Middle-aged opinion - I am having an affair

Episode Date: March 5, 2025

Today, we’ve taken a look at people who are having the affair. We wanted to see what led them to cheat on their partner. What led them to be so disloyal to the ones that they say they love we hope y...ou enjoyed today’s episode although our views remain the same that if you don’t wanna be with someone you should in the relationship as you’re hurting yourself and others along the way and it’s simply not fair to be so disloyal .

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wow, what do you think of that? What do you think of that? Well I think that girl has got everything that she needs. Can you put your arm out for a sec? Alright fine. I can see it now. Are you there? I can't see that side for some reason, I don't know why. Because there's nobody on that side. This looks dark. And it don't help that I've got that weird timid thing on my thing.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Oh yeah yeah. So I'm like, I think. Only you can see it. But you've got to be in front of it. Did you manage to find good stories? Oh for fuck's sake, it's next to you. What is? My laptop.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Oh forget it. Did you manage to find good stories? Yeah, I actually read some of their. Oh. Always makes a nice change. It does. It's less confusing when you read it out loud because you can just... me when they've done so many mistakes and that I just read it how it's meant to be read now. All night that's not what they meant at all this is what they meant. I had my own fucking bits. Oh.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I stayed at my mum's last night. Oh did you? How come? They wanted to sleep over. Okay. Where did you sleep on the sofa? No, my bed. Why, because it's cleared now, the room. Yeah, there's an actual bedroom. And they were in their bunk beds?
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah. Fucking hell. Yeah. It was quite nice though. Yeah, and normally I don't sleep so great because the beds really soft but you did sort of a lot because me and Hattie went out for a run what's that coffee like? was it alright? it's nice it's not very strong no no it's nice I'm so fucking tired I can't cope with it no all I've done is complain that they haven't done any work now they're doing the work all I'm so fucking tired. I can't cope with it. No. All I've done is complain that they haven't done any
Starting point is 00:01:48 work. Now they're doing the work, all I'm doing is complaining. I'm trying not to, not to them anyway. It is like that and they're in and out, in and out, in and out the door, bang, bang, bang. Like I'm grateful for Cookie not being here in the sense that she would have been traumatized. for Cookie not being here in the sense that she would have been traumatized don't you'd be like what what's happening what's up someone's here again hello yeah the cats don't come in so they've gone except cupcake it's like that at the window who are you like yeah I'm like don't do anything. So they open the door to let her in. I went I wouldn't touch her if I were you. Don't even look at her. Yeah. Don't even look at her. I'm gonna rip your face off mate. Don't even look at her. I love her so much. If she's in one room, come out the window and go around the house to get
Starting point is 00:02:39 in the other because it's dangerous. So dangerous. It's so dangerous. It's so dangerous. Do you value your life? Yeah. Come on now. I don't know why she's like that and then other times she's a delight. She's so mad. She's so mad. But we love it. She wakes up and chooses violence. She's like every day. She does. She's like oh you can tickle me but without going like that's enough she's just fucking attack ya Done! Yeah you're like oh you should have said something I didn't realise I whispered it
Starting point is 00:03:13 Yeah It was that flip I did Did you not see? Yeah A twitch on my ear I say we snuggled out going to sleep No you did this last week. I feel like I've been like this for a little while to be fair. A bit run down.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Right, I'm trying to think what we're going to call this one. Cheaters point of view? I had no idea. Cheaters point of view. Cheaters side of the story. Okay, that's quite good yeah. Okay, are you ready? Are you ready?
Starting point is 00:03:42 No, not even a little bit. See what happens. Yeah, it's too long of a tie. Cheat is side of the story. Okay, that's quite good. Yeah. Okay, you ready? Are you ready? No, not even a little bit. See what I mean? I'm losing my mind, honestly. Testing, one, two, three.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I did test them, so fingers crossed. Right. I think we're good. I feel like that feels good. Just try not to get that on your carpet. I might put that on the other side if I missed. Okay. Are we good?
Starting point is 00:04:18 Are you ready? You're looking for your thing that shields the noise. No, no. I'm over it. You've moved on. Like a couple of episodes ago I moved on. You finally accepted. Like it was all on the episode as well. It was yeah it was like and you're like yes you do and I was like no I don't. No difference at all. Right ready. And that's all I've got. Hello everyone and welcome to Middle-aged Opinion.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I'm your host Ellie. And I'm your host Emily. And today we're going to look at, I'm having an affair. So from the affairs point of viewaters rather than the victim of the crime it is a crime massively I mean one of the stories I've got which obviously we get to he's like he doesn't realize that what he's doing is wrong and it's so weird that someone can write something down and not realize what they're doing is completely disgusting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:29 So yeah, I just, I think I came across one and I was like, that is why I decided to do this. I was like, oh, okay, I get it. So it's not your fault, I didn't realize. It never is. No. So I'm gonna, are you happy for me to kick off? Yeah, please do.
Starting point is 00:05:44 So I am having an affair I never thought this would happen I 31 and That I have been married for nine years no children and truly love my spouse Okay, I'm sorry, I'm gonna take it off so I love them the moment I saw them I've always said that and I've always believed it I still believe that this is a disaster I know what I am doing is wrong, but I also don't want to stop but I'm
Starting point is 00:06:16 But I know this is going to end in catastrophe. I Can see it now I realize it but I can't stop. We met 12 years ago and I'd run away to university as my family put it. I'd never dated anyone before and I grew up in a family which didn't give a lot of love, so I took to love very enthusiastically and very willingly. I proposed after two years and then told my family they were not they were not very pleased at all using different words but the meaning began hold on but the meaning begin that they would that they weren't good enough oh basically they mean that they were not good enough for my family. Of course, I didn't put, this didn't put me off at all,
Starting point is 00:07:09 but as I've got older and as, what is going on? Speak woman! As I'm an older man now, I can't help but to think, I don't know what's happening with me. My brain's like, if part of my decision and my determination was because they didn't want me to do it. We had a very stubborn and rebellious relationship against those old-fashioned ideas. We got married and my family didn't come but two of my cousins. Still it was a lovely late
Starting point is 00:07:46 summer day in the English countryside and I and we were very happy. Since then we've had a happy life moving to London a few years ago, we brought our home, last year I got my dream job and my spouse finished their masters degree and it is about to start some meaningful work now which they really do care about. We are blessed. I met my lover about five months ago at an event at an art gallery. They walked in so so beautiful. We had never seen each other before but through a crowd of a hundred people we instantly locked eyes from across the room and it was like being struck by lightning. I'm like stirring today I'm telling you. It seems like we both knew instantly and then we walked directly over to each other,
Starting point is 00:08:47 passed everyone and started talking. And it felt like our souls already knew each other, the rest of the night we just stood in the corner ignoring everyone else, talking, whispering, smiling the whole night. The whole world melted away and it was just us. We kissed that night just briefly. It was so unexpected, but it felt like nourishment. We parted that night, promising to meet again soon after. Since then, we have met for lunches, then dinners,
Starting point is 00:09:21 then late night cocktails, and even more intimate. We shared a bed not even having sex just holding each other all night long. Waking up in each other's arms kissing each other awake. Gosh I don't know how else to explain it. We're the same coin, we read the same books. We talk about the same art. We write about the same philosophers. We came, we even came from the same exclusive social class. She pissing me off. It's like we were literally made for each other. We move in the same social circles. How didn't we meet ten years ago? Last weekend after five months
Starting point is 00:10:06 of joy in just knowing each other, we made love for the first time. And it was like being reborn. We said that we loved each other and it's true. My lover doesn't know I'm married. I'm lying to both of them. I don't know what to do. I'm not like this. I'm not, I'm lying to both of them, I don't know what to do, I'm not like this, I'm not sensitive, I'm not manipulative, I'm not even a luxurious man, I never have been. I have a low sex drive and always have and it isn't about sex, this is about love. My spouse is sweet, pretty, and genuine and kind. A fawn of a person. One can understand my type. My lover is beautiful, intelligent, interesting,
Starting point is 00:11:02 highly educated, well-read, passionate, challenging, a lion. Me, I'm a dog. God, what am I going to do? Done. Sorry about that guys, I'm on antibiotics, I'm feeling a bit ill today, so my brain is like... Go. No sympathy? Honestly, I worry about me. What am I to do? What is one to do in such a moment? You know he is that type of dickhead.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah, I'm not a bad guy. We're from the same class, absolutely. Shut the fuck up. He doesn't love his wife. He's full of shit. No, he doesn't love his wife he's full of shit no he doesn't even love this girl either because even if they did end up together I think he would do the same thing fall in love across the way I mean the fact that she doesn't know that he's married makes me feel a bit better in the sense that she doesn't know that she is a mistress although I feel sorry for her as well because he's
Starting point is 00:12:07 technically cheating on both of them I don't know how he's getting all the time what if he's not reading art shows? That's not technically happening at the end of the day there was one there before the other but she doesn't know about it hopefully she doesn't he's saying she doesn't but about it. Hopefully she doesn't. He's saying she doesn't, but who's to say she hasn't got one of those friends that scope everyone out and then actually she does know but she doesn't care. I don't know. Anyway, I'm putting words in her mouth, but I just, I don't understand how people think that if this is the love of his life, tell your
Starting point is 00:12:46 spouse as you keep referring to her and let the girl get on with her life. What I particularly liked about this man is how he had about three nice things to say about his wife and about 13 for his mistress. That's just it like that is just kicking someone When they're down even worse, it's like this is what's wrong with her. You're all right, but she's better. Yeah. Yeah, that's literally what you'll you'll do But she's more yeah Exactly, and this is what I'm saying. It's not like He's like I can't choose between these women he's clearly already made his choice in my in my opinion the top comment says neither
Starting point is 00:13:30 of them know this can't end well and then you have no idea what love is you're going to end up destroying lives and you will end up hate being hated by everyone this is it this is common with my hair yeah me too this is common with affairs. I hate you. Yeah me too. This is common with affairs. It feels exciting because she isn't who you pay the bills for and who sees you brushing your teeth. Serial adulterer. Massively. That's what I'm saying. This isn't who I am. I don't do these things It is who you are because you could have ended. It's not you know, you're he's made this Word of fantasized it hasn't it? What I like is they don't have kids. So it really could have been a Clean cut she would have been not when I say clean cut obviously she would have been devastated
Starting point is 00:14:21 But he has enough explained holding them together together but as he explained when I mean they've been together for a really long time and yes it would have been devastating but you are just making the whole situation worse and I don't believe that you're in love with either of these women I think it's the new the most new exciting thing because we run in the same circles get a life and if you're a fair partner finds out I hope that she leaves you because you have not only cheated on your wife and your family in her family you've lied that your whole relationship is a lie yeah it's never gonna work out it would
Starting point is 00:15:02 never work out which the clean not woman like us though because that would never. But who knows? Fuck knows. But yeah, piece of shit. So I feel like the whole podcast is gonna be like. I feel like that's the vibe. Yeah. You are a piece of shit. Yes exactly. I mean I do have one story. I hope there are. I hope there is a, I had an affair and I was up front and straight and yeah She hated me and she cut all my clothes up, but me and the affair are still together and happy ever after I hope there is something like that. I mean keep hoping because I didn't finally like that. Did you? Girl I had an affair with five years ago keeps popping up in my dreams and I want it to stop. Okay, piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:15:54 That was a bit creaky. The whole fucking table. Hang on. Right, I have reconciled with my wife a very long time ago. There are no secrets between us anymore. I was 45 during the affair. My ex-affair partner keeps popping up in my dreams. She's just there, floating in and out at least I think I do, so it's startling to affect me during the day. At first she would show up in passing. I'd be aware of her. It's now elevated to where we have conversations or she plays a more active role in the dream. It's really frustrating. During the affair she was a vice and it took a while for me to get over her. It was really just like a bad breakup. I didn't know why this is happening now. I haven't spoken or seen her in years. My marriage is terrific but it's not nearly as bad as it was before the affair. I've written a few letters to this ex-affair partner. Things I feel like I would want to say and then I
Starting point is 00:17:27 delete them. I hoped it would help but it seems to only ex-er-ate the problem anyway to be honest dreaming about her almost feels like I'm lying to my wife again even though I know I'm not I will not tell her as I'm sure it will raise unnecessary suspicion and I'd rather not worry her over nothing there's an edit should we talk about it first? Go on. So, the gist I'm getting is he came clean to his wife and they've worked through it. Yes. The affair was five years ago. Right. And sometimes your subconscious will, you know, maybe that's why he's thinking of
Starting point is 00:18:22 it, he's subconscious. I think if he tries to write to her, he's starting the affair all over again. Because that again is breaking the trust that somehow, luckily for you, you've managed to like build with your wife. And I think to do any stupid shit now, you may as well just walk away and leave this poor woman in peace. I feel like this is the point though, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:18:43 If he's thinking about her, where she clearly is for it to be popping into his head even if he isn't consciously thinking about her, yeah, if something going on that's reminding him whether it's a song or a smell or whatever. Listen it's okay to think about people, I think about the Avengers a lot do you know what I mean? Captain America hey but um and a little bit of Hulk Iron Man who else we got? Shove Black Widow in there at the same time I mean let's just all get together but yeah anyway it's okay to think about people but I think right in like this is getting dangerous again. Okay, oh let's hear the edit. Okay, edit. Yes, girl, woman, female, whatever. I didn't say child, did I? She was eight years younger than me. Lived with, lived with your boyfriend. Oh hang on, I
Starting point is 00:19:42 feel like there's something's happened in between here. Okay maybe go down and see what the comment the top comments are because I feel like he's replied. I feel like. He's angry. I don't know where it would be though. Okay yeah fine just just read and we're trying to piece it together. So yeah the edit yes. Girl, woman, female, whatever. I didn't say child did I? She was eight years younger than me. Lived with your boyfriend. Yeah she might mean her boyfriend yeah. No I'm just not going to leave my wife. Yeah this is people's comments. Yeah, he's replying back. I haven't talked about it with my therapist because I've been down that rabbit hole years ago. There is
Starting point is 00:20:33 something fundamentally stunt with my marriage. I understand that. He understands that. My wife does too. This woman showed me what I was missing out in a partner. Oh, I'm a piece of shit At the time she was very important to me. I love my wife. I do and he's just confirming to himself Oh, yeah, yeah at my wife. Yes, I do. I Can't see my life without her because she does everything for him selfish piece of shit Yeah, I cheated I told her the pain I caused so come on. Yeah told her Fucking twat the pain I caused her. It's just not worth it to cheat again I separated on my on my own accord for almost a year to get my head on straight. We dated a bit
Starting point is 00:21:28 before I moved back home. I still cared for the other woman. She was a close friend. She's getting worse and worse. The affair, the friendship, everything had to end so I wouldn't hurt my wife any longer. There are other things I'd rather work on with my therapist than discussing this other woman again and my marriage. You know what it's giving? It's giving slight narcissism. Now I hate throwing that word around easily but he cannot see the problem. He is the problem and if there's a problem with the marriage you don't even willing to try and talk about it with his therapist and try and and try and work on it there's something fundamentally
Starting point is 00:22:13 wrong with my marriage then leave that poor woman and start your life how you want to. Oh listen the other... I think I ain't finished Oh no, there's more. I have started writing again since the dreams become more occurring. I used to write to the other woman for times a week, four times a week, sometimes just rambling about my life, other times stories. I don't mind that I'm writing again. It's nice, but the more I write write the more curious I am of what she would think of my writing it's been a vicious circle as some others have suggested I've shared my writing with my wife but she's not interested
Starting point is 00:23:00 basically is what that says it's like I'm a kid going awful crayon drawings and when I show them to the teacher I get oh nice oh he wants someone to be patting him on the back. You've got no self esteem. No they never do. The dreaming is just so alive it it's kind of creeping me out as much as I can't stand it because it makes me anxious there has been nights where I almost hope I can slip into that world again even if it's just a dream that's all back to my main account you people are brutal you want to get fucking life mate all that oh mommy didn't know my poem all that says to me is actually whether he wants to say or not maybe he does love
Starting point is 00:23:51 his wife but he's not in love with that woman 100% if he feels that is you're right you can think of other people and then you move on. Yeah yeah yeah of course it's just a fantasy it's normal. This feels like he's fantasizing about it. Yeah. He's too curious. He's also, yes because he's writing things. What's she doing? What's she thinking? That's what I'm saying he is considering sending him her, I'm assuming he wants to be a writer or whatever bullshit it is that he wants to do and I think because he's not getting validation for his wife he's starting to think about things elsewhere I think that the marriage is doomed if I'm honest because he sounds like a man child I mean it's very normal for couples to not have the same interests very very normal and
Starting point is 00:24:47 that's okay you know when Paul starts talking about football I literally hear static I could not care less however I just do this you know I mean and she's probably doing the same and he knows that I couldn't give a fuck saying it's like vice versa do you know what I mean but this he literally needs validation from someone and I don't fuck saying it's like vice versa do you know I mean but this he literally needs validation from someone and I don't even think it's about the girl I think it's he's missing validation mm-hmm and his wife so sick of his shit she just can't be fucked yeah yeah the first comment first I hope you don't talk in your sleep because that would suck for you. Second, I'd be considering therapy by this point, obviously something is bothering
Starting point is 00:25:29 you and since you won't talk to your wife about the issues in your marriage, you've got to find someone else to talk to, which isn't the mistress. Absolutely. Basically. And listen, he has no idea how this mistress would react. He has no idea what would she be... She'd probably be like, fuck right off, mate. Well, I hope so.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Unless she knew, then that just makes her just as bad. Yeah, everyone's saying, therapist, see a therapist. That's why that comment. He does need to see a therapist. There's something wrong. Yeah, probably it's not about the girl itself, but your dream means something is off and the way your subconscious says
Starting point is 00:26:10 might be tricky. Yeah. For example, when I see roaches, I know it means someone is butting in my life. It's been Asia since the last time I saw a roach, but my therapist was able to put it together. Put it right, my expressions with it to the moment in life I was then. I don't think these comments are brutal. No. He's really taking offense. I hope that's something more attention and bam my therapist therapist was right. Time to find a therapist, subconscious guilt, yeah. I still occasionally dream about a boy I dated in high school about 30 years ago. Dreaming about her isn't your fault, your brain just likes to populate your dream space with people you
Starting point is 00:27:07 have known. I understand it makes you feel guilty but please try not to stress about it too much. The more she is on your mind the more the dreams will snowball and the worse you will feel about it. The brain will bring it up over and over again. Human minds are confusing things that this is one this is what I think because he's now overthinking it yeah he's now like oh I'm thinking about oh oh I wonder what she would be doing what should I do my writing it should be like fuck that was weird moving on in my life thing is if he's, there's nothing wrong with if you're not
Starting point is 00:27:45 compatible with your partner actually there's nothing wrong with that but my problem is you've already had an affair with this woman so you are not to be trusted. I don't know why I got so upset by the by the replies they weren't actually... Stop writing letters to her you were just adding fuel to the fire. Literally but he knows all this. Unresolved romantic feelings of what could have been. If you truly love your wife, just forget the ex and be more intentional in showing your wife how much you love her.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And she probably would then give the same back. Yeah. Another piece of shit. It's about watering your grass isn't it? Yeah. Right, are we ready? Go on. So this one's slightly different.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Mm hmm. Okay. I am male 39 and having an emotional affair and my wife doesn't know. I've been married for 11 years to a woman I've been with for a long time. What? I've been married 11 years to a woman I've been with for a long time. Oh. Yeah. We have no children. We share a lot including friends to a degree and appreciation for the simple things. Many values, laugh and mutual support. Having some activities, food, sex, basic things in our life
Starting point is 00:29:11 that really get my motor going. Between us. I want a venture. She likes routine and simplicity. She has body issues too. Something I've always tried to help her with in my own way, just trying to nurture her self esteem etc. But for that reason, sex is difficult for her. I met a woman online a few years ago through my freelance job, whose qualities share a strong light and make us compatible. She shares many of my values, so many more of my interest,
Starting point is 00:29:53 my adventurous spirit and she makes me laugh a ton and we are supportive to each other through many things. She slowly became my best friend as we got to know each other more and more and we met up a few times. I was convinced I could maintain a healthy best friendship with this stunning beautiful woman but even more slowly we both fell in love with each other and we were both open enough to what we both wanted to say, her first then me. We accepted this for what it was, she knew that I couldn't act on it and I hoped the feelings might somehow be manageable long term or subside on their own. Why not
Starting point is 00:30:47 drop contacts like a truly faithful person should? Sometimes I wanted to distance from all of this stuff and wait for the fog to clear but she was the best ever friend to me and it's all or nothing she said when it came to people in her life I either bound bond with someone or it's surface surface level since forgoing the friendship I realized I don't click this meaningfully with anybody else and most of the time not even with my wife I basically have no real friends without her and when we're not talking it's like my air supply has been cut off the loving feelings haven't subsided, they only grow stronger each time we meet.
Starting point is 00:31:46 So this week we agreed that we would stop meeting and even maybe talking to each other if it comes to it, as being able to do nothing about the love is causing us both so much pain. She's been very open about how she feels but also incredibly respectful towards my marriage and it is the first to put this right with boundaries in place to protect herself emotionally. I know some may say that the fact that she confesses feelings may have muddied the water but I do appreciate her honesty. I'm also heartbroken. I feel like I've met the perfect person after I got married while feeling a huge sense of guilt towards two women for separate reasons. What do I do? I don't know how I'd tell my wife any of this. It's obviously not a
Starting point is 00:32:47 Bell that I that I would be able to unring She's obviously being a right mind to tell me to stop talking to this person. I Connect with so well. I can't decide whether to keep Waiting the situation out try going to cold turkey. hope that she stops loving me and I stop loving her I'm sure I'm being selfish for wanting to keep her in my life this I imagine is a totally different road ie divorce starting a new life with this woman This feels like a real test. I'd love to hear some advice, thanks. Okay, go. I want to know what you think about this one. I feel a little bit...
Starting point is 00:33:39 It's difficult. You know, I felt like I sniggered a little bit when he was like she's being so respectful to my marriage. Yeah. Neither of them are. Is she? She knows your marriage but oh but it's okay I won't sleep with you. Yeah but I can't see you because I'm in love with you. Oh I'm in love with you too., I'm in love with you too. Isn't nothing respectful? No.
Starting point is 00:34:08 So what would your advice be if a mate come up to you and said all of this to you? What would you tell them to do? I think... I think possibly the right thing to do is if you're in love with two people, go with the second because you never really love with two people go with the second because you never really loved the first. I agree 100% 100% or you cut this woman out for good for whatever. Or you actually cut this person out. And make an effort in your marriage. Yeah again water your grass. Yeah I'm not that mad at him although I
Starting point is 00:34:40 do think right so when he started developing feelings that's when he really should have nicked it in the butt And said you know what? I'll see you later at the next social event or whatever, but he kept Pushing and pushing and pushing and that's really the main thing that's pissed me off is because No, because he would have started developing feelings and knowing that he was starting to feel it feeling so you don't you don't jump to love I think that is what's really pissed me off the most because he knew where it was going so top comment you speak so highly of the other woman but the truth is she's not respectful of your marriage at all she told a married man she has feelings for them and the whole I love you no matter what
Starting point is 00:35:28 You are both delusional. Why stay with your wife at this point? You have completely painted her as boring predictable wife and this new girl as fun and exciting. You have been actively feeding into the emotional fair for years. This is awful. Your wife deserves better. She may not be new and exciting, but she has been betrayed for years and you're afraid to leave her because deep down you know that the grass may not be greener on the other side you're afraid to make the whole the wrong choice so you've not given your wife the choice to stay with you and fight for the marriage or just to simply move on this is awful again your wife deserves so much better literally what we both just said and he may not have cheated but I don't know to listen cheating is I can't fucking bear it yeah it's not
Starting point is 00:36:31 something I put up with or you put up with I don't know if emotional affairs worse like for some reason that feels worse to me like you know emotional abuse is worse than actually just being punched in the face. She's just a friend, we're just going for dinner. Yeah, she needs me, she needs me, I've got to go. But that's what I'm saying, like I do feel sorry for his wife like massively, and one thing we didn't say was by telling his wife he does give her the option of what she wants to do and I like that. Because at least she's involved in the decision making. At the moment, he's the only one in control
Starting point is 00:37:08 of this decision and I don't think that's fair because she ain't done nothing wrong. Whereas if she knew, she might go, you know what? This isn't worth fighting for. Good luck to you. Good luck to her. Or she may decide that it is worth fighting for. I think the problem is, I think she will fight for it.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Do you? Yeah I do. Because it's what she knows. Because what she knows. But it would slowly over time that would be... Yeah it would erode. Yeah that would change things. She would suddenly have no trust. But I wonder if the wife knows that he goes and meets this woman frequently. That's interesting to me as well. But didn't he say through work? Yeah, I feel like the wife doesn't know. Oh, working late tonight and he's gone out for dinner? I don't know because listen. Don't do any dinner, we've got pizza in the office.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I'm not really one or you can't be mates with girls, but if they were spending that much time together, I'd be like, this is weird weird how is she your new best friend i thought like yeah that's kind of yeah i think yeah it's kind of not right i would start to feel uncomfortable about it but that's why i think he's lying okay over to you my love you're like oh he's fucking this choice right You're like oh he's fucking this choice. Right. This is this is a woman. Okay. Don't play we need to have a few women.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Always we don't hate men bashing right there. Yeah yeah. Fucking men. Anyway I had an affair he's no longer alive. Oh my vagina killed him. And I had to be the one to tell his wife everything. Oh, did she know, did she know? Let's find out.
Starting point is 00:38:56 What a fucking bitch. Fuck sake. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna kick you while you're down. Your husband died and he had an affair with me. And he's dicking me. His dick was right up in me. How did he die? Oh I was riding with him. It was excellent until it wasn't. I suffocated him.
Starting point is 00:39:16 I sat on his bed. All of a sudden he went... How did he die? Anyway can you imagine he was 69er he died happy while he was still inside. high five! don't worry I took him out. shush sorry don't know why I go Australian. I share this to get off my chest but maybe it will serve as a dual purpose maybe it will serve as a tale of why you do not give into the temptation of cheating. Mate, story time. I 31 female had to fully disclose my affair to my not alive affair partner's wife. Let's get it out of the way that I know I am an absolute shit person of what I did. I have done a lot of self reflecting
Starting point is 00:40:14 work etc and I absolutely am aware of how terrible shitty of all the above that I am for that. Several years ago I had an affair with a co-worker. I know aren't you meant to be doing work? Yeah isn't there work to do? Talk about shitting on your doorstep. Yeah. Come on now guys. Get creative. Show us something different. We will call him Tim. What a shit name. Tiny Tim. We need him We were not tiny Anyway, 36 male. How old was she? Died at 36
Starting point is 00:40:55 My husband Oh, she's married as well. My husband and I were horrible at communication Here comes the excuses. It's ever enough for me if they were bad at communication. Here comes the excuses. Well wait, it's fair enough for me. If they were bad at communication, I understand completely. Oh, it's okay then. Yeah, yeah, 100%. Anyway, how did they get married? Like did they text it through their mates?
Starting point is 00:41:15 I have no idea. Could you ask her to marry me, please? Anyway, from the start, and I gravitated towards someone who was giving me attention. The affair lasted over the course of about five months and I cut ties and told my husband, yay, fair enough. He was angry. He left rightfully so. And after a few days we talked, discussed what he felt he wanted to do, et cetera. And he wanted to stay. I was honestly shocked but I can't deny that it had been one of the most humbling eye-opening experiences and of course I hate
Starting point is 00:41:55 that it took that for me to get closer and truly open up. When I cut the affair off with Tim, When I cut the affair off with Tim, I was honestly shocked by his response. He never showed any deep affection. It seemed we were both seeking something physical. But when I told him I needed to tell my husband, he started bombarding me with these messages along the lines of he thought we had something, he thought it was more, et cetera. I had left it at, I hope you tell your wife too, because she deserves to know. Now she's got morals. Yeah, massive morals, weird. My husband, out of righteous anger, text him and told him how he felt.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Immediately Tim started trying to take digs at my husband, then sent a video. A video I was never aware he created. Shut the fuck up. Oh, my gosh. Round my dick. This is why he's dead. Her husband killed Tim. The fuck?
Starting point is 00:43:09 Tiny Tim. Eat that on his face. As if the wound wasn't deep enough. I know this really, really did it. I was shocked again. I told my husband I never knew of any filming that took place. Had I, I would not have okayed it. Tim then went on to threaten posting it on sites. He was blocked and we eventually had to get new phone numbers, go incognito on socials and we were finally able to focus on rebuilding. It had been
Starting point is 00:43:47 over four years since that all took place and in November of 2023 I received a random text from a previous co-worker. No, I had left the company and got that had Tim. This co-worker in all caps in all caps said did you hear the news? She had no clue as to what Tim and I had had going on but she knew that we knew each other and were friends. Yeah. Come to find out, Tim died, apparently suddenly and unexpected. She sent me the Facebook post made by his wife. It was an odd feeling but of course I felt sad for his wife and of course had the question of I wonder if he ever told her. Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I received a text from a number I didn't recognise. This is Sheila. Sheila and Tim.
Starting point is 00:44:51 You knew they were Australian. I'll tell you Mike. Tim's wife. Did you and Tim have an affair? Please tell me the truth. My stomach dropped and it felt like we were back to square one. I told her yes we did and I am truly sorry. I was so happy to hear that.
Starting point is 00:44:59 I was so happy to hear that. I was so happy to hear that. I was so happy to hear that. I was so happy to hear that. I was so happy to hear that. I was so happy to hear that. I was so happy to hear that. I was so happy to hear that. I was so happy to hear that. I was so happy to hear that. an affair please tell me the truth my stomach dropped and it felt like we were back to square one I told her yes we did and I am truly sorry I was sorry for what I did and sorry that she didn't get the opportunity to hear it from him she
Starting point is 00:45:17 then started bombarding me with all questions that I had answered to my husband how many times how long did you love him and so on all fair questions massively fair I have a video shut it up it appears he he held it near and dear but I am going to delete it permanently but just wanted to let you know what hang on hang on what I apologize and told her that I had no this is the wife and then she said I apologize and I told her that I had no idea he had that and was shocked when he sent my husband sent sent it to my husband. Someone later told me that apparently this is revenge porn and told me that I should
Starting point is 00:46:13 have pressed charges. Oh shut up noob sack. But I never knew that was even a thing. I can't imagine what she's dealing with. Apparently I wasn't the only person he'd been with outside of their marriage. There was a pregnancy scare and so much more. He had a lot of demons and a lot of baggage. But it was just a very weird feeling to have to be the one to tell his wife and take the brunt of the realization for her. I'm not seeking sympathy for all that. Yes you are. But I hate that she didn't get to talk to him about it. I am very grateful for the forgiveness and support I've received from my husband. He could go out here and get any woman he wants and for some reason he chose to work through it with me and I wouldn't ever forget that.
Starting point is 00:47:07 It's honestly been better than ever and we've come a long way. I hope for everyone that runs into temptation truly considers what this does. You may think you can get away with it or that it's not a big deal but in fact it affects so much more beyond the two involved. It's not worth it. Work on your marriage or leave it the right way. Thank you for listening to my word vomit. The only ones I've discussed with this with are the ones involved and I felt the need to just type it all out. You know what she's giving? Professional victim. That's what she's giving. Like it's her fucking job. That poor woman. I actually have got no sympathy for her. No not this one don't. Yeah yeah. But the wife to find out. From a video out from a video and that also clearly he wasn't a virgin
Starting point is 00:48:10 to this. I had to take the brunt of it, my husband could have anyone he wants but he chose me, shut the fuck up. You said. But I had to be the one to tell the wife that he had cheated. By the sounds of it, she'd already spoken to several other people before you. You're in a queue mate, you're in line. She didn't tell the wife that he had cheated, she confirmed that they had cheated. So she
Starting point is 00:48:34 didn't go out of her way to go, I know he's dead but did you know we used to bone? She didn't. That's not what happened. She's like, oh by the way, yes that is me in the video sitting on his dick and face. Like that what's happened the wife's come across the video and she's like yeah hi did you cheat with my husband I have no sympathy but she's like a professional. Hi, just wondering, did you cheat with my husband? Thanks for that, nice I've got a video. Yeah yeah yeah. Sweet nice off. But she oh and it was porn revenge I should have pressed her should never have had an affair in the first place no sympathy whatsoever get the fuck over yourself you massive
Starting point is 00:49:13 slag I hope your husband has an affair and you tread on Lego and catch your fucking coat on the door handle repeatedly every fucking day like that is all that you deserve because you are trying to make this woman's grief of not only losing our husband but then finding out that he was a massive slag and their whole marriage was a lie and you're like oh did you hear what I went through everyone like no how do you feel about it oh Sheila it's all about me it's really not fucking slag I hope sheila goes and has it like a test done I always forget
Starting point is 00:49:55 sheila ph level mate sheila get your fanny checked cuz uh cuz uh cuz yeah because uh yeah i can slag come on let's see what reddit called so reddit actually does say um please keep in mind opia is not asked for an am i the arse or any other type of judgment ruling okay she's not an arse i don't rule it sorry you're a massive cunt locking comments it's getting repetitive and nasty so that very top one says well I'm just sad for the wife nice that your husband was able to forgive fruit though I'm sure he'll never forget yeah every time she goes out every time she mentions another coworker, he will remember. This statement made my stomach hurt. You're so right, how could you not? This would be my dilemma. I could possibly forgive a partner for cheating, but I don't think I could forget.
Starting point is 00:50:59 There's a lot of that, hang on, let's just skip through those ones. Yeah, we want the juicy ones where they're like I hope you should on Lego. I know if you cheat on your partner you are in no position to make demands but if said partner decides to forgive you and work through it it should be an all out forgiveness oh shut up. Yeah nobody cares. I don't think he's digging around. feel I do feel like that I think if you if your partner has had an affair and you choose to stay together You need to shut the fuck up about it because ain't nobody want to hear that constantly You've decided to stay with them either go all in because if they're gonna cheat again, they're absolutely gonna cheat again, right?
Starting point is 00:51:41 And I will always yeah, and I promise you going over and over and over again doesn't solve anything some things are fun every breath she takes every move she makes every bunch she breaks every step she takes he'll be watching her so awful yeah I don't know how I'd get past the trauma of receiving video evidence of my partner with someone else. The thought makes me sick. It makes me sick, never. I don't think I could stay. Same as the marriages that, listen, nothing against any of you, but people who open their marriages or like do couple hookups, nothing, listen, just personally me, it would make me feel really sick. Really sick to share my partner. It's one idea to have a mental thought
Starting point is 00:52:29 that your partner has been with somebody else. Yeah. It's something completely different to witness it in a video. Yeah. Because although you know it happened, you don't. Yeah, you're visually, you're just. You can be like, it was three seconds and it was, you know, you don't... Yeah, you're visually... You can be like, it was three seconds and it was, you know, it was shit.
Starting point is 00:52:49 You know, I'm the best she's ever had. And then here, you're watching it... And we lasted four minutes, instead of three, you're mad, right? Yeah, and she's doing things that, like, she's going mad for that he won't... Like, he's not allowed to do it. It's just... Or he won't do it, he won't do he's not allowed to do it. It's just he won't do it. He won't do with you like that story that we read about the her husband won't eat her out because she's had kids. Yeah yeah I
Starting point is 00:53:11 mean that was bad as well. Yeah I just think this woman is a professional victim and I've got no sympathy not even one little ounce of sympathy and I think she probably will end up cheating again because for some reason she thinks she's some sort of martyr. It's the weirdest fucking thought process that she's going through in her hit. You might be attempting to get it off your chest but doing it here is almost like you're looking for a bunch of people to tell you
Starting point is 00:53:37 you are the spawn of Satan and deserve all the worst tortures people of social media can dream up. That's what I'm saying like she's looking she's looking for that you are a bad person yes I know now now she feels better. It's been deleted but it's there. Yeah you're right and I know that it would be and and what's that and yeah yeah hilltated but isn't that what the whole point of this Reddit page is?
Starting point is 00:54:07 Everyone wants to read the crazy stuff that is messy. Maybe it makes the commenters feel better for a minute by their comments and if it helps I guess that's positive. She's got her fucking heads. She's literally off her fucking head. I mean she replies. Yeah, she is. Completely understandable. I'm not on here.
Starting point is 00:54:28 No one on here can say anything worse than what I have already said to myself. Oh, man. I've done a lot of work and I know where I stand. I appreciate the consideration. She's a fucking, she's a professional victim. That's all that you are is a professional victim and I've got not even one, if you were my mate,
Starting point is 00:54:51 I'd be like, it's all on you, you're a massive fucking slag. All right, moving on. Oh, it's making me mad that one, that's really fucking, because she's like, oh, and then I, I'm the one that had to tell her, actually you didn't tell her actually you didn't tell her she watched you fucking our husband in a video so shut the fuck up and get over yourself step on Lego bitch anyway right I'm having an affair
Starting point is 00:55:16 with a married man as the title says I haven't read this yet have I I mean they all kind of start the same this is a woman did you this wasn't your one did they? No. Okay. Does it start when I was about 20? No no I don't know why I'm like have I read this one? No I'm having an affair was that one that's why it's close anyway I'm having an affair with a married man so another woman how funny that we both go in yeah no I've got another as the title says I apparently entered into an affair with a married man I 30 female have been the type to jump into bed with strangers not that there's anything wrong with that but I've always been someone who's only slept with men that I have dated. And sex for me had to always be a huge deal
Starting point is 00:56:08 because I'm on the bigger side. I'm extremely self-conscious about my body, insecure to the point where I'm convinced I'm not attractive or a sexual person. I faced a lot of abuse and manipulation from my ex because of that. And then I met the man I thought I would marry. He made me feel beautiful and confident. We had a blissful time together. However, things didn't work out and I am now single. I have had one of the...
Starting point is 00:56:40 In your face, bitch! I have had one of the... Where did that come from? That's so fucking... in your face bitch i've had one of the worst years of my life in your face i recently lost my mum the center of my universe you know what say to her what you said to me, still going on about that. Still going on about that, best line ever. I was her caregiver for the last two years as she battled a difficult disease. After that I was completely broken, still am. It's difficult for me to even exist, we get it bruv. Coming to the married man, I met him in a bar, I was extremely drunk and he was my type. That was very little said between the both of us and once at his place we stayed up talking for a long time during which it never came up whatsoever about us
Starting point is 00:57:47 being single. My bad. I know. But the day I met him, I found out the next day that I met him, I found out that he was married with children. He's my, he's in my country for work. He doesn't visit home as often. I don't want to end it but the guilt is making me extremely jittery and nervous. He told me that he's scared and I won't and I won't that
Starting point is 00:58:14 I won't see him again. Fucking brain connect the dots. He really likes me but he has a wife and kids. me but he has a wife and kids I just needed this out of me I never thought I'd find myself in this position but I do enjoy spending time with him he's lovely and treats me like I've never been treated before you said that about the last fella I've just can't wrap my head around this I'm not looking for advice or maybe I am I've always been the type of person that would make things or make me question my entire life if I didn't leave even after finding out he's married who am I anyway thanks for listening okay because she knows because she knows yeah yeah so you haven't slept with him yet
Starting point is 00:59:08 and you've got time to do the right thing yeah literally do the right fucking thing because otherwise you're just as bad as the slag she read about before the fuck is wrong with things it just like spending time with him the top comment is I've always been a person with integrity. Not anymore. You can keep this up. That ain't you love. Yeah. OP. Yeah I know it's making me question everything. Don't question it you know the answer. I'm questioning everything. I thought I had integrity. Maybe that isn't who I am. This person is going back do you
Starting point is 00:59:46 still want to try to be the one or you want to continue being a home wrecker op I don't want to be in this position ideally he'd be single but he's not and I'd enjoy our time together but after everything I've been through I'll find that that violin we need that for this episode don't know where I put it oh is it that small can't see it and I know I'm in the wrong I think I need to speak to him or maybe don't leave your wife has come back again because they are fucking mad man did you write this and you leave your wife and kids with me because you want me I'm in a bad year oh mommy die
Starting point is 01:00:31 I've been through so much yeah I think you need to end things with him but ultimately it's your life live it for what pleases you like they are done with that person and then one more I will I'm. And then one more. I will. I'm only gonna read one more. Look, the deed is done as far as I'm concerned. He cheated.
Starting point is 01:00:52 They didn't say that they slept together. He cheated. He broke his sacred vows to his wife and he is the problem. She's also the problem. Whether you keep seeing him or not doesn't really matter in my eyes. Although if she's talking about him bringing a woman back and chatting her up and all that, she's absolutely right. He did break trust.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Yeah. At the end of the day, if he's... If that was my husband... His wife and kids are in a different country. yeah yeah trusting him to don't earn the money if if that was my husband I would only be mad at him especially since he he deceived me. tell the wife there's nothing to tell the wife at the end of the day she hasn't taken it to the next point but if she she if she carries on seeing him knowing that the minute he said I'm married she should have got up and walked away I get your point this is OP last one yeah I get your point
Starting point is 01:01:53 however I'm not cheating I know myself I'm still deeply in love with my ex and hope to heavens that this sorts itself out shut the fuck up stop being a slag no no what she needs to do is take a sit back yeah and if her partner yeah was doing this with another woman yeah are you okay with it that's what I'm saying are you okay with it because you're saying you're not cheating but are you okay with your partner taking a woman back to his place? Are you okay with another woman messaging and calling
Starting point is 01:02:34 and spending time with your partner? Yeah, this man is clearly a serial cheater, no matter what country he's working in, but she does go on and on, right? Because people write and she's always trying to justify, but I like this one, that you like this go on I've been in therapy for five years it's not working get a new therapist I lost my dad at 20 Jim isn't helping me cope either I'm trying my hardest to just Jim's calf. I tried my hard. No no no Jim Jim as in G J Y M. The Jim. Yeah the Jim.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Oh okay. Who's Jim? Who's number two? And I'm like hi I'm Jim's calf. I'm trying my hard is just to exist at the moment. Every single morning I wake up and ask the universe why am I even awake today? Shut fuck up we're asking the same thing you miserable fucking bitch I ain't being funny is that from you feel don't be putting your bullshit hilarious oh my god he ain't gonna save you hilarious he ain't gonna save you he's not he can't even save himself it's fucking brilliant what's Jim's calf? what's Jim's calf? Jim's calf J-I-M Gym's calf? What's gym's calf? Gym's calf.
Starting point is 01:03:46 J-I-M is a calf. Is it called gym's calf? I think it's in London. I don't think I've been there. Maybe we should. See if I go to Paul, I've lost three pounds. What, out your purse. Where you going?
Starting point is 01:03:58 I'm going to the gym. Gym's calf. My Lord. I've got one more after you to finish. We're really old and fucking stupid. Alright, I left my wife for an affair and ended up with a partner I can't trust. Oh my god! Now I'm trying to turn my life around.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Before you read it, they say you lose them how you find them. good luck with that well not always true because that's not how I lost mine yeah I didn't find him like that no but you lose them how you find them meaning if you if you go with someone that's with someone and you cheat you lose that person that way it literally only applies to that no he with you okay yeah I see what you're saying. Yeah, yeah, no, fair play. Fair play. Stupid saying then.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I mean, he was kind of... No, he weren't seeing someone, but he had been seeing someone previous... Yeah. ...who was still loitering around. Yeah, he's just a piece of shit. Let's not go into all that. Anyway. Years ago, I made one of the worst decisions of my life.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Me too. Me too. I had an affair and ended up leaving my wife for my affair partner. Of course you did. At the time I thought I was chasing happiness and a fresh start but it turned out to be a huge mistake. My fair partner got pregnant and although I should have been feeling joy I was consumed by doubt. Not long after I found out she had been communicating with another man, someone she claimed was just an old friend oh although they had sexual history she swore nothing was going on between them and that they had seen it they hadn't seen each other around the time she got pregnant but that didn't didn't ease my doubts I stumbled upon texts and emails like the one where he
Starting point is 01:06:08 told her he was thinking about her which I read while using her phone. A week before she gave birth I discovered they had been exchanging private emails behind my back for months. She insists that the baby is mine but I can't help but wonder if I've been deceived all along. We all feel extremely sorry so far. Reflecting on my actions, I realised how much I destroyed in pursuit of something that wasn't even real. I wrecked my marriage for a fantasy and in the end I'm left with guilt, insecurity and a lot of pain. Who's asked did I pull that violin up? I feel really sorry for him. But here's the thing, I want to be better. I've come to terms with the fact that there's just, I'm reading this so unkindly yeah I know I can't help it even me at that point yeah
Starting point is 01:07:10 let's change the tone here but here's the thing I want to be better I've come to terms with the fact that the decision of decisions I made were rooted in selfishness and lack of self-awareness. I've committed to changing that. I'm focusing on rebuilding myself and hopefully one day regaining some form of self-respect. I can't help the tone of my voice. I can't undo the past but I can learn from it. My goal now is to stop the cycle of hurt and dishonesty. I want to live with integrity and try to heal the damage I've caused to myself, my ex-wife and the people I've
Starting point is 01:08:02 hurt along the way. Has anyone else here gone through something like this and found a way to move forward? How do I keep how do you keep yourself accountable in the process of becoming better? I could use some advice and encouragement as I try to navigate this path towards redemption. I'm sorry. How how do you keep yourself accountable? How do you keep yourself accountable for your words and actions? How do you take responsibility for things you do? By being up to it. The thing is, right, I think... Some people are fucking morons. I think because he's convincing himself or she is having an
Starting point is 01:08:53 affair or whatever and he's like is this baby even mine? I think he's now reflecting on what he did to his wife and he's now in a position that she was in and he's like shit like I didn't realize however you deserve everything you get karma has come round to bite you in the ass and it's right it's water I was like the fuck and yeah the fuck and I know you're sad and nobody's got any sympathy for you I mean I thought that is literally like the last story there's It's very difficult to be sympathetic when you're the one that caused your own problems. Do you know what I mean? Sometimes it is about taking accountability,
Starting point is 01:09:32 and that's all that you can do to move forward and correct your karma. Yeah, but he's like, how do you do it? By being a better person than you fucking were before. It's not that complicated. Stop asking how do you take accountability. Hold your fucking hands up. And also maybe take a strand of hair from your child
Starting point is 01:09:48 or a cheap squat swab. That would be quite funny. There's so many people find it hard to go, I did that, I fucked up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I made the biggest mistake of my life. It's just something that I'm not good with. And I know he's trying to,
Starting point is 01:10:02 and I know you're not trying to bash him a little bit, but he's saying he's trying to, I know I'm trying to bash him. Yeah He's saying he's trying to and there is a mild respect for that. Yeah But stop asking how do you do it and just fucking do it? There is no easy way out of it if you know trade or cheat you ever they fucked up majorly Yeah, there's two things that happen right? No three. Sorry So if you've cheated it in in a marriage or relationship Whatever or friendship. Let's go friend all of it Yeah, so you can also forgiveness and you might receive it, but I believe that by giving and receiving
Starting point is 01:10:37 Smiling me friends, then you have to move forward you have to draw a line and you have to move on with it To have to earn it as well Yeah, of course But you can't like you can't have an affair your wife stays with you and then her go on about it every time So it's not my hair So but I think as well you decide to stay together you have to be a better person and never fuck up or hurt that person Again, I also think that actually having a counselor involved like a third party That isn't to do with either person
Starting point is 01:11:06 to help you emotionally get through that helps. I think there are no excuses for having an affair, even no matter how shit things are. There's never an excuse because you've always got the option of splitting up. You thought the, first of all you had an affair, then you thought the grass was greener on the other side, that's bit you in the arse, and now all of a sudden you can see your error and your wife's done mate go on come on yeah
Starting point is 01:11:31 as my mum's friend Luanne Correa says if they will do it with you they will do it to you right nice any relationships started on a foundation toxicity and deception is doomed from the start don't matter who you are or what you do it will always come back to you comma comma comma comma comma chameleon you coming on tune that is. relationships that start due to cheating rarely last if you do but most don't come on get that little widget off. How it begins is how it ends. That's literally what I said don't jump from partner to partner and focus on yourself. Time to eat your lumps. Learn to love, forgive and dig deeper.
Starting point is 01:12:28 I like this one, how it starts, the next one. To be blunt, you've reaped what you sowed. Priority one should be getting a paternity test. If the baby isn't yours, walk out the door and don't look back if the baby is yours you will have to take responsibility and you will be tied to tied for 18 years to this woman i don't really feel sorry for you but i do feel sorry for that child it may be that the people you've hurt do not want you in their lives. If you're fortunate some will forgive you, if not you'll have to accept that they don't want you in their lives and move on. And that goes double for your
Starting point is 01:13:20 ex-wife. Maybe she doesn't even want to hear an apology from you chasing after people for forgiveness can be selfish act he didn't say that they had kids did they? errr no yeah just basically what we've said to everybody else at the end of the day you cheated it's not working out it's a you problem you're just gonna have to try and be a better person simple as that yeah right so I'm gonna finish this off if you're just gonna have to try and be a better person. Simple as that. Yeah. Right so I'm gonna finish this off if you're ready. Please take this home. A bit different
Starting point is 01:13:51 again but I was really into the title yes I just went with it. I don't even know if I've pre-read it. My little sister slept with my boyfriend and I slept with her kids dad in retaliation. I like a bit of retaliation I'm not going to lie. My little sister slept with my boyfriend. That's filthy revenge that. Oh yeah just keep it all in the family. Just keep it all there together. Let's mix those bodily fluids. Could you imagine if she got pregnant? Hilarious. My little sister slept with my boyfriend and she never told me, he told me during a fight nine years later, it broke my heart. Yeah, that was nasty. It broke my heart.
Starting point is 01:14:34 How do you tell her that? I don't know. Let's find out. It broke my heart. Both of them, both of those hearts. and she didn't really apologize she just gaslit me and then dismissed me I stupidly um I stupidly retaliated by sleeping with her kids dad damn it yeah it's I fell over still don't really feel bad but I finally told my other sister feel bad but I finally told my other sister and she's upset with me and I'm pretty sure she's gonna tell my sister right so this is the third sister it is what it is at this point I mainly just feel bad to myself because I stopped I stooped to her level but it's also frustrating how no one is considering
Starting point is 01:15:26 my feelings or what I'm going through. Still am going through. Didn't even get an apology. And I'm struggling to conceive. I've been struggling to conceive for years with my ex. They both hurt me. And I retaliated. I just feel bad and morally did that. I morally did that but even
Starting point is 01:15:49 still I'm not in a place where I can forgive my little sister and I don't think the conversation is going to go the way that people want it to. I am not at all sorry right now to her. I just I'm just upset with myself. I'm sorry I have no one to talk to right now so I'm gonna leave this here. Go. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I get that she's mad. I'm with her. She's mad with herself because she has stooped to a level. And the fact that the boyfriend went, and nine years ago I was like, get rid of that. Just get fucking rid of it. And don't use because I've struggled to conceive with it as an excuse. Like, you haven't conceived for a reason, God is giving you a way to get the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Honestly, the sister just sounds like a bit of a prat, doesn't she? Just fuck her off. Right, so top comment is, let me tell you what I think first I'm not even mad at her a little bit because that is the kind of bitch-ass thing I do I'd sleep with the mum the dad and any fucking siblings they got you want to cheat on me I'm gonna show you fucking exactly how it's done properly yeah simple as even though if I fancy them or not I'd be all the fuck way over that yeah right anyway I'm not mad at her
Starting point is 01:17:26 no I'm not I can't be mad at her I think just the sister right both sisters so the top comment is I don't understand why you would have sex with their baby dad I'm not throwing her face I mean why bother fair play I get that unless she's saving it for nine years. Which I like. When they get back together. I'm also into that. Right, then someone put, now you have to sleep with her boyfriend's dad. And I'm like, yes, brav.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Just over your bed. These people are giving some, this is the best advice so far. Yeah, this is the squirrel, the boyfriend, kids, dad, sleep. This is the squirrel the boyfriend kids dad's sleep this is the squirrel the boyfriend and the kids dad sleep with each other oh yeah of course because they've all been in the same room in one way or another yeah this is hilarious I'm pretty sure I'm OP's ex-boyfriend's cousin a thousand times removed
Starting point is 01:18:27 Not kidding DM me Fucking excellent. I can't be mad at her because that is the kind of bitch ass move I would do I'm not mad. I'd be like fair play. I would feel sad with the sister I would never how bad it would. I would never. How bad? It would be, right, so I always think as well. How could you not even be mildly sorry? How could you, you know, you fucked your sister over like that. So why would you not go, yeah I did that. So I, I'm not going to mention any names, but I know someone whose best friend met up with her husband because she was going to help sort out communication with the
Starting point is 01:19:10 kids. Next thing you know they started sleeping together and getting together and that's like incest to me as well you know exactly what I'm talking about. But it's incest bruv yeah it's fucking gross it would be like you going with Paul it just makes me feel so sick because it's like you're all that close that it's like so if you're a very close friend or a family member it really goes without saying that that's off off the menu it's off it literally shouldn't have to even be discussed there's not one of my friends that wouldn't leave me to sleep in this, not that I would,
Starting point is 01:19:48 but you know, bed here, bed here. Nobody would think anything of it and vice versa with the lot of us. You all make it so fucking weird. I'm not mad at this girl, like I feel it. I would be that bitch. That's what I was like with you, do this. I don't even think she was like
Starting point is 01:20:04 even trying to be a bitch, was she, really? She was, it was revenge sex, 100% it was revenge sex. There was, she knew exactly what she was doing, but I like it. I'm into it, now the dad and the mum babes, let's really, not yours, obviously, his, really keep it in the family spread that vagina around
Starting point is 01:20:28 yeah i'd be like oh i slept with him as well i mean i would be jerry jerry jerry oh he's dead now oh is he yeah i saw it not that long ago on a tiktok he died i was like oh we didn't get the news over here. He said we'll watch that. Someone better watch Steve too. We're gonna be needing someone to stick with during the fight. Security. Yeah. Oh. Honestly. Someone's like they've burst out a Ouija board for Jeremy. Why? Why was one sister not even sorry and the other sister was just like get over it? because the sister that did it is her younger sister by the way did it nine years ago so i think in her mind she's like moving on i've got kids now like i've you know i'm with this man blah
Starting point is 01:21:17 blah blah and this is brand new information this is betrayal of all betrayal so it doesn't matter where the sister ship is now nine years ago you did this really awful thing and this is brand new to her. Literally nobody told her. Right and maybe you guys would be in a completely different place. And that her boyfriend and her have been in the same room since. That's what I'm saying. So you know they're just secretly smirking at each other. Knowing that they've been together.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Rubbing each other under the leg. But that's what I'm saying. So had she found out at the time, they would probably be in a full different, because it's very rare sisters don't talk to each other. But, mate, it's just, it's a bit fucking gross, if I'm honest. It's not the nicest, is it?
Starting point is 01:21:57 No. What do you probably do? Go on then. Are we saying goodbye? Bye! Bye! We'll be back again in about three minutes. I've got a pee though. Um. Like, follow, subscribe. Come on guys. They are though to be fair.
Starting point is 01:22:15 What? Like, follow and subscribe. What are you doing? Just, just. The whole cheating. The cheating stuff man. It was nice to read from others. Some weren't as delusional as others. I mean, that woman was the most delusional out of all of them. She was. She was cray cray. What more can I do? Fuck right off, mate.
Starting point is 01:22:36 That's exactly what you should do. I just feel sad for the sister. For the, generally, the spouse. because some of you people are literally like I don't know what I've done wrong they all they did was fall in love yeah and it's like you know my wife's all right but she's amazing just come on yeah no I don't I don't really I can, I can't relate. Come on. Although, if Captain America was like me and you right now or fucking Superman, what's his face, his well-fitting ears, I'd be like, oh, I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 01:23:15 I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I feel like you can ask Paul, Paul, can I do this? Yeah. And he'd be like, you look great babe! Yeah, go on. I don't feel like he would. Because even if Wonder Woman went up to him, not I don't know if he likes her or not, but
Starting point is 01:23:36 I'd be like no, absolutely not. Unless they were real superheroes, then maybe. Oh fucking hell. Yeah, it's all about superheroes for me. I still don't think I'd cheat. I couldn't live with guilt. No. If he'd eat me alive, I'd be ill, mate.
Starting point is 01:23:53 That's why I'm not cute, ask him. Yeah. Babe. Would you mind if you. I'm going out this weekend with Superman. With Superman. And I'm just wondering if I can sit on his face. What's that yes
Starting point is 01:24:05 just one just one or if I talk like this because he's a bit deaf in it have you said it you said yes you definitely said yes leave me alone I'm watching football yes bye

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