Murdaugh Murders Podcast - TSP #61 - JP Miller Airs More Dirty Laundry... Was It an Attempt to Pressure Mica’s Family into a Settlement?

Episode Date: August 1, 2024

After Monday’s settlement was announced between Myrtle Beach Pastor JP Miller and the family of his estranged wife, Mica Francis, investigative journalists Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell take a look a...t what led up to this moment. For the past two weeks, JP Miller has gone on a media tour … and when that tour didn’t seem to get the reaction he wanted out of the public, he appears to have made a decision: It’s time to post the recording from the night of March 11, when JP discovered that Mica was with another man. And not just that! Another video was posted: the full two-hour recording from JP’s NewsNation interview, in which JP’s comments about Mica’s family — which were edited out from the broadcast — could now be heard. Both recordings were posted by TrueCrimeRI, the mysterious TikToker who seems to have partnered with JP in an alleged effort to get “Justice for Mica.” As JP and his circle publicly celebrate the settlement — and celebrate the call from Mica’s family to end the Justice for Mica protests outside Solid Rock at Market Common Church— we are learning so much more about the fight that Mica had ahead of her in her divorce if she had lived …  Visit our new events page where you can learn about the upcoming in-person and virtual appearances from hosts or submit your own ideas at Or follow @mandy_matney on Instagram for the latest pop-ups. Episode Resources: Mica's List NewsNation Interview with JP Miller NewNation Shares Response from Mica Family If you are in crisis, please call, text or chat with the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988, or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741. And for those just wanting ad-free listening without all the other great content, we now offer ad-free listening on Apple Podcast through a subscription to Luna Shark Plus on the Apple Podcasts App. And we also offer access to exclusive video content through our new YouTube Premiere subscription. SUNscribe to our free email list to get that special offer for first time members, receive alerts on bonus episodes, calls to action, new shows and updates. CLICK HERE to learn more: And a special thank you to our sponsors:, PELOTON, and VUORI. Use promo code "MANDY" for a special offer! *** ALERT: If you ever notice audio errors in the pod, email and we'll send fun merch to the first listener that finds something that needs to be adjusted! *** For current & accurate updates: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you for supporting our mission to expose the truth wherever it leads by listening to Lunashark Media's Murdock Murders, Cup of Justice, and True Sunlight podcasts. I get messages all the time from people asking how they can help us with our mission. And now, there are great ways to do that. If you want to go the extra step, we invite you to learn more about Lunashark Plus for ad-free listening on Apple Podcasts or even better, join Lunashark Premium, a membership community for exclusive content like members-only live and virtual experiences and ad-free extended audio episodes, case documents, articles,
Starting point is 00:00:37 transcripts, video episodes, and highlights, plus early access to everything as soon as it's ready. Join Lunashark Premium at slash membership. Our members are helping us fund new journalists, explore more investigations, and expand our reach, helping more victims, producing meaningful content to hold agencies accountable and change our systems for the better. Visit slash membership to learn the best way you can stay tuned, stay pesky, and stay in the sunlight. I don't know how much Monday's settlement truly matters when it comes to getting justice for Micah. But I know that JP Miller did not win this week,
Starting point is 00:01:32 and his move to settle, combined with his bizarre media strategy in the last month, shows just how badly he wants this movement to be over. Well, JP, the FBI investigation is not over, not by a long shot. And we have a lot more to expose in this story and we aren't going anywhere. My name is Manny Matney. This is True Sunlight, a podcast exposing crime and corruption previously known as the Murdoch Murders Podcast. True Sunlight is a Lunar Shark production written with journalist Liz Farrell. It's me, hi. I'm the girl who is always finding new reasons to be absolutely enraged with our justice
Starting point is 00:02:40 system. I hope y'all listen to this week's Cup of Justice because it was one of the most important episodes we have ever done when it comes to exposing flaws in the justice system and finding ways to fix it. We were honored to sit down with Carl Stoller, a man who is best known as Dallas Stoller's dad, who has not stopped fighting for his daughter since the
Starting point is 00:03:05 night she was assaulted in 2018. Carl is not only a super dad, but an Orangeburg County deputy, who has seen all sides of the justice system and is here to call out all of it. This week, Carl told us something extra infuriating about the justice system. That Dallas' case is still technically open, but not in a good way. Carl is confident that the Second Circuit Solicitor's Office, the one that dropped Dallas' charges for Bowen just because she died and they said they couldn't prosecute a rape case with a dead victim,
Starting point is 00:03:46 he assured that they are not going to do anything with Dallas' case, but are simply leaving it open for their own selfish purposes. Dallas' case remaining open means that we cannot foyer for all of the records in her case. To see exactly why they've been sitting on this with no movement for years. It means that the solicitor's office can save face with the media by simply stating it's open.
Starting point is 00:04:15 It means that Carl cannot work with the South Carolina Justice Academy like he was asked to to teach officers how to handle sexual assault cases based off his daughter's case because his daughter's case is still technically an open investigation and the Academy cannot teach on cases that are still open. It is infuriating to see that potential good change for the justice system is being derailed simply because the good ol' boys want to save face. I am so tired of it. But please listen to Carl on episode 91.
Starting point is 00:04:57 If he can hang on to hope for change, so can we. Now, the next infuriating thing I want to talk about is that on Monday, we've watched alleged abusive pastor J.P. Miller smirk his way through probate court before the big announcement that left so many people fighting for Micah stunned and feeling like JP was yet again slipping through the cracks of the justice system. On Monday, the Francis family and JP Miller announced that they had reached a global settlement in the Francis family fight to oversee Micah's estate and continue on with Micah's divorce. So let's talk about what actually happened.
Starting point is 00:05:46 First, this settlement doesn't have anything to do with the FBI investigation into Micah's death and their possible investigation into the church's finances. On Monday evening, JP's attorney Russell B. Long, or Russell B. Wrong as someone on Instagram called him, told the press after the hearing that he and J.P. had discerned that law enforcement's investigation, he did not say which agency, had quote unquote concluded. Yeah, discerned. This was based on the questions J.P. was asked by agents, apparently, which is really, truly, beyond silly. But according to news reports, Russell Long did not or would not clarify what that statement meant when he was asked more questions. Anyway, do we think that that is true? No.
Starting point is 00:06:45 In fact, we know that it isn't true. As of Tuesday, the FBI still appeared to be actively investigating this case according to multiple sources. Honestly, the fact that JP does not think that they are investigating is even better. The FBI doesn't have to tell JP or his attorneys anything about their investigation. Bottom line, what happened on Monday has nothing to do with the potential of a criminal case here. But do we wonder why it is so important
Starting point is 00:07:20 for JP's attorney to say this, knowing that he would be immediately challenged on it. Who was that message for? Second, does this settlement mean that JP quote-unquote won the case? So, this is the infuriating thing, right? JP appears to have exited the courtroom with a big ol' smirk and smile on his face. And immediately his supporters online were like, this is a big win for JP. It was almost as if this settlement triggered planned messages about JP's so-called victory here. Like it was a part of a crisis communications plan. We have no idea, by the way, if JP hired any agency
Starting point is 00:08:09 to help him with his pro-JP messaging, but as we will talk about more in this episode, there does seem to have been a clear effort over the past few weeks to make him and his church look better, even though, in our opinion, that effort failed. From our perspective, though, it definitely does seem like JP regards this as a huge win and a huge vindication, and perhaps even an I told you so, to his enemies. But the thing is, he didn't win.
Starting point is 00:08:46 There are five things happening here. One, the Francis family was trying to keep JP from having control over Micah's estate. But for practical purposes, let's just consider this as inherit her estate. They were trying to keep JP from getting Micah's assets, which obviously is a disgusting prospect if you believe that the reason for Micah's death is JP. At any rate, this was going to be a long fight because by law, he was the executor because Micah didn't have a will. He was technically her next of kin. Two months ago, the family was able to get items of Micah's't have a will. He was technically her next of kin. Two months ago, the family was able to get items of Micah's that were important to
Starting point is 00:09:29 them, like her phone. But ultimately, Micah's estate didn't have much because JP was the breadwinner. Which brings us to number 2. Why fight over an estate that has nothing in it? Two months after Micah filed for divorce the first time, JP sold their house, which was in his name, to the church. The family believed that JP had fraudulently conveyed his and Micah's house to the church in an effort to deprive Micah of her marital property when the divorce ultimately went
Starting point is 00:10:04 through. So they were asking the family court to rule on whether the property or other house-related assets were still considered marital. If the court agreed with them, then that would mean that half of the value of those marital assets would become a part of Micah's estate, which means inheritable.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Now, JP made this out to be a cash grab by the family, but there's a what's fair is fair aspect here, right? The family believes JP is ultimately responsible for Micah's death, so why should he get to benefit from it? Especially when Micah spent much of the last seven months of her life trying to leave him. So one way to look at this is to consider that the family wasn't just looking for money. They were also, in a way, trying to deprive JP of reaping any reward from Micah's death. The final takeaway on these two things. This wasn't
Starting point is 00:11:06 really a lawsuit as we have seen JP's defenders and others referring to it. He didn't win a lawsuit. Sierra Francis dropped her petition to be Micah's executor and she dropped her petition for the family court to decide what was considered marital property. Once there was a decision on that, the next battle would have been on whether they could remove JP as executor. But now none of that has to happen. Okay, the third thing happening here
Starting point is 00:11:36 is the potential for a wrongful death lawsuit loomed on the horizon. It was something that the family apparently was considering, but a wrongful death claim against JP would have almost certainly resulted in a counterclaim from JP, since he has been singing from every rooftop that he believes the family was responsible for Micah's death. On Monday, both sides agreed to not pursue wrongful death claims against each other, which really frustrated people because obviously this kind of lawsuit would have further exposed
Starting point is 00:12:12 what was happening in Micah's marriage in the 18 months leading up to her death. It would have been a clear inroad to finding if JP's claims about Micah's medications and mental health were fully versions of the truth. But also, this absolutely would have resulted in a prolonged legal battle and it would have gotten very ugly. I mean, think about how ugly it has been so far without a double lawsuit. The family would have basically had to deal with JP every single day. They would be forced to see his face on the news all of the time. They would be forced to hear his words and that would likely be a very traumatic prospect for them. Think about JP's recent media
Starting point is 00:13:00 tour and how distressful that was for them and think about them enduring that for years. So for anyone out there upset about their not being a wrongful death suit, remember that the family had to consider what their next three to six years would look like as plaintiffs and potentially defendants in a case like this. The fourth thing happening here is the protest. JP is clearly very affected by them. Recently, he quite comically tried to block the protesters for calling for justice for Micah by purchasing a couple of panels of a privacy fence.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Not a whole fence, just a few panels. Enough that made it look about as ridiculous as you are picturing it right now. JP's position lately on the protesters is that they are trying to keep quote unquote good Christians from practicing Christianity, which is immediately dumb. They aren't protesting Christianity or churches, they are protesting JP, and they are reminding JP's congregants that they are continuing to attend and support a church run by JP despite everything that has come out about him over the past three months. Apparently, part of this settlement deal was a call for the protests to end.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Which they did. But jokes on JP. The protesters were not controlled by the Francis family. Many of the protesters are out there because they genuinely don't like what they see and they are challenging the people who continue to support JP despite the horrifying details that have come out about him, including that he allegedly admitted to the elders that he had sexually abused teenagers at the church and including an allegation that he's used church funds before to pay off women who were
Starting point is 00:15:03 threatening to expose his alleged bad acts. There are police reports galore and let's not forget about everything contained in Micah's List. So yeah, it is understandably offensive to people that JP continues to present himself as a man of God when the allegations against him don't seem to support that image and it is understandably offensive that there is a certain number of people who continue to stand by him. Again, JP denies every allegation that has been made against him and he's never been
Starting point is 00:15:40 charged with molestation or any sort of domestic abuse with either of his wives. But the fifth thing that is happening here is that this was a settlement. The details of that settlement have been sealed, so we don't know if the Francis family received money or how much they received. But I think it's a good assumption that they received some sort of money in exchange of dropping everything. This is money that they likely would not have gotten otherwise. I say this because again, JP was Micah's legal heir, so if we're going to talk about who won on Monday, it would seem that that title goes to the Francis family. JP's smirk and smile could have been because he believes that he was the victor. Or it could have been out of relief
Starting point is 00:16:31 because he doesn't wanna worry about a wrongful death case. So let's say that JP did pay the Francis family some money. Where would that money have come from? I think that that is a very important question for those still attending Solid Rock. And they are entitled to answers on that. JP has said on the record before that Russell B. Long is the church's attorney. So who is paying Russell for JP's personal representation? The lines are really blurred between JP and the church.
Starting point is 00:17:07 As JP's first wife, Allison Williams, said in her affidavit, "'JP is the church and the church is JP.' Does that mean that JP can just spend the church's money however he wants? We don't know the answer to that, but it is a question that we would be asking if we attended that church.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And it is a question that the FBI should be investigating right now. In addition, would a settlement on JP's behalf paid by the church be considered taxable income for him? Our other question here, is this really what the Francis family wanted or was this something that they were pressured into? Is this something that they did because JP was making things harder on them? The other thing to consider, there could be others planning on suing JP and his church in the near future. So the Francis family could have considered that
Starting point is 00:18:07 when weighing their decision to settle instead of filing a lawsuit against JP and the church. In today's episode, we are going to talk about a few things that JP has done in the past few weeks that really seem like an effort to weaken the Francis family's resolve, Including a video in which he recorded himself talking to the young man that Micah was with on March 11th, when everything got so much worse for Micah. And we'll be right back.
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Starting point is 00:19:48 View important disclosures at slash sunlight. When you look at the sum total of what JP Miller has been putting out there in recent weeks, his message is pretty clear. He is the victim, not Micah. Micah was mentally unstable, not him. Her death is her family's fault and not his. And oh yeah, Micah was cheating on him. She was the cheater. Worse, she was the seductress who trapped him, who made him stray from his first marriage
Starting point is 00:20:27 and before her death had been out on the streets of Myrtle Beach trying to tempt another good Christian boy into her arms. And in saying all of this, he's also made sure to paint the France's family as, and forgive me for saying it like this, but scumbags. He not only was attacking the daughter and sister they loved and lost, he
Starting point is 00:20:46 was attacking them and making them out to be hapless, money-hungry trash. That they were people who had thrown Micah under the bus for money. And already, people in JP's circle are playing that image up, saying that Monday's settlement is proof of this. But we don't see it like that at all. There are details out there about Micah that the family sought to keep private to protect her and retain as much dignity as they could for her. Notice how the family said Micah's surgery, but it became Micah's breast augmentation surgery on social media. Also, do you remember us talking about Micah's toxicology report and how it was done by a company related to the donation of a person's
Starting point is 00:21:24 eyes? There's a person's eyes. There's a reason for that, and it's yet another detail that the family has kept private out of respect for Micah. Everything we've seen from where we sit lines up with a family who simply wants justice and who wanted the man they believed to be responsible for Micah's death to not financially benefit from her death in any way, especially when they believe he was trying to manipulate the system to deprive Micah of what was legally half hers.
Starting point is 00:21:50 So back to the beginning, people are pretty angry that the family settled and decided not to pursue a civil case against JP, but two things can be true at the same time. We can all have compassion for the Francis family and understand that this was a route that they felt was best for them. While also pointing out a few red flags about the settlement. Red flag number one would be JP's smile and smirk, right? Red flag number two would
Starting point is 00:22:16 be JP's lawyer seeming to take over the press conference at one point. It was as if he was speaking for both JP and the family at certain points. And that was really hard to watch. It felt like he was steamrolling everyone in that moment into believing that the past three months didn't happen. And the biggest red flag of all, according to Russell B and Regina B, it looks like JP is going to be part of the push to get Micah's law passed. Uh, say what? JP who denies that he abused Micah in any way,
Starting point is 00:22:45 including through coercive control, is going to be helping to get a law passed in Micah's name that would criminalize coercive control, that would literally criminalize behaviors he stands accused of perpetrating. Help us make sense of that one, because right now to us, it looks like a man who was accused of
Starting point is 00:23:06 coercively controlling his wife to the point that she killed herself just coercively controlled his way into a settlement deal where he gets to move on and rebuild his church after a scandal, again, with the ability to say, see, I told you all along it was the family. Obviously, there's a lot more reporting that we need to do there, but how are we not supposed to think that's a problem? Regardless of our personal opinions, though, we're going to take the attorneys at their word that they're going to turn their joint focus to getting Micah's Law passed and we're going to hold them accountable to that word while doing whatever we can to help make Micah's Law a reality. Bottom
Starting point is 00:23:43 line, this settlement does not change a single thing about our mission here. Okay, in a case of perfect timing, today we want to continue our look into J.P. Miller's apparent public relations campaign, namely his effort to try and steer scrutiny away from him and toward Micah and her family, which classy move, man. We want to talk about what we're learning not only about him as a pastor, a person, and a husband, but what we're learning about the timeline that led to Micah's death, as well as our new questions about what happened to Micah in Robeson County on April 27. Because, of course, counter to what we imagine his goal was here, JP has made things even more suspicious looking.
Starting point is 00:24:27 This is something we'll really dive into next week. But now, we want to start at the beginning of JP's apparent public relations tour that led up to Monday. Let's talk about this TikTok and now YouTube account that began publishing videos of JP on June 9th, The account that then deleted those videos right before JP's apparent PR campaign began. True Crime Re We've cited this mysterious and suspicious account so many times over the past several weeks without knowing who they are or what
Starting point is 00:24:59 their connection to JP may or may not be. Over the past week, we've looked at the account from all different angles and we've read hundreds of comments and watched videos from internet sleuths who believe this account is either managed by JP or someone else in his circle. Speaking of his circle, photos and videos circulated this past week of JP at a pizza restaurant with his right-hand woman, Trisha Ross, his alleged paramour, Susie Skinner, and a woman whom a source of ours identified as being the mother of Mark Kaufman, the woman who allegedly helped JP get the church a private plane so he could spread his word across the state and elsewhere. What was the actual plan for that plane, by
Starting point is 00:25:43 the way? For JP to fly places and preach? Or is there something else going on with that? We don't know. We'll talk more about the church and its finances at some point, but it is worth mentioning again that churches are tax-exempt and there are some instances across the country of wealthy individuals using churches as a place to park their assets. We are not saying that this is what's happening here. We're saying it's why we think it's important to get a clearer picture of Solid Rock's financial position. Especially because before Micah died, she had told her friend Charlotte that she thought something nefarious was happening
Starting point is 00:26:18 there. At any rate, true crime-ry. This account popped up on June 6th. Possibly earlier. I say June 6th because this is when the account posted videos related to the Noah Presgrove case out of Oklahoma. Interestingly, Noah Presgrove is on the cover of People magazine this week. So Noah was found dead on a road in rural Oklahoma in September 2023, about a mile from a party he had attended that night. He wasn't wearing any clothes. And according to People magazine, his skull was split in two and his spine was fractured. His cause of death was blunt force trauma.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Now, what was true crime race interest in this case? Unclear. But it seems fleeting at best. The first video posted is a compilation of videos taken from the party Noah was at that night. True Crime Re's caption is, Working on the Noah Presgrove case with Attorney General of Oklahoma. Which is not how that typically works. True Crime content creators on TikTok aren't usually side by siding it with state Att attorneys general to help solve cases, nor are journalists. So to us, this felt like someone playing make-believe and misunderstanding how true crime journalism works. At the end of the video, there's text stating,
Starting point is 00:27:37 quote, spent time with the Oklahoma AG today, disgusting your case. RIP, Noah. We will get answers for you. Again, no idea if this part is true, but okay. The second video was posted two days later on June 8th. Again, it appears to be original content to True Crime Re. Unlike in the first video, True Crime Re is responding to comments with enthusiasm over a shared interest and promising more content about Noah. The next day, JP's first video appears on True Crime Re's page. The story JP gives is this. True Crime Re reached out to him for his side of things, and because she was interested in hearing his side, he began speaking with her and now trusts her to post his content. Intriguing, right? This video has since been taken down.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Now, many of you might remember that in mid-May, JP appeared to have created his own TikTok account called JP.Miller28. This account was predictably short-lived, but in the time it was live, several photos of JP and Micah were posted along with a Bible quote from Proverbs 14-15. A naive person is easily misled and believes every word he hears. I should note that whoever posted this, JP or otherwise, they misspelled misled. Then there was a poem purportedly written by Mike entitled Crush Forever. I'm not going to read the whole thing, but here's a few notable verses. Passing notes in school just isn't enough,
Starting point is 00:29:10 and keeping our hands off each other is tough. You see mine and I see yours. Then we blush and quickly pull up our drawers. The poem then goes on to mention that it's time for the classmates in this poem to go to college, but why would they do that when they're having so much fun? Quote, I look up in the sky so happy with my life, and a plane flies by. Micah, will you be my wife? A moment of destiny I couldn't have planned better, that I got to marry my crush forever. So, was that written about JP, who was a grown man at the time? Micah was around 22 or 23 when he proposed.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Or was it written about her first husband whom she married when she was 18, the age when people typically go off to college, as she mentions in the poem? An age that could make both her and her first husband classmates? Whoever posted it obviously believes it's about JP. There are photos of JP and Micah posing as a couple. In one shot, he is in a Spider-Man costume and she's wearing a Wonder Woman costume. There's a photo of Micah in bed wearing silk pajamas and looking like she had bed head that says, maybe my favorite picture of Micah written over it.
Starting point is 00:30:21 There are photos of Micah wearing a Mrs. Miller sweatshirt, of Micah holding a pig, of JP and Micah comparing tattoos, of Micah getting ready to paraglide, of Micah sitting next to JP with text written over it that says, Micah's a home screen pic, and there's no apostrophe denoting a possessive, which is a punctuation quirk also used by True Crime Rhee in the Noah Press Grove videos, by the way. And then there's a photo of JP kneeling in front of Micah on the beach, appearing to propose to her. Micah with her hair in a side ponytail and both hands in the air. Then there's a video of them both with a plane flying above and the message, Micah, will you marry me?
Starting point is 00:31:01 Love JP, trailing behind it. Yes, like from the poem. It's a chicken and an egg scenario though. We don't know which one came first, the poem or the plane. Also, posted on this account before it was abruptly removed was a post that said, the actual truth is about to come out. Get ready. So as soon as mid-May, JP appears to have been trying to reroute the narrative away from any notion of abusive husband. And again, I say appears. We do not know if he posted the photos on this page, but it does seem to be him given
Starting point is 00:31:36 the nature of the photos and the motivation of the person posting them. Now, at this time, JP was turning down requests for interviews with reporters. And less than a week earlier, JP was mocked online for a poorly written cease and desist letter sent out by Russel B. Long, Solid Rock's lawyer on JP's behalf. You might remember. That letter was incredibly aggressive and seemingly designed to shut creators down from speaking about JP online. One was sent to Micah's best friend, Charlotte Corn, after she first appeared on True Sunlight. Additionally, the letter sloppily corrected the record on a police report in which the officer erroneously wrote that Micah said she
Starting point is 00:32:17 had been groomed by JP since she was 10 years old, rather than what she likely told the officer, which was that she believed he'd been grooming her since 2010 when she was around 15, which the letter points out basically saying that this couldn't be farther from the truth, while in the next breath noting that Mike was 15, not 10 when JP knew her. Which, as we said back then, is not the argument they seem to think it was. Regardless, the letter doesn't appear to have worked on very many, if any, creators. In fact, after the letter came out, it seemed like there was an even bigger number of people covering this. This is all just to say that now, with hindsight, we can pretty much see what looks to us to
Starting point is 00:32:57 be a genesis of sorts. JP tried to silence the media and creators through a lawyer. When that didn't work, he posted photos of him and his wife with an insult to those questioning his narrative and a promise, or maybe it was a threat, to reveal more soon. When that didn't quiet people down, he then turned to this true-crime-ree person. So, is true-crime Rhee actually JP? It's odd that this person jumped so quickly from Noah Presgrove to being JP Miller's platform.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I mean, two days into their quote unquote project as they refer to it. They were now fully focused on JP, seemingly. It is not clear what videos have been taken down of Noah Presgrove between the creation of this account and JP's first appearance on it three days later. But shortly after JP's videos began appearing, True Crime Re shared a video of a private detective in Florida talking about what constitutes harassment online. One of JP
Starting point is 00:34:06 and Solid Rock's chief concerns at the time and he mentions the Micah Francis case. Additionally, without even perhaps realizing his own irony here, the private detective notes that criminal harassment isn't just a person feeling bad about an opinion that's posted about them. The person doing the harassment is doing it specifically to upset the recipient of the harassment. Now, obviously people's suspicions were raised. Is this true crime reperson someone interested in the case or is something else happening
Starting point is 00:34:42 here? As people were sharing theories that this account was closely connected to JP, the account returned to non-JP content. On June 24th, they posted a video about Taylor Casey, the American missing from a yoga retreat in the Bahamas. The next non-JP content seems to have come a few weeks later on July 13th when True Crime Rhee returned to the Noah Presgrove case with a video on a reward notice. The next day, all of JP's videos were taken down from the account.
Starting point is 00:35:18 When asked why all the videos of JP were taken down, True Crime Rea told their followers that they made them private because they were diving back into the Noah Presgrove case. And they said that they didn't want Noah's family or loved ones to see all the hateful comments about JP on those videos. And they said that JP's videos are now only available to law enforcement. Which initially seemed like True Crime Re Re was trying to separate from JP.
Starting point is 00:35:48 But no. A day later, a commenter on True Crime Re's next video, a 20 second clip of a guy singing about the joy of making haters mad, asked them why they are not posting about JP anymore. The answer was I'm focusing on the Noah Presgrove case. After that, one video got posted about Noah Presgrove. And just like the one that was posted on July 13th, it was a very short video of an award notice, meaning it was something that anyone with a Canva account could have whipped up in minutes. But of course, Ree didn't stop posting about JP Miller.
Starting point is 00:36:27 In the next several videos focused on him and that Robbie, stinky Harvey, who JP apparently can't stand, but also can't stop talking about. Now, I wanna also mention that a number of creators and commenters have said that the True Crime Ree account was using an AI photo of a woman as a profile picture.
Starting point is 00:36:48 We are not particularly well-versed in the TikTok universe that popped up after Micah's death. We don't know the politics between creators and I'm for sure not going to give the right people credit here and I might be oversimplifying things. Feel free to reach out to us if there's anything you think that we aren't understanding.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Once you dive into the TikToks, it becomes a hot mess and it is hard to keep track of all these fake names and the drama. But a TikToker named a Plagenborg says that this AI photo came back attached to a LinkedIn account that has since been deleted. This account belonged to someone purportedly named Sharon Walsh. Someone apparently called the place that Sharon had listed as a workplace and they purportedly
Starting point is 00:37:36 told that person that there was no Sharon Walsh there and never had been. So could True Crime Re be coincidentally using the same photo as whoever was behind this fake LinkedIn account? Of course. The issue here, though, is that the LinkedIn account that is allegedly attached to the profile picture being used by True Crime Re was apparently created on or around March 7th of this year, which is Micah's birthday, and a day after the probate court disagreed with JP's assessment of Micah's mental health and refused to commit her to a hospital. It is also when things started heating
Starting point is 00:38:21 up with the alleged harassment that Micah was reporting to the police. And it is when, according to Micah's list and other sources, that JP was allegedly posting as Micah online and over text messages and email. So that's weird, right? Even more strange is that when people started questioning this person's account, the account got deleted. You all know we don't believe in coincidences when it comes to cases like this.
Starting point is 00:38:52 And we will be right back with more on that. Okay, I want to share one more coincidence that we discovered over the weekend. We all know that according to Micah's friends and family and multiple sources, including JP himself, JP is very big into the Marvel Universe. Hence, the life-sized Spider-Man statue that appeared in one of his videos and him purportedly dressing up as Spider-Man to avoid cameras since all of this came out. Spider-Man is from a comic book and according to sources, JP is into comic books, like very into them apparently, specifically from the Marvel universe. So, true crime reree or true crime-ri. We know ri can stand for Rhode Island, so that's a possibility, right? We know it could be a shortened version of someone's first name,
Starting point is 00:39:54 right? Rian or even Ryan or ri could even be from the middle of someone's name like Adriana. What we just learned is that ri is also an initialism used by comic book fans. It means retailer incentive. See, comic book collectors know that there are different variations of covers. An RI cover would be a rare one. It's a cover that was created as an incentive to get retailers to order more editions of a given comic book for their store. If they ordered a lot, they would get to have one with a different cover. Again,
Starting point is 00:40:31 it's a cover, a rare sought after comic book cover. Now, I hear how I sound right now, very common section, very conspiracy theory, but I'm just adding a new piece of information to the table as we explore this. I would also like to add that after Monday's settlement, one of the first accounts to celebrate JP's so-called victory was an account on TikTok called JusticeForJP with the username Loki. Loki is yet another Marvel comic book character, the god of mischief. On Tuesday
Starting point is 00:41:06 evening, Loki's account posted an AI-generated video of JP dancing in front of Solid Rock with the headline, POV, no Sunday protest. And Loki hashtagged justice for Micah in their posts. So literally right after this settlement, we had another account named Loki weighing in, in JP's favor, in the most childish of ways. So in summary, we have True Crime Ri, an account seemingly run by a younger woman, at least according to one TikToker who posted a supposed interview with True Crime Ri. She sounds like a woman in her 20s or 30s. This True Crime Rhee claimed to be created
Starting point is 00:41:49 to explore the Noah Presgrove case, but in reality, they barely did that. So, this person is obviously connected to JP because they ran videos for JP, ones that were derogatory of Micah and her family. On top of that, there's a potential comic book connection when it comes to the name True Crime Re. Then, when JP was making arrangements behind the scenes and sitting for interviews with
Starting point is 00:42:17 News Nation, the Myrtle Beach Sun News, and other online creators, True Crime Re suddenly deleted JP's old videos. They claimed that they pulled the videos to avoid exposing Noah's family to the negative comments on JP's videos. But was there another reason? Did they do it because maybe some of what JP said in those videos could have gotten him into trouble with the FBI. Were they polled so they wouldn't conflict with anything that he said in the longer, more official videos? Or were they polled to create a market for JP's videos, which another user was charging
Starting point is 00:42:59 people to view, aka to make them more exclusive. Another question, was all of this a part of some crisis PR effort? Were the True Crime Re videos pulled because JP had just met with the FBI? Were they pulled because they knew a settlement was coming soon? Another giveaway, True Crime Re appears to have beef with Robbie Harvey, even adopting JP's nickname for him. And though True Crime Re said that they are focused on the Noah Presgrove case, there continues to be no evidence of that. If JP is behind True Crime Re, we don't believe that he is the only one. When
Starting point is 00:43:44 True Crime Re comments, they don't believe that he is the only one. When True Crime Re comments, they don't use the same grammar and syntax that JP does in his texts. So who is True Crime Re? Is it someone related to JP, or is it someone related to a friend of his, perhaps? We don't wanna falsely accuse anyone of being behind this account, but we do want
Starting point is 00:44:05 to raise the question given the evidence before us. If JP is connected to this account as it appears, then that is even more evidence of how far he is willing to go to manipulate reality and even more evidence of how intense he can be about it and it would give us even more insight into what Micah would have been going through in the last few months of her life. Now, to the fun part. True Crime Re has hopped over to YouTube.
Starting point is 00:44:38 They joined on July 15th, that's right, the day after JP's videos were taken down from the TikTok page, so that True Crime Re could focus on Noah Prezgrove. This is also when the first part of JP's two-part interview with Flo Daddy went live. So there are three videos on YouTube. One is a recording of JP's phone call on March 11th to accuse a church employee of having an affair with Micah. We will talk about that next. The second video is the full two-hour video that JP
Starting point is 00:45:13 did with News Nation. We will talk about that later, but the inclusion of both of these videos shows a close connection between True Crime Re and JP because it appears that JP took both of those recordings. The third video is about whether the protests outside of Solid Rock are peaceful or an infringement on JP Miller and other church members. According to sources, the supposed reporter in that video, a woman named Destiny Dutton, misrepresented her identity to protesters when she interviewed them. And I'm not just talking about giving them the wrong name, it appears like she went to
Starting point is 00:45:56 some lengths for this antics. Destiny appears to be connected to Dominion TV, which is owned by her family and is a religious TV network in Myrtle Beach. Dominion TV was started by her father, who got his two doctorates from Cathedral Bible College. Does that sound familiar? Because it should. It's the unaccredited college that J.P. Miller's father started. And oh look, he started it with this other fellow, JL Dutton, Destiny's grandpa. Talk about close ties. Anyways, people were sharing videos
Starting point is 00:46:34 of Destiny's press badge, which purportedly identified her as Adrienne Fisher. Coincidentally, Destiny's middle name is Adrienne, according to records, and Fisher appears to be her mother's maiden name. The video does not include her using this fake name, but the hilarious thing is that her press pass literally says, Press and Media Badge on it. In those words.
Starting point is 00:47:01 It's straight up like someone playing make-believe, just like true crime re with the Noah Presgrove video and working on the Attorney General in that case. Though we might call them badges when referring to them, neither of us have ever seen one that calls itself badge on the badge. Usually they say media or press on them, with the publication or broadcast company on it. Hers said Coastal Life Media on it. Reporter Beth Braden found a particularly terribly designed website for Coastal Life
Starting point is 00:47:36 Media, guess when the domain was purchased? On July 21st, at 9.52 a.m. Not only the same day that Destiny Dutton showed up to interview protesters pretending to be Adrian Fisher, but around that same time. The domain was purchased by a third party company used to keep the true registrant's identity private. On that same Sunday morning,
Starting point is 00:48:04 as those accusations came flying into our inboxes, Beth checked to see if this Coastal Life media had any online presence. And it did not at the time. Meaning, this site didn't go live until later. So why buy it at that moment? Was it to make it look like it wouldn't technically be a lie? Because remember, we're talking about Christians here. Both Liz and I were raised Catholic and this kind of thing would have you saying a whole lot of Hail Marys. There would be no technically I wasn't lying.
Starting point is 00:48:39 And more than that, this would have brought shame onto our families. If any of y'all went to Catholic school growing up, you know exactly what we're talking about. That said, the site must have been put up pretty quickly after that because they spelled Coastal, their own media name, C-O-S-T-A-L. What does Coastal Life Media purport to do? Well, they quote, develop the capabilities of freelance journalism. Yep. And quote unquote, produce investigation reports.
Starting point is 00:49:17 That's right, investigation reports. By the way, despite what Drew Barrymore did in Never Been Kissed, we don't do this. Reporters don't go undercover for basement stories like this. She wasn't Nellie Bly trying to expose the horrible conditions of his sane asylums. She was trying to deceive people who were calling justice for Micah, a woman who just died. Who goes to those lengths?
Starting point is 00:49:47 All of them should be mortified. We have secondhand embarrassment for them. Anyways, the protesters were on to Destiny Dutton's game almost immediately. They knew she was not Adrienne Fisher. But again, here we have yet another example of a pro JP Miller PR push. Though True Crime Re tries to act like they are neutral or even anti-JP, it really looks like they are working in sync. In a clearly found value in Destiny's video. And here, it appears that Destiny Dutton and JP are also working in sync. Kind of.
Starting point is 00:50:31 At least in the same way that he is working with True Crime Re, right? Because why lie? Why hide your identity? Why create a fake media badge? Why create a fake website? Why use a fake media badge? Why create a fake website? Why use a cover? There's that word again, right? Cover.
Starting point is 00:50:51 And why go to those lengths if you're planning to settle? Why would he try to bolster his media reach before heading into negotiations with Micah's family? Unless that was the point all along. Okay, let's talk about this recording of a young man named DJ that got posted on True Crime Re's YouTube page over the past week. DJ is the church member and employee we've talked about in earlier episodes, the one Micah was with in the early hours of March 11th. Sources have told us that when JP's private investigator discovered that Micah was with
Starting point is 00:51:31 a man that night, that JP went berserk and that in the wee hours of March 11th, he was calling around trying to find out what kind of car does DJ drive? The video of his phone call that he apparently made to DJ later, as in the middle of the night, it's just the audio playing over a photo of a young guy in a blue car. The photo has a timestamp and location on it, as if maybe it came from the private investigator. March 11th at 1.58 a.m. on Farrell Parkway in Myrtle Beach. The video, again posted on True Crime Re's new YouTube page, is stylized with a gaudy gold border, kind of like the gold touches on Dominion TV's website. As we've told you many times, March 11th isn't
Starting point is 00:52:20 just a pivotal date in Micah's timeline from Micah's perspective. JP has even said this date was when everything changed for him. On March 11th, JP's PI caught Micah hanging out with DJ on the beach near Spring Maid Pier, which should sound familiar to you. That's where Micah found the deflation device in her tire. It's important to note that JP obviously views this incident as in her tire. It's important to note that JP obviously views this incident as changing everything for different reasons than Micah did and for different reasons than the rest of us likely do. He seems to believe that everyone was going to listen to this and conclude that Micah was having an affair and that this is going to be the mic drop to end all mic drops for him, meaning that this would absolve him of everything he's been accused
Starting point is 00:53:06 of in their relationship and it would make Micah look terrible. But she wasn't having an affair, not only by what we hear in this phone call, but also JP and Micah were separated again. Also, anyone who is this deep into Micah's story at this point and is now hearing about this makeout session is likely thinking to themselves, you go girl. Now, we know South Carolina divorce law is bad. It puts women in abusive situations in harm's way. For all practical purposes, Micah's marriage seemed to have ended, in some form anyway, on November 2022. For most of 2023, it appears that JP and Micah were in some form of separation or working on things. That is until October when Micah filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery on JP's part.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Not only did JP's ex-wife outline JP's apparent affair with church member Susie Skinner, whose husband died tragically in September 2021 when his wheelchair was found with him in it at the bottom of a pool, we know that church members were starting to suspect JP of having multiple affairs. And according to reports, the elders were made aware of these issues. So again, South Carolina Divorce Law, in a no-fault divorce, forces the broken couple to live separately for a year without any sexual relations with each other before a judge will grant a divorce. During that time, the couple is technically still married. But JP accusing Micah of having an affair at a time when she has left him yet again after he had her involuntarily hospitalized and tried to
Starting point is 00:54:45 do it again, and at a time when she was seeking money to refile for divorce because he allegedly persuaded her to drop her already filed case, and at a time when JP himself has filed for divorce and has been allegedly having affairs for a prolonged period is sick. And it's twisted, but that is exactly what he did. And though it would seem JP thinks that this recorded call looks bad for Micah, it absolutely does not. It looks bad for him from every single angle.
Starting point is 00:55:26 First off, let's talk about DJ. He's around 20 years old. In 2021, he was a freshman in college according to online reports. He works or worked for Solid Rock up until at least March 11th. And he seemed to be highly valued there. Sources have said that he used to be JP's understudy. His mother is Heather Wilson, the high-ranking police officer JP has referenced several times in reports as having helped him with Mica. From what sources have told us, Heather Wilson is no longer an ally of JP's. It is not clear when this changed. In November 2022, Micah's family appears to have believed
Starting point is 00:56:15 that Heather, whose husband worked security for the church, was using her position to help JP. But since then, the family has spoken out in favor of Heather, calling her a friend to Micah in the end. We believe that she has been cooperating with law enforcement in their investigation into Micah's death and what led up to it. So JP's private investigator, let's talk about him real quick.
Starting point is 00:56:39 According to JP, he hired an investigator to make sure that Micah didn't go to Dick's pawn shop to buy a gun. JP claims that Micah had tried to kill herself at least six or seven times before and that she had previously gone to Dick's before to try to buy a gun. We will talk about this more in a later episode. In the extended version of his interview with Rich McHugh of News Nation. You know, the recording the True Crime reposted. JP claimed that the private investigator was like,
Starting point is 00:57:10 no, man, I cannot tail her for that reason. That would be illegal. It has to be a reason like adultery. And JP claims he was like, what? Okay, well, she wasn't having an affair on me, but there was this one kid who worked with the church who was harassing her. So JP reluctantly gave DJ's name to the PI.
Starting point is 00:57:33 And then, look at that, the PI found DJ with Micah. What a coincidence. And by a coincidence, I mean a coincidence that does not exist. So initially in this recording, right off the bat, JP demands to know whether or not DJ touched Micah. I have to point this out because it is 2024 and men like JP are still talking about women like they are nothing more than a piece of property without any agency of her own. Throughout the conversation, JP never once mentions Micah's mental health.
Starting point is 00:58:12 He never once mentions the alleged medication that he allegedly begged everyone in her life to make or take. He never once shows a shred of concern for Micah, you know, his estranged wife, who he described to News Nation as being vulnerable, like quote unquote an autistic child. But the conversation is not focused at all on Micah as a person. JP is focused on Micah, the property that he owns, how another man simply touching that property is disparaging to him. It is sick and twisted to hear this 45 year old man berating this young man who he used
Starting point is 00:58:56 to mentor about how and where exactly he touched Micah and to hear this man's terrified answers describing what sounds like very modest interactions. DJ is clearly nervous and repentant and views JP as an authority figure who he has let down. And it is clear that JP knows this. He capitalizes on it. He devours it. He rel on it. He devours it. He relishes it. In this moment, JP seems to be incredibly aware of his power over DJ, both literally
Starting point is 00:59:33 as his boss and spiritually because he is his pastor, his conduit to God. He goes between being the disappointed deity and a victim of DJ's sins. It is equally as sick knowing that this video was posted by someone on JP's side who actually thought that this video that was recorded in the middle of the night, JP tells DJ that his PI will have the photos and videos of him allegedly touching Micah by morning time. Again, it is incredibly telling that JP is doing all of this in the middle of the night. In the video, JP comes at DJ again and accuses him of doing more than just kissing Micah. Again, in a pleading voice, DJ denies it.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Then JP comes back at him, saying that the PI said both of y'all touched each other inappropriately. DJ again says no, that was normal kissing. They go back and forth about how long the kissing was and then JP snaps. And you know this is adultery, right? This is straight up adultery. I do and I'm repenting to you. Because we're not, we're not legally separated. Even if we were legally separated, it's still adultery.
Starting point is 01:00:55 And I am incredibly, incredibly sorry. Again, this isn't adultery. Never mind straight up adultery, and there's no such thing as a legal separation in South Carolina. Allegedly, JP knows that he has been cheating on Micah and Micah left him several times over the past 18 months and had just left him again. And it's gotta be noted, JP had filed for divorce more than two weeks earlier than this, asking for temporary relief from the court. The odacity. For JP to sit there and shame this guy and lie to him, knowing all this, it's just so
Starting point is 01:01:37 hard to listen to. DJ offers his repentance, and I'm telling you, without seeing how DJ looked in that moment, you can hear it. you can hear his head hanging you can hear the guilt he was feeling. As DJ continues to apologize JB cuts him off again and asks him why he thinks Micah called him that night and he tells DJ that he has zero discernment. Do you not see that a married woman called you and asked to meet you at the beach? DJ starts to apologize again and his voice cracks and JP cuts him off again. DJ cracks him in, he says miserably, which, what is that? What is this discernment measuring contest that's happening? DJ tells JP that he's not on the phone to argue.
Starting point is 01:02:30 He says he's repenting and he doesn't know what to do beyond ask for JP's forgiveness. He says he doesn't expect JP to forgive him. Don't know what else to tell you other than to ask for your forgiveness and honestly I don't even expect that from you. And JP responds with no, I forgive you. No, I forgive you. No, I forgive you. As DJ is telling JP that he feels sick to his stomach about this whole thing, JP cuts him off yet again and says, you know Micah did the same thing to me 10 years ago. This exact same thing, we met at the same place. And there it is, right? There goes JP making Micah out to be the Jezebel, the temptress. JP is making it seem like he, too, fell for Micah's
Starting point is 01:03:14 tricks, like he was led into sin by her. And it's absolutely disgusting of him. DJ continues to apologize and says he'll take all of the responsibility. JP responds by asking, you think she wants to date you or marry you or anything like that? DJ says no and that he and Micah mostly talked, that it was basic conversation, that they talked about Micah's new church
Starting point is 01:03:41 and that they didn't even really talk about JP, which you know had to have upset JP, right? He likes people talking about him. He again cut off DJ with a question, and you kissed her or she kissed you? DJ says it was a mutual thing and JP says y'all were holding hands. DJ admits they yes, they were holding hands. JP comes back at him saying, well, you didn't mention that before when I asked you how you were touching each other. JP tells DJ that he knows he was holding hands with Micah for a long time. DJ agrees but says it wasn't the whole time, but it was longer than he had kissed Micah. DJ begins to apologize again and JP cuts him off yet again saying,
Starting point is 01:04:26 my guy says she grabbed your crotch. DJ repeats this question back to JP as if trying to understand why JP is saying something like this. JP says yeah, that she put her hands on your junk. I'd say right about now we all need a little palate cleanser to remind ourselves that JP is a pastor and he's on the phone with a church member and employee at who knows what time in the morning talking about whether this guy went to third base with his estranged wife who he's allegedly cheated on repeatedly. JP tells DJ to swear to God that that did not happen, which DJ does, saying that Micah's hand was on his leg at one point and that's it. Again, DJ starts to offer another apology and again, JP cuts him off
Starting point is 01:05:10 saying he's going to check the photos and video to see if there's anything different from what DJ is telling him. And he asks DJ whether there's anything else he wants to tell him before he looks at that evidence. DJ then tells JP that both Micah and he were lying down in the sand at one point. JP immediately asks, you on top of her or she on top of you? DJ answers that they were lying side by side. JP then says, you know, I was making love to her four weeks ago and she told me that I was the best husband
Starting point is 01:05:40 in the world. Reminder, four weeks prior to this, Micah was in the world. Reminder, four weeks prior to this, Micah was in the hospital. Also, J.P. is giving some real Facebook friends or my real friends energy here. You know, the kind who take offense if you don't like every photo of theirs and then think it means something really big when you do. And four weeks prior to March 11th, Micah's October 2023 divorce filing was still in play. Now, in November of 2023, they began to work on the relationship again, and Micah could have dismissed
Starting point is 01:06:12 her filing back then, or at any point, in December or January. But she didn't. She kept it active until the day she was released from the hospital. Which again, we wonder whether the timing of that indicates that she dismissed her filing in some sort of bargain with him to maybe get some of her things back. So JP then asks DJ whether he knows what JP has been through with Micah. And just like that he says, you're going to take that from me? So let's pause right there because what? Take what from JP? What's he insinuating? You know what I've been through with Micah, so what's he taking if he's insinuating that he's been through just hell and back with her mental issues? JP is acting like his marriage wasn't in shambles at that time and that Micah
Starting point is 01:06:54 wasn't living somewhere else and that he hadn't tried to have her hospitalized again and that he hadn't taken her car. And again, he had just filed for divorce from her. JP is like, just like that, you're going to ruin my marriage. Yeah, he's blaming DJ for the ruination of his relationship in that moment. And then, as if it were possible to make this any more weird, JP tells DJ that Micah had only slept with one other man before him, her first husband. Remember, JP was friends with that husband while sleeping with Micah behind his back. So spare us this sanctimony, please. JP then goes on to say he's the only other person Micah has ever kissed since her divorce.
Starting point is 01:07:42 He says, so if she comes back in three months, six months, what's that going to feel like? This notion, by the way, is so gross. He's acting like Micah has been tainted. Beyond that, why would JP have any thought that Micah was going to come back when he had just filed to divorce her? DJ can barely get out his next apology. I'm so sorry, he says. And there's JP again using DJ's apology as an invitation to speak over him. Or a year, JP says, extending this fictional time in which Micah might return to him. Which by the way, remember that JP has already told DJ that he and Micah are not separated.
Starting point is 01:08:22 If they are not separated, what exactly does he mean when she returns to him? How can she return to someone she's not separated from? JB then tells DJ, and I warned you, you know I warned you. It appears that JB was saying that for the recording. Then he says, and you got mad at me when I warned you. You got defensive and your mom got upset. She sent me a
Starting point is 01:08:45 really, really mean text." JP continues after DJ agrees that, yes, JP had warned him. JP tells DJ that he's trying to save him from the same thing that he, quote, fell for. Again, JP is painting himself as a double victim here, as a victim of DJ's disobedience to his god and Micah's spell. JP then tells DJ not to come to the church until he looks at the videos to see if DJ is telling the exact truth. DJ reiterates that they only cuddled, held hands, and kissed. JP then says, okay, bye, but DJ continues to ask for another second. He tells JP that he feels horrible and understands if JP doesn't want him at the church even after watching the videos, then he essentially quits saying that he doesn't think he can be there
Starting point is 01:09:38 after everything that's happened anyway. JP agrees with him. I really did love you JP says to him. And I really did believe that you'd take over the church for me one day as I started traveling and got older. I'm so sorry it didn't work out that way. I'm just telling you, if Micah would do this with her first husband and Micah would do it with me, don't you think she'll do the same thing to you? DJ responds, I know, it was so incredibly stupid. JP seems to be laying the
Starting point is 01:10:07 foundation for the future here by the way, he seems to be ensuring that DJ won't try to return to Micah after all this. It feels like this rendezvous provided JP with his own personal narcissistic playground where he could toy around with other people and feel morally justified in doing so. with other people and feel morally justified in doing so. He then says to DJ, I kind of feel like I want you to text Micah. He says he wants DJ to text her, you just committed adultery and talked me into doing it as well and now I'm losing my job and everything because of it. DJ doesn't have a response to that so JP asks him, what did you say to her whenever I kept calling? Which obviously shows us that JP was repeatedly calling DJ that night.
Starting point is 01:10:47 DJ tells JP that Micah told him not to answer, but that he knew he was going to have to talk to JP at some point in time. JP presses him, that's all she said? Don't answer? DJ says yes, then JP asks, did anything happen in Africa? DJ says no, hand on the Bible, no. JP asks if anything else happened between them before that night. Again, DJ swears it didn't, which is kind of stunning, right?
Starting point is 01:11:16 That the drama on March 11th was all about this rated PG encounter that happened that night. this rated PG encounter that happened that night. One night on a night when JP's PI was supposed to be tracking Micah to see if she was going to a gun shop at two in the morning. Well, JP says to DJ, let her know that she did it to another man, the same thing she did to two other men. Whew, the anger that boils up at that statement. to other men. Whew.
Starting point is 01:11:45 The anger that boils up at that statement. To hear JP say this, knowing that Micah was just 15 years old when she says, 30 year old JP, a married father, started showing interest in her. To hear him act like Micah is some deviant for making out with this guy when JP faces multiple
Starting point is 01:12:05 accusation of adulterous affairs during his marriage to both Allison and Micah. To blame her to post this online in what seems like an effort to hurt her family ahead of the settlement is just stunning. Because from where we sit, it looks like JP was in desperation mode from November, 2022 forward. It looks like he was desperately trying to keep Micah while also wanting to live his life exactly the way he wanted,
Starting point is 01:12:42 regardless of what it did to her. Where he got to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, regardless of what it did to her. Where he got to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, and go with whomever he wanted, and Micah just had to accept it all, as, to quote JP, his godly wife. We have seen so many examples of this now. Also, I have to say this one more time. Do you notice what we didn't hear during that phone call with DJ?
Starting point is 01:13:09 JP never once, not one time, mentioned Micah's alleged fragile state. He never mentioned that Micah was off her medication. He didn't mention anything about consulting with dozens of people to get her hospitalized again. That recording was made for a reason, right? Was JP going to accuse Micah of having an affair in divorce documents? Was he going to use this to show his congregation
Starting point is 01:13:36 that look, everything I've been saying all along has been true, I am the victim here, for whatever reason? JP seems to have purposely not said anything about Micah's alleged psychiatric issues on this recording. And I find that really strange. While she was accepting his behavior, she apparently had to offer constant reassurance to him that he was the end-all be-all. Whether he explicitly asked her for this assurance or she gave it to him reflexively to keep the peace we do not know.
Starting point is 01:14:13 But when we consider that the only source of Micah's mental illness, the one person who is talking about her alleged extremes and mania is JP. When we think about the fact that no one has come forward to say trust us, we saw what JP is talking about for ourselves. When we think about how much work JP seems to be putting into labeling Mica in this way, and when we think about accusations from Mica's List that JP had been drugging Micah, the question has to be asked, was JP building a metaphorical tower to keep Micah in toward the end of her life?
Starting point is 01:14:56 And was Micah off her meds? Code for Micah is escaping my tower. Also, Micah's List hits different now, right? Now that we know that JP and his attorney seem to have joined the Francis family in calling for Micah's law to become reality. In his sermons, JP tried to alienate Micah from the church family that she loved. When she left his church, he, by his own admission, went to talk to her now pastor about her mental health. When she tried to build a life without him, he had her tracked and allegedly screwed with
Starting point is 01:15:38 her mode of transportation. When she sought comfort in the arms of a male friend who she found to be cute, he sought to destroy that glimmer of joy and destroy a new support system she might have been trying to build. In our opinion, JP or whoever it was, posting that call was downright evil, especially if it was done in an effort to pressure the Francis family into a settlement. JP has repeatedly said that he too wants justice for Micah. True Crime Re has said this too, that all of the weird video posting from JP was done in an effort
Starting point is 01:16:20 to get justice for Micah. But justice to JP and his apparent partner in true crime-ry looks very different than it does to the rest of us. According to JP in one of his recent interviews, if Micah were around to see people's outrage against JP, she would be very upset. JP contends that Micah wouldn't want anyone to ever accuse J.P. of these things. He says that Micah would have been so angry at her family and would have blocked them. He said that if she were alive, she would have chosen him over them. And J.P. thinks that we're all idiots for believing anything other than his version of Micah.
Starting point is 01:17:05 His version of Justice for Micah looks a whole like Justice for JP and JP only. And by the looks of it, this probate settlement hasn't put an end to any of the games he appears to have been playing over the past few months. It definitely has not put an end to his belief that he has done nothing wrong. During the press conference after the hearing Monday, JP stood with one of the church elders,
Starting point is 01:17:33 Charles Randall, and his legal team, Tom Winslow and his associates, while JP's other lawyer, Russell B. Long, stood side by side with the Francis family attorney, Regina B. Ward. As Regina talked about the need to get Micah's law passed in legislature, she spoke about Micah's law representing everything beautiful about Micah's memory and representing every other woman who has been in Micah's situation. JP did not like that. He became visibly angry and tried to storm off before his attorney grabbed him and held him in
Starting point is 01:18:13 place. So yeah, JP is still JP and that means he won nothing and this is far from over. Because by all indications JP is a man who has lost control. Beth Brayden noticed that this summer JP got a ticket for speeding more than 25 miles per hour over the speed limit. That does not mean much by itself, but when you look at every move that JP has made in a world that he no longer has control over in the last three months, particularly with the amount of times he has called the police and inserted himself into chaotic situations, it feels like it's another big red flag indicating flag, indicating that this man could be entering his Elick Murdoch September 2021 era. Meaning, it is likely to get worse before it gets better. Again, again, the FBI is still investigating. JP cannot do anything to gaslight his way out of that. After all of his absurd media appearances, after all of the TikToks, after all of the
Starting point is 01:19:31 leaked videos, nothing has really changed for JP Miller. He still faces an FBI investigation, a coercive control movement that is only getting bigger, and a population that refuses to believe his lies. This story is just beginning. Stay tuned, stay pesky, and co-hosted by journalist Liz Farrell. Learn more about our mission and membership at Interruptions provided by Luna and Joe Pesky.
Starting point is 01:20:36 The justice system can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. We all want a drink from the same cup of justice and it starts with learning about our legal system My name is Mandy Matney and together with journalist Liz Farrell and world-renowned attorney Eric Bland We create the perfect trifecta of legal expertise Journalistic integrity and a fire lit to expose the truth wherever it leads We all encounter a part of our justice systems at one point So why not get prepared while being entertained with tales from the newsroom and the courtroom?
Starting point is 01:21:09 Cup of Justice has amazing special guests like Sheryl Crow, Benny Politan, Emily D. Baker, and other experts to share their take on the bright side of the truth. Lunashark Media invites you to gain knowledge, insight, and tools to hold your own or hold public agencies accountable. Search for Cup of Justice wherever you get your podcast or visit

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