Monday Morning Podcast - Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 7-22-21

Episode Date: July 22, 2021

Bill rambles about the Finals, catholic guilt, and Boston comedy....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on is Bill Byrne. It's time for the Thursday afternoon just before Friday Monday morning podcast and I'm just checking in on you. I'm just checking in to see how you're doing, how your week is going along. Are you worried about the variant? Are you not worried about the variant? You know, what is happening with you? I know what's going on in Milwaukee. Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations to the 2021 NBA champions, your Milwaukee Bucks. And they've been waiting 50 years. So I'm going to say it again. Congratulations to the 2021 NBA champions, your Milwaukee Bucks. What a run. Who goes down two games to none and then runs the fucking table? Your Milwaukee Bucks. Who keeps you dying on the
Starting point is 00:01:08 vine for half a fucking century before they win the next one? Your Milwaukee Bucks. Who saw that tub of shit with the fucking basketball jersey and a giant flabby arm that made her look like a grandmother and she was still in the 20s because it was full of brats. Your Milwaukee Bucks fan base. Who probably created a new variant of the fucking Corona virus with 60,000 strong with no mass or condoms, probably your Milwaukee Bucks fan base. Jesus Christ, they should have put fucking COVID in liquid form and just put it into a crop duster and just fucking flown right over that goddamn crowd. Flown it right. What do you care, young? I would hold my breath. You ain't gonna fuck with my freedom. I have the freedom
Starting point is 00:02:14 to ignore science. I have the freedom to have to ignore common sense. I talked to somebody today and they were going like, you know, I go, well, you didn't like what happened with polio. She goes, hey, not for nothing. You know, I got a friend of mine and her kid got the polio shot and he had to drag his legs for two years. It's like, all right, so the kid had a reaction. Other than that, it went pretty fucking good, right? It's so fucking dumb. This I don't trust. I don't trust. You're full of shit that you don't trust it. Cause I'll tell you right now, if the fucking, if they came out with a shot that gave you a flat stomach and abs, all of these same people, they'd be right down there getting that fucking
Starting point is 00:03:06 thing. Cause all of those fat fucks, they go in for that lap band surgery. They go in for that shit knowing they could die. They don't give a fuck going to get me some abs. You know, open heart surgery, people die all the fucking time on the operating table. If you need it, you're not going to get it. There's always going to be an example of something that, you know, that went wrong. I mean, the Patriots drafted a fucking tight end and he turned out to be a mass murderer. What are we never going to win fucking draft another tight end? What the fuck are we doing here? You go out to a bar, you hit on some chicks, you get turned down, you go home, you have to jerk off. Are you never going to hit on women again? Does that mean hitting on women
Starting point is 00:03:49 doesn't lead to getting laid at some point? According to these people, it does. What would you do? Part of me is starting to think like, you know what, I think just some people don't have a dream or their dream died. So the only thing that they have is killing other people's dreams of getting on with their lives and making money. You know, or maybe it's like the government telling them what to do taps into how much they hated as a child that they had to listen to their parents and how much they hated when they got into high
Starting point is 00:04:24 school. They scared you. You need two years of a language. You got to have this. If you don't, you need an extracurricular activity. Do you remember the first night when you were on your own? First night when you were on your own? I mean, I'm talking like with me, I commuted to college, right? I paid for most of my college. I had to work through all of that. I fucking pulled myself up by my bootstraps. I'm better than all of you. I fucking, my first time being alone, I moved out when I was 27. I moved out briefly when I was 20 and then I had to go back to school so I couldn't afford it. So I had to work and fucking do all of that shit. So, and it took me forever to get through
Starting point is 00:05:14 college because I can only afford to go part-time. Boo-hoo, boo-fucking-ho. Then I became a fucking comedian. Then I knew I was going to move to New York. So I wasn't going to move out and blow all my money on some stupid fucking apartment in Boston. I stayed at home like a fucking loser and saved up enough money where I could survive that first fucking year of ridiculously high rent and then hopefully I'd be in clubs and making enough money where I could swing my rent, which is what happened. But when I moved down there at 27, I remember the first night I was hanging at the comic strip. Lucien had basically already told me, I'm already having a point, guys. You and your dream can go right back to Boston. It's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:05:59 You know, if I was some white chick and there was Twitter, I could have got him fired for that. But instead, I just worked harder. Anyway, I remember that night sitting at the bar thinking at 27. I remember thinking clearly like, you know what, I don't have to go home. I don't have to do whatever I want. I could do what I can get fucking drunk right now. If I knew how to talk to women, I could bring a broad home. I could get a fucking, I don't know, whatever the fuck I want to eat, eat it, watch TV. I can do whatever the fuck I want. Instead, I was like, you know what I should do? I should go home and get some sleep, wake up tomorrow, and write some fucking jokes because the clock is ticking,
Starting point is 00:06:51 and I'm going to run out of money eventually in this fucking city. That's what I did. That was an analogy to tell you to go home and get your rest. I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. But congratulations also to the Phoenix Suns on an amazing, amazing run. You can't hang your heads, even though you're up two games to none. It fucking happens. Shit, I remember there were 86 Red Sox. We're up two games to none. We won the first two in New York, Shea Stadium. I still remember coming home, getting out of my car. My neighbor just came home, and we were, we were teenagers. I remember galloping sideways in a circle with him, jumping up and down thinking we were going to win it, and we fucking lost it.
Starting point is 00:07:36 So it happens every year, you know, whatever, 30, 29, 30 teams don't win it. Only one team does. I don't subscribe to this. They didn't win because this guy blew it. This guy never gets it done. You know, I was watching Jim Rome, and he was kind of getting on Chris Paul a little bit. They, you know, he's never done these. The only guy that this is the third or fourth time being up two games to none where he's lost a series. And it's like, I don't think Chris Paul is your problem. He's one of the best players in the league. Like, is it his problem that he can't drag the rest of the guys over the fucking wall? You're going to, you're going to go after the star player. I've just never understood that. But he was just saying that it's a pretty wild stat. I've never
Starting point is 00:08:27 fucking, you know, no one else has a thing, but it's just like, well, you know, here's another wild stat. You're the only guy I've ever seen get tipped over in a chair in his own show. I still watch you. I don't think you're not getting it done. But that's a pretty wild stat. All the people that have done sports shows, I've never seen a guy have the guests tip them over in a fucking chair after basically an eight-year-old on a playground argument. I bet you won't. I bet I will. Go ahead, do it. And then he does it. I mean, it was embarrassing for, it set men back like fucking, I don't know what, but I don't think he shouldn't have a show. And I don't think that he doesn't get it done. I've just never understood that. We didn't win the championship. Let's go after the best
Starting point is 00:09:06 players. Let's go after the reason why we're here. I've never understood that. But I mean, I think that that's just the way it works. So anyway, let's talk diet. Went a little off the diet. I'm not going to lie. And I didn't go to the gym yesterday. I had to take a day off at some point. I just woke up. Oh, Billy, post-mushrooms, going to therapy, he's been dealing with a lot of fucking shit. Unpacking, as they said. And I just didn't feel like fucking doing anything yesterday. I was like, you know what? Put me in a good mood. Why if I just cancel a bunch of shit and I have a nice daddy daughter date? That's what I'm going to do. So instead, I took my lovely daughter out and we went to a park and she rode a bike and she went to the playground,
Starting point is 00:09:58 put on our masks. And you know, it's funny. It's like, Dad, the slides are too hot. I was like, all right, let's ride the bike more. She was chasing me and I was, you know, running after her and all that stuff. It was just awesome. And then we went out and got some ice cream. And they said, do you want a kid's scoop or an adult's scoop? I said a kid's scoop, but it's one of these old school places. So even a kid's scoop, the fucking scoop of ice cream was as big as my daughter's head. So I ended up finishing what she didn't eat, which is the first time I've had ice cream in like a month. And I just sort of hung out with my wife and kids all day. And I took two naps, kind of needed it. And now today, I'm fucking back on it. Where my date, I just woke up,
Starting point is 00:10:43 made the breakfast, which I love doing. I'm teaching my daughter how to make waffles, because she loves them. Then I did a record for the fifth and final season of Aptis for Family. I did a little bit of therapy. Now I'm knocking out this podcast right before I do the Anything Better podcast with Verzi. And then I'm going to the gym. I'm getting back on the fucking elliptical. When I get on the elliptical, I'm looking at my fucking flashcards for this instrument test, which by the way, I flew five times and over the last week, and I've probably done anywhere between 10 and 15 instrument approaches, missed approaches, holds and all of that. And I've gotten to the point where I now get it. I'm not behind the aircraft except for the
Starting point is 00:11:28 the VOR ones. Sometimes I forget to look at the clock or set the clock for my minutes going down before you get to the missed approach point. And but I flew with this other guy who told me the trick of control your altitude with your power, which I was doing with my cyclic, which is a fucking that's what's the stick, but you know, between your legs as opposed to the thing that looks like an emergency break for you, those of you who don't fly helicopters, right? So and you're able to just lock it in. And then you just don't move the collective and then you just locked in on this attitude and you come right down. And on a precision approach, when you come out and you end up looking up, you know, with your stupid fucking foggles on
Starting point is 00:12:14 and the runway, you'd like dead center right down the middle. And I just been having an absolute blast. I understand all the avionics in my helicopter now. And I got to tell you, like I landed yesterday or two days ago, and I just felt like a pilot for the first time ever, like, uh, you know, because we ended up doing like an auto rotation in and I did a really great auto and I was just like, I just fucking, I'm feeling one with this thing, which is beyond exciting. And I am now obsessed with approach plates. Like I was looking at them for like major airports, like Logan airport in Boston and just seeing all the different ways of coming in. And I can tell the difference between the,
Starting point is 00:13:03 if I need to be in VOR and GPS, it's fucking wild, man. I can't believe after, you know, that I got all of that in there in the, in the old hard drive. So I'm very excited about that. Excited to not be, you know, my wife freaked out the other day when I let's see an end bullshit was going on, which I fucked up was cause usually whenever I trashed one, I always trashed the other, but that time I didn't. So Fox news picked it up. Isn't that funny? Which really proved my point that it's really not news. Cause if it was news, they would have brought that up when I was also criticizing them along with CNN. Sort of fascinating. But my wife actually started to read it. It's just like, yeah, it's not going to be in the news.
Starting point is 00:13:46 It's going to go away. Okay. 9 11 went away. That was on the front page for like two weeks. And eventually that went, if that went away, if that fucking tragedy went away, I really got to think after a couple of days, my fucking, whatever the fuck I said on a podcast is going to go away. Cause she started to read it. I go, I don't want to listen to that shit, your fucking version of what you think I said. But anyway, really excited though, getting back to the Milwaukee Bucks, man, what a performance. I'll take the Campo Middleton holiday, the whole fucking team. I really needed that white guy to hit those last two file shots and he didn't, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:32 There is something about watching the NBA, you know, where it's exciting and then as a white guy, sometimes you get low self-esteem. Say, Jesus Christ, can you get the fucking rebound? Hit the three. Can you hit the three? I'm not talking about European white guys. I'm going to say it. Okay. American white guys need to step it up. That's actually not true. Cause that white kid on fucking Milwaukee kills it. I'm sorry. On Miami kills it. I don't know the names. All right. I don't pretend to know the fucking names. I used to know names. I used to name names, but I just don't have, I don't have the fucking
Starting point is 00:15:05 bandwidth anymore with the kids. So anyway, so I'm going to hit the gym after this. I'm actually, oh, Billy pull downs. So I can eventually do a pull up, getting back to that. My shoulder feels great. I've been stretching. I've been playing drums. I've been playing along to that mammoth album, the Wolfgang Van Halen album, loving that. And he played the drums on that dude. He's a fucking badass drummer too with a killer foot. So I've been having a good time with that. And I don't know. I think yesterday I had, I had like that fucking Catholic guilt. Does anybody else have that the fucking Catholic guilt? Did you actually take a day off? I could be doing something right now. Dude, I laid around like a fucking goddamn grizzly bear yesterday. I didn't do shit. Well,
Starting point is 00:15:57 I guess I took my kid to the park, but I do remember when I was eating ice cream with her and I was kind of sitting there and I was just thinking like, this is what when, you know, someday when I'm laying on my death bed, this is what I'm going to think about is that I did this and I'll be happy that I did this as opposed to, I got to go over and I got to get this done. I got to do that. I got to get better at this. And I just like, she fucking relaxed their freckles. Just sit down long enough to have a little bit of sunspots on top of your fucking head there. Jesus Christ. That's all I do is I just wake up and I just start fucking running around like a lunatic. You know what I did do the other day,
Starting point is 00:16:44 which for any other people out there shaved their head, you know what's just fucking great? If you have a fucking shaved head and you're on an elliptical is to have the headband, you know, on your head, man. It's the best. Then you don't have to fucking slow down and towel off your head, you know, every three minutes after you've been on it for like, you know, 10, 12 minutes and it just becomes, you know, pouring down your face. It's actually great. I had it on. My wife was on the treadmill and she was just laughing at me. I was like, there you go. I know I look like an asshole, but it works. Now the great thing about getting old, you don't care what you look like.
Starting point is 00:17:25 It's over. You're over the hill and you know, it's just going to get worse. So as bad as somebody thinks you look, you know that this is the best you're going to look from now into the future. You're over the hill, right? There you go. Oh geez, Bill, you explained something that we already understood. All right. Well, I want to thank everybody for buying tickets for August 11th at the Wilbur Theater. I'm going to get to send off my buddy, the great Wayne Previty in style. It's actually become a benefit slash reunion where I, you know, reached out to all of these comics that, uh, you know, I started out with and I'm trying to put together a show where, uh, I'm recreating a lineup from like 25 years ago, even more than that.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Between 25 and 30 years ago, we used to do stand up at the, the 99s in, in Bellrica and John David got the room and it was such a huge gig for my whole generation and the generation before me like coming up. It was such a fucking huge gig because it gave us this stage time and it was not easy stage time because it was not an easy gig. It was just this giant stage as far as like it wasn't long. It was just really high and you would walk up there and you'd stand up there and there was this big bar and I remember, oh God, I still, it's still vivid to me and on, and all of these people would, uh, be talking and drinking and watching the game. The worst is when they would put the sound down on like a Bruins game and you'd go up there and these fucking people
Starting point is 00:19:23 were just losing their minds yelling at you and, uh, this guy John David booked it, but by learning how to handle that room, it set you on your path to all the hell room gigs that you were going to have to work. And I remember I used to watch these guys come in and close it because that was like the paid spot was the actual professional comic would come in after all of us, you know, open micers or just sort of openers or whatever that like still worked for free, you know, to figure shit out. They would come in and they would close it out doing like a half hour. And all of these guys like Chris McGuire now who's got a huge writing career out here in Hollywood, uh, who else? Paul Nardizzi and Steve Bjorker. I used to watch all of these guys come in
Starting point is 00:20:19 and close it out and you just sit there watching like, it was amazing. The second they walked on stage, like the, even the bar just sensed that somebody that knew what they were doing was on stage and they just immediately, they had this sense of poise and control. And I remember I would watch it trying to absorb it, but not understanding what they were doing because I didn't know how to do it. But I would really, uh, go back in that moment to still being a fan of like stand-up, which I still am, but like, I almost became like a crowd member, audience member. Well, I would just sit there and watch these guys go up and kill in this room that was like, you know, kicking my ass most of the times. And there was nothing better than when you went up
Starting point is 00:21:05 and you actually had a good set. If you had a good set up, it was so funny. Like you would actually get a little bit of a buzz around Boston and like your thing like, Hey man, I heard you killed at the 99s. You know, who'd you follow? What was your spot? Like everyone wanted to know like the stats. Who did you go on after? How far into the show were you? And, I particularly remember that show always hanging out in the parking lot with all of the guys that I'm going to be working with on August 11th. And we would be talking about, uh, you know, comics and, and around town and famous comedians. And, uh, I don't know, our dreams of what the hell we wanted to do right in that parking lot. And I think the 99
Starting point is 00:21:54 Bill Rick is, I wonder if that's still there. I got to look that up. I'm sure if I went there 30 years, they fucking redid it. It's probably not the same, which brings you back to that expression. You can never go home, which I didn't understand. I was like, we talking about go home all the time. It's not going to be the same people and they're going to redo the fucking 99 99 restaurant. Bill Rick a mask. Get the fuck out of here. Oh, they got two. Look at them fucking. All right. Let me click on this. I don't know. This is the, well, let me do the satellite. Somebody even do Google cuts. Let's see. Google. It's the one that had the giant, you drove down a hill and had a giant parking lot. All right. Wait a second. What am I doing here?
Starting point is 00:22:44 It's, it's really amazing how long I've had a computer and how little I know how to fucking do this shit. How come I can't go satellite here? Yeah, it gives a shit. It's one of those things. Route three. That's back when you had to like write down. You had to write down the fucking directions. Long time ago, I'm trying to find, oh God, there's a picture of the awful food. I don't see any picture inside the restaurant. Like I said, I'm sure it fucking changed since way back then. I'm really just babbling, aren't I? Just going down fucking memory, memory lane here. All right. Let me do a little bit of advertising reads here.
Starting point is 00:23:36 By the way, I'm down to a buck 80 and change. I'm almost into 170s. So get your fucking fat shaman and soon because pretty soon when I get down to a buck 78, hopefully by Sunday, then I'm only going to be according to the body mass index index index index. I'll only be five pounds overweight, but I'm also at the top. They said I can be from 129 all the way up to 173. Yeah, I'm another slice. The whole gamut. All right. Roman everybody. Most guys have tried different ways to last longer, but thinking about baseball doesn't always work. The folks at Roman, can you imagine thinking about baseball in 86 when the Red Sox blew it to the Mets while you're banging your wife? I can't accidentally choke around. The folks at Roman
Starting point is 00:24:31 and online men's health company are changing the game with Roman swipes. The secret to longer lasting sex. Roman swipes are a clinically proven way to last longer in bed. They're effective, easy to use and fast acting, but don't require prescription. Roman can ship swipes to you in a discreet unmarked piece. It's not going to say that in discreet unmarked packaging and each swipes packet is small enough to hide your wallet for whenever you need it. Swipes are great. They will not transfer to your partner so you can last longer without worrying. Just picture your dick like an elephant trunk. Just fucking drinking the water. Just drinks up the numbness. Is that what happens? Just absorbs it so quickly. They're super easy to use. I think evidently it dries up like
Starting point is 00:25:24 fucking jet fuel. Just take the swipes out of the packet. Swipe it on. Let it dry and you're good to go. That's it. Go to slash burr and get $10 off your first order of swipes plus free two-day shipping. That's slash burr for $10 off your first order of swipes plus free two-day shipping. Why can't you just own up and just say, listen, I'm not going to lie to you. I come really fast, okay, but I can get back in the game real quick. All right. I'm right back in. It's like a fucking F1 pit stop. I'll be right back in the game and then I'll last a little longer and we'll do three for the price of one. Okay. Hopefully I'll get you there by the third one. You know what I mean? When I got flop sweat on my face. All right. Liquid death, everybody.
Starting point is 00:26:17 They told me not to read the copy. Evidently they don't like the way I read or so. I think they're telling everybody not to read the copy. Basically liquid. These fucking plastic bottles that they put the water in, they last for 800 to 1,000 years. All right. It's 120, 130 degrees out. You know, we got to stop doing this. I've been, I've used one plastic bottle in the last month and I've been doing stand-up like a maniac. I literally bring like a thermos with me, my water at home, or I just grab a liquid death because it is made. They stick it in an aluminum can. It looks like a bud tall. Liquid death also donates 10% of their profits to help kill plastic pollution forever. I think, you know, at this point, we can't keep blaming the big
Starting point is 00:27:03 companies or expect them to do anything about it. I think if we act as individuals, they'll see that this is the direction people are going in and then they'll see dollar signs and maybe they'll actually help clean up their act. You can get these wonderful cans of water and biodegradable cans that were at Whole Foods or 7-Eleven. And also, I can't tell you, it tastes better. Taste the water in glass or aluminum or anything that just tastes better than just fucking in plastic. Plus, I heard they sit in the warehouse for like fucking years anyway. You get a special deal through me. Go to to get a free set of koozies with your first order or any case of water. And while you're waiting for your free koozies to arrive, grab some liquid
Starting point is 00:27:48 death at any Whole Foods or 7-Eleven. That's slash bird to get a free set of koozy and your first order of any case of water. Grab some cans now and completely murder your thirst. That's what I've been doing. I am completely off of water bottles. I have to figure out a way to do this when I'm on the road and I'm thinking the way to do it is I'll just buy some liquid death while I'm out there. I might just put it in my rider because they're at like Whole Foods, which I think are around. You know what? I'm going to fucking do that right now. I'm going to send that out to my agent there. Give him something to fucking worry about extra like out Jesus. He's becoming a diva. Look at him. Flies a couple of good instrument approaches and then all of a
Starting point is 00:28:32 sudden you can't tell this guy a goddamn thing. All right everybody, that is the podcast. I'm coming up against it here before I go do the Verzi podcast. Once again, congratulations to the city of Milwaukee and all of their amazing fans. I mean, 60,000 people showed up to just stand outside and party. I mean, talk about like, I mean, that is a that is a fucking fan base, man. I actually went to a home game there a long time ago when they played like the fucking Bradley Center or something like that. And that was that was probably the early 2000s, late 90s, early 2000s, sort of the depths of the Milwaukee Bucks drought, kind of almost halfway through it, if a little bit more. But it's just great for the city and congratulations to the Phoenix Suns
Starting point is 00:29:23 on an amazing series, an amazing run and all of that. They got a great team and they got nothing to be ashamed of and they will be back. That's what I think. That's what I'm thinking that and I'm fucking sticking with it. All right. Enjoy the music picked out by the other Greek freak, Andrew Thamelis. And we're going to have a bonus half hour of material and a material of a bonus episode of the Thursday afternoon, just before Friday, Monday morning podcast. All right. I hope all you guys have a great couple of days and a great weekend, your cunts. And that's it. I'll talk to you later. What's going on? It's Bill Byrne. It's the Monday morning podcast for Monday, July 22nd,
Starting point is 00:31:05 2013. Off we go into the wild blue yonder. Fly high into the sky. Oh, fuck, I got a bunch of shit to do today, people. Just like you. Even my Mondays are busy. I actually got a lot of shit out of the way already. I walked my dog around the block. It took a shit. I picked it up in a bag. All right. Unlike that Rappaport fella. I picked it up, right? And I put it in somebody's barrel, somebody else's barrel, which is the right thing slash douchey thing to do. The ultimate neighborly thing is you pick it up and you hold on to it till you get back to your own trash can. And then you put it in there. That right there. That is a class act. All right. Then you have tier two. You have me. Well, at least he picked it up. But then the cunt threw it in
Starting point is 00:32:00 my trash barrel. I can argue, well, hey, you know, it's a trash barrel. What are you worried that it's just going to smell like rotting garbage? Is this shit smell really going to ruin it? But I understand there's a principle. It's your dog. It's your shit. You know, then you have the last ones, the people who just don't pick it up. But anyways, anyways, people went breaking into cars in my neighborhood, man, it's fucking every once in a while, like just they'll come by here for a while and they leave LA is really a weird city where it's like you live in a place and one night it's safe and then the next night it isn't, you know, there's the general vibe and then there's also like the fucking roulette aspect of living in Los Angeles. So I think they come by, they fuck
Starting point is 00:32:46 with cars because it's the same people, right? It's five, five people run in the world and there's five people breaking all the windows and stealing shit in this car. I'm convinced of it. All right. I have, I have, I have information that can back that up. If you want it, I'll give it to you. But I would appreciate it if you've been listening to my podcast long enough that you would just take me at my own word, my word actually means something to you, you know? Anyways, they've been breaking in these fucking cars and that's just annoying. I told you they had me last time they fucking, there was nothing in my car and then they took all my quarters, those little satchel of quarters for the parking meters because I still don't want to use my credit card because
Starting point is 00:33:27 I don't want to tell people where the fuck I am, you know? Well, according to your, your fucking parking meter records, you, you were there, sir. And I know what right now, dude, I can just track you with your cell phone, man. Maybe they can. But I could say, well, I lost my cell phone. Someone else had it, right? I could come around with it. But if you fucking down, I could say somebody stole my credit card. I don't know. I don't like people watching me all the fucking time. You know, you know, what kills me is the amount of people that actually are happy. Snowden did what he did. And there's nobody any anywhere in media with any sort of a fucking job that pays any decent amount of money that is open in their fucking mouse. Everybody's keeping quiet.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Good for you, Snowden. Keep running. You can stay at my house if you want to. Hang out till, you know, it blows over, you know, sit around, eat some TV dinners. Hey, you know what I did this week, everybody? I went out and I bought the body issue, the naked issue, the nude issue of ESPN. Why? Because I'm a pervert. Yes. Why? Because I always liked the 49ers, but wanted to see their quarterback completely naked in the on some lava rocks. Absolutely. You got me. I can't remember how many times last year when I was watching a 49ers game, you know, this college cavernic, I'll tell you, he's entertaining to watch. But you know, it'd be more entertaining if somehow he would get down on all
Starting point is 00:35:03 fours on some fucking lava rocks. Like he's going to do a hundred yard dash into the ocean. That's what I would really like. No, you know, I bought it because somebody told me Gary Player was on the cover. That's what I was told. And my Gary Player, isn't that guy like fucking 100 years old? They're like, no, he's like 77. You know, and I go, he's an unbelievable shape. You know, me, I'm obsessed with not becoming a fat fuck. Right? Fat people call that having a body issue. You know, because they don't want to stop eating their jelly and Ritz crackers late at night, you know, that they stuff into ice cream. You know, it's funny is as mean as I am to fat people, I've slowly begun to just according to this guy last week, and I'll take him as is like every
Starting point is 00:35:50 fat person who listens to this, I'm beginning to shame people into losing weight. And I think that that would be a great show. It would be just like biggest loser as far as the amount of yelling, but it wouldn't be as motivational or be like the opposite. And then it would cause a controversy. And then there would be people doing that split screen on TV, you know, you got the host and then you got the two people like, you know, what do you think person I've never heard of before? Well, I think it's great. You know, I think these fat fucks are about time somebody called them a What do you think about a female person who of course you have to have the motherly side of this? Well, I just think that people have to understand that it's a food addiction.
Starting point is 00:36:35 This negative reinforces we're seeing this in schools with by Oh, fuck you lady. Okay, I think you can lose a couple of pounds to it. Hey, let's try to keep it nice. All right. Let's try like the fucking host who's exploiting the whole problem can then sit there rubbing his chin, shaking his head, you know, you know, it's funny, all three of them in that moment, they're all getting paid. They're all making money off of the lard that's in the asses of so many people these days. And I like to think that that's the true tragedy. You know, I like to think right now that I'm thinking outside the box, the ice box, I guess, I guess you would call it. What's the deal? So I got the body issue. And you know what bug me with this fucking trend,
Starting point is 00:37:25 like the fucking tattoos that people have, you know what it is in particular, what is it in particular bill? I don't like people who write fucking inspirational shit on their body. Like, you know, and they always have it in a place, you know, they don't always, but for a lot of times they have it in a fucking place where only I can really get a good look at it. So there's no way for me not to take that is like, what do you think I'm a fucking moron? Like you have life all figured out that, you know, you got to write this shit on your body. What the hell is it? What the hell is this fucking person? It was this fucking golfer. Beautiful woman, right in like a 1950s kind of way, you know, little houses, then they're all made out of
Starting point is 00:38:12 ticky tax. And we fuck missionary only to have more kids. They have blue eyes, they have brown eyes, and they all say fucking racist shit. But it's the 1950s and nobody knows better. Sorry. That's a water fountain. It's just for us. It's the 1950s. So this woman, that's some of the worst thing I've ever done. That even sounded bad to me. So this is fucking lady. Her name is Carly Booth. Gorgeous little diesel. She's sitting there on the driving range. Looks like in Manhattan, driving some golf balls. I'm sure people going by in their fucking yachts, you know, all upset going, why is that naked woman playing golf? And I wasn't invited to that party. I don't have enough money. I thought I knew Bloomberg too. So anyway, she has written on
Starting point is 00:39:07 the side of her body. All right, it starts at her waist and then goes down to whatever that piece of meat is that's between, it's at the same level as your ass cheek. Your side, side of your hip, I guess you'd call it, right? Is that what it's called in the medical field? So anyways, this beautiful woman has something, I can't even read the first, it looks like the symbol for pie. I don't know what it is. She has written on the side of her body. It says, whatever is not, Jesus Christ, I can't read this, whatever is not the stars to hold our destinies, but in ourselves or a destiny. I can't read it. It's too far away. But I just don't know why, why do, why do people do that? Is that for when she's hooking up with some guy,
Starting point is 00:39:55 right? And he's banging her doggy style and he kind of leans over and he looks and then he reads that and like, what's he supposed to think that, right? Like, damn, this bitch is deep. They're endless. Guys get them too. You know, I'm trying to be a little fair, a little more fair and balanced in the spirit of Fox News here, where I totally lean one way, but I try to just say I'm fair and balanced. Let's, let's, let's, let's search this right now, shall we? Tattoo sayings. All right, click on there. We got some images here. All right. Oh, look at all these beautiful girls with sentences. It's like not only do you get to enjoy their beauty, they get to help you out with life. Let's see what we got
Starting point is 00:40:45 here. Let's view all images. We'll make them bigger. You cunt. All right, this gorgeous woman. She's doing that thing where she puts her thumb in her fucking belt loop and pulls her jeans down a little bit. That's like the classic when you have like the bathing suit edition of Sports Illustrated. You always got to have like, for you future women out there or male models, I think guys can get away with it too. What you do is you're totally naked. You have little speedos on and you're not showing enough skin. So then you got to take a thumb, you stick it in the side of it and you pull it down a little bit and then you have this look on your face like, what? Did something happen? All right, she has on her side, fall down seven times, stand up eight.
Starting point is 00:41:33 If you're truly a strong person, you know, can't you just, you know, hear that and just like, remember it. I am enough the way I am. This woman has this written on her collarbone and it goes right into the ball and socket joint there, whatever the fuck you call it. Ball joint there and your shoulder. I am enough the way I am. You know, like I see that all I want to do is just give her a hug, pat her on the head and just be like, I'm sorry, your parents did whatever they did to you. I'm sorry they didn't say the things they needed to say. All right, what does this person have? That's written in French so you know what's pretentious. Infinite. I don't know why you would have that on there. This is my favorite one. This guy has this
Starting point is 00:42:31 written on his wrist. Take a chance. They don't come much bigger than this. You know, so whatever the situation is, be it he meets the girl of his dreams or some hooker who doesn't have a condom, he looks down at his wrist and that's what it says, right? I don't know. Is this bombing? I was in heaven. I was in hell. Believe in neither, but fear them as well. Damn. Were you really in heaven and where you went hell? Here on earth or did you visit another land? This fucking jerkoff. He probably unloads trucks. He had it written on the back of his calf, right? You're just a fucking asshole. You know, just you should have said asshole and then a fucking arrow pointed right up at your fucking asshole. You know, all you pretentious
Starting point is 00:43:24 cunts with your fucking song lyrics and crap on your body. Can you put them in a place where we don't have to look at what I don't have to look at. I'm not gonna speak for everybody. All right, that guy, if I was a dictator, if I was running shit, all right, after I assassinated or imprisoned or pistol whipped every fucking banker I could find, I would then be like, all right, you have two options. You either get that fucking thing removed. All right, or you never wear shorts again. You're allowed to wear your underwear when you walk around your apartment. But that's it. Other than that, go fuck yourself. Look at these fucking people. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. Oh, geez. Wow, I never looked at it that way. Thank God you wrote that on
Starting point is 00:44:19 your rib cage. Would you like another fuzzy navel? Oh my God, this girl's got an entire story written on her back. I just love this passage. I always wanted to have it written on my back. All right, the shoulder blade tattoo. What does she got here? What does this one say? There's a lot of women with shit written on their backs in different languages. All right, here's to me, here's to you, and here's to life and laughter. I'll be true as long as you and not a single moment after. Jesus Christ. What, and it literally looks like she wrote it on her back and had someone else fill it in. Here's to me. Here's love never fails.
Starting point is 00:45:14 All right, this guy's getting written on both forums. I listened to the I listened to the bray of my heart. I am, I am, I am. Oh my God, dude, these are like, you know, the thing I like about this shit that they write it on their bodies is that's just a great thing to read during your, during a first date. All right, here's one for you. If you, if you meet a girl with a foot tattoo, like you got to go in another direction, right? There's nothing uglier than a foot tattoo. They just did, you just, I don't understand. I don't understand. You know what? I'm sure there's a lot of you guys out there, probably most of you at this point have tattoos, right? You know,
Starting point is 00:45:58 at what point are those things going to go out of style? Has this podcast just completely lost momentum? I feel like Lenny Bruce, when he fucking just kept reading his, his court cases, I really got way too into that tattoo. I just fucking, I'm enough, I'm enough with the tattoos. Every fucking athlete that's stupid issues, got some big dumb ass piece on their back of their shoulders. And you know what? I got to be honest with you. It all looks the same bunch of squibbly, squib, squabbly dudes. There's always a fish or a fucking dragon in there. You know, the fuck is wrong with you. Everybody else has one. I want one too. It's one of the greatest things I ever did was I never got a fucking tattoo
Starting point is 00:46:47 back. You know, it's funny back when, uh, when I was, when I was just the lad and he got tattoos, people, it was the tail end of getting like cartoon characters, like just about four inches away from your dick. You know, you get it like you, I remember it was a guy had you sent him me Sam with the two guns and said back off. And it was just to the right of his package. You know, I knew another guy. He got the fucking Budweiser label. That's what you got. You know, you didn't sit there and have to be like fucking, you know, a stitch in time saves the sorcerer who gets up early and catches the worm. That bunch of fucking cunts. You know what? Keep getting your tattoos. I like it. You know, it's branding you as someone not worthy of talking to. Um,
Starting point is 00:47:37 can you guys do that for me this weekend? Can you walk around when you see people who have those? And when you just read them, just point at them like you're in that invasion of the body snatcher and just go, Oh shit. Damn. And then fucking walk away. No, don't do that. Don't, you know what? Don't even listen to me. Um, all right. What the fuck was I going to talk about this week? Oh, guess what I did this week? Oh, freckle face bill. Guess what I did. You know, a year ago, I rode a fucking motorcycle or whatever. I went dirt bike riding. I actually took a motorcycle safety course. It was, uh, it was a day and a half. And I got to tell you, man, it was fucking, uh, exhilarating and terrifying.
Starting point is 00:48:18 So I actually, I passed the class somehow. I don't think I should have. I was doing my little U turns. I had to put my little foot down there. Um, no, it was a great fucking time. So basically how it worked was you rode for like four hours and then you had a class. Um, and I realized how spoiled I am as a fucking human being, you know, just having this, the life that I have where I don't have a boss and I basically do whatever the fuck I want. I have not been in a classroom. Um, I just immediately, I just takes me back to why I chose the route I chose. I just never liked the classroom situation, but this, this was, uh, it was actually a great time, but I just immediately had anxiety and I'm like half
Starting point is 00:49:06 paying attention. And then, and then in the end they're like, okay, now we're going to do the test. And I went right back to when I was like an eighth grade. I got, God, I'm going to fail this. And the guy's like, no one has ever failed this. And he like, oh good pressure pressure. I'm a moron was sitting there at the table and everybody's fucking finishing before I was like, it was like, I don't know, 40 people in the class. I think I finished 37th as far as completing the test. Um, I don't know, it's just 50 questions. I got four wrong. I think something like that. I don't fucking know. But somehow I passed and, um, that was funny. I've never flipped flopped so much of my life on a decision. I was thinking,
Starting point is 00:49:46 am I going to get a bike? Should I just get a dirt bike? Should I just know how to do this? And then, you know, I just want to learn how to ride a motorcycle. You know, I grew up in the 80s. All right. I watched a lot of action movies. And one of the things that I always was envious of the action heroes, aside from their oiled up fucking 80s lifting weights, no squats ever bodies was, uh, the fact that no matter what vehicle they approached, not only were the keys always in it, they knew how to drive it. They knew how to drive everything from a dump truck to a fucking helicopter airplane. They could sail. They could fucking do anything. So, you know, it's coming up where, you know, we got to raise the debt ceiling again.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Eventually the waves going to hit the beach and there's going to be a period where you could quite possibly be getting chased down the street by an angry fucking mob. It's just everything goes to shit. You know, so at that point it would be nice if you had the ability to whatever escape vehicle you meet, you ran into, you could actually just jump in and just be all right with it. Right? Sylvester Stallone, fucking Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Segal, Chuck Norris, they never, I challenge you to find anything that they fucking ran up to in any of those movies that they did not jet ski, fucking motorboat, sailboat, submarine, combine helicopter, fucking plane with, only can land on water. Those skis or the tires doesn't make a difference.
Starting point is 00:51:30 They could instrument rated everything. Everything. They could be on a fucking plane, a commercial airline and somehow kill the person next to him, put a hat over their face without anybody noticing, crawl down into where the luggage is and then jump off the landing gear and do a fucking mash at the end of the, the, the runway. They were unstoppable. So I've added motorcycle. All right. I could drive a car stick or regular and now I can drive a motorcycle. I'm just checking off the list. I have a day and a half of experience. No, it's actually really fascinating and it made me a better driver and I actually have a much more appreciation of, of the skill it takes to ride a motorcycle. It's not like a car. Yeah, no shit, Bill. No, but just shit that you wouldn't
Starting point is 00:52:25 think. Like I didn't, I didn't understand all that went into just going around a turn on a motorcycle and not only do you hit the, do you not hit the brake, but if you hit the brake, you're actually going to, you know, you're going to crash. You got to judge, look through the whole turn, judge your speed and then fucking power your way through it. Um, pretty intense. I got not going to lie to you. I'm not going to act like I would say, I got this. This is easy. Then we, we go into the class and like, has anybody seen it and I'm getting excited like, wow, that I just rode a bike for four hours. I got it up to third gear down, shifting. This is fucking great. And then I went into the class and one of the things, you know, the group discussion,
Starting point is 00:53:05 they was like, anybody ever see a motorcycle accident or better motorcycle accident and it's like fucking almost everybody or at least half the class puts their hands up and they start telling stories and this one guy's was like a paramedic and he's going like, yeah, you know, I saw this guy was going like 90, hit a car, head on and his heart came out of his chest. He had like stories and I'm sitting there. I'm like, like laughing to myself, go, what the fuck am I signing up for here? This is insane. And then like the guy who was teaching the class who looked like he was born on a motorcycle and was fucking, you know, rode the same way. It was, you know, obviously he's the instructor,
Starting point is 00:53:47 he's fucking great at riding bikes. He even had a story of a couple of months ago. Yeah, you know, I hit some sand and I was like, you know, I'm going over the fucking handlebars and I'm like, keep my body relaxed. And all I'm thinking in my head is it's like, dude, you went down you went down, right? This guy, I'm telling you, it just looked like he was just made to ride a fucking, he just had that. I ride a motorcycle look as opposed to me who looks like some douche who goes to take a safety course. And I'm just thinking this guy went down. This guy's an EMT talking about people's hearts coming out of their chest. I'm just like, what? This is fucking stupid. You know, so, uh, I don't, I don't know where I'm at. I think I'm
Starting point is 00:54:25 just going to maybe just ride on dirt is what I'll do. You can't fucking ride a bike out here in LA. It's, you know what it is? I'm old enough to know it's fucking stupid. So I think I'm going to, if I'm going to do it, I just get like a dirt bike and I put it in the back of my truck, drive out of the city and all the people texting, get to where the trail is and then just ride around on dirt. Now I know all you cunts are going to be like, actually most of the fatalities happen off road. People not paying attention. I know I understand this risk with everything, but you know, I don't know. I think it's a good thing that I waited till I was 45 to learn how to ride a motorcycle because if I was thinking, if I was 21 and I would just,
Starting point is 00:55:13 I wouldn't give a shit. That's not going to happen to me. That's not going to happen to me. Like you get older and by the time you're my age, shit is happening to you or some close friends. So you're kind of like, yeah, you know, that could happen to me. Kind of like my heart in my chest on this side of my rib cage. But I got to tell you though, I definitely got the bug and it's the most fucking fun. I even by the second day, I was actually getting frustrated because I was thinking like, I just want to take this out on the street. I'm sick of speeding up and slowing down. I just want to drive this fucking thing and I don't know. Don't worry, I'm not going to go out and do that. I'm not going to do that dumb shit. This is exactly
Starting point is 00:55:58 what a lot of people do when they, when they finally get to where they want to be in life, which is where I feel I am, you know, selling tickets as a comic, get some acting gigs every once in a while. You know, you got a little free time. What do you do? You pull a John Denver, you go out and get a pilot's license, you know, you fly some experimental aircraft and next thing you know, in the news today, singer, songwriter, right? So that's definitely in the back of my head. But I don't know. I don't think he is going to let me get one anyways, to be honest with you. That's probably a good thing. But you know what she did when she was saying no, she did the classic thing. Like, why do you want to fight like, you know, have all these toys? What is it with guys
Starting point is 00:56:41 and have, you know, you have your, and like, what do I have? I go, I got my truck. She goes, you get your guitars. And it's like, you're upset with me because I'm enjoying life. And she's like, no, you know, I think she just doesn't want me to get one. So she tried to do that stupid argument that the motorcycle was this extension, like it's like your dick, like you guys like it's between their legs and they have riding this thing down the street. It's just like, I don't know what the fuck that is about. When I was riding for the last two days, at no point was I thinking about my dick other than thinking like, I hope I don't fall off. And when I'm going fast enough that I get road rash on my dick. That would be the only thing other than that. I wish I wish she took
Starting point is 00:57:25 the class with me. You know, that's what I was actually thinking. It'd be great if she took the fucking class with me and she would just see how much fun it is. It's fun. You know, I don't fucking know. So I got the bug now. I got the bug and I was looking at motorcycles all last night. So I was telling her I said, look, all I wanted to do I'm just gonna get like the Honda Rebel. It's a fucking 250. That's exactly what I should get when I start out. If I get something else, I'll kill myself. And she starts, you know, looking up those stupid Ducati's, which were cool about up until six months ago. And now every douchebag out there has them. Like everybody seems to have one of those fucking things. So, you know, I don't know. I looked at the new Harleys and I don't like them.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I think they're ugly. They kind of lost their way. They used to look meaner. So I'm just gonna, if I'm gonna get one, I'm either gonna get a dirt bike or I'm gonna get this little fucking 250. I think this pedometer only goes up to like 70 or 80. I don't know. Tell me what do you guys think? And this is, and this is going to be one of those extreme conversations. And believe me, I've heard all the things. Get a motorcycle. You might as well buy the coffin to go with it. It's not a helmet. It's a brain bucket. I've heard all of that shit. I don't know. Just it does seem like a lot of fun, right? You know, if I get one, I'm gonna be one of those douchebags who gets like a little 250 and I'll have like all the gear on.
Starting point is 00:58:55 I'll be dressed like all Samuelson if you ever rode a motorcycle. If I completely overprotected fucking RoboCup suit on and I just ride around my neighborhood never, never get out of second gear. Anyway, so that's what the fuck I did with my week. But you know, it's good to know though, if I ever get chased by a bunch of people with hatchets down the street and I happen upon a fucking motorcycle and there's a little key there provided it's not an old one with the throttles on the other side or the shifter or whatever the fuck it is. I'll be able to, I'll be able to escape. You know? All right, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Okay, everybody, it's time for a little bit of advertising. I know this is your favorite part
Starting point is 00:59:36 of the week. Well, God damn it, it's mine too. Bill's finally going to stop babbling and actually read something that's prepared. All right, here we go. Okay, E voice, everyone, your screening calls, closing deals and making money all while lounging poolside in the summer sun. Thanks to who? E voice. E voice is a better way to connect with people that drive your business. E voice will forward business calls to your home, mobile or any number you choose wherever you are. E voice will find you. Don't have time to take a call. It's routed to voicemail and you can read it at your convenience as a text message. E voice not only gives you an edge over your competitors, it takes away the edge the big companies have over you right now with E voice. You can create the appearance of a
Starting point is 01:00:21 whole office building of departments. When customers call you a sales department, customer support, tech support, you name it, it's going to sound like you have it all through the wonder of E voice and it works with any phone, even yourself. Hey, it's summer. Don't be stuck stuck in the office all day. Free yourself with the free 30 day trial of E voice. So you can see what I'm talking about over E and enter the promo code bill for your 30 day free trial. That's E, promo code bill or go to the podcast page on and click on the E voice better. And the next one, Tevo Tevo Tim Tevo before Tevo watching TV was weirdly had. You could only watch a show at a certain time and if you missed it or even part of it, you
Starting point is 01:01:07 literally had to wait for it to go into reruns before you could see it again. I could vouch for that. I am an old man. Tevo totally changed all of that. And while other DVRs exist, they are not as sycolicious as Tevo because if you have cable, Tevo lets you watch your shows wherever you want with Tevo stream. You can watch on your iPad all over your house and even transfer your favor recordings and take them with you on an airplane. Waiting a line at the DMV, the dentist office, Tevo makes other DVRs look like they were designed by some Soviet committee. Only Tevo searches both cable and web to find any movie, any show, any video at the press of the button. You hear that? Both cable and the web. That's what sets them apart. Netflix, Amazon, YouTube. Now those are
Starting point is 01:01:55 just like more channels on your TV. Oh wow, you can look at all of that. That's amazing. And with the Tevo mini, one Tevo box works on a second TV from the couch to the kitchen, from the midi van to 35,000 feet up in an airplane. Tevo makes TV about a thousand times better. There you go. Alrighty. Bing bang. That was easy, wasn't it? All right, let's get back to this. So anyway, so I'm looking at the body issue here and I'm telling you to get inspired. Gary player, the guy's like 77 years old. I forget what he's eight, five, seven ways a buck, 55. He's like at his high school weight. There he is. There he is. Who he is, golfer, PGA tour winner, achievement award winner. He's five, seven, 150 pounds. I got to read this quote that he didn't have to have tattooed on his tattooless body here.
Starting point is 01:02:50 He said a great man in India said to me, Mr. Player, the less you eat, the longer you live. In Western society, it's eat plenty and die young. I'm 70% vegetarian. This morning I didn't have any fats, no bacon, no sausage, no butter, but I'm a normal human being. I have a Snickers if I want one. I'm not a martyr. I mean, dude, you can't, if that's not something to aspire to, you know, last time I was in 150, I was in fucking, I mean, I'm taller than the guy, but the guys at his high school weight, you know, he can still fit into his fucking tuxedo that he wore back in when he danced to Benny Goodman. You know, you know what's funny about that vegetarian shit? You always fight it, right? You sit there guy, you got to have some meat. You got to blah,
Starting point is 01:03:39 blah, blah, blah, blah, but I gotta tell you, if you eat a giant salad every day, you're gonna be right as rain. You can eat a steak and afterwards you can feel like you have a fucking shoe in your stomach. You got to take a net, you know, your body shuts down. If you have red meat and potatoes, right? You know, goddamn, well, you got to take a nap. You literally have to fucking sleep it off. You know, you never have to sleep off the salad people. That's what I've learned is I've gotten older. I got to stop fighting it. You know, I want the meat eaters to be right. Does that make sense? Who wants to eat a fucking? Don't you want cheeseburgers and fries to be the right way to go? Of course you do. What I'm telling you. Oh, did I mention I finally ate a tomato out
Starting point is 01:04:23 of my garden? My little modest garden dude? I got to tell you, it was one of the most fucking unbelievable experiences of my life. It was it was like, I don't know what the fuck I was eating for the first 45 years of my life. I got to tell you, do do it if you want, don't. This is great. I got tomatoes growing right out in front of my house. Cucumbers and peppers. I'm on my way. I'm gonna have a bunch of fucking veggies growing out there. I know how to ride a motorcycle, right? So I'll just have a bag of veggies always ready to go. That's that's my, uh, that's my game plan. But the thing is, is if anybody on my block knows my game plan, if they listen to this, then all they're going to do is just steal my vegetables,
Starting point is 01:05:12 right? And put some piano wire across the street and that's going to be the end of me. You know, wouldn't that make sense? Oh, here you go. I just got a text message answering a question. I would have this tattooed on my body. Hang on a second. I've been playing a lot of drums lately, everybody. And I've been fucking with that Zeppelin song in my time of dying. And I never know how to count it to count it in for the bottom. You know, when he starts off, when the fucking drums come in, I never, I, I can't fucking do, I knew, I kind of thought it was maybe in four, four. So I got the answer here to all you drummers out here. This is coming from a professional
Starting point is 01:05:53 drummer. It's in four, four. If you mean the big Tom hits, which I do, they are one. What they are one and of one and of two. Get the fuck. So it's one and and is it, I thought was convinced. The guitar riff that opens the song starts off on the and of four. Oh, that's what it is. And one and two and three. Okay. Okay, you motherfuckers. So that's the thing I loved about Zeppelin is they always did that little tricky shit. So that starts on the end of four. Okay. All right. Was that the most boring thing ever to hear me try and figure that shit out? All right. What the hell was I talking about? Oh,
Starting point is 01:06:46 hey, I owe a major fucking apology last week. You know, I have the apologies every week. So last week, I was talking about, I got to get his fucking name here. The guy won Wimbledon. Let me, let me look this here. Wimbledon 2013, something Murray, right? What's his name here? Andy Murray. And I said, Hey, for the first time ever, congratulations, the first time ever, an English guy won the fucking the Wimbledon. Turns out the guy was Scottish. So right there, I gave Andy Murray his props and instead of calling, but then I called him English, which is a classic example of what that is some cold lotion. I want to hear somebody send me some audio of that with the fucking Scottish accent. I apologized to everybody in Scotland.
Starting point is 01:07:36 People in Scotland can't stand English people. You know, actually most people in Ireland can't stand them either. They're not, they're not a very well liked group of people. And you know why people are just hating on them. You know, just hating on them. How fucking successful they are with their kingdom, right? Great Britain, the English empire. They got, you know, something, they're like a franchise that got bought out. You know, like, remember back in the day, there was Kinko's everywhere you went. And oh, wait, blockbuster. They like the blockbuster video of fucking empires. Actually, every empire is after a while, you just get bought out by something else. And I would say that
Starting point is 01:08:20 our empire, the United States, we're like blockbuster in like 2006, you know, you see the writing on the wall. So that's it right there. You can't be a tough as shit. It's coming to an end here, people. Something's going to fucking happen. All right, so you got to get your ass in shape. You got to start growing tomatoes. And you got to learn how to drive, ride, sail, any fucking thing that's out there. I'm a fucking moron. I don't have anything to talk about this week, people. I'm not going to lie to you. I got nothing. Okay, usually I talk about sports. Oh, I know what I can talk about in the wonderful wide world of sports. Did anybody see Nelly going off on Kobe or discussing Kobe? Huh? That's what I finally, I feel vindicated. Somebody else is
Starting point is 01:09:08 seeing it. He's talking about the white Howard, the white Howard leaving, going, maybe he doesn't want to play with Kobe. And you know, it's so funny. Stephen A. Smith is sitting there going, blasphemy, blasphemy. As Nelly has the audacity to criticize Kobe Bryant. That's why I love Stephen A. Smith because that's the funniest thing. And he's saying blasphemy like Nelly is talking about the son of God. That's how blinded Stephen A. Smith is about criticizing Kobe Bryant because of his friendship with that guy and protecting his interview. Stephen A. Smith, I know you can't say it. Come on. Come on, man. You know, you know the deal. Kobe Bryant, in the history of NBA basketball, there's never been another guy who's gotten more help getting five championships
Starting point is 01:10:02 than Kobe Bryant. All right. The same way the Celtics piled on in 2008 and the Miami Heat the last couple of years, Kobe Bryant, every year he's on a team like that. And I'm talking to my buddy, Jason Lawhead, this saying LeBron, the rumor is he's going to opt out. So is Carmelo Anthony, and they're both going to go to LA. How much more fucking help does this guy need? Unbelievable. But like Stephen A. Smith, can you ever address this? If you somehow, somebody sends this to you because I am a huge fan. All right. Explain this to me at the risk of you saying blasphemy. As I say this, how a player like Kobe Bryant can walk off the court twice this year during horrific losses, walk off on his own team. You tell me how that does not
Starting point is 01:10:51 breed resentment in the locker room. All right. And how doing shit like that all year does not end up with your fucking star center saying I'm leaving. All right. And I'm not saying that, you know, Mr. Howard didn't fucking fall short. All right. I just hate saying Dwight. It's Dwight. It's Dwight Howard. Dwight. Spell it D U H white. All right. Um, I don't know. All Dwight Howard has to do is just steal a couple of moves from a king and a couple moves from Kevin McHale. And he's going to be fucking unstoppable. And he had a look on his face like maybe he was going to commit to doing that for at least four days before he was going to have that silly grin. Look how pretty I am and look how big my arms are. I don't give a
Starting point is 01:11:32 shit anymore that he brings to the court every night. Do you realize if you include Stephen A Smith that I just criticized about 40 foot of human being, you understand that that could all kick my ass. I don't know about Stephen A Smith. I think I could take him to the ground, choke him out with his tie. Who knows? Blast for me. Blast for me. But that's going on the YouTube videos of the week. You got to see that. And then I also have a great, I was watching the NHL network this week and NHL network underrated. They just, you know what they did? They just, you know, they just showed every Islanders clinching game during their four year dynasty that they had from 80 to 83. And I got this great clip after they beat, who did they beat?
Starting point is 01:12:19 They beat the North Stars, I think in 1980, when Neistrom had that overtime goal, fucking unbelievable pass too. And one of the Sutter Brothers had just been called up from the minus and they interview him. And it's just like, it's just was the most unsmooth ending to an interview. It's the name of the YouTube videos is good luck. We'll have that up there for you too. And with that, I've babbled enough here. Let me, let me read a little fucking ad here and then we'll get into the questions for the week. Sound good? Well, you don't have a choice because that's how it's going down. All right, do all the shave club everybody. All right. It's why I like dollar shave club because for years I've been complaining about
Starting point is 01:13:01 why do they treat like disposable razor blades like their gold bullions? You know, for some reason it's like 40 bucks for a pack. They got a behind glass. You got to find somebody with the key. You know, the reason why, you know why people steal them is because they're horrifically overpriced. Wouldn't it be nice if someone was doing something about that? Well, I give you dollar shave club. All right. Dollar shave club. It's a cool brand and they send you these quality radio radios, razors right to your door every month. You don't have to think about it. You don't have to wait in line, get someone to unlock them from the cage. Like I was just saying, and pay way too much money for a bunch of features that don't even fit on your old handle. Shaving has become such a mess,
Starting point is 01:13:45 but not with dollar shave club. You know what? I'm part of this now. It saves me time and it saves me money and the razors are great. They're just as good as any of that crap behind the glass, you know, except you don't have to go out and get it. If you want to try it, go to forward slash burr support this show, go to forward slash burr or click on the dollar shave, shave banner on the podcast page at Once a month, they're going to bring you your blades. You don't even have to think about it. You throw out the old ones and you have a nice smooth shave all month. You don't pay too much for it. Give it a shot. All right. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America. Okay, let's get to the questions for
Starting point is 01:14:25 this week. If I could find them. Oh Christ, what did I do now? What did I do? Oh, it's great. I was talking. I wasn't stuttering this week. I've been reading copy. You know, I feel like my copy read has been good this week. All right. Okay. Water a day bill. This is in reference to your podcast and the consumption of water. I fell off working. I fell off working out when I was working out. What? Why do you guys do this to me? I fell off working out, but when I was working out regularly, I easily was drinking a gallon and a half of water a day, sometimes two, two gallons. Someone questioned me on this. So I started to do research and basically that's nowhere close to the limit. Humans can consume, I think 10 liters a day safely. Is that what you
Starting point is 01:15:20 think? Dude, you can die drinking too much water. Like people, please don't go out and drink two gallons straight. All right. He says, thanks for the free comedy. By the way, that's what the reverse of cold lotion. Thanks for the free comedy. By the way, what's the reverse of cold lotion? Like when you get a podcast out late Monday or Tuesday? Yeah, we didn't get the podcast on Monday, but guess what? Tuesday morning, we're going to have one. You guys will just never get beyond the fact that the Monday morning podcast, it's my Monday morning. It's 9 44 AM Monday morning. I'm recording this. Okay. All right. I'm just like you guys. I see it in my world. It's my Monday morning, not yours. Go fuck yourselves. Um, you know what's funny is this guy sitting there
Starting point is 01:16:06 like throwing out stats here and then in the end he goes, humans can consume like, I think 10 liters a day safely. So anybody listening to this, don't drink like I think 10 liters a day. Find out how many you can have in over what amount of what period, you know, look, you can have 30 drinks in a month, but if you drink them right in a row, you know, I don't think that's a good fucking thing. So there's got to be a way to space it out. Right. I don't fucking know. All right. All right. The truth behind Jimmy's. Last week, I was talking about Jimmy's and I heard it was racist. The reason why, you know, so you call them sprinkles or something like up in Boston, the reason why they call them
Starting point is 01:16:50 Jimmy's that was a reference to Jim Crow. They've got a couple of Jimmy's over there. And then a lot of the sprinkles being chocolate in color. It didn't translate it over. And this guy's saying that I am wrong. All right, Bill, love your podcast. And it's great to see you're getting more and more recognition from Massachusetts and heard your comment on the podcast about Jimmy's possibly originating as a racist term. This is a bogus myth in the history of Jimmy's is innocent and actually philanthropic. I can never say that word philanthropist. If I, whenever I see it, I can't say it philanthropic. I don't know. Phil anthropic, Phil anthropic, philanthropic. So please don't get sucked into these urban myths just because you heard it from
Starting point is 01:17:36 some idiot cunt. Seems that I've heard you blast these types in your acts. Anyways, thought you would find this interesting and go fuck yourself. The Jimmy story is below. There is nothing racial about the name Jimmy's. And there are no connection whatsoever with the Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws were anti African laws that many Southern states passed following the civil war. And they had nothing whatsoever to do with Massachusetts. Now wasn't Jim Crow laws was basically separate, but equal. And it was never equal. It was separate, shittier, but called equal. Correct? Is that what it is? Anyways, here's the story. The Brigham family of Boston was in the restaurant business in the early 1900s and 1911 based on a bequest, a bequest,
Starting point is 01:18:20 not a, not a request, a bequest from the patriarch. The Peter Brent Brigham hospital was founded. It later merged with the Boston lying in hospital and is now known as the Brigham women's hospital. Three years later in 1914, a son Edward L Brigham started the ice cream restaurant in Newton called Brigham's. I remember that place. Brigham's was the shit. Uh, it later became a chain of restaurants in 1927. Sydney Farber graduated. Jesus Christ, is it going to be this long? Can I just tap out and say you're right? 1927. Sydney Farber graduated from Harvard medical school and became a pathologist at Peter Bent Brigham hospital. Jesus, this is too fucking long. In 1920, 90 became a resident pathologist at the children's hospital.
Starting point is 01:19:12 Meanwhile, 1930, a candy campaign out of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Dude, can you just get to the fucking point? Bethlehem, Pennsylvania called just born introduced chocolate grains that could be used as a dessert topping. The man who ran the machine that made the grain was Jimmy Bartholomew. So the grains, the grains became known as jimmies. You know, everything was sounded great. You had all these dates and all these long names of hospitals and then he like, there was some guy named Jimmy and he came up with them. Fast forward to 1947. Dr. Farber established the Children's Cancer Foundation, known as the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. The next year, 1948, Dr. Farber established a fund to raise money for children's
Starting point is 01:19:58 cancer. A 12 year old boy named Inaya Gustafson. This is such bullshit at this point. These names are too long. Became the poster boy. He attracted widespread attention after 1948 radio broadcasts for the purpose of keeping the boy's anonymity. It was agreed that the poster boy should have a more all American sounding name. Yeah, because no one would care about an Inaya Gustafson. Inaya Gustafson, once you have your papers, Peter Brent Brigham Hospital, where Dr. Farber first participated, supported the fund. Brigham Restaurants also decided to help raise money for the Institute by offering to put chocolate grains on top of ice cream cones and Sundays for an extra penny. They got the grains from the just born company, which sold them as jimmies.
Starting point is 01:20:48 The penny went into the fund when you got jimmies. The boy's nickname became Jimmy and the fund became known as the Jimmy fund. Jimmy was a big fan of the Boston Braves baseball team. Today they are the Atlanta Braves. Holy shit. Now we got the history of baseball. When the Braves moved from Boston in 1953, the Red Sox took over as the sponsor to the Jimmy fund. That's how the sprinkles became known as jimmies. Well, you know what, sir? Like, if that isn't all true, that is the greatest filler bustering ever. All right, well, fuck it. I'll call him jimmies again, because you said so. Another unknown cunt who has a bunch of dates with hospitals and all of that. And now you know the rest of the story. Jesus fucking Christ was that long.
Starting point is 01:21:33 You know, it's funny. You heard all of it. Now it would be great to see if you could, how much you could actually remember and repeat. Hey, Bill, how did the name jimmies come along? There was a guy who liked ice cream and he knew someone at a hospital. Then a guy named Gustafson got sick and then there was a Jimmy showed up with the ice creams and they were called jimmies. There you go. That's that's that's how it came about. Public service announcement for divorce listeners. Hey, Bill, a couple of weeks ago, you advised divorce guys to go to another city to increase their chances of getting laid by a good 40%. Did I say that? You know, I'm just trying to fill an hour. I don't even remember
Starting point is 01:22:16 saying that. And now that I've read it back, it doesn't even make sense to me. I concur. Oh, okay. I guess it does make sense. Allow me to provide a public service to these guys and save them the trouble of trying to figure out where to go. Get to Amsterdam, gentlemen. I moved here four years ago from Canada and it's been insane. There are a couple of reasons for this. None of which has to do with weed or hookers, though you can go that route if you want reasons. Dutch women, gorgeous with bodies sculpted by a lifetime of dairy products and riding a bike. As a definite bonus, they are bored to death of Dutch guys who have zero game. It's like negative game. They're all 14 year olds, no sense of humor, no manners, no flirting skills, nada.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Wait a minute. The whole country, there's not one guy who's just slaying it. There's always one guy in every grade. There's a handful, but then there's the chosen one that just has that thing. Anyways, whatever. And he goes, as a foreigner, you're way ahead of these stiffs as soon as you step off the plane. Yeah, that's true because you have the accent. You're from somewhere different. Tell me about Winnipeg. And it's not just the Dutch chicks. The city is filled with hot European women either on a weekend bender as a highly impressionable intern because their own country's economy is even in a shittier place or as an ex-patriot sewing their chick oats. It's a freaking gold mine.
Starting point is 01:23:51 You can get here, you can get by here easily on English. Everyone speaks it really well. Throw in a couple of Dutch words, shit that you can learn on the plane and you've up your chances by another 30%. Anyway, there you have it boys. Go fuck yourself. Oh, just go free yourself. Canadian politeness. Yeah, you know, that's something I wish I knew back when I was a single man. Just get your ass to a different country and you're interested. Instantly, you're interested. You have an accent, you know, your clothes are a little different, a different perspective. You know, you've seen that these fucking cunts come over from me and and they're like, oh my God, I love your accent. They're sitting there with their fucking tight
Starting point is 01:24:36 pants. You can see their ankles in their balls all at the same time, you know. All right, for the birds. Hey, Bill, I got these two parakeets. My problem is that these little dudes don't like me. I've tried whistling, petting them. I don't know, you can pet a bird and squirting them with water. Um, do they like water? I'm guessing that that's a good thing. Parakeets like water. I don't know. Why don't we ask the fucking Jimmy's guy to write a fucking nine pages on it? I love how I'm upset with that guy because he actually did the research as opposed to me who were like, oh yeah, I overheard this in a bar. So anyways, this guy's petting his birds. He's fucking getting them with the water hose. He's whistling at them. All the no avail. I know they're only birds, but I
Starting point is 01:25:28 feel they hold a deep resentment towards me. Well, you clip their wings and you stuck them in a cage. How would you feel? Somebody cut your fucking nuts off, came by, started whistling at you and throwing water at you. You know, I got an idea. Why don't you leave him alone? Why don't you open the cage? Right? Why don't you take them to one of those Kardashian doctors and get a little Botox in their fucking wings and let them fly away. Wouldn't that be annoying to you if you were in a cage? Your arms cut off at the fucking elbows and somebody came up and rather than whistling, they started speaking English at you. Speaking English at you. He goes, I think it's because I yelled at them. Oh, here we go. Because I think they resent me because I yelled at them.
Starting point is 01:26:12 What were they doing? I said, no whistling during my shows. Basically, I had to scold them for pooping in their water dish, but I had their best interest in mine. Dude, do you understand how fucking insane you are that you feel like you can talk to a bird? You know, why don't you like not stick the water dish, you know, underwear that was underneath the swing? Or what I would do is I just get a bigger cage. I'd get a bigger fucking cage. I put the water in the center that isn't near any of those trapeze bars and hopefully they won't be at the top of the cage and still shit down on it. Or I would accept the fact that it's a bird in a cage and that it's, you know, basically anything at the bottom of the cage might as well be the city addressed.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Right? I would just take that as part of it. I wouldn't yell at the birds. But anyway, it's this guy. He had to scold them for pooping in their water, but I had their best interest in mine. I heard if they drink contaminated water, it can cause a disease that makes all their feathers fall off. Well, you could also read up on it as opposed to me who just repeats shits that they hear. He goes, I do a lot for those little guys, but putting jackets on nude parakeets isn't one of them. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. They don't even let me pet them, let alone dress them. Dude, you're not a bird guy. You should have got a dog. He goes, when I originally bought them, I imagine I would have one parakeet on each shoulder while hanging out around my house.
Starting point is 01:27:47 But instead, whenever I approached the cage, they freeze in horror. Every time they do that, I can't help but remember my brother's face when he fell through the ice. We had to pull him out. I thought maybe if I bought them more toys, that would somehow help. Dude, birds motivation isn't more toys. Their motivation is you not have an energy like I'm going to fucking twist your head off. Dude, their wings are clipped so they can't escape. You got them stuck in a cage. They're terrified and you yelled at them. I would say more than on one occasion, you yelled at them. You need to fucking relax. Listen to this, would you want to be like your job to be in a cage all day and then some giant comes home and puts you on its
Starting point is 01:28:42 fucking shoulders and your whole job is to enhance the giant's fucking life and have a little bit empathy for the fucking birds. What I would do is I would just have a totally relaxed energy and hope that they forget that you're screamed at them. Treat them nicely. Don't try to pet them. Just don't fuck with them. Every time you come over, they'll gradually be like, oh, this is the guy who feeds us. This guy brings water. This guy's on our side, you know, as opposed to the mixed messages that you send them. Yeah, birds don't give a fuck about toys. Do they? I don't think they do. He said, I bought them a new toy every Friday on my way home from work and there's a ridiculous
Starting point is 01:29:23 amount of toys in the cage and here's the kicker. They haven't played with a single one, not once. Well, dude, do you look at the birds outside? They're not out there. If you leave your toddlers, toys outside, they don't go, oh, good. They left and then they go down and they start playing on its fucking tricycle. He goes, they just stare at me. I took them to the vet, but he spent more time looking at his phone than the birds. Anyways, any advice would be greatly appreciated. I think you should find a bird lover, sir, and give the birds away. And then, I don't know, I think you should get your temper and check. And before you do that, you get your temper and check. And then if you want to get a dog, it seems like you want more
Starting point is 01:30:06 interaction with the pet. Most people get birds because they can have an interaction with an animal, but they don't have to walk it down the street. And there's very a lot less interaction with them. You seem like you want a bird to act like a dog slash a little kid. Like, hey, daddy's home. I bought you a fire engine. Oh boy, look at that. Does the bell work? You know, somehow you want the bird to do that. Yeah, please stop yelling at your birds. Alright, they can't help if they shit in the water. You know, the birds, they're not supposed to be in cages. They fly around and they shit as they fly. They shit when they're on branches. When they have to go, they go. They don't have any stress. They don't have any shame. There's water all over the place.
Starting point is 01:30:56 So now you got them in this fucking cage with little confined area of water. You know, what are they supposed to do? Well, what do I know about the restaurant business? All right, size issues. Oh, Jesus, here we go again. Here we go again. Maybe you need a motorcycle. All right, size issues. Hey, Pasa, Bill and Nardo. Oh, Bill and Nardo, what's up? We all know your disability to read pop properly. Well, you know what, you don't even know how to write a sentence properly. Half of this shit is I get too far in front of myself. And the other half is you guys don't know how to write a fucking sentence. We all know your disability to read properly. Is that even written correctly? Or am I more on again?
Starting point is 01:31:46 We all know you have a disability when it comes to reading properly. Isn't that how it's supposed to be? So I don't fuck. So I'm going to give it my best shot to keep it very short. Look at you coming with the arrogance like you have all light life figured out, right? You got something tattooed on your rib cage. As you may have read the subject title of this email, you may already know where this is heading. Yeah, you seem pretty cocky for a guy with a little dick. He says I recently got into an argument with my girlfriend who I've been with for a little more than two and a half years, where she told me that she wished I had a bigger dick. Oh, man. Yeah, that relationship is over, dude. That relationship is over one of two ways.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Either one, she's just trying to be so fucking mean to you that you break up with her because she doesn't want to be the bad guy, or she's just such a fucking self-involved human being that she doesn't realize like how mean that is. That'd be like you said, yeah, I like you. I wish your tits were bigger. That would just be the meanest fucking thing. Why would you say that to somebody that you cared about? That's a horrible thing to say, sir. You know what? You started off as an arrogant cunt. Now I'm feeling bad for you. Dude, that's not the mother of your kids. Just take the dick out of the equation. What if she just said your nose is too big? That's just fucking, that's just something a terrible person says. She goes, I was shocked to hear this and
Starting point is 01:33:20 didn't know what to say. There's nothing to say. There's nothing you can do about it. This is the first time she ever mentioned my penis size. Also the first time in my life, by the way, I guess anybody's ever brought it up. To be honest, I don't know that I'm not well endowed with my 5.5 inch rocket. You're a little below average, sir. I'm not going to lie to you. Now I'm being me. You can grab the rim, but you can't stuff it home if you know what I mean. And I did have insecurities about it in the past, but learned to accept it and moved on. I never heard any of my former bed partner girls complain, and the sex was usually great. I know that it may sound ridiculous, but those few words were heartbreaking to hear
Starting point is 01:34:05 and put a big giant stain on my confidence. Yeah, it's a terrible thing that she said. I haven't felt like having sex ever since, and she made, oh, ever since she made that remark, and I am afraid it's going to be a while. I haven't spoken to her since the argument, since I work a lot. We don't live together. I know it's a super thing to be upset about. No, it isn't, sir. You're 100% in the right, 100% in the right. And he goes, and I usually don't really care about penis sizes, but hearing that you're small from your own girlfriend is a whole other story. I'm tickling typically not that guy that gets back at her by pointing out her physical flaws, but I don't know where to go from here. It's even been difficult texting with her. What
Starting point is 01:34:49 do I do, Bill? Got any advice? Okay, you said you don't know where to go from here. I can tell you exactly where to go. Right out her front fucking door. That's it. It's a wrap, sir. It's a wrap. Okay. Now, listen, I'm not saying that she's wrong for wanting a bigger dick. Okay. Like she needs more to satisfy her or whatever, or she just wants to go out and bang some fucking big dick dude at this point. All right. You know, but her tact is wrong. Okay. You had accepted yourself, which is one of the greatest things you can do that leads towards being happy every day, which leads you to treating the people around you respectfully, which leads them to treating you respectfully, which leads to more happiness. She fucked with the core of your happiness.
Starting point is 01:35:42 You know, you felt good about yourself. She pointed out something and made you feel horrible about yourself. It's one of the worst fucking things she could have done as far as mentally to you. And right now, the last thing you want to do is go out and say the same thing to her. All right. If you really want to do just paraphrase what the fuck I just said. It just, just, I don't know. And I would just leave it at that. And the childish thing to do, this is what you really want to get it back. Just saying the childish thing for me to do would point out some, some of your physical flaws. And the great thing is, is you leave it ambiguous. Okay. And I guarantee you, she's going to be in a bathroom mirror staring at herself. If you want
Starting point is 01:36:29 to get mean. Okay. But you know what this, but I got to tell you something, what's even better, you got to have this, what's known as the self esteem breakup. Okay. Which you're totally in the right here. And you just say, listen, all right, what you said to me, I felt, I used to feel good about myself. And what you said to me mess with the core of my own, my own happiness and how I feel about myself. And that's not what I'm looking for in a girlfriend or a potential wife. And I just can't see you ever being a good mother. If you would say something like that, just something along those lines. I don't know. I keep going mean don't go mean whatever the fuck I just said. I was just trying to paraphrase what the fuck I said. But
Starting point is 01:37:22 dude, this, this is, you should feel good about yourself. All right. You know, you're not a porn star, but you're also, you know, you're not like, you're not what she's making you out to be here. All right. That's it. You still, you're still in the game, sir. Okay. You're not part of the starting five. Hey, neither am I, you know, but you and I, we come off that bench. Okay. We're the kind of guys, we're the guys that go in the corners, right? Yeah, man, that's dead. You're, you're 100% advice. My advice would be that this girl is, is not anywhere near the level of maturity she needs to be in and might never even get to that level. The only redeeming thing that I can say to her is she has such a difficult time doing what she wants to do in life that maybe she wanted to
Starting point is 01:38:13 break up with you for a while and she didn't know how to do it and was building up and then there was just an argument and then she just said that or, um, I don't know, have you said anything to her? I have no idea. Um, oh, it's funny. He says, uh, thanks for the weekly podcast. You have no idea what it means to me. See you in Amsterdam. Well, from what this other guy was writing, sir, there's a bunch of, uh, beautiful ladies out there in Amsterdam. Um, yeah, dude, the fuck. We're all riding bikes. They're in great goddamn shape. Go on. Go get, go, go find yourself a sweetheart. All right. All right. There you go. Okay. Bulgaria. Bulgaria, everybody. Hey, Billy red face. Um, oh, wait a second. I got to read the
Starting point is 01:39:01 last advertising here. I'm sorry guys. You got a couple here. We got a couple, two or three here. Um, oh, I got to do the last chunk here. Last chunk. All right. Where am I going? Legal zoom, everybody. Most Americans don't have a will, but why you guys all have stuff, right? You don't want somebody you don't like getting your stuff, do you? Legal, everybody. You don't want the government rules dictating what happens to your property and minor children. You don't. So why procrastinate? Most people say too expensive, too time consuming. I don't want to deal with it, man. My answer is legal too expensive. You're going to love legal zooms, reasonable prices, too time consuming. Most people finish the online process in just 20 minutes
Starting point is 01:39:46 and we're not talking some fill in the blank forms. Uh, your will is state specific and personalized based on your information. Best of all, legal zoom has 12 years of experience helping people with important legal matters. Um, it's national make your will month people. Uh, so don't wait any longer. Go to legal and get 15% off your last will. But this offer ends soon or get a living trust and we'll receive a, uh, poor over will absolutely free. Uh, to get your special discount, be sure to enter burr in the referral box at checkout for wills, powers of attorneys, trusts and more. Go to legal Legal zoom can provide self-help services at your specific direction or connect you with an attorney, but they are not a legal firm.
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Starting point is 01:41:59 Hulu plus is a great way to binge watch your favorite shows. I'm going to use hulu plus to catch up on the old family guy episodes I've missed when I was on the road or rockford files or whatever the hell else I want to watch or maybe all the Lord of the Rings wouldn't that be phenomenal didn't see an episode of new girl. That's on hulu plus two. And if I ever decide to watch lost hulu plus is the place for that. If I ever want to watch 90 hours of lost, I can do it on hulu plus. You get the point. It's only seven 99 a month. Everybody seven 99 for all the shows and movies you can watch. Catch up on current shows, been John old and favorite new shows. It's great. You can do it all on hulu plus right now. You can try hulu plus for a couple of weeks
Starting point is 01:42:38 for free on me. When you go to the podcast page of bill, click on the hulu plus banner or go to hulu slash burr. Okay, there you go everybody. And that right there is all the advertising for this week. All right, where am I going here? Back to the question. Bulgaria everybody. Hey, Billy red face. I heard you ask about Bulgaria in Eastern Europe. I've traveled around Europe over the last five years in Bulgaria is very nice. Plus they love Americans. Serbia is pretty nice too. They don't love Americans like the bulks, but it's still safe. Even though we bomb them in the nineties, they even have a pretty good sense of humor about it. And if they know you're American, you're American, perfect strangers will walk.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Oh, if they know you're American, there should be a common comma there. Perfect strangers will walk to you and ask and ask the question. Why did you bomb us? And even they settle celebrate a battle they lost to us. Well, if they came up to me and said, why did you bomb us? I would be like, I wasn't even aware we did that. What happened? That would make it even worse. They even celebrate a battle they lost to us. Serbia has been very commercialized over the last 10 years. And there was a strict code of masculinity amongst the men, kind of like Americans. I don't even know what that means. Plus the exchange rate is great all over the former Yugoslavia. And instead of booking a hotel, you can rent a very nice apartment for a month,
Starting point is 01:44:12 and it would actually be cheaper and nicer than a hotel because there's no first or last, or at least as long as you have cash and a place to crash. Stay away from Romania. The only good thing I heard about that country is the country which is beautiful in the summer. The rest of the year, it looks like Appalachia. I don't even know what that means. I don't know what that is. Appalachia? Yeah, I always feel like if I'm going to get kidnapped in Europe, I always feel like it's going to be an Eastern Europe. I would think of that. And you never hear anything about Bulgaria. What the fuck did we do? I need to know this. We're going to be dropping bombs on people in a bad way. We bombed Serbia? Was that when the Croatia, the Serbians,
Starting point is 01:45:02 Bosnia, Herzegovina, they were all fucking battling with each other? That's when Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia became independent of Russia. And now they didn't have a common enemy in the Russians because they had pulled out after like 1990, and then they instantly picked up on these wars that had been gone for like 90 years. Isn't that what happened? Ah, Jesus. America bombs Serbia. NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. All right. Reason why I hate USA, America bombing of Serbia. That's a video. Oh, Bill Clinton. Oh, yeah, I remember that. Oh, didn't he bomb them because he fucking was figuring in that fucking refrigerated faced fucking mess of a woman. You make me feel like a younger man. Can I stick this cigar in your pussy? The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was
Starting point is 01:46:03 NATO's military operation against the federal public of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo war. The strikes lasted from March 24, 1999 to June 10, my birthday, 1999. The official NATO operation well code was Operation Allied Force yada, yada, yada goals. NATO's objective in the Kosovo conflict was stated in the North Atlantic Countings means but yeah, and I imagine they said it was something about freedom, but it was really about some sort of natural resource or power strategy. What the fuck is it? Come on, let's get to the what was her name? Margo Adams? What was the name of that poor, that unfortunate woman? You know, naval, civilian. You don't want to look up Bill Clinton bombs, Yugoslavia.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Wait, Margo Adams was the fucking chick that what's his face banged from the Red Sox? What the hell was his name there? He's always Wade Boggs, Bill Clinton, bombs, Yugoslavia. What the hell was her name? It wasn't Margo. It began with an M. What the fuck was the name of that boy? He stuck that cigar in a thing. I can't remember a fucking name. I'm just going to stick cigar Bill Clinton bombs, Yugoslavia cigar. Let's see if that comes up. Bill Clinton. What really happened? He was bombing, killed 224 people. Why Clinton bombed the Serbs? All right, here we go.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Oh, that's just, that's just too long. You know what? I don't know why he did it, but Clinton did it. He did it in 1999. I'll just look at the ground. Yeah, sorry about that. Sorry, we, uh, sorry we bombed you. Ah, Jesus Christ. All right. Well, that's the podcast for this week, everybody. I know it was kind of all over the place. Um, as is my life. Uh, this is the wrap-ups for the show here. Now that the show's over, don't forget to support all the sponsors or just one of them. Anything you can support. Okay. We got, you know, you can get your, uh, well done at Legal Zoom. You get your voice, uh, E voice things. E voice, uh, gives you a toll free number so you can take business calls from anywhere. Sound of the office. You remember it. I've already talked
Starting point is 01:48:44 about this stuff. Uh, now it shows over. You got Hulu plus. You can binge on all those shows. You don't like them. You can check out Tevo, right? Give you two options. You know, you don't want to buy shave, go to the dollar shave clubs. You don't want to buy the blades. I hate these fucking wrap-ups. You guys heard all of this shit before. That's it. I'm not doing the wrap-ups. Go fuck yourself. Um, all right. That's the podcast for this week. Okay. Coming up this week. Why am I shouting? I am going to be Friday night. I'm going to be in Boise, Idaho, Saturday night, Saturday night, Bozeman, Montana. If both those shows are not sold out, they're damn close. Uh, that's, this is the beginning of the red state tour and, uh, then right after that,
Starting point is 01:49:28 then I have to do my acting gig and I never tell you guys much about the acting gigs because, uh, so many guys I know get into movies or whatever and then they tell people they're in them and then they get cut out or whatever. So I wait till it's in theaters when it's in theaters and I'm actually in it, then I tell you I'm in the movie. That seems to be the best way to go about it. But I know there's a lot of you people out there where you were going, Hey, you know, you're supposed to be coming to my fucking flyover state and now you're not. What's the deal? Well, um, the shows have not been canceled. They have been rescheduled. Okay. So the first two stay the same. Uh, Boise State, July 26th and the Emerson Center for the, uh, for the arts theater in Bozeman, Montana is
Starting point is 01:50:13 July 27th. Those are still the same. El Paso has been moved. Um, I got to change that data, my website, but right now, uh, Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, the new date is September the fourth, September the fifth is the first day of NFL football, but I'm going to try to go to that because I'm going to be out there in Colorado, September 6th, Pike's Peak Center, Colorado Springs. And then, okay. El Paso has been moved to September 12th. Okay. We keep going. We keep going. And then, um, in November, I don't have the dates up here on my site yet in November. Those are going to be the, uh, Deadwood, uh, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Wichita, Kansas dates will be in November. And, uh, for those of you asking about my, um,
Starting point is 01:51:07 European tour, these dates are already on sale, December 5th in Amsterdam, December 7th in London, December 9th in Dublin, December 11th, Copenhagen, Denmark, December 12th, Oslo, Norway, uh, December 13th, I'm in Stockholm, Sweden, and rumor has it, this is confirmed. I'm going to be in Iceland. That's going to be the last one. I'm going to be in Rick, Reykjavik or Reykjavik, however the fuck you say it. And, uh, oh shit. I just thought of something else. What was I going to say? You know what? I just totally spaced. I don't fucking know. Anyways, I'm going to be over there and other dates coming up are Helsinki. I'm also going to be in Glasgow, Scotland. And, uh, I think that's it. That'll be it. Those are all the countries I'm hitting. Iceland, Ireland,
Starting point is 01:52:05 Scotland, England, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Copenhagen, and the Netherlands. So there you have it. All right. With any luck, I'm going to go to Italy right before I do my tour. I'm going to sit there. Anybody has any advice? Anybody listen to this podcast over in Italy? Where should I go? What should I do? I got like three days. I've never been there. Should I go to Rome first? Should I see the Coliseum? And if I'm there, where should I eat? Because I know everybody out there is going to be like, we got the best thing with the bubble. And they don't. I want you to tell me where it's at. All right. That's it. That's the podcast for this week. Go fuck yourselves. And, uh, and that's it. I'll talk to you next week. All right.
Starting point is 01:54:03 You

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