My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark - 180 - Live at the Tampa Theatre in Tampa

Episode Date: July 4, 2019

Karen and Georgia cover serial killers Oscar Ray Bolin and Bobby Joe Long.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We at Wondery live, breathe and downright obsess over true crime and now we're launching the ultimate true crime fan experience, Exhibit C. Join now by following Wondery, Exhibit C on Facebook and listen to true crime on Wondery and Amazon Music, Exhibit C. It's truly criminal. I mean seriously we got all dressed up for you. Yeah, I got super dressed up for you. Look at this haunted theater. We got this theater dressed up for you. We're haunting this theater for you. This is, look at this. There's like crazy statues and shit. I know. What if that one came to life? It was one of those fake statues and she was like, wouldn't that be funny? I grab you. Then I get pulled in. Now I'm cement. I have to stay here for 500 years. Oh my god. I would love
Starting point is 00:01:28 that. So many good shows coming up here. You get to watch all of them from the side. To dream come true. I apologize for my outfit, everybody. I've done it again. You look great. Your nails look great. That's right. Let's focus on the nails. Thanks. I'm some metallic Sally Hansen. Anyway. Tell them about it. I had to, they're taping more episodes of Guy Brandham's talk show, The Game Show, which is a show that I do. Thank you, 75 people. So we had to tape them all the way up until last night and then I got on a red eye. With a layover. I know. Don't worry. She was in first class before you feel too bad for her. No complaints. No complaints. But when I went to
Starting point is 00:02:27 leave the hotel room, I had actually dressed choices. I was doing all these things and then, of course, couldn't find my tights. So anyway, also the conditioner at our hotel is cilantro scented. And that's why my hair looks like this. Because I don't fucking like cilantro. She hates cilantro, but also why the fuck would anyone want like anything that smells like cilantro? I like cilantro. I don't like fucking hair to smell like cilantro. In your hair? That's not even one of those scenes where they list like, here are good things for your hair, like jojoba and blah, blah, blah, and cilantro. Cilantro. If you want your hair to smell like old guacamole, get over here. Get over here. I was like, fuck this. And I put it outside the shower.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Then I was in the shower like, I should have brought the cilantro conditioner with me. So anyway, we're just going for it. It's my new look. It's my new look. Thank you. It's my new look. Oh, you guys, okay. Ben stole this on the way over, the story. Oh, here's from Lakeland. Do you guys know that last week or something, recently, someone in your town on a horse got a DUI? What the fuck? I feel, I feel bad for the horse. What if it's the horse that was drunk? Oh, that'd be cute. She's on the horse and she's like, I'm so sorry about my pet. She just loves beer so much. She does this. I was only in CVS for 20 minutes and she just, I think she brought a flask, a horse flask. Ann, but Tampa, you guys were like, we're going to
Starting point is 00:04:24 one up you. You guys brought a fucking active serial killer. Wow. Thank you so much for that. You shouldn't have. You truly, you shouldn't have. Yeah, that's scary. Georgia was like, yes, so should we still go to Tampa? This was like two or three weeks ago. I'm like, they'll fix it by then. Don't worry. They'll fix it. You haven't, you haven't fixed it yet for us. But Vince did point out, he goes, but if while you were here, you guys got him, it would be pretty legendary. So we go apprehend. Yeah, put on a hoodie. No, it's terrible. It's fucking terrifying. It's crazy. Guys, Florida, I thought this was, what do they call it, the safest place in the world? No, no, they do not. This is one of those
Starting point is 00:05:28 cities where when we are states really, when like in Madison, Wisconsin, I was like, I can't find a murder to do. They're so few. And then we're going to Tampa. And it's like, uh-huh. Yeah, we'll be fine. We'll be fine. We're just started looking like three hours ago. And I was just like, my choice of everything. Okay. Plus an active serial killer. And in addition, but yeah. So last time I was here, love it. It's just so fucking crazy. We do a thing where we're like, we like true crime and we're going to talk about it. And then it's like, it exists in the world. Yeah. It's a real thing. People experience it on a date. Oh yeah. He could be here tonight. Look around you. Did you say Stephen? I said, don't say that, but Stephen. Stephen.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Not here. He's not here. And actually, I know it's heartbreaking. Actually, we've never seen Stephen, uh, in the same room as the active Tampa serial killer. I'm just saying. Oh my God. I'm just saying, consider all your options. Vince, we solved it. Vince, we did it. We nailed it. Vince keeps saying this phrase. He can't stop saying smothered and covered. Because the moment we realized we have a, you guys have a waffle house? Yes. I've never been. I know. Have you? I went, I was there at one in night in the New Year's Eve at one AM in Tampa, probably right over here. It was the most oppressing, scary place I've ever been in my life. Was that back when you were dating Pitbull? Yeah. You know me and Pitbull when I was
Starting point is 00:07:18 in high school. He would take you all around to the, all the waffle houses you wanted to go to. It was insane. I, I was sad, but this time it's going to be incredible. We're going to be smothered and covered everybody. Apparently. So you get like waffles or whatever to get a stack of waffles. Stacking some stack of waffles. Stacking waffles like pancakes is the best idea I've ever had. That's incredible. Also, oh, no, let's stay on the stack of waffles for a while. Let's talk about it. I'm out of my mind right now. Is it because you took a red eye and I think so. I drank too much coffee. So we're in a good place right now. This is going to be fucking fun. Oh, by the way, this is my favorite murder. Thank you. That's Karen Kilgaro. That's Georgia Heartstart. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Thank you. Thank you. We, we got a fucking box full of a bunch of different kinds of Girl Scout cookies. Yeah. Can you fucking even deal with it? We couldn't. Karen immediately grabbed the, what's the ones you like? Dosey Dose. Yeah. They're very 80s, but I love them. Right. And I grabbed the Samoas because I'm not, what the fuck cares about Dosey Dose? You can have those. I guess I can have them. I'm the kind of person that would pick like a dessert item less people like so I can have more of it. That's my thing where I'm like, I don't care. I like them. Does no one will touch mine. No one's going to be like, can I try one of those? Nope. I don't want to try one. People are like, that looks like some kind of a fiber
Starting point is 00:09:00 cookie. You can have that. You can have that Girl Scout fiber cookie all to yourself. Yeah. That's your thing. Meanwhile, what are Samoas are like? They basically are like a Twix from Hawaii. That's exactly right. Right. They're going for it. Oh my God. Hawaiian Twix. Right. Everything I want. So the girl, the woman who gave me Dosey's name was Alice. Thank you, Alice. Are you here? She's scared. There she is. She is fucking. This is one, one. She's currently being killed by the Tampa serial killer. Her friend wouldn't even be like right here. Your friend sucks. No. Alice, I'm sure you have lovely friends. Alice, stop it. She said, she said, my love for true crime started when I was a kid. In eighth grade, I wanted to be a
Starting point is 00:09:54 forensic pathologist. And then for her research science project, she witnessed autopsies and interviewed a pathologist. How cool is that? And that was in eighth grade. Eighth grade. So you're 13. You're like puberty has just kicked in and you're like, let's see some dead bodies. That's how I'm going to deal with this horror show. For most people, I think most normal people, so nobody here, including us. Mostly us. Would be like, well, I'm not going to eat something that that crazy person just gave me. And I'm like, let's eat all these girls and be best friends with her. And so she went to an in high school. She interned assisting with autopsies and worked with a pathologist ID Dose by cross referencing them with missing persons reports. So she's like
Starting point is 00:10:42 an original web sleuth person. It's the best. In high school, I stole the varsity letterman jacket of the guy I liked, put it on, got into a car and locked the door and wouldn't get out. So same thing. So there's all these different ways to deal with being in high school. You know, some people, some, you know, we're all heroes. In our own way. So we picked out the least favorite Girl Scout cookie box. And you guys can have some here. Yeah. Go ahead. Thank you. You represent the audience. No, you have to pass them around. She holds him over her head like, yes, I won. I won the lemon Girl Scout cookie contest. Alice, thank you so much. Thank you, Alice. She works with the Girl Scouts now,
Starting point is 00:11:38 which is fucking awesome. She transitioned out of dead people and now she works for the Girl Scouts. Helping girls. That's so rad. She's so much better than us. How are they going to do? It's all a contest. Did you guys watch the baseball thing, the series? Some fucking dude grabbed, this girl caught the baseball, the World Series, dude grabs it out of her hand, throws it back. Well, I know. Here's what I loved about it, though. He actually, right, he grabbed it out of her husband's hand, right? She was like, yay. And then her husband's like, look at this and turns to his friend. And that guy, if you watch the clip, his eyes are so wide with crazed rage. He's like, we do not keep those. It was like the weirdest look on a person's face
Starting point is 00:12:33 I've ever seen. His eyelids were not touching his irises at all. He was just like, baseball rage. You know, the wife was like, I guess we have an extra ticket. Terry, yes, your best friend, Terry can come. I don't, you know, I don't like being around him, but this is exciting. Maybe we'll, you know, we'll bond over. Just don't make me sit next to him and we're not going out after and it's fine. Yeah, Terry can be there. That's fine. And then hopefully my dream of catching a foul ball will come true from the other teams, even though we're at a different stadium. Still, it's a wide, wild dream. It'll never happen. I know. And then Terry, good old fucking Terry. What a dick. There's a reason he didn't have a wife there. Is he here tonight? Terry, are you
Starting point is 00:13:18 here tonight? Terry's longest relationship is three months. You know those guys? Yeah. I'm making fun of people. We do. What else about baseball? Hey, oh, our rugs here. Oh good. Yeah, the rug that we wove. We made this. We made this. We made this. Our grandma started it. We finished it. This is from the new line of my favorite murder rugs. You can order them on. It actually could be my favorite. My favorite murder rugs. No, I mean, Georgia is such a mogul. She's just like, we can make rugs. Is that your dream? Let's make that dream come true. It's happening. It's not very financially responsible. No, it doesn't make a ton of sense. I'm doing it. But at least one person will be like, you guys, I've always wanted a murder rug. Good. Here you go. If we didn't
Starting point is 00:14:16 murder rugs, it could just be like cutouts of beige carpet that look like a crime scene. That's such a hold on. No one steal that. This is being recorded. It's our idea. It's being recorded. That and stacked up waffles. We're at this very moment listening at home. We're trademarking this. He's only doing one hand though because his other is stroking his mustache. This is a good idea. Imagine if you're walking through like the rug section in Ikea and you're like floral, classic Indian. Oh, what's this? Oh, human fluids. Okay. It's a look at a certain look. Abnormally cut with a fucking razor blade. Pull it up and it also has the padding on the back that the blood soaked through. Come on, guys. Think about all the horrible shit you've seen.
Starting point is 00:15:11 This is a good time to tell the people who don't know what this podcast is. Oh, shoot. This is very much a true crime podcast. With comedy elements, some people don't like it. Super sorry. It's not for everyone. No. And some of you might even be here tonight. Some of those everyone's might be here tonight. What if we looked up and there's just a troop of Girl Scouts sitting right there? We're joking about the rug. Get those girls out of here. Just kidding. Yeah. So that's what this is. Should we sit down? I think we should. Yeah, it's time. Look at these gorgeous things like brand new director's chairs. You do that. Do that. I'm a director. That's right. We're going to get you a bullhorn. Is that how it works? Yes. That's
Starting point is 00:16:01 exactly how Francis Ford Coppola directed all of the all of apocalypse. Now, give me that thing. Go over there. I'm Francis Ford Coppola. Give me that. I went to film school, obviously. Yeah. I feel like this theater is normally used to put up the play as you like it. And that's all. It's like so amazing looking. It is. And then we're just we're just here talking about crime. I mean, baseball and crime. Yeah, our two loves. This theater is like really bummed right now. The ghost of this theater is like, wow, I thought they were going to show another as you like it again. It's so sad. That's the only play I can think of as you like. Can I tell you the truth? I don't fucking know what that play is. I just went with it. You know what it is?
Starting point is 00:16:55 I'll tell you. I went to film school, not theater school. I went to neither. I didn't go to fucking college. That play just in case this comes up in the future on Jeopardy. It's a play about two gals that go to the waffle house. And they're like, do I have to get it smothered and covered? And the waitress is like, no, you can get it as you like it. Boom. Oh my God. I'm taking an improv class. That was incredible. Thank you. It's because I've been up for hours traveling with America. Scene work. Is that what scene work is? It's me going like this. Oh, I don't know. Yeah. I don't really know. And I did go to theater school, but I hated it because they always made you like try to stand like a fucking praying mantis or something. Which is
Starting point is 00:17:50 just like, I'm not interested in this. Yeah. This isn't going to get me there. I just want people to believe me when they're giving me a lot of money to be on camera. That's right. That's all I want. That's all that matters. Did I ever tell you the story about my dad telling me that Kevin Costner was his favorite actor? And then right, I was like, really? And he goes, yeah, the only thing is I don't believe anything he says when he's talking. No. That's not what acting is. So what do you like his hair? Like, what the fuck do you like about that guy? That doesn't make any sense. I think it's because these Kevin Costner's really into golf. So maybe he likes the parts he picks. My dad likes Sugar Ray, the band Sugar Ray. What? What? Yeah. I don't know. He heard a song on the
Starting point is 00:18:36 radio. I really liked that band. Hey, you know the band Sugar Ray. Hey. Does he like did he buy like a CD? I think he bought a single. Oh, shit. I'm not fucking kidding. Marty. Yeah. He's dedicated to Sugar Ray. Yeah. And he, yeah, it's, he loves cassettes. I think he's really sad that his new car has a CD player and not a cassette player. Yeah, but that makes sense. But does he know cassettes are coming back? Are they? Yeah, they're making a comeback big time. I mean, I'm gonna, no, no. Don't you miss cassettes? A part of your musical experience. Mostly CDs. Mostly cassettes. What'd you say? Almost completely cassettes. Oh, what'd you think I said? I thought you said mostly insects. You know, losing my mind. Like, oh, this conversation is changing. I don't know
Starting point is 00:19:34 how to go with it. How do I go with insects? Just nod and say, oh, I've heard of that play. Yes. I love that play. Cassettes completely. When they came in the wrong thing and you could snap them out and I'd steal them when I was a kid. I was a real shitty kid. In the store? Yeah. Oh, fuck yeah. You'd snap them out of the arm. Wow, Georgia. Terrible kid. Don't have kids. No, don't steal. I'm sorry. Don't steal. What's the lesson for tonight? There's so much to learn. This is a learning podcast, first and foremost. Yeah. Looking for a better cooking routine? With meal planning, shopping and prepping handled, HelloFresh has you covered. HelloFresh makes home cooking easy and affordable so you can
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Starting point is 00:21:07 at slash murder20 with code murder20. That's up to 20 free meals plus free shipping on your first box when you go to slash murder20 and use code murder20. Goodbye. Hey, I'm Arisha and I'm Brooke and we're the hosts of Wondery's podcast Even the Rich, where we bring you absolutely true and absolutely shocking stories about the most famous families and biggest celebrities the world has ever seen. Our newest series is all about the incomparable Diva, Whitney Houston. Whitney's voice defined a generation and even after her death, her talent remains unmatched, but her incredible success hit a deeply private pain. In our series, Whitney Houston, Destiny of a Diva, we'll tell you how she hid her true self to make everyone around her
Starting point is 00:21:56 happy and how the pressure to be all things to all people led her down a dark path. Follow Even the Rich wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon music or Wondery app. Speaking of first and not foremost, I'm going first today. You go first. Yes. All right. So this one's real fucked up. Great. And I've never heard of it even though it's, there's a hundred insane parts about it. And I've never heard of it. Maybe because I was in high school when most of the crazy shit took place. And when you're in high school, you don't pay attention to anyone but yourself. Yeah. That's when I plucked my eyebrows back to the middle of my eye. Exactly. Because I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror. You're busy plucking every
Starting point is 00:22:48 eyebrow out of your head and not watching the news. Yeah. So this is the story of the serial killer, Oscar Ray Bolin. See, when they're applauding, they mean they hate him. That's right. For the people that for the newbies, for the boyfriends and girlfriends who don't listen to this podcast and just got a chill down their spine because people were applauding for a serial killer. It's not that doesn't translate to fan ship of murder. More of I know this, I stay up at night reading old newspaper columns and driving myself insane. Right. Yay. Yes. This is the one where I had to get Xanax. That's what they're saying. Xanax prescription. Yay, Xanax. Okay. That would actually be sorry, but that would be a great sponsor for this show.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Because then we get free samples and we get to go to the Christmas Xanax party. Oh, that would be so boring. Like the biggest bummer. Can we tell them that, okay, you don't decide. We got invited so you know, Casper mattresses are always advertisers on every podcast. We just got an email that we were invited to the fancy Casper mattress party Christmas party. I was so excited and I was like, Karen's not going to want to go to this. I'm not going to tell Karen I'm excited because I get excited about stupid shit and Karen's like, I don't want to go to the fucking thing. Right. Like you don't like fucking things. No, I hate most fucking things. And I want to go to anything that's going to have little food on silver trays. Like that's my fucking
Starting point is 00:24:32 dream. Yes. But then you text me and you were like, I was like, we got to go to that mattress party. We got to go to Casper. What does it even mean? And I didn't trust it. I was like, are you messing me with everything right now? Cause I really want to go. Are you pleasing me? You're being sarcastic, aren't you? I had to like tell her three times. I'm confirming that I'm not being sarcastic. I genuinely will wear a dress to the Casper mattress party and I'm going to try to meet the president of Casper. Is Casper here tonight? I want to meet that motherfucker. Yeah. Yeah. We'll send photos to you guys. Yeah, for sure. Check your email. Could you imagine? I want to, I would like to marry a mattress millionaire. Mattress mogul. Wouldn't that be fun?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Mattress mogul. You're the wife of a mattress mogul. Karen. Then I get to be on the real housewives of wherever the mattress company is. Sounds like a tech startup. It's probably like Northern California. Yeah, that'd be nice. The real housewives of Pengrove and just being really bitchy to people in an apple orchard. This is Northern California comedy. You don't get it. Stay local. Okay. Hey, in Tampa, speaking of, that's local. Now it gets bummer. Early in the morning of January 25th, 1986, 25-year-old, her name's Blanche, Holly, leaves her night job. She's a manager at Church's Fried Chicken, night manager. Is that another thing we should, I've never had it. Oh, it's bad. It's gone. Oh, it's bad. Okay. Got it. I like the idea that all of
Starting point is 00:26:17 Tampa has one opinion about that chicken. Oh, it's yes and no. Okay. We got it. The answer is no. Okay. Fair enough. Okay. She leaves her night manager off like one in the morning, heads home. She never makes it home. And later that morning, or like in the morning morning, a jogger finds her body in an orange grove in Lutz. Lutz. Sorry. For a second, for one second, I thought you were booing her. And I was like, holy fuck. It's not her fault. Lutz. Lutz. But how is it spelled? It's spelled either Lutz or Lutz. L-U-T-Z. Oh. I mean, that makes sense. That's an either or. Yeah. I had a 50-50% chance and obviously I got the wrong one. I mean, look, here's the thing. You were just comparing it to other words you know that are kind of spelled like that. You don't call
Starting point is 00:27:18 them newts. You call them nuts. Newts is E-W. I'm just saying, this is our campaign, spell it like you say it. It would help us. We don't fucking live here. We don't like, you don't know what's happening ever. I hate when this happens and they have to say this next line. Yeah, it's always this. She had been stabbed about 10 to 12 times. The only clue that they had was from the night before. Okay. This is fucked up. Okay. She had left work. She's heading home and then a Hillsborough sheriff's deputy stops to check. Yeah. It's a great county. Yeah. So this sheriff's deputy sees two parked cars off a boulevard in Tampa. One of them has their lights blinking so he pulls over. Inside one of the cars is a man and a woman and he like shines a flashlight and he's like,
Starting point is 00:28:24 everyone okay here? And the dude is like, yeah, we're fine. I ran out of gas. She was going to help me go get gas. And then his mind he was like, well, that's weird. Like why would she be in his car if they were going to get gas, whatever. And he says to the woman, like, are you okay? She's like, I'm fine. Everything's fine. And then he moves on. But he does check the car registration of the dude's car and it's registered to a man named Oscar Boland. So the next day that Blanche's body is found, her car is found there abandoned. So that was her car. It's about five miles away. They question this guy, Oscar's friends. They gave him an alibi. So they didn't follow up. Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, thoughts. Give me that Xanax. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Okay. The murder that day doesn't get much coverage even though it's a huge story because it's the exact same day that the fucking Challenger shuttle explodes. Oh, no. Good. Isn't that crazy in Cape Canaveral? Almost, I know what, okay. So that dominates the news. So it doesn't really get any coverage, which fucking sucks. About 10 months later, 17-year-old Stephanie Collins, she's a senior in high school. She stops by the drug store where she works to see if she gets some extra hours over the holidays to make some money. She leaves to go to choir practice and she disappears from the shopping center parking lot. Some friends said they saw her driving by in the passenger seat of a white van. She said that they were waving at her, but they didn't realize
Starting point is 00:30:00 anything was wrong. I feel like this isn't going to work, but it would be nice if there could be some kind of an alert system that we could make up with our eyes or something. You know what I mean? Where if someone has a knife in your gut and they're like, don't you fucking say a word? And then it's like, everyone says, you're like, no officer, we're fine. And you're like, I am fine or whatever. That's not going to work. But if there is a system of some kind, what would it be? Like a tongue, a tongue maneuver. Yeah. I'm fine. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe you should take me out of this car anyway. I'm fine. Yeah. There's just so many stories like that that are so awful where, you know, and you know,
Starting point is 00:30:43 it kills the people that actually saw them and didn't do anything. Absolutely. Absolutely. Her disappearance, fucking massive month long search, but eventually they find her Stephanie's body in Hillsborough County, Florida. She's wrapped in sheets and has blunt force head injuries. And she stabbed as well. On that exact same fucking day that she has found, police also discover the body of Terry Lynn Matthews. She's 26 by a railway line in Pasco County, County, Florida. It's about 30 minutes away. So they're 30 minutes away. She had got so Terry had, I mean, Stephanie had gone missing the night before and Terry had gone missing a month. No, no. Terry had gone missing the night before when they just happened to find their bodies in the same fucking day, which is bananas.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Okay. So she had been abducted, abducted the night before from outside Orlando Lake's post office. Sorry. You mean the butter? Yeah. It's a real place. It's an actual place. I didn't know till I tell of this. I just fucking have a nervous breakdown. That would be amazing. That's my breaking point that I find out of land to lakes is real. Yeah. Is that girl still kneeling holding the butter by the lake? Out of my mind. Okay. It was all over butter. I love butter. Yeah. So, okay, here's what happened. Terry had left her boyfriend's house and was driving home and decided to stop off, and this was late at night, decided to stop off at her post office box to get her and her family's mail, which is like, fuck, dude, I get it. I've done that a million times. You have a
Starting point is 00:32:34 post office box. What? You have a post office box. Yeah. I have a post office box, even. No, I'm bragging. Yeah. Everyone's super impressed. So the boyfriend and Terry's family, that night or like she should have been home by now, they go out looking for her. They find Terry's car in the parking lot with the door open and mail scattered all over the ground. I know. So they find her body the next morning. She had been stabbed in the neck and chest and beaten repeatedly over the head. She's also wrapped in sheets. And so at this point, the authorities know a serial killer is on the loose. They track fibers to all three of the victims. They all match. But for four years, the case goes cold and there's no fucking leads. So sit tight for your fucking
Starting point is 00:33:25 serial killer, everyone. Sorry, I get dark sometimes. It's different times though. That was fucking 40 years ago or whatever. Yeah. So what? I haven't slept in days. Look at my hair. Let me have 10 numbers. She told you. Okay. Until 1990, when police receive a call on one of the crime stoppers fucking places, a man says, a man says he knows who killed the three girls and they somehow figure out who he is because it's not anonymous apparently or he gives them up. I don't know. He says it's his new, it's his wife's ex-husband is the killer. So he fucking rats out his new wife's ex. You know how satisfying that was? It felt great. Okay. So the ex-husband is our friend, the piece of shit, Oscar Ray Bolin. He was born in January 1962 in Portland in
Starting point is 00:34:39 Indiana, fucking once fell off a roof and hit his head. Classic. The usual. His family owned a carnival and he had worked there. I know. Red flag. Unless it's fun. Unless it's like a fun carnival. But shit. Yeah. Right? Because like then it's almost like then just think of every carnival worker you've ever seen and you're like, oh, it's a carny. Okay. Intense. Also a long haul shocker. Like can we get a few more on the list, please? Like stress. It's a bit on the nose actually. Right. So did he hate his mother? Probably. Okay. His mom said that he was a little odd. Oh. So then I wrote, and the dick bag was already in prison. That wasn't a cutting pace. Those were my words. Wikipedia. The dick bag was already in prison, serving 22 to 75
Starting point is 00:35:41 year sentence for the 1987 kidnapping and rape of a waitress who worked at a truck stop cafe. All right. Here, let's, here we go. Oh, Jesus Christ. That's humongous. I know it's pretty big. Get me away. Steven, did Steven like crop that picture? Because that's unnecessarily large. I don't know. I don't think they can blame this one on Steven. Okay. I just don't, it's a lot of face. I mean, please feel free to blame it on Steven. I mean, we do. I do feel so free. Here's the thing. I don't know if this one, I don't know if back goes, just try it. All right. Nice. I did it. Thank you for making that go away. All right. So, so he's in fucking prison. The ex-wife named Cheryl tells investigators that she was with him, Oscar, when he was casing the church's chicken
Starting point is 00:36:35 restaurant, but they went home and she fell asleep. And then at 2 a.m., he comes home and wakes her up. He fucking spills the contents of a woman's purse on the bed, tells her that he killed someone and that he has, she has to help him clean the car and fingerprints and dispose of other evidence. Yeah. And she's like, huh? Let me think about this. What have you done for me lately? Did you fix that sink? Okay. We'll do that first before I help you. Honey. Oh, man. So, he's charged, Oscar Reibald is charged in 1990 with all three murders and undergoes three trials, one for each victim. In Stephanie Collins' case, it came out that there had been, okay, so there had been a note in her purse that they pulled out at the trial. The name on it said Ray and a
Starting point is 00:37:34 series of letters and numbers that fucking correlated to Oscar Ray Bolin's license plate. Which means they think that he was either stalking her somehow or that maybe they had been a little fender bender and had written down his information and put in her purse. And they also think that our first victim, Blanche, that maybe when they pulled over on the side of the road and he had given her a fender bender too, and by the time the cop came, he had a gun on her. So that might have been his fucking M.O. Okay. It's just going to make it hard when we all go and have fender benders next time. It's just going to make it that much more difficult. I'm going to get arrested. It's just I'll never stop. It'll be a fucking... You re-rent someone and then you just
Starting point is 00:38:21 stay in your car. You won't get out. And then they're like, it's the other way around. If someone hits you, don't get out. Not if you slam in the back of someone's car. Anytime you drive your car, don't get out of the car. There. Fixed. Fixed. At Terry Matthews' trial, so Oscar's half-brother Phillip Bowlin comes forward to testify. He, at the time of Terry's murder, he was 13 years old. He said he saw his older brother beating a woman who was wrapped in a sheet. Oscar claimed the woman had been shot in a drug deal, gone wrong. And then he saw or heard Oscar kill her. And it turned out to be Terry Matthews. And 13-year-old Phillip then helped him get rid of the body after the killing. And this kid apologized to the family. He was 19 at the time of the trial.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And yeah, he was... And at every... There's going to be a lot of trials at all of them. He testifies. Yeah, he's on it. In each case, each of the three cases, Oscar Ray Bowlin found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to death for each of the three convictions. But wait, it gets worse. Don't applaud. Okay. So in 1995, Florida Supreme Court reversed all three convictions and orders new trials. According to the court, the prosecution and trial judge erred in allowing jurors to let the wife, Cheryl, testify. Because it's protected by Florida spousal privilege rules. Meaning you can't fucking tell on your husband a lie. You can't snitch on the person you married, even if he's a fucking horrible... You know? Yeah, but because
Starting point is 00:40:10 you could be all like, hey, my husband's a big murdering dickhead. And it could not be true. Yeah, but that's a... It's a loaded area. I see. I mean, I'm just devil's advocating. Surely I'm not on the side of the murderer, everybody. So they go back to trial. And even though the Bowlins are now divorced, this privilege still holds. So the husband and wife conversations are confidential. He's sent back to trial three more times. Each time he's convicted again. Each time he's sentenced to death again. And again, the high court comes back and says that they used part of her testimony again. So this... And they said that this time the reason they did it was because so Oscar Bowlin tries to commit suicide in prison. And when his suicide note says
Starting point is 00:41:02 ask my wife, she'll tell you every... Ask my wife, she'll tell you everything that happens. We can't dickhead. But the prosecutors were like, that's him saying he's waiving his rights to spousal privilege. But they're like, no. He rejects the argument. Okay. So in 1996, over six years after he's initially arrested, he faces his seventh murder trial. By 2005, he's reconvicted of all three murders and gets the death sentence for Terry Matthews. That one's upheld. So he's fucked. Okay. Here's this annoying stupid part. All right. While he's in prison, Oscar starts dating a woman. That's not even the stupid part. All these stories make me feel so much more alone. What does he have that I don't have? I have a huge face just like he does. God.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Karen, I'm sure there's a convict out there for you too. Somewhere waiting in a cell to Steven Cut all of it. Shit. Fuck. Good. Okay. Start stating a woman named Rosalie Martinez. Rosalie Martinez, let's talk about her. She's married to a fucking wealthiest shit, prominent attorney. Super wealthy. So she's cheating on her lawyer. Oh, sorry. I'm going to tell you. Yeah, I know. I'd like to guess how the rest of it goes. She's married as fuck. She's got four daughters then they meet while she's apparently go on his defense team. She's like, I got to have that. Yes, I've read all the fucking case files. Yes, I've seen the
Starting point is 00:42:56 fucking crime scene photos and watched the mothers of the fucking victims crying court, but I got to have that. She's just like, I've never seen a face that big. I have. To kiss it. I must make him mine. There is that thing though with the, you know, when things are taboo and forbidden, you know what I mean? I'm sure if it was just like, I'm sure if his, her husband was just like, could you go ahead and have an affair with a thing? And then she'd be like, ooh, that guy, that's gross. But she knew it'd be like the worst possible thing. That's like the thing of like, when you look over a balcony and you're like, what if I jump? It's that. Yeah. Romantically. And most people are like, oh, that's how it makes
Starting point is 00:43:38 it sound romantic. I know. It's kind of a romantic suicide situation. You know. So she fucking leaves her family and marries fucking Oscar. Wait, does she's not heard about affairs? Well, she can't even bone him. He's in prison. Oh, okay. Has she not heard about that? That's your solution. Has she not heard about therapy? About mental health? No, none of that. No, just cheating. Go straight to cheating. Okay. She divorces her husband and she marries him on live TV in 1996 to an audience. No, 12 million by phone from her apartment. Her sad beige apartment that she moved out of probably her mansion out of. She's got one really nice base though. She took she's like, this is mine. She probably has a framed photo of his giant face while they're
Starting point is 00:44:38 getting married. They get married on 2020. What? Of the show 2020. Yeah, I do. They get married on fucking 2020. Yeah, that's dirty. I know. I really, really don't like this. I mean, also it just sucks. She sucks. And there's obviously, like you said, there's a serious mental issue happening where it's like, what exactly is your long term relationship goal here? Yeah. Well, it is to it is that she fucking believes him innocent and her goal is to make so the reason one of the reasons for all of these fucking trials and all these things that happen is because of her and her and her money and because she was a public or she was a paralegal. So she knew all these rules. So part of the reason that this these families are these three young
Starting point is 00:45:27 girls had to go through 10 fucking years almost 30 years of trial and all this stuff is because this woman had the money to help him. Oh my God. Yeah. And the wherewithal. Is that a word? Oh, want to see them? Sure is. Nope. No. That's, that's them in love. That's them. Can you imagine being one of those four daughters and you're just like, mom, can I talk to you in the other room? Anything you anything you want to say to me couldn't be said over this over these through these prison jail in front of your stepfather. You know what I mean? Just say it. Yeah. Well, okay. So she also goes on the fucking Montell Williams show. Oh girl. No.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Jesus. And she and also the half sister of Terry Lynn Matthews goes on and she's a fucking this chick's a badass. She like tells her what and Montell Williams says to her even that if, if he ever gets out of jail, you better hope your four daughters aren't walking down the street when he's out looking for a big. That's right. Yeah. Give it up for Montell. And also don't forget that you can mail your gold necklaces into a company and get cash for gold. Another strong message Montell has sent America. Never forget that either. My dad worked for one of those companies. Yeah. He's unbagging necklaces while Sugar Ray is playing in the background. Is that the four poster bed? I love that song. That's the worst song ever written.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Georgia, have you heard that song? You love it? It's a dad song. I guess. Okay. So she insists he's innocent. She says she's his guardian angel. But here's my thing too. He's in prison. He was when he got caught for these crimes, he was in prison already for raping and kidnapping a woman which he pleaded guilty to. So even if you do truly believe he's innocent, well, she's fucking not. He's still in prison for rape that he pleaded guilty to. So stop it. She even brought one of her husband's Armani suits for him to wear to trial. Wow. Her ex-husband, she's like yank out of his. I bet that ex-husband and the rest of the family was just like, we're going to move away and just like got the hell out. Yeah. Okay. So 10 murder trials almost 30 years later on
Starting point is 00:48:13 January 7th, 2016, he files one last appeal but he's denied. It's the day of his execution. He spends three hours with his wife, eats his last meal, and then he's taken to the room. More than 30 witnesses, including the victim's families, are waiting out of sight before the execution. Asked if he had any last words. He says nope. He says no, sir. I'm going to say nope. Yeah. 10, 16, 2016, he dies after my lethal injection at 53 years old. So, yeah. And then a week fucking later, the state of Florida is like, well, you know, we're not going to do executions anymore. Yeah. And I feel like they were like holding their breath, waiting for him. They just wanted to get him. They just wanted to get him out. The one last one. Yeah. Because they were like, let's not make the
Starting point is 00:49:09 families go, because if he can appeal again, they just keep going on and on. Right. So they were like, don't say, okay. Governor, could you not sign that? Just not this week. I have a story to tell you. Okay. So he's linked to another murder of a girl named Deborah Diane Stowe who's 30 from Greenville, Texas, as well as a couple other Tampa area murders that he was suspected of. But there's no forensic evidence, apparently. Let's see. And so Terry, Stephanie and Blanche's mothers all stood together throughout all the trials. They all went to each other's daughter's trials, all of them. All three were always there together with each other. Terry and Stephanie's mother were there to see Oscar die. You put to death Blanche's mom and passed away by then. Stephanie's
Starting point is 00:50:02 mother said that they're my rock. We're unfortunate. We're together, but we're fortunate to have each other. And they called themselves the sisters in sorrow. So that's fucking Oscar Rae Boland. Wow. That was amazing. Shit. Sorry to bum you out. No, no, I just was like, just don't be a Rosalie. Just in life. Oh, and she was almost going to be on the Casey Anthony prosecution team. What? Yeah. And then they were like, I looked into her background for a hot minute and they're like, that might be weird. Let's not do that. You have a tendency to fall in love with bad people. So we're going to go ahead and take you out of the legal system. All right. Well, it's funny because mine takes place in the same county. Oh my God. And in just
Starting point is 00:51:00 a couple years before yours, I'm doing the serial killer Bobby Jo Long. Oh my God. Yeah. This is a heavy hitter situation. He's one of those heavy hitters, and I'm sorry Tampa, but it's just a bummer. You guys gave us no room for like a grandma poisoned her husband. Like nothing that was like charming because murder is horrible. We love a whimsical murder. You guys were like, nope, we're getting it done. Yeah. There's no room. We're in Florida. So I guess we just start talking about him. Bobby Jo Long was born on October 14th, 1953 in Canova, West Virginia. His parents got divorced. His parents were divorced. Bobby Joe shared a bed with his mother until he was 13. Yeah, you're not going to, that's not going to produce anything good. How much are
Starting point is 00:52:06 beds? Let's ask Casper mattresses. Casper mattresses. What if he bought me a diamond shape like a mattress? I'm just saying this party is going to be amazing night of our lives. It's going to change everything. Oh, I wrote it was here that experts theorize began his hatred of women. But here there's a couple other factors that are insane about Bobby Jo Long, one of which is he was born with an extra X chromosome. So because of that during puberty, he grew breasts. Do you think that that's a fun thing for a boy to have in junior high in Florida or West Virginia where the fuck he was? So that was, he was horribly, horribly teased, of course. Severely they said, then he suffered a series of bad head injuries. Yes, not just one, a series. So at the age of
Starting point is 00:53:11 five, he was knocked unconscious from a fall off a swing. And one of his eyelids was skewered by a stick. I didn't have to say that part I wanted to. The following year, he was thrown from his bicycle crashing head first into a parked car. And his he lost a couple teeth. And he had a severe concussion. He was when he was seven, he fell off a pony onto his head. Was a pony drunk? Oh my God. It was a child version of the drunken horse grew up to be this fucking horse has been terrorizing Florida. They said that he said he remained dizzy and nauseous from that head injury for weeks. No, it's great. It's great when that happens. If that happens, it's totally fine. It's perfect because then the rest of life is is easy and you don't become an obsessive
Starting point is 00:54:14 rapist murderer. The following year, he was thrown from his bicycle. Oh no, I just read that. I was like, fuck, this is crazy. I'm rereading things. Okay. So then luckily when he was 13, he met a girl named Cynthia at school. He started dating her. And then he was like, I don't think I want to sleep with my mom anymore. So he moved out of his mom's bed. Amen. Good, good call. And he ended up dating Cynthia for all through all through high school. And they got married in 1974. But six months before their wedding, he was hit by a car while riding his motorcycle. Oh, and he's his head hit the pavement so hard it shattered his helmet. So where helmets every don't have it doesn't matter. So I think we're up to now that's 19
Starting point is 00:55:13 head injury at this point. And one good eye injury. Don't forget about that one. So Cynthia says that his temperament changed after that accident. He was always like short tempered, but now he became physically abusive. And they have two children. And he becomes she said he developed a strangely overt compulsive and office often dangerous sex drive. She ends up filing for divorce in 1980. So after the divorce, he moves in with a friend named Sharon Richards. And Sharon Richards later accuses him of rape and battery. He ends up moving to the next year he moves to Long Beach, California to take an underwater welding course. Which is, you know, he was like, what do I want to do with myself besides hit my head on every fucking thing I pass?
Starting point is 00:56:06 Where would I be safe underwater? The kids had said really slow. Okay, so but this is so now of course, the awful transition into horror. There's a thing in California, I don't know if it's national, it's called the penny saver, which is basically a free, it's like a free circular. Yeah. And it's just one ads. So just all that coming by my dishwasher and shit. It's how you'd get a kitten when you were in the 80s. Yeah, right? Yeah, you were like, you as an eight year old would look through the penny saver and you'd be like, I want a kitten, I guess I'll walk to a stranger's house alone. So his he makes up this thing, he starts looking through the penny saver. He calls people who
Starting point is 00:56:57 are selling small appliances, he'll go to the house. If the woman is home alone, no, he has to use the restroom pulls out his rape kit. And then he brutally rapes and robs the woman. Oh my god. So he does that a bunch of times in Long Beach. And he's tried and convicted for rape in 1981. He requests a new trial. It's granted and then the charges are dropped and he and he moves back to Florida. So he basically like just a glitch in the system, he got to leave. So he comes back to Florida in 1983. And he's in Tampa. So yeah, that's right. But it's 1983. So don't be upset. Over 22 years ago. So in the fall of 1983, Bobby Joe Long is charged with sending an inappropriate sex infused
Starting point is 00:57:47 letter and photographs to a 12 year old girl earning him a short jail sentence and probation. He was he's like an internet visionary. If you want to be slightly positive about Bobby Joe Long, he was dick picking it long before anybody else through snail mail mail even. Okay. That's not funny, Karen. Okay. During this time, his new thing was he would scout for sales lines on houses, hunt through the classified ads for furniture and other items. And then he would once again, this was the penny saver move that he did Long Beach, where he would go into people's homes and rob them in the according to police. In this time, he raped more than 50 women doing this. Holy shit. Yeah. So then in 1984, he escalates to murder. So they said that Hillsborough
Starting point is 00:58:45 County had it's you can cheer for it, but there's been a lot of problems there. Hopefully they've been solved on the bright side. Hopefully maybe hopefully this doesn't happen that much anymore. So they had been averaging 30 to 35 homicides a year in the 80s in Hillsborough County. Then Bobby Joe moves back to town and that number begins to skyrocket. So he was at the time on probation for assault. But he starts driving around areas where he knows sex workers walk and and where there are dive bars where women who could possibly be drunk and leaving the dive bars are so that he can go pick them up on May 13 1984, the dead body of a nude bound young female is discovered by young boys late in the afternoon in a remote area of Southern Hillsborough
Starting point is 00:59:41 County. She's lying face down her hands are tied behind her back. She's gagged. There's a rope around her neck like a leash. Her feet are spread five feet apart. So she's deliberately staging this body in the most, you know, horrible way he possibly can. Her clothing and belongings are never found. And her body was very the decomposition was really advanced. So it took them a while to determine that the cause of death was strangulation. She's identified as Lana Long. She was a 25 year old Laotian woman who worked as an exotic dancer in Tampa. She was last seen in her apartment complex near University of South Florida. And she had been missing for approximately three days. Two weeks later on May 27th at 11 30 in the morning, the body of a young white female was discovered in
Starting point is 01:00:30 an isolated area in Eastern Hillsborough County. She was found nude. There was a pile of clothing near her body. She was on her back. Her hands were bound at the waist. There was ligature around her neck. Her throat had been cut. She sustained multiple blunt trauma injuries to the head. And her her hands were bound with some kind of a clothesline. And there was a ligature at the neck that was made of the same kind of rope and it was tied in a hangman's noose. And there was three to four feet of rope extending from that noose. And she also her upper arms were bound with what looked like to be a green man's t-shirt. So there was a composite drawing of the victim made and released to the media and she's identified as Michelle Denise Sims, a 22 year old native Californian
Starting point is 01:01:14 who was last seen the night before walking with two white males near Kennedy Boulevard. She was also a known sex worker. So victim number three on June 24, 1984, the body of another young white female is found in an orange grove in southeastern Hillsborough County, fully clothed. She's in an advanced state of decomposition. There's no ligatures. They were the victim wasn't found near an inner state as the other two victims had been. So the police didn't connect her death to the other two bodies that have been found. And so of course, in the initial stages of the investigation, they're looking at her boyfriend. And I get he failed a polygraph. So they think they're basically positive. It's the boyfriend. But then they send evidence to the FBI lab. But because there was no
Starting point is 01:02:00 connection to the other two bodies, the FBI lab didn't try to find what was on the other two bodies, which were red nylon fibers on both of those other two victims. So that does come up later. But she's identified as Elizabeth Loudenbach, a 22 of Tampa. She was an assembly line worker who had last been seen seven o'clock on June 8. She had no criminal history. So the fourth victim, and this like it's these are coming like every three to three, four weeks. So what must have been horrifying, October 7, 1984, the nude body of a young black female is discovered near Posco Hillsborough County line. It doesn't matter. What if I just fell backwards out of this chair? I love my job. Posco. Pesco. Pesco, you say? Have you ever cared more about the sound of a county
Starting point is 01:03:05 than you do tonight? Okay. Her body is found lying next to the dirt entrance of a cattle ranch. And her clothing is next to the body. Her bra is tied in a knot and hanging on the entrance gate. So she's an advanced state of decomposition, her head more so than the rest of her body. And they find eventually they find a gunshot wound to the neck, which is determined to be the cause of death. And she's eventually identified as 18 year old Chanel Williams. And she had previously been arrested for sex work. She had last been seen the night of September 30th by a friend who they were working together on Nebraska Avenue. And pretty good, pretty good spot. Okay. So her friend says that she had been picked up by a John and she told Chanel, please,
Starting point is 01:04:01 they're going to go to a motel really close by. She said, please walk over there so that by the time you get there, like you can check on me and make sure everything is okay. And then Chanel doesn't show up to check on her. So then a week later on the morning of October 14th, 1984, the body of a white female nude from the waist down is discovered in a remote orange grove in northeastern Hillsborough County, 30 feet from a dirt road, apparently dragged from the roadway. She was on a gold colored bread spread. There was a blue jogging suit tied outside of it. Her hands were bound in front with a red and white handkerchief. Her right wrist and legs and feet were all bound with string and there were ligature marks on her neck. And she'd been struck in the
Starting point is 01:04:47 forehead and strangled. And she's identified as Karen Beth Dinsfront. She's a 28 year old sex worker who had been working in that same area that all the rest of them had. And she was last seen in the early morning hours of October 14th, 1984. So immediately when the cops get there, they see the body, they see the ligatures, they see everything and they're like, this is the serial killer, we've got another body. And when they send all the evidence to the medical examiner, they find red nylon fibers on her. So then on a week later, I think actually it's less than a week later. It's like, no, it's a week later. I can't add. A week later, the nude mummified remains of a white female are discovered near Highway 301 in Northern Hillsborough County.
Starting point is 01:05:35 No clothing, no ligatures, no really any physical evidence are found at the scene. And due to the amount of time that the body has been exposed to the elements, there's no fibers, there's no hair, there's no evidence on her at all. And she actually doesn't get identified until after he is arrested. And then when she does, she is Kimberly Kyle Hopps, she's a 22 year old white female, last seen by her boyfriend, getting into what he described to the police as a 1977 Maroon Chrysler Cordova. So then a week later, I can't imagine, a week later, the remains of a female were discovered near Morris Bridge, just north of the Hillsborough County line. And her bones were scattered around a large area. And they found a ligature on an arm
Starting point is 01:06:26 bone. And then they found just a ligature by itself, a shirt, some panties, jewelry are all found there and some head hairs. And all of that helps identify a woman named Virginia Lee Johnson, who was an 18 year old white female originally from Connecticut. She was a sex worker who split her time between Connecticut and the North Tampa area. Two weeks later, on November 24, the nude body of a young white female, I mean, it just fucking keeps coming, nude body of a young white female is found face down in an incline off of North Orient road in Tampa. She had been, she'd been there less than 24 hours. There was a pair of blue jeans and a flower top next to her. She was wearing knee high nylons. And it basically the police put together
Starting point is 01:07:12 that he the killer had pulled off the road and thrown her body over this incline. And she again had the ligature mark. She had all the signs of the same serial killer, all of the all the signatures. And she's identified as Kim Marie Swan. She's a 21 year old. She worked as an exotic dancer. And she was last seen walking out of a convenience store near her parents home at approximately three o'clock in the afternoon on November 11th, 1984. Yeah. So scary. So this is this part is kind of my favorite thing. Because as you know, I love the show I survived. It's my favorite show. It's the best. So in the middle of this string of murders in September of 1984, 17 year old Lisa McBae, her life is fucking hell. So she her home life is awful. And when she's 13, she's being
Starting point is 01:08:08 physically emotionally and sexually abused at home. So she decides to move in with her grandma when she's 13. And then her grandma's boyfriend starts sexually abusing her. So she's by the time it's awful. So by the time she's 17 years old, she's suicidal. And she's she just feels worthless. And she has a part time job at Krispy Kreme donuts that she goes to after school. So she goes to her part time job one night, 17 years old, her boss asks her to work a double shift. So she ends up closing that night alone and writing her bike home at two o'clock in the morning. No, no, no, no, no. How old is she? 17. Yeah. That's no. And she says in this episode of I Survived, which you probably saw. But she says she had that night before written a suicide note.
Starting point is 01:08:56 She was that she was that bad, like she felt that terrible in her life. So she's writing her bike home from work. And I'm just basically retelling this is her stories, you can watch it on I Survived, it's amazing. And so she's writing her bike home, and she passes a church parking lot. And she sees one single car in the center of the church parking lot and immediately gets a bad feeling and gets really scared. And a second later, someone pulls her off that bike onto the ground. And she looks up there's and she feels a gun to her head and she looks up and there's a man standing over her and he pulls her to his car. And in that moment, she says she realized she has to start paying attention to what is happening. She has to so if she lives, she can say what the fuck happened.
Starting point is 01:09:42 So she sees it's a red car, it has spoked wheels, she gets into the car, he lays the passenger seat down so she can't be seen. He blindfolds her. But she said all of her other senses just like came to life. So she sees that on the dash, there's the word magnum is on the dash in front of her, she can see it underneath the blindfold, she can hear that the car needs a tune up like it's a shitty car. It's so awesome. And she can hear that the wind changes from driving on normal streets to getting onto the interstate. So she knows that they have gone, you know, a far away from or a little far away from where they were. He takes her, he walks her into this house, he takes her into the house, puts her in the shower and shouts, bathes her basically. And she
Starting point is 01:10:29 says then he starts acting like romantic, like it's like their boyfriend and girlfriend, he's being sweet to her. Yeah. She says she's like pair, of course, paralyzed with fear and she's just decided she's going to do whatever he tells her to do. She's going to do whatever it takes to survive. Yeah, which she said, you know, the quote she has is here I was thinking about killing myself now I'm going to be fighting for my life. Yeah, it's really awesome. So he says to her, you're going to show me a good time tonight. And if you do that, you're going to be okay. Yeah, he throws her on the bathroom floor and rapes her brutally, and then takes her back into the bed ties her to the bed blindfolds her and rapes her like all night. He ended up keeping
Starting point is 01:11:14 her for 26 hours in total. But she said in the middle of that, at like at one point he would keep kept going into this into that weird boyfriend mode. At one point he took her hands and had her feel his face. So then yeah, which is like, so she's immediately she's like, you have thin eyebrows, a thin mustache, pockmark skin, she fucking goes, she goes right into like reading his face. She feels where his hairline is. She's like, I'm fucking, I'm going, she said, she thought to herself, I'm going to outsmart him. I'm going to tell him what he wants to hear and I'm going to outsmart him and I'm gonna live. It's I know it's awesome. So as they're talking, she decides she's gonna try to appeal to that sweet personality that kind of comes out. So he starts asking her about herself
Starting point is 01:12:06 and she's like, I'm an only child lie. My father's very sick lie. If he if I am gone, he will have no one in this world complete lie. He asks her to describe to him when in high school, the other girl's getting changed in the locker room. And she because of her abuse never changed in the locker room. She was always in the bathroom by herself. She said she's really ashamed. And, you know, of course had a lot of issues about that. But she just fucking made up a bunch of shit. She was just telling him everything he wanted to hear. And at one point she said, he said to her, what am I going to do with you? And she said, I think deep down you're a good person. I will be your girlfriend. And he, yeah, it's amazing. So he said, no, we can't do that.
Starting point is 01:12:52 And then he says, where do you live? And so he puts her back in the car and he drives back, he's dry, he puts the blindfold back on her and he's driving her back home. So as they leave the area that he lives in, she's peeking out from underneath the blindfold. And she, they drive by a quality in and they drive by a Howard Johnson's. And so she's like, he drives her to some parking lot. He hugs her and says, I'm sorry for what I did to you. And then get put like says, get out of the car and walk away. And then she hears the car drive away. She fucking pulls her blindfold off and like drops to her knees and is like, holy shit, I lived through that. Then she realizes he could fucking come back. So she just starts running home. And she said, every car that passed,
Starting point is 01:13:41 she would duck down behind a car. She said she it was the middle of the day. She must have looked insane. But she was of course, completely traumatized and out of her mind. Well, then she fucking gets back to her grandma's house where her fucking piece of shit grandma's boyfriend is who opens the door and is so enraged that she has been gone for a full day without telling them where she is that he starts beating the shit out of her. What the fuck. So finally, the grandma's like, you know what, that's enough. And she calls the police. So yeah, I mean, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ. So, so she goes to the police and she's like, get your pens and pencils because I've got some fucking information for you. Red car, spoke wheels, Magnum, blah, blah, blah, all that shit.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Oh, also when she was in the bathroom at one point, he let her go to the bathroom and he was going to make her go to the bathroom with the door open and she said, I can't, you have to let me close the door. And he said, fine, she closed the door and just started touching everything in the bathroom. So in case she died, at least her fingerprints would be everywhere on the bathroom. I mean, it's insane. So because of the information and when they when she tells them the quality in and the Howard Johnson's, that's the area where all of these women were last spotted in this series of murders. They put it together. Yes. And so they end up looking up car registration and they find a red dodge Magnum is registered to one Robert Joe Long. So they, oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Is your last page gone? Yep. Well, listen, what ends up happening? That sucks. But essentially what ends up happening is they arrest Bobby Joe Long and I think we have that picture. Hold on. I screwed up. And so the next picture I'm going to go by it. Wait, hold on. Okay, this is okay. Wait. Okay, now this is just that forever. Okay, but then it's going to be that and then there he is. Okay. That's Bobby Joe Long right there. Gross. So he's arrested. And he is, I'm going to have to do this up the top of my head. But he's they basically, when they take the evidence from Lisa's body, they find the red nylon fibers that were on all of these corpses that they found and they connect. So they know now that he is connected to this. And so they
Starting point is 01:16:14 basically tell him he immediately confesses to the attack and rape of Lisa. And then they say, well, and also we have this connection and it's these fibers are from your car. And they're also on all of these victims. So then he confesses to all of those murders. And he essentially ends up getting like it. I wish I could read it. It's like 26 fucking terms in prison or whatever. It's like six life terms and all this stuff. Yeah, he they got him on all this stuff. And he is, of course, they give him the death penalty. And then right around that time, right, you got you got the last guy because he is the he was supposed to be in executed in the electric chair and they were executed. I don't I just made that up. It's not the electric chair. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:07 How are you do it? But he by wolves. I think that's how they did it. Yeah. So they commute his sentence to life on death row, which he is still there. Shut up. He's still there now. Let's go get him, you guys. But Lisa McVeigh had always all her life wanted to be a police woman. And so she ends up joining you do the next picture. She ends up joining the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office. Look at her. Is that good? It's so good. I love her. I do too. Oh my God. And she said in the you can swatch it but at the end of the day, I survived. She said because they always make them say I survived because and usually it's like people who are like on a weird boat accident. They're like, I survived because Jesus was on the
Starting point is 01:18:13 boat with me or whatever. She goes, I survived because of the coping skills. I learned as an abused child and I survived because I outwitted an outsmarted Bobby Joe. Yes. Pretty sweet. More of the Lisa McVeigh story really than anything else. Great job. Yeah. Well, shit. Those were heavy guys. Listen, I think we have time for a quick one. I think we do. Tell them the rules. Oh, so we'd like one of you to come and tell us your hometown murder, but you can't be so drunk that you lose your place in your own story. You can be drunk. Just handle your shit. And you can't be too far away. Sorry, upper, upper deck people. It's such a rip off. Okay. Four people are pointing. They'll come up here. Here, come, Vince is here. You have to go to Vince.
Starting point is 01:19:26 She's running in heels. Yeah. Okay. Okay. When you turn the house lights down, if she sees everyone, she'll freak out. Yeah. It's scary. Hi, guys. Can we turn them down? I swear it's so scary. Yeah. Thanks. There she is. Hi. She walks out with her own microphone like she brought it. Hi, I'm Elizabeth. Hi, come in here. What did you say, Elizabeth? Yes. Hi. Hi. Nice to meet you. Hi. Gladly. Oh, we all match. Thank you. Where are you from? West Palm Beach, Florida. You guys know it. Fancy, right? Not really. Okay. That's all we know about it on the east coast, west coast. Where are we? What's your hometown? So this technically is not my hometown. It is my mother's. Oh. Thank you. And this is the murder of Joseph
Starting point is 01:20:24 Yablonsky. Okay. So it's a Pennsylvania mining town. Okay. And it's like dying because of course it is. Yeah. And they're starting to form like a miners union, but there's these two guys who want to be in charge of the miners union. And one of them is Joseph Yablonsky. And the other guy is this guy whose name I don't remember, but like he's important. So remember him. You're in the right place. And so that night, the evil guy, the one whose name I don't know, goes, I want to hit on Joseph Yablonsky. Not like in a hot way, but like kill him away. And so New Year's Eve, the hit takes place. I guess to like cover up the gunshots or something. So Joseph Yablonsky is in his house. So is his wife and his 24-year-old daughter. So the entire family is shot and killed
Starting point is 01:21:18 execution style. And everybody in the miners union goes, it's that guy. Like it's him. And they aren't found for four days till the suns come home. It's like it was really bad. And so everybody in the miners union, like once they go back to work, they walk out and say the police need to investigate this. Get on that. And so... Police love it when you say that. Get on that. Get on that shit. I have a personal connection to this murder. My grandfather worked for the police station at that time. And also at the funeral home. What? Yeah, he had two jobs. He could do it all. So a little personal detail. But so eventually they're like, they figure it out. Yeah. And it's like a giant deal in the town because somebody got straight up murdered. A whole family. Like a whole
Starting point is 01:22:16 family got straight up murdered. But I bring up my grandfather because since he worked at the funeral home, he has a special detail. And the daughter was getting ready to go out for the night. And so she had her hair in curlers when she was shot. And so the blood dried. And they took it out when they found her. And it was like stuck there. Aw. Awful. Uh, that's, that's Joseph Yolanski. All right. That's amazing. Oh, honey. Good job. Good job. Thank you. Give it to them. Elizabeth, everybody. Yay. And she gets to keep that microphone. Our gift to her. Oh, that was good. Yeah. I mean, stop bossing us around. It's insane. You guys, this has been Tampa. Thank you. Genuinely amazing show. Thank you so much. Um, it's, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:25 it's so exciting to us when we tickets go on sale for our shows and then they sell out and everyone gets mad. And there's all like, it's such an exciting thing to try to do something like this and have such an amazingly strong response. We feel so lucky genuinely to be doing this as our job. It's ridiculous. Yeah. And I also want to say, and people kept asking us this, was Florida the town I wouldn't, the state I wouldn't come to? It was not ever. I was like, we're going to Florida because they have so many murders. It was not for ever. You really, it's your thing. So thank you so much for being here. Thank you. We appreciate it so much. Thank you. And don't forget to stay sexy.
Starting point is 01:24:09 And don't. Bye you guys. Thank you.

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