Monday Morning Podcast - Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 11-11-21 - Part II - Aviation Talk w/Jason Newsted

Episode Date: November 12, 2021

Bill and Jason Newsted talk about aviation....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bill, we didn't get to talk to about helicopters or anything. I really wanted to talk about that on the on the podcast But I didn't go to it. So I guess that's all right. We can do an appendix here Yeah Let's do a birthday a little bonus thing here It's gonna be called that from now on and then bill before you check off at the end We'll just do the reads and heavy intro the segment. So, okay, cool All right, here's his here's the the appendix the bursted appendix to this we were gonna sign off and Jason's like, you know I wanted to talk
Starting point is 00:00:32 Wanted to talk helicopters. All right, let's let's talk helicopters Well, so you you said, you know that you try to find things at first you actually said today We find stupid things to fill your time and try to keep you busy and keep you out of the bar or whatever But you have really dove into this thing. That's such a serious fucking thing. It could not be any further from stupid I mean, it really takes a lot of wherewithal to even want to attack that So I just I think it's a big goddamn deal that you've got as far as you have with it And so I haven't but you haven't told me lately about what where you are with it Cuz oh, I
Starting point is 00:01:08 Talked you were still fine with somebody else and you were just getting ready to do your own stuff and stuff So what's what's happened? Yeah? No, I solo, you know, I you know, I solo and I was going for my instrument rating and I I flew the most I've flown ever in in a year and I was the best I ever was two weeks ago Then I didn't fly for two weeks and it really is like, you know, not playing your bass for two weeks You know, you still can play it, but you're not quite as on
Starting point is 00:01:37 so I Ended up having to let you know, you have to pass a written exam which I passed and you need you take two years You know to get your instrument and What happened was the Kobe thing happened and my wife didn't want me to fly and then I had to explain to her What exactly went down that day and how I you know, I only fly when it's nice out like I'm not gonna be Doing that crazy shit and then the whole pandemic thing happened So where I was renting helicopters was like shut down and the whole so I lost a year and then this year You know, I started hitting it real hard again and then right as I was getting down to it
Starting point is 00:02:19 You know, I wrote a script and people are interested in it and now it's just meetings meetings meetings cast cast cast do all this type of stuff So I kind of had to like let that go which is something I'm learning To be like, okay. I can always get it. I can pass the test again I still know I could take the test tomorrow and still pass it because I got all my flashcards but It's really something that uh, it's So such a fascinating thing that I learned because my science background Was so poor my physics background was so poor and to just really understand just how something even gets off the ground
Starting point is 00:02:55 and and then also, um all the I don't know if there's more aerodynamics involved With the helicopter than a plane because I don't know much about planes I just know they move forward at a certain speed and they're able to get the lift that they need Where with us, there's you know There's low rpms that can happen and you start to sink and then your thought is I want to go up me to do that and all that does is make your rpms go down even more Which actually want to do is you know, there's a lot of like counter-intuitive things sometimes
Starting point is 00:03:25 And you have to anticipate you got to be in front of the aircraft and all of that So it's just all stuff like that That you just learn and learn and learn and learn and learn but um, but then there's these great days where there's You know, there's this little airport I called Agua Delci or something like that uncontrolled the airport And you just fly up. It's it's through the new new hall pass
Starting point is 00:03:52 And it's on the other side of the San Gabriel mountains and um, you learn all these things and they they film some of the fast and furious there on the runway It's just one little strip And then they built this little concrete thing I think for like the pits And what's great now is that's a great place to track just like pickups and set downs and you know doing your little 360 things There's one thing too is you you kind of go like to the side and you're just doing like like 360s like that And you know depending on the wind there's different like things you have to do with your pedals and it would almost be like Doing scales or something like that And I love it. I'd love to take you up sometime because now I'm at the level now where I can take passengers and stuff
Starting point is 00:04:33 I know what I'm doing when I got my auto rotations down you know, and um You know, it's both feet in both hands all times, right? Yes, that's the thing because the thing is even if I got my instrument rating. I couldn't fly legally. I couldn't fly In, uh, IMC, which is instrument meteorological logical. I can't even say the word conditions Um, because you you need to have an autopilot Because there's so much fiddling that you're doing I mean you can put like the friction on so the collective doesn't go down, you know
Starting point is 00:05:08 um, but like I'd love to show you like like instrument flying is one of the most fascinating things I've ever, um Even attempted to learn in the brilliance of it And now what happens day in and day out and these people fly these these you know these approaches in And nobody dies It's just and nobody hits anybody else. It is amazing. It is fucking amazing and um
Starting point is 00:05:40 It's as much as it's like, uh taxing on the brain when you start to get it It's one of the most exciting things and that's right where I was and then all of this other stuff came about and I just knew um I kind of stepped back. I looked at everything. It's like if I try to do all of this You know now this is going to be the worst year of my marriage My worst year of me being a father blah blah blah or I could let this shit go And wait till I have a space and I can I can fill it up because the bottom line was I became a way better pilot
Starting point is 00:06:14 um Just even attempting to learn it, but uh, I I am yeah beyond fascinated with it That's what I think it's it is fascinating is the word and magical it can be And I think that the thing I like about it. Um, I'm a little leery of them quite a bit actually Yeah, the uh, yeah, it hasn't end well for a lot of musicians. Yeah, you know why that is that is because you guys play those goddamn festivals Yeah, and you're you're off airport okay, so What it is is is the pilot when you're coming in a lot of times they're landing the band during the day
Starting point is 00:06:53 yeah And you're trying to remember all the obstacles the sun goes down And then the band wants to get the fuck out of there somebody wants to get out of there or whatever and you You know Especially back in the day dude when you you know, you had nothing. There's nothing helping you have this little light on the front of it Uh, I mean you just see the avionics you have now like you you have like in mine I can hit traffic and it has Like i'm like an air traffic controller. I see it's it'll say plus 600
Starting point is 00:07:21 I know the person's 600 feet above me. Okay You know it lights up different at the same you could literally touch the arrow on the screen And it'll say their tail number and you can actually talk if you like wondering what they're doing Because it also shows like what direction if they're sort of coming towards you're going You'll just say you can literally say their tail number. Just say hey, uh, you know, I'm headed, you know You know southeast you're 2,500. I'm gonna go up to 27 or I'm gonna go down to 2,300 And they'll talk right back to you got it and then you just right you don't hit each other right
Starting point is 00:07:55 So the times where I had the experiences that have been, you know The scarier ones fortunately they didn't end in things that you're speaking of there, but they definitely were close and Talking about you know being able to talk to each other inside the craft and all that happened I love that type of the inner communication that I was fascinated with that But there was a couple times in those earlier days the days you're speaking of I guess, you know in the 80s and Coming into the 90s and some of you know wood stock and a different shit Um, we did a photo session in Alaska. It was first time we went to play up there And it was some 1989 or so on justice tour
Starting point is 00:08:32 You know with with ross halfen and we got into the helicopter and the cat had been an army pilot right navy army something kind of pilot military pilot And the other three members of metallica like roller coasters jason does not and uh And ross didn't either But they encouraged the pilot to do some crazy shit What kind of crazy shit can you do in this thing? And i'm over here going you Fuckers like the the re what you just said when it's when people are fucking about when things happen randy roads blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:09:08 That's what you know what i'm saying when people are screwing around and not just get from point a to point b Finish the contract get the check get the fuck out. Isn't it enough that we're flying? Let's just take care of business and be done with this shit So there's my first time in a in a chopper like that Uh, that we didn't just do work. We just go to that place to that place and back again trying to miss traffic or whatever the hell So we get out and it's you know, just like in the fucking movies vast expanse icebergs and shit with the water Melting on top of them clear blue like in the like
Starting point is 00:09:42 toilet cleaner blue man Uh, and and the dude comes up and there's a oh, there's a draft from this or uh, what do they call them? What is that called the the heat the the vapor thing or whatever that the lift, you know, that I don't know Yeah, I know that many different surfaces heat up different winds. Yeah when the wind hits a draft Yeah, yeah, exactly So there's gonna be this here and this here right there You see that shape and see that shape so we need to go down a land right here right on that fucking iceberg I see
Starting point is 00:10:12 Right there and land right there and you can't see nothing but iceberg from there to there to there Right and it's about 12 below and we got our you know Air jordan's on and shit and get out with their leather jackets to take pictures man That kind of but but the guy that was my first experience with the thing where the dude Oh, I can dip this and I could dip that and I go come up to the thing and whoa Back down the other side and all that and I'm back there going god damn it You know, I've only been in for three years and we're already fucking doing there. She got I like watching people do shit like that But I wouldn't island to tell you, you know, that's okay. I guess when I still say here to tell the story
Starting point is 00:10:50 I remember the first time I was in uh Helicopter and a guy did a torque turn Which is basically do like a quick stop and then you get your nose up like that And then you pull the collective and I think step on a pedal I don't want to know how to do it and then they just it goes like it just turns like this and then you're in like a dive Yeah, like vietnam stuff. Yeah, you go like Yeah, like that your stomach drops and it was just not for everyone dude. It's not for everyone some people dig it But you know, um, I just wanted I'm gonna talk too quick other ones because it was kind of I think it's relevant
Starting point is 00:11:21 Um, the one quick one about the steve rave on so we were we had played alpine valley I don't know 14 or 16 days earlier. We were on the same craft with the same pilot Flying out of that place and made it to our next place in chicago doing our thing because we played by the rules went by the schedule And all that kind of thing and then two weeks later He went on the same one and the guy didn't fly by it and there was wind and the thing and the fog up in the hill In that he went right into the side of the hill right to the side of the mountain Right, so it's a ski resort in the winter, right? And there's only one road in and one road out So you always fly in and we did it a hundred times or whatever
Starting point is 00:11:57 And so that just particular that one so that always creeps you a little bit and then um, when we did the uh Uh, the video for I disappeared so we went out on that's all rear. There's not all real That's no cgi or nothing. We're in monument valley. We're on top of that, you know, 7700 foot Uh, what about that step, you know the step whatever that thing, uh monument, you know The plateau or the butte or whatever it's called And get all the gear up there. They had spent the the morning before all the guys setting up the gear up on there And the winds get crazy and they had to try to anchor things and all that like at the end of the video
Starting point is 00:12:38 Watch the drums just blow away. That weren't nothing that weren't hollywood, bro That was god saying check this out. You guys are done for a day So they're just trying to get up on there to be good to go on the chopper to get up to the place Right to get up to this to the site. That's exciting to me though. That's the kind of It was absolutely exciting and and getting up waking up with you know, and all the um, native american folks are Our guides and made breakfast for us and vibe vibe vibe five in the morning and the sun's coming up across that expanse Like holy
Starting point is 00:13:13 Fucking other world man, you know, like really otherworldly shit and then get on the chopper at six And fly towards the sun as it's coming up get up on the thing and be ready for the whole day You shoot 12 14 hour or whatever it does to make it happen and I um It take you 14 hours to shoot a music video Yeah, and well then well depending on the one it could be a couple days of 14 or 16 hours depending on what the What thing actually is the one where we're inside the um Na na na na na na that one that inside a spinning box that spinning box thing that was two 17 hour days Just ends that in a box with the it's just crazy anything better than
Starting point is 00:13:53 wrap It's a good feeling But you know what I used to do when I was on a set. This is what I always do I leave The door to my trailer open Because there's somebody banging on that fucking thing Every dude there was like times like there we go And I open and go yeah, okay, just let you know it's like five minutes. I say okay cool close the door
Starting point is 00:14:20 thousand one thousand two And I don't know like what and it'll be like somebody else. What do you want for lunch? It's like dude How are you not with that person? All right, cordon? They just left five fucking seconds ago. Did you just wait this had the fucking I'm telling you dude And it's just one of those things working 16 hour day week after week after week on a shoot that fucking Starts to fucking drive you nuts So I just would leave the door open because then I would just get bill. I'd be like, yep five minutes. Okay Bill
Starting point is 00:14:55 Would you like for lunch turkey sandwich and fritos same as yesterday? Yeah Um, I wanted to touch on the thing you were talking about where they don't where they're not flying from an airport And they just have a point from a point to go to and they have to kind of remember And we went to do that the first the wood stock of the 25th year anniversary. So 92 or 91 or whatever it was and It was upstate new york again, and there was fog And they went up anyway and it was a
Starting point is 00:15:29 What do you call like a junket, you know from from that spot for all the bands and the copper would come back and pick them up And then take them back and then pick them anyway same over and over going with all the bands a bunch of bands, right? It would stop And uh, so get go in there. Should we be flying? Oh, yeah the layers there and you get up above and it's fine and everything And I'm like, oh, man. It's the only way in the roads closed. No You know wheel traffic getting anywhere going through or there's no movement We got to get in there. That's called get there it is Yeah, man. So get killed because there's money involved and and if you don't go that day
Starting point is 00:16:03 I mean it's not this if there was no money involved I guarantee they wouldn't have gone But it's like no we got to get the band up there. You know, you can punch through here and fucking do this there. Yeah, that's that's Like, um, that's the advantage of just being like a private pilot is I get I just look like the visibility and all of that And if it's not like fucking awesome, I just say hey, you know, I just played drums today Yeah, we're we were determined, of course to to make it happen and there's always that thing. There's a certain I'll a fairly reckless thing sometimes maybe Um, so we get up in the fog and the dude says don't worry. See that blue light out there That's where we're going. Just keep your eye on that beacon right there
Starting point is 00:16:43 I'm like, okay, and you could see it through the fog, but I'm like, well, what's in between there and that You know, has your question. What was what was below you? Uh farm farms. Oh, but you can see fields Only when you got no not once you got up in the fog and they couldn't really see the ground again anymore You just see the light so the light up ahead. Yeah So we're so we're going and we're going everybody's kind of white knuckling a little bit, you know And finally comes down and lowers out of thing you start being able to see the ground and you look out So you see the crowd and there's like 330,000 people on the field right there
Starting point is 00:17:17 And there's whoever's playing in the middle of day primus or something like that somebody was killing it um, and then look over on the other side and it's all the Uh, accommodations So it's like all these tents and you can know 49 95 you can have the blue pen Blue tent package and blah blah blah and you get a cup bottle of water and a thing and a thing So they're all the fucking same and there's tents for that many people So there's what 30,000 tents or 40,000 tents and they're all out in across this field, right? And there's no fucking lights
Starting point is 00:17:53 And they all look the same and there's just mud paths in between them, right? What happens when the night actually comes? And oh i'm in the blue tent you mean like the other 38,000 blue tents Then i have a number on them and like that and we're just and this my mind is fucking racing First of all, I get excited about the crown go. Oh, yeah, man. This is gonna be great and you look over here and go How many Girl when somebody goes into the wrong tent and like oh, hey, how are you doing? You know that kind of shit after everybody's drinking everybody's
Starting point is 00:18:25 Shrooming and whatever the hell that everybody's altered in somewhere or another whether it's just by excitement or something Right and so did that whole thing running through your head and dude finally comes down and lands that fucking thing in the fog You know he's looking around step out in the mud up to there That was real dude and never it never ended was always mudfest But that those particular helicopter stories always made me be very serious about helicopters too Well, if you want to see some of the sickest ones is the guys in like I don't know if they're military or whatever I watch these every once in a while fans will send them to me It'll be a guy landing on a helipad on a boat
Starting point is 00:19:02 The ocean make is making it go like this and the guy's sitting there trying to like It seems like once you get a skid to touch You wait for it to come up and then you just slam it down. I was I was just like Yeah, no and what kills me is this guy sitting there like two feet away And I'm just thinking if that thing rolls and all of the shrapnel of that that you know You got like a fucking guillotine right there. Man, that's crazy heavy thing. But anyway, so that's that's cold in your 20s That's something you're doing in your 20s Still got the foolish thing going. Yeah, I'm not gonna die
Starting point is 00:19:42 I got that's I just uh I'm glad you're taking it as serious as you are. I have um I'm kind of good. It is so much safer than driving down the fucking highway. I can't even tell you It's the you know, I I want to be positive about I want to be uh supportive of it I want to talk about the 10 000 parts that any one of them could go wrong at any time. I'm not gonna say that part Hold the pre flight And you keep it maintained And then you you stay current on all your emergency procedures and that's that's what that's all you can do
Starting point is 00:20:14 That's all you can do. Yeah, and and like I cannot tell you how many times I've soloed set the thing down Put it back into the hanger got out on the road and immediately saw a fucking horrific car accident It's just like you just have to imagine you're driving down the highway. You're flying in formation You're literally doing 80 and there's a guy doing 80 right here. Is he on medication? Is he looking at his phone? Like what is gonna happen or both and and nobody pre flights their car So yeah, no idea something's gonna come flying off it. It has a blowout or something like that. So true I have just seen like Dude, there was some poor kid came down the fucking highway. He's driving like a lunatic the fucking car rolled
Starting point is 00:20:55 He goes it gets ejected. They couldn't find him. Jesus You ever see those street signs and there's like the little scaffolding underneath. He was up there Holy it was up there Dude Yeah, like and if the thing is and if you follow like all the people on motorcycles out here How many people die a day in this state? It's just fucking nuts But like if you just look up in the air, man, you don't see that's there's no traffic jams Yeah, that's true. You got it. You're out there. I know where everybody is
Starting point is 00:21:24 The big thing is engine failure. The odds of it are super low, but you just do all of the um You know, you do all of the uh emergency procedures I will tell you though Is that's the only thing that kind of sucks is you have to be ready all the time. So the enjoyment You know because you got to stay on your toes. It's like the person flying with you is like, oh my god. Look at that Oh, that's amazing. Oh, that's interesting and I'm just like, okay. Where's the wind going? Where's the wind coming from if something happens? Where am I putting it? Right. So the thrill comes from controlling the the beast
Starting point is 00:22:00 But you can't really enjoy the view as it were because you have to be so on point Yeah, I would compare it to riding riding a motorcycle as dean del Rey told me now Now that he drives a car all this shit. He never noticed in la Because you're just driving down the street trying not to get killed Shit You're not really taking in the the uh the architecture. It's not as bad as I'm saying, but there's it's oh, you know It's in in like the back of your head. So That's right. So when so when you when uh
Starting point is 00:22:28 Your new movie kicks so much ass and all the other things you're gonna do you're gonna you're gonna get one You're just gonna lease one. How you're gonna play that you're gonna get like the custom cool s Oh, no, I have I have a little job. I have a little two-seater egg beater one Okay, um And that's the one that I fly and I uh, I love it. It's um, you know, it's slow But I mean I've sort of my whole Time flying I flew r-22. So I mean every once in a while it would splurge and take out a 44 And I just felt like I was in like a fucking Cadillac or something
Starting point is 00:23:02 Which is just a four-seater and it can cruise a little bit faster. It has more inertia You know, uh an auto rotation like like that the um The r-22 you just drop like a stone like when you do like the simulated engine failure It's just like, you know pick your spot. Your spot is like right here. It's like, yeah It kind of goes It feels like that but if you don't know any better It is what it is But then the first day you do an auto in like a 44 you're like, holy shit. I got all this time
Starting point is 00:23:34 I can go and even then you really don't but um I don't know it's uh This is this is the thing. This is what like it's like riding a motorcycle people just kind of talk about dying. So this It's But they don't when they talk about driving a car and how many times you drive down the street There's always a fucking cross with flowers. Yeah, that's true. There's always a frosted bicycle You know People are dying all the time on the fucking roads it is just a
Starting point is 00:24:07 Listen if you go on the internet and you look at comments And you see how fucking stupid people are and then what you need to get a driver's license And you think you can then drive that 80 miles 90 miles an hour Especially out here on the highways in la because they don't have speed traps There's like no real place for them to be and the traffic kind of keeps everybody in check But when there's like open gaps Do people will pass you doing 90 on the right and you're trying you got to do like 100 miles an hour to get off And then when you beep at them, they look at you like you're fucked up. I mean that
Starting point is 00:24:39 So much in the chopper. Yeah, I get it. So I got just I'm just my mind's going now. So what I'm seeing is The bursted appendix logo on the side of a black chopper. I'm just wondering how much gear can we fit in it? And can we do the chop house chopper tour? Uh, we could only get about 80 pounds with the stuff in there So you have to bring a ukulele and I'd bring a fucking snare drum But I think uh, I think bursted appendix is more After you put out 10 killer songs There's that long silence, you know on the final
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah, and the bonus and then if you hang in for 20 minutes or something Is that last uh And then we oh wow, this must have been back when he was in junior high some sort of like original cassette tape I think we go do the real record, right? We do the first album the debut album and then we do the secret track with one of our um original jam uh jams Oh, I like yeah, you know the jams no one wanted the origin jam. Yeah origin jam. I like it. I like it. All right
Starting point is 00:25:45 Well, I'm glad you're interested in helicopters. You know, you got me a little uh, we didn't talk enough about the fun of them You so Well, I got a crash to a mountain and I went to Alaska and crashed into an iceberg. Yeah Yeah, no, there's there's a lot of things you can like There's something what's cool about them too is if you see something that's cool You can just slow down and look at it. Yeah, you can stop. It's literally you're like a hummingbird, but what we give up You know what we gain in mobility we give up in speed because there's this fucking cool dude who has a hanger right next to me Used to fly in the israeli air force where he's cologne and still has an earring you guys the fucking shit, right?
Starting point is 00:26:28 He's got this super Super fast plane and he can get to like he can get to vegas in like 50 minutes or something It's like he's flying southwest. It just fucking hauls ass And he's asking me like what's the furthest you've ever soloed. I'm like, yeah, you know, sand burning dean Took me an hour and a half, you know, there was a lot of wind that day, you know, um I get bounced around a little bit, but um, I I have a nice little helicopter It's got a fully articulated main rotor system. So I don't have to deal with You know, there's things with just the two-bladed system under slung you can have mass bumping
Starting point is 00:27:03 Or what's called a low g pushover if you were for some stupid reason to slam the stick forward or if you hit turbulence You can actually unload the main rotor Meaning it's still spinning, but it now is not holding the weight of the aircraft So then you have the tail rotor, which is compensating for the torque that it's no longer, you know, which keeps you from spinning It's now it's it's compensating for torque. That's no longer there. So it causes you to roll So your initial instinct is then to go left cyclic and that chops off your tail Or or causes a mass bump when the main rotor Exits the aircraft and you're dead. What you have to do is be like, oh, I'm rolling this way and I have no control of the aircraft
Starting point is 00:27:45 You're just supposed to go gentle half cyclic and just sort of get it, you know, get it back under I don't know dude. It's like that was the big thing when I flew robinsons that I was worried about But I learned after, you know, a couple hundred hours on them that you'd have to be In really turbulent weather and you'd have to do something really stupid Just be an idiot. You just you just do something you would never do which is just slam the stick forward You'd have to be basically suicidal I feel like so they've they've developed things over time as protective devices and all that kind of thing If you have a look at a fully articulated main rotor system
Starting point is 00:28:22 Well, remember back in the day the halo when somebody would break their neck. Yes, you see that That is has it away from the mast the blades where where the underslung it's like it's like the mast is here So if if you were to do like a severe input Turning it like the disc like that that that comes in And you hear you hear like a sickening sound of that which I can't believe after one It doesn't just snap up but with the halo it keeps the mast here and you you can you can I get it. It keeps it. Yeah, I get it. I get however you want so you don't have to deal with that Which then means you can then fly like a fucking idiot
Starting point is 00:29:03 So one guy bought the same helicopter I had and he was trying to show his passenger How awesome it was that you couldn't get involved in a low-g push over so he slammed the stick forward So severely It's still a a carbureted engine Okay, okay So the carburetor is underneath the fuel lines here. He he had it like this so severely He starved the engine a gas a fuel Hey, I gotta enter an auto and he fucked the thing up. He didn't die
Starting point is 00:29:35 So he's going like look how safe it is. You're not gonna get to a low g push over and then he fucking stalled his engine And still had to like still had to crash not crash But you know the enter an auto and had you know bounced it. I think he probably fucked up his Skids a little bit But the you know, it's not they're not all fuel injection So that doesn't happen or most of them are or that just happens to be that one is that way The ones that I've flown are Carbureted I've flown I've rented some bigger one. I flew an a star a couple times
Starting point is 00:30:08 Which is a turbine. It's a jet Which is amazing, you know, what's amazing about that is you could actually just pick it up You could pick up a jet engine. They're super light, you know, where the thing that I have, you know is ways like a zillion pounds but So those are amazing, but they burn more fuel And then what's really fascinating is when you start those things you have to make sure you don't have a hot start you're kind of watching I don't know. I just watch guys do it and they just sit there and they see the red line come up
Starting point is 00:30:39 And there's a point where if it gets too hot, you just immediately shut down But it always gets like dangerously close and then something kicks in that cools it down and then it drops back down into the green But it's like literally like You know six figures is right in this hand every time you are probably even more than that every time you probably started out But when you do Right see so that's where we preface it and that's where we Tip right off. We started out by saying how fascinating In magical it is and all that and then we talk some shit and now we're back. Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:13 Now we're back. Now we're back to the edges of reality Yeah, I would love to have an a star someday, you know the the couple times I've flown one I always look to see if my door is open because I'm used to flying something little and I kind of feel the door Because I'm always like thinking is it I just don't I'm not used to having space It feels like I'm in like a you know, like a 70s thunderbird When I fly something full-size and has all of this torque and you just go right up and over the mountains. It's it's like It's it's amazing, but it's also, you know, literally if the light goes out in the cockpit
Starting point is 00:31:50 I think the bulb is like 18 grand aviation is so stupid Okay, it's so stupid like everything's so fucking expensive like the wheels They just you know, you put them on and then you can just grab by the tail and walk it into the hangar like the wheels are like 4,500 bucks It's like why Crazy, like well, you know, you're gonna buy a helicopter. You must have a bunch of money So these stupid fucking things that really should be 200 bucks We know you need them are now like fucking four grand. So now we're getting it all the nerd side
Starting point is 00:32:22 That's okay, but I just I'm glad I'm glad that we had that moment though because I just wanted to Okay, I hear what you're saying. I am careful. I'm careful. All right. Thank you. Thanks for looking out for me Somebody's got to keep an eye on you man. Shit. How are your kids doing? My kids are awesome They are so ridiculously awesome and they're really funny and they go for the joke So I am beyond proud Okay, I'm beyond proud. They understand what the joke is like my son has now learned that you know, if he kind of closes his eye You know it acts like he's eating weirdly. He gets a big laugh and we like pound the table laughing When he does it he slaps his little hand like he knows like what he's doing
Starting point is 00:33:07 but Yeah, he's super strong Okay, he sort of has like a little man physique already We're trying to figure out where he got this from like the guy is like Yeah, yeah, he's picked up some things that were like It remind me of like remember the originals to Christopher Reed Superman when they had a flat tire and all of a sudden the truck goes up and the kids like Yeah, he's had a couple of those, you know and a much obviously lesser level proud proud papa here So I am exaggerating a little bit, but he's uh when he gets something in his hand like the remote control and he does not want to let go of it
Starting point is 00:33:44 Okay, there's some things that the force needs to be applied He kind of tickle him or anything because he just goes like he sees you coming. He just he just grabs it I wonder where that comes from I know I know I know all the negative shit. I gets attributed to me. That's my wife. That's you, you know, that's your son That's your son right there When he's doing something good, I'll take the credit when he's doing something bad. I'm not taking the blame Yeah, that's yeah, my wife's like a record label
Starting point is 00:34:15 No, she isn't she's awesome. I'm just kidding. All right, so that's the appendix here. I got to get more comfortable pillow here Burst of appendix rules Burst of appendix. I'm gonna tell you I'm playing a track on your next album Oh, yeah, over dude. We're gonna make the power to it. You'll see you'll see You'll see it's gonna have done with all this Hollywood fancy stuff when we get back on the porch You're gonna talk to me still because we're gonna play some music. That's how we're gonna talk to each other
Starting point is 00:34:44 I love it. I love it. All right, Jason. Great talking you man. I hope to see you soon. Okay. Yep All right, peace and love. So glad we did that dude. That was great And it's also that at stand alone. Yeah all you you have no idea how many aviation nerds there are They'll they'll be 100 into it. Sure. It's a good call. All right. I learned a few things. Thank you Yeah, I did too. You're worried about me, which makes me nervous Um I think I think it's warranted, you know, but also I think I'm more impressed than worried actually when it comes right now Okay, good. I want to leave on that
Starting point is 00:35:20 Do you remember? I don't remember that. Okay, instead of the nervous stuff. All right. All right. We'll see you guys. Thanks Oh, hey, wait, I got to read these things, right? Andrew Yeah, if you can stand. All right. We'll see Jason You You You You You
Starting point is 00:38:08 You You You You

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