Monday Morning Podcast - Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 8-17-17

Episode Date: August 18, 2017

Bill rambles about the A-Star, the news and your happy neighbor....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 warm things up this spring with a trip to Cirrillas where romance finds fantasy. While flowers are blooming outside, bring them inside with a hugely popular rose toy from NS Noveltees. Described as small but mighty, the rose is 25% off this month at Cirrillas, along with all NS Noveltees.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Afterwards slip into something as sexy as you're feeling with a huge selection of lingerie in petite to plus size. Shop Cirrillas in Indianapolis with six area locations and in Anderson. Or shop online anytime at Hey, what's going on? It's Bill Byrne.
Starting point is 00:00:35 It's time for the Monday morning podcast for Monday. Sorry for Thursday. No, it isn't. It's not the Monday. It's a Thursday afternoon just before Friday, Monday morning podcast and just checking it on you. I'm just checking in on you. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:00:53 What are you? What are you done today? Did you watch the news? Did you fill your head up with all the fucking craziness on the news? Isn't it great watching the news? Oh, yeah. Hey, I'm waking up.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I'm feeling good. You know what? Let's turn on the news. Why would you put on the fucking news? What are you going to see? Are you going to see an accurate portrayal of what's going on? Stick your head out the fucking window.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Look at your neighbor. Hey, buddy. How you doing? Look at him. He's coming out to his car with his little brown sack with his fucking lunch in it. Huh? Is he saluting Hitler?
Starting point is 00:01:33 You know? Is he got a bomb strapped around his waist? Is he got a mosquito on his head that's biting him and so he has babies with little heads? Jesus fucking Christ. The goddamn hysteria. The hysteria that these news organizations, social media, and all of this shit has created,
Starting point is 00:01:53 you just need, I'm fucking walking away, man. I'm walking away. I'm done. I don't need to know what's going on. I don't need to be informed, okay? Because walking around in a constant state of fucking hysteria is, I don't think that that is being informed
Starting point is 00:02:11 when my reality, my day to day, is I get in a car, I drive to a building, and I write dialogue for cartoon characters. Occasionally, I get to play drums. I do stand up, I hang out with my wife, and is that my daughter in there? Right, I hang out with my daughter, and that's it. But I put on the news, and I will literally think
Starting point is 00:02:39 that there's a glacier melting right above me that's gonna drown me. Polar bears are gonna swim in and eat me with fucking bomb strapped around their fucking waist. Everybody fucking relax, fucking relax. And all these people fucking going on there, and they're just so and so, got on TV and told Trump supporters,
Starting point is 00:03:02 I love these people that like, you know, on these fucking news channels, they go on and they fucking, you know, give the other side a piece of their mind as if the other side even sees it. They're too busy like watching their own shit. And even if they see your shit, you're not gonna sway them. I had equated to all those years I lived in New York City as a Boston Red Sox fan.
Starting point is 00:03:24 During that time, I didn't have money for the baseball package, so I used to watch the Yes Network. I always watched Yankee home games, always. Home and away, whatever. I rooted against them the entire time I watched them. I watched more Yankee games from 1999 to 2007 than I watched Red Sox games. So in theory, I should have become a Yankee fan,
Starting point is 00:03:48 but I did not. Because I was a staunch red freckled faced Red Sox fan, and that's it. So all these people going on TV, talking about these fucking people, now these fucking jerkoffs are gonna go up to Boston, right? You know, 18 fucking jerkoffs. You know, I know it's more than that,
Starting point is 00:04:10 but everybody, oh my God, the Nazis taking over, and then they're gonna show the fucking footage of Boston and busing and all of that shit from way back in the fucking day. Is this a perfect storm of racism? Is Hitler really dead when we return? His body was never found. According to reports, there was an angry looking jerkoff
Starting point is 00:04:37 riding around in a Mercedes Benz spotted just last year. Down in South America. I'm down with all of them. It's absolute fucking hysteria out there. These people are losing their fucking minds. Losing their minds, screaming and yelling at each other. Nobody's listening to anybody. Everybody's acting like the fucking sky is falling.
Starting point is 00:05:08 One fat fuck shoots off a fucking missile and everybody loses their shit. One missile. We do that every fucking day. We're worried about this guy? One fucking fat guy with... I just don't understand the level of fucking freak out that's going on, you know? It's fine.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yankees are playing the Red Sox this weekend. College football's coming up, NFL football, baseball playoffs are coming. It's all going to be fine. All right? I got to tell you, there's always been Nazi supporters and they've kind of always had rallies, but it's not like they're growing.
Starting point is 00:06:01 You know what I mean? Are they? I mean, I... I got to be honest with you, you don't get any whiter than me and I've never gotten a flyer. No one's ever asked me to join. I don't walk down the street, hey, hey. You know, guten tag. Look, I'm not saying these aren't important issues,
Starting point is 00:06:24 but I'm just saying the level that people are fucking freaking out. All right? Just need to fucking relax. Just fucking relax, man. Okay? You can vote against whoever you want to vote against very soon, right?
Starting point is 00:06:42 Isn't it like midterm elections and then there's this other shit? You know what's going to happen? You know what's going to happen, okay? This fucking country goes, we're going way over here. We're going to go fucking back over here. So anyways, whatever. How you doing? How was your Thursday afternoon, huh? Got good people in your life? Did you have a sandwich today?
Starting point is 00:07:04 Ah, wasn't that delicious? Was there a terrorist in your sandwich? Was there a little Nazi flag on the fucking toothpick that they stuck in your fucking club sandwich there? I'm going to say there wasn't. I'm going to go out on a limb and I'm going to say there wasn't. I'm actually doing the Trump hand thing right now. Will you put your index finger on your thumb?
Starting point is 00:07:26 I like it. The other three fingers stick up. You know what's great about it? When you point home. I'm going to start doing that with my wife, okay? I'll tell you right now. There's going to be cold beer in the fridge. You know what the biggest crisis in my life is right now is I cannot fucking... I cannot sustain a workout or eating well
Starting point is 00:07:50 for any significant amount of times to prevent me from staying at the fucking weight or gaining weight. I just can't do it. This fucking writer's room, you're just sitting in there with all these people you love watching them slowly die. That's what it is because no matter how few calories you eat, you're sitting on your fucking ass for eight to ten hours a day and you just can't... you can't fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I'm so fucking pissed at myself right now. I'm going to have to start doing two a days. I'm going to work out in the morning and I'm just going to have to like... I don't know what to do. I went out last night and I did a... I did a show down at Largo and I stopped eating it like, you know, I don't know when the fuck... I didn't want to have it like five o'clock.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I don't even remember what I had for dinner. Five-thirty or something like that. Oh, then I got down to the club and I was hungry and I went to this vegetarian restaurant. Those fucking things. Oh, I didn't eat meat. Yeah, but what did you eat? What was in that fucking sauce, you know? It's going right to your fucking ass, right?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Your stomach. And then... You know, I had one whiskey. That was it and then I came home and I'm fucking starving. My wife had a little bit of Thai food and I had that and I'm just... I'm fucked. I'm killing myself.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I don't know what happened to my discipline. I don't know. I'm just under a lot of fucking stress right now. I guess that's why I'm having this reaction to the fucking news and everybody's watching it and then they're coming in and they're like, can you fucking believe this? Can you fucking believe this? It's just like, all right.
Starting point is 00:09:28 You know what would be great in the news if they showed the amount of fucking people last week who didn't get in a car and plowed down a bunch of fucking people like a complete piece of shit? That would be the rest of us. And then this one fucking asshole does it and then everybody starts thinking, is this what the world's going to be like now?
Starting point is 00:09:44 Is this going to happen? How awful a fucking parent did that person have? Jesus Christ, you know, I think when your kid starts putting like the Hitler poster on the wall, it's time to be a little more involved. Maybe sign him up for volleyball or something. Try to get him out there, you know? I don't know what you do with that.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Is there a hotline for that? 1-800, my son's into Hitler. 1-800, I keep finding two holes poked in the pillowcases. You know what I mean? There's unconditional love and then there's Hitler, right? Who's kidding who? And then it's kind of like, all right, you know what? I think it's time to ship you off to the loony bin
Starting point is 00:10:26 and let's make a new kid. It's time to make a new kid. Son, you know what? You're like an old star. It's time to go. You're like Brett Favre when he got shipped to the fucking jets. It's over for you. It's over, okay?
Starting point is 00:10:42 You can't make the pass across the field anymore. You know what I mean? You've lost your vision and you got posted to Hitler. It's over. We're trading you to the New York Jets and we're bringing in the news. We're having a fucking... That's what I would do.
Starting point is 00:10:58 If my big kid became a racist, I would fucking turn my kid in and then I would just make a new kid. That's it. Go back to the draft. You know what I mean? Or maybe adopt, basically sign a free agent. You really have to have a strict no-Hitler fucking policy in your house.
Starting point is 00:11:18 You just have to have it. Anyways, I saw this thing where people were going on to... white people going on and were not pleased with some of the results. Yeah. I mean, that's going to happen, right? It's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:11:36 You're going to find a couple of surprises in there that's going to fuck with your manifesto. You know? I would love if you could fucking... What the fuck did they do with Hitler anyways? I mean, even if he lived, he's got to be dead by now, right? When was that guy born? 1890? Something? He's so evil.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Maybe he's still alive. Just the hate is keeping him going. You know? Just picture him with like a fucking SS walker screaming with every step trying to get to the fucking toilet. You know? To take a master race shit.
Starting point is 00:12:10 LAUGHTER If they only just encouraged this painting. If that had only happened, then you wouldn't have all this craziness. Well, they'd find something else. Anyways, Red Sox. Up, down, up, down, up, down against this week. And Yankees,
Starting point is 00:12:30 I think they won last night against the Mets. So Red Sox, Yankees play this weekend, right? Everybody's going to have a good time. Enjoy the game. I take me out to the ballgate. Take me out to the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks. You know?
Starting point is 00:12:48 Scan your fingerprints at fucking Tiger Stadium because you are a fucking dope. So anyways, I'm going to start doing two-day workouts. That's what I got to do, and I just have to I have to fucking commit. I'm trying to figure out this new life that I have
Starting point is 00:13:06 in this fucking writer's room, because it takes up so much of my time that I have a very finite amount of time to fucking work out and still actually keep my stand-up act going and all this shit. And I think it's causing me stress.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And maybe that's the fucking problem. Maybe I'm just old. I don't know. I got to fight it, dude. I can't have the fucking dad, bud. You know? You're just like, just thick. Stupid skinny arms coming out the side. That Mr. Potato had fucking body.
Starting point is 00:13:38 You know? I can't fucking do it. I guess also because I blew out my shoulder, which is finally the thing is better now. I'm going really slow. I had the rotator cuff shit going on, right? So I'm now, this morning, I actually, for the first time in like a year,
Starting point is 00:13:58 I had the fucking Bob Bell and I was benching. I had five pounds on each side. That's how long and slow this process is. And I felt like a just a little something and I was going to do three sets and I said, I immediately stopped,
Starting point is 00:14:14 which is what you have to do with an injury. You have to immediately go, you know what? Fuck this. I'm not doing this anymore. So anyways, let's Google some news. Google cancels domain registration for Daily Stormer.
Starting point is 00:14:30 All right, let's see what we got here. Google has canceled. Oh, this is going to be more hate group shit. Justin Bieber may have an unknown 17 year old famous with a single picture. Really? A reporter calls out Huckabee's claim that countless FBI employees were.
Starting point is 00:14:52 That's like reporting now. Your headline is really three death foods you should avoid. But death foods. Okay. All right, let's just read this one. Let's see what you see. We're canceling Daily Stormer's registration
Starting point is 00:15:08 with Google domains for violating our terms of service. This post person told business insider. Well, where the fuck was this a while ago? You read Google's registration agreement. You can read it here. Okay, Google didn't want its service used to incite violence, a source close
Starting point is 00:15:24 to Google told business insider about this. I don't know. I hate to do the cliche, but when you those fucking white supremacist groups they're just the dumbest fucking people. Look at this fucking guy. It's like if they went
Starting point is 00:15:44 if they made a movie about white supremacist this guy went to the casting. I don't know. I don't get people who go down and protest the fucking these hate groups. Just let them go down there and scream and yell to nobody.
Starting point is 00:16:03 You know what I mean? Why do you go down there? And then what do you do? You start tearing their signs down as if they're going to be like, oh, they tore our sign down. Now I see their fucking now I see their side of it. All you're doing is reinforcing
Starting point is 00:16:19 in their head that you guys are fucking assholes. You should go down there. You should bake them a little pumpkin pie, a little apple pie and just give them some food and just be nice to them. That's what we should do to that fucking guy that fatty over there in North Korea.
Starting point is 00:16:35 You know? If I was Trump I'd go over there and smoke a cigar with them. Talk about grabbing pussies, whatever the fuck he wanted to do, you know? Instead of you, yo, fucking do that, we're going to do this. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Oh, god. I have to get out of this vortex here. I just fucking Google news. Boston to hate groups, you're not welcome here. You're not welcome here. We got plenty of haters already here in Boston. You know, it'd be funny if other
Starting point is 00:17:12 racists in Boston were upset about the races coming here. They're going to take our hate. They're going to take our jobs, man. Dude, we can't have a bunch of other people coming up here dropping the fucking N word. What are we going to do then?
Starting point is 00:17:32 You're not wanted here, dude. We're not hiring. We got fucking plenty of them. Anyways, what else? What else? I got nothing going on, dude. I'm just sitting in a fucking writer's room with no knowledge and somehow putting on weight,
Starting point is 00:17:48 because at the end of the day, I fuck it up. But last night I was at Lago. I got one more show down there tonight. I worked with Joe Bartnick and Todd Rex, two absolute fucking beasts, and they killed it last night. We're going to be down there again tonight
Starting point is 00:18:04 for a great cause, a friend of mine, Pete Cummins, unfortunately passed away last year. One of the great comics that I met on the way up and just a great guy, so we're raising money for his kids, so I want to thank everybody that came down there last night
Starting point is 00:18:20 and tonight raising funds, doing something positive, not being an ISIS, not being in a hate group, right? Something positive. Honey, when I told you I wanted you to be more social, I should have been more specific.
Starting point is 00:18:44 That's a mom pulling up to like a clan rally, yelling at her son. Timmy, I wish you wouldn't do that. I really wish you wouldn't. Could you just stop it? I mean, anyways, I just can't get out of the vortex of that.
Starting point is 00:19:04 So anyways, all Freckles is trying to invest his fucking money because the government's taken all of it and I'm sitting here trying to buy the smallest of small little properties here. So someday when I'm in my fucking 70s and 80s and I don't feel like going out on the road unless I want to,
Starting point is 00:19:20 I don't have to. You know what I mean? I don't want to fuck, you know what I mean? Because what goes up comes back down again and if I start the gentle slide back down to doing the fucking comedy vault at Remington's in Boston when I'm in my 80s,
Starting point is 00:19:36 which unfortunately that room finally passed away like a year or two ago, about a year and a half ago. The comedy vault legendary room started in 1993. Dick Doherty host Spike Tobin. I was on one of the first nights there.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I put together my first five minutes right down there, right next to the fucking bank vault. Why am I thinking of that shit? Because right now I'm trying to get a loan, all right? And I have, I should have perfect fucking credit, but I don't
Starting point is 00:20:08 because I pay off my credit cards every fucking month. So, and they don't like that. I paid off my loans early. They don't like that. That dings your credit. They look at that like a loss. Like, hey, we were going to make five grand off this loan. You paid it off twice as fast. We only made 2,500 bucks.
Starting point is 00:20:24 We lost 2,500 bucks in this guy. So I've given these guys every fucking goddamn piece of information they need. I have the credit. I have the fucking money. It's a fucking joke. And then today they come at me. They want two years of my fucking cell phone bill.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Now I got to dig through all of my shit to try and find that. And I just want to say to them, can you just tell me why you need all this? Oh, these are the new regulations. Yes, yes. And why? Why are these new regu- why do these New York regulations exist?
Starting point is 00:20:56 Well, I mean, that's just something to know. They exist because you guys were responsible with your own country men's money 10 fucking years ago and you fucking nuked the economy. I didn't do it. I'm a responsible fucking guy. I live within my means.
Starting point is 00:21:14 My checkbook is balanced. And now I have to jump through all these extra hoops. Why? Because you guys are greasy, greedy fucking pieces of shit that gave every fucking mouth-breathing dope, $500 fucking thousand dollars came walking through your bank doors
Starting point is 00:21:30 for a good seven, eight years in the last decade. And I got to sit here digging through shoeboxes of fucking phone bills. You know? Because you're on double secret probation because you're a fuck-up. I love how they're a fuck-up. All of a sudden, it reverts back to me.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Like, now I have to pay for this since. Well, actually, Bill, the fact that they're holding their feet to the fire like this, you know, that's a good thing for you and your money because your money's tied into the system. I realize that. I just wish that when you say, well, they don't do this. They don't hide behind regulations.
Starting point is 00:22:06 They should say, well, because we got so greedy 10 years ago, the culmination of our greed ended up with the fucking the cooking of the fucking economy. And old people thought they could retire then had to continue working right into their fucking grave. That's what the fuck we did
Starting point is 00:22:24 with your money. Hence, we need to see the last fucking two years of your goddamn phone bill. Oh, you're taking callers. All right. Let me read a couple of advertisements here. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Indochino Indochino Indochino. Indochino. Talk about how every man looks better in a suit. I'll tell you, you know what I mean? When I look at Paul Verzi, I'm like, this guy's a fucking animal. You let you put him in a suit. I'm like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I want to hear what that man has to say. He looks a lot better. He looks a lot better. Look at him in that three-piece suit and those Jordan threes. Dude, the Jordan threes with the three-piece suit, dude. Indochino is making it easy to get
Starting point is 00:23:40 perfectly tailored, a perfectly tailored suit at an incredible price. You can choose from hundreds of top quality fabrics and personalize your suit just the way you want it, whether it's for work, a wedding, or another special occasion. Indochino has suited up
Starting point is 00:23:56 hundreds of thousands of men and are now the largest made to measure men's wear brand in the world. Here's how it works. You drop your fucking drawers and a little fella comes in and he measures from your ball bag down to your ankle.
Starting point is 00:24:12 No, sorry. Visit a showroom or shop online at Pick your fabric. What do you want next to your bulls? Choose your customizations from lapels to pleats to jacket linings and more.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Submit your measurements. Place your order and wait for a robot of your exact dimensions to arrive handing you a suit in just a few weeks. This week, my listeners can get any premium. Hey, do you think with the robots take over, there's going to be like terrorist robot groups?
Starting point is 00:24:44 Or like racist ones, hating on the other ones, the older versions. This week, my listeners can get any premium Indochino suit for just $379 at when entering Burr. B-U-R-R at checkout. That's
Starting point is 00:25:00 50% off the regular price for a made-to-measure premium suit, plus shipping is free. Oh yeah, you guys are going to look like the mooch. You're going to look like scary mooch. The promo code Burr for any premium suit for $379
Starting point is 00:25:16 and free shipping. Incredible deal for a suit that will fit you better than anything off the rack ever could. Oh, look who it is. Me undies. Me undies. Your son's into fucking Hitler. Me undies. Me undies.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Put his pants on and watch him take his shitler. He's got a fucking Adolf Stash. What do you need? Nothing rhymes. I'm fucking sorry. Fuck, I went with Hitler and mustache. Stash. He's got a Hitler fucking Stash.
Starting point is 00:25:50 You're a dope. You're fucking white trash. No one cares. You're not supreme. You're just a bunch of fucking losers getting sunburns. Everyone should just ignore them. I love that whole feeling that if you ignore them, that that's just exactly what
Starting point is 00:26:06 they did when they were in fucking dirt. Now, this is different. This is different, okay? You don't have a these are that. This is different, right? Isn't it different? It's completely different.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's a different scenario. This country is on top. Germany wasn't. You know what I mean? If this country spiraled down in the rankings, you know, like what happened to the Michigan Wolverines over the last 20 years where
Starting point is 00:26:38 they were this powerhouse fucking program and then they just dropped out of sight flatline for 15 years. That's when they can take hold. But everybody, yeah, everybody's got their fucking everybody's walking around with crocs, right? They got their jeggings on.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Everybody's got a flat screen TV. Everybody's putting on weight like me. It's a fucking great country. So they nobody hears them. I don't think I'm just going to shut up me on these. Okay, you want to look good in your underwear and be comfortable, right? But that perfect balance
Starting point is 00:27:10 is hard to find. If you're fucking mushroomed fat fuck like me, talk about why me undies is the best underwear you will ever own. Feel free to improvise. Listen, just if you fucking want your balls to feel nice and soft, okay?
Starting point is 00:27:30 If you want to treat your balls right, basically the weak point in the Death Star that is the male body, which is the balls, okay? Because I don't give a shit how many fucking weights you lift? How many fucking kung fu classes you take? If you look in the other way
Starting point is 00:27:46 and a fucking, I don't care, a little bunny rabbit is hopping by and its head comes up and hits you in your ball bag. You're going down. You're tapping out. The fight's over. And you got a little bunny sitting on top of you. And he's the new UFC fighting out of the blue corner.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Me undies will be the most comfortable pair of underwear you'll ever own made from a sustainably sourced natural soft fabric that is three times softer than cotton. Ultimate feel good undies for when you want to feel naked not be naked.
Starting point is 00:28:18 What? For when you want to feel naked, not be naked. What? That doesn't make any sense. Ultimate feel good undies for when you want to feel naked. Not be naked. Oh, okay. Sorry. For fellas Hi!
Starting point is 00:28:34 Me undies, diamond scene pouches your jewels and gives you stuff to support it needs without feeling too tight. Plus it gives it a nice little outline. If you flash a light on it, you like ladies. Here's my junk. You know, if you swing the other ways, fellas
Starting point is 00:28:50 like a rhinestone ball bag boo boo boo Right now, me undies has I just realized my mother-in-law's upstairs watching my daughter. I better fucking tone this down. I just screamed like a rhinestone ball bag.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Oh, Jesus. Right now, me undies has an exclusive offer for my listeners. Get 20% off your first pair and free shipping. This this is a no brainer to try. 20% free shipping for 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Starting point is 00:29:22 What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? To get 20% off free shipping and their 100% satisfaction guaranteed in the best and the softest underwear you'll ever own. Go to slash bird. This limited time offer. This is a limited time offer. So what are you waiting for?
Starting point is 00:29:38 Okay. Start wearing the best underwear of your life. It changed my life evidently. It's time to get me undies change. Me undies change yours. It's time to let me undies change yours. Go to slash bird right now. I got to get glasses.
Starting point is 00:29:54 All right. Oh, legal zoom everybody. It's national make a will month at legal zoom. It's time to take control of your family and assets. Preparing for your family's future is the most important thing. You will do this fucking summer.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Sure, there's a lot of think about what kind of beer you're going to drink. What kind of me undies you're going to buy. You're going to bedazzle your fucking balls with some jewels. But other than that, what happens if lightning strikes your ball bag when you're wearing your bedazzle rhinestone me undies?
Starting point is 00:30:26 Huh? In your in your die or your nuts are cooked and you don't feel like a man. You're too depressed to work. That's why you need to make a will this month. Okay, but it's hard. Who wants to think that hard? Well, legal zoom created in a state planning kit to get you going. Go to
Starting point is 00:30:42 legal slash prepare to get your free kit. You'll get a ton of helpful info plus legal zoom discounts. All things you need to stop procrastinating start preparing you for your family's future. This is the greatest thing I ever did. I got a will right. So right now, you know, I give a shit
Starting point is 00:30:58 I'll fucking walk right up to an alligator. What do you got buddy? Right. I don't care. I'm covered. Legal zoom design design this kit to provide the tools you need all in one place, whether a will or a trust is right for you. I do both. I have
Starting point is 00:31:14 a will and a trust. All right. Do not revive me. Light me up. Do not bury me in the ground. That's it. Sprinkle my ashes over a dumpster. Move on.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I should actually say just put me in the ground. No coffin. Right. There you go. No coffin. Just let me fucking decompose naturally. Feed the fucking soil. You know how dumb it is that we actually you put a box in the ground. It's so fucking stupid. You're dead.
Starting point is 00:31:46 It's over. But what if I still feel something? Then you'd still be alive, but you're dead. You know, I like those people who won't get cremated, but they're going to sit there and let somebody fucking drain all the shit out of them, take out all your fucking organs and then fill it up with formaldehyde
Starting point is 00:32:02 or whatever the fuck they do. Or you can just get it over with if you actually feel anything. You just be like, like a fucking minute and a half and then it's over. What do you die again? Anyways, if you have any more questions, you can always get advice from their network of attorneys available
Starting point is 00:32:18 in all 50 states. Since legal zoom is not a law firm, go to prepare today. There's no obligation. Just great resources to help you protect everything you can get during National Make a Will Month. That's slash prepare. And I have to tell you
Starting point is 00:32:34 something. If you're married and you have kids, you have to do that. There's so many guys out there that just afraid of thinking about their own mortality. And I have to tell you, it's a weight off of your chest. Because when you get to my age,
Starting point is 00:32:50 you're going to see, unfortunately, people dying who don't do that stuff and how they leave their loved ones is the second tragedy. So don't fucking do that to the people.
Starting point is 00:33:06 You love being dead serious here. Dead fucking serious. No pun intended. You got to fucking do that. You got to take care of them. You're going to die. Fucking deal with it. God knows if you got a woman in your life, you're going to die sooner rather than fucking later with all of the shit that they do. They just, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:22 they can't help it. It's just what they are. They give, they love, and they take. It's the balance. You know, everything that they give your kid, they take away from you and then you just slowly die this lonely existence in a room full of other people. And that is the podcast for this afternoon.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Kidding. That's every day, but I know it's fucking around today on this podcast, but seriously, stick your head out the window. You know, just fucking, everybody relax. Fucking relax. Just fucking Christ.
Starting point is 00:33:54 You can see these goddamn people. I mean, they're too fucking stupid. They're too fucking stupid to brush their teeth. They're going to run a country. Anyway, why doesn't everything always go back to Germany too? This is like Germany in the fucking 1930s. Well, why isn't it like Russia?
Starting point is 00:34:10 Russia. Well, why isn't it our country in the fucking 1617 and 1800s? This wasn't exactly a great place to live for a lot of fucking people. Oh Jesus, now I'm
Starting point is 00:34:26 doing it. I'm talking to the fucking, I don't know what I'm doing. Am I ranting and raving now? I have no idea. All I know is I'm going to be in a good mood today and I have to do two a days. Two a days so I don't look like a freckled guy here. I worked out this morning, you know, I did my little half hour on the fucking
Starting point is 00:34:42 elliptical and I threw the weights around. Now, the most crucial thing is what I eat and when I stop fucking eating. All right, so I already got it. Tonight I stop eating at five o'clock. I'm having a turkey
Starting point is 00:34:58 patty with a tabbouleh salad and then that's it and then I have to drink waters for the rest of the fucking time and then to make up for my sins last night I'm going to skip rope for fucking three rounds you know, try to burn off some shit that way and maybe that's what I'll do. I'll do fucking two a days.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Is that what I got to do? I know what I got to do. I got to fucking get out of this writer's room. That's what I have to do. Maybe instead of taking a lunch, maybe I'll fucking bring an elliptical into the office and while we pitch jokes I'll just be on the fucking thing and everybody in the writer's room just takes a turn,
Starting point is 00:35:30 you know, or every time you pitch a joke and it doesn't get a laugh, you know, ten minutes on the fucking elliptical. You know? Our whole fucking room will look like, you know, they look at the end of the tour to France, we just burn so many calories like your body's like
Starting point is 00:35:48 eating yourself. Maybe going to the table reads by episodes eight and nine being like, you know, it's a funny show, but Jesus Christ, they're fucking amazing. What kind of show are we doing here? They put their heart and soul into this fucking thing. Oh, wait a second, all of a sudden it got loud
Starting point is 00:36:04 in my ears. Oh, I turned it up by accident. Brushed against it with my forearm there. All right. Hey, by the way, I got a new band that I've been listening to and I'm not going to remember the fucking name of them because I know my phone. It's a really weird name
Starting point is 00:36:20 for a band. Let me see. I'm opening my fucking iTunes. Go to Artists. I know it begins with an A. This is getting everybody excited. Please say my alt J. I downloaded this album called This Is All Yours
Starting point is 00:36:36 and I fucking love it. Great album, great album to chill out to. I worked out to it this morning because it was early in the morning and it's kind of fucking, you know, you know, creepy and mellow and all that type of stuff, you know, I guess I knew I was going to get on the fucking scale, but
Starting point is 00:36:52 I had never heard of them and Josh Adam Meyers from the goddamn comedy jam he actually, when I was on the road, he goes, hey, I'm going to go see this band tonight. Alt J. I'm like, what? I thought it was a typo. It's ALT, lowercase
Starting point is 00:37:08 dash capital J. I really enjoyed them. And once again, Mute Math has a new album coming out next month. All right. That is it. Please listen to the music. A little interlude here before we give you another half hour of Greatest Hits from a Thursday afternoon podcast from a Thursday from a Thursday that went
Starting point is 00:37:24 by on a Thursday that you didn't even pay attention to. All right. That's it. God bless you. Thank you for not being a Nazi. And I'll have a great weekend, you cunts, and I'll talk to you on Monday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah. Hey, what's going on? It's Bill Burr, and this is the Monday morning podcast from Monday, August 17th, 2007 or 2009. Why can't I have a do-it-date
Starting point is 00:38:40 right? I actually, this is the second time I started the podcast because I always just started and then I go to say the date and I realize I don't know what the date is. So I'm going to do I don't know what the date is.
Starting point is 00:38:56 So I'm sick of doing that. Like I just did that and I fucked up the date and I was like, I do this every time people are going to think it's a gimmick. Like I always deliberately fucking up the date. So I just hit stop, I hit a race and I started over again and I fucked up the year.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Something wrong with my brain. You know what it was because it was the 17th, then my brain was thinking seven. So then when I went to say the year, I said 2007. In case you're wondering. Anyways, I'm actually it's Sunday
Starting point is 00:39:28 when I'm doing this podcast because if you're listening to this East Coast time in the morning, I'm on an airplane right now and I just got a bunch of shit to do tomorrow. So I figured I'm not doing anything today. Why not bang out a podcast? You know?
Starting point is 00:39:44 Anybody can go out in Atlanta and hang out with another human being. You know? It takes a real secure fucking loser to still be in his fucking hotel bed at, what the fuck time is it?
Starting point is 00:40:00 12.20 in the afternoon. Jesus Christ. I'm watching the whatever the fuck golf major this is. The PGA. I'm actually betting against Tiger Woods. I kind of have this ongoing bet.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I keep betting against Tiger Woods with another comic friend of mine who is of African persuasion. Basically, because I've kind of not been watching baseball lately I've been trying to pick up new sports and the only way for me to get into golf
Starting point is 00:40:32 is to have stupid ass bets. So I figure I'll bet against not only will I bet against Tiger Woods I will bet against Tiger Woods with another black dude and I will just to make it interesting, you know
Starting point is 00:40:48 say dumb shit like golf's a white man's game I'm betting on Ernie L's you know what, I actually won in the fucking Masters. I bet on Phil Mickelson and I won that one because he beat Tiger Woods and then I don't know I got busy and I could have won another
Starting point is 00:41:04 you know, we bet like 25 bucks a major I could have won the US Open and I also could have won the fucking that one over there in England and I blew those off and I think I'm going to lose today it's weird, I'm betting against Tiger
Starting point is 00:41:20 but you know, my money is, but I'm actually rooting for him you know is that exciting? No I don't think it is either. Anyways let's uh, let's plow ahead here I'm in a fucking bad mood I had a really I had a really bad show last night
Starting point is 00:41:36 not like I had a bad show I went up there and I did this whole bit on Michael Vick coming back and it killed and everybody was having a great time and then at the end of my set this woman comes up to me and uh you know like when someone's going to insult you
Starting point is 00:41:52 you know rather than having, I'm going to insult you look on their face, they come up and they have an ear to ear like Eric Astrada grin on their face you know, that's what she was doing and she was just going like, hi, hi, how are you yeah, yeah that whole thing about Michael Vick, yeah
Starting point is 00:42:10 did you really believe that? Is that really how you feel? yeah and I immediately knew I'm like, oh god this is a dog lover, here we go so I was just like okay ma'am, alright, I'm sorry I didn't like the show, you know they're just jokes, if you want to take them seriously
Starting point is 00:42:26 go ahead and take them seriously and then she just goes, yeah, yeah, yeah because your statements are really ignorant I just thought you should know that she's like nodding and smiling your statements are really ignorant it's like, first of all, why are you smiling? you know, that was the most annoying thing not that she came up to me
Starting point is 00:42:44 I mean, it's my own goddamn fault I fucking, not only do I go on stage and I say a bunch of stupid shit but then I stand there like an idiot selling DVDs I'm opening myself to somebody coming up to me and telling me to go fuck myself I don't have a problem with that
Starting point is 00:43:00 that comes with being a fucking shithead who sells DVDs at the end of the show so I totally could have avoided that I'm not complaining about that what I'm complaining about is people who are telling you to go fuck yourself but they're smiling
Starting point is 00:43:16 like, is that supposed to like mind fuck me? like, I'm not even going to notice what you're saying like, wow, it sounds like she's telling me to go fuck myself but she's smiling maybe I'm hearing this wrong and then she's like, your statements are really ignorant and she's nodding, like
Starting point is 00:43:32 you know what I mean, like that Bugs Bunny shit like, remember that? and the other guy would be like, yes, no, yes, no and then at some point he would switch and go, he would switch over his fucking argument and then the other guy would end up arguing Bugs Bunny's argument, that's what the fuck she was trying to do to me
Starting point is 00:43:48 your statements are really ignorant and she's like nodding like, I'm going to be like, yes, my statements were ignorant so I said lady so basically what you're telling me is because I don't agree with your point of view that that makes me ignorant and then she pulls this thing
Starting point is 00:44:04 and she's actually a member of the humane society alright you know first of all, who the fuck breaks out credits during an argument you know what I mean, she says it, right I'm a member of the humane society like it's supposed to be like this dun dun dun
Starting point is 00:44:20 fucking moment, oh shit are you a member of the humane society? good lord, how many years of college did it take to get that? holy shit did you have to go through medical school to become a member of the fucking humane society? I actually for half a second was like wow
Starting point is 00:44:36 I actually thought that she was on the board of the humane society first of all, I don't even know what the fucking humane society is humane sounds like human to me, like you're into people but evidently it isn't, you're into fucking animals so I'm sitting here later on tonight, I'll fucking annoyed with this lady
Starting point is 00:44:52 this lady as Jerry Lewis would say, right I'm all fucking annoyed with this lady thinking like then I'm like wait a minute she's a member of the humane society you know I was a fucking member of
Starting point is 00:45:08 the fuck is that that thing, now of course I can't remember you know what I'm thinking right now is how fucked up my brain is I'm thinking apocalypse now amnesty international I knew it was an A, for some reason I thought there was a P I was a member of amnesty international
Starting point is 00:45:24 for like 2-3 years you know, that was against torturing people around the world and you know I became a member I gave them 25 bucks I went on the internet and I gave them 25 bucks I have no fucking idea what they did with the money
Starting point is 00:45:40 I don't know if they stopped someone from getting tortured I don't know if they just took that money and they both, you know, couple of them went out to a movie they had 25 bucks we'll go to the matinee, you know, it's probably 8 bucks each it's enough for some popcorn too 2 tickets and a popcorn come on dude, we're not gonna stop
Starting point is 00:45:56 torture so that's what I did so let me go on the fucking internet let me look up this humane society and so I went to it and sure enough, this is all you have to do to become a member
Starting point is 00:46:12 it's 19 dollars a month or whatever you can afford so I could give these fucking people a dollar a month and then I too could walk around and be a total fucking cunt and throw out my credit that I am a member of the humane society
Starting point is 00:46:28 and you know what, I'm gonna fucking join the humane society at 1 dollar so the next time I do this Michael Vick bit when one of these fucking psycho people comes up to me having memory of the humane society oh shit, you know what, so am I holy shit, I can't believe I didn't see it at the meeting
Starting point is 00:46:44 oh that's right, neither one of us go to him there is no fucking meetings a member of the humane society you would have fucking I can't believe she threw that out like she was on fucking like she just did the tonight show I'm the head of NBC you will never get a show on my network
Starting point is 00:47:04 that's the way the fuck she was saying it god damn it, it got worse it got worse, so you know me someone's being a cunt to me, no one can out cunt me so I'm actually upset with myself because I allowed her to make me mad as you can tell considering it's fucking
Starting point is 00:47:22 12 hours later and I'm still talking about it alone in my hotel room with the drapes pulled clothes this is how I always do it on the road fucking sitting around like Howard Hughes yeah so then she goes I remember the humane society and blah blah blah blah and I said look
Starting point is 00:47:40 okay you know why do people take comedy seriously those are stand up comedy show I'm not doing I can't even begin to tell you guys how many times in my act I say that I'm a moron you guys listen to my podcast
Starting point is 00:47:56 you know I'm a moron, actually some people don't I had some guy send me this fucking email this week on bill for the love of god stop talking about banks you sound like a moron read this shit what do you mean read this shit that just goes against everything that I am I don't fucking read
Starting point is 00:48:12 and like I love how you talked about those banks you sounded like a moron and what when I talked about the other shit I sounded intelligent it's a fucking podcast just stand up back I don't I don't
Starting point is 00:48:28 you know what here I go again I'm allowing myself to get fucking worked up about this shit so anyways a couple more back and forth go and then she just realizes that I don't give a fuck I said something like well you know what you should do ma'am is what I always say when somebody
Starting point is 00:48:44 just says that they don't you know enjoy me and they just want to keep telling me how much they don't enjoy my act what I always say to them I was like well you know what you should do you should never come to one of my shows again that'll show me right
Starting point is 00:49:02 so then she finally realizes that I don't give a shit about our humane society fucking credit that she basically purchased you know it's well you know what being a member of the humane society is less respectful than when they give some famous person an honorary degree
Starting point is 00:49:18 because at least the celebrity didn't fucking pay for it he didn't go to and give $19 so he could be like I have an honorary degree from fucking Syracuse University you know so anyways so that's what I said
Starting point is 00:49:36 so let's lady you know you know what you should do you should never come to one of my shows again that'll show me and at this point there's kind of some people around me that are starting to laugh so then this girl just you know who's a member of the humane society because she cares so much then she just starts going for my jugular
Starting point is 00:49:52 she goes yeah well you know smiling and nodding right this creepy fucking smile and this whole time too she's got a clump of lipstick on her upper lip she's one of these girls you could tell was hot when she was in her 20s and now she's doing the worst thing that you can do
Starting point is 00:50:08 you know so she looks like you know one of the real housewives of fucking Tupelo Mississippi or wherever the fuck she's from right and she's going she's going oh yeah yeah well you're doing great right you're doing great you're here at the punchline huh you're doing great and I'm like
Starting point is 00:50:24 yeah you know shows kind of seem to be selling well she goes now yeah it's great you know you're on HBO and now you're here you know and it's like lady so are you you're here too and you fucking paid to come here to watch me what is your fucking
Starting point is 00:50:42 point and she's like and I didn't pay I didn't pay whatever and then she said something to you she started talking really then she did that that that that thing you know what how women have confrontations like that was what they do is they stop talking to you and then
Starting point is 00:50:58 they start talking to their friend really loudly about you and she starts going that guy's a fucking piece of shit the funny thing was when she couldn't have been more than five feet away from me and she's yelling it that guy's a fucking piece of shit
Starting point is 00:51:16 and then that's when I told her you know lady you know I really didn't want to tell you this but you got a big you got something on your upper lip and I didn't want to bring it up but now you're being a jerk and she goes it's lipstick I don't know I don't even want to happen after that that point I was actually mad
Starting point is 00:51:32 and and I don't know I kind of blamed the whole evening on not drinking if you can fucking believe it you know because I usually enjoy doing the road and now this is my third weekend that I've done
Starting point is 00:51:48 where I have not had a drop of alcohol and now I finally understand why comedians want to get off the road I never realized how many fucking morons there are out here because I was drunk
Starting point is 00:52:04 and I was part of the problem but now now I'm sober I think I'm talking about myself like I'm actually a fucking alcoholic I'm not I'm just a fucking lonely loser and that's what I do I have a couple of beers talk a little shit that's it Bill denial
Starting point is 00:52:20 that's the first fucking stage of it VJ sing oh what a shot Jesus Christ from the fringe oh you know what that was from yesterday don't you fucking hate when you do that when you're watching sports you ever done that in a sports bar you looked away for a second
Starting point is 00:52:38 and you didn't realize it was a replay from a month again somebody hits a homerun you're like yeah fucking out of here you're like the only guy nah dude that was from my last Tuesday they were playing the Rangers you're like oh I thought that was from now you want another case of Dia
Starting point is 00:52:56 you know what I like about VJ sing they're fucking douchebags nowadays they're trying to bring back that rat pack swagger and you can't you can't do it and the only guy I don't know why I don't know why you can't wear shirts the way they wore shirts back then
Starting point is 00:53:12 you can't wear that fucking little Bing Crosby hat the way they wore it I don't know why I have no fucking idea why Frank and why Dean and Sammy and all those guys look so fucking smooth I have no idea why
Starting point is 00:53:28 but I was watching this golf the other day I gotta admit fucking VJ sing he's got a little swagger to him plus he said that that hateful shit against women which really lines up with their generation remember that
Starting point is 00:53:44 back then weren't they just like beating their women with a mop handle every time they didn't have their roast beef and mashed potatoes ready or some shit I don't know what so anyways I had a I'm trying to figure out why that lady bugged me so much last night
Starting point is 00:54:02 I you know it was just I don't know I felt I was pissed at myself that I got mad and then I was also mad at myself that I stand there like a fucking idiot selling DVDs um you know I don't know
Starting point is 00:54:18 it really just made me want to be like why don't I just go to the green room after shows and I'll do my shows and then you know whatever I'll get an email and you know I don't know you fucking sit there dancing around like a monkey boy for 50
Starting point is 00:54:34 50-55 minutes I haven't even did an hour of that show I can't even remember then they have somebody come up to you and just fucking say that you're a piece of shit because of a joke and then there are women so you can't like you know you know what was funny was she was with a guy
Starting point is 00:54:50 so the whole time she's given me shit it's like I don't want to lose so I'm giving her shit back but at the same time I got to keep my eye on the dude and also like not go too far because then I got like a physical confrontation with the dude which I don't want to have
Starting point is 00:55:06 I'm 41 years old last time I had a fight 35 that was with my brother in a red roof in that's an entirely different story and that doesn't count either because your brother's going to stop at some point because he has to answer to your dad you know I can't fucking remember right
Starting point is 00:55:24 I ain't no tough guy I tell jokes right so I don't want to get into this guy you know it's funny the entire time the guy had his back to me and he was trying to get the woman out of the club and that's the exact kind of guy who goes out with a woman like that and vice versa if it's a loud mouth douche bag guy
Starting point is 00:55:40 they always have a little mousy girl because nobody who actually would speak their mind would ever rate dating somebody like that man or woman they would be like are you out of your mind are you out of your mind right now you know it's a joke
Starting point is 00:55:56 this guy's telling jokes or whatever you made your point now you're just going to stand here screaming I don't know I don't know it was a fucked up night then I had the next show I'm on stage and I'm doing my act and I'm having a great time and you know
Starting point is 00:56:12 I told the story about the woman I called her a cunt and I felt like I got that out and everything was going great then all of a sudden this this lady just walks up to the stage I'm in the middle of my act she's like can you say happy birthday
Starting point is 00:56:28 to my friend Heather it was like lady could you act like maybe I'm fucking in the middle of doing a show at some point I don't know it was a fuck it was a weird it was just a weird night and then after that then I went over to the club 290 next door
Starting point is 00:56:50 as I always end up doing and this time this is the first time I went in there and I wasn't drinking and I realized how fucked up that place was it was this dude came up to me right and this whole week I've really been having a difficult time understanding some of these people who live
Starting point is 00:57:06 outside of Atlanta their fucking accents this I'm standing there talking to a couple of people from the club and this guy just comes up to me he's like will I'm like what he's like will he's sticking his hand out
Starting point is 00:57:22 and I thought he was saying like will you like he would start the sentence like will you stop standing there will you buy me a drink evidently he was saying his name he was introducing himself his name was William but he was going will
Starting point is 00:57:38 will will and I was like what alright but this is one of those bars everybody every other person seemed like they were on fucking coke and I don't know this is just peterin out
Starting point is 00:57:54 I don't know I'm just fucking I've had enough and I usually do Thursday through Saturday and something fucked up happened this weekend well now I'm doing Friday, Saturday, Sunday and somebody asked me this question last week like asked me if Sunday was a depressing day on the road I don't know if you listen to my past
Starting point is 00:58:10 podcasts I think I answered that yes it is Sunday is the fucking worst you know two shows Friday, three shows Saturday you know the big peak and you want to fucking leave and then you got to hang around the entire fucking day to do one more
Starting point is 00:58:26 50 minutes set and then you got to flying on Monday which is the fucking worst you know I like flying on Sundays you know flying across the country everybody still asleep they go into church you know they're waking up from a hangover
Starting point is 00:58:42 finishing that last slice of dominoes I don't know what they're doing but they're not on the road driving so when I land at the airport I just grab my shit I jump in a cab and I'm fucking back at my place you know you fly back on a Monday the UPS trucks the FedEx guys
Starting point is 00:58:58 are out there right fucking homeless people laying in the streets it's just fucking horrific so anyways I had such a great week too I had a great week one of the people who listens to my podcast works over at the Capitol Records
Starting point is 00:59:14 place and they invited me over there to go on a tour which I did this past week and I got to tell you it was the greatest tour of anything I've ever taken ever do you remember Geraldo Rivera when he did Al Capone's vault
Starting point is 00:59:30 and everybody thought it was going to be the greatest fucking thing ever remember how great you thought it was going to be like what the fuck is going to be in that safe and you were like there's no way this is going to suck and it just didn't live up to it whatever your expectations of that were this was 20 times that
Starting point is 00:59:46 it was unbelievable the guy basically explained it ahh and I'm saying the guy because I don't use people's names on this he was basically explaining that the Capitol Records building is basically a functioning museum meaning
Starting point is 01:00:02 that there's a bunch of shit that they're still using that really should be in a museum I walked into the room where Frank Sinatra sang all those songs Luck be a Lady Dean Martin all them
Starting point is 01:00:18 they had Nat King Cole's piano and they had this little metal chair they were like yeah that's Frank Sinatra's chair and I'm looking at it and I'm like that's not fucking Frank Sinatra's chair that looks like it should be in an IPS class that was like one of those science room classes and later on in the tour he was showing all these black and white photos
Starting point is 01:00:34 because I guess back in the day the Capitol Records label had their own photographer and they took all these fucking pictures and by the way Frank and Dean never looked bad at any moment they had one picture of Dean Martin eating a bowl of soup and he looked like a fucking million bucks but anyways then you look at the photos
Starting point is 01:00:50 and there's that fucking chair they had a microphone over there that said Frank oh yeah that's Frank Sinatra's microphone and then they just use it you know I gotta just fight absolutely fucking blew me
Starting point is 01:01:06 everything and I can't even like they had like the masters of like the band you know that group like they just had them laying not like laying in the corner they were gonna be doing something with them I fucking actually got to hold it in my hand
Starting point is 01:01:22 I don't know if you're a music geek that is the that was the place to go and not to mention later on that afternoon one of my favorite drummers of all time Steve Jordan was recording with some huge artist
Starting point is 01:01:38 and they actually you know what sucked was they had already recorded his drum shit so he was gonna be doing I guess some some percussion shit and all I wanted to see was his kit set up in the studio I wanted to see but I fucking missed it by a day but other than that
Starting point is 01:01:54 then I got to go on top of the building you know like I was fucking Dice Clay and Ford Fairline unbelievable view it was the greatest fucking thing I've ever done and I if I was more articulate I could explain how awesome it was
Starting point is 01:02:10 so I want to thank everyone over at Capital Records for being so fucking cool that was the greatest tour of anything I've ever taken and when I come to one of my shows if you bring 40 friends I will still hook you up that's how great that tour was so there we go look at me I'm bringing it
Starting point is 01:02:26 around to something positive that fucking twat from the humane society oh wait a minute I can donate by phone you want to hear me do this? let's see how easy it is to fucking join the humane society
Starting point is 01:02:42 of America you think they answer on Sunday do they make their people work on Sunday? that's not very humane is it? three nine three nine alright let's see if we can do this
Starting point is 01:02:58 oh wait I'm going to have to give my credit card number over and you guys can't hear this what? oh wait the same the numbers been changed or disconnected oh fuck you computer woman I'm joining the humane society
Starting point is 01:03:18 I cannot fucking wait for the next dog lover to come up to me taking that joke seriously I'm a member of the humane society so am I I have your credit too ma'am and I got it in the time that it takes to write a check so stand down alright
Starting point is 01:03:34 and why don't you blot your fucking lips before you walk out of the fucking house good film Mickelson you know what you gotta love about Phil Mickelson that guy always goes for the pin you ever notice that shit he just doesn't give a fuck and then he four putts
Starting point is 01:03:52 the guy's on in two and then he four putts so anyways let's get to the podcast questions this week my phone is vibrating you know what's weird I have not drank in so long and I still feel hungover cause I stayed up till four in the morning last night couldn't go to sleep
Starting point is 01:04:10 so fucking pissed alright here we go let's get to some of the stuff okay YouTube videos if you would like a laugh this week for some reason I only have one of them I don't know why I know I got more I get busy I fly around sometimes I fuck up
Starting point is 01:04:26 this is actually a cool video watch it's Snuffbox Boyfriend scenes SNUFF Snuffbox Boyfriend scenes and I think you'll enjoy that I got a couple other ones but people will kind of send me stuff
Starting point is 01:04:42 that I just feel like they're just classic YouTube videos like who hasn't seen that woman who you know she stomps the grapes you know she's having that competition and then she falls out of the thing and then she goes oh oh oh oh oh
Starting point is 01:05:00 you know cause she got the wind knocked out of her and I know that sounds like I'm doing a fucked up impression that's exactly what she sounds like and if you don't believe me let's fucking bring up that video right now shall we let's see stomp
Starting point is 01:05:16 stomping grapes let's see if that'll work did that just fucking work of course it didn't I really don't like typing with one hand stomping grapes
Starting point is 01:05:32 and I'm telling you it's literally oh oh here we go here we go listen to how she does this just fall off the fucking thing shut up shut up
Starting point is 01:05:52 alright here they go sorry I'm trying to fast forward to this shut up why can't you fast forward these videos better and now it won't fucking play god damn it you know what do I have to start this podcast over again this is so fucking horrific go play
Starting point is 01:06:20 there we go there we go you know what go fuck yourself I'll play it later on while the damn thing's gonna load up alright you know what I feel like right now I feel like one of those news guys who I just threw it to the field and then the story's not there and I gotta stand there smiling
Starting point is 01:06:36 and I'm like oh okay now there's nothing on the teleprompter for me to read so I feel like a fucking moron alright let's go to ask bill hey bill I want to be a stand up my friends say that I am funny I wrote down about five minutes of shit I thought was funny and I did a little stand up
Starting point is 01:06:52 back to my brother he laughed and said it was great I have dangerously low self-esteem in myself and the fact that I don't usually like to laugh at myself when I'm writing jokes by myself I usually laugh at a joke I tell when I say it in front of people
Starting point is 01:07:08 and I realize how crazy it sounded I live in a small town so there's not really any stand up clubs there is a place called the coffee connection which has an open mic there I am a little nervous to go because I don't want to bomb and completely destroy my confidence I have to actually become a comedian I'm not afraid
Starting point is 01:07:24 to talk in front of people I just don't want to fuck up in front of other people but here is where a bigger problem comes in at my high school they have a talent show around the end of the school year if I got up there and did shit and didn't make anybody laugh
Starting point is 01:07:40 everyone that didn't know me at the school would think I'm some dusty cunt that just was up there for the attention I think I would just use the classic I was just fucking around I wasn't even serious on the outside I would still feel like shit do you have any advice that could help me
Starting point is 01:07:56 yes I do alright first of all having low self-esteem and sort of hating yourself you have the foundation for becoming a comedian you got to give yourself permission to suck and you got to give yourself permission to grow in the beginning
Starting point is 01:08:14 which means you have to go out and you have to perform in front of people that you don't know the fucking thing that you want to do not knowing how to do stand up would be to go on in front of your entire high school I mean
Starting point is 01:08:30 that you know what maybe that takes the fact that you're even considering doing that you have way more balls than I ever had at your age so you're already fucking ahead of me and not to mention that you're still in high school
Starting point is 01:08:46 and you're already starting it in grade 3 almost 24 so you're way ahead of the game there's no fucking reason to put yourself into that situation unless you feel confident you know if you feel confident you feel like you're going to destroy
Starting point is 01:09:02 who knows you might bang one of them fucking cheerleaders there but then that would probably boost yourself confidence you'd be like well maybe I'm not a douche and then you just get some regular job and you're never getting to show business um but I digress you gotta um you know something I did stand up
Starting point is 01:09:18 and for the first year I didn't tell and none of my friends even knew I was doing it I think one of them knew and nobody saw me for the first year I wouldn't let anybody come my family knew that I was doing it and I would not let any of them come out to see me do it and um
Starting point is 01:09:34 I didn't let my parents first saw me I started in March of 1992 and my parents first came out to see me in March of 1993 and I've always been blown away by comedians um they'll go their first time
Starting point is 01:09:50 ever on stage and they invite everyone from their office to come down the place where they work to watch them do stand up and I'm just like dude do you realize what it's going to be like if you fucking bomb and you have to go to work the next day
Starting point is 01:10:06 I mean why would you set yourself up I mean it's just I don't know so what I would do my advice to you is is first of all don't worry about having low confidence or low self-esteem or whatever the hell it is you don't have to worry about that
Starting point is 01:10:22 your confidence will build as you do it but what you have to do is just you just go out and go do open mics you'll get in the click of other open micers you'll make some friends and then you become like this little platoon you know and it's like you against the world
Starting point is 01:10:38 okay you're gonna bomb all your open micro friends are gonna bomb you're gonna bomb you're all gonna fucking do it it sucks but it's the best stories you'll ever tell in your life and later on in your career you're gonna look back and tell some stories
Starting point is 01:10:54 I mean I'll tell you know what would be a hell of a fucking story is if you went up in front of your entire fucking high school and you ate your balls I mean that's some shit like later on in your career if you you know if you were starring in a movie and you needed a panel story like Letterman or fucking Conan
Starting point is 01:11:10 I mean that would be a hell of a one to tell so that's I mean it's hard for me to tell you what to do as far as whether you should do that high school show or not all I can go is with my gut the fact I got like scared reading your email thinking
Starting point is 01:11:28 just putting myself in your position of like just picturing myself at 17 18 if I ever went on in front of my high school and try to tell jokes I mean I probably there would have been a bucket of blood above me and would have poured down
Starting point is 01:11:44 on me just like that movie Carrie would have been bad you know I gotta admit halfway through that I just thought what if I killed though you know see you're like a junkie you just keep fucking chasing it alright so don't worry about it man just fucking have fun
Starting point is 01:12:00 go out sign up for some open mics and just do it in bars where they're showing football games they're looking at you and you just learn get tough that way that's what I would do you know and if you want to do the high school show by all means fucking go for it personally I wouldn't do it but that but I'm coming from
Starting point is 01:12:16 a place of fear so you know if you got the balls go ahead and do it but if you do it I want to hear the results so please email me back alright but other than that don't worry about you know second guess in your material and all that stuff and thinking stuff sucks that's just a part of it in the beginning okay
Starting point is 01:12:32 if you think you're awesome when you first start out you usually end up being a hack you know and you're out there you know what's the deal with Michael Jackson I'm fucking great alright I hope that helped you out okay alright any next question Bill um
Starting point is 01:12:48 I want to ask you about how you felt about parents taking their kids on planes recently I had a flight to Denver back from Los Angeles not a long flight but I was absolutely exhausted and looking forward to the two hours of not talking to people and hoping to maybe catch a nap
Starting point is 01:13:04 I had no such luck a young couple with their two year old brat sat behind me and proceeded to let their kid kick the back of my seat and scream repeatedly it was awful I don't blame the kid two year old kids they they kick and scream that's what they do but the kids parents
Starting point is 01:13:20 did nothing to control their child other than saying you shouldn't do that what really pissed me off was that we were when we were landing they were asking their child what he wanted for dinner and this is written in capital letters are you fucking kidding me
Starting point is 01:13:36 two year olds don't get options 12 year olds don't get options 20 year olds don't get fucking options if they're living in your house and you're paying for everything as we were getting off the plane I was hoping these people would have the decency to apologize for their kid kicking the back of my seat
Starting point is 01:13:52 but of course they didn't I thought about telling these people that they ought to both get they ought to both get fixed because they were absolute assholes and all they were doing was raising another absolute asshole and adding one more to the fucking population but I kept my mouth shut
Starting point is 01:14:08 because people like that see nothing wrong with their behavior so what's the fucking point anyway have you ever have you ever had an experience like this did you think about saying something did you actually say something alright great question
Starting point is 01:14:24 I gotta be honest with you when I'm on a plane and a kid starts crying I don't know why I can't explain it but it makes me laugh and it makes me laugh watching other people get fucking annoyed because I don't know somewhere along the line I just sorta let go of that
Starting point is 01:14:40 it's like look these people they have kids just like you said they can't control them and that's it but I will tell you this if you have a kid and it's in the fucking thing because at two year old it's not a person yet it's a fucking thing the fucking thing is kicking the back of the seat
Starting point is 01:14:58 of the person in front of me in front of you you have to do something about that alright they got little short little fucking legs at that point all you gotta do is just scoot them back and they won't be able to they won't be able to kick the back of the seat now I might be fucking ignorant here because I never had a little
Starting point is 01:15:14 two year old thing and I might be oversimplifying this because I really have sympathy for for people in that situation I mean what are you supposed to do I mean in a perfect world you could just knock the kid out but you wouldn't want to do that it's a kid you can't punch a kid
Starting point is 01:15:30 I mean you can but then you'd have to talk to somebody from the fucking humane society you know what the fuck I'm saying you know what I mean perfect world you could just tie him to the seat and he wouldn't move but you'd psychologically damage with him you know damage the kid and then you gotta live with him for at least another 16 years
Starting point is 01:15:46 before he fucking moves on to community college so have I ever said anything no I have never said anything I would never say something like you know do you understand also like when the planes landing you know like when your ears are popping like little kids
Starting point is 01:16:02 they don't know what to do but I've definitely given some people some not even like what the fuck I give them that look like really you just gonna let the kids sit there and this is another thing too if your kid is freaking out if you're just making a fucking effort even if you can't stop
Starting point is 01:16:18 the kid from freaking the fuck out just make an effort this is weird I'm gradually agreeing with this person more and more just make a fucking effort that's all when people are just sitting there and letting the kid cry I mean I don't know if they're doing an experiment because I've heard like
Starting point is 01:16:34 if you pick a baby up every time he cries then it learns okay all I have to do is cry and then I get this comfort if you're trying to retrain him I don't know if you're gonna retrain him could you do it at home hahaha I think they should sedate kids there you go yeah I just said that
Starting point is 01:16:50 you know just come in with the fucking have one of those fucking World War 2 psycho doctors just come in with an old fashioned needle you just drug them up or maybe they could have like a fucking a glassed in area do you guys ever have that like the crying room in church you put your kids way in the back
Starting point is 01:17:06 and they just be behind glass you know so they wouldn't interrupt the priest scaring the living shit out of you that you're gonna be going to health maybe they should have that down by the luggage anyways so no I've never said anything yes I've wanted to say some things but
Starting point is 01:17:22 you know by the end of it you know when you're actually gonna say something the flights over anyways and I had some part of flying isn't it some kids screaming anyways alright what am I moving on to the next part of the podcast
Starting point is 01:17:38 oh wait is this video loaded up yet remember my impression ow ow okay here we go here we go see I told you ow ow ow stop you know what that was
Starting point is 01:18:12 that's the first time she ever got the wind knocked out of her so she didn't know what to do that's what I sounded like when I was five the first time that happened to me and the first thing you learn is when you get the wind knocked out of you is to shut the fuck up because anyone if you try to talk when you get the wind knocked out of you that's what the fuck you sound like
Starting point is 01:18:28 so you learn afterwards once you get your breath back you're like wow I really sounded like a fucking idiot and I was going you know you just fucking can anybody explain that phenomenon what is that
Starting point is 01:18:44 and why no matter how hard you're trying to breathe in does your breath keep exhaling or just pushing out you know it's like when you it's like you're having a dry heave but you're not puking you know just for those of you like I dated a girl
Starting point is 01:19:00 one time she was like 27 years old she'd never had the wind knocked out of her in her life which I thought was one of the most adorable things I'd ever heard you know it was like she was living under glass or something but anyways why is you know
Starting point is 01:19:16 do you know how many fucking times that happened to me as a kid that was like what we did me and my you know had four brothers that's what we did as a kid that's what you did and your brother wasn't paying attention you didn't even have to do it hard that was great you just gave him a fucking rap right in the stomach
Starting point is 01:19:32 does all the wind literally go out and why can't you just why can't you just breathe in why am I acting like you guys are fucking doctors why this isn't just a bunch of truckers just forget it you know what I want something to attempt you know what half the people who are gonna fucking answer this question
Starting point is 01:19:50 are gonna do exactly what I'm gonna do at the end of this fucking podcast which is just look it up and then give me the wikipedia reason alright here we go here's some questions for the week um on a different not that's what someone just wrote I think they wanted to say no on a different not
Starting point is 01:20:07 I was wondering what did you think of the song Baba O'Reilly by the who I recently started listening to rock music and I thought that this song was incredible is it or am I just some dumb fuck no you're not you're a young kid and you're discovering the who and they are the shit I would get who's next
Starting point is 01:20:25 I would get live at Leeds start with that just just surf the internet they got some great shit um dear bill how much drinking do you typically do during the week um you're out on the road all of the time working places that serve booze and it seems like
Starting point is 01:20:41 would be tempting to drink pretty often out of boredom and loneliness I think I already to answer this at least I could see myself doing that if I were traveling comedian is it tough to avoid being a lush uh yeah kind of is you basically become an alcoholic
Starting point is 01:20:57 out of uh like proximity you know it's just there it's one of those deals where you know I don't know if you were in a bar four nights a fucking week I would think the odds of you drinking would would go up uh exponentially yes I just said that
Starting point is 01:21:13 so yeah it is it is hard to not uh to not drink I already answered this shit you know I don't know but I gotta tell you it's fucking boring as hell to be out here this not drinking
Starting point is 01:21:29 has actually put me on edge um I mean the way I've lived this week out here on the road if I lived my entire life like this I could run for president and I wouldn't have to hire I wouldn't need any hush money
Starting point is 01:21:45 okay I've worked out the first day I went to the grocery store I bought food I got a little fridge here I've been eating healthy I went to the gym every single day I even brought my little practice drum pad thing with me fucking around learning some rudiments
Starting point is 01:22:01 I wrote jokes okay I looked at some internet porn alright right there that would fucking lose a gubernatorial fucking race gubernatorial or whatever the fuck they say it but you know that's the last thing if I could just cut out the fucking internet
Starting point is 01:22:17 porn um I would be completely bored that's you know I gotta tell you that's what I am right now I am sober right now and I am not feeling this this unbelievable fucking high of like wow
Starting point is 01:22:33 I can't believe all this shit I'm I was missing all I'm thinking right now is I can't believe how fucking long the day is you know thank god I stayed up until four in the morning last night so I didn't wake up until eleven you know but then you end up feeling like a loser cause now it's already fucking one
Starting point is 01:22:49 I don't know I think I'm done everybody if I don't drink I don't think I can do the road anymore and I don't think I'm gonna be fucking selling DVDs after my show I just I'm not fucking doing this anymore I'm not gonna be stones fucking sober and just seeing a mirror image of what a fucking moron I've been all these years
Starting point is 01:23:05 alright overrated underrated um I didn't I don't know that I actually got any this week so I actually threw in a couple of mine I probably got some and I just it's tough during the weeks I traveled to try to save all these fucking emails between my blackberry and this this computer here so
Starting point is 01:23:21 uh overrated I say expensive jeans I remember when you know if you had a pair of Levi's you were cool you were in the club right and what were they 30 40 bucks and then people all of a sudden diesel jeans that was the first expensive jeans I remember
Starting point is 01:23:37 and this girl was talking me into buying them and they were like 180 bucks 160 bucks this is you know this is like eight years seven years ago I remember like $180 for a pair of fucking jeans is ridiculous I could buy four or five pairs of Levi's and she says like no but you'll see
Starting point is 01:23:53 the quality is better they last longer and you know what they don't I think they look a little better I think nice jeans look better like at this point then like you know there's no I mean I think we can all agree there's nothing worse than gap
Starting point is 01:24:09 jeans you know and they have like that sort of not quite stonewashed look to them but you know they just look you just look broke I notice a lot of white dudes and like they're 30s and 40s will be wearing those and they'll have like a button
Starting point is 01:24:25 down sort of like I'm gonna go see Jimmy Buffett shirt on and they'll tuck it into that and then they'll have a pair of dirty white all white Seinfeld sneakers on and it is just like wow dude you are fucking married with children
Starting point is 01:24:41 because that is if ever there was the anti pussy that is the anti everything that is just the asexual outfit that you could possibly be wearing so I've been one of these guys who get sucked into buying you know more of these expensive jeans and these fucking things they wear out
Starting point is 01:24:57 they wear out just like you know you want to make your jeans last you got to buy like fucking five pairs and you got to revolve them that's how you make them last but if you're wearing them you know every two to three days like I do like a fucking I'll tell you who's the most filthy as mother fuckers
Starting point is 01:25:13 out there are musicians I can't believe I forgot to tell this story right? Last week when I was flying back from Providence Rhode Island I decided to upgrade to first class I just said fuck it you know I'll deal with the the the fucking credit card bill
Starting point is 01:25:29 it was one of those deals where I just didn't want to fly and I'm so sick of fucking flying and they were like hey do you want to upgrade to first class and I was like of course I do and they go well we're just going to put our Virgin Island fucking airline dick in your ass
Starting point is 01:25:45 and I was like you know what I don't give a shit go ahead and rape me I want to fucking sit in a lazy boy the entire fucking ride across the country so that's what I do so I'm sitting down and on the plane comes this skinny dude with his big titted girlfriend and they're like is there any way
Starting point is 01:26:01 you could switch seats with that so we could sit together and I was like absolutely fucking loopy if I was in coach right now I'd give you a dirty look and maybe give you some sort of bullshit I'm superstitious I'm not changing my seat fuck you and your love affair but I was in first class so now I'm affable
Starting point is 01:26:17 absolutely so I walked over and I sat in my seat and they were fucking sitting there the first thing this dirty ass magician does he's got these flip-flops on right and his fucking toes it looks like you know now I know why people wash Jesus' feet
Starting point is 01:26:33 I can tell you okay this fucking guy, he looked like a bird of prey that's the only way to describe his fucking toenails and everything and he did the most disgusting fucking thing I've ever seen a human being do halfway through the flight this motherfucker gets up
Starting point is 01:26:49 to use the bathroom on the airplane and I'm going to say that airplane bathrooms are some of the dirtiest fucking bathrooms ever just from turbulence alone and the fact that it's so fucking cramped this dirty motherfucker
Starting point is 01:27:05 he got up in his bare feet and just walked into the bathroom in his fucking bare feet I couldn't believe it I was just, there's no fuck there's no fucking way there was no fucking and he just walked right in there
Starting point is 01:27:25 I mean he should have got a tetanus shot when he came out I couldn't fucking believe it how filthy is that and you know what kills me women love fucking love musicians absolutely love them cannot get on their knees quick enough
Starting point is 01:27:41 to jump down into their crab infested pubes and stick that fucking reed in their mouth you know could give a fuck, could give a fuck about comedians what are women doing at the end of the comedy show they come up and they say you're a loser
Starting point is 01:27:57 you talk and work and then talk about what a piece of shit you are really loudly which brings me to my underrated underrated for the week learning how to play an instrument unbelievably underrated you know because if you really stick with it
Starting point is 01:28:13 you can get in a band and I say even if you suck you're gonna get some pussy and if not it's just so much better than reading and it's better than you know you read what are you doing you getting smarter so what are you making the person's day next to you better
Starting point is 01:28:29 you're not but if you actually learn how to play guitar you can play drums or something like that I don't know I just think it's a great fucking thing you know I'm actually excited because I actually you know I told you guys I bought this Les Paul guitar and by the way God rest his soul you know Les Paul died this week and I'm really bummed I never got a chance
Starting point is 01:28:47 to see that guy that guy was still playing shows every Monday night in New York City and when I was back in New York for the month of June I actually tried to go see the guy and unfortunately the night I was open where I could go see him he was he wasn't performing
Starting point is 01:29:03 that night so I didn't get a chance to see him and I'm really sad about it because I don't know that guy is legendary I'm trying to see who I would put that guy up with I mean he's right
Starting point is 01:29:19 up there with for me anyways all the inventors I'm so stupid Jesus Christ Billy you're gonna put him up there with Einstein the light bulb because the guy fucking did something with the guitar you know what I'm gonna in my world it's important if you guys if you're not if you're not into uh if you don't play
Starting point is 01:29:35 an instrument or anything like that just just Google images for a Gibson Les Paul and just look at how beautiful that guitar is it's literally a fucking work of art and even if I didn't attempt to play guitar I think I would still own one rather than going out
Starting point is 01:29:51 and buying a painting I would actually buy a Les Paul because that's how fucking beautiful they are but anyways I'm actually learning how to play guitar and uh last week I discovered drop detuning and it might have been the greatest sound
Starting point is 01:30:07 I think I've ever produced as a human being on that Les Paul it just fucking sounded unbelievable and uh I can't wait to get back to my apartment to take out that guitar to not read to not watch TV and be informed on what's going on
Starting point is 01:30:23 in the world so I can continue to sound like a moron on this podcast so some people can continue to take me seriously and tell me how fucking dumb I am even though that is my point of view what am I talking about alright let's wrap up with this now you know what we have to do we actually have to hype some of my shit
Starting point is 01:30:41 okay and by we I mean me I need to get better at this type of stuff alright and this is what I am going to be hyping for the rest the biggest date that I have on the horizon for me believe it or not is my improv gig in Ontario California
Starting point is 01:30:57 okay I live in Los Angeles and I'm not able to perform out in the LA area because I have not shown to the clubs that I am a draw you know it's a weird I gotta get on the
Starting point is 01:31:13 Latino radio stations out there so I can get a significant portion of the population to at least kind of know who the hell I am because I don't want to get on a fucking plane every other week I just don't want to do it I just don't want to even once in a while
Starting point is 01:31:31 I would like to fucking just be able to get in a car and drive like I did when I lived on the east coast I'd drive down to Philly I'd drive up to Boston I'd make the fucking train down to DC you know so anyways I have this gig at the
Starting point is 01:31:47 Improv in Ontario California it's from September 17th through the 20th for the love of God can you and 58 of your closest friends buy some tickets and come out to that show I never beg people to come out to my shows maybe I do but I don't grovel
Starting point is 01:32:03 right now I'm groveling for the love of God please show up to that show so I can somehow during the year when I don't have to fucking you know just be sitting there and row 33
Starting point is 01:32:19 can I have your attention please this is a very full flight all of the overhead space is going to be used up so if you have one of your smaller smaller containers if you could just put it underneath your seat and please don't put your jackets
Starting point is 01:32:35 in the overhead compartments this is a very full flight and you know what everybody fucking blows it off and they're sticking lunchboxes and fur length fucking full length fucking coats as the ladies say in that so just once
Starting point is 01:32:51 our flying time is 4 hours and 58 minutes I would just you know every once in a while would like to not have to fucking listen to that so I could just perform in California so for the love of God
Starting point is 01:33:07 could you Southern California people I know you got a lot of options for the love of God can you come out to my show thank you alright other dates I have in September I'm going to be in Philadelphia this city of brotherly love did you guys beat the Braves last night I know that shit was going on
Starting point is 01:33:23 what do we got here helium comedy club I'm going to be there from September 10th through the 12th and I got a big date coming up in the improv Addison Texas 24th through the 26th possibly the 27th because I think I'm hanging around
Starting point is 01:33:39 on Monday night because the Cowboys got a football game and my life is awesome and I'm going to go to the fucking game and I'm going to look at those fucking blonde big titted fucking Dallas whores with their Mary K cosmetics you know who likes those broads is that guy from the playboy
Starting point is 01:33:55 the playboy what the fuck is his name there Hugh Hefner you know he's really into that Tex-Mex not Tex-Mex the fucking Tex-Arcana Oklahoma that big round pie face fucking bleach blonde looking girl
Starting point is 01:34:11 you know you know those girls I'm talking about hey you how y'all doing those fucking girls did you guys watch that show when he had those three girlfriends I only thought one of them was hot the other two were kind of a mess you know the athletic one she was fucking
Starting point is 01:34:27 smoking that girl was hot those other two girls I had absolutely no use for them just because you die your hair blonde and you're in shape doesn't mean you're good looking alright I know I got a lot of fucking nerve balding redhead fucking throwing down like that
Starting point is 01:34:43 alright let's fucking get on with it alright that's the podcast for this week that I did on a Sunday and I will be uploading this thing as I always do right around midnight just to make sure that I never post them on a Sunday then it would be a very special
Starting point is 01:34:59 Monday morning podcast and this one isn't special this was sort of me bitching which is sort of the standard so anyways I hope you guys all have a great week once again thanks to everybody over at Capital Records who let me take a tour of their building I had one of the greatest things I've ever gotten to do
Starting point is 01:35:15 all seriousness and please come out to my shows the next show I have coming up is in Stockholm Sweden so if anybody sees us listening to this if you live in Copenhagen Denmark evidently you can get in your car
Starting point is 01:35:31 and drive to fucking Sweden now huh or at least I just discovered you could you go over that bridge then to the island then into the fucking tunnel so why don't you come on over and watch me talk my shit that is all the date is August 29th when I'm doing it
Starting point is 01:35:47 alright I'm done babbling you guys have a good week alright take it easy we are dancing a black waltz fair Paris is burning after all is burning after all is burning after all is burning after all oh no
Starting point is 01:36:07 oh no oh no oh no I'm close to I'm close to this letter there's a picture black and white for your refrigerator
Starting point is 01:36:25 sticks and stones that made me smarter it's words that cut me under my armor they say I'm on your side when nobody is
Starting point is 01:36:45 cause nobody is cause nobody is come sit right here and sleep while I slow poison in your ear we are waiting on a telegram
Starting point is 01:37:05 to get us news of the war I am sorry to report dear Paris is burning after all we have taken to the streets and opened free choice, free mounting
Starting point is 01:37:21 we are dancing a black waltz fair Paris is burning after all is burning after all is burning after all oh no oh no oh no oh no
Starting point is 01:37:37 oh no oh no oh no oh no dance for people dance and love dance fair Paris to the floor
Starting point is 01:37:53 dance for people dance and love dance fair Paris is now dance for people dance and love dance fair Paris
Starting point is 01:38:09 to the ground dance for people dance and love dance fair Paris is now dance for people dance and love dance fair Paris
Starting point is 01:38:27 to the ground dance for people dance and love dance fair Paris to the ground dance fair Paris to the ground

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