Monday Morning Podcast - Monday Morning Podcast 10-14-24

Episode Date: October 14, 2024

Bill rambles about Vince McMahon, insurance companies, and closing routs. Helix:  Get 20% off all mattress orders at SimpliSafe:  Protect your home with 50% off a new Simpli...Safe system, plus a free indoor security camera, when you sign up for Fast Protect Monitoring at Indochino:  Visit and use code BURR to get 10% off any purchase of $399 or more.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So I travel a lot. I mean a lot perhaps too much to some of you, but that's kind of my gig, right? So I'm out there. I'm living out of suitcases or suitcase sometimes if I bring the big boy and I want all the comforts of home That's why I stay at an Airbnb whenever possible recently I had some gigs in Fort Collins, Colorado And I was with my friends and we were shooting some stuff and before we got to the gigs We were like, let's just get an Airbnb and it is just a more comforting existence you have a kitchen you have a yard you know it's communal living it's just a less stressful place more enjoyable experience so when I go on tour you know like I'll be going on tour
Starting point is 00:00:38 in a couple months I always am like well could my place be an Airbnb you know just to have someone watching your place while you're gone and make a little bit of money. And the answer to that is yes, yes, it can be an Airbnb. It's really just as simple as listing your place and letting it earn a little extra cash while you're away. So imagine someone staying at your home in Los Angeles while you're out there exploring the world. Turn your home into an Airbnb.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Give it a shot. You might be surprised at how rewarding it can be. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. Hey, what's going on? It's Bill Burr and it's time for the Monday Morning Podcast. For Monday, I don't know what, October 13th. We're gonna say this the 13th, I have no idea. 2024, what's going on, how are ya? How's it going? Oh, Billy fucking biscuits over here.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Trying to get back into working out after the flu. The flu fucked me up. I was on my way to be in shape and know, in shape and then I just messed up. I put on like another two, three, so now, you know, I had to stop. You know? Fucking old man Billy. I got to take a walk. The hill's too steep.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I got to go down it backwards so my knees don't fucking hurt. I mean, what happened? That's something they don't tell you when you get into hiking and you fucking, you see these people like, you ever like you're on a hike and you think you're hiking at a good pace and somebody jogs past you? If you're into Scheidenfreude,
Starting point is 00:02:16 like the Germans over there, like that person's fucking knees are gonna be absolute fucking junk. By the time they're like 50, it's gonna be bone on bone. However, who knows? With today's technology, maybe they'll be able to grow some Cotledge for you.
Starting point is 00:02:35 While you're down there at the supermarket or whatever the fuck it is. Why is it so goddamn hot in here? Well, Bill, cause you live in a desert, you know, maybe that's what it is. Oh my God, how many fucking options could there be on in here? Well, Bill, because you live in a desert, you know, maybe that's what it is. Oh my God, how many fucking options could there be on this thing? I don't... am I the only person that feels like... is it just me? That just feels like everything is just fucking... it's reached its peak.
Starting point is 00:03:00 You know what I mean? Like, how many more bells and whistles can they add to a fucking automobile? To try and get you to get the new fucking thing? Oh, you fucking cunt! This stupid door. Just close already. I swear to God, when you live in a city that has earthquakes, like, you know, your fucking house, it says, well, it never really stops settling. And then you just have, like, doors and they just, like, open on their own because you didn't quite close it all the way because your house
Starting point is 00:03:26 is slightly leaning but you you know you haven't really figured that out you know and then then you think your place is haunted and next thing you know you're on one of these stupid shows at like those ghost hunter shows at like fucking 12 at night you mean midnight bill yes that's what I mean. Some people say midnight. I say 12 at night. Anyway so back into the whole fucking workout gang. I also was saying like, you know what? I can have one cup of coffee a week. I know you guys are sick of this, but like I literally have to do this or I just go fucking
Starting point is 00:04:01 nuts with something, right? And the weekend came and went and I was like, nah, you know what? I'm good. I know me. Although I made some pumpkin bread today. I mean, you can't tell me having a fucking cup of coffee with that's not going to be the shit.
Starting point is 00:04:17 But at my age, I have a cup of coffee and a slice of pumpkin bread for breakfast, and I will be face down on a couch. I might as well roofie myself. Yeah, it's unreal. I went to this amazing party Saturday night, and I literally stayed there for like 40 minutes. I was just like, I love everybody here. I'm fucking tired. Tired. I had a great night. Had dinner with a buddy of mine, and then everybody here. I'm fucking tired. Tired.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I had a great night. I had dinner with a buddy of mine, and then I went over to the Comedy Store. And of course, I didn't record it. And I just was riffing on the new shit that I have. And it was like just, you know, it was fucking, I pitched the perfect game for me, for where my act is. And I didn't record any of it. And then I came home and I tried to tell Nia what the fuck I said, and she was just staring at me.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I was like, well, I forget how I said it. Oh, well. That's what you do. You're just like, well, I guess that that was just for that crowd. Or, Bill, you could be organized and you could record it. You could do that. could you could you could record it you could do that speaking of getting organized I I got woefully behind in the Moto GP races and I watched like ten of them in the past week it's fucking amazing I don't even know where to begin with this season how about race number four? The old day, Mark, it was like the old days with Marquez and David Sioso except was Pekka Benyaye. It's Italian names are so hard to say.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Fabio DG Antonio. It's like 58 letters. Most of them are vowels. That's a thing. If you were doing Wheel of Fortune in Italy and you said I would like to buy a vowel, you'd fucking go broke. You'd have no money. I still feel like that the game, I don't know if you guys remember, but way back in the day when you won, you didn't go over and then try to solve the last prize to see, you know, for a bunch of money. That's a cheap ass show, man.
Starting point is 00:06:29 That show is fucking tight. Like that last puzzle, the clue they give you and how fucking abstract it is. Like they do not like giving away money on that show. Me and Nia always watch that fucking show, especially when she was like being the third trimester. We would just be watching that show, having a great fucking...
Starting point is 00:06:48 I still love the show, but like whenever they... Of course, I can't think of an example. It would be like, oh God. This is the thing. And it would be like an aspirator tube, which for some reason I still remember because I Just got a new muffler on my truck and it was still Doing that going down the fucking street. So I had to bring it back. Yeah, it is a problem You got a busted aspirator tube. Oh, is that what the fuck it is?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Well, I already paid for a muffler you fucking greasy cunt Well bill maybe you needed both things. Anyway back in the day when you won when you were the grant you know you won the most money they just had this fucking little yard sale of shit and it was just shit. I've talked about this I think I've talked about this before. It was always like a grandfather clock and then there was a brass bed frame which for whatever reason I guess I've talked about this. I think I've talked about this before. It was always like a grandfather clock. And then there was a brass bed frame, which for whatever reason, I guess, that that was considered like luxurious.
Starting point is 00:07:51 For $700, I'll take the brass bed frame. For 800, I'll take the grandfather clock, which is so funny. Like a grandfather clock only looks good in one of those old haunted looking houses. Like, you know those awful Victorians? Is anybody into those houses? I fucking hate a Victorian.
Starting point is 00:08:11 You know, I don't mind a garrison colonial. I'm an East Coast guy. I can deal with a garrison colonial, especially if you went to New England brick master and they did something to the front of it. You know, you got some aluminum siding. That was a big move. You got away from the wood and you got aluminum siding. And who would think that years later, decades later,
Starting point is 00:08:38 you know, drug addicted zombies would be taking half your house off so they could go get another hit of crack because the government let it in for whatever fucking deal they will make it with somebody else anyway what the fuck was my where was I even going with that? Oh, I was talking about motorcycle racing. So that race was amazing and then I watched every race from like August 10th up to Japan. And just all of this amazing drama and one of my my favorite things was when Jorge Martin, right?
Starting point is 00:09:28 I forget where the hell they were at. It started raining. And they're all riding around the track. And it was like, you know, when they do the rider's point of view, you could see it was a significant amount of rain. So they go by the pit lane. And Jorge Martin, who's in second place and was leading by like 10 points for the season for the championship. He's the only guy who goes in to get his rain bike which has doesn't have the slicks on it actually has you know the rain tires right so he jumps on that thing and goes from second place to 15th.
Starting point is 00:09:59 So I'm thinking oh this is gonna be amazing everybody else is on the slicks. He's got the rain tires. I'm gonna get to watch him fuckin' eatin' everybody up, goin' through. Is he gonna have enough time? Because it was like five, six laps into the, like a 20, I don't know, 24 lap race or whatever. And the poor bastard jumps on the fuckin' rain bike, comes back out, he's in 15th place, goes through like one chicane and the rain just stops.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And then he couldn't pass for whatever reason. Like that's how dialed in these bikes are. If you just have grooves in your tire for rain and it's not raining and I have slicks and I'm always in 14th place and you're always in first, second or third, now you can't pass me. It was unreal. What else? Pedro Costa, watching him, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:52 racing great, making mistakes, but still, you know, just knowing that he's gonna be looking like the next big star. And then I think, you know what, I think my favorite writer is Bastionini. I just really respect how smooth he is with how he rides with the throttle. Like somehow the end of the race, like his tires are always fine and everybody else,
Starting point is 00:11:17 you know, starts going wide and whatever. And he just somehow like, you know, he's geesey. I don't know. I like that guy. He's got clash. They call him the beast, but he he's geesey. I don't know. I like that guy. He's got clash. They call him the beast, but he's riding like a fucking, I don't know what. He's out there on a cloud.
Starting point is 00:11:32 So I am all caught up. And the next race is next Sunday. I don't know where it's going to be. I believe they're in Asia at this point. They were just in Japan, so I imagine it's going to be somewhere over there. And I will unfortunately be flying to France that day, but maybe, maybe because they're in Asia, I'll be able to watch it late Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:11:57 I have no idea. Yes, I'm on my way to France next week. I have three shows out there at the Apollo. I'm bringing my lovely wife, and I can't wait. My French is the best it's been. I got a Tudor, and I was shooting the shit with her. That's what we do. We just go out.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I get a cup of tea, or a Billy tea bag over here. And we just shoot the shit for like an hour. And a lot of times she's making a face like I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about but then you know she corrects me or whatever and I'm starting to get into the imperfect and the future tense and all that which is really fucking exciting because whenever you learn a language I guess you're always in the present tense so people have to like figure out what the hell you're trying to say are you talking about yesterday or are you talking about right now?
Starting point is 00:12:45 The future? What are you saying? I only know one tense. That'd be funny if that was some sort of mental disability that you could only speak in the present tense. And God knows some big-hearted chick would still fall for you, but like, you know, because she wants to help and she wants to make you better. And she'd get about three years into it again, and she's just like,
Starting point is 00:13:12 you know what, I just can't do this anymore. I just, I need a man that can speak in all three tenses. I'm tired of figuring out if you mean right now, tomorrow, yesterday. I just can't. I can't do that anymore. All right? I can't do this. I won't do it and I didn't want to do it yesterday. You see that right there? That's all three tenses. Why don't you go fucking brush up? Then you can hit them with you. You're making fun of my disability. My pronouns are right now.
Starting point is 00:13:53 He had to respect it. Somehow they would turn that into like a political talking point. Like they only care about the present tense people. They don't care about you living in the past. How ugly have been these these fucking these commercials been? I love that Trump one when he's going off on like immigrants, there's murderers and rapists, they're raping and murdering people.
Starting point is 00:14:23 How long are people going gonna fall for fucking rich people blaming it on fucking immigrants with fucking a nickel in their pocket? It's like, dude, you don't even pay your taxes. You don't fucking pay anybody that fucking works for you. What the fuck are you talking about? It's you cunts at the top. Unreal.
Starting point is 00:14:49 But every four years, every four years, you just wheel out the ol' ay, these people who aren't white, these people that come in here, they want your fucking job. And it just blows my mind, the amount of people that are in corporate America and have seen one of these fucking cunts who gets hired and gives themselves like a ten-figure signing bonus and has jobs to come in there and consolidate every department and fire three or four people and then take that person, the fired person's yearly salary as part of their bonus for saving the company money. And like that's not the fucking problem. They get like those jobs are not coming back.
Starting point is 00:15:25 They're just fucking taking them away and then going, hey, there was 10 people in your department, now there's five. You five got to do the work at 10, and I'm taking those five people's fucking salary as my Christmas bonus. No, that's not who it is. That's not who it is. It's not those guys. Couldn't be those guys. They look like me.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Oh, Jesus, Bill. You're going fucking deep early on. You're going deep early on here. I have not watched one second of football. I watched a little bit of Ohio State losing to Oregon. Now this is another thing, you know, I was against these super conferences. I'm like, why can't they keep it the way it used to be? I think they're fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And if the kids are getting paid, because at first they were going to have them and they weren't going to get paid, now they're getting paid. So who gives a fuck? Who gives a fuck? I think it's great that the kids are getting paid now. I hope they make millions of fucking dollars because most of them don't make it to the NFL, but they make the university millions of dollars. They've been doing it for fucking ever.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I think it's fantastic. And I think it's fantastic to see Michigan playing the Huskies in Ohio State, going out there and playing Oregon. And look at the fucking, what's, you know, what used to be the Pac-12. play at Oregon and look at the fucking what's you know what used to be the pack 12th coming in kicking the big 10 right near fucking three yards in a cloud of dust ball bag two fucking weekends in a row Michigan goes down Ohio State goes down right how state those players they have like
Starting point is 00:17:03 Kardashian money I mean they they fucking they opened up the checkbook. They were like, we're going LA Dodgers on this shit. I was speaking of that too. How about the fucking Mets? How about the Mets? I could get into a subway series. I know the subway series doesn't do well. Like I know that was one of the lowest rated series, cuz everybody was just like,
Starting point is 00:17:24 the rest of us don't live in New York, so we don't give a shit. But that could be fun. subway series doesn't do well. Like I know that was one of the lowest rated series because everybody was just like, the rest of us don't live in New York so we don't give a shit, but that could be fun. But I just like this Dodgers-Mets thing because I wanna say in the early 70s, there was a great play, what the fuck is that thing dinging for? There was a great playoff series between the Dodgers and the Mets.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And I wanna say the Mets, and I want to say the Mets went to the World Series and lost to the A's at the beginning of their dynasty where they won three in a row. I can't remember. I was talking to a buddy of mine the other day about George Steinbrenner, and I said he was basically reverse Billy Beane, where Billy Beane didn't want to fucking pay anybody. George Steinbrenner was just like fucking just had his, like I don't think he ever closed his checkbook. I know a promoter like that. The guy's the fucking best. It takes you forever, forever to fucking
Starting point is 00:18:21 sell enough tickets for the guy to book you. But when he does, he fucking treats you right. Anyway, so I'm really excited about that. And that series is out here. And if I have the fucking time, I would love to go Wednesday night. I'm going to try to, if I have the time. I probably won't.
Starting point is 00:18:42 But it's kind of cool to go to a fucking NLCS you know and I'm not I don't have a dog in the I root for the Mets because I did efforts for family with Mike Price he was a huge Mets fan so is a huge Mets fan so I'm rooting for them But I was a Dodger fan back in the day in the 70s when they won two and then when they won in 81. And I was also a Kansas City Royals fan while being a Red Sox fan. Now what is the common denominator in all of that?
Starting point is 00:19:17 The Red Sox could not beat the Yankees back then. And then the Royals, they would always go up against the Royals and then the Royals, they would always go up against the Royals. And then the Royals couldn't beat them. And then, then they would go up against the Dodgers and the Dodgers couldn't fucking beat them. So like I would have watched my Red Sox during the year, they would always start off fast and Red Sox would get them and then the Yankees would come back catch up with us, inevitably surpass us. So my Red Sox would fail and
Starting point is 00:19:43 then I would watch the Royals, and then I would watch the Royals fail, and then I would watch the Dodgers fail. And I would be like fucking exhausted. That's like 10-year-old Billy, just rooting against this fucking team. And they just had Reggie. Reggie's just the winner, right? And Ron Didri, too.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Oh my god, that guy was a fucking beast. And then in 81, Fernando Valenzuela and all of those guys came in and they finally beat him. I couldn't believe it. Um... And that was when they went with Dave Winfield. Um, after Reggie. I think Reggie went to the Angels. So fucking nuts I can remember all of that, but I can't... Seem to get...
Starting point is 00:20:22 I don't know. Trying to stay off the fucking Instagrams, whatever. I might end up going that. And all of this week I've been working on my act, but I was coming home and my lovely wife was watching that Vince McMahon series on Netflix, right? Like Netflix has some bangers right now. And that Vince McMahon thing is, she's like, you want to watch this and I'm like, yeah. No, I kind of grew up in the age of angry dads. Like I don't know if I want to watch but she was like
Starting point is 00:20:55 It was funny to watch it with her because she knew nothing about the guy. So she kind of like This is a weird thing to equate it to. I used to do that. I used to love looking at a crowd when a great comic was going to go up who hadn't hit yet and they didn't know who they were, right? And they had heckled me and of course kicked my ass and I didn't know what to say and then I fucking bombed or whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:23 And I remember when like, like David Tell would go up, it was my favorite thing ever because the crowd sort of had control of the room, and they had no idea that Dave Attell is like a ninth degree black belt in fucking all things comedy. And even after, usually when I would bomb, I would just want to get out of the club. But if Dave was going on a couple, two, three comics after me, I would stay there just for the satisfaction to watch him do what I couldn't. So anyway, I would be like, just watching him immediately like destroy somebody that heckled him.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And everybody just realized, my god, this guy's on a whole other fucking level. And then watch all of these guys that were fucking assholes when I was on stage immediately become obedient. Like watching one of those people that's good with a dog. Your dog's mauling a mailman and then they just show up and they go, like that, the the dog like fucking, you know, sits down, starts fucking, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:30 cowering, or whatever the fuck they do. What did that have to do with what I was talking about? Oh, watching my wife see Vince McMahon, and I gotta be honest with you, I watched wrestling all through the 80s. Then I got away from it when I started doing comedy. And then Patrice O'Neal, Rest His Soul, Bobby Kelly, Keith Robinson,
Starting point is 00:22:58 all of those guys started saying, it's good again. Well, I was like, when The Rock, Stone Cold, Mankind, The Undertaker, Mankind, all of those guys. And they were talking about laughing their asses off. And I started watching, I was living with Bobby Kelly at the time, and I started watching like Monday Night Raw. And it was fucking incredible. But I missed, you know, when it got really fucking raw.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Like I never saw that shit with Vince with his fucking pants down and somebody with their face like in his ass. I'm not joking. So my wife is watching it. And like, it's unbelievable. Like Vince McMahon is like one. And it's unbelievable. Vince McMahon is one of the great success stories. And at the same time, he's like a Dick Tracy villain.
Starting point is 00:23:53 He took no responsibility for anything. He'd be like, I didn't see any evidence of a concussion in that fight. And then when Chris Benoit killed his whole family and himself, you know, and they started talking about CTE and that type of shit, you know, he was on TV just immediately because people were coming to him like, dude, why are all these wrestlers dying?
Starting point is 00:24:19 And he was just going like, I mean, we had no idea that he was such a monster. And he was just throwing people under the fucking bus It was wild fucking wild to watch like all of that and And it was also great to see all of those clips and there was this great thing where? Stone Cold Steve Austin who I fucking love was talking about how You know, he doesn't believe in concussions
Starting point is 00:24:47 and if you get in concussed you don't know how to wrestle or something like that and my wife goes he doesn't believe in concussions however she said it I go that's right and that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so and she had no idea what I was talking about that was one of my favorite out of all the catchphrases. And that's the bottom line, "'cause Stone Cold says so." I don't know what it was about that, but they used to get me up off the couch. Me and Bobby just fucking laughing our asses off.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And then Patrice would call. He would literally be on the phone watching in Jersey while we were, you know, wherever the fuck we lived, Upper East Side, and just be laughing our asses off. But Jesus, some of those stood there, they go, Vince, was there ever a storyline you didn't do? That you, you know, you wanted to do and people are like, well, you know, I don't wanna do that. and people were like, well, you know, I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:25:46 And he was like, well, there was one. I believe the storyline was that I impregnated my daughter. Well, not me, my character. I know I shouldn't be laughing at this, but Nia was sitting there and she was just pulling the covers like up over her nose. And I'm gonna be honest with you, I felt bad for his son. I felt bad for his son. I just was like, dude, you gotta stop chasing that. That is just whatever happened to him when he was a kid, this is what he is. But what I loved about his son was,
Starting point is 00:26:25 was watching his son with his own kids. And you could see that he broke whatever, whatever dysfunction was in the family. And he could tell he was a great dad. His kids weren't like fucking in need of a hug. But anyway, it's an amazing story. I don't know what's going on with Vince McMahon's eyebrows. That's like my biggest question out of all that. As far as him, all the craziness that went on, I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:58 we kind of heard about that. But anyway, it's just great to watch my wife seeing that for the first time. So anyways, yeah yeah so it's that time of year hopefully made a little bit of pumpkin bread and I also hung out with Dean Delray today and we rode a motorcycle rode mine he rode his over to like this fucking unbelievable taco spot and came back. And I got to tell you, I'm like mentally exhausted. It was like a two hour ride, hour out and an hour back.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And just it reminds me when I first started soloing, like flying a helicopter, like you would just come back and your brain was so fucking tired from trying to like deal with everything that was going on. And when we rode the bikes and we parked them and everything, I was like, dude, I am like fucking exhausted. And he goes, Yeah, you know, that's, that's normal. Because I'm like flying a helicopter is like relaxing. It's unbelievably relaxing. There's like nobody there.
Starting point is 00:28:07 There's nobody up there. And if there is, it's on my screen and I could just see what they're doing and you know, where they're flying, how much higher they are at the same altitude. I'll just go up four or five hundred feet or I'll go, I'll descend if that's possible. I'll change my course. I can do all of that, but it's like it's a whole other thing. But we had a great ride. We were just back roads the whole way.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Old Billy back roads, you know? And, but I will tell you, I absolutely fucking love that motorcycle. It's just, it's, you know, I'm still getting like, you know, comfortable with it. It's funny, that bike is the easiest bike to ride up to speed, but like riding it slow, you know? Tight place, having to do like a little 180, you know, throttle control a little 180 you know throttle control or whatever you know it's just like that's that you know that's where I get like
Starting point is 00:29:12 nervous like I'm gonna fucking tip this bike over because it weighs a ton and but like once it gets going it's just it is a fucking dream to ride so i'm just gonna practice at the airport going like real slow and like like i said 90 of my riding is just gonna be you know cruising around the uh the airport um but oh my god is it it's so much fucking fun But oh my god, it's so much fucking fun. Anyway, let's do some of the reads for the week. Helix. Helix, a good night's sleep, that's what I'm going to get tonight, is the cornerstone of every healthy life. Don't sleep on the importance of having a quality mattress.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Everybody is unique. And everyone sleeps differently. That's why Helix has several different mattress models to choose from. Each designed for specific sleep positions and feel preferences. Model with memory foam layers to provide optimal pressure relief
Starting point is 00:30:19 if you sleep on your side. Plus Helix mattresses all come with a 10 to 15 year warranty depending on the model. Don't want to take my word for it you untrusting mother... Helix has been awarded the number one mattress picked by GQ. Whoa! I thought they were just into haberdashery. And Wired Magazine 20% off all mattress orders. That's slash burr that's slash burr for 20% off all mattress orders. Oh here we go everybody. Simply safe. Have you ever felt a sense of unease when you leave your home wondering if everything will be safe while you're away. I know I have. I know I've been there. That's why I needed a security system that I knew my family,
Starting point is 00:31:09 and I knew my family deserved the best. Well, yeah, they got me for a dad. They at least could have the fucking best security system. After some extensive research, I found Simply Safe. No, I didn't, you came to me and you said you wanna try this this out and I did it. It was great. You don't have to fucking extensive research.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Do you listen to this podcast? I've never done extensive research on anything other than like John Bonham, Ford pickup trucks, like nothing that can get you somewhere. It's just like if you I watch you know I watch people power wash driveways for three hours. I've loved having Simply Safe Protect my home for years now that is true and the security and service have exceeded all expectations. Well I mean I thought you're gonna be professional and you were. It went for big air on this. With fast protect monitoring and live guard protection, Simply Safe agents can act within
Starting point is 00:32:11 five seconds of receiving your alarm, can even see and speak to intruders to stop them in their tracks. Yeah, fucking assholes. You'll never be locked into a long-term contract so you can cancel any time. Pricing is transparent and affordable at less than a dollar a day with no hidden fees ever. Simply Safe has been named the best home security system by US News and World Report for five years running and offers the best customer service in home security according to Newsweek. It's easy to install and activate your Simply
Starting point is 00:32:41 Safe system in less than an hour or choose professional installation to have a pro do it for you. Protect your home with 50% off a new SimpliSafe system plus a free indoor security camera when you sign up for fast protect monitoring. Just visit slash burr. That's slash burr. S-I-M-P-L-I-S-A-F-E dot com slash burr.
Starting point is 00:33:05 There's no safe like SimpliSafe. S-I-M-P-L-I-S-A-F-E dot com slash bird. There's no safe. Like simply safe. Oh, I'm always so proud of the way I land that read. I mean, I think it's phenomenal. I know when I say that, I sound like one of those people that can't sing on American Idol. My mom says I have a great voice.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Somewhere, little pitchy. My mom says I have a great voice. Somewhere... A little pitchy. Indochino! With weddings to galas. Fall brings more opportunity to not be the star of either one of those events and to be just walking around trying to meet some chicks. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Fall brings more opportunities to dress up. It's a great wedding when you're not the one getting married. That's a good wedding. Indochino makes it easy to get custom mens and women's wear that will turn heads and made to measure suits, dress shirts, blazes, and more. The latest fall slash winter collection combines classic tailoring with contemporary aesthetics inspired by
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Starting point is 00:34:46 I had a monogrammed cigar lighter, a torch. And those sons of bitches took it. I looked at him, I said, do I look like I'm gonna light my shoes on fire? Do I really look like that? I'm sorry, sir, it doesn't matter who you are. A tailored fit from, a tailored fit from home. Set up your measurement profile on Indochino's website and choose
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Starting point is 00:35:47 The landlord debate and me, God forbid saying that there's actually some good landlords out there. Now, for some reason, I'm on the side of Best Buy. That's what people are trying to say. It's like, I'm just saying, you're speaking in absolutes.
Starting point is 00:36:00 What do you think you're me? It's one of my favorite things to do in the podcast here is trash people for doing exactly what I did five minutes earlier on our previous podcast. All right. Tea bags. Hey, Billy Tea Time. Since you have started drinking tea, I got to get it down where I have my pinky up and I'll have a little ascot. Check out Russian Caravan Tea. It's a smoky black tea that's a nice change from some of the other flavored tea.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks for everything you do. Oh, dude, are you kidding me? Smoky black tea. What does it taste like? Tobacco? Oh, by the way, old Billy Freckles is 76 days into no cigars. I told you, my daughter said, Dad, stop smoking. It's bad for you. And I was
Starting point is 00:36:54 like, you're right. And she goes, I want you to go 100 days. And I said, all right. I said, then can I have one? She goes, you can have five. I go, I can have five, you can have five, and then you have to go 200 days. And I was like, all right, I'll take that. That's a good deal, I'll take that. Duh. Ha ha ha. Anybody's got a daughter out there,
Starting point is 00:37:22 when your seven year old daughter looks in the eye and tells you to fucking stop doing something, I mean, it's over. Anyway, green tea. Hey, Billy Greenleaf, you mentioned switching over to drinking green tea as of late. I almost said as a latte. That's how much I'm still stuck in.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I think you should definitely try Jen... a latte that's how much I'm still stuck in I think you should definitely try Jen I just literally have a stroke Jen mock maca makea MAI CHA it's G EN MAI CHA well unless you're there to order it for me I I've made a fool of myself enough in life I don't or Japanese Sentient tea they taste better than jasmine in my opinion less floral. I Kind of like the floral thing Hope Billy twinkle toes over here and the caffeine buzz will leave you feeling lucid and energized Well, I don't want to be like overly caffeinated But on a side note, thanks for the hookup
Starting point is 00:38:28 like overly caffeinated. But on a side note, thanks for the hookup. Somebody tried to tell me there's more caffeine in green tea than in coffee. And I was like, I'm sure drip, it has more than drip, but not the way I was I was drinking anywhere from two to four cappuccinos a day. And those was a double shot of espresso in each one of them. Or lattes, most of the time. So it was a ton of dairy and all of that. Just let me be happy, okay? I feel good, it feels right doing it. Something the guy writes, or the lady writes,
Starting point is 00:38:57 thanks and go teabag yourself. Yeah, what I liked about coffee was it was fucking delicious and amazingly addictive. So I loved all of that. And then I loved having it and fucking like going to the gym. You know, it made me like for like a half hour. I felt like I was you know 25 again And I also just you know, I just think you know coffee with eggs and bacon I mean can we what the what it's fucking amazing However, like I Was drinking so much of it like, you know, it wasn't good. We'll just leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:39:45 But I find with tea, I drink tea and it like relaxes me. It's funny, it's the exact opposite thing, but there's caffeine in it, so I don't understand. So, but I will say that there is a lot, like, I have all these coffee drinking buddies and when I told them I switched over to tea, like, they were like disappointed. You know, that's like a, that's a, that's a big thing.
Starting point is 00:40:13 That's like switching teams. You know, like I remember a buddy of mine, he was really fat and then he lost a bunch of weight and like all of these fatties were like giving him shit saying he sold out. It was like, daddy, it even happens then. Like they wouldn't be like, hey, man, you know, you're an inspiration or whatever. Whenever I see a fat person walking down the street in workout clothes, I always wanna, there you go. I wanna yell that out, but I always feel like
Starting point is 00:40:41 they're gonna take it the wrong way. Like, you know, they're gonna hear it like, it's about time, like they think I'm saying that. I wanna be like,'re gonna take it the wrong way like you know they're gonna hear it like oh it's about time like they think I'm saying that I want to be there you'd fucking do that every day you do that every day you cut out the bread and sugar you're gonna be crushing ass and fucking eight months or whatever you know driving by like Billy blanks encouraging people. All right, conspiracy theory. Oh Jesus, here we go.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Conspiracy bullshit cleared up. All right. Hey Bill, last week you read an email from someone claiming to have trouble returning to their home or supplying goods for friends after the hurricane. The reason people weren't allowed in certain areas was because they would be endangering themselves even if the hurricane is over. The idea that people riding around in boats without an organized top-down coalition of government agencies is insane. Well, what are they, I mean, if they're just driving around helping people, oh, you know, they're driving by in a boat and they're fucking throwing people out.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I don't know, conflating our military budget with emergency response is unreasonable for obvious reasons. No it isn't. No it isn't. The war in Iraq bankrupted this country. We're hopelessly in debt. So we don't have money for anything. Healthcare, public school, we don't have money for anything. That's our number one fucking expense Other than those bankers down the street and the Federal Reserve. Oh Billy tin hat the government can't hand people money To fix their homes. That's why we have insurance. Oh
Starting point is 00:42:39 This this is adorable this is like you're either fucking an insurance salesman. Like, have you never put a claim in? Insurance companies are not in the business of paying claims. They are in the business of collecting premiums. That's what they do. And then when you have a claim, they sic their lawyers on you
Starting point is 00:43:09 and tell you to go fuck yourself. Or my favorite thing is when you put in a claim, this is the best. Like, when I had my roof fixed and the fucking assholes didn't re-hook the drain up, and for whatever reason, the drain off the roof went into a pipe that went into my crawl, a crawl space.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I have a Charlie Chaplin home, I have a really old house. And then it went out the front. Why you would bring water into the fucking house? It's just how they did it back then. They unhooked it when they did it and they never hooked it back up, you know? You moved the headstones, but you didn't move the bodies.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Why? That's who I was after that, when I called up the fucking roof people. I was like the fucking dad in poltergeist. So anyway, so I call up the roofing company, they're like, yeah, yeah, see right there, that's the problem, this thing was unhooked. I'm like, yeah, you guys unhooked it. He was like, no, we didn't.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And I was just like, all right, just get the fuck out of my house, because I don't have time. I'm not doing this with you guys. So I called up my insurance company, and they're like, oh my god, that's terrible, right? So then what they did was, what should have happened was I should have just got my fucking money, right? I didn't. The check came and it was made. The check was made out to me and the bank that owned the mortgage on my house.
Starting point is 00:44:38 And I had to sign the check over to the mortgage company. And then the mortgage company had to come over with inspectors to make sure that I was spending the money on the roof, OK, and not just pocketing it, which is way beyond their fucking jurisdiction. What I fucking spend it on is my fucking business. I paid the premium. That's my fucking payout.
Starting point is 00:45:03 If I want to sit there with the, but the thing was 2008, what happened was, is they fuck so many people in houses and so many people upside down in their house and there was no fucking way they were ever, you know, even if they paid it off, they were going to make their money back. When they were getting insurance claims, they were just keeping the money. So then what was happening was when the banks were taking over the house, not only did they get the house, they had to do the repairs. So they got in bed with the fucking filthy, the filthy bankers got in bed with the filthy
Starting point is 00:45:29 insurance companies and then they made this little fucking deal that the check is now made out to the person and the mortgage company and you sign it over to them and then we'll send inspectors over to make sure that they're spending that money on the damage. And I was so fucking livid at them. I was just like, listen, I'm not the one who fuck people over. I'm a responsible person. I'm going to fix this house. I don't need you fucking babysitting me.
Starting point is 00:45:53 So anyway, I go through all of that fucking rigmarole. Of course, who the fuck am I? I lose to the insurance companies and the banks, and I have to have them come over and inspect it. And then you know what they did in the end? The insurance company raised my premium so that over a certain amount of fucking years, the money that they gave me, they got it back.
Starting point is 00:46:16 They get it back. They ended up getting it back. And now I'm paying all this fucking extra money. The whole thing is a fun. And they at least gave me the money. But then there's other times like you know, health insurance, my health insurance, I don't even fucking use it. Because whenever I go in, it's like, no, we don't take that here. But where do they take it? They take your human health insurance down at the veterinarian
Starting point is 00:46:43 might my insurance sucks. So I just, you know, I just throw it on the fucking card. Insurance is the biggest fucking scam ever. My brother told me a long time ago, he said, Bill, you go to any fucking major city, the two tallest fucking buildings are going to be an insurance building and the fucking banker building. And we lived in Boston, Massachusetts, outside of Boston.
Starting point is 00:47:07 And the two biggest buildings, John Hancock building and the Prudential fucking tower. But now all these Robert Barons for whatever reason wanna live like a mile in the sky. So like New York City is now like these fucking apartment buildings. I don't know what, but you know, that's why we have insurance is...
Starting point is 00:47:29 I don't know about that line, buddy. Insurance companies, like I said, they're not in the business of paying claims. They are in the business of collecting premiums and then raising rates. This person says, also, if you just give all this money to people who are affected, they may just go buy jet skis with the money as opposed to having money accounted for by local and federal governments. All right. Both of the, okay, that statement is true, but the local and federal government have
Starting point is 00:47:57 been ridiculous with fucking money. Ridiculous with money. All right. Okay. So the people who can insider trade, which is not conspiracy theory, they can't be tried for insider trading, and you now can bribe them with, it's called a gratuity. So these are the people that are going to watch the, you know, it's like, who's watching them?
Starting point is 00:48:19 He says, he or she says, you often claim that citizens need to take care of each other, but in my experience, living in a major city with the most opportunities to see community come together, they almost never do without top-down action or mandates. You know what? That's 100% true. That's 100% true. No, unfortunately. And you know what's funny about that? I think most people are decent people and would help each other out, but all it takes
Starting point is 00:48:48 is one or two selfish cunts to go rogue and the whole pyramid collapses. So I agree with that part. I don't agree with like, this is why we have insurance. I mean, I don't want to keep going down, because I'm not a political guy or anything, I don't want to keep going down this road of landlords and insurance companies, but if I wanted to, if I had people write in and say what insurance companies are doing, their experiences with them, I don't know, whatever, you'll see, you'll see. Get some insurance, put in a claim, see what happens.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Root shutdowns. Root shutdowns. Okay, I have no idea what this is about. Dear Canelo, if he was bald... And from Boston. Can I just talk and just say how fucking funny you guys, like, these are really good. These are really fucking good insults the only thing it was missing if he was bald didn't know how to fight and was from boston that's the
Starting point is 00:49:52 only other thing that you could have fucking emasculated me more all right you know what i tip my fucking comedy hat to you that was fantastic said i was heard you were at the michigan washington game the other day as a student at UW. I am glad you had a great time, unbelievable time. Gorgeous campus, one of the best fucking stadiums right on the water. I've been telling anybody who like is from a traditional Big Ten team, I think that one of the things that's really gonna sell
Starting point is 00:50:23 like old heads on this Old-school guys on these super conferences is go to a game. Go to a game. Go to a fucking Washington Huskies game That's such a great game either You can bring the fellas or bring your wife your girlfriend or whatever like chicks love Seattle because of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan Yeah, you fuck you're in there. You're in there anyway Thanks and Meg Ryan. You're fucked, you're in there. You're in there. Anyway, I'm glad you had a good time and even complimented how pretty our campus is. Yeah, I just did it again. Sorry about the one guy who was being an asshole.
Starting point is 00:50:52 That's literally what it was. It was one guy. I would have gone to your show in Tacoma, but not going to lie, it was mad expensive and I'm kind of broke. My tickets were mad expensive? Or the scalping site? See, I don't know. I'll look into that.
Starting point is 00:51:12 It shouldn't be mad expensive. That's how you go from having a fan base to not having a fan base. Anyway, I commute to school from the suburbs southeast of Seattle, which is usually about a 45 minute to one hour drive during the morning rush hour. A lot of people may not know this, but Seattle has some of the worst traffic in the country. I didn't know that. I didn't know that,
Starting point is 00:51:38 because I was like, I can fucking live up here. There's a lot of different routes to get to my school, but yesterday I took the fastest route, which involves going over State Road 520, which is the bridge you see on the water from Husky Stadium. Little did I know, however, that a candidate was in town to do a fundraising at Hunts Point. Oh yeah. Yeah, that's the area where a bunch of billionaires live and that you mentioned before in your podcast Yeah, you know where that is out here. That's Malibu Whenever they have a
Starting point is 00:52:16 TFR a temporary flight restrictive area over there that usually means the vice president is out there drumming up money the vice president is out there drumming up money. Anyway, little did I know, however, that it can't, oh, sorry, I re-read that. Because the Secret Service and security and all of that, they had to close down SR 520 as well as southbound I-5 through all of downtown Seattle. Holy shit. By the time I realized there was closures, it was too late to re-route, and I ended up missing a lab section I had yesterday.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I don't know what that is, but that sounds important. Reasonably, this really upset me and I was really angry that they had to close down some of the major highways in the area during rush hour, just so they could go meet with the billionaires. I am not much of a political politics person myself, but it honestly seemed like such a politician esque thing to do causing absolute traffic chaos for everyone in Seattle area, just so you could meet with your billionaire friends for an hour or two. Yeah. And what kind of a person could just sit there in that fucking house knowing that you're
Starting point is 00:53:19 causing all that traffic? That's the thing I hate about golf. It's not golfing. It's that group behind me that's always better than me. And I always feel like, oh my God, they're fucking, I'm holding them up. I'll pick up, I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Give me a fucking snowman, I don't give a shit. I was probably gonna shoot a nine anyway, right? To just be sitting there. And you know they're eating fucking great food and all of that. Anyway, I just wanted to hear what your opinion on this was. I love your podcast. Sometimes my friends tell me that my sense of humor sounds kind of like yours so thanks
Starting point is 00:53:53 for that and go fuck yourself. Well I gotta tell you your opening line was fantastic. What is my feeling on that? I mean, it seems like overkill to me, but then like look what almost happened to Trump. I mean, if you let your guard down for two seconds, it seems like, you know, some fucking lunatic does something. So yeah, that seems like excessive. It just seems like they don't want this one person to deal with any sort of traffic at all. You would think, why can't they just like, you know, that's what you have a helicopter
Starting point is 00:54:36 for. You're going over a billionaire's house. He has a yard big enough. I don't know. If I was the politician, I would say, listen, already half the country hates me just because I'm in a party. You know, I'm not in the party that they like. All right. So why don't we just land, I'll get in a fucking helicopter, and
Starting point is 00:55:00 we'll land in this rich cunt's yard. Okay, or in the back of his fucking yacht, something like that. And then that can be a cool thing because then nobody even knows I'm in town as opposed to doing all this other bullshit. Are you listening to me? Are you asleep behind those mirrored sunglasses? Like, you know, the head of security would be like,
Starting point is 00:55:20 you just don't understand how much in jeopardy. Yeah, it seems like overkill, but what do I know about security? I'm sorry you missed that lab thing. I'm sure a bunch of people did, right? I don't know. Anyway, I do remember one time being in Las Vegas, and we had to sit on the fucking tarmac for two hours waiting for the fucking vice president It was Joe Biden at the time under Obama
Starting point is 00:55:51 But maybe it was Al Gore. Maybe it was that long ago. Was it that long ago? Was I playing Vegas? No, when Al Gore was vice president, I couldn't afford to fly to gigs. I had to write the fucking car I I had to ride it. I was driving the fucking car. I can't remember who it was, but I just remember sitting there going like, this is so fucking ridiculous. Because he wasn't even at the airport, according to what they were saying, like,
Starting point is 00:56:16 he's going to be arriving. It's like, so why can't we just fucking take off? Anyway, receding top. Hey Billy, no cunt belly. It's coming back a little bit, but I'm turning it, I'm stopping it in its tracks. I just want to pick your brain as a man who has gone through the age-old male struggle of losing your hair. I am 30 years old and have been slowly developing a widow's peak for a few years now. It's still at a point where it looks good, think Will Arnett with an extra couple of inches, but it's slowly reaching back and at some
Starting point is 00:56:49 point it will cross a line into desperate desperately hanging on. There are a few more options out there now compared to the old days. Oh my god are you kidding me? Some of those hair systems they're fucking amazing. The ones when I was, oh my God, they were horrible. They were fucking horrible. Like you immediately, immediately, the second you got that fucking hair system, eliminated yourself from 60% of the female population.
Starting point is 00:57:18 It's just immediately, you know that thing where they pop the balloon when you walk in? That was, it was, oh, hair plugs were terrible, toupees were terrible, size spurling. I'm not only the hair club president, I'm also a client. They were fucking horrible. Those systems were fucking horrible. Now they're unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I, you know, I know a couple people got, they're incredible. They're fucking incredible. There are a few more options out there now compared to the days you speak of in the past. Just stapling ant legs on your head. Yeah. Yeah, antennas. There is the medicinal route,
Starting point is 00:57:59 but from what I've read and heard, it only, parentheses, maybe stops male pattern baldness when you start it. So you need to get on it early because there won't be a return of any lost hair. Yeah, and then also the second you stop taking it, then, you know, and it could also, that's why they haven't cured baldness, by the way. That's why they haven't cured. It's fucking ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Like, the stuff that doctors can do is insane. by the way, that's why they haven't cured. It's fucking ridiculous. The stuff that doctors can do is insane. A heart transplant? At what point, what is keeping the air coming in and the blood circulating when you swap out a small block for a new one. Like, how do you do that? Like, when you take an engine out of a car,
Starting point is 00:58:49 the car's not running, and then you've got to put the new engine in. The car's dead. But they know how to do that, but you can't fucking make hair stop falling out? I don't know. But I would think that super rich people would have access to it.
Starting point is 00:59:04 I don't know. I've always wondered about that. Person goes on to say, and it could also have some not so great side effects for a guy like lower testosterone and lower sex drive and more weight gain. Or you can fly to Turkey and pay thousands for a transplant, apparently. But I just want to ask you, if you had these options back in the day, would you have taken the chemical risks in or spent the money or just accept it and go bald? How long did it take you to accept this change? Great question.
Starting point is 00:59:40 No, I tried Rogaine. I remember I put it on my head and I felt like my fucking heart started speeding up. And I was like, I don't want to do that. And then I had alopecia in the back of my head because I had a lot of fucked up shit happen to me and I never dealt with it, so it had to come out somehow. So I would just lose clumps of hair and shit. And it would come throughout all my childhood that would
Starting point is 01:00:04 happen. And then as I got older, the fallout of hair and shit and you know it would come throughout all my childhood that would happen and then as I got older the fallout of all this shit that happened to me I would they would and I never really paid attention to it I was like oh it's always gonna grow back but then it kind of didn't so it's the hair in the back of your head that is you know is what they use to put on top so I didn't have that option and I have to say I put on top. So I didn't have that option. And I have to say, I'm kind of glad that I didn't, because I love having a shaved head. You know, once you do it, it's fucking amazing.
Starting point is 01:00:39 And it's also fucking liberating. Because I'll tell you this, going bald sucks. But once you just fucking shave your head and it's over, like within 10 days, people can't remember what you look like with hair, it's really not that big a deal. And I also think it's, it's a confidence thing. It's a big thing in the confidence column. And, you know, and there's a lot of women that like that look. So, like, there's some who don't, but who gives a shit?
Starting point is 01:01:09 There's some who don't like you right now and you have hair. Who gives a fuck? I don't know. If I had to, like, do all of that, like, even if I had the, you know, if I didn't have alopecia too, I would, I would still go the route that I did. I'm not lying, I fucking love it. And also it really helped my acting roles. When I had hair, then I was clean shaven and looked like howdy fucking dirty, that was the roles I was getting. But when I shaved my head and I had the beard, I started to get to play more assholes,
Starting point is 01:01:48 which is, you know, what I am. I mean, I'm naturally an asshole, so, you know, I just look like aw shucks the other way. So it worked out for me. It's like I know where you are right now because you're like, what the fuck? I mean, the first day you realize, like, oh, my God, am I losing my hair? I'm going to be that fucking guy? I'm going to be bald? What the fuck? I mean the first day you realize like oh my god am I losing my hair? I'm gonna be that fucking guy? I'm gonna be bald? What the fuck? Yeah you
Starting point is 01:02:07 freak out. It's a really big like like I'm not young anymore type of thing but you know once you get past that dude you know you shave your head you fucking got a nice little beard going you keep yourself fucking ripped you know you start dressing nice which I never did but you add that to the whole fucking thing, you're gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine. It's really not that big a deal. And I gotta be honest with you, to this day, a lot of those, you know, a lot of those hair
Starting point is 01:02:40 systems are still pretty awful. I saw some guy, he was doing like some Instagram thing about his hair transplant he got in Turkey and it was three months later and it did not look good. Although people are saying people are saying it's amazing over there. But I don't know this I don't think there's anything wrong with doing it. If it makes you feel good to go do it go do it but it's also it's it's it's not the end of the fucking world. But that's what sales is all about right? They make everything seem like it's the fuck. You got to do this or it's the end of the fucking world.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Anyway, both sides, Bill. Oh boy, here we go. This happens to me every election year. You're a centrist. Bill, I'm writing to you on behalf of all the people who can't stand you trashing both sides. No, you're not. You're writing me on behalf of you. Stop acting like there was a vote
Starting point is 01:03:29 and they decided that you should pick up the flag. Okay, this is a major red flag. When anybody tries to make a point and they try to act like they have some coalition of invisible people behind them, you should start a religion, buddy. A large portion of the commenters, the commenters think you're just trying to maintain ticket sales
Starting point is 01:03:54 because of your newly expressed right-leaning opinions and conspiracies. I don't know what that means. What was my right-leaning thing thing saying that the food is fucking poisoned? I don't know what you guys are talking about. Like you guys, you fucking political people, I swear to God, you guys are out of your fucking minds. God forbid somebody sort of agrees with you but also feels something on the other side. Why can't you just accept that?
Starting point is 01:04:26 You know what I mean? Why do you have to fucking label everybody? You know, you're a centrist, you're a liberal, you're a conservative, you're a fucking asshole. All right, there's certain shit, there's a lot of shit that liberals, like liberals' views on people who aren't white, I fucking totally align with that.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Gays, all of that shit. I don't have any fucking problem with that whatsoever. I got no fucking problem with any of that. I think the way that I was raised was wrong. Screaming and yelling and all that shit, it doesn't work. If you want an angry kid, like what the fuck I ended up being who has clumps of hair falling out of his fucking head, by all means do that. All of this bullshit on the right now like you you back with me
Starting point is 01:05:08 We just threw your kid in a fucking pool and either drowned or swim. That's all fucking stupid and people like like Romanticizing the past and wanting to do all this traumatic shit to children. I don't fucking buy into that at all All right, and then there's on the other fucking side, like, you know, there's a time to be conservative, there's a time to be liberal. You just have to know when to fucking apply it. You know, I'm conservative for like,
Starting point is 01:05:37 get off the fucking iPad. No, you're not getting a phone. What are you, running a company? You're not getting a fucking phone. That's it, you're not. You're not, I don not getting a phone. What are you, running a company? You're not getting a fucking phone. That's it, you're not. You're not, I don't have a problem. I don't have a problem if a responsible person gets a gun. I don't have a fucking problem with that.
Starting point is 01:05:53 I don't think a citizen needs a semi-automatic weapon. You know, it's a joke I do in my act. Like how much do you suck at shooting that you need that many opportunities to hit your fucking target? You know, so I don't know. I don't know what like how much do you suck at shooting that you need that many opportunities to hit your fucking target? You know so I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what the fuck to tell you. I don't like it like I Don't like look at liberals and be like yes everything you say All right, you guys did some horrible fucking shit to these last few fucking years
Starting point is 01:06:21 You know trying to like fucking bully people to say pronouns and talk about certain things in their act and have like you know, trying to like fucking bully people to say pronouns and talk about certain things in their act and have like, you know, lean this way politically or else we're not working with you and we're gonna cancel you. Remember that whole fucking scenario? That was you guys. And then on the right, you remember the right when the fucking Dixie Chip said fucking George W Bush, that moron was a fucking moron and then all the country's day when that fucking playing your fucking music anymore geeky doggy. Yeah I thought
Starting point is 01:06:51 that was fucking stupid too. Are you gonna sit there and tell me that both of those things weren't stupid? That the left isn't capable of being just as stupid as the right can or and the left can't be just as right as the right can be at some point, it's fucking dumb. It's a childish way of going through the fucking world, as far as I'm concerned. But if you don't agree with that, I'm willing to listen to your fucking point.
Starting point is 01:07:17 All right, but don't just, don't say, I'm writing on behalf. Jesus Christ. Did you put a little stripe on your shirt before you typed this fucking thing? Anyway, I think you've probably been radicalized by your friends and family. Jesus Christ, dude. And what do you... How did you come up with that?
Starting point is 01:07:43 You don't know me, you don't even know who I hang out with. You don't know how much I interact with. It's like, dude, I have a seven and a four year old. That's my fucking life. Okay, I woke up this morning and I got my son, I bought him his first fucking train set and I don't know what happened. It worked fine and now it doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:08:02 And I'm on the floor at fucking 648 in the morning trying to figure out how that's going. I don't know if my son at some point whispered some radicalized shit to me that changed my political opinions, but maybe you're right. Your managers and producers probably won't let this email get to you
Starting point is 01:08:22 because they all have a piece of that pie you bring home. You think my managers and producers of what? I guess the podcast. Hey, in defense of me, my producers sent me this email. But I had to ask you this anyway. You have a really powerful voice. Oh, shut the fuck up. About what?
Starting point is 01:08:49 Sports? And I think there's clearly a group of good guys and a group of bad... There it is. Oh, are you seeing it clearly? I can see clearly now. I'm on Facebook. Do do do. Fucking dust on my phone I get it buddy unless anybody agrees with you there's clearly a group of good guys and clearly a group of bad
Starting point is 01:09:12 guys well listen okay I'll tell you this the liberals talk a good game all right they talk a good game when it comes to gay people, minorities, all of that. I hate that word, but whatever. Non-white people, all right? I agree with them on that type of shit. But if you're fucking looking at liberals thinking that they are not owned by the same fucking bankers and corporations that are really the ones that are running this far, that are too big to fail, that are bigger than this country, that's what the fucking problem is.
Starting point is 01:09:43 And my problem with both political parties is neither one brings that shit up. And if a candidate in either one of those parties does bring it up, they're immediately labeled a communist, a socialist, an anti-Semite, a fucking homophobe. They just tar and feather them and it's over. And then, did you watch the DNC fucking,
Starting point is 01:10:02 my wife had that on. It was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen in my life What were all those politicians smiling about? We're bankrupt Our food has so much hormones in it It's it's giving little girls their periods as young as eight and nine What the fuck are you smiling about and then they bring Stevie Wonder out to play a song that everybody likes and that's supposed to convince me. And then on the other side, you got this fucking racist lunatic.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Who's a complete piece of shit and he's talking to people that he has historically fucked over in his life. All of those working class people, he doesn't pay any of them. He doesn't pay taxes, he doesn't pay his bills, he's a complete fucking piece of shit. So I think once again, this is a lose-lose and I think that there's always been people early on in the election actually talking about what's going on and They are immediately just ignored By both their party and CNN and Fox News If you want to argue with me and say that that's different,
Starting point is 01:11:06 I would love to hear it. But this guy thinks there's clearly a group of good guys and a group of bad guys. Okay, I think you would greatly benefit from endorsing a candidate and aligning yourself with real product. How would I greatly benefit from that? How would I greatly benefit that? First of all, who I'm voting for is none of your fucking business.
Starting point is 01:11:31 All right? And secondly, I am a stand-up comedian. My job is not to stump for a political candidate. My job is to make fun of everything. I'm a fucking clown. I write jokes. I'm a dancing fucking monkey. That's what I do. All right? You know what my favorite thing is too? Is people always go, these fucking celebrities need to shut the fuck up about politics. And then the same person is on Facebook or Instagram talking about politics.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Like, oh, but you can do it. You're a teacher, so you can talk about it. I don't. I trash all of it. And here's the thing. I like regular people. I like mom and pop places. I don't like this new world that we're living in, where every business seems to get be getting consolidated by one tech nerd.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Like that fucking Spotify guy. He can't even play a ukulele and he took all the music. And he gets all the money. I don't know, I'm not into that type of shit. So whatever, I gotta tell you, that whole fucking, the only thing I can say about that last thing that I just read like this is literally the reason why I avoid politics This person I'm writing you on behalf of all the people who can't stand you trashing both sides like that fucking like
Starting point is 01:13:05 Self-appointed authority. I think you would greatly benefit from endorsing a candidate and aligning yourself with real progress. What is real progress? What you believe is progress? That's what I should do? Like you're speaking in such vague fucking terms. You didn't you didn't like even like I don't know what your fucking thing is. I mean you're obviously saying Kamala. I think that's what you were thing is. I mean, you're obviously saying Kamala. I think that's what you were talking about. You want to listen to a woman who talks through her nose for four fucking years? And can accept gratuities?
Starting point is 01:13:32 Alright, I guess that's the way to go. I don't know. I don't know, okay? I'm not endorsing... I already told you who the fuck, that the people that I liked. And then I just got, and you guys just say that I'm a fucking whack job.
Starting point is 01:13:51 So I'm supposed to just vote for another company man or a fucking reality show TV star. Once again, these are our choices. This is what, that was our choice in fucking 2020, and that was our choice in 2016. A reality show TV star or a fucking company man? 2020. Reality show TV star, company man. Reality show TV star, company man. I don't know. Donald Trump is like the Buffalo Bills. He just keeps going to the Super Bowl. Although he did win one. He did win one. The first one. Scott
Starting point is 01:14:21 Norwood. It went through the fucking uprights. See, I think that's a good joke. That's what I do. That's what I do. All right, so whatever. If you wanna take my podcast seriously and think that I'm actually affecting this fucking country, I don't know. I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 01:14:37 I don't want to tell you other than to say go fuck yourself and I'll check it on you on Thursday. Hi, I'm Vanessa Baer and this is my brother Jonah. We're two siblings who love to talk about our childhood and nostalgia and how it shaped us into the people we are today. And we're so excited because all new episodes of our Nostalgic Podcast, How Did We Get Weird,
Starting point is 01:14:54 will be hitting your feeds again starting Monday, October 14th. So get ready for more laughs, more incredible guests, and updates on our dad, AKA the first Todd, including a recent run-in he had in our parents condo community that Vanessa witnessed first hand. Listen right here at our new home at all things comedy, it's gonna be rad. So I travel a lot, I mean a lot, perhaps too much to some of you but that's kind of my gig right?
Starting point is 01:15:20 So I'm out there, I'm living out of suitcases or suitcase sometimes, but bring the big boy. And I want all the comforts of home. That's why I stay at an Airbnb whenever possible. Recently, I had some gigs in Fort Collins, Colorado, and I was with my friends and we were shooting some stuff. And before we got to the gigs, we were like, let's just get an Airbnb. And it is just a more comforting existence. You have a kitchen, you have a yard, you know, it's communal living.
Starting point is 01:15:46 It's just a less stressful place, more enjoyable experience. So when I go on tour, you know, like I'll be going on tour in a couple months, I always am like, well, could my place be an Airbnb? You know, just to have someone watching your place while you're gone and make a little bit of money. And the answer to that is yes. Yes, it can be an Airbnb. It's really just as simple as listing your place and letting it earn a little extra cash
Starting point is 01:16:09 while you're away. So imagine someone staying at your home in Los Angeles while you're out there exploring the world. Turn your home into an Airbnb. Give it a shot. You might be surprised at how rewarding it can be. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host.

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