Monday Morning Podcast - Monday Morning Podcast 3-22-17

Episode Date: March 22, 2017

Bill sits down with Deanna, Jamie and Steven Adler to discuss Deanna's new book....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Leise presents Kokme with your My The Leise App From now on, it's for recipes that are delicious, easy and cheap For those of you who are interested in something else or like classics Oh yes, there was a spaghetti bolognese with a lot of meat Download the My Theise App and Kokme Yes, great The Leise
Starting point is 00:00:18 With the Gleven Well after I did the whole fucking interview With the wonderful Adler family Um, I'm in San Jose right now Ahhhh Bu-do-bo-bo-mi-undies Mi-undies, San Jose, California Bu-do-bo-bo-mi-undies, mi-undies
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Starting point is 00:03:15 Once again, that's slash burr Now back to the Steven Adler interview Hey, what's going on? It's Bill Burr And it's time for a very special Monday morning podcast Every once in a while I'll have this special one It's not me just in my jam-jams
Starting point is 00:03:33 Runnin' my yap In my old piece of shit house That has a lot of character Speaking of characters We got some characters in here today We have selling her new book here That's about Steven Adler Drummer Rockstar Extraordinaire
Starting point is 00:03:49 Her new book called Sweet Child of Mine Because I don't want to make sure I don't want to make sure I don't screw this up You should know this It's not Steven Adler's book It's Tiana Adler's book I got him interrupting
Starting point is 00:04:03 Alright, Steven Adler's here His brother Jamie's here Tiana's here I feel like I went over to their house For Thanksgiving They've come over here It's just going to be a fun show This is going to remind me
Starting point is 00:04:13 Of going home for the holidays So I'm sorry Tiana Adler's new book Sweet Child of Mine Which is basically her story Of having It's a story of unconditional love Between a mother and a son
Starting point is 00:04:27 And not only that It's a story about how many mistakes A mother can make in her relationship With her son And believe me I made a lot of mistakes A lot I count them off for you if you like
Starting point is 00:04:40 One This is the first time I've ever heard her admit to that That's true Oh God This is becoming like Dr. Phil here You guys Just bring some tissues over here
Starting point is 00:04:50 In a minute He did Brenton did I actually I got Believe it or not My podcast listeners know I'm a terrible reader
Starting point is 00:04:58 I can't read out loud I'm really bad And I just got the book yesterday I just got off the road I can't sing So it's okay There you go So I got up to about
Starting point is 00:05:06 Page 75 of the book And it's incredible Just what I mean I can't wait For the next hundred I'm not saying I'm stopping that Just as far as I got Because I read slow
Starting point is 00:05:15 That's good Two things like There you go The first mom hit a Stephen All right First slap There you go The first
Starting point is 00:05:23 It was in the arm though That's a misdemeanor It works its way up It goes for the hand, the arm The shoulder, the face, the head Were you a Because my mother hit a swing move kids I mean I was just
Starting point is 00:05:33 You spanked And then you moved up to the paddle Wooden spoon Wooden spoon Wooden spoon I know all about the wooden spoon All right Your preference as a child
Starting point is 00:05:42 Was it the wooden spoon The random blunt object You ever get the hairbrush I got that The hairbrush a couple of times Of course the random object Throwing through the air Hitting the head
Starting point is 00:05:53 That's what I said See you're bald And you got a beautiful head So you look really good You're very handsome Me, my head is lumpy And you did the bozzly I don't have a good bald head
Starting point is 00:06:03 So that's the thing Is you're going bald You're praying You're like I went to Bosley You went to Bosley I went to Bosley Do a lot of rock stars
Starting point is 00:06:11 They've got it Do you know any movie stars Rock stars Dude, it's the 21st century No, it just killed me If you can do it, do it The amount of bands Where there'll be five people in the band
Starting point is 00:06:21 And I'll be watching it at home As a bald guy There's no fucking way One of these guys didn't go Of course There's no way Dude, there's a list of all my longs Dude, I have that disease
Starting point is 00:06:32 That's where I'm losing my hair It's called middle aged And it's going to happen to everybody Out there Except for me I'm 75 years old And I still look good For an old bat
Starting point is 00:06:43 Yes, he does You know, I was forgetting About your book Not only do you get the unbelievable Unconditional love That you have for your whole family Is it really made me Want to go get some Italian food
Starting point is 00:06:53 Because there was so much of it Talking about it I'm actually going to make meatballs Tonight When you were talking about When early on For people who haven't read the book yet Steven's mom, Deanna
Starting point is 00:07:02 Used to come by their apartment Used to bring them food And everything when they were struggling I went by her studio She was hungry Her food Because she's a great cook My mom was a fabulous cook
Starting point is 00:07:12 So we always, you know Make stuff, put it in a tupperware And bring it down Grab all our laundry Just watch it in the table Because that's going to make a lot of noise I'm just letting you know All right, thanks for the information
Starting point is 00:07:23 No hitting the table God damn it I'm not trying to put Instrictions on you I just want people to hear what you're saying He is a drummer, Bill He is a drummer That's what he does
Starting point is 00:07:32 Go with the arms of the chair then, man What is your go-to dish? You want to impress people They're coming by Yeah, eggplant parmesan I make a very good eggplant parmesan I make a very good lasagna I make a very good sauce
Starting point is 00:07:47 Great sauce I'm a good cook I'm not bragging Right But When you're good, you're good No, it's a big part of the book, though You know, I'm a good cook
Starting point is 00:07:55 So that must have been So when you went over there You got, early on You got a sense that the band Was going to take off Oh, no, nothing like that Our studio didn't Our bathroom didn't even work
Starting point is 00:08:06 And it was too disgusting to even go in See, that's how I don't know how you guys There was a room, I think, by 10 by 12 He was talking about the studio That he was recording The studio behind Guitar Center That we all used to live at
Starting point is 00:08:16 Well, we lived at girls' houses But that was like our rehearsal We always hang there And, you know, we'll come by for his food I never understood how they did that Trying to make it as a comedian You just buy yourself And as bad as it is
Starting point is 00:08:29 You're sort of this little dictator And you can decide when you're going to eat And blah, blah, blah, blah But if you're in a band You know, there's always going to be the late guy The other guy doing this Like, I don't know how you guys Oh, no, I see
Starting point is 00:08:39 I always love being part of a team Like, when I was younger I played football I loved the way to When you get together And everybody creates something together Right And in my band at the time
Starting point is 00:08:51 We created such great magic And it just happened Have you read your mom's book? No, I'm afraid to read No I'm going to be honest with you I already can imagine what the pain I put her through If I read it, I would just see it
Starting point is 00:09:04 But that's what you get in this book Because I read your book And you know, I'm rooting for you The whole way through Obviously a huge fan and everything But now to get the other side Of a lot of those stories You know, the worry that
Starting point is 00:09:15 I got to tell you, dude I'm not going to lie You put it through hell, man You really put it through hell Well, I mean, I didn't wake up every morning He put me through hell And don't forget that A-G double hockey sticks
Starting point is 00:09:25 A-G-L-L-L I did not, you know I didn't wake up in the morning And go, hey, how can I, you know Hurt my mother and hurt my family And my friends No, I understand I was, you know, I'm an addict
Starting point is 00:09:38 So I did what I did And you don't think about it The consequences Well, I just became a dad Two months ago So now I'm reading this from a He's half a couple months Yeah, so I'm reading it
Starting point is 00:09:50 From a new perspective And I just keep Now I can be on both sides Rather than being the messed up kid Which I already did that Now seeing so If you want to tell people Like you touch on part of the book
Starting point is 00:10:01 Like those feelings When you were You're sitting at home I mean, you're always going to remember them As a little baby And you know he's out on the street And everything That must have, you know
Starting point is 00:10:09 Well, growing up Didn't even know I was ditching school Let me just Let me get real quick Wow Oh Wow, look at that The straps are going high
Starting point is 00:10:19 I'm really starting to see this dynamic Now when he was growing up I didn't worry about him Because I knew where he was He was by grandma's house But then I Okay, there's a mistake right there I knew he was at grandma's house
Starting point is 00:10:34 But I didn't know what was going on When he was living at grandma's house That he would be going out all night And going to these clubs But I didn't worry about it Because I thought, okay, he's safe He's at grandma's house And what happened when you found out
Starting point is 00:10:47 That he wasn't there? Well, I didn't find out Until years later I didn't find out Decades later I did school every day They never The school never even called her
Starting point is 00:11:00 Yeah, this was like the 70s Yeah, nobody gave a shit I could go on a liquor store at 15 And you can't even pack a cigarette And I'm buying you a six-pack of beer And you're old enough, yeah Drinking age was 18, right? I was 21
Starting point is 00:11:13 Oh, was 21? Yeah Me and Sasha would just walk in 7-11 And just give him some cigarettes And we're taking his beer And 70s were great, man I'll tell you what I said I'm telling you I want to tell a story
Starting point is 00:11:29 Okay, okay I got your story Trying to keep the tension down, guys So do you have any, like Do you have any, like Because I haven't got that far into the book Do you end up giving advice? Because I think this would be
Starting point is 00:11:42 An incredible book for parents That were dealing with The situation that you were dealing with I could never give advice to anyone I'm not a doctor I'm not a professional person I'm not a psychiatrist Or anything like that
Starting point is 00:11:52 I'm just even Adler's mother And I told about how it affected me The things that he did But if I wanted to tell people what to do If I wanted to do that I would say if you have a son or daughter That's an alcoholic or a drug addict Take care of yourself
Starting point is 00:12:12 And that took me a long time to learn I mean, years to learn Stop worrying about him That's his life You didn't teach him to drink Or take drugs You didn't do that to him Right
Starting point is 00:12:24 Well, you didn't do that to him No, I didn't do that to him If your family didn't do drugs Around their kids I don't know anything about that You know, about drugs or alcohol I didn't know what was going on But I would tell people
Starting point is 00:12:38 To go to Al-Anon meetings Go to AA meetings To take care of yourself Oh, even as a non-attic You would go to AA Just to try to understand What you're dealing with Exactly
Starting point is 00:12:50 Right So you know what your friend Or your associate Or whoever your son or daughter Is going through What they're thinking And you go to the Al-Anon meetings And you realize you're not the only one
Starting point is 00:13:03 And you just feel somewhere's better You know, meetings are right there That was your experience Well, what happened was My daughter-in-law, Carolina Stephen's wife She would tell me Go to an Al-Anon meeting
Starting point is 00:13:14 Go to an Al-Anon meeting And I'd say no I don't want to go there I don't want to hear anybody else's problems Okay But finally I went to my first Al-Anon meeting Which was a few years ago
Starting point is 00:13:27 And I walked in there And I thought to myself Do they know who I am? I'm so ashamed, you know My son's a drug addict He's an alcoholic Do they know who I am? Well, you know
Starting point is 00:13:37 When you go to these meetings When you introduce yourself You only say the first name So they don't really know who you are Right And I listened to what everybody was saying And you want to know something I walked out of there
Starting point is 00:13:49 And I said to myself Oh, my God I don't have it so bad There were such stories to be told People have it so much worse than me I couldn't believe it And I felt good about myself So did that make you go to more?
Starting point is 00:14:03 I went to more, yes Yes, I go to more, yes I've gone to AA meetings To listen to what these drug addicts Have gone through, their stories It doesn't hurt me to do this The knowledge is important I got arrested for drinking and driving
Starting point is 00:14:20 In the late 80s And one of the things Is you had to go to a couple of AA meetings And I was concerned Like, oh, God What's this going to be like And I went there And that actually did make me feel better
Starting point is 00:14:29 I was like, all right, I drink I'm not doing what these people are doing I always feel better going there I was forced to go When I got arrested On that celebrity rehab show I love that I got arrested On a show about doing drugs
Starting point is 00:14:41 Because I had drugs on me That was my highlight of my life That was a highlight, okay But so I was kind of I had to go for three months Every day I had to get this paper signed And I'm so glad I did Because I had to go
Starting point is 00:14:57 And after the first couple of days I enjoyed it I'd go, it was one hour a day I can tell you, dude, you look great Thank you You look great Over three years Yeah, you are
Starting point is 00:15:07 You look, you look, you know Yeah, thank you Clear eye and everything We go to the gym every morning We have a life now We have a life This is a weird thing, though That I mean comedians have joked about this
Starting point is 00:15:17 Something, if you do hard drugs in your 20s You have like abs for life You guys are all in like crazy shape Everybody else Alcohol, I lost 40 pounds When I was drinking It was the last three years Before I got sober three years ago
Starting point is 00:15:34 I was drinking an egg or my sir And you want to know something? You could drink at what age? Oh, dude I wasn't drinking when I was younger I had, you know, a few beers You go to the rainbow And, you know, get the long-analyzed teas
Starting point is 00:15:46 They're good They usually buy us And it wasn't like I went to the liquor store every day But before I got sober three years ago Every morning I drank from six o'clock When the liquor store opened I would be there sometimes Before the owner got there to open up
Starting point is 00:16:02 Oh, hey, Seaman, how's it going? How do you think it's going? I'm at the liquor store fucking before you Oh, I listened That's how it's going Wait a minute I want to say something When Seaman was on drugs
Starting point is 00:16:14 He was so skinny, like a weed, so tiny Now, heroin crack will do that to you Oh, yes You leave on a taco bar Or a jack-in-the-box tacos And ding-dongs Wait a minute Any egg or my sir
Starting point is 00:16:28 That's the life of a drug addict Listen to me I've said this before You know, I've listened to you And listened to you For 52 years Come on, come on I am so tired of this
Starting point is 00:16:39 Silence, okay Silence is golden, my queen You're so mean to me Come on The queen wants to speak You know what? Let the queen speak I want to say something about
Starting point is 00:16:48 I hear the love I still hear the love between you Now, wait a minute I just want to finish this sentence Okay When he was drinking alcohol He was heavy And I would tell everybody
Starting point is 00:16:57 Oh, Stephen never looked so good He's got some fat on him now He's not so skinny It's a pleasure to look at him I didn't know that That's what alcohol does to you That was an alcohol way That was sugar
Starting point is 00:17:09 That's an alcohol I didn't know that You're a sweetheart You're making meals for people You're encouraging and all that I get that You're not looking for it Oh, she was a wonderful mother
Starting point is 00:17:18 I just, you know Old school mom Made you food Hit you with a brush No, no Wooden spoon Wooden spoon, sorry Wooden spoon
Starting point is 00:17:26 My grandmother broke a wooden spoon She tried to hit me in the head But then I got the arm up the block And he broke She broke on your grand And then she immediately She snapped out She had this crazy look
Starting point is 00:17:36 When she went to hit me She just went She just went back to normal All she had to do was just get A solid hit anywhere on you She just And then she felt better Ah, relieved
Starting point is 00:17:44 I want to tell this I smacked my head I want to tell a story about Jamie I used to go I used to I used to hit him with the Wooden spoon just on the thigh Nothing terrible
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yeah, nothing terrible And so That's acceptable Yeah And so one night He talked back to me So either I I used to wash out their mouth with
Starting point is 00:18:03 Soap Soap Now did you really do it? Make them stick the bar in there Or did you just Wash their face Only the time I couldn't You know
Starting point is 00:18:12 I was too little To do anything about it She's got to take a water break here Hang on a second There's a little soda pop there So with Jamie My youngest son He sassed me back
Starting point is 00:18:23 So I I didn't have the soap I didn't get the soap So I had the wooden spoon So I started chasing him Around the dining room table I said I'm going to get you
Starting point is 00:18:33 You're not going to talk like that to me I won't have it I'm like ten years old at the time So you're agile You're low to the ground You've got a low center Grab it So I got so mad
Starting point is 00:18:42 I threw the wooden spoon at Jamie He grabbed the wooden spoon And started chasing me Around the table I said This is never going to happen again Mom I took the wooden spoon
Starting point is 00:18:51 I took the wooden spoon I started chasing her Now wait a minute He You can't have that He started running after me With the wooden spoon And we started to laugh
Starting point is 00:19:01 And laugh And that was the end of the wooden spoon That was it That was the end of the wooden spoon From where I put under my bed And it was done You know what I did My dad was in a fraternity
Starting point is 00:19:09 And he kept the paddle As a souvenir My mother used to hit us with it So I took it and I hit it I hit it in between their mattress Because I figured they would never look there They would rip and apart our rooms Trying to find out
Starting point is 00:19:21 See You're a genius Even as a kid Good for you I was out of necessity That was fun My mother didn't have the greatest aim We're street wise
Starting point is 00:19:29 No I just Hold the sack wise I wouldn't hit him I just On the thigh Or the torch That's all
Starting point is 00:19:37 Nothing My mother didn't have good hand eye coordination Or she'd get so mad And she'd miss And she'd hit you lower back Or the back of your leg No, no, no By accident
Starting point is 00:19:45 I'm not trying to indict I think the Statue of Limitations Has run out at this point Yeah, I think it's worn out But at times it's so different You know Somebody apparently Gives their kid a smack
Starting point is 00:19:53 On their toes or something And they say Oh, you're going to jail I'm calling you What's that? What are you talking about? Because everybody has video clips If you listened to this kid
Starting point is 00:20:01 For 24 hours a day He'd smack him That's what it is But there wasn't all these video cameras You know, I just realized I didn't even say Where you can get your book at Your book is available at
Starting point is 00:20:11 Once upon a Once upon a Once again I can't really That's okay It's available at And it's also available at Shut up, book smart
Starting point is 00:20:22 Hey, can I have I'm all mixed up At Yeah, and it's in Bonds and Noble Yeah, Bonds and Noble Anna Adler's book A Child of Mine It's available at
Starting point is 00:20:34 There we go And she's having Go ahead I'd like to say it I'd like to say it If you don't mind Bill, you're invited, Bill Big book signing
Starting point is 00:20:42 March 29th at Bonds and Noble Oh, I'll be there 7 o'clock over in the Grove At the Grove Absolutely Yeah, I'm very excited I'll definitely swing by We're going to have
Starting point is 00:20:51 Jamie will be there My brother, Jamie will be there I'll be there A lot of celebrities My brother's having all his friends Come out I have three friends in my life I have three
Starting point is 00:21:00 That's all you need I have two pairs of pants Seven shirts Twelve pairs of socks Twelve pairs of underwear Did you get the world travel Like luggage packing thing down? Oh, yeah, it's this big
Starting point is 00:21:12 You just made the size of a breadbox You're going to do a world tour You will leave in your apartment For a year What are you bringing? Two pairs of pants My PJ's A pair of sweats
Starting point is 00:21:22 T-shirts Underwear Socks Let me tell them a story And three nice shirts So we're on stage I want to tell you a story We're going on tour
Starting point is 00:21:30 Okay, come up closer To the mic a little bit One day he calls me up And he's at this hotel And he says, Ma, you come on by here I got some clothes I got some things I want you to take home with you We're going to play Donington
Starting point is 00:21:45 In England In England And I said, okay So I go to the hotel And he comes out of the hotel And he's wearing pants that are slit In the 80s Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:21:59 The Holy Jean The Holy Jean And also, not only that They were slit by his tush Okay By the tush He's a rock star Yeah, we didn't wear underwear back then either
Starting point is 00:22:08 And so And so Now, now I do Now, wait a minute So now I say to him like this I said, let me tell this story No And so now
Starting point is 00:22:19 He's coming out And I see he's wearing these torn pants I said, Stephen I said, you can't go on the concorde like that I said, you have to dress properly He says, don't worry, Ma It's okay It's all right
Starting point is 00:22:32 So a few minutes later We're talking in a few minutes later A great, I'll never forget it A great big, great stretch limousine Pulls up to the front of the hotel And he says, oh, that's my ride I says, okay So he walks down to the car
Starting point is 00:22:48 And the guy opens the door for him To get into limousine And he turns around And looks at me and says, see, Ma It's okay what I'm wearing I said, see, Ma, look at my ass It's okay what I'm wearing What is that like as a mother to have a son
Starting point is 00:23:05 Achieve like that? I'm very proud of Stephen He's accomplished so much in his life And sure, we've gone through a lot of bad times But that's over with now And I'm very happy for him All right, over Where do we walk out of the studio?
Starting point is 00:23:19 You are so done Wait I'm going to age you 10 years I'm going to walk out of here If I wanted to hear any of your shit I'd squeeze your head Oh, there we go All right
Starting point is 00:23:30 There we go During that time What's your favorite city to play? Amsterdam Amsterdam For the obvious reason Why? Why Amsterdam?
Starting point is 00:23:40 That's what I'm looking for A new house You know, anywhere But I had to say Argentina South America It's the greatest place You know what's amazing?
Starting point is 00:23:52 ACDC's best live video I think it's from somewhere in South America Yeah And the level crazy that the fans are going Was embarrassing to me as a concert going As a concert going I thought I was bringing it for the band Like the whole place was going nuts
Starting point is 00:24:05 The whole place Even the people in the stands They're so passionate Ever see an Iron Man concert? Oh, they went down there? Oh, shit Watching Iron Man concerts down there It's insanity
Starting point is 00:24:17 It's just a whole, you know River Plate Stadium Is a giant wash pit What was that feeling the first time you played? And you're sitting back there Because it's drummer You know, you get to kind of sit down And take it in too
Starting point is 00:24:28 Oh, yeah You got to see what It's the greatest thing in my life It's everything I ever dreamed of And more How did you play that night? Great Yeah, just take it to the next level
Starting point is 00:24:38 Oh, yeah, no You know, it starts small And you work your way up Because that's the dream It's not to play for 5 or 10 people Oh, yeah It's to play for, you know 5 or 10, 100,000 people
Starting point is 00:24:48 What blew me away about your playing Was, you know, I was a frustrated drummer Before I became a comedian And back in the 80s I'm sure you remember Like everybody had these giant kits Even if they were just playing Like a 2-4 thing
Starting point is 00:24:59 And then you came out And you just had a little four-piece kit 3 3 It was actually 3 when we started It was just a bass snare And floor tom Ride crash
Starting point is 00:25:08 And a hi-hat And a cowbell How did you, like Because the look was Even if you didn't play double bass A lot of people had that Second kick set up Without even a pedal
Starting point is 00:25:16 I had that look I had that look And then I was playing with this other band And during the afternoon And I got a call from Slash Saying that we're going to do Duff hooked up a show at the Troubadour On Thursday
Starting point is 00:25:30 And then he hooked up a show In Seattle And in Oregon So he said, you want to go? And I said, of course I want to go My bag's been packed my whole life Which is approximately, you know 20, 18, 19 years
Starting point is 00:25:42 Okay Okay So I think we got to get back to you more You know, hold on So I brought I was playing with this other band And my mom's got nothing else to say
Starting point is 00:25:53 Oh, Stephen, come on What are you doing here? He's got nothing to say No, but anyway I broke my bass drum head So when I went to play a G&R I said, I'm not going to set The whole thing up
Starting point is 00:26:03 I'm just going to use the three pieces And it just worked Oh, well, I'll tell you You got more out of that The most guys got out of the ten Yeah, it's all you need That's the question Incredible drum parts
Starting point is 00:26:13 Sorry, so back to you Okay, what do you have to say? I wanted to tell him About the first time I saw you play I'd love to hear that The first time I saw him play I think it was at the Troubadour Wasn't the Troubadour
Starting point is 00:26:23 Yeah, the Troubadour The Adam Wongs Was it Madame Wongs? I can't even remember It's so long ago No, I should talk to you This is a grandma story No, I'm not talking about grandma
Starting point is 00:26:31 I don't know when you brought that Let me talk For two minutes I'm so sorry No, this is making me Out of his mind I'm getting the word in a spoon This is making me feel homesick
Starting point is 00:26:40 This is exactly like a conversation Mom, get back into the kitchen You belong Guys, guys Jesus Jesus Anyway, it's the first time I saw him play
Starting point is 00:26:51 You are in the express lane to heaven That's all I'm saying You are in the express lane to heaven Watching you dealing with this shit You still have an older one That I haven't seen yet You're insane Sorry, I interrupted
Starting point is 00:27:02 My apologies Go ahead I can't talk They won't let me talk No, go ahead Anyways, I went to see him play And Jamie was with us And Jamie was, I think, about nine years old
Starting point is 00:27:12 And we got a call from Stephen And Stephen says, come and watch us play I said, this is a school night We can't come He says, come after dinner Just for a little while So I said, okay So we drove into
Starting point is 00:27:24 We were living in the valley at the time And we drove into Hollywood And we parked the car down the street I remember this And all these boys and girls, young adults They had on black leather pants Sheared blouses And their hair was up to the ceiling
Starting point is 00:27:45 And makeup like you wouldn't believe And those were the guys Those were the guys Those were the horns No, those were the guys Make up like a horn So we went to the front of the venue And there was a security guy there
Starting point is 00:28:02 And I said to him, I said, Can you please tell Stephen Adler, his mom and dad Our hair and his brother He says, of course So Stephen tells us to come into the Stephen comes out And he tells us to come into the venue And he said, now I want you to stay
Starting point is 00:28:16 On the side of the venue He said, don't go in the middle Go to the side Yeah, well, it's safe Yeah, that's where you're safe And I thanked him myself What? He's to be safe
Starting point is 00:28:27 What's going to go on here So a few minutes later The lights go out It's pitch black in the venue And all of a sudden Stephen starts to play And it's like a 747 landing on my head That's how loud it was
Starting point is 00:28:44 That's how loud it was That was our goal It was crazy So right away, of course, I got deaf You know, I didn't hear nothing anymore That was the end of me I was deaf for about three or four hours No, you weren't deaf
Starting point is 00:28:55 You were deaf Deaf, I said deaf Did I say deaf? I said deaf And for about three or four hours I was deaf on the way home I couldn't hear anybody talk And I said to myself, oh my God
Starting point is 00:29:08 I can't do this again It was too much for me So right away, the next time I bought earplugs You put it in my ears I didn't realize what was going to happen I didn't understand it Because I had never done anything like this before
Starting point is 00:29:21 Anyways, we were very proud of them So the second time you probably got to And Jory's playing a little more Because you weren't dealing with the sonic It was very, very loud When they start to play My favorite story when they came to the shows They brought my grandmother
Starting point is 00:29:37 Oh, yeah It was my 75-year-old grandmother Wow And she, you know, a little Jewish lady About four, three Yeah And I said, they're at the bar At the troubadour
Starting point is 00:29:49 You know, it's more safe there And, you know, Jamie, my mom And my grandmother is standing there And actually, you know, she looks down And my grandma's gone I can't find her And I'm playing on stage And I'm looking around
Starting point is 00:30:01 I look down And in the front row, there's my grandmother She's standing right by the big speaker Right at the front of the stage I just, that's my Stevie I love you, Stevie And Axel's wearing a pair of chaps You know, with a G-string
Starting point is 00:30:15 So he's got a little red hair He's a little ass right there And my grandmother's right there Two feet away I'm going, get out of there Get out of there I'm playing, go over there My mother never saw, looked at Axel
Starting point is 00:30:28 She was just looking at me Of course I'm the only one that mattered She had how many, how many kids and grandkids? Thirty? No, she had fourteen grandchildren Yeah, but kids, but eight kids She didn't like any of them but me
Starting point is 00:30:41 Has this last, is this your longest stretch Being sober for three years? Well, before I was eleven, yeah Yeah, first eleven years of your life You killed it I killed it, I was great, man Don't you wish those years counted? Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:55 You know, when people go like What's the longest you've been sober? Like, for me, it was probably the first fifteen years I had a good fifteen years At a good fifteen, I had a good eleven years That's amazing So this must be, is this an easier time than Oh
Starting point is 00:31:07 Deanna, for you now Now that he's, you know, look at him I can finally sleep at night It's got Christmas in his eyes Look at him I can finally sleep at night Because for thirty years Every night when I went to sleep
Starting point is 00:31:17 It was, oh my God Is the corner going to call Is the hospital going to call The police I mean, one mother could sleep When her son is out there You know, it's funny, that's why I didn't do any I didn't do any Charlie Sheen jokes
Starting point is 00:31:31 Because I just kept thinking When Charlie Sheen was going off the rails And everybody was like laughing About the tiger blood and all that stuff I just kept thinking about his, you know Because Emilio Estevez Grew up watching his movies And I loved his, all the stuff
Starting point is 00:31:43 His dad So I was just thinking like They're sitting by a phone waiting to get That phone call that he's dead So everybody's just sitting there Watching that train wreck of a, you know Tor that he did I never saw the humor in it
Starting point is 00:31:53 But, you know, I also have a Discipline that didn't make it either And you know what? There's a lot of parents out there Who have lost their sons and daughters To drugs And they're just regular people But their hearts are broken now
Starting point is 00:32:10 I remember one story And I think I told this story before About this real estate lady I was selling my condo in Las Vegas And a real estate lady came to my house And she looks at, and she comes in the house And she sees all these gold and platinum records On the wall
Starting point is 00:32:29 And she says, whose records are these? Whose awards are these? And I said, well, they belong to my son Stephen Adler He's the original drummer from Guns N' Roses And she says, oh my god, you're Mrs. Adler? And I says, yes And she says, can I come after I finish
Starting point is 00:32:44 My client, can I come back and talk with you? I says, of course So she comes back a little while later And we sit down in the living room And she says, I'm going to say something I haven't said in five years I says, well, what is it? She says, my daughter died of a drug overdose
Starting point is 00:33:02 And I've never said that before I tell everyone that my daughter died in a car accident Because she couldn't bring herself to say it Because they blame themselves as like a shame to her Right, right It's a shame There's no need to be ashamed It was a shame
Starting point is 00:33:23 So I says, she says, I've never told anyone this until you She never said, for five years She didn't tell her family or friends She just tells everyone Oh, my daughter died in a car accident But it wasn't true So she was able to tell me Because she knew that I would understand
Starting point is 00:33:40 What she's talking about Wow And it's so important to be able to tell somebody These things that you're holding inside Because resentment is one of the main worst things For an addict, especially, is resentment But for anybody, you have resentment You can't move forward with your life
Starting point is 00:33:59 So being able to talk about it and get out of your system That's the first thing I mean, this is happening to many people I talked about it in my book about one hour I was living with my grandmother, you know It's 12, 13, 14 years old And I used to hang out at the Starwood I lived off Fairfax in Santa Monica
Starting point is 00:34:21 Hayworth in Santa Monica So, you know, it's West Hollywood There's always guys trying to pick you up It was the 70s And I used to hang out at the rainbow And the Starwood and stuff like that And one night, this older teenager I was hanging with drugs me
Starting point is 00:34:41 And I ended up getting sexually abused By these two guys And I was like 13 years old And I couldn't talk about that forever But it was something that was deep inside that hurt me That wasn't acceptable for anybody for the longest time Forget about it as a guy Some of that they almost like...
Starting point is 00:35:02 I'm 13, I don't think you can give anybody shit for that But, you know Once I talked about that in my book And I mentioned, you wouldn't believe How many people have come up to me And says, you talking about that Made me be able to talk about it I'm not talking one, two, three
Starting point is 00:35:23 I travel around the world, okay? Look, you're both doing great You guys have two hit books We're survivors Do you guys think you're going to have a... Now that you're sober and everything Maybe you guys will have a third book in you Where you don't have to hit him with the spoon
Starting point is 00:35:36 He's sleeping in a... You'll still be hitting me with the spoon, sir At least you'll be sleeping in a bed I'm going to be hitting you with the spoon It's not going to hurt me It's me getting hit I don't have anything left in me after this book I don't have anything left
Starting point is 00:35:47 It reads that way though I mean, you really put it out there I told the truth about everything See, I've been writing this book since 1984 Every time I would see him perform Or we went to... Like literally writing it? Yes
Starting point is 00:36:02 I would write down notes on a piece of paper Saying, well, this is what happened today And... She's good at that She's one of those people who writes a lot You know, has very nice handwriting And enjoys writing Not like me and you
Starting point is 00:36:14 Yeah, no, no I was just going to bond with you right there You can't even read my signature I was like, what is this? I said, ssss, ed, boo You know, I was like... They can't even read it So I never thought about writing a book
Starting point is 00:36:25 But then a few years ago Jamie said to me Ma, you have all these pieces of paper All these stories Why don't you put it together For a book? And I said, I never thought about that And so he got Larry Spagnola
Starting point is 00:36:40 Who is my co-writer He put it all together for me He helped me a lot Yeah, he helped Stephen Oh, okay He was helping Stephen He helped Stephen with his book And so we called Larry
Starting point is 00:36:50 And Larry says, of course I'll help you You know, so he helped me a lot Well, I mean, I can't say enough My fans, they know I don't read And if I get my hands on a book And I can't put it down That's basically the way it is With this one
Starting point is 00:37:05 So Jamie, when are you going to write a book, man? You're like the only guy left in the family, right? I'm working on my own book right now Don't peek at 25 Okay Hey, Bill, it's crazy Because I've had at least four or five phone calls From people calling me up
Starting point is 00:37:21 Saying I had no idea your family was this fucked up And mine is even worse than yours And it's unreal People are really calling me up Saying I have a secret to tell you And people are really starting to divulge their secrets And every family has one In my mom's book
Starting point is 00:37:37 I really want this book to be a big success Not because of, well, yeah, sure I want to make some money But I want to be able to help the rest of the world I want the rest of the world to not have to hold on These secrets anymore Because, like, my brother just shared a crazy secret Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:37:53 I just shared it Yeah, he shared it Eight years ago, right? But he wrote it in his book Yeah, it was in my book It's in his book The guy admitted that he was sexually ballistic No, I read his book
Starting point is 00:38:02 I remember that So as soon as he said that Within the next couple of years He kind of stopped doing heroin and crack Well, because that secret that he was holding inside Right He was able to let go And that's what they talk about when you carry mud
Starting point is 00:38:14 You carry dirt Like, you're carrying a big load So all of a sudden, my mom puts out this book And I've been getting some phone calls from some, you know Pretty prestigious people that I look up to And they're admitting that they have Drug addicts and disease in their family as well Now, you know what I found with my comedy
Starting point is 00:38:31 That there's a lot of angry people out there Oh, yeah And as I've been working through my anger I have a portion of my fans going like Dude, you're not as angry Like, they're getting mad at me Because, yeah, I'm a little happier I'm a little happier
Starting point is 00:38:42 I want you angry, man I still want you angry Yeah, stay angry, dude I love you You know what I love? What was it? What's it? Misery loves company
Starting point is 00:38:52 Exactly They want you angry They disguise it as Don't lose your edge Don't lose your edge It's like, what is my edge? Yelling at other people's mothers at a red light? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:02 That's somebody's grandmother What am I doing? You were speaking for millions of people Yeah, I have to bring it down a little bit You know what I mean? So, whatever There's always a couple people Going to give you a rough time
Starting point is 00:39:12 Alright, so we've got a little more time left Is there anything else? You know, I mean, what was it? I'm sure it's in the book But what was the watershed moment Where you finally saw your son have Like this breakthrough Where you felt like, okay
Starting point is 00:39:25 Like, he'll actually Like, this time it might take Like, he's gone on a three-year run That's incredible Yes I really never had that Like you say, watershed moment I've always said to myself
Starting point is 00:39:38 Okay, everything's going to be alright The best is yet to come He's going to be fine, you know, but It's been like a 30-year battle Up and down roller coaster And it's just like we always have hope I mean, we're the only two people That have never left Stephen's life
Starting point is 00:39:52 We've always been by his side Well, my wife's been with me for 16 years Well, his wife And she's never did a drug She's never But we've been together as a family This whole time together There might be times we don't talk
Starting point is 00:40:05 For like a year or whatever But we're always there for each other What's the craziest thing you guys Ever tried to get him so Because I would literally at some point The love for my brother would be like I'm just going to chain this guy to a tree That's what I did
Starting point is 00:40:17 I did that You see, but that's the thing Is you can't do that Oh, that doesn't work? That doesn't work to do that? No, no, my friend Mark Canner He wanted to chain me up to his radiator Downstairs in his basement
Starting point is 00:40:29 I said, it's not going to work Because as soon as I get out I'm going to have more resentment And I'm going to go over to deep and even more Wait, he sat down and had a logical conversation Like Steve, listen I'm going to chain you to this radio Oh, yeah, Mark Canner said this
Starting point is 00:40:41 Hear me out, hear me out I'm going to chain you to this radio Oh, yeah, Mark Canner I got his book, too With all the pictures that he took You guys down there I bought every goddamn thing you guys Have ever done
Starting point is 00:40:52 His whole family is wonderful I love Mark Canner I used to do so many crazy things I would nag him Go to a rehab Do this, do that It didn't do any good I would go to rehab just to appease them
Starting point is 00:41:05 Just to shut them up And I'd go And I'd end up leaving the next morning And there's $35,000, $40,000 in the toilet Because once you give them the money And you could leave 10 minutes later You don't get that money back Rehabs are the biggest ripoff
Starting point is 00:41:20 Or investment Depending on what side you are Exactly, unless you're the owner It's the biggest ripoff But if you're the owner You're making bank I call them revolving doors Because you're going to keep going in and out
Starting point is 00:41:32 And in and out And in and out What's the fastest rehab you had Like you went in the second the car drives away Do you walk right back down? I didn't even get to the place My friend Bob Forrest He works with Dr. Drew
Starting point is 00:41:44 He put me on a plane to go to, I think Michigan or something like that And I got on another plane And went to New York And spent like two weeks there I went to some nightclubs Some people recognized me You know, two, three weeks later
Starting point is 00:42:00 I was like, I'm going to go back home And so I got on a plane and went back home They never checked in to see if you went? Of course they did But I didn't check in with them I just never showed up Bill, when your brother is your hero And you look up to him
Starting point is 00:42:14 And he's this big rock star And the guy's killing himself And you watch them die And kill himself for 30 years Your last hope is you got to kidnap the guy And put him into Los Angeles And that's what we ended up doing And it just made it worse
Starting point is 00:42:29 It just made it completely worse And fast forward Fast forward Years later the guy's alive And that's all that matters is where is he at today And today he's alive And he's healthy And you know what?
Starting point is 00:42:41 He might have been dead Or he might have still, he's still alive Who knows? But that's all that matters is today Do you guys have any resentment For the shit you went through with your brother? No Are you son, your brother?
Starting point is 00:42:53 I don't have any resentment towards my brother That's very mature He was a drug addict too I used to do drugs, of course I went to rehab one time I've had my own share of experiences But the one that got me high the very first time When I was 12 years old
Starting point is 00:43:06 Was me Was my brother What were you thinking? I wasn't thinking No, no, no I was on drugs But you know what? Listen, everything in life happens for a reason
Starting point is 00:43:17 It got me to where I'm at today And if my brother was this big rock star I wouldn't be the agent, the manager that I am I wouldn't have this amazing lifestyle that I have But so, resentment No, of course I would have loved my brother Not to have been a junkie for 25, 30 years Even if I wasn't a rock star
Starting point is 00:43:35 I was just a junkie Anybody You don't have to be a rock star I'm a movie star I'm an everyday ordinary average guy Throughout this match I pick up the dog too When it's your flesh and blood
Starting point is 00:43:47 It's a little different Like you never give up on your flesh and blood And it's all talked about in that book In my brother's book too He has a chapter in there called Doug Love And I mean it's We can make a whole movie on that one chapter Give him a milkshake in Las Vegas
Starting point is 00:44:00 And he woke up in Los Angeles And then he was held hostage for like three months I could have been going I could have gone to prison I could have gone to prison for the rest of my life I committed so many felonies Across the state lines Kidnapping
Starting point is 00:44:14 Overstate lines All this crazy stuff But you know what I had no other choice I didn't know what else to do I asked my last resort To try to help my brother And then you know what happened
Starting point is 00:44:23 You know what the best part is He went to celebrity rehab after that Yeah, but see I would have done celebrity rehab anyways You know what would happen If they didn't kidnap me I wouldn't have the resentment That I did have towards them
Starting point is 00:44:37 That made everything worse Because they kidnap me I mean he wasn't there But the people that were holding me hostage They were giving me better And more drugs Than I was doing on my own It's all in the book everybody
Starting point is 00:44:51 If this doesn't make you want to read All of these damn books Oh yeah, you have to have the word I want to say one little story here Jamie calls me up He's in Los Angeles And Steven and I are in Las Vegas And Jamie calls me up and says
Starting point is 00:45:05 Bring Steven to Los Angeles Drive him to Los Angeles I says for what? And he says we're going to put him in a rehab I said okay So Steven and I get in the car And we're driving to Los Angeles And every two minutes
Starting point is 00:45:23 He's poking his head in the back seat And I know he's smoking I think he's smoking weed But he's not He's smoking crack So every few minutes he would go Put his head in the back of the seat You know, turn his head around
Starting point is 00:45:36 I was in the back seat No, you weren't in the back You were in the car I am And so And you're not aware that You're sitting right next to you Yeah, I'm thinking he's smoking weed
Starting point is 00:45:46 So I could say to him Stop smoking the weed Stop it I'm driving the car I don't want you to smoke in the car I told you not to smoke And lo and behold Of course he's not going to stop
Starting point is 00:45:58 He's not going to listen to anything I say And we're about an hour out of Los Angeles And all of a sudden I didn't know where I was And I've driven this route A hundred times or more And all of a sudden I said to Stephen I said, I don't understand
Starting point is 00:46:16 Where are we? Why are we here? I don't get it I stopped the car And he's And he says, don't worry I said, I don't know how to get to Los Angeles I said, what should I do?
Starting point is 00:46:29 He says, don't worry, ma I'll guide you I said, hold on one second I put a nice little rock in there I said, okay, go straight ahead And we go on the freeway there Wait, why didn't you? You were high off of his
Starting point is 00:46:44 I never sat next to somebody doing crack I had people doing it on my stoop When I lived in New York And I'd walk around it But I wasn't in it You got you on a high on cracks I didn't want to I didn't know where to take him
Starting point is 00:46:56 I didn't want to do anything I didn't know What happened to me I couldn't understand it And I never got like that But all of a sudden My brain went dead I couldn't figure out why I was there
Starting point is 00:47:10 Literally Literally dead And believe me when I tell you He guided me to exactly where I wanted to go Even if he's on crack Or cocaine or whatever Once you get on the 10
Starting point is 00:47:22 You're all set You're gonna be in Florida Just stay on this I didn't know where to get on Wherever you're going Everywhere you're going If I went and didn't have that drug I'd be lost too
Starting point is 00:47:33 I'd go, let me take a big head Okay, now I know where to go Let's keep going straight And we're a Jewish family How many Jewish families Could say a story like that? There's actually a lot Okay
Starting point is 00:47:45 There probably is a lot more But we don't know about that Hopefully all the stuff That you guys are putting out there In your books Will have the same effect That you had when you talked About how you were sexually abused
Starting point is 00:47:55 And you were talking about How you dealing with the son That's battling addiction I gotta tell you Everybody listen out there The book is phenomenal It's called Sweet Child of Mine By Deanna Adler
Starting point is 00:48:04 And you can get that on And if you want to read The other side of Stephen Going through it You can read his My Appetite for Destruction Sex, Drugs and Guns and Roses That's also available on
Starting point is 00:48:16 I can't thank you guys Wait a minute Wait a minute I want to say something I want to say one thing You could also find it At Barnes and Nobles You could find it on Kindle
Starting point is 00:48:29 And if you're In a foreign country All around the world You could find it on Book Depository And please If you're in the neighborhood On March 29th at 7 p.m. Go to the Grove
Starting point is 00:48:45 And I'm going to have My first book signing At Barnes and Noble And I'm very excited about it And I'd love to meet you Come on I can't top that ending There you go
Starting point is 00:48:55 Deanna Adler, Stephen Jamie thank you guys So much for coming Thank you for having us man No worries No worries and thank you guys For listening to the special edition Of the Monday Morning Podcast
Starting point is 00:49:03 I'll talk to you guys again soon I don't know when we're going to put this up Alright, see ya Thanks for watching

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