Monday Morning Podcast - Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 8-6-20

Episode Date: August 7, 2020

Bill rambles with KC Mathieu about growing a business, the science of paint, and Bill's defense of the Prius....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on, everybody? It's time for the Thursday afternoon just before Friday, Monday morning podcast. And a very rare video edition where I actually have a guest. I figure with the new normal, the pandemic and all that. I would bring some of that. I've just been such a huge fan of for almost 10 years. We have Casey Matthew from the Gas Monkey Garage show, whatever the hell it was called, Fast and Loud and his own place, Casey's Paint Shop, just south of Fort Worth, Texas.
Starting point is 00:00:34 That's where you're at. All right. Well, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for coming on. Thanks for having us on. All right. I got to ask a number of questions before we get going because I don't know when I got the car bug.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I always liked them, but just later in life, I think it was moving out here to the West Coast and then just seeing all of these cars, either that I wanted in high school or some of them that I drove because things last so long out here. I saw like a Pontiac T1000, which was Pontiac's answer to the Chevy Chevette. I've seen a couple of those weird ones. Some of the most random, like who cared about that car that much to keep that thing going? Do you remember the Chevy Citation? I don't remember a Citation, but I learned how to drive on a Chevette.
Starting point is 00:01:26 All right. Well, the Citation was one of the shittiest, just weirdest looking cars that didn't know what it wanted to be. It was sort of a sedan, sort of a hatchback, and my buddy had one, and the radio was literally turned sideways, but the numbers were still like that, so it was somebody, the rumor was that when they designed the car, they forgot the radio, so they just turned it to the side and slammed it in, so it would fit. Yeah, wherever it would fit.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So anyways, through that, and getting into cars and buying an old truck myself, I started watching on Discovery, all these channels, and then Fast and Loud came out, and I became a huge fan of just the whole process, everything from haggling for the car all the way to when they finally take it to you, which was to paint the car. So I was wondering, I have a million questions. I guess I would just start, how did you get started with one of the coolest jobs, I think, ever, like restoring cars and painting cars and all of that type of stuff? Well, I grew up in it, so my dad owns a shop and still runs it today, so he did more collision
Starting point is 00:02:34 with a little bit of restoration mixed in there, and then as things progressed and my passion towards the restoration and the painting grew, the collision world just wasn't for me because it was kind of one of those things, you know, you get in a wreck and you need your car by Monday, so it was like you did the best job you could in time you could, and then my OCD was kicking in and I wanted to do better, well then I was taking too long for my dad, we'd argue, and you know, so I moved on. So I found another job and then lied my way into a painter's job, nobody took me serious as a painter because your dad's not really, yeah, my dad said I can paint good, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:10 nobody takes that shit serious, right? So worked my way up and then, you know, got to the point where my side work that I was doing was making more than my job that I was working, so I had to make a decision, was I going to venture out on my own and do my own thing or stay working for somebody else and- Was that when you were over at, was that when you were with your dad or? That was a couple years afterwards, that jumped around from a couple different body shops after that, trying to make more money and go to like bigger shops, so like I worked
Starting point is 00:03:42 at a Cadillac dealership for a while and that kind of thing, doing that. So we decided to start our own shop, open Casey's paint shop, it's 17 years ago now, I guess. Oh, you've had it that long. Oh yeah, I've had it before Gas Monkey. So Gas Monkey was your sort of your side gig while you were getting this paint thing going, your own paint shop going. Well we were going for a while, so I started the shop, did well and then did really bad
Starting point is 00:04:15 as I started learning the business very hard, you got to put almost as much into running it as doing the work and all I want to do is do the work and I wasn't around the business side so we started going broke real quick. Pulled back out, bought a house, sold everything that I had, I had a Cadillac 49 Sedanette, had a Super Duty we built and a couple other things, sold all the cars, bought a house, built a shop, went back to work for another shop and did that for a while and then ended up getting burned out and decided I was going to go work for Coca-Cola and paint cars only. I was like, I'm just going to paint for people, I'm not going to do any builds or I can do
Starting point is 00:04:51 anything and kind of got in the rhythm of working with Gas Monkey a little bit in there. This was at my other shop part of closing it down and moving to the house and I painted a couple cars for Richard. I've known Aaron since we were in high school so that kind of thing. I got the beard. That was like a movie. I know. Dude, I haven't seen that since high school.
Starting point is 00:05:11 It blew my mind to say, you forget, like he's got such a jaw line man, you don't see it whenever he's got that. You almost forget. It's been like 10 years. Hey, just out of curiosity, why is there never enough time, you guys always seem like you're up against it. I know part of it's the drama when they put on a reality show but I just feel like you are building these cars for people that obviously have money and it's always like, I got to
Starting point is 00:05:39 get this car done by Thursday and I always think, or else what, the guy doesn't want it anymore? I mean, you're working on the thing for fucking a year or whatever, how long it is. What is it about like when you were doing your shop is I think there's a lot of people that have gotten inspired by guys like you and they want to start their own shop. So what was some of the pitfalls like, you're like, okay, I'm going to paint cars. I know what I'm going to charge and then your painting cars, you're busy as hell but on the other side, you're looking like, holy shit, I'm going broke.
Starting point is 00:06:11 How did that happen that you weren't charging enough money or? Yeah, and I think where I learned my lesson the most was quoting jobs. It's extremely hard to quote a job for somebody when you're restoring a car because over the course of time, they change their mind or you come into a fork in the road and it's like, hey, we ran into this problem. We've got to address it. Do we go this way or this way? And when you quote something, the customer's got that number in your head.
Starting point is 00:06:39 So if you tell them, yeah, you're looking at 20 grand hypothetically, right? And then you get to 20 grand and they're wondering why their car's not done. It's like, well, six months ago, you added $30,000 worth of shit and you up your budget but didn't allow to pay me anymore. So we finally broke through and as we kind of grew with the show and talked in other shops, realized that that's the worst thing you can do is just a bit of job and really nobody in the industry that I would, and by no means am I discrediting anybody, but I would say the bigger reputable shops charge by the hour.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So we're $75 an hour and at that point, I don't care how many times you change your mind. Then you can decide you want this motor, well, I got a bonus check, I want to do this motor. Well then it's not in their head, it's like, well, it's just an easy swap. Jay, I was going to say, just out of curiosity, what kind of person thinks like mid job that they're going to not only change the engine, they're going to add a bigger one, more powerful. That's not going to be more money. And then what if you already ordered that other engine?
Starting point is 00:07:43 It's on the way. What are you supposed to do with that? Just take this. I don't even know how much those fucking things weigh. Let me just take it back. It's like we've got it out of the box and now I'm not going to want it anymore. I'm not going to eat the parts. But they think you can just magically put it back in the wrapper and take it back to
Starting point is 00:07:58 the store and they're going to be like, oh, cool, you installed it? Yeah, we'll take it back. Because you live in Texas and there's so much room out there. Do you have enough room to go for a walk on your property when people do shit like that to cool off? We just shoot guns and blow stuff up. That's a good one. I'm also guessing another thing that I gravitated towards what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:08:26 The fact that I thought you were really funny on the show was you seemed like you were also a Ford guy. You have that amazing, that Frankenstein F100 that you had and then you had a car that I had never heard of. It was a Ford Custom Line, which kind of looked like Ford's answer. Maybe you liked the Bel Air. Yeah. It was a Custom Line.
Starting point is 00:08:47 They were all kind of like fair lane based, but then they had a couple of different models. Just like the Bel Air had, you know, Bel Air 210, all that kind of stuff. The 210 was the entry level and then the Bel Air was the higher one. The top. So like in my version of the car, Custom Line was kind of mid-grade. They had a main line and then they had the Crown Vic, which the Crown Vic was the Bel Air of Ford. Has anybody done sort of the mob family tree of cars where what I've been told by car guys
Starting point is 00:09:21 is back in the day, you know, everybody now will make an entry level car. Like Mercedes will have a car like a college student could afford. And back in the day, if you drove a Mercedes, that meant you made it. So like with GM Cadillac was the top. Then it was like Buick. Then it was something like Oldsmobile Pontiac and then down to Chevy. Is there any way to find, because I remember as a kid, you know, when that was starting to get phased out, but I still remember with like the Camaro, there was the Rally Sport,
Starting point is 00:09:50 then there was the Berlinetta, and then there was the Z28, the Firebird had the regular Firebird, the Formula 400, and then the Trans-Am. Is there anything out there where if you're sort of a nerd for that stuff like myself that you can read up on, because I always get confused like what's saying, like a DeSoto or Packard with a part of Ford, GM or Pricer, were they their own thing? Right. Man, there's so many car companies that have been out there, manufacturers that have come and gone in the past too, like Packard.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Like that was an awesome place. I've been to the Packard plant up in Detroit, and that's just, that's a really neat place. Shambles now, unfortunately, but all those, I'm sure there is, you know, I've never looked into it. Just, you kind of zone in on what you're hot about, you know, with us, it's four trucks. So, I haven't really gone down the road of doing that much research, I guess, as far as like the tree of. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:44 So, are you still, are you just painting strictly right now, just painting? No, we do full restorations. So, you do all of that stuff. So, do you do all of that too and then paint it? Yeah. I've got three guys that work for me full-time. Well, two guys and a girl that work for me full-time and have their part-time helper. At the first of the year, I actually shifted the direction, I guess you could say, with
Starting point is 00:11:07 the shop and let the entire shop go and then refresh because I was kind of losing the passion for it, getting a little beat down the way things were going. It was having a hard time doing some things. I was moving the shops to construction and everything else. So, now we're in our new shop, hired some guys that have been around for a while and been buddies. They kind of hung around, didn't work with me, but never worked for me type thing. And then Keenan came back.
Starting point is 00:11:33 So, we've got a really good crew now, but we do full restorations from ground up. The only thing we don't do is interior work. Well, I know in stand-up, whenever I get burned out, which doesn't, you know, happens like, some of it's just because of the travel. And then other times, it's just, you know, your act just slows down and it's like, I'm so sick of these jokes and then you feel this guilt because you got the responsibility for the acts. You got to put it for the crowd.
Starting point is 00:11:56 You got to figure out a way to get excited. Are there cars, I don't want to get you in trouble here, but are there cars that roll in where you're like, oh, God, I got to redo another one of these? Like, uh... Yeah, there are. I kind of found, I felt like when I was watching some of those shows that almost like a hacky topic for a stand-up, I kind of felt like Mustangs were done like everybody had one of those.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah, I kind of feel like all those muscle cars, because I've had two cars built. And one I'm finishing right now, so I don't want to tell people what it is, but like, I was sitting there nervous to call the guy. I got this thing built from my dad and he had a 59 four-door hardtop Chevy Impala, white with red interior. And it was a really rare car as far as it didn't have that sort of fastback, it was more of a straight and went down like that. And when I called my guy up, like, he almost did a backflip, because he was like, oh my
Starting point is 00:13:05 God, I would love to work on that car. And I kind of got the vibe from him, anything but yet another Mopar, another thing that isn't a Shelby, trying to be a Shelby, it seems like, I kind of got bored watching some of that meekum thing, because we got another Roadrunner coming up. It's just like, how many times can I watch the same? Everybody makes them the same, they clone them all, you know, they'll clone the 500s. You know, it's not a real car, but it looks like one and all that stuff too. So you kind of get bored of seeing it.
Starting point is 00:13:36 But as a builder for me, I mean, I like topping the last build. So trucks all together, I'm in on any truck, just about. What's your favorite, what's some of your favorite builds you've done recently? I'm extremely happy with my green truck we just rebuilt. That was. Wait, what was wrong with that thing? You gave me a ride in that, and I don't think the camera worked. I was trying to be cool, just going like, I know this guy doesn't want to kill me or
Starting point is 00:14:05 kill himself. You went down that road when I was out in Dallas, I was doing a show and I got to ride in that now famous truck. And you got me by the end. And I had my feet up on the dashboard, like, I mean, your truck's faster than that. Yeah, when you rode in and putted about 600 or so of the wheels, and now it does a little over a thousandth of the wheels, but it, but it's a different truck before it was just playing that to listeners and to me at the wheels, because I know you lose some horsepower
Starting point is 00:14:34 with the whole combustion going through the there's a crank horsepower, which was his horsepower measured at the flywheel. And then you lose a certain percentage of horsepower at the crank by the time you go through the transmission, driveshaft rear end and through the wheels. So putting a thousandth of the wheels is probably somewhere in the 1150 crank horsepower. So it's a substantial amount of power, but it's full chassis bill. I mean, it's, I don't know. What did you have to modify on that truck?
Starting point is 00:15:06 So when you stomped on it, it didn't literally just flip over, get the power to weight ratio was was hard getting the weight ratio of the car is hard to, especially on a truck, because you want to try to get as equally balanced as you can. So if you have all the weight in the front or all the way in the back, you go to hit the brakes and it weighs too much in the back, you can push into corners. So a good 50 50 weight ratio is always nice. So what do you do like on a truck where like so much of the weight is up front, the back ends just a bed.
Starting point is 00:15:38 What do you have to put back there? We tried to put a big fuel cell in the back. So like my truck's got a custom built tank in the back behind the rear end so that we get as much weight on the back side of the axle as possible, just like the motor's usually up front on the front drive line center. So move that back batteries to the back, that kind of thing. So when you start to get lower on fuel, do you find the thing gets more squirrely? Or is it not that noticeable?
Starting point is 00:16:03 It's not super noticeable. Not so much that you would be worried about it. I guess you can say. You basically have to be like a test pilot in aviation. You put this monster engine in there. Now so when you go down the street, you obviously don't want to screw up what you just built. So what do you go at like 60 percent? I give it, I give it all of it, but to the floor.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I built it to go all out. So it's just everything she's got every time I play with it. I don't want to jinx you, but have you ever taken somebody's car out to test something like that and ended up hitting something or getting it in an act? Never? No, but I'll call you when I do and cuss you out for sure. No, no, no. I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:16:49 All right. So I got to ask this. This is another fanboy question here. How do you do a burnout if you've never done one and you don't end up on YouTube as that guy who thinks he's spinning his wheels, but he's actually burning out his clutch? Just smoking the clutch. Yeah. I guess it kind of depends.
Starting point is 00:17:10 You know, is it a manual transmission or an automatic? It's an automatic. Just hit the brake in the gas at the same time and put it to the floor and if you've got enough power, you'll brake it loose. If you don't, you just look like a chump and then manual transmissions. All right. Go on a stick. How do you do it on a stick?
Starting point is 00:17:27 Because I'm afraid to do it. I'm afraid I'm going to burn out the clutch on my truck. It's more difficult because you've got a, what they call it, heel toe. So you got to use your heel to hold the brake and then use your toe to work the gas while you're working the clutch. You still got to kind of do the same thing. It's just ... Oh, so it is the same thing?
Starting point is 00:17:48 Yeah. Or you can just rev it to the moon and dump the clutch and slam on the brake. I've seen guys do that. You see their cars will jump five feet and then stop and then just depends on how you want to look. My truck's got a line lock on it. So if I were to go to the track, you press the brake, activate the solenoid, it holds all the pressure to the front wheels and releases the back and then you can just let the clutch
Starting point is 00:18:09 out and it will go. And then you just flip the switch off and it releases the solenoid and releases the brakes at that point. All right. Another question I've always wanted to ask you, what do you think about wraps? Are those ... like in the paint world, when they look at that, because there's some pretty crazy wraps and you look at them and you think you spent all this money, took the car apart. What is in the paint community?
Starting point is 00:18:34 What are you guys thinking about those things? I think they have their place. I think on some of the newer cars that if you want, maybe obviously for advertising they have their place. You wrap your car with whatever it is you know that for advertising, but there's some things that you can do with some of those wraps that won't hurt the paint versus in value too. So you wrap your car, but you want to get rid of it in five years, but you've changed the color, you devalue it because everybody wants that clean car fax and they'll wonder
Starting point is 00:19:05 why the car is wrapped. So I've seen a lot of these guys, especially exotic cars that want to change the color to be a little different than the other guy, that they'll wrap them in matte colors and pearlescent films and whatever and I mean, they don't bother me. I mean, they're expensive, I can't believe how much it costs, you know, some of those things. I know, right before the pandemic, I put a clear wrap on my Jaguar just because sometimes it sits in the sun and I didn't want the paint to fade and all of that type of stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:36 So it's still the same color, but it's kind of amazing now though where if somebody were to sort of rub up against it, they can't scratch the paint. So that's like a cool thing. When you do one of those custom paint jobs, are there way more coats than what the factory paint was or does it all depend on the customer, what they're looking for? We pretty much do the same thing on every car. So we'll, what we call file it and check for highlights through the car. So what your eye might see is flat, you know, and you put a light next to it and you'll
Starting point is 00:20:12 see the ripples in the paint because of the light. So usually we'll run the lights down the side of the car and make sure that we wet it down. It's all smooth. So when we put clear coat on it, we'll file that down the same way. We usually do between five and six coats of clear on the car, but by the time we get done wet sanding it to buff, it's probably brought it down to about two, maybe two and a half coats of clear. Oh.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Because it stains so much off. Yeah. More clear doesn't it? We're going to add up to give you to, to, to fix all those imperfections. Yeah. We can move the line around and everything like that. So it helps the fact that you put so much on, but aftermarket clear coats are very, I guess, advanced in a way too, right?
Starting point is 00:20:56 So it doesn't take as much clear for the UV protection as people would think, and that's just the misconception people think, oh, the more the better, not necessarily the more film builds you get. Just like anything else, right? Like if you, the more film build, the more brittle it can get to. So you put 10 coats of clear on a car and get a rock chip, it can blister easier than two coats because it won't have the flex because you'll hit something. Is this all stuff that you've just learned through the years and people drive the car
Starting point is 00:21:24 back and then you're like, ah, I got to do this all over again? I kind of, I kind of tech out a little bit on that. So I'm really, we use a BASF things. So I like talking to the reps and the guys that are the chemists that are working with it. So I, I try to stay on the leading edge of all of that to know what is a good film build and we check our film bill ever painting too. So we'll know if we put on too much or if we're going to have problems because more
Starting point is 00:21:48 club, more coats of clear you do. If the bottom doesn't drive before the top tops, what they call like a skim over, then the bottom side will actually react and give you solid pop and can really paint job. And what is the technique when you go to spray it on, it's not like some kid just coloring in when, when you got to be like a certain distance. How do you stop it from like dripping and like practice practice. Yeah, I use good guns too. Did your dad make you like, I don't know, have like some piece of plywood and just working
Starting point is 00:22:21 me. Must have had you do that before he actually had like, what was the training before you actually sat down? I'm thinking like a barber where they have like a balloon and they let me get you the straight razor straight razor face. Mine was more let me fail. I think I learned more from my mistakes than I do being taught. I learned a lot better when somebody just lets me do it and mess up is like, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:43 I don't feel like I get nervous when people are trying to teach you too much. It's hard to process it. So over the years, I've learned a lot by screwing up than I have talking to people. You know, you take in the information, you read all the tech sheets. You kind of know what you're supposed to do. But those are generally shot at like 70 degrees, right? Well, sometimes we're 95 or 100 degrees in my booth. So that tech sheet really doesn't mean shit.
Starting point is 00:23:10 You know, it's like, How do you have to adjust that? Most of the time is like a drag. So we'll put a coat of clear on and then we can fingerprint it. Like we'll wait till it starts stringing a little bit and then we'll put our second one on. So depending on the temperature and the humidity outside, we'll add a little bit of time per coat.
Starting point is 00:23:26 So like my first coat between my first and second coat might be 15 minutes, but between my fourth and fifth might be 45 minutes an hour because you're trying to let the gas out. You don't get the solvents out of it so you don't entrap them underneath everything. That's what blows my mind. Like people just think, oh, you paint cars like this, you know, nothing to it. Like you're coloring in something and like the level of science that is involved in this and then also, I also love people that start their own businesses and I follow you on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:23:58 So I'm always seeing you, you're going to like these, these car shows recently at you. I think the last one I saw you want to like orange beach or something in Alabama. Was that right? So how, how important is that for people starting off with like a shop to have, you know, to be at all of these shows? I would assume that if there's a local car show, if you're starting out, you're small, you want to be there, set up a booth, meet people and then it's almost, it's so much like comedy where you just start in your town, get to know all the club owners and then all
Starting point is 00:24:32 of a sudden you're trying to like go national. How many of those do you hit as far as during a normal year? 10 to 12, we try and do maybe one a month, maybe more depending on the distance of them. You know, the farthest we've gone away. Was it, didn't you go all the way out to Jacksonville one time or something? Yeah, we've gone to Des Moines, we've got, we've gone a lot of places and I mean, there's, there's good and bad with all of that, right? So I mean, we're, we're booked, we're busy.
Starting point is 00:25:04 So if you do too many shows, I feel like it can almost be just as bad for you to go out and say you're too busy. It's like, well, don't go to Casey, he's got too much shit going on. So I think there's got to be equal balance of how much you want to put yourself out there. So if you advertise for work and work and work and they just keep telling everybody can't do it, sooner or later you'll notice the guy's too busy to get to anybody's stuff. Right. So it's been a really weird way of trying to keep, because if we go and advertise or we
Starting point is 00:25:28 do a lot on social media, we get a lot of emails. Well, the more emails you get and you keep telling them, hey, we're 18 months or 12 months or 24 months out, most people are instant gratification seekers. So they're going to go to the next shop. So I guess I'm more looking towards like a steady group of people to do work for. And so we do a lot of work. We have a lot of rework. So like cars will go out and then the customer, they like to build the process.
Starting point is 00:26:00 So they'll send another car. So we kind of got some clients to just build one car after another and they just keep doing what those are great. But advertising is good and bad. You know, I mean, I'm sure you've been there too. It's like you do too much. It's almost too much. You do too little.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Then you're changing your day. I had a dream last night that I was watching myself on an interview that I didn't remember doing and I had a panic attack. Oh my God, I'm putting myself out there too much because that is definitely a thing in my business. It's weird with like podcasting because this is just sort of like a weekly show type of thing. So even though I'm putting myself out there with that, it's not the same thing I feel
Starting point is 00:26:41 anyway. As far as like, if you do, I have a thing in my business where I try to always avoid ever going on a show unless I have something, there's a reason I'm there. Like you know, I got five lines in a movie. They want me to come on and sell the movie. You know, obviously I got to do that. But like that stuff, what I call it extra TV, where it's like, hey, you want to be, not like I've ever been offered this, but like, you know, if you've already been out there
Starting point is 00:27:12 and you did the whole promotional circuit, and then like one of these game shows, they were doing a podcast host, you know, Hey, like you're whatever, you know, It's not like you're flattered. It's like you want to be asked, but like that's one of those things where you really have to sit there and think going like, all right, is this going to be like a cool thing? You know, I go on there. Anything I win is for charity.
Starting point is 00:27:34 So that's a good thing. But is it, I just don't want to have that person at home going, if I have to look at this fucking guys, God damn bald head again, which is everything that everybody's now going to write underneath this. You almost want people to want more of you instead of always seeing you like how can we don't see more of, you know, this or why don't we see more of that? Yeah. Like, oh yeah, he's just always there.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Yeah. And that's, he's on the next thing, we'll see him next week on another show. You know, it's like you want to be almost seeked out more than you want to be just the norm. Yeah. I've learned a lot about that, watching how Chris Rock does it and the Beastie Boys back in the day, watching them where they would, they could play the game so good. I mean, Chris, I would see just cause I was a comedian, but I was saying, just as far
Starting point is 00:28:18 as like seeing him in a movie or TV, he, they, they had like that perfect timing of, of this, there's a thing where you want them to like, man, where are they? And then, but if it goes too far this way, then they forget about you. And they always seem to know right when like, oh, shit, they're bad. I better do something special. All right. All right. Like the Beastie Boys dropped a new album and then they would do like a tour.
Starting point is 00:28:43 And then when the tour was done, they would come on Letterman, they would play whatever the song sabotage back in the day and then they would do the tour and then just gone. And then we have four years, right? Right as you started to think, are they going to put out something else? It was bam. Next one in the, the next tour. So you want to be known as more of the elite, you know, it's like you pick the right gigs and that's, we do that with the shop.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Like not that we like tell people we don't want to work on their cars, but I do this because I want to do it. It's a passion. Yeah. I don't want to get burned out on it. So I want to do cars for people that have the same passion that I do about the car. I don't want to do it for some guy that just, just has money, doesn't know what to do with it.
Starting point is 00:29:29 So he just tells you to build something, doesn't really care about the car, doesn't have any plans for the car. It's going to sit in his garage and nobody sees it. It doesn't do me any good to put all of my heart and soul into something that's going to sit in somebody's garage and it's never seen like I get it made money, but that's not advertising. You know, so you're doing big cars, you want them to be out and be seen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:48 That's another thing I don't get about meetings when they'll be like, this is an all original matching number, blah, blah, blah, and the car's like 50 years old and it has 2000 miles on it. And I always think like, what was, what is the purpose of owning that car? There's, there's a Mercedes Benz. I always forget what it literally looks like. Remember that show speed racer? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Way back when it has like a, has a really long hood, long nose, long nose and you're literally riding like you need goggles, West had one or I don't know if you still say one of the most beautiful cars I've ever seen and they had one of those for sale on one of these shows and it was like, you know, like that car's like, I get this point like 10 years old, 12 years old, power along, they made them and this thing had like 1500 miles on it. And I'm just thinking like the cars like a million bucks or something crazy like that, some crazy astronomical number.
Starting point is 00:30:41 And it's like, you never even took it out to like the track because I get like, okay, I'm going to spend a million dollars on a freaking car. I'm going to drive down the street and some asshole in a Prius me is going to fucking t-bone me and then be like, sorry, sorry about that. I kind of get that, but I've never understood. I hate to keep going back to the show you were on, but like I remember when they went out and they bought a Ferrari that had a bent frame and I distinctly remember Aaron or somebody saying like, yeah, when you buy a Ferrari, this is what it should look like.
Starting point is 00:31:19 You should drive this thing. I mean, obviously you don't want to wreck it, but in a way, I actually respected the person that wrecked it more than the person that keeps it pristine owns it for 20 years and then shows up and he's got 800 miles on it. It hurts me on that kind of thing because it's like, these cars are no investment. I mean, not for like, I could see like the crazy Bentley's and one of one and a collection of, you know, these are the, they only made three. Those have a certain point.
Starting point is 00:31:50 I guess that they, they might keep going up or whatever, right? With me, none of that really matters. I guess, you know, some people have their niche, right? Like they want that car. That's what they're after. Somebody could bring me a matching numbers, one of one 69 copo. Hey, I want you to put on a chassis, big brakes, yank the mother. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I'd yank all that shit out and throw in the scrap. And it doesn't matter to me. Like I'm all about how did you get to that? Because I always, like with my truck, you know, I mean, I used to make money in this business, but when I had money, there was definitely a temptation to do to it a little bit. I mean, not what you did. I mean, I couldn't, I don't have the skill set to drive yours, but like there was definitely
Starting point is 00:32:37 a, there was some things that I maybe wanted to do to make it a little bit faster, but I was, I bought the truck. It was just so all original. I didn't want to mess with it. And I, and it shifts on the column, which I thought was the coolest thing ever. And everything was going to, I was like, is there any way to have five speed overdrive on the column? For a six feet angle on the column, just shifting up and down the whole time at the off.
Starting point is 00:33:01 That's coming closer to you or you're like, you got on the other side of the window. You guys are like, yeah, man, I don't know if I could do that. So is that something you always had just not a sentimental person or you just know how to make it better or? I guess I'm sentimental in the fact of, like I, I've had my green truck since I was like, I was late 14, early 15 years old when I got that green truck to start with. So like I've never gotten rid of it, you know, in the title on it, it was in my mom's name cause I was too young to have a title, you know, in my name, and then it's my name now.
Starting point is 00:33:34 So it was like my mom's name that it was sold to me. So like that's sentimental. But as far as like the parts or whatever, like I want to get in my vehicles, any of them and enjoy them to the nines. So I feel like, like people are like, oh, I'm in the Model A club and I've got this old Model A. It's like, I get the nostalgic of that in a way, but it's like you can do 30. You can't stop. It's hard to steer.
Starting point is 00:33:58 You got no heat. It's like, how enjoyable is it really to drive around in that where me, I went to the track yesterday with my truck to the road course and I'm out running brand new GT 350s, running with brand new CA vets and out running Porsches like, that's, yeah, that's cool shit. Like going down the road, so I, what's it like after the race, when you go up to the guy with the Shelby or something like that and you're just pop collars on you walk by and just keep walking. Like they look at you like, dammit, cause they see an old truck.
Starting point is 00:34:37 They think I got a brand new Porsche, I got a brand new vet. I'm going to kill everybody out here. I just got passed by a truck. What the hell? You know, and then they're pissed. You just win. Like mentally, you don't say anything. You just drive off and leave and let them leave them thinking.
Starting point is 00:34:51 But those are the kind of guys that come to you. How do I make mine as fast as yours and then you make money? So not only you have the power, but, and then I would think like, because you don't have all that shit in the back, is that what keeps it lighter? It's cool chassis. So it's a roadster shop chassis. It's all C6 Corvette geometry on the front. So it hang was like a brand new car.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I mean, it's, it's absolutely absurd. I mean, the back tires are 345, it's all racing tires all the way around. What can I do with my truck? Because when I take a turn at like, even like 10 miles an hour, I literally have to reach under the seat and I don't slide into the door. Man, start by lowering that dude a little bit. Those pictures you sent me, it's like that far off the, I mean, I thought it was four wheel drive.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I wasn't sure. I have a thing with lowered trucks. I mean, if they look like yours, that's one thing, but like, um, I just feel like it's a truck. You know what I mean? It's, it's like, it should be a truck. So there's nothing I can do. There's no sway bar or update that you could add a sway bar to the front.
Starting point is 00:36:06 I think, uh, I think those trucks had an option of a sway bar, maybe, uh, well, you're twin eye beam. I don't know if they are or not. One of the few things I actually know how to do on, on a, I just knew how to do basic maintenance. Um, but like, if I go to change the oil, I don't know, you had this on yours. Mine's a 68, the drain plug on the oil plan, this piece that, that's like part of the frame. So it's going to come, all the oil is going to come down and go all over the place.
Starting point is 00:36:38 And it killed me because when I got the truck, one of the first things that went out, I bought a, uh, an oil filter wrench down at the thing and I was all excited. Like, you know, I was going to dress like Fonzie with my little onesie. You get under this thing and basically just change the oil. And um, I was talking to a buddy of mine. I was like, why the fuck would they design it like you said that's just how it was back then. One, one, whoever's doing the chassis wasn't talking to this guy and then they just put
Starting point is 00:37:02 the shit together and that's how, that's how it ended up being. Yeah. Um, all right, I gotta, uh, I gotta ask this too. Okay. So I started to get on to the topic of, uh, you know, oh my God, I don't, I'm gonna paint another one of these. I could really do this with my eyes closed. What are your top five favorite cars that you ever worked on?
Starting point is 00:37:25 Be it like, cause you always wanted to work on it or it was kind of like, you know, when I bought the car in from my dad, where they were just like, I've never, who the fuck brings a four to a 59 and Paula in, I would love to redo this car. What are your top five? Um, there's, you know, we blew through them so fast on the show, it was hard to really even keep track. I couldn't even name all the cars that we did on the show. There was one in the very beginning.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Oh, by the way, did you guys really build them that fast? Yes. So we didn't sleep much in the beginning. We were improving grounds in a way, right? So if it was a single episode show, it was, uh, two weeks. We had two weeks to build the car. And if it was a double episode, like if it was like, see you next week, it was four weeks. So generally in the beginning, it was, you know, three, four days of fab work, five days
Starting point is 00:38:21 maybe, and then it would go to me and I would paint it as fast as I possibly could. And sometimes I had help and sometimes I didn't, and we would paint them in four or five days, bring them back to the final assembly and be done with them. It was, it was terrible, but why now just, I think just because of the stupid TV show schedule, like, I think a lot of it had to do with us trying to prove that we could do it. So I think that's what made the show what it was. We set the grounds for doing things that most people would say couldn't be done or that,
Starting point is 00:38:55 said could be done and took weeks after that. So like every time we said we were going to do something, we nailed it. And I think the show grew, the production company, you know, grew, you know, liked it and just kept buying episodes. So when I was working at Coke, Richard called me and said, Hey, we want you to do this show with us. And I was like, all right, I thought it was joking because I know he shot a couple pilots before trying to get a show and this one stuck.
Starting point is 00:39:22 So it's a great story. And then the genius too of that it was called fast and loud. And I'm a fan and I still call it gas monkey because they would only say that and they would sell their merch like branding, which is awesome and branding like, he's an incredible businessman. Yes. So I also like when he would do the used car salesman, you see this guy grew up in this. This is totally like in his blood.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah, for sure. So I had 24 hours to make a call woke up my wife that night. She told me I'd be crazy if I didn't take the job, went down the next morning, called the guys at Coca Cola, gave them my told them, I'm not coming in, I'm quitting, they understood it was still nuts, then work to work, work for Richard immediately and then drove Dallas every day for four and a half, five years or whatever it is when I worked there. I mean, it was, it was cool and I don't regret it. I miss, I guess the biggest regret of the entire thing was the home, you know, missing
Starting point is 00:40:23 my kids growing up. So I was gone so much. That was one of my favorite episodes for now, then I knew you were leaving too. Yeah. You painted it at your house and you just seem like you were totally at peace, which you don't see on the show because, you know, as part of the drama, the show with the grind, I'm not shitting on the shop because I think it's amazing what they do there. But you were, you were back, you know, sitting on your steps or something going, I miss my
Starting point is 00:40:46 kids and blah, blah, blah, blah. And as a comic, I was relating to that where we had, it was a point in my career where I got so busy and you know, I'm selling tickets and then it just becomes like, well, what is the point of this because I was like walking to do shows and I would see, you know, boyfriend, girlfriend, husbands and wives sitting out having dinner on a Friday night and I was feeling these feelings is like, I would fucking love to do that right now. And then you feel like who the fuck am I to be thinking that as I'm walking to this comedy club where everybody bought these tickets, they would love to do this.
Starting point is 00:41:24 So I was like, all right, I know I have an awesome job, obviously. So I need to find more of like a balance. So when you left the show to do your own paint shop or when Aaron left the show, I was like, you know, as a fan, I'm like, fuck, I want to keep seeing those guys, their chemistry is amazing. But then as just as far as someone who travels and is away from home, I was actually like happy for you guys. And I was speaking of Aaron, isn't he doing like, I thought I saw something on the internet
Starting point is 00:41:59 where he was doing something where he was going to be making parts for F 100s. Am I crazy? No. So they worked on like, what are they called, like slick side trucks. So like early 60s. So call it like 60, was it 61, four or whatever the straight act. What makes it slick side? I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:42:23 So they kind of make like, so the body lines are more swooping. So they're kind of known as the slick side. And then my truck and your truck are known as bump side because of the bump on the side. And 73 to 79, they kind of curved in. So they call them dent sides. So they've all kind of got like square body Chevy's, you know, people call them square bodies, but they were like 73 to 86 or whatever Chevy trucks. And they've all kind of got their little nicknames that people call them.
Starting point is 00:42:51 But he made a kit for those that changed the geometry and changed the geometry of the steering because straight axles are known for being like, you get death wobble going on the highway. So he made some brackets and kind of bends beams and does little things in the front to get the geometry right. So you can go down the highway. I need to know this because I'm sure I can get a death wobble. So with a straight axle truck, the steering's connected and it's all on one. So you kind of get to where the wheels will jump off of each other if you don't have
Starting point is 00:43:19 the right angle. So the more, what is it, caster you get, you know, like when you turn your wheel and you let go of your car and it kind of corrects itself because your center line is laid back and that causes the wheels to correct themselves. Well, whenever the caster is too straight up, you can get to where that wheel isn't being forced straight or kind of they'll get where they're jumping around on you. So he changes the caster angle or the that's beyond my, uh, well, you know what, I, uh, flying helicopters, there's a thing that can happen called ground resonance where, uh,
Starting point is 00:44:00 I, I can't, this is from grounds, but I just seen this, these people, there's somehow, something goes on with it when they set down with the way they're setting down and what's going on where I can't, I already forget, this is embarrassing how it happens, but literally you set down and the things start shaking and you should lift up, but they, it's people freak out. They don't want to happen. And literally the thing just shakes and falls apart like, uh, the cop's car and smoking in the bandit.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I've seen that also with like motorcycles where they, they, they start doing like this thing. Uh, there's a great video, a scary video of a guy on Instagram starts having that happen and he's on the highway and there's a tractor trailer right next to him. He goes down like a stunt and slides underneath the fucking truck and he's like in gene.
Starting point is 00:44:53 So it's like momentum. He got road rash, but he didn't get squashed. I don't know how, how it happened and he got up, he's like ripped up and bloody, but he's like, it's all right. I'm alive. I'm alive. Like that's how it ends. And it's just like that right there is why I would never fucking ride a motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:45:10 So, um, all right, so let's, uh, let's talk to your website here. Um, so it's Casey's paint shop dot square Is that it? Is that right? That's the way it came up. No. I don't know. But Casey's paint
Starting point is 00:45:28 I think it. Yeah. Andrew, you got to help me out here. I looked it up. I thought it was CASEy's paint and then it says square space. I do have to get the work done little lunch. I learn how to run a website. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:41 I don't know how to like call my cell phone and like it's Casey and you're right. It's CASEy's paint, but when you go there redirect to the square space, but it goes to the square store or whatever. No, he had it right. All right. Well, just out of curiosity, for somebody who would want you to paint a car that they're actually going to drive and risk, you know, smash it all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Like how far, like my next car that I want to get, I want to get a 67 Cadillac El Dorado. And there's a couple of colors that they had that year. There's one that's between a grain of blue. That is just, it's just one of the most beautiful cars I've ever seen in my life. And it's really my style where I am not a going fast guy, as you know, giving me a ride in a truck. I know, dude. Yeah, but you need guys like me.
Starting point is 00:46:42 So guys like you seem cool. You got to have the guys like me out there. So we got to have some of the teas. No, dude, like if I could just have that car and smoke a cigar and drive down the fucking street at the end of all of this torn around telling jokes, you know, my kids turn out to be decent human beings, like, um, you know, my wife stays with me. I'm done. That's all I need.
Starting point is 00:47:05 So if I, if I were to get this car, I don't want to put you in a corner. I can edit this out here. But how far are you backed up? Right now for like a full build, we're probably over a year. If I just want to get painted, if I have somebody and you paint it, uh, it kind of depends on where we were in line, right? You know, for the body shop is if our fab shop, if we do a good job of the fab shop, by shop goes quick and sometimes we are looking for fill in work, but something like that
Starting point is 00:47:35 wouldn't take very long to paint. It just be the matter of taking it apart, painting, putting it back together for you. Right. So, um, man, just be one of those that's almost a case by case really in a way just depends on where the shop is at the point, you know, like if we get a day like that, I'm seeing a lot of daylight because one of my, I got to have you at some point, something that I get. I got to have you paint it because I was sold on your stuff, stuff, uh, when you did that
Starting point is 00:48:01 lace top, some sort of white car or something, you did that lace top. I thought that was like the perfect car to do that on and it was like your idea. And then I also liked how after a while you got annoyed by putting clear on a patina car, which just, I just felt like you felt like you were the invisible man. Well, it's like they wanted to see us paint something. I'm like, you know, we're not doing shit, right? But just putting clear, we're not painting anything, but they wanted to see us doing something and then it almost seemed like then it, for, there's like a short stint there
Starting point is 00:48:37 that we did it a lot and I was getting burned out and I was like, we don't have to do this shit. Like I just do not do it at all. You know, we don't, I thought the clear made the, whatever the chemistry of the rust made that stop. No, it doesn't. No. So like after a couple of years of clear coating, one of those, um, we've had a couple that
Starting point is 00:48:59 we've seen that the rust keeps growing underneath it and it turns the rust white under the bottom side of it because it's almost, you're not really stopping anything. The only way to kill rust is to neutralize it, which uses the blast to chemically, you know, neutralize the rust, putting clear on it, just kind of, I thought it, I thought it looks, this is once again, my poor science back, it looks cool for a while, but it comes off. There was no oxygen be able to, like you sealed it off like a sandwich, it would stay, you would just cryo freeze it now.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I did a couple of trucks a couple of years ago. We did a 49 Ford and a 53 Chevy and we took the SEMA three, four years ago now and we just scotch-rided them really good, cleaned them up and kind of gave them like a sheen. And then if you wash them, I mean, rust needs moisture and stuff to grow anyway. So as long as you just take care of it, it usually doesn't get any worse. You know, if it's cleaned off, where do you have the biggest problem is whenever like the dirt is inside the quarter panels and it's, you know, when it gets wet, it stays wet for a week or whatever, that's not bad.
Starting point is 00:50:02 So we just quit doing it and the people wash their car normally won't rub off on them. So we just, we've got a 64 that the customer actually came today to drive for the first time in two years, we've been building this truck for them and it's a 15 a truck and we just cleaned it and it's good. So maybe that's, maybe that's, I'll just find something that I can just deal with that. I don't have and just drop it off and then I'll see you in a couple of years and let me know what it's done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Well, I like weird shit. So I hope whatever I bring that I, if I ever, if I ever work again as a comedian, Casey, all right, I plan, I plan on bringing you something at some point. So how about we wrap up with you telling people where they can, what's, what's the next big event that you're going to be out at your once a month thing? You got anything? I mean, can they even have those things? Right now, we just got a notification today that, do you know what SEMA is?
Starting point is 00:50:58 No. SEMA, it's a special equipment, manufacturer association, I think that's right. Huge show that's in Vegas every year, usually around Halloween, right after Halloween, that it's, it's massive. So it's like all the manufacturers come together and it's just a place where you can go and learn everything about the new stuff coming out for the next year. And usually for the past seven years or so, we build a car and you debut it at that show. So that's where my green truck was built last year and it was put in the BASF booth,
Starting point is 00:51:31 which is our paint company that we use, which is, it was a huge deal to me being a painter and having a car and paint booth is, that is a hard gig to get. So I was extremely excited to be in there, but they canceled it. So we haven't been to a show this year yet and I don't know if we're going to do it. I think we're just going to probably take the rest of the year off and see in 2021, you know, I don't really know what else to do. I'm starting to think that that's where I'm at. We're toying with an idea of possibly doing something back east.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Then I got to, I got to figure out how am I going to get there and, and, you know, I mean, I got a brand new baby boy at home. It's like then what I'm going to do that gig and then come back and quarantine for 14 frigging days. It is, it is a crazy time, but I don't know. I guess hopefully, you know, in 2021, we're all working again. I can hit you up with some, some sort of weird vehicle. I should have made a list of some of the shit that I like.
Starting point is 00:52:31 It's a lot of like, just, I don't know. I mean, I like those old man, uh, executive cars from the seventies. Oh yeah. I like those, uh, to like Cabo, you know, COEs, those, those things and, um, COEs are fun. They're cool cars. Yeah. And I kind of left all the muscle cars, but I feel like that was like a high school
Starting point is 00:52:54 phase. And, and I feel like those are sort of baby boomer cars in a way where it's like, that's the car they wanted when they were in high school. So then that's their dream to get it. I get that where I think I kind of look at like, you know, when it was early eighties, like Monte Carlo's, Oldsmobiles and Buick Regals. You're coming in hot, man. Like we're restoring a 93 Mustang Cobra right now for a guy.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Um, I mean, that's. Like I'm, I'm 37, right? So we've got cars that I wanted in high school. I drove a lot of Fox bodies. Well, now guys that are my age that wanted those or had those, when they were younger and starting to make some money, it's weird seeing the emails that we're getting now about restoring late eighties, early nineties, cars and trucks. And you're like, that's not that.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Cause I still drive a 95 lightning every day. So to me, 95 is not old. I just drive my lighting and people like, Hey, can you restore this? I'm like restored. I got two of them. You want me to sell you one of these, you know, but they're like, I want to restore pristine and you don't think that it's 30 years old already. You know, it's like, wow, man, I guess one that I like, uh, the best truck I think
Starting point is 00:54:03 that the last 20 years, well, I like that, that Dodge, Hemmy, the 1500 short bed. Yeah. Um, before they messed up, I don't like their front ends right now. The little RT trucks, they had a little fine set of Hemmys or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, there was, I liked it. And there was a blue that they had that I liked and there was a black. And I was wondering, like, so classic me, if I get that thing, I don't want to take
Starting point is 00:54:26 the Hemmy out, see original engine and all of that. Something like that. What would you do with that thing? What would your first idea, if you want to make, like, first of all, like, when you look at that truck, what are your feelings of it? I mean, as far as coming straight from the factory, the power and all of that. Do you respect it? You're good.
Starting point is 00:54:45 All right. That's one, uh, me and my wife were talking about my son just turned 14. So we're looking to buy him something and, uh, probably next year or so. Cause I want him to be able to tinker with it a little bit. I don't want to have to restore anything for him. But if we could tinker with something, I was like, you know, those Dodges are reasonably priced, you know, Dodge doesn't really hold their value very well anyway. So, you know, get him one of those, lower it, you know, put some exhaust on, just
Starting point is 00:55:08 kind of make it neat and some nice wheels. I mean, it's already got power. When is it locks and what else do you do to it? Really, you know, except throw your, would you, would you mess with the engine at all or no? Oh yeah. Twin turbos all day long. Really?
Starting point is 00:55:20 I, I can't leave anything alone as far as motor goes. They're never fast enough. So maybe when I get out there, if you teach me how to drive faster, maybe I'll, I'll, uh, I'll bring you something fast, but I'm probably going to bring you grandpa cars. You're going to bring me a Dodge truck and want me to put a Prius motor in it or something. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I had a Prius for nine years. They're fucking amazing. Don't, don't even start with this. I will, I will defend that car to the end of the, as far as like, for what it does, see, what does it do? Tell me what it does. What it does. Do you ever have a friend in your life that never needs anything?
Starting point is 00:55:59 Never bitches and always has your back and always there for you. That's what the, okay. Don't have one of those. That's what the Prius is. No matter how bad the gas prices got, I like, I would, I was always under 40 bucks. Dude, I live in LA. There's no place to drive fast unless I want to like, you know, do a line of coke at three in the morning and then jump on the highway.
Starting point is 00:56:22 But even then they're going to be doing construction and slow everybody down. And then when gas prices were cheap, I would be filling that thing up and I would be laughing at the pump. It's like, I would pay what I paid in high school for my fucking car for gas. So, um, in defense of the Prius, they never said that they would line up with your Frankenstein truck. Okay. They just, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:43 I'm going to send you this picture and you're going to laugh. Are you, so my brother-in-law has a, uh, or had a Prius. It's, you're describing exactly how it was. I gave him, he worked at my hot rock shop for two years and he drove a gold Prius and I made him park around the corner. It's like, don't park that in front of the shop. It's terrible. Then we would get to where we're taking it somewhere because it's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:57:11 dude, it won't take gas. We'll just go or whatever. And then prices gas shot up. And like they had a shortage of gas. This is a couple of years ago now and he's like, he's like, yeah, man, you guys make fun of me, but I'm the only one driving my shit to work. You know, I'm like, I don't want to hear it. No, that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:57:28 When gas prices were low, I would get gay bashed. When gas prices came up, people would be coming over. Like, can you give me a ride? Hey, how much is that? How do you like that? Does that thing work out? I was going to buy it for the shop car for the loop center that we own. And he ended up selling it, but I, I watched it and they took a picture of
Starting point is 00:57:51 me washing it because I told them, I'll never drive this car. And I was, I own a car wash. I was like, well, I'll clean it up for him, whatever. Well, this picture haunts me because it comes back on your news feed. Like, do you remember this? You know, and you're like, dammit, I'll have to send it to, I'll never find it. I'll tell you this. I, uh, you know, another car that I think is the shit for what it does, a smart car.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Like, I look at that thing. Notice I saved this to the end. You know what I like about a smart car? This is the Californian. Yeah, I think. No, no, don't disrespect California. This is all the hot rod culture is out there. No, I'm from Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:58:26 I just look at it like that's what, when I was a kid. A little kid and you had like a go-kart. That's what the fuck you wanted. Like what if this little go-kart could do like 80 miles an hour and they built one? The only reason why that car sucks is because there's somebody in an F 350 tailgating you behind, which I can only faster, which I totally get. But as far as zipping around LA and I mean, the only thing easier to park than that would be like fucking motorcycle. So, um, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I try to, I try to separate. I don't judge everything on the basis of a Ferrari. I just look at like, I try to keep it in the class that it is. What I'm basically saying, Casey, is I think I'm a better person than you are. What it boils down to is I enjoy the environment. I just sent you that picture. Did it come through? Listen, I live near an ocean.
Starting point is 00:59:16 So at some point I had to talk down to you because you're in the middle of the country. That's, that's what's done now, right? I'm kidding, yes. Um, well, anyways, I just want to thank you so much. For, uh, we finally, you know, been trying, I've been trying to get you on this thing for a long time. So I'm so psyched that you finally did it. Thank you for, uh, you know, letting us all know about what it is that you do and people out there. I know there's people wanting to start their own shops, stuff to watch out for,
Starting point is 00:59:39 especially that part where you started and you had all this work, but we're going broke. Like that, that seems like a hit book to me. Um, this is hard. Yeah, it is. But anyway, the great Casey Matthew Casey paint is the website. Uh, he'll paint it if you'll drive it, right? That's right. That's basically it.
Starting point is 00:59:58 All right, Casey, thank you so much for coming on. I really appreciate it. Thank you. All right, we'll see you. You ready? Yep. Go for it. All right, everybody.
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Starting point is 01:04:10 Every once in a while, I'm graced with the guest and, you know, so you get an extra episode this week. All right. So it's an extra hour in your cubicle that you can actually not want to kill yourself and going to get right to you. Going to get right to it. My guest this week is somebody I've known, I think for about 17 years. I was thinking Jim Florentine. Jim Florentine. Yeah, man, it's good to see you. Yeah, it's probably been. I mean, we didn't, you know, we never did too many gigs together or anything like that. We were always, you know, you were doing your thing. I was doing mine, but you came up in Jersey and I was the suburbs of Boston. But I always felt like you guys, you, Norton, Voss, that whole crew, even though Voss probably started in the 70s. But I'm just saying, like you guys kind of had the same thing where you weren't in New York City.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Like we both had to like migrate there. And I feel like when I started coming, I started coming down in New York with Patrice in like 94, 95, moved there in like 95. And I don't think I saw you when you had the long hair. I think you had your hair cut by then, didn't you? Yeah, well, 92, 93 is when me and Norton tried to start it going in New York City and just, you know, what? Oh, really? Part of us. Yeah. And then about 94, 95. But whenever Kurt Cobain came out, like 93, like 94. When he died? Oh, when he came out? Well, no, when did he came out?
Starting point is 01:05:34 Like 96 though, right? No, he came out in September of 91. And then he died in April 94. And I only know that because of my love of metal and metal was over. And all of a sudden, I thought he was a douche when I first saw him when he was doing like making fun of the tap on solos. And that smells like teen spirit. I knew he was making fun of metal. And I just was I thought the guy was a dick. I'm one of the few people who admits that because everybody see I've talked about this in the podcast, people seem to like when they bring up that Nirvana album, Nevermind, everybody seems to act like like they knew that this that there was going to be this total shift in music. And, you know, there was something in the air and all that. And it was just, it took I didn't get Nirvana until after in utero. And then I saw him in when they did unplugged. And right as I started to like him, Kurt killed himself.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Yeah. No, I think it's an album in the beginning. And you know, and you know what? It's weird about that. It's like everyone thinks that that was the album that changed. I mean, it kind of was but it wasn't their music specifically. It was MTV and radio decided that that metal wasn't cool anymore. And they were going to stop playing, you know, how do they like collectively, like that is amazing that that album came out. And the second that came out, it was like all of a sudden all the bands I was watching weren't on MTV anymore. I remember even Madonna was bitching. She had some fucking catty little interview with Kurt Loder. And he's like, Hey, haven't made too many videos off of this album. She goes, Well, why should I make him? You guys don't show him. And you don't show my videos anymore. And he and she kind of went right at him. And then MTV like a bunch of pussies started showing her videos like right after that. Like I would have been like, Yeah, well, fuck you, you're old now.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Yeah, absolutely. But no, what happened was they, you know, and then Pearl Jam came about the same time. Right. They just MTV basically decided what what was popular. And then every radio as soon as they started playing Nirvana and Pearl Jam, it was the hot new video, every radio program across the country goes, Okay, that's what we got to play now. And they just totally discarded the metal. So what does that happen though, like they have like some fucking Bilderberg group of like radio stations, like they have like a conference. Yeah, you know, it's just one guy like, you know, one big programmer, probably the guy from fucking Z 100 in New York, right, whatever that douchebag was. And he started going, Oh, you know what, Nirvana is the newer Pearl Jam. And then everybody other radio station, what's New York playing and LA is playing this. Oh, we got to play it. And then they just copy. It's just, you know, it's like a TV business, one show successful and they'll try to put 50 more out like that.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Because I remember that that was overnight. I know I'm old now. So I don't pay attention to like music changing. But that's the last time I remember was just like, I thought it was going to be like headbangers ball. And fucking you remember that the top was that thing that that guy to try to dress like a headbanger but wasn't the guy was from like fucking Sweden that European guy with the blonde hair. Adam Curry. Yeah, yeah, no, no, is he not one of the original was that one of the original guys. No, he was like that guy to wear a leather jacket. He had the fluffed up like Yeah, that was Adam Curry. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he used to host that top 10 thing. And I swear to God, like the top 10 was like eight metal videos and like maybe Janet Jackson would slip in or fucking Jody Watley. They'd be like one R&B thing and and then some like new kids on the block thing or something like that. And then the rest of it was all fucking guns and roses skid row. And I thought it was going to be like that forever. Obviously a man was a young kid. I didn't know that music changed. I thought disco suck but I have to bring this up. I talked to you right right before we started this thing was how I was trashing a lot of the metal videos that I saw. I came home one night like late at night and I put on like VH one and I was astounded at how bad some of the music was that I listened to. And some of the videos like there was one quiet riot one where they actually sort of wrapped or did some sort of scratching before their song came on. I want to say it was about Russia. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:34 I don't know that one. It must have been later one. Yeah, no, no, no, I combine shit. But I like, I don't know. So people think I don't know that I don't like metal. I like it. But I like I don't look at it like like with like just, you know, with blinders on. No, no. I mean, if you look back at those videos because of each one classic plays them all the time metal mania play like four hours. I'm that a fucking awful. Yeah, Ronnie James deal. You know, I love Ronnie was a great dude. And you know, I personally know but walking around with a sword and fighting these demons and you know, saying, come on, you're, you're playing a metal and he's going through the woods and he says, did you know when they were out though when you were a kid, you thought they were sick. You're like, did you see the new day old video dude? It's fucking unreal. Yeah. Yeah. And then you know, they always and then the other like the poison is always had the hot chicken there to warrants always had that. It's like, Holy shit. Do you see that hot man? Is she fucking hot? You look back. She's not that hot. No, no, they were awful. They were awful. It's funny because we're going to have Nana Nancy Nancy Nancy and Anne Wilson from hard on our show in a couple days. I mean, my friend Eddie we're talking how we used to jerk off to Nancy Wilson because she had the big tits and she had the cleavage. You know, it was, you know, never was at the redhead of them. Yeah. Yeah. Just anyone. Yeah. They always had the tits out, you know, they had to in the 80s and I was like, that was that's what I jerked off to in 8788. Do you remember when the other one got real fat and they tried to shoot around it by doing like an extreme close up of her face? Do you remember that? Yeah. Yeah. And they tried everything that they could. She went she was sort of like the original like fat chick from like Wilson Phillips. Yeah. Yeah. She had like the I don't like when people get fat and they complain about this business and the pressure to stay in shape. It's like you want to be on a stage and eat whatever you want. That doesn't work that way. You have you have to come into this business of fat fuck.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Like if you come in that way like it's the fat fuck, then you're you're all good but you can't become fat in this business. You're going to you know, you're going to get trash. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, yeah, she was she was hot in the 70s. Yeah, she was. You know, yeah, she definitely put on I was I was reading an article on them. They were saying how the record company was so afraid to tell her just to lose weight that she was the record company, you know, brought the band in without her and said please talk to her because we went to want to piss her off but she has to lose weight. Right. And the band went to where she got so fucking pissed. She left the record company at the time. I think it was capital. She like fuck them. Yeah. And she was wearing like all these wear all like that leather and stuff. Yeah, it's not a good thing. There's a couple people who got fat. George Thurgood got fat. Yeah, still wore those those snakeskin leather pants. I went to some fucking blues festival and he was there and he came out with these fucking things, dude. He looked like he just had a kid. It was it was awful. And it was like one of those things where it's like, dude, you got to do something, wear a button down and some jeans and hit the fucking treadmill. So it's just one of those if you're like in this business. Absolutely, you can't you can't, you know, losing your hair or anything, you know, like that, you know, I'm losing mine and I'm just saying fuck it. I'm just letting it go. Yeah. Yeah, it's starting. I'm starting to go in the back and I'm just like, I can't what am I going to do? I'm going to scalp the back of my head and then have that shit put in the front. I just I just why I look at it. You know, if I was going to be the next Brad Pitt, it would have happened by now. I'm fucking, you know, it's like you're I'm 44 years old. What am I going to fucking be some 50 year old sex symbol? Yeah, you know, I'd rather be the just the you know, dude, I do a podcast that told jokes. I'm good. I can make my fucking rent. I don't need to go there and get my fucking face yank back and have some pubes taken from fucking my dick and stuck on my
Starting point is 01:13:10 head. I mean, no matter what this business is going to be finished with me at some point. So I've kind of made a rule that I am going to try to look like a fucking human being at the end of this. You know, unless unless they so get like the facelift down, if they get it down, where you actually can still look like a human being like, right? I've been talking lately on stage. Have you seen that that synogenics or whatever it is, you know, like those? Yeah, guys, I look that shit up. Like those old guys who were shredded. It's fucking they are on HGH. That's what I thought it was. Yeah, they're on they're on they're on fucking. That's why that guy has that tone like he wants to fight his kids. Right. Better shape my kids. You feel he's getting ready to snap. So like, don't they say that that's like cancer causing like the the HGH. So like those guys that's this first wave of old guys, they're probably going to fucking something bad's going to happen in four to five years. And then they'll use them as guinea pigs. So I figured by the time we get there, it's like Roy's now like back when we were kids, Roy's you know, the shrink your balls up, you got fucking titties. It was horrible and then you fucking died. And now but now they got that that synthetic stuff, they got the clear they get they just keep making it better. So real quick, if they if they come up with a fucking pill for a full head of hair, or you know, anything, or if it just feels like your head's on fire for a minute, I would do it. But like as far as like scalping the back of my head,
Starting point is 01:14:33 there's no fucking way I'm doing it. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I'm on the fence about that too. I mean, yeah, I mean, there's never been a sex symbol all of a sudden that 44. No, even George Clooney made it like 32 or 33. And that was like late. Yeah, he was old. He was he was around for 10 years doing little bit parts and all of a sudden they got ER or whatever. And then he became a sexist. So plus the advantage of kind of being a mess is no one really pays attention to your aging as much as like if you're in that people magazine 50 most beautiful people, people always say the funny shit. Oh my god, you see so and so what happened to her? What happened to him? It's like, dude, what the fuck happened to you? You think you think you're like, you know, under glass, not aging? So yeah, you're right. You're right. That's just I try to keep it as low maintenance as possible. Jean's in a t shirt and fucking whatever. And I brush my hair and I'm fucking do anything. You know, I don't want makeup on when I go on TV. I don't know. I don't want to know we had that guy. I'm seriously I go to I don't for what you know, it's funny. I like how we're acting like being a sex symbol is actually an option for us. Yeah, I know like we're going no, we don't want
Starting point is 01:15:32 that if we just took care of ourselves a little better. Well, speaking of but look, when I was in late 80s, early 90s, when I had long hair, I took like Bon Jovi's, whatever style he had or David Coverdale from white snake and I got a lot of fucking ass. So I was almost considered a sex symbol back then, even though I wasn't. But you're well, but you can be a local sex symbol. I was in Pennsylvania, I was a fucking 12 on a scale of one to 10, because they were still five years behind the whole like, you know, long hair thing. So I would do all these gigs out in Pennsylvania, just fucking clean up. That's hilarious. Do you ever go back there? Like, is that like your Germany like David Hasselhoff? Do you ever just go back to
Starting point is 01:16:09 Pennsylvania, do like a book signing or something? No, because once I cut my hair, they cut me off. They no longer like I was over. They were mad. They were just like my mom and Metallica cut their hair all the half their fans were pissed. Yeah, fucking cut their hair with felicity. Yeah, who cares? Oh, so that that's going to change their music. So when I yeah, they turned on me Pennsylvania to just before all my listeners trashed me for knowing the Felicity thing. I took an acting class with a girl who was on the show. It was some show called Felicity and every guy like 14 year old boy loved this girl Felicity. And then she she got her this, you know, I'm gonna play softball now haircut, right? And the whole fucking show tanked. And this actress was a little bit older. So she was she came in just bitching one day, because she finally had a fucking regular gig or
Starting point is 01:16:53 something like that. She wasn't one of the main people. But, you know, she was on like three, four fucking episodes of season and this chick cut her hair and like 100 people lost their jobs. Well, yeah. So that's how I know what people before I could see I could see that. I mean, I'm one Cheryl. I always thought Cheryl Crow was hot. I always think she's on that memory when she came out with that fucking soccer mom hairdo for like a year. No, all off and it was really short. It fucking she looked terrible. You can't do that. You can't as a woman, if you come into the business, fuckable, hot or whatever, you have to look that way. The whole it's the same thing. It's the same thing like even as a guy as a guy, if you're coming in and you know, you're all shredded and you have abs and that type of shit, you got it, you have to you can't get fat. You know what I mean? Unless I guess you playing some trying to win an
Starting point is 01:17:41 Oscar, but you couldn't but you then have to go back and lose the fuck. Yeah, absolutely. That's the thing, dude. So if I look like fucking Ron Howard, you know, it's I basically I realized now that I'm losing my hair that I'm gonna look like him my whole fucking life, which is really disappointing. That you know, there's no, you know, there's no fucking problem. But you're you're 44. I mean, you'll you know, when do you think it might the career might start slowing down? You think he got to at least 5050? I think it's gonna start. Dude, what I'm doing right if I just do if I make money off my podcast and I make and I just keep putting out specials every couple of years, I'm fucking good, right? My free time is priceless. Like, you
Starting point is 01:18:24 know, you get into this fucking business, they start going, I want you know, like, you just think that you want a TV show. And then I know you get kind of close to it. And I mean, I don't know, like your show, I, if I was going to do one, I like a show like yours, that metal show where it's like, it's that's taped in pretty much real time, right? Maybe a couple of pickups or whatever. And real time for people not in show business here, it's just basically, you know, 30 minutes show is shot in like 30 minutes. And maybe if there's a couple of flubs, if you said the name of an album wrong, you might have to go back and re record that. But like, those one hour one cameras, those are that's 12 hours a day, like five, six days, I think was it five days a week, they should they shoot an episode every four days, and they start the next one Friday, and you just keep going. I don't know. I guess
Starting point is 01:19:09 it's like three months of your life. Right. I'm too. I would rather just go slug it out in a strip mall, and just make money that way. And then just come back here and then fucking play guitar or fuck around. Absolutely, man. I love taking time off. You know, you gotta do it. Absolutely. Just you know, because I was always like, even I'd work on holidays, I'd feel like if I didn't get on stage in two days, I'm like, what am I doing, man? Fuck, right? I'm gonna be rusty shit. I'm one of my one of my doing my career. Everybody's passing me by. And now I'm like, gives a shit. Yeah, no, no, you got to like, when you guys tape, like, you're out here right now in Los Angeles to tape. Like, how many of that we're only doing we're doing six episodes this we already taped to a few months ago, whatever they're gonna put them. But yeah, we take two episodes in a
Starting point is 01:19:53 day, we take from three to seven, we knocked out to two hour episodes in four hours, basically with like an hour break in between. Awesome. Yeah, we just pump out. I notice it, you know, I mean, it's not like I got to study it. We got, you know, guys Meyer made and shit coming on, which I've been fans for years. I just like, I'm just interviewing one of my idols. And there's a, you know, a camera on which is awesome. Jesus Christ, it's not too much research. You're like, you like, you've quietly created, you created co creator on this show? No, but no, I mean, I pitched it with, you know, my buddy, Eddie was drunk. He's a DJ in New York, and he's been on for a while working record labels and stuff. We became friends. I go on his radio show. And we just, you know, debate metal. And he goes, I'm going to try to get this as a TV show.
Starting point is 01:20:36 That guy is on like a whole other level. Like he has to be the biggest metal fan ever. That guy like, I like he takes it all like really, like seriously, like, I feel like if I could get into a bait with debate with him, and he could actually convince me that kiss is just as relevant as the Beatles. Yeah, he can. Yeah, like I'm seeing I mean, I can sit there like, I love AC DC. Right. But I mean, they're not on the same levels as the Beatles. They just not, you know what I mean? Like it's, they just not. No, no, I love those guys not trying to no bands or anything. And I love those guys to death. By the way, I thought that was hilarious where they described your your show, at least on Wikipedia. And they said that that metal show is the the
Starting point is 01:21:20 Tonight show for AC DC fans. Yeah, that's the greatest phrase ever. Who came up with that? I don't have someone in a review someone that came in a show and reviewed it or something because they wanted the VH one wanted to say it's it's the view. It's a cross between the view headbangers ball and the view I'm like get that fucking nobody I don't know when that likes hard rocker metal watches the view once not don't say that they go no, it's a successful show and they're like and they wanted me to say that in interviews and I would never say it and like they were getting really pissed like he's got tell them to say it's a quote I go I'm never saying what is wrong with them. Just them in general see that's right when I hear stories like that I just like how do you just not go that is the dumbest fucking idea on the you know what I just feel
Starting point is 01:22:03 like sometimes they just have to say something to justify the fact that they have a desk because if they if there's if there's they just want to be like oh it's it's headbangers ball meets the view I came up with that that was my contribution to that show and now I want to go create something else I guess that's how they go up. I'm really not trying to sound like a bitter asshole but I am here. No, you have to be because it's like come on we know like no like that fan base when I go to an OzFest I can go up to 20,000 people do you watch the view and the fucking about 19,000 would punch me in the face. Yeah, for even asking them that no one would say yes. So why are we going it's a cross between headbangers ball and the view as soon as the guy if I saw that because I would tell him I go if I saw that I go the view I'm not watching that and you know what
Starting point is 01:22:47 their thought is their thought is well this is a very male demographic we got to get the females in there so then they throw in the view and and just they can't you know what it is they can never make enough fucking money they just never making enough they always have to do it and then they got to add some extra fucking thing and then when it nose dives then they put it on you yeah yeah and then you would have to bear that cross weren't you in that show that was like the view but you had Ozzy on it and you'd be like that wasn't the idea you know and the other person gets to just skate away. I know I've been lucky because you know the producer gets it and you know we fought for what would they really I think originally they wanted to be like a rock of ages type thing the goof on the 80s metal they wanted us to basically dress in spandex and put
Starting point is 01:23:34 wigs on and you know that stuff and we're like absolutely not we're three fucking guys with no energy we're not physical we just sit there and we'll talk heavy metal but I don't make I don't we don't make anything bigger I'm not we're not flashy we don't throw kicks. I gotta admit I've been real jealous watching some of the people you've gotten to talk to like just knowing you have Iron Maiden Iron Maiden is one of my big like I fucked up that I didn't go see them I could have seen them on the power slave tour I forget what it was my dad was pissed at me as something I fucked up like two weekends before and somebody had another ticket and it was like you know I was young enough where I still had to ask permission still living at home like 16 17 I was just like yeah I gotta let the old man cool off
Starting point is 01:24:19 and I can't make that one and I actually think my friends didn't even make it to the show they got so hammered my friends were idiots but that's one of the big ones and you see I saw one time I was flipping through and I saw you had Jason Bonham on and you know I'm a John Bonham freak and I met him one time at Guitar Center in somewhere in Florida I don't know why he was in there he was living down in Fort Lauderdale Coral Springs for like I think he still lives down there Jason oh okay yeah well I ran into him and and he was cool as hell he liked comedy and I got this like you know cell phone pictures back there was like a flip camera and they're usually awful somehow it was fucking great it was just this awesome picture of me and Jason Bonham and then I left the fucking
Starting point is 01:25:01 cell phone in the goddamn cab on the way to the airport I had never sent it to me or sent it emailed it to myself or anything so I was flipping through the fucking channels dude I'm such a John Bonham like freak that when like like when I shook Jason's hand like I was thinking like he shook his dad's hand at some point he had to have you know like you walk around going hey dad but it just like I literally felt like I don't know I was like the biggest fanboy ever so when I saw that you had them on the show him on the show I was just like Jesus Christ yeah I mean I would that guy would have like had to call security if I actually got to sit down and ask him and it would be like 50 million questions about his dad which he's probably sick
Starting point is 01:25:41 of answering I think he you know he doesn't mind it though he went out that whole Zeppelin thing and supposedly I heard from a reliable source there's gonna be something going on with Zeppelin at the end of the year oh is that right yeah I don't the guy wouldn't say what he's like a famous photographer who's really close with Jimmy Page well I thought I thought Jason played great during that last reunion that they did for the head of Atlantic Records when he died yeah and what I loved was he just he was doing like an amalgam of like studio and live shit he heard his dad do plus he had he had a lot of him in it like I thought that he wasn't I mean that's got to be terrifying because like Zeppelin fans and like drummers like I hate like I look at like
Starting point is 01:26:27 there's a lot of people do like drum covers on YouTube and they'll do a drum cover of like fucking you know some Zeppelin song and somebody will kill it and someone will be like good job but there's only one John Bonham it's like everybody knows that this guy doesn't think he's fucking John Bonham he just loves the guy and and it inspired him to learn how to make play drums and learn how to play I've even seen him like Jason Jason's Bonham he'll have like you know him playing drums and he's fucking killing it and some would be like you know yeah but he's nowhere near his dad it's like nobody is right and he doesn't have a t-shirt saying I'm really near to my dad when it comes to drums it's just so fucking annoying and I don't even know why I read the
Starting point is 01:27:10 comments I just I think I just read them just to see that just to get mad no of course because look if John was still around and Jason took John goes I'm out of Zeppelin and they hired Jason to play drums then you can go hey you know you need his dad back there he's no he's no John but he's not around what are you gonna do so fucking just let Jason be Jason right which is why I don't mind when people trash Wolfgang Van Halen I want Michael Anthony back there it's fucking annoying they finally got David Lee Roth back in just get Michael Anthony back in there you can never he can they get that will never happen how does Eddie throw his son out of the band oh yeah you know what I mean that's the problem and Alex is the uncle he has to leave he's got to throw
Starting point is 01:27:54 his son Wolfgang has to leave you know Michael's doing a show Michael and Sam here doing our show this week oh where were they gonna be at we're taping our show oh yeah is that uh oh yeah this week yeah oh you want to come out if you're around you want to come to the tape and I miss everything when is it like why I think it's Wednesday Wednesday of course I'm going on okay so it's time for a little advertising um all right people here we go there are too many what ifs when you go to the post office what if there's traffic or what if you can't find parking or what if there's some smelly so be holding the door mommy I don't want to go in there he's smelly I don't care Judy things get smelly in life you need to push past this I married your father this is our situation
Starting point is 01:28:42 get in there and get the stamps right no one wants to go through that what if it's closed when you get there what if you're too dumb to realize the sun went down and you don't realize that they're not in the post office anymore you understand here there's a lot of what ifs with their limited hours you never know avoid all that hassle just use what's that Bill what is well I'll tell you you son of a gun is basically bringing the post office into your home your apartment your flat your duplex your tented city well anything you can anything you can do with the post office you can now do from the convenience of your own desk I've done it it's awesome you can buy and print official us postage using your own computer and printer
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Starting point is 01:31:47 one and not answering it and whatever it's absolutely perfect it's an amazing thing they offer an entire service where you can toll free local managing of outgoing calls this is all all the this is all the the the what are the options I can't even think this week mobility all calls forwarded to a number slash people don't have to know your your personal phone number virtual number so long as you have a real number you can give out fake numbers but it rings on your own number and if you don't pick up on your business your your new virtual phone number they actually have professional accents professional voice actors to give you any any sort of like like an outgoing message like if you want to give the illusion that your business is bigger than it
Starting point is 01:32:36 is and you have a bunch of employees one of the options that they have is that you can actually like I personally I would pick some sexy female voice with like a British accent just gives you business credibility you know they'll send you emails with the text transcription of the voicemail or not the option is totally yours it's a great way to basically have all these different business lines without having to drill a bunch of holes in the wall in your house you know you got hello welcome to uh widget widgets are us or whatever I'm doing a bad accent you know I'm saying you can start the whole friggin thing so it's email uh e-voice check it out today do I have a website here what the hell is it uh hang on one second let me get this website
Starting point is 01:33:22 yeah it's there you go Bill you're genius once again e-voice is your mobile phone at work it's perfect for business uh business person on the move uh like myself I'm actually going to get one of these phone numbers just because when I travel from club to club and all these uh different radio stations like my my phone number gets out there and and I get weird phone calls sometimes you know I rented a car in Chicago with like Avis like three months ago and out of nowhere I got it I had to write down my my fucking cell phone number and uh the guy worked at Avis called me up no actually sent me a text hey so you stand up the other day really funny I'm the guy who rented you the car at Avis which is beyond creepy and I'm a dude so I can
Starting point is 01:34:03 only imagine how that would make a female so it gives you the great like um privacy options while you still exist in the business world um features e-voice offers includes call forwarding call routing toll free um 800 numbers auto attendant um advanced voicemail voicemail detects or voicemail to email however the hell you want to do it uh click on the e-voice banner on on the podcast page or go to slash billburr to get your exclusive six month free trial six month free trial evo yeah e-voice your mobile phone at work um that's one of those ideas where I'm just like that right there's why I'm not a billionaire because I just look at that like that idea was just out there and uh I just did nothing
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Starting point is 01:37:11 sure you enter burr burr in the referral box and check out uh at check out for more savings legalzoom is not a law firm and self-help services are provided at your direction all right so that's the deal there it is you want to start your business you want to be incorporated that is the cheapest most efficient way to do it uh I wish they were around back when I got incorporated could have saved myself hundreds of dollars so there you go legalzoom I fucking miss everything dude and then we got Steve Harris taping that same day too from Maiden of course you do why wouldn't you why wouldn't you and then they're raffling off a uh john bottom drum kit yeah and yeah page and john pole jones are coming out Thursday can you make
Starting point is 01:37:58 that ah you know he's got some insane stories but isn't in a isn't in a metal band is Steve gorman from uh the black crows I did his podcast yeah if you're ever I don't know if you know I'm sure you would tell me about him oh my god he's got some great and I'm not going to tell any of them I'll tell him see when we're off just to give you a just to some of the stories but I mean I don't know what he wants out there plus he he lived him so you tell him better but um how the hell did I get to know him I think I do in his podcast as I got to know him and the black crows came and they were playing the palladium one night did some epic like three hour show like first half was acoustic then they came out to the electric stuff was incredible and um
Starting point is 01:38:36 he's one of those just really just you know you know bent through it and back and back again you know so just totally down to earth totally cool guy man he would be great I mean I don't know if black crows are two uh rolling stone no they would fit in yeah black crows man yeah well I'll tell you that guy would be a fucking amazing guest if he told half the stories or just one or two of them they're just really like uh you know it's it's you know what it is as a comedian we have a bunch of stories but so much of it is solo shit and as much as you might not get along with another comedian um you don't have to go out on the road with them and it's just that thing of like you know I've done a couple of comedy tours and it's just like you know there's always there's the late
Starting point is 01:39:19 guy there's the fucking loud guy there's the dude who's snoring you know there's always there's always and you have to learn how to get along with those people I don't know how to fuck these bands do it I don't either man being on a tour bus for frigging six months at a time no and and bunks and they all got that fucking story too like the second the tour ends like they just they just all leave in different cars by then and they don't talk to each other for like fucking eight months yeah it's unreal I mean I don't know uh I think that's how I would have been with my friends if I was in my early 20s when you don't recognize like hey shit's getting out of control with everybody's relationships we need to have a sit down here and you just let it get to that point with a
Starting point is 01:39:59 level of resentment is so high you don't even give a fuck that you're playing arenas yeah you're going to walk away from that you can't get along with the bass player does that even doesn't even make sense right they um yeah it's speaking of which we got Arlesmith coming on the show this week of course you do so of course who else do you got that I'm not going to be able to come into I finally have a fucking hookup in this goddamn what actually well Arlesmith they're going to tape on Sunday it's not Joe it's not Joe and uh Stephen it's the other three Brad Tom Hamilton and uh Joey Kramer that's even cooler though I know we want to have the unsung heroes of Arlesmith yeah that's even cool what is I don't want to talk to Stephen Tyler about
Starting point is 01:40:35 fucking American Idol I don't give a shit you know what I mean he said he's done though yeah I know he is done but I'm just saying I didn't want to revisit that or any of that crap so we got these other guys coming on but there was a point where they weren't that those step bands always been fighting for years there was a point that they didn't even play for two years and they were doing a gig over in like the buy and they were getting like five million dollars to headline this big rock festival right and they had to do the gig they weren't going to cancel it they didn't talk to Tyler for two years that Tyler didn't they didn't even talk to him before he walked on the stage he didn't even rehearse with them he didn't you know for that one big show they didn't play
Starting point is 01:41:10 the first time they saw him in two years is when he walked out when they still when they opened up with like sweet emotion when he hit the microphone that was the first time they even saw him that's how much they hated each other really yeah he would he didn't fly with them so then when they did the show was he's still putting his arm around Joe yeah he just went up there like nothing happened but then you saw like six months later had another gig and fucking Joe knocked them off the stage they had a plat they had a whole uh stage going out to the crowd like a little thing and Joe freaking nudged him and he went flying in the crowd he broke his uh like his arm or something like that he had to cancel a tour and Joe's like I do that to him all the time but you could see he did it on
Starting point is 01:41:42 purpose like you fuck you made me sit home for two years that what happened I don't know because you was a cop just think of us as a comic we have to deal I thought he fell off I thought he fell off the stage and then he got mad because nobody in the band ran over to see what he was well that's so good if you watch the youtube video Joe nudges him and he goes I do that will you do that all the time to each other but he he was right on the edge you could see he fucking did on purpose but just imagine that's like sports right there I know was that he was he going for the head that he hit him with the shoulder is that an elbow he just gave him a lot of yeah yeah yeah fuck away from me but he can't get mad the other guys didn't come to see the show's got to keep going
Starting point is 01:42:18 they just kept playing hoping he was going to crawl back up wow but just imagine as a comic like say you know there's three or four of us touring together right and then all of a sudden one guy is being an asshole and doesn't want to do the tour six months from now and we got to sit home for two years and can't play right that would drive that would drive me out of my mind and then he goes on and does like a reality show yeah I mean Joe Perry doesn't just join another band go fuck I get up on stage they sit home and do nothing I saw Joe Perry project went out I saw them at the the House of Blues oh yeah that was cool and then like you know when they come to LA all the musicians so many of them out here it's like New York so who came out like Slash came out and a
Starting point is 01:42:56 couple other guys like Slash is the shit he came out and jammed with the opening band like he doesn't get he just doesn't kick like he just wants to play speaking of torture I mean it must have been torture for him having to wait all those years for Axel before he just finally said fuck it I'm gonna do my own thing you know well that's the thing and people always ask if we're gonna do you know vax they would ever get the original band back together first of all and not broke so that's not gonna happen they only do when they're broke Axel's band you know guns is huge still and over in Europe they perform for like 30,000 people so he's got money Slash makes money they all doffs a friggin financial whiz he's fucking get that he owns like half a Starbucks he's good
Starting point is 01:43:33 and you know Steven the drummer's the only one that's you know he still has some money but he you know he could use it Izzy who wrote most of the songs is like a fucking gypsy and just lives in a friggin like RV and just travels across the country so he doesn't need any money what what band is he and he was a rhythm guitar player and guns and roses yeah yeah but remember Izzy and the juju hounds was yeah he did a couple solo solo records too so they don't need the money but Slash even said he goes look he goes I'm in my fucking 40s now he goes and if we ever got back together the original band and the opening band got off stage at nine o'clock and Axel didn't want to go on to 1130 where to make those fans wait he goes I'd walk out the fucking door on the
Starting point is 01:44:11 bus and I'd go I'd be in my bed by fucking 10 o'clock because I would never put up with that I'm not gonna sit I'm not fucking sitting around for two and a half hours see that seemed to be the problem is that they when I read Slash's autobiography you know there's a few books that I read if you ever saw like a list of the books that I read it'd be fucking hilarious there's like a couple of classics kind of Monte Cristo right Prince and the Popper or some shit and then the rest is just all of course Tommy Land is one of my favorite books hammer of the gods I remember reading that thinking that they were really sold their soul to the devil right other than yeah just some bad shit happens in life sometimes but uh I remember
Starting point is 01:44:47 reading the Slash one just going like why are they there's a point in the book where Matt saw him finally just goes down and knocks on his dressing room drawers or his trailer is like get the fuck out here the fuck are we doing like it just seemed like everyone was just sort of appeasing every demand that he had I don't know if it's because they were doing drugs and stuff and like as long as I got my little fucking pile of heroin over here yeah take take control of the name of the band I don't give a fuck like all that crazy shit that he did um oh you actually got like one of the few like sit down interviews with him didn't you would actually yeah yeah what was that like it was a man he's a good dude man you know he's just look he's a hermit he's friggin private he
Starting point is 01:45:27 doesn't want any publicity you know he just like sits at home and when he feels like going out and touring he tours and you know he's a maniac I mean like you know just that he he asked everything has to be 100 perfect for him to go on stage from the put a song out that's why it took him so long but he's a good dude once you get perfectionist you mean he's a total perfectionist perfectionist yeah and he just and but he's got a great sense of humor he's just a down-the-earth dude but and there's so many rumors about the guy and we talked about he goes I don't even he goes what am I gonna do address a different rumor every fucking five minutes about me you know the London press said like a year ago said that he just he kills all the neighbors dogs he he'd be backs over him with his
Starting point is 01:46:03 truck and then he runs back over me he's like what am I gonna do am I gonna go out and issue he goes so people think I'm people think I'm this big his asshole he goes whatever I just how many rumors do you come up with with that's that's the next one like what you know he's an alien we already got that one yeah he runs over the dogs and then he runs over him again yeah he runs him over again Jesus he's like so he goes it just is so much you know bad shit about me out there he goes you look and I'm and he addressed the whole thing about being late he goes even as a kid my job was right next door and I would still be a half hour late I'm always just running late I'm an airhead when it comes to that but he goes I like everything to be perfect whatever I do when it
Starting point is 01:46:38 just takes I know but do I know but the airhead like I don't know where my car keys are but when you hear 80,000 people with their what the fuck where are you energy or whatever they perform to 30,000 people I think you know I don't know this no there's got to be something wrong with you like if you were sitting backstage in an improv or a theater and the opening act got off and you just sitting back there and you hear the crowd like what the fun you sit there for an hour and a half like I'm not ready I'm not ready now yeah make them wait another 45 minutes there's no way would we do that in a million years no I would be so afraid that that might that would be the last time anyone would ever come to see me absolutely I wouldn't even do that a respect for the fans I
Starting point is 01:47:14 would do it out of fear yeah absolutely going back to what the fuck I used to have to do you know speaking of that how much uh how much stand-up do you get to do like uh during the year now with all your your projects I do like two weekends a month I'm out you know do it road stuff so you're doing it then yeah oh yeah yeah I still you know do a funny bone you know improv do you still go down to like the clubs in New York or anything well once in a while I do to seller you know do this killing me man I'm like the I feel like I'm the only guy like I go down to the comedy store and like the the improv out here and like when I think about all the guys that I started with and all that like I don't know like a lot of them they just don't come around to the clubs
Starting point is 01:47:54 anymore maybe I need more of a home life you got a kid now right yeah I got a kid so that's tough you know right you know that totally to do a seller spot at 1210 ain't happening and get home you know and they're running late and then I get home at like 1 30 or two because I want to hang you know just be a you know talk and hang out and shit and you know catch up with everybody and then you know he's up at fucking seven yeah you know and it was amazed at how Norton could you know once he got the opening anthony gig I remember like a few times I sat in for him and I would go out and try and do stand-up that night and I was already wiped out if I had done the show that day and then try to get up at like you know 5 30 in the morning like he's been doing that for like
Starting point is 01:48:33 what 10 years yeah 12 years that's ridiculous I don't know how he does he's a maniac yeah does he sleep during the day how does he do it yeah he said he takes a nap during the day but still it's like you know he hits an early spot you know he's probably done by like 10 o'clock he said he goes to bed at like midnight and gets up at five five and then his brain is that quick like he has one of the quickest minds I know I've never gone in there and I've seen him just like like not on even Jim like if he's tired his brain always seems like it's like sometimes it's sometimes he's better when he's tired because he's so fucking miserable that anything will set him off you know I love what he does I like how he's into that UFC shit I like when he has the
Starting point is 01:49:13 guys come in and they do the holds they'll like choke him and you hear that fucking noise he made and somebody put that on a loop I watched that one time when I was on the road just fucking laughing my ass off for like like just killed like a good 10 minutes on the road just dying laughing yeah these guys put him in choke holds they friggin punch him yeah this guy like what did he do he took it he kicked him with his shin like yeah right where you get a charlie horse right and the look on Jim's face was so priceless because it was like one of those pains that was so severe like it it it was like a pause before it set in and then he literally looked like nauseous right like he and I remember Kenny was upset too going like he's like that guy didn't
Starting point is 01:49:56 have to hit him that hard that was bullshit now he didn't have to hit him that hard but it was it was worth it he's a trooper man he really yeah he is man he did that guy deserves everything he gets because I mean that guy would get off a plane on fucking Christmas day and do three spots at the cellar and tour the comic strip I'm like dude you could take a day off you know your family I got spots I gotta do it I yeah you remember that shit when we used to go down when we used to do the food spots at the cellar and we would do them and then you'd play everybody would play chess and just shit on each other if you weren't playing chess upstairs at the olive tree thank you know I love about that thank god nobody was because I'm so fucking codependent if they were all drinkers
Starting point is 01:50:37 I would have been boozing like every night with them but thank god they weren't so everyone just sat around like like Patrice never drank yeah Jim doesn't drink Bobby didn't drink yeah none of those guys drank and I remember getting into this this cycle of going down there and doing like a 12 12 30 you know David Tell was always at 12 so I'd be on after I'm like 12 45 12 50 and then you just sit there and you always be like I'm going home early tonight I'm going home early next thing I was like four in the morning the amount of times I took the subway home you just take the six from Astor Place I take it up when I was living with fucking Bobby and we'd be getting off the train
Starting point is 01:51:15 and the sun was coming up and people were coming out to go to work and it was so fucking because it was kind of cool but then also I always felt like an album because I used to be like a morning person had like a paper route and all that type of shit and then you get in that awful cycle where you'd go to bed at like 7 30 sleep to like three or four and then you just wake up and do what get breakfast and it was time to go down the fucking cellar again yeah that's that's a top I you know I lived with Norton for like four years and that's what that was his schedule I would go to bed at like two I was never six o'clock I go to that at two and get up at ten he was a guy to you know at seven in the morning he'd still be up and then I have to wake him up at like six o'clock I go
Starting point is 01:51:57 dude you got spots you got to celebrate eight o'clock I'd be waking him up at six o'clock how long did you live with him like three probably three years and and you guys were you guys seem like you'd be able to get along good absolutely yeah we got along great and we live right outside the city we paid like 300 bucks we let we had a I had a girlfriend at the time they live with us it was 900 bucks for rent so we split it three ways 300 bucks a piece perfect we were fucking five minutes away from the GW or the Lincoln tunnel it was beautiful it was a shithole it was fucking mold all over walls and stuff we didn't care like 300 bucks it's fucking beautiful I lived with Bobby and we almost killed each other by the end and but I actually learned how to let shit go but Bobby
Starting point is 01:52:38 has this this great thing where he can get past shit and I didn't I didn't come from a school where you got past shit it's like you did something to me and then we had fuck you fuck you and then the shit was over but I learned through him how to be like alright dude you know you don't write somebody off because they spilled orange juice on your fucking little kitchen TV that you had there you know but we lived you know you know we lived three people in a walk through one bedroom apartment that was one bedroom and then it was like a sitting room right and we actually used that as like the bedroom and then in the living room Bobby had a pull-out couch that he slept on it was ridiculous and the our room might use anything anytime you brought a chick back there he
Starting point is 01:53:24 always fucking walked through like we Bobby put like shower curtain up it was fucking hilarious and the guy always would come fucking and he fucking like trying peek in to see the chick you were with oh yeah you know literally not during but like afterwards when you're fucking laying there so one time Bobby fucking you know the dude came walking through so Bobby was naked and he was underneath the covers so what he did when the guy was coming back because when he'd come back it's the way you were laying in the bed and then he'd look to see I don't know see your titties or whatever Bobby pulled the covers off of himself and was laying there totally naked and and the dude came walking in locked eyes with Bobby and Bobby was just like what's up he never did it again
Starting point is 01:54:05 really he never did it again it was fucking it was brilliant it was fucking brilliant it was classic Bobby Kelly like you know I would have sat there for fucking four days trying to figure out how I'm gonna approach this subject with him he just got right to the call I'll just show him my junk right that'll freak him out that's right and I don't have to say anything it was it was fucking perfect that's great I used to have a roommate where his dad used to come home and want to look at the girls that were we brought home oh yeah he was real creepy right yeah you know we like he fucked one of his son's girlfriends after they broke up wow yeah was he a younger guy no I mean you know I mean he was like 20 he was probably like 45 and we were 20 something like
Starting point is 01:54:51 that he balled dude he wasn't good looking at all or anything like Jesus yeah so he's so I remember one time like we weren't we only had one bedroom we're sharing we had these two girls there and I was on the floor one he was the son was in the bed with the other and he comes home and he's peeking in he turned the light on he looked and never forget so funny he looked at the bed he couldn't really see and then he looked in the ground he saw this girl and she was fucking fat that's what I got and he's like who the fuck's with orca down there I know he said that yeah what did the girl do she we just like oh get out of here and we just put pretend like I'm out we tried to we didn't drown out at all because it was it was awful we were we were like I was trying to hold it in because it
Starting point is 01:55:33 was pretty fucking funny who's with orca yeah dude you had that thing yeah I never had like I could never hook up with somebody I was I some of my friends they could just hit anything that fucking moved just for the numbers I always had there had to be some sort of like some sort of attraction uh I remember a couple times my friends like dude what the fuck and I was just like dude gross and they'd be at least let her blow you and I was like yeah so I tried to do that one time and I'm hooking up with this girl and she was ah she just was fucking I don't you have a couple of the girls she's like young but she wears like an old person's perfume oh the worst she smelled like she was fucking 80 oh she smelled like she was fucking 80 and that's all I could
Starting point is 01:56:14 remember I just remember banging her doggy style with my head turned to the side yeah it was it was horrific no that's that's that's bad yeah I did I went through that phase for a while but then it I needed you know it had to be quality but there was times where because I had quality dude I never saw like there was certain guys I saw you know they'd bring girls down to the cellar I was never a guy who brought girls down to the cellar I never like I never trusted like I just feel you're just bringing them down to the lion's den well yeah yeah you know I know if someone didn't take her they at the very least you know I would go down there and take a pounding some epic fucking pounding I remember one night Patrice was getting was going after Norton and
Starting point is 01:56:57 Norton had some girl there and they got into it a little bit uh yeah because Norton doesn't like that like if you know he says something because Patrice will say something that a girl or something Norton doesn't like to get you know if he perceives he's getting caught off which totally makes sense which totally makes sense but you know Patrice once he saw that that Jim was annoyed it was fucking hilarious it was really really fun Jim really got mad and you know of course he you know they squashed it the next fucking day but what Patrice did that when I brought a girl down she said something stupid while he was sitting at the table he was trying to be nice and she just said something just and I forget what it was and Patrice just laid into her and the girl said
Starting point is 01:57:33 I want to go I'm getting Andy why is he so mean yeah yeah of course I was bad now then I'm like yeah I go he's an asshole I don't know you know I thought he was my friend I don't know why I would say that me I'm like that was fucking funny you deserved it but I wasn't gonna say that no I would Patrice and Keith Robinson if they were ever there together it just was like why would you do that to yourself like I didn't have the skill to still get laid after parading the girl past those two fucking guys because they were either gonna trash her or they were gonna trash me and make me look like an asshole or even worse I really took some epic epic fucking poundings down there I was not good at that it took me I was not good at that game
Starting point is 01:58:14 just sitting there trash people because the way I learned the game was it was serious and you went right for the fucking jugular like Bobby has that a little bit right which is why we probably almost killed each other by that when we were living together but I don't know you know what I wanted to talk about here how far into the sorry 45 minutes by the way you're a fucking great guest thank god I appreciate that you know what I mean there's nothing better than when somebody comes over and they can just shoot the shit they're the worst you know what somebody comes there like I imagine on your show and be like yeah you had one of the greatest albums of the 80s what was that like and they were like hey that's it's nice yeah it was good it was um you
Starting point is 01:58:52 know yeah it was there were some other ones that were good too but that was I know but I mean it's we always discuss that and like lucky that guy Eddie Eddie trunk that's you know one of the hosts he's been in the business for 30 years so he knows these guys so before he'll go look that's this guy's a tough interview right say much or you can't get much at him or this guy just talks he'll keep going and going so we got to cut him off so he knows which is good who's been look I guess you can't name a name but who's been like just the toughest like you know who's tough to interview but a great guy one of the great is Lemmy from Motorhead because he's an old cranky British guy if I love Lemmy he's my favorite when he passes man it's gonna be a
Starting point is 01:59:31 fucking sad brutal yeah I saw that documentary on him it's fucking amazing he's just a legend man but he's he just gives one word answers and you know he needs a few cocktails in them to lighten up and if we're taping at three in the afternoon he's got to have a few jacks in them and but he just gives a lot of one word answers because no I don't I didn't like that album to me it was terrible and that's his answer he's not being a dick right but that's just the way he is so it's tough to get stuff out of him he makes he's a funny dude he gives me hope that guy that you can booze at that level still you know what I mean 66 years old smokes two packs of cigarettes a day marble reds drinks a bottle at least a bottle of Jack Daniels a day and still does you know
Starting point is 02:00:14 crystal meth from time to time and been doing it for since he was Jimi Hendrix roadie back in the day so he's been doing it since the early 70s I watched the documentary on him yeah he just decided to try like every kind of bourbon or every kind of scotch I don't know what it was and he had all the bottles like on his windowsill on the floor going up a bookcase I mean it looked like like if they ever said hey Bill this is all the whiskey you and your friends drank over the last 25 years and with him I think he was just knocking them out I don't know doing that he's he's he's more hardcore than Keith Richards everyone's like Keith Richards with the drugs and you know I read Keith's book also yeah of course because
Starting point is 02:00:57 that's my library he seemed like he said like basically you know I think he has a drink every now and again but like since basically from 1980 on he's been clean but like the publicity he got publicity that he got when he was doing heroin and getting arrested and everything like he was never able to shake that but he talked about like the way he did coke he goes you don't sit there and just keep doing it he's like you do a bump then you get on with the party or whatever you know right and you don't get so fucking high you got to keep doing it he seemed like a really like in control kind of uh user anyways you know what I mean he didn't like I mean as a comedian my all the reference is always like you know when the nuclear holocaust comes you know cockroaches and
Starting point is 02:01:42 Keith Richards are the only people he's going to be shooting heroin into his eye and you did I just kept hearing that and I thought that that's how the guy was and I guess he wasn't at all yeah I mean yeah I think he had like a good 15 year run from like 65 to 80 where he was just you know progressively drinking and coke and stuff like that but then he stopped so he's not really that but I mean Lemmy's been doing it since you know 1970 that's unreal well considering also that Betty Ford clinic didn't come around to like what the mid 70s even probably 80s 80 yeah so like nobody really knew like that first you know wave of people the the Elvis's and them you know just people not knowing that somebody has a problem and they need like an intervention I mean if you
Starting point is 02:02:22 were getting high from 65 to 80 and you figured out an 80 that's pretty good yeah I think dude I got a problem with that shit man like the level that I like to drink I'm not an alcoholic but like you know that stupid joke I'm not an alcoholic but I drink like one yeah like I mean I don't do Lemmy level of drinking but like I haven't drank in like a month just took a month off and I don't get like that like oh wow everything's awesome and and it just makes me want to every day it's like I'm adding to the equation of how much I want to drink like after a week it's like I'd love like fucking four beers and then the second week god I'd love a 12 pack and now it's just like I want to drink like Lemmy to like like I have to drink like that and then realize how you can't do that
Starting point is 02:03:07 then I stop then you stop I go like cold turkey but I'm not like fiending for it I just fucking like it you know yeah absolutely man I was never one of those like my grandparents always had like a drink at the end of the night you know I'm like I'm like as a comic we never did that we're like hey you just go to fucking thank god you guys didn't because I would have if you guys did I would have yeah I never did especially it's like if I'm on the road or about the fucking full order del for three four days yeah I'll have some beers after the show maybe coming shots but you know when you're home doing comedy sets in New York I'm like no I would never even think about having a beer yeah anything thank god but now as I get older I'm like yeah I have a glass of wine
Starting point is 02:03:45 have a couple but I don't go that far I never that was never my uh I never had that problem with the alcohol I always just wanted to get a little buzz on just so I can rap with chicks right because I had no I was shy right so if I had a little buzz on I'd fucking have some balls to go up to and say that was my whole thing that's really why I started drinking that's why I never get in the drugs so I'd see my buddies doing coke on Friday night we waiting to go out there and they would do coke and they would just fucking just spend 300 bucks and just fucking want to talk all night I'm like let me just have fucking a six pack and let's go to the bar yeah it's like a wrap with chicks what are you guys doing you're not solving anything
Starting point is 02:04:18 over there I'm fucking talking about American Indians who gives a fuck you know somebody told me a story about patrice recently I never I never heard this one was about he was talking to his mom about trying weed he tried it a couple of times and was like and then you know tried it got high and then just got the munchies and ate and he told his mom he was just like look I'm just gonna fucking save the money that I would have spent on weed and just go buy the food just fucking get right to that and it was just such classic patrice where he was always analyzing and breaking shit down that he didn't have to go through fucking 20 years like dude I gotta I have some friends you know in this business and outside of this business who have been regular users
Starting point is 02:05:05 like fucking getting a bag of weed every fucking week since we've been like 15 right through getting married and having kids and I mean I guess it's all right if it doesn't get in the way of your life but you know I got a couple guys where it's just I don't know at some point like I feel like a fucking the thing with like booze is you can fool yourself by sitting there drinking like you know if you're sitting like in a parking lot you know shotgunning beers right it's pretty obvious that you know you're too old to be doing this but you put on a sport coat you know whiskey bar all of a sudden you feel like there's this sophistication to what you're doing it's like no dude you're getting loaded you did this outside the Worcester centrum
Starting point is 02:05:48 before fucking Judas Priest concert you're still doing it yeah it's just you're putting scotch in a glass now instead of drinking fucking beer out of a can in the parking lot you know you're trying to class it up below I never drank wine I'm like wine's for fucking pussies wine I'd see my friend what the fuck you drinking wine no it's good man it's nice and mellow I'm like what a fucking queer you are and now in like the last five years I'm like oh I fuck I've been in the wine country twice I'm like this is awesome I know I hate that I like it it's a horrific hangover but I hate that I like it to me wine was it was something that rich people did and then it was like the soccer mom thing like there's so many soccer moms out there like they're running joke
Starting point is 02:06:28 is is if it's after four o'clock or after five o'clock you don't have a drinking problem if you sit down and have that glass of wine but from what I've heard you know having kids and that type of shit you need a couple of shots you do at the end of the day but you drink if you drink you know find some good wine you won't get a hangover I like Barolo my uh my girl's a big wine wine connoisseur and she knows she was buying like 15 bottle 20 dollar bottles and I was getting headaches to go fucking up at the 40 a bottle and then it's fine you don't get headaches at all so it's not it doesn't have to be a hundred dollar bottle but yeah no wines are wines good now I love it I'm like this is fucking great it's nice and mellow and shit you have with a meal and I get a little
Starting point is 02:07:06 buzz man it's like I get a little buzz on like a glass and a half I'm like this is fucking awesome you should take me like 15 beers and now you know what's weird I'm drinking fucking I'm drinking fag beers now I call them all the micro brews and stuff and I was never in the night I was like fucking where are you fag yeah drinking what the hell it tastes like just give me a fucking coarse light give me a bud stop with this shit and my my my girl and her whole family drinks all those and I used to make fun of like the fucking fag beers no can I I want a coarse light I want a bud light I'm not drinking a fucking fag beer right I don't want to weed ale summer fuck you right and now that's all I drink is that right yeah I I I go to the micro brews just because I feel
Starting point is 02:07:46 like I'm sticking it to the man but then I'm like who is the man the guy who makes Budweiser I love that guy like I'm actually upset that Coors light for the first time ever outsold Budweiser so technically Budweiser isn't the king of American beers right now so I've been ordering more Budweiser trying to help them get up and over the bar lately you know what I mean yeah but I'm telling you man retain their title those micro brews and all that other shit those wheat the ales and stuff they don't give you hangovers if you I mean if you have eight or ten they yeah because it's more it's pure and I never bought that shit I'm like whatever and like I'm tell you know it's just better for you and I thought the hangover just came from fucking you know you get dehydrated with all the alcohol
Starting point is 02:08:25 well that could too but they're just you know especially the light beers they're doing something to it to make it light it's not fucking natural this is such a classic fucking like bar room like none of us know we don't know what the fuck we're talking about we don't know and it's like it's like the alcohol takes out you know yeah the light it's so pure processed you fucking drink this some guy was screaming at me what the fuck are you getting the light for you know it's the hardest thing when you're dry to watch as those fucking Sam Adams commercials like they they have to be responsible for so many people losing their sobriety when they sit there and they're fucking snorting the hops like goddamn Tony Montana they got one recently the guy literally
Starting point is 02:09:02 jumps into the beer he's like swimming in beer really and like when you're not like when I'm drinking I don't even notice those commercials but when I'm not drinking and I fucking see that like I actually get angry at the people at Sam Adams like when you can like I don't know who came up with that but they're making it so fucking appealing right that uh I don't know they annoy the shit on me but we're running out of time here we only got like man I guess I can go as long as I want but I don't want to fucking I go I go by the the old show biz adage of leaving them wanting more yeah absolutely but um that's why my podcast like 18 minutes 20s dude I fucking love your podcast really oh me and paul versey are like we paul
Starting point is 02:09:41 versey's get does a great he does a great florentine really telling you it's it's uh he got me he's the one who told me that you were doing because I didn't know you were doing it he's like dude you're like you got to listen to florentine's podcast oh by the way hype your podcast what uh where can people get it it's an itunes is comedy metal midgets it's called jim florentine comedy metal comedy it's uh yeah it's on my website I'm trying to think of how he does the impressions of uh what are you kidding me garbage this is a joke fucking joke it's fucking joke brutal yeah I know some guy uh tweeted me a day goes dude you sound so miserable when you start your podcast off I'm like yeah I
Starting point is 02:10:17 am I'm fucking yeah I'm fucking sitting in my office by myself and something fucking bothers me I go I'm gonna do a podcast about it I'm fucking I'm yeah I'm angry how do you think I know you're a big Miami Dolphins fan from knowing you're all these years how do you think they're gonna be uh I think they could be pretty good you know they got new coaches in they got fucking old man parcels out of that what is fucking ancient 1980s let's get some big bodies on the defensive defensive offensive line just stuff to run you mean while it's been a passing league for the last 15 years you fat asshole so thank god he's gone a fucking overrated piece of shit and you know they got a new guy in there he used to run the green bay offense and they got that tannahill
Starting point is 02:10:54 got a rookie quarterback and they got a couple veterans I'm psyched we'll see I mean look they might go ten and six nine and seven probably but you know New England's a fucking monster are always gonna be yeah we check and Brady man yeah we got lucky going to the Super Bowl and Peyton was out and the Ravens beat us they just fucking choked yeah absolutely no I you know and the Patriots of Miami's division I got no problem with them because that's a well coached team and they just fucking they go for the kill they don't sit on leads when they're up 27-3 they're still throwing bombs I love that well I know what you're going through as a fan because I had to deal with fucking Dan Marino like I just was he just was unbelievable like to me that guy is the best
Starting point is 02:11:38 quarterback I've like he's he's the guy that I saw go from the college to the pro level and make it look effortless Peyton Manning's the a close second yeah but um you know everybody all these guys fucking breaking Dan Marino's records now it's because of all the rules changes that they have marina I always joke that marina would throw for 5500 6000 yards dude he had nobody he had no running game one of the one of the things that that uh I always talk about on this podcast is the fact that people give him shit that you know he didn't win a Super Bowl and it's like the guy had no fucking defense you guys had like two white cornerbacks at one point oh yeah we had the Blackwood brothers of safety Kyle and Lyle yeah Lyle yeah the brood yeah there was like
Starting point is 02:12:18 nine white guys on defense and two black guys do we kuchenberg yeah yeah Doug Betters and Alicia you know that Marino was telling me a story because I became friends with him because I worked on inside the NFL with him and he's like my ultimate idol he's the fucking greatest dude ever Marino he was told they had this coordinator defense coordinator Tom Oliver Doddy who was the biggest piece of shit he'd fucking rush three old white guys and they would just keep that's why Ken O'Brien was a fucking genius against against my only against Miami the guy was unbelievable he'd rush three old white guys and they just leave another guy in the block so it was six against three the quarterback at a middle you know all the time the world so so anyway he said before to San Francisco
Starting point is 02:12:56 Dauphin uh Super Bowl a 49ers Dauphins Oliver Doddy in the team meeting did a deep for the defense Saturday night before the Super Bowl told him look I don't know what we we can't stop this team I don't know what to tell you I got no plan and Marino heard that he goes dude he goes just he took him aside he goes lie to him he goes fucking lie to him and just say we get we got a plan he goes I would do that to my offensive line all the time you coming back and out you could block Bruce Smith no I can't you can't he's a fucking pussy you could block him just fucking get him on his knees because I knew he couldn't but I gave the guy encouragement yeah he goes nothing damn Marino hadn't he had no running backs he like Delvin Williams Tony Nathan
Starting point is 02:13:34 Karim Abdul Sam Smith he had nobody he had one guy Karim Abdul Jabbar gained 1200 yards one season he only had one running back rushed for a thousand yards in a 17-year career right and then he also had he had Don Shula who the game had passed him by um and then who'd he had Jimmy Johnson Jimmy Johnson Jimmy Johnson seemed like he wanted him off the door the second he got Jimmy Johnson hated him right mario told me a great story real quick he said um that's you know we're gonna go long if you fucking know damn marino we're going to Jimmy Johnson Jimmy Johnson was a dick to him and it's a dick there was no reason for it he goes I bought into his plan but he so anyway he said that one time he goes you know coach Shula Shula was a
Starting point is 02:14:14 coach he goes I'll tell you he goes Shula had a dog named Zonka a fucking bulldog named Zonka that's a fucking coach he goes Jimmy Johnson and a little fucking Yorkie that he would bring on the on the team planes he goes we're trying to play Buffalo in the championship game he's in he's in the first seat in the fucking plane pet and fluffy he goes how am I gonna fucking win with a coach that brings a fucking six pound Yorkie named fluffy and he's fucking got on his lap fucking pet in the thing when coach Shula's got Zonka that's a coach did he ever talk about getting annoyed with people talking about him not winning a Super Bowl yeah I'm not real he just said look you know what it's a team game what am I gonna do you
Starting point is 02:14:54 know you try and that's all you could do but he he said everyone brings up the fake spike play he goes you know because he works out in New York on cpi he's always in New York and he's like all these jet fans go Dan you know I hated you back then but I do like but that fake spike you killed us you know and he's just he goes I just tell him get over it just get over it already all right it was freaking 1991 get over it when he did that what did that do to them they knock them out they were in they were eight and five at the time the jets they were going to they were on a roll they won like six straight and marino did the fake spike and they didn't win another game the rest of the year they went eight and eight and then they went one and 15 and actually they went
Starting point is 02:15:30 two and 32 after that game what is with fucking New York and Boston I don't know if anybody else doesn't they're always into like the that old lady curse jinx like you didn't win another fucking game after that because you sucked absolutely that's why because you didn't fucking you weren't ready to play not because he like that whole curse of the babe horseshit yeah it completely ignores that the ownership of the red socks were like you know they could have started the clan with some of their fucking ideas and like the whole game changed once Jackie Robinson went in they completely fucking ignored it and then also let's say that even if they weren't racist like what the Yankees did going from you know I mean they got Babe Ruth
Starting point is 02:16:16 they bought him but they got Lou Gehrig to Joe DiMaggio to Mickey Mantle that's like it's like going Jordan to Jordan to Jordan one fucking franchise did that and that was the real deal back then when you had to spot talent and they came up through your system and it's just like you're never going to see that again like especially now like I'm not a big fan of these like these pile on teams I thought it was really weird that Miami got like the shit that they did and it's like why doesn't anybody shit on the Lakers like they do just basically every fucking year with what my team the Celtics did in 2008 we bought that title yeah you know but the Lakers do it every fucking year and and and they're like Kobe's got five championships one more you know he
Starting point is 02:17:01 equals Jordan it's like dude Jordan had Luke Longley and fucking my listeners like Bill we've heard this is only time go fuck yourselves I don't give a shit Luke Longley and fucking Bill Cartwright at center and the only the only big guy that I remember them signing was fucking Dennis Rodman yeah Robin they got from Detroit yeah and they had him during his last three productive fucking years but like Scottie Pippen that was his guy and they had blonde-haired dude and BJ fucking Armstrong me break yeah well you're right absolutely they um I don't know but also in respect for my listeners my hatred of the Lakers is so fucking blinding that it really kills any sort of rational thoughts haven't said that I love Kobe I love his mentality I love when he doesn't win a championship and he
Starting point is 02:17:45 doesn't just go water skiing right after he loses he fucking goes right into the front office and is like what the fuck yeah get me some guys like I mean that I wish everybody would do that no absolutely I hate when they fucking smile after they just lost a game oh and they start hugging it out yeah they start hugging and shit like that after hey how's it going you just want at the last second in a fucking field go the 47 yarder and then you're smiling two seconds later yeah it's patting them on the head do we do we do that as comics if we have a bad set and fucking we like yeah yeah let's go yeah I'm gonna go out and sell CDs hey what that was fucking great yeah it's fucking saying a back a miserable absolutely not well let me ask you this last
Starting point is 02:18:23 thing I gotta have you on again though I would love to okay every guest could be as effortless I'm telling you I appreciate you you don't my rare is another one just fucking sat down here we just came into the house shot the shit upstairs came down here turn on the mic shot the shit turned it off walked upstairs it just was seamless but I was gonna ask you like this new thing that hopefully it's just a fucking little blip actually it already feels old to talk about it's this new thing where people will film a comedian at a fucking comedy club and then you put it up and you have to apologize for a fucking joke is that the most insane fucking thing it's fucking it's it's it's brutal it is just fucking the biggest bunch of fucking pussies
Starting point is 02:19:04 well you know I love it's every joke that they've done it the crowd in the club is laughing yeah and then they go it's sparked outrage it's like where yeah it did tattletailers they're fucking little fucking oh I'm gonna tell you did I said I was saying I go basically they come into our work and filming us at a moment that they think we're doing something wrong and then giving it to the boss which is our audience or the public and going hey do something about this look what they did yeah that's like magic I said imagine if we go into someone's work tomorrow and the guy smoking pot at fucking lunchtime or he's looking at porn on his computer when he's supposed to doing his fucking whatever you know doing his fucking spreadsheet and we go and we film my
Starting point is 02:19:42 girl boss look he was looking at porn look what are you gonna do about it but even then even then I don't think that's a fair comparison because trying out new material is is not smoking weed at work he's you're doing what you're supposed to be doing yeah some of the best bits come out of doing something edgy and there is a style there's shock comedy there's dark comedy there's all that type of stuff and for you to fucking sit there and act like you hired this guy to look at people aren't here by fucking opinions let me I'm sorry I was just I said imagine if red fox and you know with Samson on days he was a filthy comic I mean disgusting on stage imagine people were filmed were recording him and going look listen to this he wouldn't have a show a show would have been off
Starting point is 02:20:25 the air I know he's talking about eating some girl's asshole you know and when no one talked about that in the fucking early 70s I don't think people care about it would be if he said something about the president or if he said like this like that whole dame cook joke that he was basically letting people know that this edition of Batman isn't as good as the other one that's the way I looked at it that's what I got out yeah he just said it's a shitty movie yeah and then people get out yeah he's advocating he isn't he isn't such a just I just stay out of the clubs do you know you know the wrestling the wwe had to apologize I saw what because they made a joke about what it was such a fucking great joke this manager is is talking shit to the crowd about you know the the wrestler
Starting point is 02:21:09 that he's managing and he's going you know so-and-so whatever the guy's name is he goes he's like Kobe Bryant in a Colorado hotel room unstoppable right it was and he delivered it big it's funny yeah and he not only did he have to apologize he had to apologize to somebody a specific person who wasn't Kobe or the girl right I was Mike something or other I remember you know reading and passing but it's like it's getting to the point of like it's sort of like uh it's ridiculous but I look at it like it kind of scares me because it seems like uh if if allowed it's the beginning of like you're gonna like start censoring people they say in the beginning don't film the comedians that's another thing too none of these comics uploaded that shit to try to uh reach anybody
Starting point is 02:22:02 else other than who the fuck they were performing to you know absolutely and you know what I mean someone made a good point my friend was saying because you know what I mean basically what they're doing is they're it's illegal they're illegally recording you right you have to at most stage you have to have permission to record somebody so they're basically doing is is doing is illegal by secretly tape recording us right you know comedy clubs need to what they have to do is they have to fucking leave everybody's phones and cell phones at the fucking at the bar before they walk in the room oh they're not gonna do that they're not gonna do because they want to turn over the crowd quicker they don't give a fuck I know it's too bad someone that you consider
Starting point is 02:22:37 or should do that go look you leave in your fucking phones and any cores put them here put them in but I I do notice though the only people that they ask to apologize are people who have like hit tv shows you know that's true absolutely so I think uh I think I'm safe I don't know about you you know it's vh1 classic it's like a basic cable it's only it's like the NFL network we're only in 40 percent of homes do you know what I actually think I think that they weigh that into consideration those groups where they sit there and they go okay how big is jim florentine how big is bill how big about this guy oh this guy's got like you know whatever like well remember when corolla made fun of like transgender people or whatever he goes I don't know what the hell they
Starting point is 02:23:15 are whatever his joke was he did it on his podcast and they tried to go after him they go what are they gonna take away his podcast it's his own podcast right he's got like dot coms you know like fucking advertised or whatever it did not get he doesn't have also any and so he didn't apologize no he didn't apologize because they couldn't do anything that's perfect he's got his own network what is he gonna what are they gonna do they try perfect he didn't say one word fuck you that's perfect I know see that's how I look at see that's my thing why why why do you want to go to the next level where all of a sudden you have to start apologizing for trying out material you know I get this is the if I was sick of doing the road I would I would be uh more apt to want to
Starting point is 02:23:53 go that that other road but like I don't know I don't know this is this is supposed to be about you I'm sitting here for no no it's about comics no I hate it it's it's the worst thing that can happen to comedy it's the worst thing people are gonna want to take chances well I I just look at it look if you there there is the style of comedy that those people who get offended are looking for exists out there okay you didn't go to that show you know you didn't have to click on it you didn't have to listen to it you chose to listen to the fucking thing and the guy who said it didn't choose to film it and upload it somebody else did so I don't know I'm talking in circles here my mom is 74 years old she's super religious right she's just watches like touched by an angel
Starting point is 02:24:38 all day she's been the two of my shows in 20 years spent the two of my comedy shows right so I wanted to invite her like six months ago mom come the way she goes no I don't like the words that come out of your mouth you're gonna make me uncomfortable I go look I'm gonna be clean tonight because I was working on a clean set right and you know what she said she goes yeah but I don't know about the other racks on the show I don't know what they're gonna say so I'm gonna stay home that's how does a 74 year old woman get it but nobody else does I don't know what the other racks are gonna say so I'm gonna stay home right it makes that choice she didn't want to go into that situation but had she gone down there she knows what she's getting herself into exactly then she goes well I made that choice
Starting point is 02:25:14 choice to go down there yeah even though my son wasn't but I went to a show how does she get it right does that bother you that she's only come out twice no no not at all because I feel uncomfortable with her in the audience I said on TV one time I did George Lopez Johnny did stand up on it I said penis in my act and she's like how I can't believe you embarrass the family you have nieces what they saw that what do you I go mom if I start thinking about my fucking 10 year old niece when I'm writing jokes my career is over now how did you with with the mom as religious is that we do did you rebel against it of brutal yeah it was brutal yeah bro yeah how bad did she make you dress in like super tight all the boy all that stuff and you know sign me up for that catholic school is my whole
Starting point is 02:26:01 life you know put in them from oh my god oh yeah from you know kindergarten basically now what point would do were you deciding that this wasn't the road for you was it what the priests were saying or like what well you probably have to like the third because all my friends from public school and I want to hang out with them right I was hanging out and you know I just hated it right off the bat and they were like no it's a better education I'm like how how is it I got a fucking priest teaching me math he doesn't know if I'm fucking math a nun is teaching me fucking English you know yeah that's a better education right you know even in high school my fucking so wait you went all the way through to senior year yeah it's through senior year wow yeah I got thrown out of
Starting point is 02:26:43 two schools for being out of control and what was out at what was that what was out of control why like they had these they they were bragging you know they make the announcements in the morning oh you know whatever you know so you have to say a prayer and all the shit so they said they oh we just bought these wrestling mats we spent a lot of money on it for a gym class so please take care of them so fucking my next gym class later that day I fucking cut them up with razor blades it was like fucking three thousand dollars worth of wrestling mats and I cut the fucking stage curtains too why I don't know just because they said take care of them I don't know yeah really take care of them be you know okay fine I'm gonna cut them up with razor blades and how did you get caught
Starting point is 02:27:20 well they didn't they didn't know it was me they knew it was from us from our class because we were like the last class of the day like eighth period or whatever so they knew it was somebody in our class it was only me and two other fucking derelicts in the class so they narrowed it down to us three and they had us in the office every day we know you did it they'd punch me in the face smack me pull my hair stare at the wall for eight hours yeah and I'm like okay fine I would stare at the wall I wouldn't admit it I had a fucking swear on a bible my mom took me to our local priest and she goes I want you to swear on a bible you didn't do this and I swear on a bible I go no I didn't do it yeah which is hilarious if you don't believe in this shit yeah I'll do that I'll fucking
Starting point is 02:27:53 be a whole stack of whatever book yeah I don't give a shit well put slashes book I'll swear on that too so did you start partying and that stuff you started getting to the weed and and the drinking probably like 14 or 15 I was good in sports like baseball I was on the freshman team I was playing on the soft I played on the the varsity team as a freshman but then like sophomore year I started getting into the friggin you played varsity as a freshman wow yeah I was a lefty pitcher I was really good at some point I was a good hitter too I played first base but then I just started drinking and getting into smoking pot and cigarettes my sophomore year and I was that was it so did you did your mom at what did she my dad was pissed did your mom know you were doing any of that stuff
Starting point is 02:28:35 not real because I had older brothers they were kind of like you know that that's why I had the medal they'll bring them into concerts at 14 I saw a fucking acdc with bond scott as a 12 year old kid fuck you was at the power age tour no it was uh it was highway to hell Jesus Christ I saw him home for Ted Nugent at Madison Square Garden and I saw him acdc and I forget who else I think it was deff leopard maybe it would whip on like two times before he died because my brothers would bring me I was 12 and they were like 18 and like oh we want to bring up so I saw all these shows holy shit insane so you would go from Catholic school to then going down to one of those goddamn shows at 12 yeah partying with your older brothers yeah they would like get me high absolutely yeah
Starting point is 02:29:17 dude you had a fucking awesome childhood no it was great I mean I was I was angry because I was fucking stuck in Catholic school and shit like that but yeah I uh but now it was great absolutely man all the brothers would bring home my albums like all those black Sabbath and his Ted Nugent and Aaron Smith like holy just fucking great that's awesome my younger brothers got that out of me I was second oldest so they uh you know I didn't know shit like my first album was uh Mitch Miller sing along with Mitch and the gang okay you shouldn't even know who they are they literally nine yeah I know yeah they're like polka yeah won't you come home bill Bailey like that type of shit and then I got Aaron Smith's greatest hits was my first foray into like fucking real music but
Starting point is 02:29:58 my first concert was uh uh docking Judas Priest nice no oh yeah no what yeah that's right I was I thought it was loudness it was docking Judas Priest loudness opened up for AC DC on the Who Made Who tour that Japanese heavy metal band um they're still around are they really yeah we were gonna have the guitar player play on our show but he had a can he couldn't get a beat have you gone out to go see any any of uh bands from like that aren't like huge like the Metallica's the AC DC's that are still playing arenas like I'll go out to Vegas every once in a while doing a gig out there and I'll see like slaughters playing with like fucking Warren a couple other guys have you gone out to any of those shows I just saw Sebastian Bach last night in Nokia oh you did yeah yeah I was it
Starting point is 02:30:42 it was great man yeah he's still he's still can sing he's got a good band behind him and stuff so yeah I always go see shows now is he gonna get together uh with Skid Row he wants to there's one guy in a band that doesn't want to do it the only other guy I can remember Rob a few so was the drummer yeah he was the drummer yeah Rachel Bolin is the bass player snake something or a snake sabo guitar player so who doesn't want to do it I think Rachel the bass player he he hates Sebastian so much that he won't do it and they got offers like a hundred grand to do festivals overseas they could do so what what kind of money does that dude have Rachel I don't know I get he gets to publish it on those first couple records you know youth gone wild I remember you every
Starting point is 02:31:19 but I would think that that would be trickling down now the kids are just down like it is but they still play at the sports stadiums and shit like that I guess he's got money coming in we were watching me my buddy Eddie last night every time he's back because Sebastian filmed the for a tv show last night or something so every time he played a skid row song like oh Rachel can buy another house because he has to pay for that it goes to him anytime Sebastian does anything on tv or puts a dvd out of those songs because Sebastian write those songs so Rachel did Rachel and snake wrote those songs I love that his name is Rachel yeah I know why is it Rachel I don't know Rachel Bolin I'm not sure from Europe or something no he's jersey jersey white trash like
Starting point is 02:31:56 me all right what do we got here we're an hour and 20 minutes in and it just keeps getting more interesting we got to do a part two at some point when I'm in LA yeah when are you gonna come out I come out back out in October I'll be back out I was thinking the last time I think I saw you in LA I ran into you at the the forum for that acdc concert remember one of the greatest shows I've ever seen in my life yeah we caught it early and fryans fucking voice sounded great fucking killer all right well let's wrap it up here jim florentine your website is on twitter mr jim florentine and my podcast comedy metal midgets on itunes and when can we see uh the next editions of uh new season that metal show starts august 11th on vh1 classic vh1 classic yeah okay
Starting point is 02:32:38 august 11th it's coming up all right jim thank you so much for coming by the podcast thanks bill all right um you guys know the deal if you're gonna buy something on amazon not saying you gotta go to click on the podcast page and click on the banner ad on the right hand side the amazon banner ad on the right hand side you go to amazon go ahead and buy something doesn't cost you any extra money they kick me a percentage 10 percent of that i give to the wounded warriors project you help support my podcast and uh the troops who made an unbelievable sacrifice for us all right and wouldn't you love to have 8000 video games at your fingertips sure we all would um all the new hits mailed to your home so if you're sick of paying
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Starting point is 02:34:18 i turn my face to the sun close my eyes and my defense is down all these wounds that i can't get around i let my path go too fast no time to pause if i can slow it all down like some captain who ship runs aground i can't wait until the tide comes around
Starting point is 02:34:52 time stands still i'm not looking back but i want to look around me now time stands still it's more of the people and the places that surround me now warm things up this spring with a trip to sarila's where romance finds fantasy while flowers are blooming outside bring them inside with a hugely popular rose toy from ns novelties described as small but mighty the rose is 25 off this month at sarila's
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