Murdaugh Murders Podcast - Feed Drop: CUP OF JUSTICE, Now On A Separate Feed!

Episode Date: January 30, 2023

A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! By popular demand, Cup of Justice has launched as its own weekly show!! Go to to learn more or click the link in the episode description to get a hot cup of j...ustice wherever you get your podcasts!! Here’s a little taste of what we’re talking about today. We’ve got more exciting news on the horizon so Stay tuned, and stay in the sunlight!! Apple: Spotify: Sticher: Google: add RSS feed: iheart: Amazon: Murdaugh Murders Podcast co-hosts Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell and everyone’s favorite attorney Eric Bland share their thoughts on why newcomers to the case seem to be buying into the act from Team Murdaugh, how Dick and Jim might be coming off to the jury and why all three Cup of Justice co-hosts are more convinced than ever that the evidence is pointing to Alex Murdaugh. We all want to drink from the same Cup Of Justice — and it starts with learning about our legal system. What questions do y’all have for us? Email and we'll do our best to answer your questions in these bonus episodes. Consider joining our MMP Premium Membership community to help us SHINE THE SUNLIGHT! CLICK HERE to learn more: SUNscribe to our free email list to get alerts on bonus episodes, calls to action, new shows and updates. CLICK HERE to learn more: Find us on social media: - - YouTube Support Our Podcast: *The views expressed on the Cup of Justice bonus episodes do not constitute legal advice. Listeners desiring legal advice for any particular legal matter are urged to consult an attorney of their choosing who can provide legal advice based upon a full understanding of the facts and circumstances of their claim. The views expressed on the Cup of Justice episodes also do not express the views or opinions of Bland Richter, LLP, or its attorneys. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, this is Mandy Matney, creator of the Murdock Murders podcast, and I am so glad you tuned in for this week's Cup of Justice bonus. We have exciting news for you. By popular demand, Cup of Justice has launched as its own weekly show and that is a big deal. Go to to learn more or click the link in the episode description to get a hot Cup of Justice wherever you get your podcasts. Here's a little taste of what we're talking about today. We've got more exciting news on the horizon, so stay tuned and stay in the sunlight.
Starting point is 00:00:57 They wanted the jury to see that commotion, to see Alex's reaction, and that is something that we've been told by a very good source that that is an actual tactic of that family throughout the ages in getting the story told or the drama. They like that presentation of unity or what have you. In some way, and I know this is so gross for me to say, because if he is innocent, God help, I'm not even going to say it, if he is innocent, whatever, but that family right now is co-conspiring with him in a way. They're co-conspirators and that's sad for Maggie and it's sad for Paul that the truth
Starting point is 00:01:38 of what happened to them might not be the accepted truth that emerges from this trial. The other thing I want to mention is just it is so hard for me to understand how people are not seeing what the New York Times called this ready explanation in all cases. He did it during the Salkahachi shooting before the men's claiming to be shot in the head and instead of being like my head, he's talking about what he thinks, like the narrative of what happened to him, the thing he's been rehearsing in his brain. I've been shot. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:02:13 So it's the same with this, he did it with the 911 operator, he did it with the cop on the scene, he did it with the sled officer or agent in the car. He has a rehearsed, ready-made story to present immediately to them and that to me more than the tears and not tears is more damning than anything. You cannot predict how somebody is going to be in grief, especially when they see something as gruesome as this, but it is so strange to me that this man has already formulated his alibi. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah, like for me, for me, I can get past Alex crying and not crying at the scene a little bit because people in shock can do one or two things. For me though, let's talk about, from the family standpoint, objectively, if you heard this evidence, shouldn't it affect you? One, if Alex said he was never at the dog kennels, now we know he's at the dog kennels six minutes before their phone goes dead. That's objective. That's something that they didn't know.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Number two, it appears that he changed his clothes. That should be another objective fact that should start to sway. Number three, he's totally clean, totally clean with no blood on him, no dirt, no nothing. And he said, I moved the body. That should be another objective fact. So now we got three. Number four, he leaves the house after texting Maggie twice and calling her once and getting no response and doesn't drive to the kennels to say, hun, I know we were supposed to go
Starting point is 00:04:11 see my dad, but I'm going to go see my mom. Who I never see. Right. It's very unusual for my wife not to answer her phone. Right. So that's objective fact number four. Number five, he takes a blue tarp, called a blanket, called a jacket, whatever you want, with GC at GSR on it and hides it in his mother's house after the murder.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Those are five objective facts that even if you believe what Dick tells them that it's cousin Eddie, you should pause and start to say, now wait a minute, Dick, why didn't you tell me that? You would have known those facts because they were in discovery. I was on TV the other night with a cousin Eddie's attorney, Amy, and she says, cousin Eddie's going to testify and the world's going to be shocked what he says. Now whether he's credible or not. So I'm asking you, those are five objective facts.
Starting point is 00:05:06 They're educated people. The murdolls are not dumb people. How are they? How is this not penetrating their titanium gaps? I don't think that they're used to processing things independently like the rest of us are. I think they operate as a unit. They've been used their entire life. They've been used to their entire lives having a leader of the family and just following what
Starting point is 00:05:30 that leader says does. I saw a lot of our MMP fans commenting during the trial about how they kind of act like the Royals act. Good analogy. Like a stoic lack of emotions when they're sitting there. They know that they can't be overly one way or the other, but they're still there in present. And another thing I wanted to say is the, I think that so far at the end of week one,
Starting point is 00:06:02 the biggest W that the defense has had so far is the Murdock family filing in behind him. Like, I don't think we can underestimate that. If you liked what you heard, go to or join MMP premium at to get enhanced episodes as a part of our new community. Stay tuned and stay in the sunlight. We are just getting started.

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