Middle-aged opinion - Scammers

Episode Date: January 15, 2025

Today, I walk about scammers different stories about how people been robbed out their money, robbed, visas, and different scams from around the world and help people feel so foolish, but it’s not th...eir fault

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wow, what do you think of that? What don't you think of that? Well, I think that girl has got everything to show. Right, let's get back to the episode. Right, let's say hi. Okay, yeah, because all of that is like, Yeah, we've just literally wasted another percentage on my phone. Yes, we needed it.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Okay, anyway, hello everyone and welcome to Middle-aged Opinion. I'm your host, Ellie. And I'm your host, Emily. And today we are looking at scam. Yes. We don't know how good this is gonna be. It might be better than I think it is. Or it might not.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Yeah, but either way. We're taking a look. Thanks for watching. Right. We're taking a look at scam. Yes. Whereas karma's still popping up for me. Right, so I am going to start with PayPal scams, best scams I've ever seen. Okay, alright. Okay, I got an email. Hang on, are we
Starting point is 00:00:58 promoting scams here? We're promoting them and just click on this link. Best Scams About. Yeah, best scams about or scams to watch out for or click on this link and I'll take all your money from your bank. Voluntary. Voluntary yeah there's up to you if you click on the link it will be at the bottom of the YouTube video. Right, I've got an email from PayPal saying I had a fraudulent transaction from a Leslie lady. I don't know why she's a Leslie lady Leslie friends anyway and I had to call a number to cancel it within 24 hours so I signed into my PayPal and count and cancelled the 500 pounds withdrawal request and there was a note on it the email the same there? The email, the same
Starting point is 00:02:06 email I received. I didn't know people could send notes with withdrawal requests so I thought the note was from PayPal so I called the number and some Indian guy tried to get me to do some weird website callteamview.com which I found strange but still did it. I questioned why it's a PayPal subdorum I'm assuming she means subdomain and they hung up. I then signed into my bank and transferred money and called the bank to stop payment and to close the account. Then googled PayPal actual customer services number and called them. Thank goodness I did because that message came from a scammer
Starting point is 00:03:05 not PayPal, really clever to use PayPal notes to send messages. That way I got an actual email from PayPal, best scam I've ever seen. You could fall for that. Yeah, I haven't got PayPal. I do never thought and just click this link never thought I'd be so close to getting scammed seeing I'm a tech person Has this ever happened to anyone but no how quickly they like yeah I know someone that's been scammed as well has anyone received a withdrawal Request with a note attached from the scammer and made it look like an actual PayPal fraud department? They almost had
Starting point is 00:03:53 me. I mean I get messages from PayPal and I'm like I don't even have a PayPal. O2 keep ringing me so not with O2. It's bizarre. I keep getting Aviva now I am with Aviva but they keep calling me to tell me that I can get better products or whatever for less and I'm like I've literally just updated it like what you're talking about like no no no we can there's cheaper I'm like no I've just spoken with you guys as in the real me. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, they message me probably every other week. Yesterday's one, had one in yesterday. I'm like, you call me every other week. Please take me off your list because you're annoying me.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I'm going to say no. Yeah. Or they're like, oh, you're a homeowner. I was like, yeah. They're like, oh, about your loft installation and getting, I'm like, I live in a flat. And they're like, about your loft installation and getting, I'm like, I live in a flat. And they're like, oh. And then they put the phone down.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah. And like, you can't scam me. Yeah, go away. I'm scammable. Yeah, I'm scammable. Because I don't give a shit and I have no money to buy stuff to be scammed. Exactly, try and take it out of the bank.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Joke's on you. Yeah, double the player. There's no money at the bank. Double the player. Top comment. Sorry. I have been getting invoices scammed recently just started in the last week or two also always for 479 but to different companies one was a Bitcoin thing another Greek squad at the bottom of the email disclaimer from PayPal themselves.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Interesting. Yeah. Be careful people. It's worse around Christmas time as well. Always. But, um, one of Harry's friends' mums, uh, yeah, while we were at junior. So, you know, when the tax scam was going around, if you're self-employed, yeah, she fell for it. She paid twice. Then the bank contacted contacted her she managed to get one back I don't
Starting point is 00:05:49 know if she ever got the other two thousand back but that was the money she had saved for her taxes in a separate bank account so they were like they put you through to coppers and all sorts we've got a warrant blah blah blah when that was going around I was like mate she went I can't believe I fell for it I was like in the moment the panic the panic Yeah, well you're like don't arrest me me I'd be like I could do with the break Please come get me now come and get me honestly obviously know my address. Yes, please come and do it do it now Okay, I can have
Starting point is 00:06:20 Right it's more interesting than I thought Right, it's more interesting than a fault. After I picked it I was like is this going to be a good podcast because I was like I don't but actually it is raising awareness. Goal. Yeah mine comes under informational purposes. Oh informational purposes only. My brother-in-law got scammed never saw this kind of scam before. got scammed never saw this kind of scam before so my brother-in-law got scammed with what I think is a new combination of phone online and physical scam I'm just posting here so everyone can be on guard on gun guard I'll make a wish! Why is that so wrong? I've done it twice now today! Anyway, stop! Stop!
Starting point is 00:07:10 He received a call from his phone company telling him that he could get an iPhone 11 if he extended the contract for 18 months. The iPhone is an old model so it was plausible to get it for an extended contract period. He accepted so on the same call they sent him a code to accept the new contract. It was a password reset code. Three days later he receives an iPhone 15 at his home and after a few hours, a call from the company telling him that there was an error and they sent the wrong phone and that they would send a delivery guy
Starting point is 00:07:59 to get the iPhone 15 and give him the iPhone 11. The day after he received another call telling him the iPhone 11 was delayed, but the delivery guy would go to his home to collect the iPhone 15. A delivery guy visited his home and collected the iPhone 15. After a few days, he calls back to the company and realises he's been scammed. So he literally didn't receive a phone. The
Starting point is 00:08:30 phone that he did get received he sent back. I've seen this case. It's gone. What happened is that the phone company has a store where if you are logged in you can buy new phones and they charge it to your bill and send it to your home address with the information they had and the code and log it logged in the store okay so I hope this helps somebody in the future I didn't know this one so I've seen a couple of videos actually and this woman ended up here in the UK swimming up locked up uh knocked on her door and he was like you've so she gets the package she didn't it was nothing she had done
Starting point is 00:09:09 by ordering the phone and then this bloke was like i delivered a package here and i delivered it to the wrong address she goes i don't know what you're talking about mate the package had my address my name blah blah blah anyway long story short the police are involved in all sorts because this bloke keeps coming back fucking mental give me my package and she ends up calling the police and now she's like barricaded it's like a whole series on tiktok oh my god and he keeps driving up and down the street because obviously they've ordered the phone in her name and all that and uh yeah so now the police are like call 999 if he turns up so he's driven past a
Starting point is 00:09:47 couple of times but he never got the package so i don't know she's sorting it out with whatever company it was but same thing with Jenna not knocking on the door but someone fraudulently rung her she ended up ordering a new phone they ripped it off but it was a scam phone they've written it off but it was a scam. Oh it's like a whole thing babe because I don't see an iPhone is what a grand. Easy. Yeah easy. So just the top comments were and there's a webpage that they've put on a YouTube page that says Jim Browning did a video on this exact scam. There you go, yeah. And then the top comment then is a reminder that you should treat an interaction with your phone company like a bank, like a bank as your phone number is that 2FA key to many sensitive accounts. If a sensitive vendor calls me out of the blue, if I actually answer,
Starting point is 00:10:48 I will say I'm not in a position to give this the proper attention right now, can you call me whenever you will not be distracted, whatever. Most of the time they will pursue to deal with it time they will pursue to deal with it now or not call back while you contact the vendor via a known method of if concerned. Yeah there is there's some people on TikTok and they can talk in like grandma voices and all that and she fucking winds these people up and he's like so basically the scam is they transfer you money yeah and then you by doing whatever on your computer, you open up your hole and then they take everything. Yeah. So she lets them transfer, I believe it's a she, it might be a non-binary person,
Starting point is 00:11:34 she lets them transfer the money and then she's like, thank you so much, it makes such a difference. And they're like, give me the money back. And she's like, sorry dear. Like, like it's amazing I love all that shit I think that's why I was like let's do scams. Let's do the scams. Right ready? Yeah. Okay it happened to me 30k gone. Yeah well we are supposed to be close on our first home this upcoming Tuesday. Today we received an email stating closing was ready to go and that the closing costs were ready to wire transfer. The email wiring instructions address names from our title company were all the same.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Sent them the money at 1pm, noticed the scam around 8pm. Based on all the posts in this sub, I know there's no hope but now we can't afford to buy our house, just absolutely devastated. stated, I already called the bank police and did the FBI complaint. Just so upset and feel like idiots. There is an update. I've seen through enough comments about what I should have done. I'm getting comments about how obviously the email instructions could have been a scam. Well, obviously they weren't, but they looked
Starting point is 00:13:12 almost identical. I don't need advice on what I should have done. I need advice on steps and what I can take now to warn the upcoming home buyers on these things. I don't know as I am a young woman. So someone knew she was buying? Isn't it crazy and scary, babe? So somebody who knew that was the process she was in yeah and quite clearly knew she was at that point yeah that's that's that's crazy because i would be pointing all sorts of fingers yeah so mods have stepped in i'm not gonna bother reading this comment but mods have stepped in and like stop having a go at her she's basically telling you what's happened to put awareness out yeah it's done done and you're
Starting point is 00:14:05 basically a lot of people are violating, I'm assuming they're calling her idiots and that and I haven't been through. Somebody said there's something really broken about this entire process, people post here about this happening somewhat regularly. This person's basically saying how is this happening? Do you know I watch TikTok a lot and a lot of rich people say never pay with your own money, always use a credit card. So you'll find that a lot of rich people, we're not yet but we'll understand one day, they pay everything on credit card. So if anything-
Starting point is 00:14:46 If you get your money back straight away on your credit card. Everything's covered always on a credit card. And what- Debit card takes more time. Of course. But most of the time you can get it back, sometimes not. Sometimes not. And that's the thing, if you pay in your credit card,
Starting point is 00:14:59 you're completely- You pay cash, you're fucked. Yeah. You're fucked. Prove it. But yeah, like I think that's that said something like about paying on your credit card and all that but that might in future be the safest way to go because you are. I need to get a credit card. As long as you can pay the balance straight back off. Yeah. You're fine, like do it on your credit card but not in that position either so. But yeah that's quite a scary one isn't
Starting point is 00:15:25 it yeah yeah yeah oh dear yeah because I feel like she was in a position where the person that did that to her potentially knew yeah how did they get all that in that that's what I'm saying they've either got into her emails and could see that's where she was in the process or there was something to do with one of the companies she was using. It's scary. It is scary. And someone who she should have been able to trust did that to her. It is, it is scary. Oh my god. Moving on. I got scammed today and have never felt more stupid. It's really sad that everyone feels stupid for this but you do.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I would instantly be like I'm such a fucking idiot. Like why did I not see this? Yeah. Right. Victim of scam. I posted some pictures of myself in a subreddit last night and woke up to a PM of someone claiming to be an artist requesting to use my photos for art. I'm sure you know where this is going. Yeah we've had it. A few hours and a multitude of missed red flags later he asked if I could deposit a check of 2500 and give him 700
Starting point is 00:16:51 for art supplies. I did exactly what he told me to do and bam the fucker is gone without a trace. I didn't know what got into me. I don't know what got into me. I kept going back over the course of the entire chat and the fake checks and think how the fuck did I not see this coming. I guess I've been a little desperate for extra money lately. I have a car with $5,900 left on it to pay and I'm trying to pay off as soon as possible. So the extra money would have really helped. I feel stupid and haven't told anyone about it. Just read it. I think the only people I'll ever tell this to are my future children, so they don't grow up to be as fucking stupid as me.
Starting point is 00:17:53 This shit sucks. I do feel for it. So we've had- Like in a desperate state. We've had this on Facebook, on our business account, on Facebook and TikTok. So the this on Facebook, on our business account, on Facebook and TikTok. So the one on TikTok, I mean the one on Facebook, I think I just completely ignored, the one
Starting point is 00:18:12 on TikTok I was like, so they start by saying, can we have your picture? And I was like, yeah, by all means help yourself. You're going to earn money from it. No, no, keep it all for yourself. No worries. Can we do the on and on and i'm like no no you keep the money for yourself you earn the money you're doing the picture you do i'll sell it to millionaires yeah all for you babe you do that yeah have fun fuck off
Starting point is 00:18:39 so the top 10 go on on. The rule to follow. Don't send strangers money. That's it. There are 1001 variants of the scam. They will all work by getting the victim to send the scammer money. Do you know, even- And don't send dick pics to anyone.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Yes, that coming out this December. Anyone who has been his wife for 50 years. Um, okay, someone's been hurt there. Yeah, who wants a dick pic? Not us. Alternatively send them to absolutely everybody. No holds barred. It's disgusting. What the dick pics? This is the advice my neighbor lives by. Sorry, it's gone. It's gone. No dick pics. this is the advice my neighbor lives by sorry he posts a video publicly of him
Starting point is 00:19:28 jacking off onto his telegram. Why not? Even not realizing or not caring that telegram audio added his contacts his contracts contacts my husband got the video we routinely quote it to each other oh my god when you say we routinely quote it to each other please tell me he speaks as well what does he say in it right we are He's saying it! You're so off track! Alright, let me paint a picture for you. Guy is laying back in a tent on a warm sunny day, full nudity from the waist down, going to town on his junk with a one-star vibrator. What? What's you doing with that? I don't remember all of what was said but the line we quote is
Starting point is 00:20:26 ball bangs are full. Oh, ball bags. I think that ball bags are full followed by a passionate moan. Ball bags are full. I need to know the script portions that have made it into their everyday life please! anyway slightly off track we really do life a little bit of filth don't we some of you guys are awkward, ball bags are full, only awkward if you make it awkward dude likes jacking off and my husband loves it loves out of context porn so it's a good time anyway that's a different podcast off track I just might be new that might the song. We have to. We will. We will. On the twelfth day of Christmas my ballpacks are really full. Ahhhhh.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah, we can do that. Haaaaa. Haaaaa. People listening are like, what the fuck? Right, anyway. I got scammed by a guy on Grindr. On Grindr? You fucking bitched me.
Starting point is 00:22:08 On Grindr. Yes, that, that follows suit right now. That really follows suit. I didn't know that's where you were going. Although I was like, deep breathing. That was not where I was at. It was not. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Where do I even start with this? It's in the middle of the night here and I'm still just so mad more at myself more up myself or more myself for falling for any of this than anything also I think I'm coming down with a fever I'm writing this mainly for my own peace of mind but also I want people like me to be aware of scams like this. The all-star is when this guy approached me on Grindr saying that he'll be on a business trip to where I live in the next week. And he just used the map to see some of his gay followers out there,
Starting point is 00:23:14 which is how he found me. The whole time he was very friendly, never mentioned anything about money or anything. It was just like someone who tried to be your friend for the record. I work for an international company and I work with a lot of co-workers from overseas on a daily basis and some of them are working in our office here right now. I think that that's why I don't have much of a guard up as someone's supposed to have when it comes to foreign content. Anyways back to the story not long ago he told me that he had started to get ready for a trip that he had a conference he needed to attend in Turkey. So he wanted to send
Starting point is 00:24:14 his luggage first and asked me if I could hold it on that for him since he didn't know anyone here. Maybe you can see where this is going. Now I'm thinking drugs. Anyway today when the luggage arrives, that's fucking weird. A luggage arrives supposedly I was contacted by the shipper company okay that there are some custom and taxes that will need to be paid and they can only accept local currency. And cash. Yeah. I begin the, the narrow and big hearted, being the big hearted person that I am, offer to
Starting point is 00:25:04 pay without ever questioning it, not even a little bit. Of course the guy did reimburse me or at least pretended to do so, since the transfer will be done in five working days. Sadly, that's not the end of this. As they had seen how easy it was for me to pay probably over fees, keeping keep coming up, overseeing fees keep coming up at this point, I somehow still haven't questioned it. In the end, I transfer about what equivates to 5,000 US dollars. The shipping company said they would start to ship the luggage to me now and it should be here by noon. I said great but but noon had come
Starting point is 00:25:57 and gone and there is no luggage so I contacted them again. They said that the luggage is under police custody because apparently there was a huge amount of cash and gold in there, which they showed me a picture of when I asked them to, and they needed another $2,500 US dollars. At this point, even someone as stupid as me started to get suspicious. I kept pressuring to talk to the local agent or to get the luggage myself in person since there was no way I could pay again without seeing anything. Meanwhile, I contacted the guy in Grindr, informed him of the situation and why I could not pay again. The guy had the audacity to call me crying and pleading me to help him pay and promised
Starting point is 00:26:53 to reimburse me. Somehow, finally that was my wake-up call. Oh thank goodness. And I went to the police station and explained my situation which was one of the most embarrassing things I've ever had to do. The officer at first thought I was involved in some kind of spicy chat and got annoyed which is not the case since there was got annoyed which is not the case since there was never anything like that being talked about or sent between me and this guy. However sadly because of the nature that this is essentially an overseas crime I did transfer the money willing willingly it's gonna be pretty much impossible to track my money. I'm gonna say something very presumptuous here which is that I honestly don't care too
Starting point is 00:27:53 much about the money which I think was part of the reason why I got into this mess in the first place. The thing that hurts me the most is the whole time I thought I was just helping out a friend or a potential friend, I didn't even think about starting a relationship with him or anything, at least not without meeting him in person first. I think about how I was researching good restaurants and attractions in the city for when he got here and I feel so stupid at the point I even offered to pick him up from the airport and book a hotel for him. And I knew he must have laughed his ass off at me. Now that I'm out of this, I can look back and see all the signs that were there the entire time. I should have known something, was up with this guy, that's on me now.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Good luck everyone and stay safe. It's really sad. It is sad because actually when you're acting on your good nature, to be a good human being for other human beings yeah and it's completely taken advantage it's easy for other people on the outside to look at you and go that's a scam yeah you idiot what you're doing yeah yeah but if you're in a moment like I can get I get how it happens and I can you can never say it's never gonna happen to me
Starting point is 00:29:23 because you know people are untrustworthy. Someone said one thing I've learned from when I was on dating sites is to never give anyone any money period. I've had girls who thought were real and I was texting and they'd ask for 40 pounds on Zilla for lunch. I don't know what that means. That was an immediate block. If anyone asked for a single dollar, just block them and move on.
Starting point is 00:29:55 They could be asking for hundreds or just a dollar, yeah, but block and move on. They weren't asking for money, were they? They weren't. I think even then, babe, depending on what- He did, but initially, he wasn't the one saying, they? They weren't. I think he's a Nenbaid depending on what kind. He did but initially he wasn't the one saying could I have. No. The guy was receiving messages saying like to release this you've got to pay me. He's
Starting point is 00:30:15 been a good guy. Yeah that's what I'm saying. Look I feel like he's been too hard and then just this one. I have a, I had this with a app, but I requested 30 bucks and in their Hasty greed actually sent me the money. I brought myself a delightful lunch the next day. I'm assuming they said pay Can we have this and he was like, yeah, just let's see you legit send me 31st And then that has his lunch Someone said awesome the guy seems better thank you everyone he feels better about it's heartwarming to see everyone reaching out so lovely moving on. Yeah being a bit more positive than just
Starting point is 00:30:55 calling my fool. Okay a friend refuses to accept that he is being scammed okay okay okay okay I've got a family friend and co-worker a man in his early 50s who is caught up in a Sandra Bullock romance scam he thinks she's gonna marry him not Sandra Bullock but it's not the real Sandra Bullock he thinks it is. Romance scam. I don't know what film that would be, but anyway. Who's caught up in a Sandra Bullock romance scam. He thinks she's gonna marry him
Starting point is 00:31:36 and that he's gonna be rich soon. What's heartbreaking about it is that he hasn't mentioned once what he would spend his money on only about the money he's gonna give away he said he wanted to give my dad a million dollars because he works too hard and he's phoning people about how he's gonna have money to pay back his debts you can send me some. I'm almost certain he's giving them money. I'm almost certain he's giving them money. But I have no idea how much.
Starting point is 00:32:13 He just bought a brand new iPhone 15 and I'm worried he's spending money he doesn't have but thinks he'll receive when he marries Sandra Bullock. What a fucking twat. I've read stories of people getting involved in some shady shit. So through these romance scams, I just hope he doesn't do anything that would get him into trouble. Does anybody who's experienced this situation before
Starting point is 00:32:47 have any idea what to tell somebody who's caught up in this? Nobody has been feeding him his delusion. We all say, you know it's fake, right? And he will just turn around and walk away from us. I know I need to collect evidence to show him it isn't real, but I have absolutely no idea where to start. I've never been involved with something like this before. He's a nice guy and I think this has given him a lot of hope. How do I tell him it's not real that he needs to stop before it goes any further without leaving him crushed? I wonder if there's a way he can reach Sandra Bullock's
Starting point is 00:33:27 personal team? Like an email or tweet? Isn't it weird? Why are we calling it Sandra Bullock? Because he thinks that Sandra Bullock is in love with him and she's a multimillionaire. I do, I think that it would be beneficial to see if he can try and reach out. What are people saying? Well, someone's, it's actually come up as quality can contribute so someone's given something decent. So keep one thing in mind, your friend thinks that he's found, one, love. Yeah. Two, a new wife that men the world over will envy him for. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Three, the means to show people how much he cares about them. And four, the answers to all of his financial problems. I thought that, but I didn't win the lottery. That's really powerful. When you come along with your evidence that Sandra Book isn't going to become his next wife, he loses all of that and he gains A, not being loved and B, being duped. It's going to be really hard for you to get him to trade one two and three and four for A and B. If this friend of yours has no doubts about this it's going to be difficult because what you really want to do is be there to affirm and amplify the doubts that he that he has. You're going to have a very hard time
Starting point is 00:35:08 replacing your truth with his. Helping him find his way is a better truth, to a better truth is easier. I would suggest finding someone close to him who knows how to talk to him and asking that person to speak with him. The best way of getting this person to climb down from where they are is to have someone they trust help them. I feel sorry for him. You know, you've got me in a real delusion to think Sandra Bullock is actually... And this person must be fucking good at what they're doing to him. Yeah, to convince them that they're actually... But I'm pretty sure, like, I don't know if she's married or not. Don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Have a little look. Sandra Bullock's not married. I don't know. I know she's just... I'm sure she's adopted some children. Yeah. I don't think she's married. It's quite sad really.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I mean like, mental health comes into play if you're that delusional babe. You've got fingers in his 50s as well. That's what I'm saying like, mental health is telling me that... Do we know? Did it just come up with your story? No, I just wanted to see what came up with Sandra Bullock Romance again, whether there was like... Do you see if she's in a relationship?
Starting point is 00:36:35 I'm interested. I love Sandra Bullock. She's not. How do you know she's a single woman? She's an amazing single woman. When do you speak to her? You're in an illusion. We're mates. I like that. She's an amazing single woman. When do you speak to her? You're in an illusion. We're mates.
Starting point is 00:36:47 I like that. She's 60 years old. Shut the front door. Fucking amazing. Please Jesus. Please let me be like that. Oh my God. Oh she is, look.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Yeah, that's embarrassing. No, no. They're divorced. They're divorced. But she was married. I mean, he's rough as fuck. She's like one of the most beautiful women in the world, mate. And she's so pure.
Starting point is 00:37:06 And, and, she was in one of my favourite films, Practical Magic. Yes, I love that. I love her in Miss Congeniality as well. Right, shall I finish off? And The Blind Side, I loved her in that. I cried. I cried like a little bitch. But you know, the real bloke come out come out and like said that's not exactly how things went no probably not which is quite sad anyway right finishing it taking us home America is a scam to Sandra and America is a scam there is no such thing as an American dream. Never was. Working hard
Starting point is 00:37:46 just gets you more work. It is all a lie. Majority of citizens work jobs where they are constantly treated like shit from co-workers and management. HR is not your friend and they don't give a fuck. Everyone is being exploited. Minimum wage is not enough to afford rent, car expensive groceries, hydrating products. I didn't say that right then either. Products. We barely get time off to do the things
Starting point is 00:38:24 that we actually love and barely have a social life. All these companies kept rising prices out of greed. Food doesn't even fill me up like it used to. It feels like I'm eating cardboard. We work like slaves making us constantly drained of energy barely sleep the food is all artificial trash filled with chemicals that kills us and they want us brain dead and sick. Healthcare is trash and poor you if you end up in ER because the bill can leave you homeless. It's like everyone is one emergency away from losing it and the best part, nothing can be done about it. I was always a top student, always excellent in school
Starting point is 00:39:18 despite my horrific circumstances. Spend thousands on a business degree that's worthless now because companies want someone with 10 years of experience always working hard in every job. I have nothing, I had and nothing has changed. Congrats to me. I see why people get into crime now We fucked one way or another good job in America you won. I give up edit I'm not interested in coming up with a solution right now. I suffer from depression and other mental health issues I'll tell you why I read this in a minute and I'm just fed up at the moment with my current position and finances. My point is
Starting point is 00:40:08 America shouldn't have to be working multiple jobs like me to be able to afford the bare minimum. Call it a breakdown or whatever you want. I'm tired and I'm not the only one. I've got to take more than positivity and thinking and looking elsewhere to fix the nationwide issue. I feel hopeless at the moment, hence why I said give up. So I'm gonna let you hit that first. Because he's saying, not just America, America, England is a scam. Yeah, I feel it.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I understand. I agree. And I don't think there's going to be many people, you know, normal everyday people who are going to say, now you're wrong, mate. Like we're all in it. It's a scam. We are all in it. It's all a fucking scam. We have literally had all our different like
Starting point is 00:41:07 Positioning have their pay rises the NHS the police they've all had their pay rise that they've been arguing and protesting for Just for him to go We've got taxes going up by April. Yeah, like five cents. Everyone who's had their all out. What's the point? Yeah counts the tax everything taxes, it's all... And he's right, everyone. Yeah, but that's why I read it, right? Because when I was, I was like, but I was like, he's right on every single fucking level.
Starting point is 00:41:34 And the thing is, right, so now the government are like, 100% there's definitely aliens, 100% million. We're telling you that they're there. And the reason no one gives a fuck is because we can't afford to fucking live. So no one is, exactly, no one is worried that there's aliens or we might all fucking die. In fact, half of us are going sweet.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Sweet, maybe they'll put something right. Yeah, because the way that things are. Maybe they eat be right. Yeah, because the way that things are they eat rich people They take they you know, they take from Pete Peter and give to Paul It's like it's a fucking joke like there is no solution that anyone can think of because This bloke has hit the nail on the head. No, it's harsh. It's a harsh It's a harsh truth. Yeah. And what's worse in America, I tell you, I tell you something else that's really pissed me off and I really don't
Starting point is 00:42:30 give a fuck yeah. So in America obviously they have to pay for their health care and it ain't no fucking joke yeah. So some people can't afford insurance hence they don't even pay like like here in the UK we pay a small amount if we hit our cars or whatever, right? But there it's like say a grand and then the insurance will cover the rest. For some people can't even afford that insurance. So they haven't got any insurance or money to put down. So like this bloke said, you're left homeless, right? So you've got to look at it like that. So here in the UK at the moment, the waiting times on the NHS are mental. It's really difficult to see a doctor.
Starting point is 00:43:10 I can't complain too much because I have, I'm just saying what's going on. Yeah and the general rule right now is that. And then they just announced that any immigrants will get private healthcare and the rest of us will continue to wait on the NHS waiting list and they're doing it so the migrants don't take up any more time on the NHS waiting list. Well here's a fucking idea for you. How about the people that have waited longest on the waiting list receive, wherever you're from, I don't give a fuck right receive your health care From the private finger bobs and that is actually what's going to get the waiting list down
Starting point is 00:43:51 Tell me how that doesn't make more sense Than people that have waited years or months and then you want to treat people that have just come to the country Let's take the people at the top of the list Send them to the private add the other people on, and then we keep a fair system, people don't get pissed off. It's fucking mental. It's mental. That goes for everything, not just the health,
Starting point is 00:44:14 it goes for the home, like the housing. Yeah, there is no housing. Of every home veterans on the street. But yeah, they've closed down hotels and chucks. All across England so and it's like it does sound why could we not do that for our veterans yeah why could we not take a hotel we don't personally personally I don't give a fuck where you've come I really don't give a fuck I think the variety is what makes London and the UK great I really do but I think when you are fucking someone over to help
Starting point is 00:44:48 somebody else it doesn't make any sense to me yeah let's all stop this nonsense and help each other but the government just do the weirdest shit ever so yeah when I read that I was like that is a fucking rant waiting to happen trigger warning trigger do you reckon it's a trigger warning honestly I mean we could I read that I was like that is a fucking rant waiting to happen. Trigger warning. Trigger warning. Do you reckon it's a trigger warning? Honestly, if you said that in front of my dad, oh my God, he'd be gone. About what? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:45:12 What you just said. That whole, he would have been- Do you think that makes me sound racist or discriminant? No, it sounds like a whole bunch of people really. And it is a whole, it's not just you, it's just not me. It's a whole bunch of people really and it is a whole bunch of countries that are just tired of being put second to somebody else when actually we've put into the country. We give away millions. And yet we're not getting back. UK is a brilliant place to come because they've got this, they've got that, yeah?
Starting point is 00:45:47 But nobody actually who lives here benefits from it because it's just the whole world's gone fucking mad. Everybody else gets it first. I just don't understand it. I don't really understand what's happening and I think that that for me is, because it's not me personally that it's affecting right now.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Like it's not affecting me. I'm not on the NHS waiting list. I barely see the doctor who can be fucked. Do you know what I mean? But I'm just yeah. And I just think that watching watching stuff happen and seeing people get enraged people try and change the narrative and say, oh you're racist or you just get but that's not what's happening not what's happening nobody's saying that nobody cares about that I just think it's time if there is if there is a queue join it the new people
Starting point is 00:46:39 join the back of the queue yeah you don't get to jump the queue. Right. Yeah. And actually if we're going to use private, the people at the front get to use the private. Whatever's coming next, the people at the front get it next. That's how I see it. That makes more sense. We are British and we queue. Yeah. We are polite in the system of queuing. You can't just decide who's that problem person at the front. Yeah unless there's emergencies of course it's like you know A&E. And the person at the front don't mind if it's an emergency. Right. But they do when you've been waiting years and then somebody else rocks up and goes and
Starting point is 00:47:20 they're like oh you go private. Of course and that's the thing You know see the media want people to believe that everyone in English Everyone in England is racist and discriminant and it's against this culture and that you're Twisting the narrative. The problem is what we've just said it is that's the problem Nobody here in the UK honestly gives a fuck where you're from or what you do or anything we really don't care the problem is that you're put in one human life in front of another when get in the fucking queue like everybody else and wait unless you've got an emergency then that's fine step aside but that is nothing to do with anything of your ethnic origin or your background or the colour of your skin or the language you talk in.
Starting point is 00:48:07 None of that is irrelevant. So I think as humans we all need to step up mate and do better. Otherwise the aliens really are going to come out and see and wipe us all out and I for one am going to join them. Right I feel like I've got one more. Yeah you need to like take us home because that was a proper run. It's okay. It's okay, it's okay. It's worse than that woman. I accidentally scammed a scammer.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Good. All right, it's good. It's okay. It's okay. Don't throw your drink on me. I had a 15,000 pound item on eBay once. Okay. And someone bought it. I was on top of on top of
Starting point is 00:48:48 things so I shipped it out the same day. The next day the person messaged me saying to send it to a different address than what was on their account. I knew that scam but I had already sent it. Hmm. I expected them to try to get their money back so I went to the post office and filled out the form to recall the item. A few days later I had it back and put it back up for sale again. I kept an eye on the scammers account, waiting for them to claim that they never got the item. And one day saw that they deleted their account and they got to keep the money.
Starting point is 00:49:32 I ended up getting 3000, or 30, I said, I know you meant 1500. You know what I'm saying. I said 1500 and that's 1300. But that's, you know, 1500, 13. Yeah, yeah. For that thing, thanks for the extra money, Scammer.
Starting point is 00:49:51 What a twat. How did they end up with double the money? Because they paid for it, then they would have said they never got it. Yeah, so then the money- They would have claimed the money back and kept the item. Does that make sense? So they, when he sent it, they would have said the money back and kept the item. Does that make sense? So they when he sent it they would have said never got it, it was the wrong address. Yeah. Right. They would have had the item that's worth 1,500. Yeah but if
Starting point is 00:50:16 it was his item and he sent it. Yeah but he they would have claimed the money back so he so the scammer sent the money for the item the buyer oh he claimed it back because he would have claimed it back yes so the scammer would have initially claimed back the 1500 and kept the item that's the scam that people do it all the time when Alfie was selling one of these computer parts I said I wrote on their cash cash run deliveries sold a scene because a lot of times they pick up the item get back and they're like this is shit and like claim money back it's a really dangerous game babe to do anything yeah and then it just went into like loads of people going yeah I've done
Starting point is 00:51:01 this do yeah this happened to me yeah It's all very much a thing. Scammers are everywhere, baby. It's like a thing. I watch a woman crying on TikTok. It really is a thing. I watch a woman crying on TikTok. Yesterday, she's pissed off with TikTok because she sells on their shop, and she sells these cards.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I don't know, I think they're to fill time, but you could give them to small children for learning, but I don't know if it's more of an autistic Yeah thing anyway, so she sent this 50 quid item to this buyer Yeah, they sent it back Yeah And the person that by taking it out of all its packaging chewed all the corners obviously the child or a dog or whatever has chewed it all up they've sent it back and so now she's got an item she can't sell and they've taken the 50 quid back. So that's what people do babe, it's so bad.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Yeah. Or they say didn't receive or send back a different item, it's like a whole thing babe that people are doing at the minute And what they're forgetting is they think that these people have loads of money, but actually they don't. So yeah, that's it. Thank you for joining, sorry about my rant. It was a very ranty one though, wasn't it? It was. But I could completely relate.
Starting point is 00:52:18 The whole scammy thing. Yeah, I could relate with what you're saying, that everything's a bit- Not just that one, but like the whole scan profile is... Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can really sort of... Yeah, but I understand that everything feels really messed up at the moment. It feels a bit weird, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:52:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, you know, that's what we were talking about with the aliens. Like, no one cares because everything's so bad. How bad is it that we don't even care about aliens? Well, oh well, sounds great. Where have they been found? In the sea. Yeah, but what sea?
Starting point is 00:52:52 I don't fucking know, but I don't know these aliens personally. Maybe that's what grabbed your leg when we swam from the shore to the inflatables. Don't just Google aliens, but in the sea. I know aliens. That's a scary fucker. I know that. I know that's from the new Penethius or whatever. Aliens in the sea. Show results for. Top stories. The alien life forms discovered in the deep ocean. What ocean?
Starting point is 00:53:28 What does it matter? Are you going? Is it close to us or is it a little bit further away? Like are they walking up on our shores because we ain't got space? Or are they off somewhere else? It doesn't matter. And they're gonna be on Hawaii because it's only a bunch of me. I'm not in any rush to get to Hawaii. I want to know if there's
Starting point is 00:53:46 mermaids more than I want to know if there's aliens. We might need to speak to the aliens then. Yeah. Do you know? Do come round if you listen to the podcast. Yeah but look the alien life forms discovered in the deep ocean. I just don't know whether we've got time for this bullshit. Well I don't think it's bullshit. I'm a little bit excited about it all. Although I feel like didn't they confirm last year... Are you serious? No, I'm gonna Google it.
Starting point is 00:54:14 What are you doing? Didn't they confirm last year that there was? in this report it's striking to me that you've gone in the descriptions of experiences they've changed their names as well from UFO to something else several of them include biological effects and some of them do not some look better in humans than us apparently, very AI like. UFO could be operated from secret alien base beneath our oceans. I'm telling you. Aliens in the ocean, congress latest hearing on UFO explained.
Starting point is 00:55:01 That's what you're watching now. They said that a lot of our intelligence comes from them. We've always said that love. That ain't no fucking shot, is it? That image of their UFO looks like the Starship Enterprise. So fuck off with all of this bullshit. So you think Scott is in there? I doubt he's in there.
Starting point is 00:55:24 You don't know that. I mean I'm not being funny here, they're saying deep blue ocean. This ain't it. Have they been found though? Apparently! What an actual physical evidence. Can anyone that works for the US government give us a ring? You can email us at middleagedopinion.com and just let us know.
Starting point is 00:55:54 UAP. UAP. That's what they're calling it in the ground. around the globe. Furthermore, the US is in possession of UAP technologies as are some of our adversaries. They presented 757 reports of these UAPs between May last year and June of this year. Most of these were ruled out as being birds, adults, or even false positives, but 21 of them seemed real. They just put UAP alien meaning in No, unidentified flying object. No, UAP. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Uniform partnership act. That ain't it. Let's see if I can see. Unidentified anonymous phenomena. There you go. That's it. I heard see. Unidentified anonymous phenomena. There you go, that's it, I heard that, yeah. How is that a UFO? I don't know, I'm going to be... Oh, I got P, ow!
Starting point is 00:56:54 See you later guys. Be careful with the scamming, stay safe. Don't give strangers money. Not even one P. Strangers and money, it is. And remember, you ain't got no money. We ain't got no money. Take care peeps

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