My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark - 97 - The Hague

Episode Date: November 30, 2017

Karen and Georgia cover killers David Meirhofer and Randall Saito. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is exactly right. or pay vendors with large sum payments up to $25,000. Plus, your payments are safe with authentication and transaction encryption. Interac, we geek out on your business. Learn how at for business. Terms and conditions apply. Hi, I'm Una Chaplin, and I'm the host of a new podcast called Hollywood Exiles. It tells the story of how my grandfather, Charlie Chaplin, and many others were caught up in a campaign
Starting point is 00:00:48 to root out communism in Hollywood. It's a story of glamour and scandal and political intrigue and a battle for the soul of the nation. Hollywood Exiles, from CBC Podcasts and the BBC World Service. Available now on Spotify. Welcome. Welcome. To my favorite murder. To my, Why am I just repeating what you say? It's fun. It's like a call and response. Yeah. It's like this is a real thing.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Me and I was making Nora, my niece, Nora, she's 10, do cheers with me. Oh my God. I love babies who cheers. There's nothing better. We have video. She used to do it when she was like four years old, but now she doesn't care. Now she's like into sports and stuff. But I was making her like in my dad's living room while he watched football and ignored us. I made her stand up and do cheers from high school. And it was making me laugh so hard.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Oh, my God. It was like we had a good we had a nice Thanksgiving. How was yours? It was great. We went with some friends to because my mom and I aren't speaking, which is great. So I was able to just go to a fucking old school steakhouse with Vince and our friends. Oh, yeah. And have a nice time where I didn't have anxiety attacks and go to the bathroom and need to breathe and take Xanax and drink a lot. I mean, I still drink a lot. Well, that's, but it was your choice.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Right. You didn't feel like you were trying to escape. No, I was feeling I was trying to be like part of drank a lot well that's but it was your choice right you didn't feel like you were trying to escape no i was feeling i was trying to be like part of it yes that's good how was yours um it was great we i think i may have told you this but we uh basically revolted on my dad and we're like because normally we drive down into the bay area we go to daily city or we go to pacifica or some it's somewhere on the peninsula whatever we always go to our families and they all of them are in san francisco or south and this year my sister's like i'm so tired i'm so i like can barely move and i was like we don't have to go like aunt joe our family isn't going to be like how dare you they're not they're not like that yeah my mom is yeah
Starting point is 00:03:01 right i mean it can't be pressure My dad is So we had to like I was like Since when did you give a shit About Thanksgiving Yeah There's no religion Attached to it It's just fucking
Starting point is 00:03:11 Feeding the shit Out of yourself But it's like It's family It's a family time And Yeah We had to
Starting point is 00:03:19 My sister's the one I'm saying we But she's the one That did all the Putting the foot down But then we went to Adrian's with her family and it was super fun. Chill and fun. I love when sports are on.
Starting point is 00:03:31 It's loud. And I love when fucking food is everywhere. Is there a baked brie? I hope so. Sure was. Nuh-uh. Yo-ya. There were samosas because Adrian's mother-in-law is from Sri Lanka.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Oh my God. I fucking love that and so much i hung out with her a lot um pushpa she's one of my favorite people she's the one that when nora when nora was five she asked nora what she wanted to be when she grew up nora said i want to be a cheerleader and pushpa said don't be a cheerleader be a doctor and uh yeah does that impression and says it all the time a lot of badass women in our neck of the woods don't be a cheerleader um well i'm looking forward to i'll be in vegas far away train for a far away train we're going to vegas for christmas nice i'm excited about
Starting point is 00:04:19 and and fuck and fuck it the rest of the month, fuck it. Holidays should be a holiday. Yeah. They really should. Yeah. Vince and I are talking about how we can show up at the family Hanukkah party, like, ridiculously. So, like, one thing is that we get a Hummer limo for just the two of us and have it wait outside the whole night. Yes. And then I walk in wearing that amazing uh dress that has yours in
Starting point is 00:04:47 my face oh my god where's that from again oh like who made it no but it's like someone made it and it's a website where you can get it and a couple girls have worn it to the meet and greet there is nothing more disorienting so weird and amazing than somebody walking up with a because it's not like pictures or whatever. No. It's like one step further where someone has made material. Yeah. Of our faces and then knives and cats and like all the things that we like.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Knives and cats. Knives and cats. It's so banana. So I want to wear that to the Hanukkah party. Good idea. And then that you're just going to burn all the bridges at one time. Yeah. With one fell swoop.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Yep. One swell swoop. A fell swoop. Yep, one swell swoop. A fell swoop. A swell swoop. Well, I was going to tell you, at Thanksgiving, because now everybody knows my once secret passion that's now a very public passion of loving true crime. There was someone that had a Charles Manson story. He died. We don't care. The end. Yes. had a charles manson story and he died we don't care the end yes but somebody at our thanksgiving
Starting point is 00:05:47 dinner uh when he was just by chance met charles manson like walking through a jail knew someone that was in a holding cell he's like a teenager and they they had been they'd been messing around and whatever and he like shook Charles Manson's hand. And it was when the cops had arrested him for stealing car parts. But they didn't know that the Tate-LaBianca murders had just happened. Wait, so they... Why did he shake his hand then? Because it was just the guy he was talking to in the cell was like,
Starting point is 00:06:18 Hey, why are you here? Why are you here? It was one of those things. And then they're like laughing. It was both of them were just like, Oh, it's this dumb misdemeanor. Like, deal and then but the guy in the cell goes i get it oh this is charlie and then the guy at our dinner like shook his hand it was like oh hey how's it going that is fucking bananas and i bet not a lot of people have a story like that it was awesome
Starting point is 00:06:42 and also the guy that told the story is a really good storyteller yeah real casual very petaluma yeah like it was just little bits out here and there exactly draws you in and all this but also very like he's very much himself so it was like you could see him doing it he was i think at the time and it wasn't like a story he told all the time and he was like bragging about it was like oh yeah in fact i, I wonder if I'm allowed to even be telling this right now that I think about it. Bleep his name out and then we'll move on. Bleep his name and relation out. Stephen cut that.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Don't cut it. Just. Stephen bleep that? Bleep it. That's a new one. Stephen bleep that. Yes. I want to talk to you about.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Well, so they caught. This is a confrontation. Yeah. I want to talk to you about your problem. I've been wanting to talk to you. No more macaroni and cheese. No. Please order the macaroni and cheese balls that they do now.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Like a deep fried macaroni and cheese. Do you know what I ate the night? Oh, God, was it the night of Thanksgiving? Oh, my God. After we went to fucking this crazy steakhouse, ate this crazy meal, we went and drank the rest of the night. You know, you like eat at four o'clock Thanksgiving. Yeah. So by the time we get home at like 11 or whatever, Thanksgiving. Yeah. So by the time we get home at like 11 or whatever, Vince and I are hungry again and drunk. Yes. And so we made
Starting point is 00:08:07 a Stouffer's French bread pizza. Hell yes. And fucking frozen mac and cheese. Yes. The night of Thanksgiving. Stouffer's? No, it might have been like Trader Joe's or something. But still. Yeah. Some nice oven mac and cheese. Yeah, I'm not fucking here to talk about Stouffer's. I'm here to just talk
Starting point is 00:08:24 about their French bread pizza, which is my fucking favorite thing ever yes that's an american classic that is totally unsung people like to talk about i don't know apple pie and chevrolet yeah or like fancy pizza fucking a pizza that someone was like look old bread we're gonna put tomato sauce and cheese on it and like weird little triangles of the saltiest best pepperoni you've ever had that's like don't come at me with the fucking supreme don't come at me with the fucking cheese i want those fucking tiny triangles of pepperoni that bring it to immediately bring me back to like spending the night at someone else's house where i'm like my parents would never let us eat this for a dinner definitely you're at a parent's
Starting point is 00:09:11 house where they're like coke out of a can at the table and a stove for french bread pizza what the fuck oh my god that's so true it's so exciting it's like a total celebration yeah or it also is like you're eight you've been left home alone you've been given directions turn the stove on then turn the stove off yeah don't burn down the house we'll be back at 11 my yeah 11 they need to party harder than that um well that's what they'd say but you'd be asleep by the time they came back at two. Right, exactly. They're like, we came home at 11 and we were totally sober. Okay, so then speaking of serial killers, which Manson wasn't. He was just a fucking bastard.
Starting point is 00:09:54 He was like a drug dealer. Piece of shit. The Florida, the Tampa Seminole Heights serial killer, they think they caught him. Oh, right. Yes, yes. Are they 100% that it's him? It's pretty fucking certain. I'm 100% that it's him.'s pretty fucking certain i'm 100 that is i am too so that must be right because if you tell me something once on social media it is locked law in my head forever karen doesn't want to hear more than
Starting point is 00:10:14 140 fucking characters about it i actually 10 is fine 10's fine just be like they caught him great and she'll and they don't even have to say who it is she'll believe nope i'm not interested in his business. That's not in my business what his name is. Not interested. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing how that unfolds. If he worked in a fucking Popeye's at any point, the fact that he did work in a McDonald's gives me hope. Hold on, though.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Did he work at McDonald's or was he arrested at McDonald's? Both. He had worked at McDonald's before and he was arrested at the McDonald's. Both. He had worked at McDonald's before and he was arrested at the McDonald's. But we don't know about Popeye's. That's just from our email. So we had an email a couple episodes back where these girls were like,
Starting point is 00:10:56 we got in an Uber car, an Uber car, and the driver was like, I think I drove the serial killer. He had worked at Popeye's. Right. So the fact that he had worked at popeyes right so the fact that he had worked at one fast food place makes me think that he had maybe had a job at another fast food place at some point in his life also if he really was a serial killer he could have worked at mcdonald's but that was his cover like the yeah oh i'll lie and say work at popeyes and
Starting point is 00:11:18 they'll never catch me or maybe because if if the mcdonald's if i'm remembering correctly that he wasn't a mcdonald, he had to have another job. And maybe he was like currently a fucking Popeye's employee. That's right. Because if he has the experience of dropping those fries for three minutes, pulling them back out, salting them as, and I would encourage you to salt them thoroughly because what's more heartbreaking than fresh McDonald's French fries that are all, you're all ready and you're like,
Starting point is 00:11:45 Oh, I shouldn't be doing this. I'm doing it. And then you stick one in your mouth and there's no salt or very little salt. I don't think that's ever happened to me at McDonald's. It hasn't. No, it's happened to me a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I have good French fry luck. Fuck. I have the worst because also I'm like, I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be doing this. Well, now I have to fucking double down and put the sauce on myself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Or you get like older ones. Just like they've been this. Well, now I have to fucking double down and put the sauce on myself. Yeah. Or you get like older ones. Just like they've been around. No. Nope. Listen, this is the episode called Let's Talk About Junk Food. This is the episode called Sure, You Want to Hear About Serial Killers, but we want to talk about how French fries break down. And we just realized that we're hungry.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And maybe that's the problem. I've had a bowl of fucking raisin bran for dinner tonight oh that's good and half a vodka soda oh you've got your fiber mommy is full you've got your fruit did you put a little lime in there good fucking citrus no scurvy for you gal okay here's the fun part speaking of tampa we put the florida episode up last orlando episode up last week right yes yes because we were like we're thanksgiving goodbye yeah exactly we're out of town and i would just like to say i am fresh off the high the highway five driving for fucking six hours to get back down here straight to the record straight to georgia's house love it thank you no no sacrifice i know that's not what i'm not more of an excuse for my performance um okay so in the episode of orlando i did uh eileen warnos yes you did and at one point we
Starting point is 00:13:19 mentioned lando lakes florida yes at which point you you kind of both admitted that we lost our shit because it's like, wait, that's really a place that was just a butter. We thought it was just a fucking condiment. What is it? It's a dairy product. Dairy product. We both lost our shit. We got starstruck about butter. Two things. One, it turns out
Starting point is 00:13:39 I just want to go ahead and say it turns out it's actually made in Minnesota. Right. There's more than one Lando Lakes. Right. There's more than one Land O'Lakes. Right. But there is a Land O'Lakes. Okay. The other thing is I was doing my fucking normal Etsy late night scrolling. And this thing randomly popped out that was like, maybe Etsy thinks she might like this. And I was like, well, I'm going to buy that for Karen immediately and give it to you a
Starting point is 00:14:01 month before Christmas because I can't fucking wait that long. Yeah. No chill whatsoever are you ready for this? I'm actually pulling it from behind the couch cushions right now so if it was a stick of butter from Etsy it's vintage
Starting point is 00:14:14 okay ready? yes Georgia it's a fucking vintage like serving tray with the whole Land O'Lakes theme. She didn't really take a photo of it and post it on with Karen's face. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:14:31 No, don't include my face. Or body. Your hair. Your hair looks amazing. Hair up. I'm going to go like this. Hair up. I've just invented the new selfie for ladies over 45.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah. Who have been driving for eight fucking hours. There it is. We'll put it on Instagram. This time we promise. We always say we will. But isn't that amazing? Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Can I just tell you, first of all, this is gorgeous. It's a gorgeous tray. Like, it's very solid. It doesn't look, I mean, it's clearly vintage, but it's perfect quality. Yeah. And then. Why am I telling you how much how cheap it was it's one dollars no but it's a beautiful picture yeah like i want to hang this on the wall like a
Starting point is 00:15:12 picture i know but then on top of it this every time we go to an antique store when we're on the road these you pick these up i do every time you pick up a decorative tray oh shit a tech decorative chin triangle oh i could put i could fit it no i have room and then like you wear argue with yourself and with vince yeah we isn't this perfect and then he's like what where what for and then you put it back down but this is your favorite i guess that's my thing and you got me your favorite thing because i thought it was so funny i fucking love it all right i'm taking it back oh no also taking it back also thank you yeah and i love that this is like the girl the uh it's not supposed to be
Starting point is 00:16:01 pocahontas herself is it i don't know it's just a representative young indian um yeah it's like a native american a native sorry native american we all know who the land of lakes butter girl is yeah woman jesus but cut all of this she's holding her own package of land of lakes butter so it's the same image on it yes it's the picture within the picture oh my god i'm freaking out it's the fucking what's it called uh what was that great movie not the matrix inception inception thank you steven inception we're inceptioning landa lake style i would love we should do a heavy drug okay and then just go into this picture go on okay And then stare until we're in the picture
Starting point is 00:16:45 This is so good Thank you so much Yeah, I love it I'm genuinely excited And then if I can continue to fucking hold the floor Please Can I mention So we're in the pod loft again for the first time
Starting point is 00:16:55 Hold that floor Are you What's that called when they do that in the Republican Senate When they Oh Like when you pee out in front of everybody
Starting point is 00:17:04 What's it called uh bad mash filibuster yes um yes i'm filibustering great because we're back in the potluck after like months because over thanksgiving break my one thing of like vince we have to do is we have to clean up the potluck it's great um and so in one of the boxes we found this painting by this girl okay this this painting i want to talk about it i have to redo this thing so it's a painting of it's a like a like a charcoal drawing of elvis my cat it's a little wonky and weird but at the same time it's kind of like it's an artistic and gorgeous it's gorgeous um and i was like did that get sent in the mail yeah and i and it i had like put it
Starting point is 00:17:52 was a big package so i just thrown it upstairs at like i don't know how long ago a while ago yes um and i and vince was like what's this i don't know we opened it i was like oh shit so then vince like read me the card and it says to all of us uh blah blah blah thank you for the minneapolis show she was there with her two favorite murderinos hannah and ashley um all excited blah blah blah and then it says i wanted to give you this rad watercolor of elvis i have no artistic talent at all my husband on the other hand got drunk as fuck in our backyard one night and i woke up to this masterpiece no are you serious yeah there was no question it had to be yours i tried to get him to do one of frank and george but i think elvis was his cross-eyed muse
Starting point is 00:18:36 thanks again ssdgm carrie that's amazing isn't that great it It's really great. I know. It has a kind of a... Monet. This could be Monet. It could be Manet. Maude Delaney. You know that one with the lady with the blue eyes that has the crazy long face? Look, we'll fucking post this one as well. Shit, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Look at us posting shit. Oh, no. This is good. I love it. Also, you know what I don't think i ever thanked remember the woman who gave me that amazing painting in um it may have also been in minneapolis there's a lady and i believe her name is clarissa i've had the thank you note on my desk and i hung that picture it's hanging in my which one is it look it's an amazing one right it's the
Starting point is 00:19:21 one that's it's basically uh hurrah it's a it's green rolling hills and then a blue sky right it's the one that's it's basically uh it's a it's green rolling hills and then a blue sky but it's that progressive i have to tell you how jealous i was when i saw that and she like it because it's so beautiful it's so beautiful and it's the frame is beautiful yeah like it's a very lovely thing and she basically the note was like basically it sounds like you're getting tired of murder so i painted this for you so you can just look at something else. It's so nice. It's so lovely. And I don't think I ever thanked her.
Starting point is 00:19:50 And I hope to fucking God her name is Clarissa. But I'm almost positive it is because I have the thank you note on my desk. But anyway, thank you, Clarissa Asterix. I'll fix it next week if your name is not Clarissa. But also, I love it so much. I mean, I told her. We had a whole conversation face to face, but. Yeah, it was gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:20:08 It was really cool. We love art. Hey, listen. Art is our fucking thing. We're into it. This podcast loft is not big enough for everything. We're going to have to buy a fucking bigger house. It's so cool.
Starting point is 00:20:18 You guys, you wouldn't believe how many needlepoint fuck yourselves are up on these walls. Well, those two bins are full of art that I need to go, we need to go through and hang. So it's gonna,
Starting point is 00:20:29 I'm gonna take a photo once we're done with that. And then on the other side of the wall, there's just wrestling memorabilia from Vince. It's the perfect combination. So great.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Boys and girls. Once again, speaking of memorabilia, God, I'm just fucking, acting like this is my podcast. No, no, no, you're fine you know what it is you're thinking of great segues okay that's all it is that was sarcastic oh memorabilia hey we have a new merch we have our holiday design designed by our friend kirsten bencomo
Starting point is 00:21:01 who's fucking awesome yeah we had uh two designs last year it's like supposed like ugly holiday sweater style but it's actually really cute yeah and then we have a new one uh up this year so you can get that what's the new one it's the uh here's the thing fuck everyone no okay here's our here's the thing fuck everyone stay sexy don't get murdered and then one that says something else uh and then 15 of all of that merch for the end of the year when we take it down is going to rain, which is stands for rape and abuse, abuse, incest, net networks. Yes. Something network. Oh, what else do you have?
Starting point is 00:21:42 Um, oh, I don't know if we're not probably going to do it on this episode. I can't remember if we said we're going to do it separately. But my sweet Audrina is our book club. We fucked that up because Jesus fucking Christ. There's no way anyone I'm sure people there's definitely people who could have finished that book in like a day or two. I'm certainly not one of those people. Well, I got mine late.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I'm not going to fucking name the girl on Etsy who sent it out very fucking late. Oh, shit. And very fucking slowly. I read a couple pages and I was like, well, this is kind of boring. Right? And then I accidentally spoiled it and read what happens. And I'm like, oh, I don't want to read this. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I forgot about the fact that it is an incredibly problematic and triggering book for many people and it is from a time in the 80s where everybody pretended things like that didn't happen in real life so you could read a book about it and oh my god like shocked and odd exactly can we quickly switch to flowers in the attic? No, because it's the exact same thing. There's no difference. Well, they're choosing to bone. There's like a right. No, they've been locked in an attic for years.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Yes. They have no choice. That's true. But yes, you're right. It's not sexual fucking assault that's been strangely romanticized. On a goddamn nine-year-old. Well, spoiler alert. Oh, shit. It's well, well, spoiler alert. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:23:05 But no, that comes out in the first beginning. But here's the thing. I think it would be fun still to read a dumb book and talk about it because I was, I have gone through so many emotions of trying to read that book. The phrase, the first and best Audrina,
Starting point is 00:23:23 right? That's creepy. If you pulled that phrase out of the book, the book and best Audrina right that's creepy if you pulled that phrase out of the book it the book would only be 112 pages long it is repeated so many times oh and that fucking cousin of hers who were like obviously it's not her cousin like we could like I mean like shit that you know now and you didn't know when you were 12 I've just really really been enjoying the photos people are posting of their copy because no one has a new copy it's the best and like people are taking photos with their cats and they're this and they're that and then the like comments of like um I can't you know
Starting point is 00:23:54 the like how the fuck did I read this at 11 years old yes what the fuck yes this is why I'm this way it's been really amusing it's hilarious yeah also there is an aspect to it that I think is almost introductory. If you want to be a writer and you're nine or 11 or whatever, hopefully not nine, hopefully you're 12. You're in a weird junior high area and you find that book on your mom's shelf. Oh my God. And you start reading that book. You are like, this is dramatic writing at its finest.
Starting point is 00:24:26 It's one of those things too, where it's like when you found the map of where Dahmer hit the bodies. Gacy. Gacy. Gacy. You say to yourself, oh, I've been lied to by adults and there is this life that I didn't understand. And then you can't stop obsessing about it.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yes. That's like what those books are for 12 year old, 11 year old girls. Because up until you read a V.C. Andrews book, you are sold the bill of goods that boys, if you just figure out the right thing to say or wear or wait to be your prettiness. And love is love and sex is sex. They will love you and the end. This is like there's also intense horrible violence on women and then you're like sorry wait what like i'm barely getting the romance part and now we're gonna do something it's also like the sad thing of like you marry who like the the mother marries
Starting point is 00:25:18 this dude and she's unhappy and it's like oh you can do that okay and then i'll never get married until i'm 36 it seems as a kid reading it you're like this these are all solvable problems like why don't you just just break up yeah talk about it name your kid sarah instead of adrena your second one i mean and there's all kinds of like there's still incestuous overtones. It's just not the direct flowers in the attic type of stuff. I mean, I do the descriptions of her and her daddy sitting in the wrong. Sometimes it got terrifying or something. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:25:56 hang on. What? It's not, it doesn't. Okay. I'm going to keep reading. Imagine in this day and age. Also,
Starting point is 00:26:02 I will say this, I will admit this. And some people did this and they said they were cheating. I don't think it's cheating though, because that book, here's the fun of it. I had it at my sister's house. So every night we'd all go to bed. Did you read it to Nora? No. Every night we'd go to bed and I'd read Nora to sleep. How incredible would that be? Literally, Lydia Lydia literally Nora just started the Laura Ingalls Wilder series that's how nowhere near this she is but I would go home and then I go
Starting point is 00:26:32 oh yeah I have that dumb book to read and then I would get kind of excited but yeah me too I got the I got a hardback copy with a big plastic cover that I was using as the bookmark that every night I would fall asleep while I was reading it because it's the same, roughly the same 11 sentences over and over again for 200 pages. So I would, it would literally drop out of my hand and I would be asleep with the light on and I would wake up at three in the morning, like what the fuck? And I would lose my place every night. So I have reread the first 50 pages. Like it's like one step forward two steps back every night so that's yeah that's a problem there's a lot in there but so on the drive down i bought the audiobook so i could like fill it in a little brilliant and i have to say the audiobook is incredibly enjoyable the
Starting point is 00:27:19 woman reading it is doing a great job of being all these crazy people i never read books but this time i was like i am obligated to buy a vintage copy and read this yes that didn't sound right i never have time to read books right i don't know how to read i hate books i hate words just like hitler uh okay audiobook everyone i mean sorry you know what you have that in your fucking bookcase now and everyone's gonna admire it in your bookcase doesn't matter well and also i think there's probably people who love it and are sitting there going are you guys fucking crazy this book was awesome there's just so many ways to take this book this is why you have a book club i want to argue with those people right now but also i had that thing that's right that's why you drink wine
Starting point is 00:28:03 and sit in a circle hey but so because it shouldn't be a one direction. This should be wait, let's pause and let them say what they think about the book. Go. Nope. I'm sorry. I need to stop you right there. Totally wrong. I apologize. But I know I'm interrupting you. Does anyone need anything? Does anyone need crackers? Okay. Oh my god. Thank you so much for making that appetizer. want to eat crackers crackers gluten-free gluten-free crackers oh my god thank you so much for making that appetizer yes fill in your name here blake blake debris everyone loves a blake debris i love blake lively's brie she makes the best kind oh my god she needs to get on that you're welcome um i want to say really quickly we have one last set of shows sorry i'm gonna sidebar this okay i just want to say i'm gonna keep on reading my sweet adrena i'm sorry and i'm gonna keep on talking about my sweet adrena i'm there with you okay great awesome new
Starting point is 00:28:49 podcast listening listen to a new podcast my sweet my favorite sweet adrena this the best and first adrena my favorite vc andrews the best and sweet my first vc andrew. Andrews favorite. With Lando Lakes. You just put your hands in the tray. The tray was next to me and I decided I needed to put the tray on my wife. Posing with it. It's pretty great. It's so good. Oh, you are.
Starting point is 00:29:14 She's posing like the Lando Lakes Native American woman. Now it's three. Now it's holding it and now I'm holding it. Well, if you look really closely in the package, there's probably a picture of her. There is. It's on this tray. There's four Native American women holding this thing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Bye. Late show. Kansas City late show on December 9th. It's a Saturday. It's our last weekend of tours for the year. And there's a few seats left for the late show. Good. I think that's it. Great. Right? Yeah. That was two weeks worth of. Yeah. We caught everyone up. Yeah. Who goes first this week based on our new algorithm of who should go first this
Starting point is 00:29:59 week? In my opinion. Yeah. Yours is going to be better purely because i slept today yeah you slept tonight you didn't do six hours of driving and you didn't write it quickly mine is more of a uh yeah i think you should go first plus all i've seen you eat in the past three hours that you've been here is peach gummies from the gas station from the gas station i don't know how you're surviving off of that i had at least some raisin nicein bran. You had a nice bowl of raisin bran. I had a hamburger on the highway. What kind? Burger King. Okay. Here's the thing that's a little worrisome to me. I mean, we all know Russia's invading this country. Oh, yeah. So that's worrisome overall. Yes. Like we're not trying to belittle any of the problems. One little thing in Karen's mind is.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Is that this is a Red Dawn, very slow, quiet Red Dawn situation that we're in right now. Okay. But on top of that, driving down the 5, I have every exit memorized because I've been doing it for over 20 years. Jesus, yeah. So it's like, I know I'm like, do I feel like a Foster's Freeze situation? Or am I just going to go subway? I know the Burger King is coming up. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Do I need to go clean and light and not get depressed? Or do I not give a fuck? And is this my time to shine? Yeah. Whatever. Exit after exit, everything is closed. Abandoned. The Foster Freeze is abandoned.
Starting point is 00:31:22 No. Yeah. That's creepy. There's hotels that are abandoned. I haven't taken that drive in a long time. It's fucking... And also, a shit ton of the trees, those almond farmers, a lot of those farmers... They're abandoned?
Starting point is 00:31:35 The trees are... They had to stop because the water got cut off because of the drought. So there's entire groves of trees that are dead and pushed over. And then the Foster's Freeze has fucking graffiti on it. End of days. It's nutso. Fucking end of days, people. Guys, we can't.
Starting point is 00:31:52 All the money's at the top. It needs to come back down. It's literally nutso because we're talking about almond trees. We got to rise up. All right, go ahead. This episode is brought to you by Interac. Interac has a range of tools to help your business grow. Quickly and easily identify customers with Interac Verified. Pay your employees via bulk disbursement with Interac e-transfer for business or pay vendors with large
Starting point is 00:32:18 sum payments up to $25,000. Plus your payments are safe with authentication and transaction encryption. Interac. We geek out on your business. Learn how at slash for business. Terms and conditions apply. Hi, I'm Una Chaplin, and I'm the host of a new podcast called Hollywood Exiles. It tells the story of how my grandfather, Charlie Chaplin, and many others were caught up in a campaign to root out communism in Hollywood. It's a story of glamour and scandal and political intrigue and a battle for the soul of the nation. Hollywood Exiles, from CBC Podcasts and the BBC World Service. Available now on Spotify.
Starting point is 00:33:03 So the other night, I was falling asleep to my audio book that I always fall asleep to. It's either some space fucking story or... Space Jam? Yes. I was thinking that too.
Starting point is 00:33:20 The soundtrack to Space Jam. Yes. Or... Whoever Fights Monsters. Yes. That book weights Monsters. Yes. That book we love. The best. Falling asleep.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Couldn't fall asleep. Listening. And I was like, wait, what's this about this case? Had you never heard of it before? I think I'd heard about it. Like some people on the Facebook group had written about it here and there. So I'd maybe heard about it. And also Mindhunter, even though the show there's like
Starting point is 00:33:45 a couple cases that are similar it's not one of them but i was like intrigued what's up let's do this okay so in june of 1973 the um jaeger family of farmington michigan they go camping at a campground in montana's waterhead state park It's near the small town of Manhattan, Montana. Right? Yeah. Near Montana. It's their first trip, or sorry, it's their first stop on a month-long trip. They're going like, we're going to fucking, this is our first like family camping trip
Starting point is 00:34:18 and we're going to drive and all this shit, all the fun stuff that is fun when you're a kid. stuff that is fun when you're a kid um so that night the parents tuck their five children in to the kids tent oh no uh-huh but just those words alone but three are teenagers three of the kids are teenagers and then two are grade schoolers so they're like great they're together they're safe they should be safe right right? Yeah. They fucking should be. Yeah. And also it's the 70s where not only are they together and safe, but some people would be like, yeah, this you can leave them alone for four months. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Give them a pack of cigarettes, a carton, maybe. You're all good. Yeah. uh that morning around 4 a.m one of the teens in the tent this heidi jaeger wakes up and notices that her little sister seven-year-old suzy is not in the tent any longer and not only that there's a fucking slash through the side of the tent no uh-huh and there's a hook hand hanging on the top of the fuck this like, this is urban myth shit. Uh-huh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:27 She fucking flips out, wakes her parents up. No one in the tent, none of her siblings had heard a freaking thing. They had just, were fast asleep. Authorities are called. Go ahead. I just wanted to say, the first thing I, I just, somebody slowly slashing that tent open. Quietly? A little rip of the fucking fibers.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Quietly and slowly. Not, it wasn't a quick, fast one. So much scarier than a fast one. I didn't think of that. And now I want to cry. Yeah, me too. Okay. And turn around.
Starting point is 00:35:57 There's a fucking wall mural of a fucking forest behind you. Like where they were camping. Fuck. Okay. Oh my God. Okay. Okay. Authorities are called like in the,
Starting point is 00:36:07 like immediately they find footsteps leading away from the tent. Um, and the, so the FBI is called because, so at the time the FBI would only get involved in kidnapping cases. If that was a possibility that they were taken across state lines, which is fucking bananas. So they're called because maybe
Starting point is 00:36:25 that was going to be a thing i don't know um and then ensues the biggest search at the time in montana history they fucking drug the river bottom they had helicopter circling they did all this crazy shit but suzy could not be found um one like i think a couple days later one random call like ransom call came in oh but uh saying we want this i want this we want this much money we'll give her back we'll call back with details but no call was ever no call came back just the one call just that we'll call you about the ransom nothing came back so almost a year later the case is fucking stalled. And Special Agent Pete Dunbar, he is an agent in the FBI's Montana office. He's attending a training session led by Howard Teton and Patrick Mullaney. These two dudes are developing the FBI's newly formed behavioral science unit.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Oh, hell yeah. Hi. That's right. Exactly. Hello unit. Oh, hell yeah. Hi. That's right. Exactly. Hello. Hello, Mindhunter. Hi. You guys are the ones that are thinking that maybe all these guys have something in common.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Right. Maybe if we study and interview thousands of murders and murderers, we'll get something. Yeah. So, before the unit even was created, a lot not a lot known about criminal profiling and their goal was to bring a public awareness to the psychology of murder and behavioral analysis uh this agent dunbar dude is like please take a look at this case we need your help which is like so big of him because back then there were so few i feel like that was not a thing where you like asked for help from other no that's a huge deal right that's why in that show that was those parts were so good because it'd be like they
Starting point is 00:38:08 would come to talk about one thing and i'd be the guy that would hang behind me like can i ask up yeah they all did yeah it's almost like they had to make sure no one knew it's like emasculating by asking for help right right okay so this this although uh teeteton and Mulaney have been studying this stuff for a long fucking time, this turns into the first real case where they get to use their behavioral analysis. So this is the first case where this is used in real life. IRL, as they would say later. LOL. LOL, IRL, FBI, OMG. Crazy. lol lol irl fbi omg crazy um okay so the three of them together the three agents they profile the case based on their studies and come to the conclusion that whoever had taken suzy
Starting point is 00:38:56 so this is their profile of him they come upon the family during a habitual night prowl and impulsively took her by cutting through the tent so it was not planned but he was doing his like fucking rounds of maybe he'd spotted an opportunity and acted he appeared to be they thought he was a young white male a loner lived not far from the campsite so a local they thought he had military experience because the fact that he fucking broke into this tent and pulled a person out without anyone hearing it. It's so stealth. It's creepy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And he had killed before and possibly since. Ooh. This is like a year after her kidnapping. And then they were like, listen, Susan's Susie's probably dead too. That they were like, this is part of it.
Starting point is 00:39:41 And that they said that he also probably collected trophies from the victim so before these two had been called in um an informant had called and suggested that his neighbor david um meir hoffer what should be looked at it was his neighbor he's fucking creepy like one of those like this guy's weird you should look at him which usually we scoff at because we're like weirdos are not killers you know um so david meirhofer is a 23 year old vietnam vet who agent dunbar actually knew personally he said quote david was well-groomed courteous and exceptionally intelligent he was the gentlest of persons to murderer, right? Yeah, I mean, it's not a good sign. Look, and he was innocent. Moving on to the real suspect.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yes. No, I'm not doing that. We know that that's not how it works on Law & Order. So, the local FBI law enforcement had questioned David, and he was polite, well-dressed, really helpful. So, they didn't think it was him he had even taken a polygraph test and taken truth serum and had fucking passed both flying fucking colors okay do we believe him no oh okay no oh you do you did i was just thinking okay maybe he did it i just want to let he's the killer i just want to let everyone know i know because the one thing i was one of my
Starting point is 00:41:11 theories was going to be at that time vietnam vets were shat upon in this country and had bad ptsd had ptsd but also were judged by others but not by law enforcement I think they respected Vietnam vets But I guess I'm just saying the person that would call in And be like this guy Baby killer it's that shit That was like They really attacked people for that And so I was thinking maybe that
Starting point is 00:41:37 He's violent because he was made To go into the army No he didn't That's a real relief I'm not like spoiling it's like i'm only talking about him as a suspect so it's fine okay so melanie and teeton had seen but they okay so now they these two profilers come in and they use their fucking tactics and they're like show us all the suspects you had they read his chart and they're like i'm so i'm sorry this guy it doesn't fucking matter um they thought that he was a psychopath and he would have no problem passing
Starting point is 00:42:13 a polygraph test which they had never heard of before this yes because he was a fucking he was able to disassociate himself from the person who had been who had killed someone yes so he was like it's not fucking me and so i'm not lying because i i'm not that person right and also the thing i love about sociopaths i mean psychopaths they don't get nervous right they don't get nervous they don't have stress reactions to things when i watched the old youtube like um it was one of those like old uh true crime shows where they had like there was like an fbi head guy who was the narrator yeah so there was no charisma whatsoever because he was the real guy because he was the real guy it wasn't like a fucking like charming you know journalist
Starting point is 00:42:57 arena type yeah like a journalist sure um what they said, you know, they believed polygraph tests, polygraph tests implicitly. So this was like brand new as well. Yeah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Currently. Um, they thought it was the killer for sure. These two dudes, Malaney and Teton, but everyone else was like, how fucking no, you're wrong. Even Dunbar.
Starting point is 00:43:20 They were like, uh, dude, it's not him. That was a quote, a direct quote. even Dunbar they were like uh-uh dude it's not him that was a quote a direct quote they but then okay then they're able to convince the Yeagers the fucking mother and father of Susie now they're back in Michigan they said okay we think this is the kind of killer that will contact you again because they want to be part of the investigation it's the kind of thing where they want to be friends with cops yeah which fucking david uh meyerhofer was chatty with cops just like our boy ed kemper exactly um they think that the kind of killer wants to insert themselves in the investigation and stay part of the victim's lives and continue to inflict pain. So gross. I know. Okay. So they're like, let's tape record.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Let's put a tape recorder with your phone and let's set up a tap. And they're like, hell yeah. All right. Meanwhile, Susie's mother, Marietta, she's a devout Catholic.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And initially she says that she was quote ravaged with hatred and desire for revenge. And that also she could have killed the man quote with my bare hands and a smile on my face. Yeah. Which you're like, girl. Yes. Absolutely. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Then she was like, as a devout Catholic, though, she's like, I, she says she understood that her hatred was going to fucking kill her. And she says, I, quote, called for, i was called to forgive my enemies not to kill them so i made the commitment to work toward an attitude of forgiveness so through that year she was able to come to terms and start praying for whoever took her daughter even if it was like maybe he's alive so i'm praying for you know good weather that day or i'm praying you know she started kind of opening her heart to him which is beyond incredible okay exactly one year to the fucking day and karen to the fucking minute no 3 30 in the morning a call comes in oh uh-huh to the minute okay so the kidnapper calls the yeagers
Starting point is 00:45:24 okay initially so marietta answers the phone and initially the caller tries to fuck with her and is like uh your daughter's still alive we've been traveling the world and you're not you'll never see her again all this bullshit but Marietta was unfuckwithable and she fucking instead of being, she spoke to him with compassion and patience. And she told him she prayed for him every day and that she forgave him. And he fucking burst into tears and starts fucking weeping. On the phone? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Holy shit. The call ends up being a fucking hour long and they're talking. Are you fucking kidding me? I am not fucking kidding you. And then what, he confesses not yet okay this is nutso i know um okay so they had an fbi voice analyst says the caller is definitely miss david meirhofer for sure but that is circumstantial evidence it's not sufficient to obtain a probable cause search warrant of david's house um and then so this is the fucking this is crazy to me and i like it makes me sad so
Starting point is 00:46:33 agent mulaney says that the caller quote could be woman dominated meaning it could be dominated by a female somehow so he says to Marietta Yeager do us a favor come back to Montana where your fucking seven year old daughter was fucking kidnapped and have a face to face conversation with David Meirhofer
Starting point is 00:46:56 she jumped on a fucking plane and I'm like I hope they fucking paid for that plane ticket can you imagine there's no way she paid for that plane ticket I know but how fucking crazy would that be i don't know i know but still she should have gone on like fucking air force one yeah well that would be that'd be a little crazy but yeah then it'd be like a waste of taxpayers money chartered plane right just first class. Something. Give her a meal on the way. Oh, my God. This woman. I know. So she meets David Meirhofer at his lawyer's office, begs him to tell her about Susan.
Starting point is 00:47:33 He fucking clamps up. He won't talk. He's unmoved. He denies it. They're in there for an hour. And finally, it's like, this isn't working. So she leaves. She goes back home to Michigan.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And then David calls her again. This time he says something else like, like, oh, hey, he says, my name is Mr. Travis. I'm the one. I'm the one who did it. Like trying to fucking trick her. I'm the one who did it. It's not this other guy.
Starting point is 00:48:01 And then Marietta goes, what's up? Like, what's up, David? And he fucking loses a shit. She's up like what's up david and he fucking loses the shit she's just like hi david wow she fucking knows it she knows and he loses the shit so by this time though the fbi is finally able to trace the call and they arrest him trace the call to him you know and now they have enough evidence for a search warrant in his home police discover everything's fine everything's fine open the freezer human remains there's packages that look like i guess they look like um deli packages you know yeah like the pink paper yeah and labeled
Starting point is 00:48:39 with the initials of who the pieces belong to not only only do they belong to Susie, one of the packages contained a hand, like an entire hand with nails, identified as a woman named Sandra Smoligan. Sandra was a 19-year-old woman who had disappeared in 1974, so like after Susie. Her remains had been found incinerated in the woods near an abandoned
Starting point is 00:49:07 ranch and it was known and she had he had been questioned that she had uh refused a second date with david meirhofer but after he volunteered but he at that time way before all this had volunteered to take a polygraph test and again fucking passed it. So they were like, it's probably not him. But then they find her fucking hand in the freezer and they're like, it's him. Yeah. So after the search and his arrest, David Meirhofer confesses to killing both Susie and Sandra. He said that Sandra had, here's the fucking bullshit of the day. He fucking says that Sandra had died of suffocation when he had broken into her apartment she's sleeping he put he was going to kidnap her and like keep her he puts duct tape
Starting point is 00:49:50 over her face goes to pack her bag and realizes that he had accidentally put it over her nose too and she had suffocated from the duct tape why bother lying like that what's i mean come on everybody because then you don't seem like such a monster to yeah to yourself but everybody else still thinks you're a big asshole right but he incinerated her body so no one could tell you know that's so crazy um quick sidebar weird fact in 2005 a crew was doing some remodeling work on a garage uh the fucking building thing and they torn to a wall to like change out the wall and found a wallet identification and a small wire bound notebook that belonged to sandra okay 30 fucking years later which is like my dream come my dream come goddamn true let's rip
Starting point is 00:50:42 all the walls out of this apartment it's a new build it doesn't matter let's telling you was it on this podcast where we talked about the our low-key um superpowers no we talked about that in person and it's one of my favorite things in the world no so oh someone asked us in a vip line yes they were like hey hey nice to meet you let's take a photo smiling what's up really quickly what's this is my favorite question what's your fucking low-key superpower Yes, that's right. They were like, hey, nice to meet you. Let's take a photo. Smiling. What's up? Really quickly. What's this is my favorite question. What's your fucking low key superpower? That's like not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:51:11 And what was yours? I don't remember, but it was something really stupid. Like, I just want to eat food. What was mine? I don't know. I don't know. Apparently looking through walls. No, no. Remember, mine was when people can't remember the name of an actor or movie i'll
Starting point is 00:51:26 always be which you do anyways i wish i did but i don't do it fully i don't do it as much yeah comprehensively but i want to change it right now okay so to whoever asks us that question i would like to officially change in charge of a i want it and maybe if it's low key, then it can only be a one-time thing. Okay. X-ray vision to see either what's buried or what's hidden in walls. Can it only be superficial things? How about that's the, that's the trick of it being low key. It's only like a can of beer that the builder place. It's like not a clue to anything.
Starting point is 00:51:59 I don't care. Okay. Then fuck it. Because when I was growing up, our friends had chicken coops on there like um petaluma there's like just big open fields with old chicken coops that have been sitting there since the like late 1800s terrifying i want to look through all of them you can we would walk through them and there would just be old equipment hanging and shit everywhere it's like people just kind of
Starting point is 00:52:20 left them on the property because they used it's like either their family family used to. Or they thought they were going to come back. Be chicken farmers. Or they bought the property and were like, oh, just leave it there. Yeah. There's like, it's those kind of like barns that are slightly sloping to one side that people take pictures of. That you shouldn't go in because they're going to collapse on your stupid head. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:38 But we were like, oh, this is how we fill our days. So Katie Neuberger, my friend and the girl who lived down on the corner her parents raised llamas and they also had an old house on their property a house and we used to go into it and one time and some of the walls furniture and shit no no it was just like there was wallpaper on the walls and um no cup no it was like flat board floors um but the there was a hole in one wall and i looked in it once and saw something and started pulling out bills to the chicken feed store there were handwritten old bills oh my god and i was like i was like oh my god look look look and and my friend katie's like oh yeah those are in all the walls. This is some straight Goonies shit.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I know. You know what? Goonies fucking ruined it. They made me want to do this. Goonies raised the bar where it's like, I don't just want chicken feed bill store bills. Yeah. I want a large ship filled with gold doubloons. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Right. Hidden in a cove. Yeah. But I want to start with the fucking attic with all the paintings in it. Yes. Yes. Listen. Okay, look. Look and listen. Please invite us to your abandoned house right fucking now. I left this part
Starting point is 00:53:54 because I knew that this would happen because it's like my dream. It's so good. I know it's yours too. If you've ever found something in a wall or floor, immediately. Please. Email us immediately. Please. And no lying.
Starting point is 00:54:08 No lying. My favorite murder of Gmail. I did have a friend, a couple of friend who did a, who were remodeling their house on their own here in LA and found like, just like cool trinkets and stuff. Yeah. It was cool. It'd be amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Okay. Okay. Boop bop bop. amazing yeah okay okay back to the story anyways here's more horrible things so he tried to kidnap her blah blah she died incinerated her body and that's for sandra okay then david mirror hoffer is like but wait there's more uh he confesses to the unsolved killing of two local boys march 1967 13 year old bernard pullman is playing with a friend in a creek in manhattan montana so at the time david meirhofer is a high school senior and bernard this kid's older brother was a classmate that david had fought with david drives by sees the little brother fucking pulls over takes his fucking 22 out of his car hides behind some bushes and fucking shoots bernard through the fucking heart holy he's playing
Starting point is 00:55:16 yeah um then in may 1968 and this is five years before Susie had been kidnapped and murdered, or had been kidnapped and murdered. This is like 10 miles from where that had happened. A Boy Scout named Michael Rainey, he's 12 years old. He was sleeping in his tent at this Boy Scout retreat. And his tent mate, who was in the fucking tent with him wakes up to find him dead he had been struck in the head and stabbed to death while he had been sleeping no yeah it's fucking crazy david said he had randomly killed the boys because he was pissed that he he had killed that kid because he had been pissed that he had been fired from being involved in the boy scouts wow i know which is like so problematic and you're fucking thinking okay i mean obviously
Starting point is 00:56:11 yeah he's a murderer all right as for lovely little suzy yeager david said he had taken her to an abandoned ranch and choked her to death um after he had kept her i think for a little while in a closet like a week i know then he dismembered her and burned her pieces burned her up but of course we don't know what happened for sure because that's this is just all him yeah yeah all right so david meirhofer who tetan and mulaney believed had uh psycho uh schizopathy right which is a mix of psycho of psychopathy and simple schizophrenia that's what they think he had this was the case this case was the first case solved by offender profiling this was the first fucking case where these two dudes not the guys from mindhunter but very similar yeah uh and there actually is a
Starting point is 00:57:06 book called mindhunter and that's what the that's what it's based on yeah whatever okay so this is the first case solved by that they believe that his motive had been the thrill of killing for sport so he's just a fucking asshole yeah so they didn't they couldn't interview him further Because that night When he fucking Confessed to everything At like Early morning hours They walk him back to his cell
Starting point is 00:57:31 And he fucking hangs himself With a With a fucking towel That was in the Cell with him Yeah Of course he does Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:39 But wait I'm not ending it on that Okay Because I'm not a fucking asshole But So that was September 29th. He's 25 years old. David Meirhofer hangs himself.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Fuck you. Okay. What? Fuck you. I'm not as good as Marietta. No, I love my heart. May we all strive to be that way. And in the meantime Fuck you dude
Starting point is 00:58:05 Alright so back to Marietta In the early 1990s Marietta Yeager co-founds A group called Journey of Hope Dots From Violence to Healing Dots that's a colon It's a colon
Starting point is 00:58:20 I also think the word earlier is pronounced Psychopathy I knew I was getting it wrong But I When I read it I read psychopathy too You're totally right Psychopathy
Starting point is 00:58:32 But it's like That's the People who study it Are the ones who say it that way I wasn't going to correct you And you don't hear it That much anymore It seems like an old term right
Starting point is 00:58:40 Yes No I'm glad you corrected me Because I was like Psychopathy yeah no thank you yeah okay so marietta now in her late 70s works with family members of murder victims and lectures at universities schools churches fucking around the entire country and also like went to the hague and shit well to fucking argue for certain things. I don't mean what is The Hague? I think it's like the peace center.
Starting point is 00:59:08 The like, let's, it's like the One of my favorite people This might need to be edited out because we sound real stupid. No, no, no. I love to reference The Hague. I think it's a really funny comedy reference and one of my favorite people on Twitter, DVS who is a rapper
Starting point is 00:59:23 in New York. He made a tweet today about being at the hague and it made me love him so much it was so funny and random and bizarre but as i laughed at it i was like i just don't know what this actually means how on earth is the hague mentioned twice in one day for you right that's crazy that's why that's why i mentioned this anecdote i think it's like the peace the peace center it's it's something political for sure it's like where you it's where you can't be a fucking asshole it's like the hague is like where everyone looks for peace and justice jesus christ that's not real steven's laughing at us and looking at his phone read it Stephen it's the Peace Center I don't know
Starting point is 01:00:09 I can't find an actual definition of it it doesn't exist it's a political building where they isn't that like where they oh yeah it's the international city of oh it's a city it's called the international city of peace and justice you were word for word right everyone suck my neck right now elvis
Starting point is 01:00:29 am i right oh my god i'm so sorry i doubted you it just sounded like total bullshit the thing is it was total bullshit i just must have learned about it somewhere and my brain is a better fucking fly trap than i thought it was you like that was like you wikipedia memorized that and you didn't even know it uh-huh nice one thank you shit i'm gonna call my production company the hag so good you think that's copywritten or do you think it's 100 i'll say you're opening a production company Can I get it on there? Oh I didn't tell you It's more for sports That's my new thing Love it
Starting point is 01:01:12 Love it Okay Boop boop bop Okay So she's in her late 70s She fucking is like Telling everyone what She works for the Survivor
Starting point is 01:01:20 So they don't end up Quote Giving the offenders Another victim Themselves Yes Because that whole thing of like This hate is going to consume you Yes So she's like to the survivor so they don't end up quote giving the offenders another victim themselves because that whole thing of like this hate is going to consume you yeah so she's like here's how to forgive it's not you know i'm making this part up but it's not for them you're not forgiving them for them you're you forgive them for yourself because you can't have that 100 yeah that's it's
Starting point is 01:01:39 so true and like and i think it's also every it's everybody's kind of overarching goal. Because we all have things we're mad about. We all have bitterness. And we all think... It doesn't affect that other person at all. No. Unless you bitch slap them once a day. It doesn't even affect them.
Starting point is 01:01:56 But even then, it feels terrible. Right. And you're angry. I've had a couple dreams where there was one person I was very mad at for a long time. And I had dreams about slapping her face. And when I woke I woke up I was so relieved I didn't actually do it because it feels terrible yeah like making yourself feel terrible in an effort in the name of vengeance yeah it's no but that's such that's high level recovery fucking buddhist shit yeah don't be mad at yourself if you're not there yet no way serious fucking i don't i mean like that's the hardest that's yeah i feel like it's
Starting point is 01:02:32 i mean that's yeah that's long-term goals yeah long-term goals and like we're talking about someone who fucking made out with our boyfriend not someone who fucking murdered our seven-year-old daughter yeah a child yeah so listen so it's even baby steps it's even more just self-care look we're all we're all trying to walk to the hag right but there's miles to go we got miles to go you know the hay the hag is your fucking end game hag's end game don't be mad at yourself that you're not at the Hague We're still here in America We don't even know where the fucking country The Hague is in Where is it Denmark or some shit like that
Starting point is 01:03:11 I bet it is Somewhere the Hague is in a Hague place The Hague is in a Hague place Denmark Karen No Netherlands We're going Okay now I have to ask
Starting point is 01:03:26 Another embarrassing question Isn't Denmark In the Netherlands Yeah Aren't we going there No Amsterdam's the Netherlands Aren't we going there This
Starting point is 01:03:35 Fucking This spring May Yeah We're going there in May Yeah it's the Netherlands The Netherlands is where Amsterdam is right
Starting point is 01:03:42 Yeah Okay so I'm not But Denmark Denmark's it own beautiful, independent country. Shit. Oh my god. Now they're so pissed. Cut that. Cut the first half of this podcast. And the second half. This is a fucking
Starting point is 01:03:53 disaster. Cut the first and second half. Okay. Let me finish. Yeah, sorry. No, no, no, you're fine, because we need to get through this. Because I'm gonna, because I'm trying to end this on a positive note, but we just keep talking shit. You know what it is? It couldn't this on a positive note. We just keep talking. It couldn't be a more positive note. And we're like ruining it.
Starting point is 01:04:12 We're just giddy for some positive news. Yes, exactly. Okay. Okay. Marietta is also an advocate against the death penalty. She says, quote, I would not honor the goodness and sweetness and beauty of my little girl's life by killing someone in their name um and then she says she's worth she's worthy of a more honorable memorial than a cold-blooded state-sanctioned killing of a defenseless person however deserving of the death of death that person may be which like agree or disagree that's a beautiful fucking statement and you can't argue
Starting point is 01:04:45 with someone who's talking about the killer of their daughter you're like no you're wrong and here's why no no there's no arguing that because that's a person that's first person experience exactly yeah so anybody else i mean like look everybody obviously grieves and processes in their own way but that concept it's a reframing of looking at it which is you really are doing it self-righteously in the name of the person who was killed exactly but then it's like she's making you rethink that which is brilliant and really amazing are you ready for fucking to go to practice what you preach town yes are you ready to fucking visit it and go there and stay there for a holiday you mean the the peace place yeah you ready to go to the hague for peace the practice what you hague so after
Starting point is 01:05:32 david's suicide marietta reaches out to david meirhofer the fucking killer of his daughter her daughter yeah reaches out to the to david meyerhofer's mother yes because she's a victim too and in the years following his suicide the moms together accompanied each other's to each other's children's graves no and she said quote together we were able to grieve as mothers who had lost their children. I hoped that it would help her to know that I had forgiven him.
Starting point is 01:06:13 I know. Holy fucking shit. I know. Say her name again. Marietta. Marietta Yeager. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I think she wrote a book too, but the group is called Journey of Hope. And it Yeager. Wow. Yeah. I think she wrote a book too, but the group is called Journey of Hope. And it's co-founded. Yeah. It's fucked up. It's crazy. I can't like, because you've seen that.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I mean, we've all seen that on true crime shows where the family of the perpetrator is horrified and like, and they are in this strange bubble and they have this shame and humiliation guilt association yeah and it's like what could i have done to prevent this and and they often are the subject of of so much hatred right but probably maybe or maybe we're victimized by the perpetrator themselves. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:06 God damn. That's high level. High level human work right there. Marietta Yeager. Fuck. Yep. And that's that. Wow, Georgia.
Starting point is 01:07:17 That was amazing. Thank you. That's what happens when you have insomnia and you listen to terrible books. And they're like, oh, that's like, of course you're not sleeping you're listening to this shit it's so funny though because when i was listening to those is it those who fight monsters yeah i think so yeah yeah i think it is something like that which by the way is a great book to fall asleep to i fucking bring it down to um instead of at full speed i bring it down to 75 speed oh good fucking night usually i like that narrator yeah it's he's good he's he sounds like an fbi agent he sounds official and standard but then there's also an
Starting point is 01:07:53 interestingness to his voice but i when i was reading that because that book it seems like that book has 95 chapters like when i was reading it it was just in my car every time i would drive around yeah and it felt like it went on forever but every time i would be like write this down this could be i know because there's so many ones that were obscure or i either hadn't heard of or knew a little bit about yeah where i was like write this down and i just never know well this is the reason i found this one is because i was on the last chapter and it's about ed kemper and it's just this like even keel guy narrator talking about he would cut the heads off of them and i was on the last chapter and it's about ed kemper and it's just this like even keel guy narrator talking about he would cut the heads off of them and i was like what are you listening to
Starting point is 01:08:31 georgia yeah so then instead of like putting something else on about like fucking space i put on chapter set i was like fuck this chapter i'll go to a different chapter i'll go to a different chapter of the murder book Where this is the subject again It's just going to be a different body part Anything that's not Ed Kemper Is all I need Also have People already started up fan groups
Starting point is 01:08:55 For the actor Because I realized I said our boy Ed Kemper But what I mean is the actor who played Ed Kemper In Mindhunter is our boy Well you know we're following him on Instagram now Oh really? Yeah because someone we joked about um how he would be he should be on uh what's that uh pitch perfect pitch perfect and so someone uh and someone made a fucking amazing graphic with just
Starting point is 01:09:20 him photoshopped in there very like badly on purpose. And it was super hilarious. Oh yeah, that's right. And so someone tagged the dude who was, who plays him and I was like, Hey, look, you're on this podcast. And so we're following him now.
Starting point is 01:09:34 I don't know if I can find his name right now. I probably can't. We, we follow Beyonce too. So. Oh, nice. He's gotta be in there somewhere,
Starting point is 01:09:40 but it's pretty great. That's so rad. Yeah. It's, it's pretty, cause he looks like a he looks like you're like your big friend from high school that like always has shitty weed to hang out with you with and like video like he just looks cool and fun and then he looks like
Starting point is 01:09:55 men in his life as have always tried to pressure him into playing football but then he would talk to them about like quantum physics and they leave him alone. And he like really likes hanging out with girls, but like not sexually assaulting them. Yes, exactly. Unlike Ed Kemper. And then he like will post a photo on Instagram of like, here's me as Ed Kemper. You gotta watch this. And it's like, oh my God, that's not you. It's for, oh, Stephen.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Cameron Britton. Yay. Is he Canadian? He looks. He's got a Canadian vibe to to me yeah maybe maybe cameron let us know uh well that was great so this as i've already said several times i drove down the five today honey i bet this is gonna be amazing no no no this is part of this is like the beginning i'm sorry i called you honey oh okay i get it i thought you
Starting point is 01:10:49 were telling about how bad it was gonna be and i'm sorry it is but i've already made that clear okay but okay so i wanted to do a story a something about the five love it right now i've already done the i-5 killer yeah um the guy that used to be on the football team um that is i mean and then there was also an i5 strangler but he was one of those ones that i didn't uh it just was depressing yeah and it was a lot of um women women's bodies lost in creek beds for years and years yeah and when we say we say these it was just depressing we mean it also didn't have interesting facts we don't mean like they're all fucking depressing they're all depressing this one was once again a man who for 20 to 30 years just got away with killing whoever the fuck woman he wanted to come by there's no
Starting point is 01:11:43 marietta at the end of that fucking story. That's exactly what it is. That's exactly what it is. Except for, that's not true. In the I-5 Strangler, there's a detective who would go and hike up in the mountains. Because the one woman that this guy said he killed, but they couldn't find her body. He would just go hike to see if he could find something. hike to see if he could find something and he finally fucking found a quarter size bone in a creek that when that had been a dry creek bed when he put his her body there but was now a flowing creek what the fuck he found it and they they dna tested it and it was her what in the fucking fuck
Starting point is 01:12:20 i bet you i had all that on a document. Somewhere. Somewhere I could have given you the news. But it was pretty amazing. And that was one of those things where there are detectives out there who do that job because they want. They not only want to help people, but they want to solve people's like that sadness for families. They want people. They want them to know. They want to end the sadness as much as they can.
Starting point is 01:12:48 There's no closure. We know that. Yeah. But not knowing is worse. Exactly. And he would hike. He would just hike around the area. I mean, it's amazing.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Anyway, but apparently that didn't cut it for me. Okay. Apparently my standards are even higher than that amazing story. No, here's what it is i hadn't heard this but this is a not only is it not an old story uh this is almost a borderline breaking story wait what so that when i heard it i was like hold on i'd never heard anything about this so on wednesday november 15th, like two weeks ago? A cab driver in Stockton, California. He picks up a fare and he notices that the man that's in his car fits the description of the APB that the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Department had just put out for a six-foot-tall man
Starting point is 01:13:46 with a heavy-built black hair and black eyes. Oh, no. He was very dangerous, and the APB said, do not approach him under any circumstances. Or pick him up in your cab. Right. So this cab driver calls 911 and says, I think I just had this guy in my cab.
Starting point is 01:14:05 And at 1030 a.m., police arrest 59-year-old Randall Sato at a gas station on Highway 99. And it turns out Randall was an escapee of a Hawaiian mental hospital where he had lived. He has lived for the past 40 years. Oh, my God. He has lived for the past 40 years. Oh, my God. He is described by the doctors and the people that committed him there as violent, a violent manipulative psychopath and a murderer. So here's what he did to get into that mental hospital. In 1977, a woman named Sandra Yamashiro was walking to her car out of a mall called the Ala Moana Center.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Next to her car is a car parked and a man sitting in that car. He shoots her in the face with a pellet gun in her car. And he goes over to ask if she's okay. She's been shot in the face. Oh, my God. And then he repeatedly stabs her. He goes over to, like, see if she's okay. And then.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Well, says the phrase, like, are you okay? But he just went over there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then basically stabbed her multiple times. Left her in her car and then got back into his car where his girlfriend was sitting in the car and drove away. Was she? Okay, go on. I don't know anything about the girlfriend because this is so fresh that basically all the it's one of those things where there's the AP story that came out.
Starting point is 01:15:41 that basically all the, it's one of those things where there's the AP story that came out. There was a story that was in time and AP and every other article in every other newspaper was basically the same article, different, slightly different word changing what we call the Karen Kilgariff treatment. So, so he's tried for this murder and he is acquitted by reason of insanity. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:16:06 So, he's... His girlfriend had to know because you don't stab a person that many times and then get into a car and you don't blood all over you. She's sitting in the car next to the car where the murder's taking place. Then she's hanging out and having a great time. I don't... She's like... With murder.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Unless she has 70s fucking headphones on and an eye mask, like, there's no way. She doesn't know exactly what the fuck's going oh good point she's driving creepy well either way he gets tried he's not convicted instead he's acquitted by reason of insanity but then he is committed to the haw State Psychiatric Hospital. Okay, good. Where he's lived for the past 40 years. Fuck. Yeah. So, here's what happened. On Sunday, November 12th at 9 a.m.,
Starting point is 01:16:55 Randall walks off the grounds. No, he shouldn't be able to do that. Right? He shouldn't. And he walks to a place called Kanaokeoke park which is how i'm thinking that they pronounce it but could be very that sounds hawaiian as fuck to me i think it's right because i went okay which is okay okay yeah can we have a free trip to hawaii please we love you guys um so he gets to this park he calls a cab the dispatcher there was a whole article about this dispatcher um
Starting point is 01:17:26 it's a a female cab driver comes and picks him up no um there's a video camera inside the cab and it shows him and he now has a backpack that he didn't have or couldn't have had at the psychiatric hospital and he in the, he's looking through the backpack like he's never seen it before. So he's like rifling through it to see what's in it. Oh, my God. No, no, no. He pays the cab driver in cash,
Starting point is 01:17:55 and he gets dropped off at the airport where he has chartered, already chartered a plane. Cost him $1,500. What? If you charter a plane, that's essentially a private plane and you don't have to check your that's right what the fuck if you pay a guy 1500 bucks and you're like can you fly me to maui they're like okay they don't they don't make you do anything extra not enough money to not have that shit checked right but but it is it is hawaii where it's all islands and that's kind of a major mode of transportation
Starting point is 01:18:31 right right right right um as i learned with film hard ticket to hawaii please watch it if you've never seen it i haven't um okay so uh then so he gets to Maui. Then he, with a fake ID that was in there, you know, uh, postulating was in the backpack. So basically somebody put that backpack together for him. I bet it was his cousin. I'm just going to say cousin. Fucking cousins, man. They're always, they're always fucking helping you too much. They're always aiding and they're always abetting.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Always aiding and they're always abetting always so he gets onto a hawaiian air flight uh-huh to san jose no no no no imagine the difference between you live in hawaii and you're like i gotta get to san jose imagine who sat next to him right on the plane um i want to know what he drank i want to know what sandwich he ordered and they were out of that sandwich so he had to get a fucking wrap i'll tell you what he has a backpack full of cash seemingly uh-huh because he bought they don't take cash on planes anymore good point i'm sorry he got zero drinks on that plane yeah he got zero sandwiches on that right unless it was a jet blue where you go up to that awesome little refrigerator i have never george and i took a flight and there's a jet blue setup now where instead of them bringing around a weird wicker basket of like do you want
Starting point is 01:19:56 a pretzel and like pick it now pick it don't pick more than one don't put this on me i always say no out of like pride i always pick wrong and I get bummed about it. I'm always like, I'm above pretzels and cookies. I actually hate pretzels, but I would have loved those fucking yam chips or whatever the fuck. I want to, I don't want a basket shoved at me. Like it's the offering plate in church. I want to sit with my decision and be like, what do I want? I'm going to grab each and then eat a little of each.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Like a fucking. I want to dig through it like a large raccoon and see what I want. I want to touch all of them. I want to touch each bag, even though they're the same brand and the same item. Yeah. Well, he didn't get that opportunity. He didn't get shit unless it was a JetBlue. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:37 No, it wasn't. It was Hawaiian Air. Okay. We knew that. We knew that. We knew that going in i just wanted to talk about a mid-plane refrigerator and snack cupboard yeah that was purely based on do you have the guts to walk up here and grab food and then it was just all the bravest people on the plane that makes me sad why because you have to be brave to go up and get a snack well i mean that's just societal
Starting point is 01:21:03 pressure where it's like you walk up there, but everyone's going to watch you. Like for me. Fuck you. I'm going to point at everyone next time. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:21:12 I'm going to go through the plane. Here's what I did. I waited and waited and waited. Then I waited till I had to go to the bathroom because the bathroom was right across from this area. Then as I came out of the bathroom, I pretended I'd never seen the cupboard before. And then I went, well, I guess I will have a beverage While I'm up
Starting point is 01:21:27 I mean This makes me think you have shame issues Around eating and drinking Do you think? Because I fucking This makes you think And not me telling you over and over That I have severe issues
Starting point is 01:21:37 Oh I don't listen When you say those things I'm like yeah Karen We all have issues That, that, that Great What do you want to order and well i guess this is probably why when we do order i'm like let's get to this and this and this
Starting point is 01:21:51 because then you'll just say yes instead of yes saying i don't want that no i'm not ordering it i also my my favorite new thing is yes let's get four things okay sorry this is just a sidebar this is this poor guy this has become about us i know poor guy this asshole fuck this okay him okay what we went there's a new restaurant that opened in petaluma while i was home for thanksgiving and adrian and i made plans for lunch then my dad was like hey want to go to lunch and i was like adrian can we collapse these plans together i'm under a lot of pressure and she's like like, totally, let's party with Jim. Is he the coolest?
Starting point is 01:22:26 I want to hang out with him so bad. My dad? Yeah. He's the greatest man. Is he coming to our LA show? I think we could get him to. Let's put him up at like a really nice hotel. Like, let's spoil Jim.
Starting point is 01:22:37 I want Vince and him to talk about wrestling. He would, him and Vince should go on their own separate vacation. Okay. They would be best friends immediately do you know that my dad got mad we went to this place and they didn't have budweiser and he wanted to leave oh vince is like that too yeah it was that thing where he goes i go dad they have log they have all loganitas on tap because loganitas is in petaluma that's so fucking oh it is that's bullshit i don't want that who doesn't have fucking Budweiser? Seriously.
Starting point is 01:23:07 No one gets pissed if they don't have certain things. Lunch started with a slight anger. Oh, it's for lunch. Oh, your dad and I are going to get along. Lunch drinking? Sign me the fuck up. Honey, when you walk into, you guys have to come up. When you walk in to Jim's house, the first thing he says to you, hey, want a cold one? Can he make me? I know that he used to drink, you want a cold one? Can he make me,
Starting point is 01:23:25 I know that he used to drink Manhattans with your mom. Yeah. Can he make me a Manhattan? He would love to make you a Manhattan. It would be his favorite thing. Park. And he would also laugh like,
Starting point is 01:23:35 you're going to have a Manhattan. He would think it was the most refreshing thing in the world. Okay. Um, yeah, they party. He parties.
Starting point is 01:23:44 They, well, kind of all my family i was thinking of because his at his birthday party we went out we all went out to dinner and carol painter who was sitting next to me his friend his friend woody who's also a fireman they that's mark um manhattans are like the first thing they order at a restaurant oh yeah i love it they're good times good time people so from maui he goes to san jose he arrives in california 5 30 hawaiian time two hours later the hospital alerts the authorities that he's missing which is eight hours after he walked off the hospital grounds different fucking part of a planet he is and they're missing you. Look, we just did a quick bed check. We did an evening bed check and Randall wasn't around. We did our once a day bed check.
Starting point is 01:24:30 This is a hospital with 300 patients. They're at capacity. And the sad part is, or whatever part, they're now under all under investigation. Like over 60 employees are on unpaid leave until they figure out how this happened. I just hope they figure it out quickly so that they're not just punishing a bunch of random people. 59 of those people deserve their job back. And Hey,
Starting point is 01:24:52 you work in a psychiatric hospital. You better get paid every minute of the time you're there. That's a hard job. Basically. Then the APB goes out at eight 30. So this is like, you know, a lot of time has passed since Randall has just chill, super chill style walked off the psychiatric grounds.
Starting point is 01:25:10 That's a problem. So somebody called in a tip line and let the authorities know in Hawaii that Randall had a brother that lived in Stockton, California. And that's how they knew to alert the San Joaquin Sheriff's Department. Hey, you put out the same APB, make sure. And that's how that knew to alert the San Joaquin Sheriff's Department. Hey, you put out the same APB. Make sure. And that's how that news all got distributed correctly. Can you? Quick sidebar.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Yep. Quick fill time. Can you imagine being that brother? Oh. Being in Stockton with your family and friends. You haven't seen your fucking brother in 40 years. Your crazy brother that murdered someone. Knock on the goddamn door.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Yeah. Look through the peephole. Uh-oh. Yeah. Uh-oh. Okay, go on. crazy brother brother that murdered someone knocking the goddamn door yeah look through the peephole uh-oh yeah uh-oh hawaii five uh-oh sorry that was no that was the best thing i've ever heard in my fucking life that was gorgeous i salute you okay so altogether they randall had been on the run for four days okay Okay. That whole span of time. But he had been trying to leave that psychiatric hospital for a while. So in 1993, he put in a request for a conditional release saying that he and the court said, no fucking way.
Starting point is 01:26:20 You are a sexual sadist and a necrophile. So you have to stay in the mental hospital um deputy prosecutor jeff albert said randall sato is very disturbed mentally ill individual who is very dangerous with respect to whom all the predicators indicate that if he were to be released he would kill again oh dear then in 2000 his he gets his defense attorneys to once again argue for his release um and again that same prosecutor jeff albert says he fills the criteria of a classic serial killer basically he's not getting out um but a lot of people that worked there and uh the people that the doctors that,
Starting point is 01:27:06 um, you know, analyzed him or whatever the word is said he was also very personable and had very good social skills because he's a psychopath. He's a master manipulator. Don't use that as a yeah, but it's like, yeah. And right. It is. I think for them it is a yeah. And, but I was using it as a segue.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Okay. So I was trying to make it, I was trying to turn it that basically since he's been in this mental hospital, he has had six significant relationships. Three have been with staff members of this hospital. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:39 And to the point where then a hospital administrator found out that Randall had been being escorted home for weekend conjugal visits for two full years with nobody on that like high level. With like a nurse or whatever. Yeah. Like he had two wives outside of the hospital that he would. He basically tricked people into letting him go home and like fuck his wife. Two different wives. oh no they ended up blocking the visits um for all patients two years later exactly nobody now he's like you know what now nobody can leave the facility now nobody gets to that's not fair have conjugal
Starting point is 01:28:22 visits here or off but if you think about it if you've been committed to a mental hospital because you fucking stabbed and shot a woman for him yeah but everyone else is like all i did was go crazy one night and like break stuff oh that's true well i mean yeah that's case by case yeah but in general they're basically saying when you are dealing with like people like this this can't even be an option on the table no because you're gonna end up jail with treatment exactly but he has been there for a long time so he's like uh you know the mind is going the mind of a psychopath is going always so um and actually those dalliances were impetus for a rule change in 2003 the state attorney general's office decided mental patients
Starting point is 01:29:06 committed to hawaii state hospital have no legal right to conjugal visits so that actually went to the state level because of him yeah because it was that bad and he got so horny he broke out he's like someone get me a pack backpack i gotta get to san jose i gotta fuck so um in 2015 honolulu prosecutor wayne tashima argued against him receiving passes to leaving the hospital grounds without an escort so again he was asking he's like guys real quick it's just me i know you've said no before it's just me the murderer can i just take a walk around the ground? Real quick. And in these articles, they're also interviewing the neighbors that live near this hospital where they're like, yeah, we didn't know they were allowed to leave.
Starting point is 01:29:54 We didn't know any of this was happening. It's super crazy. Oh, my God. So anyway, the judge, so you know how he was acquitted on account of mental insanity, the circuit court judge, uh, who, who deemed him mentally unfit to stand trial and committed him to the hospital, um, uh, is a controversial figure. Um, he said that because after he shot her and then went to check on her and asked if she was okay that to him meant he was um insane and so he was not uh he could not stand trial
Starting point is 01:30:37 oh that was all it was based on the whole thing was based on simply that and this is what he said if you look at the evidence that was presented she did not move she was bleeding profusely her face was down uh she did not move or answer him at that point and for him to think that she would identify him and therefore he had to kill her that becomes irrational also in my mind uh the same year that he had that ruling, he overturned a jury verdict that found high profile Honolulu crime boss Charlie Stevens guilty of a double murder. Stevens admitted to the murder. And the jury was like, yep, you did it. The jury was like, he's guilty.
Starting point is 01:31:18 This guy comes in and is like overturned. Don't ever do that. He's going to walk away. Judges. He said there wasn't enough evidence. There wasn't enough evidence and the guilty party confessed. Yeah. So anyway,
Starting point is 01:31:34 they basically... This is problematic. After that happened, protests happened at the state capitol and everyone was calling for his firing. And an investigation because clearly there's something going on are you on the take all the cases yeah yeah but especially with things like that where he's basically kind of and i mean obviously this is super technical but but the idea that a judge
Starting point is 01:31:56 is like i've decided you're too crazy to go to jail you can you can go over here but you don't have to go to jail For this murder Because I think that seems crazy Yeah because this one thing you did In my mind And like you're not a fucking crazy person So you're judging this based on your own Fucking
Starting point is 01:32:16 You know Just like your taste That seems crazy to me That's crazy don't go to jail Um okay Oh also yeah that seems crazy that's crazy that's crazy don't go to jail um okay oh also uh on october 6 1981 that same judge was arrested for drunk driving and he was found later at his family's um mochilea beach house multiple injuries, including a broken collarbone. He said that he passed out
Starting point is 01:32:47 as he was beaten. But the investigators think that he tried to hang himself. Oh, my God. So that's my super sloppy, but kind of amazing, still breaking story. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Where every article I read had a little more information. So he's in custody now. Yes. They've extradited him back to Hawaii. He didn't kill anyone while he was out there. Nope. Did he go to his brother's house? Did they have Thanksgiving
Starting point is 01:33:16 dinner? He didn't make it. He didn't get any of that. Okay. He basically took two plane rides. Well, three on the way back. And a couple cab rides. And we don't know who gave him the backpack yet. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Is it his girlfriend in the hospital? Is it the girlfriend that he was visiting on his day pass? It's her. Outside of the hospital? Sorry, honey. It's you. But there could be somebody on the inside. Because that's...
Starting point is 01:33:39 But how do you leave a thing up if you're on the inside? Oh, you mean like one of the... She's like, I'll leave it by this awesome coconut tree as you walk out of the front. Oh, so it could have been on the ground because also how does he just walk off the grounds? Like just, just walk off.
Starting point is 01:33:55 You'd hope it'd be more secure than that. And go to the park. If he's, if he is a criminal where the deputy district attorney is like, this man is, has all the makings of a serial killer but like think of you're like i've watched this dude for 40 fucking years he's never tried to escape it's like you don't need to worry if he wants to go look at the fucking grass on the whatever the fuck and he's a psychopath so he's going to be able to tell you exactly what you
Starting point is 01:34:21 want to hear to make you trust him yeah and get and maybe get you a get him a backpack filled with cash and fake ids right because he had to have a fake id to get onto that hawaiian air flight so somebody was doing somebody was breaking the law for him actually yeah well that motherfucker's going to jail but then the thing that kind of drives me crazy, I really wanted to know more about that murder. Because also, it's so insane and extreme. It seems like other... Because the thing about that is, there's nothing sexually sadist about that murder from what you've told me. No. Or necrophilia.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Right. So there's more shit going on. It's like they have taken this story and it kept saying police records, hospital records, and then interview things. So it's like this story is kind of like piecing itself together as it goes. There's way more going on. There's way more. And I wonder, like when I was Googling, because I really was just trying to look look up sandra uh yeah sammy sandra yamashiro's murder in 1977 and you can't you can only find it within these articles about him or they're like
Starting point is 01:35:35 the original uh the original news report that someone made yes i was trying to do that quotes around the name all those search things that you try to do and it nothing came up about her specifically which drives me crazy but i guess also because it's so long ago that maybe those like that microfiche has been thrown away but anyway hopefully more stuff will come out about that because it seems like that guy's done way more stuff yeah obviously he's been prosecuted for that's fucking awesome i can't wait to hear more yeah that was great thanks georgia yeah karen i mean look look at your mom nail polish you know what's insane what we laura can attest
Starting point is 01:36:21 to this we could call her right now I bought this nail polish last night. And I go, isn't this the best color? And she goes, that's the color mom used to wear. Oh, my God. I swear to God. I swear to God. Mauve. It is.
Starting point is 01:36:36 It's like a brownish mauve. Yeah. I like it. It's very 1982. Well. Goodbye. No. And then one thing that makes you happy.
Starting point is 01:36:46 You do it first. I've been talking for so long. Um, I had a couple, but I think very simply, my favorite thing is that you have found gifts. Oh, gifts. Yeah. Say gifts. It's too late for gifts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:03 I don't think anyone knew what I was talking about. Gifts. Yeah. I thought you meant anyone knew what I was talking about. Gifs. Yeah. I thought you meant gifts. No. Gifs. I love gifts so much. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:11 And I, and I, you didn't do them until like the past two months, I think. You know why? Why? I didn't understand. I didn't understand that you had to get the app. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Giphy. G-I-P-H-Y. Yeah. You just get that and it's already on your texting it's waiting for you nothing there's no better response than a response in gif yes it's just perfect it's very specific fucking need any fucking thing you like any fucking face you're trying to make yep it's so stupid and funny in gift form and you the fact that you now like do it to me makes me so happy because it's like it's really
Starting point is 01:37:52 funny because you did it to me forever and it would make me laugh so hard and i wanted to do it back but i would be trying to do it i would be going on to like google and then look putting the word gif into the fucking search bar. Like the old woman that I am. It was making me insane. Steven did I ask you about it? Is that how I ended up getting that app? No I think you found it on your own.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Did I do it on my own? Oh my god you're the big girl. My favorite thing for this week is that I did it on my own. Who's the big girl? No you know what my favorite thing is? And this could be I'll go even simpler than your gifs. Because the one I sent to you tonight oh yeah is stolen from steven yeah it's my favorite gift of all time and it applies to any situation it's kim kardashian peeking around a bush and it is so fucking funny and the first time steve had sent it to me i of course sent steven some text that
Starting point is 01:38:42 was like no steven go fuck yourself or some obnoxiously jokey mean thing. And then the response was Kim Kardashian peeking around a bush. What do you put in to look for that? Kim Kardashian bush? Oh, God, no. Don't do that. No, don't do that.
Starting point is 01:38:59 I think it's sneaky or sneak. I want to see that episode where it's from Yeah I don't care I think I've seen that episode because they made Chloe Go on a date and then they all watched her From behind a bush She was on like a weird uncomfortable blind date And she didn't want to go
Starting point is 01:39:17 And Chloe and Kim No sorry Wait Kim and Katrina Kim and Maureen my favorite one um right made her do it and then spied on her and laughed at her where it's like that's one of the first episodes i ever saw where i was like but you made her do it so this isn't like you're not like it's only funny if she wanted to do it if it was her idea but it was your idea so you can't make fun of her so we hate
Starting point is 01:39:46 the kardashians and what they stand for but we love the gifts they make here's the thing the gifts are their gift whatever the kardashians thing is you you can't deny it and you can't fight it because one time i went and laid down on my couch and turned on e accidentally nothing i would do intentionally and there was a kardashian marathon on and i watched every fucking episode for like hours and hours it's amen i watched every episode of fucking nick lachey and jessica simpson's show oh that thing was and i loved it so much but that was brilliantly i know that some of the people that worked on that they were like comics what about ashley simpson's show that was brilliantly i know that some of the people that worked on that they were like comics what about ashley simpson's show that was amazing i'm not interested in ashley simpson well
Starting point is 01:40:31 what about fucking six years ago were you yes yes when she was married to pete wentz no it's but way before that it was like when she was like i'm this famous person's little sister and i'm gonna do it on my own you know she's like eyeliner eyeliner oh my god i'm fake punk yeah that's a good show but but that the uh original jessica simpson is like with some fucking gorgeous television huh so good bad honey guys look and listen we've done it again and fucking look you know if you've ever tuned in to us because you were trying to waste time or just distract yourself i feel like this is the episode for you congratulations i hope we took you to a different planet listen Listen, this was absolute madness. All hail Marietta Yeager.
Starting point is 01:41:28 Yes. And fucking live your life. Do your shit. Get, try, just, just, we're all just Marietta. Try to do it Marietta style. Like don't do what we do. Fuck no. We're fucking monsters.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Jesus Christ. No, no one's trying to do what we do. And stay sexy. And don't get murdered. Jesus Christ. No, no one's trying to do what we do. Um, and stay sexy and don't get murdered, please. Bye. Elvis. Oh,
Starting point is 01:41:53 Donnie. Hi. Oh, that was cute.

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