My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark - 107 - Live from the Revolving Stage at the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix

Episode Date: February 8, 2018

Karen and Georgia cover killers Winnie Ruth Judd and Jodi Arias.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is exactly right. We at Wondery live, breathe, and downright obsess over true crime. And now we're launching the ultimate true crime fan experience, Exhibit C. Join now by following Wondery, Exhibit C, on Facebook and listen to true crime on Wondery and Amazon Music. Exhibit C, it's truly criminal. What's up, Phoenix? Oh, this is so confusing.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I don't know what to do. Where do we go? Where's the front of the stage? What? You talk to them and I'll talk to you later. Okay, great. This is my side. Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Now, this is my side. Oh, we can share. We can share. This is, I think by the end of the night, I'm going to pass out. This is too much. Also, I do not like, there's like full but side at certain times. There's just nothing you can do. I have been laying on the couch for two years.
Starting point is 00:02:07 How does it look? How about this? Let's just talk to each other. This is like some terrible, like political special on Comedy Central. It looks really like our opinions matter the most. This is the first. Hi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Yeah. I can tell my guilt's just kicking in because I just feel really bad for everyone immediately behind me. That's right. Every time I move. I think that's how it's supposed to work. Oh, and now. Constant.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Oh, are you mad? Okay, and then are you mad? It's like Thanksgiving. Have you noticed, Karen, we've already started to turn. Oh, yeah. I thought my pill was kicking in, but it turns out. Let's do this. Let's have a moment of silence for one whole rotation.
Starting point is 00:03:06 And then. Can everybody be quiet, please? Yeah. This is Caesar inducing. The first thing that needs to happen is I have to apologize for my hair for the second night in a row. My hair has gone insane. I can't control it.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I didn't bring the proper instruments to get into it and train it. I'm using a very small straightener as a curling iron, which a lot of you know is a huge mistake. You, sir, you know what that's like. It looks good back here. Yeah. Well, that's part I was worried about. Also front. Oh, you just can't win in show business.
Starting point is 00:03:49 So I did have to, uh, for a live show first, have to roll my back. Oh, shit. I didn't even check mine. No, you're good. You're good. I do the thing where I do eyeshadow for like two hours straight and then they're like, it's time to go. And I'm like, but oh, there's so much more than eyeshadow to be taken care of on this thing.
Starting point is 00:04:11 How's it? Okay. We're still. Yeah. I don't know. I'm not sure. Do we do this? Where did we come in?
Starting point is 00:04:19 But we're going to be, but you're going to get mad in a minute. We can't, we can't be attached to their emotions. Okay. We can't. We can't. We just have to come here and do our thing. Okay. I kind of love this.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I feel like we are only going to have what is this called in the round? Uh, I feel like we might need to be doing some Sondheim numbers. That's what I would like to be doing. Isn't that what usually goes on in here? There's a lot of this kind of type of shit. You kind of can't not want to do a run around high fivey thing. You can. I have a sprained ankle, but you take it.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Take a laugh. It'll be fun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm tired. I'm already tired. Don't stop. What am I doing this? I think I did you guys already.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Keep going. You didn't get them. You didn't get them. I got them. Oh, I forgot. I also have a bad back. See how many rounds I can make you do. No, they're mad.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Oh, no. Oh, God. This reminds me of last night. We were texting each other in the hotel room, which we'll get to after the show, both watching the Stone Cold Steve Austin. That's what that felt like. Yep. That felt like.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Broken Skull Camp or whatever. Yeah. Have you guys seen this? It's on CMT. It's Stone Cold Steve Austin's. Like American Ninja Warrior style. Yeah. But just with like the hottest men you've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And they're like Stone Cold Steve Austin was like, buddy, are you ready? They're like, yes sir. And then they throw a fucking huge log on their shoulder and run straight up a hill. And you're just like, yes. And Stone Cold Steve Austin is so sweet. He's not like everyone else. He's like, who was? He's like, you got this kiddo.
Starting point is 00:06:12 You can do this. There he goes. Wow. It's like so sweet. We were in, of course, separate rooms last night. It would be cute if we were in the same room, but we're adults. But we do these shows and then we go, we immediately go back to our hotel and like lay in bed with our eyes open like, oh, there's so much adrenaline.
Starting point is 00:06:33 What just happened? And then we watch terrible TV. So I texted her and I was like, please tell me you're watching Steve Austin's Broken Skull Camp or whatever the fucking name of the show is. And then they turned it on and I got so into it. My favorite contestant, his name was Mack. He ended up winning. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And spoiler alert. He was clearly, I think in the military, very used to being yelled at by a stone cold Steve Austin style voiced man. And every, he would be in the middle. And I mean, these, these, the thing, the challenges they'd have to do is like basically scale the face of a building with no help. Like insane thing. With their shirt off.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Yeah. Yeah. But this guy would be in the middle of doing this thing, like climb a wall of tires or whatever. And stone cold Steve Austin. We stayed on the side going, you got this buddy. You got this Mac. And then the guy as he's climbing is like, thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:32 He said, thank you. Every time Steve Austin encouraged him. He definitely had like a, when they were like, Mac, you ready? And he was just like, dude, dude, dude. Oh my God. Someone raised you well. Nice. For once.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Not him, but you know, people, he's just so positive about obstacle courses. It was just, I don't know. It's inspiring. And we had loved you guys to watch it. So we have the stone cold Steve Austin ranch here for Karen to try. I was, we were talking about how long we would have lasted based on my lap around here. I'm winded. That's stage one on broken skull camp.
Starting point is 00:08:10 You have to do a circle high five. And you said three days later, we would just be sitting there. You'd be smoking cigarettes on one of the obstacle courses. Yeah, 100%. I would have gone there early and hidden them around the obstacle course. Why are we talking about a different TV show? We don't have a TV show. Anyhow, this is, it is, there's a little bit of like a look at us.
Starting point is 00:08:43 We're at the disco feel in a way that I've never participated in. And it's very foreign to me. Yeah. Like, Hey, I feel like we're supposed to be doing like a, a silent play, like a one on one where we have this like, you know, you're, it's like a, so tell me about the night of the night. Like you're questioning me. Yeah, yeah. Walking around the room. And then I'd also walk around the room being questioned.
Starting point is 00:09:13 That'd be fun. Usually the person being questioned sits. Yes. I'd fucking get up and walk too. Let's see. Let me answer your question, detective. Huh. Oh, I insulted our cab driver today.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Really bad. Yeah. Well, he started it though. He started it. He fully started it himself. Listen. Look. He.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Right. That's the first one. 10 more and you win $10. He was really sweet though, but he, he fucking started it. He goes, we were, he was like, what are you guys doing in town? And our answer, it's really easy. It's easier than explaining this fucking thing. You just go, Oh, we're doing a comedy show.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Yeah. Cause then you don't have to get it. Explaining to old people, podcasts are no offense and young people. A lot of people have no idea what that little purple button on their phone is for. Just don't, they never looked at it. That are explaining how you love murder, but you don't love murder. Right. So you just, we're doing a comedy show and he was like, Oh great.
Starting point is 00:10:16 No cab ride is long enough for that explanation. Just like, can you go around the block again? I just want to talk to you about when I was little and I saw this book. And he goes, Oh, which one of you ladies are funnier? What? Yeah. See. I see silence in the cab.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I mean dead fucking silent. Absence of sound in the cab. Like our therapist should have hologrammed up. They're like, there's no good answer for this. This was actually a real issue that you brought up psychic asshole cab driver. Good job. But it's not like clearly we don't give a shit, but it's like, how the fuck do you answer that?
Starting point is 00:10:56 You either sound like you're like, I'll let Karen be the funnier one. And I'll say Karen. It's definitely her. We're just both being phony phony. We would both have gone, it's me. But that's simple life. Right? Oh, of ourselves?
Starting point is 00:11:07 It's me. Oh, it's a joke. Yeah. It's me. It's me. But instead, George has solved this problem. He goes, which of you two ladies or ladies are funnier? And I, when there's dead silence and I go, what did I say?
Starting point is 00:11:19 I think it's you, sir. Yeah. And I fucking slammed the cab driver into the ground. Emotionally, practically chipped his fucking tooth. He was like, whoa, sorry, sorry, everybody. Me too. He really sounded, I'm not a lady. Like he really sounded bummed.
Starting point is 00:11:39 He was bummed out. And then, but I said, well, because he, of course, when you say you're here to do a comedy show, he made a joke about, oh, I'll pull over. You guys can get out and do a comedy show for me. And we're like, I keep fucking driving. And so then after George just said that, and of course she and I start fucking cackling like assholes. And then I go, see, there's your comedy show for you right there.
Starting point is 00:12:04 He was like, your hotel's right here. Yeah. He got us. He did not help us with our bags. No, that's right. He didn't. No. And he told me I'm disinvited to Christmas this year.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Damn it. The room is spinning. The room is spinning and. I mean, okay. Thanks. No. We're so excited to be here with you guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Thank you for waiting for so long. Yeah. This is the first. What? What? Just tell me. Well, I sprained my ankle. Do you want to tell that story?
Starting point is 00:12:48 Please tell everyone why you couldn't. This is the saddest thing in the world because we're now, so when we're on tour, we just have to, we're just constantly walking places, dragging suitcases with us. That's just all we do. Then we do shows and then we go drag suitcases some more. And I am putting such a cramp in our airport speed style because I'm like, and I'm trying to be kind of chill about it. It's not like, I sprained it last Sunday, so it's definitely getting better, but it,
Starting point is 00:13:21 every once in a while, it just hurts like fuck. So then you don't want to get into the realm where it might, you might go that direction. So I just am a little bit like a little faster than you really. It looks like I'm trying to just constantly say, excuse me, but I'm not. I would have the highest of stilettos on right now if it weren't, you know me and how much I love my, or whatever. That's kind of her thing. Jenny.
Starting point is 00:13:53 We were, I can't remember what show we were working on, but I said, we, it was some shitty show, like it was a pilot for E. And of course you've all seen E for at least seven minutes. You know what they're doing over there. And so they kept bouncing back all our ideas. They were just like, that's too weird. We don't understand it. It was just comedy or whatever. And finally I typed up a whole idea that was called shoes, shoes, shoes, shoes.
Starting point is 00:14:20 They didn't like it. I thought you were going to say, and they gave me a million dollars to make it. I'm Kim Kardashian, everybody. I didn't, I know so little. I don't know if I told you this. These are like fucking target shoes. Yeah. Oh, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Let me do the whole outfit and let's see the specialty item on that dress. Oh fuck. Yeah. Did I throw those? You threw the mic. Oh. There's a sound guy that's fucking livid right now. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Beyond livid. He brought these from home. Also, watching a person run in a circle with their hands in their pockets is insanity. I don't think I've ever seen that in my life. It was really fun. It was good again, you know. Well, we have three more running in circles for the show. Oh, okay, great.
Starting point is 00:15:19 So we're going to save them. Yeah, save them for the middle and then second half. Right, right, right. Great. What about you? Do you want to talk about your outfit? Oh, Target 29.99. I can't be bothered.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Unzips to the belly button. Unzips to where I want it to go. Right. Yeah. Oh, wait. This is my favorite murder the podcast. Where? Right.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Right. That's Karen Kilgarov. That's Georgia Hardstar. Thank you. Oh. It's just, in moments like that, there's a lot of fun. I just love to picture the people who work here who are like, what the fuck is going on? What is wrong with these?
Starting point is 00:16:09 Who and why? Where is her? I mean, the cab drivers all the time. Who cares about your cab ride and your shoes? Steven's not here, though. Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. Steven's under the stage cranking it around.
Starting point is 00:16:26 He's carrying it in a circle. They said, no, no, no. We have a whole machine for that. And we're like, take it out. And Steven's going to do it. He's going to push it. He's got three cats behind him whipping him. Sweat dripping off his mustache.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Just he can barely record. His headphones are so cumbersome, but we are like, leave them on. We passed a booth at the airport today, and it had all these headphones, and one of them were headphones that had cat ears on top of the headphones. It was at your events that were like, we should get those for Steven and force him to wear them while we report. Just like, well, sorry. Part of your job is now you have to dress like a cat around us.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Sorry. It's only when my cats will like you. It's my new thing. If you don't like it, talk to HR. That's us. There is no HR. Should we? No, I wasn't going to say sit down.
Starting point is 00:17:33 You weren't? Do you want me to? I don't know what I want anymore. I don't want to make you guys hate us, but these hotel rooms last night that we stayed in. Oh, shit. We're going to keep talking about them. For the rest of the show.
Starting point is 00:17:47 We stayed at a casino, and for some reason they didn't, must not have known who we were, and that what we'll accept is very low, because they put us. They thought we were two Celine Dion's, because they put us in these suites. Karen goes, we're all walking down the hallway together, and Vince and I, like, Karen goes in, and Vince and I keep walking, and we hear her go, holy shit. And they're like echoed, and we're like, what's going on? It was like, there was so much marble in one room. I was like, is this the Taj Mahal because, oh my God, four TVs.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Four bathrooms. Two bedrooms. Heated seats. On the toilets. Toilet seats is what I meant. Where else do you sit in your house? Am I wrong? I actually, I'll admit, I just would go in and sit on that toilet.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Heated seats and bidet that you could just adjust as you were sitting there. Where I was like, in countries where bidets are normal, how do people ever get off these fucking things? I'm sorry. They're great. I mean, they're so great. They're great. And they had, okay, this isn't appropriate. They had also a front bidet.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Yeah. The text to do was a pussy bidet. That's right. You're allowed to say it. 18. Then I got stuck. Right? Put on your little hat and sit on the bidet.
Starting point is 00:19:17 All last night I was singing, she wore a pussy bidet in my head. I was like, Georgia, what is wrong with you? And now I'm singing it on a circular stage. Yeah. To paying customers. I heard there's not an old couple here who has like season tickets to this theater. I'm so scared. If that's true, this is a true crime crime.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Uh-oh. This is a true crime comedy podcast. How does that work, Karen? Oh, thanks. Yeah. You don't get to pick one of those things. They've come together. That's right.
Starting point is 00:19:59 It's not your choice. We can't help it. And if you don't like it, get the fuck out. That's usually what we say. That's, it's rude. It's rude, but it's what we usually say to everybody. As a, you know, as a warm-up pillow. You know, to get the crowd on our side.
Starting point is 00:20:19 We ask people to leave. And then we cackle into the microphone. Okay. Oh, that's not, uh-oh. Oh, no. Are you kidding me? No, I saw it. I know what you do.
Starting point is 00:20:32 This is Mayhem. This is Mayhem. And whose water is whose? I think this is mine. I've only taken a sip of mine. I keep drinking your drinks. This is by mine. I think-
Starting point is 00:20:44 No, this is near my paper. You're right. Okay. Shit, we should have rehearsed this. I'm so sorry, you guys. I'm so sorry. We both missed rehearsal. This is the dress rehearsal, right?
Starting point is 00:20:54 This is dress. This is tech dress. And then tomorrow night is the full show. All right. When I do my hair with an actual curling iron. Let's sit down. Okay. It's sit-down time.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Partly. Oh, I guess that makes sense. If we face you. Well, face in. I'm getting a little nauseous, seasick. So this is perfect time to sit down. Um, I love this rug. I've got to say.
Starting point is 00:21:19 This what? Normally we have- Oh. Normally we have kind of like a rug- A beige rug. A beige rug or a oriental rug that looks like someone spent their last 40 dollars. A pure one. But this, do you have pure one here?
Starting point is 00:21:37 It's a wonderful store if you don't. Wonderful old European shipped in cookies that are from like seven years ago. They're on sale. Delicious. Anyway, I love a pop of color in the middle of a rotating stage. I do love it. So everyone knows where to focus their eyeballs. That's right.
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Starting point is 00:24:52 So that, that your, your, is your friend Winnie Ruth McKinnell, where she goes by Ruth. I'm sorry. I don't know. A lot of nicknames. Nicknames on this one. I got to take a look at Winnie. What if she just fuck an ass over two kettles off the stage? I sprained my other ankle. Come on. She's doing it for attention. She has a nice finger wave. Am I wrong? Yes, you were right. Okay. But is she the bad one? Yes, she is. Maybe. Oh, or maybe not. You just said that was so much anger. I know. I hate everything. Okay. She's born January 29, 1905 in Indiana. She moves to Phoenix as an adult after marrying a dude who I'm never going to mention again. Uh, what? Oh, he's a physician, spent a lot of time on the road and also on morphine. You said you weren't going to mention anything about him. That's all again. Oh, he spent time on the road and on morphine. Yep. I stepped on your joke. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Let me just say, I'll say it again. Do it again. So at 26 years old, a friend Ruth here takes a job as a medical secretary in a Phoenix clinic to support herself. At this time, she meets a friend named John J. Halloran, whose nickname is Happy Jack. I wanted to guess. Oh, sorry. I was going to say Jinkies. I don't know why. Nope. It's Happy Jack. Happy Jack Halloran. So that means he's a drunk, right? He's a 44-year-old well-to-do Phoenix businessman. He's like in the political and social circles. He's like, well-known dude. He's married, but that doesn't stop him from getting laid. Because he's Happy Jack. So Ruth and Happy Jack become friendly. They start hooking up. Also, she meets at work a woman named Agnes Ann Leroy. She's a 32-year-old x-ray technician who worked at the clinic.
Starting point is 00:27:00 And her roommate, 24-year-old Hedvig Samuelson. I mean, these are some old fucking fashion names. Who's named Agnes anymore? I hope someone. Yeah. Someone asshole in LA named their child that. Like, there's a four-year-old running around. Agnes, don't touch the kale. What did mommy tell you about the fresh salmon? We only eat organic. Unfortunately, Hedvig is going by Sammy, so unfortunately, we don't have that name in our lives anymore. I think we have a photo of Happy Jack. There he is. He seems like a hoot. What's up, Jackie boy? That's an oval cranium. Isn't it? Back then, that was an insane slam. You, sir, have an oval cranium. Good day. I said good day. Thoughts, feelings? Well, I just had, I just thought of last night, we did a story last night where there, it was the Binion's murder in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:28:19 There was somebody in the story, I can't remember who it was, who referred to having sex as laying pipe. Yeah. That's true. It wasn't us. It was someone truly. It was a direct quote. It was a Wikipedia rip. Rips from the Wikipedia. So I was just going to say, but it's an old reference that some people wouldn't get, which is, that guy lays pipe. Apparently, tons of pipes. So much pipe. Yeah. I mean. He's like the Department of Energy, that guy. Strucking, laying pipe. So Agnes and Sammy are also friendly with our happy friend, and they all become friends. Ruth even moves in with the two women for a couple of months in 1931.
Starting point is 00:29:09 They are all like kind of obsessed with happy Jack financially and emotionally. I don't know, man. He took care of them somehow. He gave, he fed needs that I guess a physician and morphine addict husband can't fulfill. You check their polls, but really slow stuff like that. So, okay. And then they were, but they were all super defensive for Jack's attention. I don't know. Oh, they all loved him. So unfortunately, I wrote the women weren't as woke as we are today. So differences developed between Ruth and the other two women. I guess it was a jealousy over happy, I wrote this is so stupid, reported to be jealousy over happy Jack's happy Jack. That doesn't make any sense. That's stupid.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Cut that out. If it's there, you got to say it. I mean, I wrote it like, and I left it in after like 17 re-reads. I clearly had some fucking thing in my mind. You liked it until you were in the round. Yeah. And then it got scary. Yeah, but I felt like I needed to be honest. Okay, soon. So fucking Ruth got the fuck out of there, moved out into her back in her own apartment close by really quick clarification. Yeah. They were all fucking happy Jack. I don't know. It's really hard to tell. Like, I think Ruth definitely was fucking happy Jack. I think. Okay. And maybe somebody else. And maybe they were others were in love. Maybe these two women were in a relationship together. It's kind of hard to tell. Oh, okay. So we don't really know.
Starting point is 00:30:48 It's all very vague and it's like good close friends stuff like that. Exactly. Okay. I think there's a photo of the two ladies as well. Life long roommates. Oh, yes. There's the life long roommates. Agnes Ann Leroy and Sarah Hedvig Sammy. So Agnes and it's Ann and Sammy are their names. Agnes and Hedvig come on. Come on, you guys. Those are the best names. Okay. They're not as well. Everyone leaves. Okay. That's not true. Ruth leaves. Okay. But I guess they're all still friends. So here's the story of the murder according to police and prosecutors. It's this on the night of October 16th, 1931, Agnes and Sammy, the roomies have a heated argument with Ruth over happy Jack's affection. And then I read all these other articles and it could also have been over someone who had a friend who had syphilis and they were going to tell on her.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Or it could have been over a friend who was a lesbian and they all thought about it. They were eating rice pudding. Maybe it was about the rice pudding. I don't know. It's really hard to tell. All we know is there was a fight about a thing. And there was rice pudding. Oh, for real? Yeah. They were eating rice. That's all we know. Was this on a recipe website that you got this story? Stirring three tablespoons of murder. Hate. So they all get in a fight. Ruth fucking grabs a gun. I guess it was her gun that she had left behind for some reason. And they start fighting. And Ruth shoots Agnes and Sammy with a 25 caliber handgun in there in the bungalow. She fucking kills both of those ladies right there. You said she shot them in the bungalow? I knew that would be weird.
Starting point is 00:32:39 That was an old fashioned way to say. Right in the bungalow. Right in the front door of the bungalow. Okay. So then Ruth and maybe an accomplice dismember the body of Sammy. Okay, it gets gross. Puts her head, torso, and lower legs into a black shipping trunk. And Sammy's upper legs in a beige valise and hat box. So this fucking little... Did you just call her arms her upper legs? Because that's rad. Did you? No. No. Other legs? Upper legs. Fine. I copied and pasted it.
Starting point is 00:33:33 You have got to prove Ruth Reed. Her upper legs. I'm not sure you have your legs, but then if you pull on them, more leg comes out. Okay, that the extra leg was in the other trunk. I wish I had called arms upper legs so bad. I'm so mad that I didn't do that. Next time. I'm crying. Don't cry in the round. Oh, good lord. There's no crying in the round. My my. There's no crying in the round. No, it was her upper legs. So who wrote this? It wasn't me.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Her head, torso, and lower legs, and then her upper legs. And yeah, where the fuck is the rest of her body? There's not a ton of body left after that. Neck? Where's the neck? Where did they put that fucking neck? Listen, I want to know. We are professional. I can't tell you how badly there's two microphones on the ground right there, like for the hometown. And I just want to lay down and start telling my story. Just take a rest. You can stretch your upper legs out and just take a rest.
Starting point is 00:34:51 You got to take some mute time. We are on the first page of this. We just fucking started. The people working here are texting their honey. It's going to be a long night, baby. I'm not going to get home by 3.30. I'm not going to make it. Sorry. There's just these two fucking women. You know. Okay. And then Agnes' body, I feel like Ruth, after dismembering Sammy's body, he's like,
Starting point is 00:35:25 fuck this shit, and she puts Agnes' whole body into a second black shipping trunk. I mean, it's hard to get a bunch of stuff done at once anyway. It had to be, like, there had to be an accomplice, right? She's like a little thing, and she's dismembering. I don't know. By yourself? I mean, I would hope so just for the impact alone of just... Probably not. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Sorry. We lost you, didn't we? So maybe Happy Jack was there, right? Sure. So two days later, so the bodies are in the thing, two days later, on Sunday, October 18th, 1931, Ruth, whose left hand was bandaged from apparently a gunshot wound sustained during the fight, so she's got a fucking bullet in her hand, and she dismembered the bodies. No, that doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Yeah, that's the little crazy. It would take forever. Just going on how long it takes me to get around the airport, it would take a really fucking long time to dismember a body with a shot hand. I also like the idea, that happened in the house. It was just like gunfight in the house. Uh-huh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:29 The house still stands. Is this true? After party in the... Yeah, on the bus. Let's drive to a house and then just drive away because you can't go inside. Someone lives there, they're like raising children and they have a life and they don't want you there. Okay, so with her hand and her luggage, she boards a train from Phoenix to Los Angeles. She gets to Los Angeles the next morning, the baggage agent at the train is like,
Starting point is 00:36:57 why the fuck are there fluids escaping these baggages? And oh my God, it also stinks. That is not a direct quote. I wrote that. You are taking real liberties with this story. I am paraphrasing. So sorry, the trunks arrive in LA and there's fluid coming out of them? And they smell.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Not cool. Because it's been three or four days now. So he's like, I'm going to tag these and move these aside. Good call. He asks Ruth for the key and she's like, I don't have it. Bye. And so her brother picks her up and she disappears. Her brother doesn't know anything about the crimes and leaves the trunks behind.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Later that day, police came to the train station to check out the trunks. They crack the lock and they discover the bodies. There is a photo of it online. Don't worry. I didn't post it. I don't know if it's real. It looks real. And it's them looking into a trunk with a dead body inside.
Starting point is 00:37:52 It's just the body. It's fucked up. Okay. I have seen some things. This was back when the police, when a crime would happen, someone would be murdered, right? And then they're laying their dead and then the police would gather around and then they'd be like, oh wait, sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Hey, reporters, get in here. We're investigating a crime. Come on. Let me, hold on. Let me look smart. Hey. I think we have a photo of the trunks though. And don't worry.
Starting point is 00:38:18 I don't think the bodies are, yeah, they're there. Oh. They look old-timey. They look like something that would be on sale at a store in Beverly for like $4,000. Oh, totally. Yeah. Fucking L.A. And it's like repurposed trunks.
Starting point is 00:38:33 For $4,000. Fuck everything. Okay. Okay. So they're like, oh shit, they found the bodies. Okay. But so after leaving the station, Ruth hit out for several days. It's still with a fucking bullet in her hand.
Starting point is 00:38:46 It's now turning into gangrene. Sure. Yeah. And she then finally is like, this isn't working. Surrenders to the police on October 23rd, 1931. This isn't working. She like tries to take a handful of grapes or whatever and they just keep falling through the hole.
Starting point is 00:39:06 This is insane. I can't live like this anymore. 911, what's your emergency? Well, okay. I need grapes. Okay. I'm starving for grapes. The murder is like crazy headlines across the country.
Starting point is 00:39:23 They call her the tiger woman and the blonde butcher. And eventually the case comes to be known as the trunk murders and she's the trunk murder arrest. Here's a photo of her when she turned herself in. How fucking glamorous. Oh my God. Is this real? It looks like the remake in the 70s of her.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Doesn't it? Can you see it? Go see it. I can see it, but also from here, it's okay. From here, it looks like her head is so much bigger than her body that it looks like one of those illustrations you get at Disneyland where you're like, I like skateboarding and horses or whatever. And then your head is like this and your body is this big skateboarding.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Anyway, hold on. This is weird. This is real quick. I want to watch you watch. I have to get Lasik. Let's do it right now. That's... First of all, does she have a fuckstool on her shoulder?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yes, because she fucking stole that fuckstool from this place she went to to hide out. For real? Yeah. Oh, that's factual? Yeah. That sounded like total bullshit. Well, I blamed the one article I read that in, then. On
Starting point is 00:40:37 Upperlegs. Upperlegs. God damn it. Okay. Um... Phoenix. So that's her showing up at the police station like, I did it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:50 And I'm here to say I did it. Yeah. And my hand hurts. Maybe it smells. Maybe it's Maybelline. Okay, so this is my Phoenix police had already found the crime scene at the bungalow. And at that point, neighbors and reporters had been like, doot doot doot all over the, like stomping on everything in the crime scene as they, you know how they always do that?
Starting point is 00:41:11 Yeah. It's after police invite reporters in and they used to be like, now let's get the neighbors, this street. Okay, now the next street. We'll go south. Yeah. We're gonna need more footprints on the walls, please. The children that want to see this murder up close, let's get them in front.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Touch everything, please. Okay. So in fact, a day after the crime scene was found, the bungalow's landlord put an ad in the newspaper and I'm gonna guess it was like, free tours of the bungalow for 10 cents a piece. Free tours. No, that's not a free tour. Tours of the bungalow for 10 cents a piece.
Starting point is 00:41:43 That's right. That doesn't... There you go. Um... Over the next three weeks, hundreds of curiosity seekers, aka fucking old timey murderinos, right? That's right. Oh, we've been around for a long, long time.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Murderinos? There hasn't been a murderina. I just stole your bit. You gotta do it. I was emulating you. No, it's stolen from one million other people. Good. The haunted prospector is a bit that's been around for generations.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Okay, so then the police theorized that Agnes and Sammy were shot while asleep also. They weren't really sure. The mattresses, like, one disappeared, one was found with no blood stains on it, though, so clearly that's not what happened. At her trial in 1932, the dismemberment aspect of the double sling is never addressed in court because Ruth was tried only for the murder of Leroy, whose body was not dismembered and never tried for the murder of Sammy, for some reason. Happy Jack was present at the trial every day, but never spoke on record and was never
Starting point is 00:42:50 called as a witness, and people think it's because he had a lot of connections in the scene. Oh, yeah, I saw a suit. Yeah. Sweet. Yeah. Three-pacer. Or maybe anything to do with it.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I don't fucking know. Okay, the state argued that she acted with premeditation and that she inflicted the gunshot wound to her hand to try to bolster her claim of self-defense, but then I'm like, well, why run then? If you're like, boom, I shot my hand, now let me chop the bodies up and leave, you know. And get gangrene. This is the perfect alibi. So on February 8th, 1932, Ruth is found guilty and sentenced to die by hanging. Whoa, in LA?
Starting point is 00:43:28 Or here? No one in Phoenix. Oh, okay. No, don't worry. We're... We would never. We're not like that. LA, we're so decent.
Starting point is 00:43:38 So oh, she was sentenced to die on Good Friday. Your friends at that day. We love that day in Catholicism. We made it up. But finally, at that point, she was like, all right, fuck this shit. I'm not getting fucking hung. She told her lawyer she wants, I want to talk. And that happy Jack had told her to exon... had told her that to exonerate something
Starting point is 00:44:02 of something, that if she agreed that had said that it was her fault and an accident, she would have gotten off, so don't say that I was involved, basically. So Jack was like, I was involved, but say I wasn't and everything will be fine. Oh, right. And she was like, guess what? He was involved. But her death sentence is overturned after a 10-day hearing because they found her now mentally incompetent.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I think she acted crazy or she was crazy, maybe. Let's see here. So then it's discovered that... Sorry. Okay, so he's indicted, then happy Jack's indicted as an accomplice to murder with Ruth as the star witness. So she's like, I'm testifying, bitch. Against him?
Starting point is 00:44:47 Uh-huh. Heard the love of her life? Oh, yeah. Okay. No, that's her husband. Was it? I don't know. I think he's stuck by her side, actually, if he was like, I'll be here on morphine if
Starting point is 00:44:57 you need me. Poor guy. Poor... He's just in the courtroom shooting up. I'm a doctor. She said, I'm going to be hanged for something Jack Hellerin is responsible for. I was convicted of murder, but shot in self-defense. And then she said he removed all the evidence and he's responsible for the whole thing,
Starting point is 00:45:19 like sending her. He told her exactly what to do. And then so she testified that she had gone over to their house on an invitation to play bridge and basically killed them both in self-defense after they all fought and the women physically attacked her. Because of bridge. No, because of rice pudding. Oh, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:45:38 So she said then happy Jack came over, took care of everything and then like told her what to do. So on January 25th, 1933, the judge freed happy Jack saying the case was inconsistent. And so her death sentence of return, she's committed to the state's only mental institution, the Arizona State Asylum for the insane in Phoenix. Oh. Oh, do we have a bus bused in over here? From the asylum.
Starting point is 00:46:07 They get discount tickets to the celebrity theater. Welcome. I don't think it's called that anymore, unfortunately. She escaped from it. Can I just ask a question? Yes. This is the worst idea, but I'm going to ask the audience a question anyway. Is that place haunted?
Starting point is 00:46:21 Is that why people are cheering? Thank you. Stop talking. That's how to do it. Right. And then I slam it in your face. So Ruth goes away, she escapes from the institution between 1933 and 1963, between 30 years of staying there.
Starting point is 00:46:41 She escaped six times. Yes. Partly because they gave her a key because everyone liked her. And in fact, she got so good at finger waves. She was like, how you mentioned her finger waves. She was the finger wave queen and like people in society would come to the institution to get finger waves from her. No.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Yeah. Do you think, and I know this is wrong to ask, could she have been using the hole in her hand as the finger wave queen? You don't know. You weren't there. Hold on. Stand still. Stay still.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Mrs. Krabapple. Stay still. Two more. I don't know why. It turns out so good. I just don't care. 23's to do. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Are we talking about the 30's? Yes. Okay. So in one instance, when she escaped, she walked all the way from Yuma, Arizona to the old Southern Pacific Railroad track along the old Southern Pacific Railroad tracks. Yes. Bend all over her shoulder. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:45 She escaped for the final time on October 8th, 1963, and lived in San Francisco for six years. She started the hippie movement using a fake name and worked as a live-in maid for a wealthy family. Her identity was eventually discovered because her fucking shitty nephew who helped her escape was like, give me money or I'm fucking turning you in. I'm paraphrasing. No, that's a quote from Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:48:15 And she was like, fuck you, my nephew, and he was like, turned her in. Wow. That's what I read. I just, I have to say, I just had a moment of fear because my grandmother was a live-in maid and nanny for rich people. What if it was, hold on a second, what if it all comes together tonight in Phoenix? I thought of that too. Be amazing.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Be like, wait, put that picture up again and then I have to go really close. Hold on. Maybe they work together though. I have the name of the city, but I don't remember it. Let's find out. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:51 I meant like, area. Oh, oh, yeah. But I said city. Pacific Heights? Yeah. Okay. So her identity. The name, neighborhoods, the mission.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Yes. Her identity is eventually discovered, she's taken back to Arizona in 1969. She hires attorneys, basically she's paroled and released on December, in December of 1971 and she moves to Stockholm, California, Stockton. I'm with you, it's you and me baby, it's you and me. I am not drunk, I haven't had a fucking, I have, she has not a touch of anything as far as we know. It's vodka.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah, that's me. I just get excited. Stockholm. Stockholm. I actually suffer from Stockton's syndrome. Damn it. You had it. I couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I couldn't do it because I am very drunk. In 1993, Arizona issues her an absolute discharge, meaning she's no longer a parolie. She died in October of 1998, at the age of 93. Fuck. Yeah. How badly do you eat? Yeah, she's, there's something going on there. Yeah, there is.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Eventually there is a confession letter written in Ruth's hand to her attorney and she says it's her first and only confession. She stated that she alone planned and carried out the murders with whom, and it was because she and Leah were allegedly competing for happy Jack's affection and she stated that she had not planned to kill Sammy, but did so after Sammy had heard the gunshot and walked into the murder scene and began fighting with Ruth and she acted alone and the whole thing and yeah, the letter had gotten suppressed, but it eventually came out and that's, and oh.
Starting point is 00:50:43 So she, she really did it? Like she confessed? I don't know. Still. Hard to say. It's hard to say. Because that could have been really satisfying as an ending. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:53 But then yes. I think, I think she got in a fight accident, not accidentally, shot them and then happy Jack helped her do all this shit. He eventually fell out of favor with the local Phoenix population. Wonder why. Slept with too many wives. Probably. This city was literally filled with pipe.
Starting point is 00:51:13 There was so much. It was everywhere. You couldn't walk. The horses were falling down or what have you. And he died in Tucson in 1939. Yeah. And the, the letter was anonymously donated to the Arizona State Archives, the confession letter.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Oh wow. And that Arizona Phoenix especially is your trunk murder. Trunk murder. That was great. Thank you. The best part of these murders in these cities is that for the rest of my life people are going to come up to me and say, you know, my grandma knew Ruth and here's what really happened.
Starting point is 00:51:54 And then they give you these little tidbits of information that you're just like, fuck after the fact. Yeah. But you're like, oh my God, I would have never known. It's really cool. It happens in the VIP P line all the time where people come up and they're like, oh, you know the one thing about your thing and it's like, oh, the thing that would have made it great. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Call it the meet and greet line or we sound like assholes. Oh, that's true. The VIP line. Oh, VIP. You know what I mean? Yeah. And everybody gets a car. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I just want to say that I feel even more disoriented being on a spinning stage. And I want you guys to know that I'm using you as my marker of where we are. Who? This area? Because of your beautiful hair and dresses. Oh. I mean, you're all great. Everyone's great.
Starting point is 00:52:42 But every time you come around, I'm like, okay, I'm home. All right. Everything's okay. Is it because you can't see anything but bright colors? I can't see anything. I love bright colors. I love my little pony. I'm just wondering, like, I don't know where we came in.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah. I think it's, you know what? They're pointing. It's gone now. A thing came down. It's gone. We can't go back out that way. We have to climb out of here, Steve Austin style.
Starting point is 00:53:10 But my upper legs are so weak. My upper legs can't take the climb. All right. Okay. Well, I hope, I hope you would all know that the one thing I would do if I come to Phoenix is the Jodi areas. And again, for people, if this is your first time or you bought tickets on a whim, on a whim, we're not cheering for Jodi areas.
Starting point is 00:53:45 That's not what's happening. It seems like that's what's happening. If you were not to investigate it, that is what just happened. But it isn't really what's happening. Not really. If you were on Twitter and saw the headline of that, what just happened, you would write a mean thing without reading the article. That's right.
Starting point is 00:54:02 That you would be wrong. That's right. But it doesn't matter. All right. And here's the funniest part of her and for me, I really didn't like this when it was happening real time. So I never checked into this crime. I never paid attention to do it or listen to it.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Because to me, it just seemed like it had become this, you know, five times worse than the OJ trial type of thing where they're like, okay, hot girl committed murder. Let's just talk about all these dirty things. And that's really kind of what it was, but, you know, if you boil it down, but it's, it's a pretty fucking incredible story. So most of this information is from a timeline that a guy named David Lore wrote for the Huffington Post. But I also watched a two part snapped on ID.
Starting point is 00:54:56 They had to give her a two parter. She's so legendary. And then of course I watched the superb made for TV movie, Jodi Arias, dirty little secret. Incredible. Who plays her? Oh, I'm glad you asked a woman named Tanya Raymond, who was fucking excellent. I'm not being sarcastic. She plays Jodi Arias with this complete, like she's like sexy with dead eyes, which is one
Starting point is 00:55:25 of the scariest things that you can do to a person is just be like, I'm super into you, but you have like doll eyes. Ted Bundy. Yes. So see Ted Bundy. And she's really gorgeous. And she just is kind of like always just low level kind of manipulating everybody all the time.
Starting point is 00:55:43 And she also is used to getting what she wants, obviously. So when somebody's like, no, thanks, she fucking kicks it into overdrive. So our girl, Tanya Raymond nailed it. Good for her. Yeah. Yeah. Anyhow. So also a lot of this, oh, there she is.
Starting point is 00:56:01 That's the real Jodi Arias as a blonde. You might not recognize her. That's not courtroom Jodi. When Jodi went librarian for the court to prove that she was, I don't know, smart or normal. Is this what she normally looked like? Well, she started out as kind of a, but she had blonde hair for a while and then she goes brunette.
Starting point is 00:56:21 By the time she has a mug shot, she has brunette hair. She kind of looks like my sister-in-law, is that weird? That's great. Yolanda. She does look like a Yolanda. Okay. On June 9th, 2008, a woman named Mimi Hall, who is friends with Travis Alexander, is worried about him because he has not answered his phone or showed up for work for days, for five days.
Starting point is 00:56:49 And she and all their friends were planning on going on a trip to Cancun and it was the next day. And so they were trying to get a hold of him to make plans about this trip and he wasn't answering anybody's calls. So finally she called a bunch of the friends and said, let's go to his house and check in on this because this is really weird and it's not like him at all. So they get to the house and he was a very successful businessman. He was 30 years old, but he had a 4,000 square foot house.
Starting point is 00:57:18 He had drove a BMW. He was doing very, very well for himself, but he did have a roommate and I think a couple of roommates in his house. And so when the friends showed up, they were like, is Travis here? And the friends go, no, he went on a trip to Cancun, which how fucking scary would that be when you're the person going on the trip with them and you're like, no, that's tomorrow. So they all realized something terrible was happening. And so they go to check his room and when they go into his room, it is a fucking blood
Starting point is 00:57:48 bath. His dead body is in his shower and the bathroom is covered in blood. There's blood everywhere and there's up to six feet on the walls. And there's a bloody palm print very clearly on one of the walls. His body is, he's got, he was stabbed 27 times in the back. His throat was slit and then he was postmortem shot in the head. Yeah. So just fucking overkill like crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:22 So also his body had been sitting there for between four to five days, so it was in an advanced state of decomposition. So this fucking friends found him like horrifying. So they call 911 and when they explain what's going on, the police are on their way. One point the 911 operator asks this girl who called Mimi, she goes, do you have, does he have any enemies, do you have any idea of who could be responsible for this? And she goes, yes, his ex-girlfriend Jody on the 911 call. No way.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Yeah. So all the friends, of course, didn't like her. They went out for like almost two years and there, of course, it was like, why are you dating this girl type of thing the whole time? So when the cops are investigating the house, nothing is out of place. Nothing is taken. Nothing's missing. Nothing's even disturbed.
Starting point is 00:59:13 And that's why the roommates thought he was gone because nothing had been used. There's like, the house was perfectly clean. When they check the washing machine, they find a digital camera inside and it had been run through the rinse cycle. But the cops take it and they give it to the lab, I don't know, the digital camera lab and they're like, see what you can pull off of this thing. So bit of background, this all started in September of 2006. So Travis Alexander met Jody Arias at a work conference in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:59:50 They both worked for a company called Prepaid Legal Services and it's described as a multi-layered marketing firm. Red flag, we all know. Right? In the name they describe, I think it was on Snap. They were like, kind of like Amway and I was like, uh-huh. So she had just gotten hired there and this conference was basically all the top sellers and it's like a bunch of motivational seminars where they're like, here's how you can sell
Starting point is 01:00:18 to because you're special and you can do, and it's like, what is it? It's some kind of weird legal insurance something, so it's very specific. But he, in the film, Jody Arias, Dirty Little Secret, he's kind of presented as this, it's like almost like a motivational speaker and she's sitting in, she just started there, she's sitting in the crowd watching him and she's immediately into him. She was like right off. Good question. What's the Dirty Little Secret that she's fucking crazy because it's not a secret that
Starting point is 01:00:49 she killed, I really, you think that the name would be Jody Arias fucking crazy, bitch? I don't know, like something, it's not a secret. It may have been that he ventured because he was like a good boy, he was very active in the Mormon church. Guys, you get up and do stuff, I won't be able to focus because as I said already, you're leaving? Oh my, what am, okay, you'll be there, okay, good. You know what?
Starting point is 01:01:20 You tell people you need them and they fucking go. The hologram of Karen's therapist comes up. Michelle, can you hear me, Michelle? I will always be here for you. It's one of it is just me being a puppet. Let's get a therapy sock. If I put it far enough away from your face, you won't be able to tell that it's a therapy. I think she's really here, she's in the 10th row.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I interrupt a deal. No, it's okay. So the Dirty Little Secret, keep going. Well, I have to tell you now, because he was very active in the Mormon church and so he dated her, but everyone's like, why? And then he would break up with her and like then they'd get back together secretly and it was all that kind of on the DL type of stuff. Got it, the Dirty Little.
Starting point is 01:02:07 She herself was the Dirty Little Secret. Oh, look inside yourself and find, but you're the Dirty Secret. I'm the Dirty Secret all along. Okay, so Jodi at the time lived in California. She lived in Palm Desert. We know, yes, that's right, a meth heads in the audience tonight. I think she was over there. So there is in Jodi RS, Dirty Little Secret.
Starting point is 01:02:48 There is a scene where she comes on to him after he gives his speech and she's just like, I just really liked what you were talking about. And it is so embarrassing. She goes so full court press on him, I was like, Jodi, no, to the TV. My cheeks got red in the living room. I was like, she is going for it. And he says no thanks because he doesn't believe in premarital sex. And then she's like, well, maybe this or that or whatever, and this is in the film.
Starting point is 01:03:21 And then he goes, and really, I just want to get to know you. And then she's like, hard eyes, but crazy ones. The hearts have hands. Show them because it's good. It's lit. And so from that point on, they spoke every day. Court records would later show that the couple exchanged 82,000 emails, 82,000 emails. I don't even think Vince and I have said 82,000 words to each other and we're married and
Starting point is 01:03:58 we really like each other. Yeah. Also, how did they sign them? Was it best? Did they change it every time? Sincerely yours? Yeah, that's a great question. So many questions.
Starting point is 01:04:12 She would drive out. She was the one going, driving from Palm Desert to Mesa to come and visit him all the time. And essentially what I inferred from the film, Jody Areas, Dirty Little Secret, was because he didn't believe in premarital sex in driving. I have this, yeah. He didn't believe in caring about her at all and putting in the most basic fuck. Why am I trashing him? Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:04:42 We're not. I'm not. But I think what it was was she would let him do anal. Am I right, everybody? Maybe that's the dirty little secret. She wore a pussy today, anal sex and like that. Because it's like, we can't do premarital sex. Sorry, I can't do premarital sex, but that's pee only.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Am I right? It's in the Bible. All right. Yeah. I don't know. I'm Jewish. We can do whatever the fuck we want. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Lay that pipe. Lay that Jewish pipe, girl. Okay, so essentially they're hooking up. She thinks she's going to like, you know, get him under her spell or whatever. But he wants to keep it chill. She's always kind of trying to push it a little bit more or whatever. And he's like, mm, that's okay. So she comes up with a plan.
Starting point is 01:05:43 So in November of the year, this is two months after they meet, she decides to convert to Mormonism. Okay. Two months. Two months. No. I don't think that's how Mormonism works. I don't think you're going to just be like, me.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Yep. That seems interesting. Yeah. Golden glasses, you say? Was that the one with the salamander? We talked about that. Like 24 Davids in the snakes. Maybe we shouldn't get into this.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Maybe we shouldn't make up things about a religion we don't know anything about. No. Let's do it. Highly disrespectful manner. Yeah, we might as well. So I mean, those must have been some good emails because she converts to his religion. I just can't get over that. And there's a scene in the film, Jodi Arias, Dirty Little Secret, where his friends are
Starting point is 01:06:42 like, dude, she's converting. That's insane. And he's like, I mean, isn't this what we do when we're out and we're on our missions and we're trying, we want to get people to join the church? Especially, I mean, I don't know how it was in real life, but in this film, he just seems so casual and laid back all the time. He's always kind of treating her like, oh, okay, whatever. So this didn't scare the living shit out of him, which it absolutely shouldn't.
Starting point is 01:07:06 If there's ever been a red flag in the world, it's someone converting to your religion two months after you first took up. Just a note, maybe I'm being judgmental. You guys are being very quiet right now. That's all right. Okay. So it takes, then it's three more months after she converts to his religion that they start officially dating.
Starting point is 01:07:31 So he really waits it out and then he's finally like, fine, we can go out and public together and take pictures and stuff. So that's what they do. They actually go on a bunch of trips. And I think we do have a picture of them together. They traveled a lot, and I think we're for their work, he traveled a lot, so she would go with him. In the film, Jodi Arias, dirty little secret.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Oh, we were all holding our breath, hoping you would say it. Hoping I'd say a different movie. No, no, no. There's this horrifying scene where he's having a barbecue at his house and she's basically trying to play the wife. So she's like, I redecorated, do you want to try some of my home in Lennemade? And you're just like, no, no, none of this. And all the friends are like, so are you guys going to get married or some of what's happening?
Starting point is 01:08:22 And he's like, no, no, she's just excited or whatever. And in the film, she overhears them, and then she's like, oh, I'm just your side piece. And he's kind of like, oh, yeah, I mean. But so basically, she was super crazy possessive. She didn't like him talking to other women. She didn't like that he had female friends, and she looked at his phone all the time. She checked his email all the time, but he thought it was cute. He liked that she was obsessed with him.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Oh, sorry. Yeah, sorry. The next picture we have. Oh. Ew, like he, no. Your job now, Phoenix, is to go out to the thrift stores in this state, could you imagine if you found that fucking shirt at like St. Vincent's of Paul, you're just like, that's some fucked up shit.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I'm telling you, this is the kind of thing we're like, in sixth grade, I would get an idea like this, and I'd be like, hey, to my sister, I'd just be like, sit down, I have to tell you something. Never put a guy's name on your shirt, I mean, all right. So she basically confronts him and says, are you serious about me? And he's like, I'm 30, I'm not looking for marriage right now. And essentially, and that's not really what we're doing or how I see it. So after four months of dating, they break up.
Starting point is 01:09:55 And of course, Jodi does what any woman would do when a guy breaks up with her, she moves to his town. So she picks up from Palm Desert and goes ahead and moves to Mesa, you know, 10 minutes away from his house, and he starts hooking up with her again. Always a great idea. If you go through a breakup, go straight back to that person that you hate as quickly as you can and fuck them behind your friends back. Make sure you don't tell anyone.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Yeah. It's great. Great idea. So, but again, like when as I was, you know, watching the film, Jodi Arias, during a little secret, like I kept thinking, this guy is 30 years old. Like it doesn't make sense. And someone that's totally like clocked on him and then just been like, we are making this happen.
Starting point is 01:10:49 And in a relationship like that, in high school, we were fucking bananas. High school? Yeah. What? You know, just crazy people who do crazy things. And it's cute. Where you're like, we're going to be married and we're going to be together forever. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Right. But in high school? Yeah. Wow. Is that weird? We met in rehab. Is that weirder? No.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Yes. Our song was a slayer song that we're, there's so much more I could say. No. That's true love. You heard a dance, oh slayer honey, honey, do you hear? Okay. So December 2007, which is, you know, December of that year, he decides that his, this part of his life is not good for him.
Starting point is 01:11:43 And he needs to start dating women that he wants to marry. He needs to be more in line with his beliefs and stop fucking around. So he asks out a girl that's at his church, that's a friend of his. And what he doesn't know, they start dating and he's super into it. And Jody, who still lives in Mesa, followed them on their dates and took pictures of them from across the street. Because she was fine with it, right? She was totally fine with it.
Starting point is 01:12:13 She was just checking on their date. Just checking. And she was like, well, is the date happening? Now I know it's happening. And then pictures, of course, too. She slashed his tires twice, she slashed the dates tires once. Well, then they're just stuck together longer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:30 You know what I mean? She's not thinking it through. She's acting from the heart. Cause that makes me crazy. That's a mistake. Cause then they can't leave. That's right. You get one of their cards towed.
Starting point is 01:12:43 And then make them go to the impound law. She got really good at breaking into his house. There was a sliding glass door that she knew that he never locked and she would go in that way. She also would climb in the doggie door, which is, I feel like if you were home alone and you were just kind of like, can you imagine? Why do you like him this much? What happened?
Starting point is 01:13:10 Fuck, you're not winning him back this way. See yourself. See objective witness. Close the door. She's trying to push that plastic flap up, it's all dirty, fucking dirty dog paws. Honey, honey, honey, honey. Okay. So one time, this is my favorite thing in this whole fucking game, one time he found her
Starting point is 01:13:40 hiding behind his Christmas tree. This is no ordinary love, no ordinary love spin. Oh guys, guys, oh the visual, the visual, even as a Jew, I see how fucking creepy that is. It would be like if someone put a menorah on their head, I have to translate everything to you. Oh, okay. I get it.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Do you get it? I get it now. So disrespectful. Anyway, but also the moment after, just think about that where you're hiding behind the guy you love's Christmas tree because he's not dating you anymore. So you're like, why doesn't he love me? And then he's like, Jodi? And then you're like, hey, hi.
Starting point is 01:14:46 What's, where'd you get this wrapping paper back out through the dog door? She only enters and exits this house through the dog door. So, in an upsetting case, it's one of the most upsetting aspects to me. His family's all sitting on the couch drinking eggnog. So that's the new girl in your life, okay. In the film, Jodi Arias started a little secret. He comes home one time and this seems like bullshit to me and I didn't, I couldn't find it in any of like the timelines or real things.
Starting point is 01:15:31 It's very Hollywood too, but I also, it's so creepy because it would make sense. She was a photographer. That was like a big interest of hers and I think she did. And she did take pictures of him on dates with other girls. There's one scene, he comes home with the girl he's on a date with and he looks and there's a wall covered in the collage of them on dates. Ew. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:55 But that's so creepy that I'm like, hmm, that seems Hollywood style. They're being symbolic. They're like, here's basically what it was like. This is how, this is like homeland style crazy. Right. There's red string attached to all the pictures for no reason. Do you see how this date is connected to this date? Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:17 So on April 20th, 2008, apparently, so they, after all of that insanity, he was like, this is crazy and this is too much, you have to get out of my life. Well then, it's like a couple months later, he sends her a text saying, I'm at a night club right now and it helped me to come to the conclusion that you're one of the prettiest girls on the planet. I think he had the thing where maybe he wasn't the great, like the most solid drunk in the world. So he'd get like, he drank like three dosekis and he's like, I got to text some shit.
Starting point is 01:16:56 You know what I mean? Like couldn't handle his shit. It seemed like. Yeah. Because he would, he would kind of get back into it with her because it was convenient and I think she was manipulating him sexually, obviously. Right. Did you just start going the other way?
Starting point is 01:17:16 Okay. Thank you. I thought I was, the seizure had started. Oh, recount. Well, now we're kind of clockwise or clockwise. This is just like a long, one of those long table games where they try to show, like trick you into which marbles underneath them. I already lost $200 at this show.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Okay. Basically, all of this shit happens and then at the end, they, you know, the sexting goes on for a couple months and then in the first week of June of 2008, Travis tells his friends that he found out that Jody broke into his Facebook and that's when he said, get out of my life. Facebook's the end game. Facebook was the fucking final straw. Not the house.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Not the house. Not the dog door. Not the fucking Christmas tree. Facebook. All right. All right. So on June 2nd, 2008, Jody Arias rented a car from Budget Rent a Car in Reading, California. So she's from Wairika.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Reading is up there all of North, way Northern California. It's a very scary place. Be careful when you go there. So she, she rents a car from there and then they also found later police found receipts where she had bought gas cans in, I believe it was in Reading also that she had in the car. So she then drives, she arrives at Travis's house on June 4th, 2008. Is it your birthday or do you just think words are sexy?
Starting point is 01:18:54 Either way, God bless you. So she shows up and she's like, I miss you and you know, whatever. And then he goes, I just, the girl he had been dating, they had just broken up. So he's like, why don't you come in so I can talk to you about my feelings. And of course they start having sex. Now in the film, Jody Arias, Jody Arias, I got, damn it, foiled. So they have sex and then she starts taking pictures. They start taking pictures of each other in bed because photography is her interest as
Starting point is 01:19:34 she has shown everyone. He gets up to go take a shower. He's in the bathroom and in the film, Jody Arias shows a cigarette, she, and I, I couldn't find any proof that this is actually how it happened. So this again could be the Hollywood version, but she basically sees on his phone, the ex that he just broke up with is trying to talk to him and she as him is like, I'm with Jody now. And then she's like, basically like that dumb slut or whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:05 And then she goes crazy and is like telling this girl, the girl basically says a bunch of shit. Like, but you said that she was just a side piece that never meant anything to you and da da da and all this shit. So the next thing that they know what happens is she goes into the bathroom with the camera and she's taking pictures of him in the shower. And she's like, yeah, you look so sexy or whatever. Basically she takes a picture of him that there was a picture and you can see it online
Starting point is 01:20:35 and I'm sure you've already seen it, especially because you're, if you're from here, it's him looking straight into the camera, like wet from the shower. And then she told him to turn around. She was like taking pictures of her back and that's when she stabbed him. Now the craziest fucking part is, okay. So basically that she stabs him and kills him. And then three days later, June 7th, she returns the budget rental car in Reading, California. She had put 2,834 miles on it and what they figured out later was she bought those gas
Starting point is 01:21:09 cans so that she could get gas and keep it so that she was never, no one could prove that she was ever in Arizona. So a week after that, she posts on MySpace, a photo gallery that's like in loving memory of Travis. And the hometown, the chick was like, you know, she had dated my, our brothers, blah, blah, blah. And she took pictures with the brothers, took pictures and shit with the brothers was obsessive about them.
Starting point is 01:21:42 The night before she had to go, she was hanging out at a bar back home in Waiarika. That's right. Didn't know it was said that way. And the brother was like, come home with me. And she was like, I can't, I got to wake up early to go like test, or to get questioned by these investigators. My, my ex died, like, yeah, fucking creepy shit. And then starts telling all the details of it where this guy's trapped at a bar, like,
Starting point is 01:22:05 I thought we were trying to play pool and she's like, and then, and then, so she goes into the police station and she voluntarily gives her fingerprints and her DNA to the police. She told the detective that she talked to that she and Travis had had a romantic relationship, but they had broken up and she hadn't seen him since she moved out of Arizona in April. So while they're waiting for the lab tests to come back, they, they, the, the people that were working on recovering the, the chip in the camera, they're like, and maybe, maybe this is because it's in a movie.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Like, yeah, that doesn't make a ton of sense. You get swab for DNA. And then they put that in the microwave for five minutes and then over here, this evidence comes in, but basically it all came in at the same time and realized it did. The people that were working on the camera memory chip found a series of photos. So it's all the nude photos of them in bed and all of it is timestamped. So she's like, I haven't seen him since April. Well, this says June 4th and it's them in bed naked and then it's him in the shower.
Starting point is 01:23:22 And then there are these pictures that are, that are like fuzzy that they had to work on and they have a picture of her hand cleaning up the blood with his body in the background. So she accidentally took pictures of herself at the scene with the body, placing herself at the scene. What the fuck? You see the picture. I could, Steven and I had to look for it today and we couldn't find it and we saw so many terrible things.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Oh. So many. Poor Steven. Poor Steven. He's like, I'm going to start a cat podcast. And now. It's going to be so fun. My life's going to be so happy.
Starting point is 01:23:59 It's just going to be happy and nice all the time. Yeah. Sure, Karen and Georgia, I'll record your podcast for you. I'll pull, I'll pull a couple of pictures off of Google images for you. Oh, we, we broke Steven, we broke him and how we broke him. They get, so they get the DNA, the fingerprints, then they match with her fingerprints. They match it to the palm print that was on the wall. Her blood was in the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Um, every, there's, there, the police said that they're, they'd never seen more evidence against a person in any case. They, that was a quote. What the fuck? Yeah. What is what? So when all of that comes in, they're like, okay, well, then we're, we're going to indict her for first degree murder and, um, they call up the police, uh, up in Wai Rika to
Starting point is 01:24:47 go arrest her. She's arrested at her grandmother's home. Um, and as she's being led off to the police car, she says, is there any way I could get my makeup on for real? And the cop was like, no, books are in the car. And so we don't, I don't have this headshot either, but her headshot, it, she doesn't have makeup on. Oh.
Starting point is 01:25:10 Well, in a way, it is a headshot. I mean, she needed her makeup for her, oh no, I've been ruined, ruined, we broke Karen too, this fucking podcast, um, it, she has like, it looked like she just like straightened her hair and it's like a really pretty brunette and she's kind of like, oh, it's like the other woman. It's like the woman from her, her fucking headshot, um, she looks very, it's a very natural look, very beachy, um, and psychotic and insane. So she gets extradited, uh, to Arizona, she enters a plea of not guilty, um, they, uh,
Starting point is 01:26:02 the Maricopa County attorney's office files a notice of intent to seek the death penalty for committing first degree murder in an especially cruel heinous or depraved manner. Yeah. Um, she gets out of jail, makes bail and then goes and does an interview with the TV show 48 hours. No, I don't think she should have gotten out of jail. Am I wrong in thinking this? But she made bail.
Starting point is 01:26:24 I know. That doesn't. Okay. It seems unfair. Yeah. Um, 48 hours bail her out. Straight onto the set. Uh, she on that show claims that she did not kill Travis, but that in fact it was a home
Starting point is 01:26:42 invasion by a man and a woman who came in, they shot Travis, they murdered him. She was just standing there and then they went to murder her, the gun jammed. So she pushed the gun away, grabbed her purse. She specified that, uh, and then left high five the wall with a bloody hand. We got away. And then she drove to Northern California, uh, straight through without alerting the cops and they were like, well, why wouldn't you call the police even when you got there? She was like, I was afraid for my life, uh, so then, uh, later on, she does an interview
Starting point is 01:27:22 with Inside Edition and on that she is quoted as saying, no jury is going to convict me because I'm innocent and you can mark my words on that one. No jury will convict me. Why would you ever fucking say that? Oh, cause you're a psychopath. Okay. Uh, so opening arguments of this trial began on January 2nd, 2012. Um, she changed her look and that was that picture with, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:49 So that's her lawyer. So she's basically doing lawyer cause play essentially. She's like, who in my life seems respectable, my lawyer for my trial for murder. It turns out I'm the lawyer. So no joke soon after this, she asked to represent herself. Oh, don't do that. Yeah. No, she did it.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Of course. True psychopath. Oh my God. So you know what? You know what? Sit back bangs. I got this one and the judge is like, okay. And then as her own, acting on her own, uh, defense or whatever, um, the first thing she
Starting point is 01:28:29 does is try to admit into evidence letters from Travis, admitting to her that he is a pedophile. What? Yes. Uh, she's just trying to fucking destroy a dead man's reputation that she killed. Oh my God. The prosecution immediately took the letters, proved that they were forgeries. And then, uh, so they were not admitted into evidence.
Starting point is 01:28:56 And then she said to the judge, I think I might be in over my head here. Can I get my lawyer back for real? So then she gets bangs back. Then her story changes and this is in court. Her story changes that the reason, uh, that everything happened because she dropped Travis's camera that day. She was there. They did have sex.
Starting point is 01:29:21 They had the camera. She dropped the camera. He got so angry that he attacked her and she had, it was self-defense. She was fighting for her life, stabbing him 27 times in the back, right? In the fucking back. He was attacking her with his back. That judge must have been like, uh-huh, go on. So then she starts this, she starts this story that this has been a relationship of domestic
Starting point is 01:29:57 abuse and very extreme physical violence and that she was a, she was basically a battered woman, which fuck her for lots of reasons. But especially for fucking that one, like coming in, that, that specific kind of lie. You know what I mean? Because that's the thing that later on people hold on to. We're like, well, you know, this happens all the time where people claim and it's like, uh, no, it doesn't. It's what psychopaths do and there's not that many of them.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Um, sorry, really got fired up there for a second. That and the Christmas tree. Of course there is a slew of character witnesses that come in and are just like, he fucking was a church going man. He was a good guy. He was self made. He grew up his, both his parents were methodics. He grew up with two fucking not so awful parents and when he was 10, his grandma came and took
Starting point is 01:30:51 them and basically I guess got custody and that's when he started going to hurt. It was, she was the one that was Mormon and he started going to church with her. And the second he started living with his grandmother, it's, you know, he bloomed and everything's great. And so like this is truly a self made man at age 30 and that's basically everyone came in and was just like, yeah, no, we're not doing this at all. Um, so, uh, then long story short on May 8th, 2012, Jodi Harris, and then there's so much more shit and I'm sure that there's a million people sitting in this audience for now going,
Starting point is 01:31:26 why aren't you talking about the thing, but there's like 70 million things that's, I didn't know. I didn't understand why everyone was watching this one and I'm like, oh, I'm gonna go back and watch it all. I thought it was all just like girl kills guy and like, oh, she's hot. So whatever. And it's like, it's the twist and like Nancy Grace was right. The twists and turns were fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Can we, can really quick, cause Nancy, she really, if you take a look at the stages, I think the one day that I decided not to get involved in the Jodi areas case was because I was watching Nancy Grace talk about Jodi areas and I was like, I might be on her side. You're a lunatic. Look at how she's doing like a Courtney, like 90s Courtney love in the top right corner. She, she went through a barrette phase that I don't know. I did too. And I was like 18 and a right.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Yeah. I did too. I did too. It's like when your bangs are growing out, you know what, that's, you know what it is? She had a hair person that was like, no, you know what? It looks really good. And she was like, does it? I think, is it too young for me?
Starting point is 01:32:34 No. Nancy. You Nancy. She was so mad. But then she was happy because on May 8th, 2012, Jodi areas was found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole. The Associated Press said the case was a circus and a runaway train and that it grew into a worldwide sensation as thousands followed the trial via a live unedited web feed, which
Starting point is 01:33:11 I didn't know you could, you could watch that thing in real time, which is equal sounds equally insanely exciting and then like the most boring thing ever because in between time and court cases is like, oh my God, I don't like to cut the motion so we don't need every motion for fans. The Arias trial became a live daytime soap opera with its mix of jealousy, religion, murder and sex, the Jodi areas case shows what happens when the justice system becomes entertainment. Nancy Grace.
Starting point is 01:33:51 And then I accidentally left on a picture of a beautiful young detective named Nathaniel Mendez. That's just on my last, I wasn't taking him off because I was going to show him to my sister like, did you ever see a guy that's hot and it got printed in color, which is going right into the memory book. He was there and he was like, this crazy bitch bought gas cans in Northern California. It's a strong chin. He's got there.
Starting point is 01:34:20 No, he is a, he's a detective and he's going to detect some shit, Jodi. You can't get away. Well Karen, guess who we have here tonight? He's going to do a magic mic dance for you. He retired from detectiving and now he's a sex dancer and I'm sorry, I probably left out some good stuff, but that's the case of Jodi Arias, everybody. That was great. That was a good one, right?
Starting point is 01:34:50 Yeah. Well, you know what, you know what it means when the stage starts turning the other way? That means we have time for a hometown murder. Now, now, let me just say this. Let me just tell you a couple of important and crucial rules. We went over a couple of them before. Be drunk enough so that you can follow your own story and have a good time with it, but not so much that you're just going to yell or do weird shit like that.
Starting point is 01:35:20 We want it to be local. Like Arizona, you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Like around here. And then also when you speak, when you tell the story, in your mind, it's going to be a paragraph long and we're going to have a beginning, a middle and an end and we're just going to, we're going to pull right through that in a timely manner.
Starting point is 01:35:38 We have an added layer of fucking weirdness because we're spinning. Yeah. So if you've ever been in musical theater, that'd be a great, this would be a great time for you. We would love it. If you're a mezzo-soprano, we would love, we would love to hear from you. And also the onus is on Georgia because she's really good at picking people. I'm going to go right for you.
Starting point is 01:35:57 Oh. I'm just like, they pointed at her. Okay. So here's. It's over. Oh, there's steps here. Holy shit. Hey, it's Vince.
Starting point is 01:36:06 It's Vince. It's Vince. Yeah. Say hi. Hi. What's your name? Cynthia. Hi, Cynthia.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Hi. It's Cynthia. We also, we also forgot, our new rule too is that everyone's mad that they didn't get picked. So just don't worry about it. Yeah. Yeah. The picture is on because these are, this is now an audience of people who don't want
Starting point is 01:36:30 to hear this story. That's, it's a lot. I'm very sorry, everybody. I'll keep it short and sweet. Okay. Tell me. You're a friend. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:38 We're spinning. That's my friend. Sorry. So I do have a homestown story. Actually it's a second hand story because I'm from a really small town where I'm related to everybody. So if my mom found out I was talking about like a cousin, I'd have to explain what a podcast is.
Starting point is 01:36:50 And like you said, she's 65. It wouldn't work. It's too much. So I did hear the story from a coworker when I was working at Macy's. Macy's. Yes, Macy's. And it's about 10 years old, but it definitely always kind of stuck with me. And so it's kind of my favorite murder was the first kind of introduction into the sort
Starting point is 01:37:07 of obsession with true crime, but it's about a small town near the port of Gallus. So if you're not familiar with it, we have a lot of border towns, of course near Arizona. And due to these border towns, we have these group of people who, they're militias who basically patrol them. So think of a lot of untrained patriots with huge semi-automatic weapons, wandering around in the dark trying to keep people from crossing the border. So we have all these militias who they've not been hired by anyone to do this. No, no, they're private citizens who have taken upon themselves to keep, you know, women
Starting point is 01:37:45 and children out. So they just, they go around the borders and stuff. So anyway, there was a particular woman, her name was Shawna Ford. And she was basically a great person. She was like a concert promoter. She ran for Senate or something like that. She was a petition. She also had an extensive criminal background, fraud, burglary assault, which made total sense
Starting point is 01:38:10 that she was a part of this militia to keep bad people out. Okay. Right. So she, during the day, she runs city hall. Yeah. She ran for office, but she never was elected, but she was a go-getter. Yeah. So anyway, she was a part of this militia and the militia decided she was too crazy for
Starting point is 01:38:27 them. What? Yeah. They kicked her out. But she, she took some friends with her and decided she's going to start her own militia. So she recruited these two gentlemen. One was named Jason Bush. The other was, was named Albert, uh, Galexola and Jason Bush was a white supremacist who,
Starting point is 01:38:48 um, again assault, drugs, battery, just a standup guy, ran for Senate. Yeah. Definitely guy. And then, um, Albert, I believe had a lot of, uh, drug problems and drug history and he was a drug informant. So they knew the only way that they were going to get money to fund this militia was to go and rob immigrants. So they were going to go to immigrants' houses and look for drugs because they knew that all
Starting point is 01:39:12 immigrants just, you know, have drugs, I guess, laying around their house. Just piles of cocaine on every coffee table. I guess so. And they heard a Kickstarter. I don't, I think it was kind of before the whole GoFundMe thing was before that. And they also, um, they also knew that if they had robbed an immigrant that they were less likely to report the crime, which is crazy because immigrants are more likely to be victims of crimes than actually commit them.
Starting point is 01:39:38 But anyway, so they go into this, they, thank you, I think someone's going to run for Senate for this big, hashtag murdering as a color. What's up? So, um, they, the three of them get together and they break into the home of Gina Gonzalez and Raul Flores. It's like 5 a.m. They wake up the family and they hustle them all into the living room and they start searching for drugs.
Starting point is 01:40:07 The problem is they don't find any drugs because there's no drugs there. What they do find is some jewelry and some money. Well, now they have the family in the living room and what they were going to do was basically just leave. The problem was these were not immigrants. These were U.S. citizens. These were Americans just like you and I who just happened to be Hispanic. So at this point they have nothing to lose.
Starting point is 01:40:28 So they proceed to shoot Gina and then shoot Raul. And I apologize, sugar warning, when their nine-year-old daughter, Bressenia, starts to cry, they proceed to shoot her. So as the three of them leave the home, Gina actually was still alive, but she had been playing dead because she knew that she had to get to 9-1-1. So as soon as they leave, she goes to her bedroom, she grabs her husband's gun and she calls 9-1-1. I did not listen to the 9-1-1, but I did read the transcript and she's essentially just
Starting point is 01:41:02 telling them, hey, these people broke into my home, they shot my daughter, they shot my husband, and either they heard her or they forgot something, they come back into the home. Well, like a fricking badass, she can go on as she shoots, sorry, don't apologize. She shoots at them and she actually strikes Jason Bush. So she shoots him and then they run out. Well she's able to describe these people very clearly to the police and they're all arrested. Well, during the arrest and trial, Albert, who was there, but didn't actually do any
Starting point is 01:41:44 of the murders, he gets life in prison. Now when Jason's in jail, they actually then tie him to another murder of another Hispanic man in New Mexico, and so he gets convicted of that murder and then he also gets the death penalty for the death of Bresenia and Raul. Yes. So then Shauna, at first says, oh, I wasn't there because, you know, she was out, I don't know, beauty salon, whatever, so she wasn't there. Regina and the other compasses are like, no, you were there.
Starting point is 01:42:14 So then finally she says, okay, well I was there, but I didn't do any of the shooting, I was just there, but they, the prosecution's like, no, you were the mastermind, you're the reason that they're there, you can't incite violence, you can't incite hate. And then wash your hands when somebody does something that you basically told him to do. So thankfully, a Tucson jury agreed with that, censored a death, and she's one of three women on death row in Arizona. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:42:41 Yes. Arizona coming through. Wow. I have to say, I'm a little bit mad at you right now because you just did that better than any episode we've ever done. So awesome, let's hear it for her. Yay. Yay.
Starting point is 01:43:14 We love it. Yes. That was great. I've chills, you're crying. I cried. I cried. I did. I'm broken.
Starting point is 01:43:22 You'll get there, you'll get there someday. I cried when I said upper legs, but not when they're just a horrible story. My therapist comes up, hologram, oh my God, you guys, thank you so fucking much. Who are they for? Our therapists. We unwind them, the stage stops. I was just going to say, I feel like, you know, when you're like on a cruise or whatever and then you adjust to something and like, now I'm going to have to go and get my, well,
Starting point is 01:44:00 I'll have my sea legs or whatever, like, whoa, I can only be on a turning thing. Wow, this is so amazing. Thank you guys for being such an incredible audience. Yeah, really good. We're sorry it took us so long to come here, you guys. Thank you so much, we love being here with you and honestly, we say this all the time, but we have to say it because we really mean it. We won the lottery.
Starting point is 01:44:44 The fact that this is what our job is now is fucking nuts and it's because of you guys. Thank you so much. Thank you. It's so nice. Thank you and please, please stay sexy and don't get murdered. Thanks you guys. Bye.

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