Murdaugh Murders Podcast - TSP #60 - A Breakdown of JP Miller’s Media Tour + Mica Francis’ Best Friend Wants Accountability

Episode Date: July 25, 2024

Today, investigative reporters Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell take a look at everything JP Miller has said on the record thus far and offer an analysis of how his statements jibe and conflict with eac...h other and with police and court records. Over the past month, Pastor JP Miller of Solid Rock Ministries in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, has taken to TikTok videos to combat what he says are lies being told about him after his wife Mica's death. Over the past two weeks, though, those videos have come down and JP appears to be on a media tour of sorts, starting with a two-hour interview he gave to TikTok user FloDaddy, a sit-down interview with a Myrtle Beach newspaper and a nationally televised hour-long segment on NewsNation. Also on the show, Mica Francis’ best friend Charlotte Korn returns to discuss her thoughts on the cease and desist letter JP’s lawyer sent her (along with a demand for evidence) and talk about what she thinks of JP’s interviews. After listening to today's episode, catch Mandy on two amazing podcasts that published this week: Wicked Words Podcast Crime Analyst With Laura Richards Podcast Visit our new events page where you can learn about the upcoming in-person and virtual appearances from hosts or submit your own ideas at Premium Members also get access to episode videos, case files, live trial coverage and exclusive live experiences with our hosts. CLICK HERE to learn more: Stay Tuned, Stay Pesky and Stay in the Sunlight...☀️ Episode Resources: Sonya Massey video Body Cam Footage Mica's List & Mica's Law, Documents NewsNation Interview with JP Miller NewNation Shares Response from Mica Family  Russell B Long Cease And Desist East Coast Honda Incident Flo Daddy Tik Tok Video JP / Mica Purse Incident Tik Tok Video If you are in crisis, please call, text or chat with the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988, or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741. And for those just wanting ad-free listening without all the other great content, we now offer ad-free listening on Apple Podcast through a subscription to Luna Shark Plus on the Apple Podcasts App. And we also offer access to exclusive video content through our new YouTube Premiere subscription. SUNscribe to our free email list to get that special offer for first time members, receive alerts on bonus episodes, calls to action, new shows and updates. CLICK HERE to learn more: And a special thank you to our sponsors:, PELOTON, and VUORI. Use promo code "MANDY" for a special offer! *** ALERT: If you ever notice audio errors in the pod, email and we'll send fun merch to the first listener that finds something that needs to be adjusted! *** For current & accurate updates: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:31 Summer is like a cocktail. It has to be mixed just right. Start with a handful of great friends. Now add your favorite music. And then, finally, add Bacardi Rum. And there you have it, the perfect summer mix. Bacardi, do what moves you. Live passionately, drink responsibly. Copyright 2024. Bacardi, it's trade dress and the bat divisor. Trademarks of Bacardi and Company Limited.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Rum 40% alcohol by volume. I don't know how many times JP Miller lied during his recent slew of shocking interviews, but after comparing his claims with Micah's best friend and a mountain of evidence, he seems to have done nothing but dig himself deeper and show the world who he truly is. My name is Manny Matney. This is True Sunlight, a podcast exposing crime and corruption previously known as the Murdoch Murders podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:33 True Sunlight is a Lunashark production written with journalist Liz Farrell. Hello and happy 60th episode of True Sunlight. It has been a really busy week here at Lunashark and Premium members, we have a lot going on for you. First off, thanks to Maggie C, Angela H, Kira F, and Yasmin K for supporting our mission and I just want to say, welcome to Lunashark Premium. Second, on Saturday we premiered our first episode of our new podcast, Girl Talk Liz and Mandy's Version for Soak Up The Sun members only.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Oh my gosh, we are overwhelmed with the amazing feedback. Essentially, it's y'all listening to two best friends chatting about recent events and what is really on our minds while encouraging, supporting and uplifting each other. It is really the podcast I would have wanted 10 years ago to keep me company, motivated, informed and encouraged. We will have another episode on Saturday, so stay tuned for that. Also this week, Soak Up The Sun members will get to hear a new mini-sode on the Sonja Massey
Starting point is 00:03:09 murder case, a case that yet again perfectly shows how much our system is failing women and something we don't talk about enough, how often women of color are abused by the law enforcement that they pay for. Sonja was killed by a police officer in her Springfield, Illinois home on July 6th after calling the police for help. The body cam footage alone is gut-wrenching. And you can click the link in the description for that. The good news is that the officer was charged with murder and fired from his job. But this story has layers when it comes to changing the justice system and we need to talk about it. Click the link in the description to join Premium today. Use promo code
Starting point is 00:03:59 Mandy for 50% off your first month and a free trial for three days. Speaking of premium, today premium members will hear an extended version of this episode where Liz discusses updates with Elick Murdoch's cronies and then we will dive into the madness of JP Miller. Let's get into it. So, JP, I don't know how many of you have watched The Usual Suspects, that movie from the mid-1990s starring Kevin Spacey. I'm going to try not to spoil the ending because
Starting point is 00:04:34 it's iconic, but also it's been almost 30 years so I'm not going to try that hard. Basically, a detective is trying to find out who this mysterious criminal mastermind Kaiser Sozei is. The detective interviews a suspect who gives him all these amazing details about Kaiser. Just random detail, random detail, random detail. And it's not until the suspect is allowed to walk free that the detective realizes that all the random details from this suspect about who Kaiser Sosei might be came from items in the detective's office. As he's realizing it, all the details from the suspect's stories flash through the detective's mind as he's matching them up with the items in his office and he immediately knows who Kaiser Sosei is. That's what watching J.P.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Miller's interviews over the past week has been like. Except instead of a detective's office, it's Micah's List. And obviously I am not suggesting that JP Miller is Kaiser Soze. But after listening to and watching all of these interviews and constantly wondering why JP Miller is doing these interviews now, it suddenly dawned on us, Oh my God, he's giving us random detail,
Starting point is 00:05:50 random detail, random detail to lead us to this mysterious, perfect husband that no one talks about who couldn't possibly be the same man described in Micah's list. It's masterful actually. He never says Micah's list says I did this thing and that thing, but here's what actually happened. No, no. Instead, he creates a parallel universe for us in the hopes that we will then say to ourselves, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Micah's List says he hid her purse from her sometimes. But remember that story he told us about how he videotaped her accusing him of stealing her purse and how he said afterward he had to show the video to her to remind her about how the hole got kicked in the door because she was in one of her psychotic states at the time and didn't remember and was wrongfully accusing him of doing it and how he said she was deeply ashamed by her actions? I have some bad news for JP Miller. Unlike the detective in the usual suspects, we are not letting this guy walk away so easily. He doesn't get to go on national TV or talk to TikTokers or YouTubers
Starting point is 00:06:59 or dying newspaper companies owned by hedge funds, so he can destroy Micah's reputation and insult her family while also expecting us to nod politely and ask no questions. This isn't his church and we are not his congregants. JP Miller has every right to sing from every mountaintop that he's been wrongfully accused and unfairly maligned. He has every right to share his version of the truth. But do not try to manipulate us into moving on because in our opinion that's what seems like is happening here. Which brings me to the part where I want to remind
Starting point is 00:07:36 you all that JP has denied every accusation made against him. He maintains that he has never abused Micah in any way shape or form. He believes he was the only one in the universe has never abused Micah in any way, shape, or form. He believes he was the only one in the universe who cared about Micah, and he blames her family and friends for ignoring the alleged problem and for her death. He also has not been charged with any crime related to Micah's death or the abuse that has been alleged since her death. Okay, let's go back to where this all started. JP's strange TikTok videos. The smarmy little drop-ins on True Crime Marie's page where he
Starting point is 00:08:15 first told us all that he had more than 300 pieces of evidence showing who was to blame for Micah's death. I am not sure what he's considering as evidence, but like we've said, so far we've seen a photograph of a prescription bottle that appears to have a label on top of another label that is purportedly Micah's prescription for an antpsychotic medication. This was posted on the page of a man JP has repeatedly referred to as Robbie Stinky Harvey. JP reportedly showed the bottle to Robbie in an effort to be like, look, see, she was on meds. Anyways, those TikTok videos disappeared right before JP started appearing in more formal
Starting point is 00:09:07 interview settings. It is not clear why they were taken down. Since then, JP has sat for an interview with the Myrtle Beach Sun News, WPDE news station in Myrtle Beach and an interview with reporter Rich McHugh on News Nation. That interview aired on Ashley Banfield's show last Friday evening. And can I just say, that one was beyond bizarre. And thank you to the premium members who joined us to watch on Friday night. Y'all made it a lot more tolerable. Oh, and then there were two hey to listen recordings
Starting point is 00:09:48 of a two hour interview that JP did with a TikToker named flow daddy. Welcome to true crime reporting in 2024. Also, let's not forget the impromptu but brief live interview that he did with Justin on Tik Tok about a month ago. I say all that to say, yeah, this man really has not shut up since Micah died.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Liz, Beth Braden and I watched and listened to all of these interviews so that you don't have to. Now, obviously we think the reason for him doing these interviews is, like we said, to villainize Micah and her family in the name of being able to walk away from the metaphorical detective's office that Liz spoke about earlier. But JP claims that there is a different reason. He says that his lawyers gave him the go-ahead to do this because it would be good for defamation cases. Those cases have yet to be filed and it is
Starting point is 00:10:54 unclear who those lawyers are exactly. On Wednesday, reporter Beth Braden reached out to the office of Russell B. Long, you know, the lawyer known for sending out those silly and misspelled cease and desist letters last month on behalf of JP. She asked if he was in fact actually representing JP in any capacity, and the answer was, of course, no comment. Beth did ask if they were the ones who actually sent those letters because honestly, they appeared to be written by someone with a middle school education in the energy of a bully
Starting point is 00:11:35 and they did not seem to be lawyer-like at all. However, the secretary did confirm that some cease and desist letters were sent out on behalf of JP. So, are they embarrassed to be representing JP? Well, they should be. The fact JP claimed a lawyer actually encouraged him to do these interviews is baffling to us because, and again, neither of us is a lawyer, but we would think that the better advice would be to shut up. Because not only did he just provide law enforcement and civil litigators with details that might
Starting point is 00:12:18 later be used against him in whatever way, he seems to be putting himself further in the public eye and possibly raising the threshold for his potential future lawsuits. Where he will not only have to prove that people knowingly lied about him, but they did so with the intent of ruining his reputation, aka malice. Also, have those supposed smarties advising him taken a glance at the comment sections in these videos? People are not buying a word of JP's lies. It does not take a law degree to figure that out. I think JP would say that this is the point because he seems to think that the more he talks the more opportunity that he is giving to social media creators and others to talk
Starting point is 00:13:11 themselves into a defamation case. Remember what JP's ex-wife Allison Williams said in her latest affidavit? She said that JP told their kids that he was going to be a millionaire because of lawsuits he plans to file. Speaking of, in one of his TikTok interviews, JP said that he learned of something that he never knew of before because of all this and that's something he believes America does not know. He said that anyone can put any lie in a police report. The example he gave was Big Bird kills Cookie Monster on Sesame Street. Which is ridiculous. But not as ridiculous as him not knowing that no, JP, you can absolutely not tell the police lies. In fact, it is a crime to give police false information.
Starting point is 00:14:08 It is also a crime to file a false police report. And you can open yourself up to civil liability for malicious prosecution. If you lie about Cookie Monster getting killed by Big Bird, then the Sesame Street PD is going to come knocking on your trash can. Speaking of lying to police being a crime, we have news there. Last week, after Lunashark reporter, Beth Braden,
Starting point is 00:14:36 requested another 911 call involving JP, specifically the February 15th, 2024 call, where Micah was accused of stealing $1,200 from the church. Myrtle Beach Police denied our request for that 911 audio, referring to its potential to interfere with a law enforcement proceeding. This feels like it could be a big deal. This is the first time any of our FOIA requests within Myrtle Beach PD related to Micah Miller
Starting point is 00:15:10 have been denied due to an open law enforcement investigation. Plus, they didn't deny our initial request which was filed a while ago for the 911 call that we shared with y'all last week when Trisha Ross, with JP in the background, called police again to report this alleged theft. Is it possible that they are investigating JP for filing a false police report? Could they be gathering evidence related to the harassment? Or does this have something to do with Micah's contention that there were financial anomalies at the church, including issues related to the dare-to-care
Starting point is 00:15:53 mission for Africa? Oh, the other ridiculous thing JP said that he recently learned in all of this was that anyone could say anything they want in an affidavit and it doesn't have to be true. Which is really making me wonder what classes JP took at his father's Bible college. Because again, you can't just say anything in an affidavit. You are limited to the truth and you are sworn to it. And you could be charged with perjury if you get caught lying in an affidavit. And we'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:16:32 The justice system can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. We all want a drink from the same cup of justice and it starts with learning about our legal system. My name is Mandi Matney and together with journalist Liz Farrell and world-renowned attorney Eric Bland, we create the perfect trifecta of legal expertise, journalistic integrity and a fire lit to expose the truth wherever it leads. We all encounter a part of our justice systems at one point, so why not get prepared while being entertained with tales from the newsroom and the courtroom?
Starting point is 00:17:05 Cup of Justice has amazing special guests like Cheryl Crow, Vinnie Politan, Emily D. Baker, and other experts to share their take on the bright side of the truth. Lunashark Media invites you to gain knowledge, insight, and tools to hold your own or hold public agencies accountable. Search for Cup of Justice wherever you get your podcast or visit Okay, now if there's a theme to JP's interview, it's this and it's not surprising we've already talked about it. JP contends that Micah had a long history of psychotic episodes and of going on and off her medication and that he was the only one who cared. In his interview with TikTok user Justin on
Starting point is 00:17:54 TikTok a month ago, JP said that he had spoken with 48 people, some dozens of times, trying to get help for Micah. He said no one would listen to him. So let's talk about that. We've told you all before about how JP went to probate court in March to have Micah involuntarily committed and that the court found no reason to do so. According to JP's interview on News Nation,
Starting point is 00:18:21 he said that Micah was in and out of the court during her commitment hearing in three minutes. He said afterward they told him that Micah was mentally ill and desperately needed to be medicated, but that because she wasn't harmed to herself or others, there was nothing the state could do. According to Micah's best friend, Charlotte Korn, who we spoke to this week, Micah wasn't off her medication at that time. In fact, she told Charlotte that she was making sure
Starting point is 00:18:48 to take her medication in front of her roommate so that there would be a witness to counter any claim from JP that she wasn't doing this. Again, at the time of Micah's death, she appears to have only been prescribed a strong antihistamine to counter anxiety, according to the Medical Examiner's Report. The report listed no other prescriptions, nor did it mention that she hadn't been taking
Starting point is 00:19:12 her meds, which again, this is a report that was building its case for why they believed her death to be a suicide. If there's anywhere you're going to put those details, it would be in that report. Also, to be clear, the medicine that JP says she was supposed to be on is lithium, which he told Flo Daddy, quote, literally takes the idea of suicide out of your head, which is not what doctors say lithium does, by the way. Flo Daddy asked him point blank what medicines was Micah supposed to be taking at the time of her death, and that's the one JP named, while also vaguely mentioning other drugs for schizophrenia.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Beyond that, JP has not yet publicly produced any official documentation that we know of anyway, to show what Micah was supposed to be taking or to show her doctor's concern with compliance. According to JP's interview with Flow Daddy, Micah went to four different doctors at the urging of her family for a second, third, and fourth opinion, and that all four doctors reached
Starting point is 00:20:13 the same conclusion about her. Micah's family has not spoken specifically about the Flow Daddy interviews, but they've denied JP's version of events and they maintain that Micah was mentally healthy, but for JP. They also maintain that JP was giving Micah his own prescriptions and that he was engaging in long-term mental abuse through coercive control. Speaking of that, we checked in with Micah's best friend Charlotte on how this looked to
Starting point is 00:20:41 her because here's the thing about coercive control. Victims of it can very much look like they're fine with behaviors that otherwise seem disturbing to those in their lives. I don't know if there's one specific memory or anything that I would point to, but just in general, their relationship, there were so many things that she would say that I'm thinking, Oh gosh, I, I would not like that at all. Staying in bed or some intimate details that I've been told. And, um, and just other, just how very, you know, controlling he was of her time and her, what they ate or they ate or what she wore and all that.
Starting point is 00:21:27 So, you know, and this is before November 2022 that, you know, some of those things clicked for me, but I was just thinking, okay, well, she hasn't complained about it. She's kind of laughing about this. But again, she hasn't really necessarily, or she, you know, she might've had the occasional complaint about things, but, um, it was kind of like, okay, well, if that works for you, I mean, I would, you know, I would not, but if that works for y'all, then you do you. But, but then now hearing just so much more and just seeing, you know, a little glimpse of the real JP, it was very, very obvious of, oh, you're in an abusive relationship because I mean, like when she, when she was separated from him, she's a morning person. I could call her at
Starting point is 00:22:21 9am and she would pick up the phone. And then when they got back together after the Africa trip, one of the confirming moments of like, are they back together? I called her around nine or 10 and it rang twice and immediately went to voicemail. No, I knew it. But so seeing things like that, it was just like, oh my goodness, this is so abusive. This is, he has total control over your life.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Now, Charlotte was one of Micah's closest friends in the years leading up to Micah's death. They were as close to sisters as you could get, Charlotte said. A major element of coercive control is buy-in. The victim can't be controlled if she is aware that what is happening in her relationship is a behavior meant to control her. So it makes total sense that Micah would share these details with Charlotte but minimize them by expressing amusement about them. Most of us have likely experienced a form of this. When you tell a friend about something in your relationship that you subconsciously know is a red flag but when the friend responds to that is
Starting point is 00:23:41 appropriately like, huh? I don't like that. When it became clear that Micah's marital issues were serious, Charlotte would offer firm but gentle pieces of advice to Micah, to let her know that her reality was confirmed and to offer her unconditional support. In his interview with Flow Daddy, JP again repeated his claim that Micah was
Starting point is 00:24:07 diagnosed with Dependent Personality Disorder. According to Healthline, symptoms of this disorder include submissiveness, the fear of being alone, naivety, and a reliance on others for direction. JP claims that there were only three people in Micah's life where these symptoms apparently emerged. Meaning there were three people who controlled her who were not him. One, he says, is Micah's father. JP claims that Micah was constantly searching
Starting point is 00:24:44 for her father's father. JP claims that Micah was constantly searching for her father's approval. He says that her dad wasn't around that much in Micah's life and that he, as in JP, had to pay Micah's father to be around Micah. He claims that he would pay this man who has been fighting for accountability in his daughter's death just to be around his daughter when she was alive. That is one of the lowest things I have ever heard a man say about his deceased wife. To degrade her relationship with her father like this is truly despicable.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Stick a pin in this because there are other accusations against Micah submitted to because of her quote-unquote dependent personality disorder is someone he is not going to name. The next person JP said Micah submitted to because of her quote-unquote dependent personality disorder is someone he is not going to name. The next person JP said Micah submitted to because of her quote-unquote dependent personality disorder is someone he is not going to name. The next person JP said Micah submitted to because of her quote-unquote dependent personality disorder is someone he is not going to name. Now, this person he is not naming is interesting to us because one thing that we have learned from all of those interviews
Starting point is 00:25:59 is that JP will let an interviewer know that he can't reveal someone's identity, but then he continues to say things that sort of reveal who this person might be. On News Nation, JP claimed that Micah told a close friend that if she killed herself, it would be in Lumberton, North Carolina at the State Park. Which does not sound true. Obviously, we don't know if it is, but here is why we think it sounds wrong. JP wouldn't say who this person was,
Starting point is 00:26:34 and he gave a long-winded and not important answer about that, but he did give enough clues for us to figure out who he was talking about. That said, JP told News Nation that Micah liked peaceful spots in the outdoors, and this is probably why she allegedly chose Lumberton. That makes no sense because there are a thousand other places around Myrtle Beach that better match that description than Lumberton. I have been there. Trust me. Also, if Micah told this woman two years ago that she might
Starting point is 00:27:14 one day go to this weird park to kill herself, it seems like something that A, might be of interest to the FBI as they are continuing to look into Micah's death and B. Did this woman tell anyone about this at the time? The way JP paints the picture, this woman was incredibly close to Micah so she would have been privy to the state of mind that JP says Micah was off and under, right? Seems like she should have maybe brought this up with him. At any rate, JP employs this same coy behavior when asked about his alibi. He told News Nation and Flow Daddy that the day Micah died, he was down in Charleston
Starting point is 00:28:03 at his kid's soccer tournament, and that he spent the entire day with someone he cannot identify because of legal matters, but it's someone that he quote unquote loves more than anyone else on the planet. When Rich McHugh pushed him and asked if this person is a man or a woman, JP, who literally said that he can't give away this person's identity, says that it was a young person. So we will talk more about JP saying he was with a young person in a bit, but by this description, it sure does sound like his alibi is his kid. And can we talk about the audacity of a man who has been accused by his ex-wife in legal documents of being sexually inappropriate with young women, him feeling
Starting point is 00:28:56 completely comfortable with vaguely stating that his alibi for the day that his wife died was a young person who he loves. Come on. Again, he plays coy, then dangles more details out there like it is a game. Now, going back to the second person he said controlled Micah who he can't mention, there's a reasonable chance that this person he's referring to is the same person Micah was with on March 11th. Again, this day was a monumental one and maybe even set the course for Micah's demise. In episode 57, we played a 911 call that Micah made after discovering that someone had stuck a tire deflation device in her tire again. She told the dispatcher that her husband was having her followed and that he was accusing her of having an affair. According to sources and according to JP himself,
Starting point is 00:29:51 JP was having Micah followed by a private investigator that night. According to JP, this private investigator was hired to prevent Micah from obtaining a gun because he was so worried that she might kill herself. Now, that account raises so many questions, such as where was this guy on April 27th? Was Micah being tracked on the day she died? Across state lines? Something tells us FBI investigators
Starting point is 00:30:18 are asking similar questions. JP told News Nation that Micah had tried to kill herself six or seven times before, and he told Flow Daddy that she once got a gun and ran out to their front yard where she had to be tackled. But is that really the story? Did JP hire this PI to follow Micah to prevent her from getting a gun? Because when you consider what JP was caught saying on video to Micah and add that to JP's account of the March 11th situation, and add that to what we know about JP's state of mind that night, it seems like this PI could have gotten photos of Micah with this mystery person. We believe this mystery person to be a young man
Starting point is 00:30:59 who attended JP's church and is related to a law enforcement officer who JP regarded as an important connection, a connection that he allegedly used in his quest to have Micah committed. Put a pin in this too, we're gonna come back to that. So was the second person who JP says controlled Micah, this person he cannot name, the man she was with on March 11th? And if so, why isn't JP naming him or saying,
Starting point is 00:31:26 the man I suspect she was having an affair with. Also, I should mention, Micah was separated from JP at this time and their marriage had been on again, off again since November, 2022. Even if there was romantic interest there, I don't think you can consider this an affair. But again, why isn't JP ever mentioning this
Starting point is 00:31:46 suspected affair that Micah alluded to him harassing her about in that 911 call? It seems like a rather important detail, no? Is JP not saying this out loud because he doesn't want to give anyone the idea that there might be a motive for any alleged abuse and harassment that might have been occurring in the lead up to Micah's death? Or is there another reason not to say it? Okay, the third person who JP says was controlling Micah is Charlotte. Here's Charlotte on that. The fact that he's trying to point the finger of control to other people or blame them for, you know, how she handled life is just a total, just absurdity. It honestly would be laughable if it wasn't so ridiculous. He said, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:35 she was afraid of me sometimes and I was controlling to her. Micah was one of the most strong-willed people I've ever known. She convinced me to do ice plunges and pierce her ears at my house and punish myself five times a week for a year at Nine Rounds Gym and do 6 a.m. yoga with her. So she was very strong-willed and the fact that he continues to belittle her by portraying her as this kind of mental weakling is just absurd. JP's narrative repeatedly has elements that cannot be reconciled, in our opinions at least. be reconciled. In our opinions at least. How can Charlotte be controlling a Micah at the very same time that Micah is doing the opposite of what Charlotte wanted her to do? Meaning leave JP. As you all know, Charlotte has stood strong against JP since Micah's
Starting point is 00:33:42 death. This isn't the first time he has tried to knock her down. Let's not forget that flimsy and misspelled cease and desist letter that he sent out to her after she spoke on episode 55 of True Sunlight. We asked Charlotte how she felt when she received it. I was honored, honestly. It's kind of like a badge of honor. And it just basically said, stop being mean to me
Starting point is 00:34:13 or to my client. It came with a list of, or two pages of what they're claiming that people are saying this, but that's not what happened. And you need to give us all of your evidence within 30 days, which of course, I would never do. What a joke. Yeah, so it was kind of a badge of honor for me to receive that. After she got the letter, Charlotte posted it to her Instagram page to show everyone that JP was attempting to silence her. She posted it with a caption, my letter finally came framing this for sure.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Hashtag thanks JP, hashtag justice for Micah. Just when I received it, it almost felt like witness intimidation. And I just wanted to put it out there to say, hey, I'm not intimidated. And I do not plan to back down on speaking out for Micah and, you know, getting her justice. You know what else looks like witness intimidation? Soon after Charlotte posted her silly cease and desist letter from JP, she received a threatening text message from a burner phone. So yeah, if anyone is
Starting point is 00:35:28 afraid of Charlotte, I think it's actually JP. To claim that Micah was afraid of Charlotte and that Charlotte controlled Micah is absurd. One, if Charlotte could control Micah, we promise you JP, Micah would have left you a long time ago and she would be alive and thriving today. Two, there is plenty of evidence to show that Micah regarded Charlotte as a safe and happy place for her. And three, if Charlotte could control Micah, why didn't JP enlist her help to get Micah to take her medicine?
Starting point is 00:36:09 You know, the medication that he cannot stop talking about. Remember, back to November, 2022, we shared the text exchange between Micah and JP in which JP looped in Charlotte to quote unquote, hold him accountable. Not one time in this text thread did JP mention that Micah was off her medication. Remember Micah had fled to her sister's house four hours away and JP was threatening them and insinuating that he was outside, armed and ready.
Starting point is 00:36:46 In his interview with Flow Daddy, JP said that he knew Micah was on her medication when she was the wife that he recognized. He knew she wasn't on medication when she did things like, one would presume, running away to her sister's house. Why wasn't JP asking Charlotte to talk to Micah about medication? Why wasn't he mentioning medication at all during that night? If Charlotte controlled Micah and Micah was with a family that JP regarded as reckless and dangerous, and if Micah was profoundly ill and as suicidal as he makes her out to be, why wasn't he bringing up her medication?
Starting point is 00:37:31 And why wasn't he asking Charlotte to speak sense into Micah? Is it because this wasn't an actual problem until Micah made moves to leave JP for good? Or is it another reason? Because it does not coincide with the story that he is telling. And we'll be right back. Okay, let's go back to that mysterious second person who JP says controlled Micah, who may or may not be the man he considered her to be having an affair with.
Starting point is 00:38:13 And let's talk about that purpose again of this private investigator. Again, JP seems to be offering details, details, details that ultimately offer an alternate explanation for some of the allegations of behavior outlined in Micah's list. Here's another one. On March 11th, sometime after Micah called police to report the deflated tire, she went to East Coast Honda to get her tire fixed for a second time. According to a police report, she went to the gas station and encountered JP there. She told him to leave her alone and cease all contact with her. Then she went to East Coast Honda where she had to call the police for a second
Starting point is 00:38:51 time that day. According to JP's interview with Flow Daddy, he was at the Honda place first and ran into Micah there. He said that he had her mail with him and was already on his way to give it to her. So he decided to just give it to her then. But according to the video Micah took of this encounter, JP is actually threatening to post photos on Facebook. He tells her that these photos will be posted in a few hours. Remarkably, he says this in front of a police officer. You can see the cop's uniform and body camera
Starting point is 00:39:24 in the left corner of Micah's video. JP says this threat as he's walking away. The police officer doesn't appear to go after him. It's not clear what happened after Micah stopped filming though. Now, according to the redacted report, the officer was with Micah at the dealership when Micah got a call from a no-caller ID, which ended up being JP. According to Charlotte, Micah had three different phone numbers during this period. In February, JP had taken her phone when she was involuntarily hospitalized. Then Micah got a new phone and only shared that number
Starting point is 00:39:56 with a few people. Somehow, JP ended up getting that number and began calling her on it, calling her from blocked numbers, texting her from different phone numbers, Charlotte said. She said Micah ended up getting a third phone after that and only gave that number to those in her most inner circle. At the dealership, Micah answered the call in front of the officer and JP was told that Micah doesn't want any further contact with him and quote, if he proceeds, then
Starting point is 00:40:25 warrants may possibly be written up. JP acknowledges this by saying okay, which the officer notes is recorded on his body camera. The report notes, quote, the victim advised me she was afraid for her life. She also advised she blocks his numbers and still gets calls and texts from him on other numbers. JP's version of this, of course, is different. In his interview with Flo Daddy, he said that when he went to give Micah her mail, and remember he said he was at the Honda place first, even though this police report seems to indicate he followed Micah there, that Micah threatened him. JP told Flow Daddy that Micah wasn't in her right mind that day. Again, remember in telling these stories, JP is trying to give us all the pieces to
Starting point is 00:41:12 plug in so that the behaviors outlined in Micah's list seem benign, misunderstood, and mischaracterized, and the behavior in this video seems to be explained. He told Flo Daddy in a breezy, casual way that there's a video of him, then he cuts himself off to explain why he was there, the male, and how he was there first, which he wasn't. In what seems to be a pattern with JP, he puts the blame on Micah and says that she threatened him, but he can't remember what she said.
Starting point is 00:41:45 He said it was something dumb, but he says it's why he is seen threatening her on the video. Also, and this is interesting, he said that his threat was to post photos of Micah with a quote unquote boy. And here is what else he said. She did something she shouldn't have done on March 11th something she would never in a billion years do, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, when she's on medication.
Starting point is 00:42:13 She did something that she only does when she's off medication. And that's how I knew that she was mentally ill and needs help was on that day, which was March 11. Phew! There is a lot to take away from this. First, Charlotte reminded us of just how much Micah was loved at Solid Rock Ministries. JP told Flo Daddy that people at Solid Rock despised Micah after the affair, and this is why he urged her not to tell anyone about her mental health issues. From what we have learned, church members didn't despise Micah at all back then. They held sympathy for her because of JP's role at the church in her young age at the time.
Starting point is 00:42:54 JP was the one that they had problems with. Second, that March 11th date is there again. And so is his reference to an unnamed person. A boy. Remember sources have told us that JP was acting erratically the night of March 10th in the morning of March 11th. Whatever the private investigators shared with him that night and putting the pieces together it seems like the PI got photos of Micah with someone. Rattled JP. So this scene that he has given us, the one caught on camera partially,
Starting point is 00:43:30 he wants us to believe that Micah was crazy and that JP was doing something nice, that he had planned to give her her mail and then he saw her at the very same place he happened to be. So he decided to give her her mail there. So innocent. And that he was victimized by some threat from Micah that he doesn't seem to be able to remember. And that the part caught on camera, him threatening to post photos of Micah on Facebook doing something apparently inappropriate with a boy, is easily explained as a response
Starting point is 00:44:04 to her unspecified threat. Okay, one more thing. Did you note how he said that these photos of Micah allegedly doing something inappropriate with a guy were a sign that she was mentally ill and needed help? That he then realized that she was in crisis. Help us with that one because wasn't this his claim all along? Isn't his story that in 2017, she went to get a breast augmentation, something he says he was against,
Starting point is 00:44:34 and something that like his friends and family say she did at least in part for him, and that after that her mental health began to fail? In his interview with Flow Daddy, JP says that he attended a class for people with mentally ill spouses or family members and that this is where he was told that the Micah he married might not emerge from her but for a couple days a year, that Micah might possibly need to be hospitalized for the rest of her life. This is also something he said in November 2022 when talking to Micah's brother. He said that Micah might be institutionalized
Starting point is 00:45:11 forever. She was released a week later. On News Nation, JP compared himself to a parent with an autistic child, Micah being the child. His account so far has been that this was a persistent and constant issue in his life, something that he had to manage. In all of the interviews, JP repeatedly gave examples of Micah's alleged psychotic episodes. He said that he had to stop her from running outside without her shirt on. He said the video about abuse that Micah posted on Facebook after she left JP showed her looking into space and that was a sign of her psychosis and not of her just thinking. He said the smile she appears to have given an employee of Dick's pawn shop is proof of her euphoric state at the time. He said that Micah
Starting point is 00:45:57 talking about world peace was evidence of her psychosis that she'd be normal one minute and then the next she'd be saying it's snowing indoors. And yet here, with this March 11th incident, he's now saying that he didn't know she needed mental health until that moment. On the day when presumably his private investigator had brought him evidence that she was on a date, when he was asked why he filed for divorce shortly after Micah had dismissed her divorce filing and why he then a month later ended up dropping that divorce filing, JP's answer was that he just didn't realize she needed mental health help. And once he did, once March 11th happened, he realized that she was in crisis.
Starting point is 00:46:42 So that's why he dropped the case. Obviously, we question that explanation because to outsiders and given all the allegations being made against him, a logical person might wonder if he was using that filing as a way to get something he wanted from her. I know we don't need to remind you about all of this, but on February 7th, he had Micah involuntarily hospitalized. On February 12th when she was released from the hospital he, according to Micah's list, pressured her to dismiss her own divorce proceedings, the ones she filed in October. On February 15th the church reported her to police and claimed she had drained a church bank account. On February 21st JP
Starting point is 00:47:24 told law enforcement that counter to what Micah was telling them, they were not separated, but that she was in the middle of a month long annual manic phase, and therefore he would not be giving her car back to her. On February 23rd, he filed for divorce and temporary relief. On March 6th, Micah had to attend a hearing at probate court
Starting point is 00:47:47 because JP had told the state of South Carolina that she was so mentally ill that she needed to be committed. On that same day, JP says he was told by doctors at the courthouse that Micah was mentally ill and desperately in need of medication. During this time, he is having Micah followed by a private investigator, which he claims was to keep Micah away from a gun because of how mentally unstable he says she was. And then on March 11th he wants us to believe
Starting point is 00:48:15 he realized Micah needed help. That's the story he wants us to believe. That's the story he wants us to think is true when from where all of us sit it looks like a man who was coming undone because his young, beautiful, once malleable, once controllable wife had made up her mind and was doing everything she could to get away from him. In another instance in which a video exists, this time a video that JP took. JP talks about a time when Micah was allegedly in one of her psychotic episodes. The video starts with JP sternly saying, Micah, stop, stop, calm down Micah, stop, stop. At this point, all you can see or hear in the video is a jiggling of the door handle and Micah calmly saying, give me my purse. JP says, I don't have your purse. Stop. Micah asks, you don't have my purse in a tone that anyone in a relationship will
Starting point is 00:49:13 recognize as I do not believe you. JP says, Nope. Micah then appears to use her body or something to try to push the door open. JP yells at her, stop, Micah. She bangs again and this time the door pops open and JP yells, stop, Micah, stop. She opens the door as he continues to scream stop. She's wearing a t-shirt and carrying a book. She says calmly, give me my purse. JP told Flo Daddy that he and Micah
Starting point is 00:49:41 had been watching television when quote, Micah started asking questions. And he says he thought to himself oh no she hasn't been taking her meds. According to these interviews he said that there were two key phrases she would only use when off her meds. One was double agent and the other was paper trail. Now Charlotte reminded us of a voicemail that was circulating online. It's a voicemail that had also been sent to Charlotte by JP as so-called evidence that Micah was mentally ill. In it, Micah is questioning who she is. She says something like, am I Micah Miller? Am I Micah Francis? JP seems to want people to take that literally as if she were literally
Starting point is 00:50:22 questioning who she was, as if she had lost her sense of self. But multiple sources have told us that at this time, Micah had discovered an anomaly in her marriage certificate and anomalies in other financial documents at the time related to the church and to Micah and JP. Again, before her death, Micah had intimated to Charlotte that she had spoken to the FBI about what she believed were financial irregularities at the church. So, was Micah out of her mind, as JP suggests, or was she saying, I trust nothing about you or our life? Am I even married to you? Back to this incident that appears to be the one in this video. Now, according to Micah's list, JP routinely hid Micah's belongings, her purse, her keys, her wallet, her phone, her laptop. So naturally
Starting point is 00:51:10 people online see this video as perhaps evidence of that. JP disputes this. He says that after Micah started asking questions, she punched him in the face and that he was bleeding everywhere from his nose because of it. So he then went into a room, he said, and locked himself in it. Here's what JP says happened next. JP SOT I locked the door. I thought, okay, I'm trying to text a friend of mine who's a police officer and say, what do I do? I just need help.
Starting point is 00:51:33 I don't want to get in trouble and all this. And so she thinks that I stole her pocketbook or her makeup or something. And she's kicking the door, kicking the door, kicking the door. She kicked the whole door. And then I don't know what happened next. I just thought, okay, I'm going to go and get some help. And she just went and kicked the door. And then she went and kicked the door.
Starting point is 00:51:41 And then she went and kicked the door. And then she went and kicked the door. And then she went and kicked the door. And then she went and kicked the door. And then she went and kicked the door. And then she went and kicked the door. And then she went and kicked the door. her makeup or something and she's kicking the door kicking the door kicking the rush You keep the whole door and then um Then I don't know what happened. I left came back and she got back in her med whatever JP goes on to say that Micah got back on her meds and accused him of creating the hole in the door This is when he told her no Micah you that, and says he showed her the video, which
Starting point is 00:52:06 upset her. There is no evidence of a hole being kicked in the door in the video that we have seen, but we're told that one apparently exists showing the hole. I hope you noted the part where he says that he texted a police friend of his. We will touch on that more later. So according to JP, this incident wasn't about him hiding Micah's belongings as it would seem. So instead, a video of Micah in a psychotic state
Starting point is 00:52:36 and him being the victim. Note that JP doesn't say that he took a selfie of his bleeding nose or that blood was allegedly anywhere. Note that in the video we do not hear him using calming techniques that one would expect to hear when a caregiver is trying to deescalate an outburst. Note that we said her demeanor other than when she appears to use her body to force the door open and open it slightly, by the way, was calm. At no point does he mention her meds in the video that we saw nor does he say anything
Starting point is 00:53:11 that would indicate that he was dealing with someone in mental distress. Instead, the video we saw appears to be that of an irritated wife who is sick of game playing. And that is exactly what he is doing in these interviews. Game playing. It is hours of him doing this. Hours of him casually tearing down Micah and her family while contradicting himself. Over and over and over. But we're glad that he did it.
Starting point is 00:53:39 We have long suspected that JP's interpretation of Micah being off her meds correlated with her not being the controllable wife JP thought that he was getting. He repeatedly shows disdain for her desire to try new things, new hair colors, new health regimens, new manicures, new types of jewelry, all while trying to act like he supported her. Charlotte told us about how Micah and she would be hanging out together, and when hour three arrived, JP would just show up at Charlotte's house,
Starting point is 00:54:15 a sign that Micah needed to go be with him right then. These are the kinds of behaviors that Micah's closest friends and family are able to articulate and piece together to show that she was under seemingly strict management. Speaking of Micah's family, JP repeatedly calls them ignorant. He says that they never understood her mental health issues. He says that Micah's family only cared about three things, money, getting Micah away from
Starting point is 00:54:43 JP and getting Micah off of her meds. So let's think about that one, right? Micah didn't have any money of her own. Her money was marital property. She worked at the church and earned a very low salary. Her gross earnings were about $1,700 a month, according to divorce papers. By November 2022, Micah's life was erratic. She wasn't working regularly because of the turmoil that she was experiencing with JP. Charlotte said that after Micah's hospitalization in late 2022, things with Micah got better for a few months. Remember, on the day that Micah was released from the mental hospital,
Starting point is 00:55:21 she was signing power of attorney for her health care decisions over to JP. Something he did not have when she was admitted to the hospital, against his wishes. Something he didn't have when law enforcement was called to the parking lot of Whack-a-Maw where JP was throwing a fit and trying to leave Micah to prevent her from being hospitalized, according to police reports. From where we sit, it looks like JP was able to re-establish some sense of control over Micah at the time. So it is not surprising to us that the marriage
Starting point is 00:55:56 would seem good for a few months after that. By February, though, Charlotte said the marriage was broken again. Remember, according to Allison Williams' affidavit, JP had been engaging in an extramarital affair with one of his church members. If this is true, then it seems like JP felt entitled to extramarital sexual encounters, but Micah was to remain within the confines of his definition of a godly wife. So in February 2023, we know that there was a postnuptial agreement drawn up. Micah went to live in Kansas. A month later, Charlotte said that Micah returned to Myrtle Beach at JP's request.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Here is what Charlotte said happened. When she first told me about her, she's going to Kansas, I said, you know, what's going on? And she said that things had just, you know, they got better for a little while after that big blow up fight and everything that prior November thing, we've gotten better for a little while, but now they're just kind of slipping back into the same old same old. So they've been going to counseling together. Or no, actually, they were seeing separate counseling therapists or counselors, but his counselor suggested that they do a separation for a year. And so she was, she was going to move. And I actually, she was considering, but then obviously didn't. I'd
Starting point is 00:57:22 offered, I said, why don't you just come stay with me? I'll pay you as a living nanny. And then bonus points, I get to hang out with you all day. But she said, well, if Kansas doesn't work out, I will definitely revisit that. But then when she texts me, you know, a little over a month later, that she was going back, I said, Oh, well, where are you going to be staying? Where are you going to live? And her text message back, which just, it just said being reconciled. So not, I wasn't, I was, I wasn't pleased about that one, but, um, but it was, it was a very short reconciliation.
Starting point is 00:57:59 I couldn't say exactly how long before she was out again, but I mean, it, it couldn't have been longer. She couldn't have, it couldn't have been longer than a long before she was out again, but I mean, it couldn't have been longer. It couldn't have been longer than a month that she moved in with Diane. When she came up to visit me in July, she was still living with Diane. And she said, you know, he went out. Well, first of all, when I asked her about, you know, why are you moving back in with Diane? She said, well, JP said, you know, actually, I think we made a mistake. I think this was premature and I think we should do what my counselor suggested.
Starting point is 00:58:36 She's just being yanked around left and right. When she came up in July, she said, you know, I just, I feel like he just wanted me to come back because it was starting to look bad that I was on him, to his church members, because, you know, Micah was a staple in the church. I mean, everybody loved Micah. So I'm sure he was getting a lot of questions. Where's he? Where's he? It stops looking like she's on a little vacation at some point, you know? JP wants us to believe that it was Micah's family who ultimately tore them apart, but here's an example of him sending Micah away, allegedly, and going back to what he said,
Starting point is 00:59:16 that there were only three things that the family cared about, money, getting Micah away from him, and getting Micah off her meds. Tell us how it makes sense that Micah's family only cared about money and getting money from Micah, but also wanted her to get away from the person who provided most of that money to her? He paints the family out to be grifters, but then immediately disproves himself. It can't be both ways. You can't say they didn't care about Micah, that they only cared about money, and the very same breath you're saying they wanted her away from you, because away from you meant she was scraping together pennies from a waitressing job. They wanted her away from you
Starting point is 00:59:55 because of what they saw and what Micah was telling them. Period. JP says that he hated Christians but then researched Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism in an effort to disprove the Christian Bible. He says he couldn't do it. He couldn't disprove the Bible and he found too many holes in those other religions. He says he knows everything there is to know about heaven because he's researched it. Since he appears to like research, he should look into patterns that abusers engage in. Separate the victim from her family. Villainize the family to her.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Make her question their love and her reality. Make her think you and you alone are the only person who understands and accepts and loves her. Eliminate the family. Separate the victim from her friends, villainize the support she receives from them, weaponize this idea of gossip, control her means of communication. There's so much in these interviews and we're only able to share some of it today.
Starting point is 01:00:57 I know we're gonna be revisiting them often in the next few weeks, but there's one more thing we wanna talk about, his police officer friends. There was the one he refers to when he's throwing a fit in the parking lot of Waccamaw Center for Mental Health in November 2022, when law enforcement separated him from Micah to find out from Micah what she wanted. That's the same one he threatened police with, the one he appears to have tried to call at least twice that night. And there appears to be another.
Starting point is 01:01:31 In his interview with Flow Daddy, JP talks about how Micah's father encouraged Micah to flee when a doctor allegedly told JP that Micah needed to the hospital. He told her to flee the county. And it got so bad, she's running through the south of the state, the upper north city of South Carolina, going into the woods, sleeping in gas stations. The list being that's what's gonna stop us from committing suicide. I told you that 10 times, I showed you to the doctor before. I sent you the voicemail from the doctor. And your daughter says she officially take the medicine if you tell us to, and you're not going to tell us to?
Starting point is 01:02:10 You're going to tell us to sleep? Yeah, in our society there are two groups of people that we are taught to trust from the agents we use on. Okay, so every group in our society we are taught to trust doctors and nurses and policemen and police officers. They cause you great pain, but either doctor or nurse, you better smile and say thank you to that pig boy. I don't think there's a policeman or a simple woman there,
Starting point is 01:02:34 either stop where you're at, hold your hand in the air, you better stop where you're at and hold your hand in the air. So a policeman is sent by a doctor to take my wife to get to the hospital where the medication that she needs. This is the person you should be able to trust, Micah. You trust the doctor, you trust the sheriff, even his sheriff, even Miller. He's been to the church. He said, I'm here to help you out. We love you, wife. She's great. We see you, whatever. Okay, so when her dad found out this was happening, instead of saying, honey, go with him and you'll be okay, he said, So, there is no evidence that Micah ever slept at any gas station or was ever roaming the woods of South Carolina in an effort to avoid hospitalization.
Starting point is 01:03:21 There is evidence of Micah having a support system that she could enlist when she felt like she needed to get away. In November 2022, after their massive fight, Micah went to Ciara's house 4 hours away. In February 2023, Micah had a standing invitation to come live with Charlotte and her family and earn money helping Charlotte with her kids. It's unclear what timeframe JP is referencing here. Is this the involuntary hospitalization from February when he was frantically trying to find her so that she could be institutionalized? When he appeared to have found her while she was out shopping?
Starting point is 01:04:01 Was she sitting in the Walmart parking lot at that time? And that's where he gets sleeping and gas stations from. We're still trying to hunt down records of what happened on that day, by the way. If Micah's family told her to flee, they did it because she was terrified at that moment and that they were scared for her. If this happens, it was likely because they believed JP had weaponized, maybe even grossly exaggerated, Micah's mental health and was using it and his power over her healthcare decisions against her. And that is the thing about JP that he shows us in these interviews. He can and will weaponize any twisted detail about his dead estranged wife's mental health in a convoluted effort to save himself.
Starting point is 01:04:55 We could debunk and decode every lie that he said in these interviews for days, but what matters is that he showed us exactly who he is in the clearest of ways. And he showed the FBI. He showed us that he is a man who continues to dance on his wife's grave even while cameras are rolling. A man whose narrative focuses on saving himself no matter who he hurts. A man who will continue to lie to anyone who will listen. A man who called the people who have relentlessly protested outside of his church with Justice for Micah signs un-American who are quote unquote trying to scare Christians. This is a man who laughed at those calling for justice for his wife and dared to call Micah supporters
Starting point is 01:05:51 who point the finger at him, the biggest idiots in the world. I asked Charlotte, someone who truly loved Micah and actually has evidence to prove it, what justice for Micah means for her. Accountability. And that this, what she went through is not masked as, oh wow, she was just, she was just a mental person and that narrative just continuing to be pushed and he just ends up on the other side of things looking like, I never did anything wrong and I was just
Starting point is 01:06:28 trying to save her life and help her. There needs to be repercussions for him with the way that he treated her. I hope there's legal ramifications for him when it comes to the abuse, the stalking, the I mean, everything he's done to her. But overall, just that he's no longer able to continue to push his own narrative about who she was and who he wasn't. I mean, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Like I said, there is a lot more to comb through with these interviews, especially when it comes to filling out and understanding the timeline. A lot of things clicked into place when we spoke to Charlotte this week. We will get back to all of that next week. Stay tuned, stay pesky, and stay-hosted by journalist Liz Farrell. Learn more about our mission and membership at Interruptions provided by Luna and Joe Pesky.
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