My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark - MFM Minisode 232 - Almost Joined A Cult

Episode Date: June 21, 2021

This week's minisode is a compilation of cult-related hometown stories.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We at Wondery live, breathe and downright obsess over true crime and now we're launching the ultimate true crime fan experience, Exhibit C. Join now by following Wondery, Exhibit C on Facebook and listen to true crime on Wondery and Amazon Music, Exhibit C. It's truly criminal. Hi. Hello and welcome to the mini episode of My Favorite Murder. Your family-friendly podcast. Short version, slow cooking podcast. That's not family-friendly. That is in no way. Well, it's about families. Yeah. If you have a cool older aunt, that's family-friendly. She's gonna be into it. Yeah. And this is the episode where you guys send us your stories. We just read them to you. Yeah. Make it really easy. I'm sure you're thinking, I wish I had a story to send it and you
Starting point is 00:01:06 do because we've asked for everything. So if you have a funny, weird story. Yeah, there's pretty much anything. Just think of the story that you tell if you are sitting in, say, a meeting and they go over on the table and say the most interesting thing about yourself. You know, you can pull something out of that. And then if you tell it and the whole room is quiet and no one talks to you again, we want to hear it. That's our story. That's the one we want to hear. That's what you owe to us. You know what? Send us the stories of the time you told a really awkward, weird story that you shouldn't have told. Tell us that story and the time you told it uncomfortably. Please. Great. New topic. Oh, right. I worked for a sex cult man. Lighthearted. And listen, okay, a dude named Stephen
Starting point is 00:01:47 wrote this in. Stephen. Bay Morris. Stephen Ray Marie Morris instead of Marie Ray Morris. And listen, I didn't pick it because of how he how he did the introduction, but it helped. Oh, I love you, Georgia. I love you so much. Hi, Mimi. Can you deal with that? And then cut to Mimi with her tiny mouth going like, I'm fine. Why do you want to know? Get off my leg. Maybe he's the best. Maybe he'll feed on the bed three times while we were out of fucking town doing live shows this past weekend. Mimi, who will not have any of it ever. Yes. Say hi to her first and only. Only. Hi, Mimi. Hi, Mimi. I used to do tree work for a small family run. Arbree. Arbrest? Arbrio Culture Company in Texas. They have to be fancy about it. If you're not hip to tree work, I'm
Starting point is 00:02:43 not. Whenever you see a bunch of dudes wearing high visibility shirts tied to the top of a tree and totally wailing on that tree with chainsaws, those are tree workers. They are all hungover. No, yes. It was okay work, but I had to quit because I hate the winter and kept almost cutting parts of my hands off. My boss was a gregarious middle-aged man with a few quirks like how he was always drinking, but rarely drunk. I think that one's just called having a sweet ass time. Yeah. He claimed to be friends with the guys in Bauhaus. Oh. He wouldn't let his wife have a career. Uh-oh. So he was very German. Yeah. He spelled his name backwards for no reason. Don't get that. His name was Bob. No. And he kept encouraging the guys on the crew to take showers back at the shop after work.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Okay. I see. Here we are. Here we go. Like he brought up taking showers all the time. The warehouse wasn't even supposed to have showers in it, but my boss personally built them. He liked showers so much. No. I asked my foreman about the showers thing, and he told me that under no circumstances should I ever take a shower at the warehouse because my boss was in a sex cult. What? I did a little snooping, and the sex cult my boss was in was called Zendik Farm. It was started by Errol and Wolf, both fucking German names, right? Yeah. Zendik in the 60s as a hippy, hippified cultural revolution that mostly just sold bumper stickers at farmer's markets and played psychedelic jam music. Okay. Their version of free love was to
Starting point is 00:04:17 enforce a round robin style roster of sex partners so that by the end of the season, everyone was fucking everyone. I don't know why. No, I see it. I see the thinking. Yeah, yeah. And then fuck that person. Just, yeah, fuck him. Yeah. Do it. Just fuck. The compound my boss had lived in was in Bastroop, Texas, kind of by Austin. It was supposed to have disbanded in 2013, but I went to a Labor Day party at my boss's house, and all the sex cult guys were totally there, and they were totally still on board with the whole sex cult thing. My boss got a few sodas in him, and he started loudly insisting that everyone come out to the backyard and take a bath in a custom hot tub he had built. Oh my God. My wife and I went home, but one of my co-workers
Starting point is 00:05:01 took him up on it. He said it was nice, but not a very good hot tub. Yeah. Don't make a hot tub. Because it sounds like it was probably a bathtub. Yeah. I work at a record store now. Store? At the store. German. I work at a record store. No. And sometimes people send us old Zendak farm or orchestra records. They're actually pretty fucking groovy. Stay sexy and don't take a bath with your boss. Stephen in Texas. Stephen. In Texas. I loved anything but learning about the inner lives of an arborist. Come on. Arborist. Why couldn't I pronounce? I mean, why am I asking that? It's not really in our, in our nomenclature. Oh. Bing, bing, bing, bing. Hi, Mimi. Hi, Mimi. The first email I have here, the subject line is, my dad is a cult lawyer. Oh. Fun. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Hi, Georgia, Karen, Stephen, and pets. So the other night I was listening to a podcast called Cults to fall asleep and I listened to an old one about the 12 tribes cult started by Albert Spriggs. Have you listened to cults? No. I'm just straight up listening to cults now for my Thanksgiving. Thanks for the recommendation. Thanks so much, David. I'll give you a little background because it's relevant. Okay. I was scared that when I first read this that we had done the 12 tribes cult and I was like, shit, I have no memory of this whatsoever. Don't remember that. I felt real scared and sad and lonely. Spriggs started the cult in the late 1960s. He taught his followers that all other religions are satanic. I'm into that. Kind of true. And that
Starting point is 00:06:40 Satan must be beaten out of children before they turn for adult members. I'm not on board anymore. That's sickening. The community refuses all medical help. So some children have died from the beatings to make money. Spriggs opened up food stores called the Yellow Deli all over the country, which sounds oddly familiar. I'm thinking of the Hello Deli from David Letterman's show. Forget it. It's just a rhyme. It's not the same thing. Can you tell I'm wearing my pajamas right now because I'm tired. I'm wearing my pajamas at Georgia's house right now. It's tired today. It's tired outside today. It feels tired today. So excuse us. Excuse me while I kiss this guy. Okay. Members of the cult, including children, worked for free there at the Yellow Deli for
Starting point is 00:07:35 up to 12 hours a day. Spriggs purchased single family homes and would house up to 40 members in one home. No. The cult had so many allegations of child trafficking. Over time, the cult changed the names of its delis to shake the tale of the people who were catching on. All of this sounded oddly familiar to me. We have a bakery in the town where my dad's law firm is called the Blue Blinds Bakery. The people there are odd but friendly and they dress really old fashioned. I just saw the children that worked quietly in the back were their children. Oh, no. It's a quote family run business end quote. Yikes. I had been going to this bakery with my dad since I was an infant. So I texted him about it. Turns out not only does my dad know that the Blue Blinds
Starting point is 00:08:21 Bakery is part of the 12 tribes cult, but it gets worse. He's their commercial real estate lawyer. What? And there's five full exclamation points after that. I agree with those. He helped some buy and sell houses and bakeries to this day. No. He told me that three years ago they invited him to Thanksgiving and asked him if he had any young children. No. So much for you're in a cult. Call your dad. Yeah. SSDGM Hannah. Holy shit. That's the best. Fuck. Very fuck. That's like, you know, what do you do then? What do you do? What do you do? That's your dad. Dad. Sucking shit up for people. Don't do that, dad. But you know, all cults have to have, they have to have commercial real estate lawyers. They have to have arms dealers.
Starting point is 00:09:15 You know, the business cults do. This guy's trying to make a living. As my dad always says, there's no shame in a paycheck unless you're helping a sadistic fucking cult. A child beating a cult that's based on child beating. Yes. You might want to look and do pulling your your interests out of that. You might have some shame in that paycheck. There might be some shame and there also might be repercussions later. Hey. Yes. From the business year. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Okay. This is called My Close Encounter with a Murder Cult. Hi guys. You guys are my favorite. I started listening after my girlfriend recommended your
Starting point is 00:09:57 podcast. She also reminded me that I have an interesting story to share. So I thought I'd share. Great. I was born in Venezuela. When I was seven, my family had been making arrangements to move to the US. One day I was hanging out with my cousin who lived two or three miles from my grandparents house in a rural town in the middle of nowhere, Venezuela. It was dark. My aunt reluctantly let me ride back to my grandma's house. This was a usually fun ride, just a dirt road with nothing but vegetation on either side. I was enjoying the night noises. God being outside alone as a kid at night. The best. If you're far away from the city, if you're in nowhere, Venezuela, the stars are pretty rad.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I bet. Yeah. I was enjoying the night noises when all of a sudden there was complete silence. I could feel the tension in the air. I looked around me and noticed I was being surrounded by a group of people holding candles. What? They were chanting something I couldn't understand. When they got close enough to touch me, I wrote as fast as I could all the way to my grandma's house. Once I got there, I jumped off my bike, ran to my grandma, held her tight and just cried. Oh, she saw the fear in my eyes and just held me. That morning, a girl that was close to my same age was found dead in close proximity to where I had been that night. No. Next to her body, there were candles, black feathers and animal blood. This was the first in a series of child
Starting point is 00:11:18 murders that happened in similar fashion with candles and all the other items near the bodies. No one was ever charged for these murders. It still scares me to think of how close I was to being a sacrifice of a creepy cult that may still be in operation almost 20 years later. Holy shit. I would ask you guys to avoid riding a bike at night in the middle of nowhere. But let's be honest, there's no way you do that. You're too smart for that. So instead, stay sexy and don't get murdered. Thanks, Leo. Wow. I know. Oh, that's so creepy. It's creepy and so sad. And now I want to read all about it. But I would like to say this. Thank you, Leo, because the important point of that, it's like when we talk about being aware of your surroundings, you're enjoying the
Starting point is 00:12:01 night noises. It means something when all the crickets stop making noises. Totally. Like, trust your weird little instincts. Yes. If the hair is going up on the back of your neck, it doesn't matter how normal people look or how normal the situation is, get the fuck out of there. Even like, yeah, just trust it. Totally. Oh, creepy. So close. The subject line of this is my roomie, The Moony. Okay, awesome. Fun. Hello, Steven, Karen, Georgia, and Assorted Pets. Great. I was listening to one of the old minisodes and I heard you guys mention the moonies. My first college roommate and her family were and are moonies or unificationists as they prefer to be referred to. It's like a religion. It's like a culty religion. It's a fucking straight up cult. Okay, great. But I think that when you're
Starting point is 00:12:46 in it, you're like, this is my religion. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. Sure. I actually learned a lot about the church the first couple years of college, 2013 to 2015. So this is recent. Yeah. Because she wasn't still is one of my closest friends. Her parents got married because they were personally, quote unquote, matched together by the Reverend Sung Young Moon. Her dad was Jewish but ended up converting to unificationism. Must have been one of those spaghetti dinners, LOL. And his parents regularly sent people to try to unbrainwash him for the first couple of years, but to no avail. I'm pretty sure they ended up disowning him. One of the big things in the church is that unmarried people were not allowed to date, but instead had to occasion a
Starting point is 00:13:35 quote matching process. This meant you had to decide you wanted to get married and your parents, the church would work together to find someone who also wanted to get married and they would quote unquote match you and the two of you would quote unquote date. I know it really does. The two of you would date and with the expectation that you would get married within a year or so. I mean, shit, dude, like half the fucking ladies I know are like, sign me the fuck and I'll eat spaghetti and get matched with someone. That's all I have to do. That's all I have to do. But here's the thing. That's all you want is your friends to like the best dating option is someone saying, I have a friend you're really going to like. Yes. And not enough people fucking do that.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Everyone get on that. That's all I do. I'm always wrong. That's true. But you try a lot. I try hard. You try with old old Miss Havish. I'm over here where George is always like, no, have you ever thought about this? How? Where I'm like, I don't think of anything. I'll be like, tell me your perfect person and they'll be like, who do I know that's like that? Yeah. No, I'm there. She also likes to run stories if I do have a crush on somebody and I'll just say a dumb thing. Oh, then she'll be like, here's what we're going to do if he walked in. Okay, here's what we're going to do. We're going to have a party and then when he walks by, I'm going to shove you really hard. You're going to clonk heads with him, which at first, here's my problem. When we start to do
Starting point is 00:14:49 that, I laugh and think it's funny. And then when the party starts, I begin a slow, terrible panic and end up in the furthest back corner and I won't move. And you can feel the heat coming off of Karen because of her embarrassment. It's when you mention it. Oh my God, it's the best. I can't. I don't understand how people flirt genuinely and earnestly with other people. I've never dated someone that I haven't like hit on when I met them called Turkey. I'm going to have to take your class. You just got to be you got to act like pretend you have to like conjure someone. I conjured my mom. I love Janet. And I'm just like, what's up? I'm hot and you know it. Like, let's talk. You have to do you have to conjure someone, you know.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I just see the idea of it. I get because as we said a million times, my flirting technique is furrow my brows and act like either I didn't hear what they said to me or I didn't like what they said to me and turn around. Yeah, let's walk away. I'm from the 90s. It's very unfair. I've got so many guys how crushes on you because of that. The problem is whether it works or not. I'll never know. I'll never fucking know tonight. When I've been, I fucking walked into our friend, Megan Ganz's birthday party across the room, Megan. She also loves endeavor. She's the best. Walked across the room, saw a fucking tall dude and a fucking Ben Sherman shirt and was like, I'm going to talk to that motherfucker tonight. He and I made eye contact. He doesn't remember.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And but he came over late and was like, hi, I'm Vince. And we just fucking hit it off immediately. Like, you just you were given the old Janet eye across the room. So then he knew to come over. Yes. Yes. And then he saw me talking to our friends and was like, came over. Yeah, you gotta. And then when you shake hands, you just like give it this little look this like baddie eyelash. You're fucking Jessica Rabbit. You're Jessica Rabbit. No, I am. That's who you're conjuring. Oh, God. Cut all of this out. I love it. No, no, no, I love it. But I'm also now I'm sweating. I can feel your heat. I'm so you know what it is. Just pretend you're someone else for a minute. It's true. You know, if I could wear sunglasses. Girl, they're called bangs,
Starting point is 00:16:56 and they work just as well. Here's the thing. You know, it worked great for me for so long. You're giant tits. No. When Georgia just said your giant tits to me, she also looked at me the way she was talking about looking at someone. You gave me a little downward eye. I looked at your tits. I'm sorry. I've had three wines. Listen. Look, listen. I'll do both. Okay. This is turning into it. That makes me laugh so hard because being being a blackout drunk for all the time where I should have been practicing all stuff like this, I think I was doing stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:17:34 You don't remember. Yeah, great. That's like better because remembering it the next day is a horror show. So you already did it. You're already there. You're practiced. Yeah. Listen, you're Zha Zha Gabor. Darling. And I slapped them across the face. I'm going to start slapping cops and see if that works for me. Okay. Sorry. Go on. We're in the middle of an email right now. I mean, this is being recorded. I love that this is being recorded and distributed. Steven, you do send these out, right? Okay. Thank you. Okay. Steven's our caretaker. Go on. We ended with the idea that basically you tell the head of your cult that you would also like to be married like your 1000 friends match. So basically, so this other person would like to
Starting point is 00:18:18 be married. You meet and my point was imagine the moment of like having to walk through that door where you're looking at this person and any impression you have, you're also like, and I have to marry this person. Yeah. It's not even like, just go and have coffee. It's no big deal. Yeah. You have to marry them. Yeah. It's very high stakes. Very exciting. Pass. So next time you are in a bar, be like, well, at least I don't have to marry this person. I can go talk to everyone. I never have to speak to them again. It's not like it's the moonies. That's what that's what it is. There's no like it's the fucking stakes. There's no stakes. Thank you, Georgia. You're welcome. Let me get at this. Then you. Okay. So then you had to go to
Starting point is 00:18:56 a special mass ceremony. I've seen these on TV in the 80s. They used to show it on the news like every six months. I'd be like, the Reverend Moon had a ceremony for this unification church and it was a huge room with literally a thousand or 2,000 people all wearing the same shit, all getting married at the same time. So insane. So romantic. I mean, romantic. So then you'd at the mass ceremony to get married within the church, but afterward you'd have to get a marriage license and get married in a courthouse to get those sweet, sweet tax breaks. Because it wasn't legal. Okay. Well, was it necessarily real until they got their certificate? Sure. They still had to do the government work is what this person was saying. Both my roommate and another one of her
Starting point is 00:19:39 siblings were involved with something called Generation Peace Academy after high school. Good band name. Oh my God. Right. Basically, they spent a year traveling around the country and raising money for the church, which means they were raising money so that Reverend Moon could buy guns and ammo. The magazine. And lived out of cars and had to learn to survive camping out in the wilderness. Pass. Hard pass. Fun. You lost me. Marry a stranger. I never knew all the fucked up shit that happened with the Moonies. I experienced them as regular people whose Christianity was just a little weirder than what I grew up with. That's really open. Yeah, it's true. My former roommate, well, because I bet she, her roommate was cool. She liked her. Totally. My former roommate
Starting point is 00:20:26 and her siblings no longer believe in the teachings of Reverend Moon, but like her good sons and daughters, pretend to for their parents. Oh, you don't, don't do that. Though none of them are planning on getting matched. LOL. Stay sexy and sometimes you can't call your dad because he's in the cult too. Okay. Amazing ending. Like that was a great bring back around. That was a profesh letter. Thank you so much. Letter K. Looking for a better cooking routine with meal planning, shopping and prepping handled. Hello Fresh has you covered. Hello Fresh makes home cooking easy and affordable so you can stay on track and on budget in the new year. Hello Fresh meals are convenient, seasonal and delicious. Stay cozy all winter long with classic comfort foods available
Starting point is 00:21:10 weekly. Why stop with just dinner? Now you can enjoy Hello Fresh's expanded menu of quick lunch solutions, weekend brunch, simple side dishes and amazing desserts. Karen January is going to be my month for Hello Fresh. I am so sick of takeout. I miss cooking so much. I haven't lifted a knife or a pan since like early fall. So I can't wait to get back in the kitchen and Hello Fresh makes it so easy and also makes it so that my food tastes good, which is hard to do on my own. It gives you everything, everything you need. So get up to 20 free meals with purchase plus free shipping on your first box at slash murder20 with code murder20. That's up to 20 free meals plus free shipping on your first box when you go to slash murder20
Starting point is 00:21:57 and use code murder20. Goodbye. What makes a person a murderer? Are they born to kill or are they made to kill? I'm Candace DeLong and on my new podcast, Killer Psyche Daily, I share a quick 10-minute rundown every weekday on the motivations and behaviors of the criminal masterminds, psychopaths and cold-blooded killers you hear about in the news. I have decades of experience as a psychiatric nurse, FBI agent and criminal profiler. On Killer Psyche Daily, I'll give you insight into cases like Ryan Grantham and the newly arrested Stockton Serial Killer. I'll also bring on expert guests to dive deeper into the details, share what it's like to work with a behavioral assessment unit at Quantico, answer some killer trivia and even host virtual
Starting point is 00:22:48 Q&As where I'll answer your burning questions. Hey, Prime members, listen to the Amazon Music exclusive podcast, Killer Psyche Daily in the Amazon Music app. Download the app today. That time, I was almost recruited for a sex trafficking cult. Okay. And it starts yaw. Yaw. Yaw. About a month ago, my friend Lauren and I decided to meet up for a quick shopping trip and an ACI bowl. How do you say it? I think you did it right. ACI bowl at a nearby mall. This sounds like a very 16-year-old thing to say, but we're very much grown-ass women. Well, trying to enjoy our berry bowls outside, three women approached us. They were dressed very professionally and asked if they could ask us a question. We are both too polite, so we said yes. I get it. Can we ask you
Starting point is 00:23:33 a question? No. I know, but also, like, what are they going to fucking say next? Yeah, you're just curious. Kind of interesting. Yeah. One began to ask us random questions about if we had ever heard about God the Mother. She then proceeded to read some scripture that apparently alluded to God the Mother and was asking us more questions and sharing. We both had a kind of glazed over expressions. I kept eating, nodding, but not really listening. It seemed like she was trying to put a feminist spin on it, but it wasn't really landing. After a while, she asked if we'd be interested in coming to a Bible study class to discuss it. We both very politely said no, then tried to jump back into our conversation, making it very clear we were done with the conversation. Then they asked
Starting point is 00:24:12 again if we'd like to give her contact info for this study, and we said no. That was my emphasis, but I'm imagining. That's how it absolutely would be. No. They eventually laughed. We rolled our eyes, but didn't give it another thought. Until today, all caps. Lauren sent me a screenshot of a post she saw. It was warning women in Charlotte where we live that there are well-dressed women approaching women at malls and outside shopping centers in the area, asking them to join Bible studies to talk about God the Mother. Stephen, we look this up to make sure it's not a creepypasta. Look up God of Mother in Charlotte. Okay. That these women are part of a sex traffic ring slash cult. It warned that they are approaching younger women. Why was I momentarily
Starting point is 00:24:57 flattered when I read that part? I'm 37. What's wrong with me? Look, we take what we can get where we can get it later. What's wrong with you is that you're our best friend. That no matter what, do not go with them. Do not say you want to go to the Bible study. Do not give them your contact info. We're all like, no shit. Many women started replying that they've seen them around town, spoken to them, and that as soon as the Bible study women see security or police, they scatter. I'm just like, all right. I mean, who among us? Same as skateboarders, so I mean. One woman responded that she saw one of these ladies talking to a man in a blacked out van and left with him. It's one of those things where we aren't sure if it's a weird urban legend or what,
Starting point is 00:25:37 but considering it just happened to us, we freaked out. And then we both said, all caps, we have to email our BFFs, Karen and Georgia. We both are grateful for the love of true crime and MFM because it kept us from being too polite. Stay sexy and just keep eating your osteoibol, Kendra and Lauren. Yes, Kendra and Lauren. Good for you girls. Very good work. Well, also that's that thing. First of all, I was like, is this nexium? That would be so exciting. We're like, did you recognize anyone from Smallville in that conversation? But that idea that people are fishing using women and you know, some kind of like the world together and the sisters. Her name's Ivanka Trump. Don't fucking, don't buy it. Get away. Get away. Run away. That's right.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Steven, did you find it? So they're not sure the source. They said they've heard these reports of this group and the warnings. That's creepypasta. But they haven't, like they haven't been able to like track it down or confirm if it really is. They're telling us an experience they had. Yeah, why would they lie to us? Well, and also just because they can't track it down doesn't mean it's not a creepy thing. Right. Yeah. So it stays. This stays. Steven, I swear to God, if you cut this, I'll fucking fire you. That's my new bit. Okay. This subject line of this hometown is, my uncle was in a tiger sanctuary cult. What? Yes. Yes. Yes. Timmy. Hi, Karen, Georgia, Steven and various pets. I was hanging out with a bunch of friends recently and we wanted
Starting point is 00:27:04 to watch one of those Scientology Recruitment videos for laughs. Well done. But one of my friends freaked out and refused to let us watch it. Yeah, that's the coolest friend you've ever had. Oh, I bet that friend's a fucking... I don't watch every one of my house. Jim, can you calm down? Jim's like, no, it's not cool. It's not funny, man. The lukewarm response I got to, come on, it's not that big of a deal. Everyone's got an uncle who used to be in a cult, made me start to think that this is not a universal experience and that you guys might enjoy my family story. I love it. My mom's brother was working in construction when he was brought in to work on some of the enclosures in the Oregon Tiger Sanctuary. The sanctuary is operated
Starting point is 00:27:47 by the foundation. This is all like title caps. The foundation for meditative studies, which is a group devoted to the teachings of Mafu, an ancient spiritual master channeled by the group's leader, channeled by the group's leader. Oh, he channels this ancient person? Right. Oh, sorry. The group's leader, Penny Torres. So I guess it's a woman who goes by the name Swami Parmananda Saraswati. Well, I'm going to join. That sounds legit. That sounds great to me. We're only halfway through. Okay. According to Mafu, they're all about love and awakening and joy and whatever. Sure. But according to literally says and whatever, but according to my mom and a couple of forum posts from 2006, they ain't all that great. Apparently after my uncle was done
Starting point is 00:28:36 working on the tiger enclosures, he was told that he connected with those tigers so well that he should stay on and help them and stay on with them to help out. I've seen a bunch of accusations online about the classic nasty cult stuff that they have had going on, that it's one big orgy. The leader is a super violent is super violent to members and that they take all your money and stuff. But what I do know for sure is that they convinced my uncle that he was being manipulated by his whole family and that he was finally free of their control once he joined up with Mafu. He apparently left some really awful voicemails while he was there accusing everyone of manipulating him financially and emotionally and just accusing everyone of some
Starting point is 00:29:19 really awful stuff. I don't know how he got out, but he did and now he's in a band with his wife. What the fuck? He's in a band with his wife and he grows pot in Montana. So it sounds like he's doing great. So correct. Thanks for reading SSDGM Aaron. Wow. That one needs an uncle like that. An amazing journey. It was tiger cults. I love the idea of it's kind of it's like you finally find this belief, right? Something clicks in your life. Yeah. And you're like, that's it. Tigers. Yeah. I belong. That's right. They're right. They're right. Tiger orgies. This is me. Yeah. This is who I finally can be. Right. I've been waiting for a thing my whole life. Yes. And I'm super pissed. Yeah. Now I'm going to start leaving angry voicemails. Right. So that people
Starting point is 00:30:14 know that this is like I'm going to burn every bridge down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck. Send us your shit to my favorite murder at Gmail. Great batch, everybody. Great work. Thank you so much. These are the best. The best. You write them and we read them. It's the best. The best. The best. Thank you so much. Thanks. Stay sexy. And don't get murdered. Goodbye. Elvis, do you want a cookie?

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