Middle-aged opinion - Instant Karma
Episode Date: January 8, 2025Today we have found stories all about karma from break ups to petty, from people acting like Karens and then receiving what they deserve from the universe. We hope you enjoy....
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Wow. What do you think of that?
What do you think of that?
Well I think that girl has got everything she needs.
What if God was one of us
Just a smile like one of us
Am I playing it?
I was like, woah, why am I singing that?
Just a stranger one of us
Trying to make his way home
Mine's well.
And somebody was like, what about this song?
I was like, oh.
I can't even remember it now.
You've got, oh.
But I played it, I played it like three times in a row.
I was like, yes.
Does any of it be on your playlist?
Back in the deck.
It's over there.
Oh yeah.
Head playlist.
His TV's working now.
And one bit of my cockles? Go away.
Everyone listening will be like what? Talk about what?
We're actually talking about your mum.
In one of our podcasts where you put the spooky thing, they flagged it.
Who? YouTube. Why?
Because it is copyright. It's fine we've not got any
infringements. I was going to say it because I used everything that was... Or any restrictions in any
country so whoever owns the rights to it is fine with it. Oh. Get a grip. Yeah. We're
actually promoting.
It's like, why are you having to go at us?
Just letting you know it's a copyright.
Are you mad?
Do you want to take it off?
Because it's like, do you want to cut it out?
And I'm like, well, you're not set by it and I'm not.
That's what we do Not putting any veggies in it are ya?
I love her She probably makes me happy.
Yeah, alright, well, yeah, I mean, and then we're having a little photo shoot.
I'm not really one to say no to dressing up.
Why do we like it so much?
I don't really know.
I actually love fancy dress.
I get into character.
Like, I'm like, fully-
It means you don't have to be mean anymore.
When someone's like, we're doing Fancy Dress,
I'm all fucking in.
Even if it means I've got to get alone out,
like I'm fully invested in the Fancy Dress.
I don't know why I've always loved it.
I've always loved it.
I remember one of my birthlets,
can't remember which one.
But I was like, we are doing a pirate pub crawl.
And that's what we did from the bottom of Sutton
to the top of Sutton.
I can't believe we weren't always best mates.
Do you know that?
I can't believe you just looked through that album
and I'm not in one fucking photo.
I know.
That's what it's, you know, I think.
Did she just come over here and fall?
Go get here.
Go over there into bed.
Do it now.
She ain't finished. No. She's gonna lay a turn. go over there into bed do it now bed my dog just walked over farted and now she's gone to bed she's gone that's for you
it's what I think about your fancy dress. I'm just going to listen and unplug them.
Don't look at my pajamas, people.
I'm having a very busy week.
Can you talk into the microphones?
Nobody's looking at your pajamas.
Well, they-
No one can see them.
Aren't they looking at my ass?
No, I'm looking at your ass,
cause that's in my face.
You're welcome.
I do love the bike riding. Right. Okay. Oh, it hurts
to be alive. Right, so another topic. They have now confirmed there are aliens in the
sea. Have you seen? It's been on the news. No, I haven't seen it. I don't watch the news
either. But it is is actually anyone listening knows
No one knows what's happening here, right? But everyone knows like it's a real thing. They've come out. Yes aliens exist
They're in the sea and nobody cares. I
Haven't even heard about that
All I want to know is is the cost of living gonna go up?
Is it gonna affect us financially? Are they coming to the UK for refuge
and do we have to feed them?
That's all I wanna know.
By 5% it's going up.
By April.
This woman on this morning sells her sweat on OnlyFans.
I saw that!
She said she was like, girl, bitch,
does anyone wanna play my sweat?
Play my sweat?
This whole week I've been popping sweat in.
I could have jarred that.
You could have jarred that.
And it hasn't been this big.
Or, and you could give up work.
And then we still do the podcast.
But during the week we're just going to do a couple of hours in the gym.
We look incredible.
And I don't know, do you want gym sweat?
Running on the street sweat?
Not really a runner.
No, it won't be a lot.
But, but, but if you're paying 50 quid for a jar of sweat I'll run wherever you want me to.
That's, they're paying more than 50 quid. Oh, I mean the bitch is rich. She, she said,
because I watched this as well, she said depending on how quickly they want it. So if they want it instantly, instant sweat sent straight
away. She was charging like a grand and a half, two grand.
I feel like we could do that. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like it ain't a problem. I'm not even
embarrassed by that. People are like, what do you do? What do you say about sweat? The only thing I think, what if someone was like, in your sweat, is there DNA in your sweat?
Probably, because you'd have skin cells and everything. So what you're worried,
it's set up for a crime? Oh do you know, could you be set up, could you be cloned?
I don't know, whatever you do with DNA. I mean, clone me by all means, good luck with that.
Don't just frame me.
But they can't really frame you
because you do sell your sweat.
You can say, well, I sell my sweat.
Why is my internet not working?
Oh, because we've got a new pass thing.
I need to go get you the dongle thing.
Fuck's sake, I had it in here yesterday.
L, that is not helpful.
L, L, L.
It's broken.
Oh, oh, oh.
You haven't changed it, no?
You've passed it.
No, we don't know it happens.
Mine's longer.
Mine's like double longer. On your phone
you can scan that when you get off. But we don't know how. Helen Wink you know you can
change that with the last passing and I was like well I don't know how babe. Then she
kept telling me my password didn't work and I'm like hmm well it does because we're all
logged in. Apart from you. Yeah it's something you're doing babe. I'm sure of it. I
Mean, it looks like it's brewing in her face
She just goes around doing that Adam was like cuz Harry when they would sort in out the system
Harry was like, oh cookie stop making that annoying noise. He went don't she isn't that just her noise?
So me and Harry were like no It's a it's an effect when people come
round all day long so she doesn't
she is, she is
I've never nailed her not to make that noise
that's what I'm saying
whereas normally she doesn't make any noise my mop to clean my
walls is at Alfie's because when we go back up I'm just mopping his walls and
that yeah standard shit and I could really do my wall mop there's dust
everywhere I'm gonna like probably do it in my living room as well I could not
fucking when I told when I said to you
that I'd done the hall, the bathroom and the toilet,
the water was skank, babe.
Papering around corners, mate.
Oh, don't even.
Oh my god.
Yeah, I know.
You know me, I'm a wallpaper thief.
Like, my, my, nothing in my flat is straight anyway.
So to paper around and it's going perfect,
paper like this is going,
and then the wallpaper's like that.
And then by the time it's hit,
there's a gap like this,
then I'm like.
What happened?
You then just have to start going wonky.
No, I tried to keep it as straight as I can.
I'm gonna fill the hole with a filler yeah yeah did you not see how much
filler was in the kitchen I've got a bag I thought I said I went through and I went oh got filler
for the rest of our lives now babe we never have to buy filler again I just thought I might as well
but you will you'd be like where's that filler yeah it's somewhere safe
there's that filler. Yeah. It's somewhere safe. Everything in my life is safe. Somewhere safe. Safe. Oh mate. Did you hear about those monkeys in America that escaped the laboratory?
No. You proper like living in that world to me. I do not honestly. I live in my own, I
finish work, I go home, I close the door and I don't want to know. There's like 42 monkeys, 41, 42 monkeys that have escaped a
laboratory, you know, like where they fucking experiment on them and all that
and obviously they're living their best lives and they're like don't worry,
they're not infected with anything that can hurt anyone.
It made me think outbreak immediately, immediately you ever seen that film all starts with a fucking monkey
But I
Just think leave them alone at this point I mean I just act that now you say that what are they infected with?
They didn't say they didn't say what I've been doing to them. Don't worry, they're not infected with anything.
That can hurt you.
But I'm thinking, listen I don't even care about that, I'm thinking why in 2024 are we still fucking having monkeys in cages and doing shit like that to them?
Listen I know plenty of people that we should experiment with.
That's what I'm saying, right? There are so many humans that should be in the,
that are actually in cages
that deserve the experimental treatment.
Maybe they should say, we can experiment
and you get a bit for lesser sentence.
And yet you've got fucking pedos
that are out within three months.
I don't, so let's not even go down that road.
Yeah, but it's the monkeys, babe.
Like, leave the monkeys alone at this point.
Honestly. Are you trying to tell me something? Lassie? No, you're trying to tell me something.
She's hardly lassie. She's more like Goldie at this point.
She's more like a Barbara. A Barbara. Yeah well that's how old she is. Bertha.
Right, are we ready?
Is that your stomach munching time?
I think I've got, I don't know if I've got enough.
Go on, yeah.
Let's, yeah.
We saw it, it's fine.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Hello everyone and welcome to Middle-aged Opinion.
I'm your host Ellie.. I'm your host Ellie and I'm your host Emily and
Today we're gonna be all right
Can't go
Because of the new word, I know both guys gone completely through me now, what are we doing and
Why is that gone red? Oh, it's angry. Sorry. Today we're going to be looking at...
I forgot.
We're starting that again.
Instant karma.
Instant karma.
Karma will get you when it's ready.
And we're happy about it.
Especially if it's deserved.
Which generally it is if you're getting karma.
Karma is the best.
Karma is the best.
Karma is the best.
Karma is the best.
Karma is the best.
Karma is the best.
Karma is the best.
Karma is the best. Karma is the best. Karma is the best. Karma is the best. Karma is the best. Karma will get you when it's ready. And we're happy about it. Yeah.
Especially if it's deserved.
Which generally it is if you're getting karma.
Karma is what comes to you
because of whatever you've manifested in your life.
But then I think sometimes when bad things happen,
does that mean that that's karma?
You eat my stomach.
Rararara. It's all that veg I've been eating. Soon I'm gonna come over there for her. No
That vision I've been eating soon I'm gonna come over there for
No, I think karma because sometimes I'm like karma will get you right so because obviously we're obviously we're doing karma, so we may as well understand karma,
but I don't really understand.
Yes, because I don't understand why terrible things happen.
For example, stuff that's happened in our lives.
And then I'm like, is that karma?
That's not karma.
What is it?
Just a bad set of circumstances?
I feel like that is bad set of circumstances. I feel like that is a bad set of circumstances. I think
karma comes and it has relevance to do with something that's happened to you. So I think
for example if you purposely fuck somebody over at work for doing something, I don't know what.
That's weird that you just picked that out of the air.
I wasn't relating to nothing, but if that's what you did, then I feel like your karma
would be related to either the thing you did or work related.
I feel like there would be a connection to it.
So when bad things happen, it's just a bad set of circumstances.
It's also how those bad things...
It could be that other person's...
Karma is hitting you.
It's... Yeah, it's a ripple effect.
OK. Like everything in the world, right? Yeah.
But somebody else's karma is not your karma.
I don't even know what that was.
What are you doing?
Should I put mine down?
I don't know.
Is that karma?
I don't know.
I don't know what that was.
Bad set of circumstances.
It just wasn't very nice.
It's probably an insect.
That made me feel sick.
Something's falling, it's probably a bit of work stuff that's falling in there.
It's a bit of plaster.
That's what happens when you're like a DIY fanatic.
Just slightly to get something.
There's always a bit of dust.
Why I do shit before Christmas is the one thing.
Honestly, I was thinking, I wonder whether you're going to get this done before Christmas.
Before Christmas.
Because when you're getting your tree out.
Normally it's out by now.
I'll get that next week.
I think once I, once, because I all, everything needs to be pulled out including the sofa
and cleaned. I've done that and washed everything. It will probably be next week at some point.
Because my tree goes down on Boxing Day, I don't know about anybody else.
No, I'll hold on to mine until the boys go and see their dad, which is the day after.
So probably the 28th will come down.
Boxing day for me is undone.
28th is gonna be a busy day.
I'm doing photography.
James is DJing for the day.
What time will we be going?
Yeah, I'll spend all day getting it down
and put it all in boxes and shit like that.
So you wanna get live.
Won't you get that done ready before?
I might do it when the boys go that would make a force things rather than the whole
Fucking packing up my ass
You know, I'm allowed to get ready as well. Yeah, I know I don't know
But what time are you thinking? I mean I said 12 to Jenna, but I was joking. Am I joking you're joking
Oh, okay. Good. Yeah, I'm just checking because I'm like-
It says four.
Okay, so Derek four.
Or has Helen got to go earlier?
Helen's got to be there at night before.
Who's the wait?
Have them sit up and get a good spot.
No, I don't know. I'm assuming...
I would need to be sort of there once James set up just because he
wants some furrows done. Well you're taking me so just let me know I'm gonna say.
Yeah I don't know yet it's not even December.
You know me though I'm always like. You don't need to stress I'm driving.
I don't stress I'm very excited about it I just want to look amazing.
Remind me of baby Jesus.
Yeah, no, I'm excited. I am looking forward to it. I'm not gonna lie. I bought an outfit for her already.
Yeah, I bought one as well, I'll show you, but I have to drop at least half a stone.
I'm probably gonna wear the same outfit next week as well.
Okay. What is it? I'm assuming a dress. I'm probably gonna wear the same outfit next week as well. Okay, what is it?
I'm assuming a dress.
Describe what?
So it's similar to these, but not like this.
It's like a cream wide leg trouser high waist
with a waistcoat.
Okay, nice.
Yeah, real sort of loose.
Did we get titty time?
I could push up, but I don't think I'm going to.
I think I'm just gonna do a
lace bra and you can just see. I brought an orange two piece or an orange one
piece I brought both so and then I was it's cream though but I was gonna just
put big jewelry go gold yeah cream yeah and so I got them and I got shoes as
well which I'll show you after as well
They're fucking beautiful They everything she made my like my life is she so full
I haven't got an orange handbag because I've only I'm gonna say the last four years started to really like I hate
All right. Yeah, but I think I'm going I won't just go yeah
but I think changing the lounge to these colors as given but
Yeah, but I think changing the lounge to these colors has given, like, flame orange.
Like, it has to be like a flame orange.
And then, so anyway, so I go through and then I see a bag
and I'm like, I haven't got an orange bag,
so I'll grab a bag to go with the outfit,
do you know what I mean?
Bag's fucking this big.
It didn't look that big on the thing.
I'm just like, hello?
I'm still holding holding my phone hello
what's in your bag?
I was like no thing
that's all that could fit
or or it's all the funks I give
and they don't fit in there
there's not enough room for that
but yeah so I've gone with orange I've got two so one's a dress and then the arm is literally attached by a little bit and that's fluffy.
Not fluff, sorry, like puff. And then it's fitted with like a ruffle so I feel confident.
And it comes half thigh, so we need to clear up the bruises, no more DIY.
And if you could see my body...
Clear up the bruises is not why DIY. And if you could see my body. Tear up the bruises,
that's not why I put yous kind of up.
If people could see,
I look like I'm beaten, don't I?
It's fucking bad.
And then the other one is a two piece,
which is quite booby, full arms,
and then high waisted, but quite a split.
So I don't know.
Haven't tried them, they only came this morning.
Along with the rest of the kids' Christmas presents.
Yeah, I'm pretty much done for Christmas.
Just money, that's it.
In envelopes next month.
Because I ain't got no money left now.
Right, I suppose we better get on with the podcast.
That's why we're here.
As we've already said hi.
Yeah, I mean, you wouldn't think that we speak about three times a week for over an hour
at a time, but you know, we like to discuss what we've missed.
We've got a lot to say.
We like to discuss what's happened in the other hours of our lives.
Right, so I'm gonna start, it's pretty short.
Okay, that's fine. That's fine.
So why is it red? I don't know. I don't know. So it's come under confessions but
so put my divorced parents who hate each other in the same nursing home.
in the same nursing home. Well, it's ways what they've done to her, isn't it?
Karma is a bitch, mum and dad.
I appreciate how you always included me in your childhood drama.
It's very unfortunate that...
Did you do it on there or there?
I knew you were struggling, then I'm like...
I could see it.
I'm like, you see my finger?
Sue would be using braille.
It's very unfortunate that you two thought it was funny to act like kids while making
me take on the role of adult.
The roles have now reversed.
You both need someone to look after you because you're elderly.
It wasn't, it was clearly not going to be me. I hope you too can work it out and enjoy one another's company
for the remainder of your wrenching lives. Did you know your mother, father is in the same nursing home is the call I'm waiting for. Yes I will
now relax and savour my cold beverage. Sounds like she had a really shit time
growing up. She's really angry. Yeah but that they probably acted like fools. Pulling
pillar to post, using her against this one that and then she's done with their shit mate
I'm actually like I think it's good karma. It's mad. Yeah that top comment is this is a show I'd watch
Thing is I wouldn't look after my dad's either no way
Would you look after your parents?
What together? Together separately like whatever you don't know what life is going
to bring. Yeah, I probably would. You'd move in, take care of them. Yeah, I probably would.
No mate. No. I mean, I know they would drive me nuts. They would drive you nuts. It's really
difficult. Maybe I'd get an annex. I'd invest. That would be worth it.
It depends what you're looking after.
I mean, by the stage of someone going to a nursing home indicates that they need more
No, no worries.
Sometimes it's just they need that to do it.
Well, yeah, of course, I used to do it, didn't I?
Because at the back, the last nursing home that I worked in, they had the flats, the
one-bedroom flats where they had the call buttons if they needed anything. But generally it gets, you know, they then
move, progress from there, into there. It just depends where we get to.
It's a lot. In my head I don't think I would do that. There's generally one out of the siblings that would look
after a parent and I think after mum that's when I decided
absolutely not am I ever doing that again I still do it with hubby don't I
it's enough like it's enough yeah whose time is that that circumstance is
yeah right oh hang on let me just oh This other, it came in the top 10% of comments.
I worked in a nursing home last year,
mainly with severe dementia patients.
Most of them were kind of polymorphs,
since they couldn't fully remember
if they were married or not and if they were
which other old person was their spouse there was one couple that was madly in love they met in the
nursing home one of them couldn't really speak so they just held hands and stared into each other's
eyes all day smiling i mean that's cute that. That's really cute. I tell you what. Maybe that's what will happen to them. Maybe they'll like fall in love again.
It's reminding me so... That would be really shit for that young person. Harry is named after a gentleman called Harry.
Stop saying the kids names. I had to beep them all out in the last one. I don't know why it bothers you like mine are fine. Anyway so my son
Harry is named after this man and his wife Harry and his wife was called
Winnie. Oh I love them. Yeah they hated each other and they were at the top of the nursing
home in the biggest room so Harry had his own room and Winnie had her own room. And he was, you know, just the sweetest person ever.
And everything was funny and everything was a joke.
And he was just so cute.
She had the hump about life and, you know,
just generally everything that we did.
And then you go in and you go,
oh, what's she complaining about now?
Lovely man, lovely man lovely man
that was the first couple ever in a nursing home together that i ever looked after both very
different needs um but yeah i loved him that much babe i don't know what to say so do you know
a couple of weeks ago the ones where they cut off, the one that was we were
here and it cut off and we missed the end so we had to go steal the other one from
when we were at the same place and put the ending in to say bye.
Bye! They're like why have you changed? You go, you go, you go, go on you go and then like and we're gonna leave it there.
That's how it ends. Bye! Bye!
It's like fine, that'll do. I don't think we start the same or end the same on any podcast we've done at all.
Everything is like what we're doing. The worst thing is we went and we're gonna end it there, and then we went, aw, he's still an asshole, like, errrr, and then carried on, ran in,
and then we were like, errrr, a bit more.
And then you were like, okay, then,
bye everybody, bye bye, and then you got up,
and you're like, errrr, again.
And there was a little cut place, cut place, cut place.
It was awful.
I actually think, I actually think they're the best.
That's what I've got Alka and Harry to open together on Christmas Day.
I've got to show you it.
They've got one each.
Open that.
I know what they are.
I'm so happy! I saw this. I'll be like you have to wait and open it together. Your face then. I'm so happy about it! You're such a dickhead. You imagine what mum got us. I'll
be like is it rain? Oh it's the best present ever!
I'm so excited!
I'm going to save it to the very end.
It's going to be the last present.
Right, go on.
You can read yours now.
Right, okay. Right, okay.
Right, okay.
What are some karma stories?
Once I saw the perfect karma story unfold at a coffee shop.
You know what that reminds me of?
No, don't come coffee.
At a coffee shop, this guy cut in front of everyone in line, acting like he was too important to wait.
People were annoyed, but no one said anything.
When he finally got to the counter, he was super rude to the barista.
A few minutes later, as he's grabbing his coffee and heading out the door, he trips over his own feet and spills the entire cup all over himself
The whole place was silent for a second and a few people started laughing
It was like the universe was giving him an instant lesson in humility
I thought that was quite a good one
humility. I thought that was quite a good one. I'd say that's definitely karma. Someone said, holy shit, that's amazing. I would have paid good money to be at the table next to
you and watch that unfold. You would though. Well, if you're going to be a prick, expect
it, isn't it? Oh yeah. no I like that yeah I liked that as
well because that's instant karma I like a bit of instant karma when the kids are rude and then
they hurt themselves immediately after they look at me and go that was karma and I'm not with Yeah. Okay. Revenge taken. Good. Right. So here's the story. I had a relationship for
three years, loved her a lot. She broke up with me and left me. I was heartbroken, felt
betrayed. She immediately started dating another guy the world turned
upside down then I went into no contact after six months after six months later
she reached out and we started to have sex she said she missed me and stuck
started saying all those all those bullshit things.
And that guy was still there in her life.
She came to my place frequently.
That guy didn't even know.
And after that, I told that guy she was cheating behind his back with me.
She said she was heartbroken when she knew what I did then I asked her
did you feel betrayed heartbroken did I break your trust yeah that's up that's
same feeling I felt when you left me for another guy. Karma is a bitch. What do you guys think about this?
I think it's Karma. I don't know. But I don't think that him doing the same because now he's
in line for Karma. I don't know. I don't know because I did read this one first and I thought,
so she left you for another guy. No, no, he says, and then she started.
Oh, immediately.
She immediately started dating another guy.
So it weren't like she was cheating.
But she left him and went to be with someone else.
apart from him sounding really bitter and angry.
I'll tell you what it is, it's because he was mourning the relationship and she wasn't.
So I think that is why he's calling it karma, but you could be right.
I don't know if that is karma.
I don't know if that is karma.
Because we always say, leave the relationship if you're going to be with someone else, it's
the polite thing to do.
So you could be right, maybe it isn't karma at all.
Because if she was fucking around behind his back and then he found out and then she was like,
oh I miss you and then she slept with him.
So then what? This bloke then went with another...
No, this bloke then, she then was saying to him, I miss you,
but was still seeing the guy that she got with after him.
And then was like, ha ha, in your face, that's karma.
I told him you're cheating. But they're not cheating. And then was like, haha, in your face, that's karma. Like, is he?
I told him you're cheating.
But they're not cheating.
No, she was, she's cheating with him
on the bloke that she left him with.
Oh, so he then slept with her to get-
Yeah, they were together.
Right, so now, so now.
So now, I don't wanna be with you.
And went to be with him.
I'm with ya.
And then she was like, I miss you.
And he was like, come on then.
And they had sex. But she was still with this guy yeah and he went hey she's
fucking me ha ha ha Karma right so now he's just created Karma on himself
because that bloke doesn't deserve this that bloke didn't deserve that right so now
what if they weren't he also has Karma coming to him. He's gonna come back. Cause you just hurt someone.
He just created a circle of karma.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
I'm like, you did somebody else dirty.
And actually maybe she did it to-
He's left with her to fuck her off, to hurt her,
but he's only done it to himself.
Yeah, because basically it sounds like he couldn't get it.
What, mate?
Talk to me.
Oh, hang on.
I didn't read this.
Before the internet goes out. Oh. I have mixed feelings about this. I didn't read this. Before the internet goes out.
Oh, I have mixed feelings about this. She didn't betray you.
She left you for another guy. Also, why did you sleep with her when another guy is in
the frame? You have a lot of anger in you in my opinion
and just created his own karma yeah oh hang on uh you aren't wrong at all the fact that you got
down voted just shows how miserable this sub is oh okay fine no I was happy with him so um I just
actually want to quick have a quick Google.
Respectfully, you're an arse off for doing this.
Revenge on your ex is one thing,
but imagine what the other guy is going through now.
This is not the flex you think it is.
Do better.
Do much better.
I'm with that.
Yeah, I'm with that as well.
It's not very good karma, mate. No, not if you're going to create
a... him saying no I'm not interested would have been the... and then giving the other
bloke a heads up would have been... Yeah, this is what she's messaging me. Exactly. But that's
not what he did. He slept with him. Right, I grew up with Sac Affleck. Pardon? Yeah, Sac Affleck is a fan.
I want to make sure I'm spelling that right.
Zac Affleck.
Yeah, I know who he is.
Yeah, but I just googled him and it's not the person that I thought it was.
No, Ben Affleck.
No, it's Sac.
No, it's Ben.
No, I'm telling you, the story is about Zac Affleck.
Alright, fuck Zac Affleck. Yeah. Anyway, it's Ben. No, I'm telling you, the story is about Zach Affleck.
Fuck Zach Affleck.
Anyway, Ben's brother, cousin.
No, cousin, right.
Okay, that's not who I thought it was in my head.
That's why I thought, let me do a quick Google
of who that is.
But he's also famous for whatever.
Okay, so this person is writing in about karma.
I grew up with Zach Affleck, is writing in about karma. I grew up with sack
Affleck and he's getting karma
It's not as juicy as I thought it was now. I'm confused about who the bloke is. But anyway, I grew up in
Holliday or
Wherever that is and went to elementary school and junior high with him
I have the year bit year book to elementary school and junior high with him. I have the yearbook to prove it and the hate that he's getting is sweet karma.
He was absolutely spoiled, entitled bully throughout school.
He was the kid that people were only friends with because he had a pool.
I haven't seen him in over 10 years
but the way he acts on the show is exactly... I'm very confused about... I don't
know if he's spelling the name wrong because it's not who I thought it was.
In real life is exactly who he is. However I will say that I went to his house to swim a few times
and his family were kind to me. I was the only South Asian kid in the town. But if you
all have any questions, feel free to ask. I feel like...
I've got a question. What's going on?
Who's sack athlete?
And what's the karma?
That all the hate is getting in life.
I feel like...
Yeah, but what is the karma? What's happened?
So, I'm trying to find the...
He was a bully, a spoiled rich bully.
He's doubling down.
Whatever's going on in this person's life, this famous person's life, is karma about
what it is.
This other person's going, ha ha!
Literally, because apparently he was an asshole all throughout the whole.
Thanks for letting us ruin your poll.
Yeah, but I thought it was the bloke that was in, the really good looking bloke that's
ruined his face.
Yeah, I know who that is.
Yeah that's where my head was.
Blue eyes, dark hair, him.
Yeah, bad grandpa.
And then somebody else said, everything you said but this bloke, who is Ben Affleck's cousin,
I think you have to be American to understand all this fame that the second cousin's mother's uncle has.
Because I'm gorgeous.
So really sorry about that.
The story isn't as juicy unless you know who Sac Affleck is.
Apparently he's a right senior next Tuesday, and everything that's happening in his life which I have no idea about is all because we cannot have a smile
and a giggle on his his bad karma sorry we don't know who he is but people are
just like haha haha is it yeah I mean they're like who is he? oh he's a reality star. he's rough. look at the face on him.
now now. I feel like that's calmer enough. yeah. all right I've got a long one yeah good moving on is it moving swiftly on from that shit
sorry not sorry okay all right this also came in under the am i the asshole okay okay
am i the asshole for telling my dad's wife that she's getting her karma and to leave me out of it. Go. Don't let me be
the bright and biggly because I'm still like who's Shaq Affleck? Are you with me? Three
o'clock in the morning I'm going to be like I know who that is. Emily! Are you awake?
I do that all the time, I swear.'m like, I am now, what's wrong?
Who died?
I know who he is!
Oh, okay.
Okay, go.
Could you tell me again in the morning when I care?
You won't care then either.
Right, I, 15, female.
Am, am, my dad's a fair baby.
So she is her dad's a fair baby. Right. My mum didn't know
he was married and broke it off when she found out, but she was already pregnant. She decided
to have me and has always been a great mum to me. A lot of my friends don't get along with their mums,
but mine is really cool and I wouldn't trade her for anyone.
Aw, that's cute.
My dad takes me out on the weekends
and to do things and visit on holidays,
but I've never lived with him or anything.
When I was younger, he had to take me to his house
for a few hours one time when my mum was really sick and his wife yelled at him
and I had to stay in a bedroom away from her because she was so mad. My mum
explained the cheating when I was a bit older and realised how weird
the situation was compared to friends with divorced parents. I have feels about it but
he's my dad so I try not to think about it a lot. I know my dad's wife hates me and is the reason I can't see him more.
So yeah, she has a reason to be mad at him but also screw her. Yeah. So a couple
of months ago my dad started asking if I would be okay with it if it wasn't at his house. He said his wife wants
me to come and she has a change of heart. Sounded really sus so I said no. Then this
weekend she wanted to come have lunch with my dad and me she said
that she realized how important I am to my dad since they can't have kids now
and that she would like to make up for it all and be my stepmom if I would let
her I really it really made me mad because my whole life she's made it really hard to see
my dad and now she wants to be nice.
I might be T, uh, T.A. because I told her that if she can't have kids, that's karma
for how she treated me and she's never going to be anything but my dad's wife.
She started crying and my dad told me later that that was a terrible thing and I needed to apologize.
My mum said that she put me in a fair situation and I should probably avoid talking to her right now because she's
having to deal with infertility and hasn't really gotten over things. Am I the arsehole?
I feel like she kind of deserved it. There was an uptake.
I don't know if arsehole is the right word, it was a low blow.
It was vicious.
It was a low blow because as a female...
What, yes, she is the result of an affair and that's not her fault, however, she's not
taking into consideration that this woman's husband cheated on her and then she decided to stay with him so that's up
to her mate but she can't have children and I don't think that's karma I don't
think it's the the girl's fault I don't think it's the woman's fault she
probably should have treated her better because it's not the child's fault but
it's also not the wife's fault and In fact, it's the fucking man's fault,
all through and through,
because that woman didn't know that he was married.
So, it was just a low go.
It's messy, isn't it?
It was a low go.
She didn't know he was married,
but decided to keep this baby.
The wife obviously didn't know there was gonna be a baby,
and then found out there was gonna be a baby, because she found out about the affair right but decided to stay with him. Yeah
with that
She kind of needed
To accept the baby although that must be fucking hard. This is what I'm saying
Like she because there would be resentment in it with right there. They like yeah
That is product or something that was negative in our lives.
So this woman, first of all shouldn't have stayed with him because she clearly worked
over it hence treating the child like shit.
She shouldn't have stayed with him, she shouldn't have kept the baby and he should have been
out on his ass.
I mean the whole situation is fucked up but that's not how the world works.
It's not this child's fault, it's not the wife's fault but they're treating each other the daughter and the wife are treating
each other like they're the both guilty parties and they're not so it's not
listen I don't I think that it's not her karma that she can't have children God
is probably saving her from children with this cretin of a man that's
probably what is happening.
So it might, she's looking at it as bad karma when God's like, actually I'm doing you a
favor, this is good karma.
Yeah, this is great karma.
Yeah, so I think more than anything it was a low blow. I don't think it's this woman's
karma. But I don't think this woman should be treating the daughter like shit either.
They're all idiots, mate. This man is for the streets. I don't know why people should be treating the daughter like shit either. No. They're all idiots mate. This man is for the streets.
I don't know why people stay with people like this.
Alright, update.
First update.
Right, first update.
JFC, some of you.
JFC, do you want me to Google it?
Right, update. it. Update. First up, JFC, some of you adults are unhinged insulting my mum, insisting my
mum must have known she was married, he was married even, and calling her a slut.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Oh God. Calling her a slut. So people have been calling the mum
a slut.
A slut and she should have aborted me.
Who hurt you?
If I'll get help.
You sound like basement dwelling in cells
that haven't seen any light but your computer screen in years. Okay, fair enough.
Yeah, I'm with it. Yeah, I don't, I... The thing is there are people that live double lives. There
are people that have a whole family and their spouses, kids do not know that in the next town
there is another family. We've done stories on this. We've done them. kids do not know that in the next town there is another family.
We've done stories on this. We've done them.
That does not make that woman a slut.
This woman is not a slut. She found out he was having an affair and she broke up with
him. It's her prerogative whether it's her body. I know right now it's a big discussion.
Men think that it's their fucking body, but I'm here to tell you that that's
her body, her fucking choice, right? And if she wanted to keep the baby, that's entirely
her prerogative. Absolutely. So, I had lunch with my mum and dad today to talk about things.
I asked my mum to come with me because I didn't want to see him by myself. I told my dad he had to leave his phone in the car or I won't
come. I told him that I didn't want to see, that I didn't want to go to his house or see
his wife. I won't see him anymore unless he makes sure that his wife won't interrupt us constantly. I'll have my DL soon and if we meet somewhere and he
picks up the phone or his wife shows up I'm leaving. I love him and I
don't want to not see him but I can't do it anymore. My mum says I can choose whether I want to see him or not.
He said he loves me and he understands
and he doesn't want to lose me from his life.
He promised he would work it out over the Thanksgiving break
and we could talk about spending more time together
when I get back home from my grandparents. My mum said to try not to think about it and
just enjoy being with the family and seeing my cousins but yeah that's going
but yeah that's going to happen. So maybe I still have a dad when I get back and maybe I don't. That's a bit sad isn't it? It's giving spoiled
brat. To me that's all I'm getting. She's clearly a sad single child. Yeah the thing is right,
listen you may have wicked stepmother vibes going on. Yeah and I'm not saying. And wicked
stepmother did actually give those vibes too.
Yeah, no yet she did listen and she's apologised.
It doesn't mean you're going to open the door and it's a rosy picnic.
That's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying this woman, right, who acted obviously really badly towards her,
has said listen, I've treated you like an arsehole, I've put my hands up,
I want to change the relationship we have this girl said this is your karma that's why you
can't have children and you're only interested because you can't have your own I get it maybe
too much water is under the bridge but I don't now she wants to punish her dad
it's the whole she's got control right this second, so she's running with it. But what she's failing to realise is that everybody has a limit.
And he...
This wife, whether it's right or wrong, chose to stay with him and he chose to stay with
It doesn't mean he's not off having affairs or whatever, but it's clear that he's going
to go back to this woman, right?
She's home. or whatever, but it's clear that he's going to go back to this woman, right? Yeah. You need to make a decision on what you want to do, but keep putting out automatums.
You're just wasting your time.
You can't live your life like that.
She doesn't sound like she's going anywhere.
And actually, she'd probably benefit more if you want to...
If she actually went, do you know what?
Yeah, let's move forward as adults.
She's 15.
I kind of, that's where I'm sitting, but you remember when you were 15.
That's what I'm saying.
At 15, was I a massive arsehole?
I feel like I wasn't, but I probably was.
In ways I was, babe.
Let's talk about me at school and how I was unapproachable and everyone was a bitch and
do you see what I'm saying? So I don't know, I'm trying to put myself in both but I feel like this could be a clean slate and she's missing it. She's missing the opportunity of, I'm not saying it
erases everything this woman does at all, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that you have an
opportunity to build something. Baby steps, baby steps. Don't go to their home because that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that you have an opportunity to build something. Yeah, little baby steps, baby steps. Don't go to their home because that's their environment. Go
outside where it's public and let her join for a coffee.
I'm not saying your dad deserves it either but I feel like your dad does deserve it a little bit.
I don't want to have this life and that life. I fucked up, it was 15 years ago, I would like to have
my life kind of come together on the same road. But at the same time, she hasn't said
exactly what this woman has done. So it's really difficult to, you know, has this woman
completely not acknowledged her existence, only 15 years later when she's struggling
with the infertility, decided she's the only...
I think 15 years later, discovering the infertility is a little bit...
How old is this woman?
I was wondering that as well.
So was she a young bride?
Do you know?
Because to me, my vision is giving rich man.
I don't know why.
And then he married her like a sugar baby, had an affair.
I don't know why I'm getting that, but I feel like I'm getting that.
I just don't think sugar daddies do that.
Because you think we're 40, we're still capable of having children, but even then we struggle.
What was that capable of?
Well, because the older you get, the more your eggs decay. So our eggs are like fucking
OAPs walking around with Sima frames we're more likely to
have a child with a birth defect we're more likely to miscarriage and you'd be better off getting
donor eggs than anything else at this stage of your life so is she at this stage where her eggs
are no longer viable is he the he can't no oh he could be the problem now, things change. I just feel like there's
a mist, what is everyone's?
Most of them were all saying like that she was set up, like that's what they were doing.
They're basically blaming the wife.
Oh the wife.
Yeah, like basically blaming her and I don't really know why.
I think because we're missing context
if if we don't see how they got the conclusion that the daughter was set up
because the wife couldn't have children maybe actually they had a real good
fucking sit down and chat and he's like this is our opportunity to
have she's my family my child yeah she may not be your birth child but this
could be a family unit maybe she thought one day I'm gonna be a grandmother a
step-grandmother yeah what when when she gets married yeah the thing you're not
even gonna be invited the thing is as well,
right, is what has this woman done to make this 15 year old girl hate her so much? So that's why
it's very difficult to see, to know where to come from because I've done... Yeah, I mean it's 15 years of
information missing there really. Yeah and that's what I'm saying to you, like I feel like it's got
to be back... Although she does give me entitled, spoiled child like I feel like it's gotta be back and although she does give me entitled spoiled child I feel like something bad has happened to the
point where she's like absolutely not no not necessarily I wasn't getting that I
don't that's what I'm sorry I was getting there you you've kept my dad
away from me yeah the whole situation is like I don't know where to come from. It could be
just as simple as no we're too busy or no we're doing this or we've already got plans. Like it
could have been stupid. She could have been like you're the result of an affair, you're the result
of an affair. Like the whole time we don't know and I think. Yeah you're not part of this family.
Me personally, but I'm now 40, you're now 40, we would come in from a different aspect and say
but I'm now 40, you're now 40, we would come in from a different aspect and say,
you're here, let's try and move forward together, let's make this family amazing.
I'd probably try, I'd want to be friends with the mistress that isn't a mistress, it's unfair to call her that, to the woman because to have a good co-parenting relationship,
it's important, it's happened it's happened the woman listen it
happened he had an affair you decided to save him a baby was a result of that it's done like treating
her like shit. It doesn't sound like this woman fought for him either it was like that you're married bye-bye that's what it sounds like.
That's the vibe i'm getting as well that she was like you're married i'm not part of that done.
getting as well that she was like you're married I'm not part of that done yeah she was a human child. Go away. Is that why is that a very human you know? Go on.
That's not laying down. She doesn't care about your feelings right let's say we
could go on all day about that one. Yeah. Mine have not been as good as yours today I feel like you did a much better job. I've only got one more.
What am I on? Three?
Might have been a bit crap.
Anyway, I lost karma for turning around.
I lost karma?
I lost karma for turning around.
It's very short.
I was playing in my TU loing, no idea, cruising from east to west, I'm assuming that's some
sort of a car?
Yeah, I don't know.
That's like a G-Wagon.
Hopping from island to island until reaching the end of the map and had to turn around.
Some guy accused me of kidding with full health.
I don't know why I chose this one.
I have no idea what any of it means.
I reminded him that I had reached the side of the map
and then had to turn around, but no,
apparently this is an offense worthy of a loss of karma.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
I have no idea.
What's happened? I don't,'t you know what it's giving do I even read this one it's
giving do you remember those stories that you're reading and I've no idea
what you're talking about the whole fucking pop-off so I was like I don't
know is this a story or actual something that's happened to someone I'm jumping to my next
one forget that one what happened that one. What happened?
Don't tell me.
And then she woke up and her karma was fixed.
I've got an excellent one, I did find one.
Is this a karma one?
Yes, right, I'm reading this, forget about the other one.
We have no idea what was going on
and I don't know why I saved it.
Right, maybe it made sense to me at that point.
And today I'm like, nope.
No, right. In 2020, she cheated on me and forced me out of the business we built together.
This 2024 karma has caught up with her. I mean, it sounds good, but it could be gibberish.
Let's find out. And I pre-read-read right it was 2020 when I first caught
her cheating she cried and begged me to forgive her saying I'd lost time for her
after getting a heavy workload meaning he hadn't got a lot of time for her heavy
workload during the pandemic that's why she strayed. In the pandemic?
Yeah she was really concerned about covid. I loved her so much so I forgave her. Just two months later
I caught her with a second guy. I was going to say it caught Covid because of her. Yeah well probably and that and other
shit. I was weak then I blamed myself for not making her happy instead of confronting her
I told myself that I would spoil her and make her the happiest woman on the earth and when she sees
how much I love her despite her cheating she will regret the wrongs she did, she will choose me and
then we will live happily ever after. What I thought I was back then. One day she told
me that the company was sending her for a week long course. Turns out she was going on vacation with another guy.
But as luck would have it, my brother-in-law was also in Cuba at the time and saw her.
They were acting like a couple in public.
He told my sister who raised hell my family
Interferted and we finally broke up because my family would not accept her after what she had done
We had a business together. We were 50 50 partners. I
Invested the money while she was in charge of operations
Since we hired mostly her relatives to help them.
After we broke up she told me that she was going to keep the business. It was under her name and we never had a written agreement about the partnership. I didn't put up a fight, I just let all of it go,
partnership. I didn't put up a fight, I just let all of it go, as you that is, because I was too depressed. One month later, she had launched this second guy she was cheating
on me with and proudly posted that she was looking forward to success with her new supportive and loving partner in life and business. She's
like a catch this one. In the next two years, I worked to be a better man. I went to therapy,
I went to the gym, I went to church and I forgave myself. I found happiness on my own
and then in 2023, I found happiness with someone new.
Sometimes I still thought about everything my ex had put me through and
I left it all to God. Today I learned my ex got a taste of her own medicine. The
guy who cheated on me was cheating on her with one of her employees.
Even worse the guy had been embezzling from the business and taking and talking to the customers
behind her back for months before he left her because he and the girl he cheated on, my ex cheated on with my ex was open to a new business to compete with hers. Now the guy has pinned and taken most of the customers and my ex's
business which he forced me out of is now dust. I wouldn't say that I'm happy about
what happened to her, I will just say that when you do bad things to other people it might take time
but it will always come back to you. I hope she learned her lesson and I have learned mine.
That is karma. That was an excellent story. That. Do you know what I think as well? I've started to
hear people say the way you get your partner is the way you lose your partner
Okay, if you get a partner through cheating
that's exactly how you're gonna lose them and
Actually, if you stop and look at people's relationships
Who do that sort of thing that's exactly what happens and I say good luck to you
but That's exactly what happens. And I say good luck to you. But that was a really good story.
I forgot, it's been, we got these stories weeks ago and I completely forgot what was
in there.
Yeah, no, that's that.
Top comment was a great comment.
Sometimes people who did bad things bring this karma onto themselves.
They've gotten away with bad things. It turns out you've gotten away with bad things.
It turns out you never get away with bad things
as you are winning in life.
But I swear the universe always finds a way
to give us what we deserve.
Yeah, that was an excellent story.
This is why I say I don't wish good on people,
I don't wish bad on people.
I just wish
What they deserve yes, but that that's it I do whatever you deserve
I wish that for you. Good luck. I call whatever you do. I think that um
Because it ain't my business. What's coming? It's not my business
And that's you know the last story that we did I can't blame that woman like it the
woman that um left it's not her fault and it's not her karma. You're still thinking that. Because I
just irritated by the whole thing because people are like calling her mum this and the other woman
that. The whole yeah there are three very innocent people in that exactly it doesn't they are the ones that are a trepid story yeah and acting like savages when this man did all this to these women and
they're protecting him like he's some sort of fucking brilliant and he hasn't
taken any account that he hasn't his daughter is is blaming the wife the wife
is blaming the daughter and the mistress which I call
her very loosely, she's not a mistress, it's not fair to call someone a mistress
if they don't know and it's gonna it's gonna bother me that story I'm gonna
think about when we listen when I listen back to the podcast it's gonna
bother me all again and then I'm gonna be like, babe, I was Leslie, right? And I thought this, and you'll be like, can you move on?
Oh, no.
Right, go on.
Go on.
Is this your last?
Because I do have one good one to finish this off,
as long as we don't have the same one.
Take my parking spot, what goes around comes around.
Pathetic Karma, love it.
I love it.
I love it
let's bring on this pathetic calm I love it petty pettiness I do like a bit of
pettiness I have to say I can be very petty and it brings me joy when it's
happening like and then I feel like yeah yeah I think as well you're like, and then after you're like, yeah. Yeah, I think as well, you know like when someone's getting more and more angry and
then this is what I do, I'm like, and then it just gets like a cheshire cat and they're
I'm like, are you mad?
And I'm like, oh, unfortunately, I'm not gonna be able to help you.
Are you mad?
Before you go you need to break. Do you need some time out?
When I was working in Wilco
Are you sad?
You can only buy here in the UK
You can only buy two packets of paracetamol
Or products containing
Or two bottles of ibuprofen
Or one of each, right? You can only have two
Suicide risk
So I was working in Wilco And this woman come to the till with about Wilco's has gone now but flu
medicine she come with about 16 boxes right and can you make me with that now
I'm thinking about it I don't know but you can definitely top
yourself right so anyway she comes to the till
and she's got about 16 boxes.
And I said, sorry love, unfortunately,
I can only serve you two.
I can't override it.
I was like, and I was about to say,
but if you put them down and walk around a couple of times,
go to a different till, it's not a big deal
because people stock up, they were one of our best sellers, they were like 15p right, so anyway, um she starts fucking going into one.
Oh my god, my husband gets really bad flu, blah blah blah, so of course I, and she's proper yelling
at me in front of everyone, so I start smiling, I'm getting more and more excited about the
situation, I'm happy, so anyway once she's finished screaming at me at the till I went to her
unfortunately I'm not gonna be able to serve you and neither is anybody else bye
please come again she was like fucking raging that was a really good day that was. Everyone's just like and I'm like thanks for shopping
and welcome! Next! Yes!
Move along please. That was a great day that was.
Oh my days. Sorry. Go.
Okay. This may be the pettiest thing I've ever done.
Go! So in my city there is a pub that's attached to a donut shop that serves the best donuts
in the city, which always causes a long line.
Because it's attached to a pub, it doesn't close shop until 9pm as there is a solid flow
of business rolling in.
That would be excellent after a night out.
Can you imagine?
I have 12 dozen. Let's go get them now before... Anyway, my girlfriend and I got a serious
hankering for some snacks so we decided to head to the donut shop and arrive out around
around 8.30pm by car. Now there are only three parallel parking spots a little up the street from the place and they are all 15 minute spots which are usually
for 15 minutes for parking. Who? Why? I don't know it's like nipping the shop in
and out each other. Same as the one one behind Iceland, that's 30 minutes. 15 minutes. They've got rid of that now. 15 minutes. Yeah but that's the car in front of the spot, turns on her
indicator and begins backing into the parking spot when this little white Vespa driving behind us
whips into the spot. I roll down our window and call out to the driver, excuse me, we were just backing in. The driver seems to be a
pretty univ student, univ student, a pretty univ student who shrugs her
shoulders and calls out to me, sorry first come first serve, while her and her
friend share a good laugh. My girlfriend suggests we just get the donuts
another time and I tell her she can drop me off here, I'll buy the donuts since I know
what she likes and she can loop around. She agrees and I pop out of the car past the little white Vespa where the girls are still gathering their things and head to the shop.
As always the line is super long for the donuts and since this is the last batch the donuts are slim pickings.
The girls are behind me looking at the five or so different flavors that are left, talking about
which ones are best and which they haven't had yet. I hear one of them jokingly mention,
thank God we got that parking spot, and they burst out laughing. I get to the front of the line and
when asked for my order, request two dozen donuts,
which is every last one remaining.
Would have done the same.
Yes, I would have done.
Not gonna lie.
The girls behind me didn't listen to what I ordered,
but eyebrows of conversion started to form on their faces.
And I read that wrong. started to form on their faces and...
I read that wrong.
Is that in the story? Hang on. But eyebrows of confusion
started to form on their faces
and they slowly saw each doughnut loaded into the boxes
and their options dwindle. One of them, the
driver, in desperation asked the beggar who was loading them in, what you're not even
going to save a few for us though, to which I turned around and said sorry first come first serve.
She honestly looked like she had just simultaneously solved a movie mystery
and shit her pants. It's difficult to put into words but truly an expression I can
never forget. Best doughnuts I ever tasted and enjoyed by the rest of my office the next morning
because obviously they need them all. Yeah, coleslaw. I would have done exactly the same.
Yes I would have. Every single doughnut you've got left, thanks very much. Yeah and if she
had said anything I would have been prepared for the round. So then the people behind them I was going do you want a doughnut? They're free! I enjoyed that I knew it was coming
though yes um top one was this is amazing I couldn't dream of a better petty revenge than this
enjoy uh reliving the delivery of that line and the surge of justice running through your soul
as you did for many years.
I would, I'd spend the rest of my life being happy about that.
Yeah, every Christmas.
Do you remember that time?
I'd be like, back in my day.
A vest style, I was thinking of that all the time.
Vest style, yeah it is.
Oh okay.
It's a little like, scootery thing.
No donuts, but you've got your parking space.
Yeah, well done.
So you'd best spend your last ten minutes looking for something else.
Stop it now.
I'm not being funny, but they probably could have pulled up right next to the, the, the
With no drama.
There was no need for them to do that, and then there still would have been donuts, but
that's how you would have got.
They probably would have got.
Yeah, they could have done like, I'll have them all. Imagine you know like you wait all day and you're like oh I'm
gonna go and get a donut later not one donut. Have fun. Right. Finish off with this one.
I'm sure what I remember it was good. I'm just like I'm a bit nervous today. She's nervous.
It's just I don't remember what's in there. Right. Karma, uncheating wife.
They normally are good, aren't they?
My mum left my dad and I, but took the other kids.
She moved with an old rich man.
She dragged the divorce out thinking she would get
a lot of money from my dad because we lived
on a 120 acre farm, but in in reality my dad's parents owned everything except for a
few herd of cattle and an old combine.
I know because I was like...
Yaxen came. She knew what she was doing.
I was like oh my mom was going... Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. from a very close-knit family, my mum felt entitled to everything my entire family owned.
Thankfully we lived in a rural area and we know everyone. The judge in the case owned the land on
the other side of the fence from my dad's dear blind, I don't know, and threw out a lot of nonsense my
mum city lawyer was trying to pull. One evening my dad and I were having a
super at a restaurant in town and the bank president walked right right walked up to my dad and said you've been you're right
You are approved right here right now for a twenty thousand pound loan to get rid of your wife
They had a pop her off trying to like take the money and fuck off
Payments made
Any payment made any way you want my dad had his fork halfway in his mouth
and his eyes were wide. He just said thank you. Oh, I know. On Monday, he went to the bank and
signed the paperwork and went to court with the settlement offer and they were finally divorced after 15 months. My mum
was not happy because her lawyer got most of it, well of course he did, gutted.
My mum married the man she left us for, they were together till death in 2021. She held her second husband funeral
on the 24th anniversary of her wedding
with her first husband.
I just call that karma.
Oh, he's saying that they died.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Her second husband's funeral was on
her first husband's anniversary.
Yes. Wedding anniversary, it's karma. Her second husband left her 1.2 million. He had her set up a monthly allowance
system that would have lasted her for the rest of her life, but she got greedy and cashed
it all and blew it all within eight months. What the fuck? Yeah, someone said-
What did she do?
I don't know, 1.2 is a lot of money,
but I think, I don't know.
Did she come-
What, in eight months?
I don't think anyone could spend it,
but do you know what?
Well, you could, you could get,
say you get a house for eight,
then you furnish it.
Yeah, but she's already got a house.
I don't know what to say.
Did she come begging for money after the inheritance?
She tried to get back with my dad.
Yeah, I'll bet she came begging.
So yeah, that's it.
That's a good one.
Leave her out for the streets.
They're all for the streets, these people.
Where are we finding them?
I can't believe you would...
Her second husband had her
set up for life. For life? I don't know it's 1.2 million... not now. Yeah but if it's in the bank
it still would have... What did we say? 2021? It still would have got... I understand yeah. The thing?
Yeah yeah. So she could have lived on that, had her bills paid on that and been comfortable.
Like, I'm not saying that...
2021! That is fucking difficult. Think of 2021 and what the financial market was.
That's like, yeah, it's literally three years ago by.
That's about 2021. No, I'm saying that wrong. 2001. Not 2021, 2001. That is is like So a house that's like seven hundred thousand now would have been
Four I'm just trying to do the maths possibly. Yeah. How the fuck did she no idea?
Maybe shopping and whatnot. Maybe she's got some wimpy. She's a greedy bitch
Greedy bitch that actually hasn't got anything over her own ass.
I don't really understand when people cheat how they're entitled to anything.
I suppose the only way out of that is a prenup.
Which, I, I, I, 100% if I ever got into another relationship that is what would be...
You'd have them sign a prenup.
I ain't got a lot, don't get me wrong, I ain't got a lot.
A prenup saying they get I ain't got a lot. Don't get me wrong, I ain't got a lot.
A prenup saying they get nothing anyway.
The boys get.
But everything we go into a relationship with, everything I've got before is mine and my
I think everything you earn is yours and your kids.
I see it.
Full stop, always, all the time.
Because if I remarried, half of my flat now would be theirs.
Yeah, but say if you remarried, right, and then you get to sign a prenup,
and then the podcast takes off and you're making thousands.
What, they're entitled to that.
Fuck off.
Make anything in your prenup, you know.
Yeah, everything would be...
That's mine would be the...
Anything we make together, what would you make together?
Well, I don't know.
If we got a home together half would be his
yeah fine that's that's a different kettle of fish if you're both buying in together
but like mate no but that's it i hate greedy people so it's so dishonest it is so dishonest
but people are like that baby nothing shocks shocks me anymore. I'm just like.
Right, over to you. Switch off.
Right, bye bye my darlings.
That's it for now.
Until next time.
Stay humble and watch out for that karma
because it can come around.
Yeah, and don't blame people for your shit.
Yeah, own it.
Yeah, it makes you a better person.
It does and it makes your karma not so bad.
Yeah, you're doing it.
So bye now.
Too brave.
I'm too brave.
Help me, help me, I'm bruised.
I mean they just look worse in this light, look.
Even when I cross my legs I'm like, ow, ow, ow.
I'm stuck.
I'm really.
What do you think of that?
What do you think of that? I think that girl has got everything that she deserves. stuck. Oooooooooh. I'm really-