Monday Morning Podcast - Monday Morning Podcast 6-12-17

Episode Date: June 13, 2017

Bill rambles about cab drivers, Canadian GP and salmon....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Now at Proximus, the perfect deals with a Samsung Galaxy A54 for 9 euro at a mobile subscription. And Bluetooth earphones. 9 euro for a new Galaxy A54. That's not going to happen here. What did you say? I don't understand you. Wait, I got those ears in. I wasn't going to call you. Information and information on
Starting point is 00:00:21 Proximus. Think possible. For Monday, June 12, 2017, what's going on? How are you? And I know what you're thinking. Yeah, you're probably saying, what do you mean? It's time for the Monday morning podcast. Bill, it's so late.
Starting point is 00:00:42 What the fuck? It's late this week. What are you? You're never late. You've never had your show up and your wife's like, where were you? We were waiting. Well, it's all cold now. You know, you want to look at her the way Vince McMahon looked at that guy in the sports show and go, oh, fucking slap a piece of paper out of her hand.
Starting point is 00:01:07 But you can't because all your relatives are there watching. So then he got to sit there and make excuses. Oh, the street light down the street was busted. So it was just blinking red or blinking, you know, yellow. So it was real slow and there was water coming out of the sewers. And some guy, I mean, I could believe it's some guy in a hand glider squared hand to God, hand to God. He got blown off course and he landed on right right on the side of the supermarket.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Yeah. Hit the side of it. He went down and the boy, why can't you just admit you were late because you don't care about me? It's not that I don't care about you. It's just, I just don't give a shit about this. And I thought maybe if I showed up a little later, then it'd be less minutes. I'd have to spend it this.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Are you saying you don't like my relatives? Yes. No, I'm kidding. I didn't want to say it. God forbid any of my relatives listen to this. I like all my relatives. I got lucky. I came from, I came from a cool family and I married into a cool family.
Starting point is 00:02:16 You know what I mean? So there you go. Now am I just covering my bases? Nobody knows. Why can't I get the fucking internet here? I don't, you know why? Cause I spend nine million. I'm like this.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Do you know, I still have cable. I have a dish, whatever. And I get all the packages and I know at this point you have these cord cutters. They just cut the cord and they, they're saying, fuck network TV, fuck 60 minutes, fuck all of that shit. Um, I guess it's all just going to end up on the computer and just every TV show is going to have an app or every network is going to have an app and within the app will be all the shows.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I'm sure that already exists. Cause I know this HBO hot take or online or streaming now, whatever the fuck it's called summer slam, showtime, summer slam, whatever the fuck they're calling it. So I'm old school. And the reason why I'm old school, it's not cause I'm down to earth, man. It's because I do not want to waste one second of my fucking life trying to figure out how the new shit works. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:28 That's the reason I've always bought cars and I drive them for a decade. I just keep changing the fucking oil. That's what I do. The only reason why I went from the Prius to the Jag is just because my daughter was coming and I was just like, I better buy a cool car before she gets here or I'm going to be fucked. And I never bought myself a cool car because I don't know, I've always been a frugal son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:03:56 You know, I didn't want that stupid fuck. You know, when I was driving down the street with your whole fucking cool ass car and everybody turning around looking at you, I like blending in the background. You know, leave me alone. Dive bar. Dive bar. Not VIP. Not down there at the fucking sushi restaurant where all the fucking cunts hang out with the
Starting point is 00:04:16 cameras. You know, whatever that fucking show is. So anyways, you know, I had, I had like a really bad cab driver back from LAX. I take cabs because I'm not downloaded that fucking app onto my phone. And then you track me and see where the fuck I am, those Uber cunts. All right. Fuck them. So yeah, I just take the taxi.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So I get in the cab and we're driving. He goes, how do you want to go? I go, let's take the fucking highways, right? It's the middle of the day here. So, you know, I always peek out the window as we come into the land to see what the old floral fizzy looks like. And so whatever we get on the goddamn thing. I noticed the guy's not in the HOV lane.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I'm like, buddy, there's two of us here. We are the world. We're saving. We're thinking locally and acting globally. Right. This is a green piece here. We have two people in a car. We got to use the diamond lane and he's like, oh, no, I don't have the fucking.
Starting point is 00:05:21 He didn't have the easy pass thing, whatever it is. And I'm like, how can we don't have that? And he goes, well, it costs money in his accent. It costs money. Yeah, well, this is your fucking job is driving people around you asshole. If you had that thing, you could get people to and from where they're going. And you could, you could pick up more people. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:42 You could make more money. So I'm in the back, you know, big Hollywood phony getting all grumpy. Oh, look at, look at, look at Bill. Oh, look at him. He's getting a taxi cab. He didn't forget where he came from two seconds later. I'm fucking bitching out this fucking poor old bastard in my own passive aggressive way. Just mumbling the backseat.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I don't fucking, I don't have the fucking thing. This is what the fuck. I mean, this is on me. Should I, you should have said that as you pulled up or whatever. Right. So then he just had no instincts. You know, we go to get off our exit. You know, onto another fucking highway.
Starting point is 00:06:21 So there's the long line that all the shitheads weighed in. And then there's the Ray, Ray Liotta line. Right. Fuck you. Pay me going in through the kitchen. People worked nine to five. That was for schnooks. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:36 We didn't ask anything we wanted. We just, we just took it. And then when it was all said and done, you bust a joint out. Right. You take that fucking, you go around everybody like you're still going straight in the last second, you put on your right hand directional, you get in, somebody beeps at you. Who gives a shit? And there you are.
Starting point is 00:06:54 All right. Those are basic skills that a cab driver should have. And he gets into the fucking soccer mom line. And I'm just like, this guy is the worst. And I was just like, you know what? He's an old man. He drives a cab bill. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Who gives a fuck? So then I just said, you know what? Who gives a fuck? So then he goes, which way do you want me to go? And I go, does it even matter at this point? It's like, you're going to sit in the longest. I didn't say this part. You're going to sit in the longest line.
Starting point is 00:07:24 You don't have the fucking HOV thing. I mean, you want to just pull over and get some lunch? I mean, I don't want to fuck with going here. So anyways, we get up to that, my house. He goes, how are you paying? I say credit cards. So he takes my credit card and he does the whole thing, reaching through the little fucking divider window there.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And then he hits no tip. And I go, dude, why'd you hit no tip? He goes, he goes, no, I don't have that thing. He goes, I deserve to be punished. That's what he said. And I said, Jesus Christ, I'm not taking it to that level. I was upset a half an hour. I'm going to fucking tip you.
Starting point is 00:08:02 He goes, no, I don't deserve a blah, blah, blah. And I go, don't, don't fight. That just made me sad. Don't ever say that. So I give him 20 bucks cash and he's all fucking being like, oh, I'll get you changed. I don't want to change. You win. Is this how you do it?
Starting point is 00:08:20 Maybe that's his scam. He doesn't have the thing. And then in the end, he fucking just puts his head down and goes, oh, I don't deserve a tip. And then a fucking soft, he goes, no, yes, you do. And then he gets $20 tip, even though he's stuck at what he was doing. And he still doesn't have to pay for the thing. I think, you know what?
Starting point is 00:08:38 I think I got, I think I got a scammed. I think I fell for it. I think I bought, I bought a, you know, a VCR and they open it up and it's just a brick in the box. Remember that one? That was the old scam back in the 80s. Hey kid, you want a VCR? 50 bucks.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You fucking hand it to you and you've run away with the box. You open it up. There was a brick in there. Brilliant, brilliant fucking scam, you know, because even if they asked to open up the box, you know what's in there. What they got to do is if they go to open it, you just grab the brick before they do and you smash them over the head, then you take everything in his wallet. Sort of fail safe, you know, unless the guy's bigger than you.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Then as he goes to open, he just go cops, cops, cops. And you grab the box and you get the fuck out of the, I don't know what I'm talking about. So anyways, I had a great weekend. I went up to the, I went up to Montreal, Montreal. With Sir Paul Verzi on Andrew Thamelis. And we did the Olympic theater on my birthday, Saturday night. And he probably wanted to, hey Bill, why would you do stand up on your birthday?
Starting point is 00:09:55 It's because I wanted to go to the formula one, formula one race on June 11th. And when I booked it, I wasn't thinking June 10th is my birthday. I just saw June 11th and that's not an important day to me. You know, it's how dumb I am. It didn't dawn on me that my birthday was the fucking day before. So anyways, I go up there and I go out when Andrew brought me up. He goes, uh, keep it going for the birthday boy. And he brought me out and the crowd sang me happy birthday.
Starting point is 00:10:25 It was awesome. Had a fun show. I get off stage and I walk down to the green room and, um, some people from Jess Falas were there and they got me this, this unbelievable cured meat from someplace with bread and they had all like the, uh, what's that kids movie? Um, you know, with the cars talk. What is that? Is it called cars?
Starting point is 00:10:52 I don't know. I don't, you know, I just, I'm new to the kid game, whatever. So they had those all up there like I was a five year old. And then my lady had sent me up a bottle of Johnny Walker blue, which is funny because I was trying to be Billy no fun. And I was telling her how great I felt not drinking and getting eight hours sleep. And I'm talking on my birthday and she goes, ah, you ought to have a couple tonight. You have a couple tonight.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I was like, yeah, why do you always do this to me? I'm trying to do the right thing. I'm trying to go to bed early and you're always like, Bill, you're not an alcoholic. Stop being so dramatic, you know? And then I realized, oh, it's cause she got me the Johnny Walker blue. So I called her up and that she, you know, we had a good laugh about that. So I had a little shot of that before I did the second show. And then the second show at the end of that, Verzi and Thamelis brought out a cake with candles on it and shit.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And everyone was singing happy birthday again. It's a 1400 cedar. I had 2800 people, unless people didn't like my act towards the end, sing me happy birthday. It was one of the best birthdays I've ever had. So I'm an asshole. I go to blow out the candles and I go, I got to make a wish. I got to make a wish. And I'm in Montreal.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I go, I wish for a Bruin Stanley Cup championship next year. And they're all like, it was funny though. It was their reaction made me laugh and I blew out part of the candles without the rest of them. So I guess we're not winning next year, but I really want to thank everybody that came out. I had such a fucking great time, both shows. And that really is one of the great cities that I've ever been to. I love that place. I wish I had more time to spend there, but, you know, I kind of flew up and I was just tired from that whole week of running around, running my yeah, promoting the show.
Starting point is 00:12:46 So I just sort of went into the fetal position before the show. I didn't even get to walk around and see anything. Then I did the two shows and then I went right back to bed, went right to bed and got eight hours sleep and then woke up and went to my first formula one race, which I have to tell you lived up to the hype. I don't even know where to begin as far as like going out to just see seeing this event that I don't even know what a year and a half ago. I sort of knew the sport existed. I mean, I knew about it, but I wasn't, you know, doing all this shit of being, you know, watching every single race. So now to finally show up, you know, what that going on was like, uh, I don't know how to explain it. Like the cars, just seeing the cars alone was like seeing a celebrity to me.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Like, oh, that's a Ferrari. That's, that's the fucking, that's the Mercedes team. Oh, there's the fuchsia, the force India team, you know, it was, it was just an incredible experience. We get there, we, you know, we park, then you take a little boat over and, um, I don't know, it was crazy. You know, the guy who does all the wrap up shit, you know, the interviews and everything before and after Will Buxton, he came out to the show. He was telling us you got to come down to the pit area, whatever the fuck they call it, the, uh, I forget what the fuck they call it, but we had these sick ass passes. And we had just under a Luminati level seats. You know, every time you think you're in the best place you could watch it, you find out there's another more air conditioned area with even older manicured looking dudes with younger, hotter looking chicks.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Every time you think you're at the final level of Dante's Inferno, there's another fucking level. It's incredible. You know, there was a whole, there was one other level above where the hell we were at. And, uh, that's where the guys look like, uh, you know, what Celine Dion's husband used to look like. You know, that guy, I mean, he was a bald dude. He basically looked like Rob Reiner, but he was the fucking shape shifter, like lizard level. You know, one of those guys that always dresses all in white, like he's a bald dude, but you even like just the shit he had left on the side. You're like, that's like a fucking thousand dollar haircut.
Starting point is 00:15:27 His beard was like perfectly manicured. You know what I mean? Those guys, those guys who was like their whole wardrobe is like linen. And they, yeah, they walk around like in Christ clothes. They're always on the French Riviera. They're always in a fucking yacht. They got private jets. And then there's always some meerkat looking chicks sitting next to them.
Starting point is 00:15:53 That's like fucking like, you know, 21, 22. And you're like, Oh my God, did you pull up in your fucking World Cup sailboat? You know, go into a town and just walk up to these broke people who just, you know, genetic, you know, they hit the lottery genetics and had this beautiful girl and you just took her away. You know, the open-toed fucking sandals. I remember that guy, Celine Dion's husband. I just remember he not only was he bald, but his head was perfectly tan so it didn't even look bad. And then he just had this angelic white hair on the side.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Same thing with like his beard. It was a different kind of white. You know, like those fancy fucking paint you can get with it's just a hint of another color in there. I don't know what was in there, but you can see why Celine was just so in love that she was punching herself in the fucking chest every night. Couldn't get way to get back. I mean, if that's what his fucking hair and then side of his head and his beard. Look, can you imagine this guy's pubes? I must hear like a perfectly tan junk, you know, with his fucking angelic winged pubes.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I can't even imagine that. Yeah, we didn't get to that level. We got to the level where it was a bunch of people like just fucking real race fans. We got to the level where we had a canopy and I still got a fucking sunburn. That's how white I am. You know, because the sun wasn't on my head, but it hit my fucking chest. So it got all fucking red. And but I want to thank everybody at the F1 race.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Everyone was so fucking cool. So long story short, I got to make it funny, man. I had such a good time. So we're sitting like if you watch a replay of the race when right when they come out of the pit. You know, to rejoin the race right where they hit the acceleration, you know, they got to drive like fucking two and a half miles an hour. And then they get to this point where they can fucking take off, right? Right where they take off was where we were sitting. And we could see turn one and then turn two and it's a whole other game trying to watch the race when you're there.
Starting point is 00:18:27 If you don't have like, I mean, I wish I brought like a radio. So I could have figured out what the fuck was going on because I didn't know what happened to Vettel. I didn't know that the Red Bull guy, you know, who was it? Max Maximilian there. Max Verstappen, right? He clipped the front of his car. I had no idea what was going on. All I know is he pitted really early and I was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:18:50 And all of a sudden he went from second place to like 15th or last in the race. So I kind of knew, but I had no, I had no idea what happened. I didn't know that that fucking, what's his face there? Kimmy Rakin and I didn't know that he had problems with his brakes. We had no fucking idea. No idea. And it was so fucking loud. He had earplugs in and the guy's talking over, but it's just so goddamn loud.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I'm jumping all over the story here. Dude, we took a little boat over, we parked in a garage and then you get in this little boat, takes you over there. And then we'll hook this up down in the whole fucking, whatever the fuck they call it, because of the P. And we got to look at the garages and all that shit and we went into the Red Bull one. And me, Verzi and Thamel has got to meet Daniel Ricardo, who I famously called Ricky Ricken in or some shit. Daniel Ricardo, nicest fucking guy ever. And by the way, I want to be in the shape of an F1 driver. This guy's a fucking ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:19:53 This guy was like, I don't know, he's like 5'11". So he's got me by an inch or so. He was probably 30 pounds lighter than me. Fucking amazing. He goes, yeah, we get weighed twice a day right before the, you know, during the race week or whatever. It was joking about some fucking broccoli thing that drink he just drank and how much weight they lose when they're in the car and all that type of stuff. I really want to thank Red Bull Racing for how cool and nice they were in everything. They were kind of the exact opposite of this fucking cunt we met from the Ferrari team.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Granted, it was after the race. And I thought he was, one of the guys was cool. He was really, really nice. But the first guy we met was a cunt, but I think he thought we were being cunts because I didn't understand. I knew that Ferrari was having a nightmare of a day, but I didn't realize the level. I mean, I thought it was still cool that, you know, Vettel was able to work his way back up to the field. I was kind of paying attention to him. I wasn't paying attention to Kimmy.
Starting point is 00:20:55 So when I went down there, you know, I didn't know what to say. The guy was like, after the race, all those Ferrari guys are like smoking cigarettes to it's fucking hilarious. All tanned up fucking smoking cigarettes. And I just walked up and I was just like, I was just like, hey, man, is it okay? Good first he gets a picture with you because he wanted a picture with somebody from Ferrari. You know, he's half Sicilian, you know. So the guys just like, yeah, yeah. And I said, Hey, you know, you know, good race today.
Starting point is 00:21:21 You know, you guys, at least you got by the forced India guys and his face just dropped. And I swear to God, in his face, I understood the entire history and the pressure of working on Ferrari. Like he just looked us. I can't even, he didn't say anything. And then he just went, I said, and I was trying to make it nice. Again, I was, I thought they had a good race when they had a horrific race. He probably thought they didn't know this was my first event. So he probably thought I was fucking with him.
Starting point is 00:21:54 So he probably, he's probably not a cunt. But if you could have seen this guy's face fucking drop, I'd say if an actor ever did what this guy's face did in a movie, you'd win an Oscar. And now Verzi's got to stand next to him and Verzi can read people better than me. You know, he's half Sicilian, half Greek. It's fucking over, right? So he feels uncomfortable. So I'm trying to make it nice going like, all right, this is going to be a legendary picture or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:15 And then he goes, ah, no, he takes the picture. And then the fucking, the guy who I thought it was a cunt, but probably thought we were a cunt. He goes, no, you just missed the legend go by. He goes, ah, that'll, that'll just walk by. We're like, really? Where'd he go? He goes, I went right in there. And we believed him.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And then Andrew figured out later that he was just fucking with us. And then we met somebody else in the Friar team, which who's really nice. But anyways, it was a, it was just an amazing fucking time. I don't even know. I don't know. I don't know how to do it justice. It's too, it was too much to try to put all into one. I guess I started at the fucking middle and then went back to the beginning and then I went to the end of the fucking race.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Just knowing the end. We were sitting outside of Lewis Hamilton's garage, you know, after everybody left and there was all these fans there and they introduced the whole team. The crowd goes crazy. Like racing is really big with the fans. Like they do all this extra stuff. They're great. So then they would chant Lewis's name and Lewis comes out again with another bottle of champagne. He sprays it on his team and then sort of whipped around in our direction.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And we actually got hit with the champagne from Lewis Hamilton. That's how fucking close we were. So I don't know how to ever top that experience, but like, I'd like to say again, thank you to everybody who, you know, Bruce Hills and all those guys from just for last for hooking us up. We had a great time. And yeah, I don't know what to tell you, but I kind of realized just going through talking everybody in like the garages and shit, just how it's like Mercedes won't give Red Bull. They try to buy an engine, I guess, from Mercedes and they're like, yeah, no, we're not giving you that basically because Daniel Ricardo is too good of a fucking driver. We don't need that competition. However, they will sell it to other fucking teams.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Like I think Force India, they gave them, but it's not the same Mercedes engine that they have. It's really fucking weird. Like it's like, all right, well, we'll sell an engine to a team that we know we can beat so we can make the money and help pay for the fucking team, but we're not going to give it to a good team. But I don't get how like Red Bull, when, when what's his face, uh, Vettel was driving for one like fucking three in a row, four in a row, and nobody could catch him. It's like, what, what, what, what the fuck happened to Red Bull's engine over the last four years? You know, I don't know. I got my fucking program here. And I hope I'm not boring you guys to shit.
Starting point is 00:24:51 I'm going to get off this quickly because I know that for me to start talking about driving for fucking 20 God day. Well, that taxi one was, that taxi was a nice mainstream story. Wasn't it? Doesn't that count for anything? Your fucking assholes. Um, no, if I look up the Mercedes team, they've only been around since, uh, 2010. Now I know Mercedes has been racing cars since the 1950s. Like I don't get how the Ferrari team's been around since 1950.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Is this like some AMG shit? I'm going to have to look up the history of these teams because I found it fascinating because after a while I was like, you know what? I'm not going to root for Mercedes and fucking, I'm not going to join this sport and then root for the fucking Yankees or Red Sox. And that's too easy, right? So I kind of like, uh, I like Red Bull and I like fucking, uh, Force India. Just because I had a great time when I did that gig in Mumbai and the comedians over there were fucking hilarious, breaking balls and stuff. But, um, but then I saw the owner of the team or wherever the director is. It's just some fucking white dude.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Force India. Is there like a fucking Aziz looking dude anywhere in there? That's fucking, you know, you figure with a name like that. There's got to be an Indian dude. You know, I don't fucking know. Anyways, what am I talking about here? Um, so I had added great fucking time. How about that?
Starting point is 00:26:22 I'll leave it at that. I'll leave it at that. And what's his face? Lewis Hamilton got 25 fucking points and, uh, now he's only what, like 12 behind. He was 25 behind. That was the one exciting thing was watching Vettel work his way through the field. Oh, and I forgot to say how the fucking the force India guys, even if you're not into this sport, oh, they were going back and forth with one another. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:47 The young kid was trying to get through and the Perez guy wouldn't let him through. Would not let him through. Right. What's the other guy's name? Oh, con wanted to get through and he wouldn't get him through. So while they were fighting with each other, right? And fourth and fifth place, uh, Vettel, you know, divide Conor Conker went by both of them in the last couple of fucking laps and ended up getting into fourth place, which was fucking huge. You know, and in a way, fucked over the Mercedes team, you know, and I bet they called them up and say, Hey, next time you fucking fuchsia cunts want one of our fucking engines.
Starting point is 00:27:22 All right. We give you one of our goddamn engines. And this is how you treat us. You block the goddamn Ferraris or get your faster car out front. The fuck are we doing here? I'll give you a fucking Volkswagen engine. You do that shit to me again. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I think that must have happened somewhere along the line that that had to have happened. So, um, is the house team, the American team? It's so fucking confusing. I'm sitting here looking at McLaren Honda McLaren to me fucking worked on Mercedes and Honda used to dominate the sport. Now there's poor bastard. Every time he goes around the fucking lap, dude, it's like he's driving a hoopty. The thing just shits the fucking bed every time he took a fucking race off. One of those guys, Fernando Alonso.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I think he said, you know, fuck this. I'm going to go, I'm going to take a race off. That's how bad your engines are. And I'm going to go drive the Indy 500. And I believe when he went there is his engine quit too. I'm not sure. I've been flying all over the hell, all over the hell, all over hell. So we went to the race.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I got sunburned. We saw all of this stuff. Dude, when we were sitting, we literally saw them pull their cars in. In the end, where it was both Mercedes, Hamilton and Botas and then Daniel Ricardo. We saw them all shake hands. They walked up the stairs and then we saw him, you know, on the podium. We were like to the side, you know, by the way, that fucking trophy that you get for winning that race, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And that, that, just one of the worst fucking trophies I've ever seen in my life. I think it's just the Toronto, not the Toronto, the Canadian Maple Leaf. They just sort of have it elevated with all this stuff, but it's just such a bland. They should make it like gold or something with, with the red outline of Canada. You know what I mean? Red and white for Canada. And then you put a bunch of gold in there. You shine it up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Jesus Christ, Canada. Did all your imagination go into the Stanley Cup? I don't know. I was really disappointed with it. You know what's funny was the one that Lewis Hamilton got was bad enough. The one that Daniel Ricardo get, I swear to God, he's probably using to prop open some door in his house. That's how bad, I got to look this thing up. I really have to, I got to trash this fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:29:48 The fuck is it? Come on, Bill. Can you believe that cab driver? I deserve to be punished. I mean, that's the kind of mindset. That's how you end up driving a fucking cab at 70 years of age. And he's probably an immigrant and people are fucking racist and they probably never got an opportunity. I mean, that's another thing, Bill.
Starting point is 00:30:05 That's, that always can happen too, you know? All right, fair enough. Hey, fair enough, you know, who knows? All right. Montreal, Canada, Canada, Canada, Grand Prix. You know who's enjoying me talking about this right now is Nashville Predator fans. Because the last thing, oh, maybe it looks a little bit better. It's got some fucking, it's got a little gold in there.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yeah, it's just sitting on like rebar. It's just, it's just no imagination. I mean, could you at least put like a red outline around the gold? Could you do something to fucking dress this up? I swear to God, if there's some fucked up reason I ever won that race. I don't know. I got so into this game, this, this fucking sport and I somehow lost 90 pounds. So I could actually not be, you know, causing the car to lose.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And I somehow beat Lewis Hamilton and Vettel in a non-Mercedes, non-Ferrari engine car. If they brought that trophy out to me, you know, and I just lost fucking five pounds, pissing myself as I'm driving around the goddamn track. I would, I just would be like, yeah, you keep that thing. You keep, why don't you go back and finish making that trophy and then I'll accept it. I'm sure that wouldn't cause any, any international incident. Speaking of an international incident, what the fuck? The Nashville Predators.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Oh, the dreaded, I lost sight of the puck and blew the whistle. Welcome Nashville Predator fans. Welcome. You guys are now officially been baptized as hockey fans. Okay. Up until now, you were expansion, expansion, uh, hockey fans. I didn't respect you, even with your chance, even with Smashville, even how far you've come. I could not fully accept you as fans of the national hockey league until I saw your team
Starting point is 00:32:19 in a Stanley Cup final score a goal, but the ref lost sight of the puck and it's waved off. Now you've earned your stripes. Now you have a ref that you hate, you know, now you got someone people are going to send letters to and fucking make death threats and all the other people take it too fucking seriously. Can you imagine that poor fucking referee? Listen to that. Nashville Predator fans somehow figuring out his phone, phone number. Yeah, buddy, let me tell you what, you fucking French motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:32:50 If I ever kiss you in Tennessee again, I swear to God, I swear to God. I swear to God, buddy. I've got some farming equipment. I'll figure out how to unrust it just to run you over with that after I shoot you in the fucking face. I can't imagine the threats that he's getting. I shouldn't even talk about it. It's probably not even funny. Unbelievable, unfucking believable.
Starting point is 00:33:17 But I told you guys, I fucking told you, I picked the penguins. I can think of, I don't know, somewhere around the first round. I was like, I know all these guys look. I don't see anybody stopping them. I just didn't see anybody. That's right. You know, after once the Blackhawks got knocked out, I was just like, yeah, fuck that. It's over.
Starting point is 00:33:32 They're going to win. And then I lost faith with them, you know, with their goal tending towards the end of the Ottawa series and they proved me wrong. And then there was that game. There was that game, game four that the Predators won, but that fucking look on Crosby's face when he scored that goal and he didn't put his hands up like I scored a goal. He put them out to the side, you know, gathering his fucking teammates in like that's one like total fucking business look on his face.
Starting point is 00:34:00 And congratulations to the penguins. You fucking non-flying dirty birds. You did it again. That's Crosby's third. That's Malkin's third. They now have one more than the fucking great duo of Mario Lemieux and Yarmira Yaga. So that's really saying something. They got five.
Starting point is 00:34:24 They got fucking five. You know, I don't want to start anything, but they almost have twice as many as the fucking flyers. Twice as many as the flyers. Philadelphia. You're going to sit there. You going to take that shit? You have to during the off season.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Same way. Same way I do as a Bruin fan. I believe we have six Stanley Cups, but we've been around since like Charles Lindbergh. So that's different. Although the penguins have been around for 50 years already. Just like that. Who would have thought? Anyways, let's talk about old Billy.
Starting point is 00:35:04 No fun. No fun, Billy. What's the deal? No fun, Billy. So after telling you, I was going to have no fun. You know, it was my birthday. I was in Montreal, but even then I didn't go fucking nuts. Like the last night we went to my favorite cigar bar up in Montreal.
Starting point is 00:35:24 We went to Stoges and I had a couple of fucking Grey Goose, even though I like Belvedere. Grey Goose is the Pepsi of vodka. You know what I mean? I always like Coke because Coke had the bite. You know, give you a fucking right, dear friend. You know, I was speaking to that. What about cold lotion? Cold lotion of the week would have to be they, the Nashville Predator scored a legal goal
Starting point is 00:35:54 and the guy lost the fucking site of the park. That is, that is, that is NHL referee cold lotion right there. That's exactly what the fuck that was. But yeah, so I'm not a big Grey Goose fan. You know, I feel like, you know, much like that cab driver that feels like he should be punished. I feel like when I'm drinking that I should be feeling the effects of what I'm doing to my body. I don't want it watered down. You got to drink the gas.
Starting point is 00:36:22 You know, I like Belvedere. It's got a little more of a kick to it, although I'm not a big vodka guy. So I had that. I fucking smoked a cigar after the race. 1030, Old Freckles was in bed. Okay. So when my alarm went off at 530 in the morning for my early flight to get back to my lovely wife and daughter, I was fine.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I was packed. I was ready to fucking go. Everything was fine. And but now it's official. Now I'm back and it's just like my big thing this year as a 49 year old is eight hours sleep. I got to do it. I got to do it. Because as much as I like going out and partying and doing all that shit, nothing at my age
Starting point is 00:37:09 feels better than fucking eight hours sleep. So I'm hoping that I can latch onto this lifestyle and have that be my new fucking drug. Eight hours sleep. Yeah, I got to do it. I don't know how to drink recreationally. I got to be honest with you. I just don't, you know, I just, if I'm doing it, I'm fucking doing it. It's like I got into F1.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Now look at me. I'm spending half the fucking podcast probably driving you guys up the goddamn wall talking about this shit. And now, you know, I went to my first race. I'm going to the one in Austin and then immediately I just go, well, that's just that's two down two down on a 20. If I do two a year and 10 years, I can fucking go to all of them. You know, sometimes that works for me.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Sometimes it doesn't, you know, it works for me as far as like trying to succeed in life because I just get into something and I fucking do it. And next thing, you know, I crossed the finish line. But you know, when you apply that same sort of philosophy to drinking, it doesn't work. It's all about after you have the drink, if you have the water afterwards and you sort of so be yourself back up again. I don't know. I don't think I'm cut out for it.
Starting point is 00:38:20 So I need to take, I mean, I've been needing to take time off for a good fucking year. So that's what I'm doing right now. I'm not saying I'm not going to drink for a fucking year, but I'm definitely, I don't know, we'll see. It'd be funny if I end up in the AA, you know, going to some fucking meeting. I'll never admit that I'm an alcoholic. Just I don't want to go down and listen to those fucking stories. You know, it's not even the stories.
Starting point is 00:38:47 The stories are funny, but then afterwards he's fucking chain smoking, donut eating, sad sex. You know, I remember when I got busted for drinking and driving one of the one of the requirements, I had to go to two AA meetings. I had to go to a mother's against drunk driving meeting and all this community service I had to do. And I remember going to the fucking, the fucking AA meeting. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Just when, you know, if you think you have an alcohol problem, go to an AA meeting. Good Lord. These fucking people. Holy shit. Insane. The fucking stories. Waking up with no teeth, getting bailed out of jail and fucking walking out with no shoes right across the street to a liquor store.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I mean, I don't know, maybe that's like an extreme version. I don't fucking know. Let's read a little bit of advertising here for this week, everybody. Huh? What the hell is it? Where is it? Oh God, somebody's going to correct me on kryptonite this week. You guys just don't fucking let up, do you?
Starting point is 00:40:15 Unreal. Last week, what did I, I guess the fucking superhero people, they take it so goddamn seriously. All right. I have advertising if this thing ever loads. Come on. Load it up. I never even finished talking about the cable shit. I watched, you know, I pay so much fucking money for the internet and I pay so much fucking
Starting point is 00:40:33 money for cable and this shit doesn't work. You know, the F1 race didn't even record it. It started to record and it was just that shaking commercial that you can't fast forward past because I wanted to see what happened at the beginning of the race. And then you know what? I went online and just found it. So maybe that's what I need to do to do to do. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Oh, and I didn't even bring up the fucking Cavaliers. Holy shit. What a game. What a fucking game. 48 first quarter points, 86 points in the first half. Unfucking believable. And it was still, it took them halfway through the fourth quarter. That's how little competition there is, but you know something?
Starting point is 00:41:19 I think when that little fucking fellow there, the guy who shoots the three pointers is probably a foot taller than me, but he looks like a little fellow on the NBA court when he fucking pretended to take a shit. That was one of the most classless things I've ever seen. He pretends to take a shit and then runs up to court, wipes his ass and then wipes it on the Cavalier logo and then afterwards like, yeah, I was in the moment. I don't remember what I did. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Get the fuck out of here. You don't remember what you do. You know exactly what you did. You fucking mined shitting on the floor. I don't know why, you know, I got to hit pause. I got to hit pause to get open this fucking thing. All right, I'm back. I'm back.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Just went out of the kitchen. I just saw my dinner salmon salad with salmon. Oh God. Fucking salmon. You know what's the tragedy about salmon is how many salmon get killed a year and people don't even appreciate it. You know, it's like tuna minus the personality. It's just like a fucking, I was joking with Keith Robinson about that.
Starting point is 00:42:27 We went out to dinner. You know, the fish option one of was just salmon and he's just like, ah, Jesus Christ. It's like, yeah, salmon is salmon is a fucking middle act. You know, it's a fucking terminal feature of the fishing world. All right. Luke crate everybody. Um, be the envy of your friends and get your 100% exclusive rate. Oh, exclusive crates at slash burr and enter my code burr to save $3 off
Starting point is 00:43:00 on any new subscription. June's lucrate theme is alter ego. Lucrate offers an epic range of pop culture items for less than $20 a month. If you're more of a fanat, fanatical fashionista, then try loot where monthly wearables and accessories with cult classics and your favorite franchises. If you want to get fancy, get a bigger box with even bigger loot. I have no idea what I'm talking about right now with lucrate DX offer expires June 19th at nine PM Pacific.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I'm just going to try and sound like I'm excited about this stuff in June's lucrate. You'll find items from spider man, transformers, the Hulk and DC comics. One lucky subscriber will also win a mega crate of seriously epic proportions. You have until the 19th at nine PM in case you forgot the fucking two sentences ago, Pacific time to subscribe and receive that month's crate. And then the cutoff happens. That's it. It's over.
Starting point is 00:44:00 You now as an adult cannot walk around dressed like spider man. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know. I don't know. Maybe you dress like spider man and you find some other nerd dressed like Wonder Woman and the two of you bang. Okay. But how do you get your dick out of that thing?
Starting point is 00:44:17 You got to take the fucking mask off first, right? The spider man and pull it all the way down shimmy it over your fucking fat body. Go to slash burn. Enter my code burf to save $3 off on any new subscriptions today. Oh, but do do do me on these me on these. Look at that. Fets by the man do do do me on these me on these. He should go puke in the can.
Starting point is 00:44:44 I'm not recommending being an anorexic or whatever that other one is. Will you eat and then you puke? But if your balls are soft, you got a me on these. Just don't puke down the front of them because that would be disgusting. Celine Dion's angelic pubic hair. Over dead husband. Sorry, that one just went off the rails. Me on these.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Everybody elevate your underwear game to the next level. Yeah, what's that? What's that thing where you eat and then you puke? Not anorexia, bulimic. Oh, I'm in a tough one. Me on these me on these. Da da da bulimia do do do do me on these me on these. Fucking fuckers.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yeah, bulimia. Eminem could write in that word. Bulimia. Something. Athenia. Irania. I rania. I couldn't I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Well, it's a good thing I didn't remember it. Me on these elevate your underwear game to the next level with me on these. You perfected your wardrobe. But what about the stuff? Not everybody gets to see. No, we're not talking about your junk. We're talking about the cloth that covers it. If you've been settling for store bought underwear five packs,
Starting point is 00:46:05 I have something that will change your life for the better me on these. What's the first thing you put on and the last thing you take off? It's your underwear. Unless you're Matthew McConaughey, huh? Him. It's probably his boots. Right after he steps out of a fucking Lincoln Continental, right? Junk hanging out.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Where am I? Make your your most important piece of clothing. The best it can be with me on these. What is me on these? Oh, just seriously soft feel good on these delivered right to your fucking door. Me on these are designed in LA and made from sustainably sourced micro modell. Model of fabric three times softer than cotton. Where did it go?
Starting point is 00:46:46 The copy just went away. Me on these softer than soft luxury undies come in an ever changing selection of classic colors, bold shapes and adventurous platforms. So you can tailor your undies to your own personal style. I always stick with all the different colors and all this stuff. That's what people like by like sex swings. You know what I mean? They just got to keep, you know, make it exciting.
Starting point is 00:47:10 And guess what? You can save time and money each month with a monthly subscription. If you're not ready for the subscription, that's okay. You can still save. That's because me undies is offering you 20% off your first pair. Just use our special URL me slash burr burr and get 20% off your first pair. So go ahead, revamp your underwear drawer. You deserve it.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Once again, that's me slash burr me slash burr. Two more. All right. Wince Wink. W-I-N-C. Whiskey, India, November, Charlie. When you have a great glass of wine, it enhances the moment. You know what?
Starting point is 00:47:51 You can't get drunk off a wine. Jesus Christ. That's what they had at the Formula One. They had Heineken's and then they had white wine. I drank, I was like, I don't want to get all fucking beer fat. So I drank like two white wines and, you know, I now understand why so many women are cunties. It's impossible to drink that shit and get any sort of a nice buzz. You know, it's just another thing that's harder for women.
Starting point is 00:48:15 You know, you have no idea how difficult things are for us. Somebody write an article. Okay. Whether you're reflecting on the day or with someone you love, when you have a great glass of wine, it enhances the moment. Wink understands this. It's why they started their company to give you access to exceptional wines from around the world so you can have more of those moments.
Starting point is 00:48:42 You know what? I like a fucking Barolo. If you don't know shit about wine, go to Wink and get a Barolo. Get one that's a little fruity there. That's the one I like. I don't like those acidic ones. That's a nice one. And then there's one that's sort of off the same vine.
Starting point is 00:48:59 It begins with an N. I can't remember. Newberry Street or Napoli. I don't fucking know. Just go to, Take a brief palette profile quiz and Wink will recommend distinct and interesting wines actually customized to your palette to be shipped directly to your door every month. This is a great way to learn about wine, by the way, you know, because it's a very
Starting point is 00:49:25 intimidating thing. I found that Barolo and I've stuck with that ever since then. I haven't dared fuck with anything French or anything. I would do this if I wasn't going to be a boring Billy here. Billy, no fun. None of your time is wasted fitting in to run to the store on your way home from work on your way to an event or gathering. No more time spent guessing what you might like because Wink bases the wines.
Starting point is 00:49:48 They send you on your palette preferences. Wink will even introduce you to new rare and custom wines that are available outside deal. They got a side deal here that are not available anywhere else and tell you the story behind each one. Ah, this. You always got to look for the side deal. That's a good side deal. You know, who cares?
Starting point is 00:50:06 They go to some local mom and pop. Hey, we'll use this as a rare one. And you give us a little Doremi will feature it. Maybe you get into the fucking supermarket someday. You know, that's a good deal. And right now, Wink is offering listeners $20 off for your first order. When you go to try slash bird, they'll cover the cost of shipping. Let's try Wink spell T R Y W I N slash bird to get $20 off your first order now plus
Starting point is 00:50:32 complimentary shipping try slash bird. They ought to have that for cigars. Wink, why don't you do that? Change it to stink. All right. everybody. Last one. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Stamps save you time and money, which you can use to grow your business. Boy, the hassle of the post office and mail everything from postcards to emblems to packages, domestic or international. Create your stamp account. Why the fuck would I mail something international? What am I terrorist? Create your stamp stamps account minutes online with no equipment to lease and no long term commitments.
Starting point is 00:51:13 brings all the services of the US Postal Service right to your fingertips by and print official US postage for any letter, any package, any class of mail using your own computer and printer. makes it easy. They'll send you a digital scale automatically calculates the exact postage. will even help you decide the best class of mail based on your needs. I just don't feel like my needs are being fulfilled. Sit down, bitch.
Starting point is 00:51:40 That's what says. And then he satisfies her. No need to lease an expensive postage meter. We already said that., anytime I'm sending out my posters that I'm going to sell off to my shows, I'm a moron. If I can figure it out, so can you. And right now, you too can enjoy the service with a special offer that includes
Starting point is 00:51:59 a four week trial plus postage and a digital scale without long term commitments. Go to, click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in Burr that enter Burr. All right. So the calves are playing tonight. Oh my God. Dude, can you imagine if they fucking win this one? Then they're going back to Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:52:21 This is how quickly it can turn around. This is how fast it can fucking turn around. It would be amazing. I haven't enjoyed a fucking game in a long time like that. I was at a bar, of course. Who's kidding who? I haven't been Billy no fun. I've been Billy less fun today.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I start Billy no fun. It's just the Cavaliers have to do what they did the other night again tonight. You know, and then again and then again. But each game I think would be less. And then, you know, do you realize that the Cavaliers come back and do this? They'd be the first NBA team to ever do it. And then secondly, Steph Curry taking a shmiming, taking a shit, wiping his ass. And is that one of the most classless fucking things you've ever seen in your life?
Starting point is 00:53:15 It's like fucking how it guys a dad. You know what I mean? I don't understand. I don't. I this just it just makes me feel old like when he does the no look pass. And then he fucking he starts miming like, you know, he has like binoculars on as he looks at the crowd. Doesn't even look at the end of the. It's like, did magic Johnson ever do that?
Starting point is 00:53:39 I just I for the fucking life of me. I will never understand that. That's like that dancing. I told you when I was at the game and there was some six year old kid dancing, which should have been adorable. But he had a look on his face like he wanted to beat the shit out of me. I was just, I just don't understand what's going on with people. Just a complete lack of class and humility is, you know, and this is coming from a drunk. And even I'm noticing.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Anyways, Kryptonite everybody. Here we go. Let's do some of these, these, these letters here. Hello, Bill. Hello, person. I don't know. I know you don't give a shit, but I refuse to stand by and watch you be an idiot. But the story of Krypton is the planet.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Last week I was talking about Kryptonite. I go, isn't it like fucking natural to his planet? How can Superman be allergic to Kryptonite from his planet? So this guy says Krypton. The story of Krypton is the planet exploded from nuclear, from a nuclear chain reaction. That's nice and vague from the family back east caused by the planet's unstable radioactive core. All right. I guess that was a little more of an explanation.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Kryptonite being pieces of the radioactive planet that somehow reach earth. Okay. Well, then shouldn't those things also affect the humans that go and get it? You know what I mean? I don't understand that. My phone's fucking ringing. God damn it. Do I got to take this?
Starting point is 00:55:25 I'll call him back. Okay. So that's what it is. All right. So if the advice somehow got off earth and I went to Krypton and the earth exploded, they would then be earth tonite and then Superman could sit right next to that radioactive rock. I know at this some point you'd be like, Bill, can you just fucking play along? Can you just play?
Starting point is 00:55:52 You know why I'm not playing along? Because this guy said, I can't watch you be an idiot. Watch me be an idiot like Kryptonite is an actual thing. This is like you think I'm an idiot because I can't name all the broads on sex in the city. I mean, this is just a fucking, it's made up buddy. All right. Sorry. I don't know the origins of Kryptonite.
Starting point is 00:56:17 What, what has that gotten you in life? Huh? Other than a girlfriend with a retainer, you know, 30s. All right. Sex everybody. I see that people should be slower to, I think that people should be slower to jump into bed. Friendship and respect go a long way. Please have Nia and yourself encourage young people to respect each other more before sex.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Um, listen, I don't give public service announcements. I mean, I just complain about shit. If you want to go on, get fucking laid, go on, get laid. All right. Use, use, use a fucking protection. But if you actually are looking for somebody, um, you know, to have more than that, then, you know, I think, uh, you know, something who I am so emotionally shut down. I can't even speak on this.
Starting point is 00:57:13 I don't know how I lucked out into meeting Nia. It just fucking happened. All right. But this is okay. I just love that somebody like this actually wrote in this is very conservative. This is really interesting. I think that people should be slower to jump into bed. Friendship and respect go a long way.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Please have Nia and yourself encourage young people to respect each other more before sex. Like how many listeners do I have my on my podcast that the Catholic church is now trying to slip in public service announcements? Well, actually, well, I get, I, why don't I give everybody a Southern accent? I'm just going to have the, literally the Pope in a Southern accent say, well, after we fucked all those kids, no one's listening to us. Um, probiotics, everyone. Hi, Bill. I was just listening to some videos on YouTube on the YouTube channel, Bill Burr archives. Not sure how long ago this one was from, but you are asking for more information from anyone on how to get clean probiotics.
Starting point is 00:58:13 And I just wanted to say, look up keffer K E F I R keffer. Isn't that like a racial slur? I believe that's a racial slur in some country for a group of people traveled so much. I forget where that's from. I got to look that up. I hope I'm not saying that wrong. Might have to fucking apologize. Hang on a second.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Keffer racial slur. I spelt it like what they just said. Oh, and my internet doesn't work. Why won't you fucking work now? Why won't you work? Yeah. Oh, that's K A F F I R. The word kaffir is a term used in South Southern of Africa to refer to a black person.
Starting point is 00:59:13 All right. You see that? I knew I watched some sad show and how people treat each other. So I must be saying that wrong. I'm going to say keffer like Sutherland keffer. You can buy the grains and you just add them to your organic milk. And then two days later. Approximately you have keffer yogurt.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Much better than the store bought ones because they get pasteurized and hence you lose a lot of the bacteria. Okay, cheers. Fuck face. Have a good one. All right. But then what about the milk? Where do I get the milk? I get the milk from an organic cow.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Why don't I just lay off the booze? Can I just do that? Would that be easier? Um, all right. Lady needing advice. Don't want to go to male friends wedding. Oh, this is great. I can give you advice on this.
Starting point is 01:00:10 My girlfriend's ex was gross. Lady needing advice. Don't want to go to male friends wedding. My girlfriend's ex was gross. I don't care. Okay. 23 year old guy. What the fuck is this?
Starting point is 01:00:33 I think the lady needing advice somehow got cut off. So this is a different one. My girlfriend's ex was gross. Well, where's the lady needing advice? Don't want to go to male friends wedding. I will get to the bottom of that by Thursday. All right. Hi Bill.
Starting point is 01:00:50 I'm a 23 year old guy and I recently moved in with my 23 year old girlfriend. Everything was going awesome until one drunken night. She starts to tell me what her ex boyfriend was like. Okay. She explains that when she was 20, she dated this guy who will call Joe, who was 11 years older than her, which already fucks with my head. So being insecure the next day, I decided to look him up online and he's disgusting. He's fat with an unkempt beard and really short and a pudgy face.
Starting point is 01:01:25 I just can't wrap my head around the fact that my girl being so hot and young, bang the slob of a man picturing the two, the two together doing what we do now is really messed up. Messing me up to the point we stopped having sex a week ago. I just can't get it out of my head. I mean, at one point that disgusting mess really turned her on. Gross. Am I just being an asshole? Do I break up with her?
Starting point is 01:01:52 Honestly, I just don't look at her the same way anymore. I can handle her vast sexual history before me, but not with that mess. It's really screwing with me. Thanks and go fuck yourself. All right. Here's one of these things that if you were a woman, they would be like, well, you have to honor that. You have to know no means no.
Starting point is 01:02:12 And if, if, if you don't like this, then you should honor that. That's what you're feeling and your partner, if they really love you, should understand this and wait until you're able to perform again. But that's not how it works with guys. You would be judged for being so fucking superficial and blah, blah, blah, so fucking superficial, right? And the amount of young horse that I saw with these old fucking guys at that F one race, you know, um, I don't know what you do to be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:02:44 But I mean, this is what I would do in the future. I wouldn't Google people. She used to fuck. That's probably a bad thing, but I'm thinking you're only 23 years old. How did you know? So she used to fuck this troll probably under a bridge. Yeah, that's kind of gross. Probably had some fucking one of those short, but fat dicks, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:05 peeking out of his pubes. Oh, that's so disgusting. Um, I would talk to her about it. I would just say, listen, you know, I was insecure that you that you were with an older man and was, you know, not confident about what I was doing with you in bed. And my curiosity got the best of me and I Googled that guy.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Dude, for all you know, you got the wrong guy, by the way, it might be someone with the same name. Who knows? Um, you know, I don't know, but it's, I don't know. In a week's time, you can't get past that. I mean, she's probably looking at you like you're a champ.
Starting point is 01:03:48 That guy was a 34 year old fat, disgusting fuck and you're 23, imagining in shape, right? Um, I don't know. I don't think it's weird that you looked at the guy and then all of a sudden you just picture and fucking your girlfriend. That's disgusting. I don't think that's weird at all.
Starting point is 01:04:04 The women would say it is because they always defend each other for some reason, yet they fucking go at each other like alley cats when we're not around. Um, I don't know. There's like, yeah, there's like some female like union, you know, they act like union and men are not unionized. We're just every man from fucking self. Um,
Starting point is 01:04:26 although I am sticking up for you. So who knows? Um, yeah, I would, uh, you know, I think I talked to her about it. Just say it. You know, do you think this makes me superficial? She's going to be like, yes, I can't believe you judge me like that.
Starting point is 01:04:42 I just, I don't judge people on looks. I know you judge him on their wallets. Um, if he has a nice personality and a private jet, you know, I don't mind a little extra weight. Yeah. What was going on with that guy?
Starting point is 01:04:58 Maybe that fat troll was taken out to a nice restaurant every night. So we could keep her and that's how we got fat. I don't know. You have a giant head too. Most big fucking butcher block heads. All right. Jealousy issues. Jealousy issues.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Uh, dear Billy Rosie cheeks. First up, I'm a huge fan. Keep up all the great work. Anyway, me and my girlfriend of four years just moved to France. She is French and all her family is here. We lived in Australia and plan to go back to Australia in 11 months. Sorry, I had to get that you on out. Our relationship is very serious.
Starting point is 01:05:37 We never laugh. No, I'm kidding. I love this girl so much and plan on popping the question soon. Uh, we were at a local bar last night. I'm not lingual enough to talk well at a bar yet. So when we go out, it's hard to follow what's being said, but I still have a pretty good time. After I had a few drinks with her and her friends,
Starting point is 01:05:59 this guy, my girlfriend works with, sits with us while it's just me and her about three a.m. And I immediately felt bad. I'd never met this dude, but when he sat down, my girlfriend didn't look at me for 10 minutes and was 100% focusing focused on him leaning in, laughing, et cetera. While I sat on my phone or looking up at the sports.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Yeah, dude, that's not good. That's not good. Uh, repeat, that is not good. I couldn't understand what they were talking about and there wasn't a way I could be a part of it. I didn't like the way this guy was looking at me as well, twice during the time. After 10 minutes, she's strugglingly puts her hand on my knee
Starting point is 01:06:43 and after five more minutes, I tell her we should leave. I say goodbye to her friends and walk outside. I smoke a cigarette and wait a bit longer, go back inside and she's still at the bar with this guy, paying her bill. Same ambiance as before. When we leave to walk home, I mean, I'm immediately cold with her.
Starting point is 01:07:03 You should have been. She fucking embarrassed you. You absolutely should have been. You wouldn't do that to her, would you? I was pretty drunk. So I expressed my dislike for this situation in an overly angry and an impatient manner. Yeah, you should have waited till you was so.
Starting point is 01:07:19 This is one of these things where you were right and then you were drunk. So then you became wrong by the way you said it. 20 minutes into a 30 minute walk home, she was tearing up pretty bad and told me she was talking about me and other harmless shit. Bull fucking shit.
Starting point is 01:07:36 She was talking about her dog and her dog was sitting next to it. At some point she'd be like, look at his face. She would have done that. She's full of shit. This is my gut. Anyways, well, the feeling stayed between us when we woke up this morning.
Starting point is 01:07:52 I don't get to socialize much here and I really like this bar where everybody goes to, but this felt particularly bad. My girlfriend acts more natural in this country. So this is awesome for her to be with her fellow countrymen. But we've never in four years had a conflict where jealousy is an issue. Have you ever had an issue where your girl's talking to a dude
Starting point is 01:08:12 and it crosses a line? Absolutely. Absolutely. And I was drunk and I said something. Yeah, and that didn't end well. Can I deal with this without affecting the relationship or how my girl acts socially? Deep down, she's an absolute sweetheart and really sensitive, so it's a bit delicate.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Also, there's a part of me that says maybe it's all in my head. Anyways, hope you can help Bill. Any advice would be great. Love to the Burr family. Go fuck yourself. All right, well, there's so many factors. Yeah, you could be jealous, but if it was actually 10 minutes and she didn't look at you and then I said,
Starting point is 01:08:49 I'll meet you outside and she's still in there talking to him about what a fucking great guy you are. At some point, your gut doesn't lie unless your head's fucked up. All right, if it's coming from your gut, if it's not coming from between your ears and it's all these fearful thoughts, that's your head and you need to quiet that down.
Starting point is 01:09:10 But if it's coming from your gut and your gut's just saying, this just isn't fucking right. And who's kidding who? The French have different ideas about that type of shit, where, you know, I'm not saying everybody over there, but they're the whole fucking having a mistress, you know, is not looked down upon, it seems, sort of accepted as the resentment builds.
Starting point is 01:09:35 I don't fucking know, but I just don't... That whole situation is bad. And I actually think her reaching over and patting you on the fucking leg to keep you at bay there. I even think that that makes it, that made it even worse. Now, having said all that, you should have waited till the next morning. Or at least when you walk back then,
Starting point is 01:10:05 I just say, listen, I'm a little drunk right now, so I don't want to have a big conversation, but I would like to talk to you about what just went down with that guy. Like, that ever works with a woman. No, we need to discuss it now. I can't go to sleep knowing you're going to talk about it. You know?
Starting point is 01:10:26 I don't know what to do. Who knows what the fuck that was. I would be like, all right, so is she only the way she is because she's in my country and she doesn't know anybody, but this is how she really is? Is this just a cultural thing that she used to fuck this guy
Starting point is 01:10:47 and she's psyched to see him, and this is going to be her little fucking fling on the side when we get married? I wouldn't know what the fuck to think. But I would try to regroup and just be like, you know, I find it hard to believe that if I was at a bar and I started speaking a language with another woman that you didn't know,
Starting point is 01:11:08 and I didn't even look at you for 10 minutes and then gave you a pandering pat on the fucking leg, and then tried, and then I went outside for a smoke and I came back in, you was still in there talking to this person, this woman, if I was talking, I'm saying, if I was talking to this woman, that I would somehow be able to convince you
Starting point is 01:11:26 that I was talking about you the whole time? I don't know what to tell you, sir, other than to practice up on your French. Practice up on your French and do it without her knowing. Get that Rosetta Stone shit, get your French game in order, and learn all their ménage-tois fucking... What's ass over there?
Starting point is 01:11:51 Gross, G-R-O-S, something like that? You got to know what the fuck he's saying to your girlfriend. So I don't know. I don't know what to tell you, dude. My gut says that that was fucked up. I can just tell you that. I'm not trying to drive you away from this woman, but that seemed fucked up.
Starting point is 01:12:08 If that was coming from your gut, sir, God damn it, I would go with it. All right, that's it. That's the podcast. If you enjoy this podcast and you'd like to donate without a caution, you're a dime, just go to, click on the podcast page,
Starting point is 01:12:21 and there's an Amazon link there. Anytime you want to buy something off of Amazon, just go to my webpage, click on the link. I get credit for driving traffic to the website. It doesn't cost you any more money, whatever you were going to buy. They kicked me a little fucking cash-ish, or whatever, fucking tidbits,
Starting point is 01:12:38 whatever they call those, those PayPal money coin things. Brexit, I don't know what it's called. That's it. That's what you can do. And if you don't want to do that, I completely understand. I don't give a shit if you keep listening.
Starting point is 01:12:51 You cheap fuck. All right, that's it. Go fuck yourselves. I'll check in on you on Thursday. Let's go calves. Congratulations, penguins. My condolences to Nashville fans. Thank you to everybody at the Formula One race.
Starting point is 01:13:06 And I can't wait to watch the next race. I don't even know where the hell it's at. But I will be watching. I actually finally watched the Italian Grand Moto GP. By the way, trying to tape those fucking races is so difficult. Every time I go to click, it's the fucking Moto 3, Moto 2.
Starting point is 01:13:23 It's the fucking time trial. I always got to click every single fucking one of them before I finally get to the race. I got to see the Italian one. These motherfuckers were going like 220 miles an hour on motorcycles. And I finally figured out the kilometer thing. Every 50 miles an hour is 80 kilometers.
Starting point is 01:13:40 So you just keep adding 80 every 50. So 50, 100 miles an hour, 150, 200 miles an hour is 80, 160, 240. What the fuck would that be? 320, roughly. All right, there you go. There's a little metric system for you. Go fuck yourselves off. See you on Thursday.

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