My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark - MFM Minisode 31

Episode Date: June 19, 2017

It's a new My Favorite Murder minisode where Karen and Georgia read stories sent in by listeners like you! This week's hometowns include: a story of survival, a light-hearted SWAT team, an encounter with a creepy tree man, and more!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We at Wondery live, breathe and downright obsess over true crime and now we're launching the ultimate true crime fan experience, Exhibit C. Join now by following Wondery, Exhibit C on Facebook and listen to true crime on Wondery and Amazon Music, Exhibit C. It's truly criminal. Welcome to the Middler Murder Mini-Sode. This is a really short episode that gets you through your week. You guys send us your hometown murders or your whatever town murders or your whatever town incident incidents that exciting things, weird things. Weird things. I'm still loving it. We every once in a while we'll get something. Did you see the picture of the girl who went for Halloween as the Swiss cheese pervert? It's like one of my favorite pictures. I adore that
Starting point is 00:01:08 girl whoever she is out there. An amazing person. It's the best. It's the best. God bless. All kinds of stuff out there. If you really look hard enough. And if you have some stuff like that, we want to know about it. We'll judge you. But not in a mean way. Are you ready? You want to go first? This one is called I Unknowingly Played Fetch with Human Bones. No. Yes. Hi Georgia, Karen, Steven, Elves, and Mimi. Your podcast has helped me through sleepless nights and terrible postpartum depression with my first baby. And you guys are truly my sweet baby comedy murder angels. So I think it's time to officially write to you embedded by Steven about my hometown murder. I'm from Morgana, California. Have you ever heard of that? No. Morgana. A very affluent suburb.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I've only heard of Morgan Hills. It says Morgana. You know what? It's so affluent. I've never heard of it. They don't want us to know about that. We would never. I wonder if it's near Blackhawk or something like that. Never heard of that either. Sorry. How far away from Berkeley? It says a suburb. No, I'm sorry. It says an affluent suburb east of Berkeley. Oh, okay. It's in the hills, I bet. Probably. Morgana. Affluent. Okay. I just found out the house I grew up in is directly next door to the house once owned by serial killer Philip Hughes. POS Philip killed teenage brunettes because he got dumped by a brunette in high school and never got over it. He wanted, no, it's because he was a serial killer. I mean, he wanted to murder said
Starting point is 00:02:48 brunette, but thought he would be too obvious a suspect. So he decided to look alike would have to suffice. His deranged wife would pick the victims for him. Whoa. This was in the early 70s, almost 15 years before we moved into town. Philip used to bury his victims body parts around the foothills of St. Mary's College and Mount Diablo. However, he would save quote trophies of his victims, including bones and body parts. His only he only got caught because his limatic wife turned him in because she was all caps jealous of his intense obsession with his victims. Oh, no, honey. What the fuck? She got immunity for her testimony. Devil. What the fuck? Fast forward a few decades and I'm a teenager and would pet sit for the lovely young family that
Starting point is 00:03:33 moved into his dick. It moved into dick lick Phil's old house. Since it happened decades prior, no one knew about Philip Hughes and that it was his house. The neighbor's dog was a rambunctious yellow lab named Bear that would dig up anything and everything in the backyard. I mean, since there's a huge open space of wildlife, our houses backed up to I assume the bones bear dig up were many dear possum foxes, raccoons, skunks, etc. that inhabited the hills and fields. So I would sit in the backyard and play fetch with bear and do homework, maybe smoke a little herb because I was a teenager with a house to myself. It was only till recently I discovered the history of Philip Hughes where he lived and that some of those bones were possibly
Starting point is 00:04:14 some of his keepsakes he kept buried in his yard. Yes, I played fetched with human bones and then let the dog chew slash eat them. Side note, my dad was a federal prosecutor at the time and is now a superior court judge in Contra Costa County. This is where we're going to call him and get arrested. And it never occurred to me to mention this to him since I thought they were all wild animal or store bought bone dog bones. And I was afraid he'd find out I've been smoking weed while watching the dog. I did eventually tell him now that I'm 35. I don't smoke weed and all murderinos know that if you find a body part, tell someone normally mad at you that you trespass on a Lord's on a Lord's land. Oh, love you all stay sexy don't get murdered. If you find body parts,
Starting point is 00:04:57 call your dad. So she didn't know at the time. No, like this is looking back and going but she also doesn't have proof they were his or even human. But it's just there's a good chance. Yes. Okay. Okay. And this is from Lindsay. Thank you. Lindsay. That's so creepy. Also, what a creepy question mark to have from your class where you're like, kind of high, maybe touched a femur. And then like, oh, shit. That's rough. Also, I've never heard of that serial killer. I never heard of that town. Maybe she made a whole thing. Maybe I'm asleep right now. Okay. Mine. This subject line is lighthearted Southern hospitality for SWAT team. Steven, Karen. Okay, Steven's name going first is someone who's clearly Steven trying to play you to get their email picks and made all of these
Starting point is 00:05:51 up and we know you made up a fucking town. He's writing all of them. It's like no Morgana is made up. Yeah. Okay. Steven, Karen, Georgia, Elvis, Mimi and Karen's dog. I love when people include dogs. I actually have to say in the last couple times we've done many so I have felt left out because now that it's the roll call and it's Elvis and Mimi are on every time. Especially because Mimi is not really part of it. Yeah. And but she's now part of it. Yeah. And then I'm like, well, I don't also have two pets. Well, people, people will name your pets in there. You can throw Frank and George in there. Steven just added in every time so that she doesn't feel that to your fake emails. Yeah. And just remember, George is a girl. Okay. Wait, I'm a girl.
Starting point is 00:06:40 George is a girl. Okay, Lighthearted Southern hospitality for the SWAT team. Okay. Thank you all. I'm not going to read the whole thing again. Thank you all for creating the murdering culture. Oh, we did not create it. We merely rode the wave of it. We live it. It has been here for years before us and will be years after. It's always existed inside of you. Just like shingles. Just like the Epstein Bivara. That doesn't good. Steven. Steven. Okay. Thanks for creating it, blah, blah, blah. The world needs it. That's very true. Here's my short and sweet story. Hailing from the humid hellhole of Boca Raton, Florida, my college town. Shameless, please, please do a live show in Florida, please. Guess what? Teaser. Okay. Okay. Oh, it says we're all
Starting point is 00:07:38 a little crazy and carry deodorant and hairspray in our purses, but we can be fun too. That sounds fucking awesome. Okay. It was the end of the semester. My roommate and I lived in a small house situated within a neighborhood mainly consisting of degenerate college kids and all around sketchballs. I was in my room doing something unmemorable when I heard my roommate start losing her shit and ran into the living room where I saw she was crouching down beside the window peeking outside. I dropped to the floor and army crawled over to her because that's what I felt was appropriate to do at that moment. There was a fucking scene at the house directly across from ours. The entire SWAT team had mobilized guns aimed at the house poised behind
Starting point is 00:08:22 their vans in the middle of the street making a serious fucking plan. God, that's exciting. I'm like, it's so exciting. Yeah. Um, about three minutes later, we would learn that their plan was to stake out this house from the best vantage point possible. Our fucking living room in all caps. No. Uh huh. When five members from the tween team made their way to our side door, we literally lost our mind. Can you imagine knock knock knock? But I love that. That's that's the way I use literally, which is incorrect. We literally lost our minds. They slipped out of our ears and onto the floor. Okay. They were intimidating as hell in their vests and helmets, but they were as chivalrous as Disney princesses. We learned that the man in the house, uh, that
Starting point is 00:09:10 the man in the house, oh, across the street was holding his family hostage at gunpoint. Somehow his son was able to break away and call 911, which got the ball rolling with SWAT. Note the next day I heard, uh, that this was provoked by a dispute over the son's Xbox. Also, no one died. The man ended up surrendering after a few hours. Anyway, they explained that they were commandeering our house and we, and would have to escort us out through the backyard. FYI, they created a human shield around us as we ran to safety outside of my neighborhood. My roommate clutching her miniature schnauzer to her chest, their guns cocked toward the house, shouting commands to each other. Oh my God. That is the hottest thing of all time. And then the
Starting point is 00:09:56 bodyguard song started playing. What's the bodyguard song? Uh, yes, that one. Um, thank, thank you for queuing me up. I was like, I knew that what it was, but I was like, someone not me. Sing it. You, you, you're like a stage mother in that way of like, and what's the song? What's the song, Karen? Give me a couple bars. Then I fucking pull this mic off this mic stand and just like, well, I didn't know there was a spotlight in my loft and the podcast. I brought it with me. Oh, great. Great, great. Um, this is literally one of the most surreal moments of my life. But what made it that much crazier was that the SWAT team spent the afternoon in our shitty Goodwill furniture, cloud living room, where a huge composite photo of our entire sorority hung,
Starting point is 00:10:43 drinking water from red solo cups and maybe occasionally glancing at the TV that we had turned on to E. Lots and lots of love. C. That's the best story. Wow. Beautifully written. C. Hilarious. Great job. No one died. Exciting. It's almost like an aspirational email. Yeah. Who gets to see that kind of thing? It's so exciting. We're moving to Boca. So cool. We got to go to Boca. Yeah. If you live in Boca and you are a member of the SWAT team and by chance, we do a live show somewhere near there. We love to meet you. Yeah. Yes. We want you to escort us on stage in the same manner. We're going to get a miniature schnauzer just for fun. We want full SWAT. Full SWAT. Full SWAT. Listen, that's such a good entrance. Yeah. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:11:36 When what is playing, Karen? There you go. There. I almost missed my cue. There you go. Okay. Ready for creepy tree man story? Yes. Hey ladies and Steven. So it wasn't cats or dogs either. So it's fair. Everybody's fine and fair. Yeah. This technically isn't a murder, but I know you like some weird creepy stuff, so I figured I'd share it with you. Hell yeah. I just moved to Indianapolis from upstate New York and I just missed you guys when you were here. I lived in the town of Greenfield, New York when I was in elementary school, so my exact interpretation of this is super different than what was explained to me later in life. So one night when I was about eight years old, I decided to be brave and sleep with my blinds open.
Starting point is 00:12:18 That's so weird. Oh, the reason people make kids make decisions. Yeah, reasoning. As I was falling asleep, I remember seeing a hooded shadowy figure leaning against the one tree in my yard. So I freaked out and told my mom and she told me I had an overactive imagination, but she still opened the front door and didn't see anything. She urged me back to bed and after a few minutes as I was laying in bed, I looked back out the window and sure enough, he was still there. I eventually just closed my blinds and fell asleep. Now that same exact weekend, I remember suddenly having to spend the weekend with my grandmother and Saratoga
Starting point is 00:12:56 and was never given a reason until I was a teenager and brought it up in conversation with my mother. She told me that the reason I had to stay with my grandmother was because apparently our landlord was stalking my mother and would let himself into our apartment in the middle of the night and watch her sleep. Holy shit. Turns out this wasn't the first time something has happened like this with with the guy and he had done it with previous tenant as well. I'm not really sure what happened with the guy. My mom never really talked about it again or wanted to talk about it, but we moved very shortly after the incident. So there really was a fucking dude in the yard. And also the mom knew there really was and she was like, she opened the
Starting point is 00:13:35 door. That scares me. Oh god. I hope you enjoyed this dose of creepy and I look forward to every episode every week. Can't wait to see you guys live soon. Also, hey Elvis, what up cat? Stay out of the forest, Adam. Wow. That's the worst, best, worst. Stalkers. I don't like I get I have nightmares about having a stalker because it's just like you have no control, right? I kind of had one. Did you ever have a stalker? I doubt it. I seriously doubt it. Were you ever a stalker? Probably. Do you ever think about that where it's like people are like, oh my god, my ex-girlfriend totally stalked me and then you're like, you know, I did some shit when I was like 21. I was in love. Yes. That like absolutely could have been
Starting point is 00:14:25 judged as stalkery. Yes. Well, I mean, in high school, I used to drive by. Sure. I made Patty Riley drive me by Mike Coney Eris' house. See if we could see in his front window. I did that too with those same people that you just named that I can't remember. Yeah, I definitely sent some fucking obsessive pages, paging people. Oh, damn. 143. 143. 143. Remember that was I love you. Did you have a pager? No. Oh, I had a pager. That's when you were a surgeon. I was a drug dealer. Surgeon. I was a drug dealer surgeon. Coming this fall to Fox. Pager, that pager life that you lived. Oh, definitely lived that pager life. Oh, shit. Let stalker life. I mean, I think also, I feel like that is what your 20s are for. Yeah. In terms of pagers and stalking. Pagers and stalking.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Oh, that's fair. Yeah, for sure. You're supposed to do crazy shit. Yeah. Which is why I like, I can't listen to people are like, my ex is crazy. And it's like, well, that's what love does to you. Yeah. You, you, when you are disappointed or hurt in love, you have reactions that you can't control. Totally. Because basically your drug has been cut off. And you don't know what to do. I don't know how awful that was when you get like, I couldn't sleep at night. Right. And because everything would be a dream of them. Yo, yeah. That thing where you think you see them everywhere. Yeah. Oh, that's the worst. When you're like, I was, it was because it was the 90s, I was already on diet pills. So I already had the like, obsessive, crazy obsessive. And then it was this thing of
Starting point is 00:16:02 a person that didn't even live in Los Angeles. And I thought I saw him everywhere. I totally get that. Or like, I hoped to want to too. So badly. Like I'm at the DMV and maybe he'll happen to be there. And I mean, and then you're kind of like getting ready all the time because you have to be ready. Yeah. That's why I never get ready anymore. I'm like, never go back. It's a fuck you. What was the guy's name? It's a, it's a fuck you to me ever seeming attractive. I mean, yeah, we could go on. We, we, I mean, that's that's the podcast name. That's the next podcast we could go on. We could go on looking for a better cooking routine with meal planning, shopping and prepping handled. Hello, fresh has you covered. Hello, fresh makes home cooking easy
Starting point is 00:16:48 and affordable. So you can stay on track and on budget in the new year. Hello, fresh meals are convenient, seasonal and delicious. Stay cozy all winter long with classic comfort foods available weekly. Why stop, which is dinner. Now you can enjoy Hello, fresh's expanded menu of quick lunch solutions, weekend brunch, simple side dishes and amazing desserts. Karen January is going to be my month for Hello, fresh. I am so sick of takeout. I miss cooking so much. I haven't lifted a knife or a pan since like early fall. So I can't wait to get back in the kitchen and Hello, fresh makes it so easy and also makes it so that my food tastes good, which is hard to do on my own. It gives you everything, everything you need. So get up to 20 free meals with purchase
Starting point is 00:17:32 plus free shipping on your first box at slash murder 20 with code murder 20. That's up to 20 free meals plus free shipping on your first box when you go to slash murder 20 and use code murder 20. Goodbye. What makes a person a murderer? Are they born to kill or are they made to kill? I'm Candace DeLong and on my new podcast killer psyche daily, I share a quick 10 minute rundown every weekday on the motivations and behaviors of the criminal masterminds, psychopaths and cold-blooded killers you hear about in the news. I have decades of experience as a psychiatric nurse, FBI agent and criminal profiler. On killer psyche daily, I'll give you insight into cases like Ryan Grantham and the newly arrested Stockton Serial Killer.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I'll also bring on expert guests to dive deeper into the details, share what it's like to work with a behavioral assessment unit at Quantico, answer some killer trivia and even host virtual Q&As where I'll answer your burning questions. Hey Prime members, listen to the Amazon Music exclusive podcast killer psyche daily in the Amazon Music app. Download the app today. Okay. This one is called I survived escape from self storage. Oh, shit. What? Okay. So a friend, I love it. Just get into it. Yeah. A friend from was interviewed by, oh, shit. I wonder what her friend was from because she left out a word. Okay. So a friend from was interviewed by I survived for her story. Let's say high school. A friend from high school. Let's say high school. They
Starting point is 00:19:15 ended up not using her story, but I thought you would enjoy hearing a story of female bad assery anyway. Yep. Okay. It's okay. Okay. So we went to college in a pretty safe rural college down in the south. She was taking some classes over the summer, aka she was pretty much alone because no one stays in town for the summer and was living in a house. She and her parents were renovating for future rentals because they were renovating the house. She had a lot of stuff in a storage facility that she would frequently go to. One day she went out to her storage unit and a man jumped her. She felt like hell, but he threw her into a storage unit ties her up, locked her in there and left. Okay. Being the badass she is, my friend managed to get out of
Starting point is 00:20:09 the ties and began searching for a way out in the complete pitch black. No, that's what I was going to say. How creepy that is because it's basically like an empty room. That's pitch black. Like you're never going to, your eyes will never get used to that blackness. Right. Uh, yeah, because there's no even stream of light. Yeah. Okay. She somehow found an old flip cell phone. I don't know if you know this, but old flip cell phones have a special reserve battery. So you can call 911 even if the phone claims to be dead. No. Shit. Love it. Oh, bring back flip phones. Yeah. Okay. The cop showed up, caught the guy as he was returning to the storage unit. Afterward they searched his car and it was filled with everything he needed to murder her and
Starting point is 00:20:55 dispose of the body. Oh my God. I don't know that was in all caps. That's why my inflection is what it is. Yeah. So very dramatic. I don't know if you believe in God, in a God karma or the great Lord's thulu, but I never know how to pronounce Sathulu. Um, but something happened that day in that storage unit and it saved my friend's life. SS DGM, Ellis in parentheses, female. Ellis is female. Oh my God. What a badass horrifying thing. Okay. Here's the thing that made me think of if you look it up on YouTube, you can, they teach you how you break out of zip ties on your hands. I've seen that. Is it the one where you clam your, what do you do? Um, if you tie your shoelaces together, right? You can, and you get your zip. I think that's how she did it. It was basically
Starting point is 00:21:47 you rub the zip tie along something else to create friction and you do it long enough, you can pop them. The plastic will like break apart. Yeah. There's one for duct tape too. There's a video for how to get that one. Yeah. That's throw your arms up a certain way. Yeah. Or you throw your arms into yourself or some shit. I think it's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look it up. Listen, why are we even look? We're not going to get it right. But look it up because that's, I mean, sure that like low key non magic based escape tactics are good things to know how to do. The more you know, the less you'll get killed. That's right. Probably. And also the more you know, NBC, NBC, sing it. NBC, something like that. Yeah. Um, is that it? That is it. Oh,
Starting point is 00:22:32 do you want to read this thing about, uh, remember we were talking shit on the woman who jumped on that car while it was getting car jacked. Oh yeah. And we were like, why did she do that? Well, someone is friends with her and she wrote us. Okay. The girl, her car was somebody was stealing her car and she ran, we saw the video where she ran out and jumped on the hood on the hood of this huge SUV. Okay. So this says hi, Karen and Georgia. And of course, Steven and the kitties know it's okay. I can't, I can't change horses midstream and then expect people to to right. I'm the one that said they didn't want to be talked about. Okay. In the middle of MFM Minnesota 29, y'all discussed a lady who jumped on top of her SUV when she was getting car jacked.
Starting point is 00:23:14 As it turned out, uh, I know her and she is a vendor rep for the company that I used to intern at and was actually one of the sweetest and most personable reps that I worked with. I'd had a meeting with her not even a week before the incident happened. Um, and about shit my pants when I saw her badass Rion TV, it makes sense to me that she would take such drastic measures to keep her car because she travels so much for work and keeps all her samples in the car. What? She's a rep, a vendor rep, it says. So basically all her stuff she makes money off of was in her car. Yeah. And it probably took place in, uh, and the fact that it probably took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. So it could have very, it could have ended very badly. You want to roam those streets
Starting point is 00:24:01 alone, you know, Jeff Dahmer and all. Anyways, I just thought you guys would want to allow a little backstory as to why she might have jumped on your car instead of letting it be car jacked. Thanks for this podcast. It keeps a lot of board college board college students, interns, entertained, cheers, Ivy. Aww. Nice. I like the knowing these stories about people. I love a little more information. A little more, little details. Um, if you have details or full stories or anything like what you just heard, send it to us at my favorite murder at Also, I think we're due for another, um, first responders nurses episode. Oh yeah. So let's have those put it in the title, right? Yeah, that's a good idea. First responders nurses. Also,
Starting point is 00:24:41 if you got an ER story, I don't mind one of those, but it has to be, you know, not just like people had it like a whole telephone pole in their leg or whatever. Like not just medical. I'm just picturing that. It's like, what do you actually step on? I wasn't looking where I was going. I stepped on this telephone pole. Listen, I'm a giant. It's very difficult for me to walk into this emergency room because of how long this telephone pole is. I love it. Thanks for listening, guys. Stay sexy and don't get murdered. Bye Elvis. You want a cookie?

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