Middle-aged opinion - Strange encounters
Episode Date: March 12, 2025Today we talk about some of the strangest encounters out there, some of the scariest and most bizarre meetings. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode and if so please like and follow along and subscri...be for more content.
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Wow, what do you think of that?
I think, don't you think of that?
Well I think that girl has got everything that she needs.
We're on.
We're on.
You're like, give me a minute to do that.
Give me a minute.
It's when you don't do anything, it's when the chill sits in.
The chill? I'm more worried that I've sat like this all the way through it and I've got a double chin. It's when you don't do anything. It's when the chill sits in the chill
I'm more worried that I've sat like this all the way through it and I've got a double chin
Do you know what? No, it's on the last video
I'm fucking I'm not on you or me like we're chicken nip. We've got been like this
And then I was like, yeah, I thought they accept my I was like maybe I'm gonna have to do two two ponytails one high
and I have to do two ponytails, one high for the lift, and then one back here, like just at the bottom of my head.
People are like, have you had a face lift?
And I've been like, no, darling, two ponytails.
I washed my hair yesterday, I probably wore it down today,
but then I was like, earlier in the day,
I was like, well, I need to at least wash my hair.
So I showered and washed my hair over the tub and it was incredible.
There's something magical about hot water being sprayed onto your head. I was just like, mmmm.
Daddy! I didn't know whether I... like he really threw me.
Oh yeah, no I I know I was like
Do you know what I expected?
I expected some dickhead in the group to go
Is it really Super Mario's?
And I'd be like, oh mate
But yeah, no
I was like, uh
Do you know what I told him about a month ago?
I was like, oh okay, cool
And then I was like, just add him then
Because there's nothing left to be said
I still feel like you need to get Grace in.
But Adam doesn't know nothing about Grace.
This is, oh.
I think he does, I think we laughed about it.
Yes, it was around Jenice when it all happened, remember?
And Gracie.
We were, we were in the garden
when you organized the first thing,
and then Great Jenna added Grace there and then.
We were there together.
We said to Adam, what do you want to do for your 40th?
And then we were like, I know, you're coming to Bucklands.
The next day.
I think it was the next day.
I don't think we were there.
Okay, so it would be more for other people.
We would be like, ha ha ha ha.
Yeah, and we'd be like, there's a snake in my boot.
It's like, it's my birthday, like what?
It's about me. Yeah, and and then we're like is it though?
Stop joking about me and my joke at them. Yeah it's not about you.
Did you clear yours? I've been trying to but it got really fucking long. There will come
a time where I'm gonna have to go back through it, the ones that were really new. But I said
I'd go back and look but completely forgot. so that will be one episode in a couple years time we'll be like I don't feel like
I've ever said I'll go back to that one no but you never know just mine because
some of them are so fucking juicy ain't they right three three three is that
Scottish? kind of okay, hello everyone and welcome to Middle Aged Opinion. I'm your
host Ellie. And I'm your host Emily. And today we're going to be reading about strange encounters.
Yes. Strange encounters. Yes. I kept it quite broad. So, you know, it could be anything
from, I don't know, like a dog spoke to you in your sleep,
and really you woke up and that dog was sitting
on the edge of your bed.
Or, I didn't read anything like that, but.
Or, you know, you witnessed Bigfoot,
or you got abducted by anything.
Listen, aliens, if you're watching this,
I'm all right with being abducted, I need a holiday,
so whenever, no problem. Just her, I'm all right. I reckon it's being abducted. I need a holiday. So whenever. No problem.
Just her. I'm alright. I reckon it's fine.
I was watching some random thing because you know you send me something on TikTok and then
I carry on swipe and then some weird shit comes up.
It brings it up on your FyB.
Yeah. So there was this woman and I might have sent it to you actually. I'm not even
sure. But she was literally like, of all the people in my town they chose me
They chose me. So what am I going to of course? I'm gonna give it make love to him
Of course, and they chose me. Of course. I'm gonna make love to him and like that. Oh, sorry
So she's having sex with the alien. Yeah, because they chose her. So why would she not because of all the people in her town?
They chose her. Yeah, but how does she know they chose
you because you were the one that's gonna be least missed that's why they chose you
how does she know that they don't have other rooms on the spaceship that they're having it
off with other people from the town she doesn't know that they chose her yeah she
doesn't know that they could be cheating on her with other people from the town
you're the one that least gonna be missed. No one's gonna notice you're gone.
Well they will, they go, where's crazy Jane?
What do they mean to me?
I don't think it is, I think you're saying
you're clearly, you're cray cray.
However, I believe that people do get abducted, so.
But not with the attitude of, oh you chose me,
so therefore...
Yeah, we're having...
We're in Air Force!
Yeah, no.
I hear you.
Stop, however, Amy.
I believe in stuff like that.
And I think sometimes...
I'm just really comfortable there.
I'm just trying to avoid the double chin.
Sometimes I think that they go for the crazy people because they
are the least likely to be listened to. Or missed if they decide not to. You would though
that she'd be the first one that they noticed because they would go where's crazy Jane?
I haven't seen crazy Jane. And then they would move on because there's no one going, she's
missing. They'd be like, oh you're right. Crazy Jane we ate soup. Yeah's missing yeah they'd be like ah you're right crazy
Jamie yeah yeah but they'd still talk about it yeah over a pint probably not
like yeah I haven't seen her licking a lamp post in a while you can tell
because it's got an actual day mark now. Anyway yeah moving on. Right let's get into this.
Are you going up to down? I've decided that I know it upsets me saying that so I've decided that I'm
40 next year I'm 39. So I'm gonna start going backwards now. Alright Benjamin. Yeah what Benjamin Franklin? Button. Why is that what he did? He was born old and then he grew young.
You never watched Benjamin Button? No. How do I not know? No. Okay what's Benjamin Button?
Yeah that's what I'm doing now. Watch that. That's what I'm doing now people yeah.
Plus saying 41 babe is so weird. Yeah, it doesn't roll nice
It doesn't 40 I was right with but when I go 41, I'm like, that's well old my brains like you're well old
That's what my brain keeps bringing me. Don't do that to me
My brain goes
What's for dinner?
Yeah, at the moment mine's like you're well old you're melting
Your vagina's shrinking!
Every time I'm in the mirror, there it goes, straight shot, I'm not comparing, in fucking collage.
You're gonna do a real nice bit of montage.
Is it? How am I going?
Strange encounters while living in a tent in the Pine Barrens. Nice. I was homeless for a few
years from 18 to 21. I used to stay in a tent with my ex. I always had to end up moving my tent spot
eventually because the cops would find us. Either way, I had spent a lot of the time
in the woods at night.
One night, when I was walking back to my tent,
I heard something down the trail a bit.
I shined my light in the direction of the sound
to be met with glowing eyes reflecting my flashlight.
However, where the eyes were made, so whatever I was looking
at was taller than me. I'm 5 foot 8. Does that make sense? What I just said? Yeah, basically Yeah basically, yeah yeah yeah yeah. There is no animal that took that tool in my area.
I turned to my ex and tell him to start going to the tent faster.
He could tell something was off so he asked if I was alright.
I told him I'll tell him when we get to the tent because I have always been told not to acknowledge such creatures spirits as
It gives them more power
Like a fucking tense kind of tip
Yeah, I do agree with the statement though unless it is obviously like fucking bigfoot then you're fucked
then some
Then some nights there would be smacking on our tent.
Then some nights there would be smacking on our tent.
There would be.
There would be smacking on our tent.
It would hit all the sides of the tent.
We would look out the tent windows and check outside the tent but we would
never find anything or hear any footsteps. Another night during the summer
we had decided to go for a small hike at night because it was way more of a
tolerable temperature. About 15 minutes into the hike I had started feeling
paranoid like I was
being watched about five minutes later I heard a mechanical laugh coming from
somewhere in the woods I couldn't pinpoint which direction though my ex
had and my ex asked what was that and I loudly said I don't know but whatever the fuck it is needs to stop.
As soon as I said this multiple
it is mechanical isn't it? Mechanical laughs now started. You know what like robot like that.
I don't know I don't think this is mechanical. Manai manik manai.
I know I'm gonna put it in Google.
That's what I'm hearing but more like machine.
M-A-N-I-A-C-A-L. machine man I a c a L I can't read this word maniacal definition why wild or
violent behavior maniacal laugh would be like a muhahaha
everybody gets louder and louder do you you think they fucking... Anyway. Maniacal.
Maniacal, maniacal laughs now started.
My ex and I turned around,
walked back for what felt like the longest 20 minutes.
I wouldn't go for a fucking walk in the dark anyway.
I would have ran.
Another time I found a severed coyote head with something hung
in the tree beside it that had a tooth in it and lastly one time I was with
a friend parked on the road far into the woods so we could smoke. The passenger
window was down which is where I was sitting. The woods were right next to me.
Again, the feeling of being watched overwhelmed me.
Two minutes or so later I hear a hello and then John coming from the woods.
I tell my friend to turn around and we need to leave.
I didn't tell her why because like I said I don't like to
acknowledge these things until I'm far away from them. That's all the
immediate, that's all that immediately comes to mind at this point thanks for
reading. Okay, message is clear here. Stop going to the fucking woods camping. She's
homeless, they're homeless. didn't stay somewhere else like
keep going in the fucking woods like honestly I'm living in the woods I'll
be on the edge of the woods I wouldn't be camping in the world yeah deep in the
woods no no and if I saw eyes I'd leave that word and go to like I don't know I
just feel like it's a way that's a that say where she's from, does she? No, but the Pine Barrens, I think, are American.
Shall I Google?
Good old Google.
Good old Google.
Pine Barrens.
Pine Barrens.
I'm sure that they're American.
New Jersey.
New Jersey.
New Jersey.
Pine Barrens, also known as the... That's a French island. Also
known as... Or as the American New Jersey. Pinelands. Let me ask where. It didn't occur
to you to leave these woods or at least change your camping spot. Jersey Pines, my dad used
to tell me scary ass stories
about that place from the 80s, would not camp there. It literally comes up babe
like literally the friend before like... Many years ago while hiking I found a
hawk strategically hung in the tree in Northwest Jersey and my native friend said it was black magic.
Yeah, no thanks.
Have you heard about these pine barons?
I sure have.
My old friend grew up in the vicinity.
He had some stories.
The glowing eyes of an animal-like creature hadn't heard of the sounds.
I said Jersey Devil. Interesting because there is quite
a few stories about that and Appalachian. I feel like that is a podcast mate all
on its own like the two but yeah I think they're gonna have to find somewhere
else that's safer because it's like it that is drawn to them as well. Yeah it's time to move words.
Yeah right mine is very short.
What did you encounter and what...
Me too.
When did you encounter an unexplainable strange rule at someone else's house?
Yeah. rule at someone else's house. Okay yeah. As a kid I stayed at a mate's place where
we all had to tiptoe into the kitchen and whisper as if we were in a library.
The rule was not impacted by the time or day either. Their parents were perfectly
nice and normal but when it came to the kitchen they were
like guardians of silence, enforcing this strange rule with utmost seriousness. It was as if the
kitchen had its own set of rules. That's fucking weird. It's so fucking weird I mean so fucking hate house you always have to take your shoes off, but that's quite no that is also normal
That's weird, it's so fucking weird I liked it it was weird very sure any explanation
was weird very short any explanation right so there is the top comment is my best friend when I was a kid had a really strange dad he honestly gave me
the creeps anyway but the rule the rule that springs to mind was he'd openly and
loudly burp and fart at the table while people were eating but
would lose his mind if someone put their elbows on the table. I used to forget because elbows
were never a rule in my house and he'd tell me off every time. This seemed backwards to
me. Ripping out loud farts and burping over everyone's food without even a hand over your mouth
is unacceptable but my arms touching the side of the table was rude, weirdo. Did
you ever find out from your friend when you had to, why you had to treat their
kitchen like a library and then OP said to this day not a bloody clue what the logic was it's
fucking weird it's giving like there's a spirit in there and to not anger the
spirit that is how they have to tiptoe and whisper that's what it's making me
feel like yeah you're saying like just don't go in there but stay out there
you've got all the other places in the house just you and your mates don't go there
it's so fucking weird it was weird I like listen I liked it because it was so weird
I was like that is the weirdest thing ever
And everyone was on board with it everybody was on board with it
So you go into the kitchen like it's like being mine or yours and like we're talk talk talk talk
being around mine or yours and like we're talking talking talking talking like we're not in there disturbing the energy that's why I feel like haunting
something weird something paranormal in the kitchen
I feel like we would end up laughing
Do you know why are we doing this?
Like Helen on the phone earlier why am I whispering?
Yeah we all do it but no one knows why
What's going on?
Yeah I think I don't but saying one knows why. What's going on? Yeah, I think...
I don't... but saying that,
I reckon the kids probably knew what was going on.
I reckon it's... any guests that come round,
they were just like, that's just the rule that mum and dad have.
They're weirdo.
Don't you just do it. I didn't mean to.
But I enjoyed it because I found it so fucking weird.
It is so fucking weird it's so fucking weird
maybe we should start doing that to the kids just for the craic of it
shut up mum
it's got a night coming around on Sunday
going back to home and be like mum
mum we had to whisper
yeah and tiptoe
tiptoe if you go in the kitchen
that's weird tiptoe. And tiptoe. If you go in the kitchen one more time, tiptoe and whisper.
So fucking weird. So weird.
I might do that to you then.
I like that, that would be hilarious.
That would be brilliant, cause it for me.
Fucking brilliant.
I once had a strange encounter with a woman who claimed to be a vampire.
Like it. I believe in vampires, hey.
You're like, of course you do.
At first I thought she was on drugs.
That's what I would be.
That's what I know at first.
But then she did something that made me wonder if she was telling the truth.
I don't know if I'd wonder that.
I was 16, a
friend and I were walking through our local park at night when we saw this
Asian woman wearing what looked like a traditional Chinese dress, dancing along
in the grass, along alone in the grass. She then started running towards us nope Hell no! scared the shit out of me and began telling us how handsome we were
this woman appeared to be in her mid to late 20s like you would know how old she
is when you're 18 the fuck and honestly she was stunningly beautiful. She kept telling us that she was a vampire and that she was centuries old.
I was thinking okay she's obviously on drugs but then she gazed into my eyes and says do you want to feel my energy?
I said sure.
Pussy. Then she placed her hand a few inches from my face. The amount of energy or whatever
it was that came from her hand caused my entire skull to vibrate and make me extremely dizzy.
I don't know what the fuck that was. I never saw her again and to this day I often think about it.
I'm 23 now. I tried researching Asian myths and legends trying to find out some kind of spirit
or demon common to a specific culture that resembles her. Could anyone tell me what this apparition was or if she was just a crazy woman with psychic abilities.
Okay so before I tell you what I think I want to ask you a question. Oh god go on. If vampires were
true and they said to you do you want to be a vampire would you be a vampire meaning that you'd
stay as you are and live forever as Miff said. And I am right now. What?
If they'd asked me when I was 20 I might have said yeah.
If they asked me now I'd be like, oh.
What's wrong with you now?
Oh, everything tightens.
I don't know if I want...
Yeah, but it...
Is something wrong with your face?
I remember I'd want this.
This week.
Normally you're fine.
This forever.
No, but you tighten a little bit.
I mean, I've seen the films.
I've not tightened a little bit.
You tighten a little bit.
There are three ponytails. I tighten a little bit. I mean I've seen the films.
You've got to tighten a little bit.
There are three ponytails.
I'd never need glasses again.
Would you?
So bear in mind, you would watch your children grow up and die.
Again, if I was 20, maybe I'd say yes.
With no kids.
But as I am now now living my 41 years.
But you wouldn't be tired.
Would I want to continue the bullshit of the life?
I think.
I don't know.
I'd go for it.
Don't know what I'd do about stepping out into the sun though.
At least I wouldn't be cold anymore.
You'd be constantly cold.
No, but you wouldn't though. You wouldn't feel that, would you?
I don't... I don't...
You don't know.
I don't think I would.
Right, so anyway...
As a naive 20 year old, probably.
Yay, live forever!
So, I think, I personally...
Let's go live in Ibiza!
Couldn't, sun.
Iceland. No, we're only going...
No, there's still sun in Iceland.
Yeah, but not as much.
Not as much.
I would like to go to Iceland though.
Anyway, yeah, nevermind.
Saying that, clubbing night after night after night,
yeah, I'm into it.
Anyway, so I personally, I see for me,
these myths and fairy tales have truth to it.
I just believe that they all do.
And there's been a lot of stories lately from New Orleans
and people telling their story about
supposed encounters with vampires.
I'm not saying, I don't know, she said she was a vampire.
I don't know, I don't know. She said she was a vampire. I don't know. I
Don't know and if my head vibrates and all that I tend to fucking believe her
What about you? I?
Mean if someone said you want to feel my energy. I'll be like don't touch me as as me as 16 I'll be like no, thanks. Yeah
I'd go okay
Okay, I watch you lot be touched and I'd be like no thanks
I'm not into joking you. I need to throw my mum to come get us. Yeah yeah okay this sounds amazing
yeah yeah imagine Jenna yeah yeah yeah 100% on. As far as feeling energy, it's a pretty common
phenomenon that humans can give off energy in some capacity. For example, if
you've ever been to a concert or just been in a large crowd that was very
excited, you can feel the energy of the people around you and get swept into the moment.
I've been in a group where we formed a circle and practice energy forcing with chi and that
kind of stuff and you can feel something being passed around. I'm of the opinion that some people can perfect these sorts of
techniques and are able to do things that would appear supernatural. I don't
know about vampires but it seems like you encountered someone that is
very experienced and focusing their energy. OP says I think this was most
likely the case. I've read about
Chi energy and how people can project it with enough training and focus but it's
fun to think what if lol. I think I think they've got a point when they say like
feeling energy I'm very good at that mm-hmm I'm very good at picking up
things that you know when shits very good at picking up things that, you know, when shit's happening
or just picking up people's energy auras and reading that before I've even met them.
Because they are right. People do give, everybody gives off energy and whatever energy it is,
is whether it feels negative or positive or really bad.
Yeah, someone says that's pretty nuts. can you explain more about what it felt like to
feel her energy?
And Opie replies with, it was like a false push.
It felt like being electrocuted but without the pain. Imagine vibrational waves going
through your face and out the back of your head.
Afterwards I was very light-headed. It's like touching a speaker. Yeah maybe.
That's what it's giving to me like a like a really high speaker where it
vibrates you. Yeah yeah yeah. I don't know I don't have the answer for that.
No. A bit bizarre.
Interesting though.
Right. This is slightly longer.
So many strange encounters lately.
I'm not sure if I'm hyper aware or paranoid,
but I've seen several weird things happen recently
and hearing many others with similar stories too.
First, several months
ago I was in a shopping centre and a man walked towards me on the sidewalk and said, hey,
you dropped something. I looked at him in the eye but kept walking. I knew that I hadn't
dropped anything. About 30 minutes later I went downtown a few minutes drive from where I'd been before and
walking past in a busy area with a lot of restaurants, fuck off, with a lot of
restaurants another man said did another man said and did the exact same thing
only this time he was aggressive and rude yelling at me for not responding to
him. This second weird encounter was whilst walking
my dog on grass area behind my apartment. The city owns the land, however I've never
seen people walk around there. As I walked out of the little wooden area, My dog abruptly turns around and barks at a man. He was acting very suspicious and
surprised. When I turned around, my initial thought was that he was following me. He asked
me if I had ever seen a cat and laughed. I've given him the benefit of the doubt and he was nervous but I felt weird for days after.
Who laughs about a missing pet?
And the last encounter was in my office space I rent.
I have neighbours in the building and specifically a new one introduced themselves to me.
He came to the door and knocked and started to tell me about himself he told me he doesn't have friends in the office building neither
neither do I I'm only there for work our conversation was pleasant but then he
said I asked name I couldn't remember I don't really understand what that means. Which car which car you drive?
I never I never get to see you here and wondered. He asked for my contact for my business and
I was reluctant between giving my email or my phone number. He acted so frustrated and said, just give me one of your cards.
Fucking hell. Honestly, I was nervous and just blurted it out in hopes I'd
never interact with him again. When I didn't respond to a message from him a
few days later, he came back to my office while I was with a client. He slipped notes through the door
and decided to tell me politely I was too busy and not to accept any new clients. What
the fuck? The friends I've talked to say to me trust your gut and keep your distance.
I don't leave my office without walking with someone or calling someone now.
I just try tired of being on edge. What do you think of that? Fucking weird.
That's weird behaviour.
I feel like the universe is trying to tell us something.
I don't know.
Like don't be on your own.
Something is going on. There's too many, I don't know why I did that, there's too many
weird shit going on for there not being a message out there like she's in trouble or something.
To me when I first read it and they were like you've dropped something, sometimes that delay
in time stops something happening within the future
does that make sense you know I mean like when they send someone to delay
your time so whatever's coming doesn't happen but she'd never turn around both
times and pick something up she never stopped exactly so she didn't delay the
time that I'm just saying that's where my head went it was like because I
don't know because I'm just I'm deep in it but when the first bloke said to her
you dropped something that's not where my head went you're talking 30 second delay
second bloke was like stop and look next thing you know she's fucking with
strange people that's not where I went where. Where did you go? So I've seen something recently
again on TikTok or whatever I'm watching, I don't know what I was on, but it gave me
her trying to distract her because actually there is someone watching her and something bad is going to happen to
But because she didn't stop, that person didn't get that opportunity to grab her or
do whatever that person was trying to do.
Then they've tried to do a more upfront approach with giving you details so I can now have access to you.
It's weird right? Yeah. So I saw something, I'll tell you what I saw. So there
was a girl on a bus and an old lady gets on a bus and she's like, she said like
she thought she was being followed like which on on the
next stop where you get off with me and just walk down the road with me right
I'm scared and this young girl was like I'm really sorry I can't do that and
this woman was just like had a go at her and then got back off the bus and then she
had a bit of a panic and went to follow her and this guy went no look and this
old lady was now not an old lady was standing up straight. See what I'm saying.
And there was a van behind the bus that she got into and there was it was a
kidnap. Why do I feel like I've just seen that as well? It's weird isn't it but
that's where my head went but maybe because I've seen that. But that's what
I'm saying like so you've taken it as don't delay your time I've taken it as
do delay your time. Do you see what I'm saying interesting that we both gone to literally the opposite there
but I get a distraction has been used for both that's what I'm saying so is
the distraction good or is the distraction bad see what I'm saying
right so top comment please keep safe people are acting that very yeah yeah
fucking safe yeah people are acting very weird in That's the main thing. Keep fucking safe. People are acting very weird in
numbers now. I went through my weirdos long ago. I'm friendly but not the
inviting to strangers, getting followed by numerous times stalking, one stopped me making me trust strangers. Episode Luke
that would keep me up at night to process them. I don't know what the fuck
that person's trying to say. Episode Luke, so she's got processed situations processing it over in her head.
Oh he does write back and says yes I don't know I'm the most approachable person but
I try to be kind although with the first two situations I wasn't nice even after writing
this I can think of more intensive situations and it's unsettling.
It's fucking weird.
It's weird.
So either the university's trying to protect her
or people are trying to get her.
It's as simple as that.
I know, it's weird, but I liked it.
Yeah, I did like it.
Fucking hell. I really, you mate. It's fucking, but I liked it. Yeah. I did like it. Fucking hell.
Over to you, mate.
It's fucking scary, isn't it?
I know, it is a bit creepy, this subreddit.
It's not only a subreddit,
it's just literally all creepy encounters.
Okay, a strange encounter near a government facility,
so I took it slightly differently.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, good.
I was just reminded about a strange guy
encountered while working the
register on a food truck near a government facility, what's it, NM USA,
wherever it is. A little under four years ago I was working a typical shift
running the register on a fairly busy food truck near a government facility. We
would average 50 plus customers for lunch and most were regulars but we had
a lot of new faces every day. One day I get this very average looking white guy
non-descriptive. I couldn't pick him out in a lineup.. He comes to the window and asks, what is this? Unamused, I
tell him, food truck, what do you want? He looks confused and says something along the
lines of, what do you serve on this food truck? I point to the sandwich board beside the window
and wait. He glances at the board then asks what is on a hamburger?
Oh my god. Like he's never heard of it before.
I list off the regular ingredients quickly burger bun,
choice of cheese, LTOP and size of fries.
He considers it for a moment then asks what say oh no I don't can't say
that word quest quest a dealer quest still out and no I've said that wrong I
know what it is though what is it A yeah yeah like a rappy thing yeah yeah yeah some people
don't know so I tell him what it is yeah it is a quesadilla that is it he does he goes
through each of the eight or nine items we had up we had
asking the same question about everything. He decides on a cheeseburger
and I give him the total. I think it was $12. He stares at me then hands me a
$20 bill and walks away. I send the ticket to my grill and put the change aside for when he comes
back for his food I never assume a tip unless it was mentioned as such he
comes back for the food and opens the container and kind of stares at it in
wonder I I offer him his change and he looks at me like he's never seen me before
and walks away without his change. His tone was very deliberate, like he was trying not
to sound weird. The accent wasn't foreign but I couldn't pinpoint what region it was
from, southern, Boston, midwest etc. I've spoken
to people from all over the world and can usually pinpoint a dialect but this
guy was just off. What are you getting? I'm getting time traveler. What are you
getting? I mean I read this once, I know some of the comments as well.
Oh I'm getting, for some reason I'm getting time traveler.
Like erm, like erm, he's not from that time.
That's what he's giving to me.
I don't know why.
Well originally I was just like, so what has he just come out of like an asylum is he confused is he like a medic
like a medical see I go straight to the most romantic course you always do yeah I'm like
he's obviously an alien he's confused yeah so not at all not that's not where I went at all
no you never do though no are you ready yeah, you just gave Rectilian his first burger. Congrats.
Oh they've gone alien. They've gone alien. That's even worse than mine.
Good job. I could see cheese and molded items as strange turn offs that screw with them
screw with them if they're a kid what accustomed to raw flesh oh what the fuck way to go now now it has a taste for flesh oh my god it's taking a turn
cow man is a different kind lol those emphers been mutated in cows forever you think they tried to eat one
just people went it's gone left mate it's gone fucking left
not discount in your experience in any way but this sounds like a description of a heart of half the neighbors I've I've had while living in an Ivy League college town all PhDs
professors and high-end academics all they're just saying that people are dumb
it's just so weird how funny like a lot of people have
taken it to the extreme, haven't they? Yeah. I thought we were kind of an angel. I was
like shit like that one. Yeah yeah they were thinking it's the fucking grays. Right so
this is my last one, are you ready? Yeah. Strange encounters at the grocery store. Has anybody had an encounter lately at
the grocery store? Get approached by a young guy, gives you a compliment, nice
shirt, glasses etc then immediately starts asking personal questions. Where
are you from? Where do you work? Really tries to keep the conversation
going. Third time in the past six
months I've had this identical encounters once at the Prince Chopper on Raw and twice at Mission's
Target. I confronted the second guy the second time and he played dumb. I've asked a few friends and they,
and it has happened to them as well.
What do they, what are they up to?
What is the end game?
So before I read the edit,
what's it giving?
I don't know, I don't know because I've read,
I've read a couple of these where,
it, I mean, I don't know because I've read a couple of these where I mean I don't know I feel maybe it's just somebody because I think logically yeah it's just someone trying to strike up
a conversation and be friendly because people don't talk to people anymore.
But for me it's giving traffic trafficking but that's how they get the young girls. Yeah, my next comment is yeah asking so many person
Although it's taking a turn. I'm worried
Edit I'm also I'm also a young guy
Most of the questions are business work related
It has a it has been a different person every single time. Someone said, I think someone
posted on here before about Scientology, like they're trying to recruit, which is the same
as going into a cult if you ask me, but that's another story for another day. Someone said,
this is my immediate thoughts, stay far far away I don't know why I fought
trafficking now I know he's a bloke it's less likely with people who think it's
Scientology recruitment see initially how how do people meet people nowadays they
don't do they know I don't know did you do you know about Scientology no I
avoid shit like that you should really watch, I've forgotten her name,
she was a famous actress, she was in there,
along with Tom Jones and what's his face.
Tom Cruise?
Yeah, Tom Cruise and Grease Lightning, him.
Yeah, he's also part of it.
I mean, the whole thing is fucked up, babe.
Really fucking fucked up. I mean, it's only through Tom Cruise that I also part of it. I mean, the whole thing is fucked up, babe. Really fucking fucked up.
I mean, it's only through Tom Cruise
that I know anything about it.
Absolutely insane.
You don't even see his daughter.
Anyway, go on, bro, fuck off on a tangent.
Is there another one?
Yeah, I think you finish yourself.
It's your thing, you know, isn't it?
All right, well, I think this is something similar.
Okay. Because this is a real strange
encounter at the gym. That is I swear let me just double check but I'm sure that is the last one
that I had saved which is hilarious. I'm not sure if I'm really. It's the one isn't it? Yeah. I mean
there are I have got um yeah read it anyway.24female, don't usually feel inclined to post,
but for some reason this had me pretty rattled
and I felt compelled to share it.
I was at the gym finishing up my workout
when an elderly woman approached me.
She didn't speak English super well,
but she was talking about needing help
setting up her laptop because her kids live far
away and the airline lost her old one when she last traveled overseas. I
initially felt bad and asked if she had it with her so I could take a look and
she said no but that she lived five minutes away and that I could come over
after the gym.
Hell no!
Which again just takes me back to this bus situation that I saw.
Anyway, I declined but said if she brought her laptop to the gym the next day someone could
probably help her. She continued to insist that I help her and that her house would be the best way because she had an office
and asked what time I could go over when I'm usually at the gym so she could meet me and have
me go over. She said a few times she lived alone so I didn't need to worry and knew someone young
like me would be able to help.
I continued to politely decline and she finally walked away
but not before asking my age and telling me I was pretty.
I ride a motorcycle so my helmet was on the floor next to me while we spoke.
She pointed this out as well.
I left just a few minutes later and was walking to my bike.
I noticed a large white van parked near my motorcycle and immediately felt super uneasy.
I waited for more people to be around before approaching my bike to leave because at this
point it was dark.
I was thoroughly freaked out. As I
was starting up my bike the van's cabin lights turned on as if the door was
open it opened and in a panic I left as fast as I could, neglected to put on my
gloves and turn on music like I normally would. I went to the store before I went home
checking to make sure I wasn't being followed by anyone. I've never really had
anything like this happen to me but I knew or I know there's a lot of weird
schemes behind human trafficking and my gut was screaming at me that something
about this entire thing was very off. While
it could have all been nothing but a sweet old lady and a weird coincidence with the
van, I just wanted to post this in a place where others would understand how scary even
seemingly innocent exchanges can feel when you know there are people out there with full intention of
doing harm. On the off chance that this was some form of malicious set up, I remind everyone
to please be careful out there and pay attention even when your first instinct is to be kind
to strangers.
I think trafficking. Isn't that fucking horrible? It's horrible. Even old ladies are getting on board with this bullshit. I've had someone walk me to my car. I do, I think trafficking.
What would you do? Some old woman was like, hey come, I'd be like, fuck right off mate.
I wouldn't be going to off to anybody's house. That's so, we're
just gonna get your laptop I'll have a look at it. Yeah if you're only a couple
minutes down the road go get it. The problem is the sense of security old
women generally would give to a young girl is quite high so the sense that
it's worked before makes me feel like it has but it didn't work on this girl it's
quite scary really it's quite scary babe because you know they don't really talk about how
much it goes on but there are hundreds of thousands of people missing around
the world because they've been fucking grabbed and sold yeah it's a money
making scheme isn't it for those that are high up yeah yeah be careful people never ever comment and never go off with a
stranger a stranger danger we all know this yeah even a seemingly sweet old
lady I would be creeped out by a complete stranger insisting I go off with
them to a private location yeah good that you trusted your gut. Right, never let them take you to a second
location. My mother drilled into my head from the time I was 11 years old. Never let anyone
take you to a second location. Call their bluff if they have a gun to your head. Call
their bluff if they have a gun to your head. Oh, so kill me?
You'll die anyways if they take you.
Plus, you will be tortured.
Better to die right there and make a huge mess that they can't run away easily from.
She also spoke often about sex trafficking and how people go missing and their families
never get closure.
What a sick world we live in
that this is valid advice.
They've got a point babe. You either go with them and get drugged, sexually abused and
whatever or you just...
Or just like go for it.
Have you ever watched, I don't know if it was taken or the hostage, where they go to
the hostel.
I'm thinking of the hostel.
That's a horror.
It's a horror because of what happens in the film but based on real events babe, isn't
Really these girls and expats go to these hostels and they all get trafficked including
the boys.
Some for people that like to kill people and the others that like to be
Raping the girls and one of them raped her so bad
They like broke all her pelvis and everything and she died. She like bled to death there and then she died
She died because he was so fucking rough and I'm just like
die because he was so fucking rough and I'm just like even though I know it's like a made-up horror or whatever or you know it doesn't say based on real
events the point is it's actually happening which is crazy because I don't
remember growing up thinking any of this stuff no I mean strange danger all day
of course yeah but not this and never getting into someone's van or you know
Don't go to see people's puppies. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Yeah, or take people's sweets because you don't know what's in it
Never, you know because part of us growing up was respect your elders. Of course. So if an old lady said, please could you come help me?
Yeah, I
Would have felt inclined to go help. Of course, yeah, 100.
Whereas now, now in the day and age that we're in, I'd be like, absolutely not.
Sorry, you can come to me here in this public space.
Yeah, just go and grab your laptop.
But why would the old woman be in a little gym just seeing if anyone could help her with
her laptop?
That to me is a very strange place to hang out.
Because actually, in a gym, you can see someone's physique can't you
of course of course yeah yeah because of the clothes that people wear for the gym even when
i run i wear tights so potentially she was picked because of how she looks that's what i'm saying
and then she also commented that she was a pretty girl there you go so that's why the whole thing's fucked up. I can't even trust old ladies these days. Yeah fucking bitches
Anyway, oh my ass
We're running by the way, if you're wondering why we're in so much pain when we move
It's cuz we've started running like idiots
All right, my darlings. Well, I enjoyed that
That was fucked up. I like the one about the kitchen. I think that was my favorite
I want to know what was going on with the kitchen yeah so strange so fucking
strange can't talk in the kitchen weird I reckon it's uncle Albert
uncle Albert of all the people you could have come up with it's uncle Albert
uncle Albert and he did it with the knife in the kitchen
thanks people thank you like follow and subscribe for more can more can be here and he did it with the knife in the kitchen Thanks people Thanks people
Like, follow and subscribe
so more can be heard here
and forever stay safe
yeah, yeah, don't get into people's fans
massive stranger danger
don't follow old women
and if you're camping in the woods
and if you are actually going to
can you just pick somewhere that isn't known
yeah do it like right on the edge so if you need to get out again it's you can go straight to a
road where people will see you like i'm in the middle of the forest i mean it's massive that
forest we will do we will do a podcast on that and the appellation so it's pine, it's our writing down.
There's so many fucking stories, it's weird as fuck, man.
And there are people like, this is why you close
your curtains at night in the Appalachian front.
Oh, oh, there's a film isn't there?
There's a film, did I send it to you?
Where, where, um.
You got really excited then.
This car, yeah fuck, it's woken you up.
What you just said is this film, it's new. So, this car, yeah fuck, it's woken you up.
What you just said is this film, it's new.
So this family's traveling along
because they're going on a little break, family break,
and they can't go down the route they're supposed
to be going down because it's been blocked off by a tree.
So they go down this other route,
and they've come through into like a town.
So they carry on going through the town.
And then they've realized that they're now on a-
It's not new, it's called From. I don't know what it's called it's called
from and I watch episode one and two. It's being advertised and they go around and then it's about you've got to
lock yourself in you don't open the door and there's all these weird people. Yeah yeah and there's absolutely fucking epic babe. I knew you'd like it but when I saw it I was like can you get it you've got to watch it. I don't know what I can't watch that babe. Why? I can't watch that. I can't watch that.
Because people will scare me.
People have so many theories on what they actually are.
And it's fascinating.
I can't watch that shit.
So season three's out, but I wanna watch one and two
because it took so long to put season three out.
Like I need to watch one and two again.
It's not scary as in jumpy.
That's more what it is than everything is. It's scary as in...
No it's scary as in I go and stay in wood cabins and I wouldn't be able to sleep.
I'd happily stay... have you watched talking of wood cabins? Have you watched
the cabin? The cabin's so good right? Little bit of shit it's got Chris Hemsworth in so that rates it up for me straight off and however that like they go to that cabin and it's a
whole fucking set up from the world's governments to keep human race alive to
stop the world ending by kill by sacrificing five virgin, the hooker, the strong man, the idiot, and I can't remember
what the other one is. Did I say the virgin? Yeah, I can't remember what the last one is.
Anyway, so each country around the world has the same shit going on, right? And by picking an object
they choose the way they're going to die they choose the demons whatever and if this isn't accomplished
the world fucking ends so this is keeping the gods at bay the gods and
of mythology anyway I don't have to watch these things because she tells me
you've got to fucking watch it I won't tell you how it ends but you have to watch it because
even though it first sounds like this is shit and it's actually fucking watch it. I won't tell you how it ends but you have to watch it because even though it first sounds like a
This is shit. Um, it's actually fucking epic. It's so fucking good and
the way that they choose what kills them as well was just
Unbelievable. I feel like it could have been worse. It's great. You watch it at Hellraiser
With the cube you ain't fucking watching. You don't know any music the Cube. You ain't fucking watch anything, you don't
know any music, you don't watch any... What's on your playlist when you run?
Kumbay, ah, bailong.
I don't know that song.
Kumbay, yes you do, don't lie. He's got the whole world.
No, what did I listen to? I listened to country music yesterday.
So you just put on random songs but don't know any of them?
No, I know a lot of them.
I just don't know their names.
I don't remember, I don't remember names of anything.
Me neither, I just know the lyrics.
But even road names, I could get to A to B.
I've only been there once, but I could get there back
for forever. You're very good at that.
You are excellent. But I would never be able
to tell you what roads I go down.
I would be able to tell you the road and it takes me a long time to remember like I swear it's
only the last two months that I've stopped using the sat lab to get to yours. I just
can't remember things like that. It takes a long time for me but Paul can do what you
can do he can get somewhere just from memory. I can remember that. But yet can't remember
I told him something the day before. It's a long... because it was a cabin back in the day.
So that is... the long term memory is great.
Short term memory is fucked.
It's completely fucked.
I enjoyed that.
Er... be safe!
Yeah, don't get into people's cars, yeah.
Stranger danger.
And if you go to the cabin, don't pick up any objects.
Wow, what do you think of that. What do you think of that?
What do you think of that?
What do you think of that?
Well I think that girl has got everything that she needs.