Monday Morning Podcast - Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 5-10-18

Episode Date: May 10, 2018

Bill sits down with Bill Hader to talk about his new HBO show Barry....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on is Bill Burns time for the Thursday afternoon just before Friday Monday morning podcast and Just checking it on you Seeing how your week's going as you're slogging your way through your cubicle life Something you never wanted, you know, but who are you gonna blame? Huh? You're gonna blame society like all of these people on social networks Is it ever their fault? Anyways, I have a special guest as Promised on the Monday morning podcast. I said goddamn it and I delivered we have the amazing the unbelievably talented and hilarious
Starting point is 00:00:33 Bill Hader star of The new incredible show on HBO Barry starring Henry Winkler Stephen root. Ah, where's my cheat sheet? Where's the woman plays your girlfriend? She crushes it Sarah Goldberg. Oh my god. She's amazing. Yeah, she's amazing. She's amazing and it's eight incredible episodes I saw the first two and then my link expired and then I couldn't get it to play I got a new link and then I melted down and my wife said you're bringing tension into the house So that was that's been my experience so far, but having said that I absolutely loved loved
Starting point is 00:01:10 The first two that I saw and there's another the other actor there with the alopecia there Anthony Yeah, Anthony Carrigan. Oh my god. No ho hank Great name incredible actor. So I Was actually just to give people a background. I was gonna interview all of you guys at the now defunct nerd melt Yeah, that's because of that incident. I believe yeah, because what happened to me? Yeah, so you you were supposed to come down there with Henry Stephen and The other guys and you have a peanut allergy. I have a nut allergy and they gave they gave me well Here's the thing. It's my own. I blame myself so I can have almonds. I'm okay with almonds
Starting point is 00:01:50 But all the nuts I'm bad with so I go all coffee and you all can have almond milk in it It's always like you're like a racist, but with just like nuts, right? Just nuts You stay with your own you stay with the almonds all these other ones get them out of my house. All right You're a peanut supremacist. I've never heard of that. I thought if you had like a peanut allergy No, I found that out on a movie I had something whoa that has almonds in it and I had it and I go I'm fine and then I went home and I had an EpiPen and sat there with almonds and ate it and what is an EpiPen? That's what you take in case you haven't you're doing a stabbing motion
Starting point is 00:02:29 Yeah, I do a stabbing motion and you're like, yeah, I stat you stab yourself with the EpiPen So takes what like your blood pressure like no, it just shoots you full of adrenaline Basically, and then you just you're able to breathe it gets a big shot of so so when you drank this So you were supposed to come in and all of a sudden somebody basically gave the equivalent to you of a cup of poison They gave me well almond milk, but it was this fancy coffee place and they were like well We have an almond the cashew blend that comes in I can't have cashews So I had that and I took a drink of it backstage excited about to go on and I went I gotta go When you drink that how quick do you know is it like getting bit by a Cobra? Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:03:10 That wasn't good. I need you don't get you don't get bit by Cobra and go I'm gonna wait I can do this one. He meant I could do the podcast. I'm fine My legs all black and blue and I can't really feel my feet anymore. And yeah, but I'm fine It was just one thing. Yeah, I'm fine And my dad with the biggest bomb is my dad is a giant fan here So my dad was really excited to and he flew in cuz we had the premiere And so he wanted to see it and I go I gotta go and he was like what? Oh, no, and he's like you're fine. He was you're fine He's like you're fine. You're fine. I go what I want to see Bill Burin
Starting point is 00:03:44 I'm like, well, I gotta go I gotta go you can stay here. Go and he's like I'll go You know, let's get you some Benadryl and all that stuff. Okay, so so what happens is your throat closes up? Yeah, and so guy Someone ran out and got me Benadryl and that that was fine and then I got home How bad is like how much are you laboring breathing? I mean, oh, I'm breathing fine. It's just I said I it was in my mouth For only a couple of seconds and then I spit it out But it was enough to make everything start to kind of it was like hives inside your mouth and your throat. Oh my god. Oh, yeah Yeah, it was awful. So then when you take the Benadryl, how long does it chill that out?
Starting point is 00:04:22 And then you get groggy and then I did the epi-pin which then makes you all Jacked up and then I went and did the premiere and you know sucked Oh, so you were able to work then that night. Yeah, I had to yeah. It was like HBO was like we need you So do you try when you travel do you have those things with you? Mm-hmm Have my backpack out right there. Yeah, and that's the whole reason could I buy one of those? Yeah, you can go Buy it Prescription for it. Yeah Because I do that like the writers Roman F is the family
Starting point is 00:04:56 You know when you just get like burned out like I can't think of any more funny I'll do an epi-pin and just stab yourself. Yeah. Yeah, let's just do epi-pins. Yeah. Well, no It's like this dumb thing though when you do it Everyone thinks it's but it's it's it's just more the motion of it looks more severe than it actually is It's just like a little pinprick, but it's like buried into this you go through your pants No, you can't pull your pants down and go right on your leg and then But uh, so you stab it and then you push the thing push the thing down at the same time Yeah, you can't tell me you don't feel a little bit like John Rambo when you do. Yeah, no, you totally do. Yeah
Starting point is 00:05:33 But I'm such a wimp that I'm you know Well, I want you to know you not being there really threw me off my game because I've never hosted one of those before So it was an honor that I got to do it and one of my goals Was like I was just like I am not asking Henry Winkler about Playing Arthur Fonzarelli. I am that was I am gonna I'm gonna do anything. I'm gonna talk about night shift I left you a nothing which yeah, and then by the end I was just like They were helping me through the interview and then somehow I just said I go You know, I'm running out of stuff
Starting point is 00:06:08 But my goal is is I'm not bringing up you know who and then he just broke into the character Like you know that character maybe a lot of money and put my kid through calling I can't do the fonts but I was then I was all excited like oh my god He did the font when he does it you it's like it's like You know Mickey Mouse showing John Mulaney said it's like Mickey Mouse showing up or something It's like a thing I grew up like oh, that's television is that's incredible and he'll he said it to Alec Bergen I once an Alec co-creative Barry. He's not a very effusive guy and he was standing behind me and Henry told this story. We're not emotional. Yeah, I'm not neither my
Starting point is 00:06:48 He's Swedish, you know, okay, huh? I've done stand up. I've done stand up through the whole that whole region up there Finland was the funniest one Well, they were just sitting there. They were trying to solve the problem of the joke Like I would sit there and I'm doing the joke and it was just quiet and quiet and quiet and then if somebody's just finally goes Why didn't you just blah blah blah blah? And I was just like is that what you fucking guys are doing? I go you don't need to solve these. This isn't like a self-help thing. It's just why don't you just kick your wife out of the house? Yes Barry are in the backyard and say she went to her mother's why don't you do that? Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:07:28 That was Finland though, but I definitely noticed there was a huge difference was at the Baltic Sea I don't know like Norway and and Sweden is a certain level of emotionally disconnected and then when you go to the over there Where they're spooning with Russia and They actually defeated Russia and had to give up part of their land because they paired up with Hitler Yeah, you know, you know, they had a they went between the two craziest people and they last century It's like who we went to the crazier one which and who lost. Yeah I don't know if you they went to the crazier one they they would they were equals
Starting point is 00:08:06 Like if there was a way that they both could have won the war and lived yeah, I guess the other guy lived right style live I don't know shit about history like they could sit back like, you know old NBA players Yeah, exactly like when Wilton Bill Russell get together they could be talking about murdering people. Yeah, and their knees are bad They can't really walk around much. They're exaggerating their stats. Yeah But no, they yeah, it was this Yeah, no Alec is that he's hilarious when he wrote on Seinfeld and Kirby enthusiasm. He's a very funny guy But he's not he's very kind of quiet and and Henry did the Fonds he just told a story and I said, oh, I had to tell all these people, you know, because Henry in life is very kind of
Starting point is 00:08:47 Hello, how are you? Oh, that's what makes it when you meet him or you see him just taught That's what makes it even more incredible. Yeah, that guy came out of this guy. Yeah, he's like I was on the phone In my car hands-free and I'm like, okay Being safe being safe and then you know, and then he'll be like, oh, you know the Fonz would say a but like the red sea You know, he would do something and Alec was behind me and he went Yeah, he just what I can't I can't believe It was the most effusive I've ever seen Alec. He just went I can't believe that it gave us chills, you know well because it like
Starting point is 00:09:23 Like you said when you talk to the guy, it's nowhere It's like Mel Blank when Mel Blank would do voices like you'd be like this There's no way this guy does Bugs Bunny or he does you send him you say I'm like you couldn't hear him in any event I feel like with him when he's just talking You it's just like this can't be the guy that played that guy and all of a sudden he does the voice This is Larry's now. I'm gonna sit here talking about him being the Fonz for this whole Sorry, I left you with nothing though because I left and then you were stuck It sounds to me like you blew off the interview and I'm not buying this whole fucking stabbing yourself then somehow
Starting point is 00:09:56 I made the premiere. It was a premiere. There was supermodels there No, there was no fucking fucking nerd melt to talk of some jackasses podcast. I get it Those super bottles that an HBO premiere for Barry. No, it was only cast a group about some Hooters chicks They weren't they were working there. No, no, but I they they had me No, that was a thing where it was one of those things you leave in the NHBO is going. Oh my god. Oh my god We you know the thing is it's his show. You got a you know, you got to be what what do we got a Can we send a doctor over there? Can we do anything? What can we do and they go in old-school Senate hookers and eight balls? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like this is Dr. Feelgood, you know
Starting point is 00:10:37 Here's my magic briefcase. All right, you're gonna be up in no time, buddy Well, everybody I know that has been watching it has just been like you know what I love about it And what I wanted to talk to you about is I love when somebody that's known for doing comedy Gets to do some drama stuff because for some reason they think that I don't know who the comedian was that screwed it up for the rest of us I want to know who that person was and also who the person was That fucked up so bad that we all actors now have to get there like nine hours before you're gonna get called Just sit there with the fake mustache glued on your face. It's just like who fucked up who fucked up Fatty our buckle who was it? Fatty our buckle just was always was 20 minutes. Yeah, 30 hours late 30 hours late
Starting point is 00:11:24 So now they're gonna bring you in we gotta get the our buckle rule I want all these assholes here now my worst one my worst one ever I got called I was went to a set at four o'clock in the afternoon and I didn't work didn't utter a word until one in the morning Oh, I've done that where I got called on a I remember a Tropic Thunder. There was this huge Party scene and it was just one of those things where I just learned that it's all communication where Ben Stiller is directing a bit And Ben I think he kept saying Rob my character's name was Rob but there's also an actor named Rob and He was like Rob should be in there, right? You know and the first ad went. Oh
Starting point is 00:12:02 Bill's not Bill's not working today, so they would wake me up. Oh Call me in The call me in I would go in at two in the morning There's out in wherever we're shooting like why you're something to go in put me in makeup And I would just sit in my trailer and then finally I get hired, you know kind of like what am I doing? You know, yeah, I'm not in the scene and I'm so I go to set and Ben would go. What the fuck are you doing? And then two days later Hey, we need you to come in what's going on? What are you doing here? And he goes no Rob Rob the actor Rob? Not the fucking
Starting point is 00:12:37 I showed up twice Funny waiting in those trailers. I actually understood my dog more. Yeah, I was just thinking Why does this thing fucking sleep all the time and it's basically if you have nothing to do it goes back to Survival where it's like we're gonna shut down your body and just store up this energy So like the level of tired you get but how does my dog know every episode of the Tyra Bank show because that seems to be the only thing on television Or you go to the trailers. I've never had the TV work And it never works it's just something like whatever signal
Starting point is 00:13:13 You just hear the other actor next to you clearing their throat every couple hours. Yeah, and I'm from with their agent. I I'm not gonna do that. They want me to do this. I'm not gonna do it. Well, let's let's promote it a little bit here cuz As far as like it's on HBO. Okay, the final episode is this Sunday Yeah, there's eight of them and if people want to go back and watch all them I imagine in 2018 HBO has a way to yeah Yeah, HBO go you if you have that you can go check it out and I think Amazon Hulu those places. Well, I'm old school in that I like to watch an episode I like the the old way where you watched it and then you had a way to week for it to come out and then and then another one went and and like
Starting point is 00:13:58 like I Don't know all the shows that I watch you try to guess what was gonna happen and now like there's all these great shows They just dump it on and people just sit down. It's like you it's like the greatest bottle of wine ever and you like shotgun it Well, I was amazing and then like what else can I have now? And it's just and I also have a I feel for like the amount of work That was put into this because that's what happens with the fucking cartoon I'm doing which just I actually did a cartoon after because of those getting called at four in the afternoon not working till when I'm like, dude Fuck this live-action shit. I'm gonna do a cartoon
Starting point is 00:14:32 Well, I just show up in a baseball hat and sweatpants and I didn't realize that it was like 90 times slower and Then the thing comes out and people will watch it all in one night. That's great. When's the next season coming out? It's just like I can't well might as well just be a movie. You know what I mean? It's like I'll put it in the theater I don't know but I I like it that you do this and then for eight weeks people were talking about There's like a level the high intensity level Guess where it's gonna go. I have no idea where this is gonna go Yeah, and that's it's fun having people come up to me You know at my kid's school or whatever going hey, so this is what's gonna happen, right?
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah, so I'm so gonna kill you. Are you gonna kill one guy came up? He's like Steven root. He's a figment of his imagination, right? It's not real Yeah, you might be right. Yeah, I got you figured out asshole. All right. I used to watch lost I know where you're going with this. Yeah, it's all figments of some mouse's imagination, right? Yeah, it's all a figment to get eight seasons or whatever the hell it is But anyway, you know something I actually something I want to bring up before I forget is that you know That you're from Tulsa, Oklahoma And I was telling you earlier that that is one of my favorite cities to perform stand-up in they got the Brady theater there
Starting point is 00:15:48 Which evidently some ridiculous race riot happened really? I guess so I mean I walk in there as a white guy I'm like this has a nice vibe This feels like really great. Why is it so comfortable? Yeah, and it's It's then they got all this great food because all these all these people Who'd never been there when I told them I'm in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was like, oh, Jesus Christ You know what are you gonna fucking go ride a bull out there like go cow tip? Yeah, and they don't understand like how like the the food there is incredible. Yeah massive amounts of hipsters It's the exact opposite thing that you would picture, but that old theater there
Starting point is 00:16:24 Yeah, I thought George Carlin there once I remember there's a first comedy show ever saw What year what year did you see him? I don't remember that I was young I remember my dad. It was a thing where I had to get snuck into the thing, but my dad Remember had to be in the 80s. I saw him in the 80s too. Yeah, and I saw her seeing him and Just my face hurting from laughing and just it and not knowing that He did like two hours. I don't know what it was. It was just super long But to me I was oh keep going keep going, you know and And just leaving on this high and just going wow that was did that have an effect that you like I
Starting point is 00:17:01 That that point did you already know you wanted to get into comedy or no? I mean I to me that just seemed like a I Mean I was someone I didn't I and I still have you know I'm very anxious having to get up in front of people and so I The idea of going up there alone and telling jokes and how quick he was But I loved watching stand up my dad's giant fantasy and stand up and so And in the 80s and that you know every TV, you know, you had the A&E the even at the Improv MTV half-hour comedy our watch all of those a hundred watches. I saw those I mean, I would run into like Jeff Garland and be like, do you remember you see the
Starting point is 00:17:39 I think Adam West Adam West be what bagel and he gets hit with a you you half-hour comedy on TV Yeah, and he went what how did you know and then when I met Judd Apatow for the first time I go used to do a bit about a You know your nose You know being stuffed up and how it switches, you know, you know, you get congested in one nostril and goes in a nostril But that's usually that can freak people out. I remember I forget the name of the comedian But he had this great bit. He was talking about I ran into the guy I don't even remember his name But I it was one of my favorite bits that I saw from one of those evening at the Improvs
Starting point is 00:18:18 And he was talking about how he was the youngest kid in his big family and how strict the parents were With the older kids and by the time it got down to him It was you know, it was basically the only rule was no heroin in the living room And then one of my favorite tags of all time. It was just like Brian. You're not using one of the good spoons And that was just like, you know for a clean joke and all that I really loved I got to actually run into him and tell him And I remember just talking to that guy and I'm just looking at me like how the fuck does this kid? Oh my god Bob Nelson that guy there's a guy Bob Nelson would do a crazy thing and then the I saw him open for Rodney Dangerfield
Starting point is 00:18:55 Really right after back to back to school came out dude that summer at Great Woods Yeah in Mansfield, Massachusetts. I saw Rodney Dangerfield and then a few weeks later I saw Eddie Murphy on the raw tour And the weather girls opened up weather girls opened up They sing it's rain and men. Yeah, and they were big girls And I remember he came out and was doing all these jokes about I got to check out the stage because the weather girls could fuck up the stage back when you could fat shame people and He had like the purple suit on and all of that
Starting point is 00:19:24 Is he did he always close with his dad eating tinker toys and the food the the toy thing remember that I don't remember what he closed. I mean Eddie Eddie We would eat our tinker toys Eddie that whole thing that he would do is that because that was a thing seen raw Which now you watch Ron you're like, geez there's some stuff you can do now in that show. Yeah, but that But that's not fair to him. That's I know I know but it's just like it was 30 years ago, but you go like Yeah, SNL you would watch something. Oh, you guys got to watch raw and then they would come back and go Why did you find that funny? It was so offensive and everything I go well I know me, you know
Starting point is 00:20:04 What about the thing at the end, you know, I would just try to concentrate on the thing I found oh no when I watched that thing it makes me sad that he stopped because yeah, he was 25 years old and When he was talking about You know the level success he got to and thinking about getting married and see Johnny Carson getting divorced and all of that stuff It's saying, you know women get half that's bullshit No, some of you women get half and that woman goes that's right He goes nah, that's bullshit and was like he was going to that next level where it's like Oh now this guy is gonna, you know start saying what he thinks about all this stuff because you know the delirious was amazing
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yeah, but it was you know Ralph Cramden having sex with you know Yeah, yeah, googly goo goo and all that stuff and then all of a sudden he was like it was you've seen this guy finding his voice and And then I mean who knew that I would go see him and then that was actually like the fair well yeah Well, I think when he did that the thing at the end of raw was the thing I saw You know as he when I was young and it went wow, he's just By himself you might as well buy it be by himself in his room. You know what I mean? It was like he went into this other
Starting point is 00:21:13 place, you know, it wasn't like Jokes, you know, I mean it was like I was talking he's just talking and he just went to this place and And it's the thing I'm never as funny I the funniest I'll ever be is in the lunch room with my friends and they were all funnier than me You know what I mean? I remember high school was just funny and I was way funnier than me and I still I'll see those guys and they'll just like They'll send me a text about one of my friends hated three billboards that movie and his text made me laugh harder than anything That I've read any comedian
Starting point is 00:21:47 I know all I do is hang around with comedy people and I'm like what you know He works at a window store in Oklahoma something so funny or just how they lived their life. I got a buddy of mine Joe de Rosa was open and for me and you know, it was after the show. He didn't boss I got all my Boston friends, you know hanging out or whatever and One of my buddies offered to buy a round of drinks or I'll order in drinks and My buddy Joe ordered a white Russian and my friend was just done with him And he came up to he goes do what's up with your boy I Got what's the matter? He goes he just ordered a white Russian and I didn't really think about I was like
Starting point is 00:22:25 I know he drinks white Russians. He likes, you know, whatever that movie with the dude He likes a big little basket. Yeah, he's a big little basket. I didn't think of anything about it And then the end of the night I'm walking back with Joe and he's just like I like hanging out with friends He's like, what are your friends was he was like really friendly and he was like talking to me that all of a sudden out of nowhere He just stopped talking to me. It's just like it was it was all based on the fact that he ordered a white Russian And then we were well into our 30s like late 30s and this guy still To this day and I remember a long time I just don't trust that guy. I don't know anybody like that
Starting point is 00:22:58 I remember a long time ago He for some reason was giving the responsibility to watch the house of this married couple and of course So he immediately has this all over there And we're getting hammered and And he's taking care of the house and went down into the basement and there was some sort of Faucet nozzle or something you had to turn on or off and And the lady left a post-it note on it saying you might have to turn a little harder My husband said it's a little fussy and my buddy just went up and just immediately turned it with no problem at all
Starting point is 00:23:26 He just mutters this guy's a pussy I Were in his house and he probably he just said that to his wife just being you know gentlemanly You know to a woman and then this my friend just totally judge this guy That he was he was not a man like his man Like that's what I love about my friends back there. How easily you can lose your man card Yeah, you have no idea and they won't even tell you why they just stopped talking to you
Starting point is 00:23:54 Oh, it's the worst when my friends they visited the the set of Barry and you know I'm doing all these things or whatever and I have been assistant. Uh-huh. Oh Okay It's over you walked over. Here's your here's your coffee What man you can't get your own coffees now. What what do you see machine the machines right there, dude Just go over and get your own goddamn coffee bill and I'm like, well, I'm focusing on I don't give a shit You go for it. Why are you making her get your and I'm like, no, not you're right. You're right I should be at the machines right there. I don't know. You're right. You know what I mean
Starting point is 00:24:27 I just feel like an asshole and then I'm like, why did I invite you here to you know Make me feel bad and then hey, man. Did you try the dessert? I you know, I'm trying not to eat Anything bad cuz you know the guys in the military are like, oh fuck you, man No, just like oh you what you're dining now and I'm like Yeah, they just keep you real I And I just go back harder at them. I can't say you know, yeah I'm really trying to work on my mantits like you have that's the only way to keep them off you do it I had another friend the exact same party
Starting point is 00:25:02 He was telling me he was telling this story. He's going where you staying I told him a hotel. I was staying and he was a construction guy goes. Oh, I worked on that He goes crazy story. We were we were putting a flagpole or something up And he goes the fucking cable broke this guy was underneath directing the cable broke and just came slamming down on this guy Oh, I go Jesus Christ. I go did he die and he goes did he die? He was in fucking pieces and I go Well, what happened? He goes oh guys were puking Some people jumped in their truck and drove away and they got his dad was there
Starting point is 00:25:35 He had a heart attack. So we're all just sitting there like dead silence And then he just out of nowhere. He goes, I kid was kind of a douche And then he goes he goes his dad was a good shit and that actually broke the tension and everybody started laughing And I just remember thinking like you couldn't teach somebody no In an acting class how to take this somebody to such a dark place. Yeah, and he sensed it No, he sensed that a laugh needed to come and he knew exactly where to go Yeah, he had intuition as my friend. I used to be a PA
Starting point is 00:26:08 I was a production assistant for a long time and then I worked on this movie James Dean and an invented life They're James Franco play James Dean and this guy Jason Altieri who's now a big first AD now, but he was a PA and again what we're talking about he had a He had a real like Rambo knife like he got it from the props truck And he's just taking chunks out of this tree with it. He's just hitting this tree with his giant knife Okay, and we're all kind of sitting there wine. He's just bullshitting with us. He's like, look at this fucking thing Wow
Starting point is 00:26:43 You know This other guy Bill Hardy this big guy walking over and he's another PA smoking sir. Hey guys, okay, and Jason He's weird this case. He pretends like he's gonna stab him. He just goes. Hey. Hey, don't fuck it. That's not funny Don't do that. Yeah, don't do that. That's not cool. Don't do that So Bill walks away the props guy comes over and goes I have that same knife But it's the exact same knife, but it's retractable. It's plastic. It's fake, you know He takes it and it is the best piece of acting I've ever seen just totally Calm pretending to like, you know cut at the tree do everything just waiting for Bill to come back Bill walks back
Starting point is 00:27:27 Hey, how's it going? Hey, how you doing? And he does the does the thing and yeah, and he just rears back and stabs him in the chest. Oh god and Bill goes Why? No, he just screams his reaction was why like you just murdered me He legitimately was like my friend just murdered me And we fell down laughing and we felt bad and I've told that story to other people and go that's horrible That's not nice at all and I go I know but if you were there It was the funniest thing I think I'd ever seen and because you literally got to see what would your friend do?
Starting point is 00:28:10 What would he do if he died? He would say why if he got murdered, but then Jason to your point The reason I thought of it was that he was such a good actor He was just like you couldn't have taught like anybody else I think you would get it and they would want to run over to him and go hey look in the night And then you know what I mean? That's what I would I would have taken the knife and walked up to him and done it But he had the patience to keep like no no I have to keep this This this lie up where he was pretending to do that and we sat there waiting for him for like 15 minutes And then he kind of would meander back like no we can't call him over we can't do this
Starting point is 00:28:41 Oh, I want to be able to keep a straight face. I'm the worst Hey, when you watch somebody do something like that as an actor. Do you get something out of that watching a guy like that? Yeah, yeah, you kind of go. Oh, wow the patience or So much of it too is just kind of impersonating people or you know or doing nothing That was the thing he did that was good was he didn't do anything Mm-hmm. Do you know what I mean? He just was doing what he did before and he kind of instinctively knew like well That's how that's the best way to do this
Starting point is 00:29:10 That's the best way to set the trap is make it look like nothing nothing happened Instead of I would have gone over there and been hey Bill come back or whatever Are those some of your your favorite actors? Are you a character actor guys far as like the guys that you watch because you're acting on on the series is Phenomenal I kept I kept calling My wife in going look at this is like the best. It's I'm telling you it's like the best work I've seen and I love all the stuff that you've done But like this to actually I love it when they give a funny guy a chance to show that hey
Starting point is 00:29:42 I can do these other things too. Oh, thanks. Yeah So I was just curious now that I see that you have that in the toolbox like who are some of your favorite actors Um, well, I mean, it's not I mean the I had a tape that this is kind of everybody But I had a VHS tape that had taxi driver and raging bull on it And I would just watch those a bunch and just watch Robert De Niro in those movies. He just does it's kind of what we're talking about He doesn't do much, but he did enough. You know, it's like he just the way my it was behavior but to be honest like I like a lot, you know, I
Starting point is 00:30:20 Like a lot of actors, but I was always more excited by the story I would watch a movie for a story, but to me it's just more it's more about Observing behavior of people, you know, you watch like a documentary or I would watch a guy like Jason Altieri do that thing or Whatever, but it was the actors who could modulate behavior instead of pushing and making it like a performance, you know, right There's a movie called Kess. It's this British movie from the late 60s and then this is not actor this kid in it Who's phenomenal and it just is because it's all just very genuine, right? You know what I mean? Okay, it's time for a little bit of advertising. Oh look who's back. It's all zip Prudup
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Starting point is 00:37:25 Don't know those droves it'll bring him up again He told who's talking about John Travolta one time you saw him and John Travolta was like well Vinnie Barberina walk like this Vincent Vega walk like this, but it's like dude He does the walks and I was thinking of the little acting that I've done. It's like every character. I've done walks like me They always have to rewrite it. He's he's a serial killer from Boston. He's a yeah, he's a Hawaiian guy from Boston Yeah, I did a cowboy from Boston. Yeah, I did one with a They couldn't justify why I wasn't from the Midwest So they said he went to college in Boston and he picked up the accent
Starting point is 00:37:58 But so for some reason he came back here. He didn't go back to the accent that he was raised by some assholes from Boston But in the middle, which is a lot of reality TV. There's always the loud Boston guy So he likes watching interviews with Mark Wahlberg and yeah But he doesn't have he doesn't have an accent and Mark Wong now. Yeah, I've always amazed at how Yeah, I forget that he's he can you can knock that out somehow. Yeah, I've watched some like I started out with Patrice O'Neill and Dane Cook and I saw like an old Dane Cook Stand-up thing in the last couple years. I saw it and in like the mid 90s He had a really big time Boston accent now. He doesn't oh wow like I don't know how I think you really one of those people like you
Starting point is 00:38:41 Just sort of like if he gets somewhere new you just sort of it just floats away. Yeah, or it's just stuck in you I think I'm sort of I mean, I don't have a Work on it. Oh, yeah, people work. That's what it is. People do work on it to get rid of it Then it's weird. We have Bill Hader here from Barry. I'm going to pronunciate Hi, I'm from Boston, Massachusetts No, I think but yeah, it's a weird thing but I I don't know. Yeah, it's like I saw this cooking show recently This guy he was doing something, you know, this fucking guy's traveling. He goes Boston You come here for a beer and a beating
Starting point is 00:39:15 And I just I was looking at my wife. I go oh you go to look at the foliage It's just like How many times did you watch Goodwill hunting before you went there to steam your asparagus that you felt you had to go that Hard, you know, it's like there's also MIT. There's Harvard Hey tasty pudding or hasty pudding. There's a lot of like, you know, you can go get some oysters oysters Beer and a beating I lived there for 27 years. I never took a beating. I walked away from fights and I was fine with it Hey, you're tougher than me. Your dad was angrier than my dad. You win. I'm out of here
Starting point is 00:39:54 Steamy Yeah, with your little poached egg on top of it. I fucking hate the food network now They used to just have people there cooking and they teach you how to cook and then it became you had to have a personality And you know, I I and I respect his cooking, but I blame that fucking emerald lugasi. He's the guy I'm gonna fucking put some sugar bam And he had a studio audience in a band I used to be the assistant editor on a lot of those shows on like iron chef america I don't get that fucking show
Starting point is 00:40:26 Cooking is supposed to be a relaxing loving thing that you do and they take it's like sudden death You got to make waffles. We got stones and a And carpet How the fuck am I gonna do this and it's the fuck of a mario. Let's see what you got We used to have a thing of a bobby flay Uh, like electrocuting himself. He accidentally electrocuted himself. It was really funny. Oh, we did Yeah, they cut it from the thing But he grabbed a ladle and something happened and he just went and just dropped out of frame. Oh, shit
Starting point is 00:40:57 Yeah, yeah, yeah, but we had a different thing of him. Did his heart stop I don't know, but he dropped and then kind of came up in the days and we were uh He always seemed like he had indigestion to me because he'd always be like, okay Today we're gonna make it's just like dude Go off camera and burp because I I liked him I like all of those guys. They all taught me what little I know, but like I I used to watch molto mario All the time which to me was the perfect one. It's like he went over his house and uh, he cooked for you
Starting point is 00:41:27 Yeah, it was like being his friend Yeah, and then all of a sudden it just became like that fucking guy yelling on iron chef Yeah, or the diners driver and dives guy. Yeah, which is hilarious because like he just looks so burnt out on that show Oh, yeah, what's his name? Guy guy fear. He just says what you're doing like you could make like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich Okay, so you uh, you're putting some peanut butter in the bread And okay, and you get some jam in there that's gonna take a little edge off the peanut butter And he makes so much money
Starting point is 00:41:57 That guy makes so much money Oh my god, he needs to get the hard top because he's gonna die of skin cancer the guy looks like a fucking lobster This is coming from a redhead. I'm telling you. He's got to get some sunblock Um, so what what can we talk about about this everybody because this is a podcast It's not like people are dipping in here. Yeah people know that the show is on so they can uh, hbo is there hbo streaming dot net org Yeah, I mean you go to like uh, well, no, I mean amazon or hulu or uh Uh hbo go is the thing hbo go. That's what it is. Yeah, it's great. What would be best for you? Where should they watch it? I whatever they want. I don't okay. I wasn't sure
Starting point is 00:42:35 But then when louis had his show on fx, it would be like, you know, can you please watch it so I get credit For people like watching the advertising because everybody would then they would record it and then fast forward it I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, they I mean to me. It's just Yeah, just watch the hope you watch the show hbo has been amazing to work with the fact that we could go in and pitch this Show to them and we're pitching a half hour comedy in the two movies. I mentioned our taxi driver and unforgiven You know, and that's yeah, no, how do they how do they react it like you coming in and they're like, okay It's bill hater. This is going to be funny exactly Yeah, I come in with this and they go and to their credit they were
Starting point is 00:43:13 Really excited about it. It actually made them more Excited How many places you did you pitch this show? It was just hbo because I had to deal with them and so I had this kind of development deal with them and And I was shooting train wreck actually and the whole time I was on train wreck going What have you know, what am I going to do? I have this deal now with hbo But I got to write a show And so I met with alec burg and then we came up with this and then I
Starting point is 00:43:39 I remember pitching it to them and thinking well if they don't like it They don't like well, this is what I would rather want to do with if I could do anything to be this and The the fact that it they were the ones going. Oh, you know, I said, you know, the violence has to be very real It's not funny. The violence is not funny at all when he fights people. I like it to feel real. I just don't I don't want to be cool, you know, and uh They are absurd. Yeah, like we can at bernie's jokes. You know what I mean, right? Which you could easily do in this, you know, there's a lot of times where you you know There's a scene in episode three where I you know, I have to strangle a guy and there's
Starting point is 00:44:19 There's in his backyard. There's all these Childs, you know kid toys and stuff and I remember alec burg and I were shooting that scene and and I said, you know any other place they would be like Hey, can we make it funny? Can you kill them with the kid's junk rope or You know, can we get some jokes in there or you know what I mean? And it's like no It's not I feel like the murder is gonna be too depressing. Yeah, it's like it should be no No, no, no, but he should kill him. He should still kill him. But just funny, you know, and you're like no but uh
Starting point is 00:44:46 We can't do that I've said this before in the podcast, you know, that's why I could never really watch I watched dexter because I like the performances But I couldn't fully commit to it because I could just hear the industry note Whereas like they went he's a serial killer and it's just like, well, how can we root for that? And it's just all right. He just kills the bad people He's a serial killer with a good heart and then I just was I just never was able well That's the hard thing. That's been the nice thing with with Barry at least is HBO
Starting point is 00:45:13 You know when we would turn in the drafts, you know, we get to later in the season, especially It starts to get uh Very definitely is not just killing the good people, you know, or you know, bad, you know bad people He's killing. Oh, I gotta go home. I gotta go home. I gotta see you know, it gets terrible and where he he he ends up going is Is uh pretty rough, but it was that was always just being honest to that guy You know what I mean? And that that's the thing that HBO has been great about is that We'll say hey, is this too much and they go well, what else is you're gonna do?
Starting point is 00:45:46 You know, they see it from the character standpoint. They're like, well What's his choice? You know, I saw the two episodes and I I uh Actually felt for the guy as far as like how he became that's another thing like he just he's just not like oh just okay He just is born a psycho. It's like no this guy went to afghanistan. I can say Afghanistan did what he did over there and then got into this line of work where he's a hitman And he basically wants to get out of it and uh and and just Henry Winkler's characters with like the acting class I mean, I took a bunch of acting classes. I had a lot. Oh, you did. Oh, I had a I had some great acting teachers and I had
Starting point is 00:46:26 but but there was was some you know when they became like the guru and um I mean, I can't remember this woman's name And I only audited her class. I audited two class. I mean one up one class. I audited it turned out. It was Scientology Oh, really? Oh, it's hilarious. I went in there This actor who was in Scientology goes. Oh, you need an acting class and she sent me there and it was Acting class, but it was also like Scientology. So which I felt like she should have said right that should have been it's acting But there's a little extra thing. So I go there. I go there and I remember uh
Starting point is 00:47:04 we were sitting there and And the guy teaching the class goes does anybody have uh Any news they want to uh, you know share with the class and someone raise their hand and be like Oh, I uh, you know, I I just booked a Three-episode arc on uh, you know, who gives a fuck on abc and then the whole crowd the whole audience like ridiculously loud would go Like this positive And like but it was very cultish and I was sitting there like what the fuck right?
Starting point is 00:47:40 So like five people did that and then they go. Hey, we have we have we have two people auditing the class This guy he's he's just fresh here from new york. He's he's an actor He's trying to get some parts blah blah blah blah Please welcome bill burr and they they clapped like I won a lifetime achievement award. I remember my face turned red I was embarrassed So, you know, and then I saw the scenes and the actors were good and everything and then during the break Like I remember the teacher was looking at me. It goes was uh, was that was that too much? Did I push was that was I pushing? I'm sorry. Yeah, so then I went in
Starting point is 00:48:15 And I sat down with them and they were just they just kept saying everything was their own We have our own parking. We have our own security. We have our own this and I swear to god I said Jesus christ. I feel like I'm joining a cult like I was trying to make a joke And he kind of looked at me and his eyes were like going for my right. I did my left. I read I was just like what the fuck is going on So I got out of there And then I went down to this I swear god, this is true Went down to the comedy club and I mentioned I said, yeah, I took this acting class because the actors were really good
Starting point is 00:48:42 But it was it was just this fucking weird vibe And then I told him like the name of the acting class this guy goes dude. That's fucking Scientology and uh, I don't know I kind of felt like you know The next time I saw that person I had that vibe like like they put something in my drink Right like you should have said I don't listen because here's the thing like I don't judge like I hate when people act like Oh my god, those people are out of their fucking minds. It's like my religion is out of their fucking minds It's just they got enough people
Starting point is 00:49:10 Where they can act cool now and they don't care if you leave like Scientology needs people Yeah, so they got it, you know, they got a lock in a room or whatever it is. Yeah, but you need to say this is where you're going You need to say like by the way You're going to a church. I like how they have their own network now to come back because that one woman did like the Lena Remini or whatever Yeah, she did all those episodes about how like crazy that was but I always feel like there's another actor that could do the one About the catholic church. Yeah, about them. Yeah banging kids
Starting point is 00:49:42 And they made it seem like it was okay. And that was the thing and you bought into it um We're getting off track here. Oh, man It's great. Well, what I'm trying to do is I just don't want to fucking sit here and ask you about SNL and all of that shit that I know you've answered A zillion a zillion times. No, I'm loving this. No, that's every uh thing I go to is like So where's Stefan from or whatever, you know, so how did you come up with that? How'd you come up with so, um
Starting point is 00:50:14 I will tell you my favorite thing I ever saw you do was laughing uncontrollably Well, uh, uh, it was a lock the locker room thing. Oh, forte dancing. Yeah, oh my god Paul Versey told me about that. You literally have the towel I have a towel wrapped around my face over your face because you know why because forte did this dance And he did it at the table read on wednesday and I just said I can't there's no way I'm gonna be able to make it through that that's too funny Because he's a coach trying to get us all riled up to go back into the second half of the game And to get us riled up. He does this herb albert this dance is herb albert song
Starting point is 00:50:52 And he does this dance and then And uh, and then so yeah, then I go so before we went on air I go, hey, well, can you just do it for me a couple of times just in my dressing room Can you just do it so I can like laugh and get it out? That's great. You know, could I just get it out? So he did it, but then on air he added a move of course he did just to fuck with me He added this thing where he went like that like he couldn't hear me and And I lost it I just completely lost it and I started going and then I remember sedacus was next to me
Starting point is 00:51:23 I don't know because I started going And then Keenan and Thompson started going because we just paid manning pretty much manning lost it I thought he kept a straight face. Oh, no, he kind of he starts to put a towel around his face Oh, he did he gets because I just but I completely lost it Because for it also is just it was such a forte thing forte. Just he's not like On you know, he's one of those guys very hey, man I just very cool chill guy And then he would do these ideas or something would happen to him and you go. Where is that that he's incredible, you know
Starting point is 00:51:57 he would make me laugh That whole period all of the like you are you and you're one of those guys like that was like that was like Murderers row. He he had a he pitched he goes on bill. I'm going out with a movie and I go What's the movie you're doing? He's gonna do a movie about uh Two brothers who switch bodies And I go yeah, and he goes here's the thing. They're identical twins Doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:52:27 And I go okay And he goes I go how do people know that they switch bodies? Well, that's the joke is everyone acts like well, you're acting differently. That's not like you but they're just acting They're these two boring guys that guy's so talented He could do it sustain that for he for 90 minutes and I was like He told me that and I laugh for I just went where the hell did you come up with that? And you know, I'm gonna write this movie about these two guys. So yeah, he's just a genius And a great guy too. But yeah, and I felt very lucky when I was there with all those people Kristen and
Starting point is 00:52:59 And uh, Andy and fred armison and all those guys. I mean, it was crazy. Yeah, and you guys have all gone on to do stuff So right now. Are you uh, are you when do you start back up with the next season or do you get the writing it right? No, we're writing season two right now. Oh god, did you get any of a How much of a break did you get? We got a bit of a break. Yeah, I mean, we finished all this in august So Barry was done in august Then it starts airing and then, you know, we open up a writer's room and then, you know, hbo Told us, you know, yeah, you guys can Do more and is it it's going to be another eight. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:53:33 As of right now, who knows we might change that but as of right now, it's eight. I kind of like that people I like being able to craft eight episodes and kind of make it a very, you know Kind of a tight season, you know and with a good story to it Back in the day when there was a great album a lot of times it was eight songs Yeah, but then when the ten song came out, it's like, all right, here's the fucking ballad You're just trying to fill it. I get it. I get it It's the same thing with tv in a way where you go. Oh, now we're gonna watch an episode That's all about, you know, the gardener or something and you go, I don't care about this, you know
Starting point is 00:54:07 I want to know what that is called then. I don't want I want to know what else is I know i'm too jaded that I don't consider that groundbreaking. I'm just like, yeah, you guys wanted an episode off I think the series regulars are bitching about their contract. Yeah, exactly. We got to keep the train moving Let's uh, let's do something about uh that guy that guy. Yeah, guess what you're starting the show this week. Guess what asshole? Yeah, you're carrying the show and if it goes down, you never play a gardener in this town again. You piece of shit Um, well anyways, uh, thank you so much for uh for coming on. Oh man. This was all I feel like this Oh my head hurts. I'm laughing so much. Good. No, it's great. That's all my interviews want to be I don't want anybody to learn anything about you. I just want to give you a break from the same fucking 20 questions
Starting point is 00:54:52 But I'm so happy for you, man. Thank you buddy. That means a lot You've already done so much brilliant work and the fact that you know, hbo Shout out to them for being so cool to let a comedic actor What I don't know how to define what what what what it is Sketch, I don't know what I just know comedian. What what what do you? I don't know. I don't know like sketch actor. Okay, the fact that you come out of snl And they let you do something like that. Yeah, and to write it and direct I never directed before and they let me direct stuff and I mean, you know
Starting point is 00:55:20 Directed the first three episodes and to write and all that and so yeah, just to be able to have so much faith and I mean Eddie going back to Eddie Murphy 48 hours that the acting that he does in that he's so goddamn funny But when it has to be real he's incredible and then what was what was the one he got nominated for the uh for the dream girls Dream girls. Yeah, I for the life of me. I don't understand why he doesn't get more stuff. No, he I will say it not to but that 48 hours scene when he goes into the redneck bar And you know the cowboy is one of the few scenes in movie history Where you're like, uh, that's a movie star has just been born. Yeah, we're with one scene
Starting point is 00:56:01 It's very rare where you can go, you know, like John Wayne and stagecoach They always say they push in on him his first shot in stagecoach and everybody went Wow, who's that guy, you know, but Eddie Murphy in that scene. I just remember I remember I didn't see but my Dad seen that movie and coming back and going There's this guy in the movie is a new guy in snl. It is like one of the funniest things. He's phenomenal You gotta see, you know, yeah, you know what else about that movie is I I That is the best gun sounds. Oh, yeah, Walter Hills movies always have like this cannon
Starting point is 00:56:34 Unbelievable. Yeah, unbelievable. And you know something I actually Got to do an acting gig where I played, uh Oh, fuck. I'm so bad with the name Jason. Uh, you played Mike on breaking bed Oh, I know you're talking about Jason. Yeah, he's great I got I got to talk I got to talk to him About being on 48 hours Uh, he's like god damn it jack. Don't joke. Don't joke. Don't he goes he gives him the gun and then he also
Starting point is 00:57:05 Got thrown over the buffet table Um in uh in Beverly Hills and he hasn't one of my favorite lines in airplane Oh, he was an airplane. Yeah, he goes the guy just went from 500,000 feet to 20,000 feet. What an asshole He's the guy in the radar watching like Yeah, I gotta see that again. Yeah, he just they cut away to him. He's like, oh, he just went from It's like, yeah 25,000 feet to 7,000 feet. What an asshole I remember that line. I just don't remember that was him. Yeah, he's also the guy that go How we doing and he opens up a it's uh, like a turkey and then he's like, oh, we're almost done
Starting point is 00:57:41 We're almost finished here, sir. And it's like so just dumb But he's great. But he's great. I mean, that's one of the best yeah, that's for the best movies But yeah, no the gun fight the gun sounds in 48 hours all those Walter Hill movies He always had like a really cool sound design in his movies. He's great. Yeah, though the whole thing I actually one time This is like the epilogue of the podcast this point. I was on a subway and the actor that played luther You know the guy from warriors. He was sitting like right across from me He hadn't you know, he looked great. I mean, it's like I've been me 20 years ago. I saw him
Starting point is 00:58:13 Wow One of my first just the way he delivered that line When he uh when Nick Nolte's beating him up with the door And he says something like, well, I think you're lying and the line is yeah, well, who gives a fuck what you think And he doesn't yell to the word fuck He just goes yeah, well, who gives a fuck what you think? Why would you yell at fuck?
Starting point is 00:58:36 Who gives a fuck what you think oh who goes up fuck what you did the way he did that That was like a catchphrase in my family. Yeah, who gives a fuck what you yeah He has such weird rhythms that guy all the warriors too. I mean like he's such a Like he has such cool way of Speaking you're just you're like, yeah Well, you can learn a lot from that guy and people are gonna learn a lot from you. Uh watching this This this sunday's episode or go on hbo go to check it out barry starring bill hater. Thank you Thank you so much for coming on the podcast. Thank you, buddy
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