Middle-aged opinion - Glitch in the matrix or a misunderstanding

Episode Date: September 11, 2024

To day we go back to glitch in the matrix we cover more stories of the unknown with laughter and disagreement along the way come and join us for episode 23 ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wow. What do you think of that? What don't you think of that? Well I think that girl has got everything that she needs. Now that song is back in my head. What one? Avicii. Da da da la la da da. That one. I've got Avicii's Avicii song.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Do you remember that? When my phone rang and I was like I need to put that on silenticii's Ibiza song. Do you remember that? When my phone rang and I was like, I need to put that on silent. That's proper pikey. Oh, because you didn't go on holiday to Ibiza, did you? Yeah. I liked that song before we even flew. Come on.
Starting point is 00:00:39 There it is. You want to calm down. Have you noticed the internet connection lately has been like appalling yeah what the fuck is going on absolutely it's like taking forever to load stuff i don't know why i'm not no more bloody money it's not you it's it's everyone even like um gee uh even like my phone it's got the best reception even up in somerset but for some reason that's dropping out as well yeah my phone's in pretty bad so before we start the recording or have you started started it? I've just turned it on because I'm fine. No, it's fine. It's because obviously we just, when we log on to TikTok,
Starting point is 00:01:30 we won't be talking to TikTok at all. It will just be live streaming. Okay, what do you mean? So as we're doing the podcast, we're going to do the podcast normally directed. So when we look at the camera, it will be that camera. TikTok is just going to be streaming there. Next to? directed so when we look at the camera it will be that camera pop tick-tock is just going to be streaming they are nice yeah next to us doing it but we're not addressing if anyone joins or whatever we're not really addressing that okay
Starting point is 00:01:55 we're just streaming a podcast so when I go on to the live stream or introduce I'll say it to start with if no one's there no one's there it makes no difference all right come on darlings right so when I live stream uh-huh obviously anything we do say so we need to be mindful if any people come in our mind which they shouldn't in the matrix stories but we can't edit it out it's my point because they'll be like oh my god brother right fine i need to get my drink as well it's never me anyway it's always you what me i have to cut and crop and edit a out. Little old me. I'm like, that reminds me. And then at the end you go, cut that out.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I do. Sometimes I'm like, cut that out. And then sometimes you don't. I'm like, oh, it weren't as bad as it was in my mind. What did I not cut out that you still cut out? I can't remember. I just sometimes I say things. And in my mind at the time, I'm like, that was really bad.
Starting point is 00:03:02 But actually, everyone knows me. I think anything that was a bit like yeah as the level-headed sense in my right up my vagina and this is my esophagus right here we go so let me get it set up not really sure which way we do it but we move right live baby right oh title. Glitch in the matrix. Right, let me just see where we are. Obviously, I know what I'm like. Right. And that's it. So we're going to start. So we're live. Yeah. So now we're going gonna go back to how we normally would with the podcast all right and i will introduce you she mansplains everything i mansplain everything but to be fair this is our first time going live i can't see if anyone's
Starting point is 00:04:18 joining or not but i'll let you know if anything pings up oh you can see it yeah do you think well i'm hoping i will go do you think that means i need a stronger prescription like they have called me they're like i feel like you might need to struggle drink it's not a bad idea that we do actually drink through podcasts at one point right we ready yeah hello everyone and welcome to middle-aged opinion i'm your host ellie and i'm emily and today we are looking at a glitch in the matriarch we are because it's one of our faves so if we look over there occasionally it's because we've decided to do stream a live podcast on tiktok which we've never done before no but we thought it was something different and a bit of fun and why not are they comments no okay it's just saying stuff i don't know it was telling me to swipe as
Starting point is 00:05:11 well at one point but i feel like good i feel like i'm gonna be distracted but i don't mean to be but anyway so did you want to start or should i start because it's my let's go again right okay anyway go saw my girlfriend wearing hair curlers on FaceTime yesterday and now she says she's never used them my girlfriend curled her hair yesterday and was in the process when we FaceTime and today she showed the nearly newly curled hair and we got into talking about how she curled it and I mentioned the hair curlers which I remember in detail were pink and green and she said she's never used hair curlers yesterday but instead used a blue and gold scarf as she was trying out something she saw on Pinterest. But the weird part is the curlers she does own are indeed pink and green and I know she's never curled her hair before
Starting point is 00:06:17 on FaceTime so I've never seen or knew she had said curlers. Somehow, guessing the colour seems too unlikely to make any sense. Even now, I remember her hair with the curlers very vividly and have no memory of the scarf. vividly and have no memory of the scarf the picture she sent she sent the picture she sent of it today is the is the first time i'm seeing the scarf and now we can't think of any rational explanation should i quickly do the edit it's only a small bit sure or i'm assuming it's come from the comments but we're jumping to the comments while i appreciate the comments the majority of them are saying she's gaslighting or calling or calling her crazy which i don't believe is true we wanted to post this for fun not for her to be called crazy crazy go i mean
Starting point is 00:07:30 i mean maybe they they did have a chat and it was the same color and he just thought they were colors and because you know i love you go rational i was trying to rational every single time and it's like really are we that bothered about these hair colors we're having a full-blown conversation about this i mean the weird part is he did guess the colors of them so so i can put a reasonable explanation on this and that maybe when he stayed around hers no i'm I'm not going there. She's not crazy. She's not crazy. He's not crazy. He's all the colour, just a shoe that's in the hair.
Starting point is 00:08:09 You know when you see something at the corner of your eye, maybe they were in the corner of our room on like a dressing table or something and he's catched a glimpse of them and maybe that's where it's come from. Or he was talking to his girlfriend in a parallel universe. Okay, that's where we're going. That is the whole purpose. That is the whole purpose of Glitching the Matrix. I have to be rational.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Which is great because obviously I can go to the far depths of he's FaceTiming his girlfriend from a... Absolutely, Glitching the Matrix. That happens. I mean, listen, I don't think she's gaslighting. Why would you gaslight over that unless she's a massive mean listen i don't think she's gaslighted why would you gaslight over that unless she's a massive narcissist i don't yeah that's a mad crazy yeah i mean that's another level of gaslighting in it every single little thing so exactly right so top comment i dated a girl who was legit crazy she would gaslight me all the time.
Starting point is 00:09:05 She had Britney Spears' song on her ringtone, and I told her that song always reminds me of her when I hear it. She said she never had that song as a ringtone. I haven't, have I? She got kicks out of gaslighting me, not saying that your girlfriend is, but something to consider
Starting point is 00:09:26 yes let's consider each book but you know what we were just before we came onto the um uh podcast there is a new song going around tiktok and it's i believe they're two arab men i'm gonna say they're arab men and it's the song just makes me want to be a belly dancer and like really like let go of all my inhibitions I don't know how I ended up on that side of TikTok but I'm happy to be there so that song's been playing in my head so years ago we went to Ibiza and then I had when we went to Ibiza I had the song I took a pill in Ibiza show Av Vici I was cool didn't I yes it is and we were laying on the um it was embarrassing yeah we were laying we were laying on the sun sun lounges and uh obviously my phone rang and I was like oh babe I was like I was like I need to put that on silent. Which was so funny.
Starting point is 00:10:26 But, yeah. It's too hard to deal with it, though. It's quite funny. That's taken me to what we were just talking about before coming on. Because we've done a couple of TikToks, which will be on today. Certainly will. Because we have a lot of fun doing it. Yeah, we don't get out much.
Starting point is 00:10:44 So, yeah. I mean, yeah. So, let's say that we have no explanation for this. It's not too far to be glitch and it's not. Did it say how long they've been together? No, literally just he's like, how weird that I know what her hair curlers look like before and she ain't even used them. I don't know if you've seen them them it was a headscarf she used yeah that thing that you wanted to use that did nothing don't eyebrow me it did absolutely
Starting point is 00:11:14 nothing and I slept with it I said so I you know I did it I did it this way yeah you did it and then tried and then tried and then I did the this way which really hurt the back of my hair because i didn't start to lose up and then i slept in it like that and my hair was still wet in the morning the best thing for you to do for heatless curls is rip up an old shirt and wrap them in that old shirts i've got an old shirt you can have you rip it up in two strips and then you do it because your hair is the same as mine, dead straight. Yeah, it's just boring. It holds nothing. So that will hold it.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I think I'm going to cut it, actually. Yeah, or I can curl your hair with my curler thing that actually will curl your hair. The wavy thing? No, that will wave your hair. Yeah, I bought one of those um but this this curler is a hairdresser's curler so it heats up higher and that's what we have to use so you know when i go out with curly hair that's what i use we do all that for the shoots and that that we're gonna do yeah right but anyway over to you babe i'm you know we're agreed to disagree with
Starting point is 00:12:24 that one it could be anything, right? I think we're both being a little bit irrational with it, to be honest. Yeah, I think it's too normal to be far-fetched. It's too normal. It's too normal to be far-fetched. That's where I'm going with it. Okay, so glitch in the matrix. Mystery photo.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Okay. Yeah? Did you read this one no good right unexplained photo on friend's phone that would freak me out if i just had a phone on my phone i'll be like what anyway let's get into it yeah well i don't know what the story yeah but you're going you're going into that would really freak me out and i don't know why it would freak you out i haven't even read it yet chill right thank you for liking thank you love you anyway so people liking it anyway this is our first one so we really appreciate it anyway so one day my friend and me went to pick up up her baby daddy at the time at his job okay yeah sorry I just saw you look at me like that you okay no I'm like I'm tuning into you which was a big casino in town so we worked in a casino in town right and she left me in the car
Starting point is 00:13:46 for about 30 ish minutes i remember the whole thing i was just sitting in the passenger seat alone no one else in the car i took one selfie of me on her phone never moved out of the passenger seat they got back in the car she never looked at her phone until we got back to her house. While she was checking her phone, she looks up at me and said, who are you with in my car? I was confused. I said, there was no one else. She showed me the photo and it is of me sitting in her driver's seat with a girl in the passenger seat next to me smiling for the photo I said yeah um I had no words for a little bit I said I don't know who that is and I never change seats no um not one of us knows who this girl is still to this day we have no idea
Starting point is 00:14:49 who is in the photo or how it got there i was in the same outfit and everything from that day we asked our friends if they knew her no one had any. I know for a fact I never change seats and I wouldn't have got some random girl to take a photo with me inside sitting in my friend's car at that. The photo is on my friend's old laptop. It's still here. Very strange and we talk about it from time to time. We have had a few other weird experiences in the years as well. I don't know if that's giving paranormal. Like it's giving glitch in the matrix and a bit paranormal to me. Do you know what I mean? It's giving, oh my god, run. That would
Starting point is 00:15:43 really scare me, especially if I didn't know who that person was Yeah, and I never sat in the driving seat. So to me that is a proper glitch in the matrix weird Do you think or have you got a reasonable? There's no reason for that. There's literally no reason for that at all. Like it's bizarre Remember that story about the girl in the basement that never went in the basement and she was there but she was there it's given that but is that i don't think mimic this is why i'm thinking is that more paranormal is the girl a ghost yeah i mean does she look like she's physically there as well yeah it's a shame that no picture uploaded. There's no picture.
Starting point is 00:16:26 That's such a shame because we could have included that. But, yeah. It's giving me Matrix, but it's also giving me paranormal. It's giving me Jenna vibes. Why? A story of Jenna? Yeah. Who did she add to our group the other day?
Starting point is 00:16:42 Grace. A girl called Grace. Yeah. Who's Grace? Who she was up for coming out with us, wasn't she? She isn't. who did she add to our group the other day grace a girl called grace yeah who's grace because she was up for coming out with us she doesn't know she's never met this grace in her life and i'm like you have jen jen she was she's on jen jen she's involved i thought i would wait so let us explain that so we are jenna's husband is which is em Emily's brother as most of you know is turning 40 next July so we have strong-armed him into going to Butlins for his birthday because we want to go um but there is like a massive group from school we're a massive massive group 20 of us so Jenna and Emily
Starting point is 00:17:24 were adding everyone to the group to say do you want to come to buckling's with us obviously people who are also adam's friends not just like who we wanted yeah although we're all friends together and um jenna added some rando called grace um sorry grace if you follow us yeah who was like yay is it all inclusive jen jen and at that point i deleted her yeah but we have no idea nor does jenna who this grace is so you know what it is she has met grace in a toilet somewhere yes made best friends and then and now she's coming to but we don't know we know she's very pretty it looks like a brat doll so we don't mind if she comes she's gonna make it look ugly though
Starting point is 00:18:11 yeah i'm the only single like i need all you need the man sorry grace you can't come because emily you know i need the full focus it has to be about emily are you the only single one going stewart stewart who i'm not really sure if we can class him as single single at the moment. He's single. He's single, but yeah. But they're like brother and sister before anyone gets any ideas, yeah? Again, these people are... We've grown up with them.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Family we've chosen. Yeah, yeah. It's weird. It's no go. So... I think Juan said he was going to come yeah single but again i don't know how single one is yeah so sorry we sidetracked as we always do but um yeah what do you think my first let me just yeah do the first comment yeah so i'm thinking
Starting point is 00:18:59 that you are making a bit that you are not making a big enough deal of this that is effing weird and creepy like that it'd be the only thing i'd talk about for years it would become my personality every feature of that photo and your friend's car did you try reverse image searching the girl's face on oh that's good see i do that all the time when we're looking for people yeah i do that a lot now as well yeah i've worked out how to do it because once that the last one yeah yeah who's last wanker we're not we're not okay sorry the last narcissist yeah yeah the last one sent me an image of when he was having a moment and he went down to the coast and he told me that he'd gone um all the way down to um cornwall anyway i sent a picture of the beach and i googled i google
Starting point is 00:19:59 imaged it and that's not where that image was from so she's on a date with another woman that probably is true he was he's on a weekend date yeah anyway um yeah that's why i really like that google image thing yeah actually it's brilliant well so if harry um and i found a skull we didn't know what it belonged to so we googled imaged it and we found out that it was actually a i think it was a fox so that's cool really good it's like when my cats bring me birds i'm like what bird is that yeah it's awesome yeah yeah no i love it and when i'm a bee or the kids found a bee at school we had a massive bee out there the other day oh my god have you seen on the news about the spiders the sizes no so last night me and harry were coming back and there was a when i say massive spider even
Starting point is 00:20:46 harry was like that is a massive spider i don't mind spiders yeah i don't want them in my house though i'd rather them not yeah but i don't mind them because generally they keep away the mosquitoes and i'm good for that yeah no i don't want any part of it ever. I haven't even got up to my next story. Right, so I think that's an unexplained glitch in the matrix slash paranormal. Because not being seen in the image, I don't know if she's a spirit or she's trying to warn him. Do you know what I mean? She's like this in the picture. You know like when we go on the parallel universes which does kind of match up with the matrix yeah and then it's like it's sending you a warning like that man that didn't get in the car crash
Starting point is 00:21:35 because he had driven that road before and moved at the last minute for something told him to so i mean i those are the kind of stories i absolutely thrive on i love them but yeah i would reverse image search but they commented at all no nothing at all there's a lot of comments but not from them that's a shame in it right are we ready yeah you just double-checking I am double-checking but then nothing night I don't think no what a shame that they didn't answer more oh oh go on so someone had made up really really long ass comment which I'm not gonna read yeah we don't care and their response was we have we have to go through the motions consistent with a belief that the world is where we have to work and experience things
Starting point is 00:22:34 but we also have to remember that this isn't our real home that was their comment that's really cool that's what i said to you all the time where are we really they're common that's really cool that's what i said to you all the time where are we really you're like don't don't don't wish i wish no no but doesn't that tell you babe that there is more there's more going on than we're aware of on yes i know i know what you're saying and i don't say i don't say no no no no but that's what i'm saying to you you're saying. And I don't say, I don't say no. No, no, no. But that's what I'm saying to you. And I'm not shut off to it. You're not shut off, but you're more shut off.
Starting point is 00:23:09 You are forever trying to be rational. And I probably like that. And I do look at things and I'm like, come on, guys. Yeah. I mean, I do like that because that's where the debate comes. But then, yeah, there are some crazy shit that, like, that wallet one, that really upset you. That wound me up yeah because actually i couldn't rationalize that so for anyone that hasn't been on the podcast before on our
Starting point is 00:23:32 earlier glitch in the matrix podcast you can go back to that if you've joined it tuning into this podcast yeah then there was a guy who went for a pee in the bush 12 years later lost yeah lost his wallet 12 years later for whatever reason pulled at the same place had a pee and there was the wallet as good as new with the same money all is everything in it but obviously dated um id and whatnot would obviously dated back yeah to 12 years and she got so upset but i was like that is the glitch that's the glitch in the matrix right it is are you ready to move on yeah yeah yeah sorry no it's fine it's fine um right someone said something about carbon monoxide but they now have carbon monoxide poisoning so how did the photo get there did the gas gas take the photo? I don't even, some people on it, they're doing what you do.
Starting point is 00:24:28 You clearly have carbon monoxide poisoning. That wasn't me, I didn't say that. No, because you can't explain the picture. No, it's bizarre. Yeah, right. Bizarre. This is, I haven't read any today because I prefer being surprised more than i prefer know what's know what's coming um yeah i love things like that especially when they're stories that will upset you
Starting point is 00:24:49 it brings me joy right my eyesight improved significantly what substantially my eyesight improved substantially oh do you know what they just made me think of have you watched uh away brilliant i know i loved that i i've literally i absolutely loved it two series really enjoying it yeah finished where are you on one or two i'm on two yeah don't tell me it's yeah yeah i absolutely loved that right but anyway my eyesight improved wait i it's so good i recommend that i sat down to watch some tv about an hour ago and put my glasses on like i have for the last 20 years or so know the feeling and they were blurry figured i needed to clean them i looked at the screen and all the text was clear I could still see the
Starting point is 00:25:49 ab ab sorry I'm dyslexic for anyone that's listening are you operations aberrations I don't know what that means uh I usually do but it was all clear I usually do but it was all clear I could still see the aberrations I don't know what that means anyway but it was all clear even typing this out on my phone I can clearly see the screen what the hell I'm not going to read the update yet because I feel like I read the update too soon before okay a departure from what is normal usual or expected so what they could normally see i hate when people put big words in just per it was weird um what do you think so far so imagine all of us i mean i'm already rational with this yeah good do it be rational with it so she's worn glasses for however long or he whoever is they sorry yeah sorry yeah they haven't they
Starting point is 00:26:52 haven't given um detail into why they wear glasses at this point um but my my youngest wears glasses and the reason why he's currently wearing glasses is to create his lazier eye to be stronger so that he doesn't have to wear his glasses as much, making his eye stronger. Right. So that potentially is what her glasses per day, they. Okay. Okay, but I just want to take you. Go on. They have been wearing them for 20 years, so it's not a lazy eye situation.
Starting point is 00:27:23 I don't have to wear my glasses right now you can see what can you see can you see all that writing yeah so behind us i've got writing on my tv i can see it can't read the writing that's on the phone right now i can't although i can't read them with doing this i can just about see but i my every two years I generally get a stronger prescription and I know that I'm ready for a stronger prescription because obviously things become difficult to see however that hasn't happened yet so even when I go to the opticians I don't think if there's a slight difference I don't think it would be anything substantial like I normally am but that's normal for me there's definitely a deterioration but a very slight one so I'm keeping I don't have a theory yet I like your theory that sometimes because they said that my so I've got stigma in both
Starting point is 00:28:18 and when I last went two years ago they said that my worst eye my left is my left but my right eye was helping my left stigma improve yeah so there is always things that can improve your eyesight so i'm not taking normality out of this okay um so i'm gonna read the top comment and you're gonna love it. Go on. Were you recently bitten by a spider? That. Spider-man! That's the one.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Right. So I'm gonna read the update. I wish that was my comment now. Yeah I know. Are you Spider-man though? Are you a Spider-man? I prefer to be bitten by a spider than a goat. Can you imagine being a goat man?
Starting point is 00:29:07 I thought that was the thing. That's my mind. I was just thinking of all the things, what superhero, can you imagine being goat girl? Right, update. Make an appointment for tomorrow. Can I stop you for one sec wiggle your butt over slightly right because i feel like i'm like coming out you're literally not even in it yeah i'm like it's all about you emily right um right update make an appointment for tomorrow
Starting point is 00:29:37 with the optician okay all right i will update again thanks for your suggestions update two there is no progress in muscular deterioration full test 3d image he said it is a thing that happens with age this is a decrease in prescription needed by one said that it happens quite often no glitch just age so she's saying with age her eyes got better well i'm wondering she's worn her glasses and her eyes have been able to correct themselves over that prolonged time unless her it is spider-man it is it is a stigma and the stigma is improving that's what i'm saying to you normally by now i'm like wow i need a new pair of glasses that's not what's happening so i'm assuming the stigma is being helped by the right eye is helping the left even more yeah and that is why i'm not deteriorating so i could say i've got an improved vision from what
Starting point is 00:30:46 i would have normally yeah i like the way you're bitten uh not that i'm aware of i definitely i'll take you if i get a six pack i want a six pack i've got like a one pack uh try not doing this someone said are you 30 and somehow mistaken for a high schooler don't understand a radioactive spider maybe same comments um i quite like that it's a rational yeah there wasn't too much metric in it i I don't think there is. I feel like it's more definitely far more rational than anything else. Sorry. That's all right. It won't move. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Sorry. You said sorry. Right, go. Okay. Saw my ex-coworker announced she was going to have a girl. She didn't know the gender until the birth and the post doesn't exist. Okay, that's cool. Yes, but like oh my god yeah i like that one i feel like i'm losing my mind my post my past co-worker has two boys she became pregnant with
Starting point is 00:32:01 her second baby boy while we were still working together and before she knew the gender would talk about how she hopes it's a girl as this will be their last baby. Well he was a beautiful little boy and she was head over heels first toward first forward first forward blah blah blah blah fast forward six years later we're still friends and social on social media and late last year she announced baby girl with the last name coming july 24 uh written on a on chalk with her boys in the picture. I literally even told my husband, oh yay, co-worker's name, is having a girl. I know she's always wanted a girl. A couple days ago, she had her baby girl, absolutely perfect baby girl. But she wrote, finding out the gender at birth was the most magical experience I have ever gone through in life and I'm so grateful. And I was like, what? So I went back and her announcement post was the exact same picture, but not the pink chalk or anything that indicated a baby girl.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Even in the comments, people were asking, do you know the gender? And she responded, no, we're going to wait this time. It's our last baby and we want to experience the surprise. I'm not confusing her with anyone else either, I'm not confusing her with anyone else either as no one else is going through the two boys and then a girl scenario. I have two older brothers and always smile every time knowing how funny it was having two bigger brothers. I also have two boys so it's fun to think about a possible daughter one day. I'm tripping out. It was so weird and she's not the type to want attention or act like she didn't know when she did. I even told my husband all of the same and he confirmed I told him she was having a girl so yeah my friends
Starting point is 00:34:26 I think I finally experienced my big glitch in the matrix what do you think I think it's a glitch a glitch in the matrix yeah yeah because I mean I mean I do get that you're like you look at someone you like guess oh you're having a girl you're having a boy but to physically see a post and tell your husband and he remembers that then i don't know it's a bit parallel universe a baby girl on her way yeah how did how could she possibly know yeah that's what i'm saying subconsciously yeah no but it's that i would say yeah like she had a feeling she knew she said well you're gonna have a girl you're having a girl whatever but it's the um it's that she said she saw a post of it yeah she seemed very confident that she saw that she saw a post told her husband oh they posted they're having a girl finally yeah brilliant so that is um that's making me think that it is a glitch in the matrix slash parallel
Starting point is 00:35:34 universe i just want to reach and get my drink so the top post is seriously glitches make you question your own sanity the ones I've experienced are no different than yours I've even went as far as talking screenshots of certain events just in case they suddenly change bad well I was like she needs to calm down it's annoying especially when you know like when you think you've done something and then it turns out you haven't done that what does that mean that I've literally visualized and done it all in my brain yeah that's the next one that feeling is like being in a dream carrying something that disappears from your hands as you wake up and then someone else goes spot on perfectly described that's what I'm saying like how
Starting point is 00:36:20 frustrating yeah I mean taking screenshots of everything that's really like i screenshot that's proper psycho i do that yeah because you know like um uh like if you get a fine or something and then they go you didn't pay it so even though i know i do i know it's on my bank yeah things like that or if you pay like somewhere parking i screenshot because i'm like i did pay that do you know what i mean just in case they're like no I do but like not not my mate's posts where they've said oh no some green trainers and then they're wearing blue trainers I'm like hey where's your green trainers and they're like I've never had green trainers and you're like that no no I've screenshot it you definitely yeah I've never cared that much about stuff like that no exactly that but it would But it would make you, especially if you think that you've seen the post,
Starting point is 00:37:06 it would make you want to start doing that. If it happened enough, it probably would make you. Yeah, because you're like, I'm going crazy. Or I'm a full-on psychic and I need to start making some money at this. Huh? Oh, my gosh. I mean, that's where it would take me. I'd be like, oh, I've clearly got the gift.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Show me the money. I have the gift. Too much, too much. Are you ready to move on? Right. I've just found this because obviously I can't get my other Reddit. Right. Interesting story.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Let's hope it is, yeah? I'm not 100% certain it will be. Right. Seven years ago, I was moving away from Colorado that is it isn't it Colorado and when me and my family were loading a truck we brought all our stuff we had his truck full of my mother's jewelry mine and my dad's coin collection family photos and some other stuff that was uh valuable when we were inside our house the truck was stolen out of the back of our moving truck it's very confusing it sounds like a truck in a track um or is she saying trunk let me just double check trunk that's where i was going wrong we had a trunk inside with all the valuables and
Starting point is 00:38:33 the uh right when we were inside our house the trunk was stolen out of the back of the moving truck that makes more sense um we were all really sad because the jewelry and the coins were both valuable and we lost all of the family photos but we didn't really think we could do anything so we just finished packing and moved to Virginia my grandma lived a few hours north of us in Virginia called and said that he had found the trunk full of all the stuff in his attic okay we drove up later and who granddad right hold on let me just go found the trunk my grandfather lives a few hours north of Virginia and called to say he found the trunk in the attic we drove up later that week and it was the trunk hold on shut up let me finish let me finish right and then you can let it process we thought that we thought it got stolen everything was there my granddad says
Starting point is 00:39:47 he doesn't know how it got there and he doesn't remember us or him putting it there but but could just be because he's 85 my experience my only explanations are that the trunk never got stolen and that my grandfather accidentally took it when he was helping us get settled into our new house or this one's kind of a stretch but there's an identical trunk that is full of my grandfather's stuff that got stolen and we never had the trunk with the jewelry in the first place it's probably not supernatural but it's interesting story anyway now go that was a fucking head spinner right so there was this trunk yes from colorado yes that went
Starting point is 00:40:47 to virginia but didn't make it to virginia yes it went missing so they put it in the back of the truck to move to virginia and it went stolen went missing got stolen we're saying stolen we're saying missing she's saying stolen she says i'm saying missing it went missing that's not her account i'm it went you're making your account okay yeah okay yeah all. It went missing. That's not her account. I'm. It went missing. You're making your account. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Yeah. All right. It went missing. I'll give you it. But then it's turned up at granddad's who only lives a couple of hours. In Virginia. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 00:41:17 In his loft. Initially. I was like. Granddad's taken it. But when you said in the loft, I'm like that, hmm. Because he doesn't remember taking it to the loft. How would he have got it up into the loft? Right.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And then I got thrown. Why? What threw you? Because now I'm like, well, even if it wasn't missing and Grandad took it, how the fuck did he get up in the loft? Without knowing that he took it up into the loft um yeah it's confused i feel confused top comment go on i wouldn't describe glitches as supernaturals anyway uh but if you are talking about what sounds like a decent size trunk oops like child like the likelihood of an
Starting point is 00:42:08 85 year old man seizing it taking it back to his house and taking it up to the attic yeah or without anyone seeing him and totally forgetting that he had done it the chances seemed very small yeah i'm with you and then she what's your conclusion they wrote back and said i don't know man i'm just i don't know man i don't know man i just grasping at straws they're now from wherever that accent's from um i'm here for an explanation. Perhaps somebody from the spiritual realm wanted it in a safe place with the important memories in there. No.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Well, you're saying no, babe, but that's where we jumped to with the car one. Yeah, so how did it get in the loft? Well, fucking Caspar can lift anything because he's hard, isn't he? He's a ghost. See, now you've just taken it to a different level. And then somebody said... I brought Casper in.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Somebody felt guilty about, after taking the trunk and made the decision to give it back without anyone knowing, the would-be thief slid it back into the family quietly on the sly relative there's always the odd or questionable one or more that could be an explanation again granddad's attic yeah i i don't know what to tell you this is a stomper this is a glitch in the matrix, right? This is a glitch in the matrix. There's no other explanation for it.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Someone's getting the blame. Yeah, it's that auntie, the weird one. The weird one. The weird auntie. It's definitely... Here's all the jewellery there, though. Did he say why it happened to be in the attic when he found it my guess would be because what was he doing in the attic shall i bring an art i have no idea i've got
Starting point is 00:44:12 too i have no idea i've got too many so this person has written back the op has said my guess would be because they are working on moving into a house across town when he, when it was found and he is someone, and he is someone he hired found the, found the trunk. Oh, so someone didn't find it. No, but he hired someone maybe to look for stuff for their new house.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I don't really know. And then he was like, Oh, what's this trunk? then he was like oh what's this trunk and he's like oh by the way i've got that trunk with all your family photos and that and valuables in somebody right here we go just to clarify yeah when it's in clarification please so this is this is somebody else just to clarify when it was, was it stolen for sure or did you think it was stolen? Question. It went missing.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I mean, you packed a lot of things and put through, and put through, there's the trunk. Okay, hold on. Being it's fully, it's full of valuables, perhaps someone deposited it with grump with gramps to keep it safe during the move i'm just trying to understand if all three of you saw the trunk when it was gone or expected to see the trunk there and thought it was stolen so last this is the last comment from op i just don't see how that would be possible possible because it went missing in colorado he was still in virginia all three of us thought the trunk was stolen it's a glitch i'm giving it i'm i'm awarding i'm stamping it's turned up at
Starting point is 00:46:06 granddad's so can we stamp this with glitch in the matrix i just don't know well give me an explanation i haven't got one well then we have to stamp it with the glitch with the glitch in the matrix like we did it was at granddad's house that's all and not turn up in their new house in the attic because then that wouldn't be a real fucking glitch yeah but then you would have gone I wonder if granddad put it in the attic in the new house we have to give it to the paranormal thank you glitch yay okay but that's my first glitch of the day so we're gonna give you one more over to me this is really short okay like really short fine so homeless guy called my name i did have this one on that phone it's super duper short yeah okay but i liked it said annie
Starting point is 00:46:55 come back no that's not in the story. I just made that up. We've got a disacquaint in the matrix. What the? It doesn't. Shut up. I don't know now. Shut up. Stop. Stop talking. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:11 A homeless guy calls my name. Travelling across England today, I stepped out of King's Cross train station to get lunch and on my way out of McDonald's, a homeless guy looked me in the eye and said my name. Nothing before, nothing after. There is no way that he knows me as I don't live in London and he is at least 30 years older than me. Creeped me out, but I didn't respond. That's it.
Starting point is 00:47:44 That's all she gave me. Okay. I mean, you know. I don't know. Have you been... Lauren. You might... Lauren, is that you?
Starting point is 00:47:59 Lauren. Someone might respond. But... I don't know if that's a glitch in and make i don't know because it would freak me out if someone's like raquel why would someone shout yeah oh my god who's shouting raquel no i'm saying if we're out, someone goes, Raquel. I'll be like, yes, bruv.
Starting point is 00:48:28 No, if someone shouted Ellie, no, then I would be like, do I know you? Why didn't they ask? I don't know. He clearly knew her. I mean, he looks 30 years older, but he could be 26. He's homeless. He's having a fucking hard time. Don't be judging now. That's exactly what I'm saying to her. Don't judge that he's 30 years older, but he could be 26. He's homeless. He's having a fucking hard time. Don't be judging now.
Starting point is 00:48:46 That's exactly what I'm saying to her. Don't judge that he's 30 years older. She doesn't know that. So. The amount of times you've been in like a shop and someone's like, come on now, Emily. And I've looked around like, okay. I get a lot of, if I haven't got my glasses on, you ignored me. No, I didn't see you.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I can't see you. I didn't see you. I promise you, I wasn't ignoring you i can't see you didn't see you i promise you i wasn't ignoring you so their top comment yes happened to my mom once in a grocery store i mean that is where it happens all the fucking time raquel i was walking down an aisle with her when a small boy riding uh in the front of a shopping cart passed by with his mother he pointed at my mum and said her name then he said it again and again Katie Katie her name is Katie the mother of this young boy was very upset asking how my mother knew her son and why does he know your name? Because she thinks her husband's cheating.
Starting point is 00:49:49 It was super unnerving. More uncomfortable. Unnerving. And I still have no idea what was going on. But I do know for a fact my mother had never seen that little boy before. Of course she hasn't. That's not what your dad said. Literally. Well, if it was a little
Starting point is 00:50:07 child the answer might be i i knew her before i died oh i mean maybe because they say that some children are born remembering their past lives and how they died i mean that's just another yeah that is just off topic and on a whole other board game altogether. I think, I don't know, listen, if someone calls your name and looks you directly in the eye and says, Emily, then the normal thing to do would go... Look away and run. Like this bird did. No, the normal thing would be like, yes, babe, do I know you?
Starting point is 00:50:47 It's me me your dad hi daddy yeah I mean I don't know what so I don't know I'm not giving it glitch because that person could possibly know her yeah he might even be homeless yeah he would might just finish work yeah he's just yeah I mean or I've known her and the family when she was younger like oh my god Katie I mean now I've got Katie from somewhere
Starting point is 00:51:18 where did I get Katie from okay yeah I think it's uh oh I mean she I feel she's saying that he's like a homeless person who said he was homeless she said he was what what was giving her she looked and she went we've all been London I've seen plenty of people I generally look at my father and I am definitely on the morning after it was a bit judgy it was a bit judgy so i'm not giving it yeah i'm not with it a stamp but i'm not saying it wasn't weird either what what i do find more weird is that she didn't say yes love yes brother can i help you yeah what's up like you're staring right at me you know my name do i know you that's stranger than going oh my god he hasn't got a home and
Starting point is 00:52:07 running off like a weirdo like it's weird on reddit yeah someone said my name oh yeah anyway so yeah she got slated so yeah i'm done with her that's it moved on yeah okay so mine is very short i'm finishing on a small one today um i just want to put it out there and whilst we're doing the live on tiktok that we do have a subreddit middle-aged opinion if you've got stories that you'd like us to read come over and put them on there we would love that we absolutely would it would be so much love to read your stories we'd love to give our opinion and then if you specifically come over there and you put your story on there would be so much fun. We'd love to read your stories. We'd love to give our opinion on there. And then if you specifically come over there and you put your story on there, it would be nice just because we know that you've specifically come all the way over.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Yeah. Yeah. We wouldn't be mean. Well, I would try not to be mean. I wouldn't be mean. I can't talk for her. I'm saying I would do my very best. Or if I've got to give you advice in the loving way it could be anything about anything
Starting point is 00:53:08 so anyway moving on yeah we've lived a bit of life just a bit we're 40 for anyone that cares yeah I mean we can't advise you but we can give our opinion and you can take it or leave it it's not possible exactly the same as we do when people give us their opinion we generally leave it it's not possible exactly the same as we do when people give us their opinion we generally leave it nice one yeah right double take a few weeks away you're still on that i thought he was gonna say double chin then i don't know why paul said to me earlier he was having a shave and he went like i've got an old man and i was like yeah you had that for years babe and he went oh oh he didn't know he's like he didn't know he didn't know and i was like he just noticed it today shaving and i was like i don't know how you haven't seen that before
Starting point is 00:53:57 it's been there for a while i mean i still love him him yeah sorry for yeah I'm like now I'm like yeah I know everyone's like yeah do you know I keep seeing before we do start this story cast rail I use it you use it where on my face
Starting point is 00:54:18 oh why are you connected to full wifi then I'm joking do you what do you do a couple of drops so i've just been using it across my forehead how long across i sleep in it and for how long have you been doing it uh a couple of weeks now actually you've seen it as well yeah yeah i've got cast and i've kind of got some tape because the lady who i've seen it off of i know who you're talking about she's got like red hair, ginger hair she's got tape on top of her lines to make sure it goes right in there
Starting point is 00:54:50 to hold it's good for breaking up lumps and all sorts in your body my mum I've got new castor oil and my mum's like what to eat maybe I'll put it there for Paul strap his head it clears your bowels it does Maybe I'll put it there for Paul. He used to eat it.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Strap his head. Back in the day. Yeah, but it clears your bowels. It does. It does. I actually regret not so. When I worked in the care home and I was pregnant with Alfie, my friend Sharon, she used to say to me,
Starting point is 00:55:19 when you get to the, I'm joking. No, you are not. She really looks like she's connected, especially when the eyebrows up and the hairline. Yeah, to me can uh she said um drink some castor oil and that'll make the baby kind i didn't really i don't know about the baby bit but as far as rub it down there as well as far as on skin on hair it's it's i i don't put it on my hair I use Argon for my hair well I've only just discovered a condition I said don't mind me they say to talk about that it's not so damaging to not close your cuticles anyway moving
Starting point is 00:55:57 on to the last story right scuffling the way I look don't frizz head yeah okay double take a few weeks ago i was looking through my our arcade of photos and noticed that back in 2013 i took a picture of a random sunset on the street love finding things like that yeah on the street and happened to capture a hyundai hyundai crv that i now own in the present day 2024 same color and trim all this time i was driving a kia kia when i was in mys, it would have never crossed my mind I'd own a Hyundai. Hyundai. I feel like I say that right.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Yeah. This morning, the 8th of the 14th, 24, so literally the other, literally, was that yesterday? I don't even know what the day is.
Starting point is 00:57:04 I feel like it's the 14th yesterday yes it was yeah my dad went in for surgery i was looking through my archive some more and some exact exact things but this time i took a random picture in 2019 during this time i was driving a chevy um am i predicting my own future not knowing about it so he's taken a picture of a chevy now he's wondering if that's going to be the next car that he gets i feel like he will now like he's subconsciously looking for it. So what you're saying is if he goes and takes a picture of a Bentley. Shall we try that? He's manifesting. Shall we try that?
Starting point is 00:57:51 A Bentley. Yeah, we'll try that. I want a Land Rover. Yeah, let's take a picture. I am manifesting. We're discovering, seeing the new discoveries. I love them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Right, anyway, what do you think? Listen, I believe in manifestation. I don't know about through photos. Yeah. Right, anyway, what do you think? Listen, I believe in manifestation. I don't know about through photos. Yeah. But, you know, I do feel like... But what do you think about you taking the picture... What was the first picture taken? The picture in 2013 was of a Hyundai CR-V.
Starting point is 00:58:21 You don't have to say that with an accent. Hyundai. CR-V. Hyundai. i feel like i can't say hyundai the more you say it the more wrong it is but yeah yes he's not wrong anyway and he now owns that car now 2024 so he took the picture in 2013 and now he owns that car 2024 but the picture wasn't of the car he just was in the car no no no no it was just in the picture because it was i took a picture of a random sunset on the street and happened to catch her catch her a hyundai crv yeah that i now own happened to be in that picture
Starting point is 00:59:01 yeah but he i was a purposeful so he owns the same car now with the same trim yeah glitch yeah maybe i think maybe a glitch i don't know whether it's glitch yeah or manifestation yeah i feel like it's more manifestation yeah although he's not saying that that was the car he wanted but maybe like subconsciously it was a car he wanted but that's what i'm saying obviously gone and got it yeah because then he's like he's now um taken a photo and there's a chevy from 2019 and he's like is it going to be my next car so now i think that he is subconsciously going to go out and look for a chevy that's what i'm saying to you now that i don't think that that was i think that was by chance whatever but this i think now he will now go out and get a chevy
Starting point is 00:59:58 because it's now holiday to buy holiday to buy holiday to buy well fingers crossed so that is that yeah i think manifestation i think more manifestation maybe a little bit of a glitch there because it is weird it is weird yeah but not in like a that's messed up no weird no just in in the you know i feel like i don't know it's like sometimes with colors isn't it if you see a color sometimes i'll be like i'll end up wearing that color because i've looked at that color before so it's in my mind already when i'm choosing the color that i'm wearing yeah unlike me that blends into your sofa no this is hot this is fuchsia but not in not in there it isn't oh no yeah i suppose it's very purple as well right my darlings i'm gonna end the podcast so until next time my loves and then we'll just
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