Monday Morning Podcast - Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 10-17-19

Episode Date: October 18, 2019

Bill rambles with drummer Steve Gorman....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Bill Byrne. It's time for the Thursday afternoon just before Friday Monday morning podcast and I'm just now I'm not just checking in on you. I usually have just checked in on it on you see now your work week's going the cubicle battles and all of that shit but every once in a while we have a special guest and this is one of these Thursdays we have the one and only Steve Gorman drummer from the black crows drummer drummer with trigger hippie that has a new album out called full circle and he's here to promote his new book which I've mentioned got an advanced copy you did all Hollywood bill over the summer it's called hard to handle the life and death of the black
Starting point is 00:00:41 crows and welcome. Thank you. It's a pleasure to be with you sir. And I got to tell you dude. I've read. I'm not a big reader. Here we go. I am not a big reader. Here we go. And I have read. You know I read autobiographies like in Stabler. What does it say about me that most people that like the book go first of all I don't read much. Yeah. Yeah. Your book. Yes I know. I mean I'm waiting for the reading people to tell me it's good. Yeah but the non-readers I got them. You got me. So I've read a bunch of rock docs all the way back. I think one of the first ones I ever read was like Hammer of the Gods which is a total. Yeah shit show. It was a horseshit fucking book saying they want the devil and all that and I
Starting point is 00:01:20 this this I'm telling you this is the one as far as like if everybody you know they read the books to see hey what was it really like. Did they get along and all of that and I got to tell you man the fucking vibe of this book I just felt like I was friends with you for 20 years. We were in a pub. Everybody had cleared out and you just let it out because it's just like there's so many epic lines. Yeah. The one where the Jimmy Page thing falls apart and you just go I'm not going to say names or anything like that. I mean I go read it up enough. Go get the book. But it's just like the Jimmy Page thing falls apart like the way that you tell that story when you were going to the pay phone. It was at Hyde Park in London. It was just like I just felt like I was
Starting point is 00:02:06 like oh my god this guy if somebody asked him directions might murder somebody and I just got to say you know as far as like you know when guys write these books because you know there's always been these this band is done it's fucking over we're signing contracts and all this shit and then there's always that you know the farewell tour is sort of the big joke in music and so I always feel like when I read these books that there's always that feeling of hope or maybe the band's going to get back together so I can't quite tell it the way I would tell it if I had a few pops in me but I don't feel that with this book Steve. I well you know I I'm not going back let me put it that way I mean I'm not you know there's there was not a thankfully when the band blew up in 2014
Starting point is 00:02:55 and for the reason we blew up which was our singer decided after 27 years I'll just demand all the money that I don't know how you go back from that you know I don't know for me personally no that's that's done we're done like there's not a chance in hell that you're gonna up you're gonna up in the apple cart like that how does it happen where like when the band starts out I always feel like you guys you know it seems like with the bands you guys are just starving you're riding one van you just you do like this platoon with this common goal let's just get out yeah that's how I thought it was at what point uh is it now that you look back going oh that was the moment or did you sense along the way when you start seeing cracks in it and people uh what I always call it
Starting point is 00:03:37 called like taking the ride where all of a sudden it's just like hey you know what when I say go fuck yourself it means a little more now that is yeah and you start you just you just start floating away like whoever's like hold like like those hot air and balloon guys that hold the thing down they just sort of let go and you just float off into the abyss we started seeing or I started seeing cracks very early but what I look at them now as it's not cracks into the foundation of what the band was it's cracks into the foundation of what I thought the band was oh everybody was already who they were and everybody responded to our success and our workload and all that in the way that their nature dictated it just took me forever to recognize oh they were always that way
Starting point is 00:04:16 I thought you know it's easy to say oh fame and fortune fucks with people oh so you don't you don't no it it it it it just throws gas on a simmering fire that's already there to begin with I mean you know it's like when Mel Gibson gets drunk he said things he I've been drunk I didn't say those words right but I mean I've been that drunk and I've been that angry and I don't go there because that's not me right and so fame all fame and fortune and all that success of our early records was was a mirror for everybody and so what it what I got out of the mirror was um you know a lot of uncertainty and and and a lot of you know my response to people splintering off was to panic and freak out and like I've said a million times a band is a family and when a band start when a
Starting point is 00:05:00 band starts with family it's really a family right and when you have addiction in a family you have codependency in a family and so everybody brings their own bags to the shit show you know what I mean and mine was you know I'm a codependent guy who thinks I can make everything better right like oh here are the Robinson brothers and they have their views and their issues and I stepped in and then and then we grabbed a guitar player and then we grabbed a bass player everybody brought their own shit and so so when the cracks start to appear I look at it now as oh no that's just that was reality tapping me on the shoulder but me going not yet not now I don't want to know I'm gonna I'm gonna will this into a better place well I have to say the amount of times in the book
Starting point is 00:05:41 only reason because I am a fan of the band so I knew you worked on but the amount of times I gotta give you gotta give it up to what you guys accomplished as far as the amount of times sure that you're right there and then just something fucks the whole thing up yeah it's just like oh we're done and then just something else came along like maybe that happens twice if you're lucky but the amount of times that happened to you guys because that's the one thing that's only sad about reading the book it's just like I fucking love the band I love everybody in it but like but on the other side it was it really was amazing to uh just finally kind of have somebody just go all right this is what the fuck happened and this guy you know this fucking asshole he
Starting point is 00:06:20 said this and this shithead and then I'm fucking like I mean it's basically how the thing is it sounds like a like a conversation so um and I was I'm really geeking out here about questions I want to ask you but as far as like what it's always killed me as far as like if this is a huge band like your band and you got this killer drummer like you the the thing about it is is if you're like a killer singer you can you're like the way people listen to music it's like it's the singer first sure so they and a lot of people's minds if you listen to it on like a superficial level they're the sound of the band yeah so a guy like that can go out and get a bunch of hired guns and do that type of shit but then people always say about the drummer is like your band's only as good
Starting point is 00:07:06 as your drummer if your drummer sucks it's true you're fucked but like I feel like well name a great band with a shit drummer they don't exist I know you there are great bands whose singers weren't great yes you know I'm saying there's like man I'm free with those yeah but but but but a band that you but an all-time in the all-time thing I have a buddy back in Atlanta Teddy Murray and he always said you got a singer and a drummer everybody else can fake it right and it's kind of true on a certain level but the thing is when the band implodes though yeah as far as a drummer then trying to be like well I'm the drum sound of the black cross to try and get another thing going like I was you know when you were saying yeah this panic I can make it better I can fix it yeah
Starting point is 00:07:47 there was any of that like well I'm the fucking drummer who's gonna give a shit if this thing everybody goes and goes solo this guy's the lead singer he's like the face he's always running his yap in the the interviews so he's kind of like up front in the fame thing and can kind of sustain something right because I know I know I was never I honestly never thought I had fears that were primal of just my thing is splintering right now when I took a minute and said well what happens if this goes away I was like oh well I can get another gig I'm good and I'm a great member of a team I mean I knew what my strengths were right and I knew that I could use those elsewhere I didn't want to I didn't want to go through that because I always had the vision of you know I
Starting point is 00:08:32 dropped out of college or moved to Atlanta to start a band and I the bands I love without a drum kit the without yeah one thing at a time I gotta get into a band before I commit to buying a drum kit but the main thing I wanted to do with my whole life was being a band and a band to me is no different than a basketball team I mean I really looked at it like that and I and I I looked at it like I'm Bill Russell and most basketball fans don't appreciate his greatness so I get it right I'm gonna defend the rim I'm gonna get every fucking rebound I'm gonna hit all the outlet passes and you guys go dunk and shoot threes and I love that role that's me I got it people love playing with you I got it I'm under I got this you guys go do the fuck you want I'm not gonna ever miss the
Starting point is 00:09:11 one we're gonna be right where we need to be and so that's how I played basketball that's how I played soccer I played sweeper I was just like I'm I got all this and I don't want all the attention I'm happy to like let's go right and then when I you know I saw Chris my second night in Atlanta sing and I was like that fuckers got something you know like holy shit and a few months later when he asked me to play with them me and Rich and Chris you know me and two brothers but then Chris and I were like best friends you had these two weird yet brothers that were at each other's throats and then I step in and me and Chris became inseparable and we're just bad cop good cop whatever you want to call having a fucking blast but then he's got his brother so there was that dynamic of
Starting point is 00:09:49 those two little two-man crews within the three of us that that was very powerful looking back now it's real there was a lot of chemistry and power in that right because we all brought a real intensity to it and and we didn't know what to do with it and it took a while to figure it out and we needed help to figure it out but it was built on a pretty strong there's talent but there's also desperation and there's there's a lot of fuel to make sure this fucking thing goes somewhere and that was all really special so from the but from the jump I was like I'm in a band with brothers this ain't about me on any fucking level publicly behind the scenes though we're all here together and by god I'm gonna have my say and I'm gonna will these things into and in a local band that was
Starting point is 00:10:31 much more easy to do and and so I always wanted it to be that way like that that idea of you know if everybody knows their role nothing will ever stop us when was the first time you were in that band and you know I mean you have to go into a thinking I'm gonna make it 100% I'm to this day convinced if I'd stayed in my original band that band would have made it yeah that's the only way you have to think well I mean I've I've manifested a lot of shit from nothing and I and I realized early on if you just tell people you're gonna do something it helps you to get it done so go go public with your stupid dream I said it yeah that's why that's why I haven't drank this whole year I just told everybody at the beginning of the year I'm taking this year off I well I did this I'm two
Starting point is 00:11:14 years off and I just said I'm done and and I had to keep saying it but then it gets real easy but like I kind of like watching people get drunk too it's funny it's funny it's like and I didn't think I could go into a bar there is some times yeah you know I had a couple of shows in Carolina in North Carolina and after my second show Asheville they both went good it's trying out the new hour and shit and I got off stage I was just like oh man what I would this is a time for a beer oh no a bourbon a better yeah and we were going to Clemson floor to state the next day and we had it we rented this house on a fucking lake and shit and it was just cigars the whole thing was there and the guy next door had moonshine and I was just like can I justify this for the experience
Starting point is 00:11:58 but yeah I didn't do it so but anyway so you manifest things this is great for my listeners too because I have a lot of I get a lot of questions and everybody and they're like you know hey I want to do this I don't you know can I do this is it too late to do this and the answer is always I've just been like no I mean you want to be a high jumper at 80 yeah it's too well I love the saying the best time to have a great idea is five years ago yeah I love that but it's true and but but you're going to be a five years goes fast now and so you know I mean from being in a band to to then you know I moved to LA in 2002 for a few years and I had this idea for a TV show now the end of the story is nothing happened but a whole lot of shit happened to get
Starting point is 00:12:40 to a place where nothing happened right you know what I mean like I pitched I got deals in place I put things in it was like it was in development for a week and then it stopped and then people got fired but that process really taught me that you know there's a whole and I had already learned this but I still learn it there's a lot of people that just don't do they just don't go and so life rewards action that's been my thing for a long time yeah now sometimes the reward is you get your shit kicked out of you but there's a you know what I mean sometimes the reward is you get a deal or a door opens but you learn how to pitch a show that's what I mean you learn how to pitch you learn how to spin my show didn't get picked up you learn how to condense ideas exactly
Starting point is 00:13:18 but I'm now on my second like I have a radio show Steve Gorman rocks it's a nationally syndicated classic rock show after I had a nationally syndicated sports talk show and those things both started from me telling a guy hey man I mean my my radio sports sports were talked radio career started because I sat in on an afternoon show in Nashville a couple times and I'm the rock guy coming in who knows a little bit about sports and I can speak in complete sentences so everyone's always underestimating you right I come in I tell some jokes I'm funny they like it the pd of the station goes man you want to come back next week I could get you on once a week and we could even get a sponsor give you a hundred bucks or something and I went no actually I'd rather have my own show
Starting point is 00:13:57 which which as I said it I'm like what the fuck am I saying he goes he goes what's the show and I said it's musicians talking sports and this is in Nashville this is 10 years ago 11 years ago and he goes well yeah I kind of see that you know we have a lot of musicians want to sit in do you think you could really host a show and I said yeah man I was going to be a sportscaster I was a broadcasting major in college that was always the plan and I've got this idea I've had it forever not true sounded great at the time right and 10 days later I'm like this is Steve Gorman sport I'm on the air going what the fuck am I doing it's happening a lot to you like I remember reading in modern drummer yeah fucking late 30 years ago 30 years ago I didn't want to date myself 30 years
Starting point is 00:14:39 ago and I remember you had a quote in there you would like the band had that that first album that came out and you've been playing drums for only like three and a half years you went literally from my first kid in March of 87 and Shake Your Money Maker came out in February of 90 I mean it's insane I recorded it in the summer of 89 so I've been playing for two years when we made that first record and went into a studio had to play to a click and well I went into a studio the first time to do a demo for A&M records and I've been playing for three months Jesus Christ and was just like okay I mean well but you know what though like a lot but unlike a lot of musicians I mean I have my I have my my problem I have a weird family dynamic what everyone's got their
Starting point is 00:15:22 shit they bring in and their issues but I didn't have an issue of who the fuck am I I knew who I was and my my playing was always I always played like I played basketball like just fucking be confident you can fuck up but don't be don't question yourself right and so when I play and same in soccer when I played sports I would be nervous before a game and I'd be like oh we're gonna get our shit kicked you know but once the game started I things slowed down and I just did at least I always knew what to do and if I made a mistake I just oh I fucked that up but it wasn't because I didn't know what to do it's because I didn't execute did the guy recording know that you're only been playing for two years or no the guy oh well the guy well my first demo was which was
Starting point is 00:16:04 I wasn't even in Mr. Crow's garden yet they had their drummer left to go join another band I got a record deal so Chris just was like dude come play this demo for us and I said I've only been playing for three months he goes no come on you can do this and he said you're as fucking good as anybody else around here so I went into the studio I went into a studio with a guy and I walked right over to the producer his name was Steve Grumbach and I said man I've been playing for three months I am so far in over my head so you just tell me what to do I'll do it but I have no I'm flying blind but I also had a confidence that I knew how to play and I could always play a straight beat like and I and I also because I was starting at 21 I was smart enough to go I didn't have those
Starting point is 00:16:44 Keith Moon years in the basement by myself like every other drummer like Bobby Brady's just going crazy yeah so I was making up for lost time so I knew I just got to play straight beats man I didn't play a fill for a year and a half I just played I just played straight and did and tried not to speed up that to me was my success level and I could do that and I could hit hard and so I'd go see local bands and the drummer would be good but by the third song you could see he was like he's out of shape and then he was starting to question himself and I'd see drummers fuck one thing up and the rest of the gig sucked you can see that oh right oh I always knew that because I'd been obsessed with drums when I watched drummers my whole life I played in my head forever I really
Starting point is 00:17:24 did and I always knew if I ever do it this is how I'm gonna do it I spent years thinking about that that's what you said in the end thing you know I've only been playing for three and a half years but I spent a lot of years thinking about playing drums very obsessively I was like what does that mean then you did something right I really thought I was well I I had a double life I mean I was living a full life but really my brain was like okay so just always remember when you come out of that fill you don't want to hurry around the toms you got to keep it in time I mean I would literally go to gigs in college and see bands and that's what I'd be I'd be watching the drummer the whole time thinking I'm gonna do that one day and I'm and I already knew I was late I already I already I
Starting point is 00:18:03 always knew I was starting late so like I don't I don't have time to make mistakes I've always been late I started comedy late yeah I stayed back in first grade I fucking I took me forever to get through college I became a dad later that's how I feel like always always behind I I'm the eighth kid of eight and so I started kindergarten at like whatever I mean I graduate high school and my first week of college I turned 18 so but I was so I was always the youngest kid in my class and I always felt like I was behind everybody because at first and second grade you know 10 months is a huge difference in development so my my my sports came a little later like I had brothers that were great athletes and I was where I should have been but I felt like I was way behind
Starting point is 00:18:45 where I should be you know so I always felt like I'm not there yet I'm not there yet and the drumming thing was the first time I ever was at least prepared to be late you know like I knew all right hey I gotta do the uh the advertising here all right ah but up up up beyond these beyond these no more sweaty balls beyond these beyond these Steve Gorman used to work at a mall um all right selling it I don't know ghost ghost noises yes please give us your rendition of what ghost noises are uh that's your piece of shit old house settling it's a galvanized pipe that's about rate of burst that's been my experience it's the most wonderful time of the year Halloween it's the most wonderful time remember when planning your costume as a kid was like the most fun you
Starting point is 00:19:32 could have pre-christmas and now that you're an adult Halloween feels less Halloweeny am I right which hey people who say am I right well me undies is bringing back the child like joy of picking out the perfect costume with their spooky prints and Halloween costume onesies that's right costumes onesies boo uh that's what they wrote there they're spooky soft like designed to be the best thing you've ever put on your body soft like softer than a fluffy kitten dressed up in a pumpkin costume pumpkins are rather hard in my world uh like softer than the brains zombies love to eat well you get the idea these are the softest undies known to man and they're also available in all sizes extra small 4x to 4xl soft for all if you don't feel like leaving your house that's cool too
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Starting point is 00:22:01 oh bill when are you gonna let it go it's bastards they should have hyped bernie sanders uh they have a 10-year warranty and you can try to get you what they have a 10-year warranty and you get to try it for 100 nights risk-free there's too many small words in that sentence fucked up my brain right now helix is offering up to 125 off mattress orders for our listeners get up to 125 off helix slash burr that's helix slash burr for up to 125 off your mattress order helix helix slash burr and so anyway getting back to that first session i said to the guy look i don't know what i'm doing he goes well just we just got to find a pocket and i was okay cool what's that and he goes the pocket you just find a groove and stay there i go oh well i can do that
Starting point is 00:22:49 and we played the song a few times and he came out we played him the song and he goes dude you're fine just do exactly what he just did and and just don't just if you don't speed up and if you don't if you can play steady it's gonna be fine because he's a good producer know what to do i've probably played four or five takes and he goes you're done drum tracks great we got it and i you know i'm like holy shit that went well this is easy yeah yeah i can do this well how many comedians kill their first time on stage and then and then you know i've done that i got up at zany's in nashville jumped up and had a 10 minute thing and i was like holy shit i could be a comedian and then i went back and it was awful and i was like no i couldn't well the second time you went
Starting point is 00:23:29 up were you thinking about the first time of course yeah yeah i thought like then you're not present of course i i did that uh i did that this past weekend i do it yeah you just like you're like oh my god i got two hours of new material wait a minute it's 17 minutes yeah right because you just yeah you're not like uh you kind of get out of that flow but um to get back to the book um like uh i know you've told all those stories and everything what what just for something different what was the high point for you like what gig you're sitting back there the band's just on it's the the album the gig or whatever we were just sitting there going like wow look at this thing that we built i can't believe the summer of 93 we were we were in europe doing festivals and and headlining
Starting point is 00:24:13 like glaston berry and all these giant festivals wow and um we had so we go we go from festival to festival backstage it's all trailers and we carried a giant tent with us that was bigger than this room it was like a military tent for the generals to hang out in and we attached it off the trailer and it was we had rugs down beanbag chairs lava lamps hookah pipes stereo the size of a fucking you know you could run a gig through it sounds i mean i mean we filled it with vibe and everywhere we went that was where all the band other bands would congregate they'd come over we had cases of beer and all liquor and it was just it was the central location backstage so there there were shows where i'd be sitting i'd be in there i'm drinking a beer it's four
Starting point is 00:25:00 hours before we're even going to play and there's like shanado connor and a couple guys from death leopard and and some european dance band i've never heard of is on the bill and then some german punk band and then a kid from ugly kid joe and they're all in our tent and we're you know and we were always very hospice despite being a pack of drunken wolves most of the time in those settings we were always hospitable we did have that weird southern like oh well oh come on in you gotta gotta put out a spread right and we always had that you know i mean like you might get yelled at in there but we were gonna you were gonna come in and drink our beer and there but there was also in play a little bit of the power dynamic of look what we had you know we were
Starting point is 00:25:41 feeling it but those that whole summer there was that feeling of like i mean your headlining glastonberry on our second album it was like mother fuck man where we have made it you know like this is and the band was at its best like it was all clicking right then could you think stuff like that during a show like wow the show's going really good or would you be worried that that would zap you out of whatever zone you win that you know i i i was in a different i didn't think of it in those terms i mean i would you could see a crowd response and you could see uh either good or bad but it was but no in those days i was way more i stepped into a bubble zone that was all about what it was locked in and i'm listening to everybody else every single every stroke is
Starting point is 00:26:28 the most important thing i'm ever gonna do right you know if i break a stick and getting another stick out of the bag either right or left if that means i'm dropping uh if i'm not gonna hit that snare with full force there's only one person in a field of 60 000 people that knows it and it's me but it fucks me up wow you know the other guys in a band wouldn't even know but i'd be like mother fuck you know just uh so i mean in the second the show's over it's gone and i'm out and i don't even remember what happened and so when the band was when we when i had gigs like that that's that is to me that's what it was all about it was never about look at those people cheering that was great right and of course i like that i prefer them to have a great night than not
Starting point is 00:27:10 but the thing that you can never replace and the thing that the once the band lost it could never get back is that there's an essence to six people going on stage and all going into some weird cocoon and when it's over not only is the audience really thrilled and happy but we just did something i can't talk about in a linear place and in about 10 minutes i'm not even gonna remember it it's like a drug trip it really is it's like that was a collective feeling too and you guys would get off stage like dude yeah we we could walk to the stage having fights and arguments and really really i mean literal punches being thrown and go go fuck yourself well that's a walking to the stage really well if i'm such a pussy take a shot motherfucker and ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 00:27:52 the black crow truly i'm not exaggerating we'd be you came to see us at uh bottle rock in 2013 festival in northern california and and you walked up to the stage with us you i don't know if you remember and you were going that doesn't happen to me a lot and you were going you you're just going to go play don't you need some time and that's why you were just shooting the show and i was like and i was like dude what we're gonna i played a few gigs and and then i was talking to you and the crowd everybody else in the band's already walking to their places and i'll see it a bit and you were looking at me like what do you fucking do it but i was like it's what we do you know and it and it and it was but but i mean but there's been those exact same moments where you
Starting point is 00:28:31 would have seen either the brothers or even sometimes me and with chris going no i tell you what how about this how about you go fuck yourself and then and then walk and then walking out to start the show it didn't matter because it get a couple songs in and if it's going well there could be moments where between songs chris and the brothers were to be arguing right and then i would go hey why don't you both fuck off you're both wrong okay there's there's 20 000 people here that don't care about you or you what they care about is the next song can we start it and then they both go fuck off and then i would just count it in you know you now what happens and then and then halfway through that song chris is everyone's smiling again because something could have happened
Starting point is 00:29:13 that immediately it's over it's gone didn't mean a thing that's what i was gonna ask if you play and he's like what you're playing even if you said go fuck yourself so you're gonna turn around smile does that that feels so that feeling transcends it could all the bullshit during and at the best of times yeah in the mid 90s we would go up and down throughout a gig and you'd have a high and then a low and then a high and a low and if it ended on a high if if by the encore everything was right back where it was supposed to be nothing else mattered all right can you tell the story this is one of my favorite they blew me away is the uh when you guys are opening for the stones how well the rolling stones have exiting a football stadium it's amazing they we're playing in in europe in
Starting point is 00:29:56 95 with the stones on the voodoo lounge tour and and and we did we finished with two nights in basal switzerland and so after the at the end of the tour doesn't sound real i know basal switzerland they said hey you know come back to our hotel and you know we'll hang like woody ron wood is like come over and we'll have a we'll have a drink you know and which which means a lot more than a drink and so we do our set they're playing their show and then at some point about 20 minutes before their set ends we're told just be it behind you know be on stage and be ready to await instruction and uh and this is so cool and and so we're you know you're well for one thing we're we're standing on the side of the stage we're and they had a scrim that came down right behind the drum
Starting point is 00:30:38 kit a black scrim that was like a two-way mirror essentially the audience just saw a black wall but you could stand right behind it and see everything so i would stand i was this close to charlie watz but but invisible i was right basically doing an arms length i'm right behind charlie watz for shows and keith would come over and stand in front of charlie facing charlie so keith is looking directly at me essentially and they'd lock in for an entire song and i'd just stand there and and when they lock in it it's 1972 all over again and i just and i actually there's a charlie's got that old gretch kit right same kit there's a story in the book where where me and rich are standing there and they do monkey man and keith never moves he stares
Starting point is 00:31:21 at charlie for the whole song he never they just grooved and me and rich just looked at each other and didn't say a word but we had a real thing of like man we're like that like that that's we understand that and and and it's a even saying it now man i can still like get goosebumps like there we had those they had that thing and then we were like man fucking when we're on we got you know it's just really great beacon to us like let's go be those guys and so anyway all this to say so after one of these gigs there's there's 10 minutes left in the show and then they go okay come on black crows you how many are you you know it's like it's the band and if anyone had their wife or girlfriend i guess but um you know whatever they they bring us down off the back of the stage
Starting point is 00:32:03 and there's this fleet of volkswagen vans and that's the tour sponsor so that's they're all there and and they're just okay you guys are all in those back two vans and it's like 12 vans in two rows of six you know uh six they're two two by a side six deep 12 vans or maybe it was 10 but whatever that's what it looked like and we just get in the back two vans of the entourage and we're like huh this is interesting and we're just sitting there in the dark behind behind the stage and you can still hear the plan they're playing you know they do it they finish a jump eject flash and it's like there's going it's going and then and then and then and then and then and then you hear this this firework starts shooting up from we're in between the back
Starting point is 00:32:49 of the stage and where the fireworks are being launched from so to my left i'm seeing firework guns just going and it's like a fourth it's not six of them it's like 600 of them and then to the right is the back of the stage and you hear a stadium of people going crazy and then you can hear like oh the the noise is done it's just fireworks they're taking their bowels and then all sudden like the whole area we're in becomes lights lights up like like you know all these lights go on around us and down the steps from the back of the stage here comes mick here comes keith every one of those guys has his own van with like his personal assistant or whoever the singers have a they fill in the rest of the vans and it's like they're all moved they're hustling and they're
Starting point is 00:33:29 surrounded by people hustling them and the fireworks are still going up right and the crowd is still going through the whole stadium is a wash and light and fireworks and then i hadn't even noticed this but the the the vans are surrounded by police cars and motorcycles and i got on one count every one of them hits all their flashing lights so suddenly we're like what the fuck we're surrounded and the entire motorcade pulls out of the back of the stadium and and where there's like a one lane road that we're on and then all sudden we're on a bigger like an access road and then up a ramp onto an interstate like a highway in switzerland all of the roads are blocked off there's no other traffic and all the fans are still watching the they're still screaming and
Starting point is 00:34:15 watching fireworks and within a minute of the first police light turning on we're pulling onto a highway the entire and so it's it's it's a dozen if not 20 police cars you know cars and motorcycles we get onto a highway that the exit you can see they've blocked off the highway so when we get on the exit ramp there's no traffic coming the whole next stretch of road is blocked off there's no access and we're going we are driving at a hundred miles an hour in a tight blue angel like formation and we're none of us are saying a word we're all just going what the fuck and feel like you're in the born identity yeah for real and just down the highway for about six minutes tops and then right off a ramp all the roads through the town of basel
Starting point is 00:35:04 blocked off every road we're on is there's light can be red doesn't matter we go right through it and then we just pull up outside this building that's an unmarked it just looks like an old 200 year old wall fortress thing and all the all the vehicles just stop and then the door opens and we just step out and then all the stones and all their everyone's on the sidewalk like and they're just all already a million miles away this is this is them this is our version of slowly walking to our bus you know what I mean and then they we walk into this through this door that's unmarked and then we're in a courtyard and it's just this they called it a hotel but it's really just like a palace residence where just the Rolling Stones stay when they're in town apparently
Starting point is 00:35:48 and Woody had his own apartment a multi-level it was like bigger than my house in Atlanta where he lived for his four days in town and we went up there and had a great great night with him and then Mick didn't come up but everybody else did by the end Mick and Charlie weren't there everybody else was but just that that was just one blip probably went to go do cardio I'm sure he did that was one blip I mean and again the whole the the the thing was it's not just isn't it cool to be rolling with the stones it was just a question of we thought we had gotten to some great level and that that was like this thing of like oh wow we're we're still just on the first lap of world as a big band you know we're it was just an incredible thing to like I just love the
Starting point is 00:36:28 that's their everyday life for 50 years but the genius of the fireworks show so you're still entertaining and all you don't get stuck in there because they literally cause a ridiculous traffic jam they get out of that and the just the efficiency yeah I loved it in the book because you really just described the way he just it was actually better to hear you say it this way but just to like the way it was just like we were behind the stage and then boom every just happened and like your head's spinning and then all of a sudden you just sitting there in Keith's seat in his shepherd pie yeah it's like oh nice nice show man well I mean we were laughing in some fucking castle you would have driven by never even seen never even seen it we um that we by
Starting point is 00:37:06 the time we got to Woody's room I promise you 40 of the 50,000 people in that stadium we're still they're just waiting for the waiting for the you know to get some leg room to move they're still just slowly in the aisle you know and you're just standing there bumping into the guy in front of you trying to get backstage to meet the band exactly there are they gone they're in a castle you're never gonna find you can't find it yeah they're already on their second sandwich it's hilarious oh my god that's a yeah because I remember uh I remember Bill Cosby was told the story one time about uh how George Carlin had like the record as far as like a performer getting out of a venue oh really like they would still be like he would be like I guess already
Starting point is 00:37:48 paid yeah and it was like you know thanks a lot you guys are great all right see you later and it was just right out the door in the car and gone like he was fucking gone like they were they were still clapping and he was fucking out and I thought that that was cool and then uh yeah to see that I was just like I mean that's I mean that's like a presidential motorcade you were in oh a hundred traffic doesn't exist that's right rules don't exist you can drive whatever you want and and I mean it just and that's the stones I mean I what does you two do I mean there's a button these bands that are just at that place where there's no getting your arms around how big they are it's like you just think about I saw the other day uh something about you know Edge has
Starting point is 00:38:26 his mountaintop in Malibu compound or wherever he lived out there and I just thought about it I was like what does the edge do like he's just I'm sure he's got a helicopter to get to town I mean you see these guys all go of course you get to this point where like nothing really applies to you anymore but then I but my thing about that is I don't understand that where what place do you right from then when it's like at some point you got to have some dick cut you off in traffic there's fucking asshole today that caused me my own impatient caused me to fucking scratch the rim of my fucking car now I don't know um hey you're also a big sports fan so uh believe it or not where we are racing we're almost halfway through the fucking NFL regular season which I hate how
Starting point is 00:39:05 fast it goes we're already six games in out of a 16 game schedule as a Tennessee Titans fan I hadn't noticed oh I know you guys are what do you think of the new uniforms I like them I care they suck I mean I mean when when football games then I'll tell you you look good well are you guys six and yes but we haven't we had we've had like Alabama's September schedule so yeah right I mean we played the dolphins the jets where their quarterback uh had mono yeah just hilarious like he went to a prom or something that's great uh played the redskins we played the Steelers the first week Ben was in that week that was probably our best one and then we played and then we played Buffalo who was three and oh and it was it was uh it was a hard fought win so something about Steelers and Patriots just
Starting point is 00:39:50 reminded me you know we met because you did my podcast in New York City the first time we met that's right in that hotel room yeah you came in and and did when I was doing a Steve Gorman sports podcast and we talked a lot about the Patriots and the Steelers and that yeah that's like 10 10 years ago yeah and and we've I think we we haven't lost to them since then they beat us one time and one of those horseshit it's not a catch but it was a catch yeah right and just for whatever reason it's just some teams just do well against other teams like uh the dolphins always beat us at home and the Broncos have always fucking uh just been killing us you know I I forgot I haven't even said where people can get this where they can go to Barnes and Nobles you can get off
Starting point is 00:40:27 your fucking ass and go down to a bookstore hard to handle the life and death of the Black Crows by Steve Gorman uh it's wherever you get books it's literally it's and what about people that have like the iPad but you read books with yeah yeah yeah it's oh yeah absolutely Kindle's the thing the audio book is the thing I read it I'm the voice of the book if you need 13 and hours and 30 well you sent this thing to me and I I read you read it very fast when you first got back to me and I was doing a movie too I thought I was really busy and I just kept I would stay up in the morning you texted me and I and I the first text I went is this is he fucking is there a punchline to this because you were like I'm halfway through and I was like I just sent it to
Starting point is 00:41:04 you yesterday or whatever it was and I was like well it's never you guys were all such characters and so everybody in the band you didn't you couldn't really gauge what anybody was gonna do from is this guy gonna fucking flip out and throw something to is this guy just gonna quit out of nowhere that it had that thing you know when you binge watch a show it's like I binge watch the book well it's funny because you know there's a whole the the the band went at the end of 2001 the band went away came back in 2005 and then it went from 5 to 13 with a couple years off in 11 and 12 and I've had a lot of people say like man why didn't you spend so much time on that second part and I'm like just fatigue it's just the same story has just changed the names we had we had a different
Starting point is 00:41:48 guitar player what's your favorite story that didn't make the book we just like ah fuck I gotta cut well well there's a whole chapter that I took out because it really doesn't it's a standalone episode right and I wrote it I wrote the book I wrote like three times what is the final book so I've got a shit ton of more material but there's an entire stand it was easy to edit it because it just has nothing to do really with anything else but we got sued by a guy in the I'll tell it really quickly in 1989 we made our first album in the summer of 89 okay it's in the can it's finished it's done and then our bass player Johnny Colt one day goes hey a friend of mine he's the tour manager for the Georgia Satellites and the satellites are kind of done for now but they
Starting point is 00:42:32 rehearse in his house in his basement he's got a PA he's got a drum kit got the whole thing I played him the record he loves it and he said if we ever want to rehearse in his house we free rehearsal anytime and so now we're at a place our advance from the label was five thousand dollars Jesus that's what we got to make sure your moneymaker so that didn't last long uh that's a kegger and and by the way we didn't get it for months when I got my one thousand dollars advance I went to the record store I worked in I put in my two weeks notice and three weeks after I quit I had to go back to work because I'd spent the thousand dollars I was like oh god I quit on Halloween and I was back at Thanksgiving weekend hey guess who's back and then the day shaker
Starting point is 00:43:17 moneymaker was released I was there putting it in the bins the day it came out I was still working at a record store and how much how much later before you could uh we well we hit the road like three weeks later and then I never came home I mean we were just out did you have a manager that believed in you or is he there you'll be back no no no I mean oh oh at the at the bookstore I mean at the record store what was the name of the record stores it's called it's called wax and facts it's in little five points in Atlanta it's still there I still go there every time I'm in town the owner Danny Beard a dear friend the manager Sean Bourne I lived in his house for a while I'm still great I it's it's it's like I have to go it's like a if I'm in town I have to go at least
Starting point is 00:43:56 walk in and say hi I can't not it's my last job that's awesome oh yeah great great guys um all right well we got you got to get this book you got you got another one let me tell I didn't finish the story real cool but but I just thought it was cool you were working at a record store putting the fucking thing it's sorry well the whole point was this guy that we rehearsed in his basement a couple times and he's a fun guy English dude he's like oh I love your band you're fantastic and you you can't sense you can't sense when an English guy's an asshole for a while that accent works yeah pretty charming he starts to say look satellites are done I want to manage you and we're like you want to manage us and we didn't have a manager yet and we said no we're we're gonna get a
Starting point is 00:44:34 real manager like a big-time guy which is who we ended up getting Pete Angelis who was amazing but so through the fall of 89 we rehearsed at this guy Kevin's house and then we said well dude you can be our tour manager that's what you do he kept begging us I want to manage you I want to manage you I'll manage you we kept saying no no no and this whole thing went down where we had to actually kind of get in his face and go hey motherfucker you're not a part of this you're starting to piss us off but we also didn't want to lose free rehearsal so so we were navigating this thing no one ever said okay you'll do it but we did say you can be our tour manager but not manager manager not man not at all and in fact he was with us tonight we met Pete
Starting point is 00:45:15 he was there when we hired Pete and Pete said you already have a tour manager who's done it fucking great like Pete was thrilled we had this guy so for people listening tour manager he's a guy who sets up your travel yeah well make sure when the fireworks are going off everybody gets in the van well back then this is what he drives the van settle with the club get them to a hotel pretty simple it's fisher price management skills right but he's not making business decisions none whatsoever okay he is given direct orders from the manager and he just he's a logistics guy right um at that at that time very simply now you get to a point where the tour manager is huge but when you're a brand new band on your first tour it's it's it's it's real easy long story short
Starting point is 00:45:55 he quit his girlfriend had a baby he didn't know she was pregnant you can mull that one over for a minute big shock to him he quits we say thank god we dodged the bullet wait wait wait we don't have time you're a busy man wait until he had a until we had we had a record release party in Atlanta her water broke and that's when he realized she was pregnant he realized she was pregnant when her friend called and said come to the hospital she's having a baby how long it been since he'd seen her she was drinking with us that night at our record release party she's fat she's not a small woman but the point is he quit this is a whole nother podcast feel the baby kicking a whole nother podcast wow and and and i remember thinking what kind of guy lives with a woman and doesn't know
Starting point is 00:46:39 she's pregnant like she didn't tell him she kept it from him anyway that's not my story to tell my story to tell is he sued us a year later and said that we had made him a partner in the band and he was entitled to one sixth of all the profits from shake your moneymaker and he based his lawsuit on a doodle that i drew on a napkin with a sharpie and he said that was our contract and that went from me in 1989 sarcastically making fun of him for being an emotionally overwrought asshole to him putting us into a courtroom and it went all the way in a 1996 we were on court tv for two weeks defending ourselves against this guy please tell me one song jury six to six so that means you and then we we had to settle we just settled with him that's why
Starting point is 00:47:28 they do it because i know you end up you end up having a settle and and we had a jury it was it's an incredible hole but anyway but that whole story in the book is like a standalone chapter it really doesn't move the narrative of anything so it was easy to take out it's like its own separate island did you ever get to talk to that guy and be like really yo yeah well he was threatening to and we'd see him around town i was like kevin i had a project like that he's fucking doing not what is wrong what did he say look man i'm out what i'm out and of course i'm like you we met you after the record was done you quit before it was released so you are entitled to a sixth of our debt at that time if anything we were 90 grand in the hole to the label what the fuck you talking about
Starting point is 00:48:09 i did something i'm not gonna say what it was but i did something a while ago and the one guy involved in it uh none of us made any money and the only guy who made money was the guy who fucked up everything and then sued us so he actually not only did we not make money off this thing we ended up losing money this guy was like i didn't want to talk about all i know is the premiere for the thing he showed up with a giant like gash on his forehead because he had gotten shitfaced at his house and fell in face first into the fireplace oh my god and told us that while he was in like i'm gonna sue you mode yeah yeah you know so then how it works in show business and anything has any litigation attached to it won't move forward he knows that so he knows we have to settle
Starting point is 00:48:56 and it was just like there's always that fucking guy yeah look man i'm i'm old oh hey you know i'm a fuck up yeah and you guys are gonna do something with this and who's gonna take care of me so what killed me is our whole thing went away yeah nothing happened and this fucking asshole you know he made like he made like fucking 10 grand he's the guy in good fellas that they finally just slit his throat like a morris morris wigg that's why you gotta love the mob that's right my buddy uh verse he always says i swear if the guy with the mob he'd get fucking whacked and it's it's kind of the problem yeah with a lot of stuff well before you get out of here one of my favorite steve gorman moments um other than watching you play live was when you did uh the
Starting point is 00:49:35 dean del rey stand up uh and his birthday thing where you played like oh the acdc yeah the acdc gig and i remember everybody's showing up geek having like a good time you just fucking show up like you like the deadpan how are you what's going on and then uh dean's like hey man you're eating rock man this is gonna be a great time tonight and you just said a great time and you just pointed out to all the empty seats you go you see out see that out there that's gonna be fucking carnage tonight this is fucking we're gonna lay waste to these people i was just like jesus christ and then i was watching you play i was having such a fun time watching you play i forgot that uh i was gonna have to sit in for one that you had to play yeah yeah which we're not
Starting point is 00:50:13 gonna talk about that part but uh you fucking like i already was uh such a huge fan of your playing but to watch you play different material to see uh oh how does how is he in this environment just totally nailed the fill rod thing man it was fucking it was incredible it's a night i will i will i will never forget what we need to do it again is what we need to do well there dean's cooking up something he's he's definitely cooking up something there's an anniversary of something coming up and he's throwing some names around and uh i gotta that reminds me i should call him to make sure that i'm not on the road when that goes down because i i definitely want to see that but uh i'm so happy for you man you got the steve gorman rocks you got the new trigger hippie album steve gorman rocks
Starting point is 00:50:53 is a classic rock radio show on westwood one cumulus it's syndicated nationwide trigger hippies album full circle and then some came out last week it's available everywhere you get music and hard to handle the life and death the life and death of the black crows the fucking greatest rock book i ever read thank you man his life and by the way the greatest your version the greatest i know it's your version it is you gave me you know but you your version you william provided the greatest blurb and i i can't tell you how many i've done so many interviews and they go the angeles ashes of rock bios everybody says that's the greatest thing i've ever read it's on the back of the book your quote it's incredible if you never read angeles ashes it was about this kid
Starting point is 00:51:36 irish kid it's amazing growing up in ireland and it was just this heartbreaking story of his dad was just a raging alcoholic and that but every once in a while he would like that you guys he turned it around turn around hey by coming up going out with jimmy page right yeah he would fucking get some money he'd get a job and then that was the payday please just come home please come home and feed your family fix your kid's eye who's got the infection on his fucking eye and then it's you supposed to be home 10 minutes ago he's supposed to be home three and it's just every time you had that hope yeah like there's no way the whole fucking i forgot it was written by an irish guy so it's like there's no way the whole book can be this and it was frank mccourt
Starting point is 00:52:11 yeah frank mccourt so when i saw when you sent me that quote i swear man i looked at it and i just i was i was overcome with warmth i was like that is the greatest compliment anyone will ever pay me for anything i ever do yeah it's awesome hard to handle the life and death of the black crow steve gorman thank you so much for coming on thank you guys for listening have a great weekend you can't and i'll talk to you on monday so she's told me forever that i have a dd and i never bought into it and she finally went to the website and she read all the things dude and it was just like they might as well just had a picture of me
Starting point is 00:53:12 sitting there not listening to somebody focusing it's on some ant walking across the table um before looking at something else do you have that problem i think a lot i think a lot of a lot of myself and a lot of my comedian friends have that yeah i think it's and do you think that that's why we think in bits rather than scripts i think it's because i think our minds constantly are going you know our minds are constantly going whether it's trying to be creative whether it's thinking of this whether it's being upset we're just we can't concentrate what i would say what i would say is that we're no different than anybody else who's scatterbrained which is funny scatterbrained maybe you know what i mean yeah they always try to attribute like they had something recently
Starting point is 00:53:57 where they tried to say that uh you know they did you know some study you know who the nobody knows who the fuck did it was trying to say that uh you know they interviewed all these comedians you know for this study to figure out what makes comedians funny now immediately i'm thinking any comedian worth anything is not going to be participating in that fucking thing or if they're new and they're struggling they'll participate and they're going to give bullshit answers just to make their friend laugh for themselves laugh right so they came up with this whole thing that you know comedians are all sociopaths or some fucking oh i saw it i didn't that's ridiculous it is because i'm not saying there aren't comedians who are sociopaths but
Starting point is 00:54:41 there's firemen there's mothers there's all kinds of people that are there's leaders of the world who are sociopaths it just what it is is that i think it's people who aren't funny only somebody who's not funny would try to figure out we do that yeah why the fuck something's funny absolutely like i wouldn't even know i wouldn't like when you were talking about that guy at the yankee game who kept yelling out they had this commercial where was a bunch of yankee fans you were saying that had spelt out yankees across that chest and they were wrong yeah and they were hammered or whatever right or they just were wrong they were just like they were just not organized where it said yankee so it said ansky ansky so this guy at the game anytime anytime there was a lull in the
Starting point is 00:55:24 game would out of nowhere would whatever yeah it would there be a lull in the game and he would go hey hey what the hell is ansky and everybody would just start laughing yeah and he knew when to do it yes like that guy he had a now that guy was not a comedian but he had that comic timing when there was a lull in the game he knew it wasn't important yeah time in the game he knew probably if there was a tv time out yep you know and he wanted to keep the excitement going yeah people's focus like that some you just it's it's like when i look at people who can like just fucking play an instrument unbelievably play it by ear you know um that's obviously just a hobby for me so i have a tremendous amount of respect for people who could do that shit
Starting point is 00:56:05 but like they could never just break down he would like would you just sit there and be like no what what makes this guy be able to play the guitar like that it's just like that's just they're good it's an envious nerd who can't do it that's what it is it's somebody who wish maybe they wish they could do comedy but the fact that somebody would do a study saying comedians are all sociopaths that person never picked up a microphone once in their life and maybe they maybe they had an issue with a comedian no i'm not saying that i'm not a sociopath but you you know you're a family man you got two kids listen you seem all right listen are you psycho paul comedians might be narcissistic sociopath i looked up the definition of sociopath okay there's like 11 things or something like that
Starting point is 00:56:45 dude let's look this up go it up right now look this up one thing i know for the fact anti-social parents is one of them okay parents who but like i mean anti-social the world's out to get you no we're not going over there they they think this of us we're not going over all right check check one for me what okay my parents will like that hey can i go on this field trip no christ i had a patient in the other day he went on a field trip and then he fell off the bus he's gone he's gone there's nothing you can do about it that was one of my first jokes i did in my act whatever you wanted to do my dad had a patient in the other day and the kid died from it oh that's funny yeah he didn't want to drive us over to do it no my dad my dad would now
Starting point is 00:57:25 i look at it it's fucking hilarious i wouldn't do it either with one kid forget about having fucking all the ones he had hang on a second how to spot a sociopath wait sociopath uh sorry what the bad mike here sociopath um uh uh traits which i misspelled spelled trats how to identify a sociopath telling signs and behave oh what the fuck why won't this work come on man my dad used to say people that when he disagreed with that they were crazy there we go not crazy they're crazy he's a sociopath all right here we go what is a sociopath who gives a fuck common traits all right the common characteristics and personality traits of sociopaths are based on the criteria used by clinicians who use the dsm at that what the
Starting point is 00:58:14 don't they realize morons want to read this i don't give a shit just make a list yeah there should be just a list there this should dumb it down right one of the most common personality characteristics sociopath is their grandiose sense of self entitlement now i don't have that no i go the other way um sociopaths often also often display a lack of remorse yep and most have a very manipulative personality covered by superficial charm um jesus i know a couple of those dude i i i i i know a couple of these guys too all right now wait a minute so i'm not no dude you're a narcissist who has add yeah i would be that yeah i would go with that that's yeah i would totally go with that yeah dude you don't do that's hit man shit
Starting point is 00:59:04 that's hit man i don't have a i don't have a sense of self entitlement no dude a hit man blows someone's brains out and goes eat a sandwich that's a sociopath yeah he gets mad that he got blood on his shirt right yeah that was that was that thing in good fellas yeah i'm sorry about your floor that's that's it that's what it is i didn't want to get blood on the floor because sociopaths people are they all right friendships and romantic partners are often frequently disregarded and replaced when the relationship no longer suits their self-centered needs the emotions of a sociopath no but even like the guy i was just thinking about about being a sociopath um he doesn't have that well i guess can you have like most of it and then be a sociopath what do you think
Starting point is 00:59:45 they're dr versey i think not dr versey being talked to by not dr burr no i think what's it called i think that it's the remorse thing and i definitely think it's the first thing you said the sense of entitlement like this is the cool one here look at this one jesus christ cool like in like a reptilian scary way the emotions of a sociopath may appear to be sincere on the surface cleverly disguised by super superficial charm and feigned interest jesus christ that was me in every class classroom i ever was in sitting there acting like you were interested so they wouldn't fucking call on you many sociopaths use manipulative measures to draw others to them chronic lying as a characteristic of nearly all sociopaths recklessness and aggressive behaviors are other characteristics as well as impulsivity
Starting point is 01:00:32 a lack of remorse you already said that or what is generally termed conscience is typical for sociopaths this guy's repeating himself the combination of at least three of the common sociopath characteristics paints a pretty good description of the common sociopath i don't know i actually lost interest halfway fucking through that all right i didn't even try to be funny that came out of my mouth and i realized i just did that again well okay why don't you look up to look up a narcissist see the difference because narcissists is a selfishness but it's almost like a good guy yeah but dude i'm a gemini so i have like i can be really like i mean i think my son's a gemini lucas but i think i'm mainly a narcissist but
Starting point is 01:01:22 then i could be like really considerate and generous that dude lucas my son lucas is a gemini he's got when you look at what a gemini's traits are dude he's he's every one of them jesus christ when when he's taken out the crystal ball all right hang on a second i love how i brought up fucking really crystal ball i love how i brought up gemini's and then you start talking about signs and then i act like you brought it up uh all right here how do you spell narcissist come on paul let's show it done we are n a r narcissists narcissists i would say n a r maybe what c a maybe i would have gone with that if the right spelling didn't come up narcissistic traits or bb let's go with behaviors narcissistic
Starting point is 01:02:06 behaviors all right narcissists have remorse do that yeah i think so they feel bad they suck oh here we go i found i found one that's dumbed down 30 red flags of being a narcissist here we go go ahead go ahead go ahead all right all right you feel on edge around this person but you still want to but you still want them to like you what is this wait so let me i gotta figure what the fuck who is you in this so what's the difference about this list well for one it's specifically about relationship but it's also about you each point requires introspection and self-awareness because if you want to spot toxic people you cannot focus entirely on their behavior that's only half the battle oh that's pretty cool you must also come
Starting point is 01:03:02 to recognize the looming red flags in your own heart all right so this is saying if you're in a relationship with a narcissist yeah they don't have a list they don't just i am paul i'm trying to make it easy no no i thought i said 30 lists like 30 things nothing um well maybe we can actually use our brains and just figure this out here with okay you feel on edge around this person but you still want them to like you too uses sex as a tool for control creepo that's sick uh plasters your facebook page with compliments flattery songs and poems they text you dozens if not hundreds of times per day you come to rely on this over communication as a source of confidence wow oh so they give it to you then they take it away you're not texting me
Starting point is 01:03:51 four times a day did i do something wrong is that what they're doing no yeah i'm not that no i can't spell enough words to text more than 30 times a day all right quickly declares you their soul mate i don't do that compares you to everyone else in their life you just like my mother uh lies you remind me of my uncle pete lies and excuses lies and excuses that's everybody no no startle response i you know what the f*** can you just have a one for dumb people all right here we go red flag narcissistic behaviors jesus christ look at the bitch's f***ing picture on this holy s*** is this about her or is she gonna tell me okay extreme infatuation with one self
Starting point is 01:04:41 self-centered expects to be recognized as superior all right now you're getting now you're getting warmer is that you now you're getting warmer no i don't i don't want to be superior i mean you know extreme infatuation with oneself self-centered expects to be recognized just picture somebody combing their mane in the mirror is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited power success brilliance beauty or ideal love sees himself as special do this f***ing it should only have to affiliate this is a good one this is a great one sees himself as special and should only have to affiliate with others of
Starting point is 01:05:31 the similar stature hey i should be friends with that obama i can't believe he hasn't called me yet that's f***ing funny man takes advantage of others takes advantage of others to achieve his needs demonstrates that's an ugly one the other ones are funny that's just the ugly one what's the one takes advantage of others to achieve his needs i don't like that one that other s*** just staring in the mirror thinking you should be friends with everybody like it was big demonstrates a constant need for admiration or approval uh you know my dad used to be upstairs shaving yeah it was sort of a joke but he wasn't joking but he was it was funny we'd be downstairs eating breakfast or something be up there getting ready for work and he'd be
Starting point is 01:06:15 shaving in the mirror and then when he finished he'd just hear me be like good looking son of a b***h and my mother would always laugh and shake her head but i think that's more she just like the confident guy or something like that so i think that sounds kind of like a joke like i have that's a joke yeah yeah he's playing what he's saying it out loud but i actually i i do that makes me laugh all the time i'll do it i'll do that um i'll just be like god damn it i'm a good looking guy i'll just do like that oh shut up right yeah um there we go now everybody's gonna text me what a f***ing ugly bastard i am like i don't know that already f*** yourselves um demonstrates a constant need for admiration or approval exaggerates personal achievements while minimizing those
Starting point is 01:06:57 of others that's f***ing hilarious i want to be around this guy i'll tell you know it's great it's great the way you came up with the game plan but the way i was cheering in the crowd i got this chant going i tell you i could see it in tom brady's face he knew he knew by what i was doing in the crowd that yeah and then he tries to knock the other guy's chant he he called an audible you know which i wouldn't have done i would have stuck with the play and then no but then it says he diminishes the other guy yeah the other guy's chant was all right but i got more of him going yeah i got and that guy came up to me at the end of the game was just like great yeah i don't usually say this but you were amazing keep going this list is great you know why this is
Starting point is 01:07:47 is because this reminds me of so many guys i used to hang out with and gamble with and all that type of s*** like all these guys like this is a brutal if you're a narcissist and you walk into a f***ing casino it's f***ing brutal because you're gonna walk in thinking you're james bond and you have this system and you're going to take the whole f***ing house down you know i gotta tell you there's nothing funnier than that one that you read that said that they think they're superior so they should only be hanging out with people that are superior that is so f***ing funny it's f***ing hilarious yeah uh all right it's convinced that he slash she is unique yeah i like how that just suggests that just takes it we're all special this website's like no you're not uh feels entitled to special
Starting point is 01:08:25 treatment and that rules frequently don't apply to him i don't have the first half but i have the second half i have i have problems with authority i definitely do i told you that story right where i didn't i told you that f***ing story oh yeah i didn't get caught either um my proposed love and marriage within only a few weeks might may propose love and marriage with only within only a few weeks of starting a relationship that definitely wasn't me very charismatic or charming at first but can quickly switch from dr jackal to mr hide this f***ing lady these are all just the same thing over and over again oh wait panics cries begs and becomes emotional if he anticipates and end to a relationship that's not i swear to god i'll pay attention to you more i was wrong
Starting point is 01:09:15 what do you want me to tell you i was wrong may harass or stalk you if you do break up oh because he wants to be the one who breaks up uh or she quick to anger or feel insulted or slighted rages with anger or inflicts the silent treatment went upset uh ding ding ding ding i got that quick to anger i got that i wouldn't stalk somebody denies he slash she has issues to work to work on that's f***ing sees himself herself as nearly perfect i f***ing love this guy what are you talking about what are you talking about that's so funny maybe you ought to work on yourself adapt around me um drives recklessly and way too fast exaggerates exaggerates the truth or blatantly lies
Starting point is 01:10:09 dude i want to be around this guy and just listen to him tell stories this is the funniest shit rarely treats anyone with respect or kindness doesn't acknowledge doesn't acknowledge or respect others boundaries always wants to be in control may drink and drive regularly yeah because he doesn't give a f*** about other people his slash her need for attention time and space matter um oh his need for time for attention time and space matter yours your needs do not um let me just read one more of these before this gets boring uses sex as a weapon through withholding controlling or being overly demanding i said suck it it's the best dick ever doesn't appear to have a conscious does not take criticism well and becomes easily defensive
Starting point is 01:11:03 is easily hurt and insulted jesus christ that's what has a f***ing hilarious list not really funny i love that is funny though huh sees himself as f***ing superior and should only be hanging around superior beings you and i'm a good and and and
Starting point is 01:12:51 you you you you you you you you
Starting point is 01:16:26 you you

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