Middle-aged opinion - Soooo entitled!

Episode Date: March 26, 2025

Hello everyone, and welcome back for another episode today. We talk about people that are completely entitled and think that they have every right to do whatever they wanna do we hope you enjoyed toda...y’s episodes please like follow and subscribe

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm not allowed to do it anymore and then they demoted me to only being allowed to do it on a Friday and now I have to be on the field so I'm not allowed to do the music at all and then someone else does the music now and then I managed to get us um two days a week to do it but with the false promise of we will only play Disney music on the first, on a Monday. Well we never had music at school. It really puts the kids in a good. We sung, yeah I bet it does, I mean we sung music. He's got the whole world in his pants. We don't sing that. No.
Starting point is 00:00:54 What's wrong with this? Don't you have to tighten it? It just seems very, um, wobbly. It's emotional. It's picking up on you babes yeah what a mess what a mess i've had a couple of good nights sleep though no playing i get hot flashes as well when i'm due on flashes as well when I'm due on. I always have, do you? Heat up. Yeah. Yeah. I get proper antsy. Unsettled. I was laying earlier, I had fed Alfie and that because like I said
Starting point is 00:01:35 I'm only eating pretty much cooked breakfast with obviously no carbs and I've done him one and then he comes through and he was like where's my bag and I was like one and then he come for and he was like, where's my bag? And I was like, what? And he went, oh my God, I've just got back. And I was like, what? I've got belly ache, what, what? I thought you were, why are you in my face? Again, constantly at me. You're always here.
Starting point is 00:02:01 To be fair, within like five minutes of meeting him, I mean, he was waiting in the car park, it was quite cute. But within five minutes, I was like having a go at him. Shut up. Oh mate, his hair's like super long. I was like, oh my god, your hair. Blah, blah, blah. And he was like, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Have you cut it? No, I need to, but he's already washed it today. I need to do it, I'll do it tomorrow I think. The day did get away from me though, because I was putting the washing on the line and then trying to I washed up because obviously it was Paul's birthday yesterday. Oh was it? Oh, I'm a shit friend 53. Oh I know. Um so then uh I washed up all of that because he made a curry and uh then cooked my stuff and I haven't washed that it's like a rotation I really need a dishwasher. I'm rich babe. I've got nowhere for a dishwasher
Starting point is 00:02:54 otherwise I would get one they're like life changers babe I used to have one didn't I? Me and Paul used to argue about it all the time. I used to have one and it was always full. I was just gonna say. My mum would always be like, put in the dishwasher and I'm like shut up. And then. I bet it's full. I'm like yeah it is. I opened the, because I weren't really a pre-rincer either. So if I opened it. Oh I was. Nah. If I opened it and anything had a little bit on I'd just put it on all over again. And then she'd be like, what's the point, I'll just wash it. No.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Yeah, no thanks. And then I was bad at emptying it. Did these hands look like they get wet? I was bad at emptying it as well. Really bad. I used to just take it out and give it a dry and use it. Didn't even put it away. Me and Paul would get were getting around because he's
Starting point is 00:03:46 saying I put the knives the wrong way in and I was like who cares I just put them in but obviously I put them up sharp. I almost stabbed myself but did you though? I think I've heard about that too. See he's out. Kids always. Right, what are we doing? We're doing yours first, yeah? Me. Yeah. It's the one I read first. Entitled, yeah?
Starting point is 00:04:13 Yeah. Who's entitled? You're entitled. No, you're entitled. Give it to me. Now! I'm older than you. Respect your elders.
Starting point is 00:04:23 You are older than me. Oh, I am? Sorry. But I don't know why I've older than you. Respect your elders. You are older than me. Oh, I am? Sorry. But I don't know why I've gone on to that. Saved. I'm still on the rabbit hole with TikTok, although I can't watch anything anymore. It's really stressing me out.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Sorry. Do you know, I've had a runny nose since that flu thing I had. Which is how long ago? January and the dizziness comes and goes. I'm wondering if it's sinus and sometimes I could smell fags. I'm not wrong I had a brain scan but as you know, it might have been years ago now to be fair. But yeah, so I looked it up I feel like it's sinus especially with the runny nose yeah and then I was like is
Starting point is 00:05:09 it because I'm running but no I had it even before then the weather's just been all over the place I know that's what I blame mine on because I've had a runny nose this week I'm good right now I feel a bit stuffy actually but I'm not normally a runny girl no so that's why I'm like is it have I got a bit stuffy actually. But I'm not normally a runny girl. No. So that's why I'm like, is it, have I got a start? And then not normally a runny girl. I wasn't a runner. And then the dizziness as well because I went to the dentist, I had like two of my fillings done and he laid back and I went all funny and then getting up it took me ages to get myself together. So and then that went and then come back a couple of days later but I don't know. Oh I'm moving on. Love an entitled person. They're very
Starting point is 00:05:53 entertaining. They are. In fact I watched, I watched you know I like my motorbikes I was watching like a few riders that I follow on my Instagram. Yeah. And there's a young girl, she's Dutch. She's got a beautiful bike. Anyway, she was parked waiting for a friend to come out from wherever she was. She was on her bike, a bike was on, and sort of how the paving was, it was like the road and the pavement was all sort of one. Yeah. And this woman has sort of, I mean it's clear that she can walk around. Yeah. But walked directly in her way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And then had to walk around her and then was like in her face. Oh my god. Like properly laying into her. And then her comments were just like, I'm so proud of myself for not punching that woman in the face. And you could hear she's like, I mean she was talking Dutch, but you could hear her being like, okay. Okay then. And this woman was I mean I would have revved. Vrrrr. Don't know, when people get aggressive it just makes me laugh. Why do you think you're so entitled?
Starting point is 00:07:29 Because everyone is so entitled, babe. I think. She wasn't even in the way. But I think the level. It wasn't even busy where they were. Even the younger generation now, I think the level of it's all about me is just fucking so high at the minute out of all time
Starting point is 00:07:46 Oh, it's like out of control Right. We're ready to start. Yeah, okay Almost like breeding this You know there yet, okay. Hello. I'm going first. No you know, okay. Hello everyone Actually, what a fucking week. What a week. What a week. Hello everyone, and welcome to Middle Age Opinion. I am your host, Ellie.
Starting point is 00:08:16 And I am your host, Emily. And this is Middle Age Opinion. And what are we doing? Entitled. Entitled, because I'm reading the word feral. That's what I started to do. I started to be like, parents. And feral.
Starting point is 00:08:30 We're doing something about feral people. We're not. Although they are. We are. We are looking at entitled people. Is that what I called it? I can't remember. Entitlement.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Have we done anything there at all? Yeah, I feel like we have. Yeah, so I'm going to have to check because now, now we're going over stuff like we're episode 50 and we're going to be doing something else. Is that what I called it? I can't remember. Entitlement. I don't, have we done the title? We done it, I feel like we have. Yeah, so I'm gonna have to check, cause now, now we're going over stuff, like we're episode 50 by the way, that's what went up.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Ah! Now. We are close to a year. I know, April. So close to a year. April the 19th. Literally, what, 10 weeks time. It's exciting. It's exciting.
Starting point is 00:09:02 But yeah, so before, before I do a title now, I have to go through. How many weeks are there in a year? 52. So no, 53. Two weeks time, not ten weeks time. There you go. Yeah, April's like right there babe. What are we, the 21st, 22nd, 21st? It's the 21st. Yeah. Wow. I I know it's gone really quick really really quick no two weeks times my mom and It was the week after yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, wow I know it's honestly it's gone super fast but um, yeah, so now I have to check before I do a title because I'm like Now I have to check before I do a title because I'm like, have we said that before? Because not before, I've named it after the subreddit that we read, but now I have to
Starting point is 00:09:51 poke a safe hole in it. Feral Crackheads, we can call this one Feral Crackheads. You could. Although I feel like I might get a warning for that. Okay. Feral person. Feral person. Feral people. But then then people are gonna think
Starting point is 00:10:09 that they're actual feral people. Like the dog girl and that sort of thing. Okay. And then they click on it and be like, ah. Not quite feral, they are feral. I listened to the Appalachian Mountain one and I was like, definitely right decision to never go there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Did you watch it or just listen? I listen. I put pictures in. Oh, sorry. Is that the end though? I never watch it. Because at the end it goes, make sure you put pictures in.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I'm like, oh, I put pictures in. I know, yeah, yeah, yeah. There are pictures in. And then I thought, I wonder if she's put pictures in. I did. But yeah, no, I do, I and then I thought I wonder if she's put pictures in I did but yeah No, I do I listen when I'm doing cleaning and stuff so because one of my
Starting point is 00:10:50 favorite and One of my podcasts that I'm on at the minute is some bird from England actually which surprises me because I don't really Like listening to people with English accents, which is wait because I'm English and I'm happy to listen to us But she's not annoying. I can't even remember what she's called she's the gingerbread no she's blonde and the one you keep I know you're watching her on yes I know I'm on in on YouTube yeah because while I'm loading I've watched yeah so I don't watch her I just have it the podcast I know you know cuz she makes everything pop up she does like yes yes I don't I don't watch her, I just have the podcast in my ear. Oh no, shit. Because she makes everything pop up and she does like, weird things.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Yeah, so I don't see any of that, obviously. But she is true crime, so I'm into true crime again. Although, the last... I tried to listen to... Because I feel like I'm off true crime at the minute, because I tried to listen to her. And then she kept laughing, and I was like, I don't see how that's funny. And he died! And I'm like yeah yeah brutally murdered it's not funny so I don't know if she's starting to annoy me it's because I need to stop listening to true crime so just to fill you in before I forget yeah in
Starting point is 00:11:57 a couple of weeks time when we go into the Easter holidays the week that I haven't got the boys I know we've got a couple things booked in for ourselves yeah but I still haven't got a date for the Australian well that's rude yes I need to do that again but it will be on Skype but yes fine but I said that I'd pop up to see Keeley because I feel like I haven't seen her forever oh but she said bring Ellie we can do a podcast here I was gonna say she really wants to be on here. I went ooooh! Yeah, no, I feel like I want to go and see her as well. Well, yes, alright then. We'll take the end stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:30 She wants to do True Crime. Yeah, she really wants to do it. So we need to find... She's like, could I do a story myself? Yeah, why not? Why not? Yeah. No, yeah, we're... not that she reads better than us and people like her more. She'd be like, hello! Yeah, no, that sounds great actually. Yeah? Yeah, no, I'm really, really into that. So we've set the date for that as well.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Yeah, yeah. And I think we need to bulk a little bit this time that you've got off. So on the days that I'm not scheduled to see, I feel like come up and let's get a couple couple because we like in the summer holidays and that we like to take that break do you know what I mean? I like a break. Except from the TikToks I'm loving that. Yeah that's fine. It's so funny. Right but yeah no so we need to find some really good
Starting point is 00:13:16 stories you can read one that we will choose if that's alright or does she want to choose? I don't know maybe she's going to go I don't know are you cold? no but my legs are hurting okay oh soon I'm gonna move again let's go I'm running in it like a twat okay right okay right so entitled people I'm gonna start yeah yeah so feral crackhead this is why I keep saying feral. That's why I keep calling everyone feral crackhead. Explain to people before you read it especially from the UK because we do have a lot of listeners from America. So we use crackheads here in the UK. We don't always mean like a literal crackhead do we? Everyone's a crackhead isn't they? Everyone's a crackhead if you are slightly radio rental. What does radio rental mean? MENTAL! My brain went like er like I was gonna say his name then, do we say your children's name? Yeah so her eldest son I was like brown bread and he went what's that mean we both went dead He let oh, oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:14:26 Anyway, sorry back to you Feral crackhead of a person wants her seat. Okay, fair play. She's a crackhead massive Yeah, she's not or something really. I bet she's not. My husband calls everyone a crack whore. And our friend Helen went, I don't think that woman was a crack whore. Let me read my story. I'm so sorry but it reminds me of that crack whore. Out in the window this old woman!
Starting point is 00:15:07 And then Helen was like, I just don't think that she was. So, this interaction happened last week but I cannot stop thinking about how rude, crazy it was. I'm not sure if I'm in the right community but here we go. So I spent my Sunday evening in the emergency room at the hospital being poked, prodded, scanned, tested and all that fun stuff. Yep okay. Lymonia. Again the good kind that can be treated with regular antibiotics this time. So I didn't have to be admitted, the last time was a real doozy. I'm assuming they've been twice from that comment. Okay, so I had a doctor's appointment the following day. I was hoping to be able to do telehealth for...
Starting point is 00:16:10 What does that mean? Don't know. Telephone? Telehealth for maybe? Or skyping? I don't know. Anyway, but all they could do was reschedule me for the next day. Okay. This is the last place I wanted to be while feeling this bad but I really needed my medication or I would have gotten even sicker. But I grabbed a mask and took a seat for as far away from other people as I could. Unfortunately this is a pretty small room and there's not a lot of seating so the best
Starting point is 00:16:47 I could do was put a small table and an empty seat between this rotting turnip and I. Okay, let's see why. You referred to someone as a rotting turnip. Yeah, she sounds like Paul. I feel like I know a couple of them. So do I. We were on the end cap therefore no seating to my right but plenty of open seats elsewhere they just had people next to them. I had a really bad coughing fit so when I regained my composure I turned to her and said just so you know I have pneumonia so you might want to get as far from me as you
Starting point is 00:17:33 can. This sad, putrid turnip of a woman gave me the dirtiest look I've ever received in my life and said you're not getting my seat I was sitting here first oh mate you'll have to physically move me and trust me when I say you don't want to put your hands on me oh she's hot I feel like she missed the point yeah yeah I wanted to say I don't want to see methicca methicca meth meth yeah car Wow. Fuck me. She's amazing. I just didn't want to expose you to a communicable disease. Communic... Am I saying that right? Yeah. Communicable. Do you mean spreadable? Spreadable. You fucking dimwit. I'm sadly in this situation a good person so instead I
Starting point is 00:18:47 said you can stay there I just wanted you to know I'm very ill am I supposed to care she asked this bitch me not coughing all over her literally yeah not with the hand either I then said nothing when I should have taken my mask off and cough. Not on her directly, but in her, in her vicinity. Because I was getting kind of pissed. And even if I didn't start it, any fight could have, could get both of us expelled from the program oh dear they literally just cannot stop replaying this interaction in my head why someone would be so rude and vile over a seat in a doctor's office like
Starting point is 00:19:39 people actually get upset over things this mundane seems miserable yeah she sounds like a crack whore wow yeah yeah honestly i feel like feral crack head is the correct description that old crack whore i feel like that woman was trying to be nice and she's just being a crack whore That woman was trying to be nice and she's just being a crack or No, baby, yeah, I mean I do like the In fact, I feel like I'm gonna use that alright, methica your general direction. See what happens if you talk me a second time. You tiny brained wiper of other people's bottoms. Okay. Your mother was a hamster and your father smell of elderberries.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I fart in your general direction. I blow my nose at you. Where have I heard that now? Now see I'm going to be driving myself crazy trying to remember where I've heard that from. Monty Python. Oh dear. So this is what people have turned to. I don't really understand why she was so rude she was trying to protect her from getting pneumonia. Yeah I mean if she was like really a rotten turnip then she probably could have died from it let's face it. Yeah she was on her way out. Like most people. If she died don't feel guilty. You did warn her. Methany! Oh, do you? I thank you for the term feral crackhead. Yes, me too. Yeah, it's funny. I like that. Yeah, I do as well. It's kind of why I picked it and like I like the title That's what I say to Paul when he calls someone that you gotta stop saying that what?
Starting point is 00:21:50 Methanese aren't rational don't let her crazy run your day Definitely a Karen as well right there was just no need you bit on here methic up Bethy car which trim off there was a game miss miss yeah man head massacre like as in Jessica yeah get it I mean it now it would have been fantastic she's in a rough week if you get it out and all right Anthony calm down that would have been amazing. Cause the woman, cause the woman would have got so irate and then that would have been it. I would have be giggling.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I do like it when people get all like dramatic. Right, parents and I got betrayed by elder brother and his wife. Okay. Cause they the bomb. Right. How to deal with my emotions and anger after suffering a huge betrayal by
Starting point is 00:22:52 my elder brother and his wife against me and my parents. Me and my elder brother were working in the family business with my father. Considering my father is semi retired, we two would pretty much run the business. Fast forward to 2019, my brother would just keep withdrawing funds
Starting point is 00:23:13 from the company account and go on holidays and spend on expensive dinners with his wife. And it got me so frustrated and angry with him but he would just respond that he's been earning for 20 years. I was bringing in 90% of the income and him 10%. Later, later we found out under his wife's instructions that he had secretly opened a new company and started collecting his business income, but would use us to pay every single bill and personal expense that he had.
Starting point is 00:23:54 We then started working separately, but in the same office for a few years. But then all of a sudden he asked me for a loan to pay for each child's school fees with the intention to pay it back within one month. I lent him but he didn't return back and then I had to confront him to no avail. I then asked his wife and she disrespected me by telling saying to sell all the jewelry. Oh, by telling me to sell all the jewelry, her parents gave my parents during her wedding,
Starting point is 00:24:33 which pissed me off. And she started to gaslight me mentioning that my brother worked hard all these years, not me. My parents then decided to kick him out of the office and we later found out that the amount he stole from us was a lot more than we expected. It has now been a year since he left and we have not seen him or his wife since. All 12 years of my hard work just went to vain and we've had to rebuild all over again during these tough times in business.
Starting point is 00:25:11 There's just too much anger inside of me how they played us. The feeling I'm getting if I see them next it just is too scary for me then I might just take a rod and smash his face in hang on what? yeah so the son and the daughter worked in the dad's business yeah he semi-retired the whole time the brother was stealing money opened his own company and used the family business to pay for all of his business expenses, etc. Scammed more money and fucked off. And they found out once he had left, once they'd gone through all the books,
Starting point is 00:25:52 that it's way more than they thought. And now they're having to start again. Wow. Yeah. You're making me feel bad that you're talking about shitting on your own doorstep. Yeah, I feel like it's coming from the wife as well. Yeah, they would have been in it together. 100%.
Starting point is 00:26:12 100%. Yeah, I feel like she's like the puppet master. I don't know why, but I just feel like she's the puppet master. Right, document and report the embezzlement or whatever the proper name to the crime might be. It's not like there's any family relationship left to ruin. If he started another business, he's probably in way deeper than embezzlement. He would have falsified records including taxes plus there's probably a lot you don't know this guy's is looking at a prison time and maybe his wife too interesting hmm yeah time to yeah time to make it clear you are returning the money or I will
Starting point is 00:27:06 bury you in court he will not he will not just he was not just crossing the line he has been over it for years fucking well bad everyone everyone wants them to report it to the police bad oh it's not in, not in the US of A, in Singapore. Oh, I don't know what their laws are like out there. Yeah, I don't know either. But, I mean, yeah. It's so bad. It would be a very long court. Well, because they'd have to, they'd have to, they're going to have to go through everything. Yeah, it would be absolutely helpful.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Yes but I mean that's ultimate betrayal he's done so I if I was the parents the mum and dad at this point anything left that is gonna be left to the daughter I would make sure finalize wheels etc that he doesn't get another penny. Yeah. But um it's probably still a crime babe, no matter what country you are. There is some sort of fraud in that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Yeah, sad really, innit? I just feel like the wife's a puppet master. I don't know why, I just feel like. Why would you do that to your family? I mean, I wouldn't do it to anyone, let alone my family. Wow. I know, I mean I wouldn't do it to anyone let alone my family. Wow I know I said really. Are you finished? Oh it's like this big. Oh come on now what's going on? It's not behaving is it? It is not. Okay right neighbor thinks my car is his personal Uber now because our work route match. A few weeks ago I finally bought a new car, nothing too flashy but it's a big deal for me
Starting point is 00:28:55 because I've been saving up for a while. Got lucky from a slot win on stake for $9,000. Nice. Anyway, I was feeling good about it. One morning I was driving to work and I saw my neighbor walking down the street. We're friendly but not super close and I figured I'd be nice so I pulled over and asked if he needed a lift. He happily accepted and during the ride we realized we work fairly close to each other no big deal right? Well apparently that one ride turned into an unspoken agreement the next day I saw him standing at the same spot clearly waiting for me I thought all right whatever I'll give him another ride but
Starting point is 00:29:41 now it's been every single day since then rain or shine he's there no text no asking just standing there waiting at first i didn't mind too much but now it's getting on my nerves some mornings i just want to listen to music zone out and even stop for coffee without worrying about someone else's schedule. I even tried leaving earlier once thinking he'd get the hint but nope next day he mentioned how he must have missed me. I don't want to be a jerk but I never agreed to be his personal chauffeur. I was just trying to be nice once, now I feel awkward bringing it up because I don't want to cause any weird tension with a neighbour. Would I be the bad guy if I just started running late or having meetings in the morning or should I straight up tell him I don't want to give him rides in it every day?
Starting point is 00:30:47 I would probably because obviously I've read this I would probably leave earlier like an hour earlier because I don't know if I would be very confrontational with a mate, it's a neighbour right yeah um but uh yeah I feel like because I also like the time in my car on my own loud music blah blah blah but yeah i feel like i would be leaving super early like an hour stop for a coffee maybe a bit of breakfast but then it would piss me off if i had to do that every day like leave early or go out or be late do you know know what I mean? Yeah, what would you do? I think I'd leave earlier Yes, he I think it would I
Starting point is 00:31:31 Think because he expects it there's not been a conversation That's the that's the the point here, isn't it? They haven't discussed it every anything and then he's like, oh I must have missed you like he had done something wrong anything and then he's like oh I must have missed you like he had done something wrong. Yeah no the first comment I think this is spot on so it says I must have missed you what do you mean? I thought you were giving me rides. Oh no I can't do that every day I'm sorry if there was some misunderstanding I think that's perfect. Yeah, it's still too awkward. I'm the neighbour. I probably would have said no, I can't do it every day.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I probably would have left it there and said yeah, I'm sorry about it, but everyone's very much like trying to give you information on it. But yeah, it's awkward isn't it? Yeah. It's all right every now and then, that or I would find, depending on where work was, I'd start riding running something else something else because I'm that petty do you know what I mean but yeah it would bother me as well so I can't even pretend that it
Starting point is 00:32:34 wouldn't it would annoy me. Finding out why our friendship broke. Sharing out this weird situation. Just one year ago a friend of mine got married and she invited me, my husband, my older brother and sister with her hubby. We were not best friends forever but we were not best friends forever but we used to have nice friendship. We had our girl nights out, breakfast together, walk etc etc. She befriended all of the people above to the point she invited all of us. We were happy so everyone accepted the invitation. Fast forward to the day before the wedding, my older brother is a paramedic and since he is one of the team leaders that specialises in mountain cave rescues, yeah I know call right, although I'd never do that, he is basically always on duty even on his days off for the toughest and hardest calls.
Starting point is 00:33:45 for the toughest and hardest calls. He must be available unless he is out of the country. Unfortunately he got his call for a stuck person in a cave. They took almost all day to free him according to my bro. So he didn't attend. We did our best to tell our friend he would be absent for working reasons. But she left me on scene. The wedding went great and everyone had a great time. And my friend didn't seem bothered but after her honeymoon she just disappeared and straight ghosted me. I was baffled at first but eventually I moved on. Fast forward to a few days ago my hubby and I
Starting point is 00:34:31 were visiting a shared friend and he asked so how's things going between you and her? Did you apologize? She's still bitter you know I was like what the fuck then he asked what happened then I asked not he asked then I then I asked what happened he proceeded to explain to me that she was bitter because my brother dared to refuse to attend her wedding and she spent a lot of money into it she felt somehow betrayed and she spent the last year talking about him mostly and then aka we as sisters. I left my friend's house with a thousand questions and an itchy head. Anyway one less friend from my, I'm glad I work with the public and I'm used to Karens and Kens and Metanese, no it doesn't say that, but still unbelievable people bashing
Starting point is 00:35:35 even emergency workers. What the fuck. What the fuck. I mean if that is not a good enough reason someone's dying then I don't know if there would ever be one. I was hit by an asteroid. It was my wedding. Why weren't you there? Yeah. I mean I liked it. Could you still walk?
Starting point is 00:35:57 Then you should have been there. The fact that she's got the ump is the bizarrest part. Still got the ump. Why are you cry? Yeah. And she's going around to all these mutual friends slagging off the whole family. She's doing that because she knows actually there's no Justin why she's angry so she's trying to get other people to be like yeah you're right. But everyone's like. Didn't he save someone from a cave? But yeah, is someone actually still alive today
Starting point is 00:36:28 because he turned up? If the answer's yes, then it's okay. But he didn't turn up for me. What was the answer? The answer was yes. Heartbroken. Weird. Ruined my wedding.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I mean, but to be fair, babe, we read enough Bridezilla's to understand that some people go, great, great, and there's no coming back. But the fact that she stayed crazy, do you know what? She's looking for justification on her. She is.
Starting point is 00:36:56 But the funny part is, right, so when I read that. There's no justification. It made me think of, I personally think, I was gonna say it's not true for you But it actually is now go on so I've always said this is my theory, right? So when people get married, I feel like nine times out of ten the bride loses one of our wedding party From their life. They're just ghosted. It's done. Yeah, right and Yeah, that did happen to me. It's that well it Right. And um... Yeah, that did happen to me.
Starting point is 00:37:25 It did, well it has now. No, no, no. It did happen to me. Before? After my wedding, yeah. I'm trying to think who? From your bridal party? Yeah. I'm thinking me, Shell, but...
Starting point is 00:37:36 No, no. I was just too down. Well, I didn't lose her from my bridal party because of anything to do with that. No, no, no. I'm just... Because of something else. Yeah, but I'm just saying. We're all lost, Tiff are so completely different. It weren't me.
Starting point is 00:37:49 It weren't me either. I think sometimes, though I don't feel like we helped, we were like, yee hee hee hee hee. Just don't look back. Don't look back. We were like, hee hee hee hee hee hee. Right, so I don't know, because I feel like the same principle is with a friend. So anybody that attended your wedding, if they're now out of your life completely, I'm not talking about people that just drift apart normally, I'm talking about something weird
Starting point is 00:38:14 happens and you don't even know what's happened. But most people I know, Jenna, you, me, I'm trying to think who else. I had someone else, Terry, like there's so many people that I can list that I know that have had either the bridal party, one part of that, or a friend. Go on. I need to know who, I can't think, because I feel like it was just the girls that were bridesmaid at your finger bob, weren't they? You're gonna have to tell me later. Yeah. Yeah I can't say either on my finger bob because I don't really got time for that. But yeah so did I read them? Oh no I didn't. Right. Seems to me like you and yours were decorations instead of guests. Alright. There for show. instead of guests. Alright.
Starting point is 00:39:04 There for show. Well yeah, I mean he's got quite a high spec job really. He's an important person. He will have a lot of respect. And I'm assuming cave, so I'm going to say more America that feels like to me. I know we have people that do that here, but
Starting point is 00:39:20 some people love to showboat for my people. Weddings are just a way to show off and look rich. A photographer I know well. People like her. Oh sorry like erm... This is my friend Jeremy and he sees people. Don't you Jeremy?
Starting point is 00:39:44 Tell them up. We've been friends for like ever. Two months. Best friends for two months. Ever, ever. But yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Showboat. You can go, that's it.
Starting point is 00:39:58 There's not much everyone's saying the same shit. Yeah, she's so busy. She's cray cray. Go on. Okay. I had to apologize for having a panic attack. Fair play, ruined the mood. Yeah. Was it at the wedding? It might have been at her wedding. I've got a feeling. Was it the person that was stuck in the cave? I've got a feeling. Right. I was an exchange student staying with a host family. For some context I have sensory processing disorder which in my case means loud places overwhelm me a
Starting point is 00:40:36 lot and I've had several panic attacks from the noise. I told my host family about my sensory issues early on. Day one, now my host parents planned on going to eat at a restaurant with live music. They asked me how I felt about it and I told them that it was okay but that may that maybe I need to go outside to prevent feeling overwhelmed they told me it was no problem we went there and the music didn't start until I had finished eating when it started it was too loud I tried push through. I even put on my noise cancelling headphones but it wasn't enough and felt the panic attack building up. So I excused myself and went outside. It was raining but I was under a balcony and the cold air was helping. After a few minutes my host mum came to check on me and asked if I would come inside. Since the music was still playing I declined. She went back inside and
Starting point is 00:41:55 after a few minutes the whole family came out. We went home. Mind you I didn't ask them to leave. home. Mind you, I didn't ask them to leave. When we got home, the mum called me and asked if I was going to apologise. I was confused and asked why. She told me I ruined their evening plans. This was the first incident of many." I think the fact that she told them, so I don't know, I mean to me this sounds, because she's calling her her host mum. Host mum, yeah. Yeah, so I know people that have students here in the UK. And all this information about the sensory process and all that is given to the families.
Starting point is 00:42:43 But this sounds different, I feel like they they stay because the people that I know that host here do not take them out for meals and stuff yeah I mean so all this information should have been given to the family and then they can decide yeah this is exactly what someone else is saying yeah like it should have been part of the application. It should have been, like any allergies, any medical issues, all of that, like gluten-free, dairy-free, all of this is meant to be given to the host family beforehand so they can say that's not gonna work for us, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yeah, so what are the comments? Well, that first one, which is pretty much what you were saying. Yeah I'm sorry you have to experience this tell them that you don't expect them to leave early when you need to go outside Immediately follow up with that with if that's not possible You'd prefer to stay at the house that you're This is why I'm saying I feel like this is a different
Starting point is 00:43:46 situation it feels like she's like staying staying there do you know what I mean? yeah it may be like a like a study yeah yeah where they come over for like a longer period of time but still the family should have had the information and then if she decided to keep it it's's tough shit, that's on you mate. Is she saying there was no actual option on her application and she stayed with him for four months? Yeah see I knew it was longer. So if there was no option it still should have been put through, it still should have been put through because it's not...
Starting point is 00:44:19 Equally she did tell, she said that she told them that this is something that she suffers with. Yeah exactly. So but, and that's what I'm saying I feel like I don't know. You don't owe them an apology. No she doesn't. Don't take your needs seriously they can be reported for that you told them clearly what you needed what they needed to know it's not your fault. It's not her fault in any way. That's not what I was getting at I'm just saying that this is a misfit and she's probably had a really shit four months Yeah, because of who she's been put with whereas had um Had the information been given or whatever you get what I'm saying and she'd behave like that then she can request a move
Starting point is 00:45:02 And so this isn't it's not working for me she's really mean about my yeah about my mental health state because it sounds like a mental health if she ain't got a diagnosis then it sounds like a mental health state but you know it makes me feel a little bit sorry for her It's bad, isn't it? Really bad. Right. Okay, this is my last one, yeah? Sure. My knees, man! Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Right. As I get comfy. Tucking people! My best friend is dating the most aggressive person ever. Alright. Don't feel like that would go down very well in this friendship group, do you? No. No, some people would say things. I can't put my finger on who would say anything, but you know.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Anyway. Go on. thing but you know anyway go on my best friend is dating someone I'll call my best friend Alex and the significant other Zoe because I don't want to name names and I have known Zoe since I was in kindergarten but they non-binary have become such an asshole I am mad they are dating and I cannot wait till they break up All they do is steal from the gas station Where I know the people that work there? capitals, yes And have and they have slapped me and they have fake disabilities too.
Starting point is 00:46:51 It is the worst thing to deal with and they stole again today. I don't want to be seen with someone stealing because then I have to spend my day talking to the police. What do I do next time they steal? I have told them to stop and they obviously haven't. Do I tell the cashiers? Pardon me. Do you tell the cashiers? Yeah fuck it it I say walk away dot why are you in friends with these things yes slaps you like why are you with them I mean it's shame on you a little bit here yeah do you know what it is a case of walk away you can choose like you don't have don't go in shop with them either. You don't have to be
Starting point is 00:47:46 around them. Definitely don't go in the shop with them. I know someone that shoplifts, right? Do you? Yeah it's embarrassing. Even at this age? Older. It's embarrassing right? I feel like I know you. You know exactly who I'm talking about right and I don't specifically go with that person a lot, right? But I was with them somewhere once and at the top of my voice. I went don't steal anything Because I'm having nothing like that. It's like it's traveling mate. I'm gonna pay. Yeah All right. Yeah, but this is nothing that I said to their face. So That's why I've got no problem saying it here. Things like that are embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:48:27 If you can't afford it, then you can't have it. And it's as simple as that, mate. Unless your children are hungry and you ain't got no money for food, that's the only time I ain't seen anything. I've not seen anything. Do you see what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:41 But other than that, but anyway, back to this. And this is how you get arrested as an accomplice. The fact that they completely disregard you and your feelings, are they really your friends? Exactly what we're saying, right? Get out. Thank you for your words. I am going to be thinking about what to do.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Walk away. Why does she think about it? She slapped her. Non-binary person, Zoe, slapped her. What is there left to talk about? Punch her back. they don't sound like children either. they sound like mugs. so embarrassing. i'm embarrassed for them. yeah once a friend tried to steal a pair of earrings from a store i paid for them for them along with the rest of my stuff. my friend didn't get mad or anything but i guess i took the joy out of it because they did they never did it again with me if that didn't work I would have stopped going to the stores with them there you go that's what I'm saying but I wouldn't be friends with these people at all because uh it sounds like the whole thing is upsetting. Every interaction sounds like...
Starting point is 00:50:10 Stressful. That's what I'm saying. Like why be with people that make you feel that way? Yeah, I feel like I've been like paying. I'm like, oh, and she's got this, this and this. That exactly. That is exactly what I would say. I wouldn't pay for them.
Starting point is 00:50:25 No fucking way. Don't forget to pay love. Literally. That's what I did. And then I would all tell her. Don't steal anything. And I meant it. I didn't say it in a jokey way.
Starting point is 00:50:35 I was like, do not steal anything at the top of my voice. And the other person that was with us was like, hee hee hee. Cause if I ever got arrested mate I tell you I would lose my mind. For something else's bullshit yeah I would have been wiped off. Especially if I didn't know do you know what I mean and then I was like what are you talking about next thing I'm barred I'm shamed I'm embarrassed because I was with that person I can't have that. No not when you're going in places that you actually want.
Starting point is 00:51:07 You go there and two, this girl knows people there. Just the only example, like I say, is if your kids are starving, then I didn't steal anything, nothing at all. Do you know what I mean? Other than that, I really don't think that there is a good enough reason to steal. It's ridiculous. Anyway finish us off darling. Alright, alright. One more. One more. And then one more. What? Well then we got one more episode. Oh. Calm down. You said
Starting point is 00:51:40 one more and I was like yeah and then one more and you went one more and I was like yeah and then one more and you went what one more and I was like one more one more one more. Are you done? Fucking hell. Goal. Right the screen is now ruined. There you go. I'm putting this here for my mum who this happened to. My mum was occasionally babysitting twin boys about seven or eight years old. For this couple who are in a tough spot, half because of the decisions they make. The mum doesn't stand up for herself and was coddled as a kid and was never taught to do things, so she begs for others to do it for her. The dad is from Germany and believes his wife sounds... sounds do everything. Hold on. His wife should do everything in the house and with their twins. Because of this, these two boys don't get disciplined much at all. Last Friday my mum volunteered to babysit these two boys as
Starting point is 00:52:48 they There wasn't school That day throughout the school district and both parents had to work. It went How'd you'd how'd you'd expect the boys being normal? how do you how do you'd expect the boys being normal rambunctious boys making a mess all of that we can clean a mess up it was just blankets and pillows tossed on the floor nothing bad they came they came and left the real problem was that was that night when my mum called me and my siblings down. Now I have an older sister and we're both 18 and we have a younger brother who's 14. enough not to do what she found. She found a star literally scratched into her Tetris game. A little mini handheld console my dad got my mum that only plays Tetris. My mum
Starting point is 00:53:58 loves this little thing and loves playing Tetris as it's the only game that doesn't make her nauseous. Me and my siblings all knew none of us did it. Then it hit all of us that at the same time one of the twin boys had to have done it because the scratch was not there yesterday. We were all kind of pissed off that that an eight-year-old wasn't taught not to destroy things and their parents are just fine with that. My mum spread her kindness only to have her favourite game ruined by kids who she, who should have known better. But don't, but not because they have awful parents.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Yeah, go on. So she's got a couple of boxes hasn't she? She can ask them to pay for a new one or she can never look after them again. I'd probably go with option B if I'm honest. Yeah. Suck it up and then be like well that's what being kind gets me by myself and they want to never ever look after them and when she says why because your children destroyed some of my property and I'm not prepared to deal with that he clearly was an accident either no I mean that would have taken a little while as well it all shits so Tom was perhaps going forward the children will no longer be your
Starting point is 00:55:26 mother's problem hopefully she will say no thank you. Exactly. Lesson learned. No more twin tornado sessions for mum sometimes kindness needs boundaries and a good screen protector. Yeah. Yeah. Those parents are complete failures oh they are not teaching their kids, they can't get everything they want and they are not punishing their kids. I won't be surprised if their kids end up in jail by the time they are 18. Alright, listen, it's going too far. Do you know what I mean? Listen, not everyone is cut out to parent in the same way that we specifically would and that's okay do you know I mean but the mum would do her a favor by telling the other mum and if
Starting point is 00:56:12 she doesn't even make them pay like if my kids went somewhere and they ruined somebody's thing purposely purposefully absolutely then that would come out of their money unfortunately yeah I mean you're gonna have to replace that and that's the punishment you receive and until you learn that when you break something you fix it you break you by but like I say only accidents I wouldn't be like awful but that is part of learning is that if you do something spiteful malicious you have to make up for that yeah I mean accidents do happen but exactly when you when you are going out of your way to make a pretty star when
Starting point is 00:56:54 somebody else is pretty exactly that was spite yeah they knew what they were doing babe I mean everybody knows if eight years old is not too young to know the difference between right and wrong In fact, they should really know the difference between right and wrong and everyone's like, oh, you're not parenting. Well, maybe she struggles Well, she said that she does. Yeah, and that's why I'm like not being so harsh on her. No idea It's not and it's not easy to be a parent Anybody that is a parent knows and the older your children get you think it's not easy to be a parent. Anybody that is a parent knows and the older your children get you think it's gonna get easier but let me tell you it comes
Starting point is 00:57:29 with a whole new bunch of challenges does it not? Do you know what I mean? Being a parent is one of the hardest things to be in the entire, it's the most rewarding, painful, upsetting, it's every single thing altogether. That is what being a parent is. It's true. It's an emotional rollercoaster. But, yeah man, I can't be too hard on this woman because she's clearly struggling.
Starting point is 00:57:59 She's got a job as well, you know, what's the dad doing? Not cool. Fuck all by the sounds of it, do you know what I mean? Because they're German. Yeah because they're German couldn't give a fuck like he's gonna have to take responsibility. He's probably got attitude of oh they're boys boys will be boys. But as soon as they hit the next level of school whether that be America or that be here in the UK they're soon gonna find out that their children can't behave like that because it gets stricter do you see what I mean? So the rules change. They certainly do. So and
Starting point is 00:58:31 that's the thing the rules change with the kids and the teachers so I'm so happy mine are out of school man. It's the worst. Anyway, I've enjoyed this. It's been a good episode. Stop being so entitled, people. Be courteous. Yeah, like, rain your neck. Think about the people around you. It's not all about you.
Starting point is 00:58:53 It's really not all about you. Ever. Ever. Nobody cares. At all. You'll find that people actually don't care. No they really don't and actually a lot of people just like wind up. Right, fun times.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Fun times. Follow, like, subscribe. Yes please do. And almost a year people. Come back for more fun. Yeah. and almost a year people come back for more fun. Yeah, although I feel like today we're like, fucking people, crackle.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Crackle. Yeah, I do like that. Love you, bye bye. Bye. Wow, what do you think of that? What don't you think of that? Well I think that girl has got everything that she can do.

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