My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark - 265 - The Answer’s Salt
Episode Date: March 11, 2021On this week's episode, Karen and Georgia cover the survivor story of Theresa Saldana.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Hello, and welcome to my favorite murder.
That's Georgia Hartzler.
Thank you.
That's Karen Kilgara.
You're welcome.
We are proud to be here with you this week, talking about true crime.
Talking about whatever the fuck we want.
Yeah, maybe I will recommend a book or two for your reading pleasure.
Maybe we'll have an anecdote about a wonderful thing.
Maybe there's correction corners up the wazoo.
Always and forever.
Should I kick off with the emergency correction corner?
Oh, shit.
I didn't know we had one.
This is an emergency.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
What did we do?
Well, we can actually blame it on home gym because.
Oh, yeah.
This is an emergency.
It's an emergency.
Oh my God.
You cannot put out a grease fire with flour.
You cannot.
You've been listening.
Or if you haven't, please don't try to put out a.
We've been giving false information.
Dangerous, false spreading lies.
Apparently my dad's been retired long enough from the San Francisco fire
department that he doesn't know how to put fires out anymore.
I think it's sad, you think it's funny, whatever.
But we've got, I got lots and lots of tweets with people who are related to firemen,
who are sitting next to one at the time, who here's my favorite.
Just have went to kindergarten and learned some basics.
Learn the basics.
Well, but I never, I always just thought it was a, I was happy to take his information
and be like, this is what I also have already not sure.
This is the way families grow up ignorant.
If Tom Jim doesn't know, then who among us is to know, but I do.
I will defend him by saying that he did do that thing where he said, I think so.
And I'm maybe that was the flower that was getting him.
But that's all you can expect on my favorite murder is and solid.
I think so with a question mark at the end.
We're setting you the listener up to help us.
We need you to help us.
We're trying to get you to participate.
This is an interactive podcast.
This is the choose your own adventure podcast.
This is an intervention podcast where someone's going to walk in and say enough is enough.
Your, your stove's on fire.
Your show, your show's burning down.
Don't you care?
And then that's when George and I grab hands and run into the sea.
So yeah, only use salt baking soda or a wet towel.
If you're even going to attempt to put out a grease fire.
Obviously fire extrusion is your best bet, but those are hard to use.
Someone told me I read online too that those like there's a green bottle one
that's specifically for grease fires and then the red ones are for fire fires.
They like they, they might cause the same problem.
I had, you know what?
Here's the thing.
Stop making bacon and fucking around and stop making your favorite murder
podcaster is your firefighters and your information about and stop being mad
because I pose as a firefighter and then get mad at you when I give you the wrong
Stop giving us good information.
We're going to fight it every step of the way.
Well, that's good to know.
Hopefully we cleared that up for you.
Let's all look up everyone right now.
Look up ways to put out fires.
That's it.
You know how to get red wine out of a dress.
You should also know how to put out certain different kinds of fires.
How about this?
It's all salt.
The answer is salt for everything.
It's getting red wine out of a dress.
It's putting out fires.
It's rubbing into wounds, whatever you need to make your food delicious.
My favorite thing was people sending me pictures of other people's notes from
their phone like it literally or like a part of a Facebook post where I'm like,
could we get a source on this?
If my dad's not sure, why should I believe your iPhone note?
Yeah, just has a written list.
That's still not a better source.
Here's another listener generated piece of advice of safety advice.
Randomly that I was going to read and it kind of goes along with it.
So on Instagram, someone whose name is a underscore NOLF, they were doing it like
a deep reddit dive about the Delphi murders, which I covered a while back.
And the piece of advice they gave is apparently you can set up your phone so
that if you push the power button twice and said it's probably different depending
on your phone, but there's a phone on a button on everyone's phone.
And if you press it, the phone will take a picture of what's in front of you behind
you and a five second video.
And then all of that will get sent to your emergency contact.
So like if you're my emergency contact, you'll know I'm in distress.
It'll send you that information so you have it in case something goes wrong.
And that's an app or that's already on the iPhone.
It's already a feature of your phone, which I want to try, but I'm not going to.
And I guess you probably have to set up an emergency.
Steven's laughing. This is just total bullshit.
No, I have never heard of this before.
Steven, is this a creepy pasta safety tip?
Let's do it.
But I don't think I have anyone set up as an emergency contact.
So I don't know if it'll work.
What if it just sends it to my ex?
Because I haven't said I know what I was going to say.
For real.
I was just like, who would my emergency contact be?
No, that's a sad moment.
It's me.
But would you come over like 3 a.m.?
No, I'd be like, she must have sat on her phone.
Vince, Vince, go check.
I try to call you.
She's not picking up.
I'm just going to.
But it's like, I'm going to make a make my neighbor.
You should my main neighbor that I just met recently.
My emergency contact, my best friend and my emergency contact.
Can you pick me up at the airport?
What else?
That's I think that finding out your emergency settings on your phone is
probably a really good thing to have.
That's a good thing to know.
Maybe we go into speaking of emergency settings of safety.
Lots of lots and lots of people.
We all went into this this week.
This was something that happened on the internet and I don't think
no one missed it.
No, not one person missed it and not one person didn't send it to me.
Samantha Hartso is her name on tech talk.
Who felt wind blowing from behind her mirror.
Took her mirror down only to discover there was an opening.
Her medicine cabinet behind her.
Her medicine cabinet mirror.
Takes it off the wall in her apartment.
Her roommates watch her go laughingly.
Good job.
So she goes through the wall and there's an entire empty apartment hidden
and she starts walking in it and mind you, and this is the thing that
like I was talking with my friends last night about.
It wasn't like a space where she could like just kind of bend down
and go in and grab.
It was like she had to contort herself to go through the mirror
hole and then was walking freely around an apartment, the contents
of which she did not know.
A huge looks like abandoned apartment.
But here's the thing.
I knew that that was a thing that they build them like that
because my sister used to live in this like old, you know, I think it was
like just pre-war apartment in Culver City and had that same issue
because every morning the person who shared a wall with her,
they would be getting ready on either side of the medicine cabinet
and then there would just be, you could see them.
There would be like a little gap.
And they'd sometimes make eye contact.
The smallest gap.
You could see a sliver of each other's eyes and they'd both be getting
ready and then there would just be this awkward moment of like to be
acknowledged that we're basically roommates right now.
And you could just take out the mirror and fucking go into each
other's apartments.
You're not safe anywhere.
There's a nowhere you're safe.
It's the idea that with a big smile on her face and like with
TikTok in her heart, she went into a question mark space and then
kind of just fucked around when she went down those stairs.
I was like, this is not going to end well.
You think you're in the safety of TikTok, but yes.
And she, but she did lock that door when she got down to the bottom of the
This is like a, this is a TikTok recap podcast.
But every, but congratulations, Samantha, because you were the
character of the week on Twitter and not in a bad way in a, like in a way
where everybody was like, we were all scared for you.
We were there with you.
You're very brave.
I thought I was very proud, but at the same time, like, why are you doing
It ended well.
And also, a hammer's not enough.
A hammer's not enough.
If you're going to go into a space like that.
Because even it could be like, there's going to be a squatter there
who's like, stop filming me and angry.
The Blair Witch could be there with her back turned in the corner.
And then you're like, wait, there's someone in the corner with their back
turned the scariest thing there is.
Ma'am, ma'am, are you okay?
I'm the girl from TikTok.
The ends.
She comes back.
Her eyes are weird.
She starts eating a roommate for her.
I'm happy for her and good for her if she does.
I'm happy for her.
I'm so happy for her.
Congratulations, Samantha.
Congratulations, Samantha.
New York Post picked up your story.
It's pretty sweet.
It was a, it was a good one.
And it was like, it was really, she just was basically like, you know what?
We're in quarantine.
This is happening to me.
I'm going to create some content for all of us.
And it blew up.
She did it.
We love a internet success story.
We love a viral TikTok success story.
I hear she's getting a DIY show on HGTV now.
Good for her.
Samantha and her hammer.
I love it.
What else?
Well, I made a chicken.
A whole one?
Didn't I show you?
I'm going to text you this picture right now.
Thank you.
Is it roasted and broasted?
It was roasted.
The Barefoot Contessa taught me how.
And I made a tweet in it.
But honestly, cause my sis, any time I asked my sister how to do something, she's like,
just look up my inner garden.
She knows how to make everything.
She's just, there's always videos.
Like that's Laura's advice across the board.
I agree with her.
And in this chicken roasting video, she's the best.
It starts with the inner garden and looking in the camera and going, I could do this in
my sleep.
And I was like, whoever you, that's what I said.
That's hilarious.
Did you see the tweet?
That's literally, I did that quote and wrote, yes bitch.
And then proceeded to watch the video truly like 10 times because she's so good at it
and soothing.
And it really was so simple.
Did she put the butter under the skin, which is the grossest thing to do, but it really
does make it better.
Does she do that?
We basted the top of the skin.
We didn't do underneath.
But my mom used to do that to the Thanksgiving turkey.
She did.
Butter underneath.
Stuffing it in there.
Let's take a look.
With her long fingernails shoving like butter and spices under dead poultry skin.
Don't do that.
Well, she had clean hands with my mom.
I'm sure she did.
I didn't need it.
She was a nurse.
I didn't mean to insinuate your mother was filthy.
Here's my chicken final form.
It was really fun and easy.
Set it up.
Woo, Karen.
This makes you honorary Jew.
Because we Jews are greater roasted chicken.
This is like.
Is that true?
Look at you.
Even tied up its little legs.
I found some string in my drawer that I saved like a weird little pack rat.
And I was like, I have twine.
Is that cauliflower?
Hell yeah.
Well, those innovative.
That's all the vegetables I had.
I didn't have any good root vegetables.
So I just threw in onions and cauliflower.
That's all you need.
It's beautiful.
I have some right now.
I'm hungry.
Thank you.
There's, I have some.
The only problem is that I now have, I'm living in chicken.
It's ridiculous.
It's everywhere all the time.
But it used to, it seemed so intimidating for so long.
And I think it's just one of the side effects of quarantine, which I am grateful for.
Which is I put aside all of my cooking.
And just started actually doing it.
Like who cares if you mess it up.
You're here anyway.
Well, good.
That's made corned beef and cabbage.
We're all about the slow cooker in the house.
Oh, good.
You should bust that out.
Oh, I got an air fryer.
Cause you guys all told me I had to get one, but I haven't used it yet.
But fucking.
They're all the rage.
People really love those things.
Those air fryers.
I'll try anything.
This is just after.
It's not really a correction because this was more the way this listener let me know
about this really felt more like a celebration.
Plus their name on Twitter is mad mac murderer.
Um, and they said.
Almost peed my pants listening to today's episode when you talk about Yara Greyjoy going
up against the detector.
I didn't notice that at all.
I saw that.
That's when I get really excited because you know that thing you do when you're talking
and thinking at the same time where you're like, Oh, what's the word I'm about to say?
Because in England, they don't call them, you know, this and then I'm like, what do
they call them?
I watch so much British TV.
I know what they call them.
And then of course that's what I say.
Well, played it back six times, right?
Sounded good to me.
Played it back six times to make sure I wasn't just mentally fatigued.
Thank you for the joy.
Spoken word dyslexia is real.
Hell yeah.
And then she did hashtag it me.
And we know that because it happens quite frankly when you do a podcast for five years.
When you have, yeah, when you're five years of yourself recorded, there's going to be
a lot.
And, you know, I have some classic ones that I still use to this day that legendary legendary.
So it's going to happen and hopefully what's the big one that I can't think of right now.
Steven, what was it?
We called that episode.
Oh, perclivity.
That's which I now use it works.
It works in honey.
It just work.
I refuse to admit that it's wrong.
Oh, I have a couple pieces of news.
Oh, what is it?
Things that are it things in the news.
Oh, one of them you might have sent me.
Oh, you did that.
The Kendrick Johnson case that I covered.
Steven, if you can find out what episode that was that I covered it where the young high
school boy was found dead, rolled in a gym mat at his school and it was ruled accidental.
I don't have a lot of information, but it's being reopened.
It was 2013 and the case is being reopened, which was like all his parents wanted because
there were some issues with other kids at school that he was fighting with.
There was some missing time on the surveillance camera at school and it's and then some like
evidence burned.
So it was really suspicious.
So even if they just look into it and found that there was wrongdoing in the way that
it was investigated, you know, I think for that, at least, yes, just the idea that it's
being like just everything's being analyzed with that is very good news to hear that one.
Was that Steven?
It was in April of 2020 and it was episode two, 16 April second.
Thank you.
So we'll keep our eye out for more information on that.
Oh, and then did you send?
Oh, Steven sent us this that Elizabeth Banks is set to direct the bear centric thriller
about the cocaine bear.
Happy it's happening.
I think today I got 50 tweets about that.
I'm not on Twitter, so I don't see this.
What else?
Do you have anything in that?
Well, I just finished a book.
I want to brag because I finished a book.
Look, it's not.
It's not a hard time.
I know.
I mean it.
I literally dragged my finger along like that little two year old girl.
Oh, yeah.
So the author, Elena Ferrante, who wrote My Brilliant Friend, which is a series on, I
believe HBO.
She has a new book called The Lying Life of Adults and I loved my lovely friend, Jamie
Filipini, who is what I used to call my normal friend because she wasn't a stand-up comic
and she wasn't in show business and she's been my friend for a long time and she just
sent me this book and she's like, I got it and I'm like, wait, I got this weird book
and then she texted me and she's like, I just finished it.
I think you're going to like it.
It was just like one of those things.
I'm like, I love this surprise quarantine gifts.
It's the best feeling.
It's a teenage girl who's changing over from being kind of an innocent, only child where
her two parents, like it's just this family that she is regular and she goes through an
adolescence thing, but it's kind of that thing of like as you grow up as a girl and
you get an idea in your head about yourself and then you start acting based on this truth
that you've made up about yourself.
Is it current day?
Yes, I believe so.
Or ish.
That's so funny.
I'm writing a similar book about a young woman, like growing young woman who's coming
into herself.
What's it called?
But, okay, it's called The Book of Longings and it's by Sue Munkkid, KIDB, who I mentioned
before, a beautiful poetic writer.
She wrote The Invention of Wings and The Secret Life of Bees.
So this one is about a young woman coming into her adulthood, but it takes place in
the first century in Israel.
And she's going to be like fucking given away into marriage, but she's so smart and
worldly and like learning about God, she's Jewish.
And she, this is a spoiler, but not really because it's what it's about.
Meet Cute.
She meets a boy who's like under her in class, like in her class ranking, but he's an outcast
from his town of Nazareth where he's from.
They fucking have a meet cute and fall in love and his name is Jesus.
It's so, I was not expecting it because I was like, I'm just going to not even read
the, I'm just going to listen to it because I love her right, Sue Munkkid's writing.
And then I was like, hold on, his mother's name is Mary.
Hold on.
Like I didn't figure it out, but it's so beautiful and I, you know, I'm not, it's just really
lovely and like heartfelt and yeah, right?
That's great.
So this is, this, the title of this book is Jesus's first girlfriend.
Jesus's first love.
It's called the book of longings.
It's called, uh, who I was seeing at the time, you know, when people do that, we're like
my girlfriend, they're telling you a story and they're like my girlfriend at the time
right where you're like, I guess it's not now because I think people are like now coming
out the, like Jesus had a wife, like that's a thing I can, how dare you, I'm totally
Maybe you don't put, I'm putting grease fire, I'm putting flour on the grease fire flame
of religion.
This is the perfect, no, no, no, you know what you're thinking of that you're right, but
you're thinking of my favorite book ever written, the Da Vinci code, Mary Magdalene,
that Mary Magdalene was Jesus's wife and that they're, that the, that the, um, arc of
the covenant, not the arc of the covenant, the holy grail, sorry.
The holy grail is actually Jesus's child that, that's that, that it's a symbol that, so basically
there's a, there's a bloodline of Jesus's family on earth is the idea.
Well, I don't know anything about that.
Well, I would love for you to watch Da Vinci code one and two with me.
Is it good?
And really, it's, we'll just take a journey through Tom Hanks making terrible hair decision.
Um, all right, I have another, I have another book recommendation, but I took this one
from our friend of the family, Rachel McCarthy James, who is the co-author of my favorite
favorite book, The Man from the Train.
If you haven't read The Man from the Train and you like true crime, uh, it is, stop yelling
at me.
My mind blowing.
I, I just want to reread it, but she just recommended a book.
So this is actually not a recommendation, but I'm, this is the book I'm picking to read
after this because I just finished the other one.
An author named Ilan Green is, is a writer, a very accomplished writer.
She wrote a, it's a true crime book called Last Call, a true story of love, lust and murder
in queer New York.
And it's the story of the last call killer.
That's right.
From the nineties.
And I cannot wait to read it.
It's the, the reviews are amazing.
And Rachel McCarthy James recommended it to Dan Twitter and was basically like, this is
going to be amazing.
It's going to be amazing for people, but then did a thing which we always love, she linked
it to her local independent bookstore.
So if you can buy books from independent bookstores when you're buying your new book, do that.
That's the best move you can do.
I love that.
This corner completely provided by Rachel McCarthy James lifted entirely from her Twitter
But with credit.
But with credit.
From the train or around the train in the train on the train?
Got it.
He's from that train.
Hey, choo-choo.
He killed everybody.
With an axe.
Stab, stab.
Axe, axe.
I can read it.
Should we do a little news, a little business?
Hey, let's do a little exactly right corner because we have a business, a growing business,
a startup, some would say.
A startup, and you know, when people in the tech industry are going to see a good idea,
they always combine the combined elements, which is what we did on Do You Need a Ride.
So it's Do You Need a Ride this week has Banana Boy Kurt Brownler.
It's a fun, great episode where we chatted nonstop, obviously, that you're forced to.
But we liked it.
We had a great time.
We laughed our asses off.
We had a crossover.
And then Lady2Lady, the podcast on Exactly Right Network, has friend of the family, Fortune
Feamster on, who's just an incredible talent.
If you haven't watched her special, her comedy special, Sweet and Salty, you're missing out.
So that's all in the family, that's what I'm saying.
And over on, I saw what you did.
Of course, Millie and Danielle are continuing the is it good or was I horny movie bracket?
So definitely, they're going over all the movies that affected you as, you know, a youngster.
Go check that out and see if you have anything to say or any way to participate in that.
It's a really, really funny.
Or just watch along.
It's really funny.
And that's on their Instagram is isopod.
So you can follow along there.
You can vote yourself if you want.
And they also have incredible new merch out that we highly recommend to support them and
to fucking look cool as shit while you're doing it.
And to wrap it down this week on the Percast, Steven Ray Morris and Sarah, they have a friend
of the fam author Maureen Johnson on and you might know Maureen because she this was a
while ago.
This was like a couple of years ago.
She dedicated one of her books.
She's a very accomplished author.
She dedicated one of her books to all murderinos.
And then in the first printing, they left out the R. So it said to all murderinos.
And when it it came out, she posted it to us and it was on Twitter and she was like,
you know, wrote this whole thing.
And then I DM'd her and I was like, I hate to do this, but I just want you to know the
source from the source.
Like I just want you to know first and like just get it ripped the band aid off.
And then so if you're following me along in the minisodes, we've been doing some stories
about, oh, I guess only did one story about gravestone cleaning and the art of gravestone
No, too.
Like because you did it this week as well.
No, last week.
This week.
And then last week, I suggested a Instagram, I think.
Oh, sorry.
I mean, the topic's been brought up.
So we thought it'd be fun to have a call back to our, we have a gravestone inspired
design for my favorite murder that we've been selling.
And so we refilled those items.
So it's like a cool Victorian looking gravestone that says my favorite murder on it.
And you can get that at in the store.
There's also some cool extras with that design if you're part of the fan cult.
And we also got, if you were waiting for the, here's the thing, fuck everyone mugs.
They are back in stock.
Fucking they have been returned.
So the merch is there.
There's lots of mugs.
There's also the fucking hooray mug.
There's so much that looks like balloons.
It's very cute.
That is my, my joy is every time Denton shows us new designs and then lets us pick out what
they're called blanks.
Like do you want it on this kind of shirt or this kind of shirt?
Do you want it on this tank top or do you want it on a towel?
Or do you want it on a coosie?
It's like the most fun for me.
So please check that, even just look at it and be like, yeah, George is right.
This is fucking cool.
It's good.
It's good.
We have some great artists and designers.
We do.
I'm proud of it.
It's very fun.
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All right.
So, I'm going this week.
And I got this.
So, we got this info, speaking of exactly right, Erin Brown, our social media manager,
who I've known for a very long time, she wrote, you know, what she does in her little bio
and then said that the way she got into true crime was when she was little and saw the
made-for-TV movie of this story.
And I never heard of it, so I went and found it and I'm going to do the story of Teresa
Oh, my God.
I figured you'd know all about it.
Also, this made-for-TV movie was, I think I probably saw it when I was, I bet you, it's
like 14, 15.
I think she said she saw it when she was eight and then like, yeah, lost her mind.
So, it's unbelievable.
So, I never, I didn't know the story at all, so I went down this rabbit hole of it.
I got the information from an article by Sharon Lynn Pruitt for Oxygen, Kale Haverfold
for Goliath, Cheryl Eddy for Gizmodo, Diane Klein for Wapo, Andrew Limbong for NPR, Carol
Baker for UPI, by Christina Calloway, New York Times, and Wikipedia.
And I also watched the made-for-TV movie, of course.
Which you can find on YouTube.
So, Teresa Saldana is born August 20th, 1954 in Brooklyn at just five days old.
She's adopted by Davina and Toni Saldana.
At 12 years old, she starts taking acting classes and she is good.
She lands a handful of off-Broadway plays as she grows and then starts to book small
roles on TV shows and in films.
And then her career grows and she starts seriously attracting notice after she's cast in the
1978 Beatlemania film, I Want to Hold Your Hand.
Did you see that?
It's not the original.
It's like, was it like a made-for-TV movie?
I think it's like a TV movie about Beatlemania.
Then in the early 80s, so she starts landing significant roles and she's getting bigger
and bigger, including in the revenge thriller Defiance in which she plays a nice girl in
a tough neighborhood.
And then her career takes a giant step forward when she's cast in the Martin Scorsese film
Raging Bull, a fucking classic.
She plays Joe Pesci's wife, Lenore Lamada, who's also the sister-in-law of Robert De Niro's
So these are big roles with big up-and-coming actors that's like, I'm sure she's doped.
I mean, this is, yeah, we're going into Peaks, Scorsese area where he had been, you know,
I bet you when she got that part in Raging Bull, she was fucking, she partied, she partied,
she went out for some like some champagne with her friends.
I mean, that would have been a really big deal.
I mean, obviously.
With those actors and that director.
That's amazing.
And he always casts like, he seems like he keeps the same actors in his like wheelhouse.
So I'm sure she was like, this is it.
These two films bring her career success, but unfortunately, they also bring the attention
of a 47-year-old drifter living in Aberdeen, Scotland, named Arthur Richard Jackson, unbeknownst
to Teresa Jackson's stock Saldana for 18 months.
And he even hires a private investigator to find out her personal information.
He's able to get the unlisted phone number of her mother and then he calls her mom pretending
to be Martin Scorsese's assistant and tells the mom who of course, you know, I think they're
in New York still.
They have no idea about the business.
Tells her.
Just doesn't understand how it works that there's, there'd be no reason why they just
do it.
The way that just sorry, the way it came out there was in New York, they don't understand
about business.
Or it's like, I don't know.
I feel like that's one of those cities where there's a bunch of people who do understand.
You know, I'm guessing they live in the suburbs in the main particular area.
Books in New York.
They don't know how business works.
They're on Broadway.
What do they know from Martin Scorsese?
They don't know how that's typical office work.
They don't know phones.
So the mom, so the mom gets the call and in the movie, she's like, typical mom, New
York mom.
It's not like, you know, she would know about these things that Martin Scorsese's assistant
wouldn't be calling the mom to be like, Hey, can I get the phone number and address of
Can I get the script that Martin Scorsese needs filled right away, like how you talk
about it's an emergency and that's tricks people into doing things they wouldn't normally
It's a rush.
You have to do it right now.
I'm official.
I'm important.
Says they're shooting a film in Europe.
They need an actress replacement right away.
What's Teresa's phone number?
So she gives this man Teresa's phone number.
And in an interview with Larry King, Teresa Saldana later says, as soon as I got the
call from my mom, because the mom was like, I think I did, I think I fucked up immediately.
As soon as she got out the call with her mom, her manager, Selma Rubin called a minute later
to tell her that she had been getting some weird calls too.
And it appeared to be from the same person.
And so then Teresa says, I called the police, but at that time they didn't have themselves
on the alert for things like this.
They thought it was just nothing.
They thought it was a fan, just a fan.
So not...
A fan doesn't try to get your phone number, right?
Well, and also it's, I was just kind of thinking it's that thing.
This kind of stuff where it's like predatory behavior and it's definitely red flags and
it's the kind of thing when you read these stories all the time and you talk about these
stories, this is the stuff that you watch and it always leads up to a thing that you
know is coming and it just would be great if like the authorities would adjust to that
instead of it being like, sorry, we can't do anything, just like, but this isn't normal
phone calls.
I mean, this specific scenario, they wouldn't be able to do anything, but it is that kind
of thing.
Well, go ahead.
I'll tell you all about it.
So meanwhile, the Sky Jackson scrapes together enough money to head to the United States
with his intent being to find Teresa Saldana.
So on March 15th, 1982, in the middle of the day, as Teresa, she's now 27 years old,
she leaves her West Hollywood apartment to go to a music class and she's approached
by a man that she doesn't know and she's already on high alert because of these phone calls.
The man politely asks her the middle of broad fucking day in her neighborhood, excuse me,
are you Teresa Saldana?
As soon as Teresa replies yes, Jackson immediately pulls out a five and a half inch hunting knife
and starts stabbing Teresa.
He stabs her 10 times in the chest, the arms, and the legs using enough force that he bends
the blade and punctures one of her lungs.
23 people witness the attack.
That's how brazen it is.
It's not even like he's trying to be secretive at all.
Like he's just out.
And that's not to be this person, but in the TV movie, that's the thing that's very upsetting
that I remember the most is people are standing there screaming.
Like what?
Like there's like, it's, it's crazy.
It's like, it's just so bizarre.
It's like something that, yeah.
There's no fore, there's no forethought to it.
There's no, it's like this predator, exactly how you said.
So 23 people witness, including a passing delivery man named Jeff Fen, FENN, he hears
Teresa screams, he stops his truck and runs to her aid.
He fights Jackson off and holds him until the police arrive.
Like what a freaking hero.
Not that the other people aren't like, we're going to do anything, but like, you know,
jumping in, it's like, it's just.
That's that first responder vibe of a person that you, not just anyone can do it.
Not just anyone has that.
It's like, we talk about flight or fight or whatever.
And that's a person who is just like, I go in when stuff like this happens.
It's actual.
Like Teresa to nearby Cedar Sinai hospital.
And by this time her heart is actually stopped and she's rushed into the ER where she gets
heart and lung surgery and 26 pints of blood, which miraculously saved her life.
And she needs a four month hospital stay in order to recover from the whole ordeal, which
is like.
Four months.
Just shows you how fucking detrimental it was to her body.
Four months.
Mm hmm.
Meanwhile, Jackson is convicted.
I don't want to go through the whole fucking trial, but he's convicted of attempted murder
and flicking great bodily injury, but he's only sentenced to 12 years in prison, which
is the maximum sentence in the early eighties in California for these crimes.
So while he's in prison, Jackson continues to threaten Sadhana.
He sends a letter to a Geraldo producer and details his plan to quote, assassinate her
saying, quote, I am capable of alternating between sentiment and savagery romance and
So he's got, he's definitely, you know, evaluated psychologically and there are huge glaring
issues with his mental health.
It's the same month.
He writes another letter saying that Sadhana telling her she's marked for death.
So he's basically given free access from the prison to continue to harass and threaten her
despite his vicious attack and conviction.
He's still able to send out these letters unchecked.
By 1989, just seven years into a sentence for attempted murder, Jackson's already scheduled
for parole and will be let off on good behavior, despite the fact that he continues to send
these letters and to Teresa and other news outlets throughout his entire sentence.
And he refuses psychiatric counseling treatment while in prison and confesses while incarcerating
to murdering a man during a London bank robbery two decades earlier.
Apparently good behavior includes those things, which is just so absurd.
Like say what it's really for is that you don't give a shit, you know what I mean?
Well, also just that kind of thing where this isn't, we're not talking about the average
inmate here.
It's a person who like stopped and then victimized a woman and went to jail for a savage attack
and continues to victimize a woman and continues to promise harm to her and then they're like,
and how about some parole?
Like that doesn't make sense.
Or good behavior.
It's insulting.
Yeah, it doesn't make sense.
The point of parole is proving you have been rehabilitated.
So I don't get how I don't get, but this is also from the 80s, right?
And there's more.
So let's get into that.
Yeah, yeah.
So, so Donna, when she finds this out is shocked and she's told there's nothing anyone can do
about it, that his threats are looked at as quote, just words by the prison officials.
But they're not just words if he already acted on them.
Is there?
And just words after you've acted on them the same way should be a problem.
You know what I mean?
It's a problem not to be in jail.
So, yeah.
It should be like that he's not just the kind of person that's going to say stuff.
He's going to do stuff.
So clearly he's not rehabilitated in any way.
So now Teresa is 34 years old.
She's six months pregnant and she fears for her life of course saying quote, this man
is going to kill me if someone doesn't help.
That is the truth.
She begins advocating against his release and starts shining a light on the fact that
the system is flawed in protecting people from violent criminals.
This is further enforced by a 1985 state law being overturned that would have kept him incarcerated
beyond his really state on a year by year basis if the state psychiatrist thought he
was still a violent threat.
And those psychiatrists came forward and said they wholeheartedly did think he was still
a violent threat.
But it didn't matter at that point because that law was overturned.
And Jackson actually does end up serving additional time after endless appeals.
Saldana said quote, and then even when I got the letter about the repeal, they said they
weren't going to take the repeal as the final thing.
They would be, that would be appealed.
But in the last couple of weeks, all we got were very, very tactic and very, very specific
and serious words to the effect of prepare yourself because he's coming out on June 15th
and there's nothing we can do.
Eventually, the court sides with Saldana and Jackson received an additional five years
and nine months for his death threats.
So finally he gets punished and they take those fucking seriously.
At the sentencing, Superior Court Judge James Baskew tells Jackson quote, I find you to
be an extremely dangerous person.
It is my opinion.
You are a danger to yourself.
You are a danger to Miss Saldana and you clearly and clearly you are a danger to everyone
around you.
The deranged Jackson says the sentence is quote, a declaration of war.
To the judge.
To the judge.
And then I'll just like double what I just said, please.
This is not a sane person and it's not a person that's in their right mind.
A judge is mid, is like mid literally sentence sentencing you and you're just like, it's
on bitch.
You're just like, here's the answer.
Guess who's going to win this dummy?
In 1996, Jackson is extradited to England for the murder that he admitted to in prison,
the bank robbery murder.
He's found not guilty, but he's placed in a psychiatric hospital where he dies in 2004
of heart failure.
Well, all right, so in 1984, Teresa makes the decision to relive her traumatic ordeal
by playing herself in the made for TV movie victims for victims, the Teresa Saldana story,
which makes them made for TV movie as we were talking about.
So real and gut-wrenching and like she fucking played herself.
I didn't remember that.
So, so I remember the movie.
I remember that scene.
And so now I'm like, that scene was so creepy or whatever.
It's like cat because she was in it because it was basically like the ultimate reenactment.
I mean, that is reliving her exact trauma.
Also, can I just say that I remember the commercials for that made for TV movie.
Like terrifying as they, yes, as they, as they built up to that it was because the story
was in the news.
And the story was kind of like everywhere.
It happened in 82 and it's 84 now.
So I'm sure it's just as big.
It was around all the time.
And then it basically, because I know she did obviously press and stuff like that.
But it became about her going, yeah, I'm in it, I'm taking it back.
This is my story.
This happened to me and I was, and it was just like a thing that was very consistent in that
part of my childhood.
It's just like watching her be like, yeah, I'm doing, I'm taking it back.
Like this enough, like people need to care about victims.
So badass.
That's, it's incredible.
And watching it, you're just like amazed by her.
So the, oh, and in fact, in the movie, a doctor and paramedic from her attack played themselves
as well in the emergency room scenes.
Did the, that's amazing.
I love that.
I love like a detail.
I was thinking, you're going to say that the delivery man played himself.
No, but he comes back into the story.
So, okay.
About a minute, a minute.
Miss Saldana said, quote, working on the film released a lot of tension for me because
you want to ask the question like, did it read, you could have retraumatized you very
easily, you know?
So she actually said, working on the film released a lot of tension for me as we shot.
I felt elated and creative because she's an actress, you know, I felt that I was capable
of anything.
How many people are offered the opportunity to go back in time and relive a traumatic
experience, but without any of the physical or emotional pain that they felt the first
It's almost like exposure therapy.
I hope there was, I'm sure there was, but like someone on set.
So it wasn't just like, you know, we're back in five, you know what I mean?
That's some, but I would imagine if she's this together that they probably, they clearly
manage it well if that's her story.
We don't suggest doing this with your trauma, but if you're in a place where you can, I
mean, then, or that works for you.
I mean, wow.
I mean, if you could be it in a Monday CBS Monday night of the movies, like back then
those made for TV movies all had names.
They had their own opening graphics and it was a thing that got promoted all week long.
Like this was appointment TV.
It was one of your, one of your four choices and they're just like, I pick this one.
It's on YouTube.
Watch five minutes of it and you'll know what we grew up on.
This inspiring story.
Teresa then goes on to have a steady acting career appearing in the 1984 Charles Bronson
film, The Evil That Men Do, and in guest roles on several television series.
In the early 1990s, she lands a starring role in the television series, The Commish.
Remember that as Rachel Scali, the wife of the police commissioner, Tony Scali, played
by Michael Chickless, classic actor.
And not to be confused by mine and Gareth Reynolds TV show, The Coffitioner, totally
different idea.
I forgot all about that.
Similar, not the same.
That's right.
The commissioner was actually a good TV.
It was classic.
My mom totally watched that.
She also goes on to write a memoir about her attack called Beyond Survival and she becomes
an advocate for others who have suffered a violent crime by founding a support group
called Victims for Victims.
As a result of Teresa's efforts and the 1989 murder of actress Rebecca Schaeffer by an
obsessed fan, California passes the nation's first anti-stalking law in 1990.
Well, that's, I mean, that's how long it took for anyone to fucking admit that that's
a crime.
Long overdue, but, you know, first steps.
That's right.
On September 13, 1994, the federal law called Violence Against Women Act of 1994 is signed
by then president Bill Clinton.
The act provides $1.6 billion towards investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against
women, imposed automatic and mandatory restriction on those convicted, and allowed civil redress
in cases prosecutors chose not, in which they chose not to prosecute the case.
So you can then be like, fuck you, I'm taking this up higher.
The act also established the Office of Violence Against Women within the Department of Justice.
So finally, by 1994, it's being taken a little more seriously.
The bill was sponsored by a certain Delaware senator named Joseph Biden.
Oh, yeah, I didn't know that.
And gained support from a broad coalition of advocacy groups.
The act passed through both houses of the Congress with bipartisan support in 1994,
although the following year, the House Republicans attempted to cut the acts funding.
Many of those grant programs that were authorized in the act have been funded by the U.S. Congress.
The Office on Violence Against Women have received appropriations from Congress for
things like grants to encourage arrest and enforce protection orders, court training
and improvement grants, research on violence against Native American women, national tribal
sex offender registries, stalker reduction database, protections and services for disabled
victims, and violence on college campuses grants.
So they're trying to cover really specific issues that in and of themselves are delicate
and take a lot of care and effort.
But of course, even 25 years later, we're still a long way from stalking victims having
adequate rights and protection.
So in a January 2009 national crime victimization survey said that during a 12-month period,
an estimated 14 in every 1,000 persons aged 18 or older were victims of stalking.
Nearly 54% of female victims and 41% of male victims experienced stalking before the age
of 25, and an estimated 5.9 million U.S. residents aged 18 or older experienced behaviors consistent
with either stalking or harassment.
So while the federal government, all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories
have enacted criminal laws to address stalking, the legal definition for stalking varies across
all the jurisdictions.
In 2000, the National Center for Victims of Crime partnered with the U.S. Department of
Justice Office on Violence Against Women to create the Stalking Resource Center, SRC,
and that's, you can go to and to find the protection
orders and national hotlines if you need help with that.
So then there's a woman called Tamara Hill.
She is a YouTube personality and she's an internationally and board-certified trauma
therapist and licensed child and family therapist.
I would highly suggest going to her YouTube page, that's T-A-M-A-R-A Hill.
She covers a lot of topics including and related to stalking, trauma, and psychotherapy.
So it's slash Tamara H. Therapist.
So if you need any information or help, she's a really great resource.
Oh, nice.
As for Teresa Saldana, she passed away in 2016 at Cedar Sinai of Timonia at the age of 61,
and the man who heroically came to her aid, the delivery man, he switched careers after
the ordeal and he became what he always wanted to be, a police officer, can you even?
That's crazy.
I know.
So we had that thing in him of emergency, I go.
I run towards the problem.
Isn't that amazing?
All right.
So then finally, I looked of course, this story up on our Gmail account to see if anyone
had written in about it, and there weren't a lot surprisingly, but one murderer named
Katie wrote in, and here's what she said.
She said, I'm writing in to y'all today to tell you about an incredible woman that I am
proud to say I knew as a little girl growing up.
When I was about eight years old at one of my first ballet schools in LA, I met this
mother and daughter duo, whom over the years, we always seemed to have left and changed over
to the same ballet schools one after the other.
When I first saw and met her mother, I was instantly intrigued and thought of her as such
an interesting person and character.
She was unlike anyone I had ever come across before.
She always wore very long and flowy dresses, and she also always wore a hat that cast a
shadow over her face.
While you had a sort of peak under the hat to see her face, I always remember thinking
how beautiful she was.
Her garments were always in the darker tones and hues, but the brightness of her spirit
and personality were always gleaming through.
I cannot quite remember how it came about that my mother revealed to me who she was,
but I'm 99% sure it was in the car where all are serious and almost always inappropriate
for my age type conversations occurred.
My mom revealed to me that my ballet friend's mother was a pretty famous actress in the 1980s
and 90s, and was is basically the reason why California became the first state in the US
to criminalize stalking.
She could have easily gone into retreat after such a heinous and traumatic attack, which
no one could ever fault anyone for doing, but she didn't.
She went out and used her trauma to bring awareness to something that I was shocked to find out
wasn't always illegal.
It is crazy to me that before the 1990s, it was totally okay, apparently, to follow someone
around because you're obsessed with them.
She experienced many health complications due to her attack, but that too never stopped
her from continuing her acting career, from taking her daughter to every single one of
her ballet classes, and to every one of our rehearsals, and definitely never stopped her
from being a loving and supportive mother and friend, not only to her daughter, but
to me as well.
She even nicknamed me the baby ballerina.
She was truly a great lady, and I often think about her and her daughter, and that is the
story of Teresa Saldana.
Oh, I love that ending.
Like a personal, I knew her personally.
Like I got to know her as a person.
Her spirit.
Her spirit.
Shown through.
It was not a lovely email.
Thank you, Kate.
That's so lovely.
I really, it's such a cool story because the amount of strength and resilience it would
take, I mean, just that idea what she went through and the stages of what she went through
because the stalking itself is so scary, you know what I mean?
And then it's just like, it's really impressive.
It's just always, there's nothing like a survivor story because there's something in
that that it's just like, you know, the attack is so horrible, the story, you know, the details
of what she went through after that.
And then she just continued to, to, to like fight back and, and then start fighting for
other people.
It's just like, that's like an A plus survivor story.
She's kind of the, she's the OG really.
And that's, that's like one of the first ones I ever saw and it was to watch a, a made
for TV movie like that as a, like adolescent was really shocking and really like, wait,
this can happen.
And then the point of the story was, it can happen and you can then take it back.
And she was kind of like their front and center to be saying that it was, it's amazing.
She's, that's an incredible work she did.
In her life.
And then went on to like beat, to start on a very popular TV show.
It wasn't just like, yeah, she's a true badass.
The commissioner for God's sake.
I know.
It was on for like eight years.
And she was like, yeah, she did it.
She did it.
So really incredible and gives us all hope and let's all carry some of her tenacity
in our bones.
So cool.
I, it made me immediately think of the Rebecca Schaefer story too, because he, that stalker
also got her information by hiring a private detective.
It was like very common.
No big deal.
Wasn't it also the DM, he called the DMV too.
And that was that they made laws that you can't, that the DMV cannot, because they could just,
you could just call and be like, Hey, I'm a bail bondsman and I need the information
for this.
You know, personage on bail or whatever.
This person's, yeah, address or whatever.
I know.
It's so creepy.
Those kinds of things where it's like, what things are sort of just based on like, if it,
it had to have happened already.
We can't do anything.
Do anything and tell.
The bad head hasn't happened.
It's just so backwards.
It is.
So backwards.
Also, just the idea, just from the beginning of that story, it's just like, this was a
person who had, um, real mental disorder.
And the, the idea that it was just like, and then his choice to never address it, to never
get help.
To continue.
To never, his actions.
And to, you know, feel almost entitled to be able to act that way.
Is really, it's, that in and of itself was really something because it's like, there's
so many things could be solved if people could just, instead of being like, you know what
I'm going to do is violence where it's like, all right, or you could talk to someone.
You could maybe see if you could get on a pill that would make you stop wanting, like,
you know, anyway, uh, you know, I'm a dreamer, the idea that people would just go to therapy
and work on their shit.
I mean, if only, if only, if only, should we do some fucking, let's fucking do it.
All right.
You want to go ahead?
So, um, alien Ned, A-L-I-A-N Ned from Instagram.
My fucking array is a small victory.
I had the overwhelming desire, what could the name be like Aileen, Aileen D, uh, Alia,
Ned, A-L-I-A, Allie, and Ned, it's Allie and Ned and there's a couple in the photo.
This is, Allie and Ned, that's just like the game concentration.
Oh my God.
It is.
I'm so bad at it.
Good job.
You sounded it out.
You stuck with it.
Great job.
Okay, my fucking, A-L-I-A-N Ned, it's from A-L-I-A-N Ned, A-L-I-A-N Ned, A-L-I-N-D.
My fucking array is a small victory.
I had the overwhelming desire to cancel my virtual therapy appointment so that I could
avoid working on myself and maybe take a three hour depression map instead.
Been there.
I've not been doing so well lately.
I fought the impulse to avoid and ignore, which is the loudest voice in my depression
and attended my session.
I'm glad I did because fuck you, Depresh.
I needed it and I am worth it.
Congratulations, Allie and or Ned.
That's awesome.
That is actually humongous and that's the kind of thing and yes, we've all been there
for sure, but the more you fight that impulse and I'm saying this as a person who often
does not, but fighting that impulse and doing what do they call opposite behavior and doing
the thing you don't want to do, which is the stronger choice, is the key to life.
Just little tiny improvements like that will get you everywhere in this world.
That's so true.
I need to do that.
A-L-I-N-D, I'm proud of you.
Keep it up.
Okay, so this says, this is Mia Jacobson 21.
My fucking hooray is that this year I'm graduating college.
I got into my dream vet school and I'm celebrating my three year remission from cancer.
I was diagnosed freshman year of college, went through surgery in six months of chemotherapy
and then went back to school as soon as I could.
Whoa, I'm blown away.
Although the trauma of having cancer as a young adult is something I constantly have
to work through, I'm so proud that I've been able to accomplish so much over the past few
Thank you for always being there and talking so openly about dealing with trauma.
I can't wait to listen to you as I walk to my vet school classes in the fall.
Fucking hooray.
I couldn't get through school with every goddamn advantage and the idea that they went through
school and got cancer, recovered from cancer, went into remission and then went back to
As soon as possible.
I would have made, I would have used it as an excuse to not, but that's incredible.
Yes, of course.
Built in.
Not an excuse.
I mean, rightfully so.
Well, as a reason, but I would have used it as an excuse of just like, hey, can you
bring me some, just milking it for years afterwards?
This is from M, this is from M underscore cube on Instagram.
Got a fucking hooray for y'all.
You all, I've put the y'all in.
I spent seven years in a quote, stable career after college that had severe impacts on my
mental health.
I stayed because I thought that's what I needed to do, but I felt trapped, miserable and unqualified
to do anything else.
Last year I read SSDGM and with a lot of inspiration from you fine ladies and encouragement from
a few best friends, I quit that job, went back to school and today, less than a year
later all caps, I got hired as a graphic designer.
I've never been this proud of myself or cried happy tears until I called my mom to tell
her I did it.
So fucking hooray.
I'm a badass who's taking what she wants in this shit show world.
Fucking hooray.
A year.
That's incredible.
Like you could be a year away from your dream job.
If you just decide what you want it to do in this year, this next year is the deciding
factor between right now and 365 days from now.
Me too.
Me too.
I just realized.
Also graphic designers, I think all the coolest jobs there is.
It's the coolest.
It's very cool.
You get to be an artist, but you also, it's straight up business like people need you.
It's art, it's business, it's scientific in a lot of ways.
It's like.
It's the coolest.
It's cool.
That's a very cool job.
You did it.
Good work.
You did your work.
This is from 4n6bmod.
That's not real.
Sounded out.
I'm trying to, like this is like a driver's license plate, a license plate game.
I had a big fucking hooray today.
I volunteered at my state's first mass vaccination clinic.
It was the first time in over a year that I felt that joyful energy you can only get
from being in a crowd of people that are experiencing true happiness like a concert,
but with needles and allergy observations.
I even had a gentleman tell me he loved me in that way that seemed so genuine, recognizing
a moment of lovely connection with a stranger and it's just about the humanity of it all.
My empath self soaked it all up.
It was beautiful.
It was a beautiful break from COVID anxiety and depression.
We managed over 500 vaccinations per hour and over 12,000 vaccination in three days.
Holy shit.
I can't wait to help with the next one.
Let's get those shots in arms.
That's amazing.
Those pills.
That's so great, but also that reminds me, Kurt Brownaler has been posting on Instagram
this, so it's called get out the shot LA and I'm sure it happens in other towns as well,
where if you volunteer to work eight hours or however long at a vaccination location,
you're eligible for the shot as well.
Yeah, you get it.
They give it to you automatically.
So go to, but look up your town and see if there's something similar because
that could be really great for people who need it, but aren't on the immediate list.
And a really cool way to like volunteer.
This is my last one.
It's from Jordan dot Motsinger.
I think I got that right.
My fucking hooray is finally able to be shared.
I've waited so long to be able to say that after a long, indescribably emotional journey,
we brought home our adopted baby two weeks ago.
While we never want to see a family broken up, especially if an expectant mother would
be able to parent with ample support and resources, we prayed to be able to stand in a space where
we were needed.
We prayed to be able to stand in a space where we were needed and join arms with an expectant
mother to love, support and serve her.
Our son's birth mother is a beautiful, compassionate, outrageously strong woman and we love her
Our family has not only grown by adding our son, but also by adding his bio family.
If you read this on the pod, please share that the adoption community needs ethical
advocates for all members of the triad, not just adoptive families and children, but also
the birth mothers and fathers.
We named our son Merit because it means worthy and he is all that and more.
Like that's a beautiful message and yeah, it's yeah.
But at the same time, it's also just like, you have a little family, that's so lovely.
A big, an exciting thing, a big growing family.
That's lovely.
All right.
Here's my last one.
It says, fucking hooray.
It's never too late to advocate for yourself.
And this is from Tizzy.
It says, I've always had issues with reading, writing, spelling and math.
As I progressed through school, I hid my struggles because I didn't want others to think that
I wasn't capable or stereotype me as, quote, another child of color who couldn't read.
I started to figure out little shortcuts to get by, but my studies eventually outpaced
my ability to adapt.
I did research some years ago and talked to some of my friends that specialized in dyslexia.
I seemed to have an unofficial answer, but that wasn't satisfying enough.
It wasn't until recently that I was able to afford a proper evaluation.
And then in parentheses, it says, side note, they're expensive, an average of $2,000, which
raises questions of equity, among other things.
But I digress.
Very true.
And parentheses.
Come to find out, I don't have dyslexia, but a visual processing disorder.
Basically, my brain has trouble processing input from my eyes, which causes my brain to
flip and mirror letters, move the words on the page, make solving math equations difficult,
and can even affect depth perception.
My brain will also skip lines and omit words or notes altogether when reading books and
sheet music.
At 29 years old and 1.5 semesters into a PhD program for music education, I finally have
an answer and will get the academic accommodations that I need.
Stay sexy and never stop advocating for yourself.
It's a fear, and then it says, it's Jewish, L-O-L.
Oh, we got to cry and now I'm laughing.
Oh my God.
The fucking greatest.
First of all, with all of that, you're still a PhD program.
Like all of all of that problems, like clearly they adapted well enough to get themselves
you're really very far in life and like you're brilliant.
And then the American school system's way of teaching and the way of how you have to
learn doesn't work for everyone.
So you're still incredibly smart and your work around is like, it probably makes you
way more intelligent than just, you know, they ever care.
But it's such a good point of like that kind of testing should be available to all children,
not just rich kids.
Because kids should know if you're having problems reading or if you're having problems
in school, it could very possibly could not be your fault and it's not about your concentration
or anything like that.
Yeah, you're stupid or something.
Oh my God.
Because well, stupid, which is a self-esteem thing, or it turns into like a behavioral
issue because you're, you know, like there's all kinds of ways that goes wrong where it's
like, you know.
Well, I say stupid in that when I was a kid, I had some learning issues too and I just
thought I was stupid because it didn't fit everyone else could understand the basic way.
So it made me think I was stupid and I didn't try.
It's a scary feeling.
So here I am and that she's 29.
It's like, it's never, it's never.
It's never too late to stop advocating for your school.
That's right.
You guys send in your fucking arrays on Instagram, on Twitter.
There's a fan cult forum where you can put it in, you can email it to us.
I think social media and fan cults best, but also respond to each other and congratulate
everyone for their fucking bad assery and I mean, there's great stuff, great stuff going
on out there.
Oh, I mentioned this because I just remembered it right now.
It happened, it happened almost like more over a week ago, but you know, there's this
uptick in racially motivated attacks on Asian people these days and it's in the news.
It's in, it's happening a lot.
It's very disturbing.
It's really upsetting and someone, they reached out on Twitter, see if it's going to find
the name for us and said that there were Asian people that were in New York City who were
talking about being worried about walking around, like that it was that worrisome on
a, like on a, on a murdering forum somewhere and all these murdering started volunteering
to walk people where they needed to go.
I mean, it's awful that it has to happen that way, but that's incredible.
But someone like the first one I saw because they included like a picture in their post
that they sent to me and the first one was like somebody saying, I'm a martial arts instructor,
I'll walk you anywhere you need to go.
The person who tweeted it at us was at Jean Kim with, with three ends.
Jean Kim and can you see that first one, can you see the name of the, I think they said
they were a martial arts instructor or something along those lines.
It's in her, it's in the picture of the thing she posted that she was looking at, like the
Oh, the name is blocked out in that.
Oh, okay.
I just want to give that personal credit, but apparently there were, there were, I think
she says in the tweet, right, Steven, that there's like 50 people or 60 people that offered
to walk any Asian that felt 48 people, uh, uh, murdering us offered to walk any Asian
person who felt unsafe being by themselves on the street where it's like, this is the
best thing.
And I just wrote back, I love this and it doesn't surprise me at all.
It's awful, but we, but murdering us once again are the best fucking people.
Just, uh, we got, we've all got to unite against that bullshit.
Fuck yeah.
Fuck yeah.
All right.
That was a great episode.
Yeah, that was fun.
Good job.
Good times.
Good job to all of us.
Good job to Georgia for handling the story this week.
Thank you.
Good job to all of us for being here with her and for her.
Um, thanks for listening.
Uh, you guys are the best as I just said, you are really, I think you're, you personally
are among our top 10, uh, favorite listeners than, yes, yeah.
Um, you know, you're, oh me, you know, not you stay sexy and don't get murdered.
Elvis, do you want to cookie Elvis, do you want to cookie Elvis, do you want to cookie