My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark - MFM Minisode 240 - Do We Have Time For A Hometown?

Episode Date: August 16, 2021

This week's minisode is a compilation of hometown stories told at live shows. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We at Wondery live, breathe and downright obsess over true crime and now we're launching the ultimate true crime fan experience, Exhibit C. Join now by following Wondery, Exhibit C on Facebook and listen to true crime on Wondery and Amazon Music, Exhibit C. It's truly criminal. Hey everybody. Isn't it exciting, everybody? Yeah, I think we have time. Yeah, we have time for hometown murder. Before you, no pointing yet, no pointing yet. Yes, save it. Karen has to tell you some stuff. This is important. These rules, these are for you. And us. Mostly us. Okay, you know the ones like you can't read it and you can't be so drunk you can't tell it and it needs to be local. We don't want to hear about shit that happened in Tennessee. So Ohio would be great.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Right, yeah, yeah, statewide. And everyone hates you. Okay, you have to remember that if you get picked everyone else in the room hates you. So that's not the time to shout out all your cousins and stuff. Like just get up here and tell your story like you are on a clock because you are. Ready, go. Okay, I'm picking, I'm picking, I'm picking, I'm picking. Quick at the lights up a little bit. Whoa, hi. She looks mad at you. You here in the leather, yeah, or whatever that jacket is. Yes. Go to this way to Vince. All right. Don't be mad at her. Okay, you can turn the lights down. Yeah, turn those lights on please. Bye, bye. Hi, my name's Lauren. Hi, come over here. Hi, fancy pants. Can I say that I bought this bow tie specifically for the show? Yes, because it's from
Starting point is 00:02:20 The Shiny. I'm glad you recognized it. Can I tell you a secret? Yes. Or it's not, it's an open secret, but this is the pattern on the back of my album cover. Oh, that's right. Hi. Hi, five everybody. Sorry, that was about me. Where are you from? I'm from Cincinnati, born and raised. They love Cincinnati. But now living here in Columbus. Oh, okay. Okay. Yes. A little for everyone. What's your hometown? Okay, so this is the story of my biological father being the prime suspect in the murder of his best friend in college. Okay. And just for a little bit of side note, this was like two years after I was born, so life shit won't right after the other happened. Okay. So this was like 96, 97 happened at Capitol University.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Go accused. Yeah. Okay. So my bio dad, his best friend was Tony, who was the only other man in the art therapy department at the time. So obviously they're going to have to bond together because they're the only two men in that department. Yeah. Okay. So here's the last person to see him alive. And so like he's dropping off at his apartment at like one in the morning because you do weird shit at like one in the morning. I think you said they were getting haircuts or whatever. You know. Late night supercuts. Who the fuck knows? Who the fuck knows is right. Anyway, so he drops him off and then his best friend is proceeded to be car jacked and like forced to empty out his entire ATM by a group of three minors by the way, who apparently each had a rap sheet like a whole
Starting point is 00:04:14 page long each. Anyway, so then they like shoot him execution style in the back of the head. And then find his car three days later on like Cleveland Avenue, which honestly is no surprise. It's like a sketchy hair. Oh, okay. You guys hate Cleveland Avenue. Not anywhere near Capitol University at all. So okay. But like so while they're investigating this, my bio dad is put through all this bullshit. So like when they come to question him, they take him out of his ceramics class. And if you work with ceramics, you know that you're going to wear the like worst clothing possible. So they put him in handcuffs and put him in the back of the squad car and take him to like the jet like to interview him and whatever. And so like he's looking hella guilty.
Starting point is 00:05:07 They were working with red clay. Very unfortunate. But so like they don't let him wash his hands and like drop them back off at class. And so like his like his next class, the teacher asks him to hand out all the graded tests. So each one has like a just a little thin thumbprint on the corner. And like so now he's looking hella guilty. And like at one point he's like rounding a corner and he hears the like principle of like the college or whatever talking shit about him. And like it's bad because like he's also like the son of a Lutheran minister and this is the Jesuit college. Oh, perfect revenge. Yeah, exactly. But like he clearly didn't do it is what I'm saying. And like he clearly did do it is what you're saying. That's
Starting point is 00:05:55 what you just said. But like I'm pretty sure the kids that did it are now out of prison because they were minors at the time that they did it. Do you know how young? I don't know teenagers for sure. Shit. Wow. How did they get caught? I think they just followed the evidence. I don't get it. Damn. Shit. Can I end on a joke? It's a really quick one. Of course. Okay, this is kind of an awful joke. You're gonna feel slightly bad for you. Okay. So why do they not tell jokes about the Reverend Jim Jones? Why? Because the punchline is too long. Oh, my God. Girl, you earned that thing. You fucking earned it. Oh, my God. Great job. There's Vince. Amazing. Wow. That's how you do a fucking hometown. Fuck. And then just end with
Starting point is 00:06:56 that just a touch of light humor. Beautiful. A joke that we would get hate mail for but was adorable when she did it. That's right. You do it. So we appreciate that because I want nothing more than to say that joke every day of my life. Hi, hi, hi. Don't trip. Joe, fall down. Hello. Oh, look. Look at her skirt. Hi, it's a dress. Are they following all the way down? Careful. Careful. You don't want to stay up stockings. It's okay, guys. Look at this. No, you guys have the cutest. What are you doing? Stay in the forest. Don't get hurt. Stay out of the forest. Is this from Dangerfield? This is so cute. We're acting like the one store we've been to is the only store in Melbourne. Is this from the one place we've been to? I heard you guys don't
Starting point is 00:07:51 have any others. What's her name? I'm Rebecca. Hi, Rebecca. Where are you from? Everyone will cheer for you. Thank you. The Yarra Valley. All right. I knew it. Yeah. What's her hometown? Okay. So I have a few, but I'll just do one. If it's really good, you can do more. Yeah. Or if it's really bad. Okay, go ahead. I won't use exact names because I still live next door to my mom. So weird how you can't see anyone out there. That's so creepy. I know, right? No, it's better. It's better. Yeah. Just look up into the light. This is days off. So basically, my mom and dad moved to Coldstream. I don't know if you know Coldstream. Of course we know Coldstream. They know it. Along the Maroondah Highway. So basically high traffic area and they start building this
Starting point is 00:08:43 house and there's an old little barn out the back. A little bit creepy. And basically, where they're going to build the house, there's a big tree at the front, big cherry blossom, massive cherry blossom. My dad's like, I really think I need to cut this down. Why? Well, where the house was going to be so they could keep the old barn. Oh, right. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So the neighbor comes over and he's this big, massive guy, big beard. My dad's like a skinny kind of crocodile dung dung. This big knife. So you imagine this other guy that's massive and my dad's kind of skinny. I'm going to control problem. Anyway, this guy tells him, don't cut down the tree. No matter what you do, do not cut down the tree. Chill, dude. That's super chill. So dad's like, watch me. The
Starting point is 00:09:38 next day comes in with a backhoe, but the tree's been cut down and there's a big hole right around the tree. Oh no. This is really sus. Dad's like, what the hell's going on? So anyway, pulls up the tree, talks to the guy next door. Doesn't know anything apparently, as you do. And then so we build the house over the top where this tree was straight away, which is ends up being my bedroom. No, no. There ends up being horrific hauntings. So this is like, sit down. What happened? Well, everything starts off with my brother. So he's first in the room. So there's 10 years between my brother and I. Okay. So my brother, Adam wakes up as these horrible, horrific noises in the room. Basically, this goes like musical instruments. Don't know if you'll
Starting point is 00:10:31 believe in ghosts, but anyway, sure. It doesn't matter. My brother has to learn the guitar. So you learn the recorder at primary school basically, then you go up to the guitar. So by grade six, he's like master this guitar. Every night, family wakes up to the guitar strumming. Oh, oh, no, no, no, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So 10 years on, I'm, I'm just born basically. And my dad liked the ukulele. So he would come in. You guys can just not have string instruments in your fucking mouth anymore. So basically what keeps happening is these horrible things keep happening in the, in our family. Things like you'd be in the shower and shampoo bottles would come down on you. Like one after the other. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like creepy as fuck. Like petrifying.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Anyway, so eventually this just, these things keep happening. And I'm about four or five. And I say to my mom, I feel like there's something wrong at the neighbors. There's something really strange. But she said it and she was in a nightgown and her hair was wet. And her eyes were white. I don't know what's wrong. So basically the next day we're all sitting down for dinner. And I actually sent you in this email as well about it. Anyway, we read it. We loved it. So basically the next day we're all sitting down for dinner, police come raiding through our house. They come through our house. They're basically like, if you have somewhere safe to put the kids,
Starting point is 00:12:11 put the kids. And my brothers are older. We all went in the bathroom, stay there. What the fuck? Dad gets out his knife, literally. That's not a knife. This is a knife. Yeah, it's like, you call that a knife? Yeah. And basically the police ride goes through our, through our house to the next door neighbors. They go through the back paddocks. We call them paddocks. And then through the front of the house. And basically a body is found in their backyard. This is the bearded guy's backyard. Yeah, the freaky guy. And there's other bones that are found on the premises as well. They believe they were buried. There was tree roots through it. Oh my god. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:12:58 It's like, ooh. Then, oh my god. Then, couple years pass. So the father's been put away. At this point, his daughter is about 1920. And a body is found a cold-stream tip. She's almost decapitated. She's been injected with battery acid. Yeah. Battery acid in a sleeping bag, bound up with a phone cord. When we used to actually have phone cords, yeah? Yeah. Horrific. They can't move the body because this, the daughter, which they didn't know at the time, her name's Karen. Uh-oh. Yeah. Sure. She has a thing where she always comes back to the body. And every single time, they've missed her. So they've moved the body and missed that chance of her coming back and trying to bury it or get rid of evidence. So they're like, we've got to leave
Starting point is 00:13:53 the body. So they're talking to the mother and they're like, we can't move the body. I'm so sorry. So it gets quite emotional. The whole town is like, this girl, like, we don't know the body's being found. We don't know anything about it. It's all top secret. Haven't they heard of a mannequin with a fucking picture tape on its face? We don't know where she was. Anyway, so basically, Karen comes back with dynamite to blow up the body. Holy shit. And this is really quick. You're not a compulsive liar. I just want to check. I don't care. It doesn't matter. But this is like later on, she does it again with dynamite. She has a thing with dynamite. Okay. So this girl had been, it was a drug deal gone wrong. Karen was a drug dealer and she had a house in Lida.
Starting point is 00:14:42 But wait, this is the daughter neighbor. Yeah. So Ian was a really bad guy that hid the body underneath where our house was and then had a body in the backyard. And then Karen's the daughter, who's in a, almost, she's about 1920 right now. So basically drug deals gone wrong. She was living in Lillidale. She moved back in with her dad after this girl was killed. Now she gets the dynamite, comes back to blow up this body. It's not a solution. So when she comes back, basically the cops jump on her. So she's done for, she's arrested. Her boyfriend was waiting in the car. Now when she does her statement, so basically she ruts out her boyfriend, she got less time because she was making sandwiches in the kitchen while they were torturing this
Starting point is 00:15:31 girl for 48 hours. It's repulsive. Like that is just, yeah. So she got less time because of that. So disgusting. Yeah. So yeah, I know, right? This is happening next door while you're growing up? Well, no. So this is, so the daughter, she was mostly living at Lillidale. So she's doing all these drug deals and stuff like that. Whereas Ian and moved out and so just his wife was still there. Okay. Okay. Okay. So basically Karen then gets out of jail a few years later. Her boyfriend's still in jail. She gets dynamite to blow up her boyfriend out of jail. Karen, Karen, there's other things in the world. Stop. Oh my God. She's surprised. Her mom's like, would you do the dishes? She's like, yeah, I've got the perfect solution. Dynamite. It's just what she does. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So she ends up going back into jail, obviously. He does more time. Fast forward about, I think it was about three or four years ago. She ends up moving back in next door to my mom, but it's okay. She's a born again Christian. Oh, sorry guys. Amen. Amen. So I'm not forgiven. So good. Yeah. Yeah. Jesus forgives me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like all that shit. The death are cleared. The thing that like really fucked me. Jesus does love dynamite stuff. He loves it. So in the end, yeah, my mom still lives next door of them. Oh my God. Do you guys have them over for Christmas, are you? Yeah. Like what's 4th of July like? Just really tense. They don't have that here. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Um, yeah, that's the story of the jewels. That was amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Rebecca. You guys, Rebecca. Rebecca. Good job. That was amazing. Okay. Wow. Top that. I mean, oh, no, don't call. Spotted her. She's dizzy. So are we. Come on, honey. Get out of here. Hey. Hi. Hi. What's your name? I'm Kristen. Kristen? This is Kristen. Come over here. Stand on the magic rug. Okay. Yeah. Here we go. Where are you from? Here. Orlando. Orlando. Nice. Come down. Yeah. Okay. So this one is about my mom's best friend when she was like 2021. She went over to her best friend, Catherine's house because they were planning her wedding because she was engaged, Catherine. She was engaged to this guy named Keith. And when they went over there, Catherine was missing because she had, I guess, gone get hair dye or something, but she
Starting point is 00:18:27 never came back. Um, she's, cops come and they have found her body in the trunk of the car. She's been beaten and stabbed. And it turns out, I'm going to make it pretty short, it turns out that her, her fiance, Catherine's fiance, Keith's best friend, Danny, um, actually really hated Catherine and was in love with Keith. Oh. Oh. And yes. This is a new one. Yeah. Yeah. And it, but it gets even better. Well, not better. Worst, worst, worst, worst. You guys get it. Definitely worse. Definitely worse. Yeah. Definitely worse. Um, well, it turns out that he used to like make our, Danny used to make fun of Catherine all the time because apparently we find out what happens. Yeah. But he also used to call her the lazy pig. Like he would call her a lazy
Starting point is 00:19:25 pig all the time. That's not a fun. They found her car behind a restaurant called the lazy pig. No. No. Is that here in Orlando or was it? Not any longer, but yes, it was. What a day. What kind of restaurant was it? I don't want to go with barbecue. I don't know. Wow. Makes sense. That's good deduction. Yeah. But yeah, it was my mom. He did that on purpose, like to send them. No, it was the total message sent. Um, they actually did not find out it was him until a really long time after. Um, with Jeff Ashton, um, he was part of the Casey Anthony. Oh yeah. He, um, he started a whole cold case thing in Orlando and she was actually the very first cold case that they solved. Wow. So it wasn't until a long time after, but like, we got our guys. Yeah. How many years
Starting point is 00:20:17 was it? Um, I want to say probably a good 15. Oh, wow. Because this happened in the early 70s and they didn't find out to like more towards the late 80s. Can you imagine this whole time was your friends like Keith's like fucking crying and his friends helping him and then it turned out to be MI with the old guy. Oh yeah. Cause he was like, like you said, he was consoling and everything and what a creed. Yeah. That's crazy. And it was like definitely like a passion murder. Like. And what was her name? Catherine. Catherine. Oh honey. Which is what really matters. Yeah, exactly. Wow. That's, that was horrifying. Yeah. The lazy pig part is what creeps me out. Lazy pig is the fucking word. Yeah. Oh man, you would have loved that jewelry box. I feel bad now.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Oh shit. Cause I was like, what if we give it to someone and they're like, I don't want this shit. And then it's like, she would love it. This is pretty cool. I'm good with this. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Kristen, everybody. That was great. So good. Should we give her Vince's sunglasses as a guest? Georgia, I think it's you. I am on a fucking roll. So don't, don't ruin this for me guys. Who has a hometown? Nobody? Um, I think that the girl sitting next to our friends that helped us. Yeah, yeah. And the toxic masculinity. Where'd Vince go? Vince is right there. Walk over to him. Oh, there's Vince, everybody. Vince got us a lovely charcuterie and cheese spread backstage. Vince
Starting point is 00:21:49 is our tour manager. He's Georgia's husband. He does it all. He does it, which means we don't have to pay him. No, we pay him sometimes. That's hard labor. He's doing his hard labor for free. His hard start labor. What? His hard start labor. Oh, right. That's so good. Hi. What's your name? Ethel. Ethel. Ethel. That's cute. Ethel. Center up, center up, center up. Look at her shoes. Let's do a nice stage picture. Those are great. Will you tell me your name? Sorry. Ethel. Ethel. Awesome. Ethel, everybody. Where are you from? I'm from Kerry. You're from Kerry? Yeah. Kerry. She's from Kerry. You guys know it. Did you say it right? I'm sorry. It's Kerry. Jesus. Yeah. Okay. What's your hometown? So my mom is from West Meath, and she's from this tiny village. Like,
Starting point is 00:22:49 there's not even as many people as there is here. Oh, fun. It's called Kool. Kool. Too easy. Sorry. So a family from Dublin moved out there years ago, and the father worked in England. So he'd be back and forth, and then they just stopped seeing him. Oh. And then they moved away, and they hadn't really gotten involved with the community, so it was fine. Nobody cared. But then the daughter went to the Gardee. Multiple Garda. Got it. Message received. And told them that they had killed him a few years back and buried him in their garden. Gardee. Garden. Got it. Garden. Garden. And then they dug him up and burnt him somewhere else. The family did? Yeah. What did? Okay. And then she decided to go to the Gardee because she found out her mother was having an affair with her
Starting point is 00:23:59 boyfriend. Her own boyfriend. Okay, wait. Who's related? First of all, let's start with the top. No. Yeah. Wait. So when they killed the father, was it the mother's idea? Yes. And she, the mother and the boyfriend. They tricked the kids. They tricked the daughter into the plan. No. It's her cousin. No, no. What's true, is it? She looks nice. She doesn't look mad. You better come up here right now. I look so pretty. She looks nice. It was like duck down the road for my mom's hair. Maybe you're related. No way. Vince. Go around here. No. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry. We got to hear this. What the hell's going on? Move it. This is unprecedented. So cousin. She said, she yelled it's my cousin. And then I was like, oh, shit. And then I saw her face and she doesn't
Starting point is 00:25:14 look angry. So we're good. It's going to be okay. She was. This is the great fear that we all have. You were really fucked up over this PTSD. Okay. Yeah, Eva. Eva. Hi. What's your name? Hi. Hi. What's your name? That's Eva. Right? Is it? Eva. Shit. Hi. Nice to meet you. Okay. They're sharing. Do it in the microphone. Okay. So you're cousin. Who's your cousin? Don't talk like it's me on stage, please. We were going to email in about her auntie. But we decided not to. But then Eva came on stage and told me a lot about her auntie. Okay. It's not an auntie that we talked to. You know the kind. Oh, we got those. You know, we know what she's done. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:26:29 And we know she has a book or a book. She wrote a book about her. You don't get to do that if you're the murderer. So will you run it down for us just really quick of like, we see we don't, we don't. You don't talk about it? No, no. Do you see? Everyone in cool. The parents, you asked the parents and they're like, they're waiting. We don't talk about that. No, we can't tell you anything. There was a bonfire. Yeah. There was also a under patio. Yeah. And then they decided that wasn't good enough. So they brought it up and went to the pigs. Yeah. Oh, shit. But the family don't associate with that. No, it's okay. Eva just goes, I didn't get to the pigs part. My mom didn't know the pigs.
Starting point is 00:27:19 There was bits left in the pig. That's how they found out. That's how they proved that. Yeah. But it was the mother who's the daughter's husband. So the daughter went to the Gardea. To the Gardea. Multiple. She said, hey, do something shitty on her. A woman's scorn, man. Like fucking watch it. Yeah. So she brought out a book. I know it said, hey, fuck you. Oh my God. It was like a diary. Our family won't tell us. And so she's in jail now. She's gone. She's in jail now. She's out. And she's like, I'm right here. The wife was done for murder. Yeah. The daughter's husband was done for manslaughter. I will find out the name of the book. Okay, great. And I will come up. I'm not going to read it.
Starting point is 00:28:22 I love it. You guys are amazing seven part series right now that we have. Oh, my God. Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. We'll call you guys later. Oh, that could have been a fucking Oh, my God. And it was. And I'm so grateful for that. I'm sweating a little extra. I love that they came up and they had less information than Eva did. Fuck yes. That's what it's all about. It would have been cool if we'd get like 30 people on this stage just milling around of like, well, I've heard this story. I would like to say this and that. You forgot the part of the pig, the chickens. You forgot the chickens. Looking for a better cooking routine with meal planning,
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Starting point is 00:30:07 It gives you everything, everything you need. So get up to 20 free meals with purchase plus free shipping on your first box at slash murder20 with code murder20. That's up to 20 free meals plus free shipping on your first box when you go to slash murder20 and use code murder20. Goodbye. What makes a person a murderer? Are they born to kill or are they made to kill? I'm Candace DeLong and on my new podcast, Killer Psyche Daily, I share a quick 10-minute rundown every weekday on the motivations and behaviors of the criminal masterminds, psychopaths and cold-blooded killers you hear about in the news. I have decades of experience as a psychiatric nurse, FBI agent and criminal profiler. On Killer Psyche Daily,
Starting point is 00:30:59 I'll give you insight into cases like Ryan Grantham and the newly arrested Stockton Serial Killer. I'll also bring on expert guests to dive deeper into the details, share what it's like to work with a behavioral assessment unit at Quantico, answer some killer trivia and even host virtual Q&As where I'll answer your burning questions. Hey Prime members, listen to the Amazon Music exclusive podcast, Killer Psyche Daily in the Amazon Music app. Download the app today. Did you just pick seven people? This way, yeah. No, no, wait. Oh, no, her. Fuck, I'm never doing this again. Sorry. This is why I don't do this. I'm sorry. I'm going to hug her after the show. Hi. Hi. Hi, what's your name? Hi, Crystal here. Come over here. Crystal, you have to take center
Starting point is 00:32:00 stage. Come out here, you're fabulous pants. Hi. Hi. Hi. Crystal, where are you from? I'm from Detroit. Yeah, hometown. What's up? Show us on the thing where the, just point, wrong hand. Yep. That's where Vince always points. Right down there. Right down there. Okay. Got it. Everyone knows. You are here. You are here. Okay. Okay. Okay. What's your hometown? So this is a family murder. Oh, wow. She goes, I know. I know. Okay. So it's two murders over two years. Well, several murders, whatever the case. Seven. Seven. Two or seven. Four. I thought you said seven. So it starts with one year, my cousin on his birthday. He's like an amazing artist, whatever he's celebrating. It's amazing. And then my cousin who's a police officer gets a call
Starting point is 00:32:59 like, Oh, there's a body in the river. And she goes, investigates, they pull the body out, it's my cousin. Oh, wait. So the, so the police officer is my cousin and then had to pull their own cousin. It's our soul. Sorry. In your police officer cousin is a woman. Yes. That's awesome. Okay. That's just, that's exciting. That's exciting. But also this is horrible. Okay. So they pull him out. They don't know what fucking happened. He's dead. It's awful. His roommate was with him. He's like, they're like, what happened? He's like, we were drinking. And then he's like, I want to hang up by myself. So he leaves. And then he's dead. So we're like, oh, no, no. Seems sketchy. Whatever the case, my uncle, his dad is like, you know what? It's hard. I don't
Starting point is 00:33:52 want to fuck with it. Just let's move on. Okay. The next year, my cousin, his brother of the dead person, he's going to college. He's getting his master's degree. He's in Atlanta. He comes back. He's like, this is weird. Whatever the case, he does whatever he needs to do. He gets a CCW for some random reason. What's that? Concealed weapons license. Oh, okay. Sooner. When you say that he says this is weird, like his life was weird for him? No, he wanted my uncle to investigate or what happened with his brother. Okay. But my uncle was like, I'm sad. My son's sad. He just wants to ignore it. I just want to move on. It's over. I don't want to investigate anymore. So my cousin's like, whatever. So years later, I met this part, not years later, a year
Starting point is 00:34:42 later. I met a party randomly for someone I don't know. That's near the corner there. Was it fun? It was a fun issue. It was a surprise party for somebody I didn't know. So awkward. You're like, surprise, I'm here. Surprise. I don't know it. It was kind of. My friend's like, oh, we're having a party, but only four people are here. Can you come? No. It was free drinks and food. So I came. It was fun. We had drinks and I'm leaving and my uncle's and she's like, hey, what are you doing? And I'm like, I'm driving to a date. She's like, well, can you pull over? And I'm like, what do you mean? She's like, no, seriously, pull over. So I pull over, turns out my other cousin, the brother of the person who died the year before that morning, it's a Sunday.
Starting point is 00:35:31 It's three days after Thanksgiving. He goes to the neighbor's house. He's like, knocks on the door. The neighbor wife answers. She's like, what's going on? He's like, hey, turn that music down. She's like, we're not playing any music. He's like, yes, you are. So she's like, no, I'm not. She goes to get her husband. Her husband comes back. My cousin shoots the husband down on the front porch. So then he goes back into their house and he shoots my uncle. The uncle who didn't want to investigate, the uncle who didn't want to investigate his father, his father, his father kills him. So the wife obviously calls the police. My cousin goes into the basement. They're going to stand off with the police for several hours. And then my cousin
Starting point is 00:36:19 kills himself. It's fucking awful. So my cousin, my aunt's telling me this on the phone while I'm on the way to a date with this dude. Date canceled. No, the date wasn't canceled. Damn. Carol's down here. I really needed a drink after that. Okay. That's fair. I'm not married. I'm divorced. Okay. Okay. Oh my God. Okay. It was the summer of Stevens. Not that Steven. I dated an old Steven, a married Steven, a young Steven. And then the third Steven that I was going on the date with, I found out that night was fucking married. That's a bad night. Jesus. Was it Friday the 13th? Oh my God. It was Thanksgiving. Is there investigation into the first cousin or is it just
Starting point is 00:37:21 we never really figured out what happened? He just, I'm so sorry. Yeah. It was really sad. But yeah. I broke up with that Steven. To make matters worse. So that part was good. Crystal. I mean, that was very healthy. It was. And we commend you for that. Yeah. What's still relining this shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's amazing. That's amazing. Oh my God. I mean, right? Yeah. You don't get to keep that. That's not your prize for having a good hometown murder, Crystal. I want to apologize for the fact that I clearly have a pointing issue and just this is how I point and one person and I apologize to the wonderful ladies I point. I clearly pointed at. No, that was a great pick. I think we know. Sorry. I do
Starting point is 00:38:15 think we know because there's someone that sent a tweet, a tweet, a Twitter and it's someone. Shit. I memorized the name and then I got all caught up in my rock and roll lifestyle upstairs. It's the person who sent the tweet whose dad texted them about Ed Gein and there there's a series of texts and they tweeted and said, we've got your, we've got your hometown tonight. If you want to hear it. I didn't know you were, I was like, don't tell me, surprise me. Yeah. I kept the secret. So if you are here and you know what I'm talking about, we usually have a screen by now and that's a honor system. So don't try to lie your way through it once you get up here. I think that I think your name is, was it Tracy? Yeah. Is it Sarah? I think her car
Starting point is 00:39:00 broke. Are you walking? Are you just sitting in a chair yelling at me? I don't think she's here. All right. Take another one. Well, no, if she knows her name is Sarah, I bet she's looking at the Twitter right now. Did you write? I don't know. What'd they say? I don't know. She's in the bathroom. Is that true? What a nightmare. Okay. Don't wait before she gets back, before she gets back. We have to do a trick on her before she gets back. I can't think of what it is. You go sit in her seat. Okay. Where is it? Oh my God. Don't let him touch you, Karen. Jesus, help me. Is this her seat? Where is it?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Are you fucking kids real? Oh my God. I thought you guys were making a joke. Can I slide in that? I'm not going that way. I'm gonna have to put my butt in front of everybody's face. Yeah, I'll go this way. I'll go this way. Karen, I'm up here alone. Oh, sorry. I forgot. I'm going to go too. Oh my God. Can we do a type five? Oh, is that you? Shit, I was going to do a trick on you. Come with me. Oh my God. Oh wait, is there a way? Sasha. Oh my God. Can I get a microphone? Oh, we're seat. Oh, we're still doing the trick. Georgia left. No, I'm right here getting a microphone. Where did everyone go? Georgia, you can never leave the stage. I feel like I'm having a nightmare. Is that her? I'm pretty sure. Sarah, get over here right now or you are in
Starting point is 00:40:48 serious trouble. Oh, she's getting her phone. She's getting her phone. You don't need her phone, right? Okay, grab my hand. Grab my hand. Are you going to walk us to the stage? How do we get up there fast? Well, I can tell you that this was horrible. I don't care if you had to pee, Sarah. If you're, if you're at a professional show, you stay in your seat the entire time. Doesn't matter. What are the fucking chances that the one person we called up? Yes, the one fucking person is peeing. The chances were one in 2400. Thank you. Yeah, that makes, I don't know math. It's like one sip of beer less than she would have not had to go through all of this and neither would I have. Here I have it, Karen. Karen, Karen, Karen, I have it. Okay, okay. Come on, come on,
Starting point is 00:41:40 look at, there she is. She's in the bathroom. Come here. Are you, are you, you seem so chill about all of this? No, I'm very scared. Are you scared? Let's talk about. He should be. I already peed. You're shaking, right? It's freaky as hell. Yeah, I kind of like that. I can't see anybody. I know, isn't that good? It's good. Where are you from? From Milwaukee, from Wauwatosa. Local. Yes. What street do you live on? I'm not gonna say. Good, good call. Because I don't want to get murdered. That's right. That was a test. Yes. So I'm going to tell this story through my own dad's words. Beautiful. Yeah, I can't say it any better. Okay. So as my father, wait, what is he, is he gonna, are we gonna know what he does for a living? He's a psychologist.
Starting point is 00:42:37 So cool. What's his first name? Steve. Steve, okay. Steve is a psychologist. Great. And as a college student, before he married my mother. What's her name? Sandy. Stephen Sandy. Oh, Stephen Sandy got married in Milwaukee. Yeah. Yeah. Right out of college. Yeah. Right out of college. Right out of college. In Madison. Nope. Yep. Yep. They did. So my dad says, I was a volunteer at Mendota Mental Health, working with kids. You guys go there? Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yeah. Love it. Twice a week. The nurses brought in Halloween costumes and we took the kids' trigger treating to the other units. What? Hold on. Yeah. Yeah. Get him on the phone right now. What? That I could call him. Are you serious? Yeah. Get him on the phone.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I can't. Oh my God. Are you gonna keep reading it so you know the background? Yeah, you want to tell it and then we'll call him after. Okay, because that's, okay, we'll ask him about it. That's insane. We'll have questions. He said, it was a weird year because someone poisoned Tylenol in Chicago. Oh. It was 1982. Yes. What? Yes. Yes. So people were scared and kids were not trigger treating. Oh, so take him to the mental hospital. It was the kids from the mental hospital. Wait, what? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So nurses on the other units had candy and patients would give our kids treats. Oh. On some units, it was too dangerous and they would slip the candy through a security slot in the door. Oh my God. Those children are like, I'm worse now. Those kids.
Starting point is 00:44:26 But we went on the gerontology psych unit. Old people. I feel like it's scared straight kind of. That was safe and old people gave the kids Reese's cups. We were waiting for all the old people who wanted to come give away some candy and a nurse asked, Eddie, do you want to give the kids some candy? And I turned around and there he was. What? He did not want to hand out any candy. We said a quick hi to each other and he asked if we would be gone soon. I said, yeah. So kids all over the country couldn't trigger treat because it wasn't safe. But my kids trick or treated to a cannibalistic necrophile and we're safe as can be. Oh my God. That was all in that, all those texts. Can we get him on the phone real quick? Oh no. Because that was a
Starting point is 00:45:30 gorgeously written series of texts. Okay. Dad cell, it says. Yeah, he better answer. It's on you. Should I put him on speakerphone? Yes, you should. Come on. Stephen. Stephen. He's in the bathroom. Let's talk to him. Yeah, we are. Steve, this is everybody at the Riverside Theater. You said I could call you. We've got your daughter. We've got your daughter. And we're having a great all time. Bye. Thank you. That was all. It's okay. Elvis, do you want to cookie?

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