My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark - 54 - Valet Area

Episode Date: February 2, 2017

Let Karen and Georgia be your weekly valet to My Favorite Murder. On this episode they cover the terrible deeds of Nathaniel Bar-Jonah and Rodney Alcala.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is exactly right. We at Wondery live, breathe, and downright obsess over true crime. And now we're launching the ultimate true crime fan experience, Exhibit C. Join now by following Wondery, Exhibit C, on Facebook and listen to true crime on Wondery and Amazon Music. Exhibit C, it's truly criminal. Hi. Moments of staring at each other.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I thought we were going to say hi at the same time. I know, but I didn't know when you were going to start. Same here. Hi. How are you? What the fuck? What the fuck? Welcome to my favorite murder.
Starting point is 00:01:01 It's a show where we talk at the same time. Time. Time. Time. That's George Hardstar. That's Karen Kilgariff. This is my favorite murder. Welcome.
Starting point is 00:01:13 So glad you could make it. Thanks for coming. Thanks for staying for at least 10 minutes, we hope. Give us 10. We're going to do this for 10 minutes. We have a lot of back and forth. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:25 If you're into that, hang out. If no, bye-bye. Yeah. See you in 20, actually 20 minutes when we start the murders. See you in 45 minutes when I begin to commit to the project that is my favorite murder. Yeah. We're being realistic now. Dude, love your night.
Starting point is 00:01:41 You got a manicure. I got a manicure today. I did need to look at my nails. I know. Isn't it fun? You're gazing lovingly at your nails. I've never seen you do that before. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And I just talked about this, but to you, but having I, so now I work on Guy Branham's TV show. And on this TV show, I get for it's sometimes 8 30 in the morning. I get three grown women who stand around me doing my hair and makeup for hours. And it is so fun. I love it. And like people just, just teasing my hair for like 45 minutes straight. The best.
Starting point is 00:02:18 I'm shaping it. So I have really good hair doing makeup, very lightly brushing my face for an hour. Amazing. I start to realize like on the first day, because this is a very collapsed schedule, it's been hard. We've worked a lot. Which is our recording on a Sunday instead of a Tuesday. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Because this next week is going to be the same and crazy. But so the first day we went to tape, I sat down at my, so it's a, it's called talk show, the game show guy is hosting Guy Branham, friend of the show, expert lawyer Guy Branham. It's a talk show. He's the host and I am a judge where people come out and they get, they do an interview with Guy and then I judge them and tell them how they did. God, that sounds like a dream job. Just like super fun.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Yeah. And you don't get judged. You just talk shit. Hell no. Fuck yeah. They can't say shit to me. Don't fucking talk to me. They're like, basically the beauty, a glam squad every morning makes me realize how like
Starting point is 00:03:17 the first day after I left Diane, who's my makeup person handed me a mask and she goes, why you put this on tonight? Oh my God. And it was basically like thing by thing where it's like, oh yeah, that's right. Like I go home and then just go to sleep and don't wash my face. They're like, can you make our lives a little easier, please? Can you not make this so that we have to put you together like a wax god damn dummy. And so then, you know, like one day I realized I have to hold up signs, I need to paint my
Starting point is 00:03:44 fingernails. Yeah. No, dude, I got it when you're like, oh, this person, I have done the bare minimum of looking good. Yes. And now, but then once I do it, it's like, oh, this is fun. Doesn't it feel nice to take care to pamper yourself? It really does.
Starting point is 00:03:57 So today, I really like it. So today I was like, I just did my nails last week really fast. I do that too. But so today I went and got a manicure in Silver Lake and it was nice and the lady Rose did it really awesomely. It's so sweet that you find out the names of your manicures. She asked me my name and then I asked her her name. I love it.
Starting point is 00:04:15 It was fun. When I went to leave also, but my glam ended because it was the weekend, so I had no makeup on and looked a lot like a scumbag. You saw me that morning. I told you in the morning, you look beautiful. Well, I can't have it. I don't think I said beautiful. I think I said, you look so pretty.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Right. I think beautiful. And then I was like, get away from me in the valet area and ran away from you. I was working valet that. I had her little hat on and she brought my car around. I told her to get away from me. Went and got a manicure. As I was getting rung up, a girl who was getting her manicure looked up at me and goes, Karen.
Starting point is 00:04:51 And I go, yeah. Because I was like, oh, does she work with me? Is it somebody that like I haven't talked to you that much, whatever. And then she goes, I love your podcast. But she was like, she was getting a manicure so she was kind of weirdly stuck. It wasn't like we could shake hands or say hi or anything. And I immediately got so self-conscious that I had like these crazy nice nails. And then other than that, I really looked like I rolled out from under a bridge.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I was like, oh, thanks. Bye. And just ran away so quickly. So I just wanted to say to that girl, if you're listening, which she might have quit at this point, because I was so not all that friendly to her. Hi. Hi. I'm sorry I didn't ask you what your name was.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I'm sorry I didn't say. I'm sorry I didn't have a moment with you. I was kind of embarrassed. I'm kind of embarrassed in general. I was just like, how are you feeling today? Kind of embarrassed. Kind of generally embarrassed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:40 But I'm working on it. Yeah. So hi to her. But the thing is too that she knows so much about you at this point and like doesn't expect you to like, she doesn't think you're going to be Chrissy fucking Tegan. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like we haven't fucking positioned ourselves to be Chrissy fucking.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I mean, Chrissy Tegan seems like a chill chick, but like, which she looks like. For some reason I can't drop the Chrissy Tegan expectation. It's my problem. Oh yeah. No one. I kind of am like, oh, maybe I look like. I kind of get that because I'm like, I'm not wearing makeup anymore and then I'll see myself sometimes and be like, oh my God, I look like I'm on my way to rehab.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Yes. And like two people like my neighborhood fucking cafe or they like a shoe case and I have like some acne scars right now. So it looks a little like I've been picking at my face, you know, like, yes, I want to be presentable, presentable, you want to be presentable, if my mom saw me, who's a fucking really into images, everything she'd be like, she'd be worried about me. My mom, I have a tape in my head of my mom who used to always, if you would like, walk through the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:06:36 It would just be like after school one day or like casual time. My mom, maybe the one to go, oh God, put some lipstick on you look like a corpse. That was like her great quote. So I have that kind of the arm like really in the house, you need me to wear lipstick. Lady. It's so moms. The minute she sees me, she tells me how something I am doing that she likes it better when I do the other way around like if I have short hair, oh, I like your hair longer.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Not like you look it, it's like oh, I like your shorter like it's just like here's what you've done that doesn't please me. Yes. And I'm like, fuck you, you voted for Trump. What do you you, here's what you fucking mom. That's right, you don't get to tell me anymore. No, no, no. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:07:23 No. No, no, no, no. No. Moms. Moms and dads. Do we have corners? Oh, I have a couple corners. Can I tell you something I've never talked about?
Starting point is 00:07:31 Yes, please do. Yes. I'm gonna share a real intimate, not intimate, but an inside joke that my husband and I have that we're the only people who know what this is, and we kind of love it and share it together, and I'm gonna just sell a few people right now. And every time we say any kind of corner thing,
Starting point is 00:07:45 I think of this. So whenever the word corner comes up, Vince and I say to each other, corner, corner, corner. And the reason is because we would go to this like late night diner in Los Feliz called House of Pies. That's like the fucking best like old school diner. And there was this chick who was a waitress there who was like late night waitress.
Starting point is 00:08:05 You could tell she was on like Adiron fucking, like buzzing on coffee and shit. She was really cool, but she was like clearly buzzing. And every time she'd have hot plates on her, you know when you're a waitress and you have to say behind you, behind you, when you're like behind someone with plates so they don't walk into you,
Starting point is 00:08:20 she would come around the corner with these hot plates and go corner, corner, corner, corner, corner, corner. So you think even you're chickened out behind her or whatever, you just keep going corner, corner, corner. And that's how we just fucking crack up someone over here. Someone say corner. And this was like three years ago and we're still like corner, corner, corner.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Yeah. Now I just told everyone. So let's do corner, corner, corner. I love it. Is it corner, corner, corner time? It is. Well, we were at that live show. We got to meet some people afterwards
Starting point is 00:08:43 and there were two different girls who took the time to tell us that we, this podcast meant a lot to them because they were going through a really hard time and that they were like one, the one girl said it. I'm sorry, don't remember your name. The way you phrased it was, you were these great voices in my head
Starting point is 00:09:02 when I only had bad voices in my head. And it was so touching to me, but it also was the same exact thing that a different girl said. And I was like, I said to her, just so you know, that's just what someone else said. Shut up, I don't remember this. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:09:17 The first girl said, and I was like, someone else just said that. And then she was like, oh, where I was like, I wanted to go like go over there and talk to her, but that's weird. But it was just very, A, it was very touching that we could help somebody that would be in that position,
Starting point is 00:09:33 but B, if you are in that position and you have those feelings, get help, figure out a way to find a therapist, go online, look it up. It's there's, you know, like it's good to get help for yourself and it's good to solve those problems. There are solvable problems. We've both been there.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And it's good to have friends too. And I have to say the Facebook group is they, those people are, everyone's becoming friends and everyone will talk to you and everyone will help you with something. And it's like a really good resource for people who listen to this because they need help, I think. I mean, I completely also get help
Starting point is 00:10:08 from a professional, but it is a really cool, like I think a lot of people are making friends off of it. Yeah, it seems like it. And we relate because, and we talk about this all the time, like there are lots of podcasts I listen to that when I listen to them, like it's my friends who have their own podcast or it's somebody else, you know, whatever that I love,
Starting point is 00:10:27 but like I start listening to it and I feel better. I feel like I'm with people I like. I feel like I'm hanging out. Like my loneliness goes away. My anxiety goes away. And so we get it. I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at this meme I saw that says on the top
Starting point is 00:10:43 what I'm like when I listen to podcasts. And it's this, did you see that? It's this billboard of these three cute girls like eating ice cream and then there's this dude sitting next to the billboard, like laughing along with them and eating a bowl of ice cream. And it's like, it's like how you listen to podcasts, which I'm fucking, I'm the same way.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Completely. Yeah. Yeah, it gets you through. It's nice. So I think we have to, we have a couple of live shows coming up that aren't sold out. So we have to shout them out to people to get the tickets, right? Hold on, Steven, can you wait on this?
Starting point is 00:11:17 Okay, so here's some new information on our live shows. So on February 3rd, that's a Friday, these tickets will go on sale. So, okay, we're doing an extra Portland show because you guys, they got sold out so quickly and people got pissed off. So Sunday, the 26th of March at Revolution Hall, there's gonna be an added show.
Starting point is 00:11:42 So that is gonna be on sale on the, what did I say? Tomorrow. On February 3rd of February, that's a Friday. I think that should be tomorrow. So that's Portland. No, that's next Friday. What's today? Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Isn't it? Yes. Tomorrow is today the 20th. Wait, today's 27th. So yes. Today's Friday. Today's the 29th. So this coming Friday.
Starting point is 00:12:05 So yeah, when this episode drops, it will be the day after. Thank you, Steven. So it's tomorrow. Yes. Okay. And then Boston is adding a late show at the Wilbur on March 3rd. It's the same day as the regular show,
Starting point is 00:12:18 but we're having a later night show as well. And then Milwaukee is moving to a larger venue. So it was at the PAPS, which we sold out, I guess. So it's now moving to the Riverside, but all the tickets that you bought from the PAPS will be. You will get the same or better seats at the new place. But there's gonna be more tickets on sale. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:39 That will be on February 3rd at noon, noon local time. So that was live show Corner Corner Corner. Now we have Laura Kilger of Corner. That's sister, sister, sister Corner. So my sister goes on the Facebook page and tells me stories that she loves and she has great taste. So this one is especially awesome.
Starting point is 00:13:00 And it's Kristen Michelle McClure story that she posted on the Facebook page. And it's fucking crazy. So she says her boyfriend was sick. So she drove up to McAllister's in Addison, Texas to pick up some food and iced tea for dinner. And the parking lot was pretty dark and the only people there that late were the staff
Starting point is 00:13:19 and one woman who left shortly after she got there. And when she got her order, she walked outside to see the woman from before smoking a cigarette. And suddenly she comes over to me. I switched it now, it's first person. Suddenly she comes over to me and says, hi, oh my God, it's so good to see you.
Starting point is 00:13:36 How have you been? And I'm sure I looked very confused as I responded, I'm sorry, I think you have me confused. With someone else, I don't think I know you. And her voice got quiet and she said, pretend like you do, there's a man hiding behind your car. Fucking chills, you guys.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I'm a very observant and spatially aware person, but I never would have known he was there if it wasn't for this amazing lady. So I let her walk me to my car. And as I do, she explains that she saw him lurking as she was leaving and got a bad feeling. So she decided to wait for me. What an angel baby.
Starting point is 00:14:11 That is so incredibly nice. And we really need to be doing that for each other. Sure enough, we get to my car and a man in a hoodie stands up from behind my passenger rear side and nonchalantly walks into the dumpster alley. Dumpster alleys, we're fucking lurkers lurk. So as we're saying goodbye, she smiled and said, stay sexy, don't get murdered.
Starting point is 00:14:35 What the fuck are the chances? A fellow murderer probably saved me from being robbed, assaulted, kidnapped, murdered, God knows what. And I'm so thankful for her. I didn't catch her name, but if you're listening, but if you're reading this, thank you. Let's listen to MFM, drink wine and catch and watch murder documentaries sometime.
Starting point is 00:14:56 So then there's an update from Chaney Coles with this girl. Holy shit. It's Chaney Coles, Kristen Michelle McClure and Emily Burke. And Chaney Coles is saying, so a lot of you probably saw Kristen's post yesterday about how a fellow murderer saved her when a hooded man was hiding behind her car at McAllister's. If you didn't scroll down, it's a crazy story.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I live in Dallas, so I commented that I wanted to be her friend since we're practically neighbors. A few chats via messenger and Facebook friendship later, she and I and my murdering best friend Emily met for drinks last night and discussed all kinds of murders. The tables around us thought we were weird, but we had a great time. This podcast and this group makes me so happy.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Murderer's met for drinks last night. Oh, there's an overlap. Sorry. Murderer's Unite is the last line. And when my sister sent me that, I started crying and I was like, that's the cool, that idea right there of somebody noticing something that might be bad and taking the time to look out for another person.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And the idea that the reason they might do that is because they were emboldened by the shit that you and I say on this. Stop it. My therapist is trying to make me cry more and I'm gonna try to do it because I really want to, but there's something inside of me that won't let me do it, but stop it.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Yes, keep going. I'm so proud of us. I left therapy the other day and just texted you, I'm really proud of us. You did, that's right. I'm proud of us too. I want to cry and there's something. Well, just don't do it now.
Starting point is 00:16:29 You do it, I mean, Jesus Christ. And you're like sitting there like, I've got to cry on this podcast. I already did it today, so that's, I got it out of the way. You did it at lunch. It's just a cool thing. It's like, you know, that's the point.
Starting point is 00:16:40 It's so wonderful and I'm just proud of us. Good job, everybody. Good job, you guys. We fucking did it. We're staying sexy, we're not getting murdered, we're making friends. Extending yourself to people who might be in a bad place, that's kind of like, that's what we're looking for these days.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah, and we're fucking, like we're putting those fucking dumpster alley lurkers in their place of like, no, you can't fucking, you can't do this, dude. No. Or, you know, maybe that guy was peeing. Either way, that girl got in her car and got home safe at the end.
Starting point is 00:17:11 You know what, peers can attack people too. You know, maybe he was doing both. Maybe he had a pee and... It could have been a pee attack. A pee attack, ooh. Looking for a better cooking routine? With meal planning, shopping and prepping handled, HelloFresh has you covered.
Starting point is 00:17:27 HelloFresh makes home cooking easy and affordable so you can stay on track and on budget in the new year. HelloFresh meals are convenient, seasonal and delicious. Stay cozy all winter long with classic comfort foods available weekly. Why stop with just dinner? Now you can enjoy HelloFresh's expanded menu of quick lunch solutions, weekend brunch,
Starting point is 00:17:45 simple side dishes and amazing desserts. Karen, January is gonna be my month for HelloFresh. I am so sick of takeout. I miss cooking so much, I haven't lifted a knife or a pan since like, early fall. So I can't wait to get back in the kitchen and HelloFresh makes it so easy and also makes it so that my food tastes good,
Starting point is 00:18:06 which is hard to do on my own. It gives you everything, everything you need. So get up to 20 free meals with purchase plus free shipping on your first box at slash murder20 with code murder20. That's up to 20 free meals plus free shipping on your first box when you go to slash murder20 and use code murder20.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Goodbye. Hey, I'm Mike Corey, the host of Wondery's podcast against the odds. In our next season, three masked men hijack a school bus full of children in the sleepy farm town of Chautchilla, California. They bury the children and their bus driver deep underground, planning to hold them for ransom.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Local police and the FBI marshal a search effort, but the trail quickly runs dry. As the air supply for the trapped children dwindles, a pair of unlikely heroes emerges. Follow against the odds wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon music or Wondery app. This has been my favorite murder. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:19:12 That was gorgeous. Oh, my phone just told me Robert Durst hearings are, is it tomorrow? It's, oh, the February 15th, sorry. It came up as an alert just now. That's really weird. Random real quick merch corner, corner, corner. My favorite murder
Starting point is 00:19:31 And we have new hats. We have hats now. Oh, yeah. Caps and beanies. And I guess people like hats that I'm like, never post anything that I wouldn't wear. So I'm like, all right, you like a hat? Baseball hats. They're like ski hats or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Yeah, they're actually really cool. Yeah, they say murdering now on them and stuff. All right, good job. Hey, should we talk about how many minutes was that? We told people 10 minutes. 22. What the fuck? Hey, Siri, how many minutes?
Starting point is 00:20:00 Oh my God, Siri just started talking to me without me pressing anything. You think my place is, my new place is haunted? Yes. Me too. I think you're first this week. Okay. So let, let's start.
Starting point is 00:20:12 What was that show called that you recently told me? The new detectives? I'm not telling you any more shows. Cause I keep getting them wrong. Jesus Christ. Okay. So. No, because you're like, I fucking hate that show.
Starting point is 00:20:25 No, I, I know, I do that about a lot of things. All right. So this is a story from that show, but it's no, what? Oh, you watched it and got the story from it. I had a story and then realized when looking it up that they had covered the story on that show. Got it. Not new detectives.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Real detectives. Real detectives. And so there was, there was so much more to the story. So I was like, okay, I'm still going to do this, but I'm going to give a shout out to the show Karen likes at the same time. So I'm not being negative. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Okay. I'm not fucking being negative. All right. So in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1964, a kid named Nathaniel Barr Jonah is seven years old. He tells a five year old neighbor that he had just gotten a Ouija board and she follows him into his basement to play with it.
Starting point is 00:21:19 He attempts to strangle the five year old girl. The seven year old attempts to strangle the five year old girl. She screams, his own mother comes down and rescues her. So like his mom knows something's up already. You know what I mean? So this fucking seven year old cut to six years later in 1970. He's 13 years old.
Starting point is 00:21:38 He lures another neighbor, a six year old boy to a nearby hill saying that he wants to go sledding with him and of course he didn't go sledding. He ends up sexually assaulting the kid. And then in March, 1975, 17 year old Nathaniel Barr Jonah, he's doing the fucking classic impersonation of a officer, a police officer, a dex and eight year old kid named Richard O'Connor, who's on his way to school,
Starting point is 00:22:05 sexually assaults and strangles him. A neighbor saw this happening and notifies the police. They find a car matching the description in a parking lot. They get him out of the car and the kid is found in the car near death, but alive. So Nathaniel is arrested, charged and convicted, but he receives, you ready for this? A year of probation for this crime.
Starting point is 00:22:38 How? Yeah, because it's 1970. But, okay. Probation, the kid's not dead. He must have had some insane lawyer or some kind of, yeah, that's crazy. No, I think that happened all the, well, it gets worse. Okay, it always gets worse.
Starting point is 00:22:54 So a few days before he graduates from high school, he's again impersonating a police officer and he abducts a nine year old girl who he assaults savagely in his car and then later throws her from the car into a sidewalk. She's still alive and a witness gets his license plate, which leads to his arrest. And this assault never gets back to his probation officer.
Starting point is 00:23:16 And so he's released from parole from the earlier assault in 1976. And so when his probationary period is over, he receives a letter thanking him for his cooperation. So he never gets, no. Sorry, what? His parole ends in 76. They catch him and I don't know if he ever got charged
Starting point is 00:23:42 with anything after they found the kid, after he threw her out of her car. But the parole officer never finds, or probation officer never finds out about it, so nothing is added to his sentence. What the fuck? Yeah. So in September, 1977,
Starting point is 00:23:57 he's claiming to be an undercover FBI agent and he commences two boys to get into his car. He goes to a secluded area with them and he handcuffs them and assaults them. And he thought he had killed one of the boys, so he took the other one, still alive in his trunk and drove off. But the kid he thought was dead was a not dead.
Starting point is 00:24:16 He regains consciousness and fucking finds help. And the boy who was kidnapped is found still alive in Nathaniel's trunk. So he's caught, convicted of attempted murder and gets the maximum sentence of 18 to 20 years in prison. So fucking finally he's being incarcerated. So while he's incarcerated, he tells a psychologist there
Starting point is 00:24:41 about his fantasies of murder, dissection, and cannibalism. It's a psychiatrist. And she, that psychiatrist decides to commit him to the Bridgewater State Hospital for the sexual predators, which I think means that you don't have a release date. I think they can keep you indefinitely. That could be wrong.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Guy Brennan, please let me know. So he stays in the hospital from 79 to 91 when there's a hearing before Superior Court Judge Walter E. Steele, who needs to be fucking named. Two psychiatrists say that Nathaniel Barjona is a dangerous society and he should not be let out. Two of them said he isn't.
Starting point is 00:25:21 So we got two and two. The judge sided with the stupid ones and said that he thought that Nathaniel Barjona would not commit the crime again and decided that the state had failed to prove he was dangerous. So this dude, fucking Superior Court Judge Walter E. Steele, lets Barjona out.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Does his family have money? He must have amazing lawyers. I don't think it was that difficult then though. You know what I mean? There's no Megan's Law. There's none of this shit where it like, where they think predators and sexual abusers are even important enough to let their next door neighbor
Starting point is 00:26:00 who has children know that they're there. Like it's not a priority. Yeah, but it's, I mean, these are attacks. They're physical attacks. It just doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense to just be like, he attacks a little girl, throws her out of a car and thanks for doing such a great job in your parole.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Like that doesn't even track. No, it doesn't. And it's the same when talking with Guy Brennan where it's like, well, his intent was to kill these people. Why isn't he kept in prison in the same amount of time that someone who had actually killed them are? And it's just, because he got lucky for, you know, he just kept getting lucky.
Starting point is 00:26:34 But I mean, that's beyond lucky where he's not getting arrested for it. Like he's not even. I think it's a fucked up justice system at the time. I think that's all it is. So he leaves the institution and he promises to not go back to Massachusetts that instead he'll go to Montana.
Starting point is 00:26:56 But Megan's Law is still being debated. It's not enacted yet, which as everyone knows, Megan's Law is that if you're a sexual offender, you have to notify everyone in the community and they're allowed to know where you live and all this. So, okay, so he has weekly garage sales selling Star Wars memorabilia and stuffed animals that attracts many local children.
Starting point is 00:27:23 And let's see, within a week he commits another attack on a child. And then no one in Montana is notified of his past crimes at all. So on February 6th, 1996, 10 year old Zachary Ramsey is on his way to school at about 7.30 a.m. He takes his usual school route through the alleyway. And remember those fucking shortcuts
Starting point is 00:27:52 I used to take to school, like the shortcuts I used to take as a kid. The amount of places I could have been murdered in is just more than I couldn't have been murdered in. You know what I mean? Like fucking alleyways and like back alleys and fucking, what are those called? Like the dry riverbeds and just these horrible places.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And a family who lives along the alleyway reports seeing him but also sees an off-white four-door car that nearly runs him over. Another witness who lived in the area sees him distressed with an obese adult male following him a few feet behind at about 7.45. Zach then disappears, which is another thing of fucking if you see something fucking say something.
Starting point is 00:28:39 If you see a little kid upset with an adult and something doesn't look right, you can be rude and be like, is everything okay here? You know what I mean? I'm gonna get in trouble for it. Let's see, okay. So the police investigate Zach Ramsey's kidnapping and it turns out that Nathaniel Barjona
Starting point is 00:29:04 who was a known sex offender in the area although there were a lot of them has access to his mom's off-white four-door Toyota Corolla the day that Zach goes missing and his mother was out of town for a funeral and so he had the house to himself and he also didn't work that day. So he stays away from the police until 99
Starting point is 00:29:23 when he's arrested near an elementary school in Great Falls, Montana. He's dressed as a policeman. He's carrying a stun gun and pepper spray and is like fucking targeting one of the kids there. And they search his apartment and they find a list of boys names including previous victims that he had actually had
Starting point is 00:29:40 and the name Zachary Ramsey, the last word of which was died because he had done these crazy encryptions and so when the FBI finally took apart everything they found all of these names. There's dozens of newspaper clippings found in his apartment following the Zach Ramsey case and a former roommate said that he found clothes
Starting point is 00:30:01 in his apartment which matched Zachary Ramsey's clothes that he was wearing the day he disappeared and bloody gloves. So they also found encrypted menus referring to cannibalizing children and there were actual, I don't want to, I don't know if you want to hear them, but like names of meals that were like puns
Starting point is 00:30:22 on children being the fucking on the menu. It's pretty fuck, it's like, it's almost, it's too like, it takes too light, I don't like it, but it's gross. Because he thinks he's being like funny? Yeah, it's just a disgusting sense of humor. Yeah, it's not amusing in any way. It's fucked up and it's also said that he possibly
Starting point is 00:30:46 cut up and serves human meat of his victims to his neighbors at barbecues and cookouts and stews and hamburgers and there was one woman, his neighbor, who said, this tastes really weird, what is this? And he said, oh, it's a deer I found and I cut it up myself and she remembers it tasting weird. I mean, can you-
Starting point is 00:31:07 He would have barbecues. Sucking imagine the eating disorder you would have if you were that neighbor. Can you imagine ever trying to be vegan for the rest of your life? Oh my God. That's never eating meat again. I know.
Starting point is 00:31:21 This is really horrible. I know. Okay, and they also find a list of 22 names, many of which were past victims, known victims, but several have never been accounted for. And they also dug up the yard and found 21 bone fragments of a yet to be identified boy estimated between eight and 13 and it's not Zach Ramsey's bones.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Okay, so in July, 2000, he's charged with Zach Ramsey's murder and for kidnapping and sexually assaulting three other boys who lived above him in an apartment complex. He would babysit who was, the mom would just leave him, leave the kids with him. Even though she was like, yeah, one of them started acting real weird
Starting point is 00:32:03 after I'd let him babysit and it's like, I didn't, yeah. So, but the charges involving Zach Ramsey's murder are dropped because the Zach's mom refused to believe that he was dead and so would testify that Bar-Jona or Nathaniel Bar-Jona never killed her son. She was gonna testify to that. But he sentenced for the other charges to 130 years in prison.
Starting point is 00:32:28 It's for sexually assaulting one kid and torturing another. And on April 13th, 2008, Nathaniel Bar-Jona was found dead in his prison cell. His death is either a heart attack or a brain clot. I can't really, a lot of different, you know, articles. And then eventually a judge declares Zach Ramsey legally dead in 2011 despite his mom's still objecting to that.
Starting point is 00:32:53 How fucked up is that? It's super fucked up. It's like one of those murder, it's like one of those articles that's like, 10 serial killers you've never fucking, or 10 monsters you've never heard of. And like, why are, you know, why are these other people heard of?
Starting point is 00:33:07 And he's not, he's just as huge of a fucking monster. Well, that's the real detectives that I saw. Yeah. That was the first one I saw. With the detective who's like crying. It was crazy and he chased that guy forever. And he literally chased, he tracked him down and by the time somebody said,
Starting point is 00:33:28 oh, well, like he kept hearing, oh, they went on the shortcut. So he walked the shortcut himself finally. Like it was like beat cops were telling him the information. So he finally himself walked the shortcut. And when he came up the alley, Bar Jonas was standing at the top of the alley dressed like a security guard across the street
Starting point is 00:33:48 from the grammar school. And the guy in the show is like, you know, like, and that's when I knew I had my guy. And the most horrible part, like I looked into that too of like, oh, would this be a good one to do? The details are so fucking disturbing. They're really dark. It's awful.
Starting point is 00:34:10 It's just like, yeah, it's that kind of thing where it's like, oh, that's interesting. I feel like maybe that's a reason why it's he's one that you don't hear that much about. It's cause it's like insanely disgusting and awful. And he did it to a bunch of kids. Well, what's so surprising to me about this story and one of the reasons I think it's important to talk about
Starting point is 00:34:27 is because Zach Ramsey was taking these shortcuts in 1996. Like it wasn't the 80s or even the early 90s, which is when I was doing those things. It seems like more recent. And I feel like he was alone early in the morning. And I know it seems like a well traveled place and everyone's going to school, but you can't, you can't do those things.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I don't think anyone does anymore. Especially because people saw that happening. And we're like, this is weird. And like went on with their day. Right. It's just so troubling. Well, and also that guy dressed, he did. I mean, he was like a real, he knew it.
Starting point is 00:35:00 He knew what he was doing. Like dressing like a security guard, that thing that people fall for all the time where it's like, oh, it's a cop. It's a security guard. The person standing outside the school that's dressed like an official must be a good person. And to see like, yeah, it's, yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And also that he did it. I mean, the idea that like his first thing was when he was seven years old. I couldn't find any information about his childhood and how, you know, it could have not been fucked up at all. It could just be fucking crazy. But there had to be something going on that he would try to strangle a five-year-old
Starting point is 00:35:38 when he was seven. Yeah, makes you think of Mary Bell. Yeah, totally. Just an outright evil kid. But also what's happened. I mean, Mary Bell was a total victim as a very young child and that affects you. And I wonder what could have happened.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Like his mom found him strangling a little girl. You know, what could have been done to help him at that age? Yeah. And clearly nothing was. Yeah, yeah, clearly. So intense. Yeah. But also the really creepy thing is like seven.
Starting point is 00:36:09 It's like the movie seven where he had all these notebooks, just tons and tons and tons of notebooks that they recovered that was he obsessively wrote about. I mean, he was, yeah, he was insanely crazy. It's like he knew that if he did get caught, he wanted there to be as much information as possible. So he'd be talked about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:29 And then I did it. And if you watch that episode of real detectives, the real detective that that solves that case, who talks about it like at one point is crying on camera. Like he is so clearly it's it's one of those things. Yeah, that's the case of a lifetime. Yeah. And the horror is so horrible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yep. Horrifying. Yeah. You want to go? Woo, you mean leave right now? Mine is. Very well known this week. It's Rodney Alcala, the dating game killer.
Starting point is 00:37:14 This one I've seen like I've seen the forensic files of this guy. I have seen like a 20, 20, like almost everything on Discovery ID. There's been every version of one of those shows. They have featured this guy because it's the dating game thing is such a fucking that that's what did it for his fame. Yeah, it's so insane. But there was one of those shows that kind of reverse engineered where they followed the victim and now I don't remember the show.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I don't remember which victim it is because he has so very many. But it's that thing where basically this girl goes missing and her family's trying to find her family's trying to find her. And then eventually this cache of photographs because Rodney Alcala is this photographer and when he's finally arrested and they start going through thousands and thousands of photographs, they find a picture of her and they finally realize I think it was the hiker. She was a hiker and she was like a real outdoors woman.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And then they find a picture among all these really disturbing pictures. And they can't identify all like there's so many of those photos are like tons of you know, this is or they're missing or cold cases. They say they're still online. OK, so here's the here's the basic story. And we'll start it here in 1978 on the popular TV show, the dating game host, Jim Lang, introduced Rodney Alcala as bachelor. Number one is a successful photographer who got his start when his father
Starting point is 00:38:42 found him in the dark room at age 13, fully developed. Wait, what? Well, that's the show. Have you ever seen a show? Yeah, but what it so it's like sexual innuendo, which when you're not of your dad molested you in the fucking dark room. No, no, no. But basically that it's basically like the fun sexual innuendo when you're
Starting point is 00:39:03 not a serial rapist and killer is fun. But when you are is so horrifying. And the rest of that is between takes. You might find him skydiving or motorcycling murdering actor. Jed Mills, who was bachelor number two on the show and competed against Alcala, described him as a very strange guy with very bizarre opinions. And the funny thing is the bachelorette, Cheryl Bradshaw chose Alcala. He won the dating game.
Starting point is 00:39:33 But when she met him, she refused to go out with him because she found him so creepy. Oh, my God, I want to talk to her. She was right to find him creepy because he had already raped an eight year old girl and murdered four women when he was on that show for women already for women. And then he's like, I'm going to go on TV and hockey. So he was basically mid killing spree that had started. They believe in, well, he raped the eight year old girl in 1968. And then the killing began soon after.
Starting point is 00:40:08 And he is in the middle of all that goes on a game show. So, yeah, he's completely out of his goddamn mind. And kind of like Luke, Luke Magnati, like it's that thing of like, I want to be famous. I want everyone to see me like you can't catch me. Yeah. I'm smart. I'm smarter than everybody. He did have 160 IQ. So he's kind of less smarter than everybody in a way.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Fair enough. So he committed his first known crime in 1968. A motorist in Los Angeles called the police after watching him lure an eight year old girl named Tally Shapiro into his Hollywood apartment. The girl was found alive, raped and beaten with a steel bar. But Alcala had already fled. So to evade the resulting arrest warrant, he left the state and he enrolled in NYU film school under the name John Berger,
Starting point is 00:41:00 where he studied under Roman Polanski. Oh, that's convenient. Oh. Um, then he obtained in 1971. He got a counseling job at a New Hampshire arts camp for children using a different alias, John Berger. But in June of 1971, Cornelia Crilly, a 23 year old trans TWA flight attendant, was found raped and strangled in her Manhattan apartment. That Cornelia's murder would remain unsolved for 40 years. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:41:38 So she was one of the ones that when they found the pictures, right, started putting it up altogether like this person was missing or murdered. We don't know. Oh, God. So. So now Alcala is on the in 1971. He goes on the 10 most wanted fugitives list. And a few months later, two children who are at this arts camp that he got the job at, they notice his photo on an FBI poster at the post office and they finger him. But yeah, they do. Some kids.
Starting point is 00:42:06 So he's extradited to California. But by then that eight year old girl that he had attacked, her parents had relocated the entire family to Mexico and they weren't coming back. Yeah. So they were unable to convict him. Oh, oh, rape and attempted murder. So the prosecutors were forced to permit him to plead to a lesser charge of assault. So he's paroled after 34 months and assault.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah. He basically, it's the same thing. If he demonstrated evidence of rehabilitation, he got out early. So nice for 34 months and you can get out whenever the fuck you want. Right. So two months after his release, he's re-arrested after assaulting a 13 year old girl who he had offered to ride to school and she thought she was just getting a ride to school. And again, he's paroled after serving two years of an indeterminate sentence.
Starting point is 00:43:08 So after that release from prison, a LA parole officer takes the unusual step of permitting this repeat offender and known flight risk to travel to New York City. No. Irritating. But if he has 160 IQ and he's this level psychopath, he's probably incredibly charming and incredibly killative. Totally. So he's, he's, you know, he just sucks.
Starting point is 00:43:37 He makes it work. Yeah, it's crazy. Well, a lot of people just aren't, aren't capable of handling this level. This is like it's supervillain. Yeah, it's savvy as fuck and even a person who's of normal intelligence don't understand the, like, the nuances of manipulation, probably. Right. Have you seen the show Good Behavior with the girl who's the, who's Mary from Downton Abbey? No. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Is it? When we do a TV show recommendations? It's well, and also so in it, she's like a con woman and she does these things. Like she started off being a con woman because she was addicted to drugs, but now she's doing it just to get money and like you watch it. It's really good, but she does these things and it's, you see how easy it would be to fall for it because like she'll go in and she'll, she has a really nice outfit on and she looks like she has a lot of money and she's like a high end resort and then she's like shopping for jewelry.
Starting point is 00:44:32 So she'll be like, Oh, can I see that there? My husband wants it. My husband said I could get one thing and so I'm going to pick it. And so while the guy, she's shopping and chatting and giggling and they're drinking champagne. And then she's making the guy go get her things away from the counter. And while he's gone, she's just loading her purse with the jewelry she's trying on, but she's doing these switch around. So she's like, never, you know what I mean? It's all very believable.
Starting point is 00:44:57 And then she walks out, he's not going to know anything is gone until way later. And it's, that's what it makes me think of. Did you see the movie, Paper Moon? It's one of my favorite movies in the world with the O'Neill family. I hate O'Neill and Ryan O'Neill and they do that and it's their, their grifters and it's just one of my absolute favorite movies. And you would never fucking know what they're doing. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Well, that's cause you have to be good to get away with it. Yeah. And that's how you're good. Casual. I used to be casual about it. And you have to be like friendly and kind of charming and alluring. So people are like, No, never be her. The pretty, they're probably good looking like.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I get nervous that people think I'm shoplifting even when I have no intention and I'm never going to shoplift. I'm still like, I'm not shoplifting. I guess I would have to be pretty fucking. You have to be like shield. Yeah, but also like super charming. Yeah. So clearly that's this guy.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah. So he convinces his parole officer to let him go to New York. And while he's there a week after he gets to Manhattan, he kills Ellen Jane Hover who is 23 and the daughter of the owner of Sero's, which is a Hollywood nightclub. Um, she was the goddaughter of Dean Martin and Sammy Davis junior. She was like an heiress. She had a lot of money and her remains were found by
Starting point is 00:46:10 buried on the grounds of the rockestel, the Rockefeller, um, estate in Westchester County. How did he even get in there? Well, it's probably no idea. He probably went to like a club and she was there and he's, you see pictures of him. He's super creepy now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:29 You see pictures of him in jail and he has like really long, like salt and pepper, creepy curly hair. Like a ramen, dry ramen. Yes. But I, you know, back then it was like the late 70s and it was that kind of looking for Mr. Goodbar era of like pickup clubs and everyone was like post hippie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:49 You know, feeling it. Yeah. Era. I don't know. Um, but he also did the thing where he was a photographer. Right. He was playing like the artist side. Um, for a little while he worked at the LA times as a type setter
Starting point is 00:47:03 and, um, he was at one point interviewed, um, by the members of the hillside strangler task force as part of their investigation when they were interviewing known sex offenders. Um, he was ruled out as the hillside strangler, but he got arrested and served a brief sentence for marijuana possession. Um, so they got him for that. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Um, but he also during this time, he convinced a bunch of young men and women that he was a professional fashion photographer and photographed them for his portfolio. Um, and he showed that portfolio to his, uh, coworkers at the LA times. And there were people who are quoted as saying they should, I thought it was weird, but I didn't, you know, I didn't know because he said he was like a fashion photographer.
Starting point is 00:47:56 And so I just remember there was a bunch of naked girls. Oh my God. And he would show it to people like this is my, this is my portfolio. Creepy. It's so fucking creepy. So he's, he's totally flaunting it. Um, and of course everyone's just like, Oh, I guess that's high
Starting point is 00:48:13 fashion photography. Um, so in 1979, he knocks, um, he knocks unconscious and rapes 15 year old Monique Hoyt as she's posing, um, for him for one of those, uh, shoots, um, and, uh, then he goes on the dating game, which was in also in, I believe 1979 around that same time. And they think that because, or he was on the dating game in 1978. So they think because of that, um, rejection of the girl on,
Starting point is 00:48:50 on the, uh, dating game being like, there's no fucking way I'm going out with that guy, um, because right after that, a 12 year old girl from Huntington Beach named Robin Samso disappeared on her way between the beach and ballet class. It was, uh, it was June 20th, 1979 when this happened. Um, 12 days later, her deep composing body was found in the Los Angeles foothills. Um, I know I did, I did something like that.
Starting point is 00:49:20 A guy saying I'm a photographer when I was like 17, no, like 18. And you did what? I went and took the photos with him in the fucking Santa Monica mountains. Holy shit. I've never told anyone this. There's, this guy should have killed me. But he just took pictures of you and drove you home.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Yeah. He was a regular at this restaurant I was working at and was like, he came in all the time. He's like, I'm a photographer. I'd love to take photos of you. And I'm like, okay. And we went up to Santa Monica Hills and that was when I was like, Oh shit, I'm alone with this guy in the fucking forest, in
Starting point is 00:49:52 the fucking Hills, overlooking the ocean. And like there was, he was so nice at the restaurant. And the minute his eye went to the camera lens, he looked fucking evil. I remember thinking you need to fucking, this is not okay. And so I kept asking about his mom and he kept telling about his mother. And it was almost like I was, I kind of knew something was
Starting point is 00:50:15 not right. And I needed to talk to him a lot. And then we just went home. But my heart was racing the whole time. Jesus Christ. And I don't know what happened to him. And I kind of just, I think I quit soon after that. It was just, I should have been dead.
Starting point is 00:50:29 That's insane. I know. And I'm so embarrassed of that that I don't fucking tell people about it. It reminds me so much of the story. Right. Well also, because there's a, there's another guy that's on like, I've seen like three different, you know, ID discovery
Starting point is 00:50:44 things about the guy that he would approach women in malls and say that he was a photographer, that he was casting director. Right. He wanted to take their picture because he was casting for the latest, was it Batman or some, like the latest big movie and they would go meet him and then they would disappear. And they were meeting him at houses that were for sale.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. So he was going in and basically meeting them in empty like houses that he knew that the real estate agent like was shown. Right. He would go have it shown to him, have them meet them there and then attack them there. And he had killed a couple of girls and then one girl got away
Starting point is 00:51:24 and that's how he got caught. So it's this exact same thing. And I mean, I don't want to say it because I feel so stupid, but I was like 18 and you're like, I was new to LA and I was so flattered that someone wanted to take my photo and it was the 90s and I didn't understand. And I thought I knew this person. He was so nice all the time.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Of course. So when I say fuck politeness, it's because I've done shit that have probably been really like unsafe and it's just, I want to cry thinking about it. I feel so fucking stupid. We're having done that. Yeah, but that's the whole manipulation is that they're playing on like worse.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Then we're supposed to be embarrassed that we had, you know, the pride or who are we to think that we have our picture taken when actually that's that's the play. That's the whole thing is how they get you is like, of course, you're flattered and then you have a little ego stroke and then, oh my God, maybe I am a model and it's all those things that then it's the shame of that that's supposed to like keep you quiet.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Yeah. And fuck that shit. It's like, it's just that they're doing that's what they're doing to you. Any human being that gets that kind of special attention is going to go, oh my God, yeah, I want that special attention. That's what we all want. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:33 That's everybody wants to be told that they're pretty and want, you know, have their picture taken. And that's the easiest way to manipulate people. Yeah. And I just remember the moment it took a turn and I got scared and realized something was not right. Thank fucking God, nothing happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Sorry, go on. Anyway, so Robin Samso's friends told the police that a stranger had approached them at the beach asking to take their pictures and they circulate a sketch of the photographer Alcala's parole officer recognizes him in this sketch and then they search his house in Monterey Park and they find a rental receipt for a storage locker in Seattle. So then they go into that storage locker and they find a pair
Starting point is 00:53:21 of Robin Samso's earrings. So he's basically killing people taking the why don't I ever remember the word for trophy? Yeah, the trophy, but then he's keeping it like in a different state. Okay. So he's arrested in 1979 held without bail. He's tried convicted and sentenced to death for Robin Samso's
Starting point is 00:53:44 murder, but the verdict is overturned because jurors had been improperly informed of his prior sex crimes. No. So then in 1986, seven years later, they retry him for the same. It's the identical trial except for omission of the prior record and he's convicted again and sentenced to death again. And the Ninth Circuit Circuit Court of Appeals panel nullifies
Starting point is 00:54:12 the second conviction in part because a witness was not allowed who was not allowed. Sorry. A witness was not allowed to support Alcala's contention that the park ranger who found Samso's body had been quote hypnotized by police investigators. So there was somebody that wanted to Alcala said this park ranger was hypnotized by the police.
Starting point is 00:54:37 That's why he's saying this happened. He had a friend who was going to back him up and they were like, no, your friend doesn't get to say that. And then they find once they find that out there, like the whole thing has to go. So they keep getting it like on these weird little details. All right. And this goes, I mean, he's in prison the whole time though,
Starting point is 00:54:59 right? He is. Yeah, he's held without bail. I'm not sure. If you ask me details about this, I'm not going to be able to tell you I threw this together so quickly. But this is the kind of thing you can look up his name and watch 1000 shows about him because he basically they say
Starting point is 00:55:19 he's like because of these pictures and the cold cases that they believe are associated with these pictures. He's only he only goes to jail for four murders, but they think he's responsible for over a hundred. They just can't prove it over a hundred worse. He's he's one of the worst serial killers ever. And he's still alive and in jail. Doesn't he keep appealing?
Starting point is 00:55:46 I keep seeing him in. I keep seeing him getting older and older and like news photos with that crazy hair. Well, he does he has all these and it's crazy because he's again one of those geniuses that's like at one point he represents himself and and then cross examines himself and is talking in a deep voice as one person and then his own voice and the other like it's that kind of total insanity
Starting point is 00:56:13 thing that you you know it's what that's Ted Bundy. He represented himself. They all kind of think like it's they just think they're invincible and that they're the smartest people in the world. But essentially in 2003, Orange County investigators, they learned alcohol is DNA had matched semen left at the rape murder scenes of two women in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:56:36 And that's when they start linking cold case DNA to this guy. And it led to his indictment for the murders of four additional women. Jill Barcomb, who was 18, a New York runaway who was found rolled up like a ball in a Los Angeles ravine in 1977. They thought she was a victim of the hillside stranglers.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Georgia Wichstead, 27, who was bludgeoned in her Malibu apartment in 1977, which is super weird because Malibu is so fucking Tony and high end. And this is that thing of like like that. The sister, Ciro's he clearly was able to like be in and out of very Tony high end places and with those kind of people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:23 You don't break into a like high end Malibu location. No. You talk your way in. Like I feel weird at Starbucks in Malibu. Yeah. You just feel like you don't belong. Totally. And they know it.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Charlotte Lamb was 31. She was raped and strangled in the laundry room of her El Segundo apartment complex in 1978. And Jill Parenteau, who was 21, who was killed in her bank apartment in 1979, and all of these bodies were found posed in carefully chosen positions, which I think then they eventually led to understanding that he was posing them and taking pictures of them.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Oh my God. And they found another pair of earrings in the Seattle storage locker that matched Charlotte Lamb's DNA. So they're kind of, it all starts hooking back over and over. So eventually the police find a collection of more than a thousand photographs, and they're mostly of women and teenage boys in sexually explicit poses.
Starting point is 00:58:22 In his third trial in 2003, prosecutors enter a motion to join the SAMSO charges with those of the four newly discovered victims. And so his attorneys, of course, try to contest it like you basically saying you can, you can give benefit of the doubt or whatever they call it. Reasonable doubt for one, but you can't do it with four. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:49 But they ruled in the prosecution's favor. And in February of 2010, he stood trial on five joined charges. I can't believe it's so recent. I know, isn't that weird? It seems like it should have been so long ago this happened. Because he was doing it for so fucking long. But I think it was a thing of they had him on one
Starting point is 00:59:07 and he was in jail for one. And then suddenly it was that DNA era that came through. And it was all of a sudden. And that's what that was when all those specials come out is like in those late in the late 90s were like, they just found this guy. Yeah. A lot of them have that feel to it of like this guy.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Pardon me. When he was his own lawyer, he showed the jury a portion of his 1978 appearance on the dating game. In an attempt to prove that the earrings that were found in that Seattle locker were his own and not Samso's. And they end up bringing Jed Mills, bachelor number two to this trial. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:59:49 So that he can say, I would have remembered if a guy was wearing earrings in 1978, he was not wearing earrings. What the fuck? Yeah. It is that crazy. And then eventually they get Talia, the eight-year-old girl that he had raped in the late 60s. And she comes and testifies so that they can keep this guy
Starting point is 01:00:11 in jail. Holy shit. In March 2010, the Huntington Beach and New York City police departments released 120 of his photographs seeking the public's help to identify the people in them in hope of determining if any of the women and children he photographed were additional victims. There are 900 additional photos that could not be made public
Starting point is 01:00:33 because they were too sexually explicit. So he was like a fucking hideous, kitty porn, you know, like pornographer, exploitive pig, obviously. Wow. The police reported that approximately 21 women had come forward to identify themselves. And six families said that they believe they recognized loved ones who had disappeared years ago and were never found.
Starting point is 01:01:01 They saw their missing loved ones in these photos. But none of the photos were unequivocally connected to a missing person case or an unsolved murder until 2013 when a family member recognized the photo of Christine Thornton, who was 28, whose body was found in Wyoming in 1982. I did not even hear about this. Yeah. And as of September 2016, last year, 110 of those original
Starting point is 01:01:28 photos remain posted online and the police continue to solicit the public's help with further identifications. Let's all go to them right fucking now. In 2016, he was charged with this 1977 murder of a woman who was identified through one of those photos. And just in closing, which I find fascinating and interesting, his diagnoses when he was in court, the psychiatrist diagnosed him as having a narcissistic personality disorder
Starting point is 01:02:00 and malignant narcissistic personality disorder with psychopathy and sexual sadism, comorbidities. Jesus. Comorbidities. That's the fucking trifecta you don't want to end up with. You don't want the word comorbidities anywhere near you. No. Do you want to know what it means?
Starting point is 01:02:21 It's the presence of one or more additional diseases or disorders co-occurring. Including morbid. It just sounds worse. Liking dead bodies, baby. And I think morbid just is like gruesome. We'll have to ask Ibrana. We will have to ask.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I'm sure everyone will tell us on Twitter. That was not the greatest version of trying to tell the Rodney Alkyl story. No, that was very detailed. Did I do all right? You did a great timeline, really interesting. I had some personal information to share as well. I liked that.
Starting point is 01:02:56 You know what I mean? It actually gets worse than that and I'll tell you afterwards. Oh, no. No, I know. Yeah, that was a good story. Well, I just recommend anybody that's, if you are slightly interested, take a deep dive because he is really horrifying and kind of another one of those lesser known but very depraved
Starting point is 01:03:19 and horrifying monster people. This was an episode of monster people. Monster people for sure. People from the depths of the fucking hell. Yeah. Plus the dating game. Plus the dating game. Plus the Pacific Northwest has always got a mix in there
Starting point is 01:03:34 somehow. You know, it just has to be in there. It's depressing. How about a good thing? How about a good thing? How about it? I did my apartment, my new apartment last time. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Thank you. I really like it. You know, I did the Chacuzzi cat last time. Chacuzzi cat and I saw your picture. My Instagram. Chacuzzi cat is real. Hard Stark is my Instagram and there's a fucking sweet picture of Chacuzzi cat who I've seen since Gus the Chacuzzi cat is
Starting point is 01:04:01 legit and he's so chill. Legit in the real deal. Yes. I guess I've already bragged now twice at you about my best thing, but my best thing is just it's so fun to work on a job. Right now, it's just fun to perform again on TV. It's really fun to have fake eyelashes on all day long. I love fake eyelashes.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Aren't they the best? Oh my God, they make you like a queen. Yeah. It's pretty fun. And for me, like it's just a period of, I just didn't think I was going to be performing anymore. And like 10 years ago, if you would ask me if any of these things would be happening, I'd be like, you're insane.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I'm stuck in an office building in Burbank and I will never leave here. So I'm very, I feel grateful and like kind of just excited and I don't know. No, I'm happy. I feel fingernails, fingernails, fingernails about it. What's that mean? Oh.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Like kind of fancy and like, oh yeah, maybe I should have a manicure. Like maybe I should try. You need to. I've been in like a bit, I've said this a million times, but I've been in a, I've been in a cave for almost a decade. And look at you coming out of it. Look at me out of the cave. And I saw it because of nails probably.
Starting point is 01:05:15 The thing I love and I tried about it is I've been posting political stuff on Instagram and Twitter. And you know how scary it is to do that because you're immediately like refreshing to see people saying mean stuff to you. But so many people have been saying really nice things. And the ACLU is a fucking entity that I'm so happy to donate to and to and that are fighting for us. And so I started crying when I saw all the like positive comments
Starting point is 01:05:43 from people on my political posts. I just want to read one thing because you wrote this tonight and I retweeted it. Oh, I know. Thank you. Um, because it's beautifully written and it's exactly right with all this stuff that's happening in our country right now, which is incredibly scary.
Starting point is 01:05:59 And I have a lot of friends who like talk about all the time. We're like, I don't know what to do. This is insane. This is insanity. This is so scary. And you, you tweeted this tonight. You said we have an amazing opportunity to atone for the atrocities past generations inflicted on those deemed different and undesirable.
Starting point is 01:06:17 And then you did the hashtag love Trump's hate. And it really feels like that's what's happening right now is those people that are fucking taken to the streets who when somebody puts down a Muslim ban in order to say that certain people can't come to this fucking country, people immediately show up in the streets going no fucking way. That's I end to see it happening. I mean that I sat in the grocery store parking lot staring at my
Starting point is 01:06:44 phone for an hour and crying and going, holy shit. It's so empowering. And like up until like a week ago, I was not looking at articles. I was feeling so beat down. And maybe it's because my, uh, my, uh, Lexa pro got doubled. I don't know. Suddenly I'm feeling really like positive and empowered and not scared of reading these articles and like excited to be part of it.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Well, you've been told for a year that the majority wants this. Yeah. And basically people are showing up in the streets to say the majority does not want this. I am here to say I don't want this. It's an amazing, beautiful thing. And you see it now. The thing that people are tweeting tonight is showing all these
Starting point is 01:07:27 people that are protesting at these airports and they're protesting at airports in the middle of the country. People keep tweeting, Oh, look at these, um, look at these coastal elites in the middle of Kansas, in the middle of, uh, you know, wherever they were, it was like the, it was like a joke. A couple of different people made the coastal elites joke cause it was an airport in Texas. It was an airport in Wyoming.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Well, you know, it's so great too, is that I feel like for years in every administration, there's been so many things that should, that people are up in arms about and that everyone's like, what do we do about this? And nobody's protested because it's, you don't know what to do. It's not big enough. There's not enough people. There's not this army to protest with.
Starting point is 01:08:09 And suddenly it feels like we're not letting these things happen now. And it's, there's definitely things that in the past should have been protested like this and haven't been a hundred percent. And now everyone knows there is a way for every single person to get involved. And it's kind of, it's empowering to, when everyone's like, I don't know what to do. And it's like here are five things you can do.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Just go online and there's protests. You can donate money. You can donate time. You can, you know, make some phone calls. Make phone calls. It's just, it's just, there's a lot to do. You can express yourself.
Starting point is 01:08:37 But it is very, I love the fact that it kind of kicked off with the women's march and all the women's marches being five times bigger than they all, they thought any of them were going to be. But then this, these airport protests watching and it's people I know that are out there, watching people show up by the thousands to say you cannot do this to people is beautiful. And that's what we have to remember. You, that's what we have to remember.
Starting point is 01:09:05 That's the majority. Yeah. That is truly the majority. Yeah. And then maybe again, maybe it's Alexa pro, but I'm fucking over my fear and anxiety of protesting. Like I'll be, I'll be out there. Oh, being in a crowd.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Yeah. It's hard to be in a crowd. I know, but it's necessary now. Now I realize it's fucking necessary. And I don't care if I get a little overwhelmed by it. It's. Well, it could be beautiful too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Yeah. All right. Let's be there. We'll, we'll see you guys there. Yeah. Thanks for listening. Go to my favorite If you are so inclined.
Starting point is 01:09:36 I don't know. We're on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook. I don't know. Your list. Thanks for listening. I mean, you don't do any of those things. Yeah, that's right. We appreciate listening.
Starting point is 01:09:44 We really appreciate you listening and please stay sexy. Don't get murdered. Bye. Elvis, you want a cookie? Mimi, it's your big chance. Do you want to cook? That was Elvis. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:58 And Stephen, thank you for being awesome.

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