My Brother, My Brother And Me - MBMBaM 753: The Dicktine Chapel
Episode Date: March 10, 2025Griffin has returned from the high seas just in time for us to take a question we’re actually qualified to answer. Along the way we rediscover the rule of threes, join a class action lawsuit, and tr...y to figure out the best counter-move for an icebreaker.Suggested talking points: Adrien Brody’s Gumtoss, Standalone Ball Drawings, Mark Spotify CEO of Squarespace, Little House on the ToiletHarmony House:
Discussion (0)
The McElroy brothers are not experts and their advice should never be followed
Travis insists he's a sexpert, but if there's a degree on his wall, I haven't seen it
Also, this show isn't for kids, which I mentioned only so the babies out there will know how cool they are for listening
What's up, you cool, baby? One, two, three, four! It's the start of something beautiful
A small acquaintance has blossomed
It's ripened into a precious friendship
I could have never seen what was coming for me
Hangs at the skate park, hangs by the beach
My life, it feels like
It's better it's better
It's better it's better
It's better it's better, it's better with two. My life, ah, it's better with you. Hello everybody, welcome to My Brother, My Brother, Me,
an advice show for the modern era.
Hold on one second before I start.
Hey, Sid.
Sid, I gotta do the podcast, babe.
Can you take the, thanks.
Thanks. My gum. I gotta do the podcast, babe. Can you take the, thanks. Thanks.
My gum.
What up, Travis?
Gotta catch my gum.
Yeah, get away from me.
Your foley was so on point there, Michael Winslow,
that we got exactly what the goof.
Vroom, vroom, what up, TravNation?
It's me, your miller's brother, Travis Big Dog,
wolf, wolf, mackerel.
Ugh, oh, your gum!
You missed, Sidney!
Oh, joke!
Oh, oh, sorry, it got stuck in my throat.
And I hate everybody, and the m's me, Griffin McElroy,
the youngest brother.
Hold on, let me run this through the AI voice enhancer.
Hey, everybody, it's me, Griffin McElroy,
the youngest brother, Bill Ford Tough.
So do you guys not know about his AI,
about Adrian capital A and I in his first name Brody?
You don't know about that?
Sorry, no, I didn't know about that.
He wins best actor.
Gets up there, spits gum, throws at wife.
Weird, wild choice that he made.
He wins best actor.
We find out that from the editor of the film, I believe,
that they used AI to enhance the Hungarian accent
of the actors in the film.
I didn't know you could do that.
I think, let's toss a fucking asterisk up there on that.
You know how they raise the jerseys up inside of the,
you know, Kodak party hall
or wherever they hold the Oscars?
Raise one up there, asterisk next to Mr. Brody's name,
I think, it's only fame.
I will say this, as one of the three brothers,
the only one of the three that got a degree
in acting from fame school,
being able to do acting is like,
do accents is like a big part, one of the major things.
It's cheating,
cause I don't know what he sounded like on the set.
He could have been like, hi, I'm Adrian Brody.
I love designing arcades.
I know fucking nothing about the Brutalist.
I know fucking nothing about the Brutalist,
but I could win an Oscar
if you run into enough fucking filters.
It's not like doing, it's not like doing,
see, you know, doing some computer graphics
to make it look like Superman's flying.
I don't expect an actor to be able to do that.
But, a accent?
A accent. A accent?
The one thing we should know about Adrian Brody
that we learned from SNL is you cannot give this man
a microphone.
You cannot give this man a microphone. You cannot give this man a microphone.
Or apparently gum or a partner.
Or room to breathe.
You can't give this man space
because if you let him follow his gut,
it's gonna take him to some odd places.
Some odd dark valleys.
No Jamaican accents this time, but still some like-
Although it is possible,
he showed up day one of filming for The Brutalist
and he was like, time to design a city skyline,
but in a terrible Jamaican accent
that I won't even do as a joke.
And the director was like, what the fuck's he,
it's okay, we'll AI it.
We'll AI it for some reason.
The only accent I have.
Yeah, and then Adrian Brody was like,
it's not taking work away from anybody.
Adrian, it's taking work away from you, man.
It's taking work away from you. It's taking your work away, Adrian, it's taking work away from you, man. It's taking work away from you.
It's taking your work away, Adrian,
that you had to do for the film.
Also, Wildest Day is not taking work away from anyone,
when I'm pretty sure that there are very talented actors
out there who could do a Hungarian accent.
It's like if I showed up, if I showed up at a restaurant
and I said, I'd like to be chef now, I'm very charismatic.
And they said, you are very charismatic.
Do you know how to chop things?
And I said, no, can you get a chopping robot
to do it for me?
Why didn't we just get a chef who knows how to chop things?
Now, how do we feel about the, turn that music off.
I know what I'm doing. Let me finish my speech. It's not my first rodeo. How do we feel about the, turn that music off. I know what I'm doing.
Let me finish my speech.
It's not my first rodeo.
How do we feel about that?
Cause a lot of the elements of his presentation
that evening were pretty rowdy
in a way that I found was caseful.
I feel like it's such an incredible read.
I think it's such an incredible read at this time on earth
to say, no, don't let the globe keep a turning right now.
Lord, please let us slow down
and just appreciate the Adrian of it all.
For just a few more minutes, please God,
let us just marinate in this Adrian Brody focused moment.
It's been a long time since we as a globe have stopped.
And you know what, of all the things that we could do right now, Adrian, you're right.
We all should give it a little bit longer to just really stew in the
Adrian Brodiness of the moment.
I bet that the production staff of the Oscars was so thrown because no one's ever asked to not play the music
and give them more time before.
So they were probably like, whoa, he asked guys,
we should turn the music off and let him keep talking.
We didn't realize he was still going
or we wouldn't have started the music.
It's definitely happened before, but this time was.
Yeah, I mean, it's Hollywood.
This time it meant something,
because it's Adrian Brody, guy.
Do you know how hard, do you guys know how long
he has had to work to get back to this point again,
where he is once more being honored
for being the best actor in the world?
Do you know how hard he's had to fight
to make this happen yet again for himself?
What is it about Tim Chalamet that I can still feel bad for him when he loses the Oscar?
He's 15 years old, he's in all of the best picture nominees.
He's wearing bright yellow.
He's wearing bright yellow, he's got 800 bajillion dollars.
He's funny and charming, like he seems to just be like a genuinely nice human being
He knows about sports which Tim to me that was where you lost me. That was a bridge too far
I think the thing why is it that I still when he gets passed over for an Oscar in like, ah, man
Tim everybody feels comfortable referencing Timothee Chalamet.
Everybody, like, I felt like every joke,
every speech, every bit, they're like,
he's got a great last name that's fun to say in a bit.
So funny. And look at him.
Everybody knows who Timothee Chalamet is.
So everybody's referencing him.
Wait, stop for a second right there.
I think that what you just said is actually so important. And I do actually wanna stop and touch on this for a second right there. I think that what you just said is actually so important.
And I do actually wanna stop and touch on this for a second.
Hang a lantern on it.
Timothy, we are living in an increasingly
fractious world and nation.
There seems to be obviously we wave bye bye
to the mono culture long ago.
And we are now in a more fractious period of culture
where we're not really united.
I will say this,
and I'm probably not telling you anything you don't know,
but I will say this.
I feel like through his participation in Dune,
and in the Bob Dylan movie.
And Wonka.
And Lady Bird.
And, okay, no, but the other ones.
Oh, okay. I feel like maybe-
You heard it, hey Tim, did you hear that?
You sucked shit in Wonka and Lady Bird.
What I'm saying is like, we used to have this idea
of movies that would appeal to everybody.
Yes. We used to have this idea.
That's gone.
What I'm saying is, Timothy Chalamet may be the only person
that everybody knows, right?
Like, it may be the one thing that like generationally,
we all kind of know who Timothy Chalamet is.
And I would say generationally,
he probably has like favorable approval ratings.
You know what I mean?
Like I'm saying,
I wanna cling to those things that we can all still agree on, and I pray that,
I just hope and pray, even if he shall may,
may continue to be that little strand, you know?
We need him.
I would make them, to your point, Justin,
I think parents, grandparents, children alike
can get together and they could just start
listing off names of people that they have
some frame of reference for.
And I think- Travis, I'm sorry.
Just listing off names of people, end of sentence.
And Timothy Chalamet would be the only one
that all three would be like, well, yeah.
I know who that is.
They're gonna rename the Venn diagram
the Timothy Chalagram, because it's just,
that's what he is.
It's just like, that's all it represents.
He's the one unifying thing that we can all like,
yeah, like Timothy Shaller, you guys know about him.
And everybody's like, mm-hmm, but he doesn't get an Oscar.
Doesn't need one. Yeah, but doesn't need one.
And also, can I say, Travis,
I don't know if the Oscar upsets this delicate,
delicate balance that Tim has established, right?
Like I can't risk, maybe we need him to be an underdog.
You know, maybe we need him to be fighting for acceptance.
Maybe like that's the thing that pushes him over
out of relatability.
He somehow managed to maintain it.
And like maybe that would be the breaking point.
He's away with crossover appeal.
If he gets too many accolades,
all of a sudden now he's big time.
Like Tom Hanks.
Like Tom Hanks, now he's big time chops.
Yeah, Tom Hanks won like 16 Oscars in a row or something.
And then everyone was like, yeah, okay.
Joe versus volcano.
Cloud Atlas.
Cloud Atlas.
That's another Oscar winning performance.
I don't think he won for Cloud Atlas. Cloud Atlas, that's another Oscar winning performance.
I don't think he won for Cloud Atlas.
We all won.
We all won with that movie.
In a lot of ways.
It was like nine movies.
If you were on a cruise during this Oscars,
how did you intake the Oscars this year?
How did you catch up with Oscarvania?
Last night when I got back.
Last night when I got back. And it when I got back, and it was sucked guys, because
I'll tell you why everyone was talking about Adrian Brody throwing his gum at his wife
and everyone was talking about, but they were talking about it in a way where it was like,
we already talked about Adrian Brody throwing his wife gum.
We didn't get, we didn't though.
And Griffin, it's still, I think worth that Adria Birdie before you went up to do his big speech is like...
Before getting a lot of honor and recognition, decided to spread that honor and recognition around
by chucking his chewed-ass gum.
Chewed-ass gum, who I heard on the rest of the entertainment, she said that it...
She called it like it was a wedding bouquet.
Which I think is pretty brutal.
You're the next Oscar.
I heard that there was spooky music played
for some reason during the Immemorial segment,
which I haven't heard of seem, but that sounds good.
Yeah, it was like a weird dirge.
Yeah. Cool.
I'm into that.
See, that's, put a little,
it's not about melancholy for me.
That moment should be a warning.
It should be a grounding moment of clarity
for everyone in that theater of like,
enjoy these honors, enjoy your flowers,
because you know.
You never know, you never know.
I'll say there were some twists and turns
in that in memoriam.
Some people came up and it was news to me.
There was a couple of those that hit me.
I hate when they throw twists in there.
Rob Lowe was, there are quotes Roblo said,
every time in a movie or TV show,
I open a door and smile,
I always wonder if that's the clip
they'll use for the immemorial.
Yeah, so I was like, I mean, I'm late to the party.
Everybody is so fucking tired of talking about this shit,
which sucks because it's been the first 12 minutes of content
in this episode of podcasting.
But we're here now.
And I got it out of my system.
I thank you boys.
You guys are my outlet.
At my school, a bathroom was just shut down
because a kid drew too many penii on the walls.
I think you're the only ones
who can answer the pressing question.
How many penises must be drawn in a high school bathroom
for it to be shut down?
Is there a certain limit you can have
before it gets to be too much?
What is the proper punishment for this crime?
That's from In Distress in Indiana,
and congratulations on finding a question
that it is exactly at our skill level.
This is exactly where we are qualified to operate.
Let's just go down the line.
Zero, no, there's no problem.
One penis. This is one of the line. Zero, no, there's no problem. One penis.
This is one of the worst options, I feel,
because people are gonna be curious about it.
If certain, if they, you know,
maybe they haven't taken health class yet
and they don't know what's going on there.
They don't know what that thing is.
Also in this regard, I will say in this circumstance,
size does matter.
One giant penis drawn on the wall.
Can I, I wanna be careful for this discussion
that we don't get into the question of size,
because like I actually, the person asks for a number,
and I feel like we can arrive at the number.
If we bring size into it scientifically,
so here's what I'll say, starting from zero,
that one's easy.
Can we just establish, so let's use just frame of reference
for size, big enough to see.
Big enough to see.
Big enough to see.
This is not a where's bald, though, hidden penis.
You would not miss it.
If you, on a regular bathroom visit, you would clock.
You'll clock it, yeah.
But small enough that you don't go like, wow,
that's a big picture of a penis.
Not a mural.
So here's what I would say.
Right, exactly.
First one is fine because the first one
you have plausible deniability.
First one you can say that's not a penis.
I'll also say this.
First one is like, that could have been a situation
where someone sat down in the stall
with no intent of drawing a penis,
but looked around and was like,
there's no penis doodle anywhere.
So I guess I'll put one on here.
That should be scientific about this.
I'm gonna ask a question that I don't even know
if needs asking.
This is assuming testicles are present as well, right?
That when you're drawing it-
I mean, Trav, I love you so much, pal.
Have you ever seen that before?
Have you ever just seen a shaft doodle, pal?
The balls are the reason.
What I'm saying, Travis, is that a lot of the time,
a penis drawing-
Don't ask a question you don't want an answer to, Trav.
Let him answer you.
A lot of the time, a penis drawing starts
because you start drawing something and you're like, that looks like balls. And then you. A lot of the time, a penis drawing starts because you start drawing something
and you're like, that looks like balls.
And then you do the rest of it based off of that.
The idea that someone would draw a just shaft
and then would be like done is wild.
That's never happened in the history of humankind.
So- I just don't want us to get too far down the road
of speaking about it in the specific terms of the penis
and not including the unit.
Your first one is actually the hardest one to get past.
Like, excuse me.
No, so I'm saying it's one of the worst options.
It's one of the worst ones,
but it is like, you're not gonna shut it down for one.
No, I don't think you will.
Okay, two.
Now, I do think it's more likely that you would see standalone balls. Sorry, are we staying? No, I don't think you will. Okay, two. Now, I do think
it's more likely that you would see standalone balls.
Sorry, are we staying on one?
I just wanna be clear, are we still on one?
Or do you wanna move into two? I just wanna explore
the possibility of standalone balls drawings
over standalone shaft drawings.
I think that that would be much more commonplace,
but really you gotta have that in mind.
And not germane to the discussion,
which is already protracted.
Two is like totally inoffensive to me.
If I see two, it's like, okay.
It almost blends in with the geometry.
You know what I mean?
It's almost like the textures that they designed
for this bathroom had two pieces.
And it's kind of nice, cause now they're not lonely.
You do think that.
They have, oh, look at those friends, you think.
And then you spend the rest of your toilet time
thinking about your friends.
And that's cool. I would say like two and three,
not to like lump this together,
but like two and three I appreciate
because it removes for me the pressure
to go clean up the one.
Yeah, sure.
So if there's one, there's the stress of like,
I should really go get the magic eraser
and clean that up.
If I see three, I'm like, oh God, it's a bathroom.
You know?
When I see three though,
I assume they're gossiping though.
And that is, that gets to be a little distracting for me
When I see three I have the thought
Starting to be a lot of penises in here. I have the thought of like three is your life
Three three is not a hot one territory three is like, okay
I'm not gonna tear down not gonna tear down the stall and smash the toilet for three, but I will have the thought,
I hope this doesn't go any farther.
Because it's starting to get a little-
That is a tipping point though.
Because here's the thing,
think about that gum wall, you know,
in a, I think it's in San Francisco, Seattle,
the gum wall at the market.
If you put one piece of gum on there,
someone's just to face that wall.
Two pieces of gum, okay, now,
but after three, it's just to face that wall. Two pieces of gum. Okay, now, but after three,
it's turning to be a thing now.
Guys, this is so,
the important work that this show does
is it finds truths that are truths
that we didn't know are here.
Cause guys, I'm thinking about four penises
in a bathroom and I'm going apeshit.
Here's what I'll say.
Wait, wait, the lunatics are running the asylum.
They are in absolute shutdown mode.
This is why it must be shut down too.
After three, the tipping point from three to four,
students are now leaving to go to the bathroom
just to add another penis to the wall.
That's what I'm saying.
Yeah, it's a joke now.
If there's four on the wall, there's not gonna be four on the wall for very long. Yeah. That's why I'm saying. Yeah, it's a joke now. If there's four on the wall,
there's not gonna be four on the wall for very long.
That's why I will say, if you ever see a bathroom stall
with four penises drawn on the wall, enjoy it, buddy,
because someone's gonna get up there
and make it five real soon, and then six, and then seven.
Four on the wall, great start to fall.
That's what I always say.
So if you see three, that's not too many,
but you need to clean then before four gets there.
Now this is interesting guys.
Here's what I've discovered.
I'm more comfortable with five.
Because it feels like five has reached
a sort of pagan stabilizing power.
It feels like there's a sort of like pagan energy
that is being summoned by the sort of like
de facto pentagram
drawn by five.
Now five feels like in harmony with nature
and it feels like if we could just get to five
and stabilize, we'll be okay.
It's the only number post three that is like, okay.
It's like one, cool.
Two, friends.
Three, four, too much.
Five, gentle pagan energy, six through infinity.
That's too many dicks, dude.
If the five penis units have been drawn
four side by side standing up and down,
and then one drawn across as a slash mark,
now we know that's a complete unit of penis.
Well, we can't even talk about of arrangement, right?
Because if you had four penises on the wall, clearly,
that's a time to pan, let me finish.
Let me finish.
If there's four penises on the wall,
that's when you start to panic.
But if they're drawn in like a cool Voltron,
like they connect Voltron style
and they form like a bigger dude,
like obviously you're gonna be like, wow,
like a lot of these rules are suspended
if they are beautifully drawn.
Yes. That people like appreciate from all that, that's, like a lot of these rules are suspended if they are beautifully drawn. Yes.
That people like appreciate.
If it becomes like a mandala
and people are adding the penises to it.
Oh, God.
An infinite fractal of penis.
If you had six penises.
Uh-huh, I'd go to the doctor.
But the school had been open for 60 years.
And each of the penii represented a different decade
of the school's history.
That's cool.
Like in a uniform or a clothing style.
Era appropriate, some mascot,
I don't know what the mascot of the school is, maybe.
Maybe a speech bubble encapsulating
a description of a news event.
Like a groovy penis for the 70s.
Groovy, man.
So if I see that, and I'm like coming in as the vice principal
of discipline or whatever, and I see that
at Clarkson Community College, where I myself attended,
and I see those 60 years of history represented on the wall,
then for me, I'm like, well, I'm touched.
You know what I mean?
Like that's kind of beautiful.
And what's beautiful about that too,
is your assumption of only one goes up a decade,
someone's chosen, whether, probably not by staff,
but by the student body, there's someone,
because you can't just go in there and doodle it
on your own, because people will see it and be like,
that does not capture this decade at all.
Why'd you do that?
You need somebody who rises,
not elected as a student body leader,
but rather a naturally born leader
to draw the penis on the wall.
So if you do six historical ones, you're fine.
Now seven, that to me guys starts to feel claustrophobic.
I'm starting to feel like, where do I look
where I'm not looking at a wiener now at that point.
The toilet could be perfectly clean, could be spotless.
Like you don't see them anymore, perfectly clean.
Which for me is like green flag, time to go.
I'm not gonna have to do any sanitary work myself
in order to make this thing romp ready.
But I shut the door and there's seven fucking
pink wieners in there, man.
I'm not, I can't stay, that's too much for me.
That's too much I'm freaking out.
Seven feels, yeah, seven feels predatory.
Here's the thing, this is a really important point now
that we've reached here at eight,
because the science tells us that the reason phone numbers were seven digits long, they used to be.
Seven is about the biggest number
that we can hold in our hand.
Seven digits in our brain. In our head.
Not in our head.
And my hand, I can hold lots, but in my head.
I've seen you hold all kinds of big numbers
in your hand. Lots of numbers.
Yeah, very strong.
In my high school graduation photos,
I was holding a big 99.
Yeah, I've seen that, yeah.
Yeah, looking cool.
So, what, sorry, what Griffin, did you have something?
I heard a little noise, like a, well.
Like a sneeze.
I sneezed.
It was a sneeze.
Yeah, a little one.
What were you saying?
I don't know, I forgot.
About eight.
So you're saying we can't hold eight numbers?
Eight is the, once you see,
you can't count that number anymore.
So like eight through infinity, or I think, is like,
can't even process.
It's all pieces.
Like you can't distinguish at that point between eight and nine.
The mind can't distinguish.
That's fair, because then the kid comes back
from a bathroom break, it's been 45 minutes, maybe an hour, and the teacher's like, you were gone a really long time.
And they're like, I got lost in the penises.
I was trying to hold them all eight in my mind
at the same time and I simply couldn't.
And I just lost time in there,
and I can't remember math now.
Now the next-
Now the next-
Sorry, Griffin, go ahead.
No, it sounds like you had a thing. No, no, no, at what point? Please ask. And I can't remember math now. Now the next- Sorry Griffin, go ahead.
No, it sounds like you had a thing.
No, no, no, at what point, please ask.
At what point does it cross back over?
At what point does it cross it into the point
of like genuine fear?
Like if, or like unable to comprehend
how this many discrete penises have fit.
If there's 900 penises on the wall,
you walk in and be like,
ah, principal Wilson, you better get in here.
Like a horror movie, help written on the wall once.
Oh no, help written a hundred times around the room?
No fucking way, man.
But if there's 900 penises of various shapes and sizes,
like a wallpaper?
Like a wallpaper?
Styles on the ceiling,
suddenly it's like they should have sent a poet.
Like a dick teen chapel.
Yeah, at that point you're like,
you're not gonna pay it over it.
That's a good, the other number,
and this is actually,
this one you need a graphing calculator for,
and it is size dependent. But there's a number at which you draw so many penises
that it becomes a sort of camouflage.
You can draw them on yourself, draw them on the walls,
it's like razzle dazzle,
where the patterns you can no longer discern as penises.
So it doesn't matter as much.
I would say there's also a tipping point
where there are so many penises on the wall
that they stop being individuals
and becomes one battalion of penis, right?
Where it's just like, that's the army of penis, right?
When it moves from like five people, 20 people
to just one army, right?
There would be a saturation point reached
where all you think about is like a singular unit of units.
Yeah, man.
So not, I mean.
I think four is the lowest number.
Four and eight are bad.
If it hits four, you need to take action.
Four, one, two, three.
If it goes past four, don't take action and wait until it gets back to eight. At that point,
you've got to take action again. Did we like six?
Six was good because that could be a historic. You're right.
You could also say- Six could be a historic thing.
Six is great too. There's a rhyming thing there.
And then seven is lucky. And then eight is where things start to get pretty thorny.
So four, blank, blank, blank, eight through 899.
The second you see four,
because if you take your time getting your bucket
and managing your razor and you come back in,
there's five, you missed your window.
You missed your window.
And if they're drawn on the windows,
that's another problem.
People can see that from outside.
That had to be the whole episode, right?
Let's punch the clock, boys.
No, we've earned our chance to earn our money, Griffin.
That's all we've earned.
Let's take a trip on over to the Money Zone.
It's better with you. It's better with you.
It's better with you.
It's better with you.
It's better with you.
It's better with you.
It's better with you.
It's better with you.
It's better with you.
It's better with you.
It's better with you.
It's better with you.
It's better with you. It's better with you. of the company. We could do like an improv game and be like, imagine the president of Squarespace is on the call
with us, Travis, and try to get-
Okay, Justin, you be the president of Squarespace.
Okay, you ready?
Hold on a second.
I don't really know.
I'm not gonna look it up.
You're my boss, Griffin.
I'm not gonna do any bit.
Wait, I'm your boss and he's the president of Squarespace?
I'm his boss.
So he's watching, no, the president of Squarespace
is observing the call.
Or observing- Yeah, but why is your boss there?
You're my boss, we're doing a scene.
The president of Squarespace is sitting
in the audience watching the scene.
I get it, but my role feels like pretty tacked on
if I'm being honest.
I don't know why your character needs a boss.
I'm coming in, we're doing a scene.
Can we just see how it goes?
Yeah, I'm just having, I'm struggling
because I thought that this was gonna-
Boss, boss!
Yeah, what is it pal?
We got too much product and how do we get it out there so people can see it and people can buy it?
If only there was a way we could display it-
No, you're wrong, you're wrong.
You're, you're, you've fucked this so wild, like Justin was saying you do the ad like the Squarespace guy is here.
And then you were like, okay, Griffin's my bot.
Yeah, but it has to be germane to what the ad was
and what we're, like you still gotta do an ad.
Yeah, because I'm saying,
how do we get our products and services out there?
No, no, Travis.
No, now you've folded me into the content of the-
You were you, you were you.
You were you.
No, I wasn't, I don't have a boss.
You were you.
That's what I'm saying.
I don't need to be here, you don't have a boss,
it's you, Travis.
I'm the boss of Squarespace, okay? All right, let me set up the- Wait, it's just being me, it's not I'm saying. I don't need to be here. You don't have a boss. It's you Travis. I'm the boss of Squarespace
All right, let me set up. Just being me it's not an improv game. Let me set up the sketch, okay? Travis is doing a Squarespace ad
Are you saying- Can I get like a perfection? If an improv actor says that their name is the same as their name
But they're pretending to do something they wouldn't normally do that's not improv. I need something someone would do at a party
What's something someone would do at a party?
Record a Squarespace ad!
Read Squarespace fucking copy points.
That's some I do at a fun party.
Hey, fellow guests of this party.
This podcast is brought to you by Squarespace this week.
Squarespace gives you everything you need to offer services
and get paid all in one place.
Please use the coaster over there, thank you very much.
Get paid on time with professional on-brand invoices
and online payments.
I see you two over there.
Let's save the PDA, okay?
My mom could be home any minute.
Plus, streamline your workflow
with built-in appointment scheduling
and email marketing tools.
Hey, leave that face alone, that was my grandma's.
Hey Trav, hey Trav, it's me. Yeah, your boss. What the fuck are you doing, man?
I'm at a party and I was doing.
Yeah, but you're not at a party. You're sitting at your desk.
You're sitting at your desk. You're at your desk.
And I'm watching.
Trying to do like a one man improv scene.
Why? This isn't just one of us said the word improv and it planted an evil
RFK worm in your fucking gourd.
And then you spun off, you spun out
and then waved from the ship.
And I wanna get you back in the ship.
Excuse me, Griffin, was it?
Hi, Mark Spotify?
Your brother was in the middle of the greatest ad read
I've ever heard in my goddamn life.
Wait, why is it Mark Spotify?
Why is it Mark's?
The idea that you would interrupt an audience.
Unrelated Griffin.
You're the CEO of Squarespace sitting in on the call. You had a role already.
Why are you guys fucking this up so much?
This is easy. This is a fucking grounder.
His last name can be Spotify unrelated to his job.
Yeah, but it's not. It can't be.
Why don't you have Spotify open in another tab?
Why don't you have Spotify open in another tab while we're recording our podcast?
Are you groovin' to some tunes, dude?
Ew, I don't play white noise that I hear you guys too good.
So I gotta have some like...
Love that Spotify white noise.
Jesus, man.
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Aw man, someone set fire to my mom's rug, party's over.
Hey, let's talk about rocket money.
If you're ready to blast off.
You do this one, Mr. Big Shits.
Absolutely unhinged that you would come from me like that.
No, you're busting into mine, give me notes,
you show me how it's done.
You asked for notes. Come on, King Kurt. You asked for improv. No, you're busting in that might give me notes. You show me how it's done. You asked for notes.
Come on, King Kurt.
You asked for improv.
You said you're the boss.
Justin, you okay?
Yeah, I just saw this energy, the biff it.
Guys, I'm just trying to make a podcast with my brother.
Big shit mountain.
I'm Big Shits, and that's true.
That's true about me.
I'm King Big Shits.
You've gotta change your name.
I can't.
That's been his username since AOL
Insta Messenger days and you know it.
Yeah, it was my first Xbox gamer tag and
all my Halo guys thought it was so fucking funny.
King Big Shits.
King Big Shits is here to tell you that
it's time to get your finances organized
and it's time to prioritize what matters
most like financial wellness. Rock Money helps you do exactly that.
Look, I'm not gonna bullshit you.
He's not King Bullshit.
No, I'm King Big Shits.
And one of the ways that I take big shits
is by subscribing to applications,
usually because one of my kids asks me to,
like I promise I'll play Doodle Kitchen 9 for the rest of my life.
15 bucks a month sounds pretty good.
No, went to hell after Doodle Kitchen 6.
It did, but you can't stop my kids from,
and anyway, I'll subscribe to shit and I'll forget
and then I'll be paying for it and then Rock-a-Money
will be like, did you remember about,
it'll be like, I don't even remember what Doodle Shit 5 is,
but I am apparently paying 15 bucks a month for it.
Rocket Money will help get me out of that situation.
Because it's a personal finance app that helps
finance and cancel your unwanted subscriptions,
monitor your spending, and help lower your bills
so you can grow your savings.
You guys know about this?
We do, we do.
I'm looking at my Rocket Money app right now.
It's telling me some bills I got coming up.
It's telling me some things I could cancel, some of the ways I've been spending money lately.
It's kind of like an all-in-one place to manage your finances.
And it makes me feel responsible for the first time
in my life, like I could be king big shits one day.
We are three of over five million users.
Rocket Money saved a total of $500 million
in canceled subscriptions.
Half of that was Justin's.
Yeah. Saving members up to $740 a year subscriptions. Half of that was Justin's. Yeah.
Saving members up to $740 a year
when using all the app's premium features.
Cancel your unwanted subscriptions
and reach your financial goals faster with Rocket Money.
Go to slash my brother today.
That's slash my brother. slash my brother.
And that's why he's king of big shits, folks.
That was amazing, Griffin.
I shit him right over the plate.
I'm just really proud, Griffin.
Thanks, yeah. No, I did a good job.
Nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya Squad! Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba. Squad! Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba. Welcome to Munch Squad.
It's a podcast with them podcasts,
profiling the latest, greatest in brand eating.
God, I missed so much while I was at sea.
I missed so much in the fast casual world.
I'm so excited for the brief.
That's why they call it fast, grivant, don't move slow.
Taco Bell rolled out a new all cheese shell
that was seen by so many people on TikTok,
judging by my mentions.
I think everybody already saw it
because I was tagged over 200 times in this Taco Bell video.
How's your brand doing, Justin?
It's going just the way I want it to.
So I'm not gonna talk about that.
You said all chicha,
so it's just a big slab of fried cheese?
It's, listen, I just said I'm not gonna talk about it.
So don't try to trick me.
I hate it when people try to trick me.
I mean, you brought it up.
Okay, I missed it while I was at sea
and I asked for the news and you were like,
everyone knows the news.
You brought it up.
This is the Oscar talk all the fuck over again.
I'm never leaving my-
I love when Adrian Brody spit a big wad of cheese
into his girlfriend's hand, like a baby,
like a toddler who had taken a bite of something
they didn't want anymore.
He produces those in his dairy sack.
Sorry, wait one second, I just gotta get the,
there we go.
Travis, can you read the top?
Arby's potato cakes pre-class action lawsuit.
Are you or a loved one?
That's all you get.
Oh, wow, you closed it.
That's all you get.
Justin just screen shared something
and then closed it real fast.
Like he was tripping.
Yeah, Arby's has announced the return
of the fifth favorite potato cakes in the menus nationwide
and they will sue themselves if they go off the menu.
Okay, yes. If they go off the Right now, Arby's is doing the thing in the werewolf movie when they're like, if I get out of this cage, shoot me with this gun.
Yeah, exactly.
Because I will kill everyone you know.
Arby's says, okay, the iconic golden perfectly seasoned
Arby's potato cakes are officially back on the menu.
Now, if you don't know what these are,
because you've never been to Arby's,
they're hash browns, they're little triangular hash browns, and you could get them instead of been to Arby's. They're hash browns, they're a little triangular hash browns.
And you could get them instead of fries at Arby's
and you haven't been able to and now they're back.
Potato Cakes recently made a comeback only to disappear again,
leaving customers on an emotional roller coaster.
That's why this time the return of Potato Cakes
is backed by the creation of a pre-class action lawsuit.
Justin Tyler, why are they writing this
like they disappeared and they don't know how or why?
Yeah, we went one day into the big fat
where we keep all the dang things, we're just gone.
We boned you guys.
That's it.
We boned you.
It's weird when you think about
all the mess of supply chain issues for potatoes.
For potatoes? For potatoes?
I hope not.
It seems like we got those coming out our,
if you'll forgive it, ears.
That's corn.
I know, that's why it's a thinker.
That's why I asked for forgiveness.
It doesn't make any sense.
After potato cakes returned briefly to the Arby's menu
in 2024, July, there was an outpouring of excitement
from fans who made it clear this menu item is a must have.
But then guests were disappointed
when their favorite snack disappeared.
Because July wasn't that long ago, you guys.
They were very disappointed, Travis.
It says right here, they don't have the data,
but anecdotally, guests were super, super distressed.
Arby's heard them loud and clear,
and now the fan favorite potato cakes are here to stay.
Okay. Arby's is backing that promise.
Now, hold on.
With some serious protection.
What this press release presupposes
is that while these fans loved these potato cakes,
now that they've had them taken away from them once,
they would be too scared to indulge in them again
now that they're back. They don't wanna trust. That they'll be taken away from them once. They would be too scared to indulge in them again
now that they're back.
They don't want to trust.
That they'll be taken away again.
That there will be Charlie Brown and Lucy
holding a potato cake, and she's saying,
kick the potato cake or whatever.
And so Arby's is saying, don't be scared,
potato cake fans.
We are legally obligating ourselves to make money
off of you by selling these potato cakes to you.
So here's the deal.
Arby's fans can now sign up or ostensibly anyone.
Arby's fans can now sign up
to be part of a pre-class action lawsuit.
If potato cakes are removed from the menu
before December 31st, 2026,
Arby's will pay out $1 million worth of Arby's food to be split amongst the signees.
No menu item return has ever been this ironclad.
And since Arby's isn't planning to remove potato cakes
from the menu ever again, those that sign up to be part
of the pre-class action lawsuit can also redeem
a DoorDash code to receive free delivery
and two-piece potato cakes from February 27th
to a time that has passed.
So, did they put out a press release alongside this
that says, Arby's pleased to announce
that potato cakes will be taken off the menu,
Jan one, 2027, guaranteed.
No one wants this particular potato shape.
We had this one potato shape going for a while that people were crazy about.
Real tiny, slender ketchup-dippable guys.
So we are gonna get these bad boys off of here
just as soon as it is financially
and legally convenient for us.
Here's what you do, folks.
Everybody, everybody, sign this,
this, and then nobody buy the potato cakes.
Oh, force them to take it off.
But they'll need to have them on hand
in case somebody does, right?
And then the day that you walk in and you say,
can I have some potato cakes?
And they say, we don't have any.
You say, gotcha!
And you serve them.
And you say, I know I came to Arby's,
but you've been served.
And then you'll probably get like $1.25 out of it.
Real talk?
I think it'll be more than that.
This is what I wanna say.
Knowing what I know about how many people participate
in these fast food promotions,
which is to say next to none,
I think if you got in here
and you won this particular gamble,
you're gonna be walking away with
at least eight, 900 bucks worth of art.
Yeah, you're gonna be feeling pretty good.
And that's enough to, no,, you're gonna be feeling pretty good. And that's enough to, no,
you're not gonna be feeling pretty good.
You're gonna eat eight to $900 worth of Arby's food,
and you're gonna build a little house
on top of the toilet.
Where you live.
Sorry, improvised shelter.
It keeps you and the things you do in,
and it keeps the outside world out. That's your shell of shame.
We know our guests are passionate about our potato cakes, and we want to honor that loyalty by keeping them on the menu permanently,
says Jeff Baker, the CMO at Arby's.
We're excited to finally announce their return and prove to all our guests that we listen to their pleas on social media,
and we aren't gonna let Arby's get away with removing potato cakes
from the menu ever again.
And we aren't going to let.
He says we aren't going to let, I didn't misread it.
We aren't going to let Arby's get away with removing potato cakes
for the menu ever again.
We've always been at war with Eurasia and we're never taking away
your potato cakes America.
Smee, Smee, stop me. Smee, stop me, Smee.
Stop me, damn it, Smee.
I'm giving them the potato cakes again, Smee.
So Arby's has a number that I can call here
to get more information.
So I am, I mean, it has to be a recording, right?
There's no way that's a big gamble.
I know.
Don't talk, Sarge.
It's 833-Lossbud.
I don't think they're too worried about it.
Not L-O-S-S-B-U-D, though.
I'm your Lossbud.
Don't talk.
Hello, and thank you for calling
the Arby's Potato Cakes pre-Class Action Lawsuit Hotline.
Potato Cakes are back at Arby's.
Arby's is seriously, not so seriously, preparing a Pre-Class Action Lawsuit against Arby's
in the event that Arby's removes potato cakes from the Arby's menu in the future.
Arby's won't let Arby's get away with it.
Please join to ensure you receive any possible future settlement should potato cakes be removed from the Arby's menu.
Please visit Arby' Thank you. Goodbye.
Sorry, but the user's mailbox can't accept more messages.
Wow, they really committed to the bit, huh?
Yeah, they sure, they sure, that's a good use of a phone number.
I mean, we're not doing anything else with phone numbers. We might as well let, they might as well call Arby's.
There's only 999,999,999 phone numbers.
And so that's one, that's one way to use it.
Okay, there's, there's, there's literally a part of this
where it says-
Are you signing up?
Are you gonna get your money?
I'm reading this pre-class action lawsuit.
Absolutely signing up, are you kidding me?
And it says, Arby's may, in its sole discretion,
and at any time, discontinue this site
or any part thereof with or without notice
or may prevent your use of this site
with or without notice to you.
You agree that you do not have any rights in this site
and that Arby's will have no liability to you
if this site is discontinued or your ability to access the site
or any content you may have posted on the site is terminated.
You know that whoever came up with this campaign
got a letter from the Arby's lawyers,
and they were like, ah, god damn it.
They're not gonna let us have it.
They're gonna break K-Fabe pretty quickly, I think,
if you just read at the bottom of the thing.
Like, they'll let us make jokes and have fun at the top,
but they are gonna make absolutely certain
that the actual stakes of this situation
could not be clear to the end user.
I guarantee what the marketing team showed up with was,
we will shut down Arby's.
So the promise is we close Arby's for good
and give everybody all our money
if we stop selling potato cakes.
And then the lawyers are like,
would you settle for a million dollars of Arby's food
if you cancel it before December 31st, 2026?
You can still say permanently
because these fucking numbskulls are definitely,
definitely not gonna figure this out.
But is that okay?
Is that a good compromise?
Also, it's all fake and we're gonna tell them that it's all fake.
Yeah, it's all this.
The rest of this stuff listed here
is all written in Jokey-like.
It literally says underneath it,
we're pretty sure Arby's is trademarked,
but that one section. You can't fucking walk it back.
We know your heart.
That one section's like, by the way,
here's some ironclad stuff.
Okay, back to the jokes.
I love this. I love this.
I love this.
I don't love the potato cakes.
It's, they really think-
You really not?
I did want to check in.
I call this section reality check.
Do you not like potato cakes?
I love potato cakes.
I'm saying I don't trust Arby's to evenly fry
that big a piece of potato.
That's a real temperature game
at that point when you're trying to fry a big,
like, you know, blob of potato.
Instead of just a French fry, a French fry is like,
not much potato, so you can fry that pretty evenly,
pretty good.
But this is a plot.
Let me through, Griffin, just real quick,
all the other different types of potato,
the forms they come in and how easily they are to fry.
Okay, number one, baked potato.
Can't really fry one of those.
So big, so much potato in there.
A hash brown, these are a little thicker
than a hash brown, right?
A latke, I think, is somewhat user-friendly.
A lot of people probably wouldn't think that,
but they're really flat.
A hash brown, you get a little bit thicker.
These potato cakes are, that's a good one and a half, two inches deep.
What about a tot?
A tot?
Harder than a fry,
cause it is more three dimensional
and it has like a volume to it
that is more difficult to.
What about a man sized potato?
I mean, sure you-
And shaped, and man shaped, and same consistency.
No, so you heard me say the thing that-
As man?
Yeah, like if a potato looked like a man-
A potato with the consistency of a man?
Of a man, and maybe like,
just like a man would have saying like,
no, no, please don't do this,
I'll pay you the money I owe you, I promise.
A sentient potato man?
A Mr. Potato body, you're saying?
Yeah, so I mean, you heard me say
that baked potatoes are hard to fry, so I don't know why you're saying. Yeah, so I mean, you heard me say that baked potato is hard to fry,
so I don't know why you think a man shaped potato.
How long do you think it would take before
that man shaped, man sized, man consistency,
man begging potato?
Trav, are you trying to fry a man?
You trying to fry a man?
Trav, are you over there frying men, dude?
No, man, what? Juice, I think Trav's over there frying men. Hey Trav, are you over there frying men, dude? No, man, what?
Juice, I think Trav's over there frying men.
Hey Trav, can you not be the reason
that our empire crumbles, please?
I'm just saying that there's people up there who love me, buddy.
People will see the headlines at the top of the paper
and it'll be like, one of the McElroy brothers,
and they'll be like, fuck yeah, I knew it.
And then it'll say, fries men. And they'll be like, fuck yeah, I knew it. And then it'll say, fries men.
And they'll be like, oh, that's what?
That's the thing?
That's the thing that, that's wild.
I think, and I'm not saying I do it,
but I think you'd only have to fry one man
before you get the message across and everybody pays up.
I'd like to ask another question.
We have a few more minutes.
Can I borrow some money by the way, Travis? Do you have, I need like 10 ask another question. We have a few more minutes. Can I borrow some money by the way, Travis? I need like 10,000 bucks.
Yeah, I do have, I had the Arby's lawyer draw up some paperwork you need to sign.
Oh, you're joking.
There's a lot of jokes in it.
Nevermind, it's a joke.
There is a world in which eight people sign up for this and you find yourself,
Arby's just randomly stopped selling them because apparently nobody gave a shit,
and you end up as the proud recipient of like $100,000 of Arby's gift cards.
That's so sick. That's what I'm saying.
It's a pretty good scam, I'd sign up for it,
or don't, it's up to you.
Here's a quick question before we go.
I was recently taking part in an icebreaker
slash get to know each other type game
where we had to say something interesting about ourselves.
My go-to fact was that I was on reality TV
wilderness survival show, Survive This Season Two.
When I was 13 or 14 and I spent show, Survive This, Season 2,
when I was 13 or 14 and I spent two months in the wild with little to no training or experience
and made it all the way to the end of the series. I'm happy to answer a few questions for a minute
or so, but don't know how to shift away from the topic nicely. How do I get people to move away
from the topic without sounding bitter or rude? As fellow TV personalities, I was hoping you might have some insight.
How absolutely generous of you.
Proud but low key between Petersboro and Lindsay, Ontario.
Specious premise.
I will say.
You are laying out a savory little morsel here,
and it's too savory, and you know that it's too savory.
So you can't be like,
so how do you get people to not nibble at it?
It's the, you put out the, you need a conversation stopper
for one of these games.
Because I agree with Griffin.
The problem is you are using this as an ice breaker,
which is literally a thing designed to start a conversation.
Yeah. Right.
This is a game, and then you're like, oh no, I broke the ice
and now they wanna go through the ice.
You have been asked to break the ice
and you have instead created an iceberg
that people are like, well, this is interesting.
I wonder what's below this.
I'll go, I'd like to see a little bit more.
And that's good, I think,
but you can't be upset about that.
That seems like you're, it's working as intended.
It's a pretty good story.
But there's a ton of shit you could say
that I'm not gonna wanna know anything about, for example.
Hi everybody, I'm Griffin McRoy.
My interesting fact is that I ran my first marathon
this past spring.
No one's gonna ask you a fucking,
what's the question?
So would you run real fast?
Like there's no follow up
that you could possibly generate out of that.
That's true, you can get all the benefits
of running a marathon almost without running it.
Yeah. If you just tell people you did.
So what you're,
get the sticker, 26.2, got it.
What you are theorizing Griffin
is some side of ice former.
Yeah. Right?
That's like, I want to actually build up
the ice between you and I. Or maybe we can see if it's clear.
He wants to drop that ice nine.
Make a wall of ice.
I mean, it's fucked up that my work
mandates me distributing my social currency away for free
without asking me if I'm comfortable with it.
Hey Griffin, make friends.
You can't make me do that
because you're not my mom, my mommy or my daddy.
Like you're my boss and, my mommy or my daddy.
Like you're my boss and this is a business.
Here's what I have to do for you, the boss.
Type in numbers on the computer and that's it.
I don't have to make friends.
I'm not here to make friends.
I'm here to participate in capitalism
to the degree that systems have allowed me to.
That's it.
That's it.
That's all you have to do.
That's all you gotta lay out.
I have a rash.
Hi everybody, I'm Griffin McRoy
and I have a bad rash down there.
It's tough.
It's tough.
That's a good anecdote.
And you said in here we're fellow TV personalities,
but I could never bring up my brother, my brother, me
as an icebreaker in a TV show as an icebreaker
because I don't think it's possible for me bring up my brother, my brother, me as an icebreaker, and the TV show as an icebreaker,
because I don't think it's possible for me to simultaneously tell someone that we made
a TV show and then at the same time express them how far it was from the TV shows that
they may be thinking of in their day-to-day life.
It's like I did a TV show and then I need to stop them before they...
My daughter Cooper is seven
If she's telling us a story, she says like don't say anything until I'm done. Don't react
I'll say woo. Don't say anything until the story's over and I feel like that with the TV show
It's like I did a TV show. Whoa, wait, no, you need to listen not like Becker
Stop and everybody has a like Becker. No, Not like Becker. Stop. And everybody asks if I mean like Becker. Not like Becker. No, not like Becker.
No, no.
I'm saying it was a TV show,
and there were six of them.
And it shut the network down.
And we made it for a million dollars
at our house with our best buddy JD.
But it was a TV show.
It was.
Technically speaking.
You can't get it for free.
But it's more on the scale towards some kids
cut the front out of a cardboard box
and maybe acted out some skits inside,
except ours was locked into a tape
and you can watch it online.
And someone somewhere may be making money off of it
in some way, I don't know.
There's so much about what we do
that is like the wrongest possible answer
for this question of like,
I don't want to admit
sounds bad, I'm not ashamed of the work that we do,
but I certainly don't want to talk about it
at length with a bunch of strangers.
And perhaps that is why we are fame wise,
sort of day walkers.
When I was on the JoCo crews last week,
people said like, you probably get this all the time,
I hate to bother you.
No, I don't, I wicked don't.
I run at pretty good stealth mode out there actually.
I can creep and crawl with the rest of them.
It's really only in venues like this
or immediately after one of our live shows
that we get recognized.
Because we don't wanna talk about our TV show unless.
But we do wanna tell you about some live shows
we have coming out.
That's where we shine. That's where we shine.
That's where we shine.
You can't capture us in celluloid.
We've got more live shows coming up
in the 20th Underdrive Tour.
We're coming to Richmond, Virginia,
doing My Brother, My Brother and Me,
Charlotte, North Carolina, doing Taz,
and Raleigh, North Carolina,
another My Brother, My Brother and Me in April.
We're also gonna be in Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio.
All Taz shows this year are gonna be Taz versus,
we just did Taz.
The first one of which I believe is either coming out
this week or just came out.
It's out now, yeah.
Yeah, it's Taz versus Romeo versus Juliet,
and it was a hell of a lot of fun.
Tickets for all of those are on sale now.
Go to slash McRoyroy tours for more info and ticket links.
Oh, also, I'm very exciting.
I'm coming back to 20-Sided Tavern, making my off-Broadway review, I'm going to say,
this weekend on March 13th through the 16th, doing, I don't know, five performances, I
think it is.
Who can keep track? But you can find out when I'm gonna be there.
Get your tickets,
Come see me in a live action, you know,
D&D comedy thing, this weekend.
Hey, there's a new hoodie up on,
and it's one of my favorites
that we've probably ever put up.
It is the Vesecticon hoodie designed by Evan Palmer.
It has sort of like old school, like SNES box art vibes.
It's amazing and 10% of all merch proceeds this month
will be donated to Harmony House,
which is an incredible organization
from our hometown of Huntington
that we are happy to partner up with like this.
Also, next week, Max Fun Drive starts. of Huntington that we are happy to partner up with like this.
Also, next week, Max Fun Drive starts.
Brace your asses, we've got so much content ready for you,
you're gonna fucking flip your shit.
We're gonna have live streams and other events going on
every day of the drive, runs for two weeks.
So turn on notifications for our Instagram stories,
stay up to date when we're going live,
because we're doing a Facebook.
Break off the knob.
Break off the knob, coward.
So yeah, and hey, thanks to Montaigne
for the Use of Our Theme song.
My life is better with you.
For sure.
We really do appreciate you letting us use that one.
So like, thanks.
Thank you. Thanks.
A huge amount.
Hey, I got a fear here
that someone's gonna be faster than I'd like to read it to you.
Yeah, go.
This year I'm gonna be faster than my fear
of Chinese giant salamanders possibly being around me.
I don't live in China and they are critically endangered.
It's just unlikely.
My name is Justin McCarrie.
I'm Travis Mac.
Whoa, these guys are fucking huge.
They're so big.
This is Griffin McCarrie.
I was with my brother by our brother made.
Kiss your dad square on the lips.
I hope one's not near me.
Yep. It's better with you. My life, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah