Miss Me? - The Queen of Myspace

Episode Date: August 29, 2024

Miquita Oliver takes a walk down memory lane, recapping the best bits of the show so far. Plus some never heard before material from the pilot episode!This episode contains very strong language and ad...ult themes. Credits: Producer: Flossie Barratt Technical Producer: Will Gibson Smith Production Coordinator: Hannah Bennett Executive Producers: Dino Sofos and Ellie Clifford Assistant Commissioner for BBC: Lorraine Okuefuna Commissioning Editor for BBC: Dylan Haskins Miss Me? is a Persephonica production for BBC Sounds

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the BBC. This podcast is supported by advertising outside the UK. BBC Sounds music radio podcasts. This episode of Miss Me, a very special edition of Miss Me. I have to say thank you to Steve Jones, my darling, darling Steve Jones who covered for me last week for Miss Me with Lily. They were wonderful. It was a beautiful conversation.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I was very touched by many things that were said. But today we don't have Lily Allen. Everyone's had quite heady summers, including Lily and I. We've been all around the world and we've been bringing you Miss Me from wherever we've been and I think we've done a pretty good job but Lily Allen has finally got to a part of Italy that is so deep and rural that there is no Wi-Fi so we can't actually make it happen this week so we thought okay let's look at the journey let's look at all that's gone down all the good times that were had let's reflect
Starting point is 00:01:23 you know when you get to the end of summer, you just kinda wanna look at your life and what's actually happened to you this year. This is what's happened to us this year. This is what we've given you. Today we'll have all of our favorite moments from Miss Me So Far, all the laughs, all the connection, all the good times, all in one big meaty drop.
Starting point is 00:01:44 We're also actually gonna give you something that has never been heard before. It's the first time we sat down to do Miss Me. It's the first time we sat down with microphones. Luckily we know each other and love each other so we weren't that scared or anything but we had no idea what we were doing and didn't know where it was gonna go, where it was gonna take us but it's never been heard before. Today you will hear our first ever conversation before Miss Me even had a name, before it was even called Miss Me, it was just a blank space. So come take my hand and let's stroll down memory lane together. Here is
Starting point is 00:02:23 the journey of Miss Me. I did have a liposuction on my butt, bum. And once I was, you know know fornicating with a man a rapper whatever you want to call them and Said rapper spotted the scars from my liposuction and Said what are those and I panicked because I was too embarrassed to disclose that I'd had liposuction. So I said, um, I had a hip replacement. And now said rapper walks around somehow thinking that that would sound sexier.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I was only like 23. But I just love that said rapper walks around thinking that Liliara has fake hip. Probably knew that it was not true. Maybe not though, maybe it's just anyway. We were talking about waxing our vagina and there were many people that were letting us know that we don't know anything about our own anatomy and that What we're really talking about is the vulva and the inside. Can I just interject for a second?
Starting point is 00:03:52 I do know the anatomy of the vulva. I just don't really like the word vulva So I don't say it all the time and I don't I feel like It's just my vajayjay, you know? That's what I like to call it. I think we got the short end of the straw with an- Anatomical. Anatomical words for our parts. Cause you got like cock and dick and like, you know, penis.
Starting point is 00:04:17 These are all great names, great words, but I feel like ours are, I don't know, stranger. Should we go through it? Wait, have you got the diagram? I've got the diagram, yeah. Several different parts to the vagina. There is, of course, the most important part, as far as I'm concerned, the clitoris,
Starting point is 00:04:34 which is right at the top on the outside. And then we have the outer lips, the labia majora. Oh, so that's labia. Then inside those ones is the labia minora which are the sort of you know the frillier bits and then you have your bladder opening, your urethra. Yeah. And the vaginal opening. So is the vaginal opening the only part called vagina? No there's the vagina is the inside is the like that you know where the magic happens sometimes if you're really that magic.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Come on, let's not smut this out. This is academic. What is not written on here is the that bit that links the butthole and the vaginal opening which are the peri perithium. and the vaginal opening which... Oh the paree... parethium? I dunno, I've always called it the stink bridge. Hahahaha! Really? Even when... even when tending to it? Yeah, it's the stink bridge. Or sometimes it's called the gooch. But yeah. I think it's called the perineum or something? The perineum?
Starting point is 00:05:41 Oh yeah, the perineum, the area of skin between the vaginal opening and the anus look at you check How as someone who's never an anal sex I definitely still remember that I like the Mons pubis That's the fatty rounded area overlying the pubic bone covered with pubic hair my Mons pubis Well as a kid when I was a race to say in my body I wouldn't say vagina I don't think I was saying the vulva, but I did just call it my body. I quite like that So should we do penis next week? Yeah, let's do penis next week we properly apologize to anyone that was offended by our lack of anatomy knowledge and
Starting point is 00:06:20 We were actually waxing our mom's pubis and we will get that right next time because how sexy does that sound? What's a fupa? I don't know. It's an acronym for something. Oh. Fat upper pussy area. That's probably mons pubis as well, isn't it? I think it might be the fatty upper pubic area.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I don't think you know what you're talking about. It's the fat upper pussy area and that's just it, okay? That's what it is for you. I actually was looking at our homepage for the podcast and I just had a little sneaky look at some of the reviews and one of them said like, oh, these two talking about, you know, stuff that they're not qualified to talk about. And I was like, even though it's not really talking about us as women, there is like a layer of like misogyny attached to it. It's like how many fucking men are there out there just wanging on about shit they know absolutely nothing about and it's okay. I feel like with women, it's like you're allowed
Starting point is 00:07:22 to have success, but you have to really be able to back it up. Very interesting point. I also, what the fuck qualifies anyone to have an opinion on anything? I think opinion is a right of everyone, and it's important to be able to debate things in this world together. I think if everyone felt like they had to be qualified to have an opinion, no one would fucking have one. No, but there's a level of like, you know, well, if we're going to let two women have
Starting point is 00:07:49 a like podcast to talk about things, they better have like degrees in those subjects. So no, we're just us. We're just us having a chat. It's okay. But I feel like men are allowed to occupy forums like that without with no questions asked and no one's going what are your credentials? Yeah. You know, because their credentials are their ballsacks full of semen. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:10 These are my credentials. I'm like, this is my legs. I know that you met your husband on Raya and but I despise the sentiment of Raya. I just I can't stand the idea of and I know this isn't why you went on it and I'm sure not all people let's just say Raya is the app for EEC, famous people to date. No, it's not just famous people. I don't think it's famous people. It's like people in creative industries.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Yeah, there's a lot of model bookers from like Germany on it. Yeah, but then also there'd be like, you know, Fabian investment banker from Brussels. There's definitely a lot of guys called Ray. Such a rare name. But what I don't like the idea of is I'm from this world. So I'm looking for someone also in that world because I feel like that's the frequency me and this person should stay at. It's like, what about a fit plumber or a hot tree surgeon?
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah, go for it. I did go out with a stonemason. That was great. I think you should probably be trying to find a doctor at this point. No, I don't think doctor. If there was an app that was like Fit Men with Real Jobs, I'd really like that.
Starting point is 00:09:40 There is, it's called Tinder. No, that's not that. Fit Men with Real jobs. Wow. Yeah, like tree surgeons, woodcutters, you know, things with your hands, electricians, plumbers. I've been out with a lot of those kinds of people. Handyman. There you go. Exactly. The handyman app, but for dating purposes, not to fix something in your house. I think, you know, if I was single again, which, you know, God willing, I would hope that I think a sober app would be good, sober dating app, so you could meet other people
Starting point is 00:10:19 that are sober, because that was always a struggle, I think, finding somebody that wasn't, you know, mental. But listen, they have apps for like, people who are into horses. I don't mean like that. I mean, like, I spend my time in the equestrian world. So the specific, specific, what's that word? Specificity. world. So the specificity, that thing, that is, it's really important. I think people want to feel like they're having a particularly bespoke experience. As Crockett said to me, our friend Charlie Crockett, he said, you just love a hospitality bread. But it's so true. I'm Mix Race and my dad is Scottish, white Scottish man, my mum is black Caribbean. And my, for a long time in my life, I did not relate to the black side of myself
Starting point is 00:11:25 and I didn't feel close to it. And I was very much ashamed of it. And there were things that used to happen with people that we know that I would just put up with. And sometimes it was things that were easier to put up with but only in retrospect I see now. Like for instance, like two people that we know would say, but that's because you're a bit like this.
Starting point is 00:11:43 And what they would do is point at me and sort of do a rubbing face motion like I had dirt on me. And then everyone would laugh and I'd fucking laugh with them. And I'm ashamed of that time. And I've learned so much more about my heritage now through the work I've done with my mother and because I've wanted to know more. And this is the ongoing continuation of violence and hate towards black women for millennia is exhausting and it hurts. Like it really hurts. Like it cuts your soul. Thinking about it, all the history of it and for people to say, I think that happened last week, it's just like, that's the problem. It makes me very sad to hear you say that you
Starting point is 00:12:33 felt ashamed of yourself having to sit through that and laugh along with it, because if I can, you know, offer you anything is that I think that anybody in that situation, when you're outnumbered, like it's not on you to stand up for yourself and for you know, people of the same color skin as you like, what the hell else were you meant to do? Like you don't, you also really young like you and we, and I don't think that we had access to, you know, the language that we have now.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And this is my point though, Lil, we know more now, so we should do better. Absolutely. We all know more now, and we should do better. And the lack of consequence around this hideous incident is shameful. Yeah, I mean, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Thank you for saying that, though, about my younger self, who was a bit lost.
Starting point is 00:13:33 When I was in the hairdressers the other day, the person that was in the chair next to me was having like a full on gardening enthusiasm conversation about, they couldn't remember his name, but they were clearly talking about Monty Don. Oh, were they Americans? Yeah. Yeah, they were talking about this British gardener. He has like a program. He's got like a little dog, like Gordon Retriever. What's his name? I can't remember. I was so wanted to be like, Monty Don, you fucking idiot. He's a gardening legend. He's an absolute icon of our times for fuck's sake. Get a grip.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And don't say that in Buckinghamshire. He's a modern day Capability Brown for fuck's sake. Ah, what good times. What good times! What good times we've all had together! What a year it's been! Let's take a little break, let's have a little breather and then we will be back for more of the glorious good times of Miss Me. And lest we forget, after the break you will be hearing the first ever conversation Lily and I ever had, no, not in our lives, but for this show.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Before it was even called Miss Me. I did tell you that I went to, um... Yeah? The wedding of the century is what most people are calling it on Instagram. Okay. Well, I don't know about that because I've had two weddings that were both better. Well interesting because it's really bringing up that in people I know that have had weddings.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What competitive wedding syndrome? Competitive wedding-ness. And I was just like, oh my God, if we have to be competitive about our weddings as well. But isn't that the whole point of a wedding? To sort of show off.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I would hope not. Oh God, I would really fucking hope not. Well, I mean, my first wedding, my second wedding in contrast to my first wedding was the complete opposite, you know? Like I had what 300 people, 400 people my first wedding and then for my second wedding it was just me, David and the girls. I was a bridesmaid for the first one. Oh yes you were. God I really wasn't a good bridesmaid, I'm so sorry I was in a really bad place in my life at the time.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I was. And then they called me in the papers the next day, my big fat bridesmaid, like for my big fat great wedding. I was crushed. I was devastated. I thought I'd humiliated you and embarrassed you. It was awful. Yeah, I wasn't humiliated and embarrassed. I'm sorry that that happened to you. Yeah well I did look like shit. I did look like shit. Then anyway the second wedding, the second wedding I loved because you are, this was really sweet actually. We eloped. You eloped but you FaceTimed me in the morning. You were in and you didn't even tell me and I over my phone off and you were in your wedding dress smoking a cigarette in Vegas going I'm about to marry David. I was like excuse me. I've got a video of it you know. I'm going to find that and send
Starting point is 00:16:54 it to you. Yeah because I recorded our FaceTime so there's no sound but it's the most like unexpected way that I could be part of the day. And you're like, what the hell? Don't do it. No, but you know what? But you looked so calm. You're just like, yeah, I'm going to go marry this guy. In contrast to today, because we've obviously, me and David are now living very separate lives. I don't know if you've seen this. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:17:22 It's all over the interweb that David and I have split up. No fucking way. We're in very separate lives. Google Lily Allen right now. Oh, I don't want to read that shit. I love David. It's funny for the purpose of this podcast. No, absolutely. I only know because my publicist called me up yesterday and were like,
Starting point is 00:17:42 do you want us to make a comment? Lily Allen, David split. Oh my God. Oh my God. He's not, you're not just split up. He's gone out partying in response to this devastating heartbreak. God, what a pile of-
Starting point is 00:17:59 In a skirt, no less. What a pile of bollocks. So Lily, ask me this, God, he looks great. I love your husband. Do you know why it says we split up is because I have unfollowed everyone on Instagram. I know we discussed that you were doing this. Isn't that interesting? That's the first thing they think.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Her marriage must have imploded if she's gone off Instagram. If she's unfollowed 5,800 people, her marriage must be over. Her marriage is probably over. I don't actually know how you deal with this. This would really be a bit heavy. I'll tell you how I dealt with it. Drugs and alcohol. No, but like today, now then. Now I don't.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Now then, when you see that shit. Well, I try not to pay attention to it, and I certainly don't go looking for it in the way that I used to, but I, um, yeah, as I said, I got an email from my publicist and David got an email from his publicist saying, Oh, we're going to make a comment about this while you're in bloody bed together. And then one of them said something that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Cause my assistant and said, and she's just unfollowing everyone on Instagram, don't worry about it. And then David's publicist was like, well, if she's going to unfollow everyone, she should do it in
Starting point is 00:19:12 increments of 10. And I was like, oh, what does that mean? And also what the fuck's it got to do with you? So like, I invented social media. Do not tell me how to unfollow people on Instagram. I was the queen of my space god damn it. Okay tell your badnesses. You're out of my top 8. I was the queen of my space. And there it is.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Wow. It's incredible right. I hope it wasn't shit. Tell your fan that this is! You're out of my topic! That was the queen of my face! Oh! And there it is. Wow! It's incredible, right? I hope it wasn't shit. I don't think it is shit, but we definitely maybe got better. Let's get back into when we got better, shall we? If you noticed, I'm wiggling my feet suggestively. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:20:12 By the way, I didn't even know Natty, you know Natty, who I work with, you know her, she just said to me, oh, so it's cool that Lily's got a dedicated page for her feet now. And I was like, no, no, we just talked about that. I'm missing it. She's like, no, she has a page now what I have been creating foot content for the past week or so no for a select group of foot enthusiasts on a specialist social media site. Nishi space. Nishi space.
Starting point is 00:20:49 My Toe Daddy is very happy with the content that I am supplying. Where will this end, Lily? Oh, I know where it ends. It ends in the same place as it starts. It's only feet. I'm very, I've got very strict guidelines. And believe me, these guys are all up in my DMs telling me that they want like bespoke content and asking me for all kinds of crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:13 And I take such pleasure in just saying only feet. Only feet. Don't even go there. This is a foot only page. How dare you. Marcus from SoQuantra and only feet. Okay, that's all I'm willing to give. We can talk about what I can do with those feet,
Starting point is 00:21:30 as long as it doesn't involve any other parts of the body. But- So how acrobatic are you having? Toe spreading is a big, big thing. They really wanna see me spread those toes. And apparently I've got a good spread. Listen to me, Lily. No, you listen to me.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I don't care. I don't feel like it is sexual. How it is received is another thing altogether. And let me just tell you something. I'm finding this actually quite empowering because having been like very sexualized from a very early age and literally everybody else in the process profiting from that sexualization, it's actually really fun to be like in power
Starting point is 00:22:12 and in control of something that I find so silly and my feet. Interesting spin, yeah. And I'm really enjoying it. Now listen, you're casually going on like, anyone could do this if you had a profile in the media, but not everyone. Not everyone's got the arch or the spread.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Not dirty three starers like me out here. You could try your luck. Some people, you know, have got a thing for, you know. Crusty old African Tegan foot and pigeon foot. You know what? And that's what my grandma, she says, you foot and pigeon foot You know what? And that's what my grandma, she goes, you just got pigeon foot like me and I'm like, what is that? It means that we walk
Starting point is 00:22:52 with our feet turning inwards but we do have a good arch So yeah, any any market the pigeon foot It was a very like, MySpace pose, wasn't it? The like, feet facing inwards. It was very...
Starting point is 00:23:07 Oh, sure. Yes, it's quite Libertines. Quite Klaxons. Thames beat. It's... It's not. Sorry, Libertines. It's a Thames beat stance.
Starting point is 00:23:17 The pigeon footed, like the cocked knee into the middle. Yeah. If we looked at album covers of that time, I bet you raise a lighter standing. Yeah, like this. Hands in the pockets and the knees facing in and the toes out. They're all doing the pigeon foot. So yeah, so my time is probably mid-norties. Your time is over babe. It's all about me and my five star feet. Yeah, yeah. Well, I'm happy that you've put an incredible spin on it and made it an empowering moment for you and if that is how you feel I'm truly
Starting point is 00:23:48 happy. It's actually creative as well and also. Fuck off. Fuck off. No. How dare you? How dare you? I'm I am okay I'm thinking about what I'm gonna do next I'm thinking about how to please my toe daddies what they want I'm thinking of like to please my toe daddies, what they want. I'm thinking of like... How does your husband feel? Is he all right? Yeah, he is. He thinks it's great.
Starting point is 00:24:10 At first he was like, not turned on, but like he was like, is this a kink for you? And I was like, no, it's totally not a kink. But maybe there's something in the power element of it that's slightly kinky for me. I think attention and power will always be a lifelong kink for you. So rude. And we're just kind of surfing both. So yeah, I bet you're having a great time. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's because in childhood I was devoid of both. So look, I'm just having my day in the sun. Just... That's not... You've got a spin for everything today. This is actually healing a lot of childhood trauma. Now spread your toes. Healing the trauma. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Look at my spread. Look at my spread. Oh, soul action. Soul action. Don't mix your Miss Me audience with your feet, Nishi Space audience. They are two separate things. And let's not blur the lines.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Okay. There is not much space for women to feel dissatisfied with the situation they find themselves in after giving birth. Even now, if I talk about anything that isn't positive around my kids, I'm bombarded with comments from people saying, you know, there are so many women that can't have children. How dare you? Your children are going to read this when you grow up. So there's not much space for women to voice their dissatisfaction with having kids.
Starting point is 00:25:45 And it's something that's irreversible, right? So I was not prepared for the sense of loss of the life that existed before my children came along. And there was no space for me to have that conversation with anybody. And so you're sort of mourning your old life while you're directly head mourning your old life while you're... Completely. Directly headfirst into this new one.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Yes. And I don't think that there is any support. Like, let's say that you come to that realisation that you feel like, oh, shit, you know, I'm not happy and I've done this thing and I'm in this situation and I know that I have a responsibility to this child, but there isn't a space for you to voice those feelings. It's like, get back in your box. You do not talk about this in that way. Dissatisfaction of motherhood, no way. It's unacceptable.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And so do you think that maybe postnatal depression sort of starts to just go in circles and get worse and worse because there's no outlet? Because there's so much shame and also no space for it. Yeah. And it's all on the mother as well. You know, I don't know what happens in schools today in the UK. I certainly know that, you know, nobody's really talking to my children at school about motherhood, what that means, what that means for what happens to your career when you decide to embark on that journey? If it is talked about, I think it's probably directed at girls more than it is directed at boys.
Starting point is 00:27:11 When you are a woman and you find yourself with a small screaming child and it's not as rosy as it has been made out to be in the movies or in the books that you've read or whatever, then what is there to do but to internalize that shame and to make it a you problem rather than a problem with the world? Actually that's something about being older and not having had kids yet because I've heard the stories and seen the experiences. I haven't lived them but I feel like I know a little too much now about the reality of motherhood. I should have just done this when I was 26 and it was all just fairy tale and I'm gonna be a mum. Now I'm like, oh, I know how serious this shit can be.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Just in that sense of like the complete and utter loss of everything that was before. Of course you gain so much more, but hopefully we are living in a time where there is more of an outlet. There's gaslighting, it's like no one tells you how fucking hard it is. Like when I got pregnant you know I was like number one in the charts and like flying around the world. Not one person took me aside and was like this is gonna be like a different thing with
Starting point is 00:28:20 a child. Not one person! Yeah but in the Lauryn Hill song for Zion, you know, now the joy of my world and it's about Zion and it's all very like look at your career they said, Lauryn baby use your head. I feel like it's quite standard that a pop star gets pregnant, people go don't do this now. Did you not have that? No. Where was that care system, Lily? Where were they?
Starting point is 00:28:44 No. I thought we'd organise some sort of care for you around that time. Nope. No. But you know, I'm not saying that I would change anything. I absolutely adore my children and I don't know what my life would be without them. But I do think that, you know, as with any problem, psychological or otherwise, you know, talking about it is the best policy. And I just, I do worry about women who find themselves in that position and feel like they're not up to the standard. They can't do the job properly and feeling like that there isn't any space for them to talk about it. But I will say, it got me thinking because the recipe that I used was Marcella Hazan
Starting point is 00:29:33 from the New York Times. She died a long time ago, but it's still regarded as one of the best Bolognese recipes out there. No bay leaf. And it made me think, what is a bay leaf for? I could not tell you what bay leaf tastes like, but I use it in literally all the recipes. And then people are really specific about the number of bay leaves that one uses in any recipe.
Starting point is 00:29:56 And I'm just like, is it just like made up? So the thing about bay leaf says, and my mom says, cause she always tells me to add onion to stuff. And I'm like, I don't like the taste of onion. She says it doesn't give it the taste of onion. It gives it a background sweetness. So the bay leaves are a back note. It's not about particularly tasting the bay leaf. It's whatever back note they bring to the general taste of the meal. So it's like salt.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Great. Seasoning. Interesting. I understand. Don't patronize me. Okay. Seasoning. Seasoning. Interesting. No, I understand. Don't patronize me, okay? About seasoning. Do not. Do not come at me. I'm not one of those white people, okay?
Starting point is 00:30:33 Jesus Christ. I was also raised by Andy Oliver, so fucking. It's very true. Do not go out there spreading vicious lies that I am into unseasoned food, okay? Do not. I'm some unseasoned bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:58 It's good to know that we're on the same page about Southgate. He did good, thank you for your service. Now let's talk about who he fancied. Yes. Cole Palmer. What a revelation. Right. When he came on I was like, pity, how old is he? I don't know, I think 22. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Old enough to be his mother. Well I just showed Autumn that I work with, I said, oh Palmer's fit. And she showed me a picture and went, Palmer's fit. And I said, yeah, and that like dirty boy in the pub way. And then she went, oh right, yeah. So maybe you just got to give it that prefix. Little bit gormless looking. That's how I like them though. Yeah, me too. What, what?
Starting point is 00:31:30 And then I like this, the Spanish player. What was he called? Oh my God. Oh, sorry. Can we just go back to England players that fit? Phil Foden. No, no, cause I'm actually done. There's not what I, Stones maybe. That's all I've got. That was not a fit team
Starting point is 00:31:47 I know it's controversial, but I think Kyle Walker is quite fit Well, I'll take your Walker and I'll raise you Lenormand the normand I'm gonna have to Google him because I don't know what you're talking and I'll raise you, Le Normand. Le Normand. I'm gonna have to Google him because I don't know what you're talking about. He was on the ball a lot in the game. There was somebody that looked a little bit in the sleaze
Starting point is 00:32:13 that didn't look really look like they should be a footballer. They look like they should be in a band. I know which fan in the test icicles. Maybe. Le Normand. Oh my God, his first name is Robin, which is my dad's name. Maybe he's meant to be my husband.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Yeah, Lenormand, that's the one I'm talking about. He's the Indy, he's Indy Sleaze. Oh no, I don't, oh God, no. I don't think he looks Indy Sleaze. I think he looks like a bit Paul Nichols-y. Bit cleaner than that. No. I do not fancy that energy. And you know it. What, you don't fancy Indy Sle that. No. I do not fancy that energy.
Starting point is 00:32:45 And you know it. What, you don't fancy Indie Sleeves? No. Okay, okay then. Excuse me, excuse me, on what planet would I fancy Indie Sleeves boys today? Maybe not today, but let's not just like completely deny the past.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I wasn't really, no, at that time I was begging theatre crew, begging royal court actors. Yeah, and before that you were a hundred percent right in there with the Indie Sleezes. I feel like I jumped Indie Sleezes. You may have written that out of your own narrative. Name one person. I feel like maybe they were about, but like Owen? Yeah, the white rose movement for a start. I didn't kiss any of them. That was Lauren.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Oh, I love reflecting. I really do. It really fills up my heart. I love looking back And actually I probably couldn't do this if Lily was here because she's not as sentimental as me So this has really worked out beautifully for me today And I hope it's filled all your hearts with love and we I hope we continue to give you love all year round Of course listen bitch will be on Monday We'll be doing the same energy the reflective energy of all those brilliant questions. I have to say the questions on Listen Bitch are on another level. So we'll be having all of those beautiful Listen Bitch moments, best bits for you on Monday.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Don't worry, Wanking is coming soon, but it will be the week after. So Steve Jones gave us the theme of Wanking. It's not gone away. It's just gonna have a week off. Just one week off wanking and then we'll be back to it. Thanks for listening to Miss Me with Lily Allen and Meketa Oliver. This is a Persephoneka production for BBC Sounds. My name is Annie MacManus. And my name is Nick Grimshaw. How long have we known each other, babe? Probably 20 years now. And in that time, we've always worked in and around music, right? We have. So it kind of makes sense that we do a podcast about it.
Starting point is 00:34:52 It sounds like it's been 20 years in the making. It's not avatar for podcasts, basically, but it is good. So we put the world to rights with regards to music. It's all the stuff that you'd want to chat to your mate about over a pint. Side tracked with us, Annie and Nick. Listen on BBC Six, the rights with regards to music. It's all the stuff that you'd want to chat to your mate about over a pint. Side tracked with us, Annie and Nick. Listen on BBC Sounds.

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