll try to take that snake guy out because he's the most capable
Starting point is 01:39:05 perfect i just turn around eat shit and die and i'll just shoot at him perfect go ahead and dexterity plus firearms see if you can you can fuck this guy over not a bad pool it's dexterity and firearms it's two all right here we go uh that's two successes okay with no successes on his end it is a margin of two meaning two damage to him uh he dies tell me what this looks like as you pull around with that clock and you take now i'm not even like trying i just kind of aim in his direction and like maybe one or two of the bullets kind of ricochet and blow a piece of sand near him or something but eventually one of them just square shoots him in the head and he just drops dead it is this combination of him batting away at the rattlesnakes as the
Starting point is 01:39:51 venom begins to rack through his body and he's screaming as another climbs up his thigh and gets into the femoral artery and then another sneaks up into the vest underneath and he's clambering against it he is in a panic he's not even looking when burrows sort of blind fires back from the front of baby blue and the the glock shots ricochet off some of the tunnel and you can hear this disgusting noise of the glock bullets cascading around the concrete picking up these big plumes of dispersed gravel and then eventually it climbs up one hitting him in the uh the the bulletproof vest and is narrowly escaping with his life but then the next to climb up into his neck and then again through his forehead as he falls back into a pit of these
Starting point is 01:40:40 rattlesnakes that then begin to continue to uh devour over his body burrows burrows is surprised that it happened and just like he's just like i'm back baby and then very good okay moving forward let's deal with enok and his palate cleanser this man in the grips uh he is very clearly at your mercy what's the mood do i feel anything like popping or slipping back here he's definitely becoming free from the vertebrates i'm gonna try to pull a predator on him okay it's fine to just taking the whole noodle out huh yeah that's right okay beautiful go ahead and make a brawl plus strength for me actually i could use a spine it's a lot of popsicles yeah that's a lot of pops it's like a rack of ribs right here i got a plan i got a plan for it baby
Starting point is 01:41:42 two three successes three successes oh wait no no no no no they were crit successes two two more yeah two more the the two crits become four so it's four plus whatever your other successes that's what i'm talking about five successes five successes and not again one success i don't know if this affects anything but they were on the hunger dime nice the the crits were yes yeah the successes so they are messy crits yeah uh yeah uh just described to me this disgusting display of a lack of physical immunity yet again a constant morning for blood and gore and viscera right now i i jack hammer right above like his pelvis and crack the spine and then i'm just gonna while he's still like alive and cognizant of what's going on right yank
Starting point is 01:42:38 from the head from the jaw pull the spine out up through the back and it kind of slides out from the skin like a wet new just kind of here and then since he's still gonna be alive for a while i'm gonna turn the head around at the body so he dies of shock the last dying moments of this man is something that most people will never see in their lives and that is the glimpse of themselves away from their own body it is an out-of-body experience is the last dying uh blood vessels in his eyes allow him just a moment of clarity as he is aware and i'm gonna be whispering into his ear there it is every fucking thing that's about to happen to him have a good good tramp little buddy and he begins to fade in your arms you know i'd like you to remove one humanity nice
Starting point is 01:43:49 you can feel some of what you were a memory of a wall flower in the back of the convention hall standing adjacent to the booth you wanted to speak with a man soft and and controlled and brilliant named uh many different times over at all of these events is one of the premier minds of our next generation but someone considered too meek to speak to their own ideas someone that spoke more in article than he ever did in voice and you can feel that man dying just a little bit there is a moment that you feel that loneliness of standing across from peers the woman you were attracted to for three cons over never had the guts to speak to the moment that you thought maybe i could take this life and make something of it and you know that that is
Starting point is 01:44:47 starting to dwindle into the man that holds this there is one individual left capable of going against you and that is the man with the revolver who is bit oh i'm so sorry he's dead he's bleeding out on the floor i'm so sorry he's dead there's nobody left there is his body like rise up from the ground and then go back there is no one left there is uh three foot in the grips of now let's go let's go action i was gonna say i know we still have action i would say if anything's possible like i would start running to ricael to start like getting like i'll be honest i'm going to probably like slit my wrist and give blood because i feel like because this is bad you are feeding ricael your blood i'm not happy about it but it's anyway does anyone
Starting point is 01:45:58 did we bring a blood bag or anything do we have no i like this option can i lifeguard this because i listen it's the thing i like that this is allison's action i i like the intention i will allow you to lifeguard it if your action is to stop her um deliberately yes no it's it's going to be i think i will see the sheer amount of people bleeding on the field right um i was already going to help thank god okay i didn't think that yes that makes sense if you're helping i will help you help but i will stop you from biting your wrist but we we can help if that makes sense i'm totally yeah because i didn't realize that dead so what i'm understanding is is that allison does not get close enough to open her wrist and gesture it in the direction of ragael or does she if yeah if you
Starting point is 01:46:58 i will be there if you want to push it push it how far does it go allison i'm kind of just kind of not thinking understand so i just like i it's like i i'm not thinking i'm just going for it so if you stop and say something if you stop me in time yes and then get like me to thank you good luck okay pose dex uh yeah let's say i i if i do i would stop your wrist and say let's just get up to the car okay oh my god yeah enok holding that spine watching down from on high you do see allison make a noticeable rush for ragael's body and for a brief moment there is uh there's an experience where you believe in your mind that just for the briefest of seconds allison was considering feeding ragael i'm gonna pick up the sniper rifle good i'm gonna look down the scope
Starting point is 01:48:09 that ragael's head i would like you to make a frenzy check can i see that i'm up there you can see that but let's check that frenzy remind me you're going to roll your entire willpower plus a third of your humanity which used to be seven is now six i might die kids i believe is still two it might be friendly fire and i might find the final death this might be the final death he's got such a huge dice pool how is he going to fail this so the frenzy check well the good thing is that the younger you are easier it is to get away but so in a couple of spines it becomes a lot harder to do but the frenzy check here is against his blood bond which is a blood bond six oh you have to beat a dc six oh is this the is this the one where i want to fail no this is the one where
Starting point is 01:49:07 if you fail we may be saying goodbye to vince i see early in the session well well vince uh it's all good man it's all good embrace the chaos remember that you can spend willpower to re-roll three of your dice on one roll he might not want to i'm telling you that if you fail this frenzy there is a good chance that right now you have a sniper rifle poised at the head of ragael you need to beat a six and you can roll willpower to re-roll three dice i need to beat six i need to beat six successes yes uh at least six successes and i can spend up to my willpower the roll we will spend a point of willpower to re-roll three wait wait time out we gotta do some quick math please do you understand that's that's really bad yes i think that's what i'm looking because i can
Starting point is 01:50:06 so can i spend multiple willpower points to re-roll okay then i will right yeah i'll spend two to re-roll six dice okay so re-roll this whole back no keep that and then if not then you're just gonna roll about it oh god he was gonna get us to the end i didn't think i was gonna do this still do one more i did try to warn you about this blood marriage this is this is a fail no no no no no no because don't worry about the fail just count up the successes one more you do all you have to do is meet six okay okay so you have that and truthfully so you spent two points right yes you spend another two if you wanted to i don't have another two to spend i have one more i can spend i'll spend it i'll spend it wait well then let's hope we make six yo
Starting point is 01:51:02 for the love of god i'm trying i'm trying here the body is begging you enough okay she was about to give to someone who isn't you you have three successes i have four successes oh yeah four sorry four successes is not enough to beat this frenzy so here is what's going to happen niles has declared that they are invested in this i'm going to make a decision against you you are going to make a dexterity plus firearms role to shoot ragel through the head niles is going to make a i believe brawl plus strength to stop you sure okay now let's hope that the margin for error does not lean in ragel's disfavor i hate this i don't like this
Starting point is 01:52:18 you add your vicissitude because you still have knife hands oh what's going on fans he is going to take this damage but it's better than the alternative wow that's that's an insane role hold on hold on like this you're doing harm against the mere typing or is that not i unless you're directly telling me that's true that's ten successes because i rolled through two critical success holy shit you uh just eviscerate this man um enok you take nine superficial damage you can feel the knife hands connect into you what does this look like uh niles do you want to tell us how you stopped this i i don't know it's just like a i feel like it's just instinct that i noticed that he just immediately picked that gun up
Starting point is 01:53:09 so it was just pure i dashed through and i just i was aiming to like slice the gun or try to get him to knock the gun but it got i was too fast now there is something that connects with you too something in the instincts that he is taking you understand uniquely you know what it's like to do this unthinking the intrusive action and and you connect immediately through as as you slice him to ribbons there uh what does the actual impact of those blades look like um i feel like it's just yeah like just a slash through his hands i think i'm going for his his whole hand his wrist you know you feel as your hands are torn to actual ribbons and across your wrists if if you were a human being there'd be maybe a few minutes for you to survive with the
Starting point is 01:54:06 amount of blood that is gushing from your arms currently as you the sniper rifle itself is disconnected from your hands and ripped across broken across the barrel as niles has completely sliced through the steel of that barrel and you are cascaded to the side as niles connects into you in this tackle and the shot goes haywire just a few inches from rachel's face is the impact of that fire goes off and all of you collide back away from the explosion of it to avoid that primal fear that rises up and rachel you are uniquely aware you just dodged oblivion so how do you all see that of superficial damage you took nine points of superficial and say that exceeds my entire health pool that means that whatever is left over turns into aggravated so
Starting point is 01:55:00 how how many health points do you have in total um i have maximum pool seven seven so you take one aggravated damage and two superficial damage i fully thought we just killed it yeah let's take a 15 minute break to listen to her and yeah yeah yeah this is a good cool cool cool cool cool cool yeah a lot has happened we'll return we'll be back okay welcome back everyone i know that we just went through some very harrowing experiences um and it's proof that keeping malcabians around can be a double-edged sword especially when those malcabians are very close uh the bullet has just landed a few inches away from rachel's face there uh this cascade of volume that has filled up the tunnel as i'm sure some of your ears are ringing or at least they would if you were
Starting point is 01:55:57 still alive um you all are standing in this river of gore you've created for yourselves burrows behind the wheel of baby blue the rest of you standing in various states disarray as we are all privy to the information that enok just tried to kill one of our own whether that was through his own actions or against whatever cruel god controls his blood who knows but here we are if we see that and i see any kind of i'm gonna shout stop like just and see what he does well it's a little late now because i don't have hands let's go what we're waiting for let's go we're getting the car i will say that enok still has hands he is just a river of blood and the tendons themselves have been snapped oh god this is the thing where they like rebound up the oh
Starting point is 01:56:52 yes like a broken baseball it cuts every thread i am uh as as much as i can i don't know i don't know how with it i am with two health but i'm going to uh very weakly pick up rufus and get into the i'll grab rufus i was gonna say i will pick you up and take you to the car i have rob rufus dead creature the kindred is very uh formidable um and that means that rachel you have strength enough to stand yourself free okay um it is a shaky stance of course but you absolutely could go about your business i'm i'm carrying you on purpose okay unless you tell me to put you down no i'm not i'm not stopping you yeah okay and i'll say so thank you yeah get him get that fucking piece of shit breathing in the car we're taking him back to canan we're
Starting point is 01:57:47 taking him to canan we got everybody we just we're just gonna go home or something i don't know make him fucking hurt burrows put the bastard in the trunk oh i'm dragging him over is everyone okay everyone's okay everyone's fine the make sure there's no weapons with him in the trunk i just realized i'm gonna actually sit in the trunk with him okay the assailant is thrown in mal sits in the open cavity that is the trunk of the old mobile uh rachel gets into the back with rufus and allison and sible uh enok and niles up on the ridge where niles you're still sort of standing over the corpse of enok um with your hands bloodied with his vitae and he is sitting there his arms and ribbons due to your intervention uh what happens there
Starting point is 01:58:45 can he do anything um under this tackle you sort of have him pinned but he could absolutely take any sort of reaction he'd like you're out of your frenzy enok if you're wondering you're you're sort of come back to a vision of clarity you are you again you gotta buy a dude dinner first i ignore him um is he dripping is he dripping enough where i can drink from him without uh without uh actually biting onto him and latching onto him yeah he's definitely drenched enough in his own vitae that you could sip him if you'd like i'm gonna prop yeah i'm gonna push him up against the wall bring him up high enough where i can just let hit the blood like drain into it i like to drink uh two points of hunger off damn my question is is this a stealthy maneuver
Starting point is 01:59:42 or are you doing this in the display of your coterie uh stealthy i'd like not the coterie to see but for enok to see but for enok to see well i damn well i'm not gonna miss somebody doing that yeah go ahead and give me a stealth plus um let's call this composure uh as you're trying not to be seen socially stealth plus composure plus your specialization and kindred i mean burrows is really annoyed that everyone is not already in the car so he would certainly be looking around i mean he might catch that burrows go ahead and give me a uh wits plus awareness let's see if you're clued into what for successes oh let's go well one success so probably not it seems as if niles is making a meal under a las vegas moonlight without so much as the uh awareness of the rest of her
Starting point is 02:00:39 family so i will i yeah okay gotcha they managed to uh steep two points of hunger from enok there you are back down to one i believe niles yes beautiful and that is without any of you being any of the wiser do i have enough time to cloud enok's memory because i'd like that as well sure i'd say yeah so here's the thing i have the unsuable mind discipline damn could you tell our audience what unsuable mind means can i can i can i tell our audience what unsuable mind means that or oh yeah because the favorite is when we just repeat what the other person said what we're panicked yeah that's a good one unsuable mind i think that's very good no it's a 42 to think i'm already in yeah page 258 258 oh so i am a
Starting point is 02:01:38 kid of it unsuable mind the user gains a mystical ability to resist any attempts to sway them through mundane charms coercion and wiles i don't know if that affects anything but some exhibit unsuable mind is zen like calm others is supernatural stubbornness although the issue here is that this is anything but mundane this is the eyes of a predator one that has uniquely practiced an ability to keep people quiet meaning that unsuable mind will not come into this but this is still a challenge and it will go through the same amount of challenge that any uh come uh i think this is compel memory or what is this called i forget cloud memory that's the word what is the contest in
Starting point is 02:02:39 in which we must uh it's charisma and dominate versus wits and resolve okay so oh well this is going to be quite the fight here charisma plus dominate for uh for uh niles there and then we'll get wits plus what was it wits and resolve wits and resolve well you knock what's up question yeah with a special unique bond that we have yes isn't that threatening watching this you'd have to see it maybe not me but for this one i don't think i understand what you're saying like because of the bond that exists because of the marriage because of i can't do harm on to him like i can't even think it and him vice versa does that also i do not think that this would be considered harm towards you
Starting point is 02:03:34 especially considering the lab not in a position to resist yeah i don't know we will do our traditional uh test so we have two successes with the charisma plus dominate so i had i had just a question really quick so since niles um fed off of me yes that means i take their hunger we're not going to do that because you were already dripping the blood yeah so in essence you were going to bleed either way capri sun has already been hit with the straw now i understand that it's our wits plus resolve let's see how you do you have to beat two all right two success two three successes one of them is a grip okay so the situation here is that
Starting point is 02:04:22 niles is your eyes cloud over and you desperately search for that memory of drinking from your dear friend inoc you find a mental wall a break that shoves shoves you supremely out of his mind for a moment you can hear what is this cacophony of voices like millions upon millions of people speaking all at the same time layered over each other um it sounds like perverse algorithm like they're speaking in a moving code um like six different audiobooks all playing at the same time six seminars all at the same time a lecture on a lecture on a lecture on a lecture of the universe that is now polluted into your brain as you are pushed from his mind unable to do what you have done so easily in the past allison i was gonna drop him you drop him in the dirt he collides
Starting point is 02:05:28 you are now all aware uniquely that the only two not in your vehicle are niles and uh the screaming inoc on top of the tunnel question about um the briefcase uh-huh what's that look like you have it it's like uh it's not unlike what you had at the very beginning of your trip in vegas it's like a little steel case uh briefcase like uh almost that weird aluminum silver there's no lock on it it seemed pretty uh filled filled to the gills with that money okay because it was it was kicked but everything's still if everything is good i want to grab that briefcase because i know bugsy said bring it bring a dischange you've got 10 stacks each of which containing a thousand dollars ten thousand dollars still on display i believe you guys we're talking about removing
Starting point is 02:06:16 the weapons from three foot as well there are no other weapons besides the k bar that mal is already taken but there is a vial of uh green black icker in a small little flask that's about it but yes the only two that have not joined all of you in baby blue are making themselves aware on top of the tunnel as inoc screens for allison if you tell oh i hear allison and i'm going to be like because i have the genie we're so lucky i have the dog on me like like the whimpering kind of dog and i'm gonna look up and be like what's going on then i'll let you come help me the last thing i'm gonna say to inoc if you tell her what just happened i'm gonna kill her myself and i know that you don't want that right i would like to see you
Starting point is 02:07:19 out you know that i'm more than capable of trying i i put the dog down i gotta go over because called he called very quickly um go ahead and make an intimidation plus manipulation uh uh niles and then for you inoc could i get a let's do uh wits plus resolve now does unsuable mind give me any advantage in this situation i think it might because this would be considered mundane coercion right so in that way unsuable mind user adds their dots in fortitude so whatever you have in fortitude you're going to add to this uh dice pool it's a lot of dice is it tough not to crack oh no unfortunately i roll extremely poorly well yeah two yeah two successes and two fails
Starting point is 02:08:31 so it's a wash i think um it's not that's not how it works it is a tie wait wait unless it's a calling are they critical failures one one success was on a blood die but okay that doesn't matter you gotta think so the crits are what matter right okay uh in the option of the tie this is what i'm going to give you um i believe that inoc this goes against your blood marriage because you know that this is not an idle threat from niles niles is not guessing they are promising and i believe that inoc recognizes that allison could be in some danger should he not follow through i think inoc just goes real quiet and he just looks like he's thinking i'm gonna be approaching i'm gonna drop him yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna
Starting point is 02:09:36 turn around and jump out and if allison's there i'm gonna be like he's hurt niles one more thing you never fuck with a scientist lady what oh my god i ignore him you're you're shit yeah your arms are gonna be like oh no no no no no no no okay baby okay okay okay can you stand yeah okay okay okay you wanna kiss it and make it better let's go i'm going to like like kiss his arm on the way back mm-hmm on his way back and i'll be like who's in the front seat um who's in the front seat burrows and i'm driving uh civil civil move move move i'm gonna i'm gonna just like gently put him in the front seats and like make sure you're like okay okay uh thank you uh hold on and i'm gonna go back to the popper and like that and be like
Starting point is 02:10:38 but i'm going to also be like petting his head like tat like kind of doing that with inoc it's okay when we get back well i'll make sure you get the sticking care of understood okay okay you are all in the car i i'll pull out start driving and as we're going up the hill i'm just symbols now like next to me you know kind of pushed in and i just say uh a civil google how to get blood out of a white leather there is like a puddle of it along the side of the old oldsmobile is some of the wrist that is hanging at the side of the door there it's in the the beautiful interior of baby blue after you just spent all this money off of it inoc is in like a veritable bathtub of his own vitae sorry about baby blue it's nothing a good pressure wash won't
Starting point is 02:11:31 civil can you do a tourniquet so we could stop that no i would i would appreciate anything that would stop all this guy's blood fine fine you'll just have to let it all up absolutely not and she takes i assume inoc is where i know i know your low on blood that's why i thought wouldn't i be serious i want to know what's going on in the trunk is yeah go to the trunk oh i've shut the trunk lid so no one sees a person sitting on top of another person in uh in a trunk uh and then i'm just gonna shadow cloak everything around us so that they're like the deepest darkest nothingness uh like i'm trying to put shadow in his ears so he can't hear anything i'm trying to just
Starting point is 02:12:29 suspend him in nothingness love it he is in a sensory deprivation tank with you oh nice it's so cute well we can't be pulling into town on this fucking mess i'm gonna need to find a gas station or something to hose this thing down question is someone that has had vans full of people that sometimes bleed in them do i know a place to be yeah you know a few like auto car washes that uh slow has marked on your route that uh come in handy in case you need some interior work it would be like a self wash station but it's one where nobody asks questions and no one really goes to that's all i need cool yeah i'll just punch that in all right okay we assume you
Starting point is 02:13:18 guys go through the self wash station and get some e-knock out of the car um and the dog and there's a lot of niles as well as yeah there's a lot of viscera but you go through the cleanup duty and uh it's a long little wait uh in the trunk for mal and for three foot but eventually you're all clean all right where do we go where do we want to talk to this guy let's go back to our club because we can put them in the sub basement and all that yeah all right and i have like that thing where you put the bodies so maybe we can get him as we can trap him in that and we have a cage okay flash to club canan you are in the sub basement level this man is strapped to one of the gurneys of your three presence whichever one you like the least has been propped up against the wall
Starting point is 02:14:14 and uh three foot is sitting in this freezer cold room that has been hvacked and ready to rock and the rest of you are all standing in conference around this uh struggling uh near unconscious kindred that you guys have kept controlled the whole way through he did not stop talking he just kept bitching and moaning until you all got him in the club canan and now he is sort of standing around looking at these three bodies understanding the gravity of the situation you've all put him in civil hold his head open his mouth he begins to scream what the fuck are you people doing what what can you get his mouth should i take his legs off in the meantime approach him with the vial of saints tears he begins to struggle madly against the hold that
Starting point is 02:15:10 you have against his head the the struggle against your uh your fingers as he begins to bite in at those uh boning calluses of your your hands he's desperately trying to fight the second that he sees that vial come out i use shadow cast to make regal look even more imposing and terrifying as he moves forward i love that thank you i'm gonna take any medical insurance i know i have and i'm just gonna go ahead start taking his legs off okay no permission needed just there she's doing it i want the legs don't even bother trying to stop there's a scowl into his leg as he begins to scream as allison goes to work and regal is standing over the corpse of uh of this kindred begging for his life through the grip of sible's hold allison if you would uh just for now hold off yeah i'm gonna
Starting point is 02:16:04 three foot i do know how to keep him alive though just so you don't have to worry about me okay i'm not i'm not yeah civil uh well three foot when when my friend here lets you go one thing is going to happen you're going to answer our questions otherwise i'm pouring this down your fucking throat i do it all at once you've got driplets and droplets you can not if you understand he nods manically against the hold you let him go civil i want your operation just fucking call me yards can you stop call me three foots like my fucking gamertag yards my name is yards yards fine i want your i want your entire operation i want everyone you want everyone i don't have everyone man i'm fucking nobody
Starting point is 02:17:00 you think i know shit man i'm gonna sit on his legs really quick i'm gonna like straddle his legs and i'll have that look like knife just to just angle over his lower bits let's start with who gives you the tears i've worked with a gang in town and they run the product i was just the face that's it that's that's all i am is the face the face the hood what's the name of this gang it's this well that they've worked for this cartel but they're they're sinola street gang wait the sinola wait are you talking about the serenios yeah yeah the serenios they they work with sinola it's all it's like i don't know some local vegas gang what the fuck is the sinola cartel doing with this shit i don't know listen they needed somebody
Starting point is 02:18:06 that could get in with bugsy because they knew that bugsy would never let this shit fly unless it was coming from a nasi so they they reached out to me man i just needed the money what does this shit do like do they know that's what it like what it did to prier priors a puddle i know what it does but i don't know where it comes from i i don't know what it is they just told me the fucking stump speech to give out tell them it makes them beautiful tell them this bullshit about the nephilim and and and that saint michael's shit from thousands of years ago and hope to god they buy it and most people did they just wanted to push this shit i keep the money they get the product it gets pushed out that's all and sorry what happens to you you just keep
Starting point is 02:18:51 killing nosferatu bugs these days ignorant forever and you get rich well it didn't work out that way but yeah that's don't they need to push they want to need to push specifically the nos that's where it was starting yeah i was just supposed to work with the nos that's all they told me they gave me the product i'd work with those guys we'd sell the pieces of shit like prier and i don't who's your contact who's your supplier what's his name i don't know his name i just worked through the guys who show up with the trucks but they they work out of a compound south of slone there's supposedly some fucker that works with the the the street gang that
Starting point is 02:19:36 because a lot higher than you'd think i think what else does this do besides melt you said you know exactly what else it does what else does it do i don't know shit and people take it and they die it it it harms us in a way that it it doesn't normal people and you i've seen some of these guys take it and they're fine um but you or me it'd be over so you're just okay with killing your own kind for money wow that's such a human thing to do does anyone else have any other questions for this this this guy so we know that the name under would mean anything to you yeah yeah yeah the street gang talks a little bit the cartel guys talk a lot about
Starting point is 02:20:42 cowboy that comes around sometimes i don't know his name but that might be him tattoos scars anything i'm gonna keep dangling my eye focus describes to the best of his ability the man he's seen who he describes his wearing bulletproof uh outer vests uh planes clothes long scraggly blonde hair that ends just past his ears and is traced with gray and stubbled face i um i pull if we can either i pull up a phone or i get a map of the area and i have him point out where the compound is yeah he points out and uh a big um what is like a trucking company essentially that is named uh give me one second it's a place called total transport distribution um the icon itself is just this capital letters with this big corporate swoop and um from google maps it looks like a
Starting point is 02:21:46 pretty big compound a lot of like um cargo containers at a warehouse and then an industrial complex like office building all on the same map listen that's that's where i get my shit and and that's where they come from and that's the most i've seen and every month they give me a new shipment um but it's real low we only sell a couple vials at any given time and i'm just supposed to make sure that three nazis go down once a month okay why that number i don't know they don't tell me that shit i just keep the money the money is really good about keeping me quiet and what the fuck could they get out of it if you keep the money i don't know know but i like the arrangement you know what i think we got enough info unless everyone anyone
Starting point is 02:22:44 else has questions because i haven't i go this is where else is right i have one more question clearly you didn't come back immediately who were you supposed to tell that this went well or how were you supposed to tell them that it went well well there's there's a contact that i'm supposed to call and now that i haven't called them they're probably already aware but i'm supposed to talk to the ago who runs up this side of the operation and when he didn't get that call well sure you're gonna do what you're gonna do to me me and i'll die sure twice but for all of you i'm sticking the thing in his dick just to shut him up he screams immediately as the scalpel goes in and then he starts to laugh no evil monologues
Starting point is 02:23:40 for you thank you see all that was the name he said see i'll go okay yeah i'll go i uh put the vial in his mouth as he's screaming and i uh slam his mouth shut on it okay i'm gonna dig deeper too emptying that vial in it is about like like an eight ounce uh it's clear thin tube that is filled with that green black icor and as soon as it enters into his body you can see that he begins to writhe and shake until the veins in his body begin to fill with that icor that begins to light along that translucent body of his and you can see as it starts to feed this acid through his body and eats away at the skin underneath as he begins to melt to basically become liquid along the face and you can see his eyes sort of bleed back into the rest of his face and the cheeks
Starting point is 02:24:37 begin to break against the the cheekbones itself and it slowly begins to drift through all of him and he becomes um liquefied as his skin peels back against his bones and he dies i can't watch that i'll probably turn as soon as it starts happening and walk upstairs anyone else got indiana jones vibes from that oh that's the that's the first thing i would say rod gal this is a far leap from anything you've ever done to another person even if they were dead even if they were underwoods even if they were anything and you're beginning to think of days when the truth meant exposing something real and not ending someone's life watching his skin melt from his bones could you go ahead and make a frenzy check to determine whether this depletes your humanity absolutely
Starting point is 02:25:29 yep you got it it'll be a dc three to humanity yep depletes humanity like a completely not all of it oh god that is eight successes i got two i had uh i had uh i had two i had uh critical you managed to cling to the parts of yourself that know that you're doing this for the right reasons not the only reason he had to die is because he picked the wrong side of the truth you're all left with a steaming acid filled pile of a man that is quickly decomposing as whatever you just put into his veins begins to eat through every part of him is it gonna is it eating through the metal at all no it just seems to eat through him yep it does give his clothes a unique sort of wet quality like drips of green black iccer that stands through to the
Starting point is 02:26:25 other side of the uh laundry any specific smells that we would know the smells of uh like burning flesh of dead corpse being melted okay there's nothing like acidic or anything like a chemical there's no smell of chemical no okay the green iccer that is sort of sinking into his clothes does it match the vial does it seem like this is how you get more it does seem to match the vial itself but the consistency of what comes free from his body is way different than what was in the vial okay consider that whatever is on his clothes now whatever is dripping from his form is closer to what you bottled in little strip than it is to whatever was in the vial whatever's i'm gonna ask raga can i have that vial please because even
Starting point is 02:27:16 though he poured it there's oh oh no i had him eat it i i fed it oh there's nothing left oh sorry yeah don't you get evidence that's inside of him now sorry no do you girl my bad i mean we know where we can get more hopefully i'm uh thank you yeah we still got one more to go after and if underwood's involved we have to eat yes if if that's i was going to say i can give underwood a call and we can meet him or i can have him come to me what would you like time out i'm so sorry what's what's the time because i need to know like do we want to do this like like do we need to like can we get around well this was a fresh night so i'll say that this is
Starting point is 02:28:12 pretty early still i'd say it's early night okay we have blood bags in here right mm-hmm you have blood bags and you have three bodies i say everybody drink up um would you like me to call underwood here would we like to meet him someplace let's discuss among us we'll figure something out yeah i would suggest not bringing the dude involved in a cartel that is killing nosferatu to our home but go off i guess we don't want to really want to do something stupid now i can i can tell him to be very discreet i would i would say uh keila with what's yeah because i do drink from these people regularly i would say uh would it be like one of our do we know like of a standard
Starting point is 02:29:11 motel or something like that that would be yes i would believe that your contact in the sheriffs which is one of the high up members of the sheriff arkea sort of um cast system here in hierarchy in in las vegas you would meet at undisclosed clubs usually because the club scene is where you live um and so there's probably a number of different places in vegas that you can meet in a shadowy corner of a club i think you can tell them club canan if you're feeling frisky uh i say we can let's go let's there's a good club i i know we can go to now the question though is whether this sheriff can get to captain underwood you've spoken with him and he's been in your circles but he is not your man your man is different part of the sheriff's uh uh department captain
Starting point is 02:30:04 underwood is a member of the police department gotcha all right which is still within the realm of possibility it's just you may have to convince your contact could we say that the conversation migrated upstairs yes yeah absolutely we are here yeah i would want i would want uh first involved in that yeah now as part of my herd they basically are my bitch so because i drink from them regularly and vice versa it's like also think like true blood where it's almost like a vampiric thing so he will do what i ask within reasonable uh yes if it's reasonable if it's something he can do then yes without getting himself in trouble sure so let's say we get this pawn to get us to the sheriff let's say we get the sheriff do we need to talk to him or can we use him like can we
Starting point is 02:30:59 take him can we have him take us to the uh to that yard or to that compound it's a way in i don't see why not yeah that is if the sheriff has an understanding of what captain underwood is up to in his downtime let's do you want we need to find tiago okay um the only the only way to do that is how we have his we have yard's phone if tiago's numbers in there we should be able to find something with that right you also have an understanding that both tiago and um captain underwood are present at that location if you want to go to the location directly okay cool but there's no telling who and what is there present right now or they frequent the location frequent yeah it was yard's interpretation that
Starting point is 02:31:56 he would visit there every month to pick up new material and in his explanation uh tiago and underwood were present uh each time he would come to pick up so that's at least once a month ask when we react we wait for that night or we take the initiative i say at least get some knowledge you know what i mean because i can start work your yeah work your people see what they can tell us about total transport distribution okay um just also full transparency really quick uh do we do what do any should i also put a call into the da and my judge not yet okay so we didn't have anybody really stay alive to get arrested yet and if we don't catch
Starting point is 02:32:49 them just like stashing and selling illegal substances we won't need to do much well not i think about it allison call your da contact see what they have on the sinaloa presence in the city and what they have associated with that compound she said da right da yes da oh yeah da sorry okay yeah i'm gonna uh a question are we calling the two or just the one well fuck it you have one option with that heard that heard can do one thing for you within uh the scene of this role right so you would take whatever dots you haven't heard um and then you're gonna essentially roll for successes on what you get back but you can really only ask them right one thing is it going after underwood is it information on total transport is it
Starting point is 02:33:42 the the sinaloa's uh information i think information is the most key thing okay what information is it that we're looking for in this conversation this call in uh right i would i would say yeah anything they can tell us about the compound because i think underwood's been pretty good at covering his tracks and they're not gonna they're not gonna know anything over about what he's doing okay so we're not calling for a meeting with underwood we are calling for information on the compound oh fuck that's right no that's right it's one or the other are we meeting up with this guy putting him in a location or are we getting what do we think it doesn't matter what the hell's going on in that compound we need to use him to get us in there right they're right meeting with
Starting point is 02:34:26 underwood okay so the attempt is to get a meeting with underwood at a third party location just confirming okay with that being said so allison you need to put in a call to some folks in the sheriff's department the the closest thing you have to underwood that's how you met him before was through those cop buddies you would take out and obviously the cops would brag about how beautiful their club girls were you guys would fuck around and they would find out now if you could roll what you have in herd plus what you have an influence and that will be your pool influence that's my stat sorry that's really high that's okay it's exciting it's exciting times
Starting point is 02:35:23 two three four five six seven okay that's a pool okay fuck what it's a lot of dice at the table and it's a lot of high a lot of high rolls three successes three successes okay with three successes you put in a call to a high-ranking member of the sheriff that you used to go out with and what is it you ask of him we want a meeting with underwood correct guys i just want this hey baby uh hey i i haven't heard from you in a while
Starting point is 02:36:10 you know uh all over this then everywhere else how about you oh i'm good uh i've been real good i've been missing you though well guess what yeah a situation happened and only you can help me out oh you know how i like to be a service protect and serve uh you always do a great job of that so uh you know underwood uh i kind of there's a i need to have a meeting with him you want to talk with underwood i know you thought he was an asshole when we went out last oh trust me he is you're dusting me for underwood it's a favor from my family it's because you know they donate to like the all the politicians and all that it deals with the sheriff my family wants to like me to hand over a donation check
Starting point is 02:37:06 go ahead and give me a uh uh charisma plus subterfuge oh god yes oh wait you said charisma right yep okay it's four six successes because i had two uh crit successes yes bitch he on the other side goes look alice and i i know what type of girl you are i know i know i was never gonna hold you down for too long so whatever bullshit you have to do with your parents or whatever i i can get you underwood's number but you got a promise to
Starting point is 02:37:59 take me back to caesars sometime and you got to do that thing with your tongue again oh come on you know that's a given you know i may just there might be i was about to say you remember enok yeah the weird pasty fucker you bring around my my chin is over alice's shoulder and i'm just sitting there like i'm gonna mute and i will grab you and i will kiss you very sloppily and i'll push you back so you can chill the fuck out you got smushed we got smushed and i'll be like yeah that weird like national geographic looking mother hey hey hey do i ever make fun of do i come after your all i'm saying is you're about to cheat on me with underwood so i don't think you should be acting high maybe i'm not even oh wait
Starting point is 02:38:55 you just oh you really want me to use that tongue thing later oh okay we'll talk we'll talk all right all right sounds like a lot of talk i'm gonna send a photo of uh not me i'm just gonna send a random photo of a woman stomping on a guy's face just like that i'm like keep it up see what happens okay i can get underwood uh it's just about any club if i tell them that you want to hang out so uh i i think i can call them through and make that happen for you do you know where you want them the what's the date and time sort of thing motel someplace quiet something is isolated we want a motel or would it because i think cant let us know what is this okay we can find a club near a motel oh oh but wait we don't want witnesses uh
Starting point is 02:39:53 lead them to the motel we'll lead it yeah to the we'll meet him yeah we motel they'll still see allison with him though exactly and when he disappears if he disappears just have him show up to the motel make a spot i'll tell i'll relay that info oh you're sort of skipping dinner aren't you duty calls you know how it is you know how my family's yeah so quick this time i get it don't even get me started all right allison i'll talk to underwear don't i'll see if that dirty little fucker wants to taste xoxo all right any hangs up i'm gonna eat that guy's tongue if he says anything one more time i swear oh my god he does send you a text message uh with the information relaying that he
Starting point is 02:40:48 followed your orders he even sends you a little screenshot the message he sent underwood um about an hour later you get another screenshot that is in return from underwood uh saying to the effect of like oh that freaky bitch sure um so it looks as though the plan that you put forward has succeeded enough to get you a meeting at the motel do we want the da involved or can i just hold on that hold on to for now cool i think we elevate directly to the president of these united states i'm gonna take this one to the second level and we're gonna have a little session of like blood stuff so you don't chill the fuck out cool cool i'm going to you know i'm just gonna be sitting with rufus just pet them i'll let the fanfic people just go ahead and take over what we do
Starting point is 02:41:42 there beautiful okay so you have a a meeting without underwood uh what is the plan now yeah i mean i'm feeling pretty good right now but i know at least one of us has linguiney for arms so maybe we should take a moment take a break i don't know that yeah like yeah let up yeah how's the dog how's the doggie yeah how's rufi the the dog is looking better after getting the transfusion for sure but there is still a significant break in the neck and can't really pick up his head yet um it is healing at a rapid rate um but it does seem like there are some things that reach the extent of your powers a ghoul can only heal so fast question kaleb if i have like because i do have a medical facility there can i just give him like a little bit of like a morphine
Starting point is 02:42:34 or something to take away pain we will say that in the in the interim you've definitely doped him up and done what you can to support the neck and without going to a veterinarian directly you've done about everything you can to assist in his healing but it does seem as though he came within an inch of his life and if it wasn't for the vampire blood coursing through his veins to begin with he'd probably be dead by now yeah it's extreme guilt on what are what are my options because i am fucked up your options are sleep or torpor you guys could take the night off which i assumed the motel meeting was not for tonight or was i i don't think it could be you would have to now we have to say it's up to you let's make tomorrow okay so yes you could effectively
Starting point is 02:43:19 end the night and uh attempt to heal your aggravated damage you could heal one for three rouse checks okay jesus all right yeah we'll do that one when when we sleep is everyone okay yeah i'm just ready to do something that was a lot that was a lot i'm gonna start passing out blood bags it's like almost like beer be like any drinks drinks yeah anyone who consumes a blood bag can uh relinquish one hunger from the pool that they have except for niles how long do you take a bag yeah i do too no i don't take a bag oh sorry i'll take i'll take two of the four that i got from felix okay so you slake two hunger
Starting point is 02:44:18 so and now you slake one you guys are nearly at the end of your ropes you have two with sible and i believe you have two more yeah so four total if sible's sharing their two did you do yeah i will if i happen i have more yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna hold off i'm gonna wait why yes you the most should drink star of the beast the fuck does that mean it's a salubri thing it's something mo ker has tried to teach me just we don't feed it we feed it it gets stronger we feed it it gets it's taught it speaks the more we feed it the more it it has an influence over us the more we start with the less as someone who woke up covered in cockroaches i can say that that
Starting point is 02:45:16 theory does not always pan out sometimes you need to keep the beast sedated it does seem sort of asinine at this point ragel you are on the cusp of doing everything that mo ker has asked you to avoid that's a good point into the revenge of what you are last time i talked about the guy you sound like didn't give a shit about him it's a weird relationship i guess um yeah have you all ever heard of fighting power so all right i'll go see if i can find something have you ever heard of go kanda yeah no you have yeah i had a well i got a mall that kind of filled me in on a lot of stuff i didn't really understand that's um went over the broad strokes you know that's no ker that's yeah it's the um it's a state where we can finally be
Starting point is 02:46:20 as close to human as we can where the beast is silent where we're almost human again we can walk in the sun we can eat we can it sounds like bullshit and he's lying to you it's it's fun as a fairy tale in most cases but it sounds like it's not here no it's not he's on the road this this one is unable to do it can walk in the sunlight that kind of stuff i've never seen it but he says that out at a certain point yeah you can will yourself into the sun i i actually would like to raise another option instead of wishing for that we could just use science i'm just saying to get into this that's what i wanted i wanted that because i know how to get his computer brain to think about
Starting point is 02:47:21 things like they like just need science but that's that's that's the more hard in my life makes him to be glass those are the root of his lessons it's all about go kanda it's all about that's why he gave me the name ragel i guess the salubri back in the day they were a warrior cased they they killed they fought they waved war um he's trying to bring it back sound religious oh yeah it's yeah it's it's religious it is absolutely religious he's um he's trying to bring it back starting with me in las vegas yeah that's a choice what i mean i feel like salt lake city would be a great any other any other place well i guess maybe in his viewpoint this is a place that needs some holy fire i don't know but it is insidious for all he's gonna spread he wants to
Starting point is 02:48:30 spread the word and if he can't reach people he's going to drag them into gulkanda kicking and screaming how do you normally reach out to him where is he he's in the tunnels that's where he found me um he's not far from little strip um unless you know where you're going don't go down there alone um and don't go wandering there's something down there it's okay i i really don't like to deal with crazy religion i dealt with that enough that sounds less like religion and more like an inquisition isn't it one in the same inquisition is religion with metal armor on most yeah but also is your a deep underground monster your deep down underground monster and she points from i can't it's a mouth you guys have the same i don't think so okay it's mine's
Starting point is 02:49:30 like a giant rolling flesh monster it's like a show i haven't seen mine wait what are these monsters i haven't heard anything about no monsters oh thanks uh the place where i stay there's a thing in the basement it's no big deal do you see it no a leak in the foundation is no big deal that's something else because i can hear it and there's a prayer book open to protection in front of it and it runs around at all the protection spell the grimoire you can hear it behind what a wall or behind a door there was like a bunch of shit piled up in front of it it doesn't talk leave it alone don't touch it leave it alone but i want to know what it is so i'm gonna not leave it alone at some point oh can you not can you wait till we're not all like bloody i wasn't gonna open it
Starting point is 02:50:25 tonight thank god i've had a ton of nights where i could have opened it by myself and i didn't because i know what restraint is yeah you're just not you're not a dumb dumb so that's why too so thanks i uh if something happens to me shut up i don't know just with the vision so you know how sometimes you wake up after a nightmare or at least we used to and and you just don't feel right for the day maybe the day after yeah i'm feeling that now to be honest that's what it feels like just something isn't puzzled the puzzle pieces aren't connecting together if things are just not sitting right and i can't shake it and i just uh if something happens to me get word demoker that's it you just have to wander around on there if we don't know
Starting point is 02:51:26 where we're going i'll map it i'll tell you exactly how to get there okay you're one of my things you can't just like not that's not how that works i'm one of your what now you're one of my things you're my things oh like like i'm just like kind of seeing y'all like trolled like you're my things i appreciate your things yeah what happened to enok what happened to you i didn't see anybody with knives what happened to me yeah what i heard a shot there was like an extra shot i was asking you a question who me what happened to me i don't i don't know what don't try to get an answer from right now he's being serious nah are you are you hold on i'm gonna touch him really quick be like i'm real real real this is the plan with underwood
Starting point is 02:52:33 i do not want to kill him it's more fun that way what do you want to do with him i want to use him i want to get into the compound i want to i want to i want to do what bugs he asks us to do i want to bust this thing open i want to and i want to i want him to i want him to pay for what he's done and i want him to i want him to be exposed i don't want to kill him and i can you please do me a favor and stop me from don't let me do it okay so we're dragging him into jail or what are we doing can i keep him can i add him to my collection you do whatever you want i think yes i want him to go to i want him to go to jail why i got the worst place in jail police captain disappearing again into the place where we live maybe not our brightest idea
Starting point is 02:53:30 also the place that's already still very hot from us just moving in yes no i say we go ahead Caleb can i in my how can i add on to my herd can you add on to like how do how do i how does that like do i just have to feed him you can so you would have to get experience points and then buy herd i will because i have a shit then you can add on to your herd if we're supposed to be helping you not kill this man that means you're eating like that's what that means yes i'm gonna i'm gonna go eat i'm gonna go eat good i'm gonna go eat i will um i'll be back don't do anything stupid i won't no i don't do i don't do blood bags so yeah i'll be back
Starting point is 02:54:23 okay i'm gonna go hunting okay where are you going raga just in the immediate area around the club like looking for a like stray dog is too close to home right now so we're not gonna fuck with dogs yeah um so rats i don't know yeah rats pigeons cats cats no no cats no cats uh if a coyote wandered into the city i don't know something uh you're not gonna find many coyotes in uh naked city no uh but you definitely find some rats some pigeons some stray cats they're absolutely around no cats whatever's gonna help me slake the most thirst at this point because uh well if cats are out of the question then i guess you know rats i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to do a cat do a dog so he's just said he just said yeah i know okay
Starting point is 02:55:23 let's get a uh i believe there's survival isn't there yes survival an animal can i think yeah oh yeah let's do well let me ask you this are you hunting or are you coercing hunting hunting survival plus dexterity got it okay all right let's do it that is uh one success okay yeah you managed to find a pretty scraggly runty uh stray cat and there you are uh drinking from it will slake one okay but will sacrifice the animal's life yeah well i'll do it yes you look into the kind eyes of a stray cat who wonders whether you would feed it all right and instead you feel yourself yeah you watch as life leaves its eyes and you slake one hunger but i think it i think it i'm only yeah so are you going through the
Starting point is 02:56:32 process of carving in your name i am not not this close to the not this close to the club and not in our domain i see yeah that masquerade thing i'm still thinking about it well then the cat is discarded yep all right cool and then i'll make my way back you are at a beautiful hunger three congratulations i hope it was worth it good well we'll find out we'll find out you come back to club canan what are we doing i think we're resting yeah it's kind of bad are we taking the night then are we all yes yes we should take the night okay are there any preparations i should know about before we move to the next day um did we take the guns from the the gunman you do have an ar-15 as well as a 357 revolver yes all right i take the revolver okay
Starting point is 02:57:37 can i um add points to a skill uh during this restaurant yeah i'll allow you guys going to going to sleep you can absolutely use your experience points if there's anything you'd like to add onto your sheet i've got 11 and i think i'll put two in intimidation because you've had me make intimidation rolls before and yeah didn't turn out that well so love it do that and then yeah like just uh yeah that's fine that's it you sure yeah yeah i'll say it for tomorrow okay anything else for tomorrow uh how much is it for me to add on to her because i'm at two you're at two i believe herd is an advantage three per dot three per dot so it would be nine experience points to add on to herd oh really that's okay because i have like how many we have 16
Starting point is 02:58:31 oh yeah i'm going to go ahead and add one more into herd okay so between now and next session we can add someone new into your herd okay okay with all of you going to sleep let's decide if you become hungrier in your rest everyone make a rouse check to determine hunger one d10 right one d10 if you succeed no hunger if you fail fail i'm at two now all right that one i'm at two success so i say it too i'm at one still good stuff you knock i go up one to two okay and raga i succeeded so your eye did not get hunger good that means the cat's life did not uh go in vain correct less you are how much healing did we get by the way oh yeah i like to heal you can make three rouse checks to
Starting point is 02:59:36 remove aggravated damage but you remove one aggravated damage it's superficial damages superficial damage is good wake up you're good to go you're rocking beautiful okay i have one that's two successes one failure okay so you go back up to four meaning that our cat meant nothing allison how are we doing i i got one success one success so then your hunger goes up by two oh so i don't get aggravated off you do get aggravated off you remove one aggravated damage but you got one success out of three meaning you gain two hunger thank you thick start so good um i'm sorry why am i rolling again you're rolling three rouse checks so just roll three dice if you succeed on them there's no hunger if you fail on any of them that's how much you go up by the
Starting point is 03:00:33 three successes then that means you do not gain any more hunger and you mitigate one uh aggravated damage thank you that's a well what's your average i only had one point yeah oh okay so okay good okay beautiful you all wake up in club canaan i'm sure the sleeping is not the greatest in the world considering there are no beds but there is two sub basement levels meaning that you can sort of sleep on the cold ground um for some of you maybe it's better than your usual coutrements like ragel this is probably better than anything you've slept in this week in los vegas it is remember level two has beds so not yet you guys have done nothing to fill out that club we are ours we'll have beds but until we pay a lot of money make that happen if ragel
Starting point is 03:01:30 sleeps here does that mean he could never sleep here again burrows i i have to wait a week before i sleep here again okay it's just a week good um speaking of you know burrows last night as we all went into torpor just seemed kind of taken by the the night's events um and in the morning when or in the evening when you all get up he's up first and he's probably on the first level uh and you see him doing like karate maneuvers you know kind of just like going back and forth it seems to be some kind of judo slash karate uh and he's just silent to himself you know just kind of doing some moves and then oh my goodness we'll stop once you all come up incredibly elegant what are you doing i'm warming up i i kind of hope you're all just watching for a minute yeah i could not throw that
Starting point is 03:02:22 off at all uh uh all of us i can show you some moves if you want please do yeah yeah simple turn somebody over flip them okay wow okay all right if you got a minute who wants to spar with me i was looking fighting i'll i'll go niles gets into the the rim there with you keep keep the knives and check and i'll i'll see if i can kind of try to flip them pin them okay let's see uh a brawl plus strength versus uh let's just duel those pools so brawl plus strength for both of you okay you can't expend willpower if it's very important that you're good at karate more successes more successes from niles camp um yeah i got a total of five i did spend a willpower to get that though beautiful with five uh uh successes versus four what does this look like
Starting point is 03:03:31 burrows as niles comes in to spar with you and you teach them a thing or two yeah i think uh you you know we've seen niles absolutely annihilate everyone they come by and yeah um uh niles approaches and and we probably you know are testing each other and then just when they come in i use their momentum and kind of pull them and like basically like judo throw them over my shoulder and then yeah and just kind of land in a spot yeah niles in your past you're very familiar with this feeling of of being opposite one of sparring of the might is right ruling and and how important it is to just demonstrate yourself in this situation but you are totally taken aback by surprise when there is almost like a casual nature in the way that this fluid movement of burrows
Starting point is 03:04:22 tosses you over and you become completely vertical onto the other side of club canan is the the cold marble floor of of this bar takes you uh over and and you can feel that hard material come down on your spine is you look up and you find burrows sort of sitting over you posing as as you've been bested also i'll just say to her or just say to them uh i said they told me to you know keep both feet on the ground i'll pull my hand out don't don't let them use your momentum against you and i'll and i'll help them back up flinch for a second but then i'll take it and get up yeah i love it i love it so are we ready with the ending of this karate lesson yes before we take off guys because i know a lot of us may woke up hungry and we're at the club
Starting point is 03:05:12 can we do like another disabled one like a pro morning shake an easy shake i will say that we have drank all of our blood bags as far as i'm i'm concerned okay but we could drink into your three presents if you're willing to partake actually if anyone i have i have an errand to run that might also be maybe a grocery shopping experience depending on how it goes i need to see a man about a sale all right let's do that okay good yeah we'll jump in baby blue okay oh i text felix meeting has to happen now okay yep no poor boy um so you're meeting with felix or you're meeting with greece i want to meet with greece okay you do get a response from felix saying uh meetings off you snuffed them he wants to meet later this week snuffed
Starting point is 03:06:16 i'm gonna call him you call f you get him on the other line says hey uh civil uh what's up what do you mean snuffed uh he's pissed you guys were supposed to meet you rescheduled on him he's a weird guy i told you yeah okay okay i he said it's not the way anybody does business in this town anybody does business interesting that's what he said how do you feel about it i don't know he said it was some ventrue bullshit i don't know what that means what i was doing was ventrue bullshit or what he was doing i don't know listen civil i i can meet up i've got uh the rest of my supply i got maybe three bags on me if that's what you need but i don't know greece is sort of um i don't know he's kind of flipped on you
Starting point is 03:07:15 he wants to meet up but he he said it's going to be on his time now he says he says that maybe they need to be new management i don't know what that means see looks do you have mr greece's number i think he just goes by greece do you have his number yeah i got his number can you send me that please send you the number okay i'll send you the number thanks you get a text message through and you get greece's number i call greece pressed there is an acceptance of the call and there's silence on the other side hello is this is this greece yeah it's greece is civil yeah hey civil what can i do for you i need to meet with you now oh well that's a window
Starting point is 03:08:16 we had an appointment right your friend called me f my friend your friend we met up we said we were going to meet up you and i and guess who didn't show it's you you didn't show what are you talking about you made an appointment with me and then you rescheduled for some shit i said i would come back and this is me attempting to come back it seems like i don't play like this and if you want to be in business if you want to know what it's like babe then you're not doing it right and he hangs up and then you get a call it's from greece i pick it up don't say anything hey uh civil this is greece i'm calling to meet with you i want to meet with you tomorrow night i had sunset hospital on the east side of town uh civil that location becomes immediately uh reminiscent to you you know
Starting point is 03:09:17 exactly who hangs out at sunset hospital um it's it's the big e baby emmerich comes out on the call you think you can do that or are you gonna skip out on town again it's really important to me that you're present what do you say like nine p.m. tomorrow sounds good she hangs up the phone never mind okay i'm fine oh we're gonna meet tomorrow it's gonna be fine do i seem like a ventrue to any of you i'm not no no what that means honestly good not with that thing with the snakes that was awesome thank you thank you is that a word we're supposed to know okay the definition of ventrue is not me
Starting point is 03:10:18 cool so he just insulted the shit out of you a little cool so we're gonna kill him no let's smack him around no we're gonna figure out what he's about and then we're gonna swoop the rug out from under him and we can take his bones but not until i figure out what's going on what are you else you have to share his bones okay can i um fine can i ask what the like like what the deal is oh he's he's involved with where i get my food from can i ask where you get your food from did you hear the intern that i was just on the phone yes that's where i get my food from got it okay all right fair enough also i didn't know ice cream trucks operated at this late hour it's always a good time for ice cream god damn it i have a lot of drunk people i guess i agree with
Starting point is 03:11:10 that in vegas ice cream trucks do very well at night it makes sense adult i think um how are we how are we doing we're fine well it would nothing changes right we're still going according to plan yeah onto the next no i just mean like how's everybody doing fine you weirdo oh i don't know just everybody good i mean honestly the sooner we get this over with the sooner we can move on to our own kind of business all right are you good find out okay and just so we're clear where we're going we don't want to kill anybody we don't we don't want to kill them no i won't say anybody i i will say if someone kills under wood i just don't want to be the i don't want to starve the beast i want to feed that part of
Starting point is 03:12:13 myself okay i say i just go ahead i i just give me some time with him and we can have another member of our squad but i but i don't want i i no do you understand that means i feed from him hold on you want revenge without taking revenge is what you're saying i want him to be if we can find a way to do it where we like we got to see what we're dealing with first but if we can expose him expose his unit expose what he's been doing in this city it's easier to do if he's my bitch i agree with allison i think uh a laugh as her heard is certainly worse than death oh trust me i make it very degrading no offense no oh no it's okay it's fine and that way he's on our payroll please i want to treat him like he treated me alive
Starting point is 03:13:12 sounds sustainable i promise to make it very very worthwhile i could send you videos too that that's no that's um um okay we'll we'll we'll we'll cross that bridge when we get to it i guess i just fuck okay offer them we'll we'll let you see revenge how's that sorry the cat it's okay we really have some opinions i love it i love it um we really said we've we've really is firmly in the murder party i love yeah let's have a fan um all right let's just i guess let's get this over with all right do it there's a motel in naked city not too far from a local club um it being sort of
Starting point is 03:14:06 bordered to the stratosphere meaning that there's still a lot of people that come out to a place like this naked city gets some traffic and the closer you get to the strat the better it is uh so you find yourself just east of it uh where the smoke fills the air when the the drunks fill the streets and where you find yourself directly in a motel small deserted next to no cars in the parking lot there's a room on the end purchased for all of you and i'm assuming maybe you bought two rooms adjacent how did this all work yes i will say there's a very good chance burrows has stayed at this motel before and might even know if there's a room that has like those doors that are adjacent where you can like just go from one room to another
Starting point is 03:14:55 he would definitely ask for those burrows buys the second floor center two rooms that are joined through that shared door um it's very cheap costs next to nothing the rooms are relatively clean if you can survive the roaches um i'm assuming you all arrive in the second adjacent room maybe a few hours before this is all happening yes yeah um and i will the way we'll set it up is we'll have allison in the one room to meet underwood when he arrives because that's who he's expecting to see um and then like maybe like leave a cell phone or something on and with an open call and on speaker on one side and then listening in on the other okay understood what's that i don't know if i want to listen to whatever's
Starting point is 03:15:48 going on in there oh we're not gonna let him get that far when we uh when you guys run in maybe i'll take the front door i'll go out our uh hotel and go to the front door make sure nobody goes out smart yeah yep all right with that in mind are we just waiting for our captain yeah okay can anyone just keep an eye out to make sure homeboys actually alone or anything like that yeah that's a good idea somebody uh mal would you be able to i can go up on the roof in the shadows and keep a watch actually can mal be in the shadows in the room so therefore they're bugged it'll like interfere with all of their absolutely genius genius genius would you like to be the
Starting point is 03:16:37 monster under the bed that sounds great i can have spoons keep watch that'd be great thank you on the outside just perched outside beautiful so spoons overhead mal is positioned under one of the two beds in allison's room allison is in there herself regal is ready at the adjoining door we have burrows ready to go out the front door to prepare themselves for the adjacent front door civil and niles i assume focusing on reconnaissance and civil just being back up i'm guessing yeah i'm kind of down to be in the room just to make sure that rey doesn't lose it no yeah okay cool good and enok where are you in all this um
Starting point is 03:17:25 i feel like i shouldn't be in the room no in fact i will probably have kissed you and put you in the other room be like this you know i have to get to work your job is to only protect me um i know i know but i don't need i got this good using the blood marriage against you you feel compelled to only protect someone better tie me up so i don't run in there not while we're waiting i ask yes i do i do take a moment with civil and just say everybody looks to you as a leader in this group whether you want it or not you know that right yeah i i make sure mel gets this and i hand her the letter what the fuck is this from
Starting point is 03:18:30 get that to mel and uh just it's worst case it's worst case scenario it's it's doomsday shit right just if the directions to mokur are in there too um i'll tell you what i told them be better than they expect you to be i was really hoping you were just gonna say this was like a receipt or something okay i hate this i know it's a lot to ask i know i know it's a lot to ask but i trust you okay take care of them make them help them be better okay and she hugs you
Starting point is 03:19:27 no i yeah hug back and then smacks you with the letter i don't do this shit again when you come back and you leave you just leave because you're coming back we don't do letters okay and she takes the letter that's that's fair um with that being said if uh if shit gets hot and you gotta be bad be worse than they ever fucking imagined you don't have to tell me that i will and this underwood we're gonna be bad to him too but we're gonna keep your hands clean that means a lot i can really go for some fucking ice cream right now i know i keep hearing it it's like four different companies i mean i go right now and just get us all a scoop if you want i think that's the thing i miss the most about being alive i
Starting point is 03:20:22 miss fucking ice cream i see a blurred uh patterned shirt runs the window in the back he comes back with one of those big daddy bars he's like under the what happened to the last door what happened to the sliding glass door i thought i heard ice cream i thought i heard easily distracted it's a good distraction it's fine you know remind me to look into blood ice cream see if we can actually do that that's nasty we're gonna hold this thing together spicy cocoa brand that is nasty blood ice cream in the other room with allison from under the bed she hears oh hey um remember that lady with the veil yes she super wants you to come hang out at her club like she was fucking a bunch of dudes and like drinking their blood but she was like
Starting point is 03:21:23 where's allison and i was like i don't know she's probably with her husband or something so did you say that exactly no i just said i don't know okay when did you go see her without me i don't need your permission to do anything but i don't but it just like to be aware of things but i went a few days ago okay she like super wants your attention oh god another fanboy okay i don't know you can turn it to your advantage she doesn't seem that confident in herself um so i so we should be basically having a girl's night soon or not a girl but sorry i don't damn okay uh a pal night then that makes it sound weird but yeah i'm in we're in for a pal's night yeah pal i'm gonna look under the bed like with my
Starting point is 03:22:30 hair down and look at me like you know that means ah you're gonna be my friend but i don't see maladol you only see darkness oh i know what's in the dark like i know that darkness is you what are you like you're gonna be my friend i don't like that oh i do i don't like that i'm a thing of yours now that we have to find some other language for that if that's going to be a thing none of us can be your things we need better language property no toys no puppies as we keep going through this and mal's does know to everything else rachel i think you had something to say to burrows oh muted oh you're muted sorry um i did just really quickly i after you know speaking with civil because burrows is in the room as well i'm guessing um yeah uh look at nicole condom
Starting point is 03:23:30 in you say that because uh i'm somebody who'd be interested or i'm saying that because you're you're already walking the path it feels like listen stop talking so goddamn gloom and doom okay we're gonna come out of this just fine i know i listen uh fuck i never told you all about my first vision did i i think you did actually i i remember hearing about uh your second one yeah there was i've been i've been mulling it over because like i've been wanting uh there's gotta be more to it like they gotta be connected but like i don't know so i told you about the diner the first one i told you i was in temple right now i was in temple was there's my rabbi we were looking at the
Starting point is 03:24:22 our own kodash the it's where they keep the the schools it's where they keep like the all the holy stuff um bigger than i remembered he had a third golden i the rabbi i remember that it was it was like leaking gold like you know how my thing it does the the vitae his was gold it was gold and there i heard locusts which is fucking wild because locust shirt i'll show up in fucking vegas a couple days later um he said something to me though he said he was you'd think of all people i'd be the last to be locked from shamoim which is like the afterlife and i just his skin was blistering and peeling i could smell it wasps were coming out of his mouth and then i saw the rock again the the cane rock the blood and the hair and keeper
Starting point is 03:25:27 and then i saw me um i was hearing i was hearing a song it was here it was heaven or las vegas i was hearing that i saw me as a kid as a child and i was wearing a shirt said have you been to the pit 22 i don't know what that means i gotta be honest with you i don't know what the hell any of that means either but look i you might be thinking a little bit too much into this let's take it one step at a time and you're right like you said the first step is to do the right thing with this sheriff so just keep your head in check and we're around to make sure you stay in check thanks buddy yeah steven hawkins wouldn't figure that shit out so are you still upside down in the bed
Starting point is 03:26:19 she probably she probably yeah that's all right we'll have the door open so everybody hears all this yeah that was more of a man to talking a lot i'm sorry i love it yeah we'll uh but yeah we'll close that we'll close that side door that adjoining door and we'll be ready for i'm good yeah as i as i go to the front door i just whisper ragels here tcb baby i'll just go to the door tcb my friend hell yeah Caleb before the homeboy gets there just so you know i'm gonna have i'm gonna turn i'm gonna make sure aw is a is on baby you are awe inspiring you are the most gorgeous version of yourself oh yeah oh yeah eventually uh watching out through the curtains of the adjoined room boroughs can see uh him approach and so can spoons as spoons patrols above
Starting point is 03:27:22 he is in this cream colored suit not unlike a certain vision uh with this cheaply bought cowboy hat that is big in gallon and shortened quality his hair is pushed back behind his ears he has this big belt buckle um that is of the state of texas um he has this suit that is a little bigger than it should be on his body maybe that's to hide that he is approaching his 50s um and it's not treating him very kindly uh he wears these big tipped boots that are in sort of like a crocodile leather uh he dresses like the sort of individual that believes he dresses well um but is unfortunately wrong boroughs is kind of admiring from the window some good looking boots yeah um he has this sort of swagger to his walk um one that is supremely casual um
Starting point is 03:28:27 and as he walks up to the door he gives it three knocks a shave in a haircut style um and waits for your approach okay i'm going to as i get up from the bed i'll lean down one last time butterflies no go into the fucking door get to the door do the aw and i'm going to go ahead and open the door if you like allison it's good to see you again girl it's been a minute coming in yeah i was surprised to get your call even if it went through a alternative source it's just good to see you again he steps in and shuts the door behind he's pretty imposing maybe six foot two uh he has that wide stance about him big broad shoulders stands like a cop like he's been given everything he needs in life and never questioned his right to have it that includes you
Starting point is 03:29:31 try so i'm going to go ahead and lift my hands i'll be like would you like to do a pat down just in case oh yeah it's about time i checked you for weapons uh i want to make sure that you and i are on the same level and he does he moves in he holds you he's very forceful in a way that treats you more like property like item than it does person maybe uh when you were living that would hurt you but in this moment it is just exciting to know that you're a predator being confused for prey the room gets a little darker and i'm gonna go ahead and i'll even go cheap fucking motels huh electricity never works in a place like this tell me about it but we don't need these on for very long no we don't even do it with the lights on god damn i mean i know it's been a minute
Starting point is 03:30:30 why don't you take a seat relax let's and i'm gonna both sit on the bed and i'll just pat right down is this the part where you asked me for a favor kind of family business you know how it is yeah i know your family business i've heard of it from here to vegas i mean to be honest they helped fund a lot of campaigns you know yeah sure mm-hmm pay for many an intramural little leak i'm very proud of you oh that's to be honest over any sits next to you i'll go ahead and link because of uh presence and i'm gonna really look into uh his eyes and then i'm going to do we're gonna up it up even more let's go to is it i'm gonna eat mesmer do i have that yeah we're going for it okay uh
Starting point is 03:31:26 not yet i'm gonna hold them on my mesmer and i'm just gonna lean very close like and just kind of sniff down be like oh i like that clone on you though i will say oh yeah i just had to reapply you caught me on uh quite the day it's been a long one uh tell me about it i've had quite a long day so let's just cut to the chase so quick about it i know you know places to be and all that i'm going to go ahead and right now straddle him okay you don't you don't see anything can i just like in the other room can i have my ear pressed like to the wall sure with you know how how birds when you own a bird you cover it with a sheet so it doesn't you've got a blanket over e-knock now how we used to pick
Starting point is 03:32:12 him up by the scratch of his neck during a show okay as allison picks up her beautiful legs and straddles into the wide-hipped uh captain underwood are there any actions from anyone up until this point pearls is probably stepping out and guarding the front okay i'm gonna call that even allison you straddle into his laugh he says you know i'm almost in the business to taking this a little slower i'm a little stressed with work lately really oh you do feel a little stressed yeah and i'm going to i think there's a good way we can go ahead and relieve that i'm gonna go ahead and like grab him by the cheeks and like really kind of give him a kiss really kind of hard aggressive however i'm going to bite
Starting point is 03:33:03 my own lip and actually have it bleed and see uh in that if he just starts uh taking a little bit of blood while we make out yeah uh he is a natural at this uh this is not his first time it's it's probably not even his first time with you um but he absolutely takes part in that beautiful kiss as you begin to drip some of your powerful vitae into him and he begins to feel fresher stronger more beautiful greater right when he's about to get even more like he's just getting that taste i'm gonna slightly take one of my nails and then i'm going to go and cut right above the boobage of the bosoms and all that and i'm going to just immediately put his head down there and say drink and see if he just goes ahead and drinks more yeah he does uh in between he sort
Starting point is 03:34:04 of speaks into your chest and says god i needed this after today you want to believe how hard i've had it question do what can i pick up on the fact that he's has he had like this is this giving me like oh shit he's done this many many times before many many times yeah this is the most familiar thing in the world he drinks from you as though it's it's a monday ask him what he did today so what did you do so tell me about how stressful your job like what happened today that caused all this stress well you know one of us went missing last night didn't call back home and things like that caused a lot of issues for me you know to top it all off there was this fire today what yeah i'm gonna press down more get more he drinks in deep and deep and deep and you
Starting point is 03:35:07 know what this familiar feeling is he is sort of already enticed in what you're doing he does break it oh yeah you wouldn't believe it oh three dead right there on the spot weren't you scared i'm basically fluffing the ego keep going no we were really just there because of the firefighters we had to make sure it went through you know when something like a jewish temple burns down it's it's quite the reaction in the community oh no three bodies yeah who maybe even more but it's he breaks for a moment he just looks you straight in the eye sometimes it's hard to find everyone that's true i'm gonna go back to kissing him and all that uh keep doing the blood that door is open i'll be in the room okay yeah my as soon as the door opens my hands come out from under
Starting point is 03:36:09 the bed and i have his ankles okay does underwood notice because i have him very fucking occupied notice what that the door opened or anything like that the adjacent door that slams open in a little way it's like i didn't know as soon as i heard about a temple burning down like it was yes he does notice but as soon as he goes to move from your chest he is rigged in by the ankles i will say that there is a noticeable uh uh relaxation in his legs now does not fight you okay uh he instead turns surprised at the adjacent door and then looks to allison and say it says i wasn't aware we'd have guests i'm gonna be like regal you're the first through the door as he's staring in at you and then back at allison in between the two kaleb really quick
Starting point is 03:37:07 because this will take my actions because i spent the experience on the herd yeah how like is by doing that kind of sharing of that blood is he now per is he a part of my herd and will help guide me or is he not there yet it's not quite there yet but you have begun the process if he survives through this session it would just that's all it would take oh god everybody looks between the two and he says and even worse you brought a dead guy and he stares straight in at you ethan remember me motherfucker oh i remember you i remember you who burned down the temple was it you oh how could we know we just arrived on the scene when it happened terrible fire was he there oh sam levy i was at one of the rabbis right
Starting point is 03:38:15 it was just so tough everyone was well hard to identify i pull out the revolver and i shoot him through that immediately you can you can if you want but he's he's gonna shoot him in the face hard stop is whatever it takes i'm if any just so you know i'm pushing him down on the bed so you know i'm straddling so he's ass is on the bed uh ragel go ahead and make a firearms plus dexterity and absolutely simple you can make a brawl plus strength to see if you can impede that shot all right actually let's make it brawl plus dexterity since you're trying to be quicker than the gun and what about me shoving him on the bed like okay we'll assist the dc why are those chaos is unfolding i was not kidding about kool-aid manning through the wall no i will consider
Starting point is 03:39:08 the implications of that after this role remember i said protect the three successes killed three successes thank god of four successes four successes from sybil now you could of course amplify what you are doing here by uh rousing the blood with uh i forget the name of this blood surge blood surge if you would like to if you are very keen on making this shot happen ragel otherwise sybil has stopped you i will i will allow her to stop me okay the shot of the revolver goes haywire as it cascades through the wall behind you as the revolver shoots off to the side and the captain looks shocked between everything that's happened here sybil you are holding the smoking hot gun in your hands as you've directed it out of ragel's way uh allison you've pushed him
Starting point is 03:40:00 back down and then at that same moment inoc breaks through the plaster of cheap motel wall into the other room yeah inoc straddled on top of allison is captain underwood uh who is seems to be enjoying himself allison kill him oh my god oh no oh no allison you need to make a frenzy check uh versus six frenzy may i have that what is that one last time oh but you have to roll for frenzy uh that is going to be your entire willpower pool plus uh third of your humanity which in this case is will power plus two will power has to got it okay i can't see straight suddenly oh you i'm processing y'all that was that was like you did what okay so oh no shit this is okay okay okay jeez
Starting point is 03:41:26 how do we die four five six seven eight eight success wow thank you manage thank god to prevent yourself from willing uh willingly doing exactly what inoc has asked of you but it is the hardest thing you have ever had to do in fact you are digging your nails so far into your hands that you are currently in the middle of your flesh to stop yourself from doing what you're doing on the next turn you will have to make the same frenzy check to continue to not kill this man oh shit can i with my grip on his ankles yes can i full children's nightmare and yank him under the bed absolutely you can't go ahead and make the darkness a strength plus brawl to bring him down okay i also have poor you do have
Starting point is 03:42:20 allison on top of him as well so this might be i don't give a fuck about her is is niles in the room and sible we got niles and sible sible is in the background niles is in the background um um i've still got my hand off gun take it hold her hold allison back hold her back you good i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good what did you say again i'm sorry uh strength plus brawl strength plus brawl okay promise me we're gonna hurt him for this we're gonna hurt him he burned the fucking temple now he's he's weeping blood oh buddy we're gonna get him i promise just you know probably fighting if anyone's pulling me off him yeah i'm moving towards you i'm gonna try to as mal is slipping
Starting point is 03:43:10 away i'm gonna try to extract the allison okay it's it's actually easy just one success and one beast and one beastial failure and a hunger die okay um you do not manage to bring him down onto the bed uh allison is flung into sible's arms as uh intended he is collided onto the motel floor in front of the bed uh maybe a few inches paces from ragel ragel you could easily reach down and grab this gentleman within a few feet of where you are and happen i do i i grab him and try to drag him into the other room just to put some distance in between us and allison beautiful with him in your hands there is a rage that royals through your body that makes your third eye drip so much blood that it clouds your vision you uh have him in your grasp and there
Starting point is 03:44:05 is every fiber of your being that quiet soft peaceful voice that has spoke up to you before speaks again now with his throat around your hand your hand around his throat you look down at him and you can hear that voice moving up through you like a cloud drifting through everything that you are she speaks she says it is yours to end his life it is as the vision told us and it is compelling go ahead and make a frenzy check against three okay if nobody outside is making a big deal about a gunshot he probably would have you know scoped around and if nobody's making any issue he probably would go back in to check on everything you do see that there's a receptionist from downstairs on the first floor that steps out
Starting point is 03:45:04 side for a moment but it is uh sort of like a firework in las vegas could you not there are sometimes just so many raucous noises in a place like this that someone that runs an establishment like this is all too aware of what that sound means um i think she comes out and she sees you up on that second floor and i probably point to the street and say shitty car backfire backfire boros could you give me a charisma plus subterfuge and shitty car it's very caveman shitty car killer that is five successes okay two successes for me okay uh yeah she looks out and she grumbles and passes a hand and then starts to waddle back to her receptionist desk seemingly uh uh accepted by the shitty car statement i'm gonna run inside and i see rigel
Starting point is 03:46:02 with him and i'm just gonna kind of put my hands out and start slowly walking to him okay let's find out what we need to it's all right baby i'm cool i killed killed baby i'm cool she's still got his ankles i've still got his ankles under the bed so he's just like stretched between the two of us he is trapped between the ankles and ragels hold against his throat the room has come to a standstill he is still smiling smiling at you like like a gator what's he smiling about won't you find out who told you to burn down the temple oh shit man i make decisions for myself basically his ankles till they crack he screeches out in pain as you break his ankles the man asked you a question i answered a corporeal form just darkness from under the bed i gave you
Starting point is 03:46:58 my answer i did it myself why you know damn well why do your men have families not any that matter i'll find something why does he know you right yeah well why does he seem to know every move you were playing in a make because i'm stupid he's smart they're finally starting to get it i sent the story a copy of the story to rabbi samuel levy that's a shame about those records all seemed to burn up in that fire you think you can't hurt i'm gonna make you hurt i'm counting on it tell me about total transport distribution oh it's a place where we distribute we take products we move it to other places people use our product we move on one of my hands
Starting point is 03:48:10 goes up to his knee and i crush it oh he screeches out and grabs in at it once the pain is subsided he returns to that unique calm it also seems as though he's taking a lot more hurt than a human being is capable of taking Allison yeah tell me about saint's tears what do you want to know you saw it in action yourself so i've been told or it is quite the talker yeah i made your boy drink it you think i give a shit about some nose for i do bullshit you think i care at all about a human blanket fuck you why are you distributing it that's a lucrative business lucrative for who you just kill it not for our two who's who's making money off this i am how
Starting point is 03:49:14 there's a lot of money in distribution on the hand that counts it keeps it hmm i've got a gracious benefactor government i'm in a room full of dead people and they still think the government runs things it's the si isn't it is it the si you people are so far out of your own shit you don't even understand where your ass hole is mal um yeah it's best to blow blood from the neck and the forearms if we're gonna empty the capri son is it where we should start there i was gonna start ephemeral artery but that works you're missing you can't kill me in any way that matters we're not trying to kill you no no he's not doing crack i mean allison does have a hole in the bottom of a building
Starting point is 03:50:15 and i have a monster in the bottom of mine i just want to know who's asking you to run it that's it i'm self-made like so you're killing us for our two for what just because they remind me of you i really got under your skin didn't i oh sure let's go with that i don't know what to do yeah you do don't let him don't let him what we do is we take him to that facility have him help us get in
Starting point is 03:51:10 yeah yeah you're taking us to the distribution site you're getting us in sure who do you work for you work for someone who's your benefactor who do you answer to you're with the cam the cam maybe you've got to be listen you want to get into my compound i'll help you out i'll walk you straight through all your friends can come too what's inside how many men how many guns a lot more tears half the cartel if i make a few calls could be all in mexico or all the cops in las vegas if you'd rather them plenty of guns i'm going to pull civil
Starting point is 03:52:02 aside and i'm going to say listen it reminds me an awful a lot it reminds me an awful a lot about the hakata just walking in no no issues they're not scared of nothing why ain't he scared of anything there's no connection yeah um human power is one thing but kindred need a little bit extra to feel this confident i think you're right and i don't think that we should go to this compound you want me to kill you did civil have me still wrapped up yes i'm still just holding you in my hands while i'm talking to burrows i'm kind of in a like a you know what it has been a second allison could you give us another uh frenzy check please against six i mean he's stretched out like
Starting point is 03:52:56 a jelly rope so i'm so like i'm shaking i don't even know what to ask this guy i'm fucking like i'm fucking mad though i mean all that's left is to put him away somewhere now i like this we're done for a bit oh i got four crits so that's that's four eight you succeed nine you are not impeded by enok in the least i know what we're doing what are we doing she's gonna start crying by the way you're seeing tears coming down allison's cheeks we're not taking him to canaan we're not taking him to the distribution site we are taking him to bugsy oh i like that that sounds interesting he is the source yeah yourself main man ain't as close as he's willing to give us
Starting point is 03:53:46 and i think that's a little cowardly of you i'm sure yeah yeah self-made man is gonna pay a self-made man's price i'm gonna take a pillow and pull the the pillow out of it and take the sheet and put it over his head and say let's let's start walking the last thing he says in the direction of regal before he sort of shuts up and accepts his fate because he looks through the a silhouette of his face against the cotton and makes as much eye contact as he can through the fabric and speaks it was always like you to use something other than yourself wasn't it that's why i won the first time that's why i want win this time and he just kind of puts his hands up i take his phone and i leave it on the bed
Starting point is 03:54:39 and not like not crushed not changed i just leave it on the bed there is a buzzing uh flickering screen on the front as soon as you touch it and it winds through with that technological screen and then you toss it on the bed he's got anything else on it uh let's we need to check him for he did not come here with weapons or bugs okay i don't like that that's worse but i think you wanted i think he was planning on dying here he was okay with that happening the fuck why why would he be okay with dying no idea has someone bordered him oh lovely oh i'm sorry do you call i can yeah enough
Starting point is 03:55:28 you know if you never do anything else for me please just can you call her off what if it's it's to pay you back for the job put in your pocket or something i don't know look she's crying do you want to be crying do you want the woman you love to be crying right now damn it boy listen to her i'm gonna slap him across the face got another one in you i'll slap him again even harder those rings really crack against your cheekbones it's hard enough that you can feel impressed and i'm gonna react to that too it's oh allison allison can you listen to me for you to work as a team get your head out of your ass
Starting point is 03:56:22 all right allison take a breather take a breather honey yeah calm down come here yeah i'm gonna walk up and i'm gonna just slap you across the you i'm gonna run out the room all right well momentum's with us let's go let's get a baby move yeah as allison rushes out the room you hear laughter from under the cotton uh mask you're you're put in the hand i'm going to make another i'm gonna make another i'm gonna make another frenzy test because i want to kill this motherfucker so let's upgrade that
Starting point is 03:57:03 difficulty of four let's do it three successes nope yeah three successes so that would be a failure that would be a failure there is a compelling voice in your body that tells you again that you are deserving of ending this man's life you remember kneeling in an unfamiliar unforgiving dark lit vegas night a standing in front of a storm drain you'd never been down bleeding out of your stomach and this man watching you for near on an hour just waiting for you to die and now here he is knelt before you his hands up and his face masked ready for anything you'd like to do i what i will do promise down there in little strip you told everyone in this room that you
Starting point is 03:58:08 were going to kill him i did and i'm i'm going to pounce i'm going to rip the pillowcase off and i want him to watch as i bite into his neck and drain him okay i'm gonna try to fight him because that's yeah i think bros is like you know got him by the scruff taking him we're outside too by the way i i don't think yeah we're outside the door is open at least yeah moving out yeah i i from what i know i ran out the room and i'm like up against the wall crying so that a failed frenzy defies logic so the bite still makes sense and it happens out here on the railing uh we will give uh rikell the the first attack and he will add two to his dice pool because he is unrestrained um so go ahead and make a strength plus brawl with and added to
Starting point is 03:59:03 dice burrows and civil you can make competing strength plus brawls to prevent him from eating underwood can i assist anyone by trying to pull underwood back because i've been holding on to him did you let him go when they went to move him outside i think i i think i think i let go long enough to get out from under the bed you guys might still be in the room if you're holding on to his legs well i i i got out from under the bed as we were like leaving that is five successes to include a critical okay i only succeeded once and i rolled two blank on my on my blood die is that a failure no those are failures but the regular okay just a regular then two regular failures in one success sure so uh mal will allow you to
Starting point is 03:59:55 make one last chance to stop him but this will be at a dc uh we'll call this six since two people have failed to restrain him oh shit so and it's strength and brawl yes strength i literally can't get sex uh well that's a lie if i crit i can get sex hold on uh what's a rock l dice this one this one no worries i have not known for critting i got four successes which the most which is the most i can get without the crit without the crit so i can't i can't okay uh regal he is up against the railing as the three of them are sort of cascading them out the beast takes over that heavenly voice is speaking to you from on high inside of every cell of your body um and everything that mocker has taught you is bleeding out your
Starting point is 04:00:48 head as you can feel the beast is in control what does this look like as you drain this man's blood as you do exactly what he's been asking for i don't even do it neat i i literally um it is feral it is it is rage it is um it is it is divine motherfucking justice and i i rip his throat open with my mouth and just and just a lap and like it's not like two neat pinpricks it's i rip that fucking throat open and i drain him with the snap of ligament and tendon in the neck as the jugular explodes on the railing of a motel in naked city this man has been bitten open in plain view from anyone looking in at the motel thankfully we've picked a pretty uh local spot that is not frequented so hopefully this goes unnoticed as a man loses his life completely
Starting point is 04:01:49 begins to scream in your hold as you press him in against the railing and have to fight off civil and burrows as they desperately try to move in against your your arms are keeping them back as your your mouth becomes an unwilling weapon a divine radiant sword against those that would do evil and captain underwood is drained of every last drop that he has he becomes within an inch of being embraced if you were to offer him any lick of your demented blood he would become what you are but instead you bring him to that point and you let him fade the last thing he does is the eyes lose the light she stares up at burrows as it's happening it still has that stupid grin on his face i drag them both back into the room you cascade underwood's nothing body this empty vessel
Starting point is 04:02:51 that you've thrown back into the room with relative ease and rachel who is still connected drags in and falls through as you enter back into the uh the motel room the door still opens civil and burrows doused in this man's blood as you've been sprayed through with this gorgeous fountain that came forward from underwood's neck back inside burrows isn't thinking he's he's like pulling civil you know harder than he probably should everyone back inside i think he even i think he even grabs rachel by the shirt and like pushes them against the walls like god damn it would told you not to do that did you wait did you grab me because i know i think you're you're gone yeah you know what unox does
Starting point is 04:03:38 what do we do now i'm sorry i'm sorry it's okay we um we need to leave no because the neck the wound is too obvious we can't leave with us now he comes with us is kiss can spoon to use any if anyone's outside at niles it's a wonderful idea can i look around of course uh go ahead and roll your fabulous plus awareness i killed them i killed who sam cut you you didn't kill them you didn't kill him he killed him you're not responsible for his actions one success one success okay uh spoons does not see anyone uh around this motel that has witnessed what has happened it does not seem as though anyone is fleeing for help we're calling for 911 in fact spoons comes in low and sort of spins through to the roof just to do a quick little overview
Starting point is 04:04:42 and that is because there is no one to find with that one uh success that is all you needed to know that this is in relative safety had it happened anywhere other than the railing there could have been some serious ramifications but it seems as though this may have read as a drunken uh altercation or maybe no one was looking in your direction i'm okay i'm grabbing the car when you see the goddamn headlights come outside hold on hold on hold on wait wait wait burrows there's blood outside how how much blood is there Caleb there is a puddle that is a man's life leaving his neck the jugular is one of the most violent explosions of a body's uh blood vessel possible it is where all of the blood in your brain comes from there is a it's dripping on to the first floor pooling
Starting point is 04:05:37 i don't give a shit about the blood the the long we wait here the bigger problem it becomes you go get the car we'll figure something out i start taking the bed sheets and soaking up what's pooling on the floor okay so the blood has sort of uh saturated itself into ugly motel shag carpeting at the front of the door and it looks as though it will be read for its foreseeable future until it can get some deep cleaning but any motel uh owner can tell you that blood doesn't come out easy from a carpet like this but you do what you can to uh saturate the puddle that is forming in the threshold good we need to get him out of here right now it's streaked and gore from from brim of the beanie down to the center of his chest i strip strip and go take a shower
Starting point is 04:06:28 right now push him into the bathroom yeah i do what they do what they tell me okay there is a rush of water that feels like a cool uh mistake uh it feels like a coming back home it feels like sitting in temple and hearing prayer it feels like a thought that passes too quickly um life comes back into your eyes and the frenzy leaves your body as that voice begins to quiet and you become ethan again give me give me all the bloody stuff i take all of the sheets and whatever like wrap them up too in start wrapping stuff up all of it and then i'm gonna take his body all the shit everything that's bloody and i'm gonna shadow cloak so i can't be seen okay and i'm gonna carry everything out just make him streak i don't know
Starting point is 04:07:37 okay so the bloody clothes are stashed in the back of baby blue another with underwood along with underwood another interior cleaning for one john burrows later um but the trunk is shut on the dead body that has been drained and the clothes that have been dirtied well rey is in the shower i'll call from the other side of the door you didn't kill those people you killed the man that killed those people and he deserved to die can you say that back to me you didn't kill those people you killed the man that killed those people and he deserved to die for the first time in a very long time um ethan is praying in hebrew okay i'm gonna start coming back up the stairs
Starting point is 04:08:38 put the phone in the adjacent room put the phone in the adjacent room so it's not in the bloody room and i don't know wipe it down yeah um so is it mal taking the phone into the other room i can take it if you're worried about it i should take it i should take it so that it's fucked up um and but i'm gonna i'm gonna like put it in my shirt and just like like you take it and as you're sort of scrubbing it into your shirt there and and wrapping it into the hem um the the surface of that smartphone uh lights up in these dancing dead pixels and almost in like a bitmap or like pixelated text you can see that some of the purple broken screens begin to spell something along its surface mal as you read the letters e-z-r-a
Starting point is 04:09:39 and you move into the other adjacent room and you put the phone wherever you'd like in that other room wait question this is regarding mal really quick does that mess up the gps chip or any tracking because they're holding it has in the past it will suck up until i leave it fucks up everything and sometimes there's a habit that the longer that they're holding on to it the the more fucked up it will be for at length like uh mal has broken things permanently just by being around them before got it i think as the letters pop up mal's hand starts shaking and like their fingers flex like they're going to crush it and they slowly as possible set it down and walk away it is in the adjacent room you join your
Starting point is 04:10:32 friends in the other room if you can call them that okay so body's in the car we don't go to the compound we just get rid of the body what else that's it it's done right it's done take it to bugsy for proof of finishing the job okay okay and uh she just i think subconsciously niles are you in the room yeah okay then she's gonna go sort of respectfully close but just probably four feet and just sit down and wait next to me are you yet guess no okay i'm just uh waiting for my friend to come out of the shower because he just killed somebody that he asked me to make sure he didn't kill but i wanted him to die so i'm excited and upset
Starting point is 04:12:00 let's at that moment that regal uh brings himself free from the room and it seems as though all is well enough to leave except these start naked yeah we got sheets for that there are some giblets yeah towel make him a loincloth toga toga let's go holy man throw him a white sheet kind of just almost catatonic just kind of wraps it around himself i assume we're making for baby blue yep i take his hand while we walk down he holds it it's a solemn walk through a pool of blood at the railing you all try to move as fast as you can as boros starts up and flashes the headlights you all pile in the baby blue what's the destination
Starting point is 04:12:59 with the body in your back little strip it's a drive into slone county but eventually you arrive at a familiar manhole cover in a parking lot to which you discreetly as best you can carry the body down into the sewer itself i'm assuming maybe using the crowd of your coterie to provide ample cover for the sheets that are covering body i'll shout out again perfect the shadow cloak provides an extra layer of protection as all of you begin to drift into the sewers and take the long walk into little strip you arrive brontess sees the gravity of this situation and opens quickly for the gate as you like a trojan bring corpse into little strip you're standing in the domed out area the tower at the center
Starting point is 04:13:57 all things are yours let's take a quick 10 minute break then we'll come back there is just one more sort of thing we have to go through before this is ended but i think it's better if we take a little break with everything we've been doing 10 minute break we'll be right back is maybe the worst item at joe's crab shack thank you for saying that out loud you're welcome welcome back everyone i know that we just went through hell and a half and our friends here have made some decisions that are going to change the face of las vegas as we know it but we've taken our 10 minute break we've arrived in a little strip with a corpse um and we are ready to give it over to our big fat overs here um we we still have a little
Starting point is 04:14:48 bit left in the session so please bear with us i know we've been going for a long time here but it is a big send off for our beloved vince so we want to make sure we get to every plot point we can so hang with us there's just a little bit more to go and i promise it's worth watching okay you all are standing in the basin of little strip in that central command center the intersection that makes up this whole area and you have the wrapped up corpse of captain underwood the man who you came to kill and the man who uh well you got everything you wanted from yeah well uh right right now we'll kind of just take the corpse and walk it walk walk up the bugsy's office yeah brontes is uh associating with all of you as you're walking up the the post there he
Starting point is 04:15:39 plays the door for all of you and enters you in uh bugsy seems to be uh in his normal state behind that big raw edged marble desk in the center of his house um where it seems as though he's pouring over a set of papers in front of him with these big fat chubby fingers pressed into the forehead there which causes sort of a deflation in that big growth on top of his head but uh he does look up over at all of you and realizing the last time he saw all of you he says hey you bring me that fucking money back yeah but yeah simple hands in the briefcase beautiful beautiful a brontes go ahead and put that back in the wall yeah so how'd it go you find out anything new yeah um this yards guy he was a nos you know yards yeah i know yards he's not one of mine
Starting point is 04:16:45 but he's a member a little strip absolutely he was the run he was the one running saint's tears on behalf of uh the cartel for a guy named underwood your captain this captain oh he burned down a synagogue and you're sure about this sure about everything he admitted to it he wanted me to kill him so i gave it to him i didn't know you were in the business of grant and wishes ragel listen you're done right by me and i know what it takes to go through with something like this it's one thing to say you'll kill a man it's another to do it i hope you understand what you holding your hands right there
Starting point is 04:17:48 because it's a piece of you whether you like it or not or at least who you were the um they were running out of total transport distribution so compound and slown if you've got connections if you've got people who can hit it that's where the cartels operating out of and that's where the distributing out of well sounds like then maybe your little captain boy is not the only one running this operation huh he alluded to someone else i don't know he wouldn't say oh well then i believe under our agreement uh the work is not done my friends now i am a benevolent fat god so i'm in the business of giving you that money you brought back to me brontes and he he goes back into the vault he fetches that he says it's better in your
Starting point is 04:18:46 hands anyways and you bring me more than i expected take this for a job halfway done but it seems like uh if you thought killing underwood was going to solve every problem really only served as some shitty therapy yeah if you've got um if you've got ears if you've got eyes if you've got people who know things if you can we'll look into it yeah i hope you will i can help you with some information gathering if you'd like but my people we don't um interfere that's all right yeah you you accomplish this for my people if you find out everything that was going on there i'll pay you twice that you come back i'll make sure the money's good for what you're doing here i
Starting point is 04:19:45 understand you don't want to go further than killing your little man there but i'll do right by you i appreciate it yeah now don't look so fucking glum this is a win people work thanks buggy yeah now take your fucking sunshine squad somewhere else because this is really bringing down the mood in here and i'm i live in a fucking sewer regal leave okay he goes back to paperwork as regal begins to lead out the doors or anything else we'd like to accomplish with bugsy here besides depressing him can i see if he has the necklace with priors hyoid bone on it um yeah go ahead and give me a wits
Starting point is 04:20:41 and awareness let's see if you can find it on the way out six okay of course i roll like four successes on this one it doesn't matter at all there is this sort of like greek bust in the corner of the room another one of bugsy's attempts at being a little more lavish than he can be down here um and on that greek bust that is of like the torso of a man looking for lorna out the window of the house around that statue's neck is the hyoid bone the bone excuse me the hyoid point yeah the hyoid it is very carefully placed around this statue's neck all right i believe okay i mean been intermuted
Starting point is 04:21:43 thank you um one last thing bugsy yeah or to a stitch in underwood or it was yeah shit you mean there's there's probably more of them right you think word is the last or no i don't well would you like to assert justice or shall i i would hate to take that away from one that is such a holy warrior of your stature that's all yours are you sure i've heard you're real big on revenge i'm just fucking with you i'll kill the kid i'm sorry i'm sorry jesus put a fucking smile on your faces people this is what we do here we're dead you thought we'd be nice you thought we'd leave the bad guys living we are the bad guys fuckers all right okay yeah i'll take care of it walk on out no thanks you're back out into the dirt
Starting point is 04:22:52 the grime the shit and the smell of little strip job's not done but i'm not ready to keep going on this thing uh i don't know we got to clear our heads for a minute yeah we got some we got some research to do i'm sorry okay don't be sorry it's over now it was a fucker i probably would have done the same thing yeah i gotta go see it see what the synagogue okay i'm gonna see if i can get a change of clothes because i'm still free balling it right now yeah that's true you should free ball it in front of
Starting point is 04:23:46 bugsy yeah well there's that should have changed the conversation so motel towel and the dead body yep let's say he was even more sarcastic and funny than he was he had like four different questions about your dick was out yeah okay so jib what's the side there are plenty in your back in the back of your car yeah sure you take one of mine i'll throw an identical red shirt yep there you go throw it on we have two johns now one of which wearing the beanie yep yeah put the gotta put that back on yeah gotta distinguish us somehow yeah that's right that's right social from going out and about so so we're piling back into baby blue and we're going to the synagogue the temple um it is a familiar route one that you made before
Starting point is 04:24:47 it's on the east side of town uh south of nullis air force base sort of towards the edge near the interstates it's local vegas not too far from where you used to work at the sun um and as you are driving through or arriving in um you find a familiar architecture unscathed by fire or flame or any sort of happenstance there are no police sirens there are no caution tapes there's no fire department there's a familiar synagogue that looks dim quiet closed this time of night but outwardly uh fine is this the right one this he was fucking with us this is it are you is the rabbi alive
Starting point is 04:25:51 you do spot us today and in the parking lot that's his car what the hell does any of this mean what the fuck means he wanted to die why why would that help anybody unless someone's trying to frame you or something maybe maybe you said it felt like magic intentional sacrifice it's got magic all over it is that how that works i don't know how the trimier fucking do their things no idea mostly pulling from disney movies the the trimier or the hakata the learner their magic shit too standing in the parking lot uh or at least sitting in in baby blue if we haven't left already uh but the top down uh regal you feel a sting of pain in your right arm um and you look down and right
Starting point is 04:26:48 there on the the the heart of your wrist um is a wasp that's just a bit at your wrist it seems to have stung you and died right there on your wrist vision one what do you mean vision one what happened to vision one wasps were pouring out of his mouth i'm looking around for wasps was it another plague can someone go in and check on the rabbi someone go in what i can go in try not to look too much like a dead person okay i'll use blush of life and walk in okay i'll go with her i'll go with her okay and i assume blush of life for burrows as well yeah burrows becomes uh a santa claus version of himself
Starting point is 04:27:47 his big blood red uh rushed cheeks he looks alive again in fact he looks like an overweight man with high blood pressure and uh looks far less dead and far more sick the same goes for niles that is no longer uh flush with pale white corpse flesh and becomes a little more human against the black lipstick and dark clothing the two of you look almost alive uh and stepping into the synagogue uh the synagogue is always open like a lot of catholic churches at least they keep the cues free for anyone who may come in to pray for themselves but a lot of the auxiliary portions of the uh estate are closed off for the night um but stepping in the the two of you find that on the rim of the the door threshold um it looks as though there is only one other person in here
Starting point is 04:28:43 amongst the pews beautiful golden tapestries and the the big gates of heaven as they call them against the back of uh the the synagogue there and many tiered seedings in it looks like a pretty big congregation comes through this area but just one person shares the space with you uh in the second row on the right hand side closest to the gates um uh he is a shirtless individual with these many dashes um these tattoos that dot along the entire surface of his skin completely bald uh and that too has been shaved over with these beautiful tattoos or Nate in language he's wearing sort of like a hip skirt like a half uh clothing across his lower half and then um some like cloth pants beneath that as he sits barefoot at the pew and is watching in
Starting point is 04:29:41 at the uh the altar itself uh there are usually indications on like the private quarters of rabbis and priests indicating whether the priest is in or not it seems as though there's some signage indication that shows that the the rabbi is in but is unavailable um think like a uh a busy sign essentially is placed over one of the estates um and this individual is sitting in the second row yeah i think it's not even turned to look at you as as we're like walking up you know boroughs is trying to think of an alibi you know trying to just kind of think of something and he starts to say excuse me uh have you seen rabba and like starts to notice the guy's shirtless and has all these weird tattoos and kind of his sense trails off yeah he turns to view you as that much escapes and
Starting point is 04:30:31 the two of you are greeted with this perfect triangle on his forehead that is then carved in in black with this black scolarid eye that is filled with red uh and it is already dripping red and black blood straight through to his eyes like like forming tears as he stares at the two of you he just sort of turns to regard you look at niles uh look at boroughs uh do you know where the rabbi is i would speak with rod yeah yeah i think we're past the rabbi part uh yeah you want ragel sure uh i would you want to do it in here or wherever he wishes to stand trial all right well niles how about you let ragel know that his sire is in here i'm looking at you like with all the extra caveats that he might not mocker begins to stand and his imposing figure
Starting point is 04:31:36 comes in again as you realize he's a lot taller than he seems when he's sitting but he moves into the center of the pews with those beautiful golden gates of heaven just as uh as um ragel described in his first vision sits behind him maybe 12 feet tall in this beautiful pedestal i'm putting myself between the two of them niles and and mocker and hey uh you know uh ragel was telling me about gal conna i'd love to hear more about it i'm trying to destroy wow you would see yourself in the trials i don't know anything about the trials you would have to be named well i gave myself a name but i'd be willing to consider a new one i would name you in the honor of angels well i'm you would become nephilim like the rest
Starting point is 04:32:29 nephilim yeah i've i've heard that name before uh are you nephilim i'm an angel a warrior and god sent by salat and those that would see gulkanda brought to reality if you would like to join the fold you too can go through what ragel will would uh drink some saints tears no of course not you would walk the line i heard that song before i mean i'm i'm just i'm just waiting for ragel to show up okay not yeah i i i walked out but like i backed out i did not turn my back to this um and i just have like the blankest look to ragel when i walk back what's up
Starting point is 04:33:34 see there no no curves in there wants to talk to you get out of here go what go he's your sire mel civil you get them the fuck out of here i'm sending john out you run fuck off no what do you mean why whatever's happening next i don't want you caught up in where we're we're supposed to be a team no we've we're a coterie fuck off no he will kill listen to him you so we'll be outside what so what we're already dead it doesn't matter be better than you were today and he walks in but no
Starting point is 04:34:33 ragel moves out of baby blue down the um poorly lit parking lot through to the open doors of the synagogue and finds uh john burrows standing in between ragel and mocher are there any actions to pursue or do we listen to our friend i i try to follow i get out in the shadows and i try to follow okay mal begins to move for the doors as well john take him home take him home what do you mean get him back let's take him home mochor you just want to talk right he is to stand trials for his crimes what crimes the sin of wrath there were instructions of which he did not follow there were guides of which he ignored and there were lines never meant to be crossed that he crossed willingly he's not a child he's
Starting point is 04:35:47 an adult person you're not in charge of him i am not in charge i am just the adjudicator ragel tell him tell him tell him you're out of this crazy religion thing you're not interested anymore it's over he begins moving back to the air on kadesh the gates of heaven back behind the altar ragel we can just go right now let's run come on go no go the gates of which open to reveal wrapped in bindings and in a comatose state a 40 to 50 year old man jewish in ethnicity and nationality and religiously with a thinly trimmed beard and gray feeding into brown curly hair he is suspended up into
Starting point is 04:36:51 the gates of heaven and there are a series of wasps crawling across him like a human cocoon in where barbed wire keeps him rigged to which mo curd then turns on the altar and speaks again to both john and ragel there are to be consequences for your actions and if you will not stand trial to earn gulkanda then others will become victim to your transgressions i am only the adjudicator ragel i gave you name i gave you food i gave you wisdom i did i don't hurt him i did it i i did it i did it willingly i did it because i wanted to don't hurt him don't hurt them let them go mo curd looks to you burrows you asked me only moments ago whether this was a life you could have
Starting point is 04:37:57 you could stay and watch and understand or you could leave with the others i will permit you to leave i give you that grace i look at ragel i look at mal fuck this shit ragel we'll find you on the other side take care of him john i take off the i take off the beanie and i toss this john don't leave him here we'll find him we'll find him out mal
Starting point is 04:38:48 why aren't this no you didn't none of us earned any of this none of us fucking wanted this someone else made that decision for you and it's not fair that you have to deal with it do you want to stay i don't think you want to see this is this the one you wanted the one you called mal yeah there is still time to be named go to hell
Starting point is 04:39:34 he's made his decision mal you said you'd stay if i could so just leave if i do you'll pursue won't you mocker it is not you you have to worry about and the the image of the rabbi so unwrapped
Starting point is 04:40:10 i can't leave him fine and mal turns and walks away burrow just kind of like stares at you definitely a hint of disappointment definitely like we were supposed to look out for each other and you just dropped the ball so hard and he just doesn't have the heart to really like say much he'll just kind of give you a nod and tuck your beanie in his shirt and he'll kind of slowly start to back out mocker moves to the altar of which probably has about six feet of space on its farthest widest portion of which mocker puts his hands and gestures to it and then moves his hands to gesture to you ragel pointing to your new position i move up you are laid down there
Starting point is 04:41:08 on the altar itself and john it is up to you whether you stay to watch this in the threshold or not i think i think i might i think i might stop there is a portion in which he removes the pattern shirt that you had given him and exposes ragel's chest and then he moves back to where that wasp in wrapped rabbi is and exposes a portion of his ankles to where a thin rivulet of blood is exposed and then he drapes some of that blood and comes over to ragel and begins painting in this old unspeakable language in that same blood the blood of the rabbi across that chest and once the language is purposefully put through there is a movement back to the back wall to the gates of heaven where he reaches over and he takes this granite spiked stone
Starting point is 04:42:09 essentially it the ending of which has been shorn so vividly that it has become point sharp and he brings it over he slices and traces the language that is put forward here on ragel's chest and then primes it clearly against his heart and then leading over mokur enough that you can smell his breath in your nostrils like old dead corpse and you can see the dripping black sclera as it drops onto your face in that hot rush a vaite runs over your face ragel and he speaks for your crimes you were tested you were given opportunity to forgive and you found no mercy in undeath now you will serve time in pursuit of gulkanda and hope that many visions come to you in your great sleep ones that provide you wisdom greater than i could give you have given up your life
Starting point is 04:43:16 in the pursuit of loss i hope that you may gain something new and then there is an unspeakable pain ragel as you feel the stake pierce through your thoracic cage in past to a heart that no longer beats and your body becomes uniquely frigid lost frozen in response to this attack and the light fades from your eyes as you watch as a single wasp lands on the tip of your rabbi's nose it is the final vision you have past the face of mokur as his third eye sees into yours and the final perspective out of your own as your head falls to the side and you enter a state of torpor it's the site of john burrows up 30 pews to the threshold of the door where he stands a gape and watching frozen in fear as the life drains from what is left of your corpse
Starting point is 04:44:22 and then there is only dreams and that's where we're going to leave it this session in a loving way wow i know we went a long time okay we had a lot happen and we lost some things along the way this was a net positive and lives were kept we're going to see vince down the road yes and this is not the end of ragel not in the way you think well i don't know if we've officially said it but unfortunately vince is going to have to leave for a little while due to some work business so he's not going to be in future streams uh for now
Starting point is 04:45:19 but he will be returning to us so but this was a hell of a send-off yeah yeah kaleb thank you uh all of you thank you um absolute i'm gonna get emotional absolute uh privilege to play man love you guys love you too love you too vince man love everybody here love to all of our viewers who stuck through to the end here or if you're watching on vod i i hope that you're feeling what we're feeling which is that unique opportunity to tell stories with people you love for people you love yes and um sometimes that story can be a good goodbye for a friend you really appreciate so vince we're gonna miss you buddy for real because you do man love you guys thanks to everybody in the chat trash bandico thank you for that
Starting point is 04:46:11 yes thank you one subs it's amazing uh i was for this guys informed uh right after our second break that we did break our record for mentioning dick in a stream yet again so we went from one session without mentioning dicks to zero that's all right it's good the audience is keeping account this is going to be our like stat page it's like that how many dicks are mentioned everyone take care of yourselves thank you all for being here thanks for sticking out for you know a whole hour and 30 minutes longer that was great guys yeah thank you everybody we'll see you in a couple weeks yeah yep yeah all right

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