Monday Morning Podcast - Monday Morning Podcast 7-1-24

Episode Date: July 1, 2024

Bill rambles about filming his new special, Seattle sights, and data centers....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's bill burr and it's time for the Monday morning podcast for Monday, July 1st 2024 what's going on? How are you? How's it going? Oh, oh Billy Freckles is on fucking summer vacation, man We taped the special up there in the Moore Theater Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and then I had one more show on Saturday where I was actually already trying out the new stuff. The crowds were incredible.
Starting point is 00:00:40 The theater was incredible. The crew was incredible. Seattle was incredible. It just went great. I think I got my best special yet. I'm very excited about it. And that's it. I also got to spend, you know, I got up there Tuesday because I had to check out the set and everything. And I got to see a lot of Seattle. Saturday we went out, took a boat ride around, let's see, I wrote down where the hell we were at. Where is it? Where is it? Where is my goddamn list? You know, you
Starting point is 00:01:17 try to prepare and just things don't work out. We got in at the Lake Union and then went over to Lake Washington. It's funny, all those nerds that came up with shit like YouTube and Zillow, Bill Gates, the Macintosh guy, they all have these houses along the way there on the other side of this bridge and it's funny like Like north of the bridge is millionaires south of the bridge is like billionaires Which is hilarious to me because it's like it's the same fucking water What about across the way can a comedian be on that lake? I've always found that fucking amazing that like people want to live where it's like the
Starting point is 00:02:07 most expensive for like the least amount of shit. I mean, God knows those people got money to burn, so what do they care, right? There was like one guy, you know, he's a paleontologist, had a fucking Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton in his house. I mean how long before you get sick of that? But I guess that's his life's work. That's what he wanted to do. But I was just sitting there going like, you know, I don't know. I mean I like drums and shit, but if I couldn't play the kit, how long could I? I'd probably stare at it for a while. Yeah, I guess that's what he's into anyway, but I always like
Starting point is 00:02:49 Fascinated me how like take if you go to Chicago And all those people trying to live right there on Lake Michigan and all that and get a view you go up to fucking Milwaukee It's the same fucking lake It's the exact same water. Like what are we doing here? I Lake it's the exact same water like what are we doing here? I Guess there's more shit to do in Chicago. I've never fucking understood it. I Don't know but it was but they were beautiful houses and all of that and the guy was telling us all this friggin security They have like if you try and scuba dive up like sensors go off if you're on the property the sensors go off and I'm just thinking like I
Starting point is 00:03:28 Guess that would be scary to be a nerd with a billion dollars, you know But I just like like what do you think they have it in the house? They got like a fucking floor safe Is Bill Gates in there making it rain? Is that what he's doing? I have no idea. I got no idea. But you know what? God bless them.
Starting point is 00:03:51 They were all broke at one point. They all had ideas and then they made a bunch of money. So and they live on a beautiful lake. So I got this in a meanwhile, I got to see a lot more Seattle just being out there. And I got to tell you, I fucking love that that city I've been there a bunch of times and always kind of liked it but then always had to get out of there but it was really cool when I first would go up there went before they had all their new stadiums and shit they still had the Kingdome and I don't know if key arena
Starting point is 00:04:22 still around but I saw a sonics game there and I saw a Mariners game with Ken Griffey jr. at the old kingdom and stuff and it was like a real cool city in that I feel like they they kind of started building it up as the space program and this you know the space race and trying to land on the moon. So there's a lot of like, there's a Tang vibe. That's what the astronauts used to drink so that the kids would want to drink it. It was this, I don't even know what the first, it's like orange powdery shit that was supposed to be orange juice or something.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I have no idea. But it seems like a lot of the architecture is influenced by that time mixed in with some really old stuff and then some newer stuff but it's such a fucking cool city and I like a lot of people lumped sort of Portland Oregon and Seattle all into it's like the same sort of vibe and city because they were so close together completely completely different vibes but Seattle is definitely one of those cities I could definitely live there. I will say though I was joking about this Saturday night the women up there oh my
Starting point is 00:05:32 god unapproachable Jesus Christ I've never seen like so many plain Janes with a chip on their shoulder in my life like we were like doing some man-in-the-street shit and I was talking about how the Bible blames women and how stupid that is, like eat the apple, and some woman was just walking by. And I was like, you know, I just sort of just playfully went like, you never eat an apple, right? And then she just stopped. She's like, what?
Starting point is 00:05:59 What is he saying? Got all in my grill, like really super hostile and defensive. And I was just like, you know, I had like chill vibe, and at and I was just like you know I would have like chill vibe and at some point she just goes what I'm just trying to fucking get a work it's like we'll go to work Jesus Christ why are you coming at me like I was hitting on you I definitely was not hitting on you I don't know but I found that like a couple of times that like, you know, I asked somebody, there was this big long line, I guess it was a pop-up store, so I just said, excuse me, what are
Starting point is 00:06:32 you guys standing in line for? Is this food or clothes or something like that? And she just had like this real super fucking defensive like type of vibe. And it was, ugh was it was gross other than that people were fucking cool But there was I you know I a be honest it was two people that did that but that was two people too many You know I mean This might be shallow well This is definitely be shallow to say it's bad enough when somebody good-looking has an attitude when somebody not even remotely good-looking
Starting point is 00:07:04 has the attitude of a fucking hot chick, it's bad enough when somebody good-looking has an attitude when somebody not even remotely good-looking has the attitude of a fucking hot chick it's like It's like Did you cure cancer I mean, I don't why are you fucking talking to me like you don't look like me We're on the same level here Don't fucking come at me like you're way too good-looking that much better looking than me to be talked to you're way too good looking, much better looking than me to be talked to. You know what, that's not fair to Seattle. There was, you know what, let's be a little more even handed. Every city has some cunts, right?
Starting point is 00:07:38 So male and female or whatever, right? So maybe that's what it was. I will say though, Saturday night when I was joking around and I said the women in Seattle were unapproachable like it fucking murdered Like it fucking murdered and it didn't just murder because I was saying something insulting. It's like I didn't even get to the joke. I Just said I was complimented said but I had to take the women up here Like a fucking unapproachable and they immediately started laughing before That was like the setup To go into talking about why they were unapproachable and they'd already killed so there has to be maybe a little bit of truth
Starting point is 00:08:15 To that or whatever So The problem I have is which show I'm going to use because they all went great in different ways but trying to figure out which one to kind of do a rough cut on. I don't know but that's like a good problem to have and And I don't know, I just really can't believe it's behind me. It was almost like I had a letdown today when I woke up, because it's just like being under that kind of pressure for like three, four days.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Then you get back and you're like, OK, now what? You know what it is? It's not a depression. It's like, I don't know how to fucking chill out. So I was like, I have the whole summer off. And I'm like, I'm gonna spend all this time with my kids. And by the time I landed, I was like, I'm gonna go for my instrument rating again.
Starting point is 00:09:13 And I was like, Bill, stop fucking doing that. My goal this summer, I always like, I always hang with my kids every day during the summer break. That's like, I have to do something with them every single day right, but I'm gonna learn how to fucking relax I'll tell you what else worked, you know that shit
Starting point is 00:09:35 I was telling you guys about that that inhale exhale and then smile when when you're starting to get angry that thing I saw George St. Pierre talking about I Was doing that before going out I saw George St. Pierre talking about. I was doing that before going out to do my special. You know, you get like butterflies, but the wrong kind of butterflies. Like you're like, Oh God, why am I, you know, should I do this or whatever? And you just start feeling like uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And once again, smiling, whatever the chemical, it fucking releases, you know? And then rather than like, with anger, it makes me feel silly for being angry because I'm usually angry about something that's insignificant. Inhaling, exhaling, then smiling actually helped me a little bit with nerves because it made me feel like, I just really saw how it changed everything, how I walked out onto the stage.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah, I kind of like, I don't know, my whole life people looked at me when I'm just sitting there and they're going like, what's wrong? You all right? Is everything all right? And I'd be like, yeah, I'm fucking fine. You know, but it's like, I didn't realize, I was just sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop. After all the bullshit from when I was a kid, I was just waiting for something bad to happen. So I was actually at peace while I had a look on my face like something fucked up was going
Starting point is 00:11:01 to happen because something fucked up always happened when I was growing up, so like I kind of learned like I Don't know all of this shit like if I just sort of smile when I'm done smiling my face Comes to a resting point not all the way down It's sort of just like this neutral energy, which is something new to me So I think I'm learning how to rewire my brain doing this without fucking mushrooms, too Which is pretty good because I don't want to be like I Don't know. I don't judge people but that fucking micro dosing like every day just sort of walking around You know, I
Starting point is 00:11:38 Did that joke when I did the the true bird or we just call it half in a bag You know half in the bag you'd fucking start off day off you Take a swig of a flask To get you through the net the first chunky a day or something like that I know alcohol and mushrooms are two separate things, but I Don't know. I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. So anyway I Have like the next seven or eight days off so I'm just gonna I don't know what
Starting point is 00:12:12 I'm gonna do I'm gonna try to just fucking chill out which is which is difficult anyway I went to a cool guitar store when I was there I forget what part of town that was in I I ran into Adam Ray. He came out one night and he told me all of these spots to go to like for coffee and all of this shit. And he ended up being 100% right. But like, my wife surprised me. She came up on the last day. I was sitting there going like, why didn't she come up? She told me she always wanted to go to Seattle. And now now here I am I'm here for four days and She was like nowhere to be found Pioneer Square
Starting point is 00:12:51 It was a music store that I went to went to a coffee shop over there almost three grinders or something like that Well, which was fantastic What the fuck was the name of the guitar store? I'm trying to look it up right now. Oh, there it is. Emerald City Guitars. That place was cool as shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Just overall. Overall a great time. And with that, now it is baseball season. Oh, take me out to the ball game a buddy of mine was trying to tell me You know, I've been paying attention because I was getting ready to tape and everything They were saying the Red Sox might have exposed the Yankees a little bit And I was like, how do you expose a baseball team? He said that we ran on on on their catcher for one reason the guy didn't have strong enough arm
Starting point is 00:13:46 so ever since then Everybody's just been taken off running and they've lost some games or whatever, but I Know the anchors looks pretty goddamn good to me. We shall see what happens though by plan on watching some baseball some golf and I Don't know you guys have any suggestions on how to not fucking do anything I don't know I come from a family of scatterbrained people and I used to watch the older people the aunts and uncles and all that and used to
Starting point is 00:14:18 always take them like two three days on a vacation and then they would fucking chill so maybe I got the same thing. I just come I come from a long line of fucking wound up people. Yeah, so. Yeah, there they go. If you guys want to know what my internal battle is, is basically if I have nothing to do, I don't know what to do with myself and I can slide into a fucking depression. So then what happens is, is I just book a bunch of work so I don't slide into the depression. But then when I'm in doing all the work, I'm sitting there going like, I fucking need a
Starting point is 00:15:00 day off. Jesus Christ, it never fucking ends. And I always go, it never fucking ends. And I'm the one that booked all the shit. And I always go, it never fucking ends. And I'm the one that booked all the shit. I'm the one that said yes to everything. So I gotta fucking work on that stuff. So anyway, I saw some clips of the, we'll call it a debate I got to be honest let's just be
Starting point is 00:15:29 honest nobody won that thing that was that was an over I think Trump won against Biden but America lost and the Democrats and the Republicans are failing this country right now that these are our two choices and I Have to be honest with you. I'm a little fucking concerned because if I was thinking of invading this country Seeing these two nitwits Going back and forth. I mean at one point they just started talking about golf. I Mean what in the fuck? what are we watching here? Like the bar is so fucking low.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Like people are so like at each other's throats with this left versus the right that they're not even looking at their choices, I don't think. And you're sitting there watching the dregs, the bottom of the barrel here. My God, this is like, it's like a bad Hollywood movie it's like this the only thing it's like what is that Wild Hogs you know a bunch of old guys getting on motorcycles for one more trip across the
Starting point is 00:16:37 country what are they gonna learn about themselves this is like grumpy old men meets cocoon meets I don't know what the day after remember that fucking TV movie. I don't know. I have no fucking idea like how did we end up here? I was really thinking about it but both sides can blame each other because nobody was mature enough to just pull the plug and say, what are we doing here? Let's take a step towards each other
Starting point is 00:17:12 and let's try to be a little more in the middle. We just kept getting further and further and further extreme. And then also I think because there's so much media that the only way to get eyeballs on something is to act like the extreme right and the extreme left are examples of Democrats and Republicans and they're not. They're not. Like whenever they try to show like liberals, you know, create, you know, this is, you know, typical liberal, they'll show like one of these psychos at an abortion rally, like that chick with the deep voice going, my choice, my choice, my choice.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And then people, my friends will be like, dude, these fucking liberals are crazy. And I'm like, do you think that's what the fuck, that's a crazy person. And the same thing with like acting like people that the majority of people that vote for Trump are the people that showed up on January 6th It's like not it's just staunch Republicans and die-hard liberals are just gonna vote for whatever has a blue or a fucking red tie That's what gets them over. There's not enough for those idiots from January 6 To elect somebody you got to have an overall. And it's the same thing with like Democrats. Like Democrats are not sitting on the ground screaming like that chicken 2016. So anyway,
Starting point is 00:18:36 oh, look at this. My dinner just came here. Hey, Nia. Yes. Can you teach me how to relax? Can you teach me how to relax? Here, relax. You slapped me in the face. No, that's my goal. I got like eight days here. And I would just like to not do a bunch of shit. I have a few things that I want to do, but I don't want to do a bunch of shit. And I don't know how not to do that.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I know, but you can, you know, just one day at a time. Alright just look at me and be like hey just scream hey stop doing shit. Hey stop doing shit. Hey how fun was Seattle? Me too. Meet the Heat. Seattle was awesome and you killed it and yeah it was great. Alright I gotta keep my eyes on. Oh and the little ones okay cool all right all right cool all right well I'm gonna eat my dinner here I'll finish this after. Yeah so anyway I don't know I'm hoping all of us regular people, Republicans and Democrats who aren't screaming my choice or climbing walls with a staircase Right next to you on January 6. I think it's it's up to all of us. We really have to fucking relax
Starting point is 00:19:52 We got a we got it. I Don't know what we got to calm down the children on either end. Is that a fucking wind chime? Did somebody put up a fucking wind chime? What the fuck was that I think my neighbor put up a wind chime oh no well I don't know what I don't know some people like those fucking things you want to talk about just like shutting your brain off or whatever your brain is telling you that you constantly need that fucking noise in your ears. Oh. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Alright, can I ask you a question? What would you rather have living next to you? Somebody with wind chimes or a cat lady? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Alright, let me eat this shit and then I'll finish this podcast. Alright, I'm back. finish this podcast. All right, I'm back. I mean, basically, it's our choices are between two mentally ill people. It's I don't even know what to do. You got you got some whatever is going on with Joe Biden, and then fucking Trump is a full-on fucking narcissist. I saw a thing where he was going like January 6th, it was the vibe there was loving. So I guess, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:21:14 I guess that's, that's where we're at. I just wish both parties would be like, all right, we'll get rid of our guy if you get rid of your guy. And let's just start over again. Let's get somebody in their 40s. That's what I want. Somebody in their 40s that, you know, it's going to have to live with the shit that we're, you know, we're going to face with global warming and all. We've got gotta do something. I wish somebody would just fucking start dumping money
Starting point is 00:21:47 into public schools again. I just don't understand. I don't understand why fucking rich people don't wanna have their taxes go to that. Or that selfish thing where your kids are already through public schools so you don't wanna pay for it cause you got to fucking use them
Starting point is 00:22:02 and now you don't give a shit. All right, I'm gonna stop talking about this stuff. I deliberately don't talk about this shit, but that stuff the other night was just so fucked up. Alright, I'm sorry. Let me move on. I don't have any reads this week. I'll do, I don't know. I don't know what the fuck's going on anywhere anymore. What is this? Oh no, this is my notes from my set. No, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I downloaded everything. Oh, Jesus, Bill. I didn't download, I copied and pasted, didn't I? Anyway, let's just keep moving on. All right, new, we'll get into the questions here. New NFL kickoffs. Dear Billy Moose Nuts, I don't know what that means. As you probably heard, the NFL owners agreed to adopt the XFL's kickoff rules and I'm wondering what your thoughts were. It sounds bizarre.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I haven't seen it but it sounds bizarre. But it's also they have to do something about CTE. I think that's the reason for doing it. I don't know why. Let's keep reading here. I'm not the best explaining it but to anybody listening who's unfamiliar, everybody on the kicking team, but the kicker, now line up on the opposing team's 40 yard line with the returning team, except the two returners lining up 5 to 10 yards away. All right. All right. Nobody can move until one of the returners touches the ball.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Oh, fuck, I got the hiccups. Hang on a second. All right, here we go. Fuck. I ate too fast trying to get back to the podcast. All right. With the returning team, except for two returners lining up five to 10 yards away, nobody can move until one of the returners touches the ball.
Starting point is 00:24:10 All right, so the kicker moves, everybody stands still on both sides. So there's no more wedge breaker. Then the person catches the ball, and then they all run. Well I think they moved it up and then there was too many touchbacks so now they want to have returns but they don't want people slamming their heads and suing them later for CTE. That's the real reason. It's not that they give a shit about players health. It's that they don't want to have to settle another class action suit
Starting point is 00:24:46 I think that that's what it is person says I apologize if my description wasn't very good But if you look up a video of an XFL kickoff on YouTube, it's it is pretty easy to understand personally I'm not a fan. I think these kickoffs look lame And I think a better solution to the abundance of touchbacks would have been to just move everybody but the returner back five yards Thoughts and go fuck yourself. I think this is one of these things where You know, there's a lot of like keyboard warriors out there going this is pussy football and I
Starting point is 00:25:20 Remember men used to play football and it's like yeah, but you never did all right, you never played football at that level and you didn't have to deal with the The results of it and I think it's pretty fucking selfish as a fan That I would want my entertainment to come before their safety The game has evolved, you know what I mean? They used to have the Statue of Liberty play and they used to have straight on kickers. It's always going to evolve. If it makes it safer, I don't give a fuck. I'll get used to it.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I'd rather have that than somebody fucking committing suicide by shooting themselves in the chest so science can look at their brain. I mean, do you want that at the end of the player's life? Or would you just rally, you know, just move them a little closer together, then try to figure out a safer way to do it? I don't know. Oh, here's another thing too,
Starting point is 00:26:18 like electric cars are getting trashed, you know, on Instagram, as well they should, right? I'm not saying that you can't make fun of them and all that stuff but I just love people that drive gas combustion cars and they can somehow see all the bad reasons why you shouldn't go electric but as we're in the middle of this 20-year fucking war that bankrupted the country because of oil and the control of oil they somehow don't see that oh god it's just how do you guys watch the news and stay informed it's so fucking depressing and
Starting point is 00:26:55 then he look at I only watched a little bit now I'm fucking depressing you guys and that's not my job my job to make you fucking laugh all right here we go keep you up. I apologize Vote for whoever you want to these are the two best old senile fucking lunatics sociopath narcissist dimension fucking white guys we could find You know what this country needs to choose between someone in their 80s or in their late 70s to lead the country All right victory against billionaire cunts. Dear Bill Romanowski Burr, how dare you? How fucking dare you? How dare you?
Starting point is 00:27:34 I don't play the game like that. You often complain about how corporations are invincible, but us regular folk got a big win on Thursday. The Supreme Court rejected the opioid settlement that Purdue Pharmaceutical agreed to. What do you mean Purdue Pharmaceutical? The people who make the chicken when it pops up it's perfect? Did they combine with pharmaceutical? The pharmaceutical industry? Is that what happened? Is Live Nation involved in this? Anyway, the Supreme Court rejected opioid settlement
Starting point is 00:28:10 that Purdue Pharmaceutical agreed to, which shielded the billionaire Sackler family from any civil liabilities from victims. Well, that's good, finally. Basically, it's looking like the family will be vulnerable to personal lawsuits that hopefully will drain their massive bank accounts. Well, I mean, that's a long ways off. They're probably taking all their money right now and sticking it in the fucking Cayman
Starting point is 00:28:38 Islands. Now, this admittedly isn't perfect. It would be nice to see some of them in jail, but taking their blood money is a decent consolation prize, 100%. And, you know, the Department of Justice is going after Live Nation for being a monopoly. So I think the pendulum is going to it has to start swinging back at some point. I'm not saying all corporations are bad, but to deregulate all of them, which started back in the early 80s under Reagan. Reagan thought that that was a good idea. It would it would if they weren't regulated they could create more jobs and blah blah blah blah blah and
Starting point is 00:29:34 Who would have foreseen where that was gonna go I'm sure a bunch of people said that they could see it But I don't think Reagan knew what they were gonna do But anyways, they started that then and nobody's been watching them. So I think it's time to bring that back. Hopefully Because you know, I don't have a problem with the corporation as long as they act like a fucking human being I don't have a problem with a decent human being. All right, all the best and go fuck yourself PS Please reconsider taking your kids to Yosemite I grew up in LA and some of my earliest memories are doing the junior park ranger program there. Oh, I, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:08 If they're going to be with a park fucking ranger, okay. If they're going to be with me who has no in the woods survival skills whatsoever. Anyways, the person is, I explicitly remember panning for gold in those cold mountain streams and activity I still love today. All right, well I like how you go out into nature and you're still trying to make your capitalist dream come true. I thought you went into, I'm sure it's a peaceful endeavor To go out and just sort of do a little there will be blood. Oh wait. He was an oil guy, right? No, I actually I really enjoyed nature I just don't enjoy what's in nature I'm into the I like I don't mind the woods forest is a force is a whole other fucking game All right differences. Hey Bill. I got a relationship questions for you. I work
Starting point is 00:31:08 Oh, by the way, did anybody see that video with that fucking guy? He's on a dock And I don't know what he I don't know what he dropped into the water accidentally So he jumps in to get it and when he comes up his friends are just like, alright Mike Mike just swim to the stairs Just swim to the stairs. He's like what they go just swim to the stairs And he goes why and they go just swim to the stairs Mike and he fucking puts his snorkel on He sticks his face in the water And there's a fucking great white shark like within 20 feet of him and he comes up like any normal human being like Oh my god
Starting point is 00:31:57 The fucking terror watching that goddamn video and obviously He survives because you know, there's the film of it, right? But you're still terrified the whole fucking time. He can't get to it. I Mean Spielberg couldn't have shot it any better, right? Oh my god Fucking terror absolute fucking terror All right, yeah What's what the fuck is wrong with the pool? Differences hey Bill, I got a relationship question for you.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Here we go. I work at a job that requires me to go, me to work four months overseas, then three to four months of vacation, four months overseas, and so on. That's kind of cool. I started dating this lady from my hometown in February. After four months of chatting and FaceTiming with her while being away from home, I fell in love with this girl. She is funny, smart, charming, caring, easy to communicate with, and most of all mentally
Starting point is 00:33:01 stable. By the way, what the fuck are you doing for a job? Are you a mercenary? What are you doing? I fell in love with this teacher. I really love her and I can truly feel comfortable being myself around her. But there always has to be a but I am not religious. But of Christian upbringing, my girlfriend is a Jehovah's Witness.
Starting point is 00:33:24 J.W. from now on. Okay. But of Christian upbringing my girlfriend is a Jehovah's Witness JW from now on okay Before you jump to conclusions. She is not devoted to JW. Well if she's seeing you I would don't they have to just marry Jehovah's Jehovah witnesses Anyway, she said as she said Partially she is Jehovah's Witness because of her family, otherwise she would be shunned. But she still follows most of the imposed rules. For example, Jehovah's Witnesses are forbidden to have premarital sex. I'm not reading the next statement, in this case her family is reading it.
Starting point is 00:34:01 The problem we are facing is holiday celebrations. JW do not celebrate birthdays, Christmas, Easter, et cetera. They don't. Oh my God, that's fucking amazing. Can I do Jehovah's Witness light? Like I would celebrate Christmas and birthday and Easter with kids, but not for adults. Anyway, this person continues. These festivities play a big part in my country are widely accepted and celebrated. They are also a very important part of my family and friends life. Jehovah's witness do not celebrate birthdays because it derives from paganism.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Christmas is birth of Jesus. All right. I thought pagans were not into Jesus I thought pagans were around before Christianity Christianity Christians tortured them into becoming Christians and then they all had to adopt Jesus and then Christianity stole a lot of their symbols that's what I heard I have no idea anyways Anyways, Jehovah's Witnesses only celebrate the day of Jesus' death and wedding anniversaries. All right. We started, well, shit, if you can string her along,
Starting point is 00:35:17 that means you're only gonna buy one gift a year. Wait, do you have to buy her something to celebrate Jesus' death? We started to talk about, wait, celebrating at how? I don't know. We started to talk about building a family early on and we kind of agreed that our kids could celebrate birthdays, Christmas and Easter with me or my family, but she would have little to no input in this. She would attend family dinners on those occasions, but she would have little to no input in this.
Starting point is 00:35:45 She would attend family dinners on those occasions, but not more. She wouldn't even decorate a Christmas tree with me. What bothers me, yeah, what the fuck? What bothers me is that she refuses to just take a small part in these celebrations. That's what I'm saying. You know what I mean? Like if I married somebody Jewish and they were lighting the menorah, is that what you call it?
Starting point is 00:36:07 I mean, would I be, you know, I'll stand here but I won't light a match. I would do it. Anyway, she would attend family dinners, blah, blah, blah. What bothers me is she won't even be a small part in these celebrations, which do not necessarily hold religious meaning, but brings family and friends together. Her archaic and dogmatic approach towards this disturbs me. I truly love her.
Starting point is 00:36:35 We are working hard to find a compromise in this regard. I hope we can find a common ground. What would you think, what do you think carrot face? I think the biggest thing in there is you using the word archaic. That says to me that you're already muttering to you to yourself in the car about this shit and if you're already muttering in your car because you don't know that talking to this person is going to be a solution, you got to have a little pow wow with yourself. Okay, do you love this person enough to deal with this? Because if you're already if you've already, you know
Starting point is 00:37:28 You're pressing the archaic button Uh, and then you said yeah and dogmatic approach towards this disturbs me, um I think You know if you're with somebody and something that they're doing, if you're if you legit find it disturbing, not like you joke around my god, she's into this band, it's kind of disturbing. You know, and you're just sort of making fun of some pop culture things she likes, but this is like literally how she's going to behave during the holidays or not behave or
Starting point is 00:38:09 whatever and you find it disturbs you. What do you think, Carrot Face? I think you got yourself a problem. That's what I think. Yeah, it's just something you're going gonna be able to deal with? Oh, man. And then what if, not to put a what if in there, what if all of a sudden after you marry her, you know, her feelings about Jehovah witnesses
Starting point is 00:38:46 Changes she gets to a certain age and she wants to go back Yeah, that's a tough one That that's something you have to be on the same page about I feel if you're gonna have kids you have to be on the same page as far as like If you're gonna like like this is how we're raising them All right You know me and my wife we don't go to church We're not into we're not into that so that was fine that works with us however if one of us
Starting point is 00:39:21 So that was fine. That works with us. However, if one of us became like a Jesus freak in the middle of it, I mean, that would put a massive, that becomes a completely different thing. So there's always, you know, and that can happen in any relationship. You could be of the same fucking religion and then somebody just gets totally hardcore into it.
Starting point is 00:39:50 I don't know. How much do you love her? Is it worth taking that fucking risk? You know, if you just said you just liked her then I would say yeah this ain't gonna work. And I will say that life is hard enough you don't need to make it harder. Yeah, archaic, that's the word that hit me. So you don't respect, you respect but you think that way of thinking is archaic. That's a tough one. So I think early on in the relationship while you're in the throes of love it's going to be easy to bite your tongue but when you sort of come out of the honeymoon phase and then it's the real deal you know full pads it's the regular, you're in a fucking marriage, I would say, you know, that's, you know, the flames gonna be turned up there. My gut says you should get out of it.
Starting point is 00:41:02 That's my gut says. But I don't know how you feel about it. I have no idea. You're gonna have to you know what the other day you got to make this decision and you're also asking a stand-up comedian who has more issues than most people I would think. I'm as fuck or I'm as fucking crazy as anybody else. All right data centers. Hey, Billy Ballstein, you may well have raved against this in the past, and maybe I just missed it, but I feel like we have to do something about these fucking data centers popping up left and right. Google has three of these massive data facilities in central Ohio alone, and I have a buddy who's an electrician that's been working on Amazon centers for the better
Starting point is 00:41:46 part of a decade. They're saying all this shit about how they're going to be run by carbon free energy by 2030. But you know, that's a load of fucking green washing language. Of course it is. So giant corporations can't stand behind a facade that they actually give a shit about anything besides their own profit. Living in central Ohio, it's completely infuriating to see this shit and feeling completely helpless in any way to somehow prevent it.
Starting point is 00:42:17 These facilities take a tremendous amount of water and electricity to run. And our elected officials are handing over local Natural resources to these fucks to these politicians should be strung up by their fucking balls They just given this fucking country away This is the first step towards water is not a natural is not a human right If it's as if there isn't going to be any downstream impact for years to come. The little guy is going to have to file in behind the likes of Google, Amazon, Intel, and Microsoft and pay more for water and electricity if the grid can continue to withstand the increased demand. Why don't they just go
Starting point is 00:43:01 solar? All for what? Cheap land and a tax break? Meanwhile, people can't afford housing and instead of building affordable housing the land is just signed away to these apathetic business giants. They're even building these data centers in the fucking desert. As I bet you about this topic, the Defeating irony is not lost on me that I send this email using a Google service. I think that makes me a cunt, huh? Anyway, thanks for stopping by Columbus in May great set and very happy I got to see it live brought my wife and she loved it go fuck yourself and I'll be sure to do the same Yeah, this is all, I don't know what to call it. This is just brilliant evil, these corporations. So they were first fucking over the working man, and then people fought and died to get unions and then during
Starting point is 00:44:06 a wonderful period in this country right up until around the 70s you could work union and you could support a life you know wife and a family and all of that shit get a car you know and all of that and be a working man and you could do that right up until like the 70s and then somewhere along the line you know corporations got sick of dealing with these fucking unions so they were allowed to leave this country to then exploit people in other countries in the form of sweatshop labor. And then we stopped making things in this country. And they were outside the country and they didn't have to pay taxes. This is what I think happened.
Starting point is 00:44:55 So now they're selling off this fucking land because we don't have any money. There's no way to generate any money. And these people, I don't know if they even pay taxes who the fuck even knows and there's never any fucking war that is bankrupted the shit out of us and no politician can get us out of this I don't even know I don't know what the fuck to do here so I don't know guys we got to stop talking about this shit let's Let's try to go fucking lighter, man. But we also have to kind of, I guess, talk about it.
Starting point is 00:45:28 I guess you're not, I don't know. I don't have any solution other than I believe in the average everyday person going down the street and I just try to respect wherever they line up politically and all that and I think as a fellow countryman I should help them in any way that I can and vice versa and that's what we need to get back to instead of acting like we're against each other all that does is just make super rich people richer Jesus Christ Christ, when did my podcast become this? I gotta start watching more fucking sports here. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Alright, so that's it. The podcast is done. And I'm just going to I'm going to take eight days off. And I that's what I'm going to do. Figure out how to do this. I Honestly don't know what the fuck to do with myself, but I'm gonna figure it out What do you do What are we just fucking sit I'm gonna watch some movies maybe I'm gonna watch some movies maybe. You know?
Starting point is 00:46:47 But then you know what I do? I'm like, I'll go on the Criterion Channel and I'll watch fucking three movies a day and I'll knock out 12 movies and then it's just like I turn everything into a fucking job. Is there a psychologist listening to this? Do you know what this is? Why people do this? I mean I know why I do it.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I'm fucked up. I don't want to be alone with my thoughts there. I said it. Alright, that's it. Alright. Okay whatever. Alright that's the podcast okay? I don't know what you want from me. Go fuck yourselves. I'll check in on you on Thursday.

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