My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark - 103 - Live at the Balboa Theatre in San Diego

Episode Date: January 11, 2018

Karen and Georgia cover the Betty Broderick case and the Heaven’s Gate Cult.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is exactly right. We at Wondery live, breathe, and downright obsess over true crime. And now we're launching the ultimate true crime fan experience, Exhibit C. Join now by following Wondery, Exhibit C, on Facebook and listen to true crime on Wondery and Amazon Music. Exhibit C, it's truly criminal. Yes. What's up, San Diego?
Starting point is 00:01:10 Oh good, there's an exit there, there's two back there, and of course there's one right over there. There you go. House right stage left. And of course we brought the rug that my great-grandmother wove on a loom. Yes, this is the Kilgara family rug. It was handed down from Galway, Ireland all the way down to... It's beautiful, it's beautiful. God bless.
Starting point is 00:01:40 It's just gorgeous. And then I just spilled my nail polish that I literally just painted my nails with backstage. George and I say a pre-show prayer. This is the insider information for locals only. And this is not a joke because you guys are atheist. No, we really say a prayer. We really say a prayer. Tonight we said a prayer to the oceans and the local manicurists.
Starting point is 00:02:04 We just kind of start talking, and then at some point someone goes, amen. And so I just painted my nails and she went to grab my hands. I know we actually started the prayer, and then I went to say something. We were like trying to be fake spiritual. It's what we do. And at one point I went to say something and George just goes, watch the fingers. That's much for me because I don't give a shit. No, it's for the show.
Starting point is 00:02:32 You're right. It's for the people. No, I don't want it to get all over your hands. Oh, these old things? Look, my hands are covered in pen and worry. It's some like sun damage here. Some gap jeans die because I'm never not going like this. Oh, no murder.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Well, it's great to be here in San Diego. That's my segue. That's my segue. Is this new? Did you just write this? I just wrote this. Is this going to be your new thing? This is my new thing.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I lean now. Oh my God. This is local Georgia. You're from nearby. I'm from nearby. I like you guys better than my hometown. Don't tell them. Not me.
Starting point is 00:03:24 NorCal all the way. All right. Oh, thank you. No, I like NorCal better than my hometown too. Oh. We're everyone's happy. Let's rate the entire United States right now. The last time I was in San Diego actually was for Comic-Con.
Starting point is 00:03:42 You've been. And I got in a huge screaming fight with my friend in either the gaslight or the gas lamp district. And I, either the gaslight or the, I can't hear anything. I beg you, it's, it's the gas lamp district because the gas light district is where people take you to convince you that your thoughts are wrong. Right. Which is what we got in the fight about.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Don't go there. That's right. Why not? She was gas-lamping me in the gaslight. She gas-lamped the shit out of you. Yeah. We're friends now. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:04:15 But if anyone witnessed it, congratulations. Remember that private memory of Georgia's that none of us were there for? Well, that's just the last memory I have of San Diego. So I'm really happy that this is the last one now. Yeah. You're making new memories all the time. Right. Oh, San Diego?
Starting point is 00:04:32 I went to Belleville with theater instead of, I got in a screaming fight. You know what I mean? Yeah. The last time I was here, I just had a really mediocre set of comedy. So I also apologize for my last, my last experience here in San Diego. I didn't deliver any of the goods. I mean, they should apologize to you. I feel the same way.
Starting point is 00:04:49 She probably brought it. Am I wrong? I brought it in my special way that only certain people would care about. Luckily, I've accessed that audience now. We found them. Back in 2008, nobody was having it. It was a different time. It was a different time.
Starting point is 00:05:06 New material. That's right. All this, you know. I don't want to look, but are my spanks past my knees right now? That's what it feels like. Let's all be friends and tell her. Oh, no, they're right there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I gave up on those motherfuckers a long time ago. I thought I had Capri spanks on for a second. Knee highs? It scared me. Knee highs spanks? Knee highs spanks. Why is that not a thing? Some girls and guys hate their calves.
Starting point is 00:05:37 That's true. Knee highs spanks. Yeah. Oh my God. Calf only spanks might be a niche that we get rich off. Steven, cut that out. Steven, that's ours. That's ours.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Send it in the mail. Oh, where is Steven? You want to see Steven? Come on. I don't know where he is. Are you seriously missing your cue? Yes. What happened?
Starting point is 00:06:02 What if he were wearing the knee high spanks? Look at him. He's panning to the audience. Steven graduated from the zoo in 1916. Just this old giraffe. It's true. I went back to my old cage. It was great.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Aw. You're so glad you're free now. No, he's not. Now he's in this zoo. We keep him caged in the back. That's why it took a minute to open the cage. So he took a minute to get out here. They had to shoo him out.
Starting point is 00:06:37 He was way in the corner all like, uh, no, thank you. Now Steven, you're a local. Yes, I'm from Southern California. And I love San Diego. That seems sarcastic. It's a sweater. It's real. We believe you.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Any last message for San Diego? Stay sexy. Bye. Get your own fucking saying. He steals our motto right in front of us. And then we, then we walk off. That's it. Well, he just ended the show.
Starting point is 00:07:16 What if we were like that? I mean, we're going to be very soon. Look at this. Huge shows of people come to see a podcast. This is nuts. It's nuts. It's so fucking crazy. You guys, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:07:31 You guys, thank you for making this our job. We love it. It's so stupid. I used to do like work on food stuff. And that's really cool because I love food. But then you have to write like a new recipe for fucking Super Bowl every year. It was like, what are you supposed to do with fucking buffalo chicken? What would you do?
Starting point is 00:07:52 There's no other way to make it a thing. Let's hear some options right now. What would you do? Buffalo chicken dip. Buffalo chicken sliders. Buffalo chicken chicken. Now let's change it up a little bit. It's impossible.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Buffalo chicken pudding. Cake. Karen, you should be a buffalo pudding jello. I don't know what it, buffalo pudding jello. Put a wing into a jello mold. And then hide it in someone's mailbox. It's a different, my thing is a different thing. My point was that yesterday I was like, murder, I can't find a murder.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Where's the murder? And I'm like, oh my God, my life is so much cooler now. I was so happy that it was like, I love food, but I've loved true crime. And I didn't realize it was going to be a job. And then I was like, oh my God. Because then you see all the food bloggers who were like, here's a new recipe for Thanksgiving thing. New thing to put stuffing in. Good luck.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Stop it. Oh, hazelnuts, you blew my mind. Now. That was a rant. You really went off on it. I mean, here's the problem. We drove down from LA today. Normally we have all kinds of travel anecdotes and funny, hilarious things of how this city is different than our city.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And we're just like, should we go back tonight or just stay? Like, it's not, this is a little bit hometown-y for us. We're just, this is a lot like, you know, it's like LA, but here's the thing. People here don't give a shit. That rules. It rules. If you're in the industry, it's like in the chillest way possible. You're not like, in the industry, like really care.
Starting point is 00:09:30 You make movies about pot or whatever. Yeah, yeah. I saw a guy that I, when we were driving through and it, from the head up, he looked like my friend's dad. And I was like, whoa. But then from the neck down, he was dressed like a 19-year-old surfer. And I'm like, that's not Christine's dad. It's not, it can't be him. He wouldn't have changed that much this quickly.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Maybe he went into the, what's it called when they hide you? When you're in the cop, protection program. Witness protection program. There you go. Thank you. What do you call it when they hide you? Oh, this is my favorite murder, by the way. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:05 That's good. Good one. Thank you. Good point. That's a really good point. This is my favorite murder. Yeah. I wanted to say, so after I tripped over the words, witness protection program.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So. We are highly qualified true crime podcasters. Yeah. That's Georgia Hartstark. That's Karen Kielke. Thank you. Thank you. We actually now like to say that to our audiences before we start, because we know that sometimes
Starting point is 00:10:32 people bring an outsider, we'll call them outsiders to the show. Pony boys and soda pops and whatnot, bring them to the show. And they sit here and they listen to us blather about fucking nothing and then like, I'll say pockets and everyone starts screaming. They're like, what the fuck is going on? And we feel bad for you and we're sorry. We know the majority of you are men and you're like, what is happening to my spouse? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:01 This goes out to the ashes too, by the way. Yeah. Dudes. Yeah. Dudes. Yeah. So yeah, we just, just so you know, like we talk about true crime, which is very dark and horrifying, but then we're also make jokes, which is highly inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So. And we know, you don't need to let us know. We know. Yeah, we know. If my mom's told me, then it, then I know. It's in there. And I'm purposely doing otherwise just to piss her off. That's right.
Starting point is 00:11:30 So. Because we're always 14. That's true. Right? Yeah. Come on. Let's do it. Anything to wrap up?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Any other questions? No. No. I guess that's all I got. You got those allergies going again? Fuckin, at least this time I brought a tissue and didn't have to blow my nose on my skirt or the tablecloth, which I've done before. I feel like you have blown your nose on every surface of the, of anything in this country.
Starting point is 00:11:58 It's some of the major theaters in this country. Just don't care anymore. Yeah. You know, it's a great feeling. If you know a good allergist, please let me know. Email it. Email it. And thank you for in advance for helping me.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Do you want? The one allergist? Yeah. That's right. I love reactive tissue. It's not what allergies do. Do you want to show everybody your shoes real quick? Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I mean, you rarely wear a high heel. I fucking hate high heels. And those look good. Thank you. They're only mildly painful. Thank you. They belong in the Gaslight District. If anything does.
Starting point is 00:12:37 They do. They really do. Can I do the thing? They're vintage. They are. And they're, that's why they're more comfortable is because someone wore them for years and then I put them on my feet. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Some old Italian lady wore them for like 40 years. Yeah. They were her church shoes. Yeah. Yeah. And now I'm flooding it up in them. Yeah. For ruining the memory of, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:13:01 Oh, of, you mean Giancarla? Yeah. Rosetti? Yes. Oops. That sounds right. So bad at improvising Italian women's names. Yeah, we've always said that about you.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I know. I have to take that class at UCB. Should we sit down? Yes. Yeah. Oh, yes. Directors chairs. Directors chairs in San Diego.
Starting point is 00:13:22 We're going to tell you guys what to do. Then I'm directing, directing. Is that how it works? I think so, and then you just like, and then you just pack it up and walk the fuck away. That's the nice part. We get to keep these. Did you hear? Because you said so just now.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Yeah. Here. Okay. To go with the rug. Okay. Beverages. Did you guys just seem to try to talk into this? I just tried to go like this.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Beverages are opened and that's, I'll tell you now, the show's starting as the waters are open and I'm trying to talk into it. I know the sound guys watching you hold a bottle of water that close to your mic. He's like, killer. Fair enough. Consummate. Professionals. Guys.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Someday I'm going to get some tights that are the same color as my dress or maybe ones you just don't notice. And then I won't bring all of George's hair with me on my dress to show you. That's my dog, strangers. Oh, I thought you said George's hair. What? So sorry. Because George's hair.
Starting point is 00:14:34 This shit. Yeah. I like didn't know I was like losing all my hair like that all over you. Oh yeah. Clumps of it are coming out. I just didn't want to talk about it. I just didn't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And then you just said it and I was like, oh, that's so funny. Who goes first? It's me. Okay. Guys. Yeah. It's time. It's time to talk about all the things you're not supposed to talk about, right?
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Starting point is 00:16:00 slash murder20 with code murder20. That's up to 20 free meals plus free shipping on your first box when you go to slash murder20 and use code murder20. Goodbye. What makes a person a murderer? Are they born to kill or are they made to kill? I'm Candice DeLong and on my new podcast, Killer Psyche Daily, I share a quick 10-minute rundown every weekday on the motivations and behaviors of the criminal masterminds, psychopaths
Starting point is 00:16:31 and cold-blooded killers you hear about in the news. I have decades of experience as a psychiatric nurse, FBI agent and criminal profiler. On Killer Psyche Daily, I'll give you insight into cases like Ryan Grantham and the newly arrested Stockton serial killer. I'll also bring on expert guests to dive deeper into the details, share what it's like to work with a behavioral assessment unit at Quantico, answer some killer trivia and even host virtual Q&As where I'll answer your burning questions. Hey Prime members, listen to the Amazon Music Exclusive Podcast, Killer Psyche Daily, in
Starting point is 00:17:09 the Amazon Music app. Download the app today. And guess who I'm going to talk about, Betty Broderick. I was so excited when I put together, well really when Stephen sent me, Stephen sends us like lists of choices that we could have. Every city we go to, he's very thorough. And each get different choices so we don't overlap, this wonderful system. And when I saw Betty Broderick's name on my list, I was like, oh fuck yeah, I forgot she
Starting point is 00:17:45 lived down there. I have seen every single fucking forensic files, 2020 nightline, every single, I've seen this woman all my life. The Full House episode, she was like, she's seen them all. I'm saying that because I don't know who she is off the top of my head, so when I find out I'm going to be like, oh I'm really bummed I made that joke. And Bob Hope Young Comedian Special where she nailed that seven minute set, I mean, she's just been in my life.
Starting point is 00:18:14 No, you do know her, I bet. I'm sure, but I don't know names. Well, I'll just tell you about it, but I got, that's going to be great, all of my, most of my information from of course Wikipedia, God bless them, I use them daily, won't give them a dime, just kidding, donate. That's what my father used to say when I would walk in and he would be watching PBS at night and I'd be like, what are you watching? He'd be like, Nova for free.
Starting point is 00:18:47 That was his big brag. I've never given him a dime, hilarious. We are, he's never listening to this episode. We have to burn this the second that we're done. But I got some really good information from a podcast called Once Upon a Crime that you guys probably listened to, has hosted by Esther Ludlow. Elizabeth Ann Broderick grew up in the New York City suburb of Eastchester. She was the third of six children born to a devout Roman, two devout Roman Catholic
Starting point is 00:19:16 parents. Her mother was Irish American and her father was Italian American. That's a bad combination, by the way, I don't know if, are there any Irish Italians here because they're all, it's not good. It's not, right? You're a lunatic, right? They're screaming, super repressed, but then you also scream all the time, like nothing makes sense.
Starting point is 00:19:39 The Basiglias were very strict parents and as Betty later recalled, she was trained to act as a housewife since the day she was born. Go to Catholic schools, be careful with dating until you find a Catholic man, support him while he works, be blessed in your later years with beautiful grandchildren. That was the goal. Hard pass, no, what's my other option? I guess like snort cocaine in a small room until you die. Great, yes.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yes, I picked that one. She graduates from Eastchester High School in 1965 and that same year when she was 17, she traveled to Indiana with her friend to go watch Notre Dame. Really? We're in San Diego. Pretend you're from San Diego. Play it cool. Just kidding, go Notre Dame.
Starting point is 00:20:33 She goes to see a Notre Dame football game with her friend and there she meets a man named Dan Broderick. He was born in Pittsburgh. He was the eldest son of a large Irish Catholic family. Oof, all Irish Catholic, you're done for. That's what I'm from. Not good. Okay, he wasn't as tall or athletic as the boys that Betty was used to dating because
Starting point is 00:20:54 she was gorgeous, like had her choice of men, but he lavished her with attention from the second that they met, he doted on her. She graduates from the College of Mount St. Vincent in the Bronx where she majored in early childhood education. She and Dan date and then on April 12, 1969, they are married. They honeymoon in the Caribbean and very soon after they return from the honeymoon, she finds out she's pregnant. That's right.
Starting point is 00:21:28 You guys. You Italians and you Irish. Just get started right away. Get those babies. Don't get to know each other at all. That's exactly it. She's like, what's your favorite movie? That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:21:46 So he was finishing up his medical degree at Cornell and they're so poor that they have to move into the dorms together. This isn't, there's a reenactment that I watched recently and it's two actors playing the two of them. I'm sure it's great. Walk. It's amazing. It's such good acting and some really great backing also because they walk into this dorm
Starting point is 00:22:10 room. Backing? Is that a thing? It's my thing. I love it. There's, you can really give a lot with your back if you're a good backer. I'm going to go to a backing class. You should.
Starting point is 00:22:23 You should. Because that's how you become a great extra. I've done that. Right? Is you just, you really let people know something's going on that way. I've definitely, there's definitely me walking away in the background in a camera and like TV shows and shit. For real?
Starting point is 00:22:41 Just walking away, walking past and walking away. What do you mean? I was an extra. Oh. I thought something happened. Like I thought. When? When did you get this part?
Starting point is 00:22:51 Well, it was on full house. Sorry. Go on. That was irrelevant. Wait. Was that in 90s thing that you did when you moved to LA? Like moved into the city? Clueless to TV shows.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yes. Dharma and Greg. Dharma and Greg? Yeah. Were you one of the people in their living room? Yeah. Just in the corner. You know I had someone in the corner hiding every episode.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You guys didn't know that? It's like a secret. It's the girl hider in the living room. Yeah. And then some stupid shit. Other stupid shit. Well, congratulations. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:23:20 It was really a highlight of my life. I bet. Did you get to wait for like 18 hours? 18 hours. Yeah. Eat hard boiled eggs and... Backed it up. Great.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Okay. Excuse me. Goodbye. Oh. And Joan of Arcadia. Whoa. Deep cut. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Who was Joan of Arcadia? Oh. You mean the actress? No. No. I was on it. I didn't watch it. You didn't write it?
Starting point is 00:23:46 I didn't write it. I don't understand how any of it works. Okay. In this reenactment... Okay. Betty and Dan walk in and they have to move into a legit dorm room with a married couple and she's pregnant. It's the saddest thing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Like one of those dorm rooms with the cement blocks as walls where you can't like put up your poster unless you get that special gum adhesive like dark times for Dan and Betty. So their daughter Kim is born in 1970 and a second daughter Lee is born the next year. Guys. Irish twins. Dan finishes medical school and then tells Betty he's decided that he's... No. What?
Starting point is 00:24:33 Now? Sorry. I didn't mean stop. Go. You meant like you don't like where this is headed? No. He's going to get his law degree because he's decided that he's going to be a medical malpractice lawyer that that's where the money is at which he was all about.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And so he had to get a student loan. He goes to Harvard Law and Betty starts working. She's two kids and working so that he can go through law school. Honey. He graduates and he's hired by a very high status law firm here in San Diego so he moves the whole family to Coral Reef. Nobody? No.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Nothing? Did I cut and paste that wrong? Or did he literally move them on to a Coral Reef and that's nothing that... I feel like a lot of these places where bad things happen they change the name of the place immediately to just to be like, you can't find it. You weirdo tourist. Oh, that used to be called Knifetown but we had to change the name, bad things happen. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:45 But now he's got this high status job so she doesn't have to work anymore. So she gets to be the housewife that she's always been told that she has to be. So Dan, the more successful he becomes at this law firm and he's very successful the longer and longer his hours become and because he's, you know, he tells Betty he's outwinding and dining clients and working really hard. Well, she of course is getting pissed and, you know, she makes dinners and he misses them and she kind of starts ranting to the kids talking about their father and he's not here.
Starting point is 00:26:22 So like really she's, she always had this habit of kind of when she got mad, she didn't care what she said in front of the kids. That is a ticket to therapy for those kids. Romance Town 100. But she's feeling intensely unappreciated. She's caring for two small children. She's in this house by herself, you know, there's no adults around. She doesn't like the family dynamic essentially.
Starting point is 00:26:47 So at one point she convinces or they go to, I shouldn't say she convinced them, they went to marriage encounter, which was this Catholic marriage retreat in the 70s or early 80s. Marriage encounter. My parents, not only did my parents go, no, my parents went and they had a sticker on the back of my dad's Volkswagen. Marriage encounter. As if like we're good, we're doing it with the Lord's help. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Yeah. Big time. So this sounds like a swinger's retreat for people who believe in UFOs. How dare you? Doesn't it? Marriage encounter. Like whenever, like you want to have an encounter with your fucking partner. You don't want to have like a, just be something like, for people who believe in UFOs.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Marriage encounter. Yeah. Swinging with aliens. That's right. That's marriage encounter. And encounter is just like the least romantic marriage word. Yeah. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:27:55 I'm going to change that name. Marriage passing experience. What they did at marriage encounter was you'd have to write your spouse a long letter talking about how you felt about the marriage. And when I was like, when I was like eight, I found my parents' letters. No, Karen, I love little Karen. She's such a bad girl. Little Karen, little Karen didn't, wasn't good with boundaries.
Starting point is 00:28:23 But little Karen didn't raise herself. Someone, no, I actually didn't read, I started to read them and it started with my moms. And it was like, dear Jim, you're this and you're that. And then I was like, ew, this is none of my business. Good for you. You are good with boundaries though. And I was like, here it is. I'm creeped out by love.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I mean, they were married for like 45 years. So marriage encounter works. Sign up today. Apparently. Yeah. My parents didn't go divorced quickly. So they're fast divorces. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Okay. In dance letter, he talks about how he knows he's a workaholic and he knows he's not being a good husband or good father, but he has these financial goals that he really wants to reach. And Betty's letter is all about being alone in the marriage. It must have been an okay experience for them because soon after they had their third child, a boy named Dan. So at this point, Betty has two preschoolers and an infant at home. And she started to feel like she's losing her identity.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Meanwhile, Dan is so successful in doing so well. He actually became slightly locally famous because he represented one of the families of the victims of Brent Spencer, the I don't like Monday school shooter. So he was, he became well, kind of well known. So by the fall of 1991, he's doing so well, he leaves his original law firm and opens his own. And he gets this big, these big fancy offices in a high rise and he asked Betty to redecorate the offices.
Starting point is 00:30:06 And she comes in and she kills it. It's gorgeous. Everyone is like amazed and it's all very high status and like 70s, I bet it's so 70s. Oh my God, the brass and the crown, the smoked glass. Can you see it? Ferns everywhere. Ferns. She's like, we'll have a fern garden over here, macrame everywhere and armpit hair over
Starting point is 00:30:28 here. Oh no, sorry. This is 81. Rainbows, neon rainbows and a nagle in the entryway. Okay. So Dan buys a two-seater Jaguar and Betty loses her fucking shit. Hell yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:30:46 It's his dream car, but she's like, you clearly have no interest in being part of this family. Although to be fair, back in the 80s, they were like throw them in the trunk or like put them on the front seat together. True. Don't worry, let's eat belts. Grab that roof. Yeah. Meanwhile, Betty drove a suburban and her personalized license plate read, load them
Starting point is 00:31:08 up. So she was like, yeah, she was doing that mother thing. My God, sexism exists or it did in the 80s, I don't know, doesn't anymore. But she was like, she was playing the part and they were super rich. Like she bought, they bought stuff, she had a spending problem they said and she bought shit all the time. The kids had everything they could possibly want. She bought designer clothes.
Starting point is 00:31:31 She was like super into the way she looked, but she was getting really neurotic because she was starting to gain weight and she was getting older and she was starting to gain weight and she felt like she was losing her looks. And so she was starting to get like compulsive kind of reaction. I'm not analyzing her, I don't know her, but she does sound a lot like when I read through the story, I was like, did she take diet pills because she acts a lot like me when I was on diet pills. It was like when you start yelling at somebody and then you just kind of can't stop yelling
Starting point is 00:32:04 or you're in your mind, you're like, I don't feel this way anymore and yet my mouth is still angry. I don't know what to do. It's a theory, it's not a fact. So okay, so the fights are beginning to escalate. So when Dan would come home late from work, she'd lock him out of the house, he'd have to throw rocks at the kids' windows so they could let him in. And then if they did that, Betty would yell at the kids.
Starting point is 00:32:28 That was the worst part. These kids were right in the middle of this awful marriage and they were, they got screamed at constantly by Betty, by Betty being angry at Dan, she would scream at them because they were the only ones there. She would scream about how awful he was and she started cursing and like getting really foul mouth, which I don't have a problem with, but it's not cool. I'm five-year-old, it works for me. Did Janet have a mouth on her?
Starting point is 00:32:54 Oh fuck yeah. And then she'd be like, do as I say, not as I do, don't curse, do as I say, not as I do, as we're fucking jam. For everything. Saying. As she took a big drag of a joint. So here's this fucked up thing, she would, when Dan wouldn't come home from work, she would sit the kids down and tell them they were getting divorced and then all the kids
Starting point is 00:33:18 would get super upset and then she'd go, now, since we're getting divorced, which parent do you want to live with? And they, it would be super upsetting and then they, it wasn't until Dan would come home from work that he would be like, no, we're not getting divorced. It's everyone, everything's fine. So it was that in, in this story, I always had that thing of like, you know, this story has been in, in kind of like, in society, in our minds, I guess, first, since the 80s, since it happened, because at first it was like the fucking crazy wife, you know, goes
Starting point is 00:33:52 crazy. And then there was the second wave of, or was she driven crazy? And there's lots of ways to take it. But when I hear stories like that, it's just like, whatever's happening, that is not fair. And that control yourself, figure out a way to control yourself because you are, that's abuse. You're abusing four children repeatedly. So and the, and the other problem was that when they would fight, he would just ignore
Starting point is 00:34:18 her, which as I was typing it, I was getting furious because it was like, like her, she already had an anger problem and he would just pretend like nothing was happening and like sit down and eat dinner. Dan, but he's Irish Catholic and that's how we do it. Shut it down inside. So then it, in the fall of 1983, he hires a woman named Linda Colquena to be his legal assistant. Linda, before that had been a Delta Airlines flight attendant had no legal training.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Bet she's hot. She was, she was a very homely girl with large glasses and large spanks. No, that's not true at all. In fact, Betty over her, Dan describing her Linda as being beautiful at a Christmas party and lost her fucking shit. Of course. Right. And immediately became convinced that the two of them were having an affair and she
Starting point is 00:35:13 would harangue Dan about it all the time and ask him about it. And he was like, you're crazy, you're crazy, you're crazy. Gas lamping her. Yes. Right. You know how it is in the gaslight district. He would take her to the gaslight district and gas lamp the fuck out of her. That November, she threw, they had their, both of their birthdays were in November.
Starting point is 00:35:42 So she threw a dinner party and through, had this big party made this huge gourmet meal. He didn't fucking show up for it. What a dick. And that night she, you know, attempted suicide, very, very light cuts on her wrists that when he came home, he bandaged them and put her to bed and took care of her. But she was clearly in a very, very bad place. So she started hinting around at Christmas time. She starts hinting around that she wants this emerald ring for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:36:13 And on Christmas day, when he hands her the velvet jewelry box and she opens it up, it isn't the one she wanted. It's smaller and less expensive. And she throws a fucking tantrum and like shuts Christmas down. So priorities. You know what I mean, like you fight for what you need emotionally. I mean, maybe it was ugly. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I mean, it's an emerald. What the fuck do you want? Yeah. What are you in fucking Wizard of Oz? What are you gonna, what are you gonna go to the emerald city and fucking get your hair curled like Dorothy? Who are we? Calm down.
Starting point is 00:36:50 So this whole time these fights are escalating, he actually moved out after that. He packed his bags after she ruined Christmas, moved out after two weeks. She was like, the children can't be, are inconsolable. And so he moved back. That's healthy for them. Yeah. It's healthy for all of them. So let's see.
Starting point is 00:37:17 This is a very odd point. The straw that broke the camel's back for Dan was during one of these horrible fights, Betty threw a bottle of gel at him. Like hair gel? Hair gel. Yeah. Was he really into his hair gel? I mean, it was 1985.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Everybody was really into hair gel. Okay. You didn't, it was actually a city mandate that you had to wear a shit ton of hair gel. Remember that like, what was it like Malibu or something, it looked like Jell-O when you just, yeah, in through your hair. Yeah. And it looks, thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I mean, that's one brand. It was what I was thinking up to be fair. That shit smelled like bad chemicals. Like paste and chemicals. Like chemicals, like they didn't even put anything, a flowery smell in it. They were like, what if we just kind of sent this like gasoline and then the kids can put it in their hair? That would be fun.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Everything was flammable back then. Why is my hair falling out again? Okay. So, look, listen, Dan moves out. It's February 1985. He buys a house, his own house. Betty becomes increasingly unhinged and she, one night Kim, the oldest daughter comes home. She's in high school and she and Betty get into a fight because she came home late.
Starting point is 00:38:38 She drives Kim over to Dan's house and leaves her on the front porch and drives away, doesn't check if Dan's home. He wasn't home. He was working late. And so by the time Dan did get home, it was like 11 o'clock at night and she's just sitting on the porch crying. So she starts living with Dan. Well then, a little while later, Kim and Dan are out having pizza for dinner one night
Starting point is 00:39:02 and when they come home, their younger brother, I think it was eight-year-old Dan, was sitting on the porch crying. She had left him on the porch and nobody was home and he was eight years old. So eventually, Dan got the custody of all four kids. She basically went and dropped all of them off and was like, this, you deal with it for a while, which, listen, for a woman that has raised four children entirely herself, you go, okay. Sure custody.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Not awful. Yeah. Sure custody. Reduce fucking something, Dan. Dan drives away and is, Jack, sorry, I can't hear you. Okay, basically, their divorce was so acrimonious and horrible, it became famous. They got divorced. It was finalized in 1989, one of the more famous divorce cases in the United States and part
Starting point is 00:39:59 of it was because part of one of the arguments was involving the fact that women who worked and put their husband through school, how that would affect the alimony and the outcome of the divorce rulings. They get it all. I mean, you'd like to think, wouldn't you? Betty starts leaving incredibly profane answering machine messages. I don't know if it starts, but I mean, she was trying to kind of contact him and make him understand how fucking vivid she was all the time and she couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:40:38 So they have hours and hours of her answering machine messages and it's fucking nuts. It's not good. They were restraining orders. She would break into that house and go through his shit and try to find stuff. Finally he admitted that he, in fact, all along had been having an affair with Linda since 1983. No one here shocked. I mean, yeah, not good.
Starting point is 00:41:06 One time she went into the house. The kids were there. So she would go to Dan's house. The kids, I think at that point both girls lived there and the boys would live there sometimes. She walked in and said, there's a pie on the counter and she said, oh, what's that? And one of the boys, the younger boys not thinking was like, oh, Linda made that for dad.
Starting point is 00:41:26 It's his favorite. And she picked up the pie and went upstairs and she went into the bedroom and just started scooping out the middle of the pie and throwing it on the walls, smearing it on the bed, smearing it on his clothes. I kind of love that. I mean, you can do it. You can do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Was she wrong? Does it? Ultimately, yes. It's better than guns, but it's not good. Okay, so they, on April 22, 1989, Dan and Linda get married. And I think, oh, sorry, Steven, shit, we've got several pictures that we need to show you. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So can you show an early picture because that's Linda and that's Dan. No photos of our butts, by the way. The first one was Betty and Dan at their wedding. Okay. This is Linda and Dan. Oh, she's pretty. He's 42 and she's 28. Linda looked basically like Betty looked when she was that age.
Starting point is 00:42:35 So her whole obsession was she'd basically just been replaced. She went in, she did all the work. She put him through two fucking schools. She had his kids. She raised his kids and then she got replaced. All right, so, oh, the day they got married, a family friend stayed with Betty to make sure that she didn't go and wreck their wedding. That's how extreme her behavior was.
Starting point is 00:42:58 So seven months after they were married, Betty Broderick drove to Dan's house at 1041 Cypress Avenue in the Marston Hills neighborhood of San Diego and using her daughter Lee's key to enter the house while the couple was asleep, she shot and killed them execution style. Both of them? Yes. Oh my, I think I remember this now. Yeah, right. You do because do you have her arrest photo, Steven?
Starting point is 00:43:24 Oh, that is one smug motherfucker right there. Was not bummed. There's Barry again. Oh my God, Barry. Harry's back. Barry is the zealig of San Diego. Oh my God. She is most certainly not bummed.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Wow, that's scary. That's so scary. I think my mom had that shirt. I swear to God. I think my mom had that haircut. Oh my God, that's so sad. She did that and then she basically called her daughters and told them that she did it and then turned herself into the police.
Starting point is 00:44:04 That is awful. Yeah, it's horrifying. And she did it two days before her 42nd birthday. Okay, so two bullets hit Linda in the head and chest, killing her instantly. One bullet hit Dan in the chest and it looked like he was reaching for the phone. She had taken the phone and answering machine out of the room previously when she'd broken into the house. So that came up later because it was entirely premeditated.
Starting point is 00:44:34 She said that she went over there. She didn't go over there to kill them. She just went over there to talk, I think, with the gun instead of her mouth. Gunshots. Yeah, you know. Meanwhile, she was getting $16,000 a month alimony. I know, right? She was living at the time $650,000 La Jolla Beachfront property.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Holy shit. She had two cars and she had a live in, or not live in, like a full-time boyfriend. Full-time boyfriend. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Oh, Karen's in love. That's how you do it? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Well, she doesn't want no-part-time lover. That's right. Call Megan Trainor. I've got a hit for her. But this is so fucked up. Sorry. Sorry. is the part where the stranger gets very upset, just so you know. He gets shot, he reaches
Starting point is 00:45:46 through the phone, there's no phone there. He doesn't die instantly. And in fact, he looked at Betty and said to her, okay, you shot me, I'm dead. Those were his last words. Pretty fucking dark. Okay. So basically, okay, no, I just skipped to the page. Insanity. Okay. So she pleads not guilty to two counts of murder. Do you know what that means? Well, her first trial, so the first trial starts in October 22nd of 1990. And it was of course all over the media. It was on broadcast live on local television, which I would have loved to watch that. Did you imagine like staying home from school? Just like nine years old. And I'm like, I feel sick. Here you hear you. Oh, shit. So at that, she testifies she didn't
Starting point is 00:46:53 intend to kill her husband. She said she went to their house planning to kill herself. That's what it was. She went there saying she was going to kill herself in front of them. And then when she went in, she has no memory of what happened after that. And she says that he harassed her during the bitter divorce, left her emotionally and financially ruined. You know financially ruined with your fucking thousands and thousands of dollars of alimony. Her first trial end in a deadlock jury. What? Yeah. Um, ten jurors, um, reach the verdict of murder to hold out for manslaughter. Guys, do they know what that means? Well, I think maybe some of them were like, Oh, I put my husband through college as well. And that
Starting point is 00:47:47 motherfucker lives in West Covina now with someone named Danielle. They call her Danny. It's not cool. Not cool. I think she roller skates for a living anyway. I'm really angry. Um, so when she's waiting her second trial, she's involved in a jailhouse scuffle with sheriff's deputies. They started it. Uh, they alleged that she, uh, injured three of them and smeared feces around her jail cell. So, I mean, I think she just kind of went full crazo like in jail. She was just like, I, I, you know what? I got to be me. I'm just going to do this thing later days. I don't have the carpool or do anything. What will I do with my time? Okay. So her second trial begins October 15th, 1991. The prosecution
Starting point is 00:48:47 argues for finding a first degree murder, uh, saying that she carried out a cold blooded execution. Um, and the defense again says it should be voluntary manslaughter because she was driven to the slaying by years of psychological abuse and intimidation. But under the cross examination, she just, oh, so she says that when she goes into the house on this trial that she walked in and went into an altered state of consciousness, um, and doesn't remember pulling the trigger. Um, so they play back those answering machine messages where she's fucking going crazy. Um, and at one point she actually talks about getting her son to go beat up her husband, his father. Um, in December 5th, 1991, Superior
Starting point is 00:49:33 Court Judge, uh, Thomas J. Whelan instructs the jury to consider options of involuntary manslaughter, voluntary manslaughter at second and first degree murders. The jurors deliberate and they come back to find Betty Broderick guilty of two counts of second degree murder plus two counts of using a firearm in the commission of a felony. Um, she just recently was up for a parole. No way. Uh-huh. And, um, it was the second, it's the second time she's been up for parole. And on that podcast that I mentioned, um, they play a tape of the four kids and two of them want her to stay in jail and two of them want her to get out. And it is, it ultimately, the whole thing is heartbreaking. There's kind of, it's bad.
Starting point is 00:50:18 There's nothing worse than that. But because these children, whatever was going on between those adults, these children had no control and nothing to do with it. And their lives got so fucked up because of it, obviously. I mean, they ended up doing fine, but the idea of that, that they're, they're still in the middle of this and they're still stuck in the middle of, of that horrible life. It's so shitty to end on a nice note. Um, I believe it was in 1992, they made, uh, uh, made for a TV movie that married at that Baxter Bernie start and, and was nominated for an Emmy. So let's focus on the positive. That was Brady Broderick, everybody. Wow. Sorry. No. My papers. So, okay. Uh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:51:16 So, okay. Um, this isn't a murder because I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want now. Uh, instead, I'm doing the cult I most likely would have joined Heaven's Gate. Yes. Yes. Yes. This is the exact same story of when Steven sent it to me. I was like, murdered girl, murdered girl, this girl got my, Heaven's Gate. And I was like, oh my God. Steven, I'm so angry at you that you didn't send me Heaven's Gate that we're going to have a long talk after this show, after this one and before the next one. He gave, he did me a solid. It's so good. I can't wait. Listen, wait, maybe I, maybe I won't yell at him because it's going to be fun to not have had to do the work. Listen, they had a lot of beliefs
Starting point is 00:52:02 and I had like six pages of their beliefs. Oh yeah. And I was like, crossing shit out. You know what I mean? It was like, all right. Any off hand that you can remember like, besides Nikes and Jell-O shots. Well, they did this thing where they, you know, did the, gave up all the Jell-O shots. Why don't I listen more? That was so funny. I want to join that cult. You're trying to do your thing. All right. I'll tell you all about it. You know what? Let me tell you about it. Okay. Actually, all right. Marshall Applewhite, he's the son of a Presbyterian minister. So already got it together. He begins his foray, copied and pasted that. You did it. In the early 70s, into biblical prophecy. He was fired from
Starting point is 00:52:52 the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas because of an alleged homosexual relationship with one of his students. That's wrong. Which part? All of it. Oh, you guys didn't know? What we're like? Okay. So he goes, at some point he goes into a psychiatric institution. Maybe it's after this. And in March 1972, and he meets Bonnie Nettles. She's a 44-year-old married nurse music teacher from Texas. She's super into theosophy. Theosophy. Yeah, we know theosophy. Did I copy and paste that wrong too? No, it's theology and philosophy mixed together. We know what it is. It's kind of like, where did my, okay. Don't laugh at me. It's fine. Biblical prophecy, all that shit. She's super into it. And they, so they
Starting point is 00:53:56 kind of become really close friends pretty immediately when he gets out of the hospital. They go on a six-hour long road trip across the United States. They start calling themselves bow and peep. Sorry. So like, inside this mental hospital, this nurse is going around like handing out little cups of pills, but she's like, I don't know. There's something about you. I just want to, I think we should be really good friends. The thing about you is that your face is always in a Bible and you're super into the possibility that extraterrestrials exist. Oh, almost a marriage encounter situation. Okay. I like it. I like it. It was on my mind. So he said he later recalled that he felt like he had known her for a long time and
Starting point is 00:54:42 that he thought they had met in a past life. And she told him that their meeting had been foretold by extraterrestrials and persuaded him that he had a divine assignment. She was the nurse at the mental hospital? That's what she said. She was behind the counter. Maybe she was lying. We don't know. Right. So by June of 1974, they study religious stuff. They're into religion, sci-fi, theology, and they conclude that they had been chosen to fill the biblical prophecies and they had been given higher level minds than other people. I want a relationship like that where you're like, you meet a person, you guys are sitting in Applebee's. I mean, we would be sitting in Applebee's and you're just like, this
Starting point is 00:55:27 isn't just normal chemistry. This is alien shit happening between us. Well, that's every fucking couple in the beginning. They're so annoying because we're meant to be and we're supposed to be like, this is fate. And it's like, you just met at a party. You like the other ones smell pheromones and you just don't understand it. She looks like your third grade teacher and he is taller than you. So it's all working out. That's love, baby. That's love. Or maybe you're aliens. Or maybe you're both Bible prophecy aliens. We don't know for sure. We should judge. Listen. They wrote a pamphlet that described
Starting point is 00:56:08 Jesus's reincarnation as a Texan. Sound familiar, Texas? That's where Marshall Applewhite was from. Maybe it's him. Or it could be a quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. Who knows? She got a team right. The Cowboys. I did. What was the other one? I think I called the Denver, the Denver rattlesnakes. They didn't like it. It's not a thing. They didn't like it when I called their team a rattlesnake. Oh, well, we know, we don't care. Okay. They said there were two witnesses described in the end period. I wrote and called themselves
Starting point is 00:56:54 the UFO two. Oh, my God. They have the worst fucking names for themselves. Get out of here, Bo and Peep. You already have a name. Already. I have a better one. The two F.O. Come on. The two F.O.s. How about the top of my head? No, she's good. But also how about this lifelong rule? Don't give yourself nicknames. It doesn't work that way. And if you're going to extra two restrials, like, come on. It's so easy. Get creative. Two live crew of aliens. I just want to be a part of it. That's good. That's good. So they thought they would be killed and then restored to life and transported on to a spaceship in an event called the demonstration. The
Starting point is 00:57:35 marriage demonstration. Aside from giving up their earthly possessions, which is like what every cult does, which would like, we know, they had an institute or district, no sex, no human-level relationship, no socializing rule without anyone outside of the cult. They didn't call themselves a cult, I bet. But I'm calling that. Sorry. So there's people in their cult now. And they also don't, they're not boyfriend and girlfriend. No. Because he was having on her full-time boyfriend. It's not like that with them. They don't really say, but he had the homosexual relationship. So I think maybe he was gay and then they were on his jam. Maybe not. But they don't talk about that. Okay. But I want to talk.
Starting point is 00:58:22 You know what? Let's make some shit up. How about, let's call him on the phone. Sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Don't be. Sorry. Wait, you know how this ends then. That's spoiler alert. It's not good. Okay. These kinds of decisions, it sounds like he wasn't like a dick cult leader. He was kind of like, you want to be here and I'm not like going to make you... He's a chill cult leader. He's like a cool, chill cult leader. It's about UFOs, which sounds fucking fun. And I can't promise I wouldn't have joined this cult just to see what they were like or maybe gone to a meeting. I mean, sounds pretty cool. You like to check stuff out. Yeah. If I believe in anything in this fucking life, it's aliens.
Starting point is 00:59:03 For real? Yeah. I hate aliens. I know. I don't think we've ever seen, you know what? I'm not going there. Okay. But a couple of other things I was like, yeah. Yeah. That's what I thought late at night when I can't sleep. No. Definitely. Like where did giraffes come from? They're aliens. It just happened a long time ago. No, it's just evolution. It happens. The small berries top of tall trees, you get a long neck. It's not aliens. Yeah, but they were... I totally agree. Now we're fighting about evolution. Well, I agree. I disagree. Anyways, okay. So these decisions like this were always left up to the members and eight of them, including Marshall, decided to voluntarily get castrated because they were like, no
Starting point is 00:59:54 sex. Seriously. It's quite a commitment. Tis. It's like a tattoo. You're going to have it forever. I'm going to ask a question and reveal a deep ignorance of mine. Okay. No, it's not getting your dick cut off. Okay. If I had been wrong, I would have sounded so disgusting. No, I've always... Every time I hear it, I just think someone gets kindled. It's a little... It's just a little... That's not it. It's a little snip. It's just a little snip of it. It's a vasectomy. Wait. No. It's the balls go, right? I think it's like a cat, right? When you like... Sir, you there. Do you know? Dick, it's balls. It's balls. It's balls, right? Thank you. Sorry. You are so cool about that. Sorry. Cool as a fucking cucumber,
Starting point is 01:00:55 this guy. Sorry to ring cucumbers in this conversation. He's like, I hate podcasts now. He's like my wife. I'm really worried about her. Castrated. I ended on castrated. Okay. Here's where I would have quit the cult. They were also really into the Master Cleanse, meaning they drank nothing, but we've all fucking done it. I'm going to do the Master Cleanse, lemonade, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup, and we're all like, I'm drinking it. I did it for one day, not even. I did it from morning until my friend was like, hey, do you want to go to happy hour? I was like, yes. Literally ate cheeseburgers and beer that night. I was like, I'll do this again the other day. How'd that work out the next day? I mean, my body
Starting point is 01:01:42 at that point was a mess. So, like, thank you. Because that thing is, I think I did it the whole thing. I love a good starve. I'm a starver binger. That's my jam. I just want to keep on losing and gaining the same 40 pounds for the rest of my life. I'm good at it. I think I have all the sizes of clothes. I'm comfortable in every fucking pair of pants I have. Lots. I just, how do you do full time Master Cleanse? That's like, so they just always had diarrhea. I think broth. The answer is always broth. Listen, call them. Throughout the late 70s and 80s, membership grew. They are described, the people who joined it were, quote, longtime truth seekers or spiritual hippies who had long since believed in attempting to, quote,
Starting point is 01:02:41 find themselves through spiritual means, combing faiths in a sort of cultural milieu. That's how you say it. Well into the mid 80s. So essentially they were people who should, like now would have just gone to Burning Man. Back then they had nothing. You know what I mean? Do you know how many castrations Burning Man is making sure don't happen every year? It's magical. Thank God. Okay. So then, and this is just like a little aside in the story, but I want more info, fucking Bonnie Nettles then dies and I had, she dies in 1985 and I had to like find three different articles to find out how she died, try to cancer. Like don't fucking mention it again. It's crazy. Or even how he felt about it. Secondary death. Like
Starting point is 01:03:24 ooh, is this suspicious? No, it's not. I just like want more information about her. You know what I mean? Sure. I just think she's a bigger part of this. Okay. She established this God damn cult. I mean, she told him he was an alien or whatever. Beep. Bo and beep. Beep, beep, beep. By the mid 90s at this point they become super reclusive. They start calling themselves the higher source and begin recruiting via uploaded internet content. So the fucking internet starts and you know it's one of those like fucking Geo cities. Yeah. Pages. Do we have that Steven? Yeah. Oh no. Yeah. Who designed that? Fucking they did. Heaven's gate did. Someone that looks like a bad Super Bowl trophy, doesn't it? Kind of. Oh good. Black
Starting point is 01:04:21 background with green writing. And there's the space theme again. They're sharing that over into the website. Yeah. So okay. I'll read that later. So uploaded internet. Then they begin to talk about the upcoming. So this is when the hailbop comment was going to come down. If you guys are our age you'll know it was a big fucking crazy exciting deal. Sure. Right? Yeah. Some people thought the world was going to end. Oh for sure. They thought it housed the secret to the ultimate salvation and descendants into the kingdom of heaven aka the closure of Heaven's gate. So. Oh. They. Sorry. Don't fucking leave my. Can we show the closure of Heaven's gate? Show me closure of Heaven's gate. Ding. Okay. So they upload videos onto the
Starting point is 01:05:13 web page, the beautiful web page, and it gained a mass following through the internet. And then 96 they move into a large home they called the monastery. It was a 9,000 square foot residence in a gated community of upscale homes in Rancho San Diego. I thought they changed the name because they were like they didn't they knock the fucking house down later. But let me tell you why first. That's for the best. Right. Okay. I like that everybody in the balcony is from the Rancho San Diego. I also like that the front row of the first line was super helpful and awesome. Yeah. No, they're good people. Not just screaming. Don't fucking don't overdo it. Yeah. Don't ruin it. Okay. Okay. You're ruining it. Okay. At this point in Heaven's gate they believed Earth was
Starting point is 01:06:02 about to be recycled. Their only chance to survive was to leave it immediately. And they were against suicide. But they defined suicide in their own content to mean to turn against the next level when it's offered. And they thought human bodies were only vessels. Which I mean are they wrong? And so in 96 they purchased alien abduction insurance which is a fucking thing. Who started that company? I don't know but he's a genius. She's a genius. That's Geico right there. It's now Geico. Yep. They changed their name to Geico. It would cover up to 50 members and would pay out one million per person. It covered abduction, impregnation, or death by aliens. Oh. Prove it. That's all I want to say. Prove I'm not impregnated by an alien. You don't
Starting point is 01:06:52 know? You can't tell. You can't tell. Okay. So on March 19th and 20th in 97 Marshall Applewhite taped himself speaking of mass suicide and asserted it was the only way to evacuate this Earth. Do you remember the video? Oh yeah. I think we have a photo of him in the video. The eyes. The eyes. The eyes. The eyes. What's wrong? What's wrong guys? It's chill. It's not. If you're in Starbucks and that guy's behind you, like, or taking your order, if anyone's eyes, if their lids go out past the iris so they're showing white on top, get the fuck out of there. Danger. As someone who has worked at both a health food grocery store and Starbucks, these dudes A, pay in dirty change. And they also, when I worked at the health food store, they wouldn't let
Starting point is 01:07:46 you scan their groceries because they thought they were going to get poisoned by the government. So you had to bleep, bleep, bleep every fucking number in the barcode in. If you put it near the scanner, they'd freak the fuck out. It was real fun. They're the only ones whose brains haven't been taken over by the government. They're the only normal ones because they're not. Okay. Good bless them. Please keep my bristle sprouts away from that right light. Ma'am. They're not nice is the thing. I don't care. Do whatever you want. But be nice. There were dicks about it. That's the thing about hippies is there's a lot of bad press about them like, oh, they're so peas in love. Hippies are fucking rude. They're rude. They're selfish. Take that to
Starting point is 01:08:34 the bank. Okay. All right. Okay. Taped himself. And then he persuaded 38 of his cult followers to commit suicide so that their souls could board the craft. So he believed that after their deaths, an unidentified flying object, UFO, would take their souls to another level of existence above human, which he describes as being both physical and spiritual. Their final meal together, here's one thing I just couldn't cut out because it was so good. Where did you go earlier in your story on Applebee's? It's not Applebee's, but it's close. Okay. Their final meal, right before they did this, they were excited about it and the waitress or the waiter was like, no, they all seemed like really good spirits. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:09:25 They all ate the same thing. They all shaved the same way. They all did these things together, like a cult. Yeah. And so they all ordered the same thing. They went to Marie Calendars. Nice. Yes. Loving it. Salad bar. Sometimes live piano, good corn. Here we go. Yeah. Well, I'll tell you what they ate. Okay. They went to Marie Calendars and Carlsbad after party. I'll see you guys there. Yes. That Marie, I'm sorry, but that Marie Calendars and Carlsbad is fucking nuts. It's the best one. You go there. You drink white wine. Like you have six white wines. Chablis. And then you just eat pie. It's amazing. Well, no, they ate iced tea, yawn, have a glass of wine. Dinner salads with tomato vinegar dressing.
Starting point is 01:10:09 That sounds kind of nice. It is nice. And my favorite food, turkey pot pie. I like chicken, but I love pot pie, so I was pretty stoked on that. That was their final meal, was turkey pot pie? Yeah. Marie Calendars in Carlsbad, California. No, no, no. This pot pie is crispy on the top. And crispy everywhere. See, that's why I got fired. No, I didn't quit. And they also had cheesecake with blueberries on top for dessert. Nice. They had dessert. They're like, let's go kill ourselves now. It's so crazy. The waiter said no one seemed depressed at all or anything like that. Except for the one guy who was like, I want a liquor's pie. We all have to do the same thing. Every time. So the adherents between
Starting point is 01:10:58 the ages of 26 and 72, they died in 72. It might have been him. That was 72. They included him. I can't tell how old he was from that picture, but not young. So here's what they did. They had three groups and so each group would die on a different day and the other ones would take care of them and clean them up and stuff. So I know it's fucked up. So March 21st, 24th, 38 Heaven's Gate members took phenobarbital mixed with apple sauce and washed it down with vodka and then they put plastic bags around their heads after ingesting the mixture to induce asphyxiation. So they were in that fucking around. Right as you're pulling that bag on your head, you're like, I don't know. Maybe. I know. It's ‑‑ I
Starting point is 01:11:57 remember seeing this on the news when it happened. And those ‑‑ sorry. Let me get to that. I actually cut that part in. You cut it in? I cut it in. Okay. So they were found dead in their home in March 26, 1997, lying neatly in their ‑‑ each in their own bunk beds. And like imagine seeing this when you're a fucking teenager on the news. It was so insane. It's just ‑‑ everyone's perfect. They're in these perfect bunk beds. They all have ‑‑ their faces and torsos are covered by these perfect square purple cloths, which the people who are still living put over them. And they were all dressed in identical black shirts, black sweatpants and brand new black and white Nike decade athlete
Starting point is 01:12:40 shoes. So that was like the great ‑‑ like this fucking ‑‑ they didn't have them then, but this meme of fucking back then. Yeah. Before memes weren't a thing. Yes. The original. And Nike was like, ugh, they discontinued the shoes. Yes, they did. And they actually you can sell them for a lot. You can buy them for a shit. They sold ‑‑ like someone bought them for like a million dollars on eBay. Fuck. Yeah. Murderina. Yeah. Good call. I remember the thing that upset me with that video, because it's such a walk‑through, it's creepy video. It's totally early Blair Witch. But to see adults in bunk beds is not cool at all. Yeah. That alone. Something's wrong. If they were just asleep and the police
Starting point is 01:13:25 were like a bunch of adults slept in bunk beds, they'd be like, oh, God, get me out of here. But then they took it a step further. They did. They each had a $5 bill and a roll of quarters in their pockets, which was actually what they ‑‑ when they would leave the house, they wouldn't ‑‑ they didn't have earthly possessions, but just in case they needed to use a bus or make a phone call, they would always bring a $5 bill and a roll of quarters. And someone was like, they did it as kind of a joke just to like have people find it. It's almost like they had a sense of humor about it because they didn't think they were killing themselves. They thought they were, you know, heading off to space.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Going to the ‑‑ God, that's awful. Speared in the sky and all that. And they also were super into Star Trek and ‑‑ Just like you are. Just like me, who almost said Star Wars just now. Trek? I did like ‑‑ listen. The next generation was my jam when I was a kid. It's good. It's so good. It's also very ‑‑ it's all like pastels. It was very aesthetically pleasing to watch. And that Will Wheaton, I sure had a crush on him. Sure. He was wearing a bodysuit. How could you deny him? Okay. And so they were ‑‑ they all had patches that said Heaven's Gate, away team, which was a Star Trek fictional universe. God, these people were funny. They were kind
Starting point is 01:14:44 of clever and cool. So odd. So they had the distinction of being the first well‑known cult and the Internet era. And they ‑‑ actually, they made money designing websites for people. And that web fucking site is still up and running today by two people who are like cult members who didn't kill themselves. Like they're the remaining two? Yeah. Well, there's really more than that. Wow. But yes. And ‑‑ I just remember saying ‑‑ didn't they all have shaved heads? Or am I combining that with some other cult? I don't know. They were real low‑key. Like everything was very ‑‑ they all wore the same color outfits. They were all, you know, chill. Yeah. So that's your cult Heaven's Gate, San Diego.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Thank you, guys. Wow. So good. So we have time, Vince. Vince is ‑‑ Vince is saying wrap it up. Is it a wrap‑up time? No. He's making insane hand gestures that I totally don't ‑‑ I think it's a yes. Yes. He's going like this. When I don't know what that means. We're going to have to work out hand gestures that we memorize and learn. I should know what my husband's like wild and sane gestures mean, but I don't yet and I feel like ‑‑ You don't. There's something wrong with our ‑‑ we need to go to marriage. Encounter. Encounter. And learn each other's shit. Do I pick or do you pick? Oh, I don't know. Like, can we get the house play tough and we're going to get a hometown? I think we're going
Starting point is 01:16:15 to do a hometown murder. We choose. It doesn't matter what you do. It's our choice. You can do whatever you want. Ultimately, we choose. Hold on. Let's see ‑‑ hold on. Okay. I love when a girl is pointing at her friend. Yeah, that's always good. That girl right there, Blondie. Uh‑oh. She's drunk or terrified. Oh, no. Are you mad that your friend pointed at you? Okay. You had your hand in the air. Hi. What's your name? Come here. You have to tell us your name. Lori. Hi, Lori. Say hi. Say hi to Lori, everybody. Do you want to face that way? Okay. We can do it this way. Yeah, do it this way. You can't read your notes. Can't read it. No. Or you're just texting. Do that later. You have to earn the photo by
Starting point is 01:17:07 telling the story. Where are you from? San Diego. Oh, hell yeah. Local girl. I just want you guys to know she has sparkles on her teeth. Sparkly and twinkly. Okay. So tell us your hometown. Take a deep breath. I know. You're great. And then go ahead and use that mic. Yeah. You can get shit wrong. Okay. No, I will get shit wrong. Okay, good. We do too. Yeah. My heart is beating. Cleo Fitzprince Jr., the Claremont killer. Oh, yes. Yes. Do you know that? No, tell me. You seem fine. I can tell. You're good. You seem totally normal. Pretend. You got to pretend. Well, just tell us how you're, how do you know this story? Seriously, right up here with these, with these motherfuckers? These motherfuckers. Okay, so 1990, my best
Starting point is 01:17:59 friend was murdered by a serial killer. Okay. Well, that's probably why you were having a hard time talking about it. Yeah, a little more so. Like there's so many things going through my mind. Oh honey. It's okay. Sweet baby. Don't comfort her. It's your story. No, I know. I know. I know. Okay. So, oh, I want to get it right. January 1990, Tiffany Schultz murdered in a Claremont apartment found by her boyfriend, I believe. January then February, Jeanine Winehold is her name, was murdered. Same apartment buildings. She's about 20 years old. We found out, we hear it, we hear it more like, oh my God, there's a fucking serial killer in our, in San Diego. My best friend at the time was like, oh my
Starting point is 01:18:45 God, I'm going to get killed by this guy. And I'm like, you're not going to get killed. What are you talking about? And she always had a thing where she was afraid that her and her mom were going to get killed. Okay. So, yeah, it was weird. March goes by, we're like, yeah. April, a girl named Holly Tarr who was visiting her brother, same Claremont apartment complex, murdered, stabbed to death by, so then at that point they figured it was somebody that was, they knew. And then May, East San Diego, a woman named Elisa Keller who was 38 years old. So these three girls were like in their 20s. Elisa Keller, 38 years old, was murdered. They didn't figure out it was the same person because East San Diego,
Starting point is 01:19:33 like whatever. She was murdered. She lived in the apartment with her daughter. They didn't figure it out, blah, blah, blah. Okay. Fast forward. So that's four people, right? Fast forward to September. So in the meantime, he was burglarizing people and stalking people but not doing anything, whatever. So September 13th, Thursday, I get a fucking phone call from my other best friend's mom that says, you need to sit down. Amber was killed. I'm like, what? What are you talking about? So Amber and I had been friends for a long time and we had this like standing date that we would talk Mondays and Thursdays. It was kind of stupid, whatever we were young. And I had been calling her all day because I had that
Starting point is 01:20:27 kind of weird feeling. But anyway, so I was told she was killed and they obviously knew that it was the same because of whatever. So is this making sense? Yeah, yeah. Is it? Totally. I'm just like, I'm sorry. Just to let you know, just to let you know, as a live performer of almost 20 years, I've never heard an audience this quiet in my life. Like, this is, they just want you to, they want, they want you to share what you have to say and they trust you and they love you. Yeah, you're good. Yeah. Now we're in a million years. I know. You're doing great. Okay. So I get the phone call and it was, it was actually, actually interesting. Sorry. Murr, huh? Hi. Because at the time
Starting point is 01:21:16 it was a police investigation. They weren't releasing any names. And at the time, the, my friend stepped out, stepped out, said, no, you can't, we have to tell these people, these girls, me and some two other people that, you know, we can't find out from the news. Yeah. So we were told, blah, blah, blah. My best friend, Amber and her mom, Pamela Clark, she was 18 and Pam was 42, killed in their home by him. Oh my God. Six people, San Diego. So then fast forward, we didn't know what the fuck was going on, who it was. We knew that they, that he stalked his victims. February 1991, he was arrested in San Diego, then let go and then he went back to where he was from. He was originally from Alabama. Sorry. Why
Starting point is 01:22:05 was he let go? Probably bail. I'm not really sure what happened. I don't know. I don't know. But he was arrested and then let go and then he was able to go back to Alabama. So they probably couldn't hold him on anything like they didn't have evidence. Exactly. They didn't really know. So he went home. Exactly. So then they figured out from DNA at that point that he was like the guy. You know what I mean? And then. Did they go and get him? They extradited him back. Yeah. They had the whole trial and then he was convicted on all six plus rape because he raped one of the girls. Yeah. And plus like a shit ton of burglaries and all this little fucking shit that he did. So he's gone for good. He's in San Quentin.
Starting point is 01:22:46 They always sent him to San Quentin. Yeah. So he's there still breathing air that belongs to all those women that he killed. So thank you for telling us. No thank you. That was so amazing. And hard. It's one thing to tell a hometown story about a murder because it happened in your town. It's a totally different thing to tell something that happened in your heart. That's fucking very difficult. You did a great job. Thank you for sharing that. And it means a lot to us to know that somebody who is so close to the grief and pain of a victim would listen to our podcast because that means we only want to do right. We know that comedy can be very irreverent and inappropriate. Sometimes we're talking about victims but
Starting point is 01:23:35 we never want anyone to feel like that's what we're laughing at. We're just laughing about talking to each other. So it means a lot to us that you listen to our podcast. Thank you so much. Thank you. Beautiful. She just goes beautiful. That sounded sarcastic when you said it but I meant it. No it seemed like you meant it. Were you being sarcastic? Yes. You guys, this has been a fucking incredible show. Thank you guys so much for being here. You're such a huge crowd and you've been so awesome and then also so incredibly respectful and polite. That was really beautiful and a really cool thing to see and feel. And you know what, stay sexy. Bye you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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