Middle-aged opinion - Backup plan!

Episode Date: July 10, 2024

Today we dive into am I the arsehole opening up more about our lives and how the stories relate to us reading some stories and inspiration from people out there please follow like and subscribe for mo...re content. We really appreciate your support. It means so much to us both, we’re on a journey and we love that you’re coming along with us.https://youtube.com/@middle-agedopinion?si=kIkviVvKsD3J8bTo

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wow. What do you think of that? What don't you think of that? I think that girl has got everything that she deserves. Do you know why everyone inboxes? Hi. May your pain be replaced with peace. And may your dark days be replaced with brighter days. And may your dark days be replaced with brighter days.
Starting point is 00:00:16 And the universe adores you. And the universe adores you. Okay? Thank you for your concern. Funny that one. It's so strong that burns burns me daddy i thought that was well sweet here's to like sarah's post about the cabin yeah yeah here's to the next venture i lit uh beauty cabin. But, oh my God, every fucking time. It terrifies me.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Do you open it every day? No. So why does it do it? Because I finally put my shoes back in there that I wore out for. I only not long ago just put the ones I did. Just put them away. Yeah, from James's DJing. Same here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Bad really, innit? Yeah. I'm like, no, no, I keep everything tidy. I'm like, I really don't. Now I can see this great big pile of clothes that I need to put away. What? What? Oh, okay. What?
Starting point is 00:01:23 What? No, he just priced up a job. Right. I was like, why am I here and what am I doing? Those stories, babe, they really, like, sent me. So we're on the am I the arsehole stuff, right? We're going to do am I the arsehole. So I will say hello to everyone in a second.
Starting point is 00:01:43 When I get situated, dirty emotional cheater oh that's not am i the arsehole that's just another one that i'd say i'd save quite a lot because i found some really good ones especially on confessions oh really yeah because people just want to confess all their things that they're doing uh right here we go some of them are always like you're too long okay let me know when you're ready and i will hang on that one not that one because it was too long yeah but look at the title do you know we still haven't i mean save it let's just you know these are ones that i definitely the one before that i thought oh yeah i definitely there's times i'm gonna wanna i'm gonna wanna read some of mine is silly tell me when you're ready and i'll do my
Starting point is 00:02:36 thing oh no let's go okay excuse me hello everyone and welcome no is that right yeah okay hello everyone and welcome to middle-aged opinion i'm your host ellie and i'm emily and today we're going to look at some am i the arseholes yeah um yeah so that's that's it let's go buckle in you first and also subscribe yeah subscribe subscribe subscribe that's the single right am i the answer oh did Am I the arsehole for refusing to take care of my sister when our mother passes? Yeah? care of my sister when our mother passes yeah my father expects me to move my sister in and take care of her like a child or something my sister 37 oh fuck off is more than capable of getting a job and becoming an adult but but everyone always allows her to get away with being childish. She is healthy and mentally all there, just never had a job or a licence.
Starting point is 00:04:17 She lives with our mother whose health is no longer great. I'm 39 and have three kids and work 60 plus hours a week. I have no plans or interest in raising or taking care of anyone else. I already take our mother to her doctors and other appointments. I bring her her meals and make sure she is taking her medication recently father recently father says everything you need to know father father asked what i was going to do about my sister when my
Starting point is 00:04:58 mother passes she has had bad health scares and was in hospital for weeks. He knew I was bringing groceries to my sister and making sure bills were paid while she was in hospital. I told him she can live on the streets. He got upset and said, I can't do that. Told him I have no plans on taking care of any any other people did did that since I was a child I'm assuming she's taking care of everyone our mother has mental health issues and his father unless she means her father or grandfather lived with us oh okay her dad's father lived with them and I took care of him cooking meals cleaning his room and doing his laundry told him if he
Starting point is 00:05:57 if he didn't want her to be homeless then he can move in then she can move in with him his wife won't allow that he thinks i'm being unreasonable and cruel i told i told him think she is why do you think she is my problem but am i the arsehole for feeling this way i think that's your child, Dad. Right. Actually, she's 37 years old. Still your child. Right. You're right, 37, never had a job. I mean, we all choose our lifestyles. A sister's got three kids and works her fucking arse off, the other does not right but um i don't know at what point your sibling becomes your problem because your mum's ill and your dad's wife i could see if she had like a mental disorder disabled i could understand but she's just lazy yeah she's going to have to get a job and start being an adult. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I feel like it's time. Well, and truly. Top comment. My father expects me to move my sister in and take care of her like a child or something. My sister, 37, is more than capable of getting a job and becoming an adult. I feel like she's just quoting back to her but everyone always allows her to get away with being childish she is healthy and mentally all there just never had a job or a license she lives with my mother i'm sure i don't
Starting point is 00:07:37 know why your foot right here we go so she she's quoting back to her. Your father has plenty of time to arrange an apartment for your sister. And he can pay for it. He can pay for it. If he and your mother have enabled her lifestyle, then they need to step up and take care of it. Or contact social services, section 8. There's a waiting list of people who need public housing. There you go yeah I feel like em get it together you're 37 years old your sister has three children a 60 hour job a week and you can't even go out and get groceries get the bus walk what is stopping this this adult from doing anything it's the people around her enabling her
Starting point is 00:08:30 and then you expect your eldest daughter to step up and do anything needs to step up by the sounds of it what a piss take i mean let's get it together people you know i mean she's not your skivvy it's bad enough she's gonna lose her mum and now what you think she's gonna take in her sister like some sort of child do shut up i mean under certain circumstances maybe but absolutely not not the arsehole no no not at all see when i first read the story i thought oh is this gonna be sad but it's not. It's actually infuriating. Isn't it? For lots of reasons as well. Like the sister, the dad. It sounds like the older sibling has gone through enough and still managed to maintain her own life.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And one. And three kids. Right. And now you're trying to enable her to continue to behave like a down and an out. Get a job. Honestly, people are insane. And the the dad's like you're being unreasonable let her move in with you oh my wife won't allow it well you're being unreasonable make a choice simple isn't it honestly sounds unreasonable do you know what
Starting point is 00:09:37 put a cabinet it wouldn't even bother me if the younger sister was at home looking after the mum, doing all the medication, errands, doctor's appointments, but she's not even doing that. No. The older sister's rocking up and doing it. And meals, delivering meals to her sister, a 37-year-old sister with no mental health issues. Couldn't be me. Could not be me.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Okay. Over to you. Let's see if you can enrage. I feel like I've been quiet today. What, not so enraged? But you've been reading really wacky stories so it's hard to get enraged. Well there we are then, let's move on. Do you feel a bit docile? I feel a bit docile today. I just feel exhausted yeah i'm happy today but i'm just chill it's done this week is done yes um hold on hold on because i've got quite a lot but I don't want to pick the big long ass ones because some of them are I know so even I when I was going through I was like I don't want any any ones that are going to go on forever not that one uh where have you gone where have you gone
Starting point is 00:11:01 Where have you gone? Where have you gone? Alright, let's do another upsetting parent one. It's really stupidly short, actually. It's fine. Am I the arsehole? My mum had an affair and is upset I
Starting point is 00:11:20 sided with my father. Okay. Not the arsehole. I'm 24, female, right, live at home with both my parents. They've always had issues but managed to work through them. That was until this December. Everything seemed normal until my mother decided to look up an old fling on Facebook after passing by a park that she knew he had loved going to. My mother looked him up on Facebook sees his divorced and starts messaging him behind my father's back my father is unsurprisingly upset that she messaged him also it didn't help that he found this out while she was at the beach meeting up with him all she wants to do is tell him about this man and what he likes and how
Starting point is 00:12:29 he wants to spend time with me I have never met this man nor do I want to and it makes my mother upset to the point of crying because it's her happiness to be honest a part of this to be honest a part of this point apart from this point is to just vent because i am at the breaking point i see my father being torn apart and my mother that can't help but sit on her phone and continue talking to this man so please tell me am i the arsehole for not wanting to hear about my mother's affair with a stranger velixin you're not an arsehole i mean what they're all just in the same house mum's on the phone to some dude and we have spoken we're all not allowed to talk about it because it's mum's happiness right we have spoken about this and
Starting point is 00:13:30 i have no problem if you're done in a relationship as long as you leave that relationship as nicely as you possibly can and then perhaps start your new relationship with the love of your life that you once had or whatever crap's going on in your mind but why is she trying to dragging the door up and be like it's about me it's all about me it's just bizarre behavior isn't it yeah i don't grown-ass woman i don't understand why she thinks that it's okay i mean divorce i feel like a divorce pending um equally she's looked the skeezer up for some weird reason she got like this she got a memory a memory you're allowed those yeah absolutely you know think about it smile about it move on yeah but look this guy up i mean don't get me wrong I've done
Starting point is 00:14:26 these things like this too and I've looked whatever yeah there's a reason why they're in the past absolutely absolutely I feel like she's but surely her profile must say married or you know well i don't know what i don't really understand is why the mum's upset that the dad and the daughter are upset that the daughter doesn't want to meet this man they're not supporting her choices i mean that for me is the most confusing part is of course they don't support your choices you've just torn the whole family apart right so you can't expect people to jump on board when you have completely ripped their reality from underneath their feet it's very weird to me people are very strange i can understand if you're like
Starting point is 00:15:18 listen he's the one that got away i want to be with him we need to separate yeah but it's bizarre that she's only talking to him because he's divorced if he was married but she isn't yeah no she probably would have so it's just bizarre isn't it i feel but that's you know that's the thing that we go backwards and forwards on i feel like if you've got that tendency you've got that tendency i can't be like mistakes happen um you know i feel like it's an intent an intentional thing but to drag the daughter in is for me the most bizarre part of it except my choices no well actually i don't have to accept your choices no i accept your choice i don't agree with it. Yeah, which means she doesn't have to participate in this. You did you. Yeah, and now I'm gonna step
Starting point is 00:16:12 back from that situation. And I'm doing me, because that ain't, that ain't. I feel like it, if that was my mum and dad I feel like I wouldn't actually at that point I'd be so cross that I wouldn't be able to talk to her right now because I'd be disgusted. I'm not saying we wouldn't move past it i'm just saying i would be disgusted with that behavior i think i would be we've got quite a strong what are you playing at yeah so you're not the arsehole it's not fair to put her in the middle or ask her to participate in any anything to do with this in my opinion you found out why they were she had gone out to meet him yeah so he must something must have come up like on the tablet or just you know that six cents like yeah what is she playing at like what is she what's she doing yeah i mean it doesn't
Starting point is 00:17:00 i think it didn't say that they're having an affair affair did it um so there was nothing that actually said I feel like it was hinting towards that I mean if you're running off to meet the opposite sex of somebody that you used to date and it's all a secret
Starting point is 00:17:19 then that's definitely the start of secrets I just couldn't be bothered if i'm honest could you i ain't i i know you haven't got one i don't like lies anyway so there's no way that i just couldn't be bothered i just wouldn't have the energy to even be bothered but the secrets man i know yeah once you start a secret you've got a secret, you've got to remember that. You've got to remember those lies. Who did you tell those lies to? Yeah. And how did you tell it?
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yeah. And then everything. Remember those details that you gave. Because that's now your life. Yeah. It's so bad, honestly. On to a more light-hearted one. It's quite long.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I feel like I need to go with it i'm going with it i say quite long it's we're not talking the hour we're not we're not talking an hour you'll never know those stories that we read that day but we were crying they took an hour each we thought we had done like five stories but it wasn't it was one story for me one hour one story for you an hour we cry a lot just an hour it was out of control um this already has had a vote on it and you can tell me what you think the vote is when i read it to you yeah so it's it's reddit have deemed their verdict okay am i the arsehole for keeping score of everything
Starting point is 00:18:48 I've ever done for my husband? Right. Ready? I am a woman in my late 50s, married to my husband early 60s. We've been married for 30 odd years. I have fulfilled the role of a traditional wife for much of our marriage and I left paid work soon into our marriage. My husband is very successful in his business and we live comfortably. All our children are adults now. My husband built his business from the ground up and I was in hold on ins you're gonna have to read me that word sorry well you struggling instrument there you go thank you from the ground up I was instrumental to the early stages of success of the setup. We were having lunch with our children when my son mentioned that his wife didn't want to be a trade wife and do what I did to raise the kids. She raised concerns about how vulnerable a position it is and that she didn't want to solely depend
Starting point is 00:20:08 on him for money. He wanted me to talk to her and convince her by telling her how it worked out for me. I said I understood where she was coming from and being a housewife is incredibly risky and vulnerable especially if he leaves her and she's been out of the labor force for a while he said that it had worked for his father and i because i trusted him my husband to provide for me and why couldn't his wife do the same? I told him I had maliciously recorded records of all contributions I have ever made to the family business, recently digitising with the help of my daughter so that if the worst happened I wouldn't be relying on the mercy of the man to feed myself I told him that I had made many contributions and plans over the years to minimize the risks of being a housewife and compensated for my lack of position and benefits
Starting point is 00:21:30 that I have had and that I'm not left out of the labour force. My son and husband were annoyed by this both said it showed a lack of trust and my husband especially feels I have done one foot out the door our entire marriage and that my little escape plan includes plans to shaft him out of his business I told him the fact that he relies that he refers to it as his business rather than ours is it exactly why I kept records and why I wouldn't be telling my daughter-in-law to do what she wants to do am I the arsehole absolutely fucking not very clever listen she's looking after number one as well as everybody else very clever in fact i feel like this should be nationalized for every single
Starting point is 00:22:37 woman to keep track of what's actually going on because as you know men like to turn around and go what have you contributed yeah yeah very clever note it's late here so i'm going to respond in the morning and then it says good morning thank you for your engagement i have read and responded to many comments and i'm able thank you for sharing your perspective and nine percent of you for being polite i am going away to the spa this weekend with the woman in my family uh so i'm gonna have some time to reflect and decide on how to proceed take care i do have an edit so you think the overall vote was not the arsehole i feel like for me being i know what she's talking about yeah i think what she did was really fucking clever yeah i think what she did was although she had trust for her or has trust for her husband the little things that he was
Starting point is 00:23:46 saying and doing she needed to make sure that she wasn't put out that's where i fucked up yeah because you don't see it coming like i get it yeah you never think the person you marry she the person you have kids with that you you plan a whole forever after life with is gonna fuck you over but you never know but she knows she prepared too late for exactly that she was ready for exactly that because i bet she's seen that somewhere else she's seen that she's got to be someone close to her be fucked and she went that can't that's not gonna be me that ain't gonna be me yeah and that's what i'm saying like you're right she she even says like he started his business from the ground up i was a massive part of that she must have done all the paperwork and whatever i had the children
Starting point is 00:24:36 i raised the children i kept the house their food on the table i did the shopping i looked after this that and the other and then before you know it you're getting into boss and they're going bitch did nothing yeah because it's really easy to go bitch did nothing right yep you know what i mean yep so you know go on is she the arsehole right so obviously reddit's ultimate vote was not the arsehole so there is one edit we have arrived at the spa ended up being me and my daughters including by marriage so it's going to be a good weekend to chat freely about this thank you for deciding i am not the arsehole my daughter's read the thread and also feel that i am not wrong i will continue uh to engage if i see something um then I will get back to you.
Starting point is 00:25:26 But basically, she's just saying she's glad that, you know, people are saying you're very savvy. That's legally savvy right there. And I feel like, you know, when I've said to you before, people don't teach you how to do a funeral, right? So before you know it, you've got to plan this funeral. You have no idea what's going on, right? And I always feel like since having to plan a funeral,
Starting point is 00:25:53 that should be taught to children in school, prepared, so they've got some kind of idea. Like, I feel like they taught the wrong things, like finance and all that. And I think that this on both parts you know because sometimes you've got the husband supporting you know he's giving up important to have your own nest egg i feel like that's it and keeping it keeping a deep a detailed record of what you contributed because there are stay-at-home dads so absolutely and that is
Starting point is 00:26:22 massively contributing so actually i feel like that is something else that should be taught in schools that yes you might find a partner and you might have to help them or they might expect this from you whilst they're working hard or they're doing this and you can go that's fine but then you keep a detailed record so if they do try and fuck you over yeah the thing with thing with that detail. Very clever. That detailed record, it just can never be thrown in anybody's face. No. That's it. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:26:49 You can't have a round and be like, I did this. That's not what she, it's illegal. No, but this is it. Yeah. Because that's where people will be like, you don't trust me. Yeah. No, no, no. That is nothing to do with trust.
Starting point is 00:27:04 No. And I'm not throwing what i'm doing in your face yeah i love that for myself for a future that hopefully will never come of course but you don't know what's coming absolutely and that's the thing like i do wonder how he will then respond now he knows yeah he does that i mean he is he was mad he felt betrayed and the son was like you you know you've had one foot out the door the whole entire marriage that's what the husband said to her which is unfair it's unfair she has protected herself that is one of the most cleverest stories i've ever read if i've ever read anything because you know you
Starting point is 00:27:46 don't know how vulnerable you actually are until you're in that fucking position and actually right well you all saw me that's what i'm saying i didn't even know how to connect my tv and the remote off of the sky because my sky got cut off yeah and i didn't know how to work it why because i'd never done it before because i relied on the man of the house yeah to do the blue jobs yeah what the so i would say she yeah my hat is off to her absolutely that is something that so i would say i've definitely always been independent let's not pretend but i think so my it's emily obviously separated had a divorce whereas my husband had a stroke uh nine strokes actually to be precise so he's physically and mentally disabled so i then had to take over a lot of
Starting point is 00:28:48 stuff from there a lot of stuff and it's um you know whether it's this way or this way it's shocking when you're faced with this stuff that you haven't done before but you get on with it and you just you just do it anyway you just do But I think if there's a way to protect yourself in a marriage, in a partnership, you know, if you are staying at home and raising the kids and then somebody wants to throw in your face, well, you don't work for 10 years. Actually, yes, I have.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Because that is more work than going to work. We know that as parents. Do you know what I mean? But I actually really liked that story. And I a very it should be taught in schools mate honestly brilliant story good for her absolutely good for her and i i hope that they teach their daughters that it's important to keep a nest egg people are like that's your own little cash pot that is yours that isn't part of your fat like your yeah those just in case for any day shits and then having that log it is so clever it's a good idea i mean there are some nasty comments i bet there is from men uh yeah I mean that maybe it does it's hard to know on reddit who
Starting point is 00:30:08 who's what but most of the comments are like oh hey look I was a stay-at-home mum for 10 years when the kids were in school all day I went back to teaching after he saw three checks in a row, he decided to walk out. No problem. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. I had my fun career teaching, 30 years, and did not have to deal with my ex. She was fortunate to have gone back to work before he decided to walk out. So that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I love that story and the fact that she has from day one been very intelligent yeah yeah i wish i was it doesn't yeah but that has taught you so much yeah but i learned the hard way which is you did but sometimes it's horrid but actually sometimes it's the most beautiful thing because it changes who you are listen when you couldn't have told me that what happened 10 years ago in my life would have made me because obviously i've always been a bit of a bitch but it it definitely changed me for who i am today and i hate what happened but at the same time i'm definitely a different person for that and everything that has gone on in your life my life or anybody's life is they say there's
Starting point is 00:31:32 a reason why everything happens you don't always know the reason but actually it's building you up every single time hard lessons in life yeah and they build the most character right that's why I'm so full of character i mean you have no idea but you get what i'm saying i hate what happened but at the same time it makes me more grateful for what i still have and who i have in my life really because who i have in my life is who i choose to and i'm very secure with people that's a good thing right yeah yeah i mean but you're just not allowed to date anyone until he's been pre-approved really so good luck with that
Starting point is 00:32:12 okay you're next yeah nobody i'm just not interested right now good i don't think that's i think we actually even have to worry about i think it will come from nowhere let's say you have three loves in your life your first love the one the eyebrows up the one that you think you love the most that you um so i'm still am i still waiting for that last third love yeah it weren't that last prick i can assure you go on okay moving on okay so am i arsehole for giving my daughter a laser pointer and maybe ruining my neighbor's life i mean that i like it it's just a naughty one yeah go on okay so my next door neighbor put up security cameras around his house after he his up security cameras around his house after he is after his detached garage was broken into sorry I was trying to read it that seems like a barn door
Starting point is 00:33:17 horse situation but whatever okay so I noticed a couple of weeks later that one of the cameras was pointed at my daughter's window oh my god yeah oh my god so i was around helens right um and james had come in and uh they were talking about the house opposite them that's been i think it's the one that's being done up or it's the house next to either way i think it's the one next to i pay no attention anyway so they were saying that their next next door neighbor this side this side yeah had had a word with that neighbor across the road because they know it's a little red flashy light and when they looked it was a little camera that was pointing at their bedroom. I hate. And when they addressed him, he said it was the wife who couldn't leave the house. They have got a neighbour that can't leave the house. But it's upstairs, there's no way she lives upstairs. Like she's a big lady that she can't
Starting point is 00:34:22 leave for a reason. There's no way she's upstairs um and after you addressed it it was then gone so we were laughing like not laughing because he was like that that's fucking disgusting yeah i mean what what was it they brought you into helen and james he definitely saw helen's and he's like definitely got a sneaky boob pic like definitely got a sneaky boob it like definitely got a sneaky boob it's dirty it's against the law absolutely that's what i said you're allowed to point it on your drive it's allowed on your drive it's not allowed on public spaces no it is allowed on public space it's not allowed to point into people's properties not into people's properties it's not allowed on public property so you're not not allowed it on the actual road it's got to be
Starting point is 00:35:05 on your property yeah you can't have it pointed on the road it's got if it's like this it's got to be a certain type of camera because we weren't allowed them on our road yeah we're it had to be on our drive yeah we wanted it slightly higher so that when we parked on the road it covered that yeah yeah we were told by the guy who was sort of like absolutely not you you can't have it on public spaces because it's a personal camera okay i was just like what the fuck yeah how bad is that honestly though anyway that's where it reminds me he's definitely got a cheeky oh absolutely 100 the only thing that bothers me is that's where my he's definitely got a cheeky boob absolutely 100 the only thing that bothers me is that uh the daughters yeah at the front like look it's the eldest it definitely is closed okay yeah yeah okay good locked away in a room but yeah what
Starting point is 00:35:59 proper perfect proper perfect proper oh my god get some binoculars like the good old days it would get cold yeah or if you did you could be like I was bird watching I was bird watching it was on your roof
Starting point is 00:36:11 there's a blue tit over on your roof yeah no I see two now four because your neighbours up as well wrong
Starting point is 00:36:24 sorry wrong anyway where did i get to i don't know because i feel like i completely like okay i noticed a couple of weeks later that one of the cameras was pointing at my daughter's window i went over to talk to him and he said it wasn't that it just looked that way that was the that was um that it was pointed at the fence between our homes i asked him if i could please see the feed from the camera for my peace of mind he said no uh that his security was none of my business i feel like it is if it's in my window. In it, though. I gave my daughter an old laser pointer I had. Her being a kid had fun playing with the cat.
Starting point is 00:37:16 And she had fun pointing it out her window at night. I had given her the talk about how it wasn't really a toy what's nd nd yeah not really a toy nd that she could get i'm gonna assume he means and oh maybe really a toy and that she could get into a lot of trouble if she pointed it at an airplane helicopter or security camera and less than a week later my neighbor was banging on my door because she damaged his security camera I said that we didn't do anything to his camera and to go away he said he was calling the cops I said go ahead the cop showed up and said that they had seen the footage and that my daughter had definitely
Starting point is 00:38:16 pointed a laser at the camera and damaged it I asked to see the recording my neighbor pulled it up um on his phone yep that's my 14 year old daughter in her panties and sports bra in the window of her room mate the cops got really interested um yeah the cops got really interested then and asked my neighbor if he had more recordings yeah he got he got quiet and left and they followed him so this has caused my neighbor a lot of problems i do not think my neighbor was watching my daughter change every night she had blackout curtains and the top of our fence is in the field is in the field of vision of the camera but the camera angle I saw on his phone does show the camera was pointing at her window my neighbor and his girlfriend took down that camera and have not spoken to us since the cops visited but we can hear them fighting all the time which was not a common
Starting point is 00:39:31 occurrence prior to the camera incident and why the arsehole no absolutely not he's a pervert that's like child pornography it's disgusting awful isn't it yeah because obviously the police are all that's interesting a pornography it's disgusting it's awful isn't it yeah because obviously the police are oh that's interesting a 14 year old girl so he was pointing listen regardless of whether the camera got damaged or not he was pointing it he should have angled it better to not be or said listen i've got a little bit of that window in there just so you know i don't make sure your daughter's pulling her curtains or what i i don't know i just feel like i you're not allowed to point it into people's properties it's not complicated if there's children or
Starting point is 00:40:08 anything like that it makes you look really bad whether you're bad or not you look really really bad just don't yeah it's honestly it's you need to take a look at yourself and work out what you're doing so bad it's scary isn't it it's scary because you don't know who's watching yeah i mean i've got cameras in my my place there's cameras everywhere now listen i haven't got a problem with cameras because i've got nothing to hide but if i found a camera looking into either of my children's bedrooms i'd i'm telling you i'd be arrested it's as simple as that because i'm not going to have some pervert looking at my children or anybody else's children get a laser pen yeah i had no idea either i mean i know do you remember when
Starting point is 00:40:56 they were like all the rage when we were at school yeah i've got i've got laser pens for the cats and then uh they go mental and then they all become like illegal do you remember the fidget spinners yeah we still got we've got them at school they yeah dropping off fidget spinners all of it is always at the tamagotchis i mean it's always mine died every week did it well yeah because i used to go out at the weekends and forget about it. And yet you've kept the children alive all the years. I know, I'm like me. I'm like me.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I don't think I had one. I don't think mum and dad had the money to get me one. Yeah. Why did I have one? Because it was the range. No, I mean, I don't think my mum and dad got me one. I don't know how I got one. I'll tell you what is back.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Do you remember those chokers? Yeah. They're back. You know I've got them. And you know those big belts? I've still got mine. Well, the cowboy belt. Yes!
Starting point is 00:41:58 I've still got them. Helen went, do you? And I went, of course I do, babe. Oh, I didn't like them. Oh, no, I loved it. I'd wear that. I'd still wear it now. No do, babe. Oh, I didn't like them. Oh, no, I loved it. I'd wear that. I'd still wear it now. No problem with it.
Starting point is 00:42:09 No, I'm good. I like a choker as well. I like a choker. Okay. You ready? Yeah. Am I the... Oh, did we determine?
Starting point is 00:42:18 Not the arsehole. No, he's totally not the arsehole. Not the arsehole. Okay. This already has... This has... It's only one day old and it's already voted
Starting point is 00:42:26 and that Helen needs a laser pen and Helen needs a laser pen and maybe to wear a bra more before, before like
Starting point is 00:42:33 whipping her tits out. Yeah, close the curtains, girl. Nah. Am I the arsehole for giving away part of my husband
Starting point is 00:42:41 and I emergency fund? Giving it, Giving it away. Yeah. Okay. My brother lost his job recently. His wife is a stay-at-home wife. No kids. And they're emerging...
Starting point is 00:43:01 Hang on. This ain't the girl from mine's sister, is it? Maybe. She was a stay-at-home wife to her mum yeah his wife is a stay-at-home wife no kids and their emergency fund is running out quickly he is in the process of finding a new job but he's really struggling and i felt bad not to help in any way my husband and i and i on the other hand have two stable jobs and have an emergency fund with that has excess money in it says 24 plus months worth of normal expenses. So that can range from anything. Like mine, it would be a fiver.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I can help you with five pounds. So I sent them a not too big portion of our fund just to relieve them some of the stress and buy them some time my husband found out extremely quickly and now he is really really upset but i told him about my brother's situation and hoped he'd understand a bit am i the arsehole i feel like a like i probably am. And hit it. Right. That's shared money, so therefore she should have asked her husband, but you can't just take that out.
Starting point is 00:44:32 What if he did that? Just took that money out without telling her. Same thing, right? Yeah. It's not okay. Second of all, bitch needs to go get a fucking job, doesn't she? Bitch needs to get a job. Not okay. Second of all, um,
Starting point is 00:44:46 bitch needs to go get a fucking job, don't she? Bitch needs to get a job. My God, my mind was in the same place. Get a job. Like, husband's trying to find an extra work,
Starting point is 00:44:59 more money from fucking under rocks, and, and borrowing money from family. And what is she doing? Nothing. She's on ASOS, ordering. Yeah. Like what is she doing? Nothing. She's on Assos ordering. Like, what the fuck? Unless you're with a millionaire that's melting, bitch, you ain't got no place staying at home without a job.
Starting point is 00:45:14 You ain't even got any kids. I could be more sympathetic if they had kids and, you know. I bet she's a dog mom. What, with a chihuahua that bites? Yes. She's got a fur baby. I think both of you get a job. A job is a job, right?
Starting point is 00:45:28 He's got a job. He's trying to get an extra job. I don't like it when people try and shame people. He's trying to get an extra job. No, he's trying to get a job. He lost his job. She gave him some money to buy him some more time because they're running out.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Which is a decent human thing of course she shouldn't have taken it without speaking so reddit with is an arsehole of 4146 people there is no down vote you are the arsehole and i mean it's the same reason as you gave you know it's not your money it's both of your money. It's shared money. That's emergency money. You should have spoken to him. Then the people are going in at the wife, get a job. She isn't a mum.
Starting point is 00:46:12 There's nothing holding her back from stepping up and helping her husband while he looks for work. A job is a job. Like you're actually being a shit wife. Work in Sainsbury's if you're in the UK. Work in Walmart. Like, there is no shame. A job is a job. There is no shame to any job.
Starting point is 00:46:26 A job is a fucking job. I'd do whatever I had to do to make sure my family were okay. Do you know what I mean? And everyone in my life would definitely do the same. The entitlement of it as well. Like, honestly, get up. People are just... It's the same.
Starting point is 00:46:42 My husband quit his job because he wasn't getting paid these are people just writing random stuff but he's just quit his job because what he was a volunteer i basically they're just going in at her and then coming up with different things you know what i mean i don't judge but and then yeah she shouldn't have done it without first discussing you know if her husband was on board but i think the fact that the wife is a stay-at-home wife yeah that's the focus here really like for me needs to get for me i would say to my brother um her brother first but then i'd say yeah i'd say well what's hayley doing what's Hayley doing because Hayley isn't
Starting point is 00:47:27 working Hayley's gonna have to get a job Chris do you know what I mean yeah that's what I'd say you're both gonna have to work even if it's minimum wage if you're both doing it you'd be all right till you get out of this and find the job that you want but she's not doing anything she's like oh oh have you found a job yet have you got that job yet get up and do something about it so yeah seriously and then you're next all right let's go oh hear that hear my knee i don't know what i'm gonna do i think i going to do this one I think this one So am I the arsehole? Always Oh no
Starting point is 00:48:09 The internet thinks so It's not too big My wife's ex Sends her flowers every year On Mother's Day And it makes me very uncomfortable Am I the answer? Okay. Okay, my wife, 33 female and I, 34 male, have been married for eight years. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:37 We have two children, age four and six. My wife has been a stay-at-home mum since we had our children prior to dating me my wife was in a long-term relationship with her ex ever since we had our first child he had been sending her flowers every year on mother's day and it always made me feel uncomfortable but my wife was always appreciative of the flowers and she called him to thank him every time it frustrated me because i try always and make i try and make the day as special as possible for her and she still sought external validation from her ex who she has no reason to even be in contact with anymore. I expressed my feelings many times to her over the years but she always said I'm overreacting and that he is just sending flowers on Mother's Day to appreciate her as a mother and there was nothing more to it.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Last month, on Mother's Day, her ex again sent flowers and she was obviously very happy about it. It frustrated me a lot, but I hid my reaction because I didn't want to ruin Mother's Day. I hid my reaction because I didn't want to ruin Mother's Day. However, the next day, I started emotionally distancing from my wife. And a couple of days later, my wife wanted to talk about this because it was the elephant in the room and it was affecting our home atmosphere. We talked about it. And to be honest, I went a bit overboard with my rant because i was extremely frustrated with everything i told her that i was tired of being disrespected and unheard for years i then told her that she was extremely privileged and spoiled being a stay-at-home mom i told her to get a record I told her
Starting point is 00:50:47 oh to look at my sister 32 female for example my sister also had two children but she was a single mum and as her deadbeat ex cheated on her my sister also worked at a big tech company. She was hardworking, and she was the type of woman who deserves a Mother's Day gift and appreciation, and not my wife. Here we go. He's taking it too far now. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Yeah, he's the arsehole. I immediately regretted saying all that and felt extremely guilty after. Too late now, love. My wife didn't say anything. She just seemed shocked. We didn't speak much after that. That night she cried.
Starting point is 00:51:36 The next couple of weeks were pretty rough and we barely spoke. After that, she slowly started speaking again and we both agreed on looking for a couple's therapist. My wife also admitted she was wrong to not listen to my feelings and she has communicated to her ex that there will be no contact between them anymore and she has also blocked her ex was i the arsehole with how i handled everything yes yes are you done yeah yeah what a fucking arsehole listen i could understand listen i get it jealous, whatever. But if there's no communication going backwards and forwards, then I really don't see the harm. In fact, if anything, you should appreciate that somebody appreciates your wife and the mother and wife that they are to you.
Starting point is 00:52:36 But it's not someone, is it? It's her ex. Yeah, well, he's taken it too far, babe. He's definitely gone far. Yeah, way off the scale. I actually don't think she's doing it. She's doing anything and that's my point baby if she was like oh hi and all that to her ex i could understand but he is thinking of her on mother's day sending flowers what's that got to do with her i think i think his point was how much she was appreciative of his flowers.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Yeah, he's just, he's generous. He's like a man-child. Yeah, he is. He's a man-child. He is. And then he threw her under the bus. Like, you should, my sister, it's all about my sister. She's amazing because she's a single mum.
Starting point is 00:53:22 I just, I'd be like, bitch like you're about to know what it's like to be a single dad no he's taking it too far he did go too far you know i get it like sometimes you know your partner would be jealous or whatever i mean i'd be like who keeps sending you father's day stuff what's he got to do with her like there are kids i probably would be i would be i'm not going to attend definitely be like for fuck's sake we've been together well we've been married eight years with two children they haven't even met our kids like how do you how what the fuck yeah i mean it is weird don't get me wrong it is weird but he ruined everything by not just saying to listen it's bob it is bothering me but he did tell her
Starting point is 00:54:00 no he took it too far he definitely took it too far took it too far but potentially she should have probably heard him because i feel like in her mind it was so harmless that's how i kind of yeah but you've got to put it on the other foot yes of course but i think as well sending father's day gifts yeah she'd probably be like what what yeah i mean i'd be like this bitch again but if he's not messaging and seeing other than saying thanks so much for the flowers or the father's day mug like say for example it's my the other way point of view and then then there's really nothing going on i'm like oh this bitch is sad she can't move on do you know what i mean i don't think i'd be like, you're a shit father.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Maybe I would, because I'm not in that position, but listen, he weighs the arsehole for how... Yeah, he handled that atrociously. Yeah, it was shocking. It was shocking. He took it way too far. You're shit. You're privileged.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Yeah. Yeah, I mean, that girl needs to start keeping account of what she's brought to the marriage mate because I see something coming along there yeah it's a bit no way it was no way he took it he took it too far what did reddit think so the top comment is did your wife oh loading lose a child when she was with her ex. Oh. And then someone else says, this was my first fault. Same.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Good question. Now I think that. Yeah, maybe there is more. Oh, fuck's sake. Maybe there is more to it. But even more so, holding an attachment over children with an ex yeah it's weird listen it is weird i would want i don't like because there are like there's circumstances where you you were to get that it didn't work out and you see each other in social circumstances and you're mates isn't it we know people like that definitely they're you know we do 100 but so someone says
Starting point is 00:56:09 someone says or has she had one with him which he would mention that i reckon so there's definitely not one because yeah i mentioned he would have said they had a child together and then everyone would have been like you want to get life yeah and then they went on to say i hate that reddit makes us so that cynical but the level of ignoring his feelings for years seems intentional and those were my first two faults i mean ignoring him yeah it's not that i'm not she was obviously loving that yeah Yeah, I mean, listen. I wonder if she hadn't received them one year, whether she would have got upset. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Had he not taken it that far, I definitely would have tried to look further. But the way he took it, I was just like, no, you're an arsehole. He is an arsehole. But now it is making me think, is there more? Is there more? I didn't even think about it. Do you know what someone else should say?
Starting point is 00:57:05 Is that this story feels like there's a few important things missing. Yeah. It does. It doesn't feel complete, right? Yeah. And then someone else says, exactly. And I want to know if he buys the white flowers. I bet he don't because he don't say anything about it.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Like, what did you do for Mother's Day since you think she doesn't do any... No, no, I think they've got that wrong. Since you think she doesn't do any and doesn't deserve it, I'd never trust being a stay-at-home mum for this man's kids. He's the type, they leave and try and fight her on everything. Told you. Yeah, but they've missed he he did say that he tried he didn't give specifics he didn't what he did but at the end of the day he tried to make her have a special day yes he did right and that's not like so i think the way that he was like you don't do
Starting point is 00:58:01 anything i think people are saying if hit the fan, he'd be the first to throw her under the bus and say, you done fuck all in this marriage. I think that is the most concerning part of how far he went in that argument. I get that some rando is sending her flowers. I get it. I wouldn't be happy, and that's the truth. Do you know what I mean? But to then throw everything that your wife's done you're married in your face and behave that way there's stuff that's going on that we don't know about he must have let her have that choice
Starting point is 00:58:37 too yeah but yeah you know he could be like babe we're struggling. Could you get a little job to help out? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's obviously saying, be a stay-at-home mom. I've got this. But I think the way he's reacted is making people go, oh, mate, good luck with that if you two separate, because he's coming for everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:59 So, yes, he's the arsehole, because it didn't have to be that way. Sorry, dude. Like, I think you are our first actual arsehole that we've agreed yeah it's an arsehole i feel like everyone tonight we're like yeah oh there's another one it's just some random off the internet see told you another one um i feel like you've answered that we read back we're answering it um i feel like uh i feel like she'd have answered that. If he rings back, we'll answer it. I feel like he didn't have to be the arsehole in that. No, I feel like he didn't have to. If he didn't attack her, I'd be like, yeah, no, you need to look into what's going on here.
Starting point is 00:59:34 He just needed to say, did I fuck up? Because seeing her fucked up, yeah, mate. And he left. I think people are right. You royally fucked up. I feel like he's left. There's stuff missing. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:59:44 It's like missing from this missing. It's weird. It's like missing. Yeah. From this conversation. It's weird. Yeah, like, what he's left out is the bouquet of flowers that came, like, from a florist. Had condoms in it. From a florist, from the ex, and he used to get his flowers from the garage. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:00 He's missed out that part. Yeah, yeah. I mean, he's extremely mad. He's really gone for her over something that's nothing to do with her really no I mean I feel like she's trying to not hurt the exes feelings thank you but she doesn't need to do that she doesn't but that's why I said she right thing yeah she could have a social situation I am married and this is unnecessary you really don't we would do that maybe not all do that, babe, but not all people are comfortable doing that.
Starting point is 01:00:27 So look at our social situation. Say one of our friends has dated one of our other friends in the group. They've separated and now they're both married or with other people. Right. But they still continue to be friends. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:43 And then that person is like oh here's some flowers happy mother's day love because eight years listen i'm not saying that it's too much because it is too much it's weird i don't but that's what's that's why i feel like something's missing i think yeah yeah it's not the whole story either way his version the story, you're an arsehole for how you reacted and threw her under the bus so quickly. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, are we ready to finish off?
Starting point is 01:01:13 I've got one more. Excuse me? And a burp from Ems. Sorry. You're welcome. Right. From the heart, that one. That one, that was deep.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Right. Am I the arsehole for asking my family to not speak to me about my dead dad on my wedding day okay so i'll read it to you you can make a decision read it already stamped oh we're deemed we are deemed okay some backstory my 26 female dad passed away what my 26 so she's 26 yeah yeah sometimes really in between no sometimes when they put it like that even i'm like but yeah your dad's 26 female what there's no bullsops or punctuation i hate that yeah well for me i'm dyslexic i just read it like that and i'm like that that didn't
Starting point is 01:02:05 make any sense make sense to me right some backstory me my female 26 dad passed away last year very suddenly i hadn't spoken to my dad for two years when he died as he was an addict and when he was high he had tendencies that were very traumatic and scary. I distanced myself from him but kept in touch with my grandfather, aunt and cousins. Occasionally my aunt and cousins would be curious about why I didn't speak to my dad but I felt it wasn't their business and I didn't want to cry while spending time with them so they so they didn't know exactly what my dad had put me through which is where I might be the arsehole in the story okay anyways I am getting married this summer and my dad's side of the family were all invited I was talking to my therapist about being nervous about my
Starting point is 01:03:12 dad being brought up at my wedding and that possibly being asked why I didn't honor him with a memorial and having to explain myself and possibly being hit with a huge flood of emotions about my dad on an already emotionally charged day so i was like what if i just asked my immediate family my dad's side of the family to not bring up my dad for the day of my wedding my therapist supported this so I got to typing in the notes app the draft I started off by talking to my mum and my siblings and they all support me I then sent the same text privately to my aunt and my cousins and was about to send it to my other cousin and grandfather when I got response from both my aunt and cousin. They took my message as hateful, seemingly singling them out point pointless and calling them child children
Starting point is 01:04:30 tantrums my cousin text hurt the most as they said i feel truly sorry you felt the need to send this because it truly shows how much hatred you have in your heart you can take off my rsvp grandmother also passed would be a disappointment to you. Honor him, my dad, for her. That's a bit confusing. Hold on. You can take off my RSVP. RSVP. Grandmother. Also pass. There you go. Sorry. It's my head. Would be so disappointed in you. Honor him, my dad, for her. This text is probably the most disrespectful text I have ever been sent in my 26 years of living. I immediately called my mum and siblings crying. After an hour or two, the sadness turned to rage.
Starting point is 01:05:43 I couldn't believe my cousin had the nerve to even press send without even knowing what my dad had put me through and my family. I took screenshots of this private text I had been sent, messaged the family group chat and everyone on my dad's side in it and blasted the disrespectful texts. I went into extreme detail why I didn't want my dad spoken about. I feel like it's going to be something really bad. Why I didn't want my dad to be spoken about to me for four hours of my wedding day, explaining all that my dad had put me through and That my aunt and cousins were uninvited in front of everyone my cousins response
Starting point is 01:06:33 Responded how were we supposed to know what he'd put you through with her backtracking her text is something really bad Along with my aunt neither her or my aunt gave good apologies so they are still uninvited but with them not knowing what my dad put me through did they make my request ridiculous ridiculously unnecessary am i the arsehole i hope that made sense i feel like i got back yeah yeah no i don't feel like she is i feel like at the end of the day when you're making a request yeah on a day that you are ultimately fucking paying for right nothing really is unreasonable yeah hey guys don't really want to talk about this particular thing can we uh keep that on the low for that day yeah um okay don't
Starting point is 01:07:37 really understand why but absolutely it's your day they are that was all they had to say yeah if they had to make any negative comment back that is all they need to say um people have deemed her not the arsehole i feel like it's it's worse than i feel like it's the top of the worst we can imagine that's where i feel like uh this goes and then i think other people put their stories in but i think for the um for the aunties and the cousins if your cousin is not having the uncle brother anywhere near them it doesn't take a genius to work out something pretty bad well obviously they did they weren't deemed with those uh no you do have those knobs in the world where you like do get over it do you know what i mean
Starting point is 01:08:31 there are there are circumstances where people like need to get over it but your pain is your pain and nobody has the right to try and dictate to you what that means um i feel like it's it's pretty bad i mean the op does she does comment back to people uh she just says your your comment um made me cry nobody protected me it's just it's just it's just sad she doesn't go into detail about what happened she just says that it takes her back to being a 13 year old girl blah blah blah around her grandparents house she just doesn't want that in her head and i completely respect that and everybody should be respecting her boundaries because she has boundaries for a reason and now they know the boundaries they're sorry well do you know what i feel like those those couple of people that responded she now knows they ain't got her back yeah no bye she does comment she does write back to somebody
Starting point is 01:09:39 else saying my paternal grandparents and my aunt didn't want to acknowledge my father's addiction because we came from a very small southern town where my grandparents were very active in the local church and community so everyone's in denial uh that's fine see you later yeah it's fine but you don't know like if he is an, she doesn't talk about what addiction he has. So some substance of some... You don't know what's happening. And I think if you don't know what's happening, but they're not talking to him,
Starting point is 01:10:13 there's a really, really good reason. So respect that. You have to respect other people's... You know. Oh, there you go. Look, I think my comment got deleted for mentioning abuse so she did write but it's been removed by reddit because i think you know like remember when i said to you about grape and all that you have to use different words so i feel like she probably was a bit
Starting point is 01:10:38 candid about what happened but they've removed what she said. So we know abuse of some sort, definitely. She's still traumatised by it. I mean, she's in therapy, for God's sake. And she's made one simple request. Please don't... Yeah, this is it. I just... The only thing they needed to comment back was,
Starting point is 01:11:00 I don't understand why, but whatever you want. Yeah, no worries. Hopefully one day you can talk to us about what's gone on because it's always good for people that aren't aware of what's going on to know what's going on do you know i mean what's happened yeah bit of a bizarre request are you all right yeah let's take him off that pedestal yeah because for some reason it sounds like he's on it yeah but people do that i mean we've spoken about that before. I don't really understand that.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Someone dies, everyone comes, oh my God, they were the best person ever. Were they though? Were they? Are we talking about the same person? But people do that. Yeah, they know. They die and it's like some sort of martyr
Starting point is 01:11:37 and it's like, I met them twice. I'm going to the funeral on Thursday. And it's like, don't bother. I've been at a funeral where I'm like, are they talking about the same person? Because that ain't yeah I know that'd be like mine she's so loving and caring no one's gonna say that tick-tock yeah that'll be me she was so gentle oh she never said a bad word people be will be like... So that's it. I feel like we're done.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Is there a way you're going? I'm just moving because I'm like, my arse hurts. Unless you want to add one more or we're done done. Do I have any more? I've got loads. I do like Am I the Arsehole. Yeah, that's it. So do I.
Starting point is 01:12:23 To be fair, tonight everybody's been the arsehole this girl is not the arsehole not the arsehole no this girl's not not the arsehole sorry she just ruined it oh i did no she yeah yeah i ruined it i'm sorry you're not the arsehole you are not the arsehole therefore you got any oh which one that one this one this one yeah it's a little long but go on finish us off take his home to finish you will fucking finish it nobody's coming in no I don't know they have it sure it's a throwaway one okay gone so am I the arsehole for telling a friend what her tattoo really means hmm my god the coke no immediately no it's hilarious go on what you get
Starting point is 01:13:14 throw away friend group knows my main account i 37 male oh went out new year's eve with a group of friends and the group had some friends of friends basically people i've only known in passing one of them andy oh andy's got a name 39 male bought his girlfriend julie 30s be julie 30s female julie julie decided to show a tattoo sorry from my head down to me growling sorry got an leg yeah yeah yeah go leg julie you know we love you truly from here don't know me grueling woman you turn me on with your big babble on. Right, I'm done. Are you sure? Do you need to do it again one more time? No.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Are you sure? Friends, have you mentioned the name Julie? Yeah, I'm about to. Okay, go on. She. Julie decided to show a tattoo she got last week. She rolled up her sleeve to show it and she announced proudly it said strength and beauty in chinese oh
Starting point is 01:14:35 it was on her forearm and i almost that's there in it take and i almost spit take and I almost spit take. Yeah go on. Okay now I have to explain I'm half Korean but people have mistaken me for Hispanic so I don't really look Korean to most Westerners. I'm also not fluent but controversial in Korean and able to read. The tattoo was in Hangul characters and it definitely did not say strength and beauty. from beauty julie got upset at my spit take and asked what my problem was i said it's not chinese and it doesn't say what you think it does she got even more mad and said what would i know i explained i was korean american and read korean and what it says is not nice. I asked her what happened at the tattoo shop and she said she always wanted to get Asian characters and went to a shop and saw a Chinese guy in the shop and demanded he be the one to do her ink I asked Julie and Andy if Julie did anything that could have pissed the tattoo artist off she denied it but Andy confessed she
Starting point is 01:16:14 was super pushy about it and kept saying she wanted him to do it over any other artist in the shop because he would be used used to the characters plus a few other statements but this by this point she was crying and not enjoying hanging out for new year's eve but she fucking wanted to leave and wanted andy to take her on her way out she asked me what it said. I said, it's like the worst thing you could call a woman. Pun. It's like bitch, but worse. Slag? She just burst into tears while walking out.
Starting point is 01:16:58 After the two of them left, the rest of my friends said I was a real jerk for spoiling her night at spoiling her new tattoo and i could have made something up or not reacted i had to explain that the word used is really a cultural uh fact facts folks i can't say that well yeah um past and to see it on the skin is shocking to the highest degree and the fact i was sipping on a beer when she revealed it only made a spit take impossible to avoid well this morning i got some messages from friends saying i really should apologize to julie for traumatizing her about her tattoo i feel like this is ridiculous like it's a really vulgar word on her arm and if i had that on my skin i'd like to know he's not the tattoo artist but everyone else thinks that i should have just con uh complimented her instead so ready am i the for revealing uh to a friend what her tattoo actually says
Starting point is 01:18:15 not in my opinion no no i don't think so it's not his fault is it i mean no i thought i think if you showed me something that was that would shock me I think I would have had that reaction and you'd be like what the fuck yeah but I'd be really
Starting point is 01:18:30 listen the only one at fault here whether the tattoo artist liked her or not it's him it's him he put a vulgar word
Starting point is 01:18:39 I mean she was probably culture appropriating so he got pissed off and he was like yeah I'll have this bitch broke it on her. So he got pissed off and he was like, yeah, I'll have this, bitch. Broke it on her arm. And now she's crying and it's like, you don't even know what you're having put on your skin. So who's the prat?
Starting point is 01:18:55 Proper prat. Proper prat. And, I mean, to upset someone that's about to tattoo you. So really, for me, if that was was me i would take legal action against the tattoo person it's not this boy's fault he was he said it's like in their culture he was shooketh he shooketh so he's like bruv you know he says something about your mum so and it's really not it's really not his fault so no i don't think he's done anything wrong there but that's my what do you reckon i mean i if i had something written on me in a different language and somebody was like may that don't say what you're telling me it says i would want to know what it
Starting point is 01:19:37 said yeah what does it say and then you make a decision am am I covering that up? Think she should cover it up. Is it there or there? Equally. Forearm. There or there? I would say here. Yeah, that's where I feel like it is. Can you imagine? But equally, if I wanted something written, I would have Googled that shit.
Starting point is 01:19:59 So would I. This is what I'd like, please, sir. Yes, thank you so much. Nice, kind gentleman who's going to tattoo my skin. For life. Right. Who's going to... Not, you look Chinese, do me a tattoo.
Starting point is 01:20:11 I mean, how racist can you be? I want to say this. I tell you, when I... You know how to make noodles, didn't you? Yeah, you look like the type that eats with chopsticks. That's fucking rude, man. I went for my interview, right, and I wore a suit. Mum and Dad always said you should wear a suit when you i went for my interview right and i wore a suit mom and dad always said you should wear a suit when you're going for an interview so i've gone for this
Starting point is 01:20:29 interview anyway got the job a year later whatever i got on really well with igor and paul they were my bosses and i said to igor what made you hire me because obviously it was one interview after another he went he went well first of all you were the most sensible we didn't know you then he said and then second of all he goes one of the candidates came in she sat down put a leg like this like in shorts and that you know like she'd just rolled out of a basketball game and had the word bitch listen so he judged her he judged her oh bitch though discrimination and i was like bitch couldn't even put on trousers for the interview she didn't want that job no no she did not want that job but the job center sent her and it's a bitch and she was like yeah i bet weren't even a real one she's just like yeah, yeah, like, yeah, ordered the letters.
Starting point is 01:21:25 But yeah, I mean, who would get the word bitch? Bitch. I get called that enough without a tattoo. I got kicked by a bitch. I don't know. What?
Starting point is 01:21:35 I don't know. I don't know why. I don't know why either. Bitch. Bitch. It's like, I don't really understand when people tattoo their own names on themselves and you're worried you'll forget?
Starting point is 01:21:48 I've got an update. Oh, sorry. I had to tell you about bitch, babe, because that really made me happy. It's like, thanks to her, I got the job. I looked normal. You were the only one left. They were like, fucking hell. And then I had a suit.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Bitch, you're a stupid girl. She's kind of normal. I was so nervous, right? you were the only one left they were like fucking hell and then I had a suit they were like that girl I was so nervous so I said to him what made you? my arse was sweating and he went really you seemed so confident I was like really because my arse was sweating he gone
Starting point is 01:22:20 walked out there soaking left the wet patch that terrifies me that terrifies me i know what you're thinking i'm not even gonna say that that's private it's not me yeah go on update gym always the gym as well yeah but that's why you anyway it's a squeaker yeah yeah all right anyway update that's cool that on my bed anything anywhere update my friend contacted me a day later and apologized for responding to me that way uh that that to me the way they did new year's eve that that to me the way they did new year's eve they said that they were more worried about the new year's eve party being brought down that night but after sleeping on it and getting back to work
Starting point is 01:23:14 most of them realized they too would have wanted to know what uh if they got branded with a vulgar word also very few knew julie and only knew her through andy so they most mostly tolerated her oh they've turned on her tolerate her yeah i felt listen apparently wait apparently this isn't her first incident either and jul Julie isn't white which is kind of funny. Everyone painting her as some blonde white girl. Lol. I decided to play pacemaker and talk to Andy and Julie and even offered to meet them at the tattoo shop. even offered to meet them at the tattoo shop we went Friday night walked in and saw the tattoo artist in question funny thing is most Asians can tell I'm half Asian by looking so he saw he saw he and when I'm told her what I said, yes? Kind of notulently in Korean. We had a brief discussion in Korean. He remarked my accent, had an American twang to it.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Asked where my family was from. Found out both our families come from the same city. Oh, he's getting on with him. And I'm like, bruv, let's go for a drink. Do another one. The gist is I pointed out he could get sued for the tat. Right. He admitted he pressed his luck with it and offered to pay out of his pocket for another artist
Starting point is 01:25:07 in the shop to do a cover-up i relayed that back to julie and that seemed to appease her she went to one of the i guess tattoo people would call it a workstation and he explained that she still has to wait two months julie didn't like that even when the artist explained that standard procedure is to wait two months right for the tattoo to heal until a cover-up is done. Andy thankfully Googled it and pointed out that two months seems to be a minimum and more complex tattoos have up to six months recommended healing before a cover job. She accepted the offer for a free cover and paperwork was signed as such. Not the arsehole. Not the arsehole.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Not the arsehole. I'd want to know, but can you imagine? I mean, he took it too far, didn't he? Tattoo eyes. Yeah. He should have just said, no, I'm not tattooing you. I don't like you. I don't want anything to do with you.
Starting point is 01:26:18 He did it because he's his dog. And that was his right to say that. Absolutely. But no. Yeah. But no. I mean, I would like to know the actual words. So do I.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Like, I would actually like to know. I'd like to see, like, a picture of it. He's not the arsehole. No, he's not. But, you know, did you watch The Big Bang? Yeah. Yeah, you know when Sheldon tells Penny that she's got the symbol for soup? And she goes, goes no it means hope
Starting point is 01:26:45 or whatever it was and he was like that's soup so i feel like if you want a tattoo go on go and do your own research yeah i want one more tattoo but i don't know what i want so i haven't rushed into it's more where i want if i'm honest I want mine like finished up yeah I've got I know what I want I know how I want it it's just I can't afford it can't afford it I don't know where I want mine and I haven't found the guy who's done all my other tattoos it it what I want wouldn't suit his style Okay, so going to him. Where are you thinking adding on to the back? It's still be on my back and yeah, just slightly onto my leg, but I Don't think it would suit his style. But I mean he I might speak with him. Yeah, I actually have the money to do it
Starting point is 01:27:41 Subscribe people we want to it yeah subscribe people we want to right so go find me anyone want to fund me so tattoos cosmetic surgery that's more for me that's not me i don't want that we want to pay off our debts what else do we want i could go on holiday i'm not gonna lie sniper it's not a sniper for a few yeah for a few yeah right are we done that's it thank you for uh participating please like follow and subscribe for more content yes we appreciate you we love you we hope you're having fun for staying tuned yeah and we hope you're having fun we're having fun yeah like watching us knobheads yeah i mean we're still learning we must like this is what we're going to talk about today and we don't talk about what we say we're going to talk about no we don't no this we start off good intentions good intentions always good and then we talk about
Starting point is 01:28:36 our friends boobs through the window yeah yeah i quite like that in stories we have so much that can relate we relate to everything we've like relate oh this one time in band camp it's awful we do though we do relate and i do feel like um the whole point with 40 we've lived we've learned yeah we're living let's not like we've learned we have learned experience but we're not perfect by any means. No, no. That perfect don't come into it. I am. She definitely isn't. No. No, we're not perfect.
Starting point is 01:29:08 We're still learning. And we're having fun. We're growing. Yeah. We're growing. Grow with us. Better selves. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:15 And don't get tattoos if you don't know what it means. Yeah. Yeah. Please do your research, guys. Yes. Because otherwise you could end up with a swear. A swear. that would be well embarrassing like that would be like um somebody from another country having an english word put
Starting point is 01:29:32 on them and then going it means beautiful yeah honestly which doesn't happen with who he was too easy way. I think I saw something corner You Google in Welsh, oh what was it I can't remember but basically it's In world shit. Oh fucking I can't remember but it sounded really it sounds really fucking rude. You know that I Know that was doing my story. Yeah weird story well That's it, that's it, that was my story there. Yeah. Weird story. Welsh. Welsh. Welsh. Welsh.
Starting point is 01:30:09 I can say goodnight in Welsh. Go on then. North star. Ah, north star. Your mum. North star. Not your mum at the end? No, not your mum.
Starting point is 01:30:17 I don't know how to say that in Welsh. I can say goodnight in Irish. Goodnight. Another one. Are you sure? Goodnight. Australian. Goodnight, Irish. Goodnight. Another one. Are you sure? Goodnight. Australian. Goodnight, mate.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Good night. Sleep well. What else? That was good. Alright. American. Yeah, you can't lie. I love the American.
Starting point is 01:30:37 Oh my God. Goodnight. No, that one. It wasn't that one. You do American. No, I hate it. South African. I can't do accent.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Good night. Scottish. I'm not good at great at Scottish. That was Scottish. No, that one. It was That's the only word I can say. Has they got the car?
Starting point is 01:31:09 No. Yeah, it's south africa yeah i know what you said see if every car if you're from see if every car tell me if i sound like you what else italian canadian i don't know it's beginning good night french that's french i feel like you're more French. You feel like I'm more French. I feel like I am French in my DNA. We're going to do the tests eventually. We will get round to doing it, not just telling you every time. What other accents?
Starting point is 01:31:34 We just got that money. We have to sell feet pics first. What else? What other accent can we finish off with? I feel like Australian was the best so far. Yeah, you probably nailed that one. Yeah. Oh, there was a spider.
Starting point is 01:31:51 I could have died. I feel like that's quite good. That went into bits of everything. Yeah. I'm from both Australia and Zipipika. Right. Bye.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Ciao. Ciao. Oh.

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