Mayday Plays - Vegas by Night, Ep. 9 - "High Stakes"

Episode Date: October 30, 2022

The Coterie attends a high-profile meeting with the Malkavian primogen, Emerick, in the wake of a disastrous violation of the Masquerade. Will the kindred be able to cage the beast and cover up their ...mistakes? Or will they lose control and alter the trajectory of Vegas forever? Originally streamed at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 dry that was vile absolutely horrible okay good you heard about half of it yeah the worst thing is dry yes good morning kindred and welcome to vegas by night made a role plays vampire the masquerade chronicle it's the month of darkness already and there was so much horror to be had in this community right now i hope you're all partaking i hope you're all celebrating if you haven't had a chance now is the perfect time to get into world of darkness and vampire the masquerade there's a humble bundle going on right now that will get you a bunch of the source books and the lore canon video games that go along with it it's a great entry point and it's a pay what you can for charity a bit so check it out if you have some time there
Starting point is 00:00:50 if i sound a little raspy here i'm sorry just know that kindred can be hung over too and that halloween parties are dangerous territory for toriador who loves to perform if you've missed out on any chapter of vegas by night don't fear you can still check it out on spotify twitch vod and our youtube channel as of right now and if you're wondering how you can get more mayday in your life you can catch our stream here every other saturday for our main show you can follow us on all major platforms as well spotify and soundcloud for podcast friendly recordings of all our major shows and streams and finally you can donate to us on patreon and join our patreon discord the discord is really where we've had a chance to build a great little
Starting point is 00:01:34 family around the content we put out we have patrons who have joined each other's games and played this and hosted by ourselves we've started doing these emotional maps that coincide with each episode and graciously feed my praise kink so i'm very excited to see more of them we've discussed the merits of pickle milk versus pepsi milk and most recently our buddy vince has been showing off these great custom made dice towers crafted by one of our listeners daniel g in addition to all that craziness you get an opportunity to listen to exclusive patreon content behind the scenes information we are in the process of putting out the origin story for sible which was actually i think out tomorrow oh beautiful it's out tomorrow so you can enjoy sible's origin
Starting point is 00:02:21 session it was a lot of fun we go into some of the complexities of the circulatory system in las vegas we meet an incredible npc that might be joining our story pretty soon and we go through a lot of vampire meth heads just getting their absolute asses beat by sible so take a look and as we enter the halloween season we're looking for ways to celebrate all of the times that mayday has personally invited you to shit yourself out of fear so with that in mind we've been preparing the top 10 list of the moments we suffer through together listener and sufferer we just put out our first on our social media pages i think our twitter where we went through a scene from this campaign of bride and now having their first little conversation at the top of the
Starting point is 00:03:10 las vegas asylum uh we'd like to also give a shout out to our handler level patreon contributors it's because of their involvement and we're doing some huge things here at mayday we're about to put out some of our first merch in the future so to have a very soft launch of that right now and look forward to what that's going to be in the coming weeks uh so thank you to onk ojapan a bimble warts cameron s eric a and jonathan m for making those things a reality for us it's going to be incredible to be able to wear something that has us on it and to think that you know uh before we've even hit three years here together we've been able to do things like that for for us and our listeners is we can't even amount to how much that means to us and we can't
Starting point is 00:03:55 wait to show you guys what we have in store for the rest of the year um other than that please check out our delta green campaign doom to repeat our dnd campaign centered in the beautiful island world of ashoka and our old world of darkness campaign using the orpheus system all of which are available on all major podcasting platforms youtube and our twitch finally we just want to give love to our last member vince who's on a little mayday vacation we want to thank him first time with vegas by night let him know we miss playing with him dearly we still love him we're excited for him to come back um yeah please come back please fix this elevator situation someone has to make sure these stop happening um before we get started today i just want to remind
Starting point is 00:04:40 everyone that vampire in the mass grave can be a dark setting and as such there are content warnings for any watching please be advised that there may be violent themes plenty of adult language in the exploration of darker subjects uh if you're looking for content warnings um uh anything with hooks attachments uh brutal scenes of uh murder uh a lot of death in this one um just keep those things in mind why no no no no no no no just i hope you're okay with restraints i love you railroading much railroading much i understand i take these as to-do lists right yeah i know no please take care of yourself and be aware i love you guys thank you all for listening let's uh let's get started with our saturday here okay
Starting point is 00:05:34 humanity was cursed and from that curse a plague of locusts abounded from the blood of kane kane in his delayed understanding realized that in creating the second generation he had not given himself company in his misery but instead created more monsters in this world the twisted mirror made of kane's blessing in the faces of the second generation only drew attention to the sickness in his veins it was in this new awareness that kane knew the world would never heal from the endless wound he's brought forth from his brother's head one of those wounds bore a swarm named for the midnight masses by which the devil made appearance the sabbat were born of kane's power and became obsessed with his legacy in the same breath that the camarillo was created so too was
Starting point is 00:06:30 the sabbat the sword of kane forged at the convention of thorns the holiest of kindred conversations was held and the fate of the remaining generations was debated fiercely for the survival of the curse there were two dissenting voices among the crowd representatives of clans that had already abandoned their anti deluvians the zamisi afraid to relinquish the castles from which the dragons reside and the losombra who had too much to lose from the war they had been waging for years so on the isle of mahorca following the inception of the camarillo the two clans conspired alongside the castoffs and the zealots to create a world free of organized control free of the power of the ancients a land closer
Starting point is 00:07:23 to kane and the death of the elders now the sect burns through the world like brush fire they have conquered the bloodbond formed a new religion in kane's eyes and begun a new war against the world itself consuming entire cities into kindred embrace and hurling their bodies at anyone that would deny them kane's holy jihad against his demented children and ruling over humanity a word sits on the tongue of every sabbat still standing a word that feels etched across time in the death of gods and kings gahena we will despise what we've created and all fruit will turn to ash on our tongue we will know there is no return from where we've gone and no forgiveness for what we've done we will try futile as it is to justify why we are different from those who
Starting point is 00:08:26 have come before we will say that we are good and as we spend all of our time convincing ourselves it was never our fault our blood will burn the world down to the foundation we will know this word when i return when the world falls to ash in our mouths gahena we will kill our darlings welcome to vegas by night um ice cold nipple soup oh you totally missed that one zack that was so very heard well good morning incredible you guys are sloppy today well i didn't know if i coined this morning i could tell well for twitch's sake it was two bees not peas yes sure now let's with that beautiful
Starting point is 00:10:24 sentence introduce ourselves to the world uh let's introduce our cast my name is kato james miller i'll be your storyteller i'm erin i play you knock and i'm not worried in any way shape or form i'm allegor i play mal and i've caused a lot of problems and have no idea for solutions i'm amanda i'm playing alison and watch me once again save the day by pulling something out of my ass cockroaches i'm elie and i was told i could go home i'm sergio i'm playing burrows and my highest stat is composure thank god i'm zakia and for my final episode i will be playing civil this is still fun thank you so much yeah i love this game i love this story it's a series rap on civil okay uh before we get uh in media res back into the action in the elevator we have
Starting point is 00:11:27 an exciting recap from our own burrows okay dear lord you ever watched something unfold in front of you sort of in slow motion and you know you shouldn't rein but it's all falling apart so spectacularly that you can't just help but be mesmerized i blame myself i've been distracted these past few nights first it was with ragel he got staked and i felt for the first time fear first time in a long time last i saw someone state it was my own reflection because it was me now the coterie knows that bit about my past what do they bother asking wow burrows what a coincidence why i would love to hear more about your story no who cares about the old crooner
Starting point is 00:12:30 we'd rather argue about now's his molten toucan ah shit i'm a hypocrite i wouldn't be honest with them anyway i'd play coy and i'd spin on my yarn i want them to know me but they can't know who i am not really after all it's part of that agreement i'm made with the camarilla that got me unstaked gave me back my freedom lots of dreams lately lord ragel had a dream before he was taken kasey told me she had a dream about me whether she realized it or not then i got that call from double h asking for the impossible what the hell could he want with the prince's ring he can't be prince again and he knows it is he just trying to start some shit another fucking dream i ain't cut out for this kindred
Starting point is 00:13:26 politics thing i'm a singer damn it i just want to get my midnight gospel up and running and that's my dream but it feels like we're constantly playing catch up go here do this investigate that pulled in every direction like like taffy i can go for some taffy focus burrows okay we've currently got one dead body head crushed by mal because he literally just looked at them that body is crumpled in front of a secret masquerade violate an elevator and in that elevator is us plus the other goon that alson is currently necking with and who can forget grease under that shadow mal has him in that boy's probably rock hard i mean he's got us right where he wants us
Starting point is 00:14:15 we're seriously considering giving this punk leverage over us hell no not while burrows is around you see i spent my entire life dealing with people like grease we call them fucking posers a poser can be cool on their own so they gotta steal it from others hold leverage and stay in the club you give them an inch and they'll take a mile no the only way to deal with a poser is strip them of any power over you lord i'm gonna be honest things about to get real awkward but i got an idea burrows is going to as soon as the door opens he's gonna press the button that leads back down to the the bottom floor that we came from okay he's gonna not look at anyone he's just going to say one of you get down and grab that body and bring it back up here mal bring grease
Starting point is 00:15:10 and follow me and i'm just gonna walk out that door okay we're going back downstairs one of you go down and grab that elevator so you're stepping through into emmerks room the body i'm stepping in yeah okay and the rest are going well not i'm asking someone to go down back down and grab that goddamn body understood whoever wants to follow can follow i'm going through the door there's okay there is enough time for all of you to fill in with uh burrows who is going back down and is the asleep gentleman this kist gentleman in the elevator with yeah i'm going down would you like me to take him down i don't tell you i walk out the door yeah figure it out i think we take him well shit yeah i mean emmerich likes it yeah i'll i'll go down i think he would see he's gonna
Starting point is 00:16:07 see it he's gonna see it there's no way around it the man appreciates comedy okay so yeah if he's on my neck it's gonna i'll just sloppily come down with it this is how i see it everyone fills out except for niles who's going back down allison brings the near unconscious corpse of the guard wielding a submachine gun at his hip lazily off his side who is near catatonic as you hold him in your arms your very much smaller arms um and you fill out into emmerich's room do i have that correct yes perfect i think let's go downstairs first thank um niles the elevator fills back out into the room that is a really just emptied out a hospice room there's not being used for anything other than to hide this elevator as the wall opens back out you're let back in and you
Starting point is 00:17:03 can see the blood is thank you rob satababa for two month subs whoa cool um you can see that the blood has started to pool dramatically into the room i think that these are like uh linoleum hospital floors those uh glossed tiles that really allow the blood to pool just fantastically liquid on top and you can see well they they say that the most blood is held inside of the the head is simply because of how much the brain requires to operate right well that is being proved to you today there are bits of this man's skull littered along the pools of the remains of this individual now when as far as to reach inside of this man's face and it is evident and you can see that some of the patience of this hall have come out to the thresholds of their doors to look at the spectacle that is
Starting point is 00:18:00 the gunfire the massive uh death of this man and the large body that now sits in the hallway of a public las vegas hospital and niles just riddles through your your bones the feelings of of absolute spite that this could be the masquerade violation that ends in all of you dying what's the time why didn't i get tasked with this job raise your hand i know i thought you wanted to go home look up the blood and drag it in the elevator yeah yeah that'll be normal is it also following months in universe calum please uh well we started our game in july and we've been pretty steady with staying day to day so it is very much the hot las vegas summer baby yeah it it is prime locus season and that's about it
Starting point is 00:19:08 yeah i agree niles i agree how many people were out there i'm three or four individuals out in the thresholds of their rooms there's about uh 12 rooms before the the door ends out at the opposite side of this hospital so you imagine you could probably fit eight more people if you'd like them to see no no no no no no no no god niles you're staring at this man if you had a heart it would be beating faster and faster inside of your chest but instead you have this empty balloon that sits right there in the center and back in your life you might have felt something for this man who has just become security cctv footage that will be uploaded to forechan and reddit within a few months
Starting point is 00:20:00 of this visceral evisceration of a man's face by this person that appears out of nowhere as a human glitch to the system full static in appearance as this man disappears from life but now in undeath it means nothing to you it is this glossed over problem that you have to deal with and that problem is getting worse as a fifth person arrives in their threshold they look panicked one of them says we gotta call 911 we gotta get somebody go go get one of the attendants and one of them begins to rush down the hall to the doors on the opposite side and begin to descend the stairs that you came up can i activate rapid reflexes okay what's the intention with these reflexes what we're trying to accomplish i want to somehow manage to quickly pull this body maybe into the
Starting point is 00:20:56 elevator and then run after the person who's going towards the orderlies absolutely so my intention is to see that body into the elevator and then run faster than the human condition past four people to catch the fifth individual running down those stairs no no no hold on fuck there's no right answer here hey maybe you're just you sane bolt who knows maybe you're just a very fast individual let's deal with that first bit you could grab that corpse and as soon as you grab onto him you can see that more of his face begins to fleck off from the bits of skull that have broken free from what used to be a face and is now a cavity you pull him into the elevator you hit the emergency stop so the doors stay open because again you don't have the key in case this
Starting point is 00:21:47 elevator goes back up without yeah and you are greeted with uh well okay let me ask you this do you pull the corpse in front of these four people do they see you stealing a body you're just tuning into vegas by night i'd like to thank you for being here i'd like to remind you what masquerade violations happen to be inside of our vampire the masquerade yeah we're we're in a really dangerous situation niles because if any of them see you stealing that body they're gonna remember your face you know and even better they're gonna see you taking it into a room it's on the third floor of a hospice care and making it disappear yeah instead i'm just gonna act like a normal person walking out of an elevator and can i like try to pretend that i'm
Starting point is 00:22:42 trying to resuscitate or look like i am trying to tend to this man uh instead of trying to just drag a body um because i i don't know what to do uh no thanks actually that works hey you know what it just makes it look like i'm fucking just you don't have to pick a hole it's all one hole so um or just look like i'm assessing this body like i know what i'm doing let me get a manipulation plus medicine which i'm sure niles is a trained doctor i took some classes uh i'd like to take this rolling to once again apologize to the coterie as me mal doesn't give a fuck allegra big apologies mal fuck off um how i got one success but i have a bc l failure
Starting point is 00:23:45 well and that one success is not enough to convince these others that you do not mean harm you are coming out of the room in which this man's skull was caved you're appearing seemingly out of nowhere uh and you are uh hastily mashing your hands into this man's chest and the four of them look at you like they're in a dream like they're in a a trance or something because they're trying to make sense of why a person would try to resuscitate a man without a face and they just look terrified honestly they look like they're staring at like a a dumber situation like they've walked into a maniac's room and two of them run off in the opposite direction following after the fifth i am making those words um and the other two uh well
Starting point is 00:24:37 one of them picks out from the hall very sickly individual in a hospital robe uh completely bald older gentleman but he stands in the way of you and the other attendant there as if to uh strike a defensive pose and he says to you what the fuck are you doing did did you do this can i can i cloud his memory what is the kindred's response what is the kindred's response it is always to think that you are different from the others that you can be better that you can be good that power makes you great and niles it's so easy to take his memory it's not even a role for you it is over it's gone he looks at you with his days as you cause that terrible brain damage as you cause another bleed from this man's life as he looks at you was shocked and goes
Starting point is 00:25:39 what happened is everything okay but the individual behind him he's very confused over what just happened the other the second individual the one of which he was protecting begins to run down the hall back down the stairs panic in fact so panic that she runs into the wall because she can't take her eyes off of you and of what that just looked like he he was so upset for a moment there and then it was like he'd never met you she's gone uh anything else you'd like to do while you're down here no i don't know but nothing comes to mind right now i will say the only individual here in the hallway left is the man that you just caused irreparable damage to his brain so there is a good chance that you could get away with something if you'd like to
Starting point is 00:26:42 i mean if nobody's here i gotta get rid of this body i guess i don't know i will try to do what boros asked and bring the body upstairs okay we will say that within the confines of cloud memory you can pull him away and still additionally remove that from the individual's mind so he looks almost completely blank slate at you as you're doing so as you continue to fuel the blood through him to erase any memory as you drag that massive six foot corpse into the hallway into the emergency locked elevator pull him back into that elevator sit back against the wall and consider what just happened as you imagine five people have just ran down the stairs god knows how many others heard what's happened and who knows how long the police will take to get here
Starting point is 00:27:36 back up in emmerich's office the elevator doors open up into what is almost like a university dorm room but for a very expensive donor imagine that there is it is half medical lab and half seating room in the center and along all of these walls are these immaculately carved walnut wood wall engravings with these very ornate little patterns that run along the crownings of each of these woods immaculately conceived think very ivy league inspired but in the center is this massive king sized bed that is canopied over with these very ornate old brown tapestry curtains that run all along the sides and then on either side of that canopy bed are a row of heart monitors and medical equipment there are like surgery tables and all
Starting point is 00:28:45 manner of immaculately curated medical equipment in order to preserve someone's life outside of that the room is akin to an episode of hoarders there are old newspapers that litter everywhere there are shells to various like pistachios and peanuts it's almost like walking into a deli there's food that is molded over and been left out on plates that line across the room there are piles of various liquids probably for drinking you imagine one time but they have festered over skimmed to a head and then formed new bacterial life along each one it is littered across this room it is largely a studio apartment there are no other rooms itself in fact the bathroom itself is exposed into a corner and kept back by this surgical sheeting that would only mask the most
Starting point is 00:29:50 intimate of businesses and it looks as though there is only sort of a lab shower one of which that you would be entirely exposed under the the hum of medical equipment is so very loud in this room and the heart monitor is in a constant flat line so there is this impossible white noise that pervades all existence in this room there are four individuals that are rimming the bed itself two of which are in full hospital scrubs these red hospital scrubs with id tags and all the accoutrements you would expect of doctors or nurse practitioners and then the other two are very large men that look very similar to the man that you have unconscious in your grasp um uh and are wielding um uh like semi-automatic shotguns uh in their hands uh and immediately
Starting point is 00:30:52 as you all come through the door uh there is a look of recognition from the four of them uh that seems cordial at first especially as grease sort of walks out with all of you even is grease still intruded by shadow that's something i should know um no i think once the elevator got off or opened up i let go of him so it's safe to assume we are attempting to keep things as cordial and as everything is normal as possible right of course yeah in that regard it is only when they see the unconscious guard in allison's hands that the shotguns come up pump and rig immediately at all of you i have to apologize my wife is just so alluring that the guards sometimes can't resist grandpa and they're just gonna be like i'm gonna take the arm and wave
Starting point is 00:31:50 the guards hand be like um you you see that as you wave this guard's hand and the shotguns come up prime to ready to shoot um one of the nurse uh or or doctors attending to emrick reach their head in past the curtains that pervade that or cover entirely that canopy bed and there is whispered conversation on the other end um and and then a voice speaks up from behind the bed uh have you all brought me a gift come through my child to put the guns down guns down and uh the shotguns are are brought back down to a a leveled position at their waist as they look very cautiously over all of you uh and the nurse practitioner comes around to open the front of the canopy and reveal emrick simple this will be your first time seeing him since you were alive uh and he is
Starting point is 00:32:51 yes uh it is very new to all of you and in fact it's the first time for the kingsters as well this has largely been through written conversation um he is decrepitly gaunt uh so much so that he looks almost skeletal in nature with these drooping eye bags that sit so far into his inset eye sockets that he's he's almost a corpse to look at he has this uh widow's peak sort of balding slicked back hair that looks permanently wet against his scalp he has this sickly blue green skin um and right now in his bed he has these um sort of gaping wounds that cover over his body across him almost like the symptoms of necrosis uh where pockets of him look to be missing um but he looks uh very affectionately in alice's direction he says
Starting point is 00:33:52 i have finally been visited by my new children please come come to the bench i'm going to as i i'm going to still walk dance with the guy and kind of just like glare everyone passed on like don't fuck this up i feel like and i'm gonna run my fingertips thank you so much for the gifts i wanted to actually wanted to ask you would you like me to make you with him as i hold the body up and like i heard all of those rumors and i've been watching over you for some time alice and i always knew you would be an interesting one forgive me for not getting up to greet you my legs they don't work anymore what i heard that you were so sick but nobody was telling me anything no it's it's okay these doctors they have so many prescriptions for everything but
Starting point is 00:34:46 you said you want to make me an art piece of venaldo here yes i like a good well uh because i know you're going through so much i wanted to make something that you can look at and just smile and be happy just to get you through this pay i know you're in a lot of pain alice and you're so very sweet have you brought your child with you is this enok yes and i'm going to grab him bring for enok my beloved and he takes you by the shoulders wow you're looking so healthy am rick oh thank you i've been trying to keep myself well and some of these are starting to fester but i i think the doctors are taking good care of me i'm sure you're going to be just fine i'm going to look at the doctors and be like
Starting point is 00:35:30 um he better not suffer under your care do you understand me that of of course we are giving master emric absolutely everything we can in terms of care and we've been attending to his and the gesture to his legs illness for some time going on a week now i'm just not feeling the intensity that you care so i expect better never mind alice and uh how much you introduce the rest of us yes invite me to meet all of your friends i know one of them very well closer yes um katalya yes uh can uh i'm going to not say anything i want to gesture like can i get close to emric by his shoulder like i want to introduce like in a proud way sure yeah he seems very inviting uh and almost familial with the malcabians i'm going to get to my knees and like be by his
Starting point is 00:36:35 head side i feel like everybody this is this is what she's my pop pop emric yes alice it has been my pet project in in the city for some time now and she's been doing so well from afar the two of you i i was so it was regrettable for myself to not be at the wedding but i give my love and my presence to you i trust you you received my gifts yes they're very nice they're beautiful very we haven't we're saving them for a special occasion but one of them is one of them is my nephew so i i expect you to inform me as to his taste absolutely very how intimate everybody this is my uh right here this is my good friend burrows burrows say hi how you doing baby burrows i have heard much of you hh's little apprentice the valet
Starting point is 00:37:36 the butler with silver chalice in hand yes oh i think those rumors might be exaggerating but we're really just friends i'm not i heard recently you were given per view of this city have you been enjoying your time off the leash i've been loving it absolutely got big plans you look very healthy burrows you look like a man who likes to eat i got my taste sure and maybe it's the my presence i i will say that i retroactively activated presence as we kind of walk through the the elevator i i wish i could look as healthy as you do i i have a very particular wasting disease that keeps me very thin i would just love to gorge myself as one such as yourself does look at that gut well that's from uh that's from regular food i i don't know if you can eat that
Starting point is 00:38:34 hmm i've tried and the the smell of this place indicates that uh as such there are trays upon trays of the silver hospital food uh accoutrements you can see old jello that is starting to grow new jello and uh cream corn that has been sitting out for what you imagine it's like years civil for you this is such a familiar nostalgic in the worst ways smell that you can feel yourself alive again in the understanding of these dead decaying foods um pop up you know that food is not good for you right now you got to get better well they tell me that i have to eat to retain the nutrients if i'm ever going to become any better than i am i have to do what the doctor prescribes right and he looks directly at the doctor who um all of you are getting the sense
Starting point is 00:39:33 that these the nurse practitioner and the doctor especially look like uh prisoners like war prisoners they look battered emotionally abused they look at all of you with like a panicked i hope to god we say the right thing here um and the the woman who was trying to defend herself to alice and earlier looks to him and says absolutely and you are being such a great patient master emick we really appreciate everything you've been doing to try and get better uh and and we're so glad to be here i don't think i have to do this but i kind of want to make an insight check just to be like this is all some kind of ruse this is all some kind of show yeah go ahead and give me an insight plus um plus wits or you can give me a wits plus medicine i will say it's simple also said that he
Starting point is 00:40:25 fucks around with medical stuff before you did say that i didn't say anything about these attendance or anything about this room let's give that wits an insight maybe you'll have an idea of what's going on here uh two successes you recur you remember at least someone mentioning to you and some dingy uh dive bar where you were singing one night about a documentary you ought to watch on uh munchausen's disease and munchausen's my thoughts crazy you know as kindred that you don't suffer from diseases after that life outside of ones that were debilitating to you before life so sure if you were paraplegic when you were human you might be paraplegic when you're kindred but that doesn't happen after death you haven't known illness outside of what comes with the curse
Starting point is 00:41:20 in years for some of you so for him to describe some of these lesions and even looking at them burros you have a feeling you could replicate some of those lesions he has with a switchblade so you know civil please let me introduce you to a newest member of our coterie mal mal wants you to introduce yourself uh during this entire time mal has come out of this uh there is no failure is not an option kind of mentality and is truly realizing what they've done and has been shrinking into the background trying to disappear and as soon as burros says their name they try to like straighten their shoulders uh hello permission emmerich lovely to make your acquaintance very formal this one knows the language and everything they're on the sombra are they
Starting point is 00:42:25 inok and he he reaches over with this very frail completely shaking hand he touches your cheek you my boy are sweet for paying me information you do well to continue that you already are proving you and your mother so proud and he gestures to allison you have a very sweet little boy allison good vampire mommy the sombra you say uh i have known four lesombra in my time personally and of three of them i killed them myself have you been enjoying your time in the city it's an adjustment period it's i'm learning well you have eternity to learn they're they're very helpful pop up it's very it's been a lot of interesting adventures with this one
Starting point is 00:43:28 yes and they don't know anything about the sabbat at all wonderful to see you again emmerich several i was wondering when you would speak up it has been sometimes since i've seen you i've heard well of the circumstances you found your way by i would be lying if i said that i wouldn't miss your blood yes you had a taste all your own you know this you've told me many times allison can speak to this but in the web of my brain in the forays along the strings the connectus universe there are very few focal points in time and you were one of them for me i will remember your blood on my lips for the next century and i was so sad to hear that you had given that up well there's a new opportunity another way
Starting point is 00:44:33 to remember me sure sure listen before we get too much into the weeds here with business we do want be honest with you you are a wonderful primogen to both alison and enok we had a little we had a little snafu on the way up you see mal here uh well you know how the beast can sometimes can take over and well they annihilated one of your guards downstairs uh we currently have our best taking care of the matter downstairs but mal why don't you apologize to emmerich pop up would really like that i would mal cuts dagger eyes at burrows do it but seeing like the tension in cybil and burrows and like all of the affection that emmerich's giving enok and alison mal grits their teeth and steps forward a little stiffly uh and offers
Starting point is 00:45:35 their hand to emmerich he puts out this frail shaking hand and his attendant that doctor comes by to help guide it into yours i will take it from the doctor and help him he meets it into yours primogen emmerich and i'll lean forward and kiss his hand like i was supposed to with aluishis i offer my apologies for losing control of my inner beast as you know lasombra are learning the ways of the camarilla and sometimes my baser instincts take over baser instincts and he doesn't move that hand he gestures uh to the other attendant and on one of the the view screens that sit behind all this medical equipment uh they click the inner bar a
Starting point is 00:46:46 few times and show this sort of 30 second second clip that was picked up on a security app uh that shows this absolute pixel glitch of an individual appear out of thin air consume this man and then the crunch of this individual like he was destroyed by thin air almost by by some glitch in the matrix baser instincts that is quite the way to put it do you submit yourself to any condolences i believe owed to my estate malice chewing their tongue the alternative of course is a major violation of the masquerade punishable by our sheriff of course primogen i would think nothing less than the best for you consider this a favor of my house that i do not see this as a slight against who i am and of course my lovely alice is going to make me an art piece i think i know what i want you to do
Starting point is 00:47:56 my my legs have not been working so why don't you do the same for him that's all whatever you can do i will have it brought over of course and in means of condolence i require two things one you will relinquish a bag of your vitae and symbols what you will relinquish a bag of your blood and symbols so that is easily done that can be easily done i have the lab don't we can take it right now no no i want to break in the new labs we'll do that we'll have it delivered with the art piece burrows i wanted you to make him a charisma plus persuasion here too because obviously you brought this about i want to this will dictate what he's asking for with the second oh god persuasion plus
Starting point is 00:49:01 charisma all right not a bad pool let's see how we do here come on burrows but gotta re-roll one of them make it that is three successes okay yeah absolutely a success you feel as though you've earned some that the way that you guys handled this and this is for future interactions as well you were very honest you were forthright you followed the like feudal forgiveness path the kissing of the ring all that really works in this circumstance and you can see emmerich especially everyone in this room can feel how old he is and he appreciates that old-fashionedness i also legitimately think if anyone wasn't emmerich like the malcavian they probably would have taken a little more outwardly offense to this but he's out of his fucking mind so he's absolutely insane
Starting point is 00:49:52 and that insanity the idea that he's going to get an art piece out of this is is alone saving you so he he holds that shaky hand in your grasp still and gives his second ask i will also require a boon of all of you i will not name it now but you all understand the importance of boons in our society it is the currency by which we make all deals there's something that benefits you in the long run too but one day i will ask of you especially mal but it will be held by your coterie a favor and you will do so without ask bob of course you know that and i'm gonna kiss his little cheek i'm gonna kiss his cheek as you do uh some of his flesh starts to flake like like dandruff of the skin and it comes off on your lips i have that little
Starting point is 00:50:48 lipstick on and i'll be like i'm sorry i got a little on your cheek oh oh please be careful my skin you know allison my skin my skin allison and he swats your hand away you will watch the way you touch me doctor doctor and the doctor comes over and begins swabbing gently with this these alcohol cotton swabs against his face it is okay allison but you know you know pop pop skin sorry so where were we yes the blood the blood of sybil and of of this one mal and a boon to my office and then we will conduct business and you will not be affronted for your violation thank you uh sybil i think you had some business in math oh uh the the question was whether or not the boon was directed to the coterie or us as individuals and it is i would assume the coterie
Starting point is 00:51:46 coterie right it is in direction towards mal they will suffer the consequences if the boon is not served of course but the coterie is in belonging to it pramijan um might i offer sybil has done nothing this is all my faux pas might i offer more of my vitae in exchange for none of hers make a manipulation plus persuasion okay great gang but we'll see manipulate that old ass what be nice to him your die be nice you did i have a six and a bestial failure he looks you square in the eyes no
Starting point is 00:53:04 will not be done and it is in affront even to mention a changing of the deal i understand absolutely i am doing you a kindness you are by not setting you all to the sword and i would have your own kind do it i how would you explain to sisco your transgressions you would ask them to change the deal i meant no offense uh our coterie is new and i your intention is of little import to your situation you can mean whatever you say but it is what is said all right malice uh why don't you go back to the shadows we we got some other business to take care of huh mal bows and slinks back into the shadows plus sombras no we have other business speaking of blood yes i believe that you've been making waves in terms of collection sybil
Starting point is 00:54:07 hmm yes i'm primarily interested in the relationship between you and grease by extension but uh phoenix i suppose by extension of him grease is my most loyal ghoul he is my right hand band my attendant where business matters are required when i cannot be there in person because of my body he stands in my stead and he came by way of some information when i asked him to keep an eye on you that you were investigating into some situations and relinquishing blood through some blood bank attendant with long hair in the hideous attitude by which i i think you mean your friend f yes i became aware that that was how you were coming to feed yourself yes and my understanding that correctly i prefer it
Starting point is 00:55:17 to the more traditional methods i find they don't necessarily fit my personality so then of course your supply has ran dry and i assume that's why you're here yes i was told that the bags would stop unless we worked out this little issue we're having yes well do you know where the bags come from a blood bank of course that's what f is told you right yes but do you know where they come from civil citizens of las vegas donating blood he gives you a very pointed look oh there is only one path for the river of blood through las vegas and you have been getting high off your own supply so i've done you a favor i've stopped
Starting point is 00:56:14 yourself before anyone found out so we have a few options here i have my own very personal stash of blood running throughout the city that is under my purview and i can continue to supply you with such and you can sell use whatever you'd like as long as you continue to conduct business in such a way or you can continue to steal from the circulatory system and i can alert slow that one of his most favorite young protege has made a serious slight in his direction that won't be necessary um this this private source you said you were speaking of is what exactly would that entail all it does is put you in business with me lovely i don't suppose i could have time to think about it you can have all the time in your world
Starting point is 00:57:20 can i vibe check that sure i'll just kind of like look at her look at civil like what wits plus insight i got that i got i got wits you got wits i know they're there i can like they have a choice here i know i'm talking to okay that's three successes he looks to be telling the truth in the way that americ tells the truth exactly okay uh uh let's let's explore this this partnership together i think it'll be interesting what do you intend to do with the bags outside drinking them well if i don't drink them they go directly to my coterie i don't do anything else with them
Starting point is 00:58:28 i see you have no intention of business for a supply you've been stealing from your own organization no sorry wait is enok raising his hand or is erin raising his hand yes okay oh enok and erin i just wanted to um i what i want to do is i want to try to use premonition to see if civil is lying oh sure no no what uh we have a role for premonition right go it's a rouse check and then uh oh no okay so let's start with that rouse check six and above your fine anything below a six you're hungry enough becomes such a snitch when he's around grandpa yeah i know the kingsters are such kiss passes i love it most order i've ever seen uh i get hungrier okay nice and then oh no is that really it what does that mean um sorry i'm just looking at
Starting point is 00:59:33 um at the card i'm so good take your time um guys it's pop pop and to anyone who plays btm hardcore they sell these things on the renegade publisher that is like every discipline put into a card if they have those love that god it is the like best thing to have in the world can you like send me a link for that yeah honestly i could probably just send you guys what your disciplines are and you can just keep them because they've got every post of the discord yeah or excuse me the uh oh yeah on cast it for in the discord all right that's a lot of red it's resolved plus aspects okay go ahead and give us that pool let's see how you do um let me see one success two success that's just two successes okay all right um civil could you
Starting point is 01:00:28 give a very vague description of what you intend to do with the bloodbaths uh number one eat them number two uh use them to keep her coterie from having any more bestial failures and then at the end of the day if some have to get sold or passed on then sure but that's like that's not her number one goal her number one goal is to eat am rick i think someone's bending the truth just a little tiny bit fucking narc hey he comes back he's such a ball buster and i'll tap you know in the nut you're like oh stop screwing around man come on oh no no this is not a negative thing knock is doing he is only confirming what i suspect it is okay civil i know i scare you what was it the stories the holy roman empire was a different time
Starting point is 01:01:29 the things we saw the people we were they die along the way there should be no fear between you and i nothing to lose only to gain if you would like to sell i encourage it i think slow has been in power for too long if you'd ask me maybe he needs a little competition to bring the blood to the surface don't you think thank you for your reassurances of course i do miss telling you my stories you used to get this go ahead speak up you seriously got stories from the roman empire yes oh more than that old germany beautiful place i would like to sit around some time and listen to them i'm a big fan history sure maybe you and i can have a meal they have great meals
Starting point is 01:02:35 here and you look to another festering plate that is sitting right there and you and i could eat i could tell you things things that even hh couldn't experience would you like that boroughs i would very much yeah thanks america did you ever have an attic growing up boroughs no i grew up pretty poor america i never really had where down south down south no attics in the south more more basements i see in your basements should ever find spiders well i was too poor to have a basement too but yeah sure i found plenty of spider before what do you feel when you see a spider when i was alive scared now it's just another kind of thing in my way i used to love spiders when i was young
Starting point is 01:03:41 i would eat them i thought that by eating them i i could learn what they do i loved webs the idea of an organized chaos a trap to be set i used to imagine what it would be like to trap children leaving the schoolyards they never liked me but i thought that if i could keep them i could make something of them make them like me never worked but the cobweb is an organized chaos unlike anything else and it is the collection of the stories that have created every being before me after me enduring me i would love to show you what that means would you eat spiders with me burrows i'm on a i'm on a diet would you eat spiders with me burrows sure sure i'll eat a spider yeah man yeah sounds good of course he will yeah good good well
Starting point is 01:04:50 i got so into talking of forgotten of course that we've just become business partners very good the the details of our partnership all will be revealed by my attendant greece there will be some circumstantial relationship between all of you and greece going forward he will be the one you speak to directly f will be in his employee as well and you will oversee both of them you will receive shipments throughout the week i believe we can escort them to the newly named club canan i believe that was enox decision yes yes enox what a name fit for a king such as yourself i would like it i do and i cannot wait to see the kingdom you build under that name but the crates will be organized within club canan and then it is up to you to handle distribution
Starting point is 01:05:48 of course if this business gets out of hand and you have a habit of doing what you did in my hallway i will i will abandon all connection and see that you all die without me but that is sure that is for you to understand there are also some circumstances i understand that greece will have for himself so please do adhere to whatever it is he brings about outside of that i think we can iron out the details ourselves is there anything i can tell you're getting really tired and i don't want you to over stress does anyone else have anything they need to bring up because pop-up needs taken actually i was hoping if there's more opportunity to interact just for touching bases that i would um be the one driving your newest interest to their
Starting point is 01:06:46 appointments civil i relish any opportunity to see you if you would like to drive alma i see no reason not to abide by that but under one condition you watch me feed on her each time in this room i've seen you slinking about in parking lots i'll not have that i don't want to see you through cameras civil i want you to watch of course of course permission granted you can come when i'm eating spiders with them too good and let's call it a date you're all invited if you would like to see the goblet you know i've been wanting to of course when you bring my gift back we'll all have some delicacies
Starting point is 01:07:49 prepared for all of you and and your friend your friend downstairs i feel so remiss for not having the opportunity to communicate with them as well oh i'm sure you will get your chance did they not come back up the elevator they're still there they're still niles went home niles if you would have liked to come back up the elevator i would absolutely allow that if you would like to be here i assume that the the the task was to bring the body oh i'm sitting i'm just sitting in the elevator panicking you know what then let's just say that the elevator doors begin to open then and niles and a very very very beleaguered corpse next to niles is sort of seated at the bottom of the elevator uh looking out on the office and it's right he speaks up oh it says
Starting point is 01:08:45 if i called them myself i'm telling you i just have that but that that's and again well don't worry you know we'll take that and that's just going to be extra additions too and i'm going to grab the zomba like tap dead guy i'll make it very pretty for you i know you'll make me proud you have always done right by me alice and you will continue to do so daddy amrick yes i was wondering if i might speak to you alone sometime oh of course well i have time for you now if you would like to excuse your friends is that okay honey of course don't do not overstress or concern alice and leave the boy alone can act on his own that's you know i you know i just want to always look after your health i understand but enok is my next new project and he deserves just as much
Starting point is 01:09:49 attention as you do yes pop up if you'd like we'll just start grabbing letting you two have a long time we'll start walking backwards for the elevator of course taking grease with us yes grease who has been notably quiet yes for the duration yeah he has made a a point to act the same as mal almost standing at attention at the elevator unspeak but we'll say that the rest of you empty out downstairs now i'm going down the elevator i just want to turn to grease and be like it didn't say shit did you did you want me to go back man i'm gonna turn to everyone i'll be like um please please please please say something that we did wrong that we should do differently based on that interaction okay uh i i know we have communication issues but um can we
Starting point is 01:10:51 do you do you understand what we are malkavians do you like are you like not comprehending stuff like come on guys i think i think i figured it out because we handle that situation pretty well honestly i think we did i think we did that's i think the real problem is a goddamn snitch still upstairs is it though yeah it's my piece wheelnark energy with the fun really because i would like to state for the record if it wasn't for me and even a knock it'd be a much different tone that's fair always remember with emrick always ask about his health does that make sense i appreciate the inside that might work for everyone else in this elevator allison what but i i will say this as a friend because you you pointed out when i was slipping
Starting point is 01:12:03 earlier i've seen you work leather everywhere i can still smell it on your breath i was not prepared for that level of bootlicking and i would prefer that the corrections be delegated to the people that deserve them uh listen you all know what happened with enok and me and if pop pop is the one that tells the prince what to do maybe you should actually follow the gut instinct and read in between lines allison you're not you're not you're just speaking words not even making any goddamn sense tell enok not to fucking rat on us we're part of the same coterie aren't we hold on and we psychically tell him through the elevator as i told him all right you psychically communicate with enok as i'm just gonna put my hand up like this truly are trying i'm literally
Starting point is 01:13:02 gonna do this just to be an asshole as we go down the elevator your asshole works and we come back up to enok who is standing alone again the white noise of that dead heart monitor just buzzing into existence here as you stand across from him the two attendants on either side the guards with those shotguns ready at at the side thanks for subscription trash bandico yeah thank you so much guys that is okay uh emrick enok i've uh i've recently disappointed my wife
Starting point is 01:13:54 oh and i have an idea of how i can make it up to her oh such a beautiful husband and perhaps in the process maybe curry a little bit of favor with our illustrious prince oh you have your eyes on higher seats don't you perhaps what do you tell me boy i want to hear this plan of you weave me a web well when i awoke i had allison by my side to show me the ropes of course to give me my first meal my wife did not have that when she woke up in this world she was left cold and alone the truth of allison sire is one that i do not take light on my heart i have often wept for that girl
Starting point is 01:15:04 alone lost in a hotel room begging for answers i'm just thankful she has someone like you i i hope that i can be worthy of her affection of course enok i have a feeling you think that you do not satisfy every urge in that woman you think she needs a sire no i think i think that whoever did that to her deserves to be put into a gilded cage so that my wife can drink him dry surely alluicious could sanction such an action for someone who broke his rules so your indication is that i should petition for blood hunt on the missing sire of allison allow him to be diabolized and then what feed him to you to my wife
Starting point is 01:16:26 enok my boy and he puts another hand to your cheek there is so much of the spider in you i never truly knew what you and alice would bring me and when i spared your lives when i fought so hard with alluicious to keep you i wasn't sure if i was putting my life on the line for the right people and here you are sitting in my room asking for more than anyone has ever asked of me and i cannot be more proud here is what i need from you anything you must find the identity of this individual his location and a plan for catching him when the blood hunt is called
Starting point is 01:17:24 the rest i will try my absolute best to make happen for you but these things it is the hardest ask you can make of a prince and it is a spectacle your wife will not be the only one allowed to devour it is a call to every kindred in the city it is permission to consume so you when the time comes will have to be ready there will have to be a plan in place i think i can work something out in addition to this enok you must be an incredibly high standing with the prince my word will go far but yours must attest to the same i'm afraid i still have a little bit of work to do in that department maybe you should go see aluicious pay him a visit bring your coterie along
Starting point is 01:18:20 see what you can do to be of justice to him it is important that you do right by what he has attested you to of course watchmen yes you must move in that direction but it's even better to do something he's asking of you i understand what i know of aluicious he's new blood not nearly as analytically minded as artha cost before him i haven't decided how i feel of him but he does not have a great appreciation for us of the old guard the people who came before the people who have been around since well hh but he is a compassionate individual it is his curse the toreadors have a heart still and as such he can be bargained with negotiated make him feel for you and you'll have him for life i'm sure i can win him over of course look at that face you beautiful boy
Starting point is 01:19:27 shh created in your mother's image allison is very very lucky i'll work every day to deserve her and you will do well well i'll let you get back to your rest and i i do hope that you're feeling better and are back on your feet soon inok my legs are paralyzed oh i'm so sorry i'm never walk again how could you say that to me oh no i'm so sorry kiss at my feet i i'd i'd do it without hesitation you are granted forgiveness but don't you ever let your tongue slip like that of course you know i will never walk again i'm so sorry good well this is gone as well as it will i ask one last thing of you inok you keep your eyes on
Starting point is 01:20:22 that lasombra i will i want i want you to watch them especially keep them an eye report back to me if they are doing anything that goes you and i i already have been of course you have that is why i forgive you for your transgression now go boy be with your wife your coterie keep them together okay i scurry off to the elevator and leave them in peace you descend down i imagine the rest of us are waiting for inok to come through yeah as inok opens up on the elevator you're all meeting back into the hospice room um how fucked is the situation at this point yeah i think we probably get to that right um there are sirens outside of the building itself and just from your perspective of the opening elevator doors you can see like the flash of blue
Starting point is 01:21:22 blue and brown uh which are notably the uniforms of the las vegas police department sheriff department um and it looks as though they are uh like cordoning off the hallway i will address you the the room again there is a singular mattress and bed across the way there is a cabinet to your side with a mirror and sink there is a window that leads off to the ground uh that is three floors down and then there's a door into the hallway that runs a stretch of 12 rooms down to a set of stairs and then another set of stairs directly to the left of where you would come out that will put you directly in line with the course here's the thing you are at the end of the hallway against that staircase odds are that they're cordoning off those exits
Starting point is 01:22:12 Caleb the person that was uh that one lone person that was uh compelled or are they still there uh not from what you can see you can see uh there's some tall individuals in those uh law enforcement uniforms that are standing in the door okay from your perspective in the elevator which uh looks to be as if the wall has not opened yet it's sort of like a two-way mirror situation um you can't really uh discern anything outside of that but it's very clear the cops are waiting the hallway and they haven't noticed that you're here yet okay um if we're still in that uh situation where they haven't noticed i i'm gonna address the group i'm like uh i can't give him a command to not just kind of vague but i can get him because uh this is caught on camera to go and erase the
Starting point is 01:23:03 footage he doesn't have to erase the footage how about he fucking jump out of wind like cover himself in that fucking blood on the floor and jump out a window or something love the enthusiasm but we remember we want to cover the ass first we need to do is draw eyes away from that goddamn elevator civil give me an intelligence plus a technology roll oh oh boy okay enock you can roll this as well plus technology great oh that's two successes it's great cool or is awkward it's not great it's too successful we'll just say that both civil and enock know this information uh from what you noticed uh emmerich has access to all the cctv so you may be in the clear there um emmerich's domain we just gotta fucking draw eyes away from the elevator that's
Starting point is 01:23:53 what i'm saying somebody covered in blood and jumping out a window or something it just looks like how about casper the friendly ghost make a noise over there and we can all slip out what if we just jump out the window silence of death not everyone's silent fucker but silence of death covers everybody yeah it would cover the window and then you guys could jump out that window i think we we should create a distraction and also jump out the window like if the distraction is across from us jumping out the window that'd be good niles did you say more than one person saw you multiple people saw me yeah those other rooms right and those other rooms and you did nothing oh let's not fucking argue about that right now let's get the hell out of here
Starting point is 01:24:37 do we have any ability to mess with their memory before we go no i can i can do a cloud and uh i can give commands that's the best i can do i think we just need to leave okay and i can implement can i use spoons to distract people from like across the hall okay so you're tapping a window spoons in spoons is reconning over the building are you like sending them like windex commercial against the windows outside of the hall yeah okay yeah uh go ahead make an animalism plus stamina uh roll burrows is going to just quickly go down the hall yeah and he wants to see if anyone is in any of those rooms okay so you're specifically the people that supposedly saw what is happening if you're stepping out into the hallway you're gonna be greeted with like three cops are you okay
Starting point is 01:25:38 fuck no not worth it god damn it yeah we just got to jump out the window basically because i mean they only saw someone trying to save someone's life badly that's six assesses there is a crunch as the bones of this crow's wings crack and break against the window flap and manically break against it the glass shatters and uh spoons cause there's this massive distraction of flapping fleshy wings as it flits about the the hallway window uh it's not enough for them to realize what they're looking at they think bird um but it is enough to provide an ample distraction they just don't realize he's a fucking saw blade of a bird thank god it is it is more than enough you're bolting for the window i'm bolting for the window okay there's
Starting point is 01:26:28 there's no other obvious way out of this room other than the window in the front door you could you could do the window you could go through the front door and run for the staircase but that's going to put you in line with the cops windows windows okay so uh enok masquerades that silence of death is suddenly the steps become very silent around all of you uh elie give me a brawl plus dexterity as you jump through the window there if i also activate sounds of death does that just help extend it out a little bit more so we'll say they're both going because i don't even think that's a rouse check is it no how high up are we how many floors three floors so like 40 feet significant three successes three successes you succeed absolutely is that the window turns to powdered
Starting point is 01:27:17 glass as you cascade through it but there is no noise from it as enok is standing so close to you that it doesn't actually perceive sound as you fall through it is uh without any audio as you drift flew through and your body cascades down three flights and you can feel your shoulder break instantly as you come down onto the ground uh but you're alive you kick it back in and you're fucking fine you took one superficial damage what is the current view from outside the windows is this like the back part of the hospital so we don't see cop cars and such this is a back part that is all foliage that runs up against a wall that that wouldn't break into like a parking lot situation in the main streets that run along the hospital so you're maybe 30 feet from hopping a
Starting point is 01:28:05 12 foot wall being on or not even 12 a little higher than that 15 feet wall and then getting over the side to republic los vegas somebody else go after me you guys gotta catch me oh uh grab the mangled corpse body i gotta grab the other dude yeah we're jump we hopefully land in the trees yeah can i try to use the mangled body to break my fault yes honestly yeah could you give me a dexterity plus stealth plus whatever your uh your dots in obfuscate is uh i'll activate shadow cloak again as i go down just beautiful uh so that's one success and a messy critical or i'm sorry a bestial failure oh guys that's really bad um just one success is not enough to succeed on the roll meaning that we default to the bestial failure um what is with
Starting point is 01:29:31 all these fucking bestial failure all of a sudden yeah god damn that's horrible okay um i'm going to amend the story here because your audio silence is helping the others so let's assume that the kinksters go down last and then we'll deal with that bestial failure that enok has just crazed us all right well then if they're going last all burrows is doing is like someone catch me and leave out the window and hope that somebody tries to help break my fault i'll try to catch him i'm the only one down there i will go after because i see him just running it out of the window and shouting let me get uh a dexterity plus athletics from burrows and then a strength plus athletics from niles to catch this god speed asteroid that is burrows flying
Starting point is 01:30:17 karate jump jump out the window uh what did you say strength and what uh dexterity and athletics for you burrows uh strength plus athletics for niles oh one success the imagery of this katana floating in the air as you're grabbing onto the sword you're just fucking kidding just spinning two successes okay i hope you got it successes are you laughing niles takes uh one point of superficial damage as the katana bladed uh the hawaiian i'm sorry uh uh floral printed uh a shirt wielding 250 pounds of burrows falls like a fucking brick onto you and you do catch them but god you both glide into the floor and you feel every pound on this guy smooth thanks baby they're both laid out on the ground on the conch problem there's like a little a gout of blood
Starting point is 01:31:20 from your lips for any other human being they'd be you know pounded onto the pavement broken dead right no need caps oh you won for the rest of you uh uh civil could i get a dexterity athletics from you on your way down there yes oh come on that's two successes two successes you uh arrived down there with little snow fanfare you got one superficial damage to trade for it as you cascade back down and you land on some of that broken glass right next to burrows who has spanked four niles um some good group bonding for those two burrows did say that he would have niles his back but i don't think this is what he knows the immediate coverage niles go straight into torpor from the sheer weight
Starting point is 01:32:21 yeah it's fast now you're floating down here quick as a shadow let's see what that looks like dexterity plus athletics all right all right all right imagine just like a shadow just quickly drop into the ground like i got seven but again i gotta be a seal failure the only need one success here so thank god that doesn't actually affect us here you're gonna take one we'll say you're gonna take one superficial damage for your fall not nearly as graceful as lusombra claimed to be the shadows betray you and suddenly this big black silhouette of mal becomes very human again as the the sheer connection of the pavement draws them directly out of the big shadow trick oh i hear uh allison you're the last to go before your boy makes some bad
Starting point is 01:33:15 decisions i would have just said no i would have pointed and laughed at mal like that just like fuck you allison how did your stealth roll go allison what did you do i had one failure and one success but thankfully it wasn't a bestial failure that's not very good either that's also a failure okay uh give me a dexterity plus athletics then how do i keep this goddamn coterie together if you're all fucking failing all the time i don't pray harder two successes two successes we're putting that masquerade violation tracker to to work here stress testing m rick is gonna die of a heart attack yeah you come down with that corpse of yours and you think you might have killed the man on impact i i snap i would like his nap like
Starting point is 01:34:09 maybe the what is it spider-man two neck snapping thing it's just that oh full i'm like oh definitely glenn stacy's on the way down i'm gonna like shake him yeah he's dead yeah glenn stacy boo yeah uh sorry uh spoilers for the amazing spider-man two congratulations um inoc uh you on the other hand um you are greeted as allison is leaving the room and hit her body uh on her shoulder connects with the window uh just enough as she's going down that it shocks you out of the silence as you realize that maybe something's going to go wrong with the way that allison is going down and you realize that there are sounds now as the corpse connects with the window and then falls through and you have this moment where immediately you can hear footsteps out in the hallway start
Starting point is 01:35:03 to move and two cops appear in the threshold pulling nine millimeters on you freeze freeze stay exactly where you are as they point glocks uh directly in your direction you have a body propped onto your corpse that is missing a face and your beloved wife is carrying the other and just leaped out of the window what do you do um fuck what do i do and i'm going you don't have compulsive oh and of course you have your uh b shield compulsion which the malcavian compulsion let's go remember what that is oh no oh it's delusion my baby boy uh so you are deluded in this this portion here malcavian's extra sensory gifts running wild the vampire experience is what might be truths or portents but what others call figments of imagination dredged up by hunger
Starting point is 01:35:58 while still functional the vampire's mind and perceptions are skewed so you know becomes con yay yeah yeah you're starting to see some things that are not there yay okay here's what i do the cops are standing in the door and i'm like what are you doing pointing those guns at me it's can't you see this suit i'm clearly detective eric how's your life your direct superior put your fucking guns down you are not aware of the gout of blood that is still dripping from this corpse that is doused over the black so much so that your tie is taken off a six sod and material and the white shirt underneath is doused or crimson red as it continues to drip down your front and transfer this body to the corner get the fuck out of my way or i'll have you both fired
Starting point is 01:36:42 they look fucking horrified for a second and continue to shout at you to put the body down or they'll fire and they give you about two seconds into this tirade that you're given before there's an open firing of those uh those pistols on you how far away from them you are probably point blank my friend this is the threshold to you at the window which is maybe six feet at the most can i um throw the body onto them and then i am getting pretty hungry so i was gonna go fucking fair i'm not going to engage them nice okay okay yes they're going to fire at you first but yes that's fine um with uh a four uh you're you're going to take four superficial damage from the gloss eating into your body um and then uh the the corpse gets in the way
Starting point is 01:37:45 of of them basically emptying their clips because of course in a firefight like this uh the law enforcement desperately wants you to go down and until you do they have to keep firing you don't and it is like an immediate panic on their minds as they empty that mag as fast as they can and they pull back behind the threshold um and you toss that body in their way and you go feral go ahead and make uh any sort what what kind of attack are you making on one of them you're trying to bite them i'm just gonna try to slam their heads together and knock them both out in one below okay okay uh go ahead and give me a strength plus brawl is there oh this is really dangerous um i can rouse the blood to increase my strength you can you absolutely can it does make you hungrier
Starting point is 01:38:40 which is why i say it's dangerous yes you would do a rouse check it's called a blood surgeon okay adding an additional dye to one attribute okay we're gonna we're gonna do that so i'm gonna make that rouse check i succeed okay that's very good for you here because i know you're close to what are you at are you at four i'm at four hunger oh my god erin i know that's why i was panicking i'm sorry there's a lot of blood here i realized you need to make a frenzy check which is that is your a third of your willpower rounded down which i think is still two even with your loss of humanity a third of my willpower rounded down well that would just be one die yeah in us becoming the psycho killer that he's so badly one yeah you have definitely become the
Starting point is 01:39:27 psycho killer um i roll uh so i failed a third of your willpower plus uh your it's it's an enox trait let me find what the enox trait is it's willpower plus i think like um resolve or something like that you see that would be well that willpower plus a third of your humanity sorry that's what it was okay willpower plus a third of your third of my human so it's it's actually three dice plus yeah your your total willpower max willpower plus a third of your human okay so it's three more you have to put a third in there jesus real time bad they really are married i i totally believe that people thought they were married so that's three successes i'm christ okay yeah um let's consult the frenzy table and see if that's enough that is just enough for the smell of blood
Starting point is 01:40:20 and the taste of blood so you are okay here uh did you make that uh strength plus brawl i haven't yet there was so much going on okay strength plus brawl with an additional die because of your blood frenzy it's at least sane during this encounter that's anything he's at least sane i have a feeling we are never leaving this hospital four five seven one's never leaving this hospital six plus an extra die for the frenzy and then one more extra die for the rouse of blood i already got oh okay um okay okay that's bad that's really bad okay that's fine so i'm gonna use wait wait because i was a crit okay i'm gonna use a uh i'm gonna use a willpower okay remember you cannot willpower a hunger dice yes i have i have uh get three yeah i'll i'll actually use two willpower
Starting point is 01:41:20 if i can but you get three dice per what when one willpower no it's one willpower gets you three dice okay so okay so i'm good um but i okay and then that would be no extra success no additional successes so you got what two three successes three successes yeah three successes one was a crit and you had one bestial failure yes but we have one crit success you crack their heads together you kill one police officer what does this look like um i think i just grab both of them by the hair and the one that's in my right hand i just slam his nose into the other one over and over and over again until his face caves in inoc uh and your delusion that you are this fbi agent sent to save this man's life and these are the corrupt cops getting in the way of it you are realizing that
Starting point is 01:42:18 behind you are four more of the police chief that's been on your ass for years trying to get your gun in your badge and you're aware that you're gonna have to fight your way out of this place in fact police chief is starting to pull out his gun all four of them you're gonna have to fight your way out of this whole precinct you're gonna have to kill every fucker in here unless you're running oh my gosh i said precinct 13 ram so i think i have to put my way out of here that means i'm not diving out of the window i assume you can if you would like to be the only the delusion you picked is that you're a big badass fbi agent so i think jumping through the window is still true to the compulsion okay okay return i think i'm trying to rescue this guy that's already over my shoulder
Starting point is 01:43:06 but i still have one cop that's left alive and who looks terrified you just said that you were an fbi agent panic that you were a loose cannon and then smashed his friend to death with his own face and he is sitting there terrified with an empty click in his glock begging for his life and the other four are staring at you in absolute abject terror i'm gonna grab the one cop that's in the room with me yeah i'm gonna pull him out the window with me yeah and i'm gonna try i think this guy on my shoulder is alive and well so i'm gonna try to use the cop as a cushion to land on interposing my body between the corpse and the cop oh man oh fuck me okay okay this malcavian shit is serious business man yeah it really is i fucking love this yeah
Starting point is 01:44:03 go ahead give me a strength plus brawl i love to take this man with you as the other four begin to ready their weapons against you i love someone in the cup die hard enok addition as the rest of you are scaling the 15 foot wall onto the other side into public vagus you hear maybe 24 gunshots go off and rapid succession oh my god like the emptying of full clips oh my god this is going so badly back to the mre cover gun um okay so that's oh my god might find it funny three successes and two b seal failures jesus burrows you got your keys right great oh my god i don't even know how to resolve that onto delusion becomes even more real for you um and as you're leaping out of the window with
Starting point is 01:45:02 this individual and taking him with you um oh god uh you are trapped in this thought that you are an fbi agent and that you are investigating the conspiracy that this man was attacked by the assailants uh that came through this hospital oh no it's agent fluke all over again you're beginning to remember who they are you're beginning to remember who they are and even worse you were with them they betrayed you to try and kill this man those dirty fuckers you know uh that is the delusion you'll be operating under as you land onto this individual uh he desperately tries to fight for his life as you uh you push him towards the the window um here's what's gonna happen we have enough room for maybe three cops to fit their guns into the threshold of the door and we have
Starting point is 01:46:00 the individual in your grasp that is fighting for his life with an understanding that a madman someone who has not taken his medication in years is going to kill him there is a ferocity that only comes with human desperation and it's about to unload on you you know so first off the glocks oh it's gonna become aggravated damage real quick you have taken five superficial damage as the glocks unload on top of you and injure the police officer you've taken into your hands including the delusional very alive to you person on your shoulder who is begging you in your ear for his life they got me detective Enoch they got me you gotta save me as you're falling through rearing back up with his last dying breath he takes the butt of his glock and desperately
Starting point is 01:46:58 tries to break your nose in you're going to take an additional attack because you're falling cascading 40 feet you take two more superficial damage as he fights for his life dies mid-air from the blood loss you've ensued by having his friends murder him and then you fall to the floor falling on his body and you're pretty sure that his family will not be able to identify him you've stopped him from an open coffin but you've survived and you have a man over your shoulder with three cops that have rushed into the room looking out the window and I'm now going to make a coffin roll on whether they see the rest of you climbing the wall quick point of order if I take more superficial damage than I have health that means I start taking aggravated aggravated
Starting point is 01:47:44 it turns into aggravated and then it goes back to superficial so if you have 10 hit points and you take 11 superficial you have one aggravated one superficial okay so yeah I take okay math yeah math is wrong I agree I think that means I have okay so I went down okay so I have I have one aggravated point of damage okay understood we have a coffin roll we're going to decide whether you all are stealthed enough to get over the wall without being identified fuck please can I spread my shadows out to at least try a different tag Mel I would like to point out that this is all you're doing
Starting point is 01:48:36 I just don't know if you would have the time as this is subject to like three different back to back bestial failures yeah including one of mine so fair yeah I just don't think it's gonna happen guys I'm sorry I um they have a margin of success that we'll find out about later fuck um and that would be that um I did you were caught you all see that Enoch is rushing after you as they begin to prime another mag into their their pistols and try and shoot at him as he's leaving the rest of you I will assume we made it over the wall at this point I still got the I still have the body over over my shoulder and I'm screaming we have to get this man to safety quick they're gonna kill him you are screaming this into the dead corpse of the man you used to
Starting point is 01:49:26 ride to the floor as you are staring into his dead body you pick up the one over your shoulder and you run incredibly fast as fast as you can uh and scale the 15 foot wall cinematically you land on the other side dodging some of the glock bullets that are shot from the window as I'm running I have a pretend pistol in my left hand but I'm firing back and I'm making noises with my mouth as I run they look fucking terrified as the man who just stole three of their friend's lives and destroyed a attendant at this hospital's life is shooting finger guns over the shoulder at their window it is a level of panic you can only experience in a job like law enforcement and if you were any more human you might feel terrible for the way that you've made them feel but for now there is
Starting point is 01:50:16 only the weird police fantasy you've written for yourself and any semblance of the world has been lost to the spider as it climbs the cobweb you you're lifted up over the 15 foot wall as you hurl the corpse over it in this macabre demonstration of a circus act as your dead partner performer lifts into the air and across the wall and leaves that as the last image those three police officers watch as you play putty with this corpse's life and then climb over yourself and meet the others on the other side I got a quick point of clarification do we see that the cops see us or did you roll well enough that we are we're not seeing you are unaware if you they noticed to you okay well just hearing all the gunfire and all the nonsense and but burles is going to get in
Starting point is 01:51:08 the car as fast as he can and his plan is to leave inok behind he is not letting inok get in the car with us got it you're definitely aware of the cops if if that was a point of clarification you are aware that things have gone terribly wrong so inok when you reach over the fence you're actually alone as you can see the others piling into the car there's enough time differential that I think they're probably already in baby blue and riding off into the night meaning that the FBI agent is left alone with his compulsion uh and no because I know he's if that's the case because I'm aware especially with inok and he gets delusions like that it's going to be worse I'm going to probably just dump the body be like just put in the put in the more thing and I'm going to haul is there
Starting point is 01:51:55 any other cars in this parking lot there's plenty would you like to add grand theft auto onto everything I mean Jesus at this point I can upgrade you to masquerade violation plus if you'd like to no I got it well I'm gonna I'm gonna maybe you guys just want to like turn 20 people in a vampire no no no no I'm gonna drop the body if they take off that's they take off but I'm gonna run to back to go to a gift shop buy a shirt that says I'm a vampire we needed some ghouls right yeah you got some fucking ghouls the one under shoulders I'm running to enok I'm running to enok because I it is easy to meet back up with enok who's just there over the fence enok your compulsion tells you that allison was in on it get away from me yeah I start firing finger guns at her as I start
Starting point is 01:52:57 put the guns down put the guns I double agent you remember that remember the code word remember the code word work on three three one two you got it you said it I told you okay all right operative let's go uh go ahead and make me a manipulation plus subterfuge thank god that's something I as you play into a madman's delusions this is just like every good relationship listen to your mother enox listen to mommy come back to mommy three successes and one is a crit success okay yeah enok it starts to make sense this is your partner always thank god she was on the inside she's a grizzled cop with a hell of a mustache but god she gets the job done man let me tell you we can't time we gotta go we gotta go now before they follow yeah let's get out let's do this
Starting point is 01:54:01 this you carry your hostage your is there any sewers nearby is there any sewer man holes or anything god if that isn't a question sure let's take this down to put these down um go ahead and give me an investigation plus wits okay oh holy okay all fives all fails god bless america yeah right no manholes in sight not for these two detectives we're gonna run along like just so because where that window is something where I know they can't see us and I'm gonna yeah my goal is to run and just kind of run down the street to see if I can see any manhole covers or anything that can we can hide into okay enok you get the idea that you should just go back to the precinct tell the chief what you really think let him know that
Starting point is 01:55:00 some corrupt cops are getting away with all let me ask you this does enok know where they look close yes he does yeah absolutely does know where the shirt yeah perfect we gotta go under we gotta go underground so we can get there safely we gotta go back to so let's get underground let's go I I think I'm I think I you know I've finally seen a familiar face so I'm inclined to I'm bringing up my guns too I'm going to make a roll for whether the police have any bead or chase on the two of you as you leave on foot your fake finger guns in the middle of the Las Vegas streets like and the body of the faceless man over your shoulder just so fucking lucky the Las Vegas police don't know what they're doing my face hurt I think that you are for what you think
Starting point is 01:55:51 or run rather for what you think is 15 20 minutes before you finally become convinced that maybe they don't know where you are and you do indeed find a man hold cover I assume that you probably hide out in that sewer for a little bit don't you well also use the sewers to get as back to our club because that has like that sewer way entrance so that's and even if just get him in that direction until his sanity starts to come back for those of us who have been watching Vegas by night for a while here there was one piece of advice from Gail gave us about the sewers do we all remember what that was oh no don't go away no no I hope you know I do so go ahead and give me a wits plus investigation to find your way back to naked city by sense and walk alone with no known
Starting point is 01:56:44 mapping system of Las Vegas municipal sewer systems have delusional yeah half delusional with a man who keeps insisting he's the fucking detective and shouting throughout the sewers two successes oh I'm sure that'll do it okay back to baby blue you're in the car you're making it out you're on the way uh you're speeding to get away from these police where am I going somebody tell me let's go to the club sorry we should we should get out of town are you serious I could leave I want to go I want to get out of here yeah let's let's know let's go to what's the what's the fucking it's in the desert it's not far need should we just go to the lake it's not far from Vegas but it's somewhere that's quiet yeah but is there somewhere that yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:57:45 yeah how are we gonna have the sun uh you have your father's place that's not far from mead in the dam you could probably stay in boulder there's also plenty of motels out there in in uh Henderson that is right by uh the dam and lake mead if that's what you're planning yeah I um you could also just stay on the lake all of you are vampires and as such you don't have to breathe you could just go under water won't the sunlight yeah if we could deep enough it won't it'll be about like you could sink to the bottom of that lake and not be touched if we've been in a four-year drought there's no way there's enough water to cut off all the sunlight mm-hmm it's taking a hell of risk shut up handler just to say uh storytellers are not gods don't think it'd be that way I'm not but
Starting point is 01:58:45 I love that we're doing that I'm driving to mead but I'm not saying I know goddamn lake no we'll find a there's a motel and I'll punch in an address for one always go see dad we'll we'll be by dad sure okay you drive off to mead as the kinksters go in the opposite direction to naked city I think this is a good opportunity at 1 15 in the afternoon to take a little break from all of the tension that we've just created there fuck uh let's let's just take a breather all right we'll be right back lord oh welcome back everybody I mean what can I say some things don't go to plan and sometimes the masquerade is the thin veneer of which we break substantially um we we have quite a few things happening here I just like to address a question
Starting point is 01:59:50 from the chat very quickly which is lol I wonder how far off this is from Caleb's plan today and the answer is yes is yes it would astound you to know how far I have had to dip just to rectify what is happening today and I'm sure we're going to see a very different Vegas just because of what's happened at this we want to see we want to see our our effect on the city a new Vegas for a new generation we say maybe we have a different effect in mind yeah that that new generation is the dead one we're gonna have to have a teen pow wow meeting everybody just sit down and lay down the rules the bottom of the lake so um Enoch and Allison yes you've stepped into the shit stream that sits under Las Vegas the municipal sewer
Starting point is 02:00:47 system that runs the length of this illustrious city and makes up the underground web of the Nosferatu's running system um how are we going to navigate our way through to club Canaan what's the plan here um I I'm gonna get my objective is to get him to club Canaan so he can feed on what we have on the bodies that I'm assuming they went because I'm assuming there's a full body over there I didn't know they love there is one corpse on Enoch's shoulder and there are no coterie to be seen okay um how are you navigating the tunnels I am going by pure oh uh phone I'm assuming my phone with the GPS can at least I can do the walk in google maps doesn't penetrate the ground yes it can because
Starting point is 02:01:49 don't workers they work down there so it has to be workers do work down there you're right about that so they got phones um okay uh let's just go ahead and make a luck roll yeah if you want one die six and above your phone works five below I got a nine sucker your phone works and google maps tells you that you're inside of a building right now but of course it cannot run underneath the web work of the city correct um so you have a very like a basic understanding of where you are as long as I get the direction that's how I'm kind of seeing it it's like I understand so I'm just going in the direction as best as I can towards the club now um I need you both to make uh dexterity plus stealth rolls and uh Enoch you are in a negative two to your pool
Starting point is 02:02:48 oh that's great so much to have two die and if I have if my hunger outweighs the you just roll hunger equal to what you would roll so if it's two it would just be two hunger dies um one critical success well that would be one messy critical I suppose okay one bestial failure great fantastic this is remarkable cycle continues okay so you have no successes and one bestial failure you understand that this triggers Allison's compulsion yeah I want to confirm what a bestial failure is and that we are controlling it correctly that's so bad failures right two critical failures no it's failing on your hunger die so okay but it doesn't have to be like two or something it's gotta be I will read it off that's good successes reel it off for you here a bestial failure is a
Starting point is 02:03:44 failed roll where at least one die in the hunger pool shows a one the character fails due to the be successively manifesting so you're it's a failed roll because we rolled no successes and we rolled one of those fanged bestial failures yeah we did so all right I think we are doing that correct we're just bad at rolling sir we're just real bad at rolling today so it's a bad day and we're very hungry so that body's about to get wrecked and that body's about to get like deformed we might need to cut the black you are being compelled uh to join his delusion you now honestly believe you're an FBI agent on pursuit of helping the victim on his shoulder okay good and you both have dramatically failed your stealth roles moving through on this gps you've been talking
Starting point is 02:04:39 to each other you've been walking through the responses of these FBI agents what's up can we say that the gps doesn't work but we're convinced that it does you don't need to help him he's got enough honestly that statement would help you not okay that's too bad uh but no you know fair uh instead you are being incredibly loud uh your voices are echoing off of the tunnels you are um making the right direction and you believe you'll be at club canan maybe 20 minutes if you keep following the the correct directions um but it is a couple tunnels in that uh even above enox mad ramblings you begin to hear something is there any ladders nearby that it can get us to another manhole come sure go ahead and roll me a wits plus investigation but in your delusion go and remove
Starting point is 02:05:41 two from the pool okay he's talking too calmly i don't like this i don't need that fame i'm just trying to keep the stress down for everybody well you're stressing us out so i have one crit fail but it's not a beast she'll fail so reward almighty what does that mean it's a crit fail but it's oh it's not on your hunger die yeah and you did not succeed whatsoever no cool okay yeah you don't see any uh exit that you can make out uh in these tunnels and you're very focused on that gps but you begin to hear um what sounds like the um uh like wet flesh slapping against concrete um and the scraping of skin against walls it's bad and then the tallings of something like fingernails like keratin being scratched along surface but so much so that you must think
Starting point is 02:06:49 in your crazed delusions that it might be a millipede from the sheer sound of it the quantity of keratin against concrete and you become uniquely aware that in the tunnel next to you this big massive shadow begins to move past into the intersection that runs opposite to you and it looks like maybe as tall as the sewer tunnel is so maybe 20 feet in the air and a mound circular blob of what you can catch in the dim light of your phone might be human flesh and then you catch the glint of two eyes and the forming of a face that sits on that mound of flesh as if someone had been implanted into it and that cold horrified look of a man caught in a scream has been pressed in so tight against the skin that the eyes sit poorly in the sockets
Starting point is 02:07:50 no recognition whoever he is he must be gone now not a part of this creature's sensory it doesn't move towards you yet but that 20 foot mound of flesh begins to make its way behind you on the adjacent intersection i'm gonna do this hand gesture like like free like military like calm down of course fingers are up where i'm not gonna say it's not gonna say like we're just uh we're just kind of like i'm doing the military signals of like don't talk like we're just keeping our eyes and fingers pointed and we're letting them because we're in a delusion we're just oh i'm aware you're in a delusion a dexterity plus stealth with a minus one to your pools okay the two of us both yeah they say in
Starting point is 02:08:47 vegas when you are rolling poorly to step away from the table but unfortunately i don't think we have that option here you have how many successes i'm sorry two successes and two successes that's something i will say that is just barely enough as the absence of a breath allows whatever this creature in its muted sense of uh awareness begins to move past you you believe maybe it might swing around maybe it's even moving to join you in the next intersection but for now you don't get to join those faces no good dirty rotten mobsters all right can't let the mobsters find us so what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead crawl very quietly till we find a cover and then we're gonna crawl on the ground till we get to our police station sounds like a plan partner damn right
Starting point is 02:09:56 so the two two of you become prone in the river of shit that runs through the gray water beneath las vegas as you commando crawl past this mound of flesh that sits at the bottom with the body over your back thank you for reminding me of the man you are convinced is alive and screaming but in truth is a voice that hasn't been heard since he lost his face an hour ago go ahead and make me a survival plus wits to get yourself the club canan without drawing the ire of whatever that is again either one of you can make the role and you will only receive i have three wits and once you'll need a negative one to that pool due to the delusion fine don't forget your hunger dice thank you so okay too and remember you can roll willpower on dice that are not hungry oh that
Starting point is 02:10:55 might happen two successes one's a crit success even though that one's a fail but that's not the beast power no no oh but we have you got three successes should i all right one willpower she has she has two successes and she's going to use a willpower the role of the other okay i got another crit success so now that means i have four successes i've got a million successes so i got four five six beautiful uh you managed to make it to club canan 20 minutes from the moment that you saw that creature oh my god and you open up into a manhole cover that takes you out into naked city and back to the club back to your doghouse and rooms without the dead you seem to have made your way out with your victim uh with your delusion and in this delusion
Starting point is 02:11:52 club canan has taken on the aspect of a perfect police precinct glowing donut sign outside in neon millions of invisible uh non-real cops that are sitting out all eating donuts themselves on the hoods of their cruisers they all are drinking dark black coffee of which they give you a cup every time you see a new one so by the time you get into club canan you have maybe six different cups of coffee um there are german shepherds everywhere uh half of these people are police chiefs even though there can only be one um all of the women are named mod all of the men are named bob and all of the non-binary folks are named badge how are you doing mod we're doing good badge is my name now just keeping the peace that's what we do it's what we live for we got it we
Starting point is 02:12:50 got to get this man in to see the medic we got to do we got to do some operating on this man to keep him alive well you know badge has got it covered down in the morgue go see him let's go bad bob mad just waving at people it's good uh it maybe takes an hour of you all operating on this dead man with the invisible cops that take up your precinct before one of you snaps out of it shakes looks at the other and realizes you're just kind of picking at a man's open face in your empty club which one of us is awake i feel like you probably snapped too first fair uh i'm gonna because i know we're hungry and that's causing a lot of this i'm just going to be like you're you're watching enok drink from a coffee cup um and he cannot actually consume food but uh
Starting point is 02:13:51 he's going wild yeah is there anything actually in the coffee cup probably no it's up to you i'm going to be like uh we need to get we need to we need to take uh the the poison out of him so do that thing like the snake and just suck on it make sense and i'm gonna also buy it without question makes sense uh you begin feeding from this dead individual the blood is cold go ahead and make a stamina plus survival role enok to see if you can keep that blood down the dead blood oh it's never a good taste for an individual it's often looked down upon if you were venture it might kill you but my wife told me to yeah i did oh thank god two successes no successes you managed to stomach it and you drink everything that man has left and it only
Starting point is 02:14:49 slakes one hunger i'll take it i'm going to uh well is there anything else the kinksters would like to accomplish before i think we've taken up quite enough time i would just like some blood and that's it that's it seriously uh you're taking blood from what the other three comatose you know what no he has to feed because if i want him to feed off so i'm just gonna stay hungry a little bit okay uh the rest of you are in baby blue trying to discern i'm sorry enok did you have something i was just gonna say that if i'm drinking off of the comatose i'm gonna be careful as best if i can i'm gonna not drink them dry we'll say you can slake another hunger just one so we'll say two hunger slaked well we're going to baby blue you all are in the car deciding where
Starting point is 02:15:36 to go next where are we heading the lake right it's 40 minutes away we can still make it before the sunrise are just leaving them they can sort out their own goddamn issues they've been nothing but a pain in the ass tonight great cool i wasn't i wasn't questioning it i was just making sure i'd be calling you the pain in the ass but we already took care of that problem yeah yeah i know thanks but where are we going need i mean we could just go into the water but there's like a motel or something we could just find in sun proof very quickly and then once we're settled we can tell them where we are and they could choose to come or not all right are we gonna stay here a while i mean how much time do we need to be out here
Starting point is 02:16:36 probably just a few days probably fine honestly just it's just that we don't immediately go back to the club and i need some time to think we all need some time to think all right i'll head in that direction okay it is a 40 minute drive out to lake mead uh it's quiet night quieter than what happened at the hospital and for a majority of that drive it takes you out of vegas through boulder for civil you know well and can recognize some of the places where you grew up and through into uh henderson which reaches out the the farthest point that you can call las vegas right before the dam itself um and you're starting to find
Starting point is 02:17:26 yourself 40 minutes away from home from naked city your dominion from whatever just happened at the hospital and of the consequences that are no doubt coming your way um in henderson there are a lot of tourist trap areas and high price motels for people who are coming here to visit the dam um there are also plenty of air bnb's and apps such as that you also just find some abandoned buildings to house out in if that's the plane kind of just want to find something forgettable tourist trap place unless anyone has any just give me a bad i just want to sleep in a goddamn bed tonight great the most forgettable motel okay yeah you pull into like a motel six uh where you're paying like 40 to stay for the night
Starting point is 02:18:15 which is nothing uh the rooms have roaches and you're halfway sure that the beds have bed mites but when you're dead those things don't seem to bother you nearly as much as when you were live and for the most part these insects don't have anything to eat off of you besides flesh left on your bones um how are we going about sunproofing this room to survive the night i'm gonna find a closet okay safe yeah there is uh actually uh storage closet that can definitely fit one of you niles takes up that post uh it's intimate small there is a safe in the room civil but it is uh um tiny unless you were saying closet is safe yeah i was saying the closet is safe i love the idea of sleeping in the safe it looks short but she's not that sure
Starting point is 02:19:07 a little elf in a safe no um girls won't sleep on the bed so he's definitely going to do his best to put shit on the window to to cover it got it you you slip one of the the double mattresses up against the wall and you you use the curtains to prime that up uh good that accounts for uh two of you um if there's a a time where i can basically sunproof the windows as well with mal i'm just going to ask them uh have you ever had your blood taken like that before the way that emmerc will i guess no you do though you have experience i do a lot this is the best possible way i know it doesn't make it any better and thank you for trying no i i'm sorry you were scared of him
Starting point is 02:20:07 and we dragged you into it i mean you had to be there anyway but we made it worse i made it worse and i didn't want to i know what it's like to be faced with someone you're scared of and i don't love that we're adding that again can i be honest sure i thought i was scared of him until he said that i was and then i realized one part of me was sure at one point but now i think i'm more scared of me around him how do you know with him before it was you know blood doll blood doll shit happens and it's bad but and i don't want to work with him and now i have to but also that means i will be spending a lot of time alone with him and i don't know what might happen
Starting point is 02:21:16 if you know what i mean and that could be messy i'm afraid of that more than i'm afraid of him i'm really bad at reading between lines so i couldn't hope you were gonna fuck him or murder him i want to kill him great okay that's that was that was my assumption but then i kind of you said it in a way that made me think maybe it was the other one um no no i'm not trying to make light of your situation because that sucks no it's okay that man already looks like the contents of a vacuum bag i don't i thought you had more to certain taste and i'm glad to know that i was correct that is correct um well listen if you don't if you don't want to be alone with him i i'll go with you if you want any time thank you yeah
Starting point is 02:22:08 i appreciate it um and she keeps putting shit on the wall uh does niles just does niles just go straight to their no not niles is like hovering doesn't know what to do but has kind of it's maybe leaning next to the closet as if i have state claims and this is my territory now i will defend my closet tibble did you want to do something before i said something uh i was gonna say if there's a bed sible will also sleep in the bed but i was gonna ask if there's only one bed there are two uh well first fan fiction but two uh there are two beds one of which was used to block uh one of the windows you can use my belly as a pillow sible come on come on now don't tell me
Starting point is 02:23:00 not about it before come on it does look incredibly smooth just a little harry if i didn't have to sit through all of my triggers i would have said no but yeah special night sible gets red with burrows you curl up on that big old belly and it is surprisingly comfortable yeah just just before we do that just before we do that i probably saddle up next now at some point burrows hey listen i want to thank you for uh breaking my fall earlier uh happy to help you're strong and i knew you could catch me okay listen i owe you one for that okay so if there's ever anything you need there's any issues or something you need help with that you don't think you can do alone just just hit a ball
Starting point is 02:23:57 burrows i actually might need your help with something hell yeah so so what is it uh before i came into town i um i had a bike and it ran out of gas and i had to essentially hoof it into into vegas i stashed it somewhere but i'd really like to get it back i think it'd be better for the coterie to have something a little more mobile well i mean you know what the money we're making we can just buy you a new bike you're you're partial to this one i get it yeah all right well where where'd you put it it's out in the red rocks red rocks that's that's north right or north west what west west yeah i don't know my direction that well i don't know my direction west of where you are now
Starting point is 02:24:56 yeah exactly that's what i'm in yeah yeah yeah all right we can do it tomorrow okay sure yeah i'd appreciate that um as the night goes on we end up in the situation where civil and burrows are embedded everyone else is kind of doing their thing and um i think burrows just says something like uh uh civil you might have uh praised the lord real quick that is scarier than anything ever that's so much i think i was ready for some maybe without even waiting for an answer i just i just kind of break out into song anyway and i just sing lord help me to walk another mile
Starting point is 02:26:06 just one more mile and i'm petting her head as i continue to sing shoulders are she's not saying anything she's not moving but her shoulders are quaking she's trying not to laugh and it's failing i never thought i needed help before i thought that i could get by by myself now i know i just can't fake it anymore so with a humble heart on bendony i'm begging you please help me with a humble heart on bendony i'm begging you please help me i just slowly start to go back to sleep it is the last thing you hear on bendony as you succumb to the death that is sleep for the kindred of this motel uh far from naked city uh just short of lake mead and of the hoover dam
Starting point is 02:27:17 the four of you find solace in this room while the kingsters find solace back in club canaan back where the world makes a little more sense but is in a lot more danger as you sleep you all can make a rouse check to decide if you'll be hungry the next waking day and i need you to elect one of you to make a survival plus intelligence to see if you survive the night that's not burrows i have i do succeed my hunger good i failed my hunger i failed my hunger too i failed my hunger uh i mean i have a i have a decent survival i would also accept wits if you don't want to use intelligence i have a decent pool of wits and survival do it all right yeah and i failed my hunger too got it i passed hungry boys
Starting point is 02:28:17 uh does our any damage go away uh you can use this point to rouse check three times to heal aggravated damage superficial damage you'll you will have healed by the next day great three successes three successes is enough you have survived through that night uh but before the day is over i need you elie to make a um a wits plus awareness if you have any levels and aspects you can add that as well i do not okay no successes um you are roused from sleeping uh this is something that's never happened to you before uh in your undeath you wake in the day uh you are in the closet so no sunlight opens on the other side it's not as though you're burning still dark but you are awake during the day niles your body feels sluggish
Starting point is 02:29:38 weighed down beleaguered by every sense that you have and you are in a state of panic that reminds you of the fear of fire as it runs through your entire body as you are aware that the sun is beating down on this building you have this preternatural sense that it is out there waiting for the second to kill you that the cure to the curse could take you at any moment you are awake and it's maybe two o'clock in the afternoon who knows you haven't seen it since you were alive but there's something else niles outside the closet you can hear footsteps and then liquid like water dripping onto a surface or blood viscera something vomit who knows it's pooling right outside the door
Starting point is 02:30:40 and you can hear it dripping and just in those last few seconds as you're grasping for life as you're trying desperately to stay awake to find out what's happening you can hear the footsteps begin to move away and then a door opens and shuts and your body surrenders back to death in that death you hear that voice one that is not your own not your beasts not the name on that shotgun but instead the newest visitor to what houses niles and he speaks cloyingly it has begun and i cannot stop what used to come the night comes back to all of you what's begun and you are brought into another night as kindred uh the uh let's start with the lake mead group as we awake in this motel uh all of you are live
Starting point is 02:31:57 the sun holdings seem to have stopped any sort of light from getting in against you which is lucky uh it seems as though nothing is a miss it's as you left it before um and you all are awake again at about 8 p.m in lake mead or honderson everyone okay niles is gonna run out the fucking closet like fangsbear just fucking looking around and trying to get a sense of my surroundings did you not feed enough what the hell what do we need what is going on what's going on is is is there anything liquid or squishy or like whatever it is do i sense that somebody was in here while we were go ahead and give me um a wits plus awareness or actually an intelligent i'm sorry intelligence plus investigation to see if you can find any
Starting point is 02:32:54 remnants of someone who might have been here oh one success okay um you you can't seem to find any evidence of whatever dream you think you had and it's now you're doubting the reality of it as you're standing where you think that liquid might have fallen um you're almost standing in the places that it was in um you don't seem to notice anything now that voice is still resonating what he said he's good i thought i i don't know i'm fine i'm fine i thought i heard something that wasn't us um got bad luck with closets like you heard a rat now i thought i heard somebody i thought i heard the door open and close
Starting point is 02:33:56 well that that'd be impossible we all be dead if that happened yeah you're right that's just my imagination okay yeah yeah you all are aware that um we don't dream yeah what we are can't form dreams because we don't sleep we die every night becomes something brand new i'm gonna go kick open the bathroom okay uh it is absolutely a bathroom there's a toilet a sink and a tub are there any like leaky faucets or like the toilet overflow it's a motel six so the sink definitely definitely looks leaky and you imagine the plumbing's
Starting point is 02:34:47 pretty bad in here but it doesn't look like anything's pulled up what do what do we know about like me any any weird rumors or something uh go ahead and make a wits plus a cult if anyone would like to rack their brains as to something they heard i don't have nothing in a cult i have one in a cult try a wits go for it i did get two successes i got one success three successes i have a cult uh civil you remember the rumors uh coming down from theresa theresa used to talk about this place like it was cursed um you never want to come too close to henderson it's also anarch territory um the anarchs have controlled the dam uh since the assassination of arthur cost
Starting point is 02:35:39 so it's a new territory for them but they've been housing and you know that there is a baron of henderson um and of boulder um you know that they they talk about her terribly uh she's a nose for otu they call shelly um but the rumor is is that she guards something out here she plays watchdog for the uh anarchs out here at the rim of the world what's the name of that anarch or that baron shelly shelly baron of sorry boulder or henderson henderson both okay they call her the baron of the dam nice queen of the dam that's what i was thinking aliyah yeah okay well other than that i imagine we just stay clear of them we don't have to like present
Starting point is 02:36:37 ourselves or kiss any rings with anarchs that's like the whole point right you want to be here i suppose so but it does kind of sound like the way now is explained that somebody was spying on us how they get in if and why and how the fuck would they spy on us if they're kindred it was what it was like midday right well kindred have help nope oh shit you're right but that still doesn't explain why we aren't dead if they open to the door at sunlight we would have been toast you're not a hearing knock i know maybe it was just my imagination i mean we are watching it is in our jurisdiction as long as they don't molest us anymore it should be fine
Starting point is 02:37:30 okay i mean i don't know why'd you wake up anyway we're supposed to die um you know civil go ahead and give me guess this is as good as mine and a cult plus intelligence now this is full of interesting quirks and go ahead and add your circulatory system die uh your lore book grabs a handful of deaths yeah i forgot that you're just all the way up there we gotta start using this stuff for successes okay uh you know that uh the only time that a kindred will wake up during the day is during a preternatural fear of death uh if their body is absolutely in a danger it is something that happens when they take haven like for instance if you were in a burning building the fear fire is so powerful it might make wake you up if you're powerful
Starting point is 02:38:27 enough to follow in that that's dead okay but it is like um it's like waking up with anesthetics you're you're walking the thing was a threat yeah someone someone that only happens if you feel like someone's trying to end your life or something is trying to end your life but the door's closed we didn't like sense or smell anyone into here and we don't dream so it's not a nightmare if we stay here again tonight do we want to like booby trap the place if they come back wouldn't be a bad idea if we can catch them yeah i used to stay up late all the time i i could try pulling all nighter you know so i mean we have i have a i have a human if we just want someone to watch us
Starting point is 02:39:22 someone they can come out here yeah i imagine i don't know who it is phoenix yes there's also grease yeah what grease man but i don't really want to look at him now yeah i don't want to see grease right now do you trust phoenix yeah for now and if he comes out here i'll make sure that i can trust him i mean i'm fine with that any objections we should probably also work on getting in touch with the old king sirs right phone calls to make and she um puts the she mouths in the room i'll walk out i'll walk out and start looking for uh any pieces of colorful trash that i can find okay uh yeah you step out you find some broken glass on the floor that are like from beer bottles but have been so ground into the dirt that they take on a nice
Starting point is 02:40:21 little sparkle and moonlight uh and you also find that there's like a standing puddle outside your door uh motel six balconies they're built uneven so sometimes you get these patches where the concrete goes in and naturally dips and it looks like then uh a few inches of water i'll take a little like stick or something that i find and start poking around in it it's definitely water simple you're making a call yeah i'm gonna make two um first i'll call phoenix okay and um just ask hey you're you're free right now right uh for you yeah yeah what do you want me to do excellent uh i'm gonna text you an address and i need you to come here for the night
Starting point is 02:41:16 actually for the day yeah okay yeah okay i can do that it's way more normal than you're thinking okay yeah great this is the call right i think there is there is an ominous pause because of what i'm thinking about yeah kind of is yeah it's um yeah yeah it is all right i can dig it i'm into it yeah you want me to call greece nope just you you sure i'm positive hey can i level with you please he's been like really weird since like we've all started working together um like he was weird before you met greece right yeah like he's a little weird yeah and he won't stop sending me those pictures of that dude i why does he have so many pictures of the same guy i don't even know the old old man no no it's like some dude he has like a thousand reaction photos of
Starting point is 02:42:15 i think it's really creepy it's like Blair witch project level pictures of anyways send send me one of those yeah sure sure sure sure and you get a picture of uh the same sort of uh emote response he gave you to your string of text messages that looks like it's filmed almost in night vision camera from those shades of green that's a very distressed um like sweaty and wet mess of an old white man who is half naked um and is forced to smile and put his thumbs up like it's very clear he's doing it against his will okay yeah pretty fucked up right he must be like a redditor or something yeah definitely that so uh uh so you just want me to come down don't tell oh that's what i was telling you is is greece oh he wants me to like tell him everything you tell me
Starting point is 02:43:19 and like here's the thing i know i sound like a simp but like i was with you first and if anybody's gonna turn me into well you know it's gonna be you it's not gonna be him but i don't know i thought you should know if you're like looking for points maybe that's points in the f column points in the f column you know f usually stands for failure right i'm not trying to apply that to you but that's confusing there's a lot of things f could stand for yeah i think f should stand for vampire vampire we'll see what uh we'll see what we can do okay where am i coming down to oh i text him the address okay oh and bring bring dark clothing if that's not clear oh i always bring dark clothing good uh and within the hour he arrives
Starting point is 02:44:14 f is with you all uh you're making a second call you said yeah now though that that conversation changed things uh i'm gonna okay i'm gonna text the kinksters where we are and i'm going to pull felix to the side hey so your friends huh and he's kind of like nodding and looking around at all you guys and he kind of leans into your shoulder there he goes are they all you know i want to give him the hardest stare let's try this again i'm literally going to pull him to the side and google him really what so you're you're feeding him yeah okay okay what does this look like um i think she literally it's so clinical she just goes she pulls him into the bathroom and she this is how it starts right and takes his hand do i have to like say anything are
Starting point is 02:45:16 their words i want you to understand that this is not going to be fun all the time yeah i get it it's like a curse i i know and you still want this to happen i'm so ready to be a vampire i can't even tell you there's so many fuckers from high school i'm gonna absolutely bite the shit out of okay and she bites him okay um well are you biting him embracing him turning him into a ghoul not embracing but yes yes so gullifying you're actually just feeding him your blood well then cool then offers uh he takes a deep deep drink from your wrist and he pulls his eyes back dilated absolutely high-wired he's staring at you with the supreme love in his eyes um and he's like fucking jumping in place in the bathroom he keeps looking at you this god that feels
Starting point is 02:46:14 fucking good holy shit that's good oh it's like uppers oh fuck dude oh my god yeah so just so more clear uh none of none of what i tell you should go to grease okay okay yeah yeah no i get it i get whatever the fuck like so i'm like a full fledge like i'm in now no no you're so not um you're still who you are you just got a little kick now i'm gonna take you into this room to meet my friends and i need you to be much cooler than you were the first time yeah yeah i knew i got it i mean i got a little bit of sible in my blood so i'm feeling pretty good let's do it okay and open the door he walks out he puts his foot against the back of the wall and crosses his arms and tries to look as cool as possible everyone this is f what's up can we can we tell that what
Starting point is 02:47:11 happened in that bathroom hell yeah he's loud as fuck maybe you don't have as a discerning a taste as i thought it's a it's a necessary precaution listen we're all the same here we don't gotta be rude oh there's of course some discretion that's being practiced between us and my friend f and i would appreciate if that discretion is maintained yeah what uh you you live in las vegas yeah yeah i'm native oh yeah what part of town you live in uh up in summerland in summerland that's cool you live your whole life oh fuck yeah yeah hey i like you look man yeah thanks man uh vampires once you tell them where you live they know instantly where you and your entire family live so i suggest you don't fuck us tonight okay
Starting point is 02:48:08 he looks as simple like trying to confirm it that what the fuck 100 true that's 100 percent true what the fuck man i thought i was like one of you guys what what the fuck man you're one of us as long as you stay cool dude my sister's like 14 dude you can't kill 14 year old you guys want to kill like a kid and he looks across like all of you and goes oh fuck yeah i heard civil warned you in there so yeah yeah i'll do right by all you yeah yeah i mean if you're cool civil i'm cool with you okay okay oh i lean over to niles and i go i really want a shadow clock this dumbass i really want to do it hold on we're f we're vacationing here for a couple days and uh we need you here's the lookout okay okay fuck yeah like running like day to day right like man
Starting point is 02:49:09 on the computer shit right i'm like that yeah oh no okay you're just gonna sit here and watch okay okay uh yeah fuck yeah i brought my switch so i'm good i just post me up good and we'll consider this the the acceptance of the application or whatever shit this is like the start of the process then yeah you're an intern oh fuck congratulations um what's next oh fuck kinksters yes text them the address i think i i can't remember if i said that kinksters you wake up uh in uh club that has been filled with like starbucks coffee cups uh half eaten dozens of doughnuts and discarded handguns from the few that you've accumulated who where did we find out i was i was is it like are they still delusional in that way you are out of it it's like a bad hangover um
Starting point is 02:50:14 and you you found that there are like shells in the side of your sub basement where you fired off firearms so first of all i crawl out of the doghouse now sharing with rufus i am going um it was disgusting and dirty which i'm assuming we are because we're covered probably in water shit yeah blood of this yeah i'm gonna literally just start going to our like that shower thing that we that was in the room and just like try to clean off like put that hangover oh yeah you guys hit into the shower get it off just not even talking uh it's about that time that you receive a text from civil with the location and it looks like they drove all the way out to mead i'm gonna text i'll be like you do realize there's a massive fucking thing
Starting point is 02:51:07 we have to clean up and you we question mark oh yeah we send back exclamation point they must mean them the kinksers yeah uh she texts can't wait to see the results of that um best of luck to both of you stay focused and smile emoji tell them it's all about tell them mal caused all of this make sure to point that out tell mal and niles thanks for the help anger face for niles parentheses i'm fucking lying we're a symptom we're not the disease that's the malcavian slogan right there what are you talking about i don't know but i'm like uh it's probably like that i'm gonna wait for the response back from civil before i'm like do we go or not i'll do whatever you tell me to do alison said thank you to mal and
Starting point is 02:52:14 niles look i'm doing my penance with this dumb favor for whatever the fuck his name is pop pop whatever happened with them is not my problem well is there anything i can do like i know i gotta watch you guys when you sleep but like there's a whole okay hold on hold on hold on you are not watching us while we sleep that is the creepiest worst reason i brought him here yeah that was what i was i thought he was gonna watch outside well what happens if something happens to your bodies oh god yeah i mean the good news mal is you'll be dead so you won't be able to tell if he does do anything to us worse i won't do shit to you guys what are you talking about that's so creepy that's why i did the whole thing to make sure that you know it really wouldn't
Starting point is 02:53:04 be up to chance no but like i'm for real if something went to shit like maybe i can help let me do something while you guys are doing something it'll help my resume well we'd have to tell him about last night and our issues with that evening later later i will fill you in later for now we do just need you to when we're all sleeping make sure nothing goes wrong okay fuck yeah because like i can lie to cops i've lied to my whole life okay so since we're staying out here though then what are we doing well now's last night you mentioned a little uh issue you have we could drive out to red rock real quick and come on back good it's good to have a different home base i wouldn't consider it a home base but yeah um i mean it's only 20 minutes outside the city we'll
Starting point is 02:54:03 be back long before the sun good comes back up again sure just need to get some gas for the for the bike yeah yeah we want to wait for the kinksers we think they'll even show are they coming oh uh they said you're welcome and hurry up why do you need us why do we need to go there that's true yeah fine what a familial relationship with us don't invite that syd syd responds with the definition of coterie all right well in the meantime all right we'll be like because i'm a suit because you sent a coterie i'm thinking it's really bad and i'll just be like fine we gotta find i gotta get uh can someone pick us up or do we gotta add more to the cops looking for us f o like fuck my life
Starting point is 02:55:06 it's right i mean what can we actually do to throw the cops off our scent i mean right now they're looking for two perpetrators i don't know if they've seen us right they have seen elie i'm sorry excuse me they have seen niles face-to-face they've seen allison face-to-face they've seen uh enok face-to-face we gotta do coverage kind of clean up we gotta do clean up i can handle my shit that's fine can we can we check like the news okay sure yeah uh are you like googling the story and everything you're looking for local like newspaper was website or whatever there is absolutely a right a write-up of a vicious murder a homicide that went on and a shooting at the hospital that resulted in the death of one attendant three police officers and
Starting point is 02:55:56 the injury of many others okay they are looking for any information you have on these following assailants and then there are three police sketch descriptions of miles of enok and of allison they're pretty good sketches pretty uh are those are those just like local sketches it runs through los vegas son which uh would be ragel's old paper um so it's like uh it's a pretty big publication for nevada it's probably nevada's biggest news publication as las vegas is the biggest uh sort of city in all of nevada so anyone looking into someone who might have fled to nevada might see this niles cool here's what we do let's go get your bike niles don't you should not go back into town i need somebody to get me the names of the people who
Starting point is 02:56:55 saw niles on that floor they probably been moved they're probably not on the same floor anymore you know what i mean the whole thing has probably been quarantined off i just need their names do we figure that out does it save in the newspaper in the article the witnesses um i don't think it might protect your identity yeah cib can your little gopher yeah i was gonna say if you want something to do during the night that would be fantastic oh wait i want to text uh i need you to find uh all of the names of the patients that were um stationed on the third floor of witnesses yeah you show him this article and he looks down at that picture and then he looks right back up in niles and goes oh shit this was
Starting point is 02:57:45 you guys what do you know about it loosely affiliated i just know what i'm reading right now but fuck you guys like you kill cops fuck yeah okay yeah yeah i'll find the witnesses right i'll start asking around see what i get just give me the names before the end of the night i'll fucking say that i was there man that i saw shit you don't just say shit god damn it just give me the names okay fuck yeah i got you uh i'm gonna post up then i'll be back uh i guess when you guys go to sleep yeah okay kayla yeah i'm gonna alison will have text uh civil again uh i'll be like i'm gonna have to reach out to one of my in my circle to see if i can cover this up and i'm gonna say i'm gonna reach out to my da and judge see if there's something we can do yeah go
Starting point is 02:58:42 ahead and make an influence plus um plus manipulation rule nice using those skills are there pay phones here yeah there's definitely a phone at the front desk too can i use pay phones can a lasombra use a pave that's a great question it's fair you might have to ask one of us to use it for you for successes that's okay yeah you could ask af to do it nope not a chance i'll take the consequences of i will tell you that's how most lasombra do this is they get a ghoul to do it yeah i'll get a ghoul eventually but not this joker and a lot of ghouls are fine although you cannot record or transmit your voice reliably so you might come through but there's no guarantee you're
Starting point is 02:59:52 actually going to get a message out without it sounding like white noise so you could just give someone the scariest phone call of their life i'm not gonna do that too uh then never mind i have nothing but i have nothing gotta get yourself a ghoul i know okay is there anything else we need to make action uh what's my role for that influence role for for successes you call in your da what are you saying to this man remember how you got me killed uh allison good to hear from you always such great entrances i know it gets your attention so
Starting point is 03:00:39 we uh we i need uh i need a situation cleaned up what are you involved in this time does it have anything to do with the hospital there was sadly one too many of those boys just walked in at the wrong time and thankfully we didn't it wasn't all of them but yes allison you understand me helping you with this is maybe the biggest ask you've ever made of me i thought that night the thing i thought that would give you a little piece of mind is how would you like a break from me coming over and visiting you for a little bit look you know i want to see you don't hold that over my head i mean it just this could be my job allison i know whatever you did people died three officers of
Starting point is 03:01:30 the law actually good ones too were they though they were lives there's a three man that didn't go home that night wasn't i alive i was a life i was a life that because of you ended up on a live so what makes those people more important than what happened to me who is generally literally just a girl trying to find you have fun and then wound up dead so explain to me how that is at all yeah tell me allison tell me about life please in the value of it they stayed dead and i didn't so you know what i think i got the worst end of the stick on that allison someone was asking about you who isn't okay who was it who i don't know some suit uh he he was high government he flashed his badge at me
Starting point is 03:02:34 fbi i think oh what it can what did he look like if you don't mind uh silver hair silver beard uh real old-fashioned guy kept asking if i i had coffee in the office i had to send my receptionist out beeper on his hip uh huh charlie that's right um did you when he flashed did you get his name or did he give you uh yeah he called himself gc a gabriel christian it stands for well you know the guy i know a gabriel but fbi i had to tell you you got played if that's if it's the guy i'm thinking i believe yeah okay well he was trying to find you i threw him off the track but i'll whatever you're getting into allison it's bigger than you think oh i'm quickly
Starting point is 03:03:33 realizing look look i'm gonna do this for you but i don't know how much i can make this disappear we'll try and find somebody to pin it to but i do believe there was some mental and stability with the people that were there i don't know if that helps and i can come by and you know i can plan like you know give suggestions if that helps so you want me to blame this on some mentally oh man dying in a hospice room i mean aren't there already criminals that are mentally incident that we can't just point i'm just saying i gotta say allison i'm starting to think you're maybe not worth the orgasm anymore well you know what i noticed your record you've also been losing a couple of cases i didn't know if this could be something that i could help
Starting point is 03:04:17 you in the end get someone that's really bad off the streets yeah my wife says it's because i'm helping people like you well listen i'm gonna do this for you but i think this might be the last one allison well before we part ways indefinitely are you okay if we just have one last hurrah so we can just go ahead and move on there's a long long silence on the other end and you could hear his wife in the background taylor honey are you coming to dinner and he speaks out the phone against his chest you can hear him just distantly yeah just give me a second maggie yeah fine one more time okay it doesn't have to be tonight if you would rather spend time with maggie you know because i was fine to just absolutely delightful i'll let you know when
Starting point is 03:05:17 it's done and he hangs up and i'll be like um i'm gonna text back civil getting the ball rolling you owe me just all in caps i own me i'll give you updates as we stand by you receive a venmo request for four thousand dollars for the the building harm that both of you have done to the members of this coterie you're gonna get a span mo request for me for ten thousand dollars that deducts like for the bullshit in emotional distress xoxo love allison as this exchange is happening i want to go up to sib and uh hey so i don't give a fuck about the rules but you for sure do right yes i had a memory of prince alawish's grant his royal heartiness and we aren't we aren't allowed to sire people but i'm also pretty sure we're not allowed to
Starting point is 03:06:43 gulf oak either so yes i know like i said rad on my account uh on your account probably not definitely definitely yeah uh considering how much of the world my world has has been lit on fire extinguished and relit on fire in the past 48 hours i am less my focus my sprint points are less spent towards these rules sure um also if i didn't cool f emrick would have and if i hear emrick putting his mouth around one more thing that i consider mine it's all gonna be over so quick so cool i look like i said i don't give a fuck about the rules i somehow give a fuck about you don't make it a thing don't make it a thing i've just i've never heard you communicate a positive emotion before shut up um i just don't there's only a few of us
Starting point is 03:07:54 brains here don't die that's all and not like a huffs off incredible i think sieve is just happy that that that was a breakthrough okay so calls have been made into the da we've also gathered the name of the contacts or at least that information will be coming down the pike by using f uh is there anything else we want to abide by to clean up this police mess or are we going out to the mansion what's the plan i think we go grab the bike okay is it just for us to take a ride uh yeah i actually want to look out for more of those creepy things in the desert siebel you coming yeah yeah i'm here for it well as we're driving i'm gonna eventually turn to you siebel and say hey uh siebel you know i've been wondering um what value does the you being the the knowledgeable camarilla
Starting point is 03:09:02 encyclopedia and all amongst us what what does the ring symbolize of the prince what what does that matter the prince's ring well it's i guess to liken it to your own interests it's it's like a bishops ring it's a collective symbol of all of their power and it could be anything it doesn't really matter what it looks like but it is a yeah a symbol of their authority it's the way that we all demonstrate our loyalty we all kissed it to steal it would basically be stealing nothing i would just ask actually i'd like to hear this i mean it would be a big crime to put it shortly would be a very big big crime does that mean the powers though does that look yeah no no it's not it's not a it's not magical item it's just a ring with a lot of symbolism i know but does like if we steal the ring and put
Starting point is 03:09:59 it on does that make us symbolically no it makes us the person the prince has to kill but like so who says who who says you have to follow his rules if he doesn't have his ring him still and the sheriff still and everyone else in his why why are we stealing a ring we're not stealing nothing about stealing a ring i'm just curious is all because i'm just i'm just wondering why somebody would steal that ring why would somebody want that ring i can't imagine why anyone would other than um if they think that they can surely kill the prince then it would be something that would happen seconds before because otherwise it would it would be like a blood hunt everyone would have the right to kill that person that stole that ring essentially sounds petty
Starting point is 03:10:47 i'm back it would be easier for that person to just get a ring and engrave prints on it that's not the symbolism isn't there though it's not as fun i'm not saying i'm gonna do it but like good no you can't if my if my malla asked me to get that ring what do you think that would mean they want you to not be alive anymore that's a very complicated way of saying see the sun friend son of a bitch i knew it i've been good at that man son of a bitch do we need to go to that man someone someone did someone did ask you to steal the princess ring like i said my malla and now malla they're like a like a kindred
Starting point is 03:11:42 mentor kind of showed me the ropes but they're not actually my sire i was interred with them for a while i think just can sip check her kindred encyclopedia for a vampire prison yeah uh go ahead and give me a etiquette plus uh intelligence or wits whichever is highest okay intelligence or wits see etiquette is a valid score three successes traditionally in the feudal system when you go against the king's law it is not often that you are thrown in the dungeon rather than the executioner's hand but it usually denotes a few things in the camerala society one you are too useful to die but too much of a risk to be allowed two you are of some level of former importance and your dedication to the ivory tower has at
Starting point is 03:12:45 least earned you some semblance of protection meaning that many important people like you too much to allow you to die or three you are a massive masquerade violation that can only exist under circumstantial evidence within the camerala i'm not here to make you talk about anything you don't want to talk about but this whole thing seems like a pretty big setup i guess it whatever got you in toward with this person do they you're still in contact with them now they call me from time to time believe me i try to avoid them when i can but sometimes it's impossible and they what do they want you to do with this ring other than they told me they want to grab
Starting point is 03:13:44 the ring and give it to them they just want it they just want it but you know from experience i can tell you this person's a little cuckoo do you want them in your life i think i've grown past them as my therapist would say then take a page from enox book and snitch immediately shit i didn't think of doing that snitch to the prince hey might curry favor with the prince too it will yeah help separate me from uh from him it will shit i wasn't expecting a good answer like that all right no no thanks to you you're a smart girl civil that's not what i meant i just i don't know i just i
Starting point is 03:14:38 just feel like we're also stretched thin all the time i just just felt like it was another problem i'm gonna have to deal with yeah well it seems solvable when things get this bad it's actually exceedingly easy to make decisions i suppose you're right yeah there is a turn off uh as niles directs you off road um and you begin to drive baby blue almost uh the same that you did in your inciting incident through the wilderness that is the red rocks uh west of your entrance into vegas this time you're on the california side into vegas rather than the uh east niles it does put your blood at a boil knowing you're becoming closer to the west coast instead of farther away but the red rocks turn up through a series of switchbacks that uh very uh they do
Starting point is 03:15:32 very well to hide uh architecture through here and there are some government roads that run up but eventually you reach through the very top and you find what is a shock to see uh a mansion free stands uh as a stucco estate that sits here but it is of a um bizarre uh constitution the entire thing looks as though the mansion is webbed in a sort of taffy like connective tissue uh material that runs the length of the estate uh it has progressed even worse than it used to be niles the walls to the edge of the estate have been covered in what is like um if any of you've ever gone through the process of seeing sausages in the way that they're made the uh intestinal lining that webs out and uh creates these pocketed swiss cheese like uh
Starting point is 03:16:34 coverings uh it reminds you of this in the pull of gristle and muscle that has webbed over this it does not uh it reminds you of emmerich's discussion of the spider that weaves chaotic organized webs over here um but this is a flesh um pulling up to the front you get a look at the lawn that sits out in front of the estate or at least used to and there is this dewy uh flecked material that almost looks like a dusting of the same connective tissue that runs along the lawn that is far overgrown uh and the mansion itself has lost its ceiling it's completely caved in on itself and from that almost like a cocoon of this connective tissue is crossed in enough to provide a parachute from what used to look like a master bedroom uh and uh absolutely to
Starting point is 03:17:33 niles's credit there are two uh motorcycles that have been overtaken by some of this connective tissue that are parked outside the front gates to this mansion talk about masquerade violation what the how the hell is this allowed to exist out here off your guess i don't know what is it i don't know it's better not to think about it we're just here for the bikes we don't have to worry about it i mean we are watchmen this is kind of in our jurisdiction i thought this was an arc territory it is not ours i camarilla preside overall the watchmen find it whether it's in an arc territory or not boroughs has a point well maybe we asked the prince maybe he already knows could we could we take a sample or something just so we have something maybe we just don't say
Starting point is 03:18:38 anything about it does it benefit you not to say anything right i just i just if you're worried about an implication we just don't want to get tied up with it we can separate this we had a bad run and we ran into the desert and we saw something that's worth reporting if we happen to take bikes on the way they don't need to know that doesn't have to come back to you i guess you um if that's what we have to do but i mean i mean if you if you have stakes in this we'll leave it alone i don't have stakes in it but i have a feeling the camarilla already know and it's just better not to put eyes back over here i mean they did know about the the gas that thing in the in the desert
Starting point is 03:19:38 but still it's it's our job it's our post we should say something better than they already know than they don't know we don't say anything right or whether that they do know they don't they know we don't say anything that's what i meant i mean they would never know that we were ever out here in the first place they don't even know we're up uh near mead i think we should we should take ignorance all the way through we should take advantage of that for as long as we have because from what i've heard about weird vampire magic as soon as we give emric our blood that might change oh fuck if we're in the black we should we should do things that we need to do while we're in the black now okay fine we'll tell the prince about it
Starting point is 03:20:33 no where'd you get your bike you got it yeah absolutely yeah on display there it is like buried under some of this connective tissue both of them god damn it beautiful bikes they look still to be in working order the same as the day you left them but you're going to have to fight through whatever gristle this is can i use fleshcraft to maybe mold this so off of it so walk me through what that moment is as uh niles is considering fleshcraft what does this look like as you attempt that i i think it starts with just like you know like i guess a gangrel approach to it and it's like trying to tear away at it and try to break it and separate um but then i kind of like remember how it like it does feel like tissue it does feel like tendon
Starting point is 03:21:35 and stuff like that um and i remember what i did with spoons and then i just start to kind of like push into it like gentler like you would like separating clay from you know separating clay part the clay begins to form at an alarmingly receptive rate as though this was created for the very act of what you are doing now it gives off a sickening hiss as steam begins to billow into the air as you are forming the flesh to your constraints and the connective tissue begins to scream there's a high pitched wine as the flesh is separated from the bike itself but you are able to contort it however you need to rescue the bike and it responds intuitively to your touch and your command it is something to behold for the rest of you
Starting point is 03:22:36 yeah i just move it to the side yeah both bikes are free does somebody want that other bike i mean i have low key always wanted a motorcycle i think you'd look good on one can you drive one no he'll excuse me can you you're gonna have to learn fast i'll do my best because we're gonna have to take them out now okay okay uh niles i'll go and just start filling up gas tanks yes go and give me a wits plus awareness i i did say i've been watching out for things yes i'd be helping her with this or yeah if you
Starting point is 03:23:32 would like to make wits and awareness as well okay that's a failure with a bc l failure oh no fantastic okay no success with the bc l failure great great great cool cool cool love it love it two successes all the good i love a good bc l failure i don't think that's enough to say it's bc l failure but um now you uh discover in the lawn in the main uh sort of courtyard of the estate uh a skeleton like a full-on flesh stripped skeleton of someone uh who is cut off at the half there are no bones past the the hips basically um and they are prone and looks to have been uh when they were alive at least trying to crawl out of this place you find that corpse there um it looks still pretty fresh if
Starting point is 03:24:30 you were thinking of bodies um this must have happened pretty recently but it's been picked to the bone if it is fresh i take well first i take the c1 vertebrae right at the very top okay absolutely and then uh i'll probably call niles over uh hey what's this as whatever happens with the bc l failure happens niles you are composed to covet the kindred becomes obsessed with possessing something in the scene desiring to add it to their proverbial horde this can be anything from an object to a piece of property or to an actual person you can decide what it is in the scene doesn't have to be the what do i have to do you are coveting there's something in this scene that you want it could
Starting point is 03:25:31 be as small as the vertebrae as big as the uh the mansion or as medium as both bikes instead of one whatever it is you've become obsessed with owning it and you need to claim dominion over it you can decide what that is then it's gonna be the i think it's gonna be the mansion because and everything in it because everybody's talking about snitching on this place and i i really don't want that okay so yeah uh allegra i'm sorry not allegra mal calls you over to the center of the courtyard and shows you the vertebrae that they've picked up from this uh corpse and you immediately recognize it as this was uh one of mal's uh or i'm sorry mall's gang who had come after you and uh got caught uh in the middle of you that night and was picked apart you're starting to remember
Starting point is 03:26:28 everything that came through in that night which you can watch on our patreon channel by subscribing to our patreon and watching our origin sessions where you can see where this body comes from um but you're you have a flood of memories standing in that courtyard aside mal gas can still in hand in this webbed flesh lawn and remembering everything that you encountered this night and the same voice that spoke to you in a dream at three p.m in the afternoon last night is the same voice you heard for the first time in this place do you know who this is i mean i don't know that you know who this desert person is but like i figured since you knew about the mansion itself and had a weird thing about telling the prince you might know what the fuck's up with this
Starting point is 03:27:23 uh niles has like a smirk on their face about it because just to know that this person did not make it and it was because of this brings a level of relief and joy are you you're okay this we can't tell the prince about this place this place keeps us safe what when you think about it this place is like a place that will protect us if something bad happens like you know what i'm saying like a haven whatever you're running from whatever you're trying to get away yeah like a haven yeah like a castle niles there's a power in there like a castle like a fortress it's a there's a power in there okay and it could keep all of us safe this power got a name like you know how you guys talk about how you guys don't want to i don't know but it's there and it exists
Starting point is 03:28:36 well it's stronger than the camerella and it's stronger than the anarchs we got what we came for so we can't tell them about it but i need you all to we need to if we leave and we walk away here i need to know that you're not going to snitch on this place to the prince and we keep it for ourselves i just want to get on with my night so sure i won't snitch i'm all for fucking over the prince whenever so that's fine we just need to be clear about all the moves we're making well let's make the move out of here we take the bikes and we go back to yeah we take the bikes we go back to me and we never talk about this place ever again
Starting point is 03:29:32 okay sounds good there is a drive back to legmead to henderson to the motel where you're all staying on the way cybil once you take baby blue just drop me off at the hospital okay i'm still waiting on those names so text me once you get them okay we leave with boroughs at the hospital boroughs what do you want to abide by uh what what's the plan i mean i'm still waiting for the names from f but in the meantime maybe i could walk around and just be my charming self and kind of sweet talk a nurse and find out where all those patients were moved to okay um go ahead and just give me a flat charisma plus persuasion roll i will activate presence got it you find a nurse on staff who looks very tired she's probably be running like a 15 hour shift
Starting point is 03:30:28 uh charisma plus what persuasion persuasion and adding my presence die that's two here we go that's six successes beautiful what do you say to this woman to to get her to work over the goods i mean probably just start with uh you know some sob story about my my little boys got a broke leg inside and i just need someone to talk to and just start to you know kind of woo her and talk about how nice she looks in her nurse's outfit and start saying things like oh i heard there was a crazy thing last time what where where those people go that kind of stuff uh she makes a crack about you being far too old to be flirting with a woman like her uh and there's some good uh tit for tat conversation where it's clear she feels good to have that be the last moment of her very long shift
Starting point is 03:31:24 and the drama of what happened the night before is definitely sitting on the staff and it's clear she wants that off her head so she does talk at length about how sad it was how devastating it was for the officers how scared the patients were how some of them were talking absolute nonsense about what happened and you know people uh playing spells and just things that come out of them being stressed but they were moved out of hospice room because obviously the police need that floor and they were moved into uh uh general housing which is where we keep some of the icu patients when they're being transferred out um and so uh she gives you the uh the information to go find them yeah um once she once her shift ends and she gets on her way i'll linger for a minute and
Starting point is 03:32:15 when things feel quiet i'll i'll try to make my way to that general housing wing you find pretty easily uh somebody you recognize or at least you remember talking about with the group uh in one of the patient rooms you find that older gentleman who had been mind wiped by uh uh niles uh the the day before and who's sitting up in his bed and you also find that he's sharing the room uh with the same person who went running away from behind and witnessed the mind wiped they're all staying in the same room so this old uh there's two people in that room yes the balding individual who was mind wiped and the younger girl who uh um have witnessed such how busy does this wing seem right now uh the hallways i want to enter this room as stealthily as i can there's so much
Starting point is 03:33:09 of a hustle and bustle with this sort of uh a business here that it's really easy to go unnoticed so you walk in like a visitor like it never even happened because there's so much running around i'll walk in and say um i'm here to uh to put you guys at ease i heard you guys had a horrible night last night and i'm just kind of put myself in the middle very very friendly right uh the older gentleman he points to you and he says now hold on a second they hired an elvis impersonator for us uh which of the two seems more mentally feeble like i could if i wanted to use them use a use a discipline on them easier than the other is one spryer younger faster the younger one is definitely the the woman he looks
Starting point is 03:34:04 to be in his middle age he was also mind wiped the night before so he was already pretty frazzled for sure i'm going to uh not activate presence i don't think i said that i would do that i'm gonna activate dominate and i'm gonna compel the old man hey man i just want you to relax and say real quiet okay there is a sudden change in him and as soon as you say those words he stops as he was just about to tell you about how much he loved elvis he was going straight into it you cut him off with this he looks you square in the eye and he he sits back in his bed i'm gonna turn to the younger one walk over and say here let me fluff your pillow for you i'm gonna take that pillow and i'm gonna smother their face your body down and i want them to die
Starting point is 03:34:55 she is fighting you the whole way it is a brutal fight for her life and she is scrambling you can feel as her fingernails dig into your forearms enough to draw vitae to the surface if you were human you'd be trickling blood but she can't manage to keep her hands far enough around those big forearms as you push it back and it's not even a question burrows it's not even a wonder of whether you will in fact you push a little too hard at one point you can feel the snap of her neck underneath the pillows you push back and just out of habit you turn that shoulder to look at him just to make sure he's still under that spell and there is this glazed over domination that takes over it's different than possess or presence it's different than bliss it's different than your
Starting point is 03:35:47 usual understanding dominate traps the soul it's like you can see him watching from out of his body unknowing to all of this no longer a person you took that away from him too and you understand that there's no living soul in here to know what you just did and there's that echoing that question in the back of your mind begging for someone to tell you you're a good person well i know it's for the greater good so i'm gonna do him too okay it's easy it's too easy it's almost addicting the way that neck snaps and solves all your problems it becomes all too easy to do again please remove one humanity from your sheet and burrows as you are stepping out into the hallway uh gospel is playing over the hospital radio
Starting point is 03:36:47 i'll sing along and and make my way out and that is where we'll end our session for today with more mysterious all right you so much violence lucky mofo no one called a co blue you were oh my god i was like don't no one walk in yeah i didn't see like they were they were in like hospice hospice but it was it was temporary housing because they were removed from their rooms so they're just sitting there i need it that was cool yeah we accomplished a lot when we come back we will hear from f on the rest of the witnesses and see if we take care of that issue we'll also see if the da came through we'll see if anyone paying attention has an idea who gc is and we move forward with the rest of us here as we take up a new base of operations both in the red rocks
Starting point is 03:37:43 and in lake mead hopefully we find out who's been stalking our rooms but um thank you everybody for being here this was an awesome session i had so much fun i hope you guys did too very good session all right guys we'll see you next time we'll see you in two weeks bye

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