Mayday Plays - Vegas By Night | Episode 25, "Veni Vidi Vici" | Vampire: the Masquerade

Episode Date: March 1, 2025

The New Generation begin their heist on the Silver Dollar Casino #vampirethemasquerade #vegasbynight #worldofdarkness CAST Amanda as Jackie Santana (Banu Hakim) Eli as Niles (Caitiff) Lev as Mal (L...asombra) Zakiya as Sybil Geier (Gangrel) Sergio as John Burrows (Ravnos) Vince as Raguel (Salubri) Caleb Miller as The Storyteller -- 👕 MERCH: & 💵 Patreon: 📰 Join our newsletter: 🎙 Listen to us: 🟣 Apple Podcasts :…ys/id1537347277 🟢 Spotify: 🟠 Soundcloud: 🌟 Other Socials 🌟 🐦 Twitter: 📸 Instagram: 🔴 Website: 🎵 TikTok: 👾 Twitch: 🔵 Facebook: Thanks for your support!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh my god, you guys missed it. They didn't say anything before this happened. This is insane. It's it's unprecedented. Good morning Kindred and welcome back to Vegas by night. I'm shaken up. I I have not lived a life where I didn't have to hear the most heinous things I've ever heard right the second before we start. This is Mayday Roleplays Vampire the Masquerade Chronicle Vegas by Night Baby. Season two is back. The break is over. I know we kept you waiting but we're
Starting point is 00:00:30 hoping you'll forgive us as we took this winter break to recharge, to reset, to to get ready to make all the beautiful things we wanna bring you in the new year. Hopefully, nothing crazy or world changing has happened while we were gone. That would never happen, right? Either way, if you're not familiar with season one of Vegas by Night, Don't Fear, you can check us out on all major platforms.
Starting point is 00:00:53 And if you're looking for more May Day outside of our streams, please check out some of our fully produced pre-recorded content. If you haven't already, please consider giving us a like and a subscribe. And if you can, drop us a five star rating
Starting point is 00:01:05 on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. If we receive three more subscriptions on YouTube, we get a new emoji, baby, and we're taking suggestions from all of you on what it should be. So sound off in the comments and the live chat if you have some ideas, but we're pushing towards that goal. And in addition, you can join our channel, Patreon, and get access to our community Discord.
Starting point is 00:01:27 The Discord is really where we've had a chance to build a great little family around the content we put out. We have patrons running some incredible games, and members of May Day themselves that have been throwing out some one shots for all those involved in the community. We'd also like to give a shout out as well to our handler level Patreon contributors. It's because of
Starting point is 00:01:46 all of them that we have such a crazy year for May Day made up for you guys. 2025 is gonna be big and it's because of all these special special people. Advance Wars Sammy Bimblewort, Brandon C, Cameron S, Jonathan M, Kirby's Double, Matthew J, Moira, OGPan, REV, Ren, Tony D, and Vince K. Thank you all so much for supporting us. It means the world to us. Please be advised that there may be violent themes, plenty
Starting point is 00:02:21 of adult language, and the exploration of darker subjects. Please take care of yourself and be aware. Listen, I know that some of our villains in this game are going to replicate some very familiar faces you've seen in your real life day to day. But just know that when you're here in Vegas by night, we have the ability to take those villains and win. So sit back, relax, escape for a while, and let's tell a story here.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Humanity was cursed, and in that curse, the Ventrue made a new religion, not in blood, but gold. The oligarchs of our most eldest time, the clan they'd have you believe to be firstborn, has crafted the narrative of our histories almost longer than the tongue had tales to tell. Enoch, son of Cain, gave birth to greed incarnate Ventrue, a child given to the world with a scepter in his hand, the very first of the third generation. In the city built on Kane's back,
Starting point is 00:03:28 Ventrue was to be his confidant. The coin counter looped around the city's purse strings tighter than his lips. Where Kane grew to loathe his creation as is true of all Kane's things, Ventrue fell in love with the view from their tower. When Cain grew weary of leading, it was into Ventrue's hands that the burden of that great weight was dropped. In a smoldering fire left in Cain's wake, Ventrue was left to pick the ashes. And it was in their closed fist that their first empire fell. Ventrue, gone missing in the wake of their lost world. Some of them in the clan claim his death to their immortal enemy, the Bruja. Others claim the power of their blood was too valuable to pass up, and so Ventrue
Starting point is 00:04:19 collapsed Ventrue in hostile takeover. Regardless, the end of one bank teller brought the birth of millions more, and the death of one empire was hardly enough for their power-hungry masses. Humanity was cursed, and so it was given a hierarchy, artificial chains to natural risks, a system for mutually agreed upon hatred. This one will be king, this one slave,
Starting point is 00:04:46 and never shall one take the other without repeating the cycle. Humanity was cursed and we will play the games of crowns and towers for as long as it distracts enough from the hurt in our hearts. We will rise and fall, we will fall and rise, we will never change. We will kill our darlings.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Welcome to Vegas by night. So I I was foolish and I want to redact anything I said earlier about feeling good, different about them not saying things to me because that one was really tough to hear. I'm really glad none of you had to be subjected to that. I want to introduce our cast. My name is Caleb James Miller. I'm going to be your storyteller tonight. I'm Amanda, I will be playing Jackie Santana. My name is Eli and I'm playing Niles Ames.
Starting point is 00:06:36 What's up y'all? I'm Lev and I'm playing. I've forgotten yours. Sergio, your alphabet, where is it? Woo. Hell yeah. I'm Lev and I'm playing Mel. I'm Sergio, I'm playing Burrows. I'm Zach and I play Sybil.
Starting point is 00:06:56 One day, one day, one day, get that right. Who knows when. Nah. Now we have a recap prepared by Niles. Feralization is a process in which domesticated animals return to the beasts that they are. The process can take about 28 days and requires the removing of humanity's management from them. Cats, dogs, horses, pigs are some of the most common animals that reach for forality, and some of the most disruptive
Starting point is 00:07:30 to ecosystems when returning to the wild. But they do learn how to defend themselves, offend for themselves. Humans affected by the venom of kindred kind faces sterilization. Still, like poison, it is slow and arduous process, stripping humanity from the bones until there is nothing left but the beast,
Starting point is 00:07:52 and only some of us learn how to fend for ourselves. It compels us to do careless things, like hold grudges with the Pudinesca, like burrows or attempt blood magic amidst every baron Baron in Vegas like Jackie, Mal's brutal nature and Ragelle's pious need to be empathetic at the cost of his very life, and Sybil's hope to prove that they have control of their situation. And well, I'm not any different, probably worse when you think about it, two beasts and an eating problem and all.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Because if it wasn't for me, then we wouldn't be at the beck and call of Sylvie's cocaine, tit-sucking, erratic plan to occupy territory he doesn't even deserve to have. doesn't even deserve to have. And if I had a nickel for every time I saw a gangrel bite more than they can chew, I'd have a lot of fucking nickels, with one for me included. And at what cost? The Silver Dollar Casino? Us six racking our brains together between recons and shaking hands with primogens for alibis? Dig digging our shallow graves deeper for one more step up on the ladder. All of this feels impossible. I want to put faith in the coterie, but so far my faith has left me burned and nearly dead. But they're the only ones I got, so we have to make this heist count for something, and
Starting point is 00:09:23 hope to God we make it out in tack. I want to be hopeful, but the worst kind of monster is a hopeful monster. Absolutely beautiful. At this point, I'd like to ask if any of my players have any changes to their sheets that they'd like to declare before the audience now. If not, you can always keep it for dramatic points later on in the story. Yes. That one. It worries me on a day where you all said you had plans.
Starting point is 00:09:57 It worries me. Beautiful. I'd like to take this opportunity to recognize that we were all gone for near on three months here given that time jump we may all need a little bit of a refresher as to what we're doing obviously we are making the fatal mistake of going after the silver dollar casino for Sylvie and it will inevitably end in your final deaths but But before that happens, let's talk about all of the things that we remember, at least in the recalling of our steps up to the casino. Things we know about the casino, things we know about this plan, things that we think are essential to understanding what we're about to undertake. Anybody got
Starting point is 00:10:42 anything? Understanding what we're about to undertake anybody got anything I mean we do have a plan That's good, we do have recovered some details about the casino two sessions back a Surge list session Do we have a list of those details just to refresh our audience? We do. We do. So the security stuff we learned about the silver dollar, the name of the club we're trying to heist is basically there's cameras everywhere.
Starting point is 00:11:21 There's CCTV cameras everywhere because Ventrue are paranoid. There's a six-digit access code for the elevator that we need to get. There's a vent system that can access the top floor. There's a pit boss roaming the main floor with dragonfire rounds, which isn't great because we're all kindred. The elevator is found on the third and fourth floor. But again, six digit code. And yes, there's third floor access via the stairs, but there's heavy security. The vault is on the bottom floor. And you can access the bottom floor through the elevator. So again, got to go up to go down.
Starting point is 00:12:06 It's tough. Oh, and the security is Dufresne. No, he's just a big guy that's named Dufresne. There's a big man there named Dufresne. Yeah. Dufresne is the baron of the Tremere with the Anarchs. the Baron of the Tremere within the... That's right. Anarchs. So, you probably wrote down that name
Starting point is 00:12:31 because Jackie tried to do some blood magic on his hands. Yeah, that's right, thank you. And you probably got so panicked, you were like, I need to remember the name of this dude, we just pissed off. I wrote down what he looked like, no clue what his purpose was. Thank you for the reminder.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Like a big English professor, he is technically the Baron of the Tremere, or at least one of the Tremere that serves under Ellis. OK, perfect. And then we went to both Elysium's, both the barons and the tower, to visit with some VIPs that we understood could help us with this situation Is there anything we want to detail to the audience here and what we were able to accomplish at both of those Elysium's? Believe from the anarchs we got schematic maps, right?
Starting point is 00:13:19 of the of the building to aid in understanding the infrastructure of the building to aid in understanding the infrastructure of the Silver Dollar Casino. And I believe we got an alibi, but that was at the other Elysium? Yeah, that was at the camp. Slow gave us an alibi. Slow.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah. Good, and we'll be at our club the night of the event. Which is also the opening of our club, right? Correct, yeah. And a right? Correct, yeah. And a mission from Ellis, yeah. Yes, Ellis asked Niles to accomplish something for him. And in exchange, he gave you the building plans from the city government in order to sort of have a better idea of what the silver dollar looks like top to bottom,
Starting point is 00:14:06 which if any of you need reference throughout this session, just ask me and I can give you sort of clarifying answers on what you would see on those pieces of paper if you need to. Just have an awareness. I think we detailed then, but the building plans would only affect what was given at the time of construction, not necessarily what might be
Starting point is 00:14:26 added on, changed, or affected by some crazy ventures with a shitload of expendable money. You said Slow left. Slow wants Burrows to seek answers for him as payment. Was that the deal that you made? There is a major boon that was put on the table, but he has not told you what that major boon is. He has only said he's going to do this for you now,
Starting point is 00:14:52 you're going to do something for him later. Right, thank you. Who's to say what that might be. But a major boon is a major fucking boon. He's doing a big favor for you. He essentially said that he would have offered a minor boon, but since you all said he had to do this without asking why, he upped it to a major boon.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Right. So that's where we are. I think that's everything that we need to start us here. I am imagining that this is, unless anyone needs to prepare beforehand, I am imagining that this is, unless anyone needs to prepare beforehand, I am imagining that this is fast forwarding through the nights within Las Vegas to the night before essentially the Club Canaan celebration
Starting point is 00:15:40 and the supposed heist that was going on at the same time. So final preparations. I'm assuming essentially that we're all meeting at Club Kanan. Or what is the plan as we all wake up into our own death or God knows how many times now into another night in Vegas? Are we meeting in Kanan? Does anyone have any other ideas? Is this a church conversation? Where do you want to talk about throwing over some millionaires? I?
Starting point is 00:16:12 think Burroughs walks into Club Canaan with One two three four five black suits As close or exact to what puttanescas wear, puts it down on the table. All right, everyone, let's suit up. He starts taking off his printed shirt and putting on this suit. Sybil's going to put down. Can I say that I've I've requisitioned a smoke bomb? It's relevant.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Absolutely, yeah. Okay, great. You can say you've had F hunt down a smoke bomb for you. Okay, cool. Then yeah, I think smoke bomb and the guns that we got from Greece before are laid out on the table. And then Sibyl makes a comment about how there's not enough time to get these tailored and takes her suit.
Starting point is 00:17:09 How big and ill fitting is this on all of us, Burrows? How well did you cater to the forms of the other people you're working with here? Yeah, I think Burrows probably just said, give me one of every size and just. Okay. We've got three small bitches. I was gonna say,
Starting point is 00:17:27 Jack is gonna try to quickly get the smallest. Yeah, I feel like Mal and Jack, you're like tugging the smallest one back and forth. Yeah, so you've sort of made the newly redesigned club Kanan into a marshals as some of you fight over who gets to wear what. The smoke bomb has been procured. That is yours.
Starting point is 00:17:48 You have all of the weapons you bought from Greece. Zach, do you want to tell us a little bit about how Sybil has redesigned with F for Club Canine to look like? Is that to be revealed later? Are we sitting in an amorphous building right now? No. We can talk about it now. I think the easiest way to like chop up the club is that it is immediately
Starting point is 00:18:14 dancing when you walk in. So it's a lot of open space, a lot of high tables for standing, not necessarily for sitting, because if anyone's trying to listen from the outside, I want the music to sort of be the shield for Kindred. And then in the back of the first floor is mostly like lower, lower price point booths. There's places to sit, but that's not really what it's about. out in the back against the wall. There's a huge, like, high height bar that has under lighting and sort of a, like, raw glass where it's still kind of bubbly. Shelving that is also underlit, so the whole wall kind of looks like it's illuminated and top shelf. So much money was spent on liquor that will
Starting point is 00:19:05 probably never be open. Then there's a sort of like platform, I'm forgetting the word, where the real expensive booths are and you can sort of look out from over. Opposite from the bar is a DJ table right next to the hallway that leads into the back where I believe the dog house used to be and towards the bathrooms so you can disappear in the back with having the the DJ booth sound kind of protect you as well. I'm assuming we threw out Enoch's old dog house. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the entrance to the basement or the lab that Jackie has kind of acquired is now through the bar. So you can kind of climb in or out without having to be seen, but you will still be on the first floor. Oh, and it's not quite traditional World of Darkness, red and black. It is more deep blue and maybe deep blue, silver and black.
Starting point is 00:20:14 It's a little bit cooler in there. I like it. Beautiful. Yeah. Can Niles show up with a new crow on their shoulders? Yes, they can. Do you want to go through describing to the audiences? Is there any real difference in this crow? Is there anything we should know about it?
Starting point is 00:20:35 It could be a replacement? Right now it looks like a normal crow just perched on Niles shoulder. We'll see how long that lasts. It'll have razor blades by the end of today. Spoons is looking a lot healthier. Oh, this is- And smaller. This is Spork.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Spork, well what happened to Spoons? Spoons is around, but- So now you got two of them. Yeah, two of them. Hell yeah, you have a whole murder by the end of this. You're still hoping to make it out of this. Yeah. Burlz probably goes over to give him a little scritch under the neck, see if he's friendly.
Starting point is 00:21:20 This one's a lot friendlier than spoons is. Definitely nestle up into scritch. I like you a lot friendlier than spoons is. Definitely like nestle up into a scritch. I like you a lot more spork. Is the next one going to be fork? And then knife? And then knife? Knife, ladle? Spife? Spatula?
Starting point is 00:21:42 Spoon and a knife? Is that a real thing? No, but could be. Or Foon. Those like, you know those sporks that are like elongated and the time like it looks less like a spoon. It's a Foon. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Or you could be a Spice. As you all stand around just just because I'm cutlery and you're ill-fitting Italian suits, you understand that this is essentially the last day to prepare, or at least few hours to prepare before the event will be happening here in Club Canaan. Is there anything that we would like to do
Starting point is 00:22:24 in order to make this place more presentable? Is there an actual crowd coming tonight? Is it just slow sitting alone in this room? What is it, all of the things that we have to do to get ourselves to the front door of that silver dollar? I think Felix too has been promoting this night and there's like a like ladies get in free. If it's your first time then you get like a reduced price ticket. This is like an easy place to go if you're broken in Vegas to have a good time.
Starting point is 00:23:01 As for like I imagine there's there's entertainment, there's like a slew of DJs that'll be spinning tonight. We're expecting a pretty big crowd. We don't have any of the fancy glasses out because this is going to be anyone that wants a cheap night out in Vegas. So step above paper plates. But we're expecting a little bit of a rager. Okay, we're going a little dirty for our first night in the Naked City. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:32 What's the audio genre in here? Are we pumping industrial? Is this just club classics? What are we throwing? I think we've flown in some DJs from Chicago. They're going to give us a little Caribbean equator experience. It's going to be intense. It's going to be fun.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Perfect. Hey, so let's run through this one more time. Anybody remember any of the steps? Just call it out. Anybody remember how it all starts? What's the starting thing that lets us know the heist is on? From my understanding, it is when the smoke bomb goes off. Even before that. When I show up with one of those Pudinesque dogs, it means we're on because I'm not going
Starting point is 00:24:24 to be able to hold his attention for very long. Yes, that's right. That's how it starts. Right, right. Wait, and I'm forgetting, are we, how are we splitting this up team-wise? So I'm aware, because aren't we not supposed to,
Starting point is 00:24:42 because we're all supposed to be here until we disappear. Because we got to at least all be seen together at one point. We don't have to be seen because we got Slow on our side. Slow's just going to say we were here. And he's high enough up that no one will really question it. Fair, fair, fair. Yeah. I know I'm supposed to jump into shadows and get the code, the six digit elevator code
Starting point is 00:25:09 from the third floor so we can go up and then we can go down. I don't know how we're getting up after that because I can't sneak you guys in the shadows but I can get the code. We're getting up during the chaos because like Jackie said, when that smoke bomb goes off they're all going to think there's a fire, and that's when we're gonna keep pushing ahead. We'll probably have to engage that pit boss. That's where Niles is gonna come in hand
Starting point is 00:25:32 with their pretty little fingers. And then, yeah, sorry, I realized that was a little weird. I meant when they're sharp, you know what I mean? All handle the surveillance room. Either I'll steal whatever's in there or I'll shoot it all up. There might be a surveillance room on multiple floors. I'll go to each floor. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:25:57 That's my job. Yeah. We'll have about 15 to 20 minutes to do the whole thing. I'm on smoke bomb. You're on TV room. Mal, you're on elevator. Yep. And once your job is done, you head towards the vault. And if it means only one at a time, two at a time, we just get there when we get there. We take as much as we can, then we get the hell out.
Starting point is 00:26:19 And I'll say if you can't get into the vault, if you find yourself unable to, then go to the club, because then you will be seen at the club. And the pit boss, who's got the pit boss? I got the pit boss. I think it'll be a group effort, but yeah, Niles is going to be the focus. I was thinking I'd hang out by the elevator to make sure that because there's no other way I can get you guys the code besides being there. Or like trying to flit around and find all of you and that's insane.
Starting point is 00:26:50 So I'll just hide in the shadows up there until one of you comes and I'll punch it in and get everyone down as time goes. We all got guns and we all got knives. Try to use them before any other vampiric abilities. We don't want to leave a scent. If we can cause them to suspect each other before the chaos starts, that will clean up a little bit for us too. Even more if they can fight each other, that would be great. Like the pit boss and people that are in there? Just the crew, the security team in general. If they get a hint that one of them might be corrupt or dirty, then they might kill
Starting point is 00:27:32 each other. Or at least pacify each other. Burrows, can you like do your weird eyes and make them do shit? Or do you have to keep all your focus on the Pudinesca bitch? No, no, once I charmed him I should be good, but yeah, I can try that. I just think in the chaos it's gonna really be down
Starting point is 00:27:53 to shooting up anybody that gets in our way. Right. Well. Just for clarity, am I using a regular knife or am I using hand knives? I don't know. I don't think, well, I think a regular knife because your hand knives are going to be discernible. They're going to say what kind of giant animal came through here tearing people up. Oh yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Uh huh, use a knife. Use a regular knife. But look, if things get desperate, do what you got to do. Okay. Okay. Does anyone want my gun? I've never shot a gun ever before in my life. And I think I'm going to fuck shit up if I try to for the first time during a
Starting point is 00:28:34 heist, unless we want extra chaos. Just in case if we were going to have to end up planting the gun on the puttanesca thug that I get, if he doesn't have one already. Okay. I'm sorry. I know. Cause I just want to make sure I'm clear. Was I, did I forget?
Starting point is 00:28:54 Am I supposed to be here? Cause I'm technically not really a part of it to be witness or am I going in my width to distract cause that's where I'm lost. No, the thing was the thing if we're trying to frame the Hakata was you were going to do some like like blood magic that didn't work. Part of the conversation was we wanted to the way we were going to frame the Hakata is that in the hall in the vault, we were going to leave the put in a like stooge with dead and there was going to be a sigil on the wall or some kind of like fucked up blood magic that didn't work
Starting point is 00:29:30 And that was why he was be dead. That's why the and that's why the vault would be empty. Okay, so I think you're coming To you you have to be at the vault at some point by my memory Didn't think you were gonna be raiding a vault did you Jackie when you first came to Vegas? I I did not but a part of me Won't lie is this is fulfilling a very like a weird movie fantasy right now oceans eight Yeah, I was gonna ask how you're like moral to see right now. Potions eight. I was going to ask how your like moral judgy complex was about breaking into a vault.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Now. I thought I was just I thought it was very clear on the if this helps get us all solidified, technically. Gans justify the the means They absolutely do And as far as I'm concerned because I did remember the pudinescas have not faced justice as I Move motion towards. Oh, yeah, so Justice comes in many different forms They fought dirty first
Starting point is 00:30:46 All right. I'll fight dirtier. I will say you just so I want to do a little clarity just so especially everyone's around. You'll see Jackie have like a mirror. It's because she's going to be doing in corpial passage so she can actually phase in and out of walls type thing. But it's very distinctive. She's going to need a mirror so you will see her like pocket a square little compact and other things. Got it. As soon as the club gets busy too.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Sorry. Say again. I'm going to get Sharpie from the club. Say again. It's nice to sharpie from the club. Okay. As soon as the club starts to get busy, I'll make my way to go find a puttanesca. Okay. So let's assume that we wait the few hours after game planning, after going everything in detail in our lovely suits, that eventually the bar does open and F goes towards the motions
Starting point is 00:31:48 of using these temps that he's hired through Vegas, these career freelance bartenders and all of the ilk that are constantly looking for a quick cheap night to make some money off of. Assist him in throwing open the doors and opening the parking lot of paying valet to park in Naked City and allowing the first line of people in. It's more than you assumed, Sybil. And in fact, F has done an exceptional job in getting you a crowd. It looks that if this is just the first line of people that Kanan is going to be shoulder to shoulder the entire night and
Starting point is 00:32:37 it's going to be a sweaty mess for a very long time. Something that if Slow actually showed up to, he'd either be wholly disgusted or incredibly turned on. The same thing. You, for him, absolutely. But he's done a good job. And you all notice that as the music begins, the first DJ set, the warmup set where people are buying drinks and sort of filtering into the club
Starting point is 00:33:04 while the lights are still on. You do notice that that Burrows gives you all a nod and slinks out the front door and out into Las Vegas. Burrows, where are we going? Burrows is going to be big and obvious. He's going to go to all his favorite restaurants, grab a slice, grab a knish. He's going to basically be out and about
Starting point is 00:33:34 until he can notice one of those puttanescas following him. His intention is to basically track them as they track him, waiting for an opportunity to get close to one of them, preferably the one that stays in the car. One goes to the bathroom, one goes to get something to eat, and there's one in the car, he wants the one in the car. Got it. Okay, yeah, it does not take long stopping at your
Starting point is 00:34:07 favorite joints. You have to go through a few greasy meals, but that's never been a problem for you burros and with your iron gullet. The food never really tastes the same, not nearly as good as it was when you were breathing. But God does it still fill your stomach. And you don't have the unfortunate circumstance of watching it come back up as so many other kindred do for you though. It is maybe the second stop in the night after you flirted with far too many waitresses that leaving the bar and faking a
Starting point is 00:34:44 stumble out to the streets of Las Vegas, you do notice the familiar black of the escalates that have been following you for some time around Las Vegas, your new friends, your new watchmen. And so the intention is to hope that they're going to pull off and get one of them cornered, you were saying? I need to corner one of them. Yeah. Okay. So you're just hoping to tire them out by taking to a million places and acting like your day is going to be so so
Starting point is 00:35:13 very normal, right? They're they're expecting me to just get around. They're not expecting me to walk up to them and engage with them. Okay, what I'm hoping. Got it. Okay, so are you coming right up to the Escalade then? If I see the opportunity, I will walk up to the Escalade, appearing as magnificent as I ever have with my presence engaged, my awe engaged.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Okay. And whether they are in the passenger side or the driver side, I'm gonna pull right up to the window, hands up, and say, Hey man, listen, I know you know that I know who you are. I'm wondering, why can't we just get along? Perfect. You pull up to this escalator, which is parked at the corner across the street from this bar you've just stumbled out of, and it's parked close to the 7-Eleven there. And it seems as though you've rounded the corner just perfectly and caught two of these Puttanesca off guard. At least you're almost certain they're Put in Naska. They match the same oily foreheads and well fed bodies as your dear friend champagne and
Starting point is 00:36:31 they definitely look like someone he'd play card with cards with as you turn into their window. Their windows were half cracked smoking cigarettes marlboro's out the the the wind there. They push up a plume of smoke into your face as you let the first one go. You notice that there are only two in the car, at least at present time.
Starting point is 00:36:55 One of them in the front seat, driver's seat, and the other is in the passenger side of the second row of the Escalade. Pretty easily you can see that they get jumpy the second that you appear, even though that smoke is blooming. And two of them very quickly move their hands to their handguns until they have realized truly how close you are to them in proximity. There's no response there outside of this awestruck
Starting point is 00:37:27 fear. They are witnessing the magnificence of you appearing like that. But they're trying to decide whether this is a fight or flight situation. Could you do me a favor? As they're taking in the awe of you? Could you give me, let's call this charisma plus, plus persuasion. Let's just make it pretty normal here. Yeah, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Burrows walks up and says, Hey man, look, I know I got beef with your boss, but I've got beef with you. I like to make new friends. Five successes. Oh my God. Yeah. The eye is on tonight and they're mortals. They may be familiar with what you are and may think they understand it. But truly, how can you understand someone who is so far above you? There's never really knowing the boot you're looking. It's only looking at.
Starting point is 00:38:47 The two of them stare at you in awe. And the first guy, right smack in the proximity of you through that window, he smashes out the cigarette in the ashtray and he looks at you and he says, yeah, I guess we could have a conversation or something. We're sick of watching you eat in every fucking diner in the city anyways. Yeah, you guys need a break.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Hey, you know what I like to do with friends? Let's go gamble. What do you guys like gambling? And he looks back at the other who then starts laughing too. Do we like fucking gambling? Yeah, we like fucking gambling. All right, all right. I'm going to jump in with you.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Let's go over to the Silver Dollar Casino. Yeah, let's do it. How about we drive together? Let's do it. I'm jumping in the passenger side. I'll go around the other side of the car, get in. You get in. You can tell that a lot of this is manifested from their unending need to look at you. And even as you get into the passenger side, you can see that the one in the back row has now moved to the driver's side
Starting point is 00:40:02 so that he can stare at you from the back seat. Um, and it's a bizarre mix, right? Um, there's a lot of, he starts to pull away and he kind of snaps himself out of it and looks forward. You can tell that like there is this paranoia to them because they know they're supposed to catch you. And maybe they think this is their some big plan to catch you that it wasn't just force fed to them because they know they're supposed to catch you. And maybe they think this is their some big plan to catch you that it wasn't just force fed to them by you. Sorry, sorry, it's just, it's a nice shirt you got on.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Thanks, yeah, I'm trying to dress a little classier these days, you know, you normally see me in that printed stuff, but you know, actually kind of looks like you, don't you think? Yeah, yeah, it's a nice fit. It just needs a tailor. Yeah, I kind of like my stuff a little baggy. It's okay. Hey, um, I'll turn to the driver and kind of whisper a little bit in doing so, compelling him to listen. And I'm gonna say,
Starting point is 00:41:10 hey listen man, you know, this is getting a little crowded. How about just you and me, huh? How about we just have a good time? And I'm gonna try to compel him to obey me. Okay. I'm going to say he's immortal. He's already under your awe.
Starting point is 00:41:27 There's a situation where he thought he was getting away with this. I'm going to say that the compelled goes forward with the success. The man in the driver's seat, after hearing your whisper, the second in the back is now almost upset that he's not being involved in whatever it is that you have to say and is pushing forward and you notice that up until this moment that he's realized he's out of the information. He had his 9 millimeter drawn and it looked as though until this compelled moment.
Starting point is 00:42:04 He was perhaps priming it to the back of your seat. But now at the thought of it, the thought of being left out, the driver pulls over to the side immediately, jerking himself out of traffic and nearly causing a collision on the way to Fremont Street. He looks back to the other guy and says, Hey, why don't you go call it in that we got him? Hey, listen, you know, I feel kind of bad. Look, he can stick around. I just I just want it to be the two of us. I got an idea. And I'll reach around and snap the dude in the back's neck. Beautiful. Give me a quick strength plus brawl.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Okay. And brawl. Okay. And brawl. That's I turn around, see the gun is aiming at my back and I'll just, you know, smile, say my words and snap his neck. That is technically four successes. Oh, actually, you know, excuse me, my words, and snap his neck. That is technically four successes. Oh, actually, no, excuse me, another five successes. Beautiful. A crit, basically. I mean, Nicolas Cage, wild at heart,
Starting point is 00:43:13 you turn around, you snap his neck violently, so much so that you can hear the bone breaking before it starts to stick free from his neck, and almost is kabobbed on his body as his head falls limp. So much better. Let's keep driving. The driver who traditionally would have looked at this on horror looks to you and smiles. It's very large grin. He realizes now it truly is just the two of you alone.
Starting point is 00:43:43 He says, so much better. He puts the car in drive, he turns out, and he gets back onto the road with you. What kind of music you like to listen to when I'll start flitting through the radio? I'm a big fan of the oldies. I hate this modern shit. I'll put on the oldie station and let it rock.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Who's playing, Sergio? It's gotta be a little more conversation, a little less action, baby. There we go. Okay, the car drifts out and will arrive at Fremont Street, just shy of the silver dollar. Are you pulling the car all the way up to the silver dollar? Is this like a scouting little recon run around it or are you parking like a block off?
Starting point is 00:44:31 Burrows is going to have him circle the block until we see my compatriots and then we're parking like in the front as visible as possible. We're pulling up to where everyone can see that escalate. Beautiful. There is a portion because the silver dollars made in such a way that it's almost a walkable street off of Fremont where there's more people in the street than there are cars. It's difficult for you to valet all the way up, but you find the clearest most authentic spot for your car where the walking population isn't taking over and you have what is a picturesque view of the corner casino that sits on these couple
Starting point is 00:45:15 back streets away from main Fremont Street and you can see that big silver dollar covered in bright white incandescent bulbs signaling you home basically. You were very close and in position and your driver is looking at you for beck and call. Essentially his hands have not left ten and two since you brought him here. His buddy in the back for a while was having these strange sounds coming from the absence of his neck, as you realize his jugular was still pumping blood, but has stopped, thankfully. The smell is fantastic. It does make you quite hungry, Burrows, but you know drinking dead blood can hurt you.
Starting point is 00:46:00 The backseat is pulp fiction, baby. Looks like shit back there, but you're all alone with your beloved. You know what, there's no reason to wait. Come on, we're gonna meet up with some friends. Let's go start rolling some bones now, and I'll encourage him to get out, you know, put my hand over his back,
Starting point is 00:46:18 and the two of us will walk together into the Silver Dollar Casino to start betting now. Beautiful. You walk out into that walkable street and I'll give you a brief little description that goes for all of you of what the Silver Dollar looks like from the exterior. It's in close proximity to a high value real estate
Starting point is 00:46:39 along Fremont Street. It makes up a corner of this section of uptown and has an incredible amount of foot traffic. You notice a lot of people coming in and out of this place burrows and there are in all states of disarray. People come out drunk. They go in drunk. There is a constant state of haze along these millions of
Starting point is 00:47:01 people have heard. This is a good spot for hitting the slots. Its diagonal placement makes for the giant silver coin sitting over the front entrance all that more easy to see. But as far as casinos go, it could hardly rival those you've been accustomed to on the strip. It's a lot smaller. It's a meager midsize that takes direct inspiration or outright ripoff of the more luxury options on the strip itself. Supported up by massive Etruscan pillars is a silver dollar inscribed with a massive V outlined by large wreaths of laurels and surrounding numerals. Uplighting chutes at
Starting point is 00:47:41 the multiple floor construction and white bast light in the old incandescent bulbs that line about the coin marquee and floor climb down to form a sort of red carpet that fill into the street essentially, forming this great little line of people coming in along the bulbs that are pressed into the concrete. The small alleyway in between the building itself and the next construction that's on your,
Starting point is 00:48:10 if you're thinking Northwest, East, South, yeah, that's on your West side is so small that if you were more than a few people, you'd have to squeeze through in a single file. And on the other side, on the east side, a dead-end walkable road meets up against a sizable back parking lot and staff area and a runoff that heads into some of the service flood tunnels of Las Vegas. It looks like it feeds off into almost like an underpass situation. That's sort of what you're seeing as you're going in. I'm going to go back to Club Canaan where the party is really picking up.
Starting point is 00:48:49 The DJs are in full force. The lights have dimmed. The drinks are heavy and they're coming fast. The bartenders are working overtime and the rest of you are still at Canaan. What's the plan as Burrows has just started his night of debauchery? What do we give him like an hour and then- I was gonna say, Jackie will probably- Sybil, question, is there any special drinks of the night that I need to be?
Starting point is 00:49:26 Special drinks in Club Cannon? Yeah, because it's our opening night. Yes. Yes, indeed. It's a lot of because this is an equator themed night. A lot of it is brown liquor, but there's some clears in there if you're interested. There's like gold and silver like flecks in the in the glasses. So it's shimmering. There's some like blue pea tea that when you put lemon juice in it, it turns to purple. There's some magical things happening. There's gastronomy going on. But what exactly are you interested in? STACEY I have that drink exactly how you're describing that. I want that. Great. Okay, then great. You have that. It's basically like a little lemon shot glass that
Starting point is 00:50:09 drops to the bottom and turns the color of the drink. Yeah, I'll do the honestly because I feel like the most important thing is to get people to at least at least make an impression to do the walk around, kind of talk to people and I will grab a shot and I will also is slow here yet. There's no telling whether slow is actually showing up to this shindig. But if he is he's not here yet. You imagine that with his sort of crowd fashionably late is definitely the move. Also, I'd like to ask you, Jackie,
Starting point is 00:50:48 how do you deal with food? That's right. That shot might give you a lot more than you'd intend. Yeah, because that's not Allison. Yeah, so that, I'm thinking like, I know I'm not. She didn't drink. So you have a nice little she has it.
Starting point is 00:51:09 She has a ration. Yeah. And you know what? Because it was going to be given to slow, but I'm purposely kind of keeping an eye out to at least if not kind of doing a socializing there's someone very like, you know, I'm a sucker for a blonde if there's a really, I'll probably drop drink off as a complimentary thing.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Okay, absolutely. Beautiful. So can I take it to mean that you guys are just waiting for the go ahead with Burrows before we all head out? I think the only thing I'm gonna do when I'm outside is uh I'm gonna grab Spork off of my shoulder and I'm gonna hold him out. I'm gonna be like all right this is your this is your moment this is your shot. I want you to head to the silver dollar stay outside of the cameras and keep a watch um for that that black escalate remember black escalate
Starting point is 00:52:06 sport gives you sort of an inquisitive tilt of the head as though he's still getting used to the fact that you're talking to him and he does for just the slightest of moments get distracted and start pecking at your hand until you remind him black escalate and then he picks his head back up as though he is back on focus. There you go. All right. You got this buddy. Send him off to head into the silver dollar ahead of us. You send Spork off he takes beautiful flight a crow in
Starting point is 00:52:40 movement. He makes that beautiful call that they always do as they start to take off and then he lands back on your shoulder. It's okay bud, we'll work on it, we'll work on it. From out of the shadows, Mal will kind of step up. Don't. He needs a little. Don't.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I wasn't gonna say anything, he just needs a little more practice, that's all. He's new, he's a little... Don't. I wasn't gonna say anything, he just needs a little more practice, that's all. He's new, he's a little nervous. Give him time, it's his first day on the job. As we discuss, the spork has lost his head in the middle of your hood, and is desperately trying to trap him, get himself out from the trap.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Yeah, he's cute. him get himself out from the trap. Oh, yeah. He's very cute. That's defining quality. Caleb, I would like while that's happening, I would like to pass out black medical masks to everybody. Identification, identification, identification, cover it up. Now the simple- Hey. Oh.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Oh, for the- Oh, in case Burrows doesn't get the- Yeah? Yeah. Did anyone pass one to Burrows? If not, I have an extra. It's a little hard not to identify Burrows. Burrows is currently like screaming at a roulette table,
Starting point is 00:54:04 come on, baby! He's as disguised as he can be at this point. to identify Burrows. Burrows is currently like screaming at a roulette table, come on man! All right! He's as disguised as he can be at this point. Nyres, can you give me a roll of your, I think it's animal, what do we call it? Animal, can, and fabulous. Yeah, give me animal, can plus your fabulous, please. Come on, Bella. Come on, buddy.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Zero successes. Oh, my God. That feels right. That's what we expected. Can you, well, it's a bad time to, you know, test the blood. I'm the worst one to test the blood. I'm not worth it to test the blood on Spork. You can expend a willpower to reroll three failures
Starting point is 00:54:50 that are not in your- Very low willpower. Oh. It is better that- How's it going, guys? It's better that we allow Spork to do his best. How much gets reset? Because we had it from the night before.
Starting point is 00:55:04 You had days. Let's remind ourselves how much willpower we get, which I believe it should be. Especially when we're gonna need rolls. I'm like, no, no. Restore. One second. Rules interlude. Uh, buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Character typically recovers a number of willpower points equal to their composure or resolve at the start of each night. So you can assume that it's been nights. So let's assume that everyone is at max willpower. Beautiful. Yeah. I'm going to save my willpower for other times. I also looked down at my character sheet just now and realized that I have-
Starting point is 00:55:58 How dare you? Two injuries. It's been multiple nights. Would you like to roll on those now? I don't want to but I will. Okay. But we can assume since it's been a few days, you've also handled your eating by then. So, unless you go into a crazy frenzy, I don't think we have to worry about it too much. What's your injury? Are we talking superficial or aggravated? It's
Starting point is 00:56:23 too superficial. Too superficial. That goes away instantly. Aggravated is what we're worried about. Yeah, OK. OK, great. Never mind. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:56:32 That's the one we have to rouse check for. No, it was just half slashes instead of full slashes. So I think we're good. Yeah, superficial goes away after you've seen it. Thank you. No problem. OK. At this point, after seeing Spork snuggle back in,
Starting point is 00:56:50 Sybil's going to come around the corner. Do you need a bird? Yeah, I need a bird. OK, do you want it to be a real bird or do you need like a Sybil whispers a bird with with a brain? That's rude. He's doing his best. Spork is still caught in the hood.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I guess if you want to be the bird with the brains, by all means. I was just hoping for additional air support. I mean send him with me. I don't know how that works. Okay. I'll gladly put him on your shoulder. Support takes to it immediately and starts pecking at Sybil's shorn head. This is Sybil. Sybil's watching you from here on out for the entirety of this heist. Be nice to them.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Yes. Sybil becomes very interested in Sybil's earrings. If you are mediocre, you will be fired immediately. Let's go. And Sybil moves forward. Let's go. And Sybil moves forward. Beautiful. Okay, let's assume we are all meeting for the end of it all
Starting point is 00:58:13 at the silver dollar, since it seems as though all of our preparations have been put in place. How are we transporting to the silver dollar? Are we taking a car? Do we have dollar? Are we taking a car? Do we have cars? Are we taking baby blue? We should Uber. Although I assume Burrows.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Well, I guess Burrows could have walked. We should Uber. You guys do have weapons. Let's go over the weapons we have and how many we think we could fit into the back of an uber. I Have an I've one second right back guys. I'm sorry one hole. Oh good. We can prep Have crazy guns do we have I mean, I think everyone should just have a handgun and a knife like ideally if we're gonna have two Of anything it's it's ammo. Yeah, I was going to have like a revolver, like I know or a sawed off shotgun too.
Starting point is 00:59:10 There is a sawed off shotgun, but there's certainly handguns for everyone. I have like two smoke bombs. Worry about the smoke bombs. I prefer if I could have double knives, I'd rather have the knives than a gun. Sure. And also I have an extra knife. I have three-foot's knife from way back when that I can give you Niles. Okay. So my main concern is did we not get some heavy weaponry from Greece that may be a little hard to put in the back of a camera.
Starting point is 00:59:46 No, nothing too big. Unless Jackie, do you want to take the sawed-off shotgun? Uh, I'll leave with that, uh, because I'm already carrying like a weird bandolier of like glass items that are like knickknacks. My utility belt, so it's probably... Okay, so just handguns little smoke bombs some ammo are we already wearing our black medical medical masks or does that come later put it on we're taking and we're being you know so we don't spread anything in the car very That's very good. Yeah, very true. We got Birdfly to worry about.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Actually, we do have Bird in there with us. Before they go, I'm going to before as everyone's getting into the lift, I'm going to just take a step back. I'm probably just going to fly there and I'll see you guys there. The lift hears that, he looks back at all of you and then chooses not to comment on it, obviously. Yeah. But the door shuts behind and Sybil decides to fly.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Yeah. Fly like an eagle. Beautiful. Could I get all of you in the Uber to roll for me? Yeah. A- Blush of life, blush of life, blush of life. Oh, beautiful.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Blush of life. Blush of life. Oh, beautiful. Blush of life. Oh, we're all remembering things, aren't we? It's literally in caps on the top of my character sheet because I forget it every time. Not this time. Not this time.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Bless your life. Bless your life. Yes, yes, yes. Bless your life. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Beautiful. We're learning. I'm good on the rouse check for bless your life.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Same. You guys are good on the rouse checks? Beautiful. Jackie, how'd you do? I succeeded. Nice. Actually, I need to roll for my magical girl transformation. That's true.
Starting point is 01:01:56 And are you just doing that outside Club Cannon, Sybil? Yeah, she says, I'm just going to fly there. And then you see her sort of get out sprint around the back of the building. And then the music starts. Yeah, then she flies out. She does get hungrier though. She's at a two.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Duly noted. I need you guys to roll a composure, plus subterurfuge. That's for Jackie, for Mal, and for Niles. One success for Niles. Composure. Oh, no successes. I think I have five, but I have two spicy onks.
Starting point is 01:02:53 So is that a messy critical? It depends on what you mean by spicy onks. One has fangs and one has glitter. Yeah, one has fangs and one has glitter. Yeah, one has fangs and one has glitter. The glitter is a traditional critical. Great. I'll learn how this game works one day. And then the second one is a 10 on the hunger die. So you technically have a messy critical.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Okay, then I have five of the messy critical. Of course. No, I'm sorry, yes, five, I'm good at math. Got it. Cool, I'm sorry. Yes, five. I'm good at math. Got it. Cool, cool, cool. Yeah, you guys are in the Uber and he's definitely looking into his back mirror for a lot of the drive.
Starting point is 01:03:37 You know, he makes direct eye contact with Niles and looks between all you guys. He's an older guy, bald with a big beard that is starting to gray in the goatee before it grays everywhere else. And everywhere else is a darker brown. He's got bags under his eyes and he could be anywhere between a Nevada 40
Starting point is 01:04:01 and a Nevada 60, God knows. But he does, he turns back to all you, he says, I don't usually see people leaving the club this early. That place suck or something? Club pop. That's great. You guys locals or are you visiting? We're from around here. Cool. Cool. What part?
Starting point is 01:04:30 That part. The south side. Okay. From all over. What about you? Yeah. I'm around here. What you guys got going on tonight? Just bar hopping around.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Any big plans celebrating? No celebration. Just a just a I don't even know what day it is. Just a just a regular evening here in Vegas. Nothing to see. Oh god. You're heading to the casino though. He taps the little display on the, I'm guessing this is a Tesla given on every Uber I've ever taken. Silver dollar, right?
Starting point is 01:05:20 Yeah, I thought we'd throw some bones in a more quieter casino. That's good stuff. Good local joint. Have you been there? Yeah, I've been there. It's a good spot. I don't know why they pay out so much, but it's good for business, I guess. And then for the rest of the ride, it seems pretty calm, as far as you can tell. And as he parks just shy of the walkable city there, he pulls over to the side, he gets a good spot, throws his hazards on, and he turns back to all of you and he says, Okay, locals out on the town. Show the casino throw those bones. And he laughs in your direction Niles.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Yeah, hear the Tesla doors click and open. If you could give me a five star that mean a lot trying to make some money. Sure, you got it. I'm gonna get out of this car cuz uh one too many times and he's like god damn it. I'm out. I adore how nervous I can make you people with an uber. It hurts on the inside. Perfect. You guys fill
Starting point is 01:06:43 out and it has that electricity that Vegas does everywhere you take it where you spill out of a car and know you're about to join the larger population of the world and just getting black out having the best night of your life. You can see people moving in every direction essentially towards their next pleasure spot. What's up, Jackie? Whoever whoever called that Uber, can you screenshot that
Starting point is 01:07:14 driver's info for me? Because I because of that because I know you can get the profile a little bit of name and that license and all that so I think if anybody ordered a ride for all of you, it would be the vulture in the sky or Jackie. I mean, if you're okay, if like I called it, if you guys would have access to the ride. I'm sure it was in the itinerary that everyone shares the link. But yeah, you get a screenshot of Dave,
Starting point is 01:07:45 who upon looking at his profile, you find out he is in fact 48, little in the middle of that Nevada hurt. And it says Vegas born and raised in his bio. And under the bio portion that reads, why are you driving for Uber? It reads, I need to make money. Perfect. You are outside in front of the silver dollar in front of that large coin that oversees the multi level building,
Starting point is 01:08:15 about four floors up. The up lighting is trying to make this place classier than it is. That's all a Fremont Street baby. It's trying to sell you a story that isn't there. Are you all just entering into the silver dollar? Or do you have some fucked up plan that means you're entering from the side? I'm probably going to enter from the side. There it is. Okay. Yeah. Just because because of my problem with cameras and technology in general. Mal on the floor of a casino, maybe not the most secretive way to go about things. So I think I'm going to try and go back around like I went last time and go through like the kitchens.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Yeah. And once I'm in the alley, I'm gonna activate my new ability. What new ability is that? I have taken Tenebrous Avatar, which means that, here I'll read the ability out. Tenebrous Avatar changes their body into a shadow, able to move over any surface or through small spaces. So I've basically flat Stanley myself.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Beautiful. It does require two rouse checks though. Oh my God. Does it say anything about how long it lasts? It lasts for a scene. For a scene, okay perfect. Is the heist, that's always the question I have in these kind of games of like what qualifies as a scene?
Starting point is 01:09:59 I mean, it could fall out at any moment. I will choose a dramatically appropriate time, but I'm not gonna cheat you and have it like, fuck you up at the last moment. Traditionally, a scene is like, it could be a phase in the heist, or it could be the entire heist. It's kind of just up to how much of a dick I feel like.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Sure. But you know, something like Burroughs getting the the the escalate and then driving to the silver dollar that could be considered an entire scene or part of the high scene just depending. But I will let you know, or at least give you an indicator when it's starting to fade. You'll basically get like a hey, you probably have a turn left of this. Or whatever it may be. Or I may fuck you up and go, and then it goes out. Yeah, that's cool too.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Honestly, anything, whatever you feel like, bud, I'm here. Beautiful. Okay. Where are you taking this Tenenbrist avatar? Well, do your Rouse checks, then we'll answer that. Two successes. Beautiful. I do not get any hungrier.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Beautiful. So where are you taking this whole thing? I think I'll go around the corner into the alley, like just outside of a street light. You know how it's when you're walking down the street and the darkest part of a street is right outside of a street light, you know how it's, when you're walking down the street and the darkest part of a street is right outside of a, outside of a lamp lighted area, Mal's gonna go into the shadows there
Starting point is 01:11:35 and nothing like serious happens. It's just like they dissipate into the darkest part of the alley. And just like a bit of darkness is now mobile. Beautiful. Okay, you become a shadow along the alleyway on the side of this building. And there are people filling up this alley.
Starting point is 01:12:01 There are people thinking that they can go out through the other side into the rest of Fremont and the north side. It's that sort of vibe that everyone gets when they're at Disneyland, just thinking they can walk wherever the hell they want, as long as it gets them there. There's also the factor of people who are drunk. There's one man who is just debilitatingly lost and is losing his lunch on the side of the building next to the silver dollar. And then in past as your shadow weaves between the legs of these unfortunate individuals, and you understand that you're so very close somehow in your tenebrous state to that pile of steaming vomit
Starting point is 01:12:45 that you've now become the floor of Las Vegas and have just become empty, nothing. There's a strange coldness to this form, Mal. It is comforting in that it's what most of what you are is made of, but it feels as though you're drifting away. It's like a bad dream where you're watching something happen rather than being there, how it does.
Starting point is 01:13:13 You've become some strange, omniscient God. Unfortunately, you're not omnipotent. You just can see, you can't exactly change. Further on, as you continue to materialize down the alleyway, you see that there are staff members coming out of multiple doors down the way and throwing trash bags into big dumpsters along the side. And it seems to be some sort of staff entrance and exit
Starting point is 01:13:40 through there. There are some 21, 22-year-old kids out there smoking American spirits and calling each other horrible, horrible names and hoping to God that nobody comes out there and asks them to get back on shift. And it seems like that runs the entirety of the wall there. I'm going to cut from unless you have anything else to do here. I'm gonna cut from you and have the others walk in this place. No, Mal just kind of like feels all of the tension that's been in their body for ever. What feels like
Starting point is 01:14:18 just kind of dissipate as they spread thin and feels good almost for the first time. Mm-hm. It feels like bizarrely like a good stretch, like a meditation. Yeah. You can still hear that guy losing himself over in the corner there. I'm going to cut to we have Jackie and Niles who are now on the curb of the silver dollar. Are you guys going inside? If you think so, if Burrows is already in there then we should take places
Starting point is 01:14:54 take places somewhere inside to wait for the magic. Beautiful. Okay, stepping inside through those big mega doors in the center, the inside of the casino is shockingly white with deep overhead chandeliers that hang large above the play area of the main floor. This place reads more like a large bank than it does a place for debauchery. The music inside seems decidedly against anything that might make you want to shake your ass. But the clientele has barely noticed. The slots are beyond packed. The table games on private step up floors to the west have a line of new customers. And the bar on the east side is sending out waitstaff after waitstaff to accommodate all the free drinks being passed around this place.
Starting point is 01:15:44 The only pop of color across the floor is a deliberate accent of red that is overtaken by tapestries that line across the large columns that dominate the center floor. They lead up to this overhanging roof where a faux almost Sistine Chapel mural has been put forward depicting some strange center stage, essentially, with a lone man in toga, with his arms outstretched, wearing laurels, and asking essentially to an audience he's performing. The two of you could make his essentially draw on history
Starting point is 01:16:26 if you'd like to take a guess of what this is depicting. I'll take a stab at it. Beautiful. Okay, go ahead and give me a intelligence plus academics. Or I would take intelligence plus politics. None of that's good for me. That's just one nice.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Beautiful. I think it might be good for Jackie. I think Jackie's muted though. Oh, I do get what I got. I got a success. So one success knowing nothing. Beautiful. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:17:00 You think that this might be Roman? Ah, a lot. What you got Jackie? I think you're muted buddy. Muted. I apologize. I said even with that little bump, I got zero. Really? Yeah. Well, it
Starting point is 01:17:25 looks Roman. What you have. Oh, that's about that's about all I got for you. Why does this feel like something Burrows would do for his own club? I don't know. He really would. Kind of douchey. The what I have more to give you. There's a noticeable house section up past this large vacuum of space toward the higher floors, where it is clear the casino looks down on its constituents with a caring eye.
Starting point is 01:17:58 And it looks as though the higher floors stop at the third floor, where the house is located. But the two above run the house is located. But the two above run the edge of the square building leaving space for that deep skylight. There's a set of elevators to the north side. One seems to be for guests as they seem to be cycling in and off of this set of two and then additional private elevator where you can see that there are two bouncers,
Starting point is 01:18:25 essentially standing outside with a red rope. What else do I have for you? There's a staff section behind the bar on the east side where you can see a lot of kitchen staff and those of that nature coming out from that area. Then on the west side past the private tables, there's another set of doors, you're not sure where they head off to. And then finally, million security cameras in this place. And you do see pretty close to on a craps table just shy of the private tables, a very loud
Starting point is 01:19:00 burrows is surrounded by three women on one side that he seems to have an arm around all three and they seem to be laughing with him. And then a collection of men who had been playing craps as well. And decidedly someone in a very similar suit to him who is just cuddled into the side of Burrows. Hopefully it made him a little money too. Question, that pit boss, is that, is he closer to Burrows or closer to the door, if you don't mind me asking?
Starting point is 01:19:44 You're looking for the pit boss. So go ahead and give me a wits plus awareness. Let's see if you can. Or you know what? Give me a wits plus investigation as you're looking around for who might be in charge. Yes. Thank you for saying investigation. Hold on, I got a one success, so I'm gonna- You can use your willpower to re-roll three dice that are not your hunger die. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 01:20:19 All right, kindred, should I? I'm looking at you. Yeah, all right, all right, I'll blow up willpower for that. Okay. Jesus. All right, what does Three Successes get me? Three Successes gets you some good information. It's packed tonight.
Starting point is 01:20:46 This place is popping for Fremont and it takes you quite a bit to really get eyes, especially with the spectacle of Burroughs and then this brand new space and it being as large as it is. But eventually you find a group of people that seem to be making the most concentrated effort through these crowds. If you're looking for a pit boss, you're looking for someone who is holding the court of this place that is sort of running the floor, right? As of right now, it doesn't seem as though you've locked on an individual
Starting point is 01:21:27 that is subtle in their control of the room, but there is one that is flagrant. There is a individual dressed in an all-white suit with a single red scarf, and on that red scarf emblazoned at the bottom is this strange silver stitch symbol of an axe bundled in gathered sticks that are tied tight to the weapon that is almost stitched handmade onto the scarf itself. The dress shirt under that white suit is unbuttoned enough to show a huge amount of his chest. He is like Victorian sickly child pale. What else can I tell you about? He is platinum blonde with short length wavy hair
Starting point is 01:22:19 that looks incredibly well maintained. He's manicured, beautiful, pale. He looks as though he stepped out of some Renaissance painting depicting beautiful chamber boys of some rich philosopher's palace. And he seems to be in deep conversation with another individual, a tall bearded man with jet black hair down to his neck. He's well built underneath a black suit to match Adon's white. His dark skin makes for a nice compliment to piercing hunting eyes. They meander about the floor.
Starting point is 01:22:55 The individual in the white suit is putting on a performance and the individual in the black suit is keeping watchful eyes on everything going on on the bottom floor. Is that my guy? As of right now, oh sorry. Sorry, Niles, you would assume that this very well could be Adon as it was described to you by Sylvie, the man in charge, as it were. But with that description, we're going to take a short break, just at the top of the hour here.
Starting point is 01:23:34 We'll be back very shortly, and we'll see what we have to do with these individuals when we come back. And we'll get to Sybil's bird form. Oh yeah. and we'll get to Sybil's bird form. Oh yeah. Shirtless Jeff Goldblum. Oh, I'll take it. Oh my god, I was just compared to hot and shirtless Jeff Goldblum. That's a beautiful life.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Okay, we are just introduced to what we believe is the first sighting of the individual we know as Aidan that Sylvia warned us about or at least told us was in charge of the administration around this place. It looks as though he's entertaining guests. Jackie, that's what you've seen. He looks like he's making his way towards the elevators with that well-dressed individual next to him. Mm-hmm. And he has essentially a posse of people, much like celebrity bodyguards that are dressed a little less conspicuously,
Starting point is 01:24:32 but are definitely concealed carries. You don't know which one of them's are wearing fake arms or not. But that's what you can see straight up. I'm gonna smash cut away from from you for just a second. Sybil, you pulled into the alleyway. You went through your magical girl transformation. Would you like to describe to us what that looks like? Again, how the vulture takes over and how the flight to the silver dollar loads.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Yeah, so Cib does her transformation in the back of Club Kanan and then immediately just takes off and it's not until they're probably halfway there to where they remember that Spork is with them. And Spork is... It's not a full V because it's only two birds, but I think it seems like Spork is in position. It's like, oh, oh shit, there's a kid back there. And then they ride in complete silence. If anything, Sybil gets more intense and serious now that their dream has come true and that they are leading something.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Beautiful. They get to the club. You mentioned there's a skylight on the roof? Yeah, that mural is sort of painted over a portion of the top of that roof that might have access. Yeah, on that top. Lovely. Okay, cool. She's carrying the smoke bomb in her mouth because I looked it up. You cannot take things in your pockets and transform them back.
Starting point is 01:26:15 So smoke bomb is and her phone, I think, is all she has. She Is that in your mouth right now? Yeah, it's not comfortable. You have claws. I do have claws. Smoke bomb is in the claw. Do you have your spoon in your mouth still?
Starting point is 01:26:32 No! Oh, it's full bird mouth. Okay, cool. It's bird mouth. It's full bird mouth. Uh, so yeah, there's a moment of relief, but also extreme weight because the last time she was tasked with dropping something as a bird, it went so bad. That was awesome.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Thank you. Her shoulders are so high about it. So she gets to the roof, changes back and looks to Spork and goes, look, don't fuck this for me. I'm going to do my absolute best. I, you can stay here and look out. You're a bird, which is helpful. I need you to stay a bird the whole time. I don't know what Niles has done to you or what sort of Swiss army fuckery
Starting point is 01:27:20 you have inside of you. So just be yourself as you are right now and let me know if something is bad. All right. Tilt his head at you, does get distracted during this monologue yet again, and starts pecking at some of the food on the top of that roof.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Focus up. He fades back in, kind of flaps his wings out and readies back up. But he does seem to be at attention by the end of it, and at least listening. He looks confused at the mention of these saw blades. But he doesn't really speak your language as much as he speaks Niles'. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:00 So he's doing his best. Good. Good. Lil Pat. And look for an opening to the vents on the roof. Okay, so you're looking for a venting system that'll take you further down. Yes. Beautiful. Could you give me a Hwits plus awareness?
Starting point is 01:28:19 And you can add, let's say you can add an additional die for your vulture's eye. OK. Awareness, we love to see it. OK, I'm going to... I'm going to use a willpower. Okay. Oh yeah, that's much better.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Okay, so that's four successes with one failure, three successes. Three successes, got it. At first, the venting systems you're finding, unfortunately, are incredibly hot, as though they're running some of the HVAC system, and it's the offload of some of those systems. But you do finally manage to find just east of the skylight where you and Spork landed, as Spork kinda hops over with you,
Starting point is 01:29:20 trying to do his best to help. You find this eventing system that is much smaller than you'd like, but it's not scorching. And it seems as though you could fit. Most likely you could fit in the vulture form or in your human form. It's just gonna be a tight fit either way. It's about shoulder width for you.
Starting point is 01:29:45 And it'd be compacting your wings if you were you. If you were bird you. Vulture bull. Sivulcher, sivulcher. Sivulcher. Okay, I'm gonna stay a bird Okay, I'm gonna stay a bird and keep pressing through with the smoke bomb in my talents. And can I smell food? Can I follow the scent to the kitchen?
Starting point is 01:30:18 Can you smell food? Can you follow the scent to the kitchen? I like the question. Give me a wits plus awareness. Okay. Three successes. Three successes. You can absolutely root out in this venting system the direction in which the kitchen would be for sure You think you have a good lock lock on it. You're smelling prime rib And some sort of rich buttery side And it seems to be piping hot
Starting point is 01:30:56 You can almost hear the clatter of dishes as well to accompany that sound you feel as though your primal instincts are Are tapping it you know where to go. Okay, great. Then I yeah, I start inching towards the kitchen with the intent of dropping the smoke bomb. So people think that it's sort of a kitchen fire. Okay. Okay, beautiful. So you're crawling through, you eventually find the rattling of these fucking vents. Your big bird body is definitely a dieharding these events and anyone under them could probably hear, Oh my god, we have rats or something. Until they see the compression of the talons against the, the aluminum or whatever the fuck vents are made
Starting point is 01:31:43 of. You get through into what is an opening into the kitchen. There is this steel grating off of this like hood almost that extends out into the kitchen itself. And then you can see that there's also like a dumb waiter line to the left of you that's sort of connected through to the venting system you can see into there as well You're gonna have to either take off this This
Starting point is 01:32:11 Grading to pass the smoke bomb through just because of the sheer size of the thing Or you're going to have to find a way to get it through into the dumbwaiter through a smaller portion Okay to the dumbwaiter through a smaller portion. Okay. There's no way for my body to get to the dumbwaiter. Imagine that the breezeway between this venting system and the dumbwaiter system is probably eight inches across. Okay, then I'm gonna, okay, then I'm gonna... Okay, then I'm going to...
Starting point is 01:32:48 Because I still... I have not been registered as someone in this building and I kind of want to keep that. So I'm going to use a new skill. And I think it's not a rouse check. It's free. So I will, part of, I think like the other talon that isn't holding the smoke bomb
Starting point is 01:33:14 is going to start to like undulate and move until it becomes like bees. Oh. Okay. And I'm going to use Unliving Hive. Okay. To slowly become a bunch of bees and push the smoke bomb into the dumbwaiter.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Yeah, okay. There is this sickening sound as the flapping of many, many bees begins to exist in this venting system and you begin to carry it through into the dumbwaiter line. That part is easy. But could you give me a stealth plus dexterity and you're going to add an extra die because of your Famulus here,
Starting point is 01:34:14 because obviously it's a little harder to identify a group of fucking bees. Gotcha, okay. Come on, come on, that's what I'm fucking talking about. Five successes. Okay, with five successes, the smoke bomb is fed through that tiny window into what essentially is the elevator that goes up and down that dumbwaiter. open. The vent is open to the rest of the kitchen. You think that the smoke bomb would billow up towards the second level of this dumbwaiter for sure, but it would also leak out into the kitchen itself. If it were to give off right now. I will tell
Starting point is 01:35:00 you based off your intelligence, Sybil is very intelligent. You also know that when this thing goes off, it does go off like a grenade might. It does have a loud boom associated with its triggering, or at least a big sound and a following effect of the gas leaking. You are muted, sorry. Thank you. As soon as I drop it,
Starting point is 01:35:28 it doesn't have to be detonated. It just has to be, or it's like, I kind of, it is a grenade, pull it, roll it, and then immediately swarm out from the vent back to Spork. Beautiful. Okay. Yeah. The shoot two, we will get to you in just a moment, but we're going to pull away from Sybil and back to my floor team floor team. Is there anything we're doing until that smoke bomb goes off? Burrows you're at the craps table. Absolutely killing it. Niles. You've just come in Jackie.
Starting point is 01:36:04 You just saw the owner of the establishment. You guys are kind of filling out the room. Is there anything here? Should we split up at this point? While this is happening, I'm gonna just, because I can, I'm gonna use this because it's a free action. I'm gonna go ahead and activate my silence of death.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Basically to nullify any steps or movement, but I will be taking that little pocket mirror out. And what I will be doing is I am going to take my nail and like kind of cut myself again to smear some of my blood onto the mirror. And then I'm not gonna break it yet, but the minute I break the mirror, that's when I will go into an incorporeal form where I can transport out. But I'm gonna hold that until I need to break it.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Got it. I'm just trying to be an obscure little bean, just mixing in with the crowd, trying to be unassuming, trying to keep my attention, trying to keep attention away from any wandering kindred eyes. How are you doing that, Niles? Are you going to hit the slots? Are you getting a drink? You more of a craps person?
Starting point is 01:37:22 What's the plan here? I feel like a drink in hand is the safer option to start and just idle, like wandering around, like trying to see if there's anything to play. Beautiful. Some little mosey. What does Niles get to drink here? Niles will get an Old Fashioned just to keep it classy. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:37:48 And just hold it in their hand as they walk around. Beautiful. And Burrows, anything here? Hey man, you know, I forgot to ask, what's your name? I'll say to the Pudinesque mook. Marco. Marco, you having fun man we've been making some money I'm having a great time with you man I don't know why champagne's got such a fucking problem with you man that's what I'm saying man
Starting point is 01:38:15 hey listen things are about to get a little wild why don't you keep me company just kind of watch my back as things go down okay hey whatever you want so I'm gonna know, I'm compelling him to kind of watch my back as things start to unleash. Got it. Perfect. Almost immediately following you warning Marco that things are gonna get a little sticky, the music of the moment really fits itself
Starting point is 01:38:40 as the inside team hears the crack, small detonation and start of the smoke bomb itself going off in the kitchen. While Sybil has gone away from the moment inside the kitchen there, smoke begins to billow out from the doors and the inside team on the floor can see that there is a noticeable amount of some sort of gray gas leaking out from the bottom of the doors or at
Starting point is 01:39:14 least fogging up the ship side circle window on the front of the kitchen door coming out from behind the bar and you can see the two chefs come out waving their arms and trying to get the smoke out of their faces and and coughing and trying to get people out. Burl's wasting no time. Oh shit there's a fire! I think there's a fire! Good, beautiful. Okay, as you shout fire in a crowded room,
Starting point is 01:39:47 let's get manipulation plus, we'll call this leadership, baby. Here we go, manipulation. I want this to work, I'm gonna rouse the blood. Got it. I'm gonna spend a willpower. That's four successes. Four successes.
Starting point is 01:40:20 Yeah, you call out your awe is still in aspect here. Everyone you'd been winning with at the craps table definitely starts to call it out and point out at it. Someone mentions having to call the fire department, they're starting to get their phone out. You can see that some of the bouncers around the area are starting to move in that direction and people are gathering for sure there's a panic involved. The place is big enough that a fire of that nature has not caused outright panic. People aren't running over themselves quite yet, but there's definitely commotion,
Starting point is 01:40:59 there's distraction, and the staff teams look really concerned in that direction from what we're seeing. And Jackie, who you already had a view of everything going on, you can see a lot of the bouncers are moving in that direction. We're going to cut to Mal outside in the alleyway. I would say that you probably do not hear the smoke bomb. You could hear some of the commotion and definitely calls a fire from inside, especially as one of the staff doors open and you can see some of those, you know, basically teens that were out there smoking together call to each other and start rushing back through the door. As they're rushing through, I'm just going to start using their shadows like lily pads, like it's my frogger with cars, but you know, kind of kind of same vibes of just like getting
Starting point is 01:41:52 further into the building by just like hopping shadow to shadow so that there's not just like a like a black mass moving and that they're kind of hidden. But I'm trying to get out onto the floor and towards anyone who might be going to check the vault. Okay. You come into the main floor, you're hopping shadow to shadow very easily. You can tell for the most part that no one's even noticed. You're there.
Starting point is 01:42:21 The most physical manifestation of this power is that the shadows darken around an individual person before you hop to the next. But the majority of these people are not looking down, they're looking out. They're looking in the direction of the kitchen. Go ahead and give me a... Could I get an investigation plus intelligence
Starting point is 01:42:46 to see if we can root out who might be in the direction of the vault? I have one success because I only have three. One success. But it's a 10. With one success, this is what I'll give you. You have a feeling that you can't really discern who is going for the vault because while the fire is a good distraction, it's did you don't
Starting point is 01:43:17 get the perception that has caused enough of a threat for them to be concerned they're under attack. Okay. The moment that you're reading right now, or at least the insight that all of you are getting, is that this is reading as a kitchen mishap that could cause some structural damage on the east side and ruin a good night at the casino, but is not necessarily a terrorist attack.
Starting point is 01:43:42 Okay. Then I guess with that in mind, I'm gonna start, I'm gonna keep shadow hopping, but I'm gonna just get as close to like the stairway that we found or that we know about. Okay. As possible and just kind of hang in a shadow of a machine, or no, no, not a machine actually.
Starting point is 01:44:00 That's, I'm not doing that. Hide in the shadow of like a plant or just kind of like, if there's nothing there to hide in, I'm just gonna be in a corner trying to stay still and waiting until someone, or I'm, hmm. Yeah, I'm just waiting until someone's starting to go up the stairs. Okay, so you're watching for people going up
Starting point is 01:44:22 to the second and the third floor. Yeah. Okay. The staircase going up to the second and the third floor. Yeah. Okay. The staircase feeds directly to the second. So, watching people come in and out, it's definitely like families, for the most part. Or people with key cards heading up. Or at least that's the perception you've gotten so far. Okay, then I'm just gonna keep shadow bouncing
Starting point is 01:44:48 upstairs until I hit three and then I'll wait up there. Beautiful. Sybil, you've escaped, the smoke bomb has gone off, you're back in the vents, where are you headed now? I'm heading back out from where I arrived on the ground to the club. And I want to come back around. Is there like a line outside of the club? Outside of the casino? You mean? The casino? There are lines within like within the
Starting point is 01:45:21 interior. Like lines into the private games for the table games. There are lines up to the bar because drinks are coming out slower, especially now that they're on fire. And then there are like old people lines for the slots. But in terms of like actual entrance, the people aren't waiting to get in side. This is open to the public for the most part.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Then I think I'm just gonna hold tight outside with Spork until I if I get caused to run in, then I'll run in. But right now I'm like my part is done. I'm going to probably head back to Club Kanan. But I'm also terrified. So I'm gonna stay for a little bit in case something is on fire that we didn't plan to be on fire. You are outside, are you a vulture right now? I'm bees. You're bees, okay, understood.
Starting point is 01:46:14 Okay, beautiful, floor team, any actions? I actually, I don't think, yeah, we discussed, I'm gonna go ahead and rouse my fleetness, so I can get much faster. Celerity? Yes, and my objective is, with my silence and quickness, I'm going to bypass a fire alarm,
Starting point is 01:46:39 and I'm going to activate that sucker. So therefore, it kind of maybe prompts, it makes it seem a little bit more intense than at first. So you are running at the speed of light to one of the side walls to pull a fire alarm before anyone else has the idea to correct basically kind of just do it fast enough. So it's really not seen in. it fast enough so it's really not seen in.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Go ahead and give me a stealth plus dexterity. You have the added dots that you have an obfuscation because you're running without sound. So whatever you have an obfuscate, add to a roll for dexterity plus stealth. Yeah, okay. Should be a pretty big poll. It's actually really good. Okay, four successes.
Starting point is 01:47:33 Okay, with four successes, you're absolutely okay. Doesn't seem as though anyone is noticing just how quick you're moving through the crowd. Your hand reaches around that fire alarm. You do realize that the fire alarm itself is kept behind glass, and it has a key to get into the other side. Are you breaking through this glass to pull the alarm? Yeah, like kind of like the elbow,
Starting point is 01:48:00 like that kind of thing, and it's gonna go. Beautiful, the glass breaks without sound thanks to your application there and it falls to the ground as though nothing happened you're able to come in and pull the alarm strangely thanks to what's happening around you the the sound itself is muted at first the alarm doesn't come out because it's so close to your action. But eventually across the entire casino you all are now hearing the fire alarm blaring over sirens and then now there is a league of showering waterheads, showerheads, watering showerheads, whichever. There's sprinklers
Starting point is 01:48:49 going off in every corner of the casino now, wetting a huge portion of it. Any other actions? I'm hoping when all this commotion, especially when the fire alarms and the overhead spray starts, that all of this commotion is drawing out the pit boss, because that's the person I'm looking for, to engage with or at least stalk until I can find an advantageous place to get his ass. Yeah, go ahead and give me a wits plus investigation as you're looking for whoever you think might be in charge here. All wits all the time. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card.
Starting point is 01:49:50 I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. I'm gonna roll a card. The only indication you get towards some amount of leadership on the floor here outside of that white suit that Jackie tipped you off of
Starting point is 01:50:09 Is that a black suited individual who has now cleared himself from the discussion with Adon As you can see clearly that Adon is making for The elevators on the north side That other individual is moving towards the bar itself And has a cell phone in hand close to his ear. He seems to be speaking rather upset into it. And he has a hand to his hip on the other side and is instructing some of the bouncers around the area
Starting point is 01:50:41 in the direction of the supposed fire in the kitchen. I'm gonna stalk the guy heading to the bar and make my way that way. Got it. Okay, are you doing this stealthy or are you making your presence stone? Are you going fast? Stealth stealth always I'm trying to hope that they use the commotion of the crowd to keep my movements concealed Give me a dex plus stealth. It should be pretty easy given so many distractions Does my specialty in kin self against kindred come into play here or just absolutely it does. You get a bad feeling about this guy. Four successes. Very good. Four successes.
Starting point is 01:51:54 You are moving across the crowds with deft precision. Many of them are scared. They're moving out of here now that the fire alarms have officially been pulled Contributed to everything else that you guys have put forward to make this distraction And just as you're starting to round up to the bar and get considerably close to this individual you feel for a second like the dough that turns to the arrow before it strikes through their neck and You swear for a moment that this man stops, throws his shoulder and looks directly in your direction for what feels like five seconds, six seconds, 10 seconds, intently his
Starting point is 01:52:42 eyebrows furrowing his eyes eyes slitting, and staring with a hunter's precision until he fades away from that fancy, his hackles coming up for just a moment before he turns back to handle this mess screaming into the phone. That's fun. Burrows has looked at the schematics of this building and he knows where he needs to go first
Starting point is 01:53:11 to deal with the electronics. So he's gonna turn to his Putin-esque friend Marco and say, geez, man, we need to get the hell out of here if there's a big fire. And he's gonna start heading in the direction, walking with Marco to his first stop, one of the first electrical rooms, security rooms. Beautiful, you're looking for the room
Starting point is 01:53:35 where they keep a lot of the breakers and the things that run the electricity for much of the upper floors. I'm more specifically concerned about the security cameras. Oh, I'm sorry. You're looking for like a surveillance room almost. Yes. Beautiful. Okay. You are aware that that from the structure of those schematics you've been given
Starting point is 01:53:56 that they're kept on the upper floors. So you know... I'm moving to the stairs. Beautiful. Okay. The stairs will take you up to the second floor, but you're aware that with your schematics, the third floor is inaccessible from the stairs and the second floor itself. You have to take an elevator up there through the public. And it seems as though that might be behind
Starting point is 01:54:17 those red taped rings. But a fortunate perspective of this is the bouncers that were outside of that VIP elevator have been tasked into whatever this fire business is and have been pulled away from that area. If you slip in now you can get in. Give me a stealth plus dexterity to make it through without anyone noticing you're using an elevator you shouldn't. Okay. Here you shut up. Okay.
Starting point is 01:54:48 One success. One success. Beautiful. Okay, some facts about a smoke bomb in this term. The average smoke bomb lasts on 60 to 90 seconds. Did you all know that? Um, the gas begins to dissipate from under the, uh, the kitchen itself. And a chef comes out knocking the door open and propping it, waving it out.
Starting point is 01:55:22 But it seems that the smoke inside of that room is beginning to dissipate, um, and come to a stop here as some of the commotion has come through. The fire alarm is still blazing and the sprinklers are still going off and there's still a decent amount of chaos but you guys are running out of that depreciating resource although you are all very adept at raising it so god knows it'll be back in a second. Burroughs is getting into that elevator. The problem is Burroughs, right as you're about to slip in at that last moment, that white suited individual with that red scarf shows up with that detachment, three body guarded individuals, and they stash themselves into the elevator before you have a chance to pull through.
Starting point is 01:56:07 So as of right now they are lining up, he smashes the exit door, the closed door on the elevator and you can see that the top of it begins to ding up towards two and then up again towards three. So he gets into the elevator before I'm even able to get close to it. Essentially, you could continue moving towards the elevator, but you failed stealth role. I'm reading at that. Oh, yes, you're going for it. Okay, girls, girls walks up behind him, pulls a gun and puts it to the back of his head.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Says, let's take a ride boys. Okay, boys. Okay, beautiful. We're gonna go with the rest of the room here. Jackie, Niles, Mal, Sybil outside, any actions here? I'm going back inside, still bees. The same way I went. It's a rouse check to stop being bees. I didn't need my...
Starting point is 01:57:07 Set off the bee alarm. Yeah, I'm flying towards the bee alarm. No, I'm going back into the vents following my bee nose to the kitchen. And I'm going to... Is there someone that's alone in the kitchen? Or like kind of separated from folks? I think that's a tough call with the amount of chaos that went off in here. I think they're trying to find the source of wherever the smoke came from and how it happened. I'm going to say there's a couple people in here. Okay. Okay, then I'm just going to slowly turn one of the pilots
Starting point is 01:57:48 on the sink, or sink, on the stove. Okay, give me a dexterity plus stealth with an additional die for your Famulus here. Dex plus stealth, you say. And an extra. Come on, B. Okay, that's two successes. Three and a failure.
Starting point is 01:58:15 Okay. That individual that Niles has been trailing has just entered into the kitchen there. And he is coordinating another three individuals that have followed in after him. Those three individuals, the second that they've stepped into the kitchen, have drawn MP5 submachine guns from within their coats, essentially,
Starting point is 01:58:42 and have started peeling around the chest straps tight to themselves, guns sort of booted up into their shoulders, but at a ready position start surveying the room. That other individual, the John Wick looking motherfucker is pacing in and around this room. You just managed to pull the pilot. You're trying to get this this fire going full you're just trying to turn up the burner to high. I just want the gas. And then the closest man that is close to the stove. I'm going to try to ratatouille him and fly inside of his clothes. Okay. All right. Beautiful. Give me your Famulus plus Dexterity.
Starting point is 01:59:35 Okay. As you attempt a ratatouille roll. I don't actually want to control his body, but I do want him to act as if there are many bees in his shirt. Of course. Bet you never thought you'd say that, Caleb. Five successes. No, it's awesome. That's a crit and a one.
Starting point is 01:59:55 It's an incredible Rat of uncomfortability for this man as you seep into his clothes and begin cascading across his body there. And the feeling is bizarre for you, but is very effective. Are you trying to distract them in any certain direction or is this just a commotion? I'm hoping that he looks sketchy as fuck. If a bunch of people are coming in hot with machine guns and one dude just kind of starts tweaking in the corner by where the gas is, I'm hoping they shoot in that direction.
Starting point is 02:00:35 I see. Okay. They're true to a response and that feeling as they turn to the other side and find that individual writhing and moving their bodies across. As you're running across their chest themselves, John Wick looking motherfucker turns to the other and sort of calls under his breath into a walkie talkie. He pulls from his waist and says, I think there may be blood magic in the kitchen pursuing.
Starting point is 02:01:13 And the individuals he brought in with him opened fire completely on the kitchen staff that you've taken over here. Could I get a dexterity plus Athletics? No, let's just do Dexterity plus your Famulus to avoid you being hurt in such a way. Okay. I'm gonna spend a Willpower.
Starting point is 02:01:42 Three successes. Three successes. Three successes. Okay. You are just able to get yourself out of the fire as the submachine guns take off and you escape out of the clothes of this, you imagine as maybe a sous chef or a line cook and he is riddled, just danced with bullets against the side of the stove and falls on top of it and the resulting collision with that stove. Um... Uh, it starts a fire itself out of the stove
Starting point is 02:02:36 as the submachine gun riddles across it, and the individual that you just sacrificed on the line begins to burn as the fire takes full effect and the gas shoots up along the walls of the side of this place. And they continue to unload their magazines on him, you think, assuming that maybe he's a kindred. And the second that it's done quickly, disposing of the mags, throwing them on ground, and racking another one into their submachine guns.
Starting point is 02:03:09 They ready themselves for the clearing of the smoke. And you can see that that John Wick individual pushes past and shakes over the body itself to inspect it. Is there anything you'd like to do, Sybil? I'm getting the fuck out as stealthily as I can. Give me a stealth plus your Famulus. Okay. Okay, that's a crit and one success, five successes.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Okay, you get out of there. Are you going out into the floor again, or what's the plan? I think I'm going back into, I'm going as far outside the building as possible, because I was done, and then I was in a man who was on fire. So I'm getting the fuck out. Burrows, gun against this handsome individual's back of their head.
Starting point is 02:04:09 Um, you got them in such a position that you were able to get the jump on them while the bodyguards were not necessarily paying attention in the sprawl. But you're in a sticky situation as the elevator doors shut behind you. Those three body guards have drawn pistols against you and there is now a beautiful beautiful standoff between all of you. There are three handguns pressed against your face, your handgun pressed against the back of Adon's head. So how's everybody's not doing? I was doing just fine until you showed up. Yeah, well, unfortunately it's gonna get a little bit worse, but if we all behave, we'll be in and out real quick.
Starting point is 02:05:13 Behavior is conditional right. Um okay I think I can keep my composure. But you. That's what I'm made to do, is be nice and composed. So let's head on down to the battle station, to where all the locks and keys are kept. Can I at least see who's pointing a gun at me? Not yet. I'll kind of push the gun against his forehead,
Starting point is 02:05:44 or not at his forehead, the back of his head. Uh, he laughs as you do it. Um, and his face is sort of pressed against the back of the elevator. He says, Oh, but I so like to see who's going to suffer later. That's okay. We can take our time with this one. I'll turn to Marco and just say, don't worry about me. You aim your gun at this pretty man in the white suit if he does anything out of the ordinary. Marco has originally had one of the guns against the bodyguards that had all pointed at you and now immediately compels himself against the others back of the head. So essentially you are trying to convince Adon to take you down, right? I've got the guy that runs this place. I'm going to see how far I can get with unlocking the vaults turning on the elevator getting things in position and if there's a security system a surveillance system in the room I'll probably deal with that too right could I get a manipulation plus intimidation hmm okay yeah I am going to rouse the blood with my level two potency.
Starting point is 02:07:10 And I get one extra because of that too. Five successes. Five successes. Five successes. He is going to roll in competition to that. See there's just one problem. And you probably didn't think of this simply because you thought putting a handgun to the back of my head was going to do anything.
Starting point is 02:07:53 Or truly, that being here was the best option for you. You didn't consider that I have nothing to lose, and that you have nothing to lose and that you have everything to lose and one of the bodyguards to his upper right that is closest to the panel hits the emergency stop button and you realize now that the the lurch for the second floor is still lit now you are suspended halfway to the second floor. I pull the trigger with the back of his head. Beautiful. Okay.
Starting point is 02:08:40 Let's go. Oh boy. Let's go. Serge, I love your chaos so deeply. Ugh. Ugh. Whew. Go ahead and roll for me
Starting point is 02:08:54 a firearms plus dexterity. Can his buddy give him a boost? I will be having him do something. That's three successes. Three successes. Okay. You watch as the ninemm in your hand fires and the smoke trails from the muzzle of the gun. It's hard for the smoke to trail at all considering that your gun was pressed against his skull
Starting point is 02:09:38 pressure, such a thing. You watch as the exit wound is formed. The bullet goes off and a fragment of skull shoots back from the platinum blonde hair that you've just messed and sprays across your face and you can feel it cut a portion of your eyebrow on its way out. The entry of the 9mm round as it enters into that brain is more of like a axe through cheap plywood than it is anything else. There's so much debris to the brain that's left. And by the time you pull the recoil back and the nine millimeter separates from the entry, you can see this nice, neat little hole you've created to the other side of a Don's head. His head collides with the front of the elevator. It's bashes and he collapses to
Starting point is 02:10:36 the ground. And in that same moment, his three bodyguards unload their bullets into you. and Marco unloads his bullets into Adon. So this is what we're going to do. I need you. Well, your action was to shoot. So I don't know if you can. I'm going to have you dodge regardless. Let's be. I don't have to. We're in an elevator. I don't know how I'm going to dodge, but. That's true. We're gonna go straight for it. You're going to take four points of superficial damage
Starting point is 02:11:20 as you are unloaded upon by the first two individuals. And then the last individual gives you another two superficial damage for a total of six. Can Marco make a roll? Yes, Marco can make a roll. Go ahead and give him a go ahead and roll three die ten. Two successes. Two successes.
Starting point is 02:11:54 Two more successes are pumped into the damage sustained by Adon. Okay, I'm going to pull away for a moment. We go back to the floor. Niles, Jackie, Mal, what do we have? Anything. All the people that, so basically I'm just there to thin out any remaining people that would be a threat. I'm gonna go ahead also and activate one other power for the speed, which is weaving.
Starting point is 02:12:33 I'm going to do a Rouse Check basically. It allows me to kind of slow down projectiles so I can actually buy bullets or slow and I can sidestep them at leisure. Rouse Check. See if I can sidestep them at leisure. Okay. Rouse check, see if I can. Thank God I passed that. And honestly, I'm gonna go to the nearest one and kind of just like, like my whole point is because just zip really behind people
Starting point is 02:12:59 and just kind of like pop and then zip out. Kind of like a quick silver of death as best as possible. Hopefully cause a little chaos for people to scramble cause a little bit seen. Okay, now could you roll me a d10? Tell me what you roll. Okay. A one. Okay, Jackie, are you said you're going after someone in the room? Yes. A one. OK.
Starting point is 02:13:25 Jackie, you said you're going after someone in the room. You're going after the bouncers. Or are you waiting for the? From the bouncers, the ones with the guns, correct, that are heading towards the elevator. That's what we did. Yeah. You heard there was gunfire going off in the kitchen. And you know that there are more bouncers heading for the elevator. That's what we did. Yeah, you heard there was gunfire going off in the kitchen and you know
Starting point is 02:13:46 that there are more bouncers heading for the elevator and now it seems that the elevator towards like that elevator area that's where I'm heading. Okay, cool. And you're going to attack the first person there? Are you waiting until I'm going to attack the first? I'm just gonna attack. I don't want to be I want to pick the easiest target or at least the one that would give me a better advantage. Honestly. But first one if that's so you're gonna start picking people off. How are you doing this? Are you just
Starting point is 02:14:15 punching them to death? Are you stabbing people? What's I have that nine millimeter. So are like that. So I'm gonna my whole point is just kind go whoop, like honestly, like right under the head and pop. Perfect, go ahead and give me a firearms plus dexterity. Okay. This is actually not bad. Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:47 Three success. Three successes. We'll say that you take out three bouncers this way, pulling up from behind, pressing the nine millimeter against their heads, and then moving on to the next assassin-wise. On the floor, essentially, of the three people that you just killed, there were probably seven more.
Starting point is 02:15:09 Yeah. But you're not sure how much of that has changed. Got you. Go ahead and give me a wits plus awareness as you do this. Will do. Oh, thank God. Five. Five. Five.
Starting point is 02:15:27 You do notice that of the three that you had just executed, one of them was not armed. Okay. Mal, is there anything you'd like to do? Okay, so have I made it up to the third floor yet? You're heading up the stairs. Yeah, stairs take you straight to the second floor. There is you get up to the second floor. You're on to what is essentially like a small hotel like a
Starting point is 02:15:55 boutique suite. It seems to be where people who love the silver dollar enough have actually bought out rooms. There's a staircase at the end of the hallway, but you do notice that there's an extended military presence is what you would associate with it. Coming down from the stairs from the third floor are maybe six men in full jack boots, tucked in in full jackboots tucked in cargo pants, bulletproof vests, full sleeves. They seem to have AR assault rifles essentially
Starting point is 02:16:35 instead of the submachine guns and full bulletproof helmets as well. And the walkies on their side that seem to chirp with communication. Of course, you are a shadow. Do they look anything like the people we saw in Denver? No, you wanna assume this is Second Inquisition? They're wearing something different.
Starting point is 02:16:58 There's a patch on the right side of their bulletproof vests up by their heart. It's a diamond. The diamond is gray, like almost powder gray, with blue glints at the top right. And above it as an acronym spells R-O-C, rock. OK, I'm going gonna file that information away. And just wait for them to pass so that I can make it to the second floor.
Starting point is 02:17:33 Got it. You're up here. You're on the second floor you move in towards that staircase. Perfect. Third floor looks roped off. But after those six have moved past you, I mean, there's nothing stopping you and they're clearly not guarding it anymore. So it's easy enough to get up to the third floor. Moving up into the third floor seems to be
Starting point is 02:17:57 a series of hallways into additional rooms, larger areas. The doors themselves are shut, but they look as though they might lead into like conference areas. And then you do see the very end of the third floor at the northmost side is the entrance, you'd guess based off the schematics and seeing from the ground floor, the house room, the room that overlooks all of the floor. Okay. Do I remember if when we were learning about it, if that second elevator is in the house room? You would know that yes, the second floor,
Starting point is 02:18:48 if things are to be believed about this place, that your best guess at where that added in elevator, because the elevator was not a part of the original schematics, would probably be in the house. So you're on the right track. All right, then I keep moving toward the house, sticking to the shadows as much as I can. Beautiful, you're running out of shadows, it to the shadows as much as I can. Beautiful.
Starting point is 02:19:05 You're running out of shadows. It's a lot of fluorescent lighting up here. It's almost like office space, but you still, you manage to find some in house plants, some of the people that are rushing out of this place. By the time you get up to the third floor, you are seeing another detachment of those ROC fucks. Again, in very large, I mean,
Starting point is 02:19:27 like private military corps individuals that are starting to move down to the bottom of the casino. Any other actions before I go back to Burroughs here? Has the stuff in the, what's going on in the kitchen? I'm because I'm stalking that one big guy. I'm trying to find a way to maybe get him alone or catch him while he's by himself. I'm at least keeping eyes on him. It seems as though he's about working the process of coming
Starting point is 02:20:01 back out of that kitchen. You heard a hail of gunfire on the other side. And then what sounded like flames reaching up on the other side of the door. And you're pretty close to this whole operation. Niles, what you're starting to see now is that at the nearest staircase, six jackbooted individuals with these big rifles have come down and that individual you were with has come back through the kitchen and unfortunately for all of you as this chaos is starting to continue much of the people who are here as patrons are gone. They're filling out the people who have been working here have been filing them out and then following after
Starting point is 02:20:45 it is turning quickly into a live shooter situation. And just as you're thinking of this of how little people are around and how that individual is coming back out through the kitchen and now these private military Corfox are, you catch the glint of a zooming, red-lighted CCTV camera in the corner of the room. Fuck. I need to hide. I need to hide and hopefully I can Elise hide it well enough to try to keep my eyes on big guy. I'm trying to just try to keep stalking him and following him
Starting point is 02:21:34 and skirt these jacked boot guys if I can in the process. He's my main target. Okay. If that is possible, help. Give me a stealth dexterity. Five successes. Okay. With five successes, where are you hiding? Um, if I'm at the bar, then I'd like to jump onto the other side so when they first open through the door there and filing out that they don't see me initially and then if I can just shuffle, shuffle and move around, like always be moving
Starting point is 02:22:23 they can't catch you if they can't spot you. And just staying, trying to stay out of anybody's eyeline as I shuffle from place to place to kind of stay, but I'm gonna stay as low as I possibly can and keep doing that until I'm either around the bar completely when everybody finally files back into the casino or I can tuck myself somewhere for the time being. Got it, perfect.
Starting point is 02:22:53 Yeah, you think you found a pretty good spot and it becomes a little harder for them to follow through. Okay, perfection. Okay, perfection. Give me one second here. I have to look something up. Well, also, because you're on the ground floor to Eli, right? With me. Yeah, I'm on the ground floor, but I'm in the casino bar area
Starting point is 02:23:20 versus in the back. Okay, I'm trying to keep eyes on me for right now, I guess. That like... Okay. Burrows, you're in the elevator. You just took three rounds from these bodyguards. Marco has unloaded into Adon, or who you all believe to be Adon. What's the move here?
Starting point is 02:23:52 Burrows gets a blast of gunfire to his head. He bounces on the back and almost like a terminator just kind of gets back up again. And I think he understands that he needs to take care of these guards. He's just going to go for the nuts of the two of them and try to rip them off like his old pastime, his favorite here. Oh, beautiful. That is six successes. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:20 That's a crit with two successes on top of it. Beautiful. Yeah, we'll say that those two bodyguards are devoid of life by the time that you get Yeah. Crit with two successes on top of it. Beautiful. Yeah, we'll say that those two bodyguards are devoid of life by the time that you get them. At least they're bleeding out and falling to the floor as you empty out the bottom of their bodies like they're wine being uncorked. And you go a little farther than you intend to and some intestine begins to peak.
Starting point is 02:24:46 Beautiful. Those two individuals are dead. There's one left. Marco will try to shoot them out. Beautiful. Marco turns and takes a shot there. Go ahead and make a three die. Zero successes. And I don't think I can burn a willpower to make him roll again. No, unfortunately not. With zero successes, the bullet bounces around the elevator and if you were living like he was, you'd be ringing in your head. Instead, you don't feel anything, which is commonly how it goes for you. You do see that Marco is bleeding from the ears, from the sheer force of the bullets cascading everywhere. And that is when you feel it, Burrows.
Starting point is 02:25:32 Adon sweeps through and up and into your belly and you can feel long, extended, curled, manicured nails, almost like daggers at the end of them, skirt through into your previously flabby abdomen. I don't know how well Ladna sewed it up, but if you've got any leftover lipo, Adon is going straight for it. You are going to take four superficial damage as he oh you know what I'm so sorry I need to find out how this works this is why we have disciplines folks Disciplines folks. Potence. Lethal body. How's it work? I have lethal body. I think it just lessens the amount of damage you take from superficial. Maybe I'm misremembering.
Starting point is 02:26:56 Got it. Okay. Okay. Yeah, does not affect here. Just a standard. So what did I tell you? You said four superficial damage? Four superficial damage as Adon cuts into you. I don't like it, but I'm still tough.
Starting point is 02:27:19 I'm still up there. He's crouched below you and you can again see daylight through his forehead where the bullet cast right through but bizarrely as the leaking vaitei gathers like dried tar along his face he's smiling at you burrows. Okay open actions for anyone in the room here. Who's got a plan? I'm still moving toward where I think the elevator is. Okay, you go through it.
Starting point is 02:27:57 Can I hear any of this chaos? You could probably definitely hear the gunshots. There's a lot of gunshots going around. Yeah, I think I'm just going and assuming everyone's busy. So I'm going to just keep start going to the ball. Okay, it's easy to slip through under the door when you're shadow into the house's room. Again, it's exactly what you'd expect. It's this big open window overlooking the ground floor. There's this very nice wooden desk put together where Adon must kick his feet up.
Starting point is 02:28:29 There's a wall of televisions. There's a couch. There's a bar. All sorts of things. Bookshelves filled with things he's probably never read and cabinets filled with documents he probably doesn't care for.
Starting point is 02:28:44 But in the back, by the elevator in the main of the room is indeed, or I'm sorry, by the couch in the main of the room is indeed an elevator that you assume must be the private elevator leading down where you would like to be. would like to be. Does it look like the doors of the elevator are just like average doors or they're like hermetically sealed? They look just like elevator doors.
Starting point is 02:29:12 The only thing that you notice is that there is, like on the panel to call the elevator itself, there's a keypad with numbers. One through 10. One through nine and symbols. And a zero. Can I try to just, can I try to just scoot through the cracks?
Starting point is 02:29:34 You absolutely can, yes. Of the door and just like shimmy shadow my way in there. Onto the other side into the elevator? Yeah. You do so, you fit right through the cracks, you are through the elevator? Yeah. You do so. You fit right through the cracks, you are through the elevator. Doesn't seem to stop you. You don't die instantly.
Starting point is 02:29:50 You don't materialize and find yourself halfway through a room. You're a shadow on the other side in a darkened elevator. Mal, in this kind of like amorphous space, has like the drifting thought of I don't have fingers to push the buttons. Could always come out of it.
Starting point is 02:30:11 Fuck. Okay, here's a question for you. Okay, here's a question for you. If I came out of it, the book says it lasts for a scene. Were I to double rouse check again, could I go back into shadow at some point? Or is it like you can only do it once per scene? No, you could re-up. You should. I hate when you do shit like that, you jackass. It's how you say things.
Starting point is 02:30:57 You can't control how you get out of shadow or what you look like or how much? Yeah, I don't think so. Because the way it reads, it's like it takes a minute. You're a pool of shadow on the ground. Yeah, you're just like a pool of shadow, and you can go along walls and along the ground. And the only thing you can't get through is a hermetically sealed barrier, which I haven't encountered yet. which I haven't encountered yet.
Starting point is 02:31:28 So I'm gonna come out of it and I'm gonna push a button and I'm gonna try and get us, I'm gonna try to get to the vault. You come out of your shadow, you're materialized again. The light above you begins to flicker as you exist. And you go to select the other button in this elevator, sending you down, click it, there's a lurch, and the elevator goes nowhere. Shit.
Starting point is 02:32:04 And then the elevator light begins to sporadically flash. Yeah, I figured that might be a case. And then dance across the two. And then it goes fully out and then the lights go out. Then the lights come back on. The buttons begin to dance again. Okay. All right, I should have assumed
Starting point is 02:32:21 this was going to be a problem. Ugh. Okay. All right, that should have assumed this was going to be a problem. Okay. All right. That was a dumbass idea. Um, I... Okay. Here's another question for you. As I, as I kind of slithered in, were there any other gaps that would go down like into just the shaft itself? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, the elevator needs a lot of space in between
Starting point is 02:32:49 just to operate on an up and down level, right? So you could definitely use this as a way to get further down. You just can't use the elevator or at least that's your guess. Maybe you could keep pressing it, see what happens. No, I think I should have assumed that. Mal just kind of like grunts to themself,
Starting point is 02:33:09 and I'm going back. Two more rouse checks? Yep, two more rouse checks. Here we go. One success, one fail. Okay, so one hunger. And Mal just like, you remember that kid from Sky High who can become a puddle? I do.
Starting point is 02:33:34 That kind of vibe, it's just like out of frustration, they just kind of like, into dark smoke and slowly just kind of drip themself into the shaft along the wall. Down, down, down. Beautiful. Okay. Yeah, you find yourself at the bottom, chasing the shadows down until you're at the the lowest level, there is only one more level, essentially. And you find another set of those, you know, double layered elevator doors. But it has the same amount of crack for you to seep into if you need to get to the other side. Moving through onto the other side, you are now in this strange,
Starting point is 02:34:25 this strange, almost X-Men facility, corrugated steel, perfect shadowy metal hallway. The floor is very clinical, almost medical linoleum, and it extends further down with four separate rooms, or four separate rooms, two on either side. And then finally at the end, this very large circular vault that looks magnetically locked, that looks right for the taking.
Starting point is 02:34:57 Okay. I'm gonna keep moving toward the vault and just kind of checking for, as I go, because I move at a walking pace as a shadow, so I'm just gonna keep kind of looking in room, seeing if anyone's there, but making my way toward the vault to inspect the door and if we can slip slide our way in. Beautiful, so you're going up to the vault and you're going to try and slip through? Yeah. Okay. This is the one time you'll find that you are trying to enter a hermetically sealed spot.
Starting point is 02:35:37 I figured. So unfortunately you do not find any room for shadow to seep. Good to know. Okay, we're coming back to the floor. Any other actions across the board? Jackie Niles? Uh, yeah, it's honest, because I took out three and there's four more. You said there were seven total, or is there seven more? Seven more, so there's seven more. You took out three out of 10.
Starting point is 02:36:09 Okay, I am going to. But you'll notice now that it's more like three out of 16, considering that Niles has just spotted six more entering with assault rifles. So I'm going to keep... Okay, so I'm gonna right now, the best way I'm thinking is creating a distraction to give them a little bit more time.
Starting point is 02:36:37 So I'm going to still do my speeding, like quick silver type if I can. I will say I'm going to hold this action of I have that mirror. So if it looks like I'm going to get way overblown by all these assault rifles, I'm going to break that mirror and then I'm going to become incorporated. So therefore it will basically you'll just go through me. Okay.
Starting point is 02:37:06 So I'll be like a ghost. Got it. Okay, so are you making an attack on those fuckers with assault rifles? I'm gonna at least, yeah, for the assault rifles, at least get that started. Okay, and you're going for the same thing, you're running up with a nine millimeter
Starting point is 02:37:20 and you're hoping for the best there? Actually, I'm so sorry, can I I how far am I from the elevator? From the elevator? I'd say you're about 60 feet. I'm gonna make that a priority. I'm gonna head towards the elevator and then anyone in round. I'm gonna try to take out. Okay, perfect. Uh I'm gonna say there's like another three individuals along the way. So go ahead and give me a firearms plus dexterity. See if you can mow through them fast enough.
Starting point is 02:37:50 Will do. They are not aware of you yet because of the silence of death. Can I add a stealth to that? Just asking because it No, no, I just dexterity. to that just asking because it's not no I just dexterity fair thanks I do like my decks okay okay we're gonna blow another willpower, because that was just one. Okay, with that, that bumps me up to a five. So that was worth it.
Starting point is 02:38:32 Five successes. I'll say that you absolutely mow down three more of them, getting real close with that nine millimeter and taking everybody out. You make for the elevator, only to see that it is in use and that it's stopped. There's a flashing red light on the light that oversees the top of the elevator itself. The public elevators are working, but they only seem to go up to the second floor based on the indicators on top. The private is in use. Okay.
Starting point is 02:39:05 I think Burrows is up there doing something. Yes, I'm going to just go in there. Yes. Okay. So what you're going to call down the VIP elevator? Yeah. Okay. You find that the button itself isn't working.
Starting point is 02:39:26 It's on an emergency stop and there seems to be something you need to do to clear that up. It's usually like a key or something like I do know that or um So sorry. That's okay. Can you take it? Okay. So I'm so sorry. Are you saying go into the elevator? Elevators up in the middle of the floor.
Starting point is 02:39:57 So you can't really go into it until the emergency stop is it has to be the other one then. Yeah, because Aidan essentially hit the emergency stop is stopped. Damn, it has to be the other one then. Yeah, because Adon essentially hit the emergency break halfway up. Back in that elevator though, Burrows, do you have an action? Burrows has no idea how long he can last against this fucker, but he does know
Starting point is 02:40:20 he can switch a button off, and he's going to attempt to turn off that emergency stop in the hopes that it moves again. Beautiful, and are you taking it down or up? I'm gonna take it down. Okay, so are you going back to ground floor? Back to second floor. Second floor, okay.
Starting point is 02:40:40 Cool, so not the floor that Jackie's on. Just making it. I wouldn't know the difference. I'm just going to go down hoping that my allies understand the plan of we need to get up into this elevator. Got it. Okay. You hit the button and it starts to go. And the focus is all on that button.
Starting point is 02:41:02 As you take that action, you hit the red and the lights stop flashing. You can feel the elevator lurch again as you both steady yourselves. And then you go and slam your hand down on that down button. By the time you turn back to Adon, he is nowhere to be seen. Where'd he go? You see him? I'll call out to Marco. Marco who is shocked and you can tell you have to repeat yourself because he might be
Starting point is 02:41:33 deaf in one ear now, if not both. He looks up at you and as you ask the second time he says, I was just fucking here. He's gone. I didn't even see him leave. He was just there for one second. Now he's gone. I'll just point to the third person that's in this room that needs to die and say, shoot him. Okay, go ahead and roll three, three dices. We point at the last bodyguard who is the last bodyguard who is... Two successes. Two successes. Beautiful, you blow out the brains of one last
Starting point is 02:42:10 with Marco there, and you leave yourself in an elevator with someone who has dematerialized. And unfortunately, we are going to leave that mystery up to two weeks from now when we finish out this heist. Hit it. I'm gonna hit you with a little part one, part two, baby. Ooh. Duo heist, duo heist.
Starting point is 02:42:31 There's plenty more people on this bone. We are almost down to the vault. One of you is. Now we just gotta pick up the rest down there. Can I request we all say where we are just so we have a record of it? Can we pick up? Yes. Yeah, and we can pick up where we are.
Starting point is 02:42:46 Mal is at the vault. Mal can't get into the vault because it's hermetically sealed. But Mal is down by the vault. Niles is on the casino floor, hidden somewhere, trying to separate this big guy who's directing most of these guys around. Jackie's on the ground floor waiting for the elevator. But she also has that mirror that she hasn't broken yet.
Starting point is 02:43:09 So she may just break it and just go down the elevator shaft. So that could be that's where she's at. Kitty Prada, baby. Where's Sib? I feel like it was outside. Sibble was constructed to drop the smoke bomb and go outside. And then they went inside to start a bigger fire and they went was outside. Sib was instructed to drop the smoke bomb and go outside. And then they went inside to start a bigger fire and they went back outside. It certainly seems worse. They're debating going back in, but it's also pretty bad.
Starting point is 02:43:39 I will say that Sibyl's hearing police sirens. Yeah, I think Sib's just been like that part where like you're playing double Dutch and you're about to jump in but you're too afraid to. That's where Sybil's been for the past half hour. And then I think we all remember where Burroughs is. And the elevator started again or? The elevator started again and starting to go down but Adon is nowhere to be seen.
Starting point is 02:44:06 So the doors didn't open, Adon just poofed. Doors did not open. Adon could be invisible standing two inches away from Burrows or he could be gone forever. Great. Thank you. Zach, if you're asking a question, you're muted. Okay.
Starting point is 02:44:22 Listen, thank you guys so much for being here. Thank you guys for coming back. We're so happy that we get to play games like this. We're so happy that we get to keep doing this. This is what year four for us. Year five. Five. We started at the start of COVID when things were going absolutely insane, we might feel that same way now. I know things are changing out there in the world. But when the last horrible crazy thing happened to us, happened, we got together. We said, you know what, we got to make something and we're going to keep doing that.
Starting point is 02:45:01 And that's the best thing that you can do, I think, for anybody, is go out there and make the thing you want to make. Because fuck, if they're going to be shitty, we might as well do the thing we want to do while they're being shitty. Right. Love out to all of you. Love to this group. So glad to play with you guys again. And we hope you guys. Yeah. Good. Good.
Starting point is 02:45:22 Join us for next time. Bye. Bye gang.

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