Monday Morning Podcast - Monday Morning Podcast 2-26-18

Episode Date: February 26, 2018

Bill rambles about the Bruins, inspirational speakers and guns....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey what's going on, it's Bill Byrne, it's time for the Monday Morning Podcast for Monday! February 26, 2018, how's it going, how are you? Are you enjoying your February of 2018? Well you should because you never know, you never know if there's going to be another February of 2018. Nothing is promised. Just remember to look up at the clouds today and smile. Well, sorry, I'm threatening to get on Instagram once again and I'm going to get on there and I'm going to become someone who's in the public eye that inspires you. So I just want to try out some of my inspiring words, you know. My wife, she's on Instagram and I always look at those things, it always cracks me up. People sit there, they act like they're trying to inspire you and
Starting point is 00:01:20 it's really just an excuse so they can take their shirt off and show you like how great a shape they're in. Always set goals beyond your own belief in yourself because even if you fall short, you're still in the money round. Whatever, if I can't have a finish, you know what I mean, then they're just sitting there with like fucking eight pack abs, you know, but like with a hat on, like a fucking knitted hat. It's like, dude, I thought you're cold when you put a shirt on. All right, he starts off being country and it's only gonna get more country from there. So I was out in Santa Monica and I was coming back towards Hollywood, you know, to get my Botox injections. A lot of people don't know that about myself, that I'm actually,
Starting point is 00:02:11 I've lied to you all of these years, I'm actually 63 years old and I take a very high quality Botox injection every, every third day. Sort of like the Patron Silver of like Botox, you know, I don't know, shit about tequila. I'm sure somebody's gonna say, oh, actually, that's kind of a mid-range tequila. No one cares. No one cares about you when you're fucking tequila connoisseur-ing. So anyway, so I'm driving into Hollywood, right? And I stop at a red light and there's all these, these pro-second amendment people standing there, right? With like megaphones and shit and they just keep yelling, America, love it or leave it. This is America, love it or leave it. Right? Like literally
Starting point is 00:03:07 some of the dumbest fucking people I've ever seen in my life. And that, my friend, is what always, now, now, now, if I was a moron, which I am, I would look at those people and be like, yes, that's what people who defend the second amendment look like, rather than being like, no, people who fucking are going to stand at a fucking red light with a bullhorn. There's a certain level of intellect that that's going to have. And there it is. You know what I mean? It's kind of like when like the left goes out and they protest something. Like remember that, I always bring this to the checkup who fucking sat there when Trump was getting sworn in and she was going, yeah, like that fucking
Starting point is 00:04:03 like what sort of balanced conversation could you have with the human being like that? And it's just same like these people. I just, it was fucking hilarious. And then people were beeping at them. Yeah, I don't know. You can't tell when someone hits a horn, whether it's they don't have like the positive beeping. I guess that's like a peep. You can't tell if they were beeping like, yeah, keep yelling that shit that doesn't make any sense. I don't understand America. Love it or leave it. So if you want to adjust anything, then you need to get the fuck out of here. Like it's just like, I mean, that's what the flyers did for the last fucking 40 years. And that's why they have yet to win another cup. Cause whatever
Starting point is 00:04:47 they did in 74 and 75, they continued to fucking do up until about maybe six or seven seasons ago. You know, oh, we're just going to beat the shit out of people, right? That worked in 74 and 75 before social media, before millennials were even born. You could do that. All right. And they didn't adjust and look at them now, coupless. They want a Stanley Cup since Gerald Ford was in office. And that's fucking unbelievable, right? Actually, it really isn't when you look at it. There is 30 teams. If you win one once every 30 years, that's pretty much average. So they're a little behind, they're a little behind the curve. They need to stay after class, get a little extra help on how to cycle it around. Yeah. And I love how they just said,
Starting point is 00:05:35 they go, these fucking morons are going, love it or leave it. And what the defending was an amendment to the constitution, which is a change. Fucking unbelievable. And the look on their face too, when they were pissing people off, cause like these fucking morons were actually looking at, I'm getting mad. I actually rolled my window down cause I wanted to call one of the guys fat. I just looked at it like this is, this is going to be, how mad can I make this guy? It's so childish, but that's how it kind of looked at it. But the look on their faces of them just pissing people off, they had total joy on their faces. So it's just like, you're not making it any better. You're actually making it worse.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I don't know. Why can't people just, just sit down and just be like, like, you know, the people that defend AR 15s can be like, look, man, I fucking love my gun. I fucking spoon with it. I ain't ever shot myself in the face with it. And then the people on the left can be like, well, you know, when I say that all kinds of bad, we're just saying, excuse me, is that a butterfly? We're just saying that maybe it should be a little more difficult to get one of those guns. Maybe that's what we need to do. Maybe, maybe that's the way that each side can hear each other. Each side performs as the stereotype, you know, or wait, maybe you present your liberal opinion
Starting point is 00:07:09 in your, your, your viewpoint of what you think the right sounds like, you know, I'm going to raise my daughter gender neutral, right? And then they have to, when they refute, they have to be like you fucking liberal snowflake. Anyways, I've, oh my God, I've never gotten more goddamn responses than when you start bringing up fucking guns. There's gotta be, how can you do it? Like, you know, you got to let these fucking people still have their machine guns so they can get out there and then four wheelers or, you know, who knows? Who knows what's going to happen? I am curious to, as far as, well, before I finish it, how do you figure out who's a fucking lunatic and who isn't?
Starting point is 00:08:00 You know what I mean? Because I haven't done any research on this, but I would be willing to bet that at least 98% of registered gun owners are fucking responsible, you know, they're out there shooting squirrels off their balconies, right? With that gun, you can, you see at the end of Scarface, so whatever the fucking is they're doing, who gives a shit? That's all they're doing. Just a fucking squirrel, man, it's goddamn cute, right? As far as I'm concerned, it's good eight and no, it's good eight and it's like a gamey chicken with a little bit of Captain Crunch in it. It's got to be a way to, you know, you know what I mean? I don't think anybody who owns a gun thinks that some fucking lunatic should get a gun like that. So why don't
Starting point is 00:08:45 we just work on that? How would you do that? How would you possibly fucking do that? I don't know. I actually got into it with somebody, you know, when they were trying to tell me that silencers were legal in New York, and I'm like, dude, they're not. He's like, yes, they are. And I said, dude, I lived there, they're not. And then he's like, immediately he goes, they are, he just have to register. So then I Google it and it says that suppressors are legal in like some like 42 different states. And one of the states they weren't legal in was New York. And then the guy gets rather than being like, oh, okay, I'm wrong. He gets like fucking mad. And he goes, well, is that a new law? It's like, no. I don't know. I don't know when it came. As far as I know, whenever I
Starting point is 00:09:33 fucking lived there, you can't have a silencer in fucking New York City. That basically means that I'm going to go assassinate somebody. It's not like we have a bunch of fucking coyotes and shit running around. Alligators and that top shit. Because in Florida, they were just like, well, you know, because we shot guns with silencers in Florida, they would just go and we were laughing. And Versey said, yeah, having a silencer in New York means I basically want to kill somebody. I don't want anybody to hear it. And they laughed. And down here, they were like, ah, that just down here, that just means there's an alligator on your yard. You don't want to wake up your neighbor. So it's like, oh, all right, I get it. Plus my ears are junk. I think if I had a fucking gun,
Starting point is 00:10:13 I wouldn't want to have a suppressor. I mean, it's got to be the best if somebody breaks into your house and your gun is readily available and you have a suppressor on it. And you just fucking stand up and you jam, jam, scratching your ass. And you just, I'll clean that up in the morning. You just go right back to bed, you know, and you just lay in there. You know, you did something fucked up the night before, you know, you know how you wake up, where you don't just sort of gradually wake up, your fucking eyes just come open. I just, I fucking shoot, I have to shoot somebody last night. I got damn it, the blood's all dry out on my floors, man. Anyways, I find the whole fucking thing fascinating. I also find it fascinating
Starting point is 00:11:03 that, you know, as much as I'm a believer that you shouldn't, the government shouldn't be the only one that has guns, like too much powers, considering what the fuck they're doing. I also don't, I think we're, as far as technology goes in owner of media, I just don't think that a bunch of people with like guns in their houses is going to stop any sort of fucking, you know, if we went, I don't know how much crazy we can get in this country, but if we really went totally fucking crazy, I really don't think a bunch of armed citizens who are not organized or even remotely have the training or the weaponry of what the, you know, the martial law, whatever the fuck would be an actor would even be able to stop it, you know, and then the people that took over in power
Starting point is 00:11:51 would also control the media and then they would, they would put out information to make those patriotic citizens look like they were fucking Nazis and the whole thing would fall apart. However, you know, for a lot of people, I think it would be a fun way to go out. You want my guns? Come and get them. Come and get them. Do you want my soul cycle? I'm going to put it up on Craigslist next week. All right, let's get out of this fucking topic. We'll talk about it later. I'm trying to be even here, like sort of trashing both sides and seeing both sides. You know, this is my Instagram inspirational thing on gun control. I'm trying to see both sides of this. And in the end of this, I will take my shirt off.
Starting point is 00:12:49 It's not even that people in the public, I do that. It's the people that follow them. I guess if they are inspiring them, I guess they are doing something, but it is just so clearly it has nothing to do. Even if they inspire somebody, that's even more for that person that took their shirt off to fucking feed their ego. Anyways, or maybe I just never looked good with my shirt off in shape or out of shape because I was so pasty white. You know, I felt bad for fucking those as a fellow celebrity, a redhead, and he had his shirt off on a boat and everyone was, you know, and he's in great shape. And that's all everybody talked about was how fucking white he was, you know, if redheads ever had a bodybuilding contest, what it would basically,
Starting point is 00:13:37 they would do it for the blind. Then the blind would just come up like touching their torso and be like, okay, you could be this could be a little more defined. You know, let me sit there with our angry freckled fingers, you know, give them the finger maybe. I have no idea. All I know is that since I've become a dad, I've, you know, I don't have time to fucking watch games the way I used to, especially like hockey and basketball, how, how many games there are and all that. Every time I fucking start to get caught up on the Bruins, I look at my little thing and it says you have five new games to watch. And I know they're playing great and they're making all these moves. I don't know if this trade went through, but we got fucking Rick Nash
Starting point is 00:14:23 from the Rangers. And I was thinking, Oh God, like, who the fuck did we give up for this guy? And we gave up a first round draft pick. What the hell is it here? And we gave up a, we gave up Ryan Spooner and Matt Bolesky. I don't know, Rick Nash is 33. I love Ryan Spooner. Oh, well, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? But I think, who knows? I like what Sweeney's doing. He's just like, all right, fuck it. We're like right there. Let's push this over the top. He gives us a physical presence. A guy that gives you 30 goals a season. I think the Bruins definitely got better. They're going to put them on the second line with David Cragi. Now you got Bergeron. You got
Starting point is 00:15:17 Pasternak. You got, you got, you got Marshawn in the first slide. That gives us two really solid lines. And I haven't watched that many games this year, but the games I've been watching our fourth line actually kind of contributes quite a bit. We're young, we're fast. Now we got this guy and he's, he's a big presence out there. He doesn't really drop the gloves. But I mean, that's been completely taken out of the game. By the way, people who always talk about how much they love Olympic hockey, and if they could just get the fighting out of the NHL, that they would actually sit down and watch it. Well, all I want to say is fuck you, you lion cunts, because you ruined the game that I loved. Because they've pretty much got fighting out of the game. Certainly in the playoffs,
Starting point is 00:16:03 you get in the playoffs, the Goons are gone. The Goons go home. The Goons go home at night. The Goons go home at night. They go home at during the fucking playoffs playoffs. They sent them all home. And every year I get a little sad. You know, when I see that, and I think back to the 80s, when the fucking Bruins played the fucking Buffalo Sabers, and it was standing room only in the penalty box. It's like two guys sitting down, three people standing up behind them. It looked like they were stuck in an elevator. Back then, that was called setting the tone. That's not what happens anymore, is it? All these people out there trying to take away my guns and my four whalers. Sorry. All these people out there trying to take my gun, my four whaler.
Starting point is 00:17:00 You fucking liberal snowflake. Why don't you just skip to some socialist country? Well, let me tell you something. There's no room for violence in hockey. It just shows ignorance. Okay, that's what I'm going to do from here on out. Whenever I present the liberal side, I'm going to try to do a fucking, I need another good liberal argument. You know what I mean? I don't know why the fuck we just don't switch over to solar power. All these stupid fucking rednecks rolling coal. I should have solar power. These fucking oil companies and corporations, they don't want to do it. America love to leave it or adjust it, you know, as everything does, as everything in the world does, as it moves forward,
Starting point is 00:18:00 it adjusts, you know, as virus adjusts, adjust, I should say, adjust, adjust. We're all using that hand sanitizer and all that shit. You know, what are the viruses doing? Going, well, I guess that's it for us. I guess we can't kill any more people. They're not. They're hitting the gym. They're drinking that shit up and they're getting even stronger. And there's a, there's going to be a fucking, look, look how strong the flu is. Look how many fucking kids died this shit. It's terrifying. Everything adjusts. All right. You can't adjust fucking, you know, amendments are adjustments to the constitution. You dumb fucks over there. And I'm not saying, I'm not saying you shouldn't defend your guns. I'm going to be a liberal here.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I'm not saying you shouldn't defend your guns. I'm just saying some adjustments maybe need to be made. You know, I don't remember. I almost said Tom Sawyer. I don't remember who's the guy who said the British are coming. Paul Revere. I don't remember his kid going into a log cabin, you know, shooting up with a musket. All right. What do we got here? Hand sanitizer, super virus, super, super, super, super. You guys remember the super fuzz? And when that came out to your cable station, I have, I have the worst fucking goddamn internet. He has the worst fucking internet in the world. Okay. Factor fiction.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Can hand sanitizer use create a super bug? Hand sanitizer dispensers are mounted everywhere in office buildings, restaurants, schools, and hospitals in case you didn't know what everywhere meant. We can carry bottles of it in our purses and on our keychains there. We've covered male and female behavior, but we, but are we using it correctly? And can it use be used to make a super bug, bug, bug, bug. USA Today Network reviews facts and fiction surrounding hand sanitizer. Myths. Kids who suck their thumbs shouldn't use hand sanitizer. It's generally okay to apply hand sanitizer on a child. Oh geez, that just covered themselves
Starting point is 00:20:29 legally. Generally, it's okay. My kid just died. Well, we didn't say totally. A taste, a taste amount from the hand is not usually a problem. Nicole Weed, a registered nurse, and a certified specialist in poison information told USA Today Network. At most, there may be some irritation in the mouth from the alcohol based products. Do keep an eye on kids though. Oh fuck, here's a goddamn advertisement. There we go. Hand sanitizers often smells good and comes in bright colored packages that's attractive to children. Ingesting a large amount of it could make them very sick, she said, or shit-faced, depending on what brand you use. Myths sort of. Myths sort of. Using hand sanitizer can use the
Starting point is 00:21:25 can lead to the creation of superbugs. The concern about superbugs centers around a chemical ingredient found in many antibacterial products called triceosan. Triceosan is not found in most hand sanitizers, but it is found in many antibacterial hand soaps and cleaners. Recent studies have found that the chemical may alter the way hormones work in the body. According to federal drug admin, the FDA, all right, and may also contribute to bacterial resistance to antibiotics or superbugs. Triceosan is not considered an essential ingredient for many products and its use is currently under review by the FDA and the Environmental Protection Agency. The FDA is also made up of a bunch of people that used to work in the industries that they're supposed to be
Starting point is 00:22:11 policing. So who knows? All right, this is why I'm a moron because there's a bunch of other facts. I don't even know what the facts. I just get bored. But this is why I don't read a lot of shit because I'm reading this on USA Today and then USA Today just has a bunch of like clickbait like underneath. Remember Catherine Bell from JAG? See where she is now. Google may not show you this. Enter any name. This is on the USA Today site. This is supposed to be like a fucking reputable newspaper. Top five local solar companies. Check out Best and Worst Reviews. I want solar panels. I want one big one right on my forehead, right? All right, plowing ahead. You know what the greatest thing about my daughter is right now besides everything
Starting point is 00:23:13 is she gives hugs now, like legit hugs, right? Like I opened the door to her room today. She was in there talking to herself, opened the door to her room. She just goes, hi. All right, so I start cracking up like, hi. And I walk over to pick her up. I pick her up. She grabs like around my neck. And behind my neck, she grabs like a handful of my shirt like I owe her money. You know, and then the other hand is just sort of on my shoulder. And she pulls herself into me with her head right up against my head. And I'm standing like, are you kidding me? This is the greatest thing ever. And then she after like just squeezing me for like a good five, the best five seconds of my life, she then lets up and then gave me a kiss
Starting point is 00:24:00 and then went and hugged me again. It was so awesome. I literally reenacted it to my laugh. I was like, this is what she did this morning. The best part is the handful of this shirt or maybe the feeling of the side of that face on yours. I don't know what, but all I can tell you is the greatest thing ever is becoming a dad. It's awesome. You know, I know this is the lack of sleep. I know your sex life goes out the fucking window. But it's worth it. It's totally fucking worth it. All right. Oh, Jesus. Here we go. We got we have one read. One reason the barren landscape, the walking dead that is my fucking advertisers lately. All right. Oh, look who's here. Everybody had sold zip.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Talk about the challenge of finding great talent and how the way you went about it just did not work or was inefficient. Well, the other day I was at a red light and I saw a bunch of people sitting around megaphone. So I was like, whoa, what do they got to say? And they're like America, leave it. And I was like, oh my God, what dumb luck. I just found a bunch of talented people. But I had to get in my car to do it. I had to get in my truck to go do it. My four door truck with the bed liner. You know, if I had the old zip recruiter, I could have just done this at home. All right. Zip recruiter knew there were there was a smarter way. So they built a platform that finds the right job candidates for you zip learns what you're looking for identifies people with
Starting point is 00:26:04 the right experience and invites them to apply to your job. These invitation have revolutionized how you find your next hire. In fact, 80% of employees who post jobs on zip get a quality candidate through the site in just one day and zip recruiter does not stop there. They even spotlight the strongest applications you receive. So you never miss a great match. The right candidates are out there zip recruiter is how you find them business is false of all sizes trust zip for hiring needs right now. My listeners can try zip recruiter for free. Just go to slash bird that zip slash bird the smartest way to hire. It's the smartest way to hire. Oh, guess what? So as mentioned, as mentioned old freckles.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Hey, there freckle face running under a tree because you don't want to sunburn. Getting the shit kicked out of you every outdoor recess. Where's a teacher when you need one? It's turning 50 the big 505 club what happened to those fucking people they dropped me to I think or maybe they're just hanging out maybe that's laying in the weeds. 50 years old I'm turning so I have to go to the doctor. I've decided that I'm actually going to get a doctor. All right, I'm going to go in there and I'll be like, all right, light me up. Let's see, take some x-rays. Check out my heart. I'm doing all of that shit. Right after a half a fucking century running around eating fucking burgers and baloney sandwiches and shit. I'm
Starting point is 00:27:59 going to see how much damage I've done to myself. And hopefully they won't find anything. And if they do, hopefully they can fix it and that out that'll be good. I'll get a little get a little freshen up here. You know, got my teeth all straightened out here. Ready to read the fucking news. Telling you right now, Connie Chung has nothing on me that she have nice teeth. I don't fucking remember. Anyways, yes, I'm going to go in there. I'm going to get my heart liver. Oh Jesus. Stomach pancreas, the whole goddamn thing. Kidneys, the whole fucking thing, right? Hey, what was that movie that guy was in where they flew the spaceship around inside the person's body? The fuck was that called? Come on in. You just knock?
Starting point is 00:28:58 All right. All right, I'm going to get my ears checked out too. What is Hey, Nia, what's the name of that movie that that Dennis Quaid was in where he was flying around inside somebody's body? Inner space. Yeah. I got to get that fucking procedure. You know, when you turn 50 now, they got to do that, right? They got to do the fucking I max up your ass, camera up your ass, inner space. I have to do all of that shit. It's fucking, you know, how did this happen? I used to be a young man, but whatever, I'm going to go fucking do it because because I got the little kid, you know, if I didn't have the kid, you know, I think I just sort of drink
Starting point is 00:29:43 myself to death. You know, you know what I would love to do if I didn't have any responsibilities when I was seeing those people standing there doing that America lover to leave it. I wish I just had a lawn chair. I could have just sat under a tree across the street, you know, with a nice fucking adult beverage, you know, and I have to have a mixer though, right? In case the cops came by officer. I'm just drinking lemonade. It's gluten free and just sit there watching them. It was part of me that actually enjoyed watching them come down like, Hey, let's go down there and piss off a bunch of liberals and they come down. And I just don't think that they made the problem better. They didn't make anybody on
Starting point is 00:30:26 the left want to listen to what the fuck they had to say, but they were morons. And I don't think everybody on the right is like that. And I don't think everybody on the left is a fucking lunatic. One of them hairy leg lunatics over there trying to fucking change everything that we hold dear. Who knows? Who the fuck knows? All right, we're a half hour in here. I got a bunch of bullshit to do today. Dude, my drum room is done and I can't even fucking tell you, but I'm going to tell you, I'm going to try to tell you how fucking awesome it is. The first time in my life, I can play drums as loud as I want and not piss anybody off. Okay, if you like me, okay, if it's just a hobby and every time you go to play, somebody tells you
Starting point is 00:31:14 to shut the fuck up and you always think, why didn't I just play the ukulele? Why did I have to pick this instrument? I'm going to tell you right now, you need to get a drum room. I don't give a fuck how you do it. Just, you know, I was actually thinking, you know, if this thing didn't work, what I was going to do, I was just going to pay somebody to literally dig a fucking hole in the ground, like a bomb shelter. All right, and just stick the whole fucking thing under the ground, right? Put some cinder blocks, make a little room, and you literally have to go down a ladder into the fucking thing. And then of course, I don't stop there. I'm like, well, what if I had a tunnel going from the fucking house like Al Capone, and I could just walk in like that, you have it underneath,
Starting point is 00:31:58 you know, the tax man can't see it, so he can't tax you for it, you know, and then this is the thing, someday you sell the house, and you don't tell anybody that it's there. Then one day somebody discovers it, and then they're filming it, and they're all fucking excited to see, oh, what's going to be down there? Is there going to be a safe? Is there going to be a dead body? Is there going to be a pterodactyl egg from prehistoric times? And they go down there, it's just some big, stupid drum room, right? Pictures of Fred Curry and Ricky Rocket and Tommy Lee, Nico McBrain, all these people that I grew up watching, Phil Rudd, I'd leave the posters. I don't have posters of any of those people.
Starting point is 00:32:45 All right, let's do, and I've actually, because of my shoulder, which I'm telling you, man, I got it up to about 85% here, and I just can't fuck it up by wailing on the drums. I've just been working on my feet, and just the fucking bands that I'm getting into, because I've just been listening to a lot of double bass now, and my younger brothers were always into like Pantera and shit, and I was just like, that's too heavy for me. I can't believe I didn't get, I could, you know, I was old enough, I could have saw that band, and I didn't, but I've just gone fucking, got like everything that they have now, and I always knew Vinny Paul was a fucking great drummer, but Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 00:33:33 just incredible, incredible fucking drummer, and Cowboys From Hell and I'm Broken are probably my two favorites, and somebody, my drum teacher, told me about their live album, that 101 Proof, and just how they end, I'm Broken with that little double bass fucking riff there in the end, it's just like, I want to learn how to fuck, I'm gonna learn how to fucking do that, and I'm gonna do that in my drum room, and that's it, that's what the fuck I've been doing, I've been doing that, and working on the, that Meshuggah bleed song, that's what I do, I'm gonna start double bass with them, probably the most difficult double bass song you could possibly have, I'm up to about 70 BPMs being able to play that lick with plain eighth notes,
Starting point is 00:34:26 like brr, brr, brr, brr, brr, brr, brr, brr, like that, it's not even that fast, it's more like that, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, but it, and that's what I do, okay, now that you've learned how fucking boring my actual life is, other than when my kid gives me a hug in the morning, all right, 34 fucking minutes in, let's see if I can fucking bullshit for another 26 minutes here, oh by the way, they added a show, there's a third show that I'm trying to sell up there in Vancouver, I'm gonna be up there on March 7th and March 8th, which is gonna be, it's gonna be so much fucking fun, I can't wait, and I, I, I'm like chomping at the bit to start my road gigs, first of all, you know, I haven't worked that much this year so far, and you know,
Starting point is 00:35:21 the bills keep coming in, if you know what I mean, you know, the wife keeps spending money, the kid needs something, everybody's fucking, you know, here's this fee for this, here's this fee for fucking that, this is a processing fee and all that, next thing you know, they just deplete your fucking, I have no fucking idea how anybody ever retires, but I understand why when you do, you eat fucking dog food, just trying to stretch every goddamn nickel you can't go in, how long am I gonna live, how long do I have to stretch this out, all right, Sheriff dipshit, this is what, this is what somebody wrote in, okay, now that I've, I've brought up, you know, talking about guns and that type of thing, trying to keep everybody calm and relaxed
Starting point is 00:36:08 and have a nice conversation where we can somehow try to find a solution, because God knows if smart people couldn't come up with a solution, I think it's time for someone of my intellect with the podcast, laying here talking to nobody to come up with a solution, this is like when a celebrity says that they're gonna run for president, what I'm doing here, this is what happens, all right, Sheriff dipshit, Bill, I'll tell you who's a fuck up, the Sheriff from that town, you gotta see this guy doing interviews, I love how this person writes, the Sheriff from that town, like what town, you just literally, you fucking had half the conversation already in your head, Bill, I'll tell you who's a fuck up, the Sheriff from that fucking
Starting point is 00:36:58 town, you gotta see this guy doing interviews, he talks, oh my god, he talks like a Long Island Jew who runs a deli, oh boy, how dumb is this person, there's a great way to make a point, say something anti-Semitic, right out of the gate, that'll make people listen, he went on CNN and started calling for gun control to take away attention from the fact that he had deputies push out and not engage the shooter, all right, I did read that there was stuff like that, that there was allegedly stuff like that going on, and let me guess, buddy, you would have ran right in there, right, with your fucking nine millimeter, would you, would you, would you fucking pull a nine millimeter on a guy who had a fucking AR-15, would you fucking do, I'm just
Starting point is 00:37:46 asking you that, huh, and if you would, then what do you need an AR-15 for, you're evidently not afraid, there's a lot of people that fucking freeze up and you never know what you're gonna do in that time, all of a sudden you start thinking of your kid, who knows, it's very easy to sit there being like, well these fucking people, they fucking go, go, go, go, you know, you know what I would have done, they did the same thing, a cop who shoots an innocent black guy did in the sense that they were not ready for the job, they had the uniform and an idea that they were someone who could handle this, they weren't, dude, this is all a legend, the sheriff's office and the shitty FBI fucking blew it when it came to all the warnings, I've read that too, I don't believe
Starting point is 00:38:33 in taking every gun, but how about not letting a delinquent kid buy a fucking semi-automatic rifle, along with some stricter shit in place, we need people who can do their fucking job, you know, if you take away the anti-Semitism in that, I actually agree with most of that, yeah, like if everything that they're saying is true, that the people, people like literally said this kid is threatening to shoot up a school, he's taking pictures of himself with guns on, I just can't believe yet another kid did that, there was all these warning signs and people were still allegedly ignoring it, if that is the case, you know what I mean, is it because it's guns, I don't know what it is, if somebody was on Instagram going, you know, I'm gonna take my
Starting point is 00:39:22 dick out at school, they were standing, they were holding their fucking dick, shaking it, right, I mean, how fucking long would you last, it would be over, it'd be fucking over, wouldn't it, I mean, what do these people have to do, in a way, isn't that like a cry for help, all right, guns are fun, exclamation point, my dearest Mr. Burr, I grew up in rural Washington state, with guns in the house and went to school with kids who had gun racks in their trucks and went hunting after school, sounds like the beginning of red dawn, as an adult, I never owned a gun since I don't hunt and I live in a city with police minutes away, so I feel like I can see both sides of the issue, now there's a great fucking point,
Starting point is 00:40:07 with police minutes away provided you're white, they're minutes away, and they will help you provide it your way, I'm fucking around before, shut the fuck up, I'm allowed to make jokes here, yeah, I get that, I get that, because that is the feeling, I always understood owning a gun, whenever I did like college gigs and road gigs that were in the middle of nowhere, like you just drive by some little farmhouse, some little fucking house in middle of nowhere, and you're just like, what is to stop anybody from just driving up that driveway, no matter how loud you screamed for help, no one was going to hear it, all right, anyways, he says, anyways, the guy goes, that being said,
Starting point is 00:40:54 I don't think the system of rules we have now is working, and I think we could do better, now I don't think anybody can argue that, whatever system we have is not working, and because I'm saying it's not working, doesn't mean I'm saying that they now have to fucking outlaw certain guns or whatever, I'm just saying that, you know, if somebody is literally saying, I'm going to shoot up a fucking school, or making threats like that, while with taking pictures of themselves with guns, and then people bring that to the authorities allegedly, and nothing was done, yet this something not working, all right, my ideas are as follows, one, people who want to hunt can have bolt action hunting rifles, one shot, one kill,
Starting point is 00:41:37 bye bye Bambi, mommy wants some venison steaks, all right, you went a lot there with the reference, two references there, why Bambi, you know, why wouldn't you shoot the mother, so then Bambi has no mom, isn't that how it's supposed to, that's the way Disney did it, oh this fucking Hollywood liberal, all right, people who want to protect their homes can have shotguns for the spread, obviously, well the one thing about the spread is like, what if they've already grabbed your fucking kid, you know, I don't know, that's a tough fucking thing too, like to shoot a gun in your house, you want enough firepower to kill somebody, but you don't want it to go through them, through a wall,
Starting point is 00:42:22 and then to somebody else that you actually like, or maybe tolerating, you know, if you have in-laws living with you, right, into the other room, and then you got to deal with that for the rest of your life, and then you shot my mother-in-law, honey, I didn't know she was on the other, I shot the fucking guy, I tell you, you know something, your whole fucking family is crazy, I don't know why, why I ever married any of these people, I should have known it man, you fucking whole family had one pair of fucking shoes, all right, number three, all right, pistols only for cops, security guards, or other people who have a credible reason that involves the need to occasionally shoot someone, I think that's how they do it in
Starting point is 00:43:07 Australia, not sure, too lazy to confirm, all right, I like the honesty of that, this all makes sense, but it's also like, what about bad people who don't give a shit about loss, and then everybody turns in their, I don't know, and you live in the middle of nowhere, and you turn in your fucking gun, and then the douchebag who wants to rob you does it, then what, all right, number three, people who want to have fun and blow shit up, can own whatever the fuck they want, but it has to be delivered and kept at a licensed gun range at all times, gun rages could become the new golf course, these guys got some interesting ideas, show up with your buddies, or the ladies rent a fucking machine gun and have a blast, shoot up a bunch of paper targets, dummies that look like monsters,
Starting point is 00:44:03 or even shoot up some burned out cars, doesn't matter, you're having fun, safety and responsibility in a controlled environment, just some ideas, nothing too crazy, I hope, go fuck yourself safely and responsibly, of course, I like a lot of that, the flying the fucking ointment in all of this is people that aren't going to comply with it, you know, and then everybody's going to turn in their fucking guns and comply with all of that except for criminals or whatever, but then it doesn't say anything that you can't have a sword, what if you booby trap your house, I don't know, what are the odds that someone's going to come into your house, I have no idea, I don't fucking know, I kind of believe that now that they're out there, I don't know how you fucking bring it back,
Starting point is 00:44:56 all this is doing is just, you know what it is, because there's always like the what if in all of that, because if we did have it like that, like you know when you go to England, the cops don't even have guns, they just come up and they just swarm around you and they just sort of club you, but the people walking around don't really have guns, as far as I know, I don't know, isn't it funny that I just don't look anything up and I just start talking, gun violence in England, let's see what this brings up, gun crime in London increases by 42%, gun violence rare in UK compared to the US, well it's because we're the best at everything, if England was better at gun violence, we'd still be under their fucking rule, right,
Starting point is 00:45:57 all right, gun crime in London increases by 42%, this is a baby C news, oh wait, they know something because of terrorism, now they have, the Met Police said there was complex social reasons why more young people are carrying knives, all right, we went from guns to knives, gun crimes in London surge by 42% in the last year according to official statistics, the Met Police's figure shows that there were 2,544 gun crime offenses from April 2016 to April 2017 compared to 1,793 offenses from 2015 until 2016, all right, so I mean essentially you know that's kind of like fucking, what would that be, that's about six incidents a day, no less than that, five, four and a half, that's pretty good for a whole city though, right, knife crime also increased by 24% with 12,074
Starting point is 00:46:56 recorded offenses from 2016 to 2017, the Met said although crime rates were rising they remained at a much lower level than five years ago, Scotland yet registered annual rises across a number of serious offensive category, offense, offense categories in the past 12 months, okay, all right, I don't know what I just learned there, I have no idea, oh and then on the side they have a blind MMA champion takes on a new, takes on new fight, the American who fled gay conversation in Africa, everybody just has clickbait, mum's bullying campaign leads to honesty, honesty app banned, immigration dominates Italian election, there's a decent story, breakthroughs take time to sell, rare photographs that changed lives,
Starting point is 00:48:04 yeah boy, all right, what are we doing here, okay, let's go back to whatever the fuck I was just reading, all right, a radiologist explains why a bullet from an AR-15 is so lethal, was anybody questioning, I just thought they kind of bounced off you, okay, hey Bill, love what you do and you are an amazing asset to the community, oh you buttered me up, I'm definitely going to read this, I recently found this article from the viewpoint of a radiologist concerning the power of an AR-15, you usually don't hear the viewpoints from people in the medical field, it's the viewpoint that makes this piece unique and joy, all right, go to the page, okay, here we go, what I saw treating the victims from Parkland should change the debate on guns,
Starting point is 00:49:06 they weren't the first mass shooting victims the Florida radiologists saw but the wounds were radically different, as I opened the CT scan last week to read the next case, I was baffled, the history simply read gunshot wounds, I had been a radiologist in one of the busiest trauma centers in the United States for 13 years and have diagnosed thousands of handgun injuries to the brain, lung, liver, spleen, bowel and vital organs, I thought that I knew all that I needed to know about gunshot wounds but the specific pattern injury on my computer screen was one that I had only seen once before, in a typical handgun injury which I diagnose almost daily, a bullet leaves a laceration through an organ such as the liver, to a radiologist it appears as a linear thin gray
Starting point is 00:49:55 bullet track through the organ, there may be bleeding and some bullet fragments, I was looking at a CT scan of one of the mass shooting victims from the Marjory Stonem Douglas High School, I hope I said that right, did I say majority earlier, who had been brought to the trauma center during my call shift, the organ looked like an overripe melon smashed by a sledgehammer and was bleeding extensively, how could a gunshot wound cause this much damage, the reaction in the emergency room was the same, one of the trauma surgeons opened a young victim's in the operating room and found only shreds of the organ that had been hit by the bullet from an AR-15, a semiotic rifle that delivers a devastatingly lethal high-velocity bullet to the victim, nothing was left to repair
Starting point is 00:50:45 and utterly devastating, nothing could be done to fix the problem, the injury was fatal, a year ago when a gunman opened fire at the Lauderdale airport with a 9 millimeter semi-automatic handgun hitting 11 people in 90 seconds, I was on call, it was not until I had diagnosed the third of the six victims who were transported to the trauma center that I realized something out of the ordinary must have happened, the gunshots wounds were the same low-level velocity handgun injuries that I diagnosed every day, only rapid succession set them apart and all six of the victims who arrived at the hospital that day survived, routine handgun injuries leave entry and exit wounds and linear tracks through the victim's body that are roughly the size of the bullet, the bullet does not
Starting point is 00:51:30 directly hit something crucial like the heart or the aorta, the victim does not bleed to death before being transported to care at the trauma center, chances are that we can save them, the bullets fired by an AR-15 are different, they travel at a higher velocity and are far more lethal than routine bullets fired from a handgun, the damage they cause is a function of the energy they impart as they pass through the body, a typical AR-15 bullet leaves the barrel traveling almost three times faster and imparting more than three times the energy of a typical 9 millimeter bullet from a handgun, an AR-15 rifle outfitted with the magazine with 50 rounds allows many more lethal bullets to be delivered quickly without reloading, all right that's yeah it's a machine gun
Starting point is 00:52:13 I've seen a handful of AR-15 injuries my career years ago I saw one from a man shot in the back by a SWAT team the injury along the path of the bullet from the AR-15 is vastly different from a low velocity handgun the bullet okay I get it, I get it, all right so there you go so there's that fucking viewpoint I feel like all of a sudden I'm doing like an NPR show here like there's nothing funny anymore this is all AR-15 stuff all right here's one should we move to California hey Billy Leprechaun my girlfriend and I are sick of the winters in Ontario half the year it's cold snowy and gloomy my girlfriend and I fantasize about moving somewhere that's warm year-round should we move to California is it all it's cracked up to be looking forward
Starting point is 00:53:04 to seeing you in Kitchener in March you know the grass is always greener this sand is always browner you know I don't think California needs anybody else to move here it's really overpopulated and there's a lot of advantages to living where you're living I been to Ontario a bunch of times it's God's country up there I know it gets cold and that type of shit but the fact that you live where there's a water supply you're not I mean if you want to just live in a constant state of drought I always feel like when you live in Los Angeles you're like eight years ahead of the curve as far as like environmental disasters because Los Angeles is an environmental disaster it never should have existed we had to steal water to be here
Starting point is 00:54:08 and they're building all these skyscrapers and you know it was kind of nice for a minute or a little bit after those fucking banker cunts cook the economy a bunch of people left LA and now they're all being driven back into the city and we won the most congested city in the United States and that's saying something so if that's what you want to become a part of the San Francisco is more expensive than New York City at this point I gotta tell you it's a breathtakingly beautiful state though when you go a little north of where I'm at and if you can appreciate the desert it desert is also very beautiful but to be living in it is is a little unsettling if you read up on it but you know I'm in the business I'm in so I gotta fucking live
Starting point is 00:55:03 out here I don't know what business you're in but I don't know you know what I would do I would just take an awesome vacation every year with your girlfriend and just break up the winter you know take a week and like a weekend or like a week whatever the fuck you want to do and just get the fuck out of dodge just break it up that's all you really need to do because the trade-off is what you're going to be doing is now you're going to live in a climate where it's like people come here to go on vacation to go out to like Santa Monica and shit so um once you're kind of living where there's palm trees and shit which are not indigenous to here
Starting point is 00:55:49 I've learned uh it's not really exciting to go to a lot of places after that you're like oh wow this looks like where I live you know I actually get excited by the winter it's weird I don't know I can't make these decisions for you I don't know I don't fucking I don't pretend to know um all right back to the gun shit and this is the last time I'm doing the gun shit because I'm not just this is not going to become the gun podcast I just find people's opinions really interesting here because I I don't uh you know I don't uh I don't own guns and that type of shit so I find it interesting all right Bill I own multiple AR-15s I hate
Starting point is 00:56:33 that they are being used for mass shootings contrary from what you hear their best for use is for hunting mostly varmints fox coyotes prairie dogs etc now varmints is the proper word by the way um you sent me Sam ruined that word that made it made everybody who uses the word varmints sound like a fucking war and let me look up the exact definition here varmints varmint a troublesome wild animal a troublesome and mischievous person especially a child an animal considered a pest specifically one classified as vermin and unprotected by game law uh varmint hunting is the practice of hunting I hate when they do this a vermin generally small mammals targeted as a means of pest control rather than for food
Starting point is 00:57:32 varminter may refer to a varmint hunter or describe hunting okay so this guy's using this correctly before everybody who you know you know thinks this is you sent me Sam writing it they are extremely accurate and have very little recoil I'm able to shoot holes and quarters at a hundred yards Jesus that's fucking impressive they are very fun to take to a range and shoot with that said at gun shows and stores there's a really sad culture of losers that talk about tactical situations like their real life John Rambo's uh yeah they're basically like the fantasy football players you know acting like they know how to run a fucking football team except their gun owners uh they usually look like vermin a virgin basement dwellers uh the thing a lot of
Starting point is 00:58:25 people don't understand about the ar-15 is that it's a modular rifle modular rifle I buy them in parts and assemble them on my own there's billions and billions of parts that would be available forever through private parties to make more rifles they they will never go away we need to get more security in schools there should be no way anyone should be able to walk into a school with the gun um it's okay so well then if you have a metal detector at the school no one could get in with the gun which sounds good but then you know we used to fucking they used to let you run around and play outside the school before you went in so wouldn't the kid just show up there all right a metal detector on the bus
Starting point is 00:59:13 no I actually agree with that I think that that would be smart okay there's billions and billions of parts uh go google ruger mini 14 it uh mini 14 it does the same thing doesn't look scary the problem isn't the guns my guns will never be used for hunting humans in minnesota where I live to where I live to get parts or complete ars you have to go to the county sheriff and get a permit to purchase card they take about four weeks to get and have a pretty stringent background check I think it would be great if the entire country had the same process I think the second amendment is just as important as the first I wish we could all have an honest conversation about it I would say a calm conversation about it um the last one I'll read here fucked up country
Starting point is 01:00:03 hey there billy strongjaw saw this on reddit it's a story about how a 15 year old girl with learning disabilities in severe ADHD got in prison for throwing apples at a mailman now went to prison was sent to prison you mean she continued to struggle with offers officers through the entire process and ended up doing five years until she hung herself after the first shitty prison transfer transferred her to a federal prison for women is this true this sounds fucking crazy the interview a girl she knew in prison who said she would talk back to the guards because she thought it was funny the whole time she was in there she thought it was silly that she was in prison for throwing apples whatever side of the
Starting point is 01:00:53 spectrum she's on she had the mentality the whole time she was in there she had that mentality the whole time she was in there at one point they put her in this harness thing that is the most ridiculous dehumanizing thing you've ever seen as well as putting on a hockey helmet so she couldn't swing her head around while tied down because they didn't want her to be a danger to herself it's at the 12 33 I don't want to watch this this sounds horrible anyways I'm thinking man our country prison system is fucked up then they said that it was somewhere in Ontario and let me tell you Bill Canada hides behind the shitty prime minister minister do good douche who just said the right thing all the time meanwhile they had mental health protocol wait meanwhile they had
Starting point is 01:01:43 wait meanwhile they had mental health protocol than anything I've seen in a duck you mean worse you kind of left a word out about the US prison system that I can recall fair enough oh so Canada did all of this shit let me see you're clicking on the link what we've got here I don't I don't want to do I don't want to watch this I don't want to watch it anyways all right well there we go so that that's going to be the end of the gun debate on this fucking podcast I don't know I hope that people just understand that people who live out in the air quote middle of nowhere you know like how they're living and how they have to defend themselves is different than you like living in a city you know and then they can also go out and hunt and
Starting point is 01:02:47 they know how to hunt which is a you know probably the most important skill you could have you know if the shit hits the fan the fact that you know how to fucking go out and get something to eat without going to a supermarket I don't know I don't know I think we're having listened to all of you guys there has to be we just have to have a better system of I don't know how to do it how do you how do you make sure how do you make sure that crazy people don't get guns so then regular people who just want to enjoy them and fucking hunt or just shoot up a bunch of shit or whatever or they just don't trust the government which I don't think is paranoid considering what has been done to our food supply the pharmaceutical companies bankers insurance companies how they
Starting point is 01:03:38 just kind of are able to do whatever the fuck they want to do and if you really look at a lot of the shit that they've done to this country it's it's acts of terrorism that a lot of terrorist groups would fucking jerk off to okay poisoning the food supply you know making Americans sick cooking the economy all of that type of shit putting shit in the water supply I mean that's those are all terrorists that's shit the terrorists fucking jerk off to so I understand why people would not trust the government at that fucking point I don't I don't know what all I know is that after a while it gets overwhelmingly depressing and I don't know what to do about it and and that's it I'm gonna go play with my kid and go play some drums that's
Starting point is 01:04:29 it god bless all you god bless all you responsible fucking gun owners out there god bless all you people out there who feel like if we just got rid of all of them hey god you know what god bless everyone and go fuck yourselves each and every one of you those are you who have guns and those of you who don't all right this has been a fucking moron to try to get to the bottom of something and he failed miserably I'll check it on you on Thursday and I gotta start watching some Bruins games I gotta figure this out okay every morning I'm watching puppy dog pals and vampirina with my daughter maybe I can get her watch a little maybe just maybe I'll just start watching the first period that's better than no period right I don't fucking know all right I'll
Starting point is 01:05:13 talk to you on Thursday and for us all mal campagne in samenwerking met the ovum

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