Monday Morning Podcast - Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 12-3-15

Episode Date: December 3, 2015

Bill sits down with friend and fellow comic Pete Correale....

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Starting point is 00:02:08 they have a giant adult crib remember that on opening Anthony it was fucking infuriating anyways Merry Christmas everybody oh it's my favorite here we go club W everybody club W tear my daddy bought me a ranch don't you hate when wine looks like a 10 but it winds up looking like a tasting like a six or even worse when you walk into the store to pick out your wine you could easily be fooled into a situation like this well now there's this new wine club club W we knew about ISIS before they did they've changed everything no more being fooled by wines that pretend to be hotter or tastier than they actually are it's easy just go to club W club W W dot com and answer six simple questions their algorithm creates
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Starting point is 00:03:41 slash bar so stop wasting time and money messing around at retail stores and start drinking wine now you know you're gonna love just go to club Debbie jibs coming club W dot com slash bar to get 50% off your first order that's club Debbie dot com slash bar I'll just do like a quick little intro here sure man alright hey what's going on it's bill burr and it's time for the Thursday afternoon just before Friday Monday morning podcast that just check it in on you just check it in on your week here as mentioned I was gonna have a special guest one of my favorite comedians of all time and I still think brutally brutally fucking underrated Mr. P. Corrielli I've known since when I moved to New York he's got a
Starting point is 00:04:30 new special let me get all this shit out of the way he's got a new special on that streaming on Showtime kids God knows you guys like the streaming stuff alright it's called let me tell you just came out to rave reviews one of my favorite comics and people of all time Mr. P. Corrielli Billy Billy I don't even I don't even know how to take that intro dude I want to hug you across the table I gotta put that in a body like a studio audience fucking brutally brutally underrated it's as if my wife is saying the words in the kitchen what did she say that oh dude I swear I mean come on two weeks before I did the special before he came out I was on a boat I was on a cruise who's on a cruise why two weeks before
Starting point is 00:05:13 this special comes out why well no you are no you already you already taped it you already take yeah yeah yeah balls man I'd be free I was too I think you're saying two weeks before you tape the fucking thing you were on a cruise like I got this no they're gonna bud light that you imagine no I mean I'm now I could be forming on a cruise I mean at some point I would do a joke and I literally just say and they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar and say man what are you and they don't even get it they don't even get it right anyway I appreciate it dude what uh let me ask you this when you go to do a special like when do you feel like your hours ready do you ever I don't know man yeah I don't know
Starting point is 00:05:53 it's just crazy the five it's the first one I did I felt a little more like it was ready like it was it was like you know because I never did your first one you're always ready because you've been doing it for fucking ever wait for somebody give you a shot and I never did a half hour of any kind so it was really I had the whole gamut everything I ever written up until that point never did a half hour for Comedy Central no no I don't like the time well at the time by the time it came point my manager goes I think we can get you a half hour I go I think I can I got an hour yeah so I laid it down at a club and sent it to them and they right away gave me the hour and I felt really great after that and
Starting point is 00:06:28 then this second one was a bit more of a grind like really grinding it out again you're one of the guys like I watch how you're doing it like you know and Louis too and I'm like how what are these guys sleeping at night and elves are riding this shit and putting the butt foot in their bed I can't keep up so but by the end you know I I really felt it was there but I gotta tell you man if I had to wait like six more months to tape that special I probably would have forgotten what was funny about some of those jokes that's what things so but you I always have to get it right to the point where you like dude I am so fucking sick of doing this and then it's like okay I gotta burn this thing yeah
Starting point is 00:07:03 and then move on so I try to do them like just about every other year or so so this year coming up is the year where maybe towards the end of Europe gonna do it I was just talking to my guy about it and you know he's going dude you're ready you're ready I'm like yeah I don't think I gotta make sure there's a few things I want to push a little bit further because because you're competing against your last one so it has to be at least that level which you never want it to be because then it's more of the same from Bill Burr right so you gotta which is which is worse than somebody saying you suck you know and everybody on the internet such cunts put me he's gonna fuck no but I mean you're working at a top
Starting point is 00:07:40 level so you've been in 340 every year is 340 year of the year really that bad but I gotta say the last special all your stuff is just unreal but when you did the bit where you're playing catch with that one dude are you kidding me I mean that's like I could see a kid watching that I'm sorry that's that's like on the level of the greatest of greats it was like alright I'm sorry I'm sitting there watching that but the difference between when you're at two though is you are the only one who decides right like for me when I knew I wanted to do it with Showtime I didn't want to go back to these places where they air at once and it's done.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah you can't do that now. Right so I got to the point where I sent it to them they go we're not saying no but we're not saying yes but they were nice enough to work with me right so I tweaked some stuff because I had some stuff that was just current events and I'm not a current event guy so I worked on another six months sent it back in and then the guys at Showtime said alright come to LA we want to see it once live and we'll make a decision basically at the end of the night so I'm like ten minutes in. There's a lot of people that they're just giving away half hours too the fact that you've
Starting point is 00:08:41 got to jump through all these extra hoops do they fly you off of course not. No man. Of course not. Not that I stayed at the safari in Burbank and you know I got ten minutes left and the sets going great you know I mean it's the ice house too when you're at that front pass too you know but you're like ten minutes left you're like nobody drop a glass come on man. They don't went great.
Starting point is 00:09:02 They don't went great and finally I got it and I really you know and looking back on it I'm like man I'm glad these guys made me wait six months because it's better than it was six months ago. Definitely. And if I could decide when I could do my own specials my next one would be coming out next Wednesday. Oh really? Well not really but you you know you sometimes you think something's great and then like
Starting point is 00:09:21 a lady like I can't believe I thought that was great now it's great. Right see that's what that's my paranoia is like you want to do in that perfect thing where you're sick of the fucking thing and you can't squeeze anything we can't bring anything up a little bit better. You taped it right at the perfect time but what's fucked up dude is we would just when you came in here for people listening here is I don't know it's just you get to a certain age in just years even though you're counting with birthdays they everything just feels like it was five years ago and you were talking about we played this this touch football game
Starting point is 00:09:51 all these comics in Central Park yeah and we that was like 20 years ago 20 years ago man I thought it was like early 2000s and I was thinking I was with Bobby Kelly and we were trying to figure out what we so so we were so sore the next day I was like yeah dude come on man we're 30 and he goes dude don't fucking say that I'm not 30 because he was like I think it's like two three years younger than me but I was 29 gonna be 30 so that means that it was sometime in 1997 it's almost 2016 yeah it was fucking 20 years ago and I remember fucking Bobby getting so far I've told the story on the old opiate Anthony show Bobby got so fucking mad during that game I was blocking him or something and like
Starting point is 00:10:31 he just I saw it like his nostrils were flaring he got all competitive right yeah and he was he was gonna come in I think I had a couple of catches and he didn't have any yet he's so funny so he gets all competitive so his fucking nostrils are flaring and he comes flying at me right and like he just took the wrong step I just sort of pushed him down to the ground and it was just sort of effortless because he kind of fuck I remember that he started falling first so I just sort of guided him to the ground it was like when Don Zimmer ran at fucking Pedro he just sort of guided him down to the ground he got so mad he fucking grabbed two handfuls of grass ripped him out of the ground and then just both hands fucking threw
Starting point is 00:11:10 him at him at me as hard as he could and I was like four feet away from so for like two feet the grass goes like 90 million miles an hour and then it was grass and then like a foot later just went like just dropped between the two of us and I was looking at him like what the fuck I remember one of those kids you know we didn't know everybody was some Puerto Rican kid there and he just looks at Bobby he goes yo he bugging and I just started laughing it was one of the maddest one of the maddest I ever saw him but uh dude we used to fucking play roller blade hockey this is all 90s shit I remember we used to like every six games me and him would almost get into a fist fight we never quite got to that level but uh but dude that was way back in the day and we
Starting point is 00:11:50 used to work uh I remember the Boston Comedy Club yeah man what are you kidding me of course I mean that was like I don't think I don't I always wondered if it was because we were new to doing stand-up yeah yeah that and we didn't know what we were doing that that room was so like just like just the death that you could die in in that fucking building or if it really was as difficult I mean it was fucking insane when I first came down like 94s like people selling drugs right outside the front of it you walked in it was an absolute shithole berry cats owned it put like fucking three cents into the thing had that old fucked up looking fireplace yeah of course behind you on stage in like the piece of wood could come out and I just remembered when you went
Starting point is 00:12:28 in there it was like uh I don't know if it was any other room I would have been like you know what fuck this but after I took a pound to be like fuck this place this place is fucked up but but there was something about it because of the comics that were working there guys they were working they were insane yeah you wanted to be able to have a good set in there you were okay when you first broke in there you were like nervous and then and then like maybe a year or so when you find yourself putting your elbow on the mantle that's when you know you're comfortable there dude I got one of the most embarrassing things in my life on stage happened at that club it was so it was one of those urban nights okay I did one of the 12 embarrassing things in my life
Starting point is 00:13:03 happened in that fucking club now I was I was only about I don't know maybe a year into comedy right I just thought I'd become a little friendly with brewer so now I go down there one night and I would just hang out try to get on that sort of thing and brewer and chappelle meet up and they're going to go around the corner this is again years and years ago and they're going to smoke a joint they invite me to come what was it's like 92 34 like 94 5 yeah yeah so we go around the bend so just to put a perspective men and tights for no nutty professor he was making and brewers on saturday night was okay cool because we go around the bend and I'm like just being quiet so excited to be hanging here right and we're smoking the joint and uh chappelle's telling
Starting point is 00:13:42 the famous story about his end from eddie murphy being mad at david spade for that you remember famous story yeah where spade said look a falling star in his picture eddie murphy catch a falling star yeah spade just recently wrote a blog about it's like famous everybody knows that story it's still going on I think he finally saw eddie and eddie said hey what's up so I think it's finally like fucking 20 years later it's finally over yeah and in that point it was wild because I'm sitting there getting chappelle's end of it because he's doing nutty professor with eddie murphy when that happened right and then brewers on with spade on saturday night live so they're telling each other's version of the phone call and stuff and I'm like wow so then we go back to the club
Starting point is 00:14:20 and again packed urban night as we said it was a little cold so I've gotten there early and I put my coat down those so this is sunday night the all black shelf yeah people don't know what urban night yeah yeah and this is not urban outfit or night and this is important to know because I put my coat down and they're both high and Jason who runs the club at the time goes who wants to go in first gym you Dave you and they go no no let me relax and they go put pity on put pity on you know and I'm freaking high I'm not even good at comedy really so they put me on first dying right I'm bombing I'm three minutes in brewer and chappella dying laughing uh I do about five minutes to the point where you know black people going he's corny get him on he's corny right brutal
Starting point is 00:15:00 so I I get him off and now all I want to do is go home right I can't find my fucking coat I have no idea what my coat is my keys to my apartment or in my coat it's totally dark I'm doing that where you're walking around and you swear it's under somebody's seat you're like can I just can I just and I just saw you bomb yeah yeah and now these women are going what you want what you want and then there's a black host and he goes what's going on back there what's going on back there and someone yells out white boy can't find his coat the white boy can't find his coat so he goes turn them on the fucking lights on turn them on the fucking lights on and they turn the lights on and they're all looking around going is this your coat is this and I'm walking around trying to find
Starting point is 00:15:37 and finally some lady in the back I remember I put it by that little bar in the back there oh god she goes it's your coat and I go yeah and I go over and get my coat and they give me a big applause they go you keep warm get out of here white boy bye bye oh and I just took my coat and they put the lights out and I went home oh you know something that what I hated and love like that anymore they do five minutes to stand up and then they run a goddamn special sorry bro I know it seems it seems like that yeah I was just saying that what I always loved and hated about black crowds was they're gonna have fun either way they're either having fun with you yeah because you're killing or you're gonna they're gonna laugh at you either way you kill oh yeah that there'll be either you
Starting point is 00:16:18 tell the joke and people laugh or you tell the joke there's a pause somebody else says something and then there's like the big laugh dude I remember one time fucking eating it in front of all black crowd and uh there's this comedy club called mix nuts and now it's called the comedy union out here in California so uh out here in LA and I'm doing I go up there dude and just from the from the get go I am just bombing yeah 30 seconds in I got dry mouth and I am just and then I'm just plowing through my act and nobody is saying anything there's not a sound in the room it's just the sound of my dry lips as I'm fucking doing these jokes and finally two and a half excruciating minutes of dead silence this big girl in the back just just calm as shit just looks at a friend
Starting point is 00:17:05 and just goes I ain't laughed yet and the whole place just goes everybody and then they just started laughing at me and I didn't know how to address it and I stayed in my act and just in the bubble like I was doing my show at some other comedy club where people were listening dude and it was fucking I'm getting embarrassed now the fucking humiliation of that to stay in your act is the worst part about it too it's like you're just trying to hide behind this bubble of words that don't exist man you know no you have to you you you have to address it like it's weird like a white crowd will almost get uncomfortable with you but either way you have to break the the tension but uh getting back to the the Boston comedy club dude I had such horrific sets there when I first
Starting point is 00:17:50 started you know when you first came to town like Steinberg and Frost would fucking test you and they put you on after red Johnny in the round guy yeah who murdered they were this comedy team and I remember they would end their set doing uh their version of that song it takes it takes two it takes two to make a thing go right same and same and they would be flicking the fucking lights on and off on and off and dude you literally felt like dude I have I don't have a joke in my act and they would just throw you out there that's the show's over after that the show is over everybody go home after the only guy I ever saw a new guy I ever saw go down and fucking not only kill but fucking level after it was dang cook dang cook I believe had the energy oh yeah dude he went
Starting point is 00:18:28 up there and that's the funny thing about all the fucking shit that was said about that guy like they don't understand like the level that that guy murdered I'll never understand that right dude he went up there and just fucking like he he treated them like he was as like they were like as opener he just took it to an entirely different level and um I remember Steinberg years later was talking about him and Jason ran the room back then and he said to me he just said yeah man he goes I couldn't bury the kid I couldn't bury him and I remember thinking like yeah I knew you guys used to do that you used to when guys came down it was the exact opposite of any other club would they be like oh he's a new guy put him up early put him up after the fucking you
Starting point is 00:19:07 know okay act when you went to the Boston Comedy Club they immediately threw you right into the fire and they right into the deep end and I think that that's why I wanted I kept going back there dude I used to leave we still walk by that club and during the day if I saw it I got sick to my stomach just going like oh god that fucking like dude it literally had my heart sometimes I didn't even recognize it during the day I'd be halfway past and go oh shit there it is just because it's such a night thing a dark night thing and but the thing about it too is uh you know the idea that you had to go through there and do that I like sometimes I'll be on the road now and like these features go I'm deciding if I should move to LA or New York and da da da
Starting point is 00:19:46 and they're talking about comedy and like the the one question like you got to ask yourself is do you love it you got to love it so much that like you're we were blind to that man it was no big deal you walk home after getting beat it and batted there and yeah and you know it's funny next day tells me is quitting never even like I never even thought about quitting I would just immediately be thinking about after I was getting past I would try to think that like uh like how I could do better the next time I just remember the worst part was just when you went to bed and just you just laying in your fucking I had a I had a walk through bedroom railroad apartment back then remember that shit up on 97th street yeah and I would fucking just be laying there in the bed just like
Starting point is 00:20:27 with the humiliation of the set just going through my fucking head and everything and like like it would take you all the way into like maybe two in the afternoon or the next day to finally get your feet for me anyways get my feet back underneath me and then I gave a spot at the strip and it go okay oh yeah of course yeah thank god I'm still funny I I'm still funny but like I think that there was a lot of guys that went down to the Boston Comedy Club and got their heads handed to them and then they went back up to those uptown clubs meaning like to stand up New York in the strip yeah they just stayed there and I think that that hurt them as comedians because I mean who's kidding doing the Boston Comedy Club exclusively
Starting point is 00:21:06 would also hurt you because then you become a hell room comic yeah you needed that balance of both where you go to the comic strip you're like oh this this feels like this what must be what it's like when you make it that's cardio when you're working out the comic strips cardio the Boston Comedy Club squats yeah dead weights what do they call those things kettlebells yeah all that nasty stuff man exactly that was the biggest difference and you'd go uptown sometimes and then you'd be like oh this is this is easy peasy I mean every this is so easy but then you'll start to look sometimes when I go uptown late to the strip I'd sit in the back and I'd be like I think it's the same white guy just changing outfits like uh no they had that they had that
Starting point is 00:21:45 bad that my memory of Lucian back in the day rest his soul you on first time I came down to the comic strip and I Lucian Holt legend in the uh New York comedy scene and stand up in general and I remember going there and just being like hey Lucian just want to introduce myself my name's Bill Burrow I'm a comedian from Boston and he just nods his head and he just went I already have enough white guys and there was so many white guys that got offended by that going dude that's so fucked up if you said that about a black guy like acting like it was the same thing it's just like dude I know what this guy's saying yeah don't be another guy coming in here talking about the same shit I just took that immediately like if you don't have a unique voice I'm not gonna put
Starting point is 00:22:24 you on stage because I already have enough of you well that's exactly it because I would go down anywhere even to the comedy cell for example and I would have like my clever joke about something that happened in the news and then I'd be like well I'm wasting my time because Geraldo and Atel are doing this shit way better than I have occurred and they're way more invested in it so I'm just going to talk about my life you know and then and then I took one lesson where I was going to lose my accent I had the damn wine cork in my mouth and trying to you know you I'm like wait what the fuck am I doing just be who you are it's all this shit that's separating you from every other white guy sometimes yeah and then you go to the Montreal festival I'm sorry man
Starting point is 00:23:00 every guy in Canada is like I mean uh who's the one who does this I love that he does that it's the only it's the most physical thing I've ever seen a comedian comic do the who's the one who oh oh oh uh oh my god I love him too fucking murders yeah he's so funny man like uh Jeremy or something anyway oh Jeremy Hutz yeah yeah he touches his nose that's like the most physical thing I've seen that guy when you got a guy's got to go see when that guy gets on a fucking roll he almost kills people yeah when he keeps going what a piece of shit that is yeah he brings up dude once the crowd buys in like uh I that's one of the hardest comics I've ever had to follow uh him Greer Barnes oh forget it yeah but I even when I go back to the city now when I play
Starting point is 00:23:46 I always look ahead to see if Greer's on before me because that's the one we like all right dude the love a crowd has for Greer Barnes if he's doing eight minutes forget about if he's doing like a 15 minute spot like I always felt like when I went on stage after him I literally felt the disappointment like they were like oh you know another black comic another guy's gonna do all this cool beatbox and characters and all this crazy shit and I was just gonna come up they were like hey you know what's up with Bill Clinton like no one gave up no one gave a fuck you literally felt like the uh I was one of the few guys I ever just felt like just just disappointment it was it was and I always thought it was so genuine too where it's like obviously if you go on after like some
Starting point is 00:24:28 you know some soap star or some shit like that that's a different thing he was just like that guy from day one he's another guy man I can't figure out why that guy doesn't well he's got that bit too for example where he's scuba diving and and he's underwater and the majority of the bit is complete silence he doesn't say anything for like three minutes and he's making the noises of the bubbles and he's acting this shit out in his fucking murder killing now I'm old school I think you're a little like this too when there's no laughter go I get all bugged out I'm like let's go I mean I'm I come with it I come with it and like when I saw you do like I said the one we are having a catch that made me you know again it's Brewer does that too Chappelle take your time
Starting point is 00:25:08 don't worry if there's no laughter they're gonna come in big at the end but you know like like Chappelle sometimes will have these two minute bits where you're not supposed to be laughing yeah and then the end is going to make you die laughing but I'd be too worried in the two minutes I'm like oh this better have a big ending you know what's fucked up though is what I first started out I took a comedy class this guy Vinny Favorito who's now in he works in Vegas and I never forget he said something in that class he was talking about people like you know talking about silence and people being afraid of it and he was saying you know what's weird just watch a comic up there and they're fucking going like 90 miles an hour and it's not going well and he goes and all of a
Starting point is 00:25:46 sudden they go and they tell a street joke and they just be like alright two guys walking to a bar right there's a horse over there and he goes immediately the crowd shuts the fuck up and they listen he goes they're gonna listen if there's like a story so like usually like a street joke with somebody tells you a street joke you're gonna sit there for 45 seconds waiting for the punch line yeah true but you do if the guy tells the story the right way it's gonna happen so I remember for whatever reason that stayed with me but it took me I think like 19 years to be able to apply that yeah to be able to go into areas where I just think New York and Boston comedy scenes are similar where it was like you get on stage once you get your foot on their neck you don't take it
Starting point is 00:26:29 off for the rest of the set and you like just beat the shit out of them every fucking eight seconds like that was what you were trying to do and there was right even when I was in Boston I would say like Tony V and Kenny Rodgerson were the only guys that I that I saw that had more of like a relaxed style and could still murder and then you can come up there and come back and right I did your dynamics it does and like but when you're saying how it took you a long time to really apply it like on my first special I have a bit long story short where at the end of it I say something about being a cobra in a basket you know when someone plays the flute so I pretend I'm a cobra in the basket right and the bit is the flute's playing and I get excited and eventually
Starting point is 00:27:07 I pop out and the thing about it is I love it and it's funny but if I'm not doing it just right I'm scratched down and when I'm scratched down I can tell before I pop up oh they're not gonna laugh I'm gonna be popping up like an asshole the complete silence I literally pop up and go into that as I'm popping up I go I flew the other day on southwest like I'm already into the next bit before I'm done doing a fucking slit do you remember do you remember uh doing danger fields dude I was on danger fields the last time Rodney went on stage I was on the show he was on it was incredible man are you serious I came in it was a Saturday night I mean he was he died like about a month after that and uh Tony who runs us the place it was packed because it's bridging tunnel Saturday
Starting point is 00:27:51 night uh Mike Britt is MCing and he goes Mike Britt's a beast beast so funny so funny and uh Tony goes listen Rodney's in the crowd a lot of people don't know what he's sitting with his wife right up front in his robe uh and he's gonna come on after you Pete and uh you know he he liked the guy he didn't even really he was very old you know so he's gonna be much of anything so uh I'm gonna do 15 minutes in front of Rodney the guy's like gonna die any day I try to do every joke I ever written in 15 minutes like he might pop up shake my hand and go let me make a few phone calls for you I didn't even know he was indoors Billy and I'm rattling off all my right so I get off I stand off to the side and uh Mike Britt introduces Rodney place goes crazy
Starting point is 00:28:35 okay Rodney gets up he's walking so slow it's like from here to the wall and it takes him like 20 minutes at five solid minutes with his wife helping him the people even stop clapping so I started clapping so they'd keep the clap I mean keep the clap going right right he grabs the mic and in perfect Rodney voice if you close your eyes it's not he he grabs the mic and about Mike Britt he goes how about another round of applause for the moon yeah huh Mike Fritz does crack it up to it and he puts his arm around Mike Britt he does about a minute and a half some joke it was very funny and worked and then he and then he shuffled off and then he passed away in about a month wow yeah and I didn't meet him or shake his hand or anything because he was back in the
Starting point is 00:29:16 crowd and I had to get back down to the cellar oh yeah well the thing about Dangerfields now when we came to New York that club was like it was in a bad place where it was just like they had comics that have been working there since the fucking place had opened and if they and it just I went in there one night dude and that was one of those nights where I felt like quitting comedy I watched this I'm not gonna say this comic's name but I saw this guy on stage and it was the most bleakest darkest like the negativity that was hanging in the fucking air and then what happened was Jim Norton yes you just said his name yes yes oh my god dude like I I watched three minutes that guy sat in if I had if there was a gun in the room I would have had it in my mouth I would have
Starting point is 00:30:00 shot him first just out of just humanity yeah how fucking bleak this guy was so yeah that's the kind of guy you want to play in a movie to win your Oscar an independent film playing that guy what are you going home to what are you doing when you get home man right he was sitting in there and like dude I'm not lying I love Dangerfields but the reverb on that mic was fucked up for like seven years straight nobody adjusted it you know you know what was the worst is we did like a high energy bit and there was nobody in there that fucking echo you know which sounds great on like a Dean Martin album like fills out his voice but if you're fucking doing like singing I mean I'm doing jokes eating your balls but Norton was the guy that first started doing it yes
Starting point is 00:30:40 you guys got to go to you get to do a half hour 25 dollars Norton single-handedly I think saved that place because he got us all to go there I remember everybody was giving him shit I remember patrice rested soul goes uh he goes away coming from Norton he goes Dangerfield and he goes yeah he goes oh yeah he goes who he goes who'd you go on after Ruth Buzzy and everybody's dying laughing and Norton defended it though he was going dude you got to go up there so I was living on the upper east side like you and you and I started doing it and then I remember charade came in and then there was this great thing it just all of a sudden just fucking turned around yeah all those those older guys took off and left and uh but what was weird was that you
Starting point is 00:31:23 know and as cool as the decor remained the exact same like if you're into like shit from back in the day you got to go to Dangerfields I mean it literally looks like you think you feel like Johnny Carson is going to come walking in when he still had like jet black hair or brown hair and shit like when when you sit in there with those those little fucking those little lampshades yeah and everybody writes their initials on the lampshades and uh it's literally like a lounge in Vegas from 1970 they only have male waiters and the waiters all still wear the red jackets career waiters too yeah and it's it's just a you know I mean the photos on the wall when you first come in because like Billy Joel did a song for easy easy money for Rodney's movie so there's a photo of
Starting point is 00:32:03 Billy Joel was there and you know Sinatra and all these great Elvis Elvis with Rodney but then the thing would happen after a while bill is I would play there and uh then I'd be back at the cellar and you know sometimes in between spots everyone sits around chats and I'm running out and no one's like where you going my guy I got a Dangerfields and he's like oh you still got a Dangerfields look like it stopped and I because it got to the point where 75 bucks I live around the corner and I'd be like how could I not bop in and just get a quick 75 tell a few things I fucking love that place sometimes other times it would just literally it's the only place I had a breakdown where I was like you know the only time where I was ever looking at the crowd like
Starting point is 00:32:39 well did you just come here for fucking heat why are you even here dude I saw some I've seen some of the one of the fucking most bizarre heckles I ever got and one of the best heckles I ever saw I saw in that room all right the one that happened to me right I'm fucking standing on stage and there's just this group I told this one time I think on a special or it was an extra or something there was like four white dudes in the corner dude and you could feel the fucking anger coming off these guys you could feel the fucking awful dads that beat him with belt buckles and shit I'd like I've never felt an energy like that in my life so I go on stage and they're so fucking angry and they're a little loud being drunk that they're intimidating the entire crowd so I'm
Starting point is 00:33:19 standing on stage bombing and I know I'm bombing because those fucking guys they're energy and everything in me is saying don't say anything don't say anything just fucking get through the shit and then finally I was just bombing so bad I had to say something I was just saying like hey what are you guys talking about over there they're like what I said yeah what are you guys talking about over there and the guy yells out he goes anything red non-stage is a faggot that's what he said which I don't even know what the fuck that means like it was just so fucking like childish and I just but but dude it was hilarious and I'm sitting there going like I went right back into my act and I'm sitting there part of me is laugh I'm furious the other
Starting point is 00:34:01 part of me is laughing my ass off because I can't wait to go down the cellar exactly tell the story dude that's like saying anybody who's sitting over there has girl germs or cooties like something in the second grade but it was still fucking hilarious and I just just eating my balls and they did nothing about it oh forget whatever well and I just sat there eating my balls and got off stage and I had to walk by the fucking table it just I don't know that they had that one and then there was the guy uh but it makes you better man somehow those make you better man it makes you mind that in a hell room but there was always that thing where like when if they if you're actually in a comedy club and they're not policing it at all you're just like it's all you give a
Starting point is 00:34:39 fuck is that these people are eating and drinking yeah and if they yell at me or throw shit at me you don't give a fuck as long as they pay their check in the end but um the other time uh I don't know how to do this joke because I don't want to say the guy's name because I'm saying a name but I tell a danger field joke or story but go ahead all right so this actor slash comedian goes on stage all right all right people gonna figure out and I'm not gonna say his name out of respect so he fuck and he's one of the funniest comics I know I'm gonna say Frank Sanarelli one of the funniest guys ever oh with the cigarette and he does a cigarette oh yeah okay fucking hilarious one of my favorites of all time so he's on stage and uh it's just this fucking one of those summertime
Starting point is 00:35:14 crowds where they just fucking sit in there and one of those things like why the fuck did you people come out here exactly so they're sitting there and he goes up on stage and he's on the Sopranos you know he plays the bartender everything so he goes on stage and they're just not having it they're not listening they're not laughing and his shit is really it's like Greer Barnes where like he'll go into a bit and it's like this 10 minute high level concept thing and they're not buying it so finally you know he's like 10 years older than me so he's trying to reach out to this crowd because it's a young crowd he goes hey man he goes uh you guys like the Sopranos how you guys like the Sopranos he goes I play so-and-so I play the bartender every week Tony Soprano beats the
Starting point is 00:35:49 shit out of me and this guy in the back without missing a beat goes you should have killed you I don't even know to this day if Frank ever heard it I was like oh my god that's fucking hilarious so and I wanted to laugh my balls off but I had to go on next so I'm literally watching the beat down that I'm gonna take right it was like when your mother would line you all up and you know to beat you or whatever and you're like waiting like okay that's just this is gonna maybe she'll get tired by the time she gets to me right she'll get a phone call or something yeah so he walked off stage I remember he walked by me it's still classic Frank funny as hell didn't say anything he just walks by me just doesn't look at me just goes wow wow he said it twice wow and just that's all you
Starting point is 00:36:30 could do with that place sometimes I mean Carrie Caravis used to be on stage there at night we're doing prom shows I used to do prom shows there oh no I just I mean that's literally just go if you can just go up there and and stay up there for 10 minutes you get your 50 bucks or whatever it was it was it was not about comedy it wasn't about anything oh you have a better chance going to port authority and just with a mr. microphone you get more laughs she would yell from the stage because I'd be last she'd be second to last she'd yell from the stage corrielli I got five four minutes five more minutes how fucking jealous are you and the crowd's not even mad that she's bragging that she doesn't have to be in front of them in five more minutes completely didn't get it
Starting point is 00:37:08 and the club and the club would latch on to the weirdest characters to be there like comic like the comic of the you know how like you know certain comics like it tells known for the comedy seller right you know the 12 o'clock spot yeah yeah so like I remember Dangerfields went through a phase where Steve Marshall was hosting all the shows and he was their guy he's not there to behave oh yeah that's right slogan so he would do this so weird he would do his last bit every show he'd have a dozen roses and he would slam each rose against the piano as he said a comment about women like and then you blah blah blah and then at the end you know the show would end and then when everyone left he'd have to go back in and pick up his roses like the club wouldn't even do it for
Starting point is 00:37:53 and then and then like I remember in between shows sometimes because it was a Korean deli where he'd get the roses you know they're like Steve your neck so until it's running late and he go I don't even have my roses yet I didn't even go get my and they go hurry up and go get your roses so he'd have to run to Korean deli get his fucking roses not to mention that's half your paycheck and flowers man right yeah dude and we were you going with that dude that's what it doesn't have any guilty as charged dude I remember I used to work in a dental office I worked in a dental office with my dad when I started out and we used to have like when we were really drilling into somebody's tooth it was gross man shit would be flying out of the mouth so you basically had
Starting point is 00:38:29 this plastic it looked like a welder's mask but it was all plastic yeah so all the spittle that would have hit your face is hitting at the actual fucking disgusting job so um I got the idea one night that I was gonna put it on because I was so young I was gonna put it on on stage whatever and I was gonna this is gonna be my closing bit so for like like maybe two and a half months of my stand-up career I had this little duffel bag and I would be bringing this stupid mask on stage and the funniest thing was I didn't even have a joke I would just put it on and I would just say like you know my job during day you know you know it's like working there the job stinks so bad I gotta wear this and I would put it on and they'd sort of chuckle and they would like and where does
Starting point is 00:39:10 this go and I would just have the thing on and with the screen in front of me like muffling my voice I'd be like thanks a lot you guys as I'm taking it off and finally one day I figured it out I was I was talking to this comic god Todd Parker yeah and uh god we come a long way holy shit dude and I said to him oh yeah I actually thought that that was funny so I talked to him I said you know I'm not gonna do that mask thing anymore I just and he was I remember he was sitting at the cowloon with his arms crossed looking forward not looking at me I got yeah I'm not gonna do that mask thing anymore and I was just like and he just goes oh yeah he's just looking at the stage I go yeah I just feel like I'm just saying like I'm so not funny I literally need to bring
Starting point is 00:39:50 shit on stage to make myself funny and he just sort of looked at me he goes yeah yeah you figure that out and I remember my heart sinking going like oh my god every comic was thinking that and I didn't even know the whole he's a prop comic and all that shit that you know those guys go through which I don't give a fuck if you use props it's funny I don't give a fuck yeah no that's a different thing but I mean if you're a prop guy you're a prop guy if you just got roses I mean that's it it's like you gotta go all in yeah that's what I'm saying either got a bunch of props that's it or absolutely nothing I have any favorito would have shut down the mask if you had yet but he would have he would have he definitely would have hey I got the actually I finally got
Starting point is 00:40:28 the website for Pete's special streaming on Showtime go to and click on comedy and it's gonna be on there but uh oh yeah don't mean but I could sit there and literally tell uh we haven't got to the New York comedy club oh my god I'm not gonna sweat day you know we're gonna discourage people from becoming stand-ups because this is just gonna because the hell gigs are the funniest ones well this is all though before the social media was what it was where like now instead of like I mopped and swept for stage time at the New York comedy club now if you know you get yourself a nice little five minutes you get it on the right website or something I mean you get it out there and on the internet and then you can start to feature that's the other thing too with features now it's like
Starting point is 00:41:10 I mean you probably bring your own guys but when I'm on the road and these features are on the road it's like this it's like the MC is really into comedy the features like had it and his last bits always his t-shirt sale and and then he's like do you mind if I sell and if I say well I'd rather you didn't stand next to me and sell it's not a flea market you know what I mean then he won't talk to me the whole weekend that's what happened the last time the guy won't talk to me uh and and he's like you know they don't pay me enough to feature and it's like I nobody gave a shit about me when they never paid enough money to feature exactly when I featured I had a day job I mean Bru would tell me how Phil tagged remember Phil tagged that yeah he had a he traveled with a coffee machine
Starting point is 00:41:51 in his car and a waffle Bru told me about one time he's like I work with Phil but it's like Bru lived out of his car when he started uh I worked front desk at a hotel forever I remember I worked for I don't want to be the guy who's all bitter on the new guys because there's a bunch of guys there's a lot of great guys right but it's just the different thing as far it is I remember I don't have to do a lot of that anymore I remember it being and working in Baltimore and I was working with uh a feature act and he was upset that he didn't get a half hour special and I just remember thinking like dude when I when I started just this was like 10 12 years ago so I was only like 10 years in I'm thinking dude when I started like the half hour specials they gave to like
Starting point is 00:42:30 seasoned headliners and they picked from an hour of you know I'm not saying that wasn't some weak specials but like you had to be a headline yeah and you had to pick from an hour of shit it's like you're a feature act it's like are you gonna go do your whole fucking act you can do everything you have it it's like they're almost doing you a favor and they don't see that way yeah thank god thank god dude if I did any specials my shit in the fucking 90s uh yeah dude I got the vhs tapes I remember I found him one time and I was watching him with my wife dude I sat there I had my hand over my mouth I couldn't fuck I knew I was bad dude I couldn't believe how fucking bad I was how fast I was going dude forget about the clothes and the big fucking red afro forget about all of
Starting point is 00:43:11 that shit dude I was fucking horrible and that's the one thing that that amazes me is these kids like they get they from day one they're putting this shit up on the internet but they said it they all a lot of them are better than I was that quick I'll give them that like you know some of these guys young uh they're funnier than I was they figured out how to write jokes better than I did that young dude the crowd know the crowd at this point they're making videos of each other and then they post them and they can by comments they they learn what plays and what doesn't like I really think it's it's helped stand up because I think crowds in general are so much more educated to uh to stand up comedy that it kind of pushes you to you got to stay above you
Starting point is 00:43:54 got to keep your head above the water lines yeah yeah or you're gonna go under but there's obviously a bunch of great comics out there but like I think is I'm following your lead oh we are we you're like I don't want to say stuff about the young comics so I'm like all right we're gonna say good stuff about them now and then you say whatever you want to say whatever you want to say I don't think they pay the dues all right I'm not the sweat that the new york comedy club to get stage time I mean shit the stuff we went through to get on uh oh wait there was one I wanted to tell you but it's a thing though the same technology that affords them to not have to have a day job is also what you know guys like us now decide when we're gonna do a special
Starting point is 00:44:28 so it's helping everybody yeah yeah but I do know what you mean you're almost like uh not even like an asshole wait like well I had to do this so you should have to do this I think it helps you oh no that's it it just makes you better I mean you know I see guys now sometimes that become famous early and then you can see them when when you're on a show with them or something they're biting a thing in the house man they're a little worried because they don't have like I'll give you an example one time I opened for an old friend you must know Billy Gardell right oh yeah from Mike Amali he's so funny man and I've done tours on him he's just such a he's really funny comedian and uh it's in we're playing in Niagara Falls at the Fallsview Casino I was getting more
Starting point is 00:45:08 money than I've kind of ever got to open for him I can't imagine when he was getting right and it's all these uh high rollers in the crowd and stuff and he goes up and he's doing I said to my wife was there I go this is going to be so funny because like when you pay this much money to see somebody you almost don't expect them to be good yeah like because they don't know anything about him you're almost paying just to see the guy right and for the first five minutes you could see to look in their eyes like whoa wait wait he's got jokes I mean I thought he's just going to come up here and talk about uh you know and it's like being on the show and that's from years and years of doing clubs and and paying dues to get to that point man I think you just you got you know you
Starting point is 00:45:47 could see the relaxation in him it's not like oh no worry at all yeah yeah we're gonna have fun yeah he's effortless storyteller he's just one of those guys would be like yeah I was in Chicago two weeks ago and you're in you're in yeah yeah what happened what happened well so dude when I used to work front desk I gotta tell you this is funny I worked front desk I'm sorry you gotta roll no no no no no it's hilarious there's no way to look at the clock without the guests thinking that I just gonna make sure I don't go over oh all right what we got we got another guy coming in here like 12 or whatever all right oh yeah I got another guy coming in looking at the car so I you know I'm doing the old salesman thing I got another guy coming in here at 12 so Sebastian was telling me that you're
Starting point is 00:46:24 flying helicopters yeah I don't want to hear it dude I don't want to hear if you're gonna shit like only one thing I learned this shit on that okay I'm just gonna say is that like the hardest thing to fly right uh no this is way harder than that but I mean it's more difficult than I guess fixed wing I've never taught you this is a regular obsessive thing but it's it's this no it's uh the the hardest shit is the ground school all the shit the comics hate have an ADD learning all the all just all of that shit looking at charts the airspace weather all of that stuff um it's the biggest accomplishment of my more so than even becoming a comedian just as far as how I'm wired how difficult I thought it was gonna be I just just kept going there and it was fun and um but
Starting point is 00:47:07 I've learned with anything whenever you do something like move to LA or fly at helicopters like there's just like a certain or just put your shit out on the internet there's always that new level of tough skin you're gonna have to get yeah like you go to LA everybody's like oh my god there's so plastic everybody's so phony you lose your edge the comics stink and you're gonna have Botox in your face and you got to like block all of that out right and then like with aviation I've learned is just if the person you talk to also doesn't fly they're just gonna tell you you're gonna die so you immediately just gotta like go you just gotta block it out like I flew yesterday dude the first time I flew in like a little over a month and I can't even tell you how much
Starting point is 00:47:52 fucking fun it was I flew from Long Beach I went up the 710 north and I went straight up it goes right to Pasadena and right to the left you see the Rose Bowl I'll show you a video I did a loop around the Rose Bowl are you are you solo at this point or no I'm doing it solo uh tomorrow like I just like I'm really cautious because like I was going like all right let me do this flight once with the instructor I go and then I'll come back uh Thursday I'll do it once with you and then I'll do it by the time I was coming flying back yeah I was like dude I can do this one by myself and he goes oh yeah he was you're totally ready you got your head on a swivel you're doing the radio calls you got the whole you got it down so uh but why copter overplane why not plane I mean cop
Starting point is 00:48:29 so like yeah yeah it is I mean I drive a Jeep Wrangler oh I drive a Jeep Wrangler right there that's like a copter yeah yeah you didn't fucking uh grow up watching uh Magnum PI you didn't want to be Magnum PI I want to be the guy in the helicopter that was awesome TC TC baby you kidding me yeah no TC Rick and uh Magnum dude I love that you think a Jeep is cool that's so our generation like I don't know if kids think I fucking yeah I have such a great Boston stories reminds me you were Robert sometimes with the accent my brother lived in Boston for a little while and my wife and I Jackie were visiting him and I had uh my Jeep Wrangler and it has New York plates and even says Manhattan on it because it was a Manhattan dealership had we won the world series yet uh
Starting point is 00:49:12 yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's that's not too bad no it's not too long ago and I'm out of red light and uh nobody's banging a right like to to turn right and and I'm just saying to my wife in summertime I get the top down I'm like typical fucking Boston I mean just bang the right what are you doing here right now right next to me is a parking lot so I'm like yeah it's gritties people I'm just gonna in my head I'm like I'm just gonna cut through the parking lot so I just turned the wheel and I'm gonna cut through the parking lot now what I didn't see is it was a curb right next to me so I floored and I turned the wheel and the Jeep hits the curb and like the dog almost flies out of Jeep my wife and head bangs everything and I'm like holy shit you know I'm just trying to regroup
Starting point is 00:49:47 and in perfect Boston accent right behind me you hear some guy yell out yeah you go New York you hero you you go my wife's like oh my god how fucking embarrassed are you right now yeah I'm and then he just keeps yelling I'm a hero I don't wait for the light oh god I don't know hey I gotta ask you as far as uh as far as uh your sports affiliation is I remember you're one of those weird Jets Yankees guys yes because it's always Jets Mets Yankees Giants mm-hmm yeah so uh that's it yeah I took a year off with the Yankees at I'm in mourning Fujita I just took a whole season yeah Red Sox fan do unhatable one of the one of the few unhatable people it's like Steph Curry unhatable yeah can't hate him what's like
Starting point is 00:50:36 big poppy man it's even like Tom Brady I mean comic jet fan but it's like I've said last year we were doing a show and someone was talking about Russell Wilson's isn't that I go listen Russell Wilson's great for Seattle Tom Brady is great for America yeah we lost obviously I was actually my last podcast I did I was watching the game live and people were loving it and like hearing me flipping out and everything but I gotta be honest with you dude after watching that year we went 18 and 1 yeah like dude an undefeated record in this day and age it's not like when the fucking dolphins did it no you know what I mean when you had like white cornerbacks and shit and it was still you know sports was five minutes after the end of the dude I always say I could drop 30 on Bob Cousy
Starting point is 00:51:19 if he was playing today all right it's a different time but I'm not going to I'm talking about the me that's hilarious dude that's fucking hilarious but they like an undefeated record is a fucking albatross around your goddamn neck people get people already get amped up if you're defending Super Bowl champions or if you had a nice run they want to fucking beat you then they just want to be the guy that knocks you off and I remember that year we went 18 and 1 like dude what we we fucked up was because you know Ray Mangini dropped dime on us that we were filming fucking the signs and shit yeah and then everybody questioned all of our titles so then they went into this rape and pillage mode for about three weeks and they were like oh yeah this is what we could
Starting point is 00:51:59 have been doing to you and they would that's when they started doing that shit like you know going for two and running up in the score and they were embarrassing people was the dumbest thing we could ever do by October everyone was like oh you're not fucking embarrassing us and dude we played like a playoff level atmosphere I swear to god somewhere around the cowboy game or the Colt game in mid October for the rest of the I remember the Ravens that year or somebody sucked and we played a Monday night football and the place was packed and people were like with the towel at the terrible towel thing going over their head for a fucking like a game in November yeah yeah and they were completely out of the plate maybe it wasn't the Ravens but they're completely out of the
Starting point is 00:52:33 playoff picture so I'm actually um I don't give a fuck about the undefeated thing you want the championship but of course but what I'm nervous about is like the only star we got left is Brady everybody's everybody's out yeah but come on let's be honest I mean you guys my next door neighbor your next door neighbor could be running cross patterns for Brady next week for all we know I mean did I did anyone know Edelman uh these little white guys just yeah I don't even know any of these guys except for Grun I felt the same way about Magic Johnson like if I ever played on the Lakers yeah at my age right now 47 year old slow fucking white dude if I played with Magic on the Showtime Laker at the end of the game somehow I would have like three points absolutely and I
Starting point is 00:53:13 should have had like 12 yeah oh yeah oh he'll set you up a layup alright how'd it happen I don't know he was looking the other way everybody went there and then I had it and I you'll have three points yeah five other times you'll be going back down going my bad my bad magic yeah like there's there's a few guys out there that are like that so I got to ask as a Jets fan how did you feel about the move with Rex Ryan getting rid of him but did you feel like he ran the course or whatever because I think that guy's a really he's a really good coach he just I feel like his big thing is he hasn't had a quarterback like yeah and Sanchez was not as good as people said he was but he's not as bad as they say like I think you know I think he should be starting up a Bradford well I don't know man
Starting point is 00:53:53 I mean he's he's got no it's soft this throws a soft to his there's no cannon isn't I mean now we got Fitzpatrick who's too short I've never seen a guy's balls get knocked down so many times it drives me nuts but you're right I mean but why can Rex Ryan just come out and say is that so bad to say it's like give me a quarterback and I'll win man I've never had even now he came into New England beat you guys beat us in the playoffs in New England after we fucking killed you in December when it didn't fucking count you guys came back um so that's the thing about him if we meet the bills again in the playoffs like that's in the back of my head I'm thinking like all right who do they got out there in Buffalo for quarterback uh high rod tail yeah yeah I live right outside
Starting point is 00:54:31 there yeah you like what Rochester no I live a small town called for doing you but 45 minutes away from Buffalo dude I live where I went to college I live down the block from my college now how do you like it out there it's a small town college at town I love it but I mean so I know you gotta go I gotta tell you real no no no I I played basketball division three there right right and by my junior year I was named captain and I quit and I remember the coach bringing me in he's like you're making a big mistake but all the guys I'd played would already gone now as young kids and they didn't like to drink and party on the road which I did so I was like I'm done with these guys wait a minute you were gonna be captain of the team I was captain and you quit because
Starting point is 00:55:09 your teammates wouldn't drink and smoke with you well I didn't smoke but yeah that's fucking awesome yeah but they wouldn't like old school but I'm like with division three we're not on scholarship that dream is gone we're going to Rochester for a weekend tournament you're not gonna go out to the bar and meet Rochester girls what are you it's over guy what are you gonna play in the turkey someday it's done division three I was sent it was six four get the memo yes so so my coach told me I regret it you know and I was like no I'm quitting and I do I do I would literally have dreams years later that I was a senior dropping 40 points it was dumb I was in such a rush to party and I didn't realize the party's never over especially when you graduate you move to the city so cut to
Starting point is 00:55:52 20 to what two years later by chain of events my wife's from this area I have a daughter now she doesn't want to be in the city we move back to and it's the nicest town around so we move back and yeah living in a big old Victorian home right around the corner from my college it's Christmas morning and I'm shoveling my driveway at 7 a.m. and a car pulls up at the end of the driveway and I hear a voice go Pete Corrielli and the window comes down and it's my coach and my coach and he goes I heard you move to town we're gonna get coffee soon and he looks at and he goes Merry Christmas I run into Jackie and I go Jackie it was the coach we're gonna get coffee you know oh because he never really forgave you for that no he never forgave me he's now there's just the
Starting point is 00:56:37 schools of ad whatever you know and he's like oh we want you to come do a show for the for the kids and uh will you talk to the team I go I'll talk to the team about not quitting because they everyone quits they wanted to get a scholarship they didn't get a scholarship so then they go screw this and they quit and I'm gonna tell them but it was just funny man you know but I'm on the road a lot so it's not like you know that's what no no no it's like believe me dude if I was in a uh if I was in a you know if I wasn't in this business I wouldn't live out here but I actually do love it out here I do too I like that I was here for a year my wife and I liked I was getting into boogie board and in Manhattan Beach oh yeah I was there if you embrace it exactly think about it is you know
Starting point is 00:57:17 we're so east coasted you know eventually you're going back like I don't know maybe I will maybe I won't but it's just like so you ain't going like what I don't know I don't know it depends with this drought dude we might all have to go back but they uh the first time I lived in LA in the late 90s I was like uh I hated it because I wanted to be in New York and then the next time I came back out in like 2007 or eight when I came out here I was like you know what I'm gonna embrace it this time I'm gonna fucking hike and I'm gonna yeah go out to the beach and well I'm not going to the beach I'm too fucking pasty but like you know I got into the helicopter thing out here I played pickup hockey I've had I actually took the time to build a fucking life out here sure because
Starting point is 00:57:59 the first time I was you know sitting in you know one bedroom apartment sparsely furnished I just was not yeah I was not committed to the fuck that was back when they had all the pilot season and all that that was a big fucking jerk off every year you'd come out here and try to get on something but um but anyways do I wrap it up here dude just no Christmas out here that's the only thing that pissed me off I mean when I saw one tree that bothered me the year I lived here I'm like is everybody Jewish this like no nothing I mean we got the carols going back east now you know man well look you can now you can skate you can go skating I don't know how they do this especially with a fucking drought like right outside the Staples Center you can somehow go skating and
Starting point is 00:58:36 out in Santa Monica they have something like every year but uh if you know where to go there's a place in Pasadena like this just dude it's it's like the sickest fucking houses you've ever seen where they actually have like you know they really get into it dude it looks like Vanderbilt Rockefeller type money and they have these all these giant fucking trees that look like giant giant Christmas trees and uh they're all fucking rich so they just pay somebody to come in with like a crane and they light up all of these they're called like Christmas tree row or something dude it's fucking insane it's like a luminati money and they allow you to go down this street once a year yeah and then you got to fucking beat it but um before we get out of here dude
Starting point is 00:59:14 you're one of my favorites of all time you're one of the great storytellers as people could tell and this is a guy like don't sleep on Pete Coriolis new special let me tell you it's streaming right now on just click on comedy his uh he does an awesome podcast with Sebastian who's one of the best comics out there uh who actually he must have told you he lived right down the hall from me when I lived in that shitty fucking one bedroom apartment. No man. Dude before I ever fucking before he ever did comedy I ran into him he's just a Chicago guy and he goes hey he's like you know you know Sebastian when he doesn't know how he comes out he goes hey you're uh you're a comedian right yeah I go yeah you know I'm all excited something
Starting point is 01:00:00 he just kind of nods me into shutting up like he's sort of nodded and then I just sort of got quiet again yeah he goes yeah yeah I've seen you I've seen you yeah I've been thinking uh I'm thinking about doing it you know how do you uh how do you go about that so I gave him you know some advice and I kind of got to know him a little bit yeah and then I moved away like right after that and like four five years later I'm coming out here same type of jerk off thing coming out here for a half hour special I gotta pay my own way out here I show up I go on first at the comedy store there's five people in the fucking crowd I eat my balls I'm addressing how there's only five people there and nobody's laughing and then the guy who set up the fucking
Starting point is 01:00:34 showcase gave me shit because there was nobody there because why'd you address it so many times because we know there's nobody here we're listening to the material yeah I I I always wanted to go back in time be like hey fuckhead don't have a fucking showcase with no people in the fucking crowd how about that yeah how about I just paid all this fucking money like oh I'm still mad about that no I ain't man you know anyways yeah so I went out there like fucking 2000 like three or four and this was like the late 90s when I saw him and I I see this guy on stage and I'm like I've recognized him but I can't figure out where and I go what's this guy's name and he goes Sebastian it's like who I don't want Sebastian my whole fucking life yeah and I'm looking
Starting point is 01:01:15 going I go that's that fucking guy who looked down the hall for me he's doing stand up and that guy he did the hardest thing ever he started ground zero in Los Angeles yeah yeah that's like unheard of it's practically impossible and became a monster fucking comic who has an unbelievable work ethic and writes and like and I don't know so anyways Pete does a show with him on Riotcast it's called the Pete and Sebastian show on the Riotcast network which is uh your twitter is my corrielli c-o-r-r-e-a-l-e your website is dude you're one of my favorites and if you see this guy go see him on the road go see his comedy specials dude so great to run into you man I'm in LA you're in Rochester it never happens anymore
Starting point is 01:02:00 no buffalo area I gotta tell you one quick last thing I was uh someone said to me he has how stuff changed for you and two days ago my wife and I were raking my leaves in the front lawn and a dude comes by and uh looked really good did a nice job but I swear the guy looks at me and he's like you got a card oh god I don't know I live here oh no oh he's like oh because you do so it looks so fantastic that's it special comes out guys ask me if I'll read his goddamn leaves Billy see that's why you gotta watch it special thank you man it's been so great hanging with you dude fucking I I imagine the next time I'll see you so we'll be at some sort of comedy festival and uh we gotta we gotta do it up the way we used to either that I'm coming to town you're
Starting point is 01:02:40 gonna give me a ride in that cop to bro oh if you want to I will I'll take my chances man yeah I do come on yeah I'm not worried I'm not worried what sucks is we have it's documented too because then god forbid something fucking happens he said he wasn't worried all right you guys that's uh that's a thursday afternoon just before monday uh just for friday monday morning podcast thank you for listening i'll talk to you on monday have a good weekend you can't warm things up this spring with a trip to cerilas where romance finds fantasy while flowers are blooming outside bring them inside with a hugely popular rose toy from ns novelties described as small but mighty the rose is 25 off this month at cerilas along with all ns novelties afterward slip into something as
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