Monday Morning Podcast - Monday Morning Podcast 6-2-14

Episode Date: June 3, 2014

Bill rambles about the Tom Hanks Good Shit Clinic, the Aids 80's and selling out....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ikea, tip of the week. Do you like to get a gift? You can count on us. Because until the 15th of April, Ikea family members get a children's menu free at the purchase of a warm meal for adults. Ikea Ikea Trisha
Starting point is 00:00:31 Fuckin' June comes after May, every goddamn year. That's right, the summertime is coming. You know? You should have started going on your fucking bikini diet back in February, but you didn't. You got all wrapped up in your life, didn't you? Well, it's not your fault, Trisha. Why did I pick Trisha? I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:00:50 You know what? Because I'm sick of saying Karen and Kathy. I'm gonna fucking make fun of some other goddamn names. And I'll have the audacity to do it, even with a name like Bill. A nice, generic fucking name. No imagination. You know? Actually, I actually like my name.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I don't know what happened. Somewhere along the lines, about in the 90s, you know what I mean? Everybody started to have all these fucking, those names George Carlin made fun of, right? George Carlin, you know, Dakota, and all those things, all those names that had to sound like a fucking canyon, right? Now, all those people are coming of age, and all of a sudden, I saw my first, I don't know, I was watching some sport, and they fucking over to fucking Dakota, something. And I'm like, am I that fucking old that somebody named Dakota is old enough to play a professional sport? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Anyways, I'm in a weird mood today. This podcast is actually late this week. I'll give it to you, because it's not even Monday morning. You're probably thinking, why, Bill? You're a fucking comedian. You're a bum. You don't even have a real job. How come you can't get your ass out of bed early enough to even record it on your Monday morning?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Well, I'll tell you why. Last night, I took the lovely Nia out to the Hollywood Bowl, and we saw Bruno fucking Mars with Pharrell, or Ferrell. I don't know how to fucking say his name. Pharrell, the guy who, by watching his set, evidently wrote 40% of all hits in the last 15 years. I was just standing there as he went in from song to song, going like, Jesus Christ, this guy, he wrote this song too. It's just him. I thought that other guy sang it, and then my wife would be like, no, he produced it for a minute. What all these Grammys.
Starting point is 00:02:36 He's kind of awesome. I know he kind of was. He was out there with his big smoky the bear hat. This one was red, probably a special one, because he's playing the Hollywood Bowl. That was a great thing about the show last night. You could tell that both him and Bruno Mars were really excited to be playing the Hollywood Bowl. It was great. They were just phenomenal fucking performers.
Starting point is 00:03:01 The only thing the whole night, I would say, was Pharrell's backup dancers. They would dress like they were still at rehearsal. That's the only thing I didn't like. I'm sure, obviously, they did it on purpose, but you ever watch one of those movies like Fame or, I don't know, Bill and Ted's Big Adventure? One of those fucking movies from back in the 80s. The 80s. I say AIDS. The 80s.
Starting point is 00:03:30 The AIDS 80s on VH1. Who got it? Who didn't? And who was surprised about the results? The 80s. Fuck, you know, there was a bunch of those movies. Michael Douglas. Don't dance.
Starting point is 00:03:46 All of those movies when they would be in rehearsal, right? And there'd be all these fucking smoking hot women dressed like they were going to paint their bedroom. That's how Pharrell's backup dancers were dressed last night. And other than that, I thought it was great. He sang all these fucking songs. I don't know. I got one with the guys who dress up like the robots, you know? I'm up all night to get lucky.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I'm up all night to get something. I'm up all night doing blow. Yeah, he's about boop-a-doop-boop-boop, right? And everybody's going nuts. And there's a disco ball. It was a great fucking time. Great fucking time. And I'll take you through the whole goddamn concert.
Starting point is 00:04:30 So we're sitting there, and I'm one of those people. I never see, like, Nia can spot famous people all the fucking time. I never do. So we're sitting there. We got great seats. And she hits me on the arm. She goes, oh, my God, there's Henry Winkler. And I look over, and there he is, the fonts.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Henry Winkler having a great time dancing to Pharrell. And then in between the break, she fucking elbows me again. It's like, oh, there's Tom Hanks. That's what it got. There he is, standing in the aisles. People are coming up to him, and he's grabbing their phones and doing his selfie for him. He looked like he was running for office.
Starting point is 00:05:10 He stood there for, like, a half a fucking hour. Like, you know, my wife was going, look at that. He's, like, the greatest. He's the greatest guy ever. It's like, yeah, I guess that's how you have a 30-year career. You have a 30-year career by doing exactly the opposite of what I do. I can tell you this. After watching that man stand there for a half an hour,
Starting point is 00:05:33 as gracious as you could possibly be with anyone and everyone who walked up to him, I can honestly tell you without a doubt that Tom Hanks does not have one drop of cunt in him. He's just a fucking great guy. I already liked him, and then I watched that. I'm like, Jesus Christ, you know, I need to work on myself. This guy's putting on a goddamn good shit clinic
Starting point is 00:05:57 here at the Hollywood Bowl. So, uh, so now I'm like, Jesus Christ, there's all these fucking people here, and he's like, oh, there's Natalie Cole. There's this fucking Eddie Rabinowitz. I didn't even know half the fucking people she's pointing out, so I start looking around, and I go, oh, look at that guy over there with the Jackson Brown haircut.
Starting point is 00:06:16 He turned around with Jackson Brown. He was not standing in the aisles. But does that make him a bad person? Maybe that's the cuntiness of Tom Hanks because he does that. Now you're expecting every other famous person to do it, and then when they don't do it, I bet all those famous people are just sitting there looking at Tom Hanks staring daggers at him,
Starting point is 00:06:40 like, why won't he just sit the fuck down? He doesn't like doing that either. They're all fucking pissed. I mean, he's been out there for half a fucking hour, you know, and then all of a sudden they all seem approachable. I like the handlers. There was a couple of handlers when they were down there to basically be a security person.
Starting point is 00:07:01 What you have to do is you have to master the hand an inch away from the small of somebody's back. You just sort of leave it there, you know? I don't know when, if they got like a fucking interior piece that then says when they actually make contact with the lower back of the famous person to guide them through, but the thing is, when you're in the ready position as a security person, you have your hand in the small,
Starting point is 00:07:27 like an inch away, right? Like you're warming your hand on a fucking fire except it's some famous person's lower back. This guy stood there the whole fucking time, and every once in a while he just sort of shift the person. It's incredible. I don't know how his fucking arm didn't get tired just holding it like that, you know?
Starting point is 00:07:46 I bet he has to do stretches. So Pharrell comes out. It's like broad daylight. He's got to perform then. I thought he did, you know, I don't know, just as a comedian performing outside in broad daylight. To me, that just says, oh my God, I'm going to bomb. And I better get the check before I go out on stage.
Starting point is 00:08:05 That's what I see. But he was phenomenal. And then Bruno Mars came out, and it was, I don't know, dude, I called it. And he had told me that. She's like, you called it. You saw this kid like, whatever, three, four fucking years ago. You saw him on something.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And you were like, I did. I was like, this guy, he's old school. This is a song and dance man here. This is throwback. This dude can do anything. He's going to have a long career. The only thing stopping him is him. And he didn't stop himself, and there he was.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And he put on a fucking unbelievable show. His band was awesome. His drummer was fucking sick. He introduced him as his brother. I don't know. I don't know if he meant that in a cool way. Or we literally came from the same parents. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:08:52 But that guy was killer, and then his band was fucking amazing. And what I liked about it was that they were like, they were silly. They were having a good time, and they were killing it. And there were moments during the show where they were fucking around trying to make each other laugh and shit. And I don't know, man, it was just, it was an amazing show. And I also, you know, with each concert, I'm getting older and older. And I really should have, you know, like when you see a performer on stage,
Starting point is 00:09:21 you know, and they're just fucking old now. And everybody says like, oh man, he should just stop. She should just quit. Hang it up. You know, put a couple of shirts on if you're going to go out there. Jesus Christ, at least hit a fucking treadmill or whatever they say. You know, we should just stop. You know, I think that that goes with audience members too.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Because I got to tell you last night, I can't even tell you how many times I had to sit down because just literally standing up for too long, my lower back starts killing me. And I remember sitting down at one point, as Bruno Mars is on the stage and he's fucking sitting there going, you know, hey, the fucking left side, ah, the right side, now down the center. And I'm just saying, this guy sees me sitting down. You know, I don't want somebody on stage seeing me sitting down,
Starting point is 00:10:07 thinking I'm sitting down, you know, because I'm not appreciating what they're doing. I almost wish I had like a neon sign that said, it's not your fault. It's me. I'm fucking old. And I was literally sitting there laughing as I'm drinking a water. You know, like I was actually exercising rather than just trying to stand up for longer than 12 minutes. And I sat down and I really thought about it.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I was like, am I too old to go to a concert? I think I need to retire. You know, because I'm getting to those scary years when you're older and you go to a concert and you just feel the need to put on a, I'm going to a rock show t-shirt. You know what those older white guys do? And they'll put on one of those fucking Justin Timberlake hats and you're wearing a t-shirt, which, you know, unless you kept yourself in shape,
Starting point is 00:10:57 you should never be out of the house with a fucking t-shirt on. You know, with your fucking man boobs, you know, looking like B cups just sitting there and then you have some sort of bedazzlement on your t-shirt to let people know that you still can rock, you know. And you show up with those fucking jeans that just say, I saw fucking Molly Hatchett back in 82 or whatever the fucking guy's name is, right? Like, you just, I just don't want to be that guy. And I'm not going to lie to you, I saw a lot of that last night,
Starting point is 00:11:34 which is just a testament to both of those guys, how talented they are, because it really was everything from little kids, little kids to me like 14, 15, all the way up to like, I don't know, old Henry Winkler, like 70. But anyways, and it was funny, there was a guy sitting in front of us, this old dude who was well into his 60s, I think, and he was part of that last of that generation. You know those older guys from that generation that just always walk around with that navy captain's hat on? You know, some of them was because they were in the navy, the rest of them, I don't know why they wear it, but they just, maybe they have a boat, they just walk around with that fucking navy hat on.
Starting point is 00:12:19 He was of that age, and what was killing me was I'm sitting there going, you know what, I'm closer in age to the fucking navy hat guy than, you know, the fucking 20-something's here. Whatever. Anyways, it was a fucking great show, and so that's why the podcast was late. So you probably think like, wait a minute, that show probably started at seven o'clock, meaning you probably left your house around six, game seven, Chicago LA Kings, that was at five o'clock, would you watch the first period and leave? No, I taped the game.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Listen to this shit, this is how great it is to be a hockey fan out in LA. I taped game seven of the Western Conference Finals involving the Los Angeles Kings and the Black Hawks of Chicago. I go to the Hollywood Bowl, there's like, what, I don't know how many people is that place hold, 10, 15,000? I don't fucking know. And I didn't have to worry about anybody shouting out, going, hey, it's two to one, two to one, five minutes, and ruining it for me. All I did, all I had to do was shut off my phone so no one would send me a text. And I went to the concert, I came home, I watched the first period, and by that point it was like one in the morning, and I was fucking tired of shit, so I went to bed.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And then I woke up this morning, and I just watched the rest of it this morning. And like an asshole, I didn't add time to it. I don't know why, always add time. This is the one time I didn't, I just hit record and I left, so I didn't have the overtime. It looks like he scored about six, Alec Martinez scored six minutes into the overtime. My condolences to all Black Hawk fans, congratulations to all Kings fans. And not to use the cliche, but I'm going to use it. There really are no losers in a city like, of course there is a series like this, of course there is.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Because when you lose, it sucks. But I got to tell you, if the NHL ever decided to put all seven games of that series on a DVD, I would be one of the first people to buy it. Because it was that good top shelf level hockey. And all you fucking cunts who watch hockey, you know, you watch the gold medal game. You know, once every four years you watch one fucking game. Just imagine seven of those. That level of intensity, except even more, because it's actually for a real trophy. Okay, they're not playing for a fucking necklace.
Starting point is 00:14:57 You know, with some Bee Gees medallion hanging off of it, they're playing for the fucking Stanley Cup. That's what they all want to win. They would never say it. You can't say that in public. What would you rather do? Win the gold medal game for your country? Or would you rather win the fucking chalice that they're going to put your name on? It's a no brainer.
Starting point is 00:15:18 If my country, I'm going to Nashville and I'm going to try to win the cup, right? At least that's what I would think. It gives a fuck about winning a gold medal. You know, unless you're like your cross country ski with that rifle. I mean, there's no way to go pro in that. So that that's your cup. You got to do it. But if you're actually a professional athlete, right?
Starting point is 00:15:40 You got a Maserati sitting in your fucking garage. You know, you got some hottie jumping on your fucking dick every night. Do you really? I mean, I'm a fucking gold necklace. I go buy one. But you can't buy a Stanley Cup. I'll show you can make one out of cardboard and tin foil and stand in the crowd. We're in a jersey looking like some giant fucking make a wish kid, right?
Starting point is 00:16:03 Now, let's start with these people play for this fucking series was amazing. If you get a chance, I don't know if is going to is going to, I mean, I don't know they have the highlights, but they usually, I don't know how you do it. I remember back in the day when I used when I used to live in Boston, what was cool over the summertime was Nessin, the Nessin network over the summertime. They used to have these these things called a summer cooler. And over the summer, they would play like the best Bruins games of the year. So the Bruins would always win the game.
Starting point is 00:16:40 It'd be some dramatic victory. And there'd be like a, you know, bench clearing brawler or a big fight or something like that. It was great. The summer coolest. So I don't know if they're going to show it, but whatever. I got to tell you, and somewhere along the lines, you know, I was rooting for the Kings, even though I still love Chicago, I wrote it for the Kings because they were the underdogs. And, but then I was also going, man, Chicago Rangers to original six.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I mean, when was the last time they met each other in the playoffs? I mean, the finals. I'm trying never in my lifetime as far as I know, 70s were a little weird. See, the Rangers got to the finals in 79 and they played the Canadians. And I don't think they got in the rest of the time. 76 was the fucking fliers lost to Canadians. 77 or 78, one of those was the Bruins too many men on the ice game when Gila Flaw, the fucking flower, scored on the weakest fucking wrist shot you ever saw.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Nobody knew to go down on the butterfly. So the fuck we had was standing up a neck and he did like a little fucking flail that it with this fucking pad. Um, anyways, let me just continue on. Oh, by the way, I remember a long time ago, I gave a lot of today's hockey players shit because most of them hadn't even scored 50 goals. And then I listened to Dan practice. I recorded it because he had Wayne Gretzky on the great one and I actually listened to it and Gretzky said that he would have, he would have problems scoring 50 goals, how good and how big the players are now and how great the defenses are. So I will shut the fuck up about that immediately.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Um, but anyways, yeah, so I started rooting for the Kings. You know, I've just liked that team for a number of years. I just like how they play and everything. And I just watched a bunch of games and I somehow became a fan and I was sitting out there this morning, watching the rest of the game and somebody on the Kings took a shot. And I like when like, oh, I freaked out because he just missed it. Then they scored a goal and I flipped out and then Nia just looked at me and she just went shame on you. What did you abandon the Boston Bruins and just put me in this defensive moment?
Starting point is 00:18:53 Not in a band and it was just out. You know, my fan of hockey, I'm rooting for the Kings. She goes, how can you as a fan of any Boston team root for a fucking LA team? And I was like, I know you're right. I don't know how it happened. You know, I actually was a fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers in the late 70s before the Lakers Celtics thing heated up in the 80s. And that was just because I hated the Yankees. We could never beat him and there was the Bucky dead game.
Starting point is 00:19:21 So in 77 and 78, the Dodgers played the fucking Yankees. So I'm not rooting for the Yankees. So I would really root for the Dodgers and I became a Dodgers fan. I love Tommy Lasorda right through when they beat the Yankees in 81. Fernando Valenzuela when they beat the A's Kurt Gibson hobbling around fucking pumping his fist. All of that shit. I was a Dodgers fan and then then I moved out here and I went to a Dodgers game. You know, when I saw how cunty their fucking fans are, they don't show up late.
Starting point is 00:19:52 They got a knife to your throat. I mean, I'm exaggerating, but not really. Cunty has like a little sort of biker rally vibe. Yeah, I told you, it's just, I mean, King's fans are more mellow though, but it's just not it's, I don't know what it is about from fucking San Francisco on down out here on the West Coast. These people take it way too seriously if you have the jersey of another team. I mean, it's bad enough when you do that in other parts of the country, but yeah, this is the last fucking place I would come wearing the jersey of the opposite team.
Starting point is 00:20:30 There's no fucking way. There's no fucking way. I like where my nose is on my face. I like my teeth. I like my brain unswollen. You know, I like not having little extra breathing holes throughout my chest. I mean, call me crazy. Call me a pussy.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I mean, that's just, just, just how I am. You know, I'm in one time from some fucking celebrity. You know, one of those, those tough celebrities, you know, they get movies and they play enough tough guys that they, they start to think that they know how to fight and save the world was talking about wearing another team's jersey to a Laker game. They're like, aren't you worried about blah, blah, blah? And he's like, worried about what? Like he says, badass. It's like, fuck you with your courtside seats, you know, walking in and out of the celebrity entrance into your fucking town car.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Go wear that in the upper deck. All right. Let's see if you live long enough to do the sequel to I am cunt face part two. Right. All right. Well, Jesus, Bill, you're in a mood. I am. I'm a little tired and then I ate bad already today.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Oh my God. I ate so bad. Do you know what? Last week, I got to mention this before I, before I do in the advertising was fucking hilarious. I didn't even realize I said it. I was talking about something. I said, God, I'm such a Gemini. I have never taken out of that might have been the most shit I ever took for anything that I said on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I must have got like, I don't know, like 30 or 40. I retweeted a couple. They, whoever wrote those, you guys had me die and laughing. Just, you know, like when you say something and you don't even realize how fucking effeminate it is until somebody brings it up. And then it's just so bad and the jokes are so good. You can't do anything but laugh. I was really sitting by myself and the first one came in and this, I think that was the one I retweeted. Somebody wrote, you know, I really had, I don't know, something about the level of respect they had for me, you know, was at a high level.
Starting point is 00:22:38 And then it all went out the window. The second I said, I'm such a Gemini. And then I got like, and I was just like, oh, fuck, did I say that? And I kind of started laughing. So I retweeted that one and then I kind of scrolled down and there was like 10 other ones and each one was just more and more brutal. So whatever, that's a shout out to whoever fucking wrote those things because you guys gave me a great laugh this week. So, so what, why, why, why not just continue setting myself up to get trashed here? You know what I did this morning?
Starting point is 00:23:12 You know why the podcast is late? Because this morning I was making homemade cupcakes. I swear to God. Frosting and all that shit. I was frosting cupcakes when I was watching the end of a game seven NHL game, the toughest man sport, arguably out there. I was frosting cupcakes. And you know what, I stand by it. I don't give a fuck how much shit you guys give me on Twitter because I know you got it because it's fun.
Starting point is 00:23:48 But you know, what do you want from me? It's my wife's birthday today. One of her favorite things in the world is she likes cupcakes with chocolate frosting. But out here they usually have the chocolate frosting with the chocolate cake. She likes the yellow cake with the chocolate frosting, myself included. Alright, insert interracial couple joke there. So, you know, I was, I was sick of driving around trying to find them at fucking, you know, every goddamn bakery out here. I said, fucking, I'll make some.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Went out and bought a couple of trays. You know what, let me tell you something about people who make cupcakes. Okay, fuck them. It's not that hard. It's not that hard. I actually took out my KitchenAid. It's the second time I used it. One time I used it for fucking, look at all this product placement, KitchenAid.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I should start getting paid for this shit. So, I fucking, I took that thing out for the first time a couple months ago when I made some homemade pasta. And this is the first time I used it when I was actually baking. It's the shit. It's like having an assistant that you don't have to fucking pay ever. Things over in the corner, just doing the shit you don't want to do, stirring it up. As you're doing some other bullshit. I tell you something, dead delicious.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And everybody who wanted the, wants to give me shit. I'm going to tell you right now, if I shove one down your pie hole, you'd have to say, God damn it, Bill, that's a good cupcake. I got to give it up to you. I don't respect you anymore as a man. That's a good goddamn cupcake. So, hey, get into the Stanley Cup Finals here. The Stanley Cup Finals.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I picked Chicago to win it all wrong. I crushed the first round. You know, when the number one was playing the eighth seed? I called those all day after the fucking second round. I mean, into the second round, after the first round. That's what I'm trying to say. I've just been horrible. So if I pick your team, you should be nervous.
Starting point is 00:25:50 So right now, Ranger fans and Kings fans supposed to be saying, if you believe in that mojo fucking voodoo shit, you should be telling me to shut up. Well, you know what? I thought the Canadians were going to beat the Rangers. And I thought the... I thought Chicago was going to beat the Kings. Obviously, neither of that happened.
Starting point is 00:26:13 But I'll tell you who picked it perfectly was Joe Bartnick. Joe Bartnick said, Kings in seven games. The Kings won in seven games. Add Joe Bartnick. All right? You know, if you want to give a little tip of your cap, go to add Joe Bartnick on the Twitter. On the Twitter app thing, whatever the fuck you call it.
Starting point is 00:26:32 And have a listen to Joe Bartnick has his own podcast. It's all hockey talk. It's called Puck Off. And have a listen, whatever. The guy really knows his shit. And he's his biggest fucking Cam Naly. So there you go. Anyway, so who am I picking in the finals?
Starting point is 00:26:49 I think... I actually love both teams. How fucked up is that? I love a New York and an LA team. I don't love their fans, but I love their team. And just watching both of them throughout the last series. I don't know how you can hate either one of them. But I got to go with the experience.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And I got to take the fucking LA Kings. You know, two great gold tenders. You know what? And I say bet the over in all of these games. Because everyone's going to think Jonathan Quick and fucking... Whatever the fuck his name is. Is it Henri Henrich? Whatever the fuck you call him.
Starting point is 00:27:28 They think that there's going to be low score. And I don't think it's going to be. I think they're going to run into him. I think there's going to be a lot of goalie mass falling off. You know, there's going to be some upset padded bearded gentlemen on both sides of the ice going what the fuck. You know, I just think it's going to be a great series. And good luck to both of you.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I'm watching every second of it. So this is your last series. If you're ever going to watch hockey. Well, I mean, you can watch it again in October. But you know, whatever. Come on, man. Jump on the fucking bandwagon. Have a good time. All right. Okay. What else?
Starting point is 00:28:03 Oh, let me do some advertising. Let me just knock these things out. Shall we? Where am I? Where the fuck is the advertising? All right. There we go. All right. Note to host, please personalize areas highlighted in bold. You know, I'm really good.
Starting point is 00:28:23 It's hard enough for me to read these fucking things. All right. Dollar Shave Club everybody. There are so many things that piss me off. You know what? Sticking my hand into the bowl like towards the end when I'm trying to frost a cupcake and the frosting gets on my knuckles and I have to lick it off just knowing that that's extra time I'm going to spend on the treadmill.
Starting point is 00:28:43 You know, but then I'm happy that I am frosting a cupcake. So, you know, it's kind of, I'm happy and sad. You know, I'm such a Gemini. And paying way too much to shave my face is definitely up there. Nothing feels better than shaving with a fresh new blade. But new razors are so ridiculously expensive that you can't afford to change your blade more than once every six months.
Starting point is 00:29:07 So you end up scraping up your face with an old blade. Dollar Shave Club delivers top quality razors for a few bucks a month. Shave Club members always shave with a fresh blade because they get a fresh pack in the mail every month. Talk candidly about your experiences with the program. Well, I lather up my face and I use that fresh blade and when I'm done I wash it off
Starting point is 00:29:30 and my face is as smooth as Dr. Kava's Easy Shave Plata. Yeah, they got lots of other great products like the one I just mentioned. And Dr. Kava's Post Shave. Join the hundreds of thousands of guys who've upgraded to the smarter way to shave. Shave time, shave money. Join Dollar Shave Club.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Join now at Support this podcast and a great company by going to One more time, That's B-U-R-R. Also, if you want to support this podcast, you can go to the podcast page on and click on the Amazon link and go shopping.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Won't cost you any extra money and they'll kick me a little do-re-me there for sending traffic their way. All right, what's next?, everyone. Hey, when you think about the best time to go to the post office, you're probably guessing before work,
Starting point is 00:30:27 after work, or during lunch, wrong. That's when it's the most crowded. Well, obviously, nobody's at work. Are they talking down to us at I don't think I like this. Everyone's going at that time. The truth is there's no convenient time to go to the post office.
Starting point is 00:30:44 That's why you need Actually, in defense of them, that's the only time you can go if you have a job. With, access all the services of the post office right from your own desk. Buy and print official U.S. postage for any letter or package using your computer or your printer.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Then just hand it over to the mail carrier. So easy. And unlike the post office, is open 24-7 with no lines. So you can get your mailing and shipping done whenever it's convenient for you. I use to send out all my posters, DVDs, whatever crap I'm selling at the end of my shows.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I am a moron, and even I can figure out So if I can, so can you. How do we do it? Well, first of all, special offer right now. Use my name. My last name, BURR, for this special offer, no risk trial, plus $110 bonus offer that includes a digital scale
Starting point is 00:31:33 and up to $55 free postage. Don't wait. Go to Before you do anything else, click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in BURR, B-U-R-R, that's, enter BURR. All right. Oh, I almost forgot to thank everybody
Starting point is 00:31:49 who came out to the improv in Arlington, Texas this week. I had a great time performing for you guys, getting ready to do my stand-up special. June 20th at the Tabernacle Theater in Atlanta. Tickets are on sale right now. Both shows looking like they're going to sell out, so I want to thank everybody that spent your hard-earned cash to watch me go dance around and tell my jokes.
Starting point is 00:32:10 On the 20th, I'm really looking forward to it, and I had a great time in Dallas, as always. Big fan of Texas, and most of you who listen to my podcast know that I am a huge fan of the Discovery Channel show Fast and Loud, the Gas Monkey Garage guys, so I'm like, I got to go over there. I got to go check this place out. And I went over to their garage.
Starting point is 00:32:37 They got a gift shop over there with all these t-shirts and stuff. And, you know, fortunately enough, the owner, Richard, was nice enough, he was out of town, and he had a few people over there take me around. And I just had a great time. I saw all the cars. It was ridiculous. I came walking in the back, total fucking fanboy, right?
Starting point is 00:33:02 I'm actually nervous as I'm walking in there. I'm such a fan of the fucking show, right? And I come walking in the back, and then it's like all these guys that I've seen on the show. And long story fucking short. Long story short, I got to see all these cars, some of the cars that they're working on in upcoming episodes. I'm not going to ruin anything that's coming up,
Starting point is 00:33:25 but they're working on some of the coolest cars that they've had since the beginning of the episode. And then as I'm walking out in the parking lot, and there's Casey's, that Army Green F-100 that he has, Frankenstein or whatever they call it. A lot of you guys who are fans of the show, watch them, you know, redo that truck. And I guess since they did it, he put an even faster engine in it.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Long story short, the guy over there, Jason, who was giving me the tour, who was really nice to me the whole weekend. He goes, hey, you want Casey to give you a ride in that truck? And I'm like, man, I don't want to bug the guy. Of course I do, but I don't want to bug the guy. I don't want to be some fucking jerk off. I already met the guy, he didn't know who the fuck I was, right?
Starting point is 00:34:12 So it's not like I could be like, hey, I'll give you one of my fucking stupid stand up DVDs if you get, I had nothing. I was just another jackass walking in there. So he was cool as hell. He goes, yeah, I'll give you a ride. So we start driving around the block in the truck. He's talking to me about the truck and all that type of shit.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And we get on this straight away, right? Thank God they didn't film this. They wanted to film it, but they didn't have any batteries in their camera. They want to stick one on the windshield. Dude, it was the fastest fucking thing I've ever been in. He just lets out the clutch and it just, whaaaaa! We start flying down the street. I can literally feel the back end just ever so subtly going left to right
Starting point is 00:34:54 because there's no weight in the back. And I'm, I felt like I was in a drag racer and I was trying so hard to not freak out and not be a pussy, but I'm not gonna lie to you. You had to put my, I put my foot up on the fucking dashboard because there was no seat belts. And I'm feeling this thing skating in the back. So we just go down the street.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Whaaaaa! My fucking face is contouring. And then he slows down and I just go, Jesus fucking Christ. What are you trying to give me a heart attack? And he just, you know, his deadpan humor just sort of laughs and he goes, yeah, that was second gear. Second gear. We're going like 70 miles an hour down this little ass fucking road.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Cars parked on both sides. It took, it literally took me about four hours to come down from probably the three seconds that we were driving that fast, but I got to do that. How cool is that? How cool are the people at Gas Monkey that they actually took time out of their day to let me do that? Huge fan of the show.
Starting point is 00:35:53 I went over to their bar. They got their own restaurant over there. It's like the number two live place to play music now in Texas already or in Dallas. They just passed House of Blues. They're fucking crushing it over there. So, I don't know, if you get a chance, I, man, I asked all kinds of geeky fan questions to him.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I'm trying to remember some that won't ruin any episodes. They get like 400 emails a day because I asked him like, how do you guys find, how do you find all these fucking cars? I know Richard's always saying, I'm going to go on the interweb and blah, blah, blah. They get 400 emails a day of people with these cars that they want to sell. Either they don't want to handle them or the person who owned them passed away. And, man, you should see, I got a shut up because I don't want to ruin any of it.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So, thank you to Richard Wrongs for hooking me up over there. Casey for giving me the ride. And Jason and his lovely wife, Linda, giving me the tour and everything. I just had a great, great time and I can't wait for the next season. So, if you don't watch it fast and loud on Discovery, look at that. That was like a fucking 20-minute commercial for him. All right, let's move on to the questions this week. Ever so slight, where are we? 36 minutes in.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Okay, solar panels. Last week, I talked about how I was thinking about maybe getting solar panels off my house, off my house, on my house. And I don't know if I want to go off the grid, but whatever. I sit here baking in the sun in this fucking house. I might as well get something out of it, right? All right, so here we go. Hi, Bill.
Starting point is 00:37:30 First off, huge fan of your comedy podcast. Thank you. I saw you perform Brian Regan. Oh, with Brian Regan Cubs comedy while that was a bucket list night for me to be able to perform with that guy. The show was absolutely hilarious. Well, thank you and thank you from Brian Regan too. Anyway, regarding your question about solar, there is no solar power that is completely off the grid. You use all the energy that you can provide through solar and the rest that can't be provided by the sun.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Like at night, or if it gets shady on your roof, the utility provides. This is called interconnection. You save a ton of money and you use clean energy in the process. I work for a solar company. I promise this isn't a bullshit sales pitch and I managed the construction timeline. So I've learned a lot about this stuff. Here's a link to my company I work for. We install a lot in LA and in Boston as well too.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I think we're in like 12 different states. Anyways, thanks to you for the awesome podcast. You know something about this solar shit? Every person you talk to says something different. I watch people on YouTube make up a solar thing. What a solar thing. Put up their solar panels. Broke down how they worked and how you could get off the grid.
Starting point is 00:38:44 But it was really, really, really fucking involved. This guy's digging a goddamn trench. I can't even remember what the fuck was going on. But I'm just like, alright, I don't have room for a trench. My little piece of property here. I got room for a hole. Does that work? I can't even remember what he was doing. They dug this trench and he stuffed like a fucking tarp in there.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I can't even tell you what was going on. I will definitely look into it. Hopefully I'll have more luck with you guys than the fucking cunts who put the roof on this house. Fucking assholes. I told you what they did, right? They put the roof on the house and then like the drain pipes. Because it's an old house, old stupid design. Where the drain off was, it goes down into a pipe that actually goes into like a...
Starting point is 00:39:34 I have like a... My attic is actually... You ever see seeing John Malkovich or being John Malkovich? Remember how they had that floor we had to walk around bent over? That's basically how much space there is between the ceiling on my top floor and then the roof. I don't even know what the purpose of it is. All it is, it just traps air that gets heated up and causes my house to be hot. But anyways, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:40:04 So the drain off of the water on the roof goes into a pipe that goes into the fucking crawl space and then back out the front of the house and down the side. So you take water from the roof, you bring it into the house. It's inside a pipe, but nevertheless you bring it into the fucking house. And God forbid that pipe bursts. Or you have some fucking moron who disconnects it when he's putting the new roof on and forgets to hook it back up. And then tries to blame it on...
Starting point is 00:40:37 Yeah, he blamed it on me. Oh, you know, they're fucking old and blah, blah, blah. And I'm just sitting there going, all right, this is at least a year in court. You know what? Why don't you just get the fuck out of here? I'll just put in a goddamn claim you cunt. That's what I did, because I didn't want to go to court. So anyways, I'm hoping you're better than those guys.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I mean, how couldn't you be? All right, here's my favorite one of this week. Solar roadways debunked. I got a note from my guy here, Andrew says, a ton of people forwarded the same link as the one in the email below. I watched this so you don't have to. It's 30 minutes long. Basically, he bitches about cost, maintenance, and the efficiency of the perks,
Starting point is 00:41:18 advertising, original video, like heating or repairing the road. Yeah, I actually watched the first 10 minutes of it. I'll save my opinion until I read this. Yo, Billy, the sunburn kid. I know you were pretty pumped up about solar roads. To be honest, so was I, but someone smart sat down and crunched some numbers and brought up points as to why solar roads are economically and technically not feasible. It's about 30 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:41:44 So if you got some time to kill in any airport, check it out. Well, you know what, sir? I watched the first 10 minutes of it. He didn't debunk them. He just brought up a bunch of questions. He's just like a road has to be durable. And I would have some questions about, I mean, they showed a tractor run over the tiles, but it was a small tractor and they only did it once.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I would like to see how these things hold up when it's wet out and you need water to run off. He just brought up a bunch of fucking questions. He didn't debunk them. Basically what he did, it's like 50% what you have to do. You can't have somebody just coming on, hey, these are brand new roads. Can I make them? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:42:31 You think they're good? You think they're going to work? Okay. I mean, obviously you can't do that, but it's 50% that which is smart. You got to ask the right questions. And then the other side is anytime you try to do something new, there's always people saying it's not going to work, you know? And this guy, in his half hour, I'm sure he brought up a number of things
Starting point is 00:42:52 that would be a problem. It doesn't mean they can't work. Okay, so I wouldn't say they were debunked. I would just say somebody asked a bunch of fucking questions. And rather than just, what he does is he just throws it out there. It's like, why don't you contact the people at the solar road who are trying to make the solar roads and actually get some answers and get some fucking, or maybe order some tiles
Starting point is 00:43:14 and experiments yourself rather than wasting people's time with the half hour of questions and speculation. That's basically what it was. So I wouldn't say that it was debunked. But, you know, you throw up three pointers for a half an hour. Some of them are going to go in even if you suck. So I'm sure a couple of his concerns were true. But, you know, I mean, look at electric cars.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Since way back in the day, people, they suck their fucking up. Like, people actually question the power of electricity. It powers the entire fucking city. It can light up a whole fucking city. And I get a Prius and my own mother, my own mother, is going, can it go up a hill? No, mom, I just got to get out and start walking. It's great for my weight.
Starting point is 00:44:02 And look at that. They say, oh, they're underpowered and they're this and they're that. First of all, the Prius is not an electric car. It's not even a fucking 50% electric car. It's like an 8% electric car. That's what it is. From, like, zero, I've told you this guy's for years, from zero to seven miles an hour, that car runs on electric power
Starting point is 00:44:25 and then switches over to gas for the rest of the time. And if you drive with a lead foot, you're going to get maybe 25 miles a gallon. But if you listen, if you listen to the engine, okay, and you don't stomp on the gas and drive like a fucking maniac and slam on the brakes, you can get, you know, I wouldn't say 40 miles a gallon. You can get like 35, but it's great. Perfect car if you're living in the city.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I absolutely love the fucking thing. So anyway, so you had that. I bought that thing in October of 2007. And now, look at these Tesla cars. I actually rode in one of those the end of last year. Before I rode in case he's fucking truck, Jesus Christ, which probably gets two feet to the gallon, especially the way he was driving it.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Those Tesla cars are fucking amazing. And you can drive from, last I checked, from San Diego all the way up to Vancouver. You know, they have recharge stations from San Diego all the way up to Vancouver. And I think recently someone just drove one across the country. So it's not like that guy in the speculation video. I got to look that one up or you should look it up or whatever. But I'm actually leaning towards that fucking thing. Things bad ass you walk up to when you turn it on,
Starting point is 00:45:42 like the door handles are flush against the car and you walk up and things pop out. I'm sure other cars do that, but I never seen it, you know. It's cool to me. The only thing I didn't like about the car is it has like a super size fucking iPad right in the dashboard. And that just seemed like that would be really distracting for somebody like me. It's like a shade just to sort of pull that thing down.
Starting point is 00:46:04 But I'm actually thinking of maybe getting one. I also kind of like the idea that they're just sort of one price, like you don't go in there and there's none of that haggling. So you don't feel like a pussy when you walk out because I don't give a shit how many fucking videos you watch. You still get your ass handed to you. But either way, let's bring in the birthday girl. Hey, Nia!
Starting point is 00:46:24 Come on in. Got to bring in the birthday girl over here. Let me try to find something that she can relate to. NBA. Oh, Bill. Not asking you to rant for 20 minutes. Oh, there we go. The lovely Nia, everybody.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Nia. Happy birthday to you. Yeah. Sorry. That was beautiful. Oh, it was.
Starting point is 00:47:07 In its own sad way. How'd you like your cupcake? I loved it. There you go. You made me a cupcake. My favorite kind of cupcake, too, which is very sweet. You take that. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Put a little candle right here. Put a little candle in it. It was very adorable. That was very nice. Yeah, and you didn't mush it in my face. All right. Well, happy birthday. There's a whole bunch more that you made, so, you know.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Well, that's the thing. All my recipes. Stay on your peas and queues, sweetheart. Well, the thing is, is all my recipes come from my mother. So they all serve like 10 people. Right. Well, most cupcake recipes are going to be for like more than 30. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:50 I stopped after. I went two rounds through. What did I make? What is it? Was there six in a tray or eight in a tray? Yeah. There's like 18 or 20 of them out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Well, nobody makes one cupcake. So, yeah, any kind of recipe is going to be for like. Well, why don't you just make like six? Six is perfect. They never think about like, they don't, they never think about the lonely people when they make a cookbook. Well, the thing is, you could put enough batter in for six and cook the six and then freeze the rest of your batter and just have it for the next time you want to make cupcakes.
Starting point is 00:48:21 So it's not like it's a complete waste. Oh, all right. But who's going to give you the exact measurements for like one or two cupcakes? That's silly. Well, you know what? Baking doesn't work like that. I think, yeah, that'd be a great idea for a cookbook. What?
Starting point is 00:48:35 Cupcakes for one. No, the loner, the loner cookbook. The loner. Oh! Or like just single. That's a good idea. Yeah, like when you're fucking single. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Sitting there trying to do the math. You know, it serves eight. It's just like, I'm fucking 22. I'm trying to make spaghetti over here. Why don't they just make it? But that's why you have luck. But the thing is, that's why it's good to have leftovers. You freeze the shit and you have it for later.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Well, it's not, it's not bad now because you can go on the internet. Like today, I'm sitting there looking at that fucking cane sugar and they're asking me in the bag, it says two pounds of cane sugar and they wanted a certain amount of ounces. And I'm sitting there and all I have is like a quarter cup. So I go, I was like, how many cups are in a pound? And they're like, well, cups is more of a, like a size. Yeah. Not a size.
Starting point is 00:49:26 What is the word? Like, they couldn't figure like, it's not a weight. A cup is not a weight. It's more like a fucking handful kind of looking at it like that. So what I actually did was I took out one of your little sports fucking things that you drink out of that has ounces on the side. Yeah, they put the protein shakes in. Oh, that works.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yeah. Well, that's why the thing was a disaster once I got out there. It looked like a bakery exploded in there. Yeah. There's flour everywhere. Yeah. Mix this like kicked on the countertops on the floor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Dry little white puddles. That's right. You're like a little kid. Whenever you go and make something, you make the biggest fucking mess I've ever seen. The kitchen is a disaster. That's why I like it. You've got like stains all over your apron. You know, you're sweating a little bit.
Starting point is 00:50:12 You're hairy. You're like slipping around in your socks in the kitchen, sliding around in flour. You're all like stressed out. You're all red in the face. I wasn't stressed out. You weren't stressed out this time. But other times you've made stuff. It's been funny.
Starting point is 00:50:25 That's when I've learned to stay away. Well, here's the thing. No, no. Here's the thing. That was the younger me who flipped out all the time. No, I just flipped out a year ago. Quit going for the joke. Come on.
Starting point is 00:50:37 I'm getting better. Yeah. And also back in the day, I didn't have an apron. You got to have an apron. You got to have an apron. The apron. The fans are all messy. Yeah, right in the front of them.
Starting point is 00:50:46 And you just keep marching forward. You leave the casualties behind. It's fucking phenomenal. It was delicious though. I really appreciate it. And your gifts were amazing. Of course they were. You killed it this birthday, honey.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Of course I did. And you know what? You know, I killed it because you always figure out what I'm going to get you. I just played like I was a moron. I really hate that though. Can I just say? I really, you drove me crazy with that yesterday. You were driving me nuts.
Starting point is 00:51:14 You were actually mad at me. That was the funny thing. I was trying not to be. But you were really pushing my buttons. You were trying to make me mad. See, that's the thing. You're toying with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:51:26 I emailed you something like a month ago. Just saying, hey, if you're wondering what's giving me for my birthday because I know you're busy. I know you're on the road and all this other stuff. So I'm trying to help you out. I'm telling you what I want. Also, you know, it's like I'm not like a little kid, you know what I mean? I tell you exactly what I want to like give you, lead you in the right direction.
Starting point is 00:51:46 What, a little kid say what they don't want? Well, I mean, you know, there's a little kid has a birthday. You're like, hey, have a toy. Get out of here. Beat it. But when you're older. Is that what happens? You have like specific things that, you know, maybe you'd like to get.
Starting point is 00:51:59 So you let people know. My parents ask me all the time, what do you want for your birthday? What do you want for your birthday? Because nobody has time to sit around and like figure out what do you want. So, you know. Isn't that what I did this year? But that's what you did because you took what I wanted and then you kind of riffed on it and you got a bunch of stuff to surround.
Starting point is 00:52:14 No, it was, it was wonderful. But my point is you made me crazy. I don't like that you still took credit. You took what I said and then you're riffed on it. No, I didn't actually listen to you this year. And I, from months ago, and I figured out what the fuck you wanted. And then you did your usual thing because you are an organizing. You like you just, you're an organized person.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Literally to the point that you're organizing my shopping for what I get you. Now, one of the great things about giving somebody a gift is the surprise where they're like. It's not a surprise. You take me out to brunch and you're like, all right, I got to get you home because I got to go shopping for your birthday. Like, how's that supposed to make me feel? I'm sitting there like, uh, okay. This is why. This is why I did that because you emailed me something.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I knew you wanted this shit. Yes. Okay. Now, if I just went out and got it for you, I mean, why don't you just fucking, you know, when the mailman comes, he hands it to me and then I throw it at you when you're sitting there. It takes no fucking imagination whatsoever. Right. So I knew you wanted it.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I knew I was going to get it for you, but I'm like, how the fuck is it still a surprise that she gets it? So what I did was I acted like I wasn't, and I already knew the other things that I was going to, I was going to get. I knew where the hell they were. I waited till the last second to get it. So you thought I was like, uh, an unthoughtful jackass and it worked like a fucking charm. Why would you buy? Why would you make yourself seem like, you know, a last minute jackass like that? Like, why would you just torture me?
Starting point is 00:53:38 And I'll tell you what? Just torture me because you can't just give me the gift and be like, here you go, honey. You have to have some other little thing where you throw me off my game. You give me all in a tizzy. And then it's like, oh wait, he actually did the perfect thing. Why? Why do you play those games? Because.
Starting point is 00:53:53 That's exactly the type of thing that you accuse women of doing. And you do it to me all the time. This is why. Because when I don't do that, you guess exactly what I'm going to get you. And it's fucking annoying. It's fucking, and I've wrapped something. You already know what's in it. You make me feel like an idiot.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Why do you feel like an idiot just because I guess what it is? You don't guess. You peek. You look. That time when I came, when I went Christmas shopping. Oh my God. We really didn't have this conversation. Yes we are.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yes we are. I told you that I did not see what you brought. This is when you know you're going to bring up a good point with your woman and she immediately starts trying to talk over you. I do the same thing. Yes you do. So I'm pulling up in the car. You knew I was going Christmas shopping for you.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I'm getting out of the car. I opened the hatchback to our sweet innocent little hybrid. Right? I take the bag out that has the name of the fucking store. And I glance. I honestly didn't say. And I glance over at the house and you're standing there like a specter looking out the window. I had been waiting for you.
Starting point is 00:54:50 My fucking heart. My heart like jolted when I looked up you. No. You had a creepy look on your face. You were doing something sneaky. You were coming up and I was waving at you. No you weren't. And then you didn't see me.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Can I show you? Can I show you what you were doing? All right fine. You can show me. I've seen you do this before. This is what you were doing. I looked. I'm looking at the house and I look up at you like this.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Nobody can see. So what? You're sitting there looking like some weird stalker. That's what you were doing. No I didn't. Yes you were doing. You were a spoiled brat. No I didn't.
Starting point is 00:55:21 And you wanted to see what was in the thing. I'm not a spoiled brat. Don't say that. All right. You're spoiled. If I spoil it's because you spoil me. Oh god. Blaming the victim.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Once again. Victim. No. Here's the deal. Yes you're such a victim. No that's why I did it. I like to try to surprise you. If I'm going to spend all my fucking money on some god damn thing here.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I want you to. Oh you're so tacky. I want to see. You're so tacky. To throw how much money it cost for you to get your shirt that was in my face. You didn't have to say how much it cost. Just by saying if I'm going to. Am I really going to lose this?
Starting point is 00:55:54 Am I going to lose this one? It's my birthday. So yeah. Oh my god. All right. Let's go. No. Let's get back.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Let's get back. The same thing. Yeah because it's like a sport for you to figure out what the fuck I got you. It's annoying. I never tried. It's a sport for you to always throw me off my game. You know it's a sport for me. Teach you how to use a microphone.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Just talk into it. Oh okay. There you go. You couldn't hear me before? Well I hear you and then you're over here. No. You only go over here when you imitate somebody else. That's what you do.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Or when you go. Yeah. There you go. That's all it is. That's the mic technique. There you go. All right. We're going to talk NBA here.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Nene. The NBA. The NBA. National Basketball Association. I know what it's for. It's a professional league. Now with basketball. William.
Starting point is 00:56:38 I know what it's for. Unlike soccer. You use your hands but not your feet. You can't kick the ball. It's reverse soccer. I'm just wondering what I'm going to possibly know about the NBA. But anyway. Let's go ahead and read it.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Well I mean I have to read the questions here. All right. There's no penalty and just tapping out on one. NBA. Bill. Not asking you to ramp for 20 minutes on this. Because I know not everyone cares about basketball. But seriously.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Good luck. The NBA. The NBA is so rigged. How can announcers and former players not be up in arms. LeBron got three fouls in the first quarter. I hate LeBron. But Christ. Let's have a fair game.
Starting point is 00:57:15 I think the trick is to watch shitty teams. And hope shitty teams make it to the playoffs. So there's no incentive to sway the momentum. If the Raptors played the jazz and the championships. There's no superstars. Help or to help or to penalize. Yeah. I mean I think it's.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Look. In any sport. The top players definitely get preferential treatment. I mean there's the Tom Brady rule. There's all kinds of shit. That goes on. But I just. You know.
Starting point is 00:57:44 That's one of those ones where look. I mean they make more money. If it goes more games. It's I just I just feel like. I've already said what I said. Okay. I'm not going to keep reiterating it. Either you believe it or you don't.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I know for years I said it was fixed and then they found a mobbed up ref. You know. Who was actually fixing games and fuck the Sacramento Kings. Out of a series against the Lakers and the Lakers went on to win a championship. They literally affected who the fuck won the championship that year. Or this guy did. And then everybody when I was vindicated and I was right. Just went like it was just one guy.
Starting point is 00:58:20 It's just one guy. I think it's in their best interest to have the stars of the big teams in the finals and for it to go more than four games. Okay. And I think you know those refs get paid by the game. Those fucking arenas. You know. More games.
Starting point is 00:58:39 More concession. More tickets. More commercial. More money. So and I think that that plays a fucking role consciously or subconsciously. I'm not saying that they sit down. I just think that it's fucking. I just my thing.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I'm done saying it's fixed. I'll just say that the refs have way too much power and they have to stop dictating that the tempo of the game. I would like the players. You know, I would rather have that. All right. There we go. But either way, don't blow in little bronze ear.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Even though that was funny as fucking hell. Did you see that? No. On the fucking Pacers. I forget his name. Not a big hoop guy. Right. He blew in LeBron's ear.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Yeah. They were sitting there. Why? I think they were both sitting there. You know, when you got your hands on your knees, I don't know if they're waiting for a jump ball or something. Right. And he was sort of not quite perpendicular to the side of LeBron's face, but he just
Starting point is 00:59:29 sort of went right into his ear. And what was funny was it took LeBron for like half a second. Then he sort of smile and shook his head like so it didn't have the desired effect or he was hoping he was going to get like when Will Smith slapped that guy who kissed him. Oh, I see. I think he was trying to get him off his game. He had flappable LeBron James.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Well, I mean, he's like, he's like a fucking X-man out there. The guy's a goddamn superhero. Although I got to tell you, I get so turned off by the NBA. I don't understand what all the screaming and yelling is after you make a basket. What do you mean screaming? Like they're excited? Like they're like, no, like they're mad at somebody you can't see. Like they're yelling just looking at the crowd yelling LeBron James took the ball when
Starting point is 01:00:12 coast to coast. Like I've seen my entire life. He's not the first guy to go coast to coast. He dunks the ball. And when he's done, he first walks and he starts glaring at the crowd. And then he's going all the way up the sideline. I didn't know what he was saying. Isn't he just like all hyped and like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Yeah. Like, weren't they always hyped? Weren't you always hyped? You gave a high five. He's sitting there screaming and yelling, thumping his fucking chest. They're out there acting like they, it's like, dude, you put a ball through a hoop. I know you're the one of the greatest whoever fucking did it, but you're not Jordan. I never saw Jordan do that.
Starting point is 01:00:53 So what? He doesn't have to be Jordan. He's LeBron. I'm just saying why I don't like it. I'm not saying he can't do it. Dude, Kevin Garnett. I swear to God. It's like he has Tourette's.
Starting point is 01:01:04 He does anything. He's walking up to the line like talking to himself and every other word is fuck. And you can clearly see that the guy's saying fuck. And I don't understand. I just, it's, it's bizarre. Every other word out of your mouth is fuck. Yeah. No, but I'm not on fucking T.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Oh, I guess I am on TV. Yes, you are on TV. And no, no, no, no, no, no, that's, I'll tell you why this is different. That would be like if I told a joke and then it killed and as the crowds laughing and applauding, I would stand up to go, yeah, mother fucker, I'm just so you tell a joke. I ain't playing in the show. It's stupid to do your job and shut the fuck up. Yeah, it's stupid.
Starting point is 01:01:44 That's the difference. All right. That's, and that's why my, my thing is I can't like, like you're, you're applauding yourself. You're more, if I can't even get to the level of amazement that they are about themselves. That's what turns me off about the fucking game. You ever re-catch her in the Ryania? Oh my God. Fucking catch her in the Ryan analogy you always make.
Starting point is 01:02:08 I'll tell you why. Because always with the catcher in the right. That's that, that fucking thing when he sees that great piano player, but the guy knows he's great and he's making that face, that GE Smith thing. And it's just like, yeah, dude, you're up your own ass right now. You don't need me. And I'm not going to sit there and watch you fucking jerk yourself off. After you just did something that a bunch of other people have already fucking done.
Starting point is 01:02:27 It drives me, it drives me fucking nuts. And all I know is that little kids see it now and then they're going to be doing that. Even going to little kids' games and they got to fucking take like a diaper shot. And then they go, yeah, it's back down. I pitch voice coach on the fucking thing. And I'm going to sit there. I'm going to want to throw a hot dog at them. You really are an old foggy now with your complaint about how these young kids go out there.
Starting point is 01:02:48 They're thumping their chest in there. Just go out there and do your job. Yeah. I mean, I, look, there's definitely an element of that. I'll even take 60% of that, but 40% of it as I'm right. What are you doing? I never, I never did that shit. Jordan didn't do it.
Starting point is 01:03:02 But they talk shit to each other. Right. Occasionally, you know, there'd be a second. You didn't turn around glare at the crowd. Like, like, like you just fucking defeated somebody on planet Krypton. And then fucking go down the side and scream screaming and yelling. That's for the cameras though. With this crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Maybe it's for the, maybe it's for the cameras and maybe it's for. You know, you know, when a crazy homeless guy gets on the subway and then just starts yelling and then you just look down at the floor going, please don't pick me. Please don't pick me. Don't look at him. Those are the rules. Are they doing it for the clips when they do like the commercials where they play the music and stuff and they show all the clips from the game and they show the guys like,
Starting point is 01:03:41 yeah, like looking out the crowd. Maybe it's for that. Of course it is. They're all playing up to the camera. Playing up to the fucking camera. Right. They all hang out with each other in the same fucking yacht and go, hey, let's all jump on the same team and then we'll become a dynasty.
Starting point is 01:03:54 And then, you know, then the announcers who make money announcing the NBA. So they're never going to criticize it. And then they just say the same. They'll tell you when you get much of the same breath of magic Johnson or Michael Jordan. Because they are accomplishing the same thing on paper, but they're not doing what those guys did. And when those guys did it, you did it through the draft and maybe a blockbuster trade. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:19 There was way more cerebral back then how you had to put it together a team. You had to lean way more on your fucking scouts. You didn't have a bunch of players all jump on the same team and then you jump on this team. Okay. He jumps on this fucking team and becomes like this three headed fucking monster. Just stomping on all these other goddamn team. I mean, well, why don't I just watch you go fucking go play a bunch of kids?
Starting point is 01:04:42 A high school team. I mean, I know it's not that bad, but it did that. That's what's killing it for me. Okay. Yeah. You know, funny. You're not even a sports fan. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:04:53 You know, you call me in for this one. Remember why I call you and you said you wanted to come on the podcast. I said, yeah, cause I want to talk about other things, not the NBA. All right. Office bitch. Oh, is that it? Is that a good one? It sounds like something that you would want me to just because it has bitch in it.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Like, oh, it's good. A lady's opinion in here. Okay. What is it saying? What is the long? You're unbelievable. I just did the NBA. That's a guy topic.
Starting point is 01:05:21 You didn't like that one. So now I'm giving you a lady topic. No, no, no, no. I want to hear this one. I want to hear this one. I'm with you. I'm with you. You didn't sound like you were.
Starting point is 01:05:29 You sound like you're backpedaling. I'm with you. Okay. All right. This guy writes Billy Parmesan and then writes pronounced Parmesan. Like I don't know how to read. Parmesan. What?
Starting point is 01:05:37 What do I say? Parmesan. Parmesan. Parmesan. Billy Parmesan. I'm Italian and very much so at that. I speak Italian and I'm first generation Italian. Ciao.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Is this guy Italian? Prego. Prego. Vino. Vino. I work with a girl who claims she's Italian, but she really isn't at all. Hashtag Middle Eastern. I mean,
Starting point is 01:06:01 How does he? Oh. I mean, her grandmother may have fucked a Sicilian. Oh. She's all of garden Italian, you know, less than one sixteenth Italian. Italians are not fucking around about who's Italian. They're not. Who's not Italian.
Starting point is 01:06:16 And if you're Sicilian, it's like a different thing. Yeah. You guys don't play with that. They don't fuck around. Uh-uh. The same way gas monkey does not fuck around when they build a car. I told them that story, right? In Casey's truck, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Um, anyways, in the office, she's constantly, uh, calling me and a few other Italians, Guinness and Gumbaz. She says it like she's one of us. And most times in a manner that really forces it into the conversation. Like, hey, Guinness, don't grease up my stapler. Now I'm not completely insulted, but the catch is she's black. A year ago, she complained to human resources that a coworker who would listen to rap music on his headphones at lunch would mouth lyrics that weren't meant for him, i.e. the N word.
Starting point is 01:06:59 There really is no proof that he even mouth the words because he sat facing the wall. And all she knew was that he was listening to Jay-Z's new album at the time and assumed he mouthed all the words, none of which were audible, by the way. Um, how do you know this if you weren't there? Um, so one day last week, she was calling us dumb Guinness and asked if my friend Leonardo, yes, that is his name, if he could wring out his hair over her cell. Oh my God. Because the place she ordered from didn't give her enough dressing to go on her salad.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Wow. Wow. That is a funny joke, though. If you're cool with somebody, that's fucking hilarious. Uh, the funny thing, because those are the rules. Hardly offensive if you're not. If you're not. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Because that's one of the things, if you're friends, if someone was, you know, some Italian guy was breaking my balls for being a pasty freckled cunt, and then I came up with that salad. I mean, that's, that's fucking, I might have him for the week. He'd have to come back with the, I don't know what. Uh, the funny thing about the situation is that Leo doesn't have greasy hair at all. Well, yeah, I mean, it's a huge stretch of a joke and a stereotype. It's hacky and not even insulting.
Starting point is 01:08:08 The insulting part is that she thinks nothing of it. I know what you're going to say. This is one of those things you just got to let go, but I didn't. I stood up and said, listen, you're not Italian. If you're Italian, then I'm black because I'm Sicilian. I've all heard the true romance speech. That was the end of it. Did I handle that right?
Starting point is 01:08:24 Cause I sure as hell wasn't going to let myself become an HR whore. Uh, thanks for listening. Um, I think you did the right thing because first, you know, why did you go first? What do you, what do you think? No, I actually think you did the right thing too. Cause the girl says she's Italian, but you say she's black. But like, meaning like she looks black, like she looks like me or like she's actually has said, I am black and Italian.
Starting point is 01:08:51 Cause maybe she's biracial or whatever. So I mean the whole thing about, she's not really Italian. That's why I was laughing at how Italians are very, you know, protective about who can say they're Italian and who's not. So she might be biracial, right? But the thing about it is, you know, in this country, they have that whole like, what is it? The one eighth, whatever drop paper bag test, all that kind of shit where it's like, if
Starting point is 01:09:17 you're going to drop a black blood in you, you're black. That's the way it's considered in this country. That's the way it was set up in America. So maybe that's why you're feeling like you're not even Italian. You're black. So that all aside. Yeah. For her making a joke saying like dumb guineas and goombas and stuff like, if you're offended
Starting point is 01:09:33 by it, you should definitely tell her I'm offended by that. I know you said you're Italian, but I just, I find that kind of speech, you know, offensive. So please don't say it around me. I don't like that. And I think that is better. It's better to confront the person than running off to HR, you know, the whole thing with the guy, mouthing the lyrics to Jay-Z's album and he was facing the wall like, listen, yeah, unless you were there, I mean, he probably had a conversation with this guy.
Starting point is 01:09:59 That's why he's coming out like that. She said I was melting the N word and she couldn't even see me. I said, why me? But here's the thing. Here's the thing. This is the thing. She, this is the deal. She sounds a little nuts.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Right. And this thing, all those jokes are funny. If it's done the right way and she's not doing it the right way. And if she, look, I think if she came to this guy and said, Hey, whatever, one eighth Italian or whatever, and talked about Italians in a respectful way, that this guy would embrace her, that she would, that's her Italian blood. And then they would have this bond where he'd be like, Oh, that's the Italian in you. See, I knew.
Starting point is 01:10:38 But if you come at him that way, if you start going, Hey, if you dago, fucking. Right, right. Quit greasing up the floors over the whole thing about give me some of your hair because I don't have enough. I gotta tell you, that's fucking funny. I can't, I can't read that without laughing. But it's funny. But no, it's, it's, it's wrong.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I want to say that, especially if she's going to turn around and be upset that someone's listening to rap music in their headphones and now they were that don't. Words that aren't for him. Yeah. Jay-Z will take Jay-Z will take your white money. You'll take your white money. But those lyrics are not for you. Know this.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I will, you, you, you and all your friends can finance my next big purchase, but these lyrics are not for you. What is the rule on that? Can a white guy in his car can sing along. Right. To the rap music. I'm not going to tell you what you do with your car alone. Uncensored.
Starting point is 01:11:29 When I'm not there, I can tell you. What, what is, what would you say as an African American is the protocol. If you're singing along. I mean, it's just a song, you know, sunshine. On my shoulders makes me happy. Are you allowed to say the end of the rap song? So, so somebody's already singing a song. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:50 You're on a bus. Right. It's a terrible day for you, Neil. You're on a bus. Oh Jesus. Where you going? What happened? As long as I'm not in the back.
Starting point is 01:11:58 I'm all right. So somebody's got their little fucking iPod on, right? Phone thing, whatever, right? And they're singing to the songs, right? And the first song they're singing is that, you know, sunshine on my show. And you're laughing like, wow, this guy's singing out loud. He's singing off key. You kind of laugh into yourself, but he's got his iPod on shuffle.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Okay. And then the next one is that Wu Tang song. Right. And he's singing along to old dirty bastard. Shame on him. Tried to run game on him. Who's buck wild and he starts singing along with that. I think you should do it just the way you did it.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Do it the way. I feel like the silent. Listen, when I went to go see Jay-Z and Kanye. No, which would you get mad? No, but at this, this is a good example of that. When to go see Jay-Z and Kanye, the wash the throne at the Staples Center, you know, whole stadium arena full of people, all black, white, whoever. And everybody was singing along to all the songs.
Starting point is 01:12:57 And it wasn't in the context of it. It was like, yeah, because it's not like the white people are going to be like, oh, I can't. It's like, we're all singing along. It's all enjoying the music. It's not a big deal. So if there's a big crowd of people singing the n-word. Well, I mean, I feel like there's a difference between that than the white person who's like trying to show you how down they are.
Starting point is 01:13:16 And they're like all in your space and appropriating the, what do you call it? Oh, cultural appropriation. Yeah. Yeah. If you're like a white person that's like, yeah, I'm down for my niggas. You know how we niggas do it? I'm going to look at you like you're fucking crazy. I'm going to do that tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Because you're trying to like, you know, it's ridiculous for you to do that. But it used to shock me in New York when I would hear these kids that were seemingly, now I'm like the guy that wrote in, not black, but like Latino, like, you know, Dominican or Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans. And they called themselves niggas all the time. And I wasn't aware of that when I first moved to New York. So I was like, what? And then I just realized, yeah, they do that too.
Starting point is 01:13:56 I remember. So it's okay for them apparently. I remember when I was at In-N-Out Burger. Sitting outside the one on Sunset Boulevard. And I was sitting there and there was this dude. I think he was Mexican. Which once again, he's probably Middle Eastern. They get mistook for everything.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Mexicans? No, Middle Eastern people. Oh, yes, yes. Once they get out of the stereotypical, god damn it, it's 110 degrees out here. I'm going to wear this robe thing. When they just start wearing, when they start, no, I'm talking to Middle Eastern people. Oh, okay. Once they, when they wear Americanized fucking clothes.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Okay. They can go. Oh yeah, because then they're just brown. I knew a guy for years. I thought he was Italian. And on stage, he was pretending to be Italian. Right. And it turned out he was Lebanese.
Starting point is 01:14:50 I had no idea. No idea. He had the fucking, you know. Wasn't there another famous comedian who kind of had an Italian persona? And it turns out that he's actually Jewish? Gee, I don't know, Nia. Is there? All right.
Starting point is 01:15:02 He's fucking setting me up here. All right. Let's go to, here we go. Dear Billy Goat, I was listening to some old podcasts and you were sharing your feelings on movies you'd recently seen. What was the last movie theater experience you enjoyed? I mean, the movie itself, not all the necking that goes on in the back row. You old bloodhound.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Oh, he's using those old words. This is just him acting like I'm fucking old. Necky. All right. The last movie in the theater. Well, I probably would. I would have saw it with you. I'm not a big movie guy.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Wolf of Wall Street was the last one we saw in the theater. Oh my God. Which I hated, hated, hated, hated, hated. I gotta tell you this. It was worth seeing Leonardo's, the actress that played his wife. Jesus. Margot Robbie. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:15:53 She's gorgeous. She's Australian. Did you know that? No. You don't care. No. She was like, you know what's great about her was she was totally naked and she still, it didn't look dirty.
Starting point is 01:16:06 She was just, she was a goddess. Gorgeous. Okay. I mean, Nea, when I look at her. Yeah, I got it. I got it. But did you like the movie? That's what he wants to know.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Was your, your, the last time you were in a movie and really enjoyed the movie itself. Was it Wolf of Wall Street? I don't, I can't remember what we saw in the movie theater before that. Cause I feel like we very rarely go to the movie theater. When we must have saw something since then. Wolf of Wall Street. Wolf of Wall Street I have to see again. Why?
Starting point is 01:16:35 Because it was. So it can suck another eight hours out of your life. Oh man, Jesus. It wasn't that bad. It was definitely long. It was too long and it was like repetitive. It's like, I get it. These guys are drug taking assholes.
Starting point is 01:16:46 How many more scenes of this do we need? And it's like, I appreciate the chemistry between Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. But it's like, all right, all righty. He just, you know, Scorsese just let the camera run and run and run and run. I will say that some of those sales meetings were so long. I started to feel like I worked at the company. I thought that they were, they were kind of in real time. They were really trying to hammer home the fact that these were just these underhanded, dirty kind of excessive 80s guys.
Starting point is 01:17:16 And it's like, we got it. The opening shot was them tossing a midget. We live in this world now. We get who they are. You know what? I do want to see, I want to see that. I don't know how to say it though. Maleficent.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Yeah, let's go. I kept saying male male. I kept seeing male. Maleficent. That's not a word, right? It's the name of the character. It's the name of the evil queen. It's no white.
Starting point is 01:17:37 That's her name. Is it Latin for something? I have no idea. All right, dear Billy goat. I was listening some old to some old podcasts and you were a. You just read that. Oh, you're just fucking crazy. I didn't even, I didn't even realize that PS.
Starting point is 01:17:52 I loved X many says and please remind listeners. Oh, okay. Hey, please remind family listeners that which family member would you fuck? The limers are hacky and won't make it to the podcast. Yeah. Why would you even ask a question like that? There are some people want to have sex with a fucking family member and they want to feel like they're not alone in this world.
Starting point is 01:18:17 They do. I don't know. They're just doing it. I hate those weird like, would you rather fuck your mother or fuck your dog? Like what? All the dog. What would you even put? Without a doubt.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Well, depends on what kind of dog it is. How much fight does it have in it? Dilemma. Would you rather give up blowjobs for the rest of your life or cheese? Oh, cheese. Of course you'd give up cheese. Absolutely. I'd give up cheese.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Fucking less dairy, less stomach aches. That wouldn't get bound up. Less bloating. Wait. Do I get more blowjobs? Do all the cheese I don't need? Does that go into more blowjobs? Because this includes the fake cheese like cheese whiz or mac and cheese.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Dude, I fucking hate that cheese. That's that's why I could. I can never get on board with the Philly cheesesteak. That have the whiz on it. That's the whiz. That's the perfect name for two whiz as in piss. Like if cheese took a piss, that's what it is. Cheese whiz is.
Starting point is 01:19:20 Cheese piss. Yeah, it's fucking gross. I wonder if that's why they call it that. But maybe. Dude, you know what it is. It's probably some processed shit. Something with a scrape it off the top of the bottom of something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:32 You know, for years, we were throwing this out and we added a little something to it. Put all kinds of preservatives and salt and stuff. You could stay in that little aerosol can for longer than you live. On the food chain, it's below the hot dog cheese whiz. I mean, cheese whiz. I mean, that's like, that's there with fluff and utter. That's in there with like, I mean. What is fluff and utter?
Starting point is 01:19:51 It's marshmallow spread like. It's like yummy toxic waste. It's just horrific. Like that's the kind of shit you eat and your body is just like, what the fuck is this? Yeah. Where do we put this? And it just don't like that. It's trans vat shit.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Like it just sticks it wherever it can put it tries to spread it out through your body. Yeah. I'm not into cheese whiz. You'll never see it in the house. It's not something that I'm into. So you don't have to worry about that. Okay. Good friend.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Did you talk about Kim and Kanye's wedding already? What? I thought maybe you talked about Kim and Kanye's wedding. Why would I talk about that? They already talk about topical stuff. Well, first they already have a fucking kid, you know, stupid. What do you mean? What's stupid about it?
Starting point is 01:20:41 You already had a kid. What do you? What? So now we're getting married. So I can be like, Oh my God. Hey, I'll soon before all you already have one. It's dumb. It's.
Starting point is 01:20:51 What are you talking about? I'm saying. Are you saying that people who have a kid shouldn't get married if they're not married? No, they should get married if they want to, but they should make a big fucking deal out of it. Oh, but this is Kim and Kanye. We're talking. That was such a waste of a castle.
Starting point is 01:21:04 They're not. They had their, they had their dinner. Didn't they do it at first sight? They had their dinner, like their, their like rehearsal dinner or whatever at Versailles and then they got married in this old castle in Florence. I have to say, I don't know. I'm looking at the pictures, which is hilarious because they're supposed to be so private and we're not selling our pictures everywhere.
Starting point is 01:21:26 People magazine is like practically a guest at the whole. No, they sell them to one and they make a billion books. Yeah, yeah. What do you think they're going to have the divorce at parliament in London? That's hilarious. But I'm looking at the pictures. I got it. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:45 I think they look, they look really happy. It sounds so cheesy, but it's true. I'm like, I was very, I was very skeptical of it, but I have to say they look super happy and I thought I was going to be all eye rolly at all the pictures. Can Kanye smile anymore? Fast. He, that's the thing. He's smiling in all those pictures.
Starting point is 01:22:03 I mean, of course it's also for people magazine. It's a car accident when he got that, that, the jaw thing going there. Yeah. He always has like a, the bitch, the bitch face, his resting face is bitch face. Like when he doesn't move and he's just kind of sitting there, he looks angry. Like that. He just has that. You kind of have, you know what he has, you kind of have that like resting face where
Starting point is 01:22:23 you look pissed off. I definitely have that, but my jaw doesn't look like it's made out of like that. He has the same jaw of like the 10 man, you know, like those little robots, the initial ones you make with, they just sort of, He, yeah, but they had his jaw got all broken. So it's going to be a little weird. Oh, that's right. And then he wrote a song about it.
Starting point is 01:22:42 He went to the studio and made a video about how awesome he was that he was in the studio with the jaw. Because he survived the form accident? That he had a jaw wired shut. Yeah. Oh man, you got to film this. God, I can't believe how awesome I am. That's, that's when I literally started feeling old.
Starting point is 01:22:59 It's just the absolute fucking, just, I mean, I don't know. I mean, I don't know if it, because everybody started doing yoga or whatever, just the self blowing, blowing, self blowing, blowing that just goes on like where it's just like they, they, people are amazed with how fucking amazing they are. The second they get to that fucking level, I just, I can't watch it. It's, it's gross. You got to be your, your, your own cheerleader though. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:23:24 You got to be your own hype man. Yeah. It doesn't mean you got to be an arrogant ass. That's very true. Yeah. That's very true. I mean, look, you fucking think negative shit. I'm getting nowhere.
Starting point is 01:23:33 I can't do this. Then you got to fuck this. I got to do something positive. I got to go to the gym. Come on, Bill. You can do this. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That doesn't mean I got to have a look on my face like I just conquered a country by
Starting point is 01:23:42 myself and start yelling at people. This is really, I just feel like this is kind of ironic coming from a man whose job it is is to stand on stage and make people laugh, which is what I do. But it's also a part of it is like giving your own opinions about stuff and sort of like, you know, this is how I feel. And of course it's for laughs, but I mean, I'm not saying what you and Kanye do. My point if you want stages, I'm a moron who doesn't read, who has ADD. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:09 If you really listen to it, that's all I'm saying for an hour. No one ever thinks that about you though. No, they just see an angry leprechaun. They see an angry leprechaun. But the thing is, you know, how you talking about how he's hyping himself up and he says he's so awesome. Like apparently at their wedding, he gave this speech and he said like, Kim is like a work of art and the Kardashians are like this amazing brand and they're like the future.
Starting point is 01:24:32 He just gave this whole like, he is so into them and her and her family and that whole thing. They're an amazing brand. That's a compliment. That's a compliment now. Yeah, yeah. He did. And it was saying that she's a work of art and cheese and yeah, because of how, but the
Starting point is 01:24:47 thing is though, is he is he completely wrong because they turned her little like zealous status sex tape into like this million dollar industry to the point where they're like Valentino where we're arguing two different things. They're wedding one. I'm not saying they're not successful at it. So their brand is huge. It is very successful. I'm not saying that they they're not a huge brand.
Starting point is 01:25:10 Oh, you're saying that a compliment. If you're saying that's a weird thing to say at a wedding, but when you're complimenting a family, you're an amazing brand. I can see you guys whoring out all the other aspects of your private lives to to. Well, listen, he himself has said he's not the greatest speaker. You know what I mean? Like the way it comes out doesn't always come out the right way. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:34 But for a family who's trying to be a brand, you know, that is a huge compliment. Can I tell you something? Just God damn he's right. And I'm not trying to be a dick here. Oh God. Well, what do they do? What exactly do they do? Everybody always ask that question.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Well, it's a valid. What do they do? They have a TV show. They have various fashion lines and cosmetics and the whole like sort of life. I know what they have. They have retail stores. I know what they have. That's what they do.
Starting point is 01:26:01 But what do they do? What do they do? They are the faces of their businesses. So they are reality stars. They are reality personalities who have then transcended the reality genre into legitimate million dollar businesses, including clothing and et cetera. And they, you know, that's in their spokespeople for various brands. All those pictures of them come out of Haagen-Dazs.
Starting point is 01:26:23 They sat around. Haagen-Dazs. They sat around. In Paris that they came out of. Haagen-Dazs is paying them for that. I know. So they get money just to hold an ice cream cone. Which I'll take any fucking day of the week.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Seriously. So let me ask you this. So let me let me. No. Haagen-Dazs. No. Haagen-Dazs. $100,000.
Starting point is 01:26:42 You and your wife come out of Haagen-Dazs holding an ice cream cone. No. No, you wouldn't do it though. No. I know. Cause then, cause then you become them. Then everything you say. I'm still of that.
Starting point is 01:26:55 I'm still of that, that old school thing where, look. This is, I've come to this point as far as what I think selling out is. Selling out is not something that the fans decide. So I shouldn't, I'm not even a fan of this, but as an observer of them, I shouldn't say whether they sold out or not. It's, I really think it comes down to the performer. And basically selling out is when you don't want to do something, but you do it anyways because of the money and then afterwards you feel fucking horrible.
Starting point is 01:27:28 To me, if that's what you feel like at the end of it, then you sold yourself out. You did. I don't think selling out doesn't, I feel like selling out isn't even a real thing anymore. I just feel like that's an antiquated concept. I feel like there's no, the idea of selling out. I don't, I don't feel that it really truly exists anymore. There's just different platforms for artists to make money and you know, your time can come and go very quickly.
Starting point is 01:27:57 So if you can get a hundred thousand dollars for holding an ice cream cone and getting your picture taken, is that really going to like keep you up at night? Like I can't believe I did that for the money. You know? I'm not saying it's going to, I'm not saying it's not going to. I'm going to say with some people it is and some people it isn't. Yeah, but you're, you're very, you're, but you are, you're very particular about where you choose to do any kind of advertising and stuff because you care about stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:28:25 So I understand. I mean, I do like advertising on this podcast. I'm not against it. I'm not saying that, I mean, Jesus Christ to me, that's how this whole fucking business, I mean, I got to advertise for my shows and that type of thing, but it's, it's, it's like anything. It's like, Hey, I like to drink. Then there's a point where you've drank too much and you're making an ass of yourself.
Starting point is 01:28:46 There's there, there are limits to everything. I'm not, I'm not going to sit here and be like, Oh, this is like, I'm doing this grassroots thing. I'm not saying that. But what I'm saying is like just that, that whole selling out thing. I think it still exists, but it's, it's up to the individual. So I would never say that somebody, if I see somebody do a commercial, they sold out. It would have to come from them.
Starting point is 01:29:12 It'd have to come from them where, where if they did it and then afterwards they're like, Oh my God, I was in all these great movies. And next thing you know, I'm standing there doing a cell phone fucking commercial. And when I saw it, I just felt like, what did I do? What did I do to my image? Cause this whole fucking game, you know, is, is constantly trying to stay ahead so they don't fucking pigeonhole you. And then also not stepping on a fucking landmine, which is doing a bad movie or putting out
Starting point is 01:29:39 a bad special. There's all these different landmines that you're trying not to step on. But I def, I think there's, there's always, there's definitely ways that you can sell out. But like the younger me would, you know, I bought into that whole Bill Hicks thing of like, you know, you do a, do a commercial, you're off the artistic roll call. And I, and I was hardcore believe in that. And then, you know, just getting older and it's just like, no, look, it's, it all comes
Starting point is 01:30:07 down. Like it's your career. You do what you want. Look, there's people out there. Adam Levine does commercials for proactive, but so do a lot. It's like, Diddy did one, Katy Perry does one. A lot of them do that whole, I had acne and it made me feel really bad about myself. And now I am proactive and now I'm happy again.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Yeah. And this is the thing. They can all afford proactive. So you're basically just going there to get paid. Right. And you're going to stay in there and hold it in my closet up to your face. Now to me, that would make me want to go jump off a fucking building. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:37 I felt weird when I first started doing advertising on this thing, but what I, what I tried to do was like, Oh, at least like, I'll try to make these things fucking funny, but I'm not against taking like, you know, advertising money. I guess if you really believe in it, like the shit that I've read on this stuff, the stuff that I believe in, right? I fucking read it. And then if it sounds fucking stupid to me, I just, I just say it sounds to what am I going?
Starting point is 01:31:05 I'm just saying it wasn't, you know, look, it was beyond Sherry's berries and nature's box. There's some shit that didn't even make the podcast. There was, there was one thing that I read when I wasn't even thinking one week was some, some fucking banker thing and my buddy, you know, Andrew, who, you know, puts the whole list together and everything that I read, he was in banking. He said, Bill, these guys, they're tricking people that doing this and they're going to fuck over your listeners.
Starting point is 01:31:29 So I immediately took it off and I was, they were supposed to do a three week thing and I had read one of them and I just told my ad lady said, listen, just take them off that first one's a free one up. They don't have to pay me, but I don't want to read. I don't want to read because they know, I don't, I don't have time to fucking look at all of those things. So sometimes I will read something that I don't believe in and then if I'm smart enough and I catch it as I'm reading it, I make fun of it.
Starting point is 01:31:52 That's what I do. I make fun of it and say it's shit and then they get mad and they yell at me or yell at my ad lady and then we just go, all right, well, we're not going to have fucking, you're not going to be on the podcast and it's cool, which is funny. So you can't get fired off your own podcast. So look, I'm not saying that like, you know, I don't want people thinking that I'm sitting there saying that I'm this righteous fucking person. I'm not saying that, but there's definitely, you know, there's always, there's always selling
Starting point is 01:32:22 out. There's all, unless you just completely don't give a fuck. You never gave a fucking, just like, look, if you're going to pay me, I'm going to fucking do it. Then I, but I I'm less about selling out and more about like survival and more about like, you know, let me just sort of hit everything. No, if you need the fucking money, if you need, look, if you're sitting there in a house
Starting point is 01:32:42 and they're going to throw you out and then Kit Kat comes up says, Hey, we want you to wear a thong and go down a water slide backwards. I mean, you got to sit there and be like, fuck, man, I got to do it. I mean, I can't be out in the fucking street. Maybe it's not their first choice to, you know, be paid by Haagen-Dazs. But he's also, they're also having a, you know, a wedding in or whatever in Versailles and that's just got to be paid for. Listen, so Haagen-Dazs paid for that.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Look, I'm not saying, I'm not saying that, that if you do that, you sold out, but I'm not saying that if you do it, you didn't. It all depends on the person after they did it, after they fucking did it. How did they feel? If they thought, fuck, that was great. That was easy money, blah, blah, blah, and they continue on. Then I don't think they sold themselves out. I really, at this point in my life, I feel like selling out is a personal thing.
Starting point is 01:33:34 And as much as fans will accuse of you, a person of it or whatever, it's just speculation because it really comes down to the person. Like, a lot of musicians now, I mean, because the whole star-making thing went away, there is no MTV, there is no videos, there aren't these labels in these CD stores now. It really is on your own. You know, back in the day, when I was growing up, if your music was in a car, it was in any commercial, you were a fucking sellout. And like that really, like people would just say, he's a fucking sellout.
Starting point is 01:34:11 He took the corporate buck and all that. It was a really thing because there was all these other ways, I think then, where you could still be this big person. It could be like this pure artist, uncorrupted by the system that you're trying to get into and that's kind of the whole fucking point of it. See, now that, I disagree with it. I disagree with that because what you're saying is either you're a fucking whore sucking dick or you're this lonely bastard.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Then you can be in a healthy fucking relationship. There's plenty of people that look, there's plenty of people that are in this business and they just do their movies or they just do their TV show. There's a zillion people that, and you don't see them going like, I'll tell you when I come home from work and I want to relax, I fucking blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. There's plenty of people that don't do that. Now I'm not saying that they're any better than the people who decide like, yeah, fuck it, I'll take the money to go do a product.
Starting point is 01:35:03 I actually like that product or whatever. I'm really saying that it's an individual, it's an individual thing. All right. How you want to be perceived, you know, how you want to go about this business. And I think the more that people do it, the less it's going to have like that stigma. Like, I mean, you see a lot of these movie stars that are doing it, the commercials now, it's because people stole movies. So right now, basically the only movies that they make, it's this shrinking puddle.
Starting point is 01:35:34 The only movies that they make now are either those hundred zillion dollar transformer Godzilla things where even though they're going to be on a pirate bay, people still will hopefully want to get the experience or it's going to be a low budget thing. The thing that got killed was the 30, 50, 60, 80 million dollar movie. Those things are gone. Not totally, but if you get like a Martin Scorsese behind it, you can get the thing made. But like, I don't have the exact numbers. I was talking to my agent about this because I'm seeing a lot.
Starting point is 01:36:03 I'm seeing a lot of movie stars all of a sudden going back to doing stand up. I'm seeing a lot of them doing like commercials and all that type of thing. It isn't necessarily because they want to. It's because the business has changed and is going in the direction of the music business. So then, yeah, so then to that end, I don't think they can be accused of selling out either, you know, because of everything that you said. I don't think you can. You can, you can accuse anybody of selling out, but the only person who knows I feel
Starting point is 01:36:34 is the person who did it. If afterwards when you fucking you walked out of there, if you felt like you needed a shower, if you just, you know, you're sitting there and drag fucking whatever the fuck you're doing, whatever job it is that you're doing. And believe me, I've had those. I just don't feel like it affects people's brands or images in that way anymore. Like I just don't know. I don't either.
Starting point is 01:37:00 I don't either. People thought like Kanye, even getting involved with Kim Kardashian, let alone marrying her and singing of the praises of her and her family was going to like destroy his fan base. No, no way. It's not happening. If anything, it's going to make it even bigger. Here's one for you. This is how much this business has changed with the perception back in the day.
Starting point is 01:37:18 If you were a movie star, you are a movie star and you did not do TV. That was considered a major fuck up. I mean, you could start in the business doing your commercials. And then once you got to the TV level or something, it was really hard when you were a TV star. Like they won't even, oh, people see you on TV. You are this. You are that. You know, you're a commercial actor.
Starting point is 01:37:37 You're a movie star. You're a TV star. And then over the years, it started to like, you know, I mean, it was still, it was an amazing thing back in the day when a guy like Bruce Willis went from moonlighting and then he did die hard. And all of a sudden he was this fucking movie star. I mean, that was, that was like, that was still an amazing thing to do. And now it's like people jump back and forth, which I think is, is a cool thing, but way
Starting point is 01:38:01 back in the day. It's smart. Who is that? Who is that? Who is that? Um, that, that actor and that actress, we went, um, we went to that party and turned out she had lived around the corner. Uh, African American actress from like the thirties or forties dated that fucking Dorothy
Starting point is 01:38:17 Dandridge. Yeah. Now she dated this guy or married this white dude who had a fucking supper club. Yeah. And he marries her and is convincing her that she should go down there as a movie star and sing at his supper club in Hollywood. That is not going to be filmed. Nobody's going to see it.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Right. And all of her friends begged her, don't do that. That's going to kill your fucking movie career. If you as a movie star are seen singing in this supper club and she had a love for this guy who turned out to be not a good guy. She did it. And it actually hurt her movie career. So back then, you know, like, like how hardcore those lines were back then.
Starting point is 01:38:57 I don't think that that exists anymore. But I, I have to tell you though, there are certain people that I don't want to see doing a fucking Snickers commercial. Yeah. Yes. I know. Yeah. How did you feel when you saw Joe Pesci in the Snickers commercial?
Starting point is 01:39:12 I didn't mind. Um, my opinion of Joe Pesci. It was funny. He was in it for like two seconds. This is the, but those things are well written in the way it is. Is what they're actually saying is you're not yourself. Right. So there's almost this way that they, it's, it's a really slick way to get the celebrity
Starting point is 01:39:27 in and out where they, they don't, they can just sort of not have to take a full shower, just sort of dab their forehead, take their bag of money and leave. Look, I'm not saying I would never do one of those, but as of right now, like I just feel like, uh, I don't know. I like telling my jokes and I like doing the acting gigs that they give me. And I think that at the end of it all, you want to have, uh, quality. You want to have quality and I don't, and I just always, I always feel like when something that comes down the pike that is just a money fucking gig, there's always that, okay, I
Starting point is 01:40:06 could take this or I could just do a couple of extra weekends of stand up and I could make up, you know, some of that money. And then I don't have that. But I mean, we all got our fucking shit when we were coming up. Everybody's got some student films and shit to eat. Like that stuff. I don't count, but I really feel that, uh, you know, um, I, but I, at the end of it, I thought I just, I just feel it's a personal thing.
Starting point is 01:40:33 They're like, look, there's, there's people who they get sick of doing the road. And it's like, I don't want to fucking go out there anymore. I don't want to fucking deal with the check spots. I don't want to deal with the drunks out. I don't want to get on another fucking airplane. Okay. I've had it. The old me wanted to do that.
Starting point is 01:40:48 I did that and I proved that I could do that. If you want me to go do a fucking commercial and take this fucking money and I'm a day and a half and it pays my mortgage for the year, I'll do it. And I don't think there's a fucking thing wrong with that. Okay. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Unless, unless afterwards you feel like a filthy fucking whore. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Well, for me, like, I, yeah. And I completely understand that. I think it's for me, I think I had to sort of come to terms with the fact that like I am just like a pop culture. Like I want to see all that stuff. So in a way, I'm glad that like they're all out there and their pictures are being sold to people magazine because I want to fucking see the wedding. I want to see like who wins and what they're wearing and what the castle looked like and
Starting point is 01:41:34 all that kind of stuff. This is how I feel about that show. I love it. This is how I feel about that show. I find that show depressing. I find it unbelievable. Keeping up with the Kardashians. I find it depressing when they're dealing with depressing shit.
Starting point is 01:41:46 Otherwise it's like kind of mindless, mindless entertainment. I find, I find the whole fucking thing. The stuff with Lamar. I find that whole fucking thing walking around in your expensive shoes and you have your flashy bag and this whole perception of this life that you're leading. I find all of that. I don't know why. I look at it.
Starting point is 01:42:11 I find it gross and I just find it depressing. I'm not saying that somebody shouldn't live that life and if that's what makes them happy it makes them happy. Anytime I've ever gone to those fucking things. Instagram and stuff. It's all like, it's aspirational. It's just like, it's like a fantasy thing. Everyone wants to sort of live in a world where they're in a movie or in their magazine.
Starting point is 01:42:29 You know what I mean? Like it's just part of like the fun of it. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. As far as cars. I mean, love cars. Okay. But I think it's so much more cooler what they do on those shows where they take an old car,
Starting point is 01:42:43 you know, like fast and loud and what they do because there's an artist street of that. The stuff that they do for everything from the deciding of this car, can we bring this thing back to life and then just seeing the old technology and then seeing what Aaron does to upgrade it and then the whole art of Richard trying to flip the whole thing. I mean, that to me is way more compelling than just going down to the lot being I'm super successful. So and so has one of those. Let me get that and let me get that and fucking this color and let me get the fucking Lambo's
Starting point is 01:43:17 fucking suicide doors. And then I'm going to call the paparazzi and I'm going to go to where the fuck they're at and I'm going to have decked out head to toe and the sunglasses. People paid me to wear it and I'm going to step out and then act like, oh, why are you here? That shit to me is I find that gross. Yeah, it's definitely an element. But there's an art to everything.
Starting point is 01:43:41 So I'm sure that there is an art to doing that. And the fact that like people are what like they are, they have become successful just by showing themselves on TV at not as you said, not doing anything quote unquote, not being actors or singers or anything like that, just being themselves. And they have built this like sort of empire off of originally a notorious thing that happened is I don't know, is that not impressive? Are you not entertained? No, no, no, I'm not saying what they did was bad or anything.
Starting point is 01:44:13 I just personally when I watch it, I just think it's gross. I think it's gross that somebody's daughter and she made that fucking video. And if what they said was true that her mother like, I don't know if it leaked out and then her mother did like the most amazing spin job ever. I think that's to me, that's what happened. This thing. Well, I think that that's the story they tell because a lot of people know she wasn't like Kim, get on your knees and suck that dick.
Starting point is 01:44:40 We have to get out of this part of town. Silton had a sex tape and it didn't she didn't sort of go off to become this thing that you know, her friend was talking about the level that Kim Kardashian, she was she might have bought Paris Hilton anymore. No, no, no, that's irrelevant. She was the original. I'm bringing nothing to the table. I'm just showing up to these events.
Starting point is 01:45:05 Right. She was the original. Yeah, of course. So what happens is is just like, you know, somebody sets the bar for guitar playing. Somebody comes along and has to has to out do that. She set the bar for empty headed skinny bitch going to a club who's got more money than she fucking needs. So then Kim comes along and is like, well, I got to out do that.
Starting point is 01:45:27 So then metaphorically suck in the dick. I will literally suck it. And God help. But she was already famous when she did it. Yeah, that's the difference. She was already famous for doing nothing where Kim wasn't famous for doing nothing and then became famous for doing nothing. Wait, I wanted to ask you about one other thing really quickly.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Well, I have, I have advertising to read. You do. Speaking of which, let's go into your lovely advertising. I want to talk to you about Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. This is almost a fucking two hour podcast. I got to get out of here. Well, it depends on how long somebody's ride is to work. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 01:46:08 I want to hear from you guys. I want to hear from the fads. Let's go. No, calm. Let me know. What the fuck did the ads go? Did I finish them all? Oh, here it is.
Starting point is 01:46:19 I want to hear what you got. What do you guys think is selling out? You know, what do you think that selling out exists anymore? Like I don't feel like it really is a thing anymore. Well, I think also if you grow up just seeing movie stars doing commercials, I don't think it's like a big deal. Let's think about them too. I mean, you know, these last five years has really changed because it was funny when you
Starting point is 01:46:39 were in this country, you didn't see movie stars on billboards and shit like that. And then you went to Australia, you go to Europe. You see like Leonardo doing the tag Heuer fucking things and all this shit. And way back in the day. Oh my God. Bradley Cooper doing ads for a Haagen-Dazs. Actually his picture is there. He might not be coming out of the thing like Kanye and Kim.
Starting point is 01:46:59 He might actually be coming out of the store. I have to be honest with you when I think about that. When I think about that, it's like, how much fucking money do you got to make? You're fucking the star of those, those, the three hangover movies. You got money for life. Yeah. But why not make that life? But why not do that and add to the income?
Starting point is 01:47:18 Because I look at it. Keep it going. Eventually, like you said, I want to keep doing movies and acting. No, I get that. Listen, listen, I always say when this business is finished with me, they probably have that same mentality. I know. This is my deal.
Starting point is 01:47:31 I look at it like, okay, so you do all those movies and you're not getting any more movies. Then you fucking do them. I'll fuck it. I'll do a commercial. Then you do it. Then you're fucking up there. I mean, the guy was just in, then he was in another movie that was up for like best picture and people won Oscars.
Starting point is 01:47:45 You got, you got it. But the thing is, you'll make more money doing it while you're the big star. So it doesn't make any sense to do it after you fall off because then they're like, eh, here's five grand. Take it or leave it. And you're like, fuck, I got to take it. No, take it now. Bank it.
Starting point is 01:47:59 I don't know about that. I feel like that's a, that's a smarter business decision not to wait until you're like, nobody wants you anymore. And then you'll hold an ice cream cone like, hi, but then no one even fucking cares. That's the other thing. I want to, I want to, you know what? I would love to talk to a movie star and ask them how they feel about, about sitting there with the ice and then looking at the spoon.
Starting point is 01:48:23 You know what's funny though? They just, I just look at it as another acting gig. I think, I think Kim came out with ice cream Kanye was in there, but he wasn't holding, he wasn't photographed holding anything. And then like her mom has a picture holding and her sister has one. So I think Kanye was like, all right, yeah, I'll go in there with you, but I'm not fucking coming out there with the ice cream cone. Can I ask you a question?
Starting point is 01:48:43 I'll do it because I love you. Can I ask you a question? I'm not involved in this. Does any of that make you want to buy hog and dust ice cream? Like it's not like I'm sitting on the fence going, you know, I don't know about that hog and dust. I love Bradley Cooper. What flavor is he eating?
Starting point is 01:48:58 Jesus, get me three pints of it. I think it's supposed to be more subliminal than that. All right, let's, let's just fucking read these so we can get out of here. E voice everybody. That's my turn to whore myself out. This is, this is my hog and dust ice cream right here. If you take all your business calls yourself, it's hard to look professional or get anything done by helping you expertly manage all your business calls.
Starting point is 01:49:21 E voice provides you with a better way to connect your to your clients with a toll free number, professional voice greeting and a dial by name directory. E voice transforms any phone into your business phone. Nia, please don't be texting when I'm doing this in my peripheral. I can't, I already can't read when there's nothing going on. When your customers call, they are automatically sent to your, to wherever you are, your calls are. You could be at home.
Starting point is 01:49:45 You could be at the office or sitting in your favorite ballpark having a beer. You're always going to sound like a fortune 500 company. Yeah. Unless the drunks are screaming, screaming around you, right? Whatever. There's always a fly in the ointment. And you can get all this for only 13 for under 13 bucks a month for a limited time. My listeners can try E voice for free for 60 days.
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Starting point is 01:50:25 And lastly, but not least legal zoom everybody. America was built by inventors and dreamers and murderous maniacs that thought their race was better than the others. People like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford laid the foundation for our country. These days it's the inventors and entrepreneurs all around us like you that keep our country running by fueling the job market in the economy. This month legal zoom celebrates innovations by helping you launch your dream. Apply for a patent to secure your invention.
Starting point is 01:50:58 I love this thing. All right, people who invented stuff always get taken advantage of. All right, patent your thing, whatever you're inventing. And when you go to those corporate, you know what, do not give up ownership. You're probably going to have to or they'll just steal it from you. Anyways, register your trademark to promote, protect your products and services. Incorporate or form an LLC and launch your business. Best thing you do, I guess, is settle out of court with them, right?
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Starting point is 01:51:51 Legal discount code burr. Hey, Nia. I love to come back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come in here. You know what's funny about this? I was just thinking as I was reading that. Was that later on in my career, right?
Starting point is 01:52:05 When it's all fucking said and done and they are done with me and I'm doing a stagnant bar commercial. People will take the audio from this. Absolutely. Yeah, but I never said that. I said it was an individual thing. I will tell you this and I could tell you without a fucking doubt as far as I feel that if I ever did one of those, I don't know how I would be able. I mean, I guess you change every four or five years.
Starting point is 01:52:31 You know, I guess as you become an older man and you just don't want to fucking go out there anymore. I like how you change your physicality when you say older man. You're such an actor at heart. You just kind of like bent over, made yourself physically an old man. Come an older man. Yeah. You're like, you know what? You win.
Starting point is 01:52:47 I eat candy bars. I like this candy bar. I don't give a fuck. If you want to pay for my prostate exam this month, go ahead. Do it. No, the fear is that, yeah, the business will be done with you and you're not going to have anywhere to turn. Yeah, but I have no, but I make your money and hopefully you could.
Starting point is 01:53:06 Oh, but there's other plans you can do. No, you pay your fucking house. You buy a house you can afford and you pay the fucking thing off. And then the next thing you do is you go out, you buy rental properties and then you don't fuck those people over, but they help pay that thing off. And then in the end of your life, if you got a problem, you can sell one of those fucking units. That's what I want to do as opposed to going on and sitting there with an amazed look on
Starting point is 01:53:29 my face as the microwave popcorn is popping. Okay. But this is the thing. Actually, I shouldn't even say that because there's so many commercials that I think are so funny and great. And I think the performances of commercials are like, oh, they're way better than level now. Yeah, they're way better than they used to be.
Starting point is 01:53:45 But I guess the nightmare is, you know what it is? You just don't want to be in something that sucks. Yeah, that's fucking cheesy. Maybe, maybe that's what it is, but that's a chance you take with every movie or TV show you do. You don't really know as an actor, unless you are like the director or a producer, not just a name, but a real producer on it. You have no idea how it's going to go.
Starting point is 01:54:05 So you will go into it. No, but you get the script. This is going to be awesome. Yeah, and you think this is going to be the funniest. Script is a great director, writer, boom, boom, and it comes out and it's trash. But you're telling me that that same, do you think that same thing happens when you get the copy for the Zagnut bar commercial? No, but at least you know what you're getting into.
Starting point is 01:54:21 I'll tell you. On paper, this looks good. No, but you know exactly what you're getting into. You know exactly the purpose for this thing. No, you don't. You don't know exactly what you're getting into. Yes, but you're selling the Zagnut. I can't believe you said Zagnut.
Starting point is 01:54:31 You're so old sometimes. Heath? Snickers. Fifth Avenue? Fifth Avenue. Payday. Payday. It's something that can actually still make commercials for payday, I think.
Starting point is 01:54:42 But anyway, yeah, you know more what you're getting into. No, because you have no power on how they're going to edit it. You don't know who's fucking directing the goddamn thing. You don't know if the editors could be good. But you can go there. It was a commercial for Zagnut as opposed to, wow, this is really something that I was really believed in. It's unfortunate that I didn't, you know, you didn't get to see what we really did.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Yeah. How many people's careers were ruined by that one Batman movie? Which one? One of the ones with the chick with Meow. The Val Kilmer? The one with the girl with Meow. Oh, no, she played Poison. Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 01:55:12 He checked him Scarface. Michelle Pfeiffer? No. And then the guy doing the fucking, the guy doing the TV show with LL Cool J. Chris Christensen. Chris O'Donnell. He played Robin. His career wasn't ruined.
Starting point is 01:55:27 He's on that CSI or whatever. He took a major fucking hit. He didn't write that goddamn movie. It wasn't his fault. He was playing the boy Wonder CSI and he was doing all right. I know, but he hung in there. Yeah, but he was on the fucking ropes because of that movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Well, you know. What? What? No, I didn't want my point is I'm just saying like that. All right. What are you getting at? I'm not trying to do a two hour podcast is like seeing a 200 point envy again. Addendum later on so we can talk about.
Starting point is 01:55:58 What does that word mean? Addendum. That's like an addition. Scott Willis. What? We can do it's been over two hours. I don't think my listeners give a fuck about what happened with Scott Willis. Well, she's a she was went parading around New York.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Topless because she was in protest of Instagram. Cutting out her account because, you know, she was wearing a sheer top and a shoulder nipples. And that's been a thing where people's nipples or whatever have been on Instagram. Like they shut down Rihanna's account because she posted some pictures from a magazine. She like a French magazine shoot. She did. And then this editor at Vogue named Grace Cottington just put a picture like a stick figure thing with little nipples on it and they shut down her account.
Starting point is 01:56:42 They gave her account back because it was ridiculous because of the cartoon. But this whole thing now where Instagram is like, you know, cutting people out for excessive nudity and shit. So Scott Willis in protest, quote, unquote, when walking around Topless in New York City and had her picture taken and stuff because she was like, I just got my breast reduced. I felt good about myself and, you know, Instagram is shaving people. And I think it's the most ridiculous non cause ever. Like really, Scott Willis, the daughter of the like famous movie stars. You're really being oppressed by Instagram because they want to shut down the fucking nipples.
Starting point is 01:57:20 It was the most insane, ridiculous thing I'd ever seen in my life. What do you think about their no-nipple policy? I mean, I don't give a fuck. Yeah, no nudity. Sure, fine. I feel like I still see plenty of booty shots on it. Yeah, that's like YouTube. It's like, you know, there's a certain level of whoredom that you can go to and then they stop because they're trying to protect their image.
Starting point is 01:57:45 Yeah, exactly. We're not trying to become a porno hub. Exactly. And they've got all kinds of young kids on it, so they're trying to be mindful of that too. They don't want it to be where parents are like, don't use Instagram. You can show your tits in a zillion places on the fucking Internet. That's just like, you know, I talk, I wouldn't talk like this in church. Right.
Starting point is 01:58:02 I might let it on hold during somebody's speech, but you know, you got to respect it's Instagram. That's their church. Well, and yeah, and that's the thing. Put the girls away. I don't, I don't, the thing is though, she's really trying to make it about censorship and you're shaming women and like men can go around. It's like, you are not shamed or being like oppressed in any way. Daughter of famous. Yeah, guys are being oppressed.
Starting point is 01:58:25 Oh God. Guys are being oppressed. Oh God. How are guys being oppressed? Because you get to look at mantits all the time when you go to the beach. Oh yeah, mantits. And I can't see, you know. That's all, that's all we're thinking about is mantits.
Starting point is 01:58:36 Mail, mail pecs. Mail pecs. I'm sure you're, and I'm sure you're really like scared. How about pecs? About all the people ogling your, your, your pecs, right? You live sort of in that fear. Oh, I hate going to the beach. I look like a piece of chalk that was somebody threw some cinnamon at.
Starting point is 01:58:50 Flex some cinnamon. All I know is that it really annoyed me that Scout Willis had the nerve to act like she was somehow being oppressed in any way because Instagram banned her account. What do you expect from somebody named Scout? What do you think they're going to fucking do? Their parents were movie stars. What do you think they're going to do? You know?
Starting point is 01:59:11 Even Rihanna is like, whatever, moving on and just has her Twitter account now. And the thing is, she wasn't even doing it like, I'm doing it for Rihanna. In fact, she's, I'm not going to try to act like all black people know each other, but is there any way you can get in touch with her and tell her to stop drawing on herself? Rihanna, her tattoos? Oh my God. Yes. No, I don't, I don't know Rihanna.
Starting point is 01:59:30 So no, I would not be able to have her. With her, with her, with her Air Force tattoo that under her tits. Oh, it's like an Egyptian something. It's not an Iron Maiden powerslave album cover. No, no. Then she has that little, she has that little Psalm on the side. What's your problem with Rihanna having a bunch of tattoos? She's got a beautiful body.
Starting point is 01:59:51 She has a great canvas for it. Yeah, I know. And so you start scribbling all over it. Oh, but you're like anti, you're not completely anti tattoo, but you're kind of our anti tattoo. No, you know what I don't like? I don't like when somebody tries to write something fucking deep on, on their rib cage or their shoulder blade.
Starting point is 02:00:09 Hey, the next time the butterfly flaps its wings. You're talking about Megan Fox? No, I'm not. Oh, because she had something about butterflies. We'll laugh at the gilded butterfly or something like that. Oh, Jesus. Yeah. When the fire dances with the water on the butterfly wings.
Starting point is 02:00:27 With that drunk Jim Morrison horseshit you got on the back of your fucking leg. I don't give a fuck. Like, like, like just advertising that you understand life or some shit. Like I'm supposed to be like, wow, that person is deep. Yeah. Do you know tattoo artists don't like doing those things? Clothes. Yeah, because they feel like they say they feel like they're on punishment.
Starting point is 02:00:48 Like they're writing like, I will not talk in class because they're just sitting there writing. There's nothing creative about it. Yeah. Well, and that's, well, see, that's how I feel about Scout Willis. It was, I was very, my role, my eyes rolled in the back of my head. I was having a seizure. That's how we were at the two hour mark.
Starting point is 02:01:06 We're at the two hour mark. I'm going to end this bitch fest. Thanks for having me on the podcast on my birthday. Yeah. No worries. It's already 315 now. It's half over. No, it isn't.
Starting point is 02:01:17 It was half over at noon. But you stay up till three. Oh. So then you're fine, right? Yeah, exactly. That's what you're trying to say. Oh, artists. Artists can't do math.
Starting point is 02:01:26 All right. I'll talk to you guys next week. Hey, watch the Kings and Ranges. Go fuck yourselves. Yeah. Tip of the week. Krijg je graach cadeaus? Op ons kan je rekenen.
Starting point is 02:01:40 Want tot de met 15 april krijg je IKEA family-lede een kinder menu gratis bij aankoop van een warme maaltijd voor volwassenen. IKEA. IKEA. IKEA.

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