Monday Morning Podcast - Monday Morning Podcast 4-4-22

Episode Date: April 4, 2022

Bill rambles about kayaking the English Channel, American made products, and double-neck guitars....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Bill Byrne. It's time for the Monday morning podcast for Monday, April 4th 2022 I Cannot believe April 4th is here This is the final shoot day was supposed to be we got a little something we got to do tomorrow But like I'm we're gonna be wrapped on this movie. I can't believe it. I had so much fun doing it And now of course, you know take a week off then we got to start editing the thing, but I Can't believe we got here. It seems like I went by fast and it also feels like it took 30 years I had an awesome time and oh
Starting point is 00:00:44 Am I looking forward To getting out and doing some stand-up dates. Oh Billy shit talk. Oh Oh Freckled fury is coming your way. I'm gonna be in Birmingham, Alabama Alabama on Thursday Would that be April 8th and then Friday April 9th? I'm gonna be in Macon, Georgia Georgia, oh, Georgia
Starting point is 00:01:13 You looked at all I got the dates wrong Thursday April 7th. I'll be in Birmingham, Alabama and Then in Friday April 8th. I'll be in Macon, Georgia All right, and I am planning on like I am I cannot fucking wait To be involved in something where you do it once and how it came out is what it is and we're moving on Something that exists in real time You want an hour of comedy it takes 60 minutes
Starting point is 00:01:51 I Was so excited today. It's Sunday night Getting ready to do the last day and a half on this movie Club soda Kenny was lit was driving me down the street And I was literally had my head out the window like ace Ventura just going The whole fucking way and you know what you know what I'm gonna smoke a fucking cigar tonight look at the lines and the shots we have to do tomorrow and And
Starting point is 00:02:21 And then I'm gonna start putting this thing together, but uh What what an experience I learned so much learned so much so anyway Lot of things have happened on my kid My son's crying down there. I got to try to sneak this podcast in probably gonna be in two parts He's gonna cry like that. That makes me feel bad Oh, that's the cry he does when something's taken away from him Anyway shout out to North Carolina Tar Heels and The Kansas Jayhawks for making it to the championship game
Starting point is 00:02:59 Which will be played tonight to decide who is the greatest basketball team in the NCAA for 2021 2022 Congratulations to the Carolina Tar Heels Uh beating Duke The last two times coach K was gonna play and that's the only thing that hurts as a a fan of greatness a fan of of You know college coaches professional coaches you got to love a legendary coach and I feel like coach K is up there on the top shelf and Was tough to see him lose to Carolina twice
Starting point is 00:03:40 but Carolina deserved that they won the game and I Mean one of the greatest coaching careers in any sport transcended his sport shout out to coach K Shefsky I can't tell you how many times I learned how to spell that and then immediately forgot And Carolina versus Kansas two other programs that I absolutely love who you're going for bill I don't know I got to go with Kansas. I think I You know, it's one of my bucket list things is to go to the game do a game there or what they call it the the field house or whatever I got to go to that and North Carolina, I've never been to a Carolina basketball game in the Dean dome
Starting point is 00:04:23 I got to do that also and Yeah, I told you I have this weird thing where I like Carolina and I like Duke and I went to NC State for a couple of semesters took a few classes before You know, I realized I just Was not on the path. I needed to be on nothing against NC State, but I remember being down there going to Darrell's Restaurant right there down there on whatever the fuck street that was Hillsboro That's back when they had Charles Shackleford Chucky Brown, right?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Something like that. I was trying to remember their team And also when the end zone seats were grass because I went to an NC State game way back in the day They went to go Reynolds Coliseum I Saw Who did I see there? I saw arrows Smith on the permanent vacation tour and I saw a deaf leopard on the done with on the done with mirrors on the Hysteria tour, you know what I got my kids flipping out. I got it. I got a handle this shit. I'll be back in a second All right, I'm back
Starting point is 00:05:31 Tragedy averted. I knew he wasn't crying. That was the Something else cry. He wasn't hurt He had a cookie and then he wanted another one And he got the Heisman so he was not happy. Anyway What was I talking about baseball season is starting rapping on the movie Birmingham making Georgia We got all of that shit going on. This will be my last Monday morning podcast slider As of next week, they'll go back to being an hour long So let's do some of the reads for the week man, let's see what we got here. What are people saying? Oh
Starting point is 00:06:11 By the way, are the Celtics in like first place in the east is that what somebody tried to tell me I watched the end of Some game Indiana Jesus Christ both teams were shooting the lights out Let's check out the the NBA standings there NBA Standings, okay, here we go. What do we got here? Where a second seed get the fuck out of here We must have been we went on a two eight and two tear right there Must have done that a couple of times last I saw we were in the middle of the pack
Starting point is 00:06:50 I know we got the Milwaukee Bucks coming up in the 76 is so big Test early with one of blouse. We'll see how it goes All right, so people wrote in I was talking about having mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving which is a white person staple It's you know when you go outside the arena there people looking at you like what's going on here So people are weighing in on mashed potato. What's up? Oh Billy tater tits Lady listener here in a mass hole here. I wanted to share my love for mashed potatoes and the absolute horror I had at my first Thanksgiving with my boyfriend now husband's family
Starting point is 00:07:31 I'm a white chick mostly Italian and Irish my husband is Puerto Rican that of me mashed potatoes are a must at Thanksgiving It just is it is with the fucking gravy the fucking turkey and the stuffing that's that's the triangle offense Got to have the cranberries you know and You go from there match but mac and cheese whatever top it off with some stuffing and gravy. Oh my god. It's a party That's it. That's it. So we get To his family's house, and I'm looking around for mashed potatoes, and I don't see any my hung husband brings me over to the mashed Potatoes, and it's fucking potato salad
Starting point is 00:08:12 ah Mashed potatoes with mayonnaise and eggs What do we add a fucking barbecue? Do they they got hot dogs over there? What's going on? Don't get me wrong. I love me some potato salad. I actually don't Potato salad for me lives in the coleslaw world Coleslaw I'll always look at coleslaw with the side eye. I have to be honest you young people have to understand This coleslaw you're eating today is not the coleslaw
Starting point is 00:08:43 That people grew up with coleslaw when I was growing up with was limp. It was milky It was fucking gross. You know what it really was it was a put it was a plate filler It was like when you went to a restaurant And they wanted to act like they gave you two fucking sides and fill up the whole plate They gave you a big helping of coleslaw, and it fucking sucked finally You know in the shit with leek India other food. It was just a nasty Virus of a food, but now people have earned learned how to make it hearty. So but I would say potato salad. I Don't know. I've just I've never really had a good one
Starting point is 00:09:20 It's just sort of like I like potatoes You know, I like mayonnaise. I like eggs. I don't like it all together Anyway, don't get me wrong. I love me some potato salad, but that's a summer dish Apparently, this is a Spanish thing because I asked all of my Puerto Rican friends later And they agreed that those are mashed potatoes Those are not mashed potatoes. They're cut up potatoes Then I'm mashed so now everything's giving we argue over the fact that those are not true mashed potatoes And I bring the white people potatoes so I can happily stuff my pasty ass with its deliciousness
Starting point is 00:09:57 Has anything like that ever happened to you and the beautiful Nia PS stopping insecure Nia is right The ladies love them some Billy Burr I mean what that's referencing Anyway, as far as the potatoes go. Yeah, that mashed potatoes You just gotta at some point you just have to understand that like, you know, there's gonna be some confusion in the world You know people travel. It's the telephone game so I guess Puerto Ricans call potatoes at what we call potato salad
Starting point is 00:10:31 Mashed potatoes we call mashed potatoes mashed potatoes Whatever the fuck it is. I don't know I Like potatoes so I will tell you that I Do and I gotta be honest with you potato salad is the one kind of potato. I don't like Anything else, you know, the potatoes in the clam chowder, which I was not a fan of clam chowder. I Never liked it it to me. It always looked like that shit a cow pukes up when it's going from stomach number one to stomach number two It's always gross
Starting point is 00:11:02 It just was always just Warm yucky Didn't like it until I got little kids. I was just said yucky. It was fucking disgusting there Is that adult enough for you? And then I go down to Manhattan now they put a little tomato fucking sauce in it. All right, let me try this one. It's terrible Terrible now, you know, the cow puked and then had a period. Oh Bill. What are you doing? Sorry, but I had a great I had a hearty Clam chowder the other day it was like rained out here and ate everything and I had a really good one so
Starting point is 00:11:36 Potatoes in that I like I like the fried potatoes. I like the tater tots Oh, Billy potato face here gonna go through all of it. The only type of potato. I just don't like fucking potato salad All right, so there you go You know little insight on me You know Sweet potatoes, I like, you know f1 dear bill your take on British Formula one commentators was so spot-on and so funny. That's funny because the Lewis Hamilton fans a couple of them got on me They think I don't like the guy. I'm just you know, whatever. It's like when I get into college football
Starting point is 00:12:15 I start trash in Alabama. I'm not gonna just start rooting for him Did you know these commentators are just using a template made by the legendary f1 commentator? a legendary f1 commentator named Murray Walker, I have to look this guy up He's this person says when I first started watching f1 with my dad Murray was paired with world champion driver and shagger James Hunt Jesus that guy lived a life, huh Murray's voice would go helium pitched with a Enthusiasm and he'd often get his facts wrong in his excitement James Hunt on the other hand was calm and would coolly correct Murray, but always showed the veteran race commentator respect
Starting point is 00:12:58 Well, this James Hunt sounds like the coolest dude ever Murray was also a humble man and sent set him sent set himself up brilliantly in a Pizza Hut. Oh Sent himself up brilliantly made fun of himself and a Pizza Hut Advertisement with Damon Hill link below I did have some thoughts on fried chicken and mashed potatoes too, but I'm sure you're sick of my voice already Thanks for all the laughs and warm regards to your family. Well, let me see if I can find this link here I can at least tell you guys what it is. I Can tell you what it is
Starting point is 00:13:34 great emails scrolling down and Damon Hill It just says Damon Hill Pizza Advertisement here we go. Let's see No, I get it he's just gonna be screaming like that's not gonna make any sense unless you know Who the fuck he is and you're watching the thing I get it Kayaking the English Channel fuck that Fuck that there's a bunch of drunk cunts out there on boats will slice you in half Oh, wait a minute, I'm thinking of the Thames. So how do you say it the fucking River the dirty River of London?
Starting point is 00:14:26 You're talking about going from England to France. Fuck that Hey, Billy Red Bullocks firstly, thanks for the laughs longtime listener. Love your view podcast. You stand up and you work in general Thank you. Not looking for advice, but for words of encouragement encouragement my friend Paul and I are kayaking the English Channel this summer as Someone who can barely swim and is somewhat the lasso phobic Would you have any words of encouragement for me? What is the lasso phobic? You're gonna look this up The last is this really a thing of you fuck it with me the lasso phobic Is a type of specific
Starting point is 00:15:09 Phobia that involves a persistent and intense fear of deep bodies of water such as oceans or seas Look at that. I didn't know I had that I Don't it's not it's not a persistent and intense fear. It's just when somebody asked me to go. I'm like, yeah, fuck that you know How about it's a risk I have a respect For the ocean and see the same way I do lions and tigers You want to go to the jungle with his lions and tires now fuck that? Anyway, I've been hitting the gym every day since October in
Starting point is 00:15:45 Preparation lost over three stone in weight. Jesus. I always have to look this up. What the fuck is a stone? Stone in pounds. All right, what do we got here? One stone equals 14 pounds This son of a bitch. What's that 14 times 3 is 42 pounds good for you I'm in the best shape of my life at nearly 40 years old We will also have a support boat with us during the crossing. Oh, that's cool then so it'll be relatively safe There's any sort of adventure like this that you would ever consider doing keep up the great work You know what I always wanted to do? I always wanted to ride a bicycle for one leg of the Tour de France
Starting point is 00:16:29 I Wanted to take batting practice at Fenway Park. Yeah, I got a bunch of these things that I would love to do But yeah, I think you know riding a bike now, I think I'm too fucking old to do that Well, Billy's too old to get back in the saddle there I Have to fucking ice my taint for like a fucking three-week period after that But it is something that I always like when I would watch the Tour de France growing up I just always loved when you know, they would go through like those countryside towns
Starting point is 00:17:06 I always just thought that would be a great thing. Even if you just rode a third of it I think it would be really cool. All right made in America All right, so I was talking about this stuff where I was like, hey, why don't we talk about some shit? That's actually made over here. I was talking about Shinola And they make all of this stuff bicycles and stuff. I almost bought one of their bikes But I was like, what am I gonna do with that fucking thing? But I did buy one of their watches Okay made in America
Starting point is 00:17:38 L Trara ALT R a r wait ALT R a r a Hi, Bill. I just listened to your podcast love it as always We are a cup an American company making stuff in San Diego, California One of the coolest places chillest places you'll ever fucking go to unless you wear a New England Patriots hat We are two engineers bootstrapping a company So that we can eventually get out of the rat race and do our own thing our app platform and sensors enable people to
Starting point is 00:18:11 Monitor and control things from their from their phone Of course now I get hiccups Our staff lets people know that their cars van life RV and or other And or slash off the grid campsites are ready to go 24-7 get notified of dead batteries fridges that are warm or stuff that has been moved We currently have a battery monitoring sensor temperature sensor and movement sensor We 3d print the boxes for these sensors as well as Sotter the boards up and assemble them here in San Diego. We also developed a software
Starting point is 00:18:53 Works with Android and I think Apple and cloud technology here We will have be having a launching party slash booth at the adventure van expo in San Juan Capistrano this April 30th. Thanks for giving a shout out of our made in America stuff on your show Yeah, no worries. That sounds like some cool shit a lot of people like To hunt and do all of that stuff. I should let the Bobby Kelly know about it. Oh Bobby well fucking Bobby trout Trout pants Bobby fucking Bakersfield. Oh Bobby campsite
Starting point is 00:19:31 All right made in America Playing cards Bill fellow New Englander here really enjoyed the podcast and like your support of American made products my retail site Offers the words world's largest selection of playing cards and all of the decks we produce are made in the USA by United States playing card company in Kentucky in business since 1865 You can check out some of our decks here Let me see what you just talking about 52 pickup here. What are we talking you got the
Starting point is 00:20:09 The old Playboy ones with the fucking titty cards. You should have dirty cards back in the day. Oh, look at they got all different kinds All different kinds. How about some pictures with my slow-ass internet? Oh, these are the bicycle ones Playing cards here Hannah food a stripe striper that said stripper those are birds These fucking cool, I didn't know you get all these different types of playing cards. They got a jolly Rogers Gilded bicycle playing that's a badass one That is cool decker cards decker cards is cool, you know, everybody fucking plays it on their phone now
Starting point is 00:20:57 I might buy some shit from this playing card decks. That's pretty cool. All right This is the last one. I'm gonna read here. What do we got made in America pilot glasses? for all you fucking Aviators Oh, Billy Wright brother Burr I've been a long time listener of the podcast and saw you perform in my alma mater Emory Riddle a few years ago Few years back you killed Three years ago's I started a small business called scanners pilot. I are far training glasses
Starting point is 00:21:31 Like the Foggles right to help pay back my student loans as a way to contribute to the aviation community I hand make customized pilot instrument training glasses the glasses hood that student pilots is where to simulate IMC conditions generally known as Foggles I first made them when I was a flight instructor as a way to make my students feel more comfortable in the cockpit I make the flight lessons and make the flight lessons more enjoyable I currently partner with my Scholarship programs like girls love to fly and women with wings as well as other communities that help student pilots with the cost of training scanners have also been featured in
Starting point is 00:22:10 AOPA pilot magazine. Oh, they're not just super cool-looking But since I use a cover film They also block out the glare from making and making it easier to see your instruments I want a pair of these if you had sunrise or sunset flight with them on I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Anyway, you can see all the designs. I make here the US at scanners IFR Or on social media It's at scanners IFR glasses. I appreciate you giving me a reason to write in I don't have the money to do any marketing myself. So I appreciate the shout out every bit helps keep up the great work
Starting point is 00:22:48 Safe flying and go fuck yourself a fellow aviator. I got to tell you the Foggles that I have suck big goofy plastic ones That make the side of your head hurt hold on a second. Let me look at this scanners IFR com Scanners you cunt pill. Come on scanners IF IFR com Let's see what comes up here. What do you say there scanners?
Starting point is 00:23:18 Number one rated viewing pilots shop now. Oh, look at those They're only 23 bucks Dude those are badass and they look comfortable as hell. I'm sending this to every pilot. I know Those are fantastic fan. What do I why do you ever hear me say fantastic? See this is great helping people out And in turn they help you out. I believe they call it painted forward All right, let's do a little advertising here as I just fucking basically was doing advertising that Roman You know when the moment for intimacy arrives
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Starting point is 00:27:14 What's the what's some bad-ass shit that you bought that secretly in the back of your mind? You know, you're not bad-ass enough to own all right for me. It's a Gibson less Paul All right bad-ass shit. I told my friend not to buy dear Billy Gibson in college There was a guy who played guitar in my hallway. I play guitar too. So I had some insight into my Insight into my advice to him when he said he was going to buy a double neck SG Don't get me wrong. I wanted him to get it so I could play it occasionally But I knew it was a horrible purchase. He was a pretty good guitar player He didn't suck but he wasn't pushing virtuoso status and wasn't about to change the game with the double neck
Starting point is 00:27:55 I told him in my opinion, it's a performance guitar and really not fun to play in your room and suggested He just get a 12 string In the end he got it and it was a bust He played it at one open mic show and it was kind of out of tune brutal. I played it a bit and it was cool He had fun with it too, but mostly anytime I saw it in his room. It was collecting dust because it's not Fun to play sitting down. He sold it at the end of the year, but didn't make But didn't take much of a loss You know what?
Starting point is 00:28:30 But he can say he owned one, you know, and he played it you got to play it too. So that's not too bad I I had a 70 or a 71 green sparkle Ludwig kick all bonum sizes With a Ludwig speed King. I did the whole bonum thing and you know, I played it live at the fucking rock See I had a fucking blast, but like I mean If the kit just wasn't me and I just ended up I had the bonum symbols the whole fucking set up And I just sold the whole thing and it was the best thing I ever did for my drumming because I was really just going down a route of like just Being yet another ripoff
Starting point is 00:29:09 You know of John Bonham John Bonham didn't go out and fucking You know start fucking know this guy played this. Why me I mean, I guess Everybody played Ludwig back in the day, but he got the kit that was right for him That's what you have to do, but having said that it was fun to own the thing and You know having a double neck guitar is pretty cool. I'm immediately picturing the Jimmy Page one I always thought that that was sick and then there's a guy from cheap trick where he had the most I ever saw Because then there was the triple guitar and then there was four and he had like a five or a six It was insane. I could start it at like his chest and went all the way down to his knees
Starting point is 00:29:53 But anyway, yeah, you probably gave him good advice, but everyone you young you got to do something dumb Like buy an old muscle car that needs a lot of fucking work Just to say you had one and you don't have the money to fix it up No one in the back of your head that it's gonna break down when you really need it But you know just to do it. I say do it. All right, that's it everybody Next Monday, we go back to the hour-long Monday morning podcast Hopefully I'll have figured out my interface with my computer and all that shit so now have to keep recording them on my phone I
Starting point is 00:30:25 Am so fucking excited That this movie is gonna be wrapped and I could start putting it together because the performances in this movie I think you know are gonna be great. I want to talk too much shit, but I think I got a really good I Really good Movie well, so we shall see so that is it. Enjoy the game tonight Between Kansas and North Carolina. That is all and I will check in on you guys on Thursday. Okay?

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