Moonshots with Peter Diamandis - A Meditation About the Future | Bonus Episode

Episode Date: May 15, 2023

In this bonus episode, Peter takes us through a journey of Abundance. A meditation about the future ensues, showing us everything that could come from the exponential technologies we’re witnessing t...oday. You will learn about: 01:18 | What Life Was Like in 1923 05:16 | Creating a Hopeful, Compelling, and Abundant Future  Peter Diamandis is a visionary entrepreneur, futurist, and philanthropist known for his groundbreaking work in space exploration, innovation, and exponential technologies. As the co-founder of the XPRIZE Foundation and executive chairman of Singularity University, he has revolutionized the way we think about incentivized competitions and the power of emerging technologies. >Become a part of my community. Learn about my executive summit, A360. >Join me on a 5-Star Platinum Longevity Trip at Abundance Platinum.  _____________ I send weekly emails with the latest insights and trends on today’s and tomorrow’s exponential technologies. Stay ahead of the curve, and sign up now:  Tech Blog _____________ Connect With Peter: Twitter Instagram Youtube Moonshots and Mindsets Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What happens when 20 extremely athletic Canadians who thrive on competition and won't settle for less than number one find themselves on a team? Taking on jaw-dropping obstacles all across Canada is one thing. Working together on a team with some pretty big personalities is another. It's a new season of Canada's Ultimate Challenge and sparks are gonna fly.
Starting point is 00:00:24 New episode Sundays. Watch free on CBC Gem. We are all connected. Discover Echo from Cirque du Soleil. Opens May 8th under the Big Top at Toronto Lakeshore Boulevard West. Tickets at Echo. Thanks for presenting partners Sun Life. What's in your heart?
Starting point is 00:00:48 The speed of change is coming at a lightning speed. This is the power we have now. This is our purpose, our mission. Our responsibility is to guide it, to create the desired future we want. And that's the world we can create. The world's biggest problems are the world's biggest business opportunities. There is no problem we cannot solve. This is the most extraordinary time ever to be alive. And don't let anyone tell you it's not. Hey everybody, I want to share with you a special moment that I love doing at the end of Abundance
Starting point is 00:01:21 360 every year. This is the closing segment of A360 2023. I'm going to begin by looking back 100 years at the year 1923. What was the world like 100 years ago? What were the true innovations, the breakthroughs occurring during that calendar year? And then I'm going to take you forward, not 100 years into the future, but just 10 years into the future. So what is the world look like? A hopeful, compelling and abundant future just 10 years out. And as you hear this meditation about the future, follow along, close your eyes, imagine the world that we're creating. All right, let's jump in in i want to take you on
Starting point is 00:02:07 two time journeys i don't think there's any way in the world for us to really appreciate what's going on today until we look back 100 years so we're going to go back to the year 1923. So in 1923, there were 13 million cars on the road. There's about 300 million today. Gas was at $0.14. The Ford Model T cost a whopping $290. A first class stamp, two cents. 40% of homes had electricity and 35% had a telephone. 1923, the world population was 2 billion. Today, we're just cracking 8 billion.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Today, we're just cracking 8 billion. Life expectancy for men at 56, women at 58. Women led the world back then, they still do today. Let's go and hit some of the front page news from the world in 1923. The tomb of King Tut was opened for the first time. Babe Ruth homered for the first time in Yankee Stadium. The Hollywood Land sign came online. The word land was eliminated in 1949, so just Hollywood sign. Time magazine came online 100 years ago.
Starting point is 00:03:49 So the part that really gets me to understand the extraordinary world we're living in today is looking at the innovations from 100 years ago. But before we do that, I want to remind you what the innovations were in 1922. And myself and my team, we scrub looking for every breakthrough and innovation. Back in 1922, there were six. The water skis were invented. The convertible manual hardtop, the electric blender, Vegemite, the Eskimo pie, and vitamin E was discovered. Just six. In 1923, a year later,
Starting point is 00:04:29 we doubled. It's going to start getting harder. So let's look at the 12. Schick invents the first electric shaver. Remember, in these years, everything manual was being electrified. Just like today, everything that didn't have AI, AI is being added. Clarence Birdseye invented frozen food in 1923, a big innovation. Sound on film, phonofilm was invented. Zworkin invented the television in 1923. Zworkin invented the television in 1923. Firestone unveiled the first production balloon tire.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And Garrett Morgan patented the three-position traffic signal with a yellow light. Insulin entered mass production in 1923. The neon light was brought to the US from Paris just to make it a little more lively in our towns. Number nine, Calvin Coolidge gave the first national address on broadcast radio just 100 years ago. Number 10, stable flight from a rotorcraft. And number 11, a rotorcraft. And number 11, Herbert Dorsey invents the first practical pedometer determining ocean depth. And as a pilot, I love this one. Airway beacons replace bonfires to guide flying pilots. All right, what I'd like you to do, if you could, is please stand. I'm going to take you on another time journey, but this time not into the past, this time into the future.
Starting point is 00:06:19 This time, not 100 years, but just ten years to the year 2033. If you'd close your eyes for me now, I'm going to read you ten headlines. They're headlines predicted by the faculty on stage. I want you to think about them. Do they seem crazy or something that might be happening and you might be part of? The first headline is the dream of Sal Khan. Generative AI enables the highest level personalized tutoring for every child on the planet for free in their native language.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Headline two, the dream of Tony Robbins. Humanity's second green revolution is now in full swing. AI and biotech have converged to bring food security to two billion hungry souls. We're feeding the world. Headline number three, the dream of Jacqueline Novogratz. New solar and battery technologies spread like kudzu across Africa, providing every village with abundant electricity.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Headline four, the dream of Jim Min. Deaths due to heart attacks plummet by tenfold as early detection saves lives on a mass scale. Headline number five, the dream of Andrew Yang. Universal basic income has become adopted by all 40 US states. AIs and robots performing full-time equivalent human jobs are being taxed to fund the UBI program.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Headline number six, the dream of Ray Kurzweil, cloud-based AI now exceeds human intelligence, human level AI as a service is available to anyone on a 6G connection. Headline number seven is the dream of Regina. Global biofoundries pump out billions of vaccines and shut down every pandemic. Headline number eight, the dream of David Sinclair. Age reversal, epigenetic reprogramming demonstrated in humans,
Starting point is 00:08:41 clinically reversing age by at least 20 healthy years, ushering in an age of longevity escape velocity. Number nine, the dreams of Elon Musk. More than 50 million multipurpose humanoid robots are now in use. In the US, such robots have spurred significant debate in new labor laws. such robots have spurred significant debate and new labor laws. And headline number 10, three companies achieved commercial-scale fusion,
Starting point is 00:09:13 offering humanity an unlimited supply of energy to drive increasing standards and increasing global living. Open your eyes and look about you. These are breakthroughs that are going to drive trillion-dollar companies, trillion-dollar industries. You here in the room see it coming. You know it's coming. Others will be in disbelief. Are you going to use this view of the future to drive your MTP, your moonshots, your next companies? You know, the things we talked about on the stage were not even possible a year ago.
Starting point is 00:09:54 The speed of change is coming at a lightning speed. Ultimately, it's through the connections with each other, partnering to play a bigger game, to go after the grandest moonshots possible. We create the future. The future doesn't create itself. As I said when we opened, the whole purpose of creating Singularity University and Abundance 360 was to create a conversation and a community and a time where we could not just let the future happen to us, where we could steer the direction we want it intentionally. This is the power we have now. This is our purpose, our mission. There's no velocity switch, no on-off switch, this technology.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Our responsibility as leaders is to guide it, to create the desired future we want. So I invite you here now and in the year ahead, please play full out, right, as you have. Take this energy because I hope you realize you've forgotten about all the problems in the world during these last four days, right? gotten about all the problems in the world during these last four days, right? Haven't you? And we've been living in an amazing world, haven't we? Where there is nothing impossible. Where our future is limited only by our commitment of our passionate minds to go and transform, to go and create. So as you head home, as you head onto the stage, please bring this with you. Bring this belief that there is no problem we cannot solve. The world's biggest problems are the world's biggest business opportunities, right? This is the most extraordinary time
Starting point is 00:11:38 ever to be alive. And don't let anyone tell you it's not. Do we have problems? Absolutely. Can we solve them? Can we solve them? Absolutely. The tools we have now outstrip what the robber barons, the presidents, the wealthiest people on the planet had just 10 and 20, 30 years ago. You have them as individuals. All the knowledge in the world, the computational power. So, the question is what are you going to do with that? What's in your heart? What are you going to wake up with every morning? Every morning, my MTP is to inspire and guide entrepreneurs to create a hopeful, compelling and abundant future for humanity to support you to create that. Because a world in which every human has a hopeful,
Starting point is 00:12:28 compelling, and abundant future is a beautiful world to live in. It's a world that no one wants to go to war. It's a world where every mom and every dad has the grandest dreams for their kids. Every dad has the grandest dreams for their kids. And that's the world we can create. So I thank you and welcome to year 11. And I'm so psyched to have you guys here at year 12. And now I want to hear from all of you. So first, give it up for yourselves. Thank you so much.

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